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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 152 KB, 730x509, 20100912070928869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7644839 No.7644839 [Reply] [Original]

FAQ (Please Read!):

Taobao Dictionary:

Store Spreadsheets:
**NEW** https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1f4Ej-xGtGsOjPJOQ2cxr3zi-p-F30zyattmxajSvFEs/edit#gid=0

Shopping Services Spreadsheet:

Budgeting Spreadsheet Template:

Pop-up dictionary: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zhongwen-a-chinese-englis/kkmlkkjojmombglmlpbpapmhcaljjkde?hl=en
Good EL-CH dictionary: nciku.com
Translate text from images: newocr.com

If the above links look the same, disable add-ons (like 4chanX), clear cache, clear cookies, and/or try a new Internet browser. This problem happens sometimes. There's also an anon that will translate stuff if you wanna keep it personal or whatever and don't mind waiting: fortranslatetaobao@gmail.com.

A rough guide on the new forwarding service by anon! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/myoq4zzz5s5pu5t/5GGaij-8os


Old thread >>7629301

>> No.7644843

What a cute op pic.

>> No.7644864

replies from last thread

>what are filters
search 粉红高跟鞋, select "shoes," and then look for round toe under "optional hot" and word-type buckle under "closed"

>parasols, star accessories
there are some links to umbrella/parasol places on the new spreadsheet, under the home goods tab. as for star hair accessories:
there's more if you search 星星lolita and sort for necklace/earrings/hair accessories

search 美少女戰士包

>> No.7644895
File: 83 KB, 511x497, netlace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a favorite shop for buying medium amounts of mesh lace? I need like 10 yards each of white, cream, and black. The specific pattern isn't super important as long as it looks pretty cute, but it should be around 2-3 inches. I found what's in the picture, but it's 3.71 yuan per yard, and idk if that's a good deal. If it's a lot better deal, I can do 20 yards of each, but I don't want to fool with like 100.

>> No.7644911

I don't know much about lace so I hesitate to make any shop suggestions, but have you tried searching for mesh lace and then sorting by price? or perhaps finding some lace that you like through the search, and then selecting find same/similar to see if there are cheaper options available?

>> No.7644925

I started doing something like that, but got distracted trying to get it to show me shit sold by larger increments than a yard. I feel kinda dumb now, I'll try that.

>> No.7644939

Is there a way to find what category an item is in from its item page, and then browse through that category?

>> No.7644947

>good deal
That's like $.06 per yard. Even if it ends up shitty, it's like $2 for all three colors you'd want.

>> No.7644951

It's $0.6, not $0.06, anon.

>> No.7644954

Yeah, it's $.60. It's still no big deal, but if there's a place with better deals, I'd rather get a better deal than a worse one.

>> No.7644996
File: 44 KB, 500x600, dreamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know where I can find this bag?
The storenvy I found it in has marked it up considerably.

>> No.7645012

On the Shopping Service Spreadsheet, what does stock reliability mean?

>> No.7645015

anon you didn't even try

>> No.7645017

It's how reliable SS are in quoting items for an order.

>> No.7645019

>quoting items for an order

I'm going to sound really summerfag-ish, but wtf does that mean.
How fast they get your order confirmed (they bought all your items)?

>> No.7645032
File: 72 KB, 750x373, Pastel_20sweetheart_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/-ing the wig in pic related (or similar) I've seen a bunch of storenvy resellers selling it...

>> No.7645049

just search for purple wigs (紫色假发), lots of very similar wigs will turn up

>> No.7645072
File: 73 KB, 1252x502, w-what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it cheaper now that i have more items in my cart? is it a mistake?? sorry i'm new.

>> No.7645135

New like how willing they are in quoting items. Some SS are lazy to quote certain things.

>> No.7645264
File: 1.26 MB, 375x281, tumblr_mp3p7ziPvL1r3gb3zo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon for the hair clips!

>> No.7645385

Laces.taobao.com they stock pretty nice lace, for Lolita. Idk for cosplau

>> No.7645500
File: 210 KB, 800x800, T2EbMFXj4aXXXXXXXX_!!191433550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


for any fellow chubs or someone who wants a baggy sweater. it's only 15 yuan and looks pretty cute
>it might actually be a tshirt idk

>> No.7645541

Their lace is super nice! Thanks!

>> No.7645543
File: 242 KB, 1024x1482, bernadetta_jsk_and_overskirt_by_lady_sariel_by_sarielowa-d6k2gqo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anyone find the term for lolita tulle overskirts similar to this but not dipped hem ?

>> No.7645622
File: 662 KB, 747x1275, taobao order copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got these items in on Friday but got them from the apt office today.
My tracking was weird and didn't updated until it was out for delivery...or the deliveries app was acting weird.

I will do a full review of all my items later with pics. I know one anon wanted a review of the tea parties for sure so I'll do a more detailed one of that pair.

>> No.7645634

Nnnngh. This could be really gorgeous if it weren't goddamn velcro'd.

>> No.7645746

Other anon isn't explaining very well. Some SS's will tell you an item is out of stock, when it's clearly in stock (I don't really know why). If they have good stock reliability, they won't be as likely to tell you things are out of stock when they aren't.

>> No.7645832

Can you not read?
Item charge->Dom shipping charge->total

>> No.7645955
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 1391683421726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one store that doesn't ship your item out for ages

>> No.7645968

Anyone knows a shop that sells custom sizing brown chiffon blouses for Lolita?

>> No.7646144
File: 81 KB, 622x800, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of a shop that sells flower crowns? Either the headbands or the halos.

>> No.7646179

The search term is on the spreadsheet.

>> No.7646506

Does anyone have any tights from this shop?
How's the quality? I really love their designs but I wouldn't want to buy them if they tear after one or two wearings.

>> No.7646540

Speaking of tights, can someone reccomend a shop with confirmed good quality but still cute tights? I'm thinking 20-40DEN polkadots, lace, fake thigh highs - the usual. The last batch I got was pretty, but barely lasted few months...

>> No.7646570
File: 14 KB, 992x343, hmmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I missing something or is this just Bhiner being a shitty ss?

>> No.7646584
File: 15 KB, 340x255, apgoldribbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm searching for some golden hair accessories, but not stars. More a bow like pic related and I can't find anything golden except those stupid dangling stars...

>> No.7646597

Any stores for AP replica fabric or lace? Detailed lace in that style in general?

