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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 61 KB, 200x200, arcthumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7645984 No.7645984 [Reply] [Original]

It's 10 days to ArcadeCon and there still isn't a schedule on the website. Anyone fancy going into a convention with no idea of what events to expect?

>> No.7646577

Not stopping them from shrieking away about it in the meantime on Facebook though.

I've never come across a convention more full of itself.

"Yay, we sold another pre-reg ticket."
"Yay, I did a cosplay, woo ArcadeCon."

Spare me.

>> No.7646612

It's actually ridiculous that they're this close to the con and they don't seem to have any idea what they're doing. Seriously, get your shit together or don't run a con.

>> No.7646839

It's surprising that the convention is still going with the people who run it. They couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery. Good luck to anyone who bought a ticket already, have fun with the guessing game of what you're in for and when.

>> No.7646926

What's the bet that Declan, Matthew and Naomi rush in here in a while with their army of spastic fanspawn and go on a series of out and out threadbombing?


>> No.7646965
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Well, I mean I DONT work for Arcade Con or anything, but a con THAT big has to be super awesome! And I'm sure They have awesome things planned ;]
I pre-regged super early, ya gots to, right?

>> No.7646967

Aracde Con 2013:
>27 degrees
>2 and a half hour pre-reg queue in the sun
>Staff: "Only the first 100 people got t-shirts"


>> No.7646969
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Arcadecon is the Beta male of the Irish con scene.

>> No.7646971

It's a given, it happens every AC/Irish con thread.

What's more annoying is that I used to hear great things about AC and wanted to go for ages, but this shit is putting me off. What if I turn up and the events are shit? What events are even on? Any talks, panels, screenings?

Oh well, plenty more cons to save my money for.

>> No.7646972

>super awesome
You have to be 18 to post on 4chan.

>> No.7646982


Yeah, since we have a con almost every weekend in this country there are plenty of better ones out there.

>> No.7646988

Pendleton Ward has no social skills and his shows are shit.

V.I.P. my hole.

>> No.7646991

I'v been to 2 Arcade cons, their events are shit, unless you like LoL. Lots and lots of LoL.
they have screenings and panels with guests and thats kind of it.

>> No.7646993

I'm organising something for the convention and I've been given no details of what day/time I'm on, how long I'll have, what kind of place I'll be in, literally no details apart from the idea of what I'm doing.
I also have to buy a ticket to the con even though I'm essentially supplying an event free gratis. Is that standard fare? I've done something like this before and not been charged but I knew the organisers so maybe that's why, I never really questioned it.

>> No.7646998


I heard that LoL players are all socially maladjusted.

>> No.7647006


Nah, most cons will give you at least a discount if not a free ticket. Arcade just suck.

>> No.7647013

>Irish con thread

Bring on the drama!

>> No.7647017

I dont play the game, though some of the character designs are interesting. But from what I'v seen of them, they are a mixed bunch.

most of the so called, 'casual' ones, i.e the ones that aren't playing it to compete, and just play it for fun, are pretty chill.

>> No.7647027


I'm going on second info info, being honest with ya. Most of the stories I've heard of the average LoL player would make for interesting reading in a psychiatrist's lair.

Then again as with everything, it's the sins of a few that are enough to make anyone refrain from approaching the game but then again many of the people who play it or probably really easy-going.

No offence to anyone who plays LoL and is not a headcase.

>> No.7647031


That should have been "second hand info".

>> No.7647037

thats bullshit, a proper con would let you in free, or at least half price and be organised to send you some info BY NOW. Its gettin on, like

>> No.7647055

Well I guess a good point is I'm met only a few who really play it for fun, most seem to think that Esports is gonna get them rich and famous, or something.
I'v also met a few LoL eh...'teams' which SOO much latent homosexual undercurrent, its awkward.

>> No.7647061


Apropos of nothing, I know a dude who plays LoL. He is definitely less psychologically imbalanced than his girlfriend, who is very interested in going into psychiatry. He's cool. He's the chillest guy I know and always manages to calm me down when I'm freaking out over mundane stuff like not doing well in school.

>> No.7647088


Speaking of homosexual undercurrent, I heard ArcadeCon was full of poofs.

>> No.7647882

The master Poof race took over many year ago

>> No.7648167

anon its always been the gayest con in Ireland

>> No.7648483



>> No.7649109
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No, no, I heard Declans straight now. Not a dick sucking whore anymore, apparently

I mean, doesn't make him any LESS of a faggot

>> No.7649313


Many know him "Dicklan" for what he is and for what he loves.

>> No.7650377

If Dicklan is straight then i think he lost 80% of his personality.

>> No.7650699

This is so fucking true.

On another note is anyone keeping track, do they hate weebs, or love weebs now?

>> No.7651061
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Enough said

>> No.7651139


News to me that he had one to begin with.

>> No.7652625


>> No.7653656
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So, who's going? I'm surprised by the lack of cheerleaders on one hand and perturbed by the amount of negative vibes from the posting as it stands...

Anybody here with a middle ground point of view or a lack of bias concerning the people running the event and more concerning the actual quality of the panels, guests, etc?

Most importantly does my arse look big in this?

>> No.7654663

I don't care about all the moaning about staff, I had fun last year so I'm going again this year. All my con friends go to Arcade and the time of year and location suit me so I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.7654846
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Expecting positivity on 4chan

Attention bait posted this morning:

>> No.7655183

dear god that babying mentality
>yay everyone's a winner now let's take out a circle of paper and try to finish our work on the letter "a"!

i agree though, that nobody needs to be the outspoken dick who gives tubby teenagers complexes.
that's what we have this place for. come here... or don't. your call

>> No.7656238

I mostly agree, but none of those tubby cosplays are good. And using Tumblr as a reference is just...no, dont ever.

>> No.7656969

Yeah there's a BIT more wrong with that "BAD" cosplay than the subject being overweight. I mean, is that a water pistol as a prop?

>> No.7657090

I really liked the staff last year minus the people in the games room. Couple of them were cool, but the rest were cringe. Like i heard last year that some girl took an asthma attack after the con ended and a couple of staff went on a hunt for an inhaler to help her. And that wasn't the girl who fainted at the end of the closing ceremony. Pretty cool imo

>> No.7657215

Has anyone heard anything about the AMV competition? There's nothing listed on the website but on the FB page the organisers said it was on.

>> No.7657223


Hopefully they also called the ambulance in case the attack got worse, right?

>> No.7657268


Neither do I to be frank. It seems a bit too childish for my liking really when push comes to shove. I go to cons to meet old friends, walk out with a ton of merch, spend silly amounts of money in the bar and laugh myself into a coma regardless of the convention.

All the rest of this drama kerfuffle neither amuses nor irritates me, in fact, it goes up one nostril and down the other.

Just like cocaine.

>> No.7657362

An ambulance was arriving as I was leaving (Declan was leading it in) so I presume so, although it could have been for the girl who fainted, IDK.

Yep. Only drama I like is shit like PT or Heroes of Cosplay where I can just laugh. Cons are for cosplay for me so I don't give a damn about the people running it as long as I have a good time and it's hopefully not as hot as last year.

>> No.7658231


The hotel was fitted with Air con this year and the staff have full access to it. If it's too hot, let them know.

But don't be stupid and blame them for it "being too hot" last year. Yes, the hotel was stupid by leaving the heating on and denying staff access to use it, and take in to account that it was 31 degrees or something last year. Can't blame the con on how hot the climate was.

>> No.7658682

Oh sweet, that's great! Absolutely not blaming the staff for the heat, it was just unfortunate that the weather decided "oh hey, it's summer" that weekend and the space became hot fast. I did feel that the area was a little small for the number of people (especially right before the masquerade, boy was that not fun) which probably added to the heat but hopefully this year it'll be better.

>> No.7659859

I've just moved to Dublin and I'm trying to meet people who are into cosplay. Should I go to ArcadeCon or is there any cosplay meet-ups here?

>> No.7659952

There are occasional meetups but I think cons are your best bet for meeting people! Try joining some of the con groups on Facebook too, Arcadecon has one and there's also Cosplay Ireland Chat which might be a good bet. There'll be a few 15 year olds with no clue what's going on but you'll find some people and most meetups get posted by whoever's organising them. Welcome to Dublin!

>> No.7659989


>> No.7659997

Tldr something about faggots

>> No.7660029

YEah no, the problem with cosplay in this country is we don't judge enough. I swear we skipped the talented trend setter stage and went straight for the weeb freak shows.

>> No.7660089

There wasn't a single event or panel worth going to last year. Even the "professional" cosplayers looked like their costumes had been made by 5 years olds. I'd rather spend the €35 entrance fee in the pub with people who don't interject random Japanese words into their sentences.

>> No.7660093



>> No.7660576

If someone is trying AT ALL they can become a popular cosplayer in this country.
Meanwhile, the people that actually give a shit go mostly under the radar, because they REALLY only do it as a hobby, and not to be 'internet famous'

>> No.7661733

blah, even if i didn't know the bullshit that goes on behind Arcadecon, it would still be a shit con. the events are boring, the staff are assholes, the hotel is expensive and stuffy, the attendees are faggots and the general feel of the con is that it's up it's own arse. brocon, akumakon, eirtakon, all good, chilled out and much better cons to go to.

>> No.7661744

Speaking of "cosplay famous" and all that malarkey, what are your feelings about cosplay facebook pages/when it's appropriate to make one? I feel like I'm not prolific or well known enough to have one, I tend to only make one or two cosplays a year but at the same time I'd like to have a page I could post cosplay on and direct people to, especially one that's separate from my personal page. I have a dA that I've had since 2008 but I haven't updated it in years and everyone seems to have moved to facebook anyway. What do you guys think?

>> No.7661755


Agreed. Eirtakon though it does get very busy and crowded throughout the weekend has always been a good one to go to and there's always varietyy. Always liked Akumakon as well and Brocon is great as well, doesn't try to be anything that it isn't but still has plenty of interesting panels and a much friendlier vibe for both than you get at the Dublin events.

Less ego driven and pretention or more about people having fun.

>> No.7661903

If you want to make one then make one. There isn't a single person in Ireland who is up to international standard but that hasn't stopped the rest of them.

>> No.7662283


I'm going to hazard a guess in saying that most of the people here having a whingefest about the standard of Irish cosplay have never made an attempt to cosplay themselves but are all too content to pass judgement on people who are making an effort.

i.e. Fuck away and put your money where your mouth is and give it a go yourselves. I'm sure your attempts will be even shittier.

>> No.7662352

lol, you sound bitter. Judging from the thread its not an uncommon feeling, though.

>> No.7662759

"Not up to International Standard" is just that, not up to international standard. Just because nobody in Ireland is perfect yet doesn't mean you should be complacent. I keep seeing Irish cosplayers saying things like "Well, at least I TRIED!" and "I'm just doing this for FUN!"

Like the people you see from other countries in excellent costumes don't try. Like they're not doing it for fun.

>> No.7662907


I'm up the blocks at the moment, you see.

Everything's giving me a reason to moan at this moment in time.

Misery loves company though and I can tell that everyone here is at the very least as pleasant as I am.

>> No.7664884


>> No.7664904
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Cosplay famous

>> No.7665057

Too true, people here don't bother trying harder because they think it's "good enough". There's nothing to push them to work harder. The best cosplayers here would be considered mediocre at cons in other countries. They aren't really "making an effort" most of them wear off the rack bought cosplayers and don;t even bother altering them. It's laziness and telling them they are great just for trying is counter productive.

>> No.7665374


>> No.7665873

Oh this Deadpoo!! Seen him at conventions walking around looking for people to stop him so he can talk about how great he is. He got mega angry at people calling that shirt yellow........cause it's not???

>> No.7668339

but it is yellow? Is he colour bind?

>> No.7668351
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That is exactly the attitude that got you this far, Ireland. Keep on rocking.

>> No.7669663
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>> No.7669666
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>> No.7669923
File: 52 KB, 640x640, 10464084_504101669723802_4250940397791268948_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is apparently the same shirt in different lighting

>> No.7669941

Is it just me or is that a complety different shirt?
Size wise it doesn't match up with the yellow one.

>> No.7670300

yeah, looks so

>> No.7670957


I think it's the same shirt, just badly taken in. The hem on the sleeves and especially the bottom is pretty sloppy.

The colour change down to lighting though? Not sure I'm buying that.
As if there is any fathomable reason to lie... It just seems really fuckin' weird.

>> No.7671670
File: 169 KB, 1024x1820, rei_portrait_by_cairdiuil-d7j7e9i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the subject of people being popular for doing shite, this girl is always doing this fucking Rei cosplay and she always looks terrible. She does other cosplays, but she does the same eye makeup for everything.

>> No.7671768
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These yokes

>> No.7671770

Don't think I've ever seen her in anything but a Rei cosplay.

>> No.7671871

If thats the same shirt then im mrs doubtfire
Feckin colourblind muppet

>> No.7672011

>Those gloves
Literally 0/10 for fingers

>> No.7672024

These guys are actually pretty good though.

She aint popular. But she sure does like to think she is

>> No.7672027
File: 37 KB, 400x221, 3051.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents saw her on TV when she did that interview on some morning show in a C.C. cosplay.
My dad gave out to ME for it.
"Would you not tell her to brush her wig out?! YOU KNOW STUFF ABOUT WIGS YOU WEAR THEM ALL THE TIME. And what was that dress? Anon, what's wrong with those girls???"
>mfw Da, I wear Lolita not cosplay. And I don't know these people.

