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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7644877 No.7644877[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Heroes of Cosplay Finale this Tuesday. What and who did you like (and dislike) this season?

>> No.7645653

Carl is the most irritating one by far. But thy being said I hope he and Miguel realize that they are meant to be together an settle down into a loving relationship that lasts for 70+ years before one passes away in his sleep. That or they become platonic life partners... I'm ok either way.

So a second season of this mess is confirmed? When can we expect to see that.

>> No.7645674


Some anon a while ago said that Yaya let slip that she's signed for 7 seasons, which doesn't seem absurd when you remember that each season is divided into halves. So, season 1.1 and 1.2 or whatever. What's airing now is technically season 1, second half, according to SyFy. So maybe it's like 3 more split up seasons?
I smell bullshit though. I want to smell bullshit. I can't handle more of this.

>> No.7645702

Did anyone else notice how Yaya this season seems to become more irrelevant with each ep? Shes not competing so there is not much to show of her beyond, "Omg I need to finisih this costume!" I wonder if they will let her out of her contract since I doubt shes pulling in that many ratings and her screen time is the same thing over and over again.

Also why did they add Megan Turner if she was in one ep? And even in that ep she was shown less than Chloe and her co host.

>> No.7645705

Watching this season, I just ended up feeling bad for these guys because they are put to make a cosplay with so little time before a con just for the drama. But they all ended up with pretty good work either way. At least some actual cosplay work is shown.

I just don't understand Chloe in the show besides just dropping her dad's work every episode. Miggy and Carl are talented but they just keep toeing over on that cocky and confident line. I don't really have too much problem with anyone else within just the show itself.

>> No.7646056
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>> No.7646097
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>> No.7646330

Just caught up on this series the other day.

I think the worst part was when Jessica/Holly (idk which one it was) claimed that no-one had ever cosplayed the XY pokemon trainer before. Also Chloe constantly saying 'jijinka'.

>> No.7646334

>Megan Turner

Are you just retarded or

>> No.7646354

Are you? That other anon probably had auto correct issues. Why so salty over a single letter?

>> No.7646355

I wish they structured the season better. It was way to many people to follow at once. Some people were in just about every episode.
They meed to get rid of Carl and that Mohawk guy. They are very boring to watch.

>> No.7646386

> I just ended up feeling bad for these guys because they are put to make a cosplay with so little time before a con just for the drama.

You do know that many of the costumes on the show have been made and debuted a long time ago right? So most of the drama about making a costume in one week is fake.

>> No.7646536

can someone write up the full bioware/n7/dramaru thing with holly mentioned last thread? heroesofcosplayconfessions answered me that they would post it up in full as a rumor to see what comes of it if someone could explain the whole thing out.

>> No.7646538

>way to

>> No.7646604

Honestly, I know a lot of normal fags watch the show cause Yaya got da boobies. Every guy on my campus talked about it.

>> No.7646620

I'm friends with one if the guys on the show and they say they only allow a week max for everyone to make their cosplays, so the week rush isn't fake

>> No.7646705


Smart cast members made their costumes months ago and pretended to make their costumes. There were some cast members that legit had a week to make their costumes.

>> No.7646717

Do you also have an uncle who works for Nintendo?

>> No.7646719

I think they mean Holly taking money meant for charity.

>> No.7646786

Except nothing is stopping them from lying about working on the costume before hand unless the production crews are living with them and monitoring them 24hrs a day. Making mock ups and patterns, buying materials are all actions they could do before filming begins without anyone knowing. They know time is limited but choose to be ignorant. The cast members are stupid and I'm not going to feel sorry for them because they arent smart enough to plan things in advance. They arent victims and the martyr image they push is ridiculous and self imposed. One of the google hangout streams the cast claimed that they have all thrown up at one point during filming because they are were stressed and hungry. Apparently having the forethought of packing a snack was just too much for them.

Chloe, Holly and Jessica are the biggest offenders of this in my opinion. They buy most of their costumes anyways so them complaining about not having enough time to make things is laughable when its all store bought anyways.

Sorry anon dont mean to attack you I am just sick of seeing their bullshit excuses.

>> No.7646793
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I was wondering about that too. I know someone gave a very vague explanation about what happened in one of the older threads but it wasn't very clear. Does anyone have a more detailed story about it?

>> No.7646824
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>> No.7646856

Yaya doesn't compete because it would be fucking embarrassing unless they are competing at Dragon Con or SDCC or something else God-Tier big. Granted they do go to some fairly big cons, it's still a total sandbag for her to compete. I think they just get her to judge contests now and make the cast go to whatever she is judging.

Anyhow, I like everyone. Carl just needs to learn how to paint.

>> No.7646877

Here is what I remember, keep in mind this was told to me TWO years ago so I am really fuzzy on the details, but here's the gist. I've had several people corroborate this story. It's pretty well known in our circle because we're friends with everyone involved.

Rana, the face model for Samara and Morinth raised money from fans, $5000 I believe, to get a professional grade Samara costume made for her for SDCC one year. 2011 maybe? Our friend the Mad Masker was to make her Asari head prosthetic and Holly and Jessica were to make the costume.

