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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 499 KB, 1542x2200, glb42-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7669793 No.7669793[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've seen so many bad ones there has to be a good one somewhere in that group.

>> No.7669819
File: 72 KB, 720x960, 10458648_10100249605261472_5334873558849953968_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7669820

sheesh, she looks old

>> No.7669821

Das sum bad lighting and the wig looks like grandma grey. Really doesn't help her.

I'd go for a rich dark brown one in sunlight.

>> No.7669823

Lovely coord, but she should do something about dem eye bags and nasolabial lines

>> No.7669826

god, that whole coord is unflattering compared to the coord OP posted. looks ita.

>> No.7669827

Thing is that you really can't. At least I don't think you can.

It sucks ass, son.

>> No.7669831

unflattering =/= ita
She has good coording skills it's just a shame her face looks like that

>> No.7669832

dat strained bodice.

>> No.7669834

What if she IS older? So what? The coord is good and isn't that what it's about? Critiquing the wig as part of the coord is fair, the rest is snark. The wig is likely ash blonde, a difficult Lolita color, I think and not as flattering as a warmer blonde or milk tea would be. You are nitpicking though, she looks very good.

>> No.7669839

/cgl/ cant dress for shit therefore /cgl/ cannot judge what looks "good". that does not look good. at all.

>> No.7669842

But you're on /cgl/.

Not that I disagree, though. I also don't think it looks good.

>> No.7669851

I don't like it = ita

>> No.7669857

The outfit itself isn't bad but the photography and the bathroom setting really irks me. (Also with elegant dresses I think tights look better than socks because it looks more cohesive, but that's just me)

Why do so many lolitas take pictures in dumpy looking bathrooms? I could understand for private photos, but why for photos that you share publicly..

>> No.7669859

entitled cunt alert

>> No.7669860

Critique the coord, not the person, jfc.

>> No.7669861

dig the sand out of your bottomless pit of a cunt. I was being sarcastic.

>> No.7669862

She could get injections, fillers but not everyone is into that and not everyone is going to just hang up the frills at a certain age.
People better get used to it...

>> No.7669863
File: 129 KB, 640x960, cof(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post some coords that I thought looked really good recently.

Besides the bodice looking a bit twisted, I thought this one was pleasant to look at.

>> No.7669865

Critiquing the person would be doing something like calling them a whore or something like that.

As you can see, though, many people are pointing out that the outfit is not flattering and are suggesting reasons as to why. Some good reasons have been the socks, the wig, and the lighting as well as the location. I myself shall add that I do not like the choice of blouse she chose.

My point being that most people ARE critiquing the coord and not the person. I feel that you are overreacting to the response.

>> No.7669867
File: 206 KB, 910x960, cof(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the coord on the right better than the left but the print is really cool. And I like the light/dark theme. I also like how she took a bit of risk with the colored tights in the right.

>> No.7669868

Pleasant coord, but eugh, that makeup...

The random white tag I'm ignoring because it's probably needed for an event but agh, I can't get over that hideous eye-shadow... The wigs bangs irk me as well, for some odd reason. Maybe a black wig would have been nice. That's my personal taste, though.

I do like the rest of the outfit, however. The tights go very nicely with the print and it looks pretty cute.

>> No.7669869

These are well coorded but those dresses are horrible colours imo

>> No.7669870
File: 100 KB, 477x720, cof(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one has some filter abuse going on but in general I really like the colors. Also the headdress is really pretty.

>> No.7669872

I feel like the diamond tights are a bit out of place for some reason, and the grass covers up the shoes she's wearing, but other than that, it really is a cute coord.

>> No.7669873
File: 471 KB, 466x470, cof(4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She makes me raff because she looks cross eyed in this, but I really love the colors in this one and the way she set up her hair is nice. The crown is a cute touch.

>> No.7669877

Now that's cute. I really like this. The hair, the makeup, the shoes and accessories. Super cute. Good picture, anon.

>> No.7669886

I always think a crown or tiara looks best alone. Everything else looks really nice here.

>> No.7669890


Wow, these look really nice worn. Not gonna lie, they looked pretty fug when Baby first posted them, but these coords are lovely.

>> No.7669897
File: 72 KB, 480x720, cof(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 hair
The hair and the necklace need to be changed, but I enjoyed everything from the neck down.

>> No.7669901
File: 31 KB, 720x444, cof(6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the lolita/kodona dynamic here.

It's a shame that more people didn't take better pictures. I find outfits would look much better depending on the posing, lighting, and how crisp the pictures are. It's really unfortunate.