>> No.7672033

>bought Spiderman suit
>crappy wig
>pretty good


>> No.7672043
File: 25 KB, 400x300, 2040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've said it before and I'll say it again, this girl needs to do a Bubblegum Crisis 2040 cosplay.

She has a face that'd be suited to a mid-90's anime adult character.

>> No.7672368

Dat Yellow Shirt!

>> No.7672463
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So how was day 1, nerdlingers? The queue looked fucking awful. Any guesses about whether it'll be as bad as that tomorrow morning?
>in b4 ur going to Arcadecon lel
>in b4 ur a faggot

>> No.7672505

So, what you'd make a Spidey suit from scratch yeah?
are you kidding me?

>> No.7672536

Jesus christ, is the reaction to all criticism in the Irish cosplay scene really 'OMG U DO IT THEN IF UR SO GR8 how dare you insult ATTEMPTS??'

>> No.7672550 [DELETED] 

Pretty much. >>7665057 is a good example of that.

>> No.7672576

Pretty sure that ain't from scratch judging from his previous "costumes"

>> No.7672580

Yes. As exemplified by >>7662283

>> No.7673574

Someone's a little cranky.

>> No.7673748


It's the truth, though. There's a lot of people here who piss and moan about other people at least having the guts to giving it a go, while doing nothing themselves except shit-posting on 4chan.

Pathetic really when you think about it.

>> No.7673775

So, people who actually went yesterday/are going today, whats the scoop?

Anyone faint yet?

>> No.7673835

If not making it from scratch, then at least customizing it. Or making your own webslinger accessories. He could fucking distress it, or even alter it so it doesn't sag over his face? Christ, what in your mind marks the difference between cosplay and the most casual of casual "I just threw this on" costumes that you'd see normalfags wear to a Halloween piss-up?

>> No.7673995


>> No.7674906

Are there any good panels/events on tomorrow?

>> No.7674939


Then either ignore the criticism or take the sound ones in to make yourself better. There is no excuse to not take criticism in, and there's no reason for the moaners and pissers to stop moaning and pissing, so might as well make the best of it.

Why are some other countries' cosplays and cons so much better? It's for the same reason everything in Ireland is so inefficient and barely working while in other places people have efficiency down to a T. I see this everywhere and it drives me insane - every time I critique a module for instance, it's met with "oh but we made another aspect better! The tests are not as bad as last year! You should be thankful that the scheduling isn't as bad!" This sort of attitude drives me insane. Sure, it could be worse, but why settle for something that barely works when one could make it better?

>> No.7674964


I showed my friend her linkedin profile and my friend was embarrassed for her.

>> No.7675107

Have you seen her Deviantart?

>> No.7675113


Yup, that's a disaster in itself.

Apparently she's nice IRL, but she's also probably not the brightest crayon in the box.

>> No.7675116

Link? Does she try to peddle herself as a "professional cosplayer" or is it just a lulzy normal LinkedIn?

>> No.7675333

can we leave her alone? There are far worse cosplayers in ireland and it's not very nice. Lets get back to the matter at hand! How was the con today?

>> No.7675348

Did anyone go to the "geek privilege"(?) panel? How was it?

>> No.7677201

I went to the Worbla panel and thought it was pretty good, she brought samples to let us all try it out and I can definitely see a lot of applications of it for cosplay. Didn't make it to anything else other than entering the masquerade and a mini photoshoot though. Hopefully going to a few more panels today.

>> No.7678185


>> No.7678557

>No girls und panzer stuff at the trade hall

I am disappoint.

>> No.7678753

I enjoyed the weekend, standard of cosplay wasn't that high, wasn't anything that stood out as being amazing. also the cosplay guest was so lacklustre, I don't think anyone really knew who she was and it was kinda awkward having her out in the sitting area instead of in the trade hall.

>> No.7678811

Some good guests but otherwise very meh

>> No.7678828

The fucking ques! They were seriously taking the piss the whole weekend. Treating attendees like cattle. Fucking aweful weekend. Pen ward was surprisingly nice however. Never going to go to arace again though. Poor management and zero fucks to give.

>> No.7679002

I didn't have to queue once all weekend? Don't know what you're referring to to be honest.

>> No.7679043

If you were stupid enough to attend worstcon then you have no right to complain.

>> No.7679672

I went for a few hours today but left as I was way too bored. Anyway not going to make that mistake again.

>> No.7679748

Did you go to anything or did you just turn up, walk around, and expect panels and events to be spoonfed to you?

>> No.7682342

I thought the winners of the masquerade weren't that great, the guy as Maleficent had good props but his dress wasn't very good/accurate and seemed to be held together by safety pins at the back. The Margaery and Joffery were pretty good, although Margaery's dress wasn't fitting all that well. I like the prop winner's work and the Ellie was fine. I thought there were better cosplays that could have won though.

>> No.7682449

Now that it's all over, does anyone have any photos to share?

>> No.7682654

Could be worse, it could be Pedo con like Nom Com a few years back, 22 year old with a 15 year old girlfriend

>> No.7682720

You mean that one incident that had nothing to do with the actual con, and wasn't something the staff could have had control over as its a personal matter between the couple, the attendees taking offence and the families involved? Yep, I remember that, totally ruined the con for me. I still have nightmares about it.

>> No.7682754

There's a few on the Arcadecon tag on Tumblr, but I'd be interested to see some other ones as well.

>> No.7682825


It's all immoral as far as I'm concerned.

Round up the paedos and the faggots and deport them.

>> No.7682913

>Apparently she's nice IRL, but she's also probably not the brightest crayon in the box.

Very nice, very friendly, and very enthusiastic - but a complete airhead.

>> No.7682932

Cool guests, no events, badly organised, shit timetable, no signposts, lack of atmosphere, bad trade hall (seriously forbidden planet? They're in dublin anyway - I go to cons to get stuff I can't get otherwise!), stuffy venue...

Complete pack of amateurs. Declan and his band of merry 15 year-old fagit followers can go fuck off and stop running shitcon k

>> No.7682945

It was way too hot and I'm glad I only ended up going the Sunday instead of buying a weekend pass because I think I would have gotten bored quickly. The best parts for me were having a jfashion panel where the person actually knew their shit and also a lot of the artists selling prints were really, really good. So I had a good day but realistically one day was enough.

>> No.7682954

All this whining about people is why the rest of the Irish nerd scene looks down on cosplayers. All this drama distracts from the elfgame and drinking. HTH.

>> No.7682981

Oh god I think I know them but I must have missed this, what happened?

>> No.7683005

To be fair whilst those two girls in question were one of the reasons that years Nom Con was branded Pedo Con, the main reason was due to Missiechan showing Lolicon (which is considered child pornography in Ireland) even after Nom Con was informed by attendees that it was illegal after the first Nom Con.

She and the other lady running the hentai panel were warned by other committee members not to show Lolicon and they went ahead and showed it anyway.

From what I've heard the rest of the committee vetted the panel beforehand but Missie conveniently left out the Lolicon when she submitted the panel for vetting

Needless to say that was Missiechan's last year on the committee

>> No.7683010


It could be worse, it could be Aka Con...

>> No.7683038

I was there all weekend from the Thursday to the Sunday and I must say it was a little disappointing and got that from a good few people too.

The entire weekend was quiet and a little dead for any fun.Mostly card and board gamers flocked around the tables and took up all the space,which just kinda bored me when I saw them.Nothing wrong with it at all just bore's me.

Event's were kinda meh,nothing new or exciting,couldn't care for screeners,I prefer to watch stuff at home and take it in rather then be in a room full of stuffy smelly people which was alot this year.I think people forgot how to shower this con.

A few things went wrong due to a panel or two going on longer then expected.But nothing serious.

Crowds were significantly down from last year.You could really notice it.

And as for cosplay it was a genrally meh.Some stood out and looked good but some were the same ol same ol shite. and storebought rubbish pretending to be ''best of''

All in all Arcade con was alright but disappointing

>> No.7683046

Be fair, Anon, no one went to Aka

>> No.7683083

Wasn't Aka set up because it's organiser had a falling out with the rest of the Nom Con committee after the first con, left and joined Arcade Con committee, then had a falling out with someone on the AC con committee after the first con and then was all 'I'll run my own con!'?

>> No.7683089

My favourite part of the con was when someone asked Pendleton Ward a shipping question and he replied 'none of your business'

>> No.7683095

That's pretty much how every con started.Nom con was started because they were butt hurt over eirtakon,then arcade con was started because of nom con,then akuma and so on so forth.

>> No.7683121

Why were the Nom Con people butthurt over Eirtakon?

I thought most of the cons were pretty cool with each other

Were any of the usual drama monger attendees at the con?

>> No.7683126

Was a thing years ago over not being mentioned helping set it up and then being left out of things and excluded.

>> No.7683144

It was because of Nathan.

He's a massive fag anyway. No one else had any problems with anyone. He's literally the reason any and all shit started.

>> No.7683169

Nathan's gay? I thought that Maeve girl was his girlfriend

>> No.7683178

I think he meant ''fag'' in the derogatory term and not the sexual way

>> No.7683191

I think you'll find it was actually shota. She's not gay, just a paedo. Anything involving MIssiechan is just a big ball of no in general, though. Speaking of, any Corkfags know how Kaizoku-Con went? I think she was on the committee for that.

>> No.7683193

Everyone's gay on 4chan, and if you didn't know that you're too young to be on here

>> No.7683202

Awkward placing of panels n shit, but nothing worse than any other con. You'd never tell it was their first year

>> No.7683205

Went well for a first year con actually a little boring at times but for a collage con they really did there best and look forward to next year just with a little more stuff set up and it be great.Cork is a shithole though

>> No.7683207

Is Leigh Walsh still boycotting ArcadeCon?

>> No.7683212

I think she's just boycotting anything and everything that disagrees with her at this point

>> No.7683213

Uh no, I was at the hentai panel first two years of Nom Con and there was definately lolicon there, their guest walked out of the panel the first year because there was Lolicon featuring Card Captor Sakura

>> No.7683218

Ah shit, really? Sorry. I'm sure there was something with her involving shota as well, I could be getting mixed up.

>> No.7683224

No he left because he was drunk,I had to help him out of the bathroom because he passed out.But the hentai panels they did were wrong and why hentai panels aren't a good idea in general

>> No.7683229

No she showed shota,a good bit as it's her ''fetish'' I guess you would say.By the way she's a childminder by trade.

>> No.7683231
File: 1.01 MB, 300x219, nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first thread in ages about Irish cons
>immediately sinks to the cancer of lolicon and dramoo
>this is why we can't have nice things

>> No.7683237

Be fair, anon, this is one the most civil con threads we've ever had, nobody's even yelling at anyone. Nothing wrong with a bit of bitching, it's what /cgl/ was founded on.

>> No.7683244

She's just a little messed up!
Google 40 year old virgin channel 4 and you'll find a documentary with her in it.
It's on 4OD

>> No.7683252

>jfashion panel

Deets? The only jfashion related thing I've been to an Irish con was a fashion show and it was woeful.

>> No.7683274

Ah no, I'm good friends with the girl involved and she's genuinely a good lolita, nothing to do with any of those trainwrecks. She lurks here as well, I'm sure she'll be happy to see people enjoyed it!

>> No.7683290

It was basically the best thing possible to take any potential itas in the room and tell them plz no. She got a load of laughs and though it would take a year to cover EVERYTHING she got a lot into it, it was pretty much a class on how to start wearing lolita and skip straight to actually looking decent.

>> No.7683297

Leigh Walsh is gone and best forgotten.
Everyone is wise to her acts.

>> No.7683304

I was there with her, she's a good friend of mine too and people came up to her afterwards and said it was the best jfashion or lolita related panel they'd seen. People seemed really happy with it, and for good reason! The room was full as well, it went really well.

>> No.7683363

On no, I wasn't insinuating she wasn't into shota, just the stuff she showed at the hentai panels was Lolicon.

At Kitacon one year she sang a song about shotas during the skits, I wouldn't doubt that she's into that sort of shit. Another year they cut the sound during her performance during the skits at Kita because she was singing a song about drug taking

>> No.7683366

Oh god, poor Kita, they seem to get a lot of her shite. Anyone seen the video of that "lolita stand-up" thing she did there? Dat second-hand embarrassment.

>> No.7683371

Seems like she's going to Nom Con this year, she probably won't be recognised though as she self-administered estrogen and looks quite a bit different

>> No.7683373

All skit's are second hand embarrassment

>> No.7683393

Harsh but true. I'm not sure why they're even a thing, I've never seen one that didn't make me want to claw my eyes out.

>> No.7683400
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....Suuuure, ok. I'll reserve judgement until I see her

>> No.7683448
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So where are all the con pics at?

>> No.7683449
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>> No.7683452

I didn't see her there this year. By the way does anyone know why Scowny wasn't there this year?

>> No.7683454

Didn't Arcade Con have a lack of skits this year? Seems like they realised that most people think skits are a load of shite

>> No.7683460

Skits are an easy prize though

>> No.7683461

Heh, I'm beside the girl in yellow in the first row, that's me in the gray

>> No.7683466

Remember the skit at Nom Con which involved painful acting from a South African sounding guy and his boyfriend as Naruto and Sasuke and basically amounted to them making out on stage

>> No.7683471
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>> No.7683474

Oh jesus! that thing where yaoi was the entire plot?

