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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7645575 No.7645575 [Reply] [Original]

Who's going?

After firing like three people off of cosplay staff for back talking and having opinions, I'm eager to see what a shit show the cosplay events will be.

At least they have an amazing guest line up.

>> No.7645589

I'm going, I think. My last con for the foreseeable future, so I hope it doesn't suck.

>> No.7645685

Huh, they actually do have some decent guests. That's a first. Well, I'll be going still.

>> No.7645744

I'll be going Friday. Never been before, anyone have experiences, advice, drama?

>> No.7646038


This will be the first con my girlfriend has ever been to so I hope it will be fun and she can understand why I love them.

>> No.7646100

CTcon's board game collection is outstanding, so check that out and maybe learn a game or two. The dealer's room and artist alleys are appropriately sized. Burger King is the closest fast food to the con, but walk literally one to two more minutes around the corner and you can find a significantly less packed Subway, Dunkin Donuts, and many restaurants. The rave can be lots of fun, but they're kinda strict about keeping shirts on. They have plenty of Bemani machines (DDR and the like).

Also, Thursday night pool party, anyone?

>> No.7646216
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I'll be there all three days. Going as pick related. Just finished sanding, just needs paint and drying.

Its a good con in my experiences. Not overcrowded, not too small, some decent stuff there. Only gripe is hartford dosnt have alot of stuff to do outside of the con.

Question for anyone who knows: Is star city not sponsering the MTG stuff this year? They took forever to post it and make no mention of them having any affiliation this time around.

>> No.7646240

I'll probably pass, it doesn't seem like there will be much that's anime-related I'd be interested in going for. There's a Jojo panel in the lineup but the one at AB was really lackluster so I don't want to go down for one thing and be disappointed again.

It does look like there's going to be a lot there this year though, and I didn't know the convention was going to be four days long. And they still sell one-day passes, too. That's great.

>> No.7646254

I went to that jojo panel at AB too and agree it was pretty lame. Hoping this one will be better.

Did they really say it was four days? As in, the thursday early badge pick up wont just be a line? Interesting, kind of wish I knew that, will probably just be badge pick up again for me though as I'll be coming right after work.

>> No.7646264

> decent guests.

>> No.7646283

I'm going!
Would anyone want to have a seagull meetup?

>> No.7646285

When will ctcon learn how to handle their budget and staff issues? $50 for a saturday badge and next to no programming? Are you kidding me?

>> No.7646303

I was kind of thinking it's an early badge pickup thing. The last time I went our group arrived a day early to take care of artist alley stuff and the hotel room, and there were a lot of other people doing the same thing.

>> No.7646311

Yeahh Hartford is really empty. Also, wtf, everything closes at 3PM on Saturday and I think most things are closed Sunday as well. It's super weird. I have no idea why, though my parents and older co-workers have suggested it's because Hartford is mostly a business city?
But yeah leaving the convention center kinda stinks if you're trying to find like, food or something. If you don't wanna eat the shitty expensive-ish food they sell there, definitely hit up Yelp and whatever before you go to try and map some options out.

>> No.7646314

There are a couple places that will deliver to the hotels, last year I just hit GrubHub and got some pizzas. There was also one deli open if you don't want to eat crap like MgRonald's and Subwat.

>> No.7646333

Luckily I live about 20min drive away in west springfield, so its not a big deal for me, but I just hate haveing to wait till we are really leaving to go out. But yea hartford has always been an industrial area.

>Excited because I just bought a new place to myself and invited everyone of my friends going to stay over during con and I have a hot tub
>realize I might end up in a con horror story thread because of this
Just hit me that its my shit on the line now. Glad I dont have shitty friends.

So whats everyone else going as? Already said mine in >>7646216

>> No.7646337

Ill be going for the weekend. Kinda bummed Ronnie isn't though.
Wearing Takarada mostly, ACDC for a period of time for my friend's Joseph.
Maybe Duster?

I'll see you around there, man.

>> No.7646343

I enjoy cartoon voice actors so yeah pretty good. It's not a comic con for movie stars so this is definitely a step up over previous years.

>> No.7648062

So what will you be cosplaying as?

>> No.7648205

>went to several cons last year, loved CTCon the most
>made tons of friends
>want to go this year
>one ride bailed months ago, second one just also bailed
>found out most of my new friends won't be there
>introverted, don't know how to go to a con to make new friends without being someone who hangs off someone else all day

I had to miss AB this year, too. I'll only get to go to two cons this year if I decide to miss this one. This is so disappointing.

>> No.7648371


i want to give you advice but i am often in the same situation. i think the key to not hanging off someone else is to find things you want to do and say "hey i wanna go see X panel, you can come if you want or if not, see you later it's been fun!" only with better punctuation.

>> No.7648375

Who's staying in the hotel? Have they fixed the elevator problems?

>> No.7648386

Where would you be coming from?

>> No.7648477
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I'll be going.

Mainly just because I wanna laugh at this man hating SJW that was given online media guest status.

>> No.7648506

Wait a minute.. So she was invited to the convention as a guest while people like nintendo fan girl are told to take a hike?

Shit man, now I wanna troll white guys on twitter and go to cons for free.

>> No.7648528

will this be any good? http://connecticon.org/site/event/15890

>> No.7648544

The J-Fashion shows at CTCon aren't bad. It's just the same recycled outfits from last year with 5 or six new additions.

>> No.7648944

So is there going to be a meet up? If so, what day and where?

>> No.7649105


Generic Freak from Purge
Zampano from House of Leaves
Simon from Misfits if my hair doesn't suck too bad

i'm not a hardcore /cgl/er i just have fun with it.

>> No.7649135
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Yooo I'll be there. Looking forward to it!

>> No.7649187
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I'll be cosplaying Little Mac (pink sweatshirt version) from Punch-Out!!/Super Smash Bros. and Fili the Dwarf from The Hobbit.

I'm not sure which days I'll wear them though.

>> No.7649253
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I'll be having my boyfriend as my respective partners. Come say hi if you see us!