>> No.7669905
File: 87 KB, 480x720, cof(7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, giving this girl props because I never seen this print worn in such a cute way before.

>> No.7669909

I've always wondered if someone could coordinate these dresses NOT using black or white as their base color, without it turning into a color bomb wreck.

>> No.7669921

the fucking matching alpaca

my heart

>> No.7669934

I love her, just wish she didn't take photos in a darkly lit dorm room 90% of the time.

>> No.7669936
File: 427 KB, 713x539, cof(8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl has cute coords, but again, I wish she knew how to take a pic of them in settings besides in front of this oak door.

>> No.7670023

Love the blouse on the right.

>> No.7670042

A solid white sheet or background would look better than the door imo. But I love this girl's coords regardless

>> No.7670056

What is the name/brand of this dress please?

>> No.7670069

Victorian Maiden flocky rose.

>> No.7670099

Well, some people are not fortunate enough to have a nice camera, or if they do to have someone to photograph them well. For example, I have a decent camera but my husband is not a photographer, and I don't have any friends to take photos for me.

>tfw doomed to shit photos forever

>> No.7670126

I love the blue with her blond hair

>> No.7670294

Get a tripod and set the timer.
Sometimes you need to have a 50 photo set before you find one or two that are actually good.

>> No.7670338

Derp. I guess I learned my lesson about last minute bathroom photos. Whoever posted me, thanks I guess?

Is general consensus that I should ditch the ashy wig and the labyrinth op? I thought the wig looked okay in other lighting, but I can see it looks a bit unflattering with my skintone here.

How much do the injections or fillers cost and how long do they last? I've actually had those lines around my mouth/nose my entire life and everyone has always tried to convince me they were fine, but now that I'm 26 I guess it doesn't help much. The comments are fair enough about me looking old, I also got 0 sleep and it really shows.

>> No.7670352

I personally don't think you need injections, especially since you're not old, really.
What you do need to do is be very, very aware of lighting. Here, the nasty, downward lighting is casting shadows all over your face, making you look more haggard/old than you really are. The long bangs on your wig contribute to this, too.
Also, your lips look a little thin, which can age the face. Maybe try to make them look fuller?
Finally, if you're going to take photos in lolita, you really need to apply way more makeup than you would normally, as it doesn't show up well on camera. Make sure you're using a good foundation, apply blush and highlighter, and go for a more youthful eye look.
Also, if your face comes out looking a bit rough in a photo, you can always lightly photoshop it or cover it up before posting.
Sincerely, a 21 year old anon who always looks old/tired in photos

>> No.7670367

Don't get filler injections because someone told you to on /cgl/. I don't think they look that awful, just make sure you get a picture with more flattering light in a better setting next time.

>> No.7670377

Nonsense, some people have deeper nasolabial folds and in any case, 26 is too young to be thinking about injections even if they were more recent. Catty teens are catty and I found their comments too harsh. I do think the ash blonde in the wig isn't the best for your skin tone but this photo was taken in the excitement of a con, and you were tired correct? Not your best photo but I followed it back and looked at your other ones and you do not look old.

>> No.7670426

This plus
>doing what /cgl/ tells you to do
It's one thing to take helpful critique, it's another thing to listen to hostile bitches who are telling you to chance something about your actual physical appearance.

Just reminding for effect.

>> No.7670432

Yeah I've noticed that lighting from above always looks really bad on me and emphasizes those lines and how deep my eyes are. I would have preferred a better location for the photo, but I was just about to strip out of the dress and catch my friends for dinner before I realized I hadn't gotten an outfit shot that day. It seemed better than nothing at the time.

Good point about the lips, though. I had my makeup done earlier that morning by a makeup artist, but most of had probably come off by the end of the day and I didn't reapply. I think it was just a bad combination of factors that I should try to avoid next time.

It's not just because somebody on /cgl/ brought it up, I've been wondering what to do about those lines for awhile. Seemed like a good opportunity to ask if somebody was familiar with it. Don't worry, anon!

I've always had them and they usually don't look that bad in person, but I always manage to get bad lighting in photos that emphasize it. So I do appreciate the advice people have given about lighting and the wig colour. I really like the wig, but I guess there's not much that can be done about it looking bad. I might try to get the bangs shorter and play around with makeup combos that compliment it better, but I think it might be a lost cause at this point.

Thanks everybody who has been honest and helpful, though. I really don't mind the crit.

>> No.7670434

Have you considered investing in top-line skin care like Verso? I tried it in sample form and it did really nice things for brightening my skin and helped my dark circles.