>> No.7683476

Seconding, anyone got pics to dump? The tags are mostly people posting their personal pictures or stuff they bought.

>> No.7683484

Not true! She's moved onto hassling the Abortion Rights Campaign for being transphobic at one point, the facebook event shut down because of her whining and she moved on to stalk the next dogpiling of a guy who make a slightly dumb comment so she could hijack the reaction to be about her.

>> No.7683501

If one of them was squinty eyed to the extent where he looked like Brock from Pokemon then yes

>> No.7683505

In what way did she think they were transphobic? Was it because they were taking about womens rights?

>> No.7683509

Why didn't they just ban her from posting on the event page instead of shutting the event down?

Does anyone have any details about her beef she had with Arcade Con for writing about sexism in geekdom?

>> No.7683510
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You shouldn't mention her. Bad things happen when she's mentioned...... Last I heard she was injuring herself and sending pictures to the people she blamed

>> No.7683517

You know you've got to be over 18 to post here, right?

>> No.7683518

The guy didn't get a harsh enough talking down from the radfems (he really did) to make her feel safe, and eventually someone copped that the reason they couldn't work out what "Leigh" people were replying to was something to do with being blocked by her previously, put two and two together, mentioned it and drama llama fed well that night. Then the event organiser pussied out and just took his ball and went home.

>> No.7683519

The fuck!

>> No.7683560

I didn't take any pictures all weekend, can't believe I forgot my camera both days. People have been posting links to albums on the facebook group for those looking.

>> No.7683595

As bad as people say AC was this year at least it seemed most people who queued for the Adventure Time guy ended up getting an autograph, imagine if AC staff were as incompetent as the LFCC staff - http://showmastersonline.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=85316

>> No.7683620

That's a spectacular failure to respect both attendees and guest. Poor Stan :(

>> No.7683696

charging to get autographs by one of the guests was a load of shit if you ask me

>> No.7683761

That's the guests decision to charge for autographs. It's the Amerifag thing to do.

I was at a couple of panels, had fun, but imo the games room was the highlight. Soooooo much fucking better with aircon now.

>> No.7683797

Apparently at MCM in the RDS some guests didn't want to charge for autographs and the organiser charged anyway and pocketed it all. Or so the rumour goes....

>> No.7683807

Yeah, nah that didn't happen

>> No.7683846

It's up to guests but at most cons when guests are booked if they want to sell any of their own merch they have to agree to charge for autographs, with the con/booking agency taking a portion of the cut.

>> No.7683908

No one was forcing you to get his autograph though and it's not the first time a guest has charged for autographs, it was the same with Virginia Hey last year and Gareth David Lloyd was selling was selling photos for €5 last year as well as signing personal items for free

>> No.7683918

All I've seen is that picture with "THE PRICE OF PETTICOATS IS TOO DAMN HIGH" written over it in impact font.
Missie, they're like €30 for a really good one off taobao, and that meme is stale as communion.

>> No.7683921

Here's an even worse telling of the Stan Lee debacle, apparently Stan kept on falling asleep and his manager/agent kept on clapping his hands to wake him - makes it sound like they were trying to wringe money out of him when he was exhausted - http://showmastersonline.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=85307

>> No.7683926


They have to get as much out of him before he dies. I think this is the last non-american con he's going to be going to because of his age.

>> No.7683927

>Stan kept on falling asleep and his manager/agent kept on clapping his hands to wake him
That's one of the saddest fucking things I've ever heard.

>> No.7683943
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The guy in the grey wig is one half of the Naruto/Sasuke face suck at Nom Con skits one year

Several times during AC I noticed him and his friend (think it was his boyfriend) giving me stink eye

>> No.7683946
File: 68 KB, 541x960, joffrey cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty epic cosplay, Joffrey said he made it from his granny's old curtains

>> No.7683951


Ah yeah, those two. I've seen them at the conventions but I've never actually spoken to them.

No problem with them demonstrating the fact that they're comfortable in their own skin, but there's an arrogant air off the both of them as well.

>> No.7683970

I'm friendly with a few of the furries and occasionally frequent the Irish furry board, he's a furry as well and a few of them don't like him that much, apparently someone turned up to a meet and he sent them a PM on the Irish furry board telling them they weren't welcome and they screen capped his comment and posted it on the board.

I think Brock would be a perfect cosplay for him, he's got the squinty eyes down pat. I heard he was from New Zealand rather than South Africa though

>> No.7683996

This guy is pretty cool, saw him at MCM as well. He really gets the facial expressions down to a T

>> No.7684006

I was working at the Fou Tees stall (the one printing t shirts and hoodies and stuff) at the back of the trade hall and to be honest the con seemed to work well for the audience it had.

Lot of screamers and Doctor Who fuckers, but everyone I spoke to said they were having a really good time.

>> No.7684026


Trade hall had too many big stands this year. Sub City pretty much had an entire wall and that Gundam/Anime guy wasn't far off either.

>> No.7684036

Nobody likes Grinder. He's a cunt. He's already lost loads of contracts and offers due to his superiority complex. He complained to staff that a trader across from him was selling Gundam shite for just above shipping, and Grinder was selling it for 3x the price, thus costing Grinder money. Shithead.

>> No.7684040

Wow what a cunt. I'm glad I didn't buy anything from him.

>> No.7684043

it was my first time working/at a con so I don't really have anything to contrast with. But yeah, apparently the Sub City guy has some pretty big pull within the committee so that's why he got so much.

The mecha guy really did put these nice Polish cosplay designers and cosplay weapons dude into the corner, though, which really sucked.

>> No.7684050

Which stall is Grinder? The Gundam/Anime guy or one of the Sub City people?

>> No.7684063

Gundam Anime guy

>> No.7684065


Definitely not SubCity, those guys are actually very pleasant people.

>> No.7684214

It could have been a lot lot worse, at least AC didn't have the Yaoi Guy screaming about 'hot sweaty man love' at minors like he did at MCM Expo London and Eirtakon. He's so fucking loud, I was at Anime Evolution in Vancouver 2009 and you could hear him screaming at the other end of the dealer's room

But Grinder does sound like a huge shitheel

>> No.7684494

To think, she's the admin of the Lolita comm. I was going to join but I'd heard about her before and saw her under admins for the group. I think I would rather be a lone Lolita than be near her. Also, surely the rest of the comm know, wouldn't that be bad rep for them?

>> No.7684506

It's only one of two lolita comms, thank Christ. If you're not mental and you'd like to join the other one, we'd be happy to have you.

>> No.7684512

There's more than one Irish comm. If you get to know people in the other one, they're a lovely crowd, the girl who did the panel at AC is part of it.

>> No.7684547

What was the artist alley like?

>> No.7684551

Did anyone see the Loki cosplayer? His features reminded me of the elves from Dragon Age 2

I think he's the only male Loki cosplayer I've ever seen

>> No.7684671

>Why didn't they just ban her from posting on the event page instead of shutting the event down?

Oddly, you can't do that. You can ban someone from the page that runs the event, but if the event page is public, you can't ban anyone from it, even those that are banned from the host.

>> No.7684695

Speaking of Yaoi Guy screaming about hot sweaty man love and annoying people always screaming at cons.

I cant fkin stand drew's attention seeking at cons either though, whats with that shit?

>> No.7684957

I think the Drew kid is just trying to make as many friends as he can,annoying as fuck as he is,he's harmless.

But these 3 girls literally thought it would be fun to scream at the top of there lungs right besdie me just for a laugh,yea fucking funny indeed if your deaf! Shit is uncalled for!

>> No.7685772

Arcade wasn't half bad i have to say. Not sure where the comments on arsehole staff come from, they were pretty cool to me all weekend. Panels were a bit shit and the game room ginger stick figure is a big tool. Other than that it was good

>> No.7685775

Theres so much jealousy and butthurt here. Get over it folks. They are the second biggest con in ireland next to DCC. They mop the floor with eirtakon and nomcon consistently. DCC still juggernauts over them but to turn around and shit on it on the internet reeks of y'all being apart of nomcon. AKA the shittest staffed con ever conceived run for 10 to 14 year old demographic

>> No.7685799

Wait are you trying to say AC is the second largest con in Ireland? hahahaha oh lol you troll you! Eirtakon is miles better and bigger! DCC despite being called a con is actually a trade expo like Dublin/London MCM expo and while it gets a lot of ordinary people at it, it's pretty dull.

And I don't think AC have any right to dig into nom considering it's just as shit if not worse, plus AC fanboys/staff/Declan are far more well known for trolling other cons in these cgl threads while praising the latest droppings from Declan Doody's arse. Get over it yourself!

>> No.7685806


DCC is a trade show with one or two comic/movie/tv guests. Most of the stalls last year seemed to be selling make up or modelling materials with one or two stalls selling comic related items and almost no little traders like the custom craft guys. The artist alley was the same guys you get at all these small Irish cons. There were barely any panels from what I remember and the ones they did have happened on a small stage at the bottom of the trade hall and as a result you couldn't hear the panel properly over the sound of everything else.

If DCC and DICE got together they might have a decent con on their hands

>> No.7685808


From what I heard one group has a few girls who are considered very bitchy and elitist and then the other group probably has a younger crowd. Overall I think most I've met from both groups are very nice and sad they can't get along :( I think the main division comes from just a few girls. Also I don't think missie is that involved with the group apart from being the person to set up the group page.

>> No.7685813

>From what I heard one group has a few girls who are considered very bitchy and elitist
I've heard this rumour before, but it's really not true at all, I've been in the group for a while and even when I was a newbie with no brand or co-ording skills everyone was lovely to me, and that trend continues with the newbies we get now. And Missie is still very much involved in the otther group, as far as I know.

>> No.7685827

>bitchy and elitist
Yeah... you most likely heard that from the younger group. They think that because we take the fashion seriously and make an effort, and they seem to be bitter with anyone who can afford brand. Don't get me wrong, some girls in the younger comm seem very sweet and well-dressed and I know this first hand, but it would seem that there are some who just don't like us for whatever reason. It's a real shame, but at the end of the day, the "younger" comm WAS made as a spite comm by Missiechan, afaik.

I'm glad you think we're nice though, anon. We do try.

>> No.7685836

The trouble is the only really good cons in Ireland are Gaming Cons. Those are the ones run to something approaching a professional standard.

The best con I've been to in the country wasn't even in the south it was up North in Belfast and the difference was night and day.

2nd best con was Eirtakon in Dublin two years ago and the reasons were it was using gaming cons not Anime cons as a model.

>> No.7685840

>The best con I've been to in the country wasn't even in the south it was up North in Belfast and the difference was night and day.
Yeah, this is a point, why do they manage to do things so much better than us up north? They just don't seem to have the "Let's half-ass everything because at least we're having FUN" attitude that a lot of people do here.

>> No.7685846

>Let's half-ass everything because lel 15-year-old's only in it for the free badge
fixed that for you

>> No.7685850

Mate. Eirtakon miles bigger and better? Give me whatever crack your smoking. I dislike AC as well cause of their elitist staff but calling Eirtakon bigger and better shows your hand. Hello Eirtakon staff member, Welcome to 4chan

>> No.7685854

That was me,Hahaha. Got the real answer off-camera though.

>> No.7685857

I think its because they just have their shit together. Things are run to a timetable, staff are well trained it seems, there's a proper chain of command for shit, they all have radios etc.

I wish cons down south took a page from their book about running cons. I also wish that gaming cons down here didn't hate cosplayers so much. Up north the gaming and cosplay scenes gel quite well but here they are really antagonistic.

>> No.7685872

>Yeah, this is a point, why do they manage to do things so much better than us up north?

Probably because they're not over-saturated with conventions up north.
They get Q-Con and... that's all of note really. (I hardly count MCM Belfast as a "con" in the sense we're talking about)

>> No.7685873


Eirtakon count ticket sales for attendees while AC count people as they enter and not when they exit then count them again when they enter. I watched them count people last year. They counted me every time I went inside. Every year they say they have over 2 thousand people but I'd hazard it's actually closer to 800.

>> No.7685874

>I dislike AC as well cause of their elitist staff but calling Eirtakon bigger and better shows your hand.

Until AC start publishing attendance figures, you can't prove that they're bigger.

>> No.7685883

It has a lot to do with having to depend on volunteers too. Volunteers mean automatic unpredictability in quality (or in some cases predictable but you lack other options). If cons started doing pre-reg only entrance to gain all the money possible to pay for the shit beforehand like English cons, they could probably do a lot more themselves and eliminate this problem, but I can't honestly imagine it working in Ireland due to having too many cons all around the same time in Dublin.

>> No.7685979

Everybody kek at the 15 yr old weeb fag!

>> No.7685981
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I find it cute a con thats slowly collapsing up its own asshole, thinks its bigger then Eirtacon.

>> No.7686002

>considered bitchy and elitist

There's the crux. Considered by whom? There have been a few flouncers from the original comm to the spite comm, most notably Missie-Chan herself.

And from the looks of things the groups aren't merging, but the older comm is rescuing any half-decent (sane) girls from Missie's little family. The younger group sound mental, calling Missie Onee-san and giving each other "lolita names".

>> No.7686007

What was the real answer?

>> No.7686009

This is the 4th time the threads moved on from this and you keep bringing back up. I smell a vendetta-chan

>> No.7686019

If you clarify your question I'll be happy to answer?