>> No.7649315
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Yo, I live a few minutes away... Party?

>> No.7649971

I don't even live there but promise you will post Hot Pantz pictures please

>> No.7650124

Yeah, CTCon is now a 4 day convention, supposedly panels start around 5 and you can also just get your badge early.

I'm mostly going for the atmosphere and the fact that this will be my 6th year, it would just be strange to miss out on a local con. Still kind of miffed about the badge pricing, considering I was able to get into ACEN way cheaper than this bs.

>> No.7650804
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I can't believe it's already come up this fast, it seems like I was just posting in last year's thread only a little while ago.

I some extra money lying around so I'm kind of thinking about going for a day if I can convince a couple friends to go with me. I live in Northeastern CT and it's a real dry area for anime/manga, besides AB and CTCon there's this and I've never been to it. Has anyone else heard of it?

>> No.7650807

*have some extra money

>> No.7650842
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I'll be there! probs wearing this stuff. I really want to get pics of Mirai but if it's too hot I'm not sure how long I can stand the cardigan for.

>> No.7651215
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I'm going. Gonna go as HGSS Green/Blue

>> No.7651843

Camp Anime is basically Homestuck Con. Mostly 15 year olds. Can be fun once you find a sane person or two. The only reason I even go is because I live in the area and have friends to come with me.

>> No.7652043

maybe, who knows!

>> No.7652217

So, pool party on Thursday night, right? I'll be there.

>> No.7652417


I really hope the air conditioning is good...my cosplays are extremely hot to be in.

>> No.7652681

That's too bad, I'll probably avoid it. Even though Woodstock's not too far away I'm not into Homestuck and would rather hang out with people my age into anime/manga.

The AC is usually good inside but if the humidity's high like it's been it'll probably be nasty outside.

>> No.7652850
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I'll be going all three days.Waiting for my LL wig.

>> No.7653146

First year not going to CTCon in like 7 years?

Had major drama with CEO and don't really care for how the convention is run (to much emphasis on stuff I don't care about) or the ridiculous prices this year.

Was impressed to see they got a few more decent guests this year though! Hopefully wasting less money on the online media guest hall and tabletop stuff and increasing the dealer's room a bit.

>> No.7653384


yeah, the vidya/RPG spaces have always been too big compared to the dealer's room.

wanna expound on that drama?

>> No.7653401

I heard the cosfamous aren't welcome to this con. Also people starting rumors regarding convention restrictions.

>> No.7653479


the first year i went the dealers room was really nice and since then i've felt like it hasn't been as good, I remember it having a lot more stuff i wanted, maybe my tastes have just changed though...

>> No.7653503


that's a bit vague, can you explain?

might be your tastes have changed, might be they all sell the same shit each year and the room has gotten progressively worse the more retarded ConnectiCon's setup becomes.

is this a convention where room parties are a thing?

>> No.7653622

The drama was well-documented on social media a few months ago. Not worth dwelling on now, but the Tldr; is that I applied for online media guest hall (through their tiers I was qualified for table, hotel room, and a few badges), but was rejected because of statements on my personal fb page. (The statements were that I believed staff needed to have their books at by a new professional because I believed someone was handling the money poorly, and still believe that).

I go to anime conventions for friends, cosplay, and dealers room. I live on CT so connecticon was always a no-brainer for me,but after I was treated so poorly in that drama situation in conjunction with the declining dealers room and unexplained increase in prices, it became really easy to put my time money and effort into better cons.

>> No.7653643

"is this a convention where room parties are a thing?"


>> No.7653697

not that anon
but how do i get in

>> No.7653828

Be social with people outside before/during/after the rave. Every year I've gone I've met people out there, chatted them up, and have been invited back to their rooms to drink with a drove of people.

>> No.7653841

lol be attractive and don't be unattractive

>> No.7653863

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth

Don't bite the hand that feeds you

etc etc

>> No.7653884


you gonna have the sword and glasses this time?

>> No.7654325


damn. politics suck. there's always the new Hartford Comic Con, it showed some promise for being in its first year. needed more programming but the organization seemed good.

>> No.7654522
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Ayy. Going as John Freeman, haven't used him before.

Got the goatee ready-er than pictured. Need to do the armband though.

I'll be there all 3 days, all in costume, taking pictures.

>> No.7654913

I didn't know they were having a comi-con too. I wish we could get more manga and comic publishing-related guests around here, being near New York and all.

>> No.7654971

Yeah! I meant to go this year but the timing didn't work out with work. There's also ComiCONN or whatever it's called coming up in Bridgeport soon, but it's too close to Otakon for me.

There's plenty of other cons in the area that I personally think are more worth my time and money, so I'm not too heartbroken. If people seem to think that this year's CTCon is a major improvement I'll put my hatred of the CEO aside and probably attempt the con again next year.

>> No.7654982

Deets please?

>> No.7655092

It's more or less the con staff refusing to pay for cosfamous people to attend. They'd rather dish out all their money on guests that bring more to the table than just cosplay.

>> No.7655109

kudos to Connection. Why the fuck should cosfamous get in for free?

>> No.7655111

dont talk shit about a convention if you want to get in the con for free.

>> No.7655117

Connecticon has so many guests they can afford to add "youtube stars" and a metric ton of shitty webcomic artists to the roster. A blanket rule banning cosplay guests is pretty petty if you're going to promote people outside mainstream media.

>> No.7655121

But who actually cares about cosplayers? Entertainers and artists make sense, but what's to be gained from having this person who dresses up as a hobby talk about nonsense?

>> No.7655148

horny teenagers who like big boobs?

>> No.7655159

>"entertainers and artists make sense"
>implying that cosplayers who care about their craft don't qualify

Sounds like you're on the wrong board, friend

>> No.7655161

cosplayers aren't entertainers

>> No.7655165

Connecticon has always had a large focus on webcomic artists, why rag about it now? It's really not a big cosplay con and never has been.

>> No.7655176

I'd way rather watch a technique workshop run by god save the queen over a panel starring some youtubefamous neckbeard.

>> No.7655191

Then just go somewhere else...