They gave Holly a large sum of the money, not all 5k, but 2500-3000, something like that. Holly then was to begin on the costume, but kept making excuses as to why she couldn't work on it. She was stalling for weeks. One excuse I remember them telling me was that the Mad Masker went to Holly with her Asari head sculpt because Holly had agreed to mold the sculpt for them. Holly then came back and said "This sculpt is awful, it's unmoldable" - they thought this was fishy because it WASN'T "unmoldable" that was just one of the many excuses Holly gave to not have to work on this thing.

She stalled and stalled and eventually SDCC was right around the corner. Somehow in this time, they found out Holly and Jessica had taken a job to make OTHER Mass Effect costumes for Bioware at the same time. It then became clear that Holly had been stalling, making excuses, and not working on it, because she wanted to focus on this Bioware thing instead. She just left Rana hanging.


>> No.7646881


When they realized they weren't going to get Holly to make the damn thing, they picked up what Holly HAD made (i think she made part of the bodysuit?) and boned out. Rana and the Mad Masker and probably others rushed to finish Rana's costume in time for SDCC, like a week before the con. That's why her Samara costume wasn't really that great, even though she had so much money to do it.

After the con, everyone was understandably upset about the situation and Rana began to ask for the money back. Holly became MIA and wouldn't answer ANYONE's messages. I'm not sure how they tried to get a hold of her, or if Holly had anything to say in defense, but ultimately, she did not give Rana's money back. Not even PARTIALLY. She just stole all that money from her and never another word. I'm not sure if Holly felt like the tiny bit of work she did was worth keeping it, or what.

Not sure where the bit about charity fits in to this story .. but I do remember charity coming in somewhere. The money wasn't for charity, but perhaps she had planned to give back to the community in some way. The money was supplied by fans for her costume, but Rana is a cancer survivor and works with children with cancer regularly, so it may have been something to do with that.

So yeah, that's all I remember. Like I said it's been a while, so details are fuzzy, but Holly really did pull a shit move.

>> No.7646886

or maybe they count each season as a season. So 7 season may just meat 7 seasons ... We're gonna see Yaya age into old again lady right before our eyes.

>> No.7646890

but yaya's da queen of cozplay, anon.

>> No.7646921

Maybe she kept the money to buy a personality. But 5k is not that much.

>> No.7646927

Damn, what a bitch move on Holly and Jessica's part. I don't get why people don't just admit to their mistakes instead of doing backhanded shit like that which will bite them in the ass later on in their life.

>> No.7646931

Is that true, btw?

>> No.7646936

Jessica, holly and chloe can barely to not at all capable of sewing. I bet you the final has no prejuding like last season because this way they can buy everything.

Yaya recent posts how she works alone made me laugh cause all her costumes this season she help out, Baroness, she didn't make the armor. Batgirl, had help from husband, purchased cowl. her lineage costume she posts she had help from many employees. I think the reason Yaya didn't compete this season because she is afraid might not have won.

>> No.7646943

Not the idea, but the actual prop yes

>> No.7646953

ok. That's what I assumed. So he didn't invent the lightsaber, he just built the ones they use in the movie.

Why doesn't she just say that? It's still a cool fact.

>> No.7646964

>Why doesn't she just say that?
She can't ride his coat-tails otherwise, it's much cooler to tell people your father created this iconic weapon than just say, he made a prop for a movie

>> No.7646983

Except for the fact she's on TV I don't find Chloe that annoying as a stand alone in the cosplay community. I don't know about you guys, but when I was a teenage weeaboo I would have lied that my dad invented the lightsaber. Especially since it's not as cool to say "My dad worked on special effects in Star Wars."

If I'm gonna hate her for anything I'll hate her for those dumb internet burlesque costumes. Just listening to them try to explain the idea to the normies watching is a good way to learn how awful it was going to be.

>> No.7647000

>Apparently having the forethought was just too much for them.

except for yaya this sums them all up very well
they're all either playing it up for the camera or fucking idiots

>> No.7647117

>Not sure where the bit about charity fits in to this story ..

On the original indie gogo she said she wanted to use the costume as inspiration:

>>I am also a cancer survivor and a volunteer for a camp for cancer kids it would be amazing to show them that they can do anything they put their mind to! And this wouldn't be the first time I've been bald! :)

Now she uses it with with the Mass Effect Cast Cosplay group (http://masseffectcastcosplay.com/)) in order to raise money.

>>Our Mission
To bring as many Mass Effect actors/models on board as possible to give back to the fans,
while fans give back to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

>> No.7647199

please tell me this is shooped

>> No.7647211



>> No.7647215
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What complete and utter bullshit

>> No.7647232


If the judges were told to judge on skits only by staff and the production crew then ya its not the cast members fault. In fact most of the complaining at cons now about the show isnt about the cast but the crew and producers stacking contests in the heroes favor. So no Holly your not to blame in this instance but everything you win is meaningless and a lie. And your willingness to turn a blind eye at all this make you look sad.

>> No.7647247

At NOLA there weren't two contest for two days. It was all one contest and the heroes had to change between "contest" too make it look like it was two. After about four hours and several contestants and most of the audience leaving. The groups where told that only certain people where allowed to do their skits. The heroes. Holly her group where then added to the line.