>> No.7686026

Irish threads move slow, and several topics are discussed at the same time. It's not really bringing it back up if the topic didn't end.

>> No.7686035

Whoops, I read that wrong somehow, my bad. I can't give any answers, sorry, nayrt, I know nothing!

>> No.7686058

I'm not actually staff at Eirtakon but I do know them, although understandably given the troll nature of these threads you'll simply have to take my word for it.

Seriously though I can understand Declan and his cronies looking very jealously at Eirta but no matter what BS you spin AC will never be bigger nor more popular than Eirta. The fact is they got between 2500 and 3000 attendees last November which is very likely given the size of their venue but the ballsbridge hotel could only ever hold about 1500 over weekend and that's if it was full all weekend and treating attendees like cattle.

Love it hate it Eirta brings in the crowds and most of them are actually anime fans that have heard about it through word of mouth.

You know I think most people might say AC was an alright con but the fact that they keep pretending to bigger and better than they actually are just makes me mad. The committee are just so far up their own arses and very underhanded in the way they promote the convention. Pretty much every con in Ireland is tired of their crap.

>> No.7686063


I worked at AC a few times. No way they get more than about 1200 people in the doors over the course of the weekend

>> No.7686075

None of your damn business ;)

>> No.7686086

There used to be one in Derry, Tomo-Datchi I think?

Was run by this complete no hope named Dani, was a disaster from the get go and actually fucked up the NI Anime con scene for years. Hell it destroyed the con scene in Derry entirely as the only venue of note in the city wouldn't deal with nerds of any shape for years afterwards.

Only for the fact that someone from Q-Con decided to incorporate Anime and Cosplay into their gaming convention was the scene saved at all.

Its a shame since NI could use another Anime con in the year that's not a massive cash grab like MCM Belfast.

>> No.7686087

Did ya really now? I work at Eirtakon and Nom-con so maybe you can recommend me to work at AC as well hahaha

>> No.7686094


What I heard is that some girls in the older group have posted threads here on 4chan mocking pictures of the younger group? Is that true? I think if such practices do occur they should stop and I think the older group needs to be a bit more inclusive. I've heard of girls getting very mean or backhanded sounding comments on their dresses as well.

I just think someone here should try to be the bigger person and not post stuff that stirs trouble. Also I get it that some of you don't like missie but dragging her name through the mud here on 4chan is just too cruel for anybody. Nobody deserves that.

I realise I don't know as much on what the younger comm does to the older comm but I just really would like everyone in the comm to be able to enjoy the fashion and seeing oh so pretty dresses! :) Bitterness and hate can't make anybody happy. You all work so hard to look so beautiful on the outside so for the few that this does apply to, why not work even harder to beautiful on the inside too. :)

>> No.7686098

Stop talking to yourself, nobody cares.

Anyone have pictures from the Masquerade? Interested in any LoL cosplayers!

>> No.7686128

Actually I'm probably one of the "bitchiest" members of the older group, and the rest of the girls are fairly honest with me, and hand on my heart, not one of us has posted the younger group here.
We've seen them get posted though, so we're all WELL curious as to who actually does that. But we have about as much chance of finding out as we have of getting Benedict Cumberbatch to come hang out with us in a Detective Poodle co-ord.

The younger comm don't do anything to us, sure what would they be up to at all? The absolute worst I've seen them do is act like authorities on the style when nobody here really is, or being a bit uncouth in fancy places in town.

We just don't mix because
a) Age gaps
b) Incompatible personalities,
that's all.

>> No.7686132

The older group are literally taking in members of the younger one who aren't trainwrecks. How much more inclusive would you be yourself?

>> No.7686145
File: 423 KB, 403x357, now we wait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Con photos are starting to appear

>> No.7686157


Video http://youtu.be/ylaEs-XKAyo

>> No.7686164
File: 462 KB, 320x240, 1387311507842.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has gone so far down the shitter it's unreal!

>> No.7686175
File: 26 KB, 470x332, ip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the Irish convention scene, faggot!

>> No.7686185


Possibly the worst song choice, but fair enough the cosplay seems decent. Hardly any anime though. Something about them prancing around in the carpark made me cringe

>> No.7686187

vendetta much?

>> No.7686189

drew is a fucking spastic. the smell of autism off him is overwhelming.

>> No.7686195

>pointing out that a widely disliked former con committee member's standup is lackluster


>> No.7686196

i dunno, there just seems to be a lot of butthurt towards her. have any of you actually met the girl in person? cause she's actually really nice.

>> No.7686210

I've met her a few times. I found her to be a bit overbearing and passive-aggressive. That niceness seems like a veil imho.

>> No.7686222

That's not the experience I've had with her. She's consistently been nothing but a kind and helpful person to me for years.

>> No.7686261

I realize that people act differently depending on who they are with. It's likely she liked you more than she liked me. I'm pretty sure our dislike is mutual. I had no need of any help from her, she seems to like offering it.

>> No.7686262

I only see her at cons, but I'v chatted to her a few times (and drunk with her once), I dont know what your on about. Shes really lovely anytime we talk.

>> No.7686269

I'm not really anything to do with any of this, but I have met her a good few times and she's just kind of always rubbed me the wrong way. I don't find her completely objectionable but I agree she seems to be very overbearing at times. Plus the whole being into lolicon/shota while also being a childminder just doesn't sit well with me. She's definitely not even close to being the most annoying person in the con scene, though.

>> No.7686287

Video was taken down due to copyright claim

Who the fuck is Drew?

So who would you consider to be the most annoying person on the con scene?

>> No.7686307

Well, despite the fact that I'm a regular attendee of Arcade and I usually have a good time there, Declan and co just drive me up the wall with their shitposting and their immature attitudes in general. And then of course there's Leigh. But we don't speak of Leigh.

>> No.7686319

The shota thing bothers me too. I mean it's not exactly something I feel is okay in the first place, but.... does her employer know?
They can't know.... can they?

>> No.7686336

Agreed, the fact none of the Arcade con crowd go to ANY other cons annoys me so much too.

Also, Drew is a well deserved second for anoying con people.ugh

>> No.7686352

i highly doubt she's actually into shota. i've been to hentai panels, doesn't mean i fap to tentacle rape.

>> No.7686364

The fact that she SNUCK it in there though. The fact she included it at all.
Pretty sure you wouldn't hire her to mind your kids if you needed a childminder.

>> No.7686372

that still doesn't mean she's into it. she probably just meant it as a joke.

>> No.7686386

Agreed. I've been to her hentai panels. They're not "this is what you should be fapping to". They're more "wtf? Why does this exist?!"

Yeah, she was wrong to show that stuff. Doesn't mean she's into shota or loli.

>> No.7686391

In all fairness folks, there are much much worse people in the con scene. like the guy who fucked a 14 year old, or that crazy chick who steals art n sells it at cons, or that annoying prick from geek eire, or pillow face naomi or the beast.

>> No.7686393

>pillow face naomi or the beast
enlighten me.

>> No.7686407

You mean the girl who had to be removed from Akumakon because she set up selling stolen art in someone else's stall when they weren't looking?

Could be wrong but pretty sure the beast just refers to Leigh again

>> No.7686408

Pillow face naomi bolger. she's such a bitter unlikeable person that looks like she's having an allergic reaction all the time. bitch was stung by a bee or some shit.

>> No.7686410

Ah, one of Declan's cronies, right?

>> No.7686411


I've always found her to be one of the best of people personally. Doesn't take any shit from anyone but at the same time, she's the kind of person who'd break her back to help someone out if they were in need. Very genuine.

Which is a rarity, as I can behold from here.

>> No.7686412

yup. think she was the trade person for AC this year. no wonder it was shit

>> No.7686423

heard they were going to end arcade con this year but changed their minds, unfortunately.

>> No.7686434

Really? I never heard anything of the sort. Doesn't seem like a thing they'd ever do.

>> No.7686437

It's on the GeekIreland review

>> No.7686441

Anyone know anything about the rumours going round that the Geek Ireland crowd want to start a con? As if we need more.

>> No.7686445

Opinions on AnaTheill?! her costumes look wellmade but she does my head in

>> No.7686448

Is this thread now just Sinéad trying to big herself up?
Seriously I knew one normalfag person who met her and honest to god could not believe she was a real human. The poor girl couldn't run fast enough away from her.

>Oh it doesn't matter that she showed ILLEGAL CARTOON CHILD PORN
>She's probably not into it and included it as a JOKE
>Oh don't drag poor missie's name through the MUD (that she churned up around herself without anybody's help)
>People claiming that a useless wan like her has been of any "help" to them

Y'all have mitten-minders laced through your tops right now, don't you?

God damnit, please just post pics. And stop trying the "Leetlejuice Leetlejuice Leetlejuice" shit, catfish has nothing to do with Arcade.

>> No.7686450

is that you leigh?

>> No.7686453

Geek ireland are Arcade Con...

>> No.7686454
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>> No.7686455

Ana? She's a lovely person and very talented at cosplay and at helping other people.
Can't believe she's in her mid 30's and a mother. She taped the fountain of youth!

>> No.7686456

I'v seen her a few times at cons, but I think shes just unbelievebly shy under her cosplay. I walked up to her stall a few times at different cons, and unless to recognise her, she wont say hardly a word

>> No.7686461

wow no way? jaysus she's looking well!

>> No.7686463
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>> No.7686465

i like turtles

>> No.7686468

i like yorkes but theres just so much chocolate to eat.

>> No.7686469
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>> No.7686472
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>> No.7686480

wow they are actually pretty awesome, were they at AC?

>> No.7686481

>or that annoying prick from geek eire

If he'd learn how to spell, that'd go a long way towards changing the mentality most people have of him...

>> No.7686489
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>> No.7686490

i doubt that would help to be honest. Have you ever listened to his podcast? It's just him saying "ummm" for like 15 minutes. and his "Trolling" on Irish con pages. i think they only thing that would make him less annoying would be a personality transplant.

>> No.7686494


Actually, no. She has a lot of friends who think the world of her and for justifiable reasons.

>> No.7686496

Also I heard her Lightning cosplay was so good she actually got congratulated by the developers at SquareEnix

>> No.7686500
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>> No.7686501


You would be correct. She is an amazing cosplayer and a super hottie too.

>> No.7686503

lol as if. Hi Ana. Everyone knows she bought that cosplay...

>> No.7686504

She also has a lot of people who dislike her for justifiable reasons. Let's just say she's a divisive person.

>> No.7686505

didn't she make it from worbla board?

>> No.7686506
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>> No.7686507

And I'm guess you're a supermodel? Maybe you bring out bitchface in everyone you meet?
The trade hall was better this year than it has been any other year, none of the traders had any complaints about her and were all praise

>> No.7686509

No, it was not. It was under 20,000 characters.

>> No.7686512

Hi naomi.

>> No.7686515

video is back up

>> No.7686518

lol have you ever seen the girl? she must be sucking on lemons 24/7 to look like that.

>> No.7686521

I disagree with you on the first one there. I constantly seem them in their group at other cons. Thy don't seem to go to many events though, I mostly see me lurking playing card games.

>> No.7686523
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>> No.7686525

If i see another terrible elza cosplayer i will dig my eyes out with a spoon.

>> No.7686529

I was a second time artist in the artist alley this year and the trade hall leader was fantastic so I dunno where your coming from. She was nothing but nice. Far nicer than the pudgy sorta mannish looking one they had my first year, least this one knew what she was doing

>> No.7686530
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>> No.7686533

So many frakin Elsa's

>> No.7686537
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>> No.7686538

'Cause she was probably kissing ass to make herself look good. From experience, the girl is a witch

>> No.7686541

no it's not =_=
bitter much? She did get a letter from the actual character designers and yes she bought most of the cosplay and made some parts herself. She went and styled her own hair to look like Lightning and actually looked like her.

>> No.7686543

I dunno what your one wearing the green is from but I've seen her at a few cons and she apparently makes all her own stuff ( that actually looks pretty decent) which is nice to see in the Irish scene. So rage filled it missed this arcade. Their games room is the best

>> No.7686547

There were only 3 or 4 I thought? Not as bad as I expected anyway. Two pretty awful ones and two alright ones. Plus a Steampunk one but that doesn't really count. I thought this girl >>7686523 was okay, haven't seen pictures of the others posted yet.

>> No.7686549

Not I'm my case anyway, she made me move my stuff since I was talking up too much room (could have given us a bit more I think) but she was nothing but nice about it

>> No.7686551

She's one of the crowd who was on Ireland AM, isn't she? Fair play to her, she beats the hell out of Amy, anyway.

>> No.7686554

I saw one really short Elsa that had an Anna with her that was pretty decent but then 3 that looked awful (bed sheets it looked like) and then the steampunk one was alright I guess.

>> No.7686555

It must have been a full moon then. Anyone i heard talking about her always had the same to say about her.

>> No.7686557

I dunno? I've only ever seen her at cons but so far she's the only Irish Cosplayer that I actually like 99.9% of the stuff she puts out and she's real chill to talk to as well which is refreshing

>> No.7686558

Could just be con scene bullshit in all fairness

>> No.7686569
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Hi Ana.

>> No.7686576

I always found the cosplayers really irritating at Q-con until I got used to them or started going deaf in my old age. The lack of wargaming this year was a definite let down IMO, because none of the wargaming traders turned up then.

They actually ran games at DCC last year and had their own little corner.