>> No.7655196

Wow so many connecticon staffers and whiteknights posting in this thread. Get over it, guys, not everyone is going to always agree with your programming choices. It's a fact of life.

>> No.7655200
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>"Why would anyone watch a cosplay panel?"
>"Here's why."

>> No.7655304
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So... pool party on Thursday night at the con hotel at about 8pm?

Maybe a meet-up at some local dining spot on Friday afternoon around 3pm? (Possibly Moe's Southwest Grill or Feng Asian Bistro?)

>> No.7655327

I'd be down for the meetup.

>> No.7655336

Why not meetup at the actual con?

>> No.7655342
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We could meet at the con and then walk to our food of choice, that way no one gets lost or is too intimidated to make the commitment without seeing who's going.

Alright, how about this: meet in the strip between the con and the hotel where the ravers usually hang out and smoke at night. It's very visible, easy to get to, and I'll be there standing out as much as possible to serve as the beacon for fun.

>> No.7655523

I hate the way they run their cosplay events. The hosts have their heads jammed so far up their own asses it's a surprise they even let the attendees get any stage time at all.

The masquerade "cosplot" is always a cluster fuck of two things that shouldn't be put together taking up 5 - 10 minutes of scripted badly written jokes between skits, detracting from the attention the attendees should be getting for performing. Last year they did a fucking dance routine, like wtf. It was LOTR and the Hunger Games where Legolas was a limp wristed stereotype, Peeta even more so, and it just made no sense at all.

The dating game, don't get me started. If small cons like Portcon and AAC can do dating games that are FULL attendee rounds, then CTcon should too, but, nope, the hosts need another chance to stroke their dicks on stage so they do two attendee rounds and then a staff only round.

Apparently they're doing a roast where they have the staff members in cosplay badly making jokes about each other because they think they're funny? I mean, do these people have enough space in the con center for their egos? I'm not surprised most of the audience tends to be the young teenagers who haven't realized that these events are terribly run while the rest of the con does other stuff at those times.

>> No.7655569

What time?

>> No.7655589

Who is going on the Friday?
Find me, the punk with green hair.
We'll party out at the rave.

>> No.7655598

Anyone have a room they will share for me and my friends for the nights?

>> No.7655857



I'd rather hang myself. All the events are tumblrina staff circle jerks.

>> No.7655874

Oh god, Glee, seriously? And is that a fat lesbian as Blaine?

Yep because when I think of Blaine, super hot Darren Criss, I think of fat lesbians with shittily drawn on eyebrows.

>> No.7655881

We could go and spend all our money over at city steam!

>> No.7655893

I had a sword last time, I just got sick of carrying it. I have a photo of it, but I looked so shitty without the right glasses I didn't bother. I also will have glasses.

>> No.7656221

CTCon's staff is the most self-absorbed bunch of characters I've ever been acquainted with. It's a con based on what they want, which is why there's a humongous tabletop area and a ton of web comic guests- those are the Head staffs' interests. They also have an odd tabletop gaming shop where they actually sell board games under the ctcon name? Anyone know anything about this? Something about it's always been very suspicious, though I cannot explain why.

Cons should host guests that will bring in more attendees, that's just logic.
Famous cosplayers bring in attendees because a lot of their fan base is in the con community. Once again, logic. It's not the entertainment aspect at all, it's the "I'm gonna go to _____ because _____ is there and I'd like to see him/her"

>> No.7656430

CTcon is technically a for profit convention.

It's also a cluster fuck.

>> No.7656466

They also treat their staffers who aren't high up on the food chain like shit. And then manage their money poorly and try to make up for it by selling badges that cost $50 a day.

>> No.7656810

is there gonna be a lolita swap meet again? i heard there was going to be one last year but i never checked it out.

>> No.7656946

OMG, I thought I was the only one who was always annoyed by that. If they want to have their own events like the roast, that's fine; even though it makes them look egotistical, people can choose not to go. But it's totally ridiculous for them to do their own skits during the MASQUERADE, the one event that's supposed to let the cosplayers have their few minutes of fame. I always thought it was really disrespectful to the cosplayers, not to mention it makes the event run longer than it needs to so that half the audience loses interest and leaves before it's even over. And CTcon is the ONLY con I've ever seen where the masqs hosts do this shit; seriously, the dating games and the game shows and now their own roast event aren't enough for them that they have to take over the one event that's supposed to be all about the participants? I've even voiced my opinion to them respectfully multiple times and nothing ever changed. Ugh.

>> No.7657290
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How about Friday at 3pm for the meet up? We meet at that segment between the con and hotel, then head out to a place together. Though, let's decide on where we want to go before then, as this is /cgl/ and there is no way a group of 'gulls would agree on a location on the spot.

Also, yeah... City Steam is money. I make a decent amount myself, but even I would feel bad throwing that much cash at food.


>> No.7657297
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>> No.7657324


I'm one of the anon's who's not going to CTCon but voted for Moe's anyway because it's bomb-diggity. Just get the huge nachos, get it to go because you'll only finish half, and save the rest in your room for soggy nacho drunk snack time later.

>> No.7657375

I totally respect that.

>> No.7657483

That makeup on the fat girl is horrible.
I'm really fucking tired of this shitty Tumblr "manly" costume makeup.

>> No.7657528

I totally prefer City Steam just because lolbeer

But since CTCon is usually packed filled with under 21's, it would make more sense to just go to Moe's in case anyone that shows up is actually under aged.

>> No.7657602

That's a good point. Plus, I love burritos. Also, I just realized I misspelled "burritos" in the poll.

>> No.7657615

Something about the Blaine cosplayer's face while they're singing is freaking me the fuck out

>> No.7657793

Everything about that entire video is freaking me the fuck out.

>> No.7657798

We could always do burritos followed by beer as long as we're done by 8PM

>> No.7657961

I think the meet up should be more towards 1PM only because ti seems like we'd be getting food. Better to be closer to a normal lunch time amiright?

>> No.7658040

I'm okay with an earlier meet up.