>> No.7670448

because solo people have nothing better to do than take 50 timed photos on an tripod

>> No.7670482

You could try side-swept bangs instead of the blunt, I think it could look much nicer.

This. It's fun to have a photoshoot with yourself, but if I have stuff to do, I just want to get a quick snap before I leave.

>> No.7670489

I've been using some pretty expensive creams and oils since most US products tend to burn my face, but I haven't tried that yet. Thanks for the recommendation, I'm a bit of a skincare junkie. Unfortunately I think the dark circle thing is more caused by cast shadows than an actual pigmentation of my skin, though.

>> No.7670498

Oh sorry, I just assumed since you had the time to get dressed up, put on makeup, and post yourself to the internet you might have time to take more than two pictures. My bad.

Well, enjoy your shit photographs then and ignore the reality of what many people do to get better ones.

>> No.7670610

Just because you're asking...
>daughter of a cosmetic dermatologist activate
For nasolabial lines like that you can definitely get a bit of botox. You don't actually need that much - maybe 2-3 drops of it along each side? The botox will sort of 'lift' the skin and smooth it out, so you'll still have a SLIGHT line to keep it natural instead of going for the 'hey do you like my botched surgery' look. It's a pretty fast little procedure and if you've got a good person doing it you'll have no bruising so you can go about your life.
You can also get a little filler under the eyes (I can't tell how sunken they are there), but I would honestly just recommend getting an under-eye brightening cream (I really recommend La Mer!) and seeing how it looks after that before taking that jump, since your eyes will continue to sink in the next few decades and having it done this early might need you to get a lot more down the line.
go see a real dermatologist to get referred for specifics, but that would be my backseat-surgeon's advice. Stay out of bad lighting and invest in good cream for a more reasonable solution.

>> No.7670888
File: 87 KB, 625x960, 10511166_10152295462210345_8776540422819005383_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For once her glasses don't ruin everything.

She's always been pretty decent at making coords, but I actually really like this one.

>> No.7670895

She still has old hag face syndrome. I honestly think her glasses attribute to that, it makes her jowls much more pronounced.

>> No.7670902
File: 30 KB, 427x640, 10505450_671212256268055_3845471328532512880_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good photography probably helps, but she did her makeup nicely, and the outfit looks nice.

Geez this is like playing Where's Waldo, you have to scroll through so many bad coords before you find a decent (not even GOOD) one.

>> No.7670907
File: 107 KB, 640x960, 10004072_10152304354251696_8089696430149737709_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7670911
File: 106 KB, 707x960, 1609910_10203823489046515_3423046863152189312_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this girl. Hijab lolita is always on point.

Seriously it can't be that hard if a girl who wraps a cloth around her head can do it and not look like shit. And yet... CoF...

>> No.7670916

She looks frikkin' great. I love hijabs. They're so elegant...

>> No.7670923

I don't like that way if tying/wrapping it with Lolita. Makes them look like penguins or bowling pins

>> No.7670928

The Vampire Requiem one is pretty shitty if you actually look at it properly. I feel like the crown doesn't go and it's gold while the detailing on the dress is silver, plus it really doesn't go with gold. The printed tights don't match at all, in style, theme or colour. That coffin bag is really cheap and tacky (I used to own it) and the bow on it looks crappy. The choker looks like something mallgothy and not elegant at all. I think she's also got a purple, green, black and white polkadot feather in her hair which looks horrible and her hairstyle looks awkward to me. It could work if the front bits weren't so long maybe but not with this outfit.

>> No.7670931

Are there other ways of tying it? She's the only constant hijab lolita I know of so that's the only way I've ever seen. I just assumed that way was the way it was supposed to be done.

>> No.7670944

I'd like to see her without the glasses, just to compare. But it's like they're glued to her face, I don't think I've ever seen her post without her glasses.

Somebody else posted the same dress (in red I think) and I liked that coord as well, but can't find it. I personally liked the red colourway better.

>> No.7670960

The thing anon, most girls on CoF have no idea how to dress themselves outside of lolita. I doubt they could put together a normalfag outfit to save their lives either.

>> No.7670968
File: 109 KB, 640x640, 10404223_10102232635063294_8285356887794964897_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one, anon?

Red definitely pops better, but coordination-wise Kate wins. This one's not terrible, just not fantastic.

>> No.7670971

Try Verso, it has 8 times the retinol that American Products have. It's a skin care line from Sweden. If you have to settle on a couple products, I recommend the Super Eye and Face Serums as well as the Gentle Foaming Cleanser.