>> No.7686592

* em not me
Noob typo error alert

>> No.7686596

Any hot girls at AC? half of them are weird anyway but some look good

>> No.7686600

Oh yeah, that Elsa's the Lightning from this group >>7686469 and the Anna's her sister. There was one girl who looked like she just bought a random turquoise dress from eBay and threw on a blonde wig and said she's Elsa which was pretty horrendous.

>> No.7686645

Some of the Arcade committee go to Akumakon, I shared a hostel with some of them the year before last. Hostel was even grimmer than the Salmon Weir (where I stayed first Akumakon).

The bronies in the room next door found a pill on the floor which they thought might have been an ecstasy tab and in our room the heater beside my bed didn't have a plug, the three wires were going directly into the socket, can anyone say fire hazard?

The stairs stank of weeks old stale BO

I've seen Declan at BroCon before

Does Declan's brother Matt still go to cons? I didn't see him at AC this year.

>> No.7686649

I'm guessing pillow face Naomi could be Naomi Bolger and the beast = Leigh Walsh

>> No.7686651

There was one pretty good Elsa in the Artist Alley, I didn't see any others apart from thr Steampunk one which was awful. She just threw on a brown corset and goggles with a blue dress that barely suited the character.

>> No.7686656

She had to put up with Leigh's shit, she sent Missie a text saying she was dying, Missie sent an ambulance around and Leigh was all 'I'm fine, I was having a panic attack'

Missie blocked Leigh after that because it was too much stress and Leigh wasn't happy and Missie became one of the people who had wronged Leigh in her eyes

>> No.7686659

That's what I was thinking

>> No.7686665

>calls someone out for showing lolicon/shota/whatever horrible shit it was
>hurr durr hi leigh

If people in the Irish con scene think that Missie is a great person, I'm sort of afraid to get to know anyone at cons. Are you all this fucked up?

>> No.7686683
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Anon, did you just go into this thread and call us weirdos?


>> No.7686685

Yeah there's a difference between being really into cosplay and anime and w/e and thinking it's okay to show shit like that at a con.

>> No.7686697

what's the post limit on these things, this has to be saging

also is anyone going to the trainwreck that's nom-con next month? I don't think I wanna fork out for a ticket this year.

>> No.7686698
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I managed to snap a cute picture of Naomi at the con, Anybody else get any? :)

>> No.7686699


Can people not spread BS rumours in the thread of a con I didn't even attend? Thanks. I have my reasons for not going to Arcade con(I might go next year purely because I might have a cosplay group that won't be at the other cons) but I don't feel like going into them here unless there's something specific to clear up. I don't even know what this shit with regards Abortion Rights is about. One minute you're an overly prudish feminist and the next you're apparently anti-abortion or something. You can't win.

That goes for others like Missie/Sinéad. There are some people in the con scene who do need calling out(I can still think of one or two) but these threads never end well. I was hoping people had finally lost interest in starting drama but I was a bit naive. I heard about a fair bit of drama at the con itself too.


That's not the full story(obviously) but given the sensitive nature of those events it's best not brought out here.

I'm a lot more stable these days but I don't like being reminded of how bad I was or how much fucked up shit people got away with saying about me. Whatever I may or may not have done or your own personal feelings, it really isn't cool to constantly lambaste someone who clearly has a lot of mental health issues.


I think that was Rebecca, she's awesome.

>> No.7686705

darling please, it's way better if you don't post in these. Ignore them and they'll fuck off and get bored

>> No.7686708

Jesus what a cunt.
Fake attacks?
Now that's emotional blackmail, is steer clear of that person.

>> No.7686710


I might be hosting a panel but they still haven't gotten back to me. I haven't been keeping up with it. Brocon looks terrible this year so I probably won't bother. Really I'm kind of tired with cons in general but I'm also in a position where I'm way more confident cosplaying and generally socialising, so I'm not as happy to give them a miss either.

Mad at Eirtakon for going back to Croke Park as I didn't like it at all. The way there was a floor that with the heating on full blast was ridiculous, especially since the cosplay competition was there. If I wanted hotboxed nerds I would have stayed at home and gone gaming or something.

>> No.7686713

hi nobody cares about your vendetta

Arcade was kinda meh but the guests were cool. There was air conditioning which was better than last year. Some of their events were babyish like the anime singalong but I played some RPGs and saw Jet Set Radio play, so yeah, wasn't the worse

>> No.7686720

I saw that yaoi guy at Eirtakon '13, annoyed the fuck out of me but at the same time he was the only person with Touhou merch. I was only looking for soundtracks though, I didn't know about IOSYS or any other dojin groups.

Are you talking about Drew Shields?

>> No.7686723

lol nom con

how are they still running
arcade was a spite con of them and did way better so they're all butthurt

nom is fucking weeaboo con

>> No.7686726

>Mad at Eirtakon for going back to Croke Park as I didn't like it at all. The way there was a floor that with the heating on full blast was ridiculous, especially since the cosplay competition was there. If I wanted hotboxed nerds I would have stayed at home and gone gaming or something.

First years in new venues always have teething problems.

>> No.7686730
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If you believe everything that's written about someone on 4chan then I'm honestly not sure how you get through life.


Honestly I'll do whatever I feel like. If it gets bothersome for me I'll drop it. I'm not as involved with this shit anymore, so it's a lot easier for me to stand back and see the little people squabbling.

>> No.7686736


Honestly all of the cons are pretty bad. Arcade was okay the first time I went but even then there were problems.

>> No.7686741

the staff of arcade used to be assholes but the two annoying faggots left last year
jaffa is the name of one of them I think? i think they're a couple or something
staff seemed really pleasant this year and on the ball so i can't complain

>> No.7686742

Would you prefer they went back to the Helix? Croke Park seemed okay to me, but I spent the weekend up at the bar. It wasn't an ideal venue what with being way too long, but better sign posting would help with that.

>> No.7686748


I'll be a lot more interested in attending next year if that's the case.

I still have issues with Declan though and his stereotypcial middle class gay white guy attitudes. It just got to the point where I realised I couldn't call him out over anything that made me uncomfortable(not to mention how he got a bunch of his cronies to attack me, claiming I'd called him "pro rape" knowing full well how much I'd been bullied already) so I obviously didn't feel comfortable going to a con like that.

Yeah I know I said I wouldn't get into it but shit that was annoying.

>> No.7686753


The Helix was fine, I don't get the problems with it. It sucked that it wasn't in a Hotel I guess, but it was a decent space all around.

>> No.7686757

>The way there was a floor that with the heating on full blast was ridiculous
Oh Christ, that was ridiculous. I was absolutely roasting, and the stench of nerdsweat did not help matters.

>> No.7686771

I can go through life happy in the knowledge that I'll never be as big of a gone off wank stain such as yourself. And no, before you 4fag reply with "lol hi naomi" im someone who has fuck all do do with their night unlike naomi who has far better things to do that read comments from absolute slime like you. Look at your life you prick, and wonder where it all went so wrong for you that you've nothing better to do than be the waste that you are.
Noobfag out

>> No.7686776
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can i also add that they had no like actual proper stage in there for the cosplays so it was hard to actually see them much of them. If anyone had any fucking fantastic boots I probably missed them.

at least Courtnee Draper was a sweetheart.

when I went up to her dressed as hipster Ariel I was like "You're my favourite Disney princess!" and then she said "You're MY favourite Disney Princess!"

We talked a load afterwards and it was pretty neato.

This photo's kind of shit, I have a much better hipster posture(and costume) now.

>> No.7686778


I wish I had white knights, lol.

It's sort of the problem with popularity - if you're already well liked you'll get a lot of people defending you. If you're more of an acquired taste people won't want to be seen defending you.

This fucked me over a lot. Luckily I'm a lot more stable/personable now but that gives me fairweather friend vibes.

>> No.7686780

That's the NUIG one, isn't it? As far as I know NUIG only had a weebsoc because someone thought sitting in the dark watching animu was a good way to get back at the tabletop society. You know, by demonstrating how much more sociable an experience that is than roleplaying.

>> No.7686796

Do you ever wonder if you're the problem, and it doesn't happen to be everything or everyone you encounter?

>> No.7686797

I remember you complaining about it not being a hotel in the way back when for changing purposes and the obvious problem with it being a DCU con and thus having to be on DCU grounds, but obviously that rule has changed so I guess a hotel was an option this year. I don't know what floor was the one that was too hot. I only visited one very briefly to talk to Steve Blum and the other I didn't actually know existed until after the con when I was helping shuffle people out and take down signs etc. The main area seemed to be over-packed and the trade hall was painful to move through the first time I stuck my head in.

Other than that, it seemed like the committee liked it, and the venue staff were pretty great.

>> No.7686819

Akuma is the NUIG one. Aka was just a complete piss in a jar.

>> No.7686821

I have to say I've noticed a much more calm approach from you recently. It's nice to see.

>> No.7686834

I second this. I agree. I'm happy for you, Leigh. Keep up the good attitude and I hope to see you at more conventions if this is going to be your new outlook on things.

>> No.7686840

Akuma still probably has the best integration of the two, though. Most other anime con committees don't know shit about RPGs so it's pretty funny to see people signing their names to fucking Fiasco, but at least Akuma benefits from the Itzacon overlap

>> No.7686854

Eirtakon had a solid showing from Pathfinder Society last year, and apparently they ran at ArcadeCon this year too. It's an external thing though, they just asked people to show up and run it, so people showed up and ran it. Free event as far as the con was concerned.

>> No.7686867

AFAIK Pathfinder Society does that for gaming cons too. Brocon's been making an effort but for some reason they're struggling to get the good writers

>> No.7686873

You best not be talking shit about Matt Watkin.

>> No.7686878

They do. I know at Eirtakon Declan Traynor was talking to me briefly about some other RPG he was running, but I don't remember if it happened or not. The same principle applies to Steve Jackson Games, who will turn up to any con that gives them a table and tea.

>> No.7686879

AkaCon was the animation con held in the Clarion in Liffey Valley

It was set up by Lorraine Scanlon who I haven't seen at cons recently. She was committee on Nom Con first year before leaving and then was involved in the running of the first AC before leaving

I heard she had a massive falling out with the rest of the AC committee

>> No.7686934

Does anyone know if gaelcon is any good? I heard it would have cosplaying this year but I didnt see anything about that or panels on their site. Is the game stuff newbie friendly?

>> No.7686955


My complaint was the lack of changing rooms and that was pretty valid. I'm not saying the Helix was perfect, but I just preferred it personally.

>> No.7686956
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I appreciate the sentiment but... and I'm trying not to sound like an asshole, but this isn't when I needed it.

I had a lot of emotional issues(and still do), a lot of them an indirect result of being trans and having put it off for so long. A lot of people pulled the "it's not because you're trans" thing but still took advantage of the lesser position it put me in, made transphobic image macros etc. Some would say they didn't endorse that, but would still treat me as the bigger issue.

I didn't act the way I did by choice nor was the way I was acting worse than the people who targeted me constantly, over and over again, accuse me of faking panic attacks, etc. people only act like that out of a truly abusive mentality. I was just in an awful lot of pain and I didn't know how to deal with it. It's only recently I figured out I'm borderline in addition to autistic, and a lot of stuff made sense.

But mostly it's clearly a lot of the trans issues that caused things to start looking up. I still have days when it's very bleak, and I still need help. I have genuine PTSD over some of the stuff that happened in the con scene because of how relentlessly some people targeted me and how I was often the only person held accountable for anything.

I really do hope to get on with you, whoever you are, but this has always been my intent. Please understand I haven't improved out of any sort of repentance, nor will I be guilted over how unstable I was. There are shitty things I've done and I have tried my best to take responsibility for - I recognise how difficult now it is for people to deal with someone like me.. But focusing on the marginalised, mentally ill transwoman and how they need to be the one who changes has some messed up connotations and I hope people understand that now. Responsibility matters more when you're in a position where it can affect others.

I genuinely suffered and it still hurts sometimes.

>> No.7686967

I really enjoy Gaelcon, but I've always been a wargamer first, other gamer second, anime NOPE (until very recently) so it depends what you want to get out of it. The crowd has gotten very much older than the average at anime cons, some people aren't happy with the RPGs at it and the trade varies wildly from year to year. It's in the same location as Arcade Con barring drama (like the 2012 floods).

PFS stuff is relatively newbie friendly, you can just turn up and play. The Steve Jackson MIBs are all about newbies, and they run mostly more casual board and card games. There are occasionally other board games being demonstrated by their companies, usually lots of people just playing whatever, CCG tournaments, various other RPGs and whatever wargames are on at it. Some wargames are hardcore tournaments treated as preparation for European competitions, others are system demonstrations or participation games. Any wargames run by Donogh McCarthy or Eamon Honann is usually very newbie friendly, and they're two great guys. There are some electronic games, but *shrug* never paid attention to those. Panels are not really a huge deal there.

A lot of the cosplay at Gaelcon ties in with the Higher Powers LARP, which is kind of a massive thing all of its own. If you like superheroes and dressing up fancy, that's the game for you.

>> No.7686974

What are the things you're sorry about?

>> No.7686975


I've gotten this question about 1000 times and I refuse to believe you haven't seen someone else posting this exact thing.

It's insulting to my intelligence and a little ableist because it proposes that I'm not self aware enough to ever see myself at fault. I've probably thought about this vastly more than you have given I have this idea drilled into my constantly, and am pressured to be accountable for all my flaws far more than anyone else, often purely by virtue of standing out.

