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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 73 KB, 704x960, 10458102_707756995950068_4304180205675757749_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7646198 No.7646198[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

gimme all 'ya got.

>> No.7646229

Not really cringeworthy, I mean it's a solid attempt.
Don't call it "cringeworthy" thread if all you're posting is average/mediocre cosplays.

>> No.7646242

Pretty sure her cosplay is store bought. Also agreeing that this isn't really cringeworthy, just kinda "okay so she bought the costume and has a limp wig and no makeup?"

>> No.7648082 [DELETED] 
File: 209 KB, 246x369, Screen Shot 2014-07-01 at 9.43.04 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy "jai-wei-pon" is your classic weeb that thinks they're amazing at cosplay when actually.... well look for yourself.... this is their 'human male monobear' yeah you can just tell how ... AMAZING HE IS!!!!

>> No.7648083

ahhh MCC is where the dramu is at.

>> No.7648111 [DELETED] 

This is the stuff of nightmares.

>> No.7648138
File: 15 KB, 204x424, whytho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't seen Mickey (Miki?) here in a while.

>> No.7648143

I don't get how some fat fucks have shirts that are so illfitting. Especially cutsew type materials. Like fuck.

>> No.7648530

The hand in the pocket is creeping me out

>> No.7648635

MCC is such a joke, I am so embarrassed by the things people post to the FB wall.

>> No.7648945

... that's a she?

>> No.7649190

Then why don't you just leave the group? It's not like you'd be missing out on anything.

>> No.7649233

So close to leaving at one point but all the dramu is so beautiful I can't stay away can I?

Specially that recent argument I was so tempted to screen cap and post here. Too bad they deleted it.

Sage for off topic?

>> No.7650142

oh shes still around being the "kawaii" queen of demi sexual lesbian itas. still giving shit advice and being a weeb.

>> No.7650147
File: 893 KB, 200x130, 1403496624280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my John Cena cosplay

>> No.7650176
File: 102 KB, 300x327, 1392780349226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone give me a link on this girl?

>> No.7650541

loligothroseprincess on youtube; she links to everything else there.

>> No.7650584
File: 828 KB, 402x526, baby_deer_by_loligothroseangel-d7a81u8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visits channel

Also I think this girl may be legitimately retarded. Many adults can't draw worth shit but at least they're aware of it and don't plaster it all over the internet like a ten-year-old.

>> No.7650611


did she just fucking say lolitas are rape victims

>> No.7650626

The fuck.
It kind of looks like she was trying to make a distinction in the beginning between the name (e.g. Dolores Haze is nicknamed Lolita), the fashion and whatever Emily Autumn is singing about... but it's not working. At all.

Is this girl in a community anywhere? Stories? I can't tell if she'd be the type to behave like an idiot IRL or if she's the quiet type who then flees back to her blog to complain how nobody showered her with attention and lolitas are all elitist fatshaming bitches.

>> No.7650631

this is the kind of shit that makes it look like a sex thing

I lol that the definitions don't mean shit, since Autumn just blurs them all together anyways

>> No.7650814

She's in the North carolina comm. She went to the Easter meet at least, though I've never talked to her. Though someone said they overheard her getting kind of upset at a meetup? I don't know anything about it though

>> No.7650936


I went to the Easter meetup and she talked to me at one point. She complimented me on my BtSSB dress, and then proceeded to tell me that she would NEVER EVER buy from them EVER, because she went to visit the San Francisco store they wouldn't let her look at their clothes because of her size (since nothing would fit her) and how terrible that was, etc. I think she was trying to get sympathy, but it came off as kind of rude... I don't like replicas, but I'm not going to walk up to someone wearing a replica, compliment them on it, and then go on a tirade against replicas. It was weird. Other than that she was fine, though. I don't necessarily think that she was even trying to be rude to me or anything, it seemed like she was just really socially awkward and didn't know when she was crossing a line. Anyway, that's the only story I've got.

But overall, the meetup was great. We have enough well-dressed and polite people in the NC comm that it makes up for this kind of thing.

>> No.7651254


I was watching some videos from one of the lolita youtubers I do really like, and I saw that mikki had commented on one with this:

"I don't really watch Pokemon, because of all the fighting and stuff makes me feel sad for the Pokemon. I always cry when they get hurt, so I could never get into it.... But my favorite is Sylveon! :D"

Like srsly???

>> No.7651256

Oh my god. She's like a parody. Someone made her up to be as insufferable as possible.

>> No.7651329
File: 211 KB, 629x947, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7651394

>being a landwhale cunt

landwhale cunt pls, fuck off already

>> No.7651419

This girl is unbelievable. Why in the world would she expect to waddle into Baby and be allowed to try on the clothes? Can you imagine how upset someone would be buying a stretched out dress "new" from the store??

>> No.7651657

Wow that's really unbelievable. Also despite all her plus pride and showcasing and whatnot she seems really insecure about it...it all seems like sort of overcorrection to me.

>> No.7651659

She posts useless shit like this all over Facebook and Facebook groups. I don't know if she does it on sales posts since I don't follow LSE but I wouldn't be surprised at all.

>> No.7651684

Everyone who's really aggressively into anything "Pride" related is always insecure as fuck and overcompensating. Well adjusted people don't need to go on about how great they are all the time, they just get on with it. I think real self confidence is pretty quiet.

>> No.7652470



>> No.7652597

> "Hello darlings! My name is Miki and I'm a demisexual lesbian"

Stopped right there.