When people entered this contest they where not told this was going to be two separate shows. It wasn't in the program or even on the waiver.

>> No.7647249

I was in the audience.
Its a skit competition but the categories were
best in Show and Best Skit.

Only two groups had skits, last of us and Crabcat. Snow white won best skit just did a walk on like everyone else.

Crab cat wins best in show.

>> No.7647252


>> No.7647254
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That cosplayer responded to Holly. Pic related.

Also more drama here on tumblr if ppl are bored. http://lunarprincessyue.tumblr.com/post/90283036021/aobakuronuma-commanderholly-reeson-this

>> No.7647267
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>> No.7647284

This will always be one of my favorite threads

>> No.7647305
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>> No.7647325

>defending the paycheck
>no we didn't do anything wrong everyone else thee just misunderstood the situation
>plead ignorance to come off the innocent

what a surprise (sarcasm)

>> No.7647362

The 200 people in the costume contest where obviously imagining things.

>> No.7647400

>"My cosplay is Mega Man
>they keep showing a picture of the fucking Ruby Spears Mega Man
>his cosplay isn't even Mega Man anyway, it's X

>> No.7647404

Well there is that and the fucking facial hair he refuses to touch.

>> No.7647548


>> No.7647678
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This is why I just detest most of the "look at me, I'm so popular, pay attention to me, like my page, look at me, follow my instagram, donate to my trip" cosplayers.

There is ALWAYS ALWAYS some shady ass shit going on in the background.

Yaya is a marry for a green card - look at my tits but don't look at them - opportunist that only cares to know you if you can do something for her.

Volpin cheats on his wife with starfuckers.

Holly takes money for things she was commissioned to do and then doesn't do them.

Nigiri....lets not even go there. Too many sins to mention.

Is it THAT fucking hard to keep your nose clean? Is it impossible to be talented, kind, honorable, and popular?

>> No.7647700


I'm pretty sure Precious and God Save the Queen have little dirt or drama...

Unless you guys know stuff that I don't

>> No.7647730

>Talented, kind, and popular
It's like being good looking, smart, and mentally stable. You can only ever be two.

>> No.7647738

>Is it THAT fucking hard to keep your nose clean?
Let's hear about the shit you've done, Anon.
Unless you're Jesus Christ himself, everyone has dirt. EVERYONE. The difference is whether you're famous before or after you do shit.

>> No.7648473

People are too busy brown-nosing Precious and trying to ride her coattails to talk shit about her. She's talented and nice which is more than you will get from most 'popular' cosplayers. But she also just sponges off her husband who's in the Ch(Air) Force. She's been in art school for years so that she doens't have to find a real job. But then Jessica Nigri 'works' out of her parent's house at 25 so yeah.

>> No.7648478
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>can afford a boob job but can't afford her own place to live

>> No.7648485

You clearly have no idea how little a boob job costs compared to rent.

>> No.7648488

You don't really have to pay it all at once though...
Also why move into some shithole elsewhere in Az? Everywhere sucks there, just mooch of her parents dope house and not have to worry about the insane electricity bills we have during summer.

>> No.7648563

>You clearly have no idea how little a boob job costs compared to rent.

I think they were also pointing out the shitty priorities as well.
Girls who put boob jobs ahead of getting the fuck out of their parent's house.
That is lulz worthy.

>> No.7648564

I live in a two room apartment that costs $600 a month plus utilities. I have no idea how much a boob job costs because I don't have low self esteem.

>> No.7648567

Sounds to me like you do though.

>> No.7648573

obviously lol

>> No.7648583

if they WERE talented they wouldn't need to screw people over to be POPULAR, so they're by default not honorable.

not to say talented people aren't also devious but if they have enough talent and a hard work ethic they can keep their noses cleaner.

also consider that the reason a lot of the "better" cosplayers is simply money. and "hot" bitches don't need to work because they can have a sucker pay their way. which means more time to work on projects than a hard working individual who pays their own way.

>> No.7648585

heroesofcosplayconfessions just came back to life

>> No.7648598
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>Let's hear about the shit you've done, Anon.
>Unless you're Jesus Christ himself, everyone has dirt.

This is the only dirt you would find on me:

One time like 9 yrs ago I was dressed as a popular character that a couple other people at the con had also did. I actually said out loud, "I think I'm the best one here." to a girl I was standing next to. As soon as I said it I put my hand to my mouth and apologized for ever saying anything that bitchtacular. I've felt bad about it for years. I can't believe I could say anything that cruel.

All those other sins up in >>7647678 are the product of enmity, malevolence, and contempt. Not a mistake, not a miscalculation, not a product of being young and stupid. They are all calculated assholery.

>> No.7648617

seriously? thats it? part 2 had like 3 episodes.

>> No.7648622

>are the product of enmity, malevolence, and contempt. Not a mistake, not a miscalculation, not a product of being young and stupid. They are all calculated assholery.

dude i completely agree, none of those things seem accidental/learning experiences they're asshole moves done for profit.