The world is a fucked up place and in this country especially people with mental illness are treated badly. Nerds in particular have a strong group mentality that I've always clashed with. It doesn't necessarily make me bad or wrong.

I might have freaked out to an unreasonable degree about some things, but there was still nearly always a genuine issue at the heart of it that tended to get forgotten about. Sometimes the problem is everyone else. That's sort of what it's like to be oppressed.

>> No.7686983


Again I don't think it should be about focusing on what I'm sorry about. I said it at the time, but I took more flak than anyone. A lot of people did and said some seriously fucked up stuff to me and got off the hook for it. I didn't. When you're looking at the concept of bullying you need to look at who has the most power in a situation. I had very little. Always pushing the marginalised person to be "The better person" is a very privileged attitude to take. A side effect of becoming a little more mature and self aware is that I also have a deeper understanding of why what other people did was wrong, as well.

There are times when I could have been more understanding of how traumatic it can be to deal with someone who is constantly unstable. Again I don't blame myself for being unstable, and being borderline I have limited control over how I act in these situations. But that doesn't mean I couldn't have been more respectful of the toll it takes on others. I've spent time dealing with transgirls lately and there are times when I genuinely just can't deal with it, so I understand a little more what it's like to be in there shoes.

And yes, that includes Missiechan.

>> No.7686989

>might have freaked out to an unreasonable degree about some things

Understatement of the century right there!

>> No.7686997


speaking of gaming cons, I didn't really get on with at Warpcon this year. I Find that at least at anime cons, you can wander around and go cosplay spotting, and there will always be something on you can drop into.

I found at gaming cons you tended to need to have a set group of people if you wanted to do card/board games etc. some of the RPGs at Warpcon can be quite good, but the one I was in ran over and there was nothing left for the evening slot. As I came in late-ish, I ended up buying into the Saturday literally just for one game, run by a GM I'd been friends with for years. I feel like better connected people get way more for their money out of these sorts of cons.

I really think one area where the anime cons have succeeded is in being approachable and at least having things constantly on, even if they have a ton of other issues. Granted I'm judging mostly off Warpcon but I feel it could do with a great feel of being able to just drop in and play things. It matters less if you're less experienced and less connected(if anything it's a benefit in some ways since less drama).

>> No.7687000


Can you please not? A lot of people freaked out to an unreasonable degree about things I did or said as well. I'm not lining myself up to take potshots. I'm just acknowledging that whether it was due to a condition or not, I was a difficult person for others to be around.

>> No.7687002

She might have been crazy enough to become a meme at some point, but there's no need to be a dick about her trying to save some pride while admitting fault. It's a process man, don't piss in her cornflakes.

>> No.7687006


Also I'm under no obligation to own up to anything on /cgl/ after how I've been treated here time and time again.

There's some sort of weird entitlement going on here because of the atmosphere of drama /cgl/ breeds.

>> No.7687009

>I was a difficult person for others to be around

Yet another whopping understatement.

>> No.7687013

I haven't been to Warpcon in years. I had exam and SO's birthday clashes with it for a few years, and eventually realised that with the timeframe of it I didn't have time to prepare and thus I wasn't actually playing anything at it so I just stopped bothering entirely. Too much effort for no payoff.

Gaelcon had a weird unscheduled indie RPG thing one year, which seemed to be super-successful but then never happened again. I'm not sure what the rigidity of timetabling at Irish cons is achieving, but they all seem to love it.

>> No.7687015


Okay, and your point is?

At least in person, most of the time I was quite pleasant. Like I literally don't even see the point in you posting that.

>> No.7687022
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Awh man I love Matt Watkin, he's a great guy and a fantastic game writer.

As far as Arcade Con is concerned I think they had a good year this year. Yes there was some flaws in their running approach, but what event doesn't have hiccups? I'm happy to see that they learnt some lessons from last year about dealing with the public and crowd control.

>> No.7687038

His point is probably that you've got a reputation for exploding at the drop of a hat and it getting so overblown it just ends up being funny. Well done for defying expectations and not giving him what he wants.

>> No.7687044


If something's obviously really plainly dumb that's always how I tend to respond though. It's when people start pushing things people actually believe and people start dropping off my friend list after these threads that it's a problem.

But as I said I'm more removed from this shit than I used to be, and a lot more confident. It's pathetic how much people will feed off of the unpopular to make themselves feel bigger.

>> No.7687050

Low hanging fruit is still fruit. You're better off not even rising to it that much. Especially when even the people who feel some empathy for you don't agree with you on what is or isn't plainly dumb.

But focus on the positive! You're doing well, having fun at cons, having a civil conversation on 4chan. That last thing alone is basically a miracle for anyone.

>> No.7687065
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Ehh, I dunno about having fun at cons. Starting to feel a bit old for this shit.

I wish I had more money for cosplays and shit. Meant to be getting a Rat Queens group going but it looks like one might have already formed with some of the people I was asking, lol.

Also I'm considering cosplaying Helena from Orphan Black at Eirta and just generally freaking people out. I just need a white dress and the wig and the makeup. I do the voice really well.

Fuck, I just realised Nom is in 2 weeks. Heard nothing back about the panel so kind of mad. I'll see if I can swing it for Akuma instead.

>> No.7687079

Awkward moment when eirtakons Chris daly writes a hate post about Arcade con.

>> No.7687089


lol. Got a link?

>> No.7687092

Most of my con-going friends are older than I am. I've been shaking my fist at those rotten kids on my lawn up at Q-con for far too long now though.

>> No.7687101


like some of the younger crowd I have met have surprised me, otherwises not so much.

there was this one girl that drives me nuts I sort of met at Kaizoku who went like full MRA on me after we kind of bonded over feministy shit because she thought #yesallwomen as teaching women to be victims, blah blah blah

Stuff like that makes it hard for me to connect with nerds because i kinda exist in a different sphere. I had a trans friend who was at a queer gaming con thing and i wish we had something like that here. Too many cons already and a small country but still. I'd like for there to be somewhere I felt like I belonged.

>> No.7687117

You can have a difference of opinion with someone without it causing problems. It's something you just need to get used to over time. Since you've mentioned that you've been diagnosed with BPD the splitting you've done in other discussions I've seen suddenly makes a pile of sense. You've got to be aware that most people aren't like that, and it genuinely confuses the hell out of them when you react that way. I guess, purely speculating here, that your description of things existing in spheres may be related to that, but again, not everyone sees the world like that and you have to learn to deal with it. It took me a very long time to come to terms with nerds liking sports, for example, because I went to a rugby school and the culture there was spectacularly negative for anyone who didn't enjoy rugby thus all sports == all bad.

>> No.7687133
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This wasn't BPD shit, it was SJ shit.

I don't really buy the difference of opinion thing in this case because I don't really think it's about opinions, it's about lived experiences.

Like in a certain spheres my repulsion towards her for that would be perfectly normal. In fact at least half the people I regularly talk to would find that offputting. I'm not really wrong to call this stuff out. I'm not accountable for other people's level of education. I try my best, but if someone should seriously fucking no better then I'm going to call them out on it.

I'm mostly pretty aware of my own condition and it's a little ableist to assume that I have a tiff with someone just because of that. She was a dumbass, she threw her hat in with a lot of shitty abusive people and I called her on it.

I'm never going to get on with someone who constantly reposts blog entries telling me how terrible i am as a feminist and always playing the vicitm, etc. etc.. There are people I get on with who do have issues with feminism but they don't make it a point of being huge neckbeards about it, generally. If they do I call them on it.

I've no time for MRA-ish types and some of the guys that gave me hassle in the con scene were real fedora tippers. Though to be equal opportunities here - one girl told me I couldn't be a feminist because there was nothing "feminine" about me. And totally wasn't transphobic, or missing the point of feminism.

I have written a bunch of stuff about this, in the essays section so I'll just link to it.


>> No.7687165

In this specific instance I see where you're coming from. I know similar late teens, early adult women who will repeat internet MRA (because there's a difference between IRL and internet politics, with any group) bullshit without ever thinking about what they're actually saying. However I was speaking in general terms, rather than specifics. Especially with younger people there's a good chance they just need time to work out what's going on though. I've literally know neo-nazis from my teen years who hit 25 and just feel embarrassed about how stupid they were.

If you want to believe that someone making an observation that your behaviour fits with a major trait of someone with a condition you describe yourself as having is ableist then go right ahead, but it's not exactly productive to do so. In context, writing an entire person off because of one dumb opinion is pretty consistent with BPD.

We have gone spectacularly off topic at this point.

>> No.7687174

Giving out your tumblr is just an invitation for people to spam you abuse! May not have been the best moove there!

>> No.7687181


Focusing on my BPD in the first place is the problem. While it does explain a lot of the issues I've had I'm still more than that, I'm a human being with my own motivations, tastes and distastes.

I'm just trying to explain that as a person who does suffer from mental illness and is autistic, people can be very quick to dehumanise us in various ways. It's just important to keep that in mind and not get defensive when we point it out. I pointed out I had issues with someone because I bonded with them over feminism, and they threw their hat in with the MRAs. You then brought up my condition when it wasn't really relevant. It's not really about what I believe or whatever - it just wasn't appropriate, and I'm trying to communicate that. I'm happy to discuss my condition in a different context, but it wasn't relevant there and trying to equate the two was offensive.

I'm getting better at picking who I keep around me. I do recognise there are people I have written off because of dumb opinions - however there are also people I've tried to keep around me out of loneliness that I probably shouldn't have done.

I think in a weird way talking about geek social issues might actually be more on point than you think. There's a reason there's so much drama at these cons.

>> No.7687184


i don't think this thread is active enough. it's autosaging.

also i haven't even been using it much lately, so whatever. if i get a bunch of dickish PMs I'll ignore them.

>> No.7687206

I'm sorry that I offended you. However, the reason I'm still awake and on the internet is due to a mental illness of my own (otherwise I'd have a job I need to be up for etc). The fine details of it aren't relevant, but it is helpful to me to be aware of the ways it makes me perceive and evaluate other people's actions. If I've learned anything in the last eight years of dealing with it since diagnosis, it's that it's ALWAYS relevant, and I constantly have to double check my perceptions to see if it's a genuine problem or if it's just the black dog barking at the doorbell again. You can chose to look at it as dehumanising, or you can chose to look at it as a defining characteristic of your personhood and learn to deal with it as best you can by identifying the behaviours that cause problems and the stimuli and warning signs that lead to an episode.

In regards to geek social issues, I presume you're familiar with the geek social fallacies post that did the rounds a few years back?

>> No.7687224


The problem is that if any sort of marginalised person tells you something is oppressive, you kinda need to listen to that, regardless of your own situation. It's something I've had to learn too.

I don't think being autistic or borderline is dehumanising. I think being reduced to those conditions is, especially when people contradict themselves by refusing to let it fly as an "excuse"/explanation for your behaviour.

I haven't seen that post, I'll try googling.

>> No.7687239

I'm not 100%, but I *think* this is the original: http://www.plausiblydeniable.com/opinion/gsf.html

Honestly, if you think that's oppressive (given that I am in this context the same marginalised demographic that you are) then you need to get the hell of Tumblr and stay off it.

Part of coming to terms with mental illness is not using your condition as an excuse, assuming you've come to terms with having it in the first place. Part of THAT is the fact that most people won't know you have a condition, and won't take the time to learn and adjust when the option is to just stop dealing with you entirely. Discriminatory? Sure. Them's the breaks. On the flipside, the ones that do understand your situation often are aware of many people with the same or similar who aren't expecting it to be used as an excuse. Catch 22.

>> No.7687280


Okay, again, reducing someone to their condition IS oppressive, because that's traditionally how the mentally ill are kept in disadvantaged positions. Ireland has a particularly shitty history of dealing with this, locking up troubled women in Magdalene laundries etc. It's not a tumblr thing. I'm telling you it's a general thing. And even being in the same demographic, you can still absolutely act oppressively, in the same way women revelling in sexist/rape jokes etc. are helping propogate oppression.

The idea of viewing a mental illness as an excuse in the first place is problematic. People with mental illness do not have the same action/reaction mechanism as others. I, on a rare occasion, have fits where I literally can't control what I'm doing or saying. My condition does very literally cause things to happen that are not my conscious decision.

Expecting people to always adapt to the majority is again, an oppressive opinion. We're not talking about practicality here, but morality. It's not as if people with mental illnesses are even that tiny a minority and there's a lot of general ideas that if properly spread would lead to people like me being treated better and held n higher regard. The big problem here isn't that I use my condition as an excuse or crutch. It's that people have a toxic attitude towards mental health in general, and a 1950s model of personal responsibility. Ableism is ableism, regardless of the excuse. Them's not the breaks. Discrimination is bad and people shouldn't do it.

Part of my personal therapy is accepting that this is not my fault, and it's okay. I just need to do my best. Even when I shouted down others for judging me, part of me still hated myself, and I'm sort of done with that.

>> No.7687336

Yeah, that's not what the word means and reducing someone to their condition is not what's happening here, nor has it ever been what's happening in any of the situations I've witnessed you in online. IRL I can't comment about, not having seen them. Magdalene laundries etc weren't specifically for mental illness, but you're right in that they were oppressive specifically because they fit the actual definition of the word, rather than the Tumblr-specific use which boils down to "unfair". Tumblr is a circlejerk worse than reddit for self-reinforcing communities that descend into hyperbolic jargonised redefinition of words and backslapping. It's just how it rolls.

