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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 76 KB, 520x467, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7580397 No.7580397[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see one in the catalog.

>Best wig sellers
>Worst wig sellers
>What makes a good wig?
>Is it better to go screen accurate if possible or stick to a natural look in terms of style? Why/Why not? Exceptions?
>Wig cleanliness
>Wig styling/alteration techniques
>Character-specific wig help
>Share your wigs and experiences!

Also general newfag help thread.

>> No.7580423

Can we have reviews in here, too?
>Where did you buy from
>What wig did you buy
>How was shipping
>How was overall quality
>Any misc issues
I think they'd be helpful to newfags just getting into cosplay.

To contribute, I've ordered from Arda three times now and all three times the wigs (magnum long, jaguar, lulu) have been great. Comfortable, easy to style, minimal shine, and great colors (hot pink, magenta, dark brown). Shipping was prompt and they have good communication.
8/10 Because sometimes they can shed a lot, and you have to readjust the band sometimes so it fits right.

>> No.7580526

>ordered from amazon
>crosses fingers it's not a pos

It'll be my first wig but I had an amazon card from Christmas so why not give it a shot.


>> No.7580979
File: 416 KB, 800x600, beast_boy_by_shinohahn_chan-d34l7wz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know a good site except EpicCosplay? I have really good experience with that site and bad experience everywhere else so I'm kind of scared.
They have a good wig for what I'm trying to do but it's been out of stock for.... awhile now -_-....

I'm a hairdresser IRL so it's really the color and length I'm going for, not the style or cut.

>> No.7581811

Any good, cheap stores for a newbie that doesn't wanna get an expensive wig she might accidentally ruin while she's learning?

>> No.7581824
File: 254 KB, 541x760, BDFF_Agnès_Devout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a cosplay for Agnes, but I've never done too much intensive wig styling. Any tips for the hair swoosh in front without looking too hard/gelled up? Thank you.

>> No.7581842

Sweep it to the side (as she has it) and separate three pieces via trimming/cutting. Gel only the tips (to hold them together) and hold them out before lightly spraying with a good hairspray. It should look styled, but not incredibly stiff; just enough to hold its shape.
Sorry if this is vague.

Just buy cheap shit off ebay.

>> No.7581859

Can you suggest specific places?

>> No.7581862

If you're looking for cheap stores, you're going to get cheap wigs 90% of the time. It doesn't matter much where you shop on ebay.

>> No.7581873

It does matter if I'm not going to scrape the bottom of the barrel. Your advice amounts to saying I should go to Party City.

>> No.7581947

I just got a wig for jinx from LoL, the braids are 100 cm long and very heavy. How do I keep the wig from sliding back on my head? Bobby pins. Seem obvious, but is there anything else I can do?

>> No.7581962

sew in wig clips.

>> No.7581971

I love you!

>> No.7582084
File: 303 KB, 494x750, 1399487322058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting together a Kira Yoshikage cosplay from JJBA part 4. What would be the best wig to get, and could I get some styling tips?

>> No.7582595

Does anyone know a wig store on ebay that sells wigs of quality similar to Cosplay Wig?

>> No.7583079
File: 522 KB, 920x627, tumblr_n2e89foksA1qctwkso3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know what wig this is? Fahr said it was from GLW and I'm thinking its the Duchess Elodie Collection - Milk Tea Mix?

>> No.7583133

>receive first wig in mail
>have natural black hair and eyes,thick eyebrows
>look like helga pataki with it on
what do? D:

>> No.7583137

you could put foundation over your brows! There is plenty of youtube videos on it!

>> No.7583153

I have dark, thick eyebrows too, anon. Unless you want to do a shitton of work to make them disappear and draw new ones on, I find that those Asian eyebrow mascaras work pretty well. They'll at least lighten your eyebrows decently enough.

>> No.7583205

tip for those with long/thick hair who get wig headache: i just figured this out, try putting up your hair with smaller, skinny rubber bands rather than the thick kinds used for ponytails. i used them to put my hair into 3 braids and wrap them around my head, pinning them into place. not only were there no ugly bumps, the small hair ties didn't dig into my head like the bigger ones had and i was headache-free for the whole day. idk if this is helpful, i'm just so psyched that i don't have to be in pain all the time while wearing a wig.

>> No.7583419
File: 552 KB, 1008x546, LoveLetter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions for Jennifer from RoR?
I want a somewhat natural looking wig, maybe mixed blonde? I have no clue.

>> No.7583477
File: 67 KB, 469x683, babydoll-water-blue-pink-blended-sweet-lolita-wig-2-myw-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought from my-lolita-dress.com? Their wigs look like they are really good quality...at least in the pictures.
I'm very tempted to buy but I literally discovered this website two days ago and the reviews that I've read are all very conflicting.

>> No.7583484

Aren't they just taobao resellers?

>> No.7583488


>> No.7583505

There's nothing good quality looking at that wig.

And like the other anon said, they are taobao resellers, they don't manufacture anything on the site, they just buy it from taobao stores and then ship to you.

>> No.7583582
File: 51 KB, 535x588, cypwig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about using this Cyperous wig for this version of Haruhi Suzumiya. How do the quality of Cyperous wigs fare, and has anything had problems with shipping?
I was also looking at some gabalnara wigs, but I think this one had the closest resemblance (except for length, but I can always try and get some extensions, right?)

>> No.7584105

I want long wavy mermaid hair! Any wig suggestions?

>> No.7584118

I only own extensions from them and I love it. I never again ordered from any other place. As for service, Cyperous staff are true sweethearts. All my purchases went smoothly. On one occasion, customs delayed my order and it arrived while I was away on vacation. With no one to sign for it and no one to get it at the post office, it was returned to Japan, when I e-mailed them explaining what happened. They replied immediately and agreed to sent it once more after the day I told them I would be home, for no charge.
All in all, highly recommended, I'm sure you'll have no trouble.

>> No.7584121

I'm completely remaking my Jinx wig, for the main fact that I hate how bad and unnatural the widows peak looks, but while I was wearing it I used Spirit Gum to prevent it from falling back on my head. I had to re-apply it every 5 hours but it worked really well and took a lot of the weight off of the back of my head. I'm probably going to do sew in clips when I get a new one and remake it.

>> No.7584131

Ah, I see (said the blind man). Then I think I will take my wig search elsewhere.

>> No.7584206
File: 641 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mum9v42ft71sgi5mmo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-i love you too anon ;_;

>> No.7585042
File: 34 KB, 506x800, Untitled-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hi guys!

I need help with a Saber wig. I recently got one from Lucaille (pic related)
But the ponytail is too heavy and super thick! It's hard to tie it up correctly. I'm not good with scissors and I've tried looking for help on thinning via Youtube but I cant seem to find the right one.

Can any of you direct me to an appropriate tutorial or tell me how I can fix this?

Please and thank you!

>> No.7585093

you want to put it up in a bun?
here's a tutorial I watched yesterday

>> No.7585143
File: 333 KB, 500x1054, saber4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tried so many times but all of my efforts are in vain. Thanks for the video. It's a great technique but I doubt it will help me in this situation since the bun produced will be too thick and I wont be able to attach the clip on bun for Saber. :(

(pic related: it's the detachable bun)

>> No.7585159

1. Go to google
2. Write 'saber wig tutorial'
3. Lots of tutoriales of any type.

>> No.7585160

well you could just make the bun with the ponytail and just use the loose braid of the clip on bun?

>> No.7585168

or you could always just chop the ponytail, glue the ends with hotglue, then put the bun on top

>> No.7585177


I don't know if this helps, this cosplayer seems to have gotten the same wig as yours and says that the bun has problems staying in her wig


If nothing else, you can ask her about how she got her ponytail into her bun.

My own two cents, to make a really tight bun, other than twisting it and pinning it down with hairpins I use a hair net (the small ones intended for buns, or the bigger ones need to be looped around three or four times)

>> No.7586634
File: 48 KB, 399x411, kuragehime-2133621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'saber wig tutorial'

Nothing comes up for my problem.

But that would be harder I think

It's scary but I am seriously considering that option now as there's nothing else that seems suitable for this dilemma besides that and thinning the wig. :(

I checked her blog. She bought the same wig and judging from the pictures where she was wearing it, it would be pretty useless to ask her since she's not even wearing it the right way.
I'll see if the bun + hairnet suggestion works out for me.
Thank you so much for the input everyone!