>> No.7648770
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>> No.7648772
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>> No.7648776

Chloe Dykstra @skydart 1h

Do you wanna join us for the G+ Hangout after the SEASON FINALE of @HeroesofCosplay tonight? Here's your link: https://plus.google.com/u/1/events/cond41q2iquit0rraf0ig1mr54k

>> No.7649216

Ohhh noooes!
It's already over and I just started watching it last week.

This is britbong tier series length

>> No.7649284

Hey Americans do you guys get HoC tonight? Because us Canadafags dont bc of Canada day. Anyone have streaming links??

>> No.7649292

try strem2watch

>> No.7649309
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Daily stream2watch viewer here (gotta have my British soap operas) and it's such a fucking pain now. Won't let you watch with adblockers on and when you take the off you get slammed with pop-ups and shit.

Try >http://freetvall.com/video/7RUHO911X1AW/Syfy
>Stream 3

>> No.7649357
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>> No.7649390

17 minutes to go.

>> No.7649400
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Crabcat is Life, Crabcat is Love

>> No.7649417


>> No.7649422
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I can't even force myself to watch this episode after the previews. I'm more likely to rage quit after I read all the 'backstage' stuff.

I'm out. I'll settle for reading the comments.

>> No.7649427
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>green card

>> No.7649431

is yaya wearing ganguro makeup?

>> No.7649433
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"I'll let other people's shit talk decide my opinion for me"


>> No.7649435
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that's a stretch.

>> No.7649437
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If you don't consume media yourself but take the comments as facts instead of opinions, how is not exactly like I said?

>> No.7649438

>multiple people all telling the same story
>show is going to edit it all to cover it up
>HoC cast has already covered their asses online about how it didn't happen

Yeah, I'd rather not sit through an episode and give them ratings for it when I know it's going to be shit. I already know what happened at the convention, no need to see HoC's skewed version. I just want to sit back and read the comments because I enjoy watching everyone yell at them.

>> No.7649439

>underwear model

>> No.7649440

And >>7649435 isn't me.

>> No.7649443

And all those vaguely covered gay jokes Miguel is making. They're definitely meant to be together.

>> No.7649444

Just got on. Oh shit they're in New Orleans. Almost wish I went to the cons in my own state.

>> No.7649445

Stilts. Why,d it have to be stilts?

>> No.7649446
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jessica seems like a giant cunt

>> No.7649447
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Haters gonna hate
have fun being an enemy of joy.

>> No.7649450
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>> No.7649451
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>haters gonna hate
>enemy of joy
>implying any of us actually enjoy this show
>implying any of us are here not to hate on it

>> No.7649452

I'm telling you they're going to totally get married and adopt some mohawked attention seeking babies.

>> No.7649457
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I rather enjoy this work of fiction about the cosplay world.

This is the network that airs Ghost Hunters and WWE. What reality did you expect from their reality shows?

>> No.7649460

The kids will grow up to compliment shitty costumes in an effort to find their own true loves.

>> No.7649463

oh man, it's return of the contact drama again.

>> No.7649464

always with the contacts

>> No.7649466

Why not use a wider base for the stilts? A friend used some that were a pain and still wider.

Also.. Chinese illegal contacts. Blech.

>> No.7649469

Man, they keep showing Katie's legs and crotch in those shorts.

>> No.7649470

I actually helped a friend finish one of those death hula hoops for a friend of his. I didn't even play SC that much qnd thought it was amazing.

>> No.7649473


>> No.7649476

Riki posted about how her whole costume is dependent on double sided tape to keep her giant clown boobs under wraps

>> No.7649478

She really tries screaming over the music and announcer? That'll work.

>> No.7649479

Just dawned on me.
Someone is going to q con dressed as Tammy.

>> No.7649483

Any pics of said boobs?

>> No.7649486
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tons and tons

>> No.7649487

This is painful to watch.

>> No.7649490

Enough with hamplanet doomkitty already.

>> No.7649491

> big guns

>> No.7649492

Well thank you

>> No.7649494

Wow I've never been so last-minute doing skit revising since my first fucking masq. These girls are either idiots, lazy, or it's all for the DRAMA.

>> No.7649497
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> inflatable air bed in a skit

da fug? dat cray cray.

> Fuck it. We'll do it live.

>> No.7649498

The Yaya costume is fantastic but it's really a shame about those hoop skirts. They look super squished under the weight of the gown.

>> No.7649501

All of the above. I kinda wanna buy them helmets and mail them too them.

>> No.7649503

holy shit, look at her tits hanging out of that costume

>> No.7649504

She is kinda too tall and lanky for the shield chick. Not bad herself, mind you, just an off match. Kinda like how some cosplayers are too busty for Cammy.

>> No.7649506

>"What inspired you to do this as a group?"
>cuts away from them before they can respond, shows other groups dicking around backstage, then cuts back to that group as they're leaving the stage

Why even bother leaving in the question if you aren't going to show the answer?

>> No.7649513

Seconding, though I'm assuming they gave a snarky answer to be dicks to the HoC crew. Was anyone there to elaborate?

>> No.7649514

I just want to punch that shitty wig off Indras head. It looks so fucking bad.