I will point out that again you are seeing someone making a point of empathising with you, and you are expressing your opinion in a way that looks like you are attacking them for empathising wrong.

I'm well aware of how BPD works, you're not the only person in either the gaming or anime scene or the smaller overlap of both in Ireland that has to deal with it.

My condition being different to yours, a large part of it was accepting that sometimes it IS my fault because people are not perfect, and that's okay. People are allowed be shitty sometimes, and I get to be shitty too. That may be an issue with the difference in our conditions and the relative challenges therein though, not sure there.

The thing about the tyranny of the majority is that you can't make an absolute moral argument in reality. When it comes right down to it "good" is defined as the best thing for the most people, so an evenish playing field is the best we can do. You personally have got a buttload of challenges before you hit an even playing field, but expecting universal understanding is unreasonable and just plain won't ever happen. Best we can hope for in our lifetime is probably a general openness about mental health issues and hopefully equal legal rights for the LGBT segments of society.

>> No.7687351


Oppression theory is something that pre-dates tumblr. Oppression isn't simple, obvious clear cut "You can't have these jobs because you're trans" or "Seperate bathrooms for blacks and whites".

You're the one who brought up tumblr and seem to have some sort of problem with the communities that are found of it. I did not, and I learned most of the language I did absent of tumblr. I interact with feminist, queer sex work and trans activists in real life.

People should only be held at fault for things they can actually control. It might be a shortcoming, but it's not your "fault". "Fault" in that context is generally something you can work at overcoming, whereas mental illnesses are something you can only work at dealing with.

Surely you can see the issue with how the mentally ill are treated and how we're expected to conform and take on enormous burdens all on our own?

>> No.7687353


Also even if in your view, you are trying to empathise, you are still saying things which are hurtful and incorrect. I'm trying to correct you on them but when you start bringing up tumblr and shit it just feels like I'm arguing with any other anon on 4chan, so forgive me for not feeling reassured by this empathy.

>> No.7687398

Actually you brought it up first by posting your Tumblr account. I am aware how oppression theory works in the wider sociological sense. I also interact with the first and last group IRL, (queer sex work being the exception, for clarity) and I've noticed a marked difference in the use of language there and online, particularly on Tumblr. In some cases it's the assumption that they are speaking to a receptive audience, in others it's a very specific kind of toxic reinforcement. IRL, the language is very different and, TL;DR version: more inclusive, less hostile. Online, the way in which it ends up being perceived often seems to depend on the presence of absence of a decent copy editor.

I do see it, but I guess I disagree on a philosophical level about where the lines of personal responsibility are drawn. #notallmentallyill on the sidelines of #yesallwomen was... interesting to say the least. Shortcoming is a better general term, but I was angling at the concept of actions taken as a result of our respective conditions that would have caused offence or injury to other people, so probably responsibility would have been better than fault.

Honestly though, years of actually coming to terms with stuff has shown me that people tend to average out on burden over time. I've had a pretty solidly "meh" run at life, but my reaction to it has not been appropriate.

>> No.7687420


>Actually you brought it up first by posting your Tumblr account.

... Tumblr isn't a monolith. It's just where I keep my essays for the most part.

I guess we're just going to have to disagree. Though I find it hard to let you off on the idea that people "Average out" on burden over time because that is completely ridiculous - and basically suggests we shouldn't bother helping the mentally ill - or marginalised people like transwomen - because ah sure, over the course of their life it'll work out about the same. It really doesn't.

>> No.7687444

Not everything has to happen to a person directly for it to be a major burden for them and, as you are aware, the culture here in particular tends towards people not talking about it. Nerd culture is more open to it than most though, so if you pay attention you'll notice stuff showing up.

>> No.7688193

Agreed but it was apparently beyond their control as the university took away the large building Wargames were supposed to run in. I did see a small amount of Wargaming stuff on the ground floor though.

Is there another event in the same building this weekend?

>> No.7688201

Great to see a thread about a con that someone didn't attend turned into a thread about that person seeking attention. ggwp

>> No.7688221

I'm legitimately speechless at the denial in this thread.
Eirtakon is this struggling veteran that makes rapid claims about its popularity because they are too stubborn to admit their audience has been dwindling because of the superior competition

Arcade on the saturday night alone dwarves their attendance figures. Q con consistently has more attendance than any other con in the country and runs better additionally. DCC may be an expo but it stomps eirtakon in terms of how its run as well. Nom-con can never get their shit together but their staff are at least enthusiastic about what they do.

I would take -- fucking -- normie fest MCM Ireland over the shit that is Eirtakon these days.

These others cons are all run by staff who are friends. Eirtakon is run by self righteous assholes who come up with higher figures in their head every year, because they are so desperate to cling to their highlight years.

*mic drop*

>> No.7688224

They're not arcadecon but some of their staff are also arcadecon staff. I'm surprised arcadecon got a good review from them cause I heard geek Ireland came about from bryan mcnamara turning against declan but I guess it was just a rumour drama llamas started?

>> No.7688255

Geek ireland is apart of Arcade. They just use geek ireland page to get gather data bout other cons and problems about arcade without directly asking for it and lookinf bad on their facebook. they feel like a big corporate sellout like dublin comic con was. lets bring in wrestling and hannah from s club 7 cause congoers are autistic morons. Fucking hate this shit

>> No.7688260


>> No.7688263

thats a little paranoid don't you think? if that was the case geek ireland would be more about cons but instead they started doing a bunch of other stuff and their own events along with it. I do think there's some truth to the declan vs bryan rumour maybe but creating a whole other group with their own staff and merchandise and events just to gather info.... bit paranoid. you're spot on about mcm dublin though, what a farce.

>> No.7688279

I will give you one thing leigh. You admitted that you made a mistake for once, thats something that you really need to do more often. People don't like you more so because you are a person who never sees their own faults and puts it down to society rather than the fact that you are rude to people.

>> No.7688287

I heard the fire alarm that went off during the weekend was an angry con attendee who got pissed off because he couldnt get a refund? Anyone hear any details about it? I could probably believe it as they are tighter than a nuns vagina about giving refunds for their crappy event. eirtakon legions better as is the standerd

>> No.7688294

Geek Ireland is as much a part of Arcade as it is Eirta, in the fact Geek Ireland is not related to Eirta one bit. Bryan says he doesn't want to start a con, and that's good. It would be fucking awful. All geek Ireland is good for is sucking off Riot Games left ball. And this whole glan thing is going to fucking bomb, and I hope Bryan is in the middle of the explosion. He's so much worse than you fuckers in here!

>> No.7688300


Fire alarm was some hotel guest, not related to the convention who started smoking in the room, and then the hotels fire system decided to break. Why should they have to refund for that?

No conventions actually refund attendees unless you have an amazing excuse.

>> No.7688310

Everyone knows all these negative posts are from Eirta Staff....
Power hungry fags

>> No.7688323

I'm i the only one who thinks the cons should just bury hatchets and do crossover events?

>> No.7688353

If bryan is bad then jaffa is worse most of the drama between arcade and geek ireland was him from what I hear. geek Ireland staff had to leave arcadecon staff, I mean look at who they have, it was all founded by ex arcadecon staff except for that fat lesbian bitch who does vip for arcade and prob enjoys all the attention from being in the middle of both teams. I give geek ireland a year before we're all trying to remember who they even were

>> No.7688383


Great post Declan.

>> No.7688386
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>> No.7688392

Thanks Bryan. Love you, bro!

>> No.7688397


Far from it. This convention hatefuckfest reads like an episode of The Hills or Fade Street, either we sink apart or we swim together.

>> No.7688398


I don't think any of the conventions actually have issues with each other. Its like one or two people in the committee's that don't like each other.

>> No.7688416

Link please?

>> No.7688418

Queer gaming con? You mean the recent Gaymer X con in the states?

>> No.7688424

This is the most honest and reasonable comment i have seen in this entire thread. Thank you

>> No.7688429

Believe it or not the Shaggy cosplayer is the same guy who does that awesome Deadpool cosplay

>> No.7688454


More or less the truth. I've observed staff and committee members from the various conventions for the most part getting on famously with each other and conversing on a familiar and amiable level with each other.

This whole drama llama clusterfuck is a mere microcosm when you think about it, a few idiots with maturity issues going out of their way to scream bloody murder about each other but when it all comes down, most are willing to support each other, either by attending or else helping out.

Foreignfags, fear not, we're not all complete trainwrecks here in Ireland.

>> No.7688467

Is it still in the same hotel?

>> No.7688482
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Why all this negativity the community should be helping push each other forward not ripping each other apart. Share your ideas forward help me help you! There I have said my piece Unity makes more Badass cons! and if you dont agree to bad just continue venting your rage here enjoy. ^_^

>> No.7688487

Psst... you don't put your full name and email on 4chan, just leave the fields blank.

>> No.7688490

That deadpool was alright a few years ago but now it just looks old and overused, those suits aren't supposed to last that long

>> No.7688492

There are no real hate people in the con staff scene in Ireland. Apart from one or two which were either made from spite, ala Arcade was made to spite Nom, and Aka was made to spite nom & Arcade cause Lorraine is worse than a 2013 Leigh Walsh, who seems to have calmed down, (Good for you Leigh). I've staffed and attended loads of cons going back to 2008. None of the conventions work for a wage. None of them make any profit. Most of the stuff that you see is paid for out of the staffs pockets. Any profit that is made from ticket sales is either donated to charity, or goes back in to the convention to make the next one bigger and better. The reasons there are no real hate relationships in the con scene is because they all want the same goal, and that's to put on a convention that will serve as a chance to have a mass meetup with friends, a weekend drinking binge, a chance to meet celebrities, and other reasons. They all get along. Sure Declan took part in a Burlesque show at Akumakons request 2 years ago, Nom & Eirta made Anime Dublin, etc etc. I'm not saying that there are people in the scene that don't hate each other, but that's because it was made personal by one person to another.

Like it or not also, you say the con was shit, every convention gives you a chance to give feedback, but if you don't man up and actually say "I want this", then they will be blind as to in what your opinion, "Makes a good convention". Either way, ALL conventions are going to be perfectly happy to take your 20-35 euro and let you complain while being a bored, sour cunt, who will come on here and bitch, and be ignored. That's another thing. The directors don't read this shit. It's pathetic to them.

>> No.7688510

When you have several cons and several committees it's only natural you'll get a few douchebags getting involved either for power, attention or money or all three in the case of some.

Most people on the committees are indeed very friendly and just want to run a fun weekend for everyone and make some friends. Then you get a few people who think their con should be top dog and them with it so they use downright backhanded methods to achieve that goal, and of course they never seem like an asshole to the general public. Anyway if you work on the committees you generally do hear about all kinds of shit going on.

>> No.7688540


I admit to mistakes all the time. It's just highly problematic to push someone to admit to mistakes when they are a highly marginalised person being bullied by others. Are you not able to understand how crappy it is to talk about how someone who actually has been given the shaft by society at large can't just own up to their mistakes? There's a bigger problem here than my own social skills, and you're part of it.

Now maybe it's your turn to admit to mistakes? Also who are the "people" you're talking about, because it's very possible I'm no longer interested in associating with them regardless.

>> No.7688544


I'm hardly an Eirta ally but where is this stuff coming from?


Yeah my friend Selena was at it and seemed to enjoy it. I haven't been into gaming much lately though, I find it hard to get in with the indie stuff.


Actually I've heard most of the drama happens internally with cons, not between them. I was actually hanging with a bunch of Eirta lads not too long ago and there were shtories, and this was the general consensus that came from it.

>> No.7688546

Do who was your favourite cosplayer?

>> No.7688555


holy balls guy i just read this

i giggle at the 80% of his personality remark, but let's not slut shame/engage in whorephobia?

some of us hang out with actual whores here...

>> No.7688562


Kaizoku was pretty decent for a smaller first year con, but nothing overly special. Staff and such seemed pretty okay, though of course I Knew some of them anyway.

I got a free pass for next year since I won the cosplay take me out thing(lol).


Gaming cons have been a thing in Ireland for a good bit longer though, don't forget. Anime cons weren't taken seriously as a thing until quite recently and I'd argue they still wasn't. Because anime is so kerazzzyy and they have a younger audience I feel that while a lot of the staff and whatnot work very hard there is still this kind of attitude of not putting real thought into how they can be structured.

You know I've been thinking, we have more than enough cons already. There are other geek things you can do other than cons. We'd be better off having more meetups and events and what not, because those are things you can have on all year round without exhausting people.

Though the problem with that is for those of us that are less Mainstream it's harder to find people who are into the same shit we're into. Maybe we need to have a mini Hipstercon or something.

>> No.7688597

Favourite cosplay of Ac...prob Psylocke..

>> No.7688716

It's totally beyond their control alright, but it's still unfun to arrive to the con expecting to spend loads of money and play lots of fun demos only to realise that you need to go to OtherCon, next month. Not that it really cost me anything more than time or anything, but I was grumpy after a transatlantic adventure with the TSA so... yeah, nitpicking.

You've seen Primeval right?

>> No.7688811

DCC facebook likes 6,592
Arcadecon facebook likes 5,960
Eirtakon facebook likes 4,264
Nom-con likes 2,924

If we use these figures as guidleines and then quarter them you have the rough attendance these get every year. You can tell me this theory is bullshit, but undeniable popularity on social media doesn't lie. So now try and tell me Eirtakon is irelands largest convention cause that is a lot of codswallop.