>> No.7658082

I down.
I have a question for all that is going, what age group are we? We going to be all 16-30?
Also, who is Cosplaying that is going to meetup?

>> No.7658240

I imagine that being the range with most being young 20's

>> No.7658623

Nobody is hyping this con up at all. You wouldn't know it's happening next week.

>> No.7658641


I'm pumped for it, though I've always noticed /cgl never seems too excited for this con for some reason.

>> No.7658648

I'm hyped for it, but I don't feel like there needs to be a hype until at least Thursday.

I don't want the hype to go too long.

>> No.7658674

I didn't register online for a ticket because I'm planning on attending on Saturday only. Does anybody know how long the on site registration line usually is?

>> No.7659124


last year there was a technical malfunction of some kind happening, leaving all non-prereg people outside in line in the garage for hours. i went through the prereg line, which took 30-60 mins (can't remember tbh) and then went back out to stand in line with my non-prereg friend... it took forever for that line to move at all, and it was hot out. dunno how much of that was the technical malfunction, so i am unsure as to whether you will have a similar experience or not.

>> No.7659139

I'll be going with a bunch of friends. I'll basically be carrying around my arsenal of anime and video game related things, along with ramen bowls and ramen packets. My friend said they had some sort of boiling water station there. Is it true?

>> No.7659329

The wait lines are usually 45-60 mins on site.

>> No.7659338

It makes sense that it wouldn't be too hyped. Last few years of the con have been pretty crappy. I've been chatting with the staff a lot since I'm an online media guest and it seems like they've rotated most of the planning staff do get rid of the ones that were hemorrhaging cash out the ass.

I'm pretty sure that this is CTCon's rebound year and things will actually stop being shit. Hopefully next years con should not charge people so much for all badges since this years revenue should allow them to recover from all the past years of shit staff and shit organization.

Also, the non important higher up staff members are of course still there jerking each other off in every single main even possible not allowing actual con-goers to join in.

>> No.7659375

They usually do for coffee and tea and stuff, but you can really just use a coffee maker or ask to use the hot water at starbucks.

Why are you carrying ramen though

>> No.7659437

Too busy doing last minute cosplay stuff. Crunch time and theres so many useless details I need to worry about.

>> No.7659518

Making my vendor debut!

Trying to be excited, too busy being terrified.

>> No.7659526


Dealer room or Artist alley?

>> No.7659533
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Dealer's Room
I sell nerdy polo shirts

>> No.7659648

Jim Cummings fucked their budget. He's got a 10k appearance fee that attendance did not make up for

>> No.7659660

I have some Ramen bowls I got from A-Dong, so I thought hey, it's going to be a convention with people cosplaying, why not have a fitting means of eating? Plus I need to get rid of it.

>> No.7659824

Glad to see that he isn't returning. I don't know of anyone who was swayed to the con after hearing Jim was showing up and 10k is fucking absurd.

I hope Ellen McLain and John Partrick Lowrie are cheaper.

>> No.7659837
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Yeah, let's do 1pm and I'm 23/m. I feel myself to be a cool dude.

>> No.7659852

I've budgeted myself for the Invader Zim guys and then the free autographs. I'm glad the staff have realized the reason comic cons get good guests is because they don't cover the whole appearance fee, they let attendees pick and choose autographs.

Hopefully prices come back down next year. I expect to pay $70 for Otakon, not CTcon.

>> No.7660947


Wait are the Invader Zim guys doing free autographs?

>> No.7661211
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Also, swimming. Y'all should go on Thursday night.

>> No.7661230

>I live in CT but somehow never go to this

>> No.7661834

No they're charging but other cartoon guests are doing one free then charging for additionals

>> No.7661911
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I do fitted V-neck styles too

>> No.7662275

This will be my first year going to this convention. Most of the outfits I'm wearing involve long sleeves/pants/layers. I read there can be long outdoor lines for registration and badge pickup, but will there be any other times when I might be forced to spend a lot of time in the heat? There have been too many days of 90+ degree heat and 80% humidity in the northeast...

>> No.7662294

You can travel between the hotel con center and parking garage without going outside but it can get warm in more crowded areas or near the windows.

A lot of photo ops are taken on the stairs or the platform on top of the stairs so that's where it'll be warmest. Leaving to go for food can also be hot as everything is a couple blocks away.

>> No.7662484

Just read on the Connecticon website forum that outside food/drinks are not permitted in the con center...so that means we HAVE to leave to get food, right? Or is it possible to pop some granola bars in a bag and eat them discretely when no one's looking?

>> No.7662648

You're not "supposed to" but in past years I have eaten sandwiches from plastic baggies in the food area/tables right in front of convention center staff (like people cleaning tables) and they said nothing and complimented my outfit. I don't think it's super strict but that's just my experience.

>> No.7662677

They have a small area where there's a couple food stands and some tables people can eat at, IIRC it's in a corner of the dealer's room.

>> No.7663176


I've never had a problem with concealed water granola bars etc... I think they just dont want people bringing in mcdonalds or something and leaving trash everywhere.

>> No.7663195

according to the Facebook event on Saturday there's a swap meet. 8-9 a.m. is the panel, and 9-10 a.m. is the swap in the same room (workshop 1)

>> No.7664284
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Is no one as free as myself? Does no one want to swim?!

>I'm a little bit saddened
>come swim, more peeps, more fun
>I'll wear my Speedo shorts for you
>Why won't senpai notice me?

>> No.7665042


i am wearing my homestuck cosplay thursday, do you think the hotel staff would mind if i dipped into the pool?

>> No.7665075

muh nigga

is there a bag check here?
as someone who just turned 21, how the bars in hartford, I hear the hotel shuttle takes you there

>> No.7665078
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>> No.7665155

Just looked at parking rates and have a question:
Is the 3 day pass really only good till 7pm? Like, I now have to leave the con at 7 if I dont want to pay extra? Or is that just the time they stop selling the passes?

>> No.7665170


it's good all day, it might be sunday that it's only till 7? not sure, i've always been able to stay as late as i want.