>> No.7649515

I only ever participated in one cosplay skit and I was really just a background character. I have no interest in competing and deadlines.

My first cosplay I spray painted a prop in a back alley in Bodymore. Last time I tried a new one.. well.. still haven't finished. Gave up a night or two before the con. And that was a simple jacket to sew.

>> No.7649520

They're trying hard to make it look like they had skits to compete against with what little good footage they have ha ha

>> No.7649521

holly is a retard

>> No.7649522

>Ivy Doomkitty: Master Cosplayer


>> No.7649523

Yeah really. Also, anyone who has written/directed a skit knows your only stage concerns should be where you have to enter and exit the stage.

I love this bullshit with the judges on stage asking questions. 12 years of doing skits, this shit has never happened.

>> No.7649524

Did they show any of the contestants who said, 'fuck it' and just went and danced on the stage when they couldnt do their skits? Preferably the Ariel and Peter Pan? I wanna see the Peter Pan make it rain fairy dust on the Ariel. T_T Damn you Canada I wanted to see this ep.

>> No.7649525

smoke machine

>> No.7649526
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>That Batman group
>"Was this preplanned"

>> No.7649529

stupendous on a magnificent scale.

>> No.7649530

>>7649476 >>7649483
>>7649486 >>7649503
Anyone else prefer the smaller old ones?
Eh. To each their own.. but I think they are too big for her frame. I guess.. I like.. relative proportions?

Oh geeez... the hell was that Nightwing.

Wow. Dis skit.

>> No.7649534

>ivy doomkitty

>> No.7649536

Wow I went to New Orleans Comic Con the first year and there weren't nearly this many people at that first con. It was like big dealers' room and nothing else. Anyone went this year? Curious if it's worth the hour drive now.

>> No.7649538

Chloe's nail polish is really putting me off. I am really not happy with it at all.

Yeah, it completely ruins her costume and is upsetting me.

Then they will make really nice costumes and cause their parents extreme jealousy and grief.

>> No.7649539
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>> No.7649541

Reminder: Holly, Jessica and Chloe had donated all prize money won to charity for the whole season.

>> No.7649545

Fuck. Now I wanna make a Gullermo Del Toro Peter Pan too.

>> No.7649547

Naw do The Little Mermaid. Or Cinderella. OH like gouged out eyes and half feet for the step sisters.

>> No.7649549

Oh God, Doomkitty's thighs.

>> No.7649552

I always wonder if larger groups carry more weight.

Shit.. I hate that Nightwing design so much...

>> No.7649553

what is she supposed to be?

also where the fuck is Indra's accent from...clearly not Atlanta

>> No.7649554

this show is still bullshit.

>> No.7649555

Haha running around Bourbon Street in your costumes. Enjoy the vomit on your dress hem, Yaya.

>> No.7649558

yaya is proud of you

>> No.7649560

btw, I'm not a grill

Actually.. I got a similar Zelda idea I keep wanting to do...

>> No.7649562

>my dad
You were doing so well.

>> No.7649563

riki has wonderful tits.

>> No.7649565

all shows are bullshit, stop watching tv and go live life if you want something more Real

>> No.7649567

So I haven't been watching at all this season, do they have real jobs outside of this B.S.?

>> No.7649569

Nooooo. Next you are gonna tell me wrasslin is fake ans the tooth fairy didn't leave me dat monies.

And.. did I mention I hate that Nightwing design.

Is it from Injustice: Shit Among Puss?

>> No.7649570

plus she is super short and has a filthy mind...she must be an amazing lay

>> No.7649572

Hey, does anyone have the link to the photo album for this episode? The flickr gallery that has all the group entrants just cutting up and dancing?

>> No.7649575

And it's followed by the tv series based on the shitty Legion movie. How fitting.

I almost want to apply for this show just to troll the fuck out of the producers... as much as possible with a contract at least.

>> No.7649577

Did cgl's dri nking game and I am now pleasantly sloshed, thanks guys

>> No.7649579

Chloe's Hangout just went live. http://youtu.be/YMYu5vtdUu4

>> No.7649580

Would anyone in the SF Bay Area be interested in making a parody called Zeroes of Cosplay? We could film parts at nothing conventions and say shit like "Any cosplay that wants to get anywhere in their career MUST be seen at Animation on Display."

>> No.7649581

>holly and jessica style, buying a bunch of shit and fucking around

>> No.7649586
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I had to check if this was Silent Hill or some Nihei design. It was the former.

>> No.7649587


>> No.7649591

>BAW we only have 4 days to buy i mean 'make' the costumes. And we dont get to sleep and eat!

Not like that happens to any other cosplayers. Nope no one else experiences crunch time.

>> No.7649592

You just made me feel something I've never felt before... the desire to live in California. I support you in this idea with my whole heart.

So, you could always crossplay it. Also the Zelda sounds cool but could go so very very wrong.

>> No.7649593

>cosplay summercamp

>> No.7649595

To be honest, I have a bad habit of buying or scavenging too much shit for projects. Then again my dad and his house is pretty hoardery already.

