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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7647977 No.7647977[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does CGL feelz?

http://youtu .be/qcWRPIRxn2E

>> No.7647983

just looks like a KPP ripoff.

>> No.7647986


fuck off

>> No.7647993

>poor KPP ripoff
>music doesn't match visuals at all
>awkward overacting
at least she's kind of cute? But the music is not my style at all.

>> No.7647997

genuinely curious

>> No.7648004

>Video trying to be KPP
>Music trying to be Florence and the Machine
It's not working. Stop while you're ahead.

>> No.7648006

It's fucking awful. Both the song and the video.

>> No.7648015

makes me think of psapp a little bit more than florence

http://www.youtube .com/watch?v=FZBdVqfv__I

>> No.7648026

idk her music sounds kinda like iamamiwhoami but not good
what is it with everyone trying to be KPP though?
anyone else remember kimonotime's attempt at it... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vh79R0VDBEI

>> No.7648032

I saw Kelsey perform Pom Pom live, it wasn't so bad.

>> No.7648033
File: 714 KB, 849x467, ss (2014-07-01 at 11.37.12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also that's a pretty disgusting looking hand why would you put this in a video

>> No.7648040
File: 291 KB, 499x249, 1387503598713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ what the fuck is this.

>> No.7648042

The song sounds fucking terrible, I can hardly make out the lyrics.

>> No.7648045

I kind of like the music.
The video is absolute shit though.
Also this >>7648004

>> No.7648050

>white girls

>> No.7648055

What about this?

>> No.7648059

What about this?

>> No.7648060

my internet hiccuped and I thought the first one failed ugh. Anyways neat video with J fashion, gets interesting like a minute in.

>> No.7648069

Stop trying. You tried so hard and you failed so hard it hurts.

>> No.7648151

Wow this is fucking embarassing. Someone thought this was a good idea to put this on youtube.

>> No.7648155

>kind of cute
get your eyes checked. she's over shoop'd tryhard trash.
>all dem gems on her face

>nasty stubby fingers
i feel sick.

>> No.7648166

Going the creepy doll house route would have suited the music much better instead it looks like they've fallen prey to the "I like both of these things let's mash them together!" thing.

That and she's too fat and ugly to pull of the style well.

>> No.7648178

Not fat, just ugly and has bad taste.

>> No.7648180

I really thought the dude in this video looked obnoxious, but the end paid off. I actually liked it.

>> No.7648181

Like 100% of Kyary fans.

>> No.7648184

What kind of circle lenses is she wearing? Those eyes are epic.

>> No.7648193

agreed, I liked the first two eye looks

>> No.7648199

I think the girl in the vid is legit cute but all that crap on her face isn't doing her any favours. All the styling in this video is shit, and it's not even creative. Like if you're going to copy another artist at least make it a GOOD copy.

Agreed on the spoopy doll house thing. It would work so much better with the music and the narrative they seem to be going for.

>> No.7648200 [DELETED] 

>http://youtu .be/qcWRPIRxn2E
well, it actually has legit Japanese girls in it who are active on the street fashion scene...

>> No.7648201

compare her hand to her face horry shitto!

>> No.7648204

those fingernails

>> No.7648220

>>7647993 >>7648004
Yeah this shit didn't match, I liked how it sounded but it looked like KPP?
Better fire whoever decided on that video.

I would love KPP if she was just a bit rock-ier somehow, it looks so scene it might as well embrace it.

>> No.7648224

Meh. It had actual J-fashion people and the video had a kinda cool concept. The song itself sounds like any other whiny dude "electro" act thats out there.

>> No.7648233

Would /cgl/ class this as J-fashion horror?

I really liked it personally.

>> No.7648246

I think it's a super interesting song. Lyrically it's awesome! there's so many boring songs about the same thing at least this one has an interesting message. She sings well but it does get a little repetitive.