>> No.7665174

yup, that would make sense, was worded so that it could have gone either way. Thanks.

>> No.7665233

Its probably something forced by the convention center ( so you have to buy the way over priced food court stuff), but its as enforced as jay walking.

>> No.7665262


>> No.7665356


the fish obviously works part time at a call center

>> No.7665394

Does anyone know if wooden props are allowed? I'd hate to bring it and then be told I can't have it at the con.

>> No.7665436


>Permitted Weapons - Wooden weapons such as staffs, walking sticks, bokken and other wooden swords are allowed. In addition, fake weaponry/props made from foam, paper mache, tissue paper, wood etc. are also permitted as long as they do not endanger other con-goers. (Ex. tripping someone, clothes lining them, etc.)

source: http://connecticon.org/rules/


>> No.7665492

Shit I didn't see that the million times I've read over the props rules. Derp. Thanks anon!

>> No.7665617


np. i miss shit a lot, so i got in the habit of ctrl+f searching for key terms. saves time and usually yields better results than just reading through alone.

>> No.7666700
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In general, is anyone going on Thursday?

>> No.7666708

Probably not my group (about 6 of us). We had gone the last few years and didnt expect the thursday to be anything but badge pick up so we didnt take work off. Would be too much bullshit to get out of work, herd the cats into dress and cars and get there without stress.

>> No.7666767

Which hotel has a pool to meet at? I'm not privy to the area.
I'd probably be down though.

>> No.7666786

perfect, I hope to see you there.

>> No.7666825
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The connected Marriott has a pool. You Free at 8pm?

>> No.7667655

I go to a-dong's a lot too, for anyone that wants to go they have a 10 dollar minimum if you want to pay with card.

>> No.7668348

I probably will be. I'm used to doing dick-all on Thursdays, first time I'll be walking a con right after getting my badge.

>> No.7669063

Ahhhh, shiiit.

>> No.7669623

how long are thursday badge pickup lines, usually?

>> No.7669797
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I'll be there hosting Horrors of Fanfiction and Oh Dear God There Goes The Internet

>> No.7669891

Once they start moving, pre-reg lines move very fast. Huge line wont be longer then 40min at most.

But, like every fucking con, there will be technical difficulties at some point.

>> No.7669932

Heads up for anyone who cares about the guests, and autograph is going to run you $20+ for most of them. Another $20 for a photo. Enjoy.


>> No.7669963

Maurice LaMarche is free and that's all I give a shit about.

>> No.7669988

That's fairly standard for comic conventions, though. It offsets the appearance fee so the convention is able to get more guests. Anime Conventions usually absorb the cost of appearance fees (which can be several thousand dollars), which is why most cons have few guests.

By making attendees pay for autographs, the guests factor that in and whatever they do not make towards their appearance fee is what the con pays for. More guests usually means more attendees coming to see the guests, means more money in the budget for the convention.

Also you can pick and choose who you want.

>> No.7670540


well at least my wallet wont be very heavy

>> No.7670634

praying reg. line wont be long at 8am on saturday... I planned on only going that day due to a panel I wanted to go at 8am not knowing thats when reg opened as well. What fucking moron scheduled this shit?

>> No.7670825

Yo, at the pool. Ripped abs and all.

>> No.7670922


turns out it was 2 hours btw. anyone who's going in the morning, get there early!

>> No.7670949

I didnt get there til around 9 and didnt see a speedo so I left. I was also fucking hungry.
Any word on a meet tomorrow?

>> No.7670961

yea, was because of, yet again, a technical difficulty (the QR codes they sent everyone werent working). We were at the start of the line though so its all good, ecept the one guy in front of us constantly sperging out and butting into our conversation

>> No.7670987

I've been here in my Speedo since about nine even. I met a bunch of cool people and the black ranger.

>> No.7671492

if anyone is bored, i live in west hartford and know all the cool places around hartford, theres adong's, an asian grocer, a great pho soup place, and an abandoned highway stretch that overlooks the convention center from a distance. I don't really have much to do besides play games..

>> No.7671956

<3 Nerdfit

>> No.7672122

So where are we meeting up? And how do we pick each other out?

>> No.7672131

I'll be at the spot between the con center and con hotel where the ravers hang out. Waving a flag at 1:05.

>> No.7672153
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We be here, waiting for more for just five minutes.

>> No.7672184

We be walking to Moe's

>> No.7672336

1? I thought it was 3. Shit.

>> No.7672735

I'm here right now this is great

>> No.7672867

Raaaaaaave. Top left corner from entry = us having fun.

>> No.7673794

>tfw pulled back in rave and currently in horrible pain
If any of you see a team aqua grunt in cool shades walking around, do him a favor and lend him an icy hot or Vicodin.

>> No.7673811
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>mfw rave

>> No.7673843

I wish I left faster, but then my friend dragged me off to dance and now I'm pretty much a cripple. Don 't give into peer pressure.

>> No.7673860

I just saw 14 year olds grinding and then the smell hit me.

>> No.7673870

Why the fuck are screenings and console games all the way in the hilton?

>> No.7673933

Going again as Faraam (DS2, green tunic, silver armor and helmet), will be with my friend, the Baaz copper dragonborn, most of the time. Come say hi. and let me know if theres a meet up, as I wont have internet.

>> No.7674013

Anybody have any pictures of me? I was Ned Flanders with the "God Hates Cosplayers" sign.

>> No.7674020

You were one of my favorites at the con. Didn't snap a picture but my friends and I had a good laugh.

>> No.7674037

Aww thanks bud. Got some shit from a few people who thought the sign was serious but it was totally worth it.

>> No.7675170


Looks like they're streaming events.

>> No.7675202


Oh god, first entry is horrible belly-dancing Elsa.

>> No.7675347


I saw the sign, but maybe you werent in costume at the time? I think I would have noticed if you were dressed as Ned Flanders.

Love this convention... posting from my hotel room. Can't wait to jump back in tommorrow!
I hope the last day is just as full of vendors.. the last panel i attended ended as the dealers room closed. Still have money to burn. Need more shit.