>> No.7649597

>I was having an anxiety attack (I suffer from PTSD) and when you won I broke down, but it was a great release. Thank you for so much fun this season
Nick Minecci

>> No.7649598

I shoulda said a version of Link. Then again a female friend used to try to talk another female friend to crossplay Link when she had short hair.

>> No.7649601
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>> No.7649602

Despite all the bullshit, watching this made me sad that none of my friends cosplay anymore. I used to love performing skits with like 5-7 friends. Hell the rehearsals were the best part. So roneri.

>> No.7649604

holly dyed her hair again.
and jessica has big nerd glasses.

>> No.7649607

>Chloe what did your dad invent? You like barely mention it, ever.

>> No.7649609

Yeah. Though moreso that I don't really hang out with them anymore. Or that they talk with another half of them. And of course that I haven't really done a costume in years.

Shit. Last time I had an old costume, I spilled cola all over a white fabric part at a morning panel and let it soak the rest of the con.

>> No.7649611

katie and riki should just fuck each other on camera.

>> No.7649612

Fuck. This damn show does make me wanna try one of the dozen ideas I have been thinking of for years.
Hmmm.. maybe should get a job again first.

>> No.7649613

>Is it true that Chris Hardwick is 53 years old & uses a colostomy bag?
>Greg Jarnigan

>> No.7649614
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>Chloe- I didnt know we were going to win!!

Even tho they were the only skits.

>> No.7649615

Katie is dropping some behind the scenes bombs. She is going off

>> No.7649617

she is

>> No.7649626

Just confirmed that producers just tell them to get friends to sew their costumes when they dont have time.

Holly also claiming that their costumes are made from scratch. Ha ha.. ha..

>> No.7649627

>Katie is dropping some behind the scenes bombs. She is going off

>> No.7649630
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>> No.7649631

so what are their non-cosplay jobs?

>> No.7649632
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>> No.7649636


Wait, I honestly thought she was like wearing a prosthetic "breast plate" because they looked crazy fake.

>> No.7649638
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>> No.7649640

Yeah that's depressing too. I have like two con friends now, and we just do 1-2 a year. I keep attempting to drag my local friends into it but it's more effort than they think a con is worth... and that's just to walk into the door, not to cosplay.

Getting old sucks. More money for costumes but less time to do it and you're all alone.

>> No.7649642
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>> No.7649643

chloe loves to have her mouth open.

>> No.7649644

well, they are implants. all the ATL girls have them. but they are real outside being enhanced.

"Nonaya Bisness" What's the matter ANON? afraid to post your troll questions with your real name? Fagit

>> No.7649646
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She really does...

>> No.7649649

>forcing people to take pictures of your hamplanet friend.

>> No.7649650


>> No.7649655
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>> No.7649664
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>I want chickens

>> No.7649666

Glad one of y'all saw my question

>> No.7649669


>> No.7649670


so we go from cosplay to farmville?

>> No.7649680
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someone caption this

>> No.7649683
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>> No.7649691

OH that cute little trophy. Man some of the cons I went to back in the day went nuts on trophies. I have one that is literally 2 feet tall at home just collecting all the dust.

>> No.7649692
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>> No.7649694


They did not look like breasts, enhance or natural. They were MILES off her chest and looked like silicone flesh missiles taped to her like a contestant on RuPaul's Drag Race.

>> No.7649702
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>> No.7649705

>yaya would never let a contest be rigged

>> No.7649708

Of course its not 'rigged' just horribly stacked in your favor.

>> No.7649717

you expect wizard world to be fair...?

>> No.7649720


>> No.7649723


>> No.7649725

They gave them water and donuts!! That makes up for all that shit.

>> No.7649729

katie needs a good fucking.

>> No.7649736
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>> No.7649737

>Just claimed that they were segregated from other contestants after claiming in tumblr posts they werent.

>> No.7649741

i wish holly had tits.

>> No.7649743

>We wont sit here and complain about the show for hours.

Ha ha... 8D

>> No.7649746

that's not what she said. she said.. we weren't segregated from everyone else.

>> No.7649749

maybe if they ate some meat they'd grow some

>> No.7649755

mmmmm chloe's little red booty shorts

>> No.7649762


>> No.7649765
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>> No.7649770

You sure anon?? Go to 1:00:40 i could swear Holly says "chloe was sick, and we were segregated from everyone else. We had no idea what was going on." Could be bad speakers but thats what I heard.

>> No.7649778

I heard same

>> No.7649787

any of them worth fucking?

>> No.7649790

Honestly it's hasn't been that packed in previous years. However I feel the whole plan was to bring Matt Smith, which would also bring in a huge crowd to a relatively dead con

>> No.7649795


>> No.7649879

is there a link for the episode?

>> No.7649918

Wow, many thanks; didn't know about this. I was unsure if it was really her at first.

>> No.7649943


>> No.7649993


>> No.7650005


to be honest, Riki seems the most sane and normal out of all of them.

>> No.7650011

Actually I like how out-of-proportion she is, unique at least. I'm a big fan of flat chests since they just look the best but man, something about how top heavy she is, is cute.

>> No.7650034

>that shitty Nightwing wig

>> No.7650041

Why did they keep showing Hilde's armored costume when what's-her-face made the alt?