>> No.7688838


>> No.7688841

Fuck you, Leigh.
I spoke to less than a handful of times and you called me every name under the sun for just speaking my mind. You verbally attacked me for defending my opinions. You're nothing but an angry fucking dope, no wonder nobody wants to around your stupid ass. Fuck off back to Tumblr and take your trannyisms with you.

>> No.7688851

>Arcade facebook likes 5,960

Note that was *after* they merged their two pages (one for website, one for con) together. Daft move if you ask me.

>> No.7688881

Are you for real? The arcade is a news site which is why it has a lot of followers.
If Eirtakon was counting people going in and out it was probably to ensure the fire limit wasn't breached. Some venues can be very demanding on that I believe. But if you actually went to the con there was no doubt at all that over 2500 people were there. Croke Park is a far bigger venue than the Ballbridge.

Arguing that AC even came close to being the size of Eirta is just making yourself out to be a total fanboy moron. Now go back to rimming Declan.

>> No.7688916

Jesus christ you spastic fucking wheelbarrow! Who in the flying fuck gives a shite about a cons numbers?! Either it was good or it wasnt!! Why do you keep dragging declans name into everything! Yeah we all have our faults and yeah this is 4chan so who gives a rats ass whats said here but are you honestly that sad that youve got nothing better to do with your time than to be just fuckig offensive for the the lulz?! Fair fucking play to the chap that he keeps putting on conventions, dont like him or heard bad things about the con? Then dont fucking go. Its not that hard of a concept. noobfag out again

>> No.7688929

I know exactly who one or two of these fags who are talking rubbish about other Irish Cons and their getting a smack very soon.You eirtakon skitso"s nobody cares about your numbers.

>> No.7688938

Fucking hell, why do so many con people have such woeful trouble with spelling?

>> No.7688978

I think your the fucking spastic wheelbarrow, poster was referring to the Arcadefag that kept saying Arcadecon is the biggest con in Ireland and that Eirta only had something ludicrous like 800 attendees.

>> No.7688992

No-one gives a shite about the attendance figures but still doesn't change the fact Eirtakon was a better event. It wasn't gold and still needs improving but arcadecon is still nowhere as good.

>> No.7688997

A lot of hard work went into the cons. Some people have shitty attitudes. But making it happen at all seems like a miracle to me! I know I couldn't do it. I just like seeing the pretty people in cosplay. Say what you want about Declan, but when he isn't wearing a dress he is kinda easy on the eyes. The Rei cosplayer has great legs. And that red head whoa.

So can't we all just get along and appreciate the stuff people do.

>> No.7689166

Fucking seconded.

>> No.7689171

Let's switch it up then..good irish cosplays/cosplayers...and go!

>> No.7689201

That blue faced old wizard kinda guy ( sort don't know character name) was pretty good at AC.

>> No.7689206

he was simon from adventure time who turns into ice king

>> No.7689235

Yeah he was cool, lot of Adventure time people though. pity domino and psylocke didnt team up.

>> No.7689259

I liked then resident evil zombie hunters. Seen them at a few places before. They hd a Nemesis with thin. He was drinking huge.

>> No.7689316

The blind guy on Nom Con's committee is one of the douches, I think his name is Darren or something

>> No.7689321

I thought you didn't like Eirtakon Leigh

>> No.7689330

Hannah from S Club 7 was in a SciFi show though, remember that thing about wormholes and dinosaurs coming through them?

>> No.7689346

They've got a good thing going, but as an airsofter the waving around of guns at events makes me a little wary. It just takes one moron to get the sport banned in a giant moral panic.

>> No.7689582


I don't particularly like any of the cons tbh but there's a few people involved with each that I get on with.

>> No.7690207

oh, also, Arcade Con isn't happening next year. I couldn't be bothered reading to see if it's been said but ya

Just so you guys know.

>> No.7690508

I fucking wish

>> No.7690811

did anyone see that the declan lad paid 800 euro for a fucking script at the auction? we can all see where the money from the con goes now. no wonder they cant afford to improve it.

>> No.7690861

Anyone know that staff member that was dressed like a fucking space mobile (more like a black hole)? All she seemed to fucking do was go around and fucking have her picture taken, she probably thinks she is some kind of fucking special guest, seems full of herself. No wonder the con is so piss pour with staff like that!!

>> No.7690904

keep telling yourself that. whatever makes yo u feel better. Croke park may be bigger event. But eirtakon consistantly has Less figures every year. Its been trumped. Stop being a bitch and admit that DCC and Arcade have surpassed it. Theres Less things to do at eirta. Its Poorly organised as per fucking usual. Its Too fucking hot in croke park. The staff are IDIOTS and i don't say that lightly as one or two of my friends are on it.

>> No.7690911

Chris Dalys hate boner for arcade goes stronger each year. A dick that even Declan won't suck

>> No.7690933

This is a bit random, but over a year ago i made a pretty ignorant remark towards you and i just want to say i'm sorry about that, cause its been kind of weighing on me with guilt. Shouldn't have said it; would rather not repeat it.

>> No.7690943

Yo, piss off and leave her out of this thread. She is nothing but kind and nice to everyone, she is (imo) the most down to earth person at AC

>> No.7690952

>Stop being a bitch and admit that DCC and Arcade have surpassed it.

DCC is a completely different ball game. A random trade hall and showcase expo like DCC or MCM can't really be compared to home-grown conventions.

>> No.7690959

i like all the cons...
certain staff members can be rude at different ones but thats individuals, you can't label an entire con as stupid staff or elitist staff when you are talking specifically about one or two that you don't like.

>> No.7690977

Arcade was good this year imo. The panels were actually pretty deadly which i can't say the same for their previous years. joe roches panel;adventures in time and space;dramatic reading;pendleton wards interview;picardos concert; starlight ball and the late night xxx cartoon panel. One thing i'll say is i wasn't keen with that faux promotional stunt by pretending they might cancel and then not at the last minute.

>> No.7690999

>DCC is a completely different ball game. A random trade hall and showcase expo like DCC or MCM can't really be compared to home-grown conventions.

DCC is run entirely by irish people. it's home grown,

>> No.7691011

she's not staff, she's just a friend of the con

>> No.7691012

no, it is. They were going to end this year but they made an announcement at the closing cermony about it and they'll be back next year

>> No.7691069

I too agree, I don't think anyone should be airing their dirty laundry by saying in an article yup we got too sad, we won't be back, but then at the con we changed our minds! It's really ok to not have Arcade Con next year there will be other cons. If you can't do it, don't. And change the fecking hotel if you do, that place is a nightmare every year.

>> No.7691072

>>7690861 The girl in that outfit, is not a staffer, just friends of the staff. And is a pretty fecking awesome person if you ask me. You sound jealous talking about how much she got her photo taken. ;)

>> No.7691076

Love the gossip going on in this thread

>> No.7691078

I have read some of his blog posts. Why is he dumb enough to post them publicly I'll never know! What a pansy.

>> No.7691091

Arcade-Con is like pride weekend 2.0 it has nothing for anybody who isn't gay. Its basically a con made by bigots. They already have pride weekend and now they take this exlcusively for homo demographic as well. No offense to anyone who is gay but its just frustrating to be excluded from an event like this.

>> No.7691094

yeh ...to charity. what a monster! /sarcasm

>> No.7691101

You wot m8. I'm not gay and I don't like the people who run Arcade-Con but it's perfectly easy to have a good time there if you're straight. You sound a little sensitive, friend.

>> No.7691142

Would you mind explaining how Dr Roche panel caters only for gays? Or the games room? Or that Pendleton Ward and Robert Picardo doesn't suit for straight people? Not to mention the burlesque show; the girls, the boobies!!

>> No.7691179

It's exclusionary for straight people. Which is not hard to understand. They don't include them in talking etc. Also the burlesque show is mostly declan putting his chachas out. And no offense to the girls, but please wear underwear that at least fits you, those outfits were so unflattering. Or like that other year when one of the dancers had a tea bag stuck to her tit, real attractive. They also have a gay porn panel every year. And last year Declans brother and his gay boyfriend dressed up in fetish wear. So yeah....doesn't make straight people feel comfortable.

>> No.7691185

That says more about you than it does about the con to be fair.

>> No.7691191

But that stuff is all really easy to avoid, there's loads of stuff that a person of any sexual orientation can feasibly enjoy, as well. What would be your opinion on a gay person saying a straight porn panel made them feel excluded and uncomfortable? You'd probably tell them to get over it because they don't have to attend it.

>> No.7691204

Arcade Con is hypocritical at the very least. And I'm all the time hearing declan talk about how he hates certain people, but yet he keeps them around and is polite to their face. All of Thursday night was a gay parade, no you can't avoid that. And last year, grinding on that big predator guy? How professional. And yup says lots about me, pathetic reply lol. Hard to argue with sense eh?

>> No.7691206

I guess you don't know Declan personally eh. Yuck straight ppl!

>> No.7691208

I don't think anyone here is saying they actually like Declan, he's a massive eejit. But if you're actually saying you feel very uncomfortable when everything isn't specifically catered to you, as a straight man (presumably), you are being a fucking moron.

>> No.7691219

Actually you're the only moron here I was agreeing and adding to what this poster said. "Arcade-Con is like pride weekend 2.0 it has nothing for anybody who isn't gay. Its basically a con made by bigots. They already have pride weekend and now they take this exlcusively for homo demographic as well. No offense to anyone who is gay but its just frustrating to be excluded from an event like this." You're the only one that can't stop whining about my differing opinion. lol

>> No.7691223

There's more than me here.

>> No.7691224

I presume this is anthony?

>> No.7691228

I like Declan.

>> No.7691230

If you're talking to me (>>7691223, >>7691208, >>7691101) I have no idea who Anthony is.

>> No.7691231

shhh don't say that here, the dumb trolls will hear you

>> No.7691234

New topic, how about how DCC and AC can't get along and slag each other off, but they kissed a made up just to have someone at DCC running gaming tables last year?

>> No.7691255

There's a difference between not liking someone personally and allowing them to participate in an event. It's called professionalism.
There are a lot of say.. actors or celebrities that don't get along but still work together in movies or shows. Professionals.

>> No.7691284


Okay lol. What did you say and who are you(if it's relevant/the comments weren't anonymous?) I don't mind if you repeat it if you're taking responsibility for it.

I guess it's cool you're owning up to saying something insensitive though when it's really easy to take advantage of someone's marginalised/unpopular status to say whatever.

Also just found out my panel got turned down for Nom Con. Two weeks before the con.

Yyeeeeah. I'm probably not going to Bro and now I'm considering not going to Nom because that was bad form. Also I'm betting despite their claim of getting many different panel submissions most of them will be meh because most panels at irish cons tend to be meh.

I was doing a thing with the girl that did the panel(Anthea) at Eirtakon and I thought it was kinda important to do a continuation of that discussion and branch out a bit. If they don't have someone more qualified giving a similar talk I might not bother going at all.

>> No.7691285

What do you mean they're not included in the talking? Do the panelists have to declare their sexuality before every talk? Because I'm certain plenty of them are straight. Would that satisfy you or do you demand them to categorise each event based on sexual preference e.g Doctor Who panel (only for straight), Crossplay workshop (gay), Klingon lesson (alien only - please show ID at door).
Unless I missed it, I don't recall any gay porn this year.

>> No.7691287


what the fuck are you talking about.

also i wish there was a queer geek con here. you know it actually kind of sucks being a queer geek given the lack of representation and the general dominance of neckbeards. i don't really like the section of queer culture that arcade tends to represent, the kinda catty middle class glee watching crowd either.

and it doesn't go both ways, homophobia is shit. straight people are not oppressed.


why the fuck should everything have to cater to straight people? like 99% of stuff in the world, most anime, most video games, most movies, to a disproportionate degree cater to straight people. there's like one con with a queer streak and suddenly it's REVERSE DISCRIMINATION?

a lot of us feministy types aren't comfortable with the male gazey bullshit you get in a lot of geek media either, and you just tell us to shut up. so boo hoo.

>> No.7691293


Neither is any con..

>> No.7691360

Do you have any links?

I saw him talking about this thread on FB

>> No.7691369

So who does Declan hate?

>> No.7691391

I hear he hates meat eater because that is MURDER!!!!
Also Nazis and people who talks at theatre.

>> No.7691503

They should have never given you faggots internet access...

>> No.7691531

Lol noone said discrimination. The arcade con staff are very exclusionary to people and if you are not gay even more so. Porno is fine, at a con however its a bad buisness model, especially if you dont want to be branded as such. If you want to be minority(gay) con be one but understand yhis is a conservative country abd youre only alienating people. Gay is fine, flaunting it at a con thats supposed to be for everyone maybe not. Whats wrong with toning if down a bit? Or wait youd rather the con just keep getting smaller every year and noone tell you why...

>> No.7691537

>If you want to be minority(gay) con be one
>people choose to be minorities
Oh okay you're trolling, never mind.

>> No.7691612

Was it the "Naomi pillowface" name that gave him away?

>> No.7691687

>Gay is fine, flaunting it at a con thats supposed to be for everyone maybe not.

I can't tell you the amount of cons I've been to that are "supposed to be for everyone" that I haven't felt comfortable at for a number of reasons.

>> No.7691767

So where does Chris Daly post his blog posts?

>> No.7691788

Try the pub's toilet at the back alleyway