Love this convention...

>> No.7675516

Anyone see that guy get arrested for harassing the cosplayer?

>> No.7675972

Was it the really fat guy who insisted every very young girl let him take pictures?

>> No.7677832

so did they steal a bunch of photos off the internet to use for their booklet this year? I know last year they just kinda google or DA searched CT con and just took photos without permission from person or photographer.

>> No.7679222

Front Street Bistro across the street. Come watch the World Cup.

>> No.7679313
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my favorite cosplay at ctcon this year was gay baby

>> No.7679704
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Back from CTcon. Fun weekend, I'll start posting some pictures.

>> No.7679712
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>> No.7679719
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>> No.7679723
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>> No.7679733
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>> No.7679741
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>> No.7679753
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>> No.7679762
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>> No.7679768 [DELETED] 
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Fuck, it was kinda blurry but heres that selfie I said I'd post m8.

Best Takarada I've personally ever seen. Should post a few better pics.

>> No.7679771
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>> No.7679777
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>> No.7679789
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>> No.7679809
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>> No.7679815
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>> No.7679835
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>> No.7679859
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>> No.7679884
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>> No.7679903
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>> No.7679913
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Last one, and its a birds eye view of the dealers room. Enjoy!

>> No.7679932

How do you get a picture like that? I've seen the offices overlooking the big rooms, but I have no idea how one gets in there. Do you have to be staff?

>> No.7679950

I was press, that view was from the press room.

>> No.7679953
File: 252 KB, 960x1280, 20140713_111729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shout outs to my Takarada bro, John Freeman here!

Came out a little blurry, but I got better pics anyway.

You also made it into one of those cheesy yet cool mash up vids, Check it out:

>> No.7680322

That was actually a pretty good video. I regret that I didn't get pictures of some of them.

>> No.7680367

Me and a bunch of friends go every year. I didnt attend a whole lot of panels this year, i just got drunk and walked around a lot. I was Nega Scott with the black rickenbacker bass.
Also, we partied with the Nerdfit guys in my room saturday night and they drank every bit of alcohol we had.

>> No.7680402

i want to know more about this

if anyone has any information id appreciate it if you would be so kind as to share it!

>> No.7680479

Anybody else get their stuff stolen? Our bag got picked up during a shoot by some local out casing Riverfest -- the cops around the convention center were useless but once we followed the gps up into the sketchy part of town and flagged down an officer stuff happened -- the guy had a huge collection of phones and wallets he'd picked up from the area, so if your shit went missing try calling the hartford pd

>> No.7680686

Yea riverfest had some ghetto as hell pricks walking around. Just not the right time to have them both at once. Didnt get stuff stolen but by how some of the people acted you could tell it was a matter of time before shit went missing.

Uploading some pics soon, will post them. Lets see some more shots of what people have. Self shots, groups, good, bad, dosnt matter.

>> No.7680816
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Thanks - We always love entertaining people <3



>> No.7680839

Why would CTcon schedule during the same weekend as Riverfest yet again? They were also blocking off access to the con center from certain sides and at one point during the night shut down bridge access all together, so congoers staying at the holiday inn were trapped at-con.

>> No.7682024




>> No.7682242

Yeah that was one of the biggest issues at the Feedback panel.

Too bad the manager was a huge douchenozzle and just smugly shot down any attempts to make requests for a better con with shit like "That costs money"
Don't rent 3 fucking venues then, shitcock.

>> No.7682257

Because nobody wants to see Nicole Marie Jean bring the same three cosplay she always brings to show off, sell overpriced headshots so maybe a modeling agent will accidentally see it, and then be a shitty person to all the people who came to see her behind their backs at a bowling alley nearby.

Source: I'm good friends with some folks who actually know her and she was at an afterparty for an event.
She spent the whole night with her own clique and not so much as interacting with anyone, and was informed that if she's not at the con, she's gonna ignore you.

>> No.7682259

Yep. The ConnectiCon shop is about 10 minutes away from where I live in Hartford. They're in Newington but it's a short drive down the road.

It's a decent tabletop shop. But yeah it's pretty clear the organizers don't give a fuck about anything they don't like.
The main con is about tabletop and webcomic stuff, whereas the panels are almost all stuff that will get them the least amount of people in their way (Homestuck, Doctor Who, whatever the most popular anime is).

Make no mistake.
Every panel at CTCon is designed to keep the "undesirables" out of the main area. People who aren't interested in their tabletop gaming and webcomics.
(Jokes on them, I'm a DW fan, cosplay, and love tabletop games.)

>> No.7682572
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HaruVamp was really nice. She was handing out Youmacon flyers to people, then just walked up, hugged me and started chatting me up. We don't even know each other.


>> No.7682767

If it weren't for the Nerdfit Network I would have stopped going to this shitty con 2 years ago.

>> No.7683072
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I love how honest you guys all are in here.

>> No.7683598

That sounds completely awesome. Some of the "Cosfamous" types are great. Of course, the best of them HATE being called "cosfamous" because they think they're just regular-ass hobbyists and don't want to be treated like fucking celebrities.
The real shitty ones tend to WANT to be treated like royalty.

Cosplay Courtcase is fucking great, too. They're always trying new things to keep the lulls in the courtcase down and the humor/action going. And since it's audience participation, one of the guys who run it confided in me that "it lets us stack the deck if we need to simply by remembering people who performed really well, and we don't have to be shitty and use plants and take away participation".

I was one of the folks talked about for keeping it going (if you were at the 18+ panel, I was the Doctor who had to prosecute GLaDOS for robot slavery)

>> No.7683637
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That's me as Harley Quinn and my boyfriend as the Joker with Selina Kyle yesterday at ConnectiCon we had such a fun time

>> No.7683640

I met you guys there! I was the guy who was tributing my father who passed away.

>> No.7683672
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Just gonna leave this here...

>> No.7683678
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>> No.7683684

I like that Matt Daigle seems to be the level headed one.
>Hey this dudes complaining let's ban him
>I read his whole e-mail and try to respond to criticisms but he's also kind of a whack-job.