>> No.7646605

bhiner is a shitty ss but this is shittier than usual

>> No.7646726

Bhiner is just shit. Used them once, never again. They forgot friend's shoes, charged us the weight for them anyway, and then tried to make her pay shipping for them just to send them after she discovered they weren't in the original package with everything else.

>> No.7646730
File: 108 KB, 321x480, vm_short_boots_replica_-_cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for this shoes like this in practically everywhere.
Is there a certain term for searching?

>> No.7646740

Someone is selling those on Lacemarket, anon.

>> No.7646804


Can someone explain this listing to me?
How do I buy it?
I get that it's a deposit page, but there's no indication of the full amount?
Also, how do I pick what colour I want?

>> No.7646876


Just checked. Unfortunately, they are not my size. But thanks anyway!

>> No.7646960
File: 127 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n69643zLo31rdutcio2_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this dress on what looked like a reseller.
Is this Taobao?

>> No.7647182

my impulse is to say yes, because reverse searching pulled up weibo results, but nothing for sure

not too many that I could find either

>> No.7647212

It's from http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-7289684608.6.8q5I1s&id=39133516725

>> No.7647220
File: 503 KB, 768x561, Screenshot 2014-06-30 at 9.38.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case anyone else likes realistic food keychains or wants stuff to make jewelry from. They look so realistic and they've got the weirdest things like dumplings and corn on the cob keychains.


>> No.7647225

Seconding this. It was everywhere some months ago. What happened?

>> No.7647226

/r/ing more sailor moon themed clothes like this

>> No.7647227

I'm so happy. Thank you, based anon.

>> No.7647229

I have never seen boots like this on taobao. Antaina makes a somewhat similar style, but they're rounder and sweeter and might have a thicker heel.

If you search for "victorian boots" on google you get some similar styles, so maybe try to figure out the real name/term and translate that?

>> No.7647256
File: 4 KB, 366x155, wott.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHta does this say?

It pops up after I remind seller to ship.

>> No.7647258

You've successfully reminded them to ship.
How are you contacting sellers yourself?

>> No.7647265

I live in australia and using their shipping method. And using my taobao account to do that.

So I'm ordering it from them(the shop) and having them send it to the taobao warehouse to be shipped to me.

>> No.7647288

So you're buying stuff directly through the sellers on taobao through taobao's own ss?

>> No.7647295

I wish they would just open this up to the US already.

Has anyone ever made a taobao order while in Japan? I'm moving soon to work as an English teacher and figured it would be a great way to save on shipping.

>> No.7647303
File: 52 KB, 400x400, T1exCbFtdcXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here bought one of cossky's yowapeda jerseys? I have some questions about the lengths of the jersey and shorts.

>> No.7647306

Oops, forgot the link http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5.w4002-7415738294.5.E4uihp&id=36625942381

>> No.7647319

Lookin for a cute taobao wallet, any store suggestions?

>> No.7647340

Does anyone know how long TaobaoRing gives you to pay for international shipping? It's still in the purchasing phase but I probably won't be able to pay for the shipping for 2-3 weeks.

>> No.7647344

Yeah, I've done it twice now.

>> No.7647349

Is it cheaper than what it would through SS? About how much of a difference is it in regards to time and amount? How do you know which ones will ship international

>> No.7647352

It's not shipping internationally. The items are sent to a Taobao warehouse, repackaged, and shipped to you by them. It's basically a built in shopping service.

>> No.7647354

How's the checkout process? Taobao says they accept visa/mastercard, right? But when I go to checkout it gives me a bunch of Chinese banks instead.

>> No.7647367

Would you share the reseller link, anon?

>> No.7647370

Definitely cheaper than an ss. However, they don't do the other work like taking off tags, hiding things discreetly and stuff like that, and you can't contact them I think? For one of them, they basically just received my orders as is, un-opened, and threw it into a giant bag and shipped it to me.

>> No.7647405
File: 198 KB, 1920x1765, payyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tick the "anonymous purchase" when I pay and you should get a page like this that lets you pick which option you want.

>> No.7647406

pls help

>> No.7647440

ask your ss

>> No.7647444

I'd love a review of the DC blouse, and link to the sock storage thing?

>> No.7647454
File: 1.80 MB, 742x1246, ONLY WAY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found some cute shirts, some of which have engrish, while scoping out the flash sales part of taobao (or that's what I think it is, someone can confirm or disprove this - http://tejia.taobao.com/).). the rest of the store has a few other sale items, but it's mostly seemingly overpriced generic korean fashion.


>> No.7647455

if you bothered to translate the page and actually scroll down it, you would figure it out.

Or, like basically every other question this simple ever, ask your SS. That's what they are there for.

>> No.7647475
File: 479 KB, 480x270, im shaking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning my first order and I haven't even settled on a service yet so I don't have an agent to specific ask for help yet.
I've also used google translate on the page but it's gibberish and hard to understand.
They said that they'll ship in July, but there's something about 3 months?

Sorry guys, I just automatically turned to /cgl/ for help.

>> No.7647477

*to specifically

>> No.7647492

don't even need to use the same agent to order from, just pick one that responds to emails and send in your questions

>> No.7647494

Is this on the global alipay website? When I sign into my alipay.com account it asks me to enter my address and stuff but it doesn't have an option for Australia...

>> No.7647495

Oh I didn't know you could do that. Thanks!

>> No.7647502

I don't own an alipay account, taobao just transfers me to that page, I put info in, and its done.

>> No.7647505

When does it redirect you to that page? Sorry for asking so many questions.

>> No.7647533

chinese anons, I need a translation of "as it is" as in... just send it like that with no changes, can anyone help?

>> No.7647557

Has anyone bought Japanese iTunes giftcards off Taobao before?

>> No.7647577

Can someone translate, I have no idea what "pro" is.

爱尚衣韩潮服饰(2014-06-28 20:22:33):
您好在吗?您订购的两件衣服其中一件衬衫没有货了 ,真的很抱歉哦 下午打您的电话打不通, 看到了麻烦您这件衬衫申请一下退货好吗、?
爱尚衣韩潮服饰(2014-06-30 12:03:01):
爱尚衣韩潮服饰(2014-06-28 20:22:33):
您好在吗?您订购的两件衣服其中一件衬衫没有货了 ,真的很抱歉哦 下午打您的电话打不通, 看到了麻烦您这件衬衫申请一下退货好吗、?
爱尚衣韩潮服饰(2014-06-30 12:03:01):
ANON(2014-07-01 12:42:10):
爱尚衣韩潮服饰(2014-07-01 12:42:16):
爱尚衣韩潮服饰(2014-07-01 12:42:38):
爱尚衣韩潮服饰(2014-07-01 12:42:55):
亲 终于来了
爱尚衣韩潮服饰(2014-07-01 12:43:25):
毛衣要的话 您可以申请一件衬衫退款的
爱尚衣韩潮服饰(2014-07-01 12:49:01):
疑问 亲在吗

>> No.7647606

亲 means dear (like, "would you like some water dear?").