>> No.7650044

And drama-free out of her own issues that she manages to mostly not push on others

I'd hatefuck Monika though

>> No.7650059

So this is what those private convention hotel room parties advertised on craigslist really look like?

>> No.7650062

>But she also just sponges off her husband who's in the Ch(Air) Force.

Actually I was in the Marines, but I've been out since 07. Crystal does contribute a lot through art commissions and appearances while she goes to school.

Also the only person that possibly ride her coattails is me.

>> No.7650063

That actually sounds like a lot of fun. You could have people pretending to glue and spraypaint random bits of cardboard together fifteen minutes before the contest, then suddenly turn up in a finished costume.

>> No.7650079

If you listen to their after show (which is surprisingly entertaining), they even say that their shit is really finished before the cons and the producers just want them frantically working on stuff right before the con. One producer told Holly that she should "remake" some shoulder pad thing.

Haters gonna hate on /cgl/, but I find it enjoyable. Only scenes I can't stand are of Yaya's holier than thou attitude and Carl's cosplays.

>> No.7650084

>Their shit is really finished before the cons

>> No.7650086


I support this idea

>> No.7650090

Haha oh wow.

> I heard from several people that they were asked leading questions designed quite clearly to get hostile answers. One girl was asked if her cross play was designed to be a feminist statement.

>> No.7650091

Is the after show archived somewhere?

>> No.7650098

On Chloe's youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMYu5vtdUu4

>> No.7650099

Thank you kind stranger

>> No.7650108

Master of the buffett

How is that fat fuck a judge of anything?

>> No.7650129
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>> No.7650139

Never seen someone get the morph ball so right until now

>> No.7650140


Was he a big guy?

>> No.7650191

HOC is what happens when you get a bunch of producers and a film crew that know nothing about cosplay. this show had a lot of potential and ended up fucking up big time.

first season they tried to make up drama to get viewers but it backfired because mostly cosplayers who didnt give a fuck were watching. second half theyd already lost most of their demographic, and there were just too many cast members to focus on. there was no chance for this show from day one.

>> No.7650241

I like good dirt just as much as the next person. There have been plenty of other HoC confessions that were way better than this. Some of those stories were a struggle to get through. They just sounded like bruised egos, butthurt self importants, and whining pageant parents.

>> No.7650371
File: 1019 KB, 959x537, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our queen

>> No.7650405

Its like they said on the chat last night, if you see your signing up for a contest associated with HOC. You know what you are getting yourself into a situation. Like the people on hoc, You have no one to blame but yourself.

>> No.7650406

Honestly thought that was a Rita Repulsa from the Power Rangers and was like WOW finally a costume that she looks SO much like but no.

>> No.7650433

She won't admit to it for another 10,000 years

>> No.7650494

In a few years she'll be old enough to cosplay the queen.

>> No.7650549

I just hated hated hated the way she did the skirt. She was to concerned about being "tall" and wearing those (stupid) stilts and so the skirt ended up being short and weird....
There's a good amount of cosplays of that char. and some very well put much better in my opinion because of the skirt.

>> No.7650568
File: 46 KB, 599x515, Brgeh3lCMAET-Js.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, no. Riki's tits look wrong. Time to get those puppies taken in.

>> No.7650572
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And confirmed for OMG! Sag!

>> No.7650578


>> No.7650587

riki's incredible in bed.

>> No.7650588

Not to mention how many people enter the contest SOLELY for a chance to be on TV and then are *GASP* SHOCKED that it's a clusterfuck. Were you born yesterday???

>> No.7650589

I'm so happy I forgot this was on last night, I ended up watching Chopped instead

>> No.7650590

are you shitting me?

>> No.7650593
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>> No.7650595

Jesus, I thought Riki was the only sex crazed qt

>> No.7650596
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Riki has pics?

>> No.7650607

lewd ones

>> No.7650609

please giv me keywords to google

>> No.7650610

I don't have any. Some based Anon posted a few days ago.

>> No.7650620

Riki is small but has recovered some thickness which is nice

>> No.7650623

Agreed. I like my women a little fleshy. More fun to run your hands over. Bony women make me feel like I'm fucking a Holocaust survivor.

>> No.7650639
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>> No.7650643

Newsflash. Most boobs have some degree of sag out of bras. Tira's costume offers zero support. I think her tits look awesome all things considered.

>> No.7650644

If you say Meg Turney into a mirror three times, she'll show up in ironic nerdy lingerie with an xbox controller in her mouth.

>> No.7650660

>xbox controller in her mouth

THIS. She positively screams 'fake nerd girl' to me. She's clearly just another youtube personality trying to use cosplay to get ahead or stay relevant. When asked what her "cosplay edge" is on the videos on Syfy's website, she said it was having a huge fanbase to tell her how to make her costumes. Um what??

>> No.7650677

>Yaya is a host of the group competition
>Still in the judges' deliberation

Is it normal to be both a judge and a host? The show made us believe that Yaya only judged the individuals, but know she's sticking her nose into the judges' choises.