I wonder if Brett Black was the fucking turd-mongler with Google Glass at the Feedback panel who kept belittling everyones feedback?

>> No.7683685
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No, what's "sad" Katy is that you have to dress and act as a piss-poor imitation of Tony Stark and have a main event centered all around you as well as take over the masquerade and make it all about you every single fucking year.

>> No.7683694
File: 65 KB, 540x960, 10533375_10152292467213655_6762278578341791713_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They hate trolls yet one of their staff has to hold himself back from trolling a page? Ok then. Sounds like both the staff and attendees at this con are idiots.

>> No.7683709
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Well now I'm sort of glad that I won't be coming back. Not that I ever paid attention to events or panels anyway.

>> No.7683711

The entire masquerade is uploaded here, if anyone is interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmZ1SciwP6Y&

>> No.7683721

this drama happened months ago and has long been a dead horse.
stop trying to re-hash this shit its not as big of a fucking deal as people tried to make it out to be. They spoke about this all, although in an unprofessional manner, in a private group for staff only and thus not meant to be said directly to him.
not to mention what they said wasn't even that bad come on now. grow up.

the last two years have been pretty shitty but this year a lot of stuff improved.
of course there was shit this year that sucked like staff being forward-facing badge nazis and all the creeps that were let to roam around the con.
and that game room set up
wtf ctcon

but other than that it was an improvement.

>> No.7683766

yeah my only real complaint was the gameroom.

Really? Really? I have to ride (and wait for) a public bus for 15 minutes to take a look at the video games? Not only that but with the small, dimly-lit rooms, it's a completely claustrophobic and uncomfortable environment. Much more limited space and selection. It was fucking depressing. I almost felt suicidal by the time I left to go back to the center.

Manage your space better. I don't mind having stuff at the Marriott because it's right on site, but don't make people take a bus to visit the video games and two of the screening rooms. I could see a lot of underutilized space in the dealer's/game rooms that could have better organized. There was room, but you chose to fuck it up and spend extra money on a location completely out of the way in an oppresive environment that nobody wanted to go to.

Disclaimer: I did not attend last year, I do not know if it was this bad or not.

>> No.7683792

Ugh, Katy is such a useless drama whore. Every event they run at that convention functions on a "they're not looking at me, LOOK AT MEEEE." form.

It's why the dating game is half staff members with random dance routines (poorly choreographed and performed at that), and the masquerade is subtitled "the Katy and Ryan show"

Maybe if they put half as much effort into making their events fun for participants as they did into their shitty promotional videos, they'd actually be fun.

Also the roast was just as bad as expected, fucking terrible.

>> No.7683798

It wasn't. It was a bit more crowded, but the dealers room/artists alley was FULL of people and stuff to do, so it felt a lot more alive.

I have thankfully avoided the masquerade two years running.
Although there's definitely a problem with the DeathMatch. A friend of mine was the Doctor and nearly lost the first time because the guy was too much of an idiot to WAIT FOR THE APPLAUSE TO END before going to the other combatant.
So you'd get cheers for one continuing into the other (almost always cheers for the Doctor going to Wario, as he'd stop and do it again), and then the second round was clearly against the Doctors opponent, and he still lost.

Seems personal bias took over more than anything, honestly. That kind of shit isn't cool.

>> No.7683882

Speaking of modeling agent, did anyone see the booth they had in the dealers room? They have a lot of really odd stuff in there, booths I wouldn't have expected at least.

>> No.7683922

I was upset they did away with the zombies. Also all contestants had to sign a release form - lots of litigation for a simple cosplay event.

The death match just wasn't as much fun as past years.

>> No.7684327
File: 112 KB, 1050x698, group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some shots of yourselves, want to see if I saw any of you guys. I'm faraam in this pic (green tunic). Pissed I lost my balaclava so my face shows (and I hated my pics without the helmet on).

Side note: Best friend is the dragon in the pic. Shes not a furry, she just really likes dragonlance.

>> No.7684557
File: 65 KB, 960x720, sunbros4life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit you post on here, small world

Im the Knight Soliare

>> No.7684569

Damn, small world indeed bro. Was fun taking pics with you guys. Havent actually had a good dark souls group shot before.

>> No.7684587

yeah it was alot of fun doing a group shot. Next time i hope to have a slightly better helm, and a better sword besides a stock nerf sword, but that is fretting details. it still got the job done so i cannot bitch.

>> No.7684602
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The dealers room actually had some nice, con legal wooden blades for $10. I upgraded as soon as I saw it. Going to use it for next cosplay (what ever that may be). pic related, sword II bought.

And on a side note: anyone else find it weird how the prop policy was? seemed alot more lax? Though, last one was anime boston and they are still jumpy.

>> No.7684633

damn i wish i knew that, i would have picked one up. and yeah i did notice that they were more lax on the props, they were not even going to ask to put on my shield but i had them just to not have any hiccups

>> No.7684678

i used to go when i lived in ct, like 06/07. Did it really get that worse? It used to be pretty decent.

>> No.7684933
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I had a pretty fun time, I always kind of put it backburner since it's close to home but they always surprise me with guests events and dealers hall, and since it's still pretty laid back it's a great place to catch up with friends.

Post is my cosplay from Saturday, was pretty happy with the response it got

>> No.7685145
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Here is my Classic Harley pose with Red.

>> No.7685244

Yo man, it was so much fun talking to you.
And yeah, I saw. Hopefully my future cosplays can match up.

>> No.7685925
File: 146 KB, 960x960, 10351324_10203225484970259_5732742486217379407_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's what i wore all weekend
hoping for pics!

this year was an improvement from the last two years (which were absolute shit-shows) but it still had some pretty big issues imo.
the staff were assholes as usual and having checkpoints for badges literally everywhere was a bit ridiculous. Not to mention being yelled at for the wind flipping your badge backwards as you walked was a bit ridiculous.
the game room set up was dumb as hell and most people didn't even know there was console gaming and stuff at the Hilton. The "information desk" workers didn't have much information to share at all. My friend asked about the CTCon shirts they sell every year and the guy literally said "I don't know. but they would probably be downstairs if we have them I think"

the amount of shit people were getting away with basically right in front of staff's faces (especially outside during the rave both nights) made all of the staff and security crawling around the place pointless.
they were so worried about everyone's badges that people were allowed to drink/smoke whatever, creepers were creepin HARD, and I literally saw a girl do a line of coke right on the patio.