>> No.7586724

Any reviews of WigIsFashion.com? I've looked around online and found some great ones, but also some claiming their pictures are stolen. Apparently they used to be linked to the eBay store V-Inspire which I've never heard of.

>> No.7586874

Stubbing a wig is not scary lol. It sucks if you wanted to get more use out of it with a ponytail, but if not, that's the best way to go. Make sure the ponytail is as high and tight as you want it to be permanently. You can save the hair to make wefts for the future if you don't want to be wasteful and like the quality of the fibers.

>> No.7587035
File: 369 KB, 1115x1600, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking at Merida wigs on eBay because I'm really not happy with my Arda one (can't hide the center skin part to my satisfaction) and I like the look of this one a lot. Watermark says "Hyacinth Wig" which I thought might be a taobao store but I can't find it. Anyone recognise it?


>> No.7587306
File: 7 KB, 225x225, melisandre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to find a good wig for Melisandre. Without the filters they use on the show her hair is the color in this photo. Any suggestions?

>> No.7587349 [DELETED] 

yall are a bunch of cunts lol

>> No.7587534

It looks kind of plum coloured there.

>> No.7587845

For those with long, thick hair - how do you get a wig over it? I've tried straightening, then braiding/twisting/etc and pinning it down (with a wig cap on top). I could get it fairly flat, but it was still poofy enough that the wig wouldn't even fit over my head. Any tips?

>> No.7588347

My hair was down to my butt and I feel you. I always put my hair up wet. ALWAYS. Put it in either one or two pony-tails then braid and wrap around your head like a halo. If that doesn't work, buy knee highs (that you have stretched a bit since they can be very tight around the scalp) and loosely pile your hair that way, the knee highs are tighter than a hair net. That's all the advice I can give, I hope it works out anon.

>> No.7588472

Evenly distributing hair over your head is important. I do a pin curl type thing and make sure the hair is as flat as possible to my head. Braids and twisting weren't good for me since they just added awkward bulky ridges.

>> No.7588529
File: 69 KB, 280x420, 21CBN_1_mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a total wig newbie and, as expected, I completely butchered my first wig. I used pic related for Skyward Sword Link. I was doing pretty well until I mixed up the fringe and sideburns and ended up cutting the latter too short. Any advice for attempt #2?

The wig was also extremely thick in the front, and I would have liked to thin it out better - can you do this without the use of thinning shears? A plain razor maybe?

>> No.7588693
File: 41 KB, 479x364, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to figure out a wig for Ikuko. I'm thinking of possibly going with http://www.epiccosplay.com/40-blue-black-curly-wavy-extra-long-cosplay-wig.html but I'm up for a better suggestion. Prefer one that tangles less. I want to do the costume for AX.

>> No.7588764


Has anyone bought a wig from this ebay seller before? I want to buy this one but I haven't bought cosplay wigs from ebay before and there are so many sellers using the same pics that I don't know which one I could trust.

>> No.7589597

A plain razor works well for thinning. Section out the hair as much as possible beforehand with ties or clips, always go too long rather than too short, and glue the tips of hair in points then lightly hairspray if you want defined but not too stiff looking chunks.

>> No.7589659
File: 146 KB, 500x606, anastacia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still pretty new to styling wigs, I wanted to know for this hairstyle would it be better to buy a short wig: pull it back and buy a bun clip on or would it be better to buy a ponytail wig and style the bun myself? I was looking at the two options on Arda and both options are about the same price. I just want to know which one will be easier/better. Thanks.

>> No.7589665

If you're new to wigs, definitely buy a base wig and bun clip. It's much easier than trying to style a bun yourself and then getting it to hold properly.
That said, this is a cute character, what're they from?

>> No.7589677
File: 25 KB, 468x263, anastacia 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! She is Anastacia of Astora from Dark Souls

>> No.7591150

I'm going to cosplay as Yui from K-ON. But I'm not sure what wig to get, I want to order from Match-Wigs. Any help is highly appreciated.

>> No.7591210
File: 422 KB, 1187x502, 3323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I just realized none of the wigs on Match-Wigs don't have the right colour for Yui.
But I found a few that would work but I don't know which is the best. And sorry, I forgot a reference photo.

>> No.7591299

I got an Athena in Butterscoth blonde from EpicCosplay and it seems rather shiny for what I heard were good quality wigs. Are all of their bright colors like this?

>> No.7591301

I'll tell you from experience that Match-Wigs takes a while to ship to the US and their wigs are fairly small if you have a large head.

>> No.7591493

Do that fabricsoftener trick.

>> No.7591502

Oh. Yeah I don't exactly have a small head, thanks.
Oh wow, thanks in advance.
Just soak in fabric softener for a couple of days, let it dry, and if you want even more shine gone just style it with baby powder.

>> No.7591564
File: 3.02 MB, 3507x2480, Lucaillewig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to make a random rant, I bought 2 Lucaille wigs and got them while I was in China so the "your online agent scammed you" or "don't buy from ebay" are discarded. They both arrived in the same package and contained the same "gifts", the only thing I noticed is that the brown wig had the lucaille tag while the obviously less quality one, has that one.
I just want to warn you guys about buying from Lucaille since their quality seems to vary from style to style. Buy from Ghost wigs or somewhere else.

>> No.7592077

What's the difference in quality between Arda and Epic wigs? Arda's been out of the wig I need ever since that giant sale in February and now it's starting to push a bit close to the date of my event since I need to do a lot of styling.
Are Epic wigs worth that similar price or should I wait it out?

>> No.7592079

It really depends on what you're using the wig for.

Rule of thumb is that Arda's are generally better suited for heavy styling jobs since their fiber is more coarse, while Epic's are better suited for styles worn down and long wigs since their fibers are smoother and easier to detangle.

>> No.7592171


I've been a repeat customer of Lucaille since 2010. ZYR is their sister company and about 30% of the wigs in their catalog are from that one. If you go use Google Translate or something you'll be able to read some descriptions saying that this particular wig is from the sister company bla bla bla. They're actually upfront about it. I never had any problems with them regarding quality, but I did notice that the sizes/head circumference for their wigs are smaller than what they used to be.

>> No.7592224

I really like purple plum inc. wigs. I just wish they had their own ordering site instead of having to go through resellers?

>> No.7592230

what are some well known, good, ebay sellers?

>> No.7592901

One of my friends just let me have one of their new wigs they only needed to use once. The downside is that they have a disgustingly messy room and they just let the wig get tangled.
What can I do to detangle it?
Does the fabric softener trick work to detangle?

>> No.7592918

I'd get some kind of silicone lubricant and a small comb and go in small sections, working as slowly as possible. You could use most conditioners because those have silicone in it, I usually get whatever cheap one I have lying around, water it down and put it in a spray bottle. If the fibers are kinked from being knotted, a straightener should help with that if it's heat resistant.

It WILL take forever to do though, so be prepared to put a lot of time into it.

>> No.7592948

I think I'll water down some conditioner and spray it on the wig. I'm not sure how heat resistant it is so I think I'll skip on the straightener.

>> No.7592966
File: 33 KB, 225x350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of a good wig/color for Kumin Tsuyuri?? Like I was gonna buy the one off of Lucaille but seeing how close AX is, I don't have the time

>> No.7593020

Same person as >>7591210
This looks close.

>> No.7593636

bumping this

>> No.7593992
File: 76 KB, 720x960, wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want it to be short in the back but I can't see to get it from looking choppy and it wont' lay right.

>> No.7594069
File: 427 KB, 740x658, 5688-2110921450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a wig for this little lady? There's a listing on eBay but it looks pretty sketchy since they have no other photos of the wig. I also tried going through Taobao, but can't find a nice wig for her, much less a gradient one. Should I get a gradient wig? Or should I wait a few more months until sellers jump on board the No Game No Life train?

>> No.7594088

You could buy a white wig and dye it

>> No.7594161

I've never tried to dye a wig before, but I'm looking through tutorials right now and it doesn't seem too hard! I'll go ahead and try this method first. Thank you, anon!

>> No.7594878
File: 590 KB, 800x600, junohair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping this.

Tldr, here's the hairstyle I need to do. I have very little wig experience. My questions are:

A) Are there any good wig shops that already have a style similar to this?