>> No.7648252

>http://youtu .be/qcWRPIRxn2E
her faces just got progressivly creepier that set was shit for the music video.
fuck use some pop music or at least do the same shit with gothic lolita instead.

if she's trying to go for creepy cute she absolutely failed.
I liked this but I didn't like her makeup and her tooth gap bothers me.

>> No.7648260

>http://www.youtube .com/watch?v=FZBdVqfv__I
I personally disliked that they were all asian because to me it was like "hmm, yellow fever"
but once they shot him down I was cool with the video.

>> No.7648266

Not really?

>> No.7648273

lmao I have that sailor dress that she's wearing in the video

>> No.7648288

Where did you get it from? If you don't mind me asking.
I need all of her clothes in that video, they're so cute!

>> No.7648305


>muh racism

>> No.7648428
File: 31 KB, 368x285, 1369663529422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck :O
girl in pic is insanely hot

>> No.7648431

my new pure waifu

>> No.7648454

I actually normally quite like the style of music in OP - it's not an awful track for the genre, just average. I wouldn't bash her on the music because it's not bad enough to be awful to anyone who listens to it.

But why the KPP styling? It's really confusing, because you see the imagery and you expect sugary pop à la KPP. It's bright and cute and doesn't correspond to the music at all. If it was those things, but original, I'd understand it as a personal stylistic choice and mash up.

But it's just copying KPP... So is she trying to appeal to KPP fans? That'd be dumb, since it's probably not the sort of music they like.

Same things with fans of the sound, they likely won't go for that aesthetic.

Basically, she needs to sort her brand image out before she does anything else if she wants to attract a solid public and not just confuse them...

>> No.7648457

reminds me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcVv9R1ZR84

>> No.7648461

OK I didn't bother looking at the credits/description and there's a team that worked on this, and their other videos are completely different. I'll read before judging this time, taking everything into consideration it just seems more like weird satire than anything.

>> No.7648469

Is someone in charge of this girl/girl herself actually posting shit ITT? All my keks.

>> No.7648471

At least the girl's cute, I guess.
The song itself sounds like two different songs playing at the same time. Like I literally paused and checked to see if I was playing a different song while watching.

>> No.7648472

So...no one picked up on any satire vibes here?

>> No.7648476

I don't think it's clear enough because the song and the video are so disjointed, and the style is copied a bit too well for satyre.

Also people who post here are used to tumblr copycats, so we're more like to understand it from that angle, rather than normalfags who'll look at it and think "what is this weird shit must be a joke".

>> No.7648480

you're just jelly, she is easily a 10/10 ask any guy

>> No.7648482

I wouldn't give them that much credit.
It's just a rip-off.

>> No.7648484

Okay samefag whose other two posts are exactly 60 seconds apart, I will let you humor me.

>> No.7648489

whats the satire? is there anything in the lyrics that give the impression that this would be satire?

>> No.7648493

It feels too tryhard to be satire. If it is satire, it's not very good.

>> No.7648497

>being this jelly
just admit she is a 10/10

>> No.7648507

Watching it a second time, I think I can kind of see what you mean, anon.
The fact that she gets progressively creepier "makeovers" throughout the video and is being "controlled" is supposed to be some sort of commentary on living dolls, I gather?

>> No.7648540

Nah just the tone of the song along with the fact it got progressively ..creepier as it went on.

>> No.7648552

Nah just the tone of the song along with the fact it got progressively ..creepier as it went on.

>> No.7648553

Pfft dumbass double-post. My bad.

>> No.7648554

i just dont understand what it's supposed to be satirical of. like, it's clearly copying KPP. Was there something about KPPs video that there needed to be some sort of satirical parody made of it? Pon Pon Pon was a really well made video from a technical aspect.

So are they trying to make fun of Kyary? Are they making fun of japan? Are they making fun of the video? I just dont understand.