Line 1: Hi are you here? You ordered two shirts and one of the shirts is out of stock, we're really sorry. We tried to call you in the afternoon but it didn't go through, can we trouble you to encourage you to return the item?
Line 2: No one is picking up your phone, we will continue to contact you, we hope you will see our message and contact us. Thanks!
Line 3,4: same.
Anon: (do I need to return it?)
Line 6: Hi dear, we're glad to help you. What can we do for you?
Line 7: Hi (something like that)
Line 8: Dear, you finally replied
Line 9: If you want the sweater, you can apply for a return.
Line 10: Dear, are you here?

Chinese is rusty, sorry if I made mistakes.

Although, why does your shopping service talk in Chinese? :/ or is that the new direct taobao option?

就留这那样子? Means just leave it like that.

>> No.7647612

Thanks so much!!

>> No.7647638
File: 1.03 MB, 1680x1050, Haul1_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this order in a week ago, I think someone wanted a review of the harlequin socks? Long story short, they're pretty good. If you're taller than 5'6 they may be UTKs instead of OTKs if you've got chunkier legs but they seem pretty decent quality. Colours are accurate.

If anyone wants a review of any other bits let me know.

>> No.7647659

how much was shipping+how were the shoes?

>> No.7647682


Tell us about the fake bangs.

>> No.7647715

I bought that same jersey and I'll reply back to you about it arrives. It should be sometime this week or next.

>> No.7647740

Anyone knows somewhere where i can get cute sets of panties for bigger hips that doesn't look like spanx or granny panties?

>> No.7647791

It looks like it will be 220-270 yuan.

>> No.7647796

probably the direct taobao option. This is what a chat looks like when you copy and paste it from the taobao IM aliwangwang.

By the way guys do you know that you can join wangwang groups? the chinese words are "旺旺群."it's common for a shop to create a group where people can just chat or receive bulk updates from a shop. For example chess story's main page gives the group name as 571264190 so you can just add that.

>> No.7647807

by the way, something that might help you aussies:

> Actually I'm not Chinese, I don't know Mandarin

> Could you hold on, my friend will help me translate, I'll get back to you again

You can just paste this to your wangwang chat, and come to us so we can translate for you

>> No.7647812

>have 40 items
>not sure how to split up my orders so I keep avoiding doing it ;_;

>> No.7647815

for the second one, it should be 请等着 not 亲等着

>> No.7647817

Lol I wanted to say "dear, hold on"
but I can see how it can easily be mistaken as a typo for "please, hold on"
sorry my chinese is all a big ball of suck.

>> No.7647830

OH I get it. I've never thought of calling the taobao shop owners with 亲 haha. I think it would be less confusing if you put spaces in it like 亲 等着 我朋友会帮我翻译

>> No.7647840

I thought that using the mainlander slang would be better or something. 嗯嗯

>tfw when took me forever to realise 嗯嗯 means "ok"

>> No.7647852

You're a godsend!!

>> No.7647855
File: 10 KB, 584x274, there it is.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooohh I see it it's the one in the red box right?

>> No.7647856

I wish. I am merely honing my skills under a waterfall in ninja training school. I wish to rise above the ranks one day and surpass my senpai CG-sama.

>seagulls, stop reporting my senpai! she got banned again...

>> No.7647860

Over $100, don't remember exactly. There was also six meters of velvet in there, which didn't help. The shoes are okay, they feel a bit cheap but well, they are. They look nice though. However, the bigger the size you need the less cute they are due to scaling up issues. Colours are accurate to the stock photo. For some reason though they made the strap the goes through the buckle bigger than the buckle, so that's a bit annoying.

The bangs are awesome! A little darker than the stock photos but they seem to be really good quality, not that I know too much about wigs. They're long enough that you can trim as required, and seem very sturdily constructed. They're really soft and smooth and not very shiny.

>> No.7647862

link to the bangs and the skirt? Sorry, I can't read the images.

>> No.7647863

You don't necessarily need to be "anonymous" to make an international CC payment. At the payment page there is an option for you to choose "China, Taiwan, Hong Kong Macau, Overseas" and you should choose "Overseas"

>> No.7647866

I can't find that option anywhere on the page (this is after I press checkout from my cart). The anonymous thing still works though right?

>> No.7647901

Take a screenshot of that page (in chinese please), I will find it for you. I can't do it because I'm not buying anything today lol

>tfw my mastercard is locked out for shopping too much

>> No.7647917

Can anybody help me with a bit of a translation problem? I'm looking to buy from a store, but all of their items say
Google is telling me that means "I accept the rebate does not change color defect size error"
Does that mean something along the lines of 'I understand that there are no refunds for color or size errors'? Or am I going to be getting a completely random color and size?
Just wondering because this shop is selling Liz Lisa replicas and it looks like they're claiming it's genuine defect warehouse product.

>> No.7647928

Also some items say
>Buyers own sewing buttons, just buy milk and white shirt!
I... what? I have to sew on my own buttons?

>> No.7647963

Lol. Everybody claims to be genuine warehouse leftovers.
>No refund no exchange, unless due to reasons such as defects, colour inaccuracy and sizing mistakes

second one is confusing. I think the "button" is contextually referring to something else. link?

>> No.7647981

The main page itself contains a lot of confusing translations. Lots of talk of "temple decrees" and "meager human flesh"...
Item in question is
but most pages say the same thing really.

>> No.7648024
File: 67 KB, 788x764, i hope this is readable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here it is

>> No.7648036

No, I mean the next page. After you press the orange button.

also confused about the buttons, sorry. wait for CG she the most expert.
The front page is posting a warning that they will black list customers who overly abuse their return/exchange policy. You won't really return or exchange anything if you're an Australian customer.

>> No.7648046

Which box do I check then (or do I just leave them blank)? The middle one is the anonymous one. Also if I press the orange button does that confirm the purchase like how on ebay you confirm before you pay?