B) If not, would it be best to just buy a prestyled ponytail/updo wig, for the back hairline? For example, would either of these work?


(And yes, game is trash, but I need an easy 501st costume so I can start trooping while I work on my armor. :P)

>> No.7594895
File: 91 KB, 594x1002, MessyFrenchTwist2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a french twist anon. You can google for more variations, but you just twist your hair, and then tuck it vertically. Use bobby pins and hair spray to keep it in place

>> No.7594899

Yep! The hairstyle itself isn't hard, but my natural hair is dark-almost-black brown, and I'm not willing to bleach it out for a costume. I pretty much have to use a wig.

I'm just not sure what sort of wig would work and not have some weird weft-showing hairline when styled like that. :)

>> No.7594913
File: 76 KB, 720x540, alice_kill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing this Alice, but I'm not sure what wig to get. This'll be my first cosplay too.

>> No.7594942
File: 166 KB, 1600x605, 10433364_10203828289088038_1559829487_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one add wefts to a pre-waved/curled wig? I have a lace front wig that I bought years ago that I realize is perfect for Daenerys, but I'd like it to be a bit thicker. I'm not too concerned about matching the color perfect, but I'm wondering how I would get the wave/curl to match since wefts you buy are straight....

Pic related, me in the wig. Its mostly thin on the sides.

Also how do you wear a lacefront wig without your wig cap showing through the lace on the forehead?

>> No.7594957

Why don't you just curl the wefts? You can wet them and roll them up to curl them that way.

>> No.7594971

I thought about that but I am afraid the curl/wave that I do won't match the pattern in the wig and look strange...

>> No.7595205


>> No.7595207

Take one of the curled parts of the wig and wrap it around your curling iron(turned off) to match the direction and size of the curl, you can even recurl a few sections with the new weft at the same time.

>> No.7595214
File: 555 KB, 500x281, tumblr_n4zd6gdm2L1qd16pfo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have recommendations for mugi-chan wigs/colors? in some shots/gifs of her her hair appears sort of ashy and pale and thin, while in others it's thicker or more yellow. how would i translate it well to go along with my skin? i dont want to buy a wig that looks horrid on me.
>pale and pink

>> No.7595216
File: 313 KB, 435x680, tumblr_n69mzzA7Ks1rehpooo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also a still

>> No.7595231

A friend of mine used Arda's Luthien, I think. They have an ashy blonde that looks (from customer photos) like it might work. You would probably have to style it a bit to make the waves a bit looser, though.

>> No.7595320

Good idea! Thanks anon, I'll try that. I have very little experience with curling so I'll try my best.

>> No.7595489
File: 7 KB, 294x171, anti-gravity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making an Izuru wig, and was thinking of making his floating hair tendrils using chicken wire and got2b glued, but can't find any tutorials or resources on how to do it. Do you guys have any advice?

Pic related, anti-gravity hair.

>> No.7595531

Speaking on behalf of your fellow con-goers, don't do this unless you only plan to wear this in wide open areas.

You'll be a walking liability if you're going around a convention with sharp pointed wire tendrils sticking out everywhere.

>> No.7595546

They wouldn't be out as far as in the picture, just enough that they give the impression of them floating. Given that, would some other kind of non-sharp wire work for that? I'm not sure how I would make them stand up and not just weigh the tendrils down even more.

>> No.7595603

Thank you for the suggestion, but I'm wondering if all of their colors are like this?

>> No.7595705

Anyone else cash out their Arda loyalty points during the madness this weekend?

>> No.7595778

I was only able to get several $5 ones because I didn't have quite enough for the $50.

>> No.7598570
File: 727 KB, 764x1056, Sailor-Moon-sailor-moon-7999428-764-1056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having all kinds of hell trying to find pieces to make my Usagi wig. Arda is bare bones as far as any of the blondes go and don't have the wefts I need. Epic-Cosplay, same thing. Wig-Supplier's Usagi wig looks like shit. All the wigs on ebay are either the costumey bright yellow wigs or are all stolen pictures from god knows where.

I need your help, seagulls. Help me find a base wig for my Usagi. I don't even care if it's a prestyled Usagi wig, as long as I don't have to go on Etsy and buy a $200 wig, I'll be happy.

>> No.7598721

Arda has just started getting in their restock.

>> No.7598734

I've been waiting impatiently on their new website to come up. Hopefully it's up by the time they restock so I can use all the coupons/discount codes I've been sitting on for a month.

>> No.7598786

Yeah.. I thought they were doing that in May.

>> No.7600319

yay a Wig thread
I have two Long dark green wigs one from epic cosplay and one from Cosplay.com. They were for a sakuya cosplay (from SAOs Fairy dance arc) I tried the silicone treatment on both but they both ended up in bad shape. The one from Epic ended up in worse shape then the one from cosplay.com and it wasnt even the one i wore to the con. both are huge clusterfucks in the neck area (from the velcro i presume) what can I do to save them...
I also have two other wigs I need to warry into one (i murdered the bangs on one and need to replace them with the wefts from the ether)

>> No.7600430


Can you do anything with Coscraft's wigs? The Helga style is back parted and looks like it could be a good place to start.

>> No.7600923

Is there a way to attach wefts to a skin cap?

>> No.7601026

>well known
>ebay sellers
you can pick two

>> No.7602313
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, blond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys pick the right color for a wig? Obviously there's usually a difference between the color of a character's hair and the color that actually looks good on you. I'm cosplaying a blonde character, but I'm not sure how to pick the right shade. Do you guys have any tips? I have neutral undertones and medium skin, so I don't know if I should go ice blonde, honey blonde, straight up yellow or what.

>> No.7602419

When it comes to blondes, I think you're best off buying swatches of colour and holding them up to your face to see how they look. It's just so much easier that way (I learned the hard way that I can't pull off honey blonde with a $60 wig). Not all sellers offer swatches obviously, but even if it's a similar tone, if not the exact same shade, it should give you a better idea.

Even better could be to go to a local wig store that allows you to try on wigs and try a few.

>> No.7602607
File: 132 KB, 595x842, stocking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, I need help finding a wig for Stocking, one that does not tangle easily. I heard Cyperous has quality wigs so should I go with their option or do you have any other suggestions?

>> No.7602629

Too bad all the other Taobao brands disappeared from ebay.

>> No.7602947

I would consider getting this wig (http://www.epiccosplay.com/40-blue-black-curly-wavy-extra-long-cosplay-wig.html)) and brushing it out. Epic Cosplay wigs are supposedly very good at not tangling.

>> No.7603010


yeah man what's with that? cosplay-wig was my favorite store and it shut down

>> No.7603183

That's the lighting anon, go with this photo.>>7595216

>> No.7603330
File: 222 KB, 1280x777, Tumblr_original_bee_model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a good suggestion for a Bee wig? I'm a bit confused about the color because the wiki says she's a brunette, but I'm not seeing it. It looks a lot lighter than the brown wigs I find and the closest color I could describe it as is milk tea or beige which doesn't give me good search results. Otherwise, do these come close?
1) http://www.amazon.com/Cool2day-Stunning-Natural-Curly-Model/dp/B005KO7NK6/ref=cm_cmu_pg__header
2) I want to get this in light brown, but the pictures for that and brown appear the same. http://www.ebay.com/itm/80CM-32-Long-straight-Cosplay-Fashion-Wig-heat-resistant-40colors-/111335093259?pt=US_CSA_MWA_Wigs_Extensions&var=&hash=item19ec16b40b
3) I thought Taiga Aisaka wigs looked closer to the color so, http://www.ebay.com/itm/Aisaka-Taiga-Cosplay-brown-Wig-Anime-long-wave-wig-/200991002889?pt=US_CSA_MWA_Wigs_Extensions&hash=item2ecbff5109
4) http://www.amazon.com/ANGEL-Fashion-Straight-Resistant-K054/dp/B00D91G1AK/ref=sr_1_22?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1402118895&sr=1-22

>> No.7603337

I'm pretty sure this is a lost cause, but maybe someone here has some advice:

I stubbed a wig into a ponytail and after wearing it for two days at a con, the stubbed ponytail has fallen quite a bit and some of the under hairs are starting to come loose (it's an Arda Jeannie wig). I'm pretty sure I can remove the bun that is attached to it with no trouble.

Any advice on restyling a stubbed wig? Thanks!

