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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7640475 No.7640475[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So this charity has been around for a while now, Is it legitimate or does it exist solely to further the agenda and like fests of elitist cosplayers?

>> No.7640482

Who cares but who is the hot guy in the middle?

>> No.7640492

I have never heard of them

>> No.7640499

>or does it exist solely to further the agenda and like fests of elitist cosplayers?

hit the nail on the head there. looks like a few have donated, but for the most part it exists to get them more attention/asspats for doing very little (lel "raising awareness").

if they were all personally donating a decent amount of money (in this case blood I guess) it would be different but with charity you really should be putting more in than you get out (likes/attention).

also I can't even tell if this is a manip or not but it's hilariously awkward

>> No.7640501

>see thumbnail
oh fuck yeah!
>open image
dear god why

I can't even decide who's worse. But yeah, never heard of em

>> No.7640508

What's with that picture???

>> No.7640535

They're fake.

>> No.7640540


>23 members
>only 5 donate any money

Standard attention whores. Figures the least hoe-ish cosplayer of the group donates the most money as well. I'm all for charity but just because you are doing things for charity doesn't mean you are without criticism. How hard is it for everyone to donate $10 so they don't look like cunts taking advantage of charity anyway?

>> No.7640542

Wow I had no idea

>> No.7640547

I just hate people who don't practice what they preach. Give money! Donate blood! then doesn't do either..

Even Justin Bieber donates money for causes he supports. They are worse than Justin Bieber.

>> No.7640550

I'm just surprised nobody has criticised the group yet.

>> No.7640555

Why would you criticise someone who is doing even the slightest bit of good?

>> No.7640558

Because it's obvious what they're doing here?

>> No.7640562

Probably because they don't pay that much attention. A lot of people have the thought that "charity is always good!!" when many times it is not. There are a lot of rip off charities out there.. that's why they have ratings and shit for those things. That being said they aren't ripping people off so much as being vapid attention whores but yea.

>> No.7640568

Who made the MEDIC group any way?

>> No.7640578

Considering who's "cosplaying for charity" in it, I'm surprised you've not figured it out yet.

>> No.7640581

Because using charity to further your own agenda makes you a grade A cunt. There would be no criticism if all those involved donated each time or you know did something hard like run a marathon for donations but nope.

Not sure, I hope at least it's one of the few that actually donated or I will rage even more.

>> No.7640589

Who are the peeps in this pic?

>> No.7640596

It doesn't matter. Men aren't allowed in Medic! anyway.

>> No.7640606

>using charity to further your own agenda

Basically what they said. You aren't doing charity because you wanna do good. You are doing it because you aim to gain something out of it.

>> No.7640667


>Donations can only possibly come in the form of money. Not raising awareness, donating blood, offering prints and merchandise as incentive to donate to charities...

Wow. You all just want to believe the worst of everyone, don't you?

>> No.7640669

I know the dude on the top left [with the tie] goes by Night Haunter.

>> No.7640680

Aside from not all donating money, they've not all donated blood either. What prints? Have they ALL offered free prints? No? I bet not. Also "raising awareness" is bullshit, so don't give us that crap. If you're getting more out of a charity than you're putting in = you're a cunt. Seriously it's not even that hard to do more than you get back. Basic bitches.

tl;drL if they had ALL donated money to the last drive or they had ALL posted pics of them giving blood NONE of us would have a problem. I think that's fair. Practice what you preach or GTFO.

>> No.7640859

Part 1:

Eve Beauregard is the Regina George of Cosplay...in Australia.

I'm not convinced about this so-called "charity" - 'Medic' which is supposedly supporting MS. Charities have a vision and a cause- wearing red-lipstick for a month is not going to change anything in my view. 23 donators in a month?

Did we see any promotion? I think not. Its practically common knowledge that Eve Beauregard is against charities. So the question I have to ask is- why start a charity-group with such pious attitudes?

"group of geeky, intelligent, powerful and inspiring women" - honestly I don't find
anything inspiring about these women at all. They recreate costumes from popular comics/games/TV-shows, they have a lot of likes on Facebook and Twitter and fuck knows what else, why? Just why?

So not only do we have a 'founder' who dislikes the whole idea of charities, but also doesn't want certain Evey Dantes to be part of it.

Eve Beauregard is the Regina George of Cosplay… In Australia.

I'm not convinced about this so-called "charity". Charities have a vision and a cause- wearing red lipstick for a month is not going to change anything in my view. 23 donators in a month?

Did we see any promotion? I think not. It's practically common knowledge that Eve Beauregard is against charities. So the question I have to ask is- why start a charity group with such pious attitudes?

"group of geeky, intelligent, powerful and inspiring women" - honestly I don't find
anything inspiring about these women at all. They recreate costumes from popular comics/games/TV-shows, they have a lot of likes on Facebook and Twitter and fuck knows what else, why? Just why?