>> No.7652752
File: 82 KB, 716x960, Elsa Im 50 and still want to build a snowman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a cringeworthy Anna to go with your Elsa MCC

>> No.7652766

sounds like one of the famous itas we ran out of the comm, who went on a tirade about brand and how everyone should buy from indie seamstresses... while wearing a replica of chess chocolate.

>> No.7652937

Wow who was that? I've been in the comm a long time and I don't know who that is. Is she sort of efamous now/wears mostly bubblegoth?

>> No.7653105

no, she wears and makes steampunk now. it wasn't NC comm, another one. sorry for the confusion!

>> No.7653136

I can't be entirely sure but I think this is shooped

>> No.7653142

Is she like 70 or something?

>> No.7653152

Jelly fatty detected.

>> No.7653157

Obviously unshopped! I smell vendetta!

>> No.7653177
File: 433 KB, 424x878, Screen Shot 2014-07-04 at 4.23.15 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure but she has been a make-up/face painter/children's entertainer who has worked on over 200 theatre production! (non-professional circuit).
You think after all that experience you would have some talent, right?
Well after seeing pic related, obviously proves that experienced doesn't necessarily mean more skilled.

>> No.7653191

>has been a make-up artist/face painter/children's entertainer for over 20 years and has worked on over 200 (non-professional) theatre productions.*

Derp, welp, time for bed

>> No.7653194
File: 113 KB, 962x637, katawacringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7653339


Is this the same nasty ita that can't shut up about the tattoo on her boobs and sells badly sewn garbage in every AA?

>> No.7655467
File: 187 KB, 280x198, srsly what ron.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf was he expecting recognition?

>> No.7655563
File: 38 KB, 576x1024, brenner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lawrence Brenner siting at AX today. https://twitter.com/lawrencebrenner/status/485117763208228864/photo/1

>> No.7656090

just had a baby? i believe we're talking of the same girl.

>> No.7660574
File: 162 KB, 945x845, dorothy_and_alice_by_loligothroseangel-d7en68n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why the lips are bothering me so much but they are SO AWFUL.

>> No.7660587

This is exactly what my drawings looked like in second or third grade. I had a self portrait (lol) that looked uncannily like that.

>> No.7660604

Same. I'm proud to say I have vastly improved.

>> No.7660657

I think I see eraser marks...I wonder what her standards are for what stays and what gets erased.

>> No.7661399
File: 114 KB, 867x923, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after photoshopping?! seriously?!?

>> No.7661407


this literally just looks like two blobs thrown on top of each other.
and wtf is with cro's fucking beak yo.

>> No.7661623

Did you need to post this in two threads?

>> No.7661652

the other thread is dead and wouldnt bump. clean the sand out anon

>> No.7661706
File: 200 KB, 283x387, Picture 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7661802
File: 34 KB, 411x720, 10525845_655870727837318_8595412926286733138_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her teeth. her fucking teeth.

>> No.7661804

She could be really pretty if she got them sorted. Nothing wrong with the rest of her face and she can clearly do passable make-up. Somehow that makes it much worse.

>> No.7661807
File: 355 KB, 1153x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest from MCC

>> No.7661847
File: 35 KB, 480x640, 10500349_659259400828456_2058730063800924777_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Was going in gyaru to work the first time for month now


>> No.7661856

oh god. i saw this in mcc. should we just start a thread about that group cause its a dump

>> No.7661862

It's cute in an odd sort of way

>> No.7661882

Aw, those teeth are kinda adorable haha.

>> No.7661884
File: 128 KB, 816x960, annacos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7661888

I am a sucker for buck teeth and front teeth with gaps. This is just adorable.

>> No.7661904
File: 2.01 MB, 1024x1248, me_and_england__dancing__by_loligothroseangel-d7a84cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drawn while me and Arthur were dating... <3
...how can she be a lesbian if she's 'dating' APH England?

>> No.7662079

>"please ma'am, you're scaring the children"

>> No.7662166

>Anon calls out obvious vendetta post
Vendettanon is the one being sandy. If you have to repost something over and over until someone finally hates on it, you are a very sad person.

>> No.7662280

dear god.....i-igirisu-kun is that really you
>somehow reminded of dracula

>> No.7662406

Only 3D males are pig disgusting, fictional males are totemo kawaii~

>> No.7662496

Was thinking of who she looks like for a while, but it hit me. Gilly from Game of Thrones.

>> No.7662506
File: 31 KB, 504x630, 90 year old poodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7662513
File: 72 KB, 800x600, bad dbz cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7662517
File: 74 KB, 500x667, captain planet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumpin' some cringe

>> No.7662522
File: 139 KB, 564x829, nightmare spike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7662530
File: 38 KB, 512x600, flash tryin to be fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7662537
File: 59 KB, 500x667, naked nia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic terrified janitor pic.

>> No.7662539
File: 46 KB, 577x700, save the whales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7662550
File: 228 KB, 400x300, Pikminlink_and_Me_by_PrincessSheik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Link, mai husbando, came to my quincienera. :^)"

>> No.7662739

>flip-flops inside the morph suit

>> No.7662749

Get some oc please, we've seen all of this.

>> No.7662761
File: 227 KB, 500x395, moNObear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not op of those, but hey, this person started following me 5 minutes ago

>> No.7662838

I'd fuck that Link tho

>> No.7662859

>being this new

>> No.7662863

Wait is there some sort of husbando hiring event service or something?

>> No.7662873
File: 54 KB, 380x500, juggernaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get us some OC then. If you're gonna bitch about lack of OC, come up with OC.