>> No.7603663

I ordered a bunch of wigs a couple years ago, that were really good quality and very thick. (arda, taobao, etc) I've only worn them once or twice to try them on.

The problem is I look really shitty in these wigs. (because they're too thick, my head is kind of large) I feel like they'll sell better if I advertise thickness. I also feel weird cutting them because I feel like it's a waste. I paid extra for that thickness. ;_;

Should I go ahead and thin them or sell them?

>> No.7604384
File: 295 KB, 900x978, milky_way_hair_resources_v0_2_by_kipenz-d5qw897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to wig styling and am wondering if there are other sites with actual tutorials on them or sites that can tell me the usual products used to style wigs into more sculpted looking hair styles. Pic related.

>> No.7604390

Pin the shit out of the wig to a foam head, have a lot of patience, and hairspray the back smooth so the underhairs don't come out again.

>> No.7604396

If you will wear them thinned out then go ahead. If you think you won't wear them much anyway then sell. I would thin my favourite of them, see how much you wear them and use that as the deciding factor

>> No.7604618
File: 116 KB, 280x420, lexi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, the third wig is using a picture from L-email, just buy the one from their website if you want color accuracy.
I'd use a curlier wig for that puffiness though. Personally I'd use an Arda Stevie in desert brown or pic related from epic cosplay.
Searching for flaxen or ash blonde wigs also might help.

>> No.7604627
File: 191 KB, 500x375, tumblr_myn6p9wjaT1sq1c8ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this wig, I'm pretty sure it's from ebay. I've treid search "dark blue blonde mix" etc but no result? any suggestions?

>> No.7604633

Has anyone bought from coscom's store lately? I can't find any decent reviews that were made within the past few years but they have a color that's perfect for what I need and I haven't found anything closer in the usual shops with good reps.

>> No.7604659

what's best to use for lace fronts? tape or glue

>> No.7606247

http://www.ebay.com/itm/USA-Fast-Shipping-50cm-Medium-Long-Zipper-Purple-blue-Wavy-cosplay-hair-Wig-C40-/190934167535?pt=US_CSA_MWA_Wigs_Extensions&hash=item2c74902fef not exactly the same shade or style but it's similar

>> No.7606389

Glue, literally glue and hairspray, maybe a wire frame.

>> No.7606655
File: 82 KB, 800x800, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever bought this wig or any of the other colors? I want to know if they're worth buying in terms of quality, since they're pretty cheap

>> No.7606701

The photos are stolen from ghost-cos wig, so what you get will probably depend on the seller. That said, a friend of mine just bought this wig in the silvery white color and was displeased. The wig had an insane amount of shedding and was pretty shiny as well. I'd reccomend just biting the bullet and buying a more expensive wig.

>> No.7606802

I ordered a black one, sure it was kinda thick but the wig wasn't soft enough for me and it was too shiny and tangled easily. Dont get it.

>> No.7607119

honestly just look on ebay for a colour specific wig and look at the feedback rating and read some of the reviews. The most you should pay for a practice wig is between $8-$12 if you want it to be semi-decent.

>> No.7607157

Cosplaydna is probably one of my favorite wig sellers on ebay. They have pretty fast shipping, and thick silky wigs. The longer ones due tend to tangle a bit, but a few spays of wig de-tangler does the trick just fine.

>> No.7607372
File: 24 KB, 400x300, aplus_super_pochaco02s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need help finding a wig for super pochaco.
ive looked at various sites and cant seem to find a decent one, plus im stuck between clip on vs taking a regular wig and juts tying it up.

>> No.7607408

Get a pre-parted wig or stub a wig, add wefts

>> No.7607419
File: 290 KB, 357x2231, Cheaters_Guide_to_Pigtails_by_ladythesta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually you could try the sewing in weft method. There's this tutorial if it helps. You can obviously set the pigtails higher on the wig than in the tutorial for Pochaco.

>> No.7607447
File: 354 KB, 654x2000, tut_wigpart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite method for making any wig into a center-parted wig.

>> No.7607531


how does this one look? personally, i like the way the clip ons look compared to it but this one looks better than what i could do regarding wig styling.
of course id cut it and stuff.


>> No.7607619
File: 23 KB, 500x500, wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this wig for 6.00 with an ebay "or best offer" on impulse and was surprised it was actually accepted...

Now what should I do with it? *responsible person*

>> No.7607621

Link to seller?

>> No.7607637

Their username is masstextile

>> No.7607909
File: 273 KB, 522x789, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this wig for my Red (transistor) cosplay. I'll be cutting off a ton of hair from the back of the wig, does anyone have a tutorial for cutting hair super short?

>> No.7607933

party city is more expensive than ebay

>> No.7607944
File: 352 KB, 972x475, Game-of-Thrones-game-of-thrones-30544131-972-475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's way too plum and dark like other anon said. Just go with a copper red since it's canon with the book. She's the Red Witch for crying out loud

>> No.7608082
File: 166 KB, 375x500, brwntanshortcurl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the style of this wig from Minty Mix, but I really hate split wigs. Any recommendations for solid natural-color versions?

>> No.7608102

I have one of the short coscom wigs - I can pull it out tomorrow if you want pictures at some point, anon. They're okay quality, not great but not awful either.

>> No.7610256

I bought some sew in wig clips for my Miku wig to help it not fall backwards as much with the weight of the pigtails. It came with 3 clips, should I sew them all in the front of the wig or should I throw one in the bottom of the back?

>> No.7610317

Pictures would be cool if you don't mind!

>> No.7610623
File: 68 KB, 175x466, XY_Lysandre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any ideas on how I could do this and it not look terrible?
Even for base wigs should I go pre parted? Or something like an Arda Jareth and work from there?

>> No.7610650
File: 44 KB, 426x240, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend me wigs I could use for Sapphire that are styled in ponytail? I don't really like the look of clip ons.

>> No.7610653

Are there ways to prevent folliculitis when wearing heavy props and wigs on one's head? Since it can lead to hairloss, I'm pretty concerned.

>> No.7611363
File: 650 KB, 800x564, ukai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me find a good wig for this guy from Haikyuu. I have never bought a wig before or used one. Any help is appreciated.

>> No.7611582

I bet this has been posted a shitload of times, but can I get some suggestions for wigs that I can wear daily? Currently, I only know that cyperous hold up well.

>> No.7612822

Got a honey brown one from somebody on ebay selling a straight version of this. Shine-wise it was wearable on the wig I got, but it tangled like no tomorrow, so I trimmed it shoulder length.
This shitty SJW chick got the pink vers of this wig though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CY6KIgelI0
Cheap white wigs are a huge nono, your friend should have figured it'd be shiny.

>> No.7612925

Was actually looking at wigs for her just today and the ones on ebay/aliexpress are horrendous looking with the blue. Is it weird that the whole time watching the anime I just assumed her hair was totally white? Is there any way to style a wig with all that hair in your face and popping out and not look like a mess?

>> No.7612934

Arda's Cady, and you should draw on the sideburns

>> No.7612946
File: 41 KB, 364x500, no-game-no-life-shiro-ani-statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should use the figure for reference. Get a base white wig and sharpie dye it to fit.

>> No.7613028

According to the Japanese on the image posted by >>7594069, Shiro's hair is white and her eyes are red. On the other hand, I think it would look better if the wig were slightly tinted blue (or otherwise)

>> No.7614472

Anyone experienced in a short cut in the back?

>> No.7616116
File: 290 KB, 800x490, wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking for a really nice, natural looking fashion wig that I can use for both of these idol costumes. I would take a chance on random ebay ones if it weren't for the pigtails. Anyone know of a place where I could get something nice quality and thick enough to pull into low pigtails like that without having to put extra wefts in?

>> No.7617113
File: 362 KB, 1920x1080, 1402420964966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any tips or advice on how to pull of blond wigs when you have a yellow undertone to your skin?

I'm an NC30 in MAC, Asian, and I've never cosplayed blond characters; I even avoid wearing most yellows because of how much it clashes with my skin. However, I'm in love with Link's design for the newest Zelda game, and I want to try and cosplay him next year. Is there a certain type of blond that would go better with my skin colour? Would a light brown be too off model?

>> No.7617120
File: 40 KB, 512x256, Different-Shades-Blonde-Hair-Color-Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Light brown with some blonde would be better, yeah. Avoid anything with a strong golden tone.
Like 07 in pic related.