>> No.7648048

If you want to be anonymous, then tick the anonymous box. Leave the other 2 boxes empty.

Yes when you press the orange button you are committing to buy. You need to pay within a certain time frame or your order is cancelled. Only after you press the orange button, then you will see the payment options and choose overseas > then type in your master/visa

>> No.7648051

Ooooh ok. Thanks for your help!

>> No.7648257

Can I have a link to the gold and white harlequin socks? I haven't been able to find that color combo.

Also, could you review the magic tea party blouse?

>> No.7648270

Oh, oops. I see they're gold and pink now that I've woken up more. Well, can you tell me the search term you used for harlequin socks and I'll keep looking for gold and white myself?

>> No.7648289

Here you go. I have never shopped there but it came up on tumblr.

>> No.7648326

Does anyone know of anyone who has this dress in stock? i bought it once and got my money refunded because it was out of stock.
I'm dying to have this, if anyone could help?

>> No.7648329

I found that but its out of stock, they told me after I ordered it. Still haven't refunded me yet tho.

>> No.7648339

Thank you tho, you guys are always super helpful!

>> No.7648441

Thanks anon, these are fine!

>> No.7648479

Review on the eyeshadow/eyeliner? I keep seeing them in cosplay shops but they never have the colors I want in stock.

>> No.7648513
File: 414 KB, 800x800, T1.Gs8XlVbXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me find this backpack? I tried using EVA+dictionary terms for backpack and all I've found was stores that were out of stock/no longer selling them.

>> No.7648521

Link to eyebrow pencil thingy.

>> No.7648525

Why don't you try the actual Japanese Evangelion store that they probably took those photos from

>> No.7648529


>> No.7648534

Have you tried Monzon or something? It's a tmall store. I saw Eva boots and Bags there. But this was last year.

>> No.7648542

I already checked there before i checked the other taobao stores, thank you for being helpful though!

>> No.7648592

>thank you for being helpful though!
read; thanks for attempting to guilt me out of buying a replica with this passive aggressive bullshit comment.

>> No.7648601

I did genuinely mean thank you, I didn't know it was replica because I didn't see it on the official evangelion store, and you really shouldn't have to guilt me into not buying counterfeit/replicas, yaknow economics and all.

>> No.7648612

Monzon doesn't have them anymore.

>that baby has been off the shelf

>> No.7648628

Does monzon ship overseas? I can only dream...

>> No.7648645
File: 55 KB, 500x281, 1347468379262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one shop is taking forever to ship
>order remans open
>keep getting tempted to add more shit while I'm waiting

>> No.7648653


>> No.7648681

>what are you talking about, those are obviously cray-
Oh wow. Do those work well?

>> No.7648689
File: 1.52 MB, 300x194, 1342284509190.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already added 40 dollars worth of unplanned shit from other stores while waiting for the items from the shop I originally opened the order with to arrive.

>> No.7648696

Is classical puppets the best shop for petticoats (best in terms of value=quality/price)?

>> No.7648745

Yep, same here. the other items arrived a week ago... it's all planned i guess

>> No.7649011

Do SS's really hold orders in hopes you'll keep buying shit?

>> No.7649070

it was actually be meant to be a joke and I don't think that they actually do that.
I already ordered several times through the same SS and things usually arrive at them pretty fast. This is the first time that i have to wait this long (it's not really long, I'm just not very patient).

>> No.7649271

I found these: http://s.tongnian.com/index.php?act=goods&goods_id=686&id=5#shop-other


>> No.7649319
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, I could do with some advice.

I'm having trouble with the right search term for 'suitcase handbags'
I've tried all the usual lolita handbag stores and haven't found anything so I'm thinking that my search term might be wrong

>> No.7649331

searching the tags (I went with 手提箱包) is kind of hit or miss. something like this though?

>> No.7649363

thats perfect for what I want.
Thank you!

>> No.7649542

Did a review of all the stuff on this post: >>7645622
Link to review:

The dc blouse is fantastic. The quality of it is great, the sewing is also good. Would recommend.

container storage thing: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=37794172254

>> No.7649556

Just wondering anons... How much would you spend on a bulk order? I see orders that look worth less than $80 and some that look over $300.

So what would you consider the ideal budget for a tb order?

>> No.7649578

I think it's important to know your own budget and how heavy your items will be.

Because, you can very well spend less than 80 bucks but still buy a ton of crap or you can not buy that much for 300 bucks. It's relative.

I usually spend about $150-$250 on an order. It depends if I order lolita stuff versus random cute crap I don't need.

>> No.7649608

Any anons from Canada here?

What was your heaviest order?

I have a fucking massive order close to 18kg that I'm going to ship soon using SAL, but not sure if I should just split my order to avoid customs.

>> No.7649659

could anyone tell me how to say "will these be sold again" in chinese?

>> No.7649674

Will this item be restock?

>> No.7649686

I would say 这件(item name e.g. skirt)会再售吗?

完售means something is out of stock and won't be brought back again

>> No.7649756

Just picked up my first taobao order!!

>tfw "dark brown" bow is actually black serves me right for not reading the title at all

>> No.7649763
File: 1.99 MB, 1318x1240, taobao order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I manage to forget the picture

>> No.7649772
File: 419 KB, 363x468, 89a30611f1f79a5aa7ce7cf04df0b64b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once found this on taobao at http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5.w4002-4687594726.79.Qta0t7&id=36255652009 but its sold out and I can't find it anywhere else on the site. Is there any keywords for some other cat sweaters similar to this one?

>> No.7649800

Here you go anon http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.153.qI3lZl&id=36490977293&ns=1#detail

>> No.7649801

I was just browsing MokuStore earlier for coord stuff


>> No.7649811

I know right!! Their photography just makes everything look so damn pretty I want to buy everything (really tempted to get their luckypack...)

>> No.7649827

Thank you tons!

>> No.7649883

Makeup anon again, one more question

I'm trying to find a brush belt to wear around my waist. I tried makeup belt, makeup brush belt using the terms from the dictionary but nothing comes up. Any help anons?

>> No.7649913

Nevermind, I found a perfect one while seaching for more brushes.

>> No.7649924

One more try before I close up my birthday order: any sailor moon/magical girl themed clothes? Like the sailor dress way up in the thread or stores like magic pop on storeenvy?