>> No.7662881

>being this mad
you must be on the fat fucks in the picture lel

>> No.7662888
File: 64 KB, 678x960, probably just shoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7662893
File: 29 KB, 500x375, shit nigga wat r u doin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7662894

haha oh wow

>> No.7662896
File: 1.43 MB, 1682x2253, a bad star platinum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7662905
File: 114 KB, 1024x768, eren_titan_cosplay_by_surferbrg-d7i5pse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7662918
File: 31 KB, 640x412, wtf spongebob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doofy shooping

He? (God I hope it's a he) isn't hard on the eyes, but.... whyyyyyyy?

>> No.7663286
File: 105 KB, 960x720, 10454319_10152093972162563_4852656897539774873_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god

>> No.7663372

eeeh she's making a distinction from a book. a poor distinction at that.

>> No.7663384

not even cringeworthy, that shits done for sake of humor. it's only cringeworthy if it's done awful and in a serious manner. bigger dude drawing on abs is just hilarious.

>> No.7663501

So why does she draw herself thin if she's all about *~marshmallow pride~* or whatever?

>> No.7664534

Because she clearly can't draw for shit.

>> No.7664585

I think it may have been more about the story of lolita, and "loli" type girls. Like pedophiles attracted to little girls. Like the girls who wear the frilly "loli" outfits.
The gothic part might be there solely because it's Emily Autumn.
It's stupid as fuck that it's on her channel, it has nothing to do with the Lolita fashion jesus christ

>> No.7664596

Imagine the pit stains she would leave too.
I hate when people get mad over this, it's a fucking hygiene issue. These dresses cost hundreds of dollars.

>> No.7664599

.... she? are you sure?

>> No.7664603

those type of teeth can be really cute, it just doesn't fit her at all

>> No.7664607

oh anon-chan!!! don't you know Arthur is a pre-op demisexual otherkin trans girl???
she's also black and disabled!!!

>> No.7664610

fuck lol.

>> No.7664632

please do it. MCC is either decent cosplays or utter shit looking for asspats

>> No.7664649
File: 39 KB, 694x960, 10258558_10204060806981959_4936775005893671285_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

latest post from MCC

>> No.7664677

>paint totally fucked up
>bad seams
>armsocks falling down
>turd horns
>fat roxy with wrong colours

god i hope the end of the comic means the end of this bullshit

>> No.7664685
File: 44 KB, 370x603, goodbadugly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this that guy who cosplays as sonic cosplaying as other characters?

I can feel the cringe coming from the good looking chibi moon

>> No.7664691
File: 688 KB, 2000x2679, madokanopleasegodno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skeletor madoka(?)

>> No.7664694
File: 2.84 MB, 5760x4272, 0b982bb38c804531a9978ccc6485cf3b_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wa lolita
>dr. who
two bad things that go worse together

>> No.7664703
File: 141 KB, 960x960, 2993388481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is supposed to be vanguard.

>> No.7664712

I think you mean nippledoka

>> No.7664718
File: 394 KB, 503x743, v attends class.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7664726

where are their necks??

>> No.7664734

Holy shit, did someone take a knife to her face because of how bad her costume is?

>> No.7664751

I wish I took a picture of the black guy at Anime Expo who took the stuffing out of a spongebob plush and cut holes in its eyes and wore it as a mask.

>> No.7666737
File: 119 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n8f2hhbwcK1r3by1to2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask and you shall recieve, anon.

>> No.7666742

in the AX tag.....
why does the mark on her chest look like it's just taped on....

>> No.7666745
File: 89 KB, 640x960, 10509529_259662250891972_2652175758292890866_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic drop oops

>> No.7666754
File: 482 KB, 500x274, sumire.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen this pic I don't know how many times, but I just realized she tried to do the kawaii anime cheek blush

>> No.7666779

I hate the lace on the sleeve, but this is REALLY cute.

>> No.7666879
File: 58 KB, 841x433, 10402692_323681637783620_6666892375170229541_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

facebook Wonderneepoos

I literally just ran into these people online and i have no idea why they are popular at all.
This is gross. Like i watched their youtube video with making out and i felt sick, I know people like yaoi but 2 guys kissing or even fucking in real isn't yaoi it's gay sex. Also i'm pretty sure one of these guys has a vagina.

>> No.7666909
File: 81 KB, 720x960, diaper time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7666912

Ok, how did she even get this on, is it that big? I thought they ran small...

>> No.7666918

Think it goes up to 120cm in bust and 108cm in the waist.

>> No.7666925
File: 74 KB, 470x513, Screen Shot 2014-07-09 at 12.38.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

butter my biscuits and call me daddy

>> No.7666970

butter my daddy and call me biscuits

>> No.7666981

daddy my biscuits and call me butter

>> No.7666983


>> No.7667006

I am scared for my life of those faces.

>> No.7667123

Girl on the left has perfect legs ;_;

>> No.7667148

Jfc then why do fatty-chans complain that all burando is small. That's huge.

>> No.7667293

Not that anon, but I know, right? AP and Meta often have blouses with back shirring that go to something like 120cm bust, JSKs with full back shirring stretch like crazy...the cosmic skirt had 99cm waist, ffs, and skirts are often smaller.

>> No.7667327
File: 12 KB, 230x219, goback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7667358

I wish we had a thread for every bullshit tumblr story

>> No.7667362

fun, ever hear of it?

>> No.7667398

Half of tumblr texposts are bullshit someone made up for notes, especially the "wacky" "OMG UIZE, u wont believe what my dad just said!!11" stories.

>> No.7667407

which is why I wish there was a thread to make fun of them

>> No.7667415
File: 267 KB, 900x596, 1396443349426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's cute in a way.