>> No.7617126

Oh man, this is such a ugly picture.

>> No.7617143

you could probably get away with doing the crossback method since the pigtails are low. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHPwYlWAWhM
The first outifit is super cute too where is it from?

>> No.7617151

Does anyone know what Minori does to her wigs so they look the way they do? Burn them or some kind of chemical treatment? They're always really blunt looking, like fried real hair, ad I think it's kindo cool for a wig

>> No.7617176


>> No.7617208

A sandy brown would probably work nicely for this version of Link if you'd feel more comfortable with a brown.

>> No.7617826

Yeah, I put my thumb over her face when I was looking for it and it instantly looked nicer. Sadly I couldn't find a more flattering pic.

>> No.7617918

Does anyone wear their wigs outside of cosplaying, just on a normal day/

>> No.7618247

I just bought my first wig, what are some tips for general wig use/care?

>> No.7619040

What's up with Lucaille's website? I wanted to order a wig but only the main website works and everything I click keeps redirecting me to advertisments.

>> No.7619058

I've bought six so far, all from eBay. The last two I bought just came in a couple days ago. They're as silky as real hair and ran me about $20 together. Would definitely recommend to a newbie, but check the sellers rating first, obviously.

>> No.7619471



>> No.7619547


Here you go.

>> No.7619942
File: 45 KB, 1024x768, Rvon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can get a widows peak lacefront in a color like pic related? Arda's options are kind of limited, I think their dark purple would be the closest but I'm worried it's too dark

>> No.7620217

http://www.wig-supplier.com/35cm-medium-purple-raven-from-teen-titans-cosplay-wigs-zy10-p-2765.html this might be ok?

>> No.7620250

Thanks! What is the shine like on the natural one?

>> No.7620740
File: 98 KB, 550x658, fb8a428b1837fab1850e26c48db43e0e1389753420_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be styling a jaguar wig from Arda into the dark brown style on the left hand side of this pic. This is my first time styling a wig and I've looked at multiple tutorials but I'm still a bit nervous about how I will approach the fake hairline. Can anybody give me some tips or advice? I'd greatly appreciate it.

>> No.7620754 [DELETED] 

Oh and just to specify the method I've was planning on doing for the fake hairline is to glue a felt hairline under the wig and then glue wefts onto it.

>> No.7620758

Oh and just to specify the method I was planning on using for the fake hairline is to glue a felt hairline under the wig and then glue small wefts onto it.

>> No.7620830

Is there a practical difference between women's and men's wigs?

>> No.7620857

The only difference is that the ones for men are larger.

>> No.7621030

Larger as in more hairs?

>> No.7621113
File: 97 KB, 768x768, professor_sycamore_gif_by_blackgarchomp-d6tv7vn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to style a wave into a wig? I'm making a Professor Sycamore wig and his bangs are like one *wave*. I know how to curl a wig but not really how to put waves in. Anybody know any methods? Thank you!

>> No.7621115

I think it'd be easier to just do the glue hairline technique! It'd be perfect for the wig you wanna make: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KawyKswlKRY

They probably mean larger as in the cap size is larger

>> No.7621161

you can make soft waves by taking bigger chunks of hair and a curling wand (the dildo looking ones) and wrapping it around there for a lil bit, that's how ive seen it done.

>> No.7621167

So if I have a giant Irish head, a women's wig is going to be a problem for me?

>> No.7621176

Probably not unless your head is HUGE. Online wig stores generally have measurement guides anyway so just measure carefully before you buy!

>> No.7621200
File: 314 KB, 2560x1600, 201406172348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay cool, would you have any tips with regard to how long I should make the wefts that I glue onto the felt hairline? I know you only need a small bit of the weft to stick past the felt hairline so it can be trimmed into shape, but what about the hair on the opposite end that merges into the rest of the wig?

Should I glue long streaks that slick back along with the rest of the hair? If so, what glue should I use to blend them in together? fabric glue or the likes of got2b etc? If I don't need to make each weft long, can I just make the hairline wefts a tiny length that I can attempt to blend into the wig with a type of glue?

Sorry if they seem like stupid questions but this is my first time styling a wig like this and I want to make sure I do this correctly so it doesn't look like I just badly glued extra streaks onto the wig.

>> No.7621353

Did you watch the tutorial I linked you to? Because no wefts are involved in making the hairline, only loose hair.

The pieces that you glue into the hairline, I would make as long as the rest of the side- hair. If you try to blend in shorter hairs with the rest of the hair you run the risk of overdoing it with the glue or gel, or renegade shorter hairs if you don't use enough.

>> No.7621437

Thank you so much for the help. Yep I've watched that very tutorial multiple times before, but I still wasn't certain about the best way to approach the fake hairline for the hairstyle my wig will have. Oh and woops I said wefts but I meant strands of hair from a weft.

Last question I have is should I use fabric glue to attach the strands of hair all along the wig, or only use the fabric glue around the felt hairline and then use something like got2b glue to blend in the rest? I'll be using got2b glue and freeze spray to style the wig before making the fake hairline. Thanks again for the advice.

>> No.7621530

I like the color but it it wouldn't have the same effect as a lacefront

>> No.7621531
File: 29 KB, 234x216, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7621917

I'd personally just use fabric glue to attach it to the hairline and then style the rest of the strand with got2b. I'm not sure if it makes a difference but I'd just prefer a less permanent hold in case I mess. Good luck!

>> No.7621921
File: 15 KB, 500x357, Revlon Curl Magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dildo looking ones? Like these? I just don't see how that would be different than a regular curling iron since you're still going to be getting a spiral curl from wrapping the fiber around a rod... Those irons have always just seemed like gimmicks to me.

>> No.7621926

>tfw electric anal beads

>> No.7624704


Any opinions on this as a Luffy wig?

>> No.7624727

Don't bother plugging it in, it doesn't vibrate.

>> No.7624884

bumping for this question

>> No.7625162
File: 755 KB, 714x1083, tumblr_mn5djcwjLT1qgwps9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my pic
>Arda "stevie" wig in spanish brown
>using it for renaissance festival job (I have short purple hair)
>gets tangled as fuck my first day at work
>Use detangling spray and wide toothed comb to get tangles out
>the ends come out looking frizzy and damaged, the rest of the wig is poofy as shit and lost some of the waviness
>put braids in, heated to style it again
>still ridiculously poofy, ends still look bad

What do i do?
Ways to keep it from tangling on the job? Ways to tame that poof and keep it nice and wavy?
I feel it will never look as good as it did on my first wear.

>> No.7625204

you're probably going to have to trim the ends and steam the whole thing while slowly brushing it to tame some of the poof

>> No.7625233

Where can I get a normal looking wig I can wear everyday? (Like natural and good quality)
Hair loss is bad and it's not getting better.

>> No.7625258

I am not going to have the wig be an accurate length for the obvious reasons, I am thinking to the middle of my back should be fine, but I am having trouble finding a wig. I have already resolved myself to working with a grey wig as that particular color is really difficult to find but I just am having no luck finding a wig to start with.

Keeping in mind that I have exactly zero wig styling capabilities despite trying for years and years, what wigs would people suggest?

>> No.7625260
File: 90 KB, 1061x298, amethystREF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

annnd I dropped my pic. hurp hurp

>> No.7625272

Coming from someone who works renaissance festivals, you're a fucking idiot and deserve to have your wig ruined.

Trim the ends and take a flat iron to them on the lowest heat setting for just a little bit; that's helped my older wigs lose some frizz. Comb gently.

>> No.7625285

christ you're sandy

>> No.7625310

>hurr let's wear a wig to an outdoor event where i'm sure to be sweaty and dirty by the end of the day
At least I gave some advice, unlike your useless comment. Get the fuck off 4chan if you can't handle an idiot being called an idiot.

Something else helpful: Mane and Tail Detangling Spray is pretty decent at keeping long wigs in check, but in an environment like a faire, I'd really suggest just keeping it in braids while you're working.

>> No.7625437
File: 370 KB, 423x432, oh nonononononononononononono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey seagulls! i recently took on a comission for a nonon jakuzure wig from Kirr Ra Kirr and need a little help! i severely undercharged for the wig (i had to come out of pocket to buy the base wig and the dye required to turn the wig from white to the correct pink...) and i have a few questions about what to do next!
the client asked for sideswept bangs, so i tried to make Nonons up-n-down bangs look a side-sweepy as possible, but im not sure if im on point yet?!
im also worried about the little tendrils... one side is a little poofier than the other because of the dye, and i just kind of want a little advice on how to make nonon's piecy fringe a little more... piecier? without taking away from the length itself. (its a little longer than it appears on my body, big head+ long hair are not friends of small wigs)
thank you in advance for any help i receive!