>> No.7648557

Trying to listen to the lyrics (it's ..hard Idk what the hell she's saying).
I know it's a copy of KPP. I just thought she was kind of aiming at the "cute/kawaii" culture for some reason, I don't know the vendetta. But those are my off interpretation feels before I've had my coffee.

>> No.7648571

wow japanese doll girl so kawaii so original

also this music is shit and her voice is annoying

>> No.7648576

the fingernails made me queezy .

>> No.7648580

I was going to say the same thing, this is def a satire. Someone in the youtube comments said something about people going to far with the "kawaii" fashion.

> As a satire, I think it actually is true. We (I say we as on the anime/kawaii community[that's a thing, right?]) can take it a bit overboard. This video was probably made to show that. Now, I don't know the artist at all, haven't heard any other song by this group, so I could be wrong. I don't think that this video/song deserves the hate I see it getting from Pamyu "fans"(I don't think a fan would get up in arms over this). I quite like this song/video.

>> No.7648587

I find it hard to call something "satire" when it's made by a bunch of people just riding the coat-tails of a popular genre.

>> No.7648593

I actually REALLY like this. I think it matches the song perfectly.

>> No.7648599

It's clear that she was going for a juxtaposed effect with the song and the video, but even so I think it just clashes too much. The thing that really threw me off was the way she was acting and how she kept putting her hands in front of her face. It would have been better if she'd kept the background/clothing and acted more creepy, like >>7648233

>> No.7648605

Not a KPP fan and I still think the video ruined the song. they are so disconnected and don't make sense.

>> No.7648717

What's so wrong with cannabis?

>> No.7648734

Meh. I'm a part-time /mu/tant, so blurry vocals is something I'm used to. It's also not as cringeworthy as what I would see in ita-threads. I can see why the song and video can clash, but for some reason, and this is coming from someone who really dislikes the kawaii-uguu types on YT, it doesn't really bother me as much as I had anticipated.

>> No.7648758

I loved that video. Much better than OP's one as a I love the song.

>> No.7648843

The music itself isn't horrible, I've seen people praise garbage that sounded much worse. The problem is it doesn't fit the setting at all. You know a music video is bad when you find that the music is more appreciated by keeping it open in a tab but not watching it. Listening to the music alone, it sounds more like a tune about flight. Something like a Last-Exile OST reject. Pon-Pon style kawaii-uguu lolrandumb XD shit is probably the LAST thing this sort of music should be played with.

>> No.7648866

>a satire
you mean, a satirical parody?

>> No.7648870

People make it their hobby and centered around their lives? It's not like potheads became a thing because the majority of people who smoke do it occasionally.

>> No.7648871

This isn't much, but in a recent interview she said one of the songs on her new album is going to be more rock-sounding

>> No.7648885

So, do people still like Kerli or

>> No.7648887
File: 352 KB, 496x368, WHAT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ehhh, i think this one's too... direct with the lyrics. just uninspired "oh no our perfect white family not so perfect on the inside :c" trite.
and i actually liked >>7647977 , though more for the music than the video. i don't understand the seagulls who are calling in a KPP "rip-off" instead of a clear homage. that became obvious with the masked background dancers, i thought. (also, i first ran into the video yesterday and then looked into their other music. i like it, but it's not /cgl/-related so i won't post any.)

overall, i guess it's just ehh. i do like the lyrics and music against the cute-ish set and costumes, and i like that the juxtaposition wasn't completely overt. kinda subtle and cryptic, unlike the other video itt.

>> No.7648892

Oh I like Kerli! Although I wonder what she's doing now

>> No.7648901


>> No.7648903

Doprah is such a dumb name and the music doesn't fit the video. No further opinions though

>> No.7648934

I hope she does, but not 2014 Avril "rock" plz no. It might be out of fashion but she's pretty suited for that crunkcore kind of genre.

I hate her boring songs, they're not even catchy. Her visuals are nice though, can't have everything I guess.

>> No.7648964

This, everything about this video is such a bloody rip off.