>> No.7667422
File: 420 KB, 600x900, usagi a whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here goes my childhood

>> No.7667425
File: 376 KB, 600x800, 2571798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try not to cringe, I dare you.

>> No.7667430
File: 42 KB, 453x600, cringy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7667434
File: 45 KB, 343x602, 11010274jm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7667450
File: 502 KB, 972x647, what kind of bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7667770

> Yaoi plastered all over the walls
This is amazing in its own right. At least they have decent bodies??

>> No.7667822
File: 101 KB, 698x960, 1451508_1467790900102376_2126567721_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough photoshop in the world can make this any better.

>> No.7667914

Fucking melonpan

>> No.7667922

The closet cosplay is strong here. It looks like a cut up T-Shirt with a cardigan and some other shit that would "pass".

>> No.7667950

Madara nooo...

>> No.7667953

I think the best part is that it's actually a fairly well constructed zentai, as far as Sonic costumes go.

>> No.7667990

Yeah, I was taken aback when she said that. And then I stopped taking her seriously.

>> No.7668064

Oh man I was at that con and I saw them. Didn't know they were at that booth though

>> No.7668356


>> No.7668423
File: 820 KB, 495x616, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.7668473
File: 235 KB, 400x300, 1393102737183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, this guy or the big black shitty scooby doo were the absolute worst at AX

>> No.7668482

i actually kinda think this is cute...just not all at once, too strong this way. i wonder how her skin is so clear though? photoshop? some kinda pore-reducing makeup stuff?

>> No.7668491
File: 19 KB, 241x274, hehtransparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wa-Lolita plus fandom shit
>Wa Lolita plus fandom shit made with shitty cotton and lace


>> No.7668497

Not that anon but I'm on cgl for the cosplay and I can't believe lolitas hate wa-lolita but think gyaru shit is ok, ex. >>7668482

>> No.7668498

Wow, she's gorgeous.

>> No.7668513
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, 1403741690761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7668516
File: 217 KB, 320x264, 710bb505c5e6ca15138221d76540dca2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw ero is more accepted than wa

>> No.7668617
File: 57 KB, 400x534, tumblr_n8elhaygH61qm9g2zo2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you care enough to put on your makeup why wouldn't you shave....

>> No.7668622

she didn't just NOT shave

that's a good week's growth.

they probs are just one of those people that doesn't shave

>> No.7668665

Oh she's always a hit and miss. This is a very good miss.

>> No.7668673

I guess that's one way to get out of wig detangling

>> No.7668680

I saw this on my dash today and I keep wondering, she's one of those girls who goes without shaving and shit, probably because muh patriarchy muh rights, yet she has her brows plucked.

I don't get it.

>> No.7668694



>> No.7668724

That's more than a weeks growth. I have thich dark hair and went through some bad times a while back where I'd not shave for a week or so at a time. That hair is likely grown to its full length, meaning yeah, she never shaves. Why do they think this is 'cool'?

>> No.7668747
File: 301 KB, 500x773, http%3A%2F%2F38.media.tumblr.com%2F611c12dc7628b6398cb9457dfa3ae2aa%2Ftumblr_n8ef6xp9j21rms5soo1_1280-1026739893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that one of those Edgy Moon AUs tumblr keeps shitting out to try to make feminist mouthpieces out of an Eastern morals shoujo?

>pic related, don't dead open inside

>> No.7669172

Eh, I get my eyebrows/face done and hardly ever shave my armpits too. It doesn't bother me to have hair there, and my skin gets irritated easily, so I don't see the point. Personal preference.

>> No.7669184

It's because Wa is done poorly 90% of the time. Either the garment itself is badly made or it's worn by girls who do not know how to wear yukata or kimono correctly so it looks weird. At worst, it's BOTH.

>> No.7669186

>kills self in anger
I don't even care about the SJW bullshit, tumblr should die just for what it's done to sailor moon

>> No.7669197

lolita is a different fashion with different standards though
It's like saying "I can't believe you don't like tutus when you're wearing goth, you wear them in fairy kei"

>> No.7669219

Jesus Christ I am so sick of this punk AU shit.

>> No.7669247

It's kind of ironic because there was a big stink awhile ago about how neckbeards were going to make Sailor Moon the next MLP and ruin it.

>> No.7669292

That doesn't even make sense.

A large part of the western Sailor Moon fandom has been male since the fucking 90s.

You can't kick us out now.

>> No.7669296

I'd like the cosplay if it weren't for the shitty fucking skirt.
I actually like the concept of edgy mahou shoujos.
The whole biker theme is getting old and obnoxious though

>> No.7669324

Yeah you could do it for comfort or personal preference, but that girl is fucking showing it off like a trophy.

>> No.7669326

Male Sailor Moon fans aren't anything like bronies, they are actually really awesome. The only complaint I have is you know all of them fap to their senshi of choice but they're not really obvious about it so you can't really complain.

>> No.7669327
File: 36 KB, 720x405, 1234376_10202052738779450_307206145_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Slutty Levi"

>> No.7669384

This is a very confusing picture.

>> No.7669441

Levi would never stand to be in a room with that kind of mess on the floor. Regardless of his state of dress.

>> No.7669494

Yeah she looks just like Gilly to me. I also hate gap teeth with a passion. She could be cute if she fixed her teeth.

>> No.7670095

The pose looks like some generic "sexy" pose, so I'm kind of willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that it's not just to show her hairy pits.

...that's a girl, isn't it? For fuck's sake.