>> No.7650014

Try 美少女战士 -恤 -T (the last two helps filter out tons of the same t-shirts) select the 女装 category (ctr+f it) Something like this might interest you? http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.90.uUN4U7&id=35122880975&ns=1#detail

>> No.7650019

I run a taobao blog on tumblr and I'm all out of ideas on what to post so I'm taking suggestions! Please be more specific than "cute dresses" etc (I've posted too many cute articles of clothing so it would be awesome if you guys could suggest stuff like menswear or more plain streetwear). Looking for things that aren't fashion (stationery etc) too. Open to anything so go crazy.

>> No.7650121

Ah, thank you anon!

>> No.7650182

So is this up for reservation or . . .? I really love it but I'm not entirely sure how I go about getting it. Will my SS reserve it for me?


>> No.7650200


It looks like it sold out.

>> No.7650235

Bangs are from this shop: http://xiaomiwig.taobao.com/category-339870696.htm?spm=2013.1.0.0.lCjElv&search=y&catName=%A1%BE%C1%F5%BA%A3%A1%BF and the skirt is Magic Tea Party.

I was linked to the sock shop from somewhere, sorry I can't help. The MTP blouse is pretty good, it's definitely cheaper fabric and lace, but the nicer end of cheap, if you know what I mean? It all feels like cotton, everything is securely sewn, the stock image and sizing listed is accurate to what I received. I'm very happy with it. It's way better than what you'd get for the price from Bodyline, IMO.


Make-up things are here: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-4712361835.15.0kyChF&id=18111166447

I'm not quite sure what I was expecting but these seem decent, the colours aren't super saturated but still pretty decent. They're apparently good for eyes and lips, I like them better as lipsticks than eyeshadows. Quality seems good, but I'm totally newb at make-up.

>> No.7650287

Damn it. Oh well, thank you anon!

>> No.7650290

pretty much after a page like: >>7648024

which is pretty much after/when you select things you want to pay for from your cart.

>> No.7650342

lol DO NOT USE ALIPAY BALANCE if you are smelly gaijin like me

I paid deposit for a reservation, the reservation was cancelled, the seller refunded me via alipay and I had to go through a shitload of trouble only to realise I can't receive it. There goes my fucking 50rmb. I thought I had it, and then I realised that I don't have my special password to use alipay funds (i typed in some gibberish when signing up)...now the only way for me to get the 50rmb to is scan the page of my passport proving that I have been legally admitted into China. Never been to China all my life!

If you ever need a refund, use the refund function. If the refund period is already over, ask the seller to pay for you the next time you buy something.

>> No.7650459

Would help if you linked to your blog.

>> No.7650483

So cute, I have to put some of this stuff in my order.

>> No.7650497

Would you like me to source anything?

>> No.7650551

Choclate/Cookie themed accessories.

>> No.7650565

Oops yeah here it is http://taobounty.tumblr.com/

Sure, will get on it tomorrow.

>> No.7650570
File: 174 KB, 748x375, mew shop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixel or cute gaming themed accessories? Similar to pic related.

>> No.7650637

So I'm 99% sure that my SS either was too lazy to check or did something wrong because the english site has the items I want in stock (but for almost double the price) but they are telling me they are sold out in taobso

>> No.7650650

I got mad at my SS for cancelling like 9 items twice in a row (I submitted a second order), but now I feel bad because she told me that the shop doesn't let you buy unless you exceed a certain amount (it's a bulk order shop).

>> No.7650670

What English site?
If anything, the English website didn't update or it just has item in stock.
Shit like that happened to me often.

>> No.7650696

I've never been hit with customs. Granted my biggest order was only 6kg. But I've found that I only get hit with customs if I use a courier service. Good luck anon

>> No.7650708

SAL changes to Canada Post when it reaches here so even if you get hit by customs, it won't be so bad (compared with the other services).

>> No.7650714


Tata's paradise.

>> No.7650824
File: 205 KB, 317x480, tumblr_lw0w9ecysq1r0q6x8o1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can some chinese anons help me? I got a request on my taobao blog for modest/conservative dresses and I cannot figure out a good search term for things that fall under that category.

>> No.7651037

Does anyone know the term for empire-waist? I can't find it on the spreadsheet and I'm looking for an empire-waisted sundress.

>> No.7651281
File: 13 KB, 225x197, 271530071373_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I had this shop bookmarked, but I seemed to have lost it... Does anyone know the shop that sells these Cardcaptor Sakura phone cases? They also sold other anime/kawaii phone cases and some cutesy j-fashion. Doesn't have to be the same shop though, just one that sells similar items. I'll even take links to other shops that sell cute/anime phone cases, thanks in advance!

>> No.7651346

I need these ohmygod

also I just searched for them (easiest thing ever) and found them here http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.20.VdAtWd&id=39325641487&ns=1#detail
this was the link with the highest rating but there were lots of listings for those

>> No.7651361
File: 57 KB, 340x280, happyfukawaedit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks so much, anon!

>> No.7651365
File: 106 KB, 569x797, T23M7FXj0XXXXXXXXX_!!215318943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought from Meinawig before?
They look really good but I can't find any reviews anywhere.
>Pic related

>> No.7651374

it's 高腰 (which translates to just "waist" on the filters), not that it may be terribly useful in actually getting you dresses with a distinctive cut

I'm not sure if there'd even be a catchall term for that; I would think it'd be easier filtering for dresses through use of the filters (skirt length: below the knee, collar type: high neck, peter pan, etc). make your followers do some actual work and select their own personal preferences, anon!

>> No.7651404
File: 330 KB, 500x636, tumblr_mcblctweje1qjch9n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah thanks anyway!! I wasn't sure if there was a search term for it but I thought I'd try anyways

>> No.7651412

>Something like 30kg. Didn't get hit by customs, though my lighter 10kg or so orders have. I guess it's mostly luck.

>> No.7651415

oops, didn't mean to greentext

>> No.7651967
File: 202 KB, 960x768, tb_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here's my tentative tb order. It's not fully confirmed yet since I'm still waiting for a reply from a couple of sellers regarding size availability and whatnot.

I'm very excited 'cause it's been so long since I last made an order and I'm purchasing fabric this time.

So a little about the items (sorry for the low-res image, I don't have ps or anything). The first group from the top left: wig, necklace, pendant, gold/black jacquard fabric and black jacquard fabric...dundundun.... Idk if you can figure it out, but it's actually for a Margaery Tyrell (GoT) cosplay, her s4/mourning gown.