>> No.7648983

Nah its not, the video was made with a grant from NZ on air and we don't really have many (if any) living dolls in New Zealand or its really not a big enough deal for us to need to satirise.
From what i understand the video was made to be crazy, creepy, and quirky but the styling department got lazy and figured that maybe people didn't know about KPP. From a Kiwi perspective her lyrics and vocal styling sound like shes also trying to rip off Minuit.

>> No.7648995

I don't care what color he is anon.
I just hate faggots with yellow fever

>> No.7648999 [DELETED] 


or maybe if you knew anything about Porter Robinson, he's a weeb just like you and has done plenty with the japanese music scene, including quite a few vocaloid songs.

>> No.7649193

Reminds me a bit of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vh79R0VDBEI

>> No.7649193,1 [INTERNAL] 

i know for a fact the video is satire. If any of you could actually understand symbolism and wern't just part of the 14 year old facevalue internet generation you would be able to pick up on the fact the video is a comment on the treatment of female pop stars in the music industry through the setting of a j-pop style as the treatment they receive is a particularly good example

>> No.7649311

Ew. Hell, no. I can stand OP's video, in fact, Doprah is actually quite pleasant to listen to, imho.

>> No.7649316

oh my god why. 90% of the song is shitty song phrases ("Never gonna get with me tonight" "shake your x" etc etc) and the entire video just hurts to watch.

>> No.7649379

NO. Horrible song and video makes my ears bleed.
I admit Doprah at least musically is listenable even if the video is shitty and doesn't match with the song vibe.

>> No.7649518

>not sharing that dress info
don't be a bitch.

no one likes the person who says "I know that"
and doesn't deliver

>> No.7649527

This is so embarrassing and tryhard, like, jesus fuck.

>> No.7649574

I can see this being played as club music.
>generic pop shit

>> No.7649606

what the fuck did i just watch

jesus christ

that grating voice

>> No.7649825

I love that song

>> No.7649901

She's like a white Nicki Minaj.

>> No.7649904

Trying so hard to be ~*Tumblr-inspired *~

>> No.7649927
File: 33 KB, 536x297, 1398924707944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn - this video can induce epilepsy, fucking hell. Did she just discover adobe after effects or something?

And I'm cringing from all that glitter near her eyes - have fun going blind.

>> No.7650343

I love this song. Melanie Martinez is a really good singer imo, and the lyrics matched the aesthetic of the video.

I liked the song in OP, but the video was mismatched. If she'd gone for something darker and more unsettling, I would've enjoyed it.

>> No.7650349

And I mean, I get that this is supposed to be satire, but it's not very effective. The more I watch it, the more I find myself liking it though. Kind of conflicted about it.

>> No.7650350

I was expecting to hate it but the song wasn't bad. The contrast between the song and the music video was a little strange, and I felt like they should've pushed the visuals a bit more into something even more loud, strange and maybe even macabre. I felt like they were trying to parody this sort of visual style but they just didn't go far enough to make it clear, and instead of a parody it felt like a lazy uninspired copy.

>> No.7650352

The song is not my cup of tea, but it's still pretty catchy. The video was pretty cool, I quite liked it. The girls looked rad as fuck.

>> No.7650354

I hate her makeup but otherwise this one is alright.

>> No.7650360

She has legit interesting visuals in her videos, too bad she can't sing for shit.

>> No.7650370

Yeah I got both Minuit and Kimbra vibes from this.
A few voices have claimed her to be the 'next Lorde', but jesus- I hope not.

>> No.7650398

HAHAHA I knew cgl would pick up on this one soon enough. At least she isn't going full fuckin Avril.

Lolita in NZ is too small of a community to become a satire in a music video.

Love the song though.

>> No.7650773

Me too!! But I thrifted it...So I can't say where to buy it from...

>> No.7651178

Is that Sachie in the video?

>> No.7651207

Yes it is, it says in the description