>> No.7625442

i would suggest a bath of fabric softener and water for a few days. i usually do my wigs for about five! when its out, let it air dry and straighten the ends. arda wigs are heat resistant anyway, but the fabric softener will give the fibers a little more thickness and bounce!

>> No.7625445

So, never wear a wig to a convention is what I'm hearing. Gotcha!

>> No.7625452

Like i said in the post, I have short purple hair. Don't exactly have a choice unless i want to wear a scarf and look bald. But thanks for the tips.

>> No.7625471

Except people do that all the time, idiot. People manage to wear wigs to jobs, fairs, parks conventions etc so if thats so unfathomable to you i'd say you're rather unqualified to give advice
And to be ~useful~, use motions oil sheen or oil lubricant, not mane n tail

>> No.7625475

just bought a cheap wig from ebay. It was from china i believe. Is it safe to brush with a normal hair brush? it's long and kind of tangled.

Also the fringe is kind of messed up..should i trim it?

this is the wig i got..it doesn't look much like it does in the picture right now..especially the fringe...

http://www.ebay co.uk/itm/231242151101?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649

>> No.7625479

>my wig finally arrives
>put it on and start posing in the mirror
>instant boner

what does this mean?

for reference i'm

>work out
>got a beard

>> No.7625481

It means youre fucking lucky, always wondered what its be like to be attracted to myself

>> No.7625484

isn't it kind of strange though? forgot to say it's a girls wig

>> No.7625492

Maybe youd make a good trap? Despite the beard. Its weird but not unheard of. Peele from key & peele makes a pretty convincing woman and mentioned being weirded out at actually being attracted to himself in drag.

>> No.7625495

I'd honestly love to. But my musculature and general broadness means i would never in one millions years pass for a girl. I suppose I will just mull about as a kawaii schoolgirl in the privacy of my own home.

>> No.7625697 [DELETED] 

Not even that anon and I know you're being purposely obtuse, but if you're comparing the sweaty and dirty you get at a convention to the kind you get after working at a ren faire all day, either you have never worked a faire or fuck around way outside in dirt way more than most people do at a con.

>> No.7625711

I think you're under-estimating the levels of gross you get working/performing outside all day at festivals. It's not like wearing it to a job or outside at a con for a few hours at a con where you can brush it out at any given time without having to abandon your post, but maybe y'all just get dirtier at cons than anyone I know. Mane n Tail has worked fine for me with longer wigs, but thanks for more suggestions.

How long of a run is your festival? It might be worth it to dye your hair a lighter natural shade if it's, like, a month long deal, and just go back to purple after. Unless your character needs to have longer hair. Anyway, yeah, hope you got some good responses. I second the fabric softener bath mentioned elsewhere, too, forgot that earlier.

>> No.7625732 [DELETED] 

And I never said it was "unfathomable", you illiterate twat, but I would expect people to at least look into how to take care of their long wigs when they know what kind of environment they'll be in.

>> No.7625760

And while I recognize that my greentext wasn't as specific as it could have been, I never said it's impossible even at ren faires. I've worn long wigs while working in character; I'd just expect most people to take five minutes to look into caring for a wig if they know they're going to be in less than optimal conditions.

>> No.7625794
File: 152 KB, 1500x1500, FW-inks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me, when using the FW Ink dying method for wigs, will the dye come out if sprayed with alcohol the same way Sharpie dye does?

Your link doesn't work, but if you can't get a wig brush, try a wide tooth comb instead, and brush like you do normal hair, starting at the bottom to help ease the tangles out. Idk about the fringe without seeing it, but if you don't like it and can't style it in a way you like as is, then sure, trim it to your content.

>> No.7625797

Yes, alcohol will strip the ink.

>> No.7625804

Here to review animestuffstore on eBay for wigs. I bought a long copper wig and a silver base wig with a clip in pony tail. Shipping was incredibly fast. The price was fair, especially after receiving the wigs and feeling how very soft they are. The copper one turned out to be a bit more orange than I was expecting in person, so I'll have to dye it a little for what I need, but it's easily one of my favourite wigs anyway. 9.5/10 just because the one wig was a little bit different in color.

>> No.7626214

They probably stole the photos, hence the wig looking nothing like what you received.
If you brush it with a normal wig you might get some flyaways as hairs break. Use a wide tooth comb if you can.
Trimming the fringe on a wig is always advised. If you can, fit it on yourself and trim there rather than on a wig head.

>> No.7626245


I can tell you that it was waaay harder for me to take FW ink out than Sharpie dye. I tried to take out some light coloured FW ink and it took a lot of swishing around and a LONG time in alcohol for not even all of the colour to leave. This was not the case with Sharpie dye at all. Sharpie dye just runs out with alcohol.

Be aware that you most likely will not be able to ever get the dye out fully. Especially with darker dyes.

>> No.7627339
File: 18 KB, 500x207, 1349905250759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm looking for wigs for myself and a friend, and we're both new to styling wigs. So a second/better opinion would be appreciated.

He's going as Rider, so we've figured this wig would be good for starting:


I'm looking for a decent Kiritsugu wig, and I'm thinking this one would be better quality: http://www.epiccosplay.com/spiky-layered-black-cosplay-wig.html

I'm pretty good with hair styling, which I hope will apply with wigs too. If so I think I'll be good with the former, but would anyone suggest going with one that's a closer base to what I'm looking for like this? http://de.hellocosplay.net/fate-zero-cosplay-kiritsugu-emiya-cosplay-peruecke-1.html

>> No.7627520
File: 425 KB, 865x385, 2014_06_20_07_14_53-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this wig from AnimeStuffStore, really good wig, but I'm just wondering how to cut it for my Rico cosplay. Any tips are appreciated

>> No.7627688

The wig hair color doesn't even compare...

>> No.7627703
File: 157 KB, 286x465, courtroom rico.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her hair is silver but the was a sunset in that scene so it made it look more blonde

>> No.7627710
File: 1.36 MB, 1067x681, rico.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, anon. I'm not the poster above but this was the collage I used for my Rico cosplay and it definitely looks closer to a very pale ash blonde than a silver like that.

>> No.7627714

Ugh goddammit, any possible way to salvage it then?

>> No.7627715

I've never seen the show, but I honestly don't think the wig looks that off from the three bottom photos in your collage.

>> No.7627730

Anyone have experience with buying from laurawu-123 (ebay)?

>> No.7627749

Thanks for that mild reassurance, I'm just gonna have to work with it since AX is in a couple weeks and I dont think I have the funds for a new wig

>> No.7627784

Is it possible to be more specific about how to style the wig? Like how to cut it to get the pieces etc
Another anon cosplaying Agnes here, and I have never styled a wig in my life and only have ten days to do so. Any help is super welcome and appreciated!

>> No.7628447
File: 173 KB, 640x901, aCjnRAi (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I have some help?

I cant decide what color and style I should get from Arda.. so far I'm leaning towards Ginger Blonde in either a Magnum, Magnum Long, Greta (straightened) or Inigo..

Plus it seems like everyone normally chops up the magnum series..

Thank you!

>> No.7628774

Okay so I ordered this wig from MatchWigs and it seems like it's a little bit thin at the top and some of the hair is falling out. Maybe it's a faulty wig or something of the sort? Basically has
anyone else had this problem?

Tbh I've bought better wigs on Ebay.

>> No.7628780
File: 20 KB, 370x394, cotte-short-black-wig-cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.7628781

Why would you buy this...

>> No.7628786

The other wig in the same length wasn't in stock and I didn't feel like waiting a good few months?
Why wouldn't I?

>> No.7630514

Is this a good wig for dead master?
I feel like its almost suspiciously cheap.

Do you guys think it would be too green in the sun? Any recommendations?

>> No.7630522

It's too green in my opinion. Also, it's curled far too much to look nice. Which dead master version are you doing?

>> No.7630546

The normal one from the anime. Know of a place to get a more loosely curled black one?