>> No.7670135

because shaving is a pain and some people prefer not to do it

>> No.7670198
File: 70 KB, 400x534, tumblr_n7dmlkRkXQ1qm9g2zo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, I've always hated this person. She always makes stupid faces in her photos, it's really annoying. cgl seemed to like her fairy kei transformation video, but I thought it was crap. Also that mole.

Pic related, dumb face.

>> No.7670200

I feel like I can see pubes coming out from her underwear near her butt. Tell me that's just my imagination.

>> No.7670204
File: 768 KB, 500x340, 1400721878852.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm seeing it too anon

>> No.7670207

Racist AND terrible!

Always a winning combo

>> No.7670320

God, I fucking hate this face she makes in all of her pictures. I also get irked by the fact that she/they insist/s on being all ~~genderqueer~~ while being biologically female and presenting as such. Why??
I think she looks good in >>7668617 though, that poorly done decora just doesn't do her any favors.

>> No.7670672

thats pretty cute.

>> No.7670678
File: 113 KB, 600x600, E21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7671254

Oh thank god im not the only one. I had to unfollow for that reason. Same stupid fucking face every single time.

>> No.7671289

She makes such an unflattering face, too... I don't get it.

Goes to show anyone with money can become a popular ~kawaii blogger~ regardless of looks. It's kind of inspirational, almost.

>> No.7671381 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 720x445, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my local pastel goth community. The leader is almost 50 years old and most of the members are married with kids (tweens at that). I guess i'll never join.

>> No.7671399

their children must be so embarrassed

>> No.7671416 [DELETED] 

They don't allow any guys into the meets cause "no pervs allowed". Complain if people don't post stuff in the group page and if you post something creepy or morbid, they take it off cause they're a kid friendly group.

>> No.7671480
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>> No.7672229

that actually looks nice.... not necessarily like the original, but it ain't too bad either.

>> No.7672232
File: 40 KB, 550x412, datshoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7672235

its a shoop

>> No.7672249

but at least it's really well made

>> No.7672386
File: 72 KB, 500x556, rock&amp;roll mcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was just a skinny lad, never knew no good from bad~...

>> No.7672388
File: 56 KB, 467x700, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7672410

So it's normal for Baby to not let fat girls even look at their clothes? Or do they just not let them try them on? Either way that's kind of fucked up, sorry. Having a firm "you break/rip/stretch/damage it, you buy it" policy is fine, but to not even let them look at the clothes? And that girl in the picture would definitely fit some of Baby's fully shirred items. I'm sorry I just don't understand. Is this just general cgl fatty hatred blowing things out of proportion?

>> No.7672419

I think it's because she feels like plucking her eyebrows but does not feel like shaving her pits, hth.

>> No.7672429

Man Fey is a god

>> No.7672436

Private businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone. Most Lolita shops won't let ANYone try on cutsews and I don't doubt they'd do the same if they feared a big girl would stretch the dresses even if 'fully shirred would fit'. In better boutiques, they also do not just let you try on any old thing, they give you your size if they have it and say 'I'm sorry' if they don't. I always laugh to myself when something like this is brought up, like it's something unusual when it's common in lots of shops with comparably priced clothing.

>> No.7672441

Yea but what about just LOOKING at it? Like, ok, don't let her try it on, but not LOOK? That's harsh....

>> No.7672446

I got hustled out of a Lane Bryant at the mall when younger when a striped shirt caught my eye. I was a stringbean and a massive sales lady blocked my path and loudly told me they didn't carry clothes in my size. It happens. My friends thought it was hilarious but I was embarrassed so there you go.

>> No.7672449

And I have the right to think something's fucked up. I'm not pursuing legal action, just leaving a comment on a message board, so their rights as a small business aren't relevant.
Anyway I was only really bothered by the idea that they weren't even allowed to look at (i.e. pick up and examine) the clothes.
Still, if you have any tact it's not that hard to show someone something won't fit without being rude. Maybe she overreacted, I don't know.

>> No.7672454

Could be either, you are correct. I was just pointing out that it's not isolated nor likely to just be some rare hatred Btssb has for fattys. The shop workers are usually low-paid part-timers.

>> No.7672455

Also fucked up. I had some lady in there give me the elevator eyes (judgmental, not sexy) and tell me I needed a different cut of jeans because of *insert comments about my body*. She could have just nicely asked if I understood their bullshit color/shape system.
Like seriously lady I'm already shopping at the fatty store, I don't need help feeling shitty about myself.

>> No.7672457

"Rare" hatred for fatties lmao

>> No.7672461
File: 181 KB, 368x429, tumblr_inline_msvdnsrpg01qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she would make a good titan from AoT. The smiling titan would actually be a good fit.

>> No.7672464

I hate when people do that lets face it in real nobody is going to look at you that way.
As someone who has gone threw surgery people like do piss me off, she looks 1000% female, i have no problem with non binary people but people like this just use the label because it's trendy on tumblr.
And also people can bull shirt about any subject known to man but for some reason nobody thinks people can bull shit about gender, well i got news for you, you can, like any other thing people can be wrong.

>> No.7672499


pick one

>> No.7672525

she's tumblrfag ita with a propensity for causing drama, do you really need to ask if she was overreacting or making shit up?

>> No.7672539

I have no idea who the hell she is, so it's hard to weigh her potential insanity against cgl's fatty hate. I'll just assume everyone is a piece of shit, self included. Safest course of action on 4chan.

>> No.7672557

No lie, I thought that was Evgeni Plushenko from the thumbnail/

>> No.7672590

That's rude as hell, what if you were buying something for someone else?