The other is supposed to be a coord with the white lace dress + the black bralet and high wait shorts (bottom left). Because a handful of items are pretty exp (accumulative), I had to sacrifice the under garment since they are only there for contrast. I'll follow-up a pic with what I'm trying to describe and what I'm inspired by.

>> No.7651979
File: 122 KB, 449x675, _DOL0238.450x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is what I'm referring to the coord!

>> No.7651989

Hey anons, another translating question!

How do you correctly say to pack something well, as in... give it a lot of durability against being squashed and all that? So I guess a lot of bubble wrap?

>> No.7651995

If it says wholesale in translated text anywhere, don't bother with that shop.

>> No.7652004

I like your taste. Where you getting the dress on the bottom right from? Also shoes next to it, too.

>> No.7652094

I have a question! I bought some bonnets. Now I want to inform my (everything in chinese no engrishu for me) to pad the bonnets nicely. Should I use the term BB冒 or something else? So far I'm thinking of saying 帽子 but I wonder if they'll look at the bonnet and not think of it as a hat, and then they won't know what item they're supposed to wrap with bubble wrap.

what item is it? i usually say...for example if it's a hat: 请小心包装帽子, 别让它压扁, 用泡泡包装

generic asian fashion is already very modest. what's your follower looking for? 漢裝? you can't be more modest than 漢裝

>> No.7652103
File: 198 KB, 500x500, cafereo_101633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does any have links to hats of similar form to this one? Or if anyone can give me the translated name to type, I'd be thankful!

>> No.7652107

I run plussizetaobao and they legit just asked for "white modest plus size dresses" and i was like ok ?????? I managed to find a few things by searching for white dresses and just using the elegant and lady style options. Maybe they want it for church or something

>> No.7652109

White dress: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w5626124-7293196054.9.Lo4B1s&id=39470533507

Shoes: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.309.gBcumI&id=39828760046&ns=1#detail

Advance warning anon tho. These simple items are as exp as a lolita. I believe there are other cheaper choices but I'm quite iffy about quality so i'm willing to pay the price.

But thanks anyway! I feel a bit oop for posting these more 'high fashion'/western style when most people here like to post more asian style selections.

>> No.7652117

You could just send them the link of the item you want them to pack carefully


(please wrap (link) carefully with bubble wrap to prevent it from being squashed, thanks!)

>> No.7652120

警擦 帽子 “police hat"

>> No.7652124

Whoops sorry it's 警察 帽子 ignore that other one my bad

>> No.7652142

It's cool. They're D&G knock offs so I wasn't expecting them to be cheap. I love the lace dress in black! Thanks!

>> No.7652187

Thanks so much!

>> No.7652191

Thank you kindly!!

>> No.7652222

Sauce on the red shoes at the top?

>> No.7652342

First-timer here. Sorry if I'm being fucking dumb, but I want to buy this dress and I can't tell if the reservation ends today or if it already ended. Is it worth trying to get ahold of a SS at this point?


>> No.7652350

today is the last day. you need to hope really hard your SS gets to it in time. also you can use the lolita taobao guide, there's a section on reservation links there, have no idea how helpful it is though because i can read everything anyway.

>> No.7652362

Does anyone know if ecailles de lune accepts custom sizing?

>> No.7652387

So I haven't visited Taobao in a while, but it looks like the "most recent" filter is gone on the results page (where price: low to high, etc is).
Where is it now?

>> No.7652510

I hope you managed to get it, I just paid for mine! I completely forgot about the time difference and submitted the order 1 am EST. tbr came through though. Time to go to sleep I guess.

>> No.7652732
File: 1.91 MB, 908x1348, TB ORDER COLLAGE 072014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finalized TB order. Had more stuff from CiCi but at the time they weren't available. Also wanted a blouse from little-angel but the colour I wanted wasn't in stock.

>> No.7652736
File: 142 KB, 360x480, T2IV7fXpNXXXXXXXXX-136061026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit. And I forgot to include this. sage for forgetfulness.

>> No.7652741

Crap, I've been worrying about my CiCi order.
I had a whole bunch of things on my order and decided to wait a few days before submitting it to my SS for some stupid reason. A few days later there is hardly anything left on the shelves. Its been 2 days since I submitted the order to my SS, no emails telling me there is no stock as of yet. Fingers crossed?

>> No.7652763

hopefully you'll get lucky. i ended up with that one bow as the star headband i wanted isnt available until the ending of july according to my ss and the bat combs with the beads weren't available at the time but i just checked and they are now so i dunno?

>> No.7652771
File: 49 KB, 440x645, 7b9ab791gw1ehrts667knj20dw0kd76j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why must this only appear today
i just spent all my lolita moneys
i just shipped my order
there goes my dreams of a cardcaptor sakura co-ord

>> No.7652789

I just checked again, thanks to you, and you are right, everything is back up. But it looks like the prices have changed. Not sure how thats going to go down with my SS.

>> No.7652823

Link to the Agents of Shield shirt?

>> No.7652824

If you ordered those t-shirts from geekodd.taobao.com they took forever to ship... just to warn you.

>> No.7652849

they may have to adjust for the changes. and huh, didnt even notice that.

>> No.7652856


dammit. how long is forever we're talking here? 'cause i kinda want my package before i die from old age.

>> No.7652872

I'm interested in this too!

>> No.7652873

I want to order some custom design wax seal stamps.
To the Chinese speaking anons, are these the right products to order that? Do I just send a pdf along with my order to my SS?
Shop 1 - http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.86.IEl5rQ&id=10545605956&ns=1#detail
Shop 2 - http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.267.jZv0Q5&id=2654391283&ns=1#detail

Thanks in advance

>> No.7652890

They took 3 and a half weeks. Pretty annoying when they're not custom items or anything.

>> No.7652908

shit. that's way too long for my liking and i already paid for them.

>> No.7653043

Only a few of the store's reviews mention slow delivery so hopefully you'll be one of the luckier ones.

>> No.7653068

yeah, i just saw those ones. guess i skipped those when i was looking at the reviews? here's to hoping though but i don't think a store would have that good of a rating if their service was consistently bad, even if the shirts are good.

>> No.7653084

nice taste anon. links for the shoes in red and the jewerly? in particular the earrings and the black and gold necklace please?

>> No.7653086

bumpin this. also any specific stores for galaxy s4 cases?