>> No.7630955

So, I'm trying to fix the height of a ponytail on a wig I stubbed, and I'm doing this by carving out a groove in a styrofoam ball to fit over the stub, and then I covered the styrofoam ball with wefts of hair, which includes hair from a ponytail clip and additional extensions, from Arda.
I was going to E6000 it onto the stub and part of the wig that the ball is leaning on, but I'm concerned about the weight of the hair pulling it off from where the glue is on the styrofoam. Is there any way to stabilize this so the foam doesnt rip from the weight, or do you think it should be fine?

>> No.7631242

I don't know what sort of foam you're using but most foam will melt from that sort of glue.

>> No.7631267

It's just a white styrofoam ball I got from Joanns, the kind thats smooth on the surface instead of gritty. Hmm, would hot glue work better then?

>> No.7632751
File: 421 KB, 1326x602, whatdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my Yui wig in the mail today, what I wasn't expecting was for its color to be off, so now I a weird orangey brown wig. I know of the ink dyeing method but I'm not sure how I should go about with making it the accurate hair color.
The right pic is close to what color the wig is.

>> No.7632755

Just use hot glue or caulk

>> No.7632767
File: 55 KB, 720x540, dandy as shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im lucky that my community has a wig styler who has talent outta the ass. She made this dandy one for me for around 100 bucks and its both beefy as shit while perfectly balanced.

>> No.7632776
File: 63 KB, 639x960, kirstie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She also made this for a ball recently and it ended up getting auctioned off for 100 bucks. If she had a page or anything id give it a link because she does fucking great world but i post these here to just give people a reminder theres generally always good stylists within your own cosplay community.

>> No.7632832

Does anyone know that's going on with Kasous Cosplay Wig Shop on ebay? They've said it's something with their Paypal but you have to use Paypal for their Etsy as well, I don't understand and I'm not sure I trust it.

>> No.7632836

Are you sure you can use paypal on their etsy? They may have made another fake paypal account just for etsy. Paypal review doesn't necessarily mean anything bad especially if they are relatively new, and they are being upfront about it, but it's not a great sign. But regardless of their paypal situation, if you pay with paypal, you should be able to get your money back if anything goes wrong.

>> No.7632852

Pretty sure they've been about for ages and I'm still being given the option to pay with Paypal, not sure I'm willing to shell out $30 on a wig without using Paypal if I don't know if the seller is trustworthy or not.

>> No.7632867

My internet was fucking me about, I can pay with my card not Paypal, I'm just not super sure I actually want to.

>> No.7632869

Well if you credit card you can probably chargeback

>> No.7632875

In all likelihood they are fine and just dealing with paypal's usual bullshit. Like if 1-2 make a claim because their wig is "late" (even if they tell you it takes awhile to ship) or whatever paypal can hold your account

>> No.7634749
File: 66 KB, 320x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me with finding a good wig for Ranko (one that can be shipped to UK as well)

>> No.7636096

anon, try looking up peko pekoyama wigs. she has veeerrryy similar hair (colorwise as well) but she has braided pugtails instead of curled. what you do with it is up to you because this is the only thing i could come up with.

>> No.7636097
File: 38 KB, 320x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*pigtails whoops

also, a picture

>> No.7636188
File: 282 KB, 411x808, 181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can get a wig for Amatsukaze?

>> No.7636204

Thank you anon, gonna look for some wigs now.

>> No.7636676

Hot water and hair rollers.

>> No.7636723
File: 79 KB, 882x660, picture003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making a wig for a cosplay of the Fili from The Hobbit.

I feel like the wig is a little too light for his hair color, should i attempt to dye it a bit darker? it was kind of difficult to get it to look right so im afraid of having it lose its shape.

>> No.7636834

just why would anyone do that.

>> No.7637017

I am looking for a kyoko sakura wig that would require minimal styling because I am shit at it. I'm pretty sure buying a short wig and a ponytail clip would look bad.

>> No.7637031

Lolita, J-fashion, ect.
Are you new?

>> No.7637033

..I love your wig stand.

>> No.7637154
File: 583 KB, 890x397, 1403729053271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been meaning to cosplay Erika from Umineko for years, but the wig keeps holding me back - I haven't done a lot of wig styling before, and for some reasons all the wigs that turn up when you search for "erika furudo wig" are some shade of lilac purple. Anyone have any recommendations?

>> No.7637373

I ordered a wig from wigfashion, it ended up not being the color it showed. And not to mention a lot of the fibers were screwed up. They want to send me a new one instead of refunding me so I guess their English isn't that great because I stated to them how the color was wrong.

>> No.7637376

Just go for whatever purple would look best with your skintone.

>> No.7637383

It doesn't really look like that complicated a thing to style. Just buy a set of blue twin tail clip ins and a long blue wig of the same colour then cut the back of the wig to the right length.

>> No.7637401


>> No.7637414

Get that one and you'll have to cut the back and bangs. And it comes with ponytails.

Or get this one and just dye it with ink and cut the bangs. http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Episode5-End-of-the-Golden-Witch-Furudo-Erika-Purple-Long-Cosplay-Free-Cap-M101-/271392652063?pt=US_Costume_Accessories&hash=item3f30433b1f&_uhb=1

And for the love of god please don't sharpie dye it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDnC6qXTz1I

>> No.7637646

These could work out well. You'd have to comb the curls out and hot water-straighten them before styling.

Try something more like this
Buy wefts and a wefting tool as well and while your styling try fanning it and spikes.

>> No.7637791

I want to buy a wig from them but one of them has an ahoge on it and I'm not sure if its gelled or not.

>> No.7638946


thanks! mario had the right sized head...my friends bofur wig is on a jake the dog stuffed animal currently

>> No.7640964

A character I want to cosplay has really long hair that go past her knees. I don't really know much about long wig care, but I'm willing to research/learn. I know Arda's Delilah is about 60 inches and my actual height is pretty much 61 inches. Obviously, I would trim some hair since even the character's hair doesn't go down that far but is something like that still too much to handle? Should I just sacrifice accuracy and get a wig that's more hip/butt length? I would also love to get some long wig care tips. (I found a couple sources on my own)

>> No.7642237

cosplaying spirit tracks link, should I go for a yellow wig or an actual blonde one?

>> No.7642270
File: 225 KB, 700x1200, w059-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where to get hime wigs with the bump? i know taobao has a few, but im only looking for that right now, and i wouldnt make an order for just one wig. bodyline has one too, but not quite the color i want. id prefer it to be a darker brown (to match my natural color).

>> No.7642311

wands are used so you dont get that bend/kink on the end of the curl like with ones that clamp.

>> No.7642318

L-email/wig-supplier has a few, I have one from them in a dark brown/burgundy color.

>> No.7642319

how's the quality anon? is it relatively thick, or thin? shiny?

>> No.7642351

It's nice and thick! I'm pretty rough on my wigs and it's really windy here, and it's still held up really well. It's not so shiny that it looks fake, it just looks like healthy hair. I have several of their other wigs as well, they're all consistent in quality too!
I'm sorry I'm not where I can get you the link to the exact one I have, but it's in their fashion wig section on wig-supplier.com (I think it was 48ish cm long? It's pretty curly!)

>> No.7642374

these are the closest ones i found, there wasnt really a 48cm one that had the bump, it might be gone?
goodness, i have the hardest time finding wigs with the bump that dont remind me of grandma hairstyles (like at the bump part where it looks frizzy or floofy instead of a bump)

>> No.7642425

Looks like it's gone from their site (though it might be in their taobao to aliexpress shops).
The ones you link definitely have a fuzzy bump which is weird considering mine has a solid, full bump like the bodyline wig you posted. I'm sorry I'm not more helpful, anon!

>> No.7642658

its fine anon, really! i appreciate you trying to help! i hope you have a good sleep!

>> No.7642721

Oh my god why

anyway use got2b glued products and a shit ton of hairdrying action you ponyfucker

>> No.7642917
File: 204 KB, 960x797, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone identify this wig? Saw it in the lolita general, looked like lockshop to me but they don't have any white ones. Anything similar is appreciated. I already checked Arda and EpicCosplay but they dont have any style like that in white.

>> No.7642985

Looks sort of like this one:
> http://www.dolluxe.com/products/duchess-elodie-white

>> No.7642999

Thanks anon! I completely forgot about GLW!

>> No.7644305

Which is better, moemall or lemail?