>> No.7672646

Agreed, whether you're a fatty being given helpful advice in a store that doesn't carry your size ("um, there's nothing here for you" thanks for the help, I guess I should wait outside while my friends shop??) or a thin person being given the eye at a plus size store and told you're not a "real woman" by their signs, it's all shitty.

>> No.7672988 [DELETED] 
File: 175 KB, 405x1459, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one. I need a photo that doesn't cut out her "quality" chainsaw.

>> No.7672992
File: 21 KB, 464x506, waat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck? Li Kovacs went to your quincinera? I call buttshit

>> No.7673251


i smell ita-chan

>> No.7673278

I' m not like the other girls syndrome.

>> No.7673293

For a bunch of feminists tumblr is really fucking sexist
>I'm not an irrational wanna-be homemaker, I must be a man, teehee!

>> No.7673321

not trying to be incendiary, genuinely curious, but in your opinion then, how should non-binary people represent themselves? constantly in a state of in between?

>> No.7673358

that literally looks exactly like how my friend used to draw when she was 10/11.

>> No.7673398

Tumblr users call themselves feminist but they don't understand feminist theory or reference any reputable feminist lit.
>multiple systems
Its Mary Sues in gender identity form

>> No.7673546

I am legitimately angry at this. I love those Alice and Dorothy so much, and to see them reduced to this is just infuriating.

>> No.7673550

I kind of want to draw this, just to see how far I can get it away from it.

>> No.7673617

>>multiple systems
That is literally a mental illness that's played up as a little quirk because "MUH DISCRIMINATION". I throw up in my mouth a little every time I stumble upon one of them.

Non-binary seems to be more about gender stereotypes/gender roles than anything else. How are you genderqueer when you full-time present yourself as/assume the role of the gender you were assigned to?
Plus, there's the tumblr brand of "I wore pants yesterday and today I'm wearing a skirt, totes genderqueer!".

>> No.7673625

The mental health community is pretty divided on what is now called dissociative identity disorder. The original study that covered it came out later as a hoax, and many mental health professionals don't believe that it exists. So yeah, every time dumblr talks about that shit I cringe to the max.

>> No.7673629

Yeah, I know, but personally, I'm on the fence about it. Either way, that just makes it worse.

>> No.7673633

Agreed. Tumblr grinds my gears, as someone who studies gender issues. As uninformed extremists, they set the movements they claim to support back.

>> No.7673640

This, pretty much. It has also made me incredibly sceptical of issues like genderqueer/aromantic/asexual, because everyone and their mom wants to be queer on this website. I tend towards just not believing people, which sucks.

>> No.7673642

It is unfortunate, indeed. Special snowflakes everywhere. I have some friends who are actually genderqueer and they cannon stand that shit.

>> No.7673653

The funny thing here is, the Naruto is so fat, he makes Sakura look skinny

>> No.7673909

Please don't write off all feminists who use tumblr as a platform. There are a lot of young people on there who are just learning about feminism (and gender issues), and yeah they don't really get it yet, and yeah they are way too vocal but that is how young people are. They're annoying and embarrassing no matter what it is that they're enthusiastic about.
There are some good feminist bloggers on there too.

>> No.7673942

To be true I don't really panic about shaving, doesn't mean I'm trying to be 'cool' or something I simply don't care to do it.

>> No.7674137
File: 422 KB, 1864x2804, rbOvSj0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She claims to have started this a few months before Jnigger. But she's not a professional cosplayer so she couldn't finish it in two weeks like jnigger did. The bullshit is strong with this one.

>> No.7674203

Am I the only one who cruises these threads just to see if my own shit is here? And then is relieved when is it not.

>> No.7674308

I think it's kind of really cute. She looks like a little bunny

>> No.7674333
File: 1.10 MB, 3512x2100, yaoigirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a thing, btw no problem with non binary peeps or crossdressing trans men, i do have a problem with dumb fucks like this.

>> No.7674351

It's kinda funny because if a cis male is crossdressing and does drag as a hobbie and ANYONE calls him miss or she. He isn't offended because he is acting and presenting female nothing to be upset about. Yet these girls who have to be in the middle get so offended when they act and present 100% female 100% of the time. I don't get it.

>> No.7674360

she's cute in a "this is my retarded little sister" way

>> No.7674369

I think some tumblr users are glorifying being transgendered for some reason and really it's damaging to trans people and it makes it hard for people to take you seriously in real life.

>> No.7674388
File: 16 KB, 375x375, 3408586560_58b40cceaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70% of tumblr

>> No.7674393

costumes not bad but jesus the skit was god awful

>> No.7674407

is... is that samanosuke from onimusha??? what the fuck man

>> No.7674424

>trying to make cosplay as accurate as possible

>> No.7674642

Shh anon you have perfect legs.

But if you feel you don't (and you're not handicapped in a way that holds you back), then know that you have all the ability to make yourself the best version of you. You hold your life in your hands. Remember how you feel now, and use that memory to change every day for the better. Make yourself who you want to be, just stay healthy and happy while doing it. Have a beautiful day anon.

>> No.7675571

You're a cool person.

>> No.7678550
File: 27 KB, 640x480, 001-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7678825

i think honestly she just blew it out of proportion. shes very fake and very much a drama queen. they probably wouldn't let her try everything on so she decided she was some sort of victim.

>> No.7682626

Same, there are legit nb people, who present androgynously and/or experience some kind of diagnosed dysphoria while not wanting to transition, but these fucking snowflakes I swear to god. Have you noticed how they have the gall to refer to themselves as trans while presenting as their assigned gender 24/7 and associate their 'transness' with being otherkin as well? And then they have the courage to attack actual trans people for wanting to pass and be finally comfortable with their body? One day they'll probably grow out of this phase and happily move on, without ever facing the consequences of harrassing people in the most disgusting ways during their totes trans phase.