>> No.7640863

Part 2: Sorry I fucked up part one

So not only do we have a 'founder' who dislikes the whole idea of charities, but also doesn't want the cosplayer and model Evey Dantes to be part of it.

Ardella- self confessed anti-feminist, who when you really look at it wouldn't be able to do half the costumes that she does because. HEY. Sexually provocative costumes are totally something that women that stay at home and rear the children would wear!

tl;dr - clearly they're using this 'charity' nonsense to further their own agendas. Which is a shame because, really, there's enough bullshit going on in the world without this.

>> No.7640920


>> No.7640928


Can we see some proof of Eve being against charities? For something that's common knowlege, I've never heard anything of the sort before.
Also, Ardella has just recently posted a ridiculous number of videos touting pretty "feminist" ideals, so I'd be very surprised if she ever said she was "anti-feminist"
Sounds like you're just as big a blow hard as any cosplay girl using charity for their own gains.

>> No.7640931

>doesn't want the cosplayer and model Evey Dantes to be part of it

what's this about? also I lol-ed at the "Regina George of Cosplay" (I have no idea if this is accurate but I kind of hope so).

though if they are calling themselves a charity that is plain retarded, they should be calling themselves a fundraising group at most. calling yourself a charity when you're not a registered charity is a good way to get in deep shit.

>> No.7641006

GTFO Evey Dantes

>> No.7642759


I am still waiting to hear about this Evey Dantest thing. Don't keep us in suspense anon!

>> No.7642825

Cause you asked: my theory is that Eve is just jelly and since Evey is an alternative model she just gives no fucks.

Seriously though: many little birdies tell that Eve Beauregard doesn't like what Evey Dantes 'does' (whatever that is) considering they're both practically doing the same alternative modelling scene.

About Ardella: people are capable of change, but again little birdies tell that she has previously implied that "feminists are the reason why I [Ardella] have to go to work everyday", quite strongly I might add.

As for the proof of Eve being against charities- there's nothing damning such as social media screen caps but from Beethy and Jet Shepherd, they've been quite vocal about this fact.

>> No.7642843
File: 13 KB, 500x332, FB,21414,40,eti-top-kek-meyveli-40-gr-cakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What brilliant sources of information. GTFO Evey Dantes, Beethy, Jet Shepherd

>> No.7643056

is the OP image poking fun at Kris?

>> No.7644210

That font looks very familiar.....

>> No.7644383

Come on dont tease like that xD

>> No.7644875

Here is a hint = It's a photographer that has made it.

>> No.7645952

I knew this charity thing was bs as soon as I saw who was leading it.
Nuff said.

>> No.7645958

>GTFO Evey Dantes, Beethy, Jet Shepherd

>> No.7646152

Where on earth are you pulling these three names from?

>> No.7646201

Why don't you have the politeness to simply say "bump", OP?

>> No.7648304

bump ^^

>> No.7648342

Ugh can this thread die already please >_>''

>> No.7648648

Tim created this.

>> No.7650105

Who the fuck is Tim

>> No.7650110

Who gives a shit, sage sage sage.

>> No.7650112

That's not how you sage

>> No.7650120
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>> No.7650143
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>> No.7650148
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>> No.7650153
File: 110 KB, 600x400, Sailor-Moon-Nude-Cosplay-Deviants-Reunion_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7650156
File: 88 KB, 729x1095, yuna_gunner_cosplay_by_pgmorin-d5v9fn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7650158
File: 108 KB, 855x934, cammy_vs_chun_li_by_pgmorin-d5v0vnb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7650160
File: 125 KB, 465x700, jinx_cosplay_by_pgmorin-d758qor-465x700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7650161
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>> No.7650163
File: 90 KB, 730x1095, yukari_sendo_cosplay_by_pgmorin-d7fd75k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7650164
File: 87 KB, 1095x729, sexy_psylocke_by_pgmorin-d6m8dkj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7650167
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>> No.7650169
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>> No.7650171
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>> No.7650174
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>> No.7650177
File: 408 KB, 600x1461, 569593 - Misty Porkyman cosplay fakes togepi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7650179
File: 449 KB, 1280x853, Chun-Li-Cosplay-Hardcore-Sex-93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7650181
File: 377 KB, 800x533, lusciousnet_poison-ivy-cosplay-24_1436865326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7650186
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>> No.7650189
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>> No.7650197
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>> No.7650209
File: 702 KB, 3072x2048, 1235376 - Jessica_Nigri fakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7650227

Is porn okay now on /cgl/? Did I miss anything?

>> No.7650238

Blue board, safe for work, etc. Report and move on.

>> No.7650240
File: 144 KB, 500x655, chun-li_futanari_lactating_dusty-heaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]