>> No.7653614
File: 725 KB, 1774x1448, taobao1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babby's first taobao order, still deciding if i wanna get an actual lolita dress because the otome dress i wanted was out of stock, and possibly some more boyish clothes for crossdressing

>> No.7653617


>one in cream one in brown

nigga u serious, it's korilakkuma and rilakkuma

>> No.7653619

I know it's both korilakkuma and rilakkuma, but i didn't want to text to cover the photo completely.

>> No.7653628
File: 226 KB, 900x969, 1395223890671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw shitty bootleg nendo

>> No.7653677

most stores are going to sell samsung and apple phone cases, because just selling one kind is limiting their customer base.

there's a purses tab in the new spreadsheet. added some new shops for wallets just for you

>> No.7653727
File: 256 KB, 757x639, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you can really go wrong with a shop that has a crown rating, but it's always good to check the product reviews (second tab just below the picture and the price). For that particular wig there is one positive review and another with customer pictures, so just go off that I guess.

>> No.7653740

The liquid in your wig care set is probably going to be removed, or ask your SS to remove it because high chances if it's shipped, your package can get destroyed

>> No.7653977

Anywhere I can get natural looking wigs? Like little to no shine and somewhat short? Based of personal experience, of course.
I'm gonna shave my head off completely and would like one.

>> No.7654046

alright, this is my friend's first time ordering from taobao and I couldn't help because I've only ever bought off the comm sales or directly from a brand site. So I was wondering if this sounded correct to you. I'll make note that everything did have to be made in custom sizes but...

"if for EMS shipping ,
all this thing , shipping fee about USD82.49
If item 1-3, extra fee each item CNY50
then, all total charge is USD294.52
but still need wait seller's news about extra fee"
That was last night.
This morning, they got back to me:
"just now, seller told me the fee
all total fee about USD458.06"

>> No.7654054

that's a jump. what's being customed made?

>> No.7654070

quick question
if i were to order one of those faux fur faun collars, would i possibly get hit by customs?

>> No.7654074

a jsk and a classical puppets petti

>> No.7654097

what kinda jsk is it? im trying to think of what tb jsk would cost so much as i know a cp petti is maybe 35, 40 dollars or around that price.

>> No.7654099
File: 66 KB, 750x257, Screenshot 2014-07-03 at 10.48.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoybuy, you are not amusing.

I go and check the help center to see if they take photos of items when they arrive since I've got 3/4 of my items in but no photos. I see pic related but to be safe I got in the help chat just to make sure.

me10:43:24 PM
Hi! I was wondering if you took photos of items in orders once they're arrived or before you ship them?
Lily10:44:45 PM
no, dear, but we will check for you
10:44:55 PM
we have special inspector department
10:45:17 PM
if you still want to take photos, you will need to pay 2 USD for each item ID
>pay 2USD for each item ID

Two dollars for a fucking photo!

>> No.7654111

im the anon with the possibly slow to arrive t-shirts. just checked my order and my ss got the gengar one but not the shield one. huh. dunno why the seller didnt ship out both of them in the same package....

>> No.7654119


>> No.7654121

lol wat?
Since when.....
Maybe they don't have the shirt instore?

>> No.7654123

Can't help, but sauce on faux fur fawn collar?
have been looking everywhere for one.

>> No.7654141

I can't load the spreadsheet right now for some reason so I don't know if it's on there but does anyone have the search term for tricorn? Thanks!

>> No.7654157

nice but not almost 500 USD nice. unless your friend is getting almost 300+ done in customization as that dress is roughly 70ish USD. and yea that doesn't include shipping. which honestly, unless they need the package asap i'd go for air mail. it'd be cheaper but she'd have to wait 2 wks or so.

you'd think my ss would mention that but they only said they were in stock. hell, as long as i get the other one in a timely manner, im not concerned. much.

>> No.7654159

I haven't fully decided but here's the search for it http://s.taobao.com/search?q=%CE%C6%BC%D9%C1%EC%C3%AB&s_from=newHeader&ssid=s5-e&search_type=item&sourceId=tb.item

>> No.7654187

it's 三角帽, which will include a bunch of other generic hats as well. 三角帽海盗 is more pirate-y but costumey tricorns

sounds like some bizarre miscommunication to me, anon. I'm getting this mental image of the shop misreading her measurements or something and making an enormous circus tent instead of a dress

>> No.7654198

oh god that'd be horrible. anon better tell her friend to double check with her ss why everything costs so much as something isn't right there.

>> No.7654440

I know this is a taobao thread, but there's lots on etsy and storenvy now too I'm pretty sure.

>tfw I bought like 12 yards of fawn fur to make collars to sell and have only made one for myself

>> No.7654446

I want to order a bunch of cute frilly things but I always end up raiding those home goods shops instead.

>> No.7654505
File: 13 KB, 916x231, taobao why are you so nerve wracking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After I put in my credit card details it comes up with a message talking about payment confirmation or whatever? What do I do now? How do I know when the payment goes through?

>> No.7654639

That's the payment confirmation page. If you don't log out of your taobao, you can go to alipay.com and check the trasnaction logs but I don't know what for. Maybe to stare at how you throw your money away.

You can just wait for your monthly credit card statement.

The money you pay is with held by taobao, until you mark the items as received in satisfactory condition (确认收货 iirc). After you 确认收货 the seller can access the money you paid them.

If you don't click on the "items received" button, taobao automatically does it for you after a number of days. If you want to extend the item-receiving-waiting-period, you can click on some button to extend the period but I've never done it.

...kind of like paypals 45 day rule

>> No.7654797

Are there any legit liz lisa defect item stores? I want some cute gyaru clothes but I can't afford the official website right now, and 99% of the ones I've found look sketchy.

>> No.7655001

How are you going to wear a wig without a head to put it on?

>> No.7655021


She obviously meant her hair, you fucking retard.

>> No.7655024

Wow, so much rage over a lame joke.

>> No.7655028

Are you okay, anon?

>> No.7655084

>wanting an anime lolita coord

>> No.7655110

Hahahaha. That was a lame joke. But it's my fault, I tend to use head for hair a lot when I talk about shaving... I should fix that.

>> No.7655641
File: 834 KB, 750x599, handbags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which set of handbags look cuter???


>> No.7655650

Do you have a tumblr? Loving your taste.
Would you mind linking the jewelry? Its gorgeous.

>> No.7655651


I like them both, I have the bottom one and love it but the top are cute too!