I'd try to see if you can find a sample size of them just to test the water!

>> No.7671054

her face does not look old at all

>> No.7671067

Her mouth always bothers me, maybe because I have a similar mouth. I feel like her smile makes it even worse. I think if she opened her mouth a bit more or went for a more pouty look it might help.

>> No.7671123

>old hag face syndrome

Don't all lolitas suffer this syndrome? All of us are old hags in frilly, expensive dresses drinking tea.

>> No.7671137

Not who you were addressing but which La Mer, just the regular Creme La Mer? I'd been thinking of trying it since I also have similar issues.

>> No.7671146

So many people take issue with her glasses that it's almost a non-issue. Obvs. She LIKES them. Continuing to mention them is pretty useless. I don't think they look very good but oh well...they aren't leaving anytime soon.

If we keep wearing Lolita, those who aren't old hags yet, will eventually be. There ARE some older women who wear Lolita, usually more quietly and not posting in coord threads, and the ones who do more mature and sophisticated coords look great. Sure one or two hang on to the super-sweet and don't maybe look as good as they could but they are thankfully the minority.

>> No.7671210

When I see posts attacking people's looks in a coord thread instead of just critiquing the outfit, I always imagine they are armchair wanna bee 'Lolitas' sitting there in their sweatpants eating Cheetos. Who would listen to someone's mean criticism disguised as critique or take it seriously when it's anon and likely not even coming from an experienced Lolita?

>> No.7671216

I don't have an example on me, but yes there are. Google away.

>> No.7671236

I'm no good with photography myself, but can't you set dslr cameras to take mutliple shots at once or something? then you can get a decent shot and have time for other things (if you have a dslr)

>> No.7671241

I like her coordination but it bothers me that the stripes aren't matched up on the fabric panels. It unfortunately always makes a dress look cheaper and less elegant when the fabric isn't matched over the seams. I'm always surprised at this in a Lolita dress, it's a shame.

>> No.7671247

I think they are matched as alternating? the black with the white, etc

>> No.7671541

The more I look at it, the more I think you may be right. How cool would that be?

>> No.7671542

trying to find the stock photos, can't remember if this is the sentimental circus collab or something else, they both had stripes

>> No.7671561

This is /cgl/ in a nutshell , lol.
/cgl/ doesnt have anything to back up their superiority complex

>> No.7671566

I think she coords really well, and she doesn't look old to me at all. I think the glasses do nothing for her, and make her look horse-faced, but they're kind of her signature look, so I try to ignore them.

I really liked this one! First time seeing a hijab in a coord that didn't stick out like a sore thumb.

>> No.7671900
File: 78 KB, 640x960, 10385285_10152529797619250_7302594614343740928_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this girl's coords, but for some reason her face always really bugs me.
I think it's the heavy makeup and big smile, but I can't pinpoint it.

>> No.7671910

Holy shit her face is fine! Damn /cgl/, so harsh.

>> No.7671915

I'm not saying she's ugly (she's not), I just think her expression or how heavy her blush/shimmer is puts me off. I wasn't being harsh at all.

>> No.7671966

Hey that looks kind of ni-
>it's fucking hellobatty
>I can't like it anymore

>> No.7671970

I'm with you. She's not ugly at all but is definitely overdoing it on the blush. It doesn't help that (imo) the colour doesn't really work with her wig/skintone.
It also bothers me how her eyes appear to be fixed just sliiightly above the camera lense (as opposed to straight at the camera or off in the distance) but that's probably just me being weird.

>> No.7671977
File: 85 KB, 500x408, Ill-Bake-Your-Cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think her eyes are just open too wide. She looks kind of crazy between the big smile and the wide- expressionless eyes.

>> No.7672059

Actual OldHag here (40s), I've tried fillers twice for my nasio lines but wasn't impressed with the results. My dermatologist has suggested I try getting the injections along my cheekbone to lift the skin along my face instead of injecting the lines themselves to plump them, but I haven't been bothered so far (fillers are way more expensive than botox and the injection spots stung like a mofo for about a day afterwards).

I started using high-end skin care products a few years back and it's made a huge difference; the rest of my skin looks brighter and clearer, which helps to distract from the age markers I can't do much about. Currently regime is Jose Maran argan oil (moisturizer & cleanser), plus the Caudalie brightener serum and mask twice-weekly.

I also, frankly, shoop the heck out of my lines. A quick trick for reducing nasio lines is to use the magic wand tool to select the dark spots, then copy them onto a fresh layer, change the filter from Normal to Screen, and adjust the opacity until they blend smoothly. The lines are still there, but they're lighter, which makes them look less deep and harsh while still being pretty natural.