>> No.7682650

I don't want to call myself nonbinary or talk about my identity or dysphoria at all because of those people. They make me so mad. Nobody's going to take them seriously because they're obviously just doing it to "get out" of being a woman because they want to be like their kawaii yaois and they know they never can. Fucking sexist pigs.

>> No.7682655

This is exactly how my drawings looked when I was 9

>> No.7682679

Personally I think they really suit the edgydesu~ look and pose better that way but their 'kawaii' looks are never quite there and their facial expressions for fairy kei are not cute

>> No.7682773

My favorite thing is when they treat gender as a choice: oh you are ftm?? Scum! You're a cis male who doesn't want to change his gender? Scum! You trans person with dysphoria are telling me you want to transition and laugh at my bun pronous? Stop trying to make transness into your personal snowflake badge! (lol the irony)

I'm very sorry that you and many other people have to feel like this and be mocked because of these assholes.

>> No.7682794

w-where does she work?

>> No.7682801

This cant not be a joke

>> No.7682806

Can we use ham/ham/hams/hamself for the hamplanets yet? Cause, y'know, I want to do things correctly here.

>> No.7682823

If she had a different lipstick that matched the non-pastel parts fo the top part of her face this would be wicked awesome.

>> No.7682830

I stared for like 10 minutes I still cant remember what this show is

>> No.7682843

happened to me too, but at a different store. i'd been to this store YEARS ago and they had all sizes, i got some cute stuff when i was in in like 9th grade.

went again a lifetime later, turns out they'd changed to all plus sizes. i had no idea. i went inside to look for a bathing suit, and before i could even ask where they were, the associate looked at me like i was a piece of shit and said "UMM, SO, OUR CLOTHING STARTS AT SIZE HAM...."

what if i'd come in for accessories? like i can't fucking come in to look at jewelry or shoes or something? you only sell fat bracelets here?

anyway, i was shocked and pretty embarrassed by this outburt of hers, so i just pretended i was looking for a swimsuit to fit my pregnant friend/coworker. never been back since.

>> No.7682872

...seriously? Hey Arnold.

>> No.7682879

Hey Arnold.

>> No.7682882
File: 122 KB, 442x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7682951

You are so new, but I'll give you some sauce.

>This crazy chick falls in love with Pikminlink.
>Doesn't realize Pikminlink is female.
>Does this crazy awful shoop.
>Posts it on DA how she's with her husbando.

>> No.7682963

I once saw a post that said "if u feel u might not be cis, please consider being trans"
>implying it's a choice

seriously if i could freely identify my gender i'd say i'm genderqueer but bc of all these irritating people there's no way in hell i'd even mention my gender on tumblr.
hell, i'd never label myself as trans despite my gender being a total blurry mess of bullshit

>> No.7682969

What's so cringe about this? Her face is a little off-putting but solid construction. 7/10 if she made that herself.

>> No.7683000

There's a "brolita" like this in my comm. FtM with no interest in transitioning, chose a unisex name, long hair, makeup, wears girly clothes 24/7 and lolita to meets, then throws a hissy fit when a newbie or a stranger misgenders him. It happens nearly every big meet. They're in their mid twenties and show no sign of ever growing out of it.

>> No.7683463



>> No.7683511

How about them sequins?

>> No.7683564

>tfw mtf trans
>tfw have been transitioning for about half a year
>tfw i have to go stealth and avoid talking to people about it due to the shame that tumblr users make me feel
Seriously, fuck Tumblr users and their special snowflake horseshit. I'm so sick of all of these obnoxious transtrenders and all of their ~*sexualities*~ and ~*pronouns*~. They need a reality check, and fast. I can't wait for them to feel shame when looking back on their tumblr phases.

>> No.7683668

The sad thing is that most trans/non-binary people don't even get mad when you misgender them, they correct you and move on.
It's a sure-fire way to spot the fakes.

>> No.7683691

>multiple systems
I used to be one of these special snowflakes, honestly years later I can't even explain what I was thinking. I definitely had some kind of mental problems but it certainly wasn't DID. A lot of my friends had the same problem at the same time, and they weren't usually the speshul snowflake type.

>> No.7683697

Can someone explain to me WHY there are so many transtenders? Like do they really think that because they're ~not like the other girls~ they must be men? Is it a yaoi obsession? Wanting to be special and oppressed? Idgi

>> No.7683700

Actually, anger at misgendering comes from insecurity. That insecurity can be seen in someone early or pre transition (before they feel more comfortable in their body) or transtrenders because they have to defend their self-proclaimed identity.

My local transsexual support group discusses this pretty frequently. Once we started the physical transition, it's the consensus that we stopped getting our pants twisted over misgendering.

>> No.7683703

When I was a young teenager I had fictional characters from different series as imaginary friends and roleplayed with them in my head. If tumblr were around then I might've been dragged into the multiple system thing, too.
Really I was just a lonely weeb. I suspect many of these kids are, they're just in a bad environment with some cray cray adults who egg them on while they should know better.

>> No.7683707

Ahaha yes, let's please do this

>> No.7683719

I think a lot of adults just don't know about tumblr or what's really going on. They hear about trans* people in the media and then their kid comes to them and explains they don't feel comfortable (using language probably borrowed from real trans) and present all this "research" (also from tumblr). Adults don't know about yaoibois or transtenders or any of that shit. A lot of professional psychologists probably have no idea either. Teen phases used to be like you'd dress a little weird, maybe try some drugs, not pretending to be a man.
>mfw I still say "adults" but clearly am one myself

>> No.7683790

I think you just had an active imagination, and were trying to find your identity through characters you liked. I think a lot of people (especially nerdy kids) were like this.