>> No.7655664

What's the etiquette on buying a bunch of not-made-to-order stuff and one or two made-to-order items? Just order it all in one go and let the SS hold onto your stuff for a month?

I love the top one, but then I'm a sucker for bows!

>> No.7655712
File: 84 KB, 850x1364, 152909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is alright to make requests for things? I've tried looking for a (good) premade cosplay of Maka's Black Blood dress from Soul Eater all over. I checked ebay and taobao already myself, plus various cosplay shops and they either didn't have it, or it looked absolutely awful. Does anyone know any shops that might sell it? I'd make the costume myself, but I'm very new to sewing and I'm worried I'd totally cock it up, since it doesn't look very beginner friendly. Thank you!

>> No.7655785

thats a great mix of stuff
so cute :[[[P

>> No.7656036

For one of my orders on Pruany the balance is negative? It's only for like 2 cents or something, but is that something I should worry about? Will it mess with my order? It's for an order that has already been sent out.

>> No.7656046
File: 754 KB, 1920x1440, godoka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted my order here >>7654061

i'm probably gonna do a review on some things, including the godoka costume once it gets in, anyone interested?

>> No.7656058

I'm interested!

>> No.7656128

gah i need those cat shoes in my life, they're adorable!
would you or anyone have any clue what they're called/have a link to the page?

>> No.7656141

Could anyone here tell me the chinese term for "rhapsody wig"?

>> No.7656153

Does anyone know the term for high-waisted? I'm looking for those american apparel high waisted knock-off jeans.

>> No.7656209
File: 2.94 MB, 740x416, 1400132815769.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use "cat shoes"
or "Cat face shoes" in Chinese.
There a lot of listings.
>tfw you want one pair
>but you hate being taller than you already are.

>> No.7656297

Where did you get the fabric? I know it'd be so lame, but I kind of want a full on fawn fur cape. Not the little capelets that have been done, but a cape.

>> No.7656493

高腰 (...which is the same term for A-line, iirc)

the closest I think I'm getting is 玉米假发

I believe there are shops where you can commission them for an outfit based off of pictures you provide, but that's always sounded super risky to me

you reselling these? I'd go for the top ones, plenty of places nowadays sell crossbodies similar to the bottom ones. if for personal use, I'd still go for the top ones

>> No.7656529

here's a link to the ones i got, im fairly lucky that im only five feet tall but i think anyone could rock themhttp://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=36247420866

>> No.7656619

i did try doing that, i got a whole bunch of routers though lol
you'd probably be able to rock them anon, they're too cute to pass up
thanks so much, super excited to check these out!

>> No.7656938

Yes that's qwhat I do.

Yes please

>> No.7657063

link to that skirt/shorts that come in blue and red please?

>> No.7657084

Does anyone have links to a ringlet wig, preferably in a dark brown?

>> No.7657170

source from the nails?

>> No.7657287 [DELETED] 

I'm trying to buy shoes from Taobao, and the person from Antaina wanted my foot length and girth. She message me back saying that I am a size 41. But that's way too big for me. I wear a Japanese 23 .5 an American size 6.5. Did I measure my foot wrong in some way? Should I just tell them to give me a 38 anyway? How well do their shoes fit? Is it true to size? Will a 41 be too big for me?

>> No.7657313

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=36421371944 here you go

>> No.7657443

Can you review the quality? That stuff looks almost too good to be true

>> No.7657481

Does anyone know the difference between 黑色 (black)
自然黑 ("natural black")

I looked at the pics but I can't see much of a difference...

>> No.7657496
File: 307 KB, 343x460, Screen shot 2014-03-07 at 9.54.11 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I saved this picture from an older taobao thread, but I can't seem to find the source and a reverse image search didn't lead anywhere. Does anyone have the name of this shop??

>> No.7657520

has anyone bought luggage from taobao? I want to buy a suitcase but I don't want to end up paying outrageous shipping.

>> No.7657532

looks familiar. has those amazing bonnets i think? cinth something?

>> No.7657534


>> No.7657648
File: 13 KB, 500x500, 23492083492.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 30lb taobao order arrives
>shit ton of bobon21 clothes on my bed when mom walks in
>shes pissed/creeped out cause she thinks its something a little girl would wear

>> No.7657663

Natural black is more like darkest brown ie, looks black but may have a slight brown sheen in bright light, just like the majority of people that have 'black' hair. 黑色 is more like a true black or pure black. The difference often isn't apparent in photos.

>> No.7657691

cirith ninniach

>> No.7657693

No, majority of people with black hair have literal black hair. The thing you're talking about is called dark brown.

>> No.7657894

Well, I think most Chinese people have lighter 'black' hair than those with black hair from around the Mediterranean so I guess that's the difference between natural and true black from a Chinese person's perspective.

>> No.7657973

It's the sun. Lots of people with natural black hair end up with slightly lighter hair because the sun lightens it. Not everyone with black hair seems to get this though.

>> No.7658230

All of the bows look true to their colour and design (the blue one even has a pearl with a little crown which I think is super cute) except the top pink one in the centre... the pink fabric has gold woven into it but it's a LOT more obvious in real life (more in light than shade but you can still see it in shade) which tbh is looks kind of weird.

The mokustore stuff looks accurate too. (the snowflake necklace looks really good when light catches it!). The only bad point is that the star necklace/bracelet's black beads are kind of weirdly placed. If you look in the picture the black beads are oddly placed according to size; the necklace isn't actually symmetrical (if you look at the modeled pics here you'll see http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=38708425360).).

Their stuff is a bit pricey but their jewellery is really pretty so I would recommend it if you have the money to spare lol

>> No.7658248
File: 122 KB, 800x600, 2014-07-06-11-33-43_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, forgot pic

>> No.7658284

Yeah, I first noticed it with hair dye. Those black dyes are literal black, and don't match asian hair and just look weird on an asian.

>> No.7658287

awww man, I was thinking of getting one but I don't even travel much in the first place.

>> No.7658374

I travel a lot and I want to get one since mine is pretty beat up already. I just don't want to end up paying 100$ of shipping or something like that.

>> No.7658461

New thread, beep beep
Toot toot

>> No.7658760

yes i do, it's dollyribbon :). I'll get back to you on the links. otherwise just msg me on tumblr and i'll forward you the urls in case this thread closes!

>> No.7658800

That's why I lock myself up and open the window when I unbox my taobao order. I hide what would be questioned and show the best.