>> No.7644327

Are there girls who wear wigs with everyday outfits (So not cosplay or lolita?). Because I have some cute natural ones I like to wear (My hair is very short, so I basically only have one style I can make with it), but I am a bit insecure about wearing wigs (Aka it isn't common that people do that and I am afraid people will laugh at me or something)

>> No.7644542

I think as long as the wig is good quality, I find that most ~*normiez*~ don't notice. I wore Arda's Ziggy (a rainbow wig) to freshman orientation for my GSA once and, granted, it was a bunch of dopey incoming HS freshmen, a loooot of them thought it was real (even other people my age). I've seen this happen to other cosplayers in public with non-congoers as well. So, over the past few years, I've found that if the wig is nice enough quality, non-cosplayers are more than likely going to believe it's real, unless there's something visibly off about it, such as your hairline showing or something like that. Other cosplayers, people into jfashion, etc. are more likely to wonder if it's a wig mostly just cause they have experience with it and *usually* can better tell the difference between real hair vs a wig.
So, basically, I think you'll be good if the wig is good!

>> No.7645725
File: 178 KB, 400x1312, 1403234260252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck would I get a pompadour wig?
Like a Josuke or Space Dandy pompadour.

>> No.7645934

go lucaille instead of moemall, it's cheaper and moemall resells lucaille anyway. i like both brands but from my experience dark lucaille wigs have kind of a shitty shine to it. with l-email it kind of varies. what wig are you looking to buy?

>> No.7645951

Lucaille now carries a character specific wig for her. It's super colorful and pretty.

>> No.7646017

Ah that is good to know. They aren't human hair quality, but they aren't shiny as fuck wigs either. The shine only shows up in flash pictures really. So I guess I am gonna wear them more often then.

>> No.7646051

Those are fucken sweet

>> No.7646053

I wouldn't worry about it, you don't wanna go too dark and ruin it. It's not a great pic but the wig looks pretty nice.

>> No.7646062

Is hand dyeing wigs with copics a thing? Will the colour stay if I don't use rubbing alcohol?

>> No.7646255
File: 932 KB, 1920x1080, elizabeth-bioshock-infinite-burial-at-sea-26101-1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any way I can get away with doing Burial at Sea Elizabeth without shelling out the money for a lace front wig? Most people I've found have used their natural hair so I have no idea what a good choice in wig would be.

>> No.7646588


>> No.7646609

I've wanted to get this wig in a different color....if it's not a faulty wig I'm taking it as a word of warning, so thanks for the heads up! (That totally blows, though!)

>> No.7646616

I'm a guy but I still wear wigs with every-day stuff. My "real" hair is a waist-length pink mohawk, so "normal" looking wigs (of decent quality) come in handy.

But I mean, I've worn a liberty-spiked rainbow wig (from The Five Wits) and people thought it was real (fucking how???) along with a shorter blue wig and people assumed I got a haircut & changed the color.

>> No.7646621


Make one! I've used this tutorial for Mondo (DR) and Dandy and tey both came out pretty decent. (Now if only they weren't 5 states away and I could take pictures!)

Either that or find an exaggerated "Elvis style" wig and pump up the jamz, pump up da volume.

>> No.7646624

I know it is with Sharpies, (I never "sealed" it with anything, either and I was fine) but I don't have experience with Copics. I'll do some digging, though.

>> No.7646649
File: 116 KB, 813x517, wigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to decide between these two shit-tastic eBay wigs, I mean, most of it will be hidden under a hat so I'm not too worried about it. Input, anyone?

I think I like the color of the one on the left better, but the stupid part/hairline in it worries me, whereas the other one isn't as perfect of a pink but has bangs I could trim?

Either way they're gunna have to be heavily style, so idek.


>> No.7646654

I don't think either of those will work. Souda has a pretty hardcore widow's peak and you'll likely need a lacefront to achieve that. I know Arda has a good widow's peak lacefront, but I'm not sure if it comes in Souda's color.

>> No.7646655

The one on the right looks better, but chances are both are actually the same wig, lol

>> No.7646657

>widow's peak
Not that Anon, but why would a widow's peak start right between his eyebrows?
V-bangs make more sense.

>> No.7646659
File: 38 KB, 500x500, junko is da bae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where to buy good quality Junko wigs?
I'd try ebay but for me they're usually hit or miss despite their ratings

>> No.7646664

>widows peak
It looks more like bangs to me, with how low it is - but regardless I'm aware on how to build widows peaks into wigs (Aka my Leon wig, because FUCK NO I'm not paying almost $60 for an Arda Marty. I don't care how nice it looks. Plus, they didn't have the color I wanted anywho)

They essentially are, but the hairline is what's buggin me ahaha. I can't decide if I want ridiculous candy pink hair, or slightly faded dirty pink mechanic hair. Oh woe is me.


I'll take a look! I was just helping a friend of mine with finding one ridiculously similar to Junko, so yeah. (But I rely heavily on eBay, aha) You of course could get a base wig and tease/build clip in pigtails, though! (But color matching. Aaaaugh.)

Which reminds me! If anyone's looking for wefts/etc in the same color as a wig, IKickShins matching service = top notch. I woulda ended up with firetruck red facial hair for Leon without it.

>> No.7646666
File: 1.13 MB, 700x2000, posca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres the posca marker method if that helps

>> No.7646667

I've always liked the look of this one a lot. If the pictures are accurate to what it actually looks like, I'd say it's the most fitting I've ever seen pre-styled. Needs a shipping agent though.


>> No.7646672

They have it on eBay too! Gimmie two seconds to finish this Junko-wig-link-dump, I'll post it alongside it. No shipping agent required, yo.

>> No.7646679

A lot of these are eBay, sorry. I'll look elsewhere in a bit, though! I'd also say check one of the DR-cosplay-help blogs, they can be pretty hit or miss but yeah.

http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/190881087791?lpid=82 (The one you posted)

https://www.etsy.com/listing/188936955/dangan-ronp-junko-enoshima-cosplay-wig?&utm_source=google&utm_medium=product_listing_promoted&utm_campaign=accessories_low&gclid=CIepivm6or8CFc8F7AoduR4ATg (Eh)

>> No.7646686
File: 76 KB, 512x447, CI_68944_1359320001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much, this is such a big help!
I'll look for reviews on the ebay stores and if nothing fits, I'll use the taobao wig.
Also for styling,I'm thinking of cutting the wig into layers and styling each layer into one of her waves with sculpting hair gel.
Would that be fine or would you recommend any other tips?

>> No.7646704

Anytime! (But yeah, I'll see if I can find the wig you posted on eBay with a good rating so you don't have to fuck with TaoBao)

I've never really styled with gel, just "Rave" brand & got2b, I think I've seen people use a certain got2b gel, or straight up glue (Which tbh I've seen work REALLY well, plus you don't really have to worry as much about it shifting and getting unstyled)

Another tip would be BIG ROLLERS. And hot water or something, idk. Some form of heat to set it, then spray afterwards. (Or a curling iron, but IDK she's "wavy" so huge rollers would work better IMO, like Pepsi-can style shit)

>> No.7646835

I got a ponytail wig, sorta like Arda's Jeannie but off taobao.

I'm just gonna use it for Gou from Free! but I've never had a wig like this and I'm still very inexperienced with with styling in general. The ponytail is kinda loose, how do I restyle it without it looking shit? Should I stub it?

Sorry for being so summer.

>> No.7646844

I'll keep this in mind thank you

>> No.7647183
File: 38 KB, 350x400, T23VOQXBNaXXXXXXXX_!!65842075.jpg_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get this one and tell us how it is lol http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.54.xSezEw&id=12820068443&ns=1#detail

>> No.7647491

Wow that is a shit ton of hair.

>> No.7648397

How long does it take for a lockshop package to get to the states?

>> No.7649122
File: 166 KB, 900x1216, vi_portrait_fan_art_colored_by_zeronis-d76mgwc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it look okay to combine an Arda wig with an ebay/taobao wig? I need to do a splice on the side in a different color, but I can't really justify paying $30+ for a second Arda wig that I'm just going cut a piece off to put into my base wig.

Kind of like pic related, though it's not for Vi and more of just like really short rather than a buzz-cut.

>> No.7650078


>> No.7650712

It looks like all the hair on the pig tails might have just been pushed up to the front to make it look bigger