I think CTCon needs to get its priorities straight

and definitely lower the price. all of the guests that they added last minute were like a last ditch effort to get people to be willing to pay for a pass but at the point they announced all the guests the early bird prices were gone and it was 75 bucks.
they need to add more shit if they want to hike up the price like that. but having not the same guests as the last 3 years was nice.

>> No.7686078

After talking to the douche at the feedback panel, I'm almost certain that those guests were added to screw people who were on the fence.
They had them booked months in advance, but hey let's hold back on announcing them until prices go up.

>> No.7686138

what is up with giving the tabletop games so much space each year? could they just move tabletop gaming to the Hilton and keep video games in the convention center?

>> No.7686147

yeah I figured that was why suddenly ctcon ACTUALLY had some new guests after recycling the same handful of mediocre guests for 4 years. and after everyone said no to ctcon after the price hike.
it would make sense for them to wait until the price was maxed out to announce all of these shiny new guests that people would actually want.
it doesn't surprise me that ctcon would do something sneaky like that after all the drama that happened after last year

>> No.7686148

The guys in charge love tabletops, not video games or anime or sci-fi and definitely not anything that's not "all ages".

>> No.7686234


then they should try to do things that will encourage more people to try out tabletop gaming. there's a lot of cons in this area, so if CTCon wants to specialize in being an all-ages tabletop oriented con, they should figure out how to capitalize on that. i don't even think it would be necessarily a bad thing, with up-and-coming cons like hartford comic-con poised to take a share of ctcon's attendees. but they advertise themselves as multi-genre/multi-media, so that's what people expect, and when they don't give actual space to what people expect, they're just screwing themselves over...

>> No.7686731

>Hartford Comic-con

I had no idea that this was even a thing. Is it any good? I live 15 minutes away from Hartford

>> No.7686743

It was pretty fun. First year this year.

Also I live IN Hartford at the moment, so I was right around the corner.

>> No.7686845


it showed a lot of promise for a first-year con. the artist alley was great. they only ran one panel at a time, but they had decent guests and it was generally well-organized.

>> No.7687574

That's cool, I'll have to remember to check it out if I get a chance next year

>> No.7688935

Been going to this 'Con since the beginning cuz it's local. Go every year and have fun because all my friends are there. Made friends with all sorts, guests, press, artists, staff, volunteers, LEOs, etc. Also checked out larger cons, smaller cons, near and far.

The one thing I don't get about everybody bitchin and comparing Convention costs is that no one takes into account TRAVEL EXPENSES! Your usually talking a difference of what $10-15? At most maybe $30 for something like AAC. If your from the surrounding Hartford area like me good luck spending less than that on GAS money alone. Plus most people I've known over the years never takes into account wear and tear on their vehicle. Everything wears down on a vehicle. Oil, Transmission fluid, coolant, tires, shocks, brakes, etc. Know this isn't /o/ and took me years to realize this myself but it's somethin to consider.

Worked for an consulted at various businesses and whenever they pay mileage they pay a hell of a lot more than just gas money alone due to all that. Even known dumb-ass managers that don't take shit like that into account and land up spending more time (which equals $$) on the road than it's actually worth. For a position they THINK pays more or helps them with their career. Don't forget, if you gotta take off extra time for work to hit the road and drive through Jersey or wherever, that's time you could have been on the clock making $$.

Oh yeah, and the FUCKING tolls! Almost forgot, worked a booth at Otakon one year and forgot to take those into account. Landed up costing me more working the even than I made that weekend.

OTOH I can understand if your already from a further away surrounding area, like some of my friend from Mass, NH, Vermont, that aren't happy with the price hike cuz it does factor in. But then, most of them are smart enough to do what I do every year and pre-reg 6 months ahead of time. Doesn't matter which 'Con you go to, doing so will usually save like $20-30.

>> No.7688945

Didn't know they banned Zombies, was that cuz they caused too much of a mess? Didn't really notice until you pointed it out. Heard lots of other Cons have banned Homestuckers cuz of all the problems with their damn paint as well.

>> No.7688952

>Check out this noob who things that everyone who goes to ctcon actually lives in hartford.

Pst, most people don't want to live in your cesspit of a town.

>> No.7689052


hmm... now, where have i seen that unusual contraction of "convention" before?

posting anonymously when you have a recognizable typing quirk like that is a bit silly lol.

>> No.7689154

don't live in Hartford. Said surrounding area. Also can't stand the city. You go from ghetto to ritzy from East to West. Point is the same.

>> No.7690431

Was I the only one who didn't have a problem with the badge checkers? Nobody in my group bought a badge, fucked around the con all weekend, times were had by all.

>> No.7690468

I'll bite. Any juicy gossip?

>> No.7691084

we got hounded for peacebonding literally the second we walked into the con space. not even on the main floor, didn't even have badges yet, just YOU NEED THAT CHECKED. RIGHT NOW. it was on a very obvious foam and wood spear, so it's not like we were flashing anything realistic.

>> No.7691168

My girlfriend and I went back to the holiday inn around 8:30 on saturday right as the fireworks were going off, didn't get into the hotel until 9:30 and didn't get out until 10:30. At one point i just turned my car off for like 20 minuted because the foot traffic wasn't letting cars move at all.

>> No.7691435

Strange. Had my shit weapon checked on the first day and after I bought the wooden one they didnt bother me at all.

>> No.7691810

they tagged my fucking bass guitar the second i got there.

>> No.7692618

This is part of the problem. It was so inconsistent. One minute I'm being hollered at about my badge, the next nobody seems to care that I had my badge tucked away and walked into the fucking expo hall.

>> No.7696928