When I was younger I was like that a little myself. My internet access was very limited, though, and there were not as many communities dedicated to that sort of thing at the time, so I just sort of grew out of it (or more accurately I focused my imagination towards other things). I don't think otherkin are necessarily bad people, but I do think the community itself is toxic. It encourages a lot of unhealthy behaviors. And with the hugbox that is Tumblr, no one can question it and these people take it to extremes and never grow out of it.

>> No.7683796

Yeah, I agree. I can see myself getting really involved with the DID community on tumblr if it existed back then. I would probably be really concerned about my sexual identity too but I generally kept bullshit like that to myself.
Otherkin actually did exist but everyone acknowledge they were stupid.

>> No.7683812
File: 35 KB, 464x696, 10436158_654715257937277_8924584138374126631_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the make up

>> No.7684096
File: 6 KB, 257x181, laughingdong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dark S-

>> No.7684154

I call bullshit, the Baby in Kyoto offered to let me try on the dress I was picking up for a friend despite being obviously American and kind of pudgy. Feel like things would definitely be more stringent in Japan than in the US, it was probably just the case of a bitchy part-timer and not actually store policy if it happened at all.

>> No.7684303

I love you.

>> No.7684315

That's true, i have had surgery myself and can grow a small beard but people still address me as "she" sometimes, i don't even bother saying anything most of the time. I probably never see them again in my life and if someone becomes a friend or coworker they will know.

>> No.7684318


>> No.7684339
File: 1.18 MB, 2448x3264, 20130531_190649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7687254

bump it up

>> No.7687269
File: 18 KB, 465x233, sassy-black-woman_zpsc43e429f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, the idea of a sassy black woman Lust is intriguing...
>"Don't you be snapping them fingers at me, Mustang! Mah nails gonna mess you up!"

>> No.7687270
File: 66 KB, 717x960, 10429354_660492154045228_2347225889049726548_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7687292


you wouldn't even fucking know about these tumblr users if it wasn't for /pol/ plastering their shit everywhere and you buying into it by hating some dumb kids nobody would care about otherwise.

I've encountered a couple of people like this in the local con scene but they are nowhere near enough of a presence to shame me out of being trans, that's ridiculous. they exist to a degree but they way they're implemented, like many tumblrisms, are as a bogeyman, and a lot of them really are genuine non-binaries that the more traditionalists haven't come around to letting in.

>> No.7687306


That's, um, not true at all.

Being misgendered can be really shitty. Like it's pretty blatant I'm presenting as female most of the time, there's almost never any reason to gender me male. I don't know any dudes that have a voice like mine aside from maybe beginner transdudes.

If it's a genuine mistake I'll correct someone and move on.

I think that in the case of the mentioned brolita, you kind of do have to be practical though. Even if you identify as male, and other people should respect that, if you present in a feminine manner and look female people are going to read female. I mean if you think about it, most brolitas would probably take it as a compliment if they were gendered female.

I think they just desperately want to be traps. idk how to even deal with that. I don't think they're ruining being trans for me and the idea of that is amazingly childish, being trans isn't like being into metal or some shit.

>> No.7687316
File: 77 KB, 640x960, cutepixie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to fuck melonpan

>> No.7687322

hey guess what go fuck yourself back to tumblr

>> No.7687340


trannies did not exist before tumblr this is true

tumblr was invented in 1968 by andy warhol so candy darling could be a girl and they could fuck

>> No.7687349

Hey they're not that bad, at least they're not asking for ham pronouns.
Being misgendered isn't nice but i personally i try not to take offensive to it. I don't think people are trying to be cruel or rude most of the time.

>> No.7687357


a lot of people genuinely just don't want trans people to complain about anything ever and use the demisnowflakes to guilt us into being doormats, which is part of what ruined /lgbt/ before it even started. so much self loathing.

>> No.7687362
File: 1.35 MB, 1600x1000, fairy-mary-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I kind of want to be Tinkerbell but since i'm chubby i'm thinking I could just be Fairy Mary who's just as cool anyway.

>> No.7687368
File: 106 KB, 720x960, healthjustice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7687373
File: 69 KB, 720x960, 10377252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ did someone hit him on the head?

>> No.7687391
File: 99 KB, 911x960, 10498391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen, I give you Gimp Suit Venom.

>> No.7687392


*black suit Spiderman

>> No.7687411
File: 214 KB, 960x910, krama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7687417
File: 96 KB, 960x960, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7687428
File: 534 KB, 500x281, ledouche.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, gimp suit venom

>> No.7687508

Wow, you're retarded.

>> No.7687552


it's obviously black carnage.

>> No.7687553

Do you ... "like" these people?

>> No.7687691

Most of this shit isn't cringe, it's pure nightmare fuel.

>> No.7688170

You should re-read my post. I said that they don't openly get mad, they correct you and move on. People on tumblr will yell at you and call you an asshole for not asking about pronouns first, then complain for three paragraphs about the horrible discrimination they have suffered etc etc. I never said that they don't feel bad about it/don't care.

>> No.7688172

I'm 20 and I'm still like this, it started when I was 6. I never even would've thought of calling myself a multiple system. Sometimes you really need to take a step back and re-evaluate.

>> No.7688234

Is that vagina supposed to be subtle?

>> No.7688786


>> No.7689861

please learn how to take a joke.