>> No.7650679
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jesus christ

>> No.7650680

Eh, I listened to her talk on a Rooster Teeth podcast and she seemed like she knew what she was talking about. She hasn't completely proved it yet but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.7650681

looks nice though

>> No.7650711

needs a Kickstarter to get those fixed

>> No.7650723
File: 1.55 MB, 4976x2604, WWECGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THE BEST thread!!!

>> No.7650799

just watched the last 2 episodes because im a huge soul calibur fan (i play it competitively) and I gotta say, their portrayals of the characters those girls picked were so fucking cringeworthy.
The costumes looked good for the most part but they didnt really sell the characters at all. you can tell, they had no idea who those characters are. they just liked the design and went with it.

I dont know anything about the cosplay world, but im guessing thats a common thing where cosplayers dont even know the characters they are cosplaying as.

>> No.7650802

No way bro, they totally read the character wiki!
Yeah, it's common, fuck it I don't care most of the time unless it's something I'm into then autism strikes.

>> No.7650811

It's fine, it's fine. They're clearly cosplaying the version of Tira from character customization mode in SCIV where they just moved the "Physique" slider all the way to max.

>> No.7650822

I love the look on the kid's face. Future lesbian right there.

>> No.7650827

It's the most common thing.

A friend of me though only cosplays stuff he really loves. He did Jotaro Kujo recently and a visitor came up to him and struck a JoJo pose. They ended up battling in JoJo poses for a few minutes.

>> No.7650865

cool story, bro

>> No.7650868

So when's Miguel gonna fuck Carl?

>hey, pretty boy!

>> No.7650869

she's Venezuelan

>> No.7650873

Do women from there usually have irritating and/or aggravating voices?

>> No.7650876

I am glad I'm not alone in wishing for this.

>> No.7650904

making 1 competition day look like 2 is just stupid. i couldnt imagine being one of the competitors for the group contest, after waiting for 5 hours, "oh you have to wait another 45 mins so the judges can change costume. also you cant do your skit, yeah theres a best skit award, but its not gonna be you"

>> No.7650968

She's not a fake nerd girl, just a fake cosplay girl. She's been cosplaying for 10+ years but she still couldn't make a decent cos to save her life. Anyone who constantly says "cosplay is about FUN" "FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN!" probably has nothing else to contribute to the community, like dedication or talent.

>> No.7650998

They were already cosplaying Tsumugu and Makoto who are arguably two of the most yaoi-ed characters of 2013/14.

>> No.7651025

Yaya's Enira costume looked great but why stilts??

>> No.7651068

at least her boobs are bigger than this picture...

>> No.7651112



>> No.7651121

It's her b/f's favorite thing about her...

>> No.7651152

I thought she was a dyke

>> No.7651168

They were originally planned for a Yayasaurus Rex costume

>> No.7651171


gotta keep Chris Hardwick happy for the tee vee

>> No.7651176

TEARS AND DONUTS ARE IRRELEVANT! especially if you only get 1 donut....

>> No.7651195

my child, this water is the blood of Chloe. this donut is her body. let us pray..

>> No.7651319

If Chloe is Jesus, does that make John Dysktra God??

"I preach unto you, my children, the wisdom of my father..."


>> No.7651321

then she'll finally be freed

>> No.7651332


>> No.7651345
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I like where this is going

>> No.7651356
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>> No.7651485

Looks like SyFy did post the footage of everyone in the group contest dicking around after all:


Based on what I'm seeing the costumes are pretty terrible... Did all the good group cosplayers go home because they were like "fuck this noise I'm out"?

>> No.7652095

> people calling newbies fake
We all started somewhere.
Though none of us started on a crappy carefully edited reality show.

>> No.7652546

from what I heard about the contest, NOLA didnt bother telling anyone there WAS a skit option? online that is, but if you showed up to sign up for the contest, you could enter then.

on the other hand, i also heard they kept telling ppl who were trying to sign up no, since skits couldnt have copyrighted music. so the only people who got to have a skit were the heroes and the VASTLY SUPERIOR LAST OF US SKIT (they spoke the lines into a mic) which there is no footage of

>> No.7652819


Silly anon, Carl is straight and taken LOLOLOL

>> No.7652947

>Heroes of Cosplay Finale this Tuesday. What and who did you like (and dislike) this season?
Don't care, didn't watch, fuck this stupid show, fuck anyone who's a part of it, and fuck people who support the show by watching it.

>> No.7652990

Does watching it really support it? Unless you're one of those households that is part of the ratings system I don't think it really matters.

>> No.7653000


Watching it effects it if you do it online on their site, or any affiliated sites, as they still get the hits. As fr TV, Neilsen boxes affect the ratings for live-views, while those who DVR will affect a different rating itself, but not affect the live-ratings. As for non-Nielsen households, at this point with digital boxes, I'm sure there's a reading somewhere within the box that lets stations know what channel subscribers are viewing as well.

>> No.7653495
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>> No.7654035
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Jessica is butt blasted


>> No.7654191

still on episode 11. why do the two new guys look like such faggots but try to act masculine? i've never understood this combination

please someone tell me this confuses me to no end

>> No.7654807

Holly&Jessica also look like faggots so there's that