Good luck! I'm fortunate that I didn't start to develop nasio lines until my mid-30s, but they are the bane of my lolita existence now, so I totally feel your pain.

>> No.7672062

Her eyes are just naturally that huge. In person, it's amazing.

>> No.7672070


>> No.7672077

It looks like the older style of the duchess elodie wig from GLW, with bangs and side locks recut a bit. The newer style is shorter.

>> No.7672081

It's her makeup+smirk that makes her look worse. She really needs to lay off the blush and find more wigs that suit her skin tone. I think she's really pretty IRL, but she always looks really empty/bug-eyed in photos.

>> No.7672092
File: 513 KB, 1600x747, formalhijab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I see hijabi lolitas I always wonder why they don't try to style the hijab differently or more elegantly. Something like this maybe but with more of a lolita aesthetic. Fold and coil the fabric nicely and add like a string of pearls and one of those star clips that everyone has.

>> No.7672102

I see girls at my uni with their hijabs decked out like that all the time. I'm surprised the hijab-lolis don't do it.

>> No.7672103

Its because how a mulsim wears their hijab is culturally based. Each culture has its own way of wearing it and those more elegant ones are probably bridal wear or something. So it isnt like what one would have lying around.

>> No.7672106

No...it's not that at all.

>> No.7672113

I've seen even unadorned ones folded into pleats and rosettes. Most I see in Lolita photos have a too-casual feel to me.

>> No.7672118

You're totally wrong, nicer hijab are for when you're wearing a nicer outfit. Most people don't do up their hijab fancy like in >>7672092 because it's a lot of effort and they maybe don't want to. I've seen lolis in hijabs wearing chocomint accessories and the like and it's the same idea. It has nothing to do with cultural practices and entirely nothing to do with marriage ceremony. Please stop acting like you know it all.

>> No.7672149

i think she said she got it from cosplaywigs on ebay? some ebay store. it's glorious in person.

>> No.7672286

I have the same wig in brown, cosplay wigs on ebay

>> No.7672369

What's so awful about hellobatty?

>> No.7672389

Some people don't like her because they think she's too much an attention whore/special snowflake, mostly. Others think she's two-faced. I'm sure others can chime in here...

>> No.7672393

How is it in the back? Is the parts over each shoulder all there is or is there another part hanging down in the back? Lace cap? Adjustable? Thick or thin?

>> No.7672393,1 [INTERNAL] 

Nothing style wise. I actually like more of her gothic looks. In person, just a bit immature, and in her cafe is very "look at me look at me!", but you find that in most conventions and in maid cafes. I tend to just ignore her if anything *shrug*

>> No.7672545

Ignore these dumb bitches obviously by the comment you can tell they just have a personal vendetta against her any reason to spread their jealousy. She honestly just keeps to herself. Other than her videos and her blog she's pretty quiet in the scene.

>> No.7673156
File: 77 KB, 575x960, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She finally posted a picture of herself without them on.

>> No.7673181

And making a stupid face.

Looks nice enough, though.
God, someone should just go up to her and rip them off her face and stomp on them right in front of her.

Then shout, "THAT'S WHACHYA GET."

>> No.7673410

hi there!

Not anon you replied to, but I use creme de la mer and I really love it. I ran out of it a while ago, which makes me super sad. It's great creme and really brightens and softens your face.

Also, I have super sensitive acne prone skin. It doesn't give me any kind of break outs.

I also highly recommend La Mer's concealer for dark under eye circles. I have big dark Jew circles under my eyes, La Mer's the only thing that covers em up good without looking cakey.

Pricey, but worth it. A jar of La Mer lasts me over a year. (150 divided by 12 months makes it less than $12.50 a month, good deal for lovely skin)

>> No.7673447

Hijab lolita is never on point.

>> No.7673533

I actually don't mind her hair here, but what the fuck is glued under her eyes?

>> No.7673652

She looks good, god damn it. That kind of makes it worse.

>> No.7673654

She's a bit of an attention whore, but I don't get the irrational hatred some people seem to hold against her. Her videos are ok, and her outfits are a bit shitty, but that's it.

>> No.7673659

just looked her up.
cancer desu ne

>> No.7674707

link? i cant find it :(

>> No.7674911
File: 244 KB, 275x440, Screen Shot 2014-07-12 at 4.15.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplaywig store on ebay is dead, I dont know what happens with the store, sorry