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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 117 KB, 500x655, tumblr_n57jda36vl1s0oljio1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7638580 No.7638580 [Reply] [Original]

New ita thread. Going to dump a ton of monstrosities from Tumblr's "lolita" tags.

>"my cute as balls dress"

>> No.7638582
File: 200 KB, 500x724, tumblr_mwbwrrv7bF1sl686oo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"the newest outfit I made, this time with a pin-up boys print!"

>> No.7638583

Holy motherfucker she is so ridiculously fat.

>> No.7638587
File: 1.89 MB, 1280x1388, tumblr_n6x632Ekaw1qbilw3o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7638591
File: 106 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n39fnmUYkQ1r85cebo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't as ita as it is just worn really, really, really badly.

>> No.7638592
File: 140 KB, 497x750, tumblr_n5dzn7ObBc1tuqjdko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7638593

Jesus Christ, can't you guys find some new girls to post? These are all old as fuck.

>> No.7638594

Still counts, because it's goddamn painful to look at. It might look cute on a thinner girl but it ISN'T on a thinner girl so that's beside the point.

oh gloomth no

>> No.7638595

hey gaiz

>> No.7638596
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>> No.7638602
File: 83 KB, 500x399, tumblr_n2nf11gBES1r84hcto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to god everything this girl wears is a fucking mess

>> No.7638604


I thought she was holding a ken doll until I zoomed in.

>> No.7638610
File: 887 KB, 1280x1884, tumblr_n6dfcr2sJF1qlnz08o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"umbreon gijinka lolita"

>> No.7638611

She looks like a cabbage patch doll

>> No.7638614
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>> No.7638617
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>> No.7638618

That's beyond fat. Morbidly obese doesn't even begin to describe it.

>> No.7638620

This is old school, not ita.

>> No.7638621

Alright, but Gloomth doesn't claim to be strictly lolita. They have some decent shit on their site, I choose to believe that this is just one of their shitty gawfic dresses.

Not gonna lie, I think this could be really cute, if she'd used a more appropriate print, like Holy Lantern. And took those retarded eyes off of her hair.

>> No.7638622

Is this actually just the shittiest replica on the planet?

That farbic looks terrible, and the print looks like someone threw Lucky Charms all over a scanner and called it a day.

>> No.7638625
File: 280 KB, 500x655, THISISYOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7638626

she's actually pretty cute

>> No.7638631

>she should have used Holy Lantern
>picture dated over a year before Holy Lantern came out

>> No.7638632

It's so gross, her body looks like it's like 3 feet across.

How does she even fit through that door?

Does she have to turn sideways?

>> No.7638638

I didn't say she "should have used it," and I wasn't aware of when the picture came out? Sorry I don't stalk people on the internet.

The coord would look cute with something like Holy Lantern. That's all.

>> No.7638653

Pastelbat hasn't done creepycute in way over a year, thank god. You don't need to stalk someone to know around what time they used to wear a style.

>> No.7638657

This girl has improved SO FUCKING MUCH though. I remember her lacemonsters.
It's ironic because cgl is mostly skinnyfat chicks with EDs and mental issues.

>> No.7638667

>still shitty-looking dress and maxi-pad headdress

>> No.7638672
File: 160 KB, 640x960, tumblr_mte0yj9zrT1qc23n2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was tagged as #lolita (and about a million other "lolita" tags, I think #unique lolita was another one).

>> No.7638679

Her dress is exactly as cute as a nutsack, yes.

>> No.7638683

That is a modcloth skirt. It's not lolita.

If she posted it as lolita, she is incorrect.

>> No.7638684

She looks really tall.

Or is my sense of proportion fucked up ?

>> No.7638689

You monster. This will be crossposted to /v/ and we'll get another influx of shitty trolls, noooooo.

>> No.7638737
File: 439 KB, 500x300, tumblr_lw3331w8T71r208s5o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I could think of when I saw this.

>> No.7638746

I don't follow people. I don't care what other people do with their lives. She's cute, her coord there is shit, that is all that I know about her.

>> No.7638749

>You don't need to stalk someone to know around what time they used to wear a style.
Diff anon but this is still assuming she even knows who pastelbat is. Not everyone knows her on this board, so yeah she'd still have to even know who she is and at least followed her for a bit to even know when she wore the style.

>> No.7638756

I don't care for the outfit but I always love seeing dream sky worn with a cardi underneath the chest bow for some reason. Just looks so cute to me

>> No.7638763

I like the colours as opposed to the traditional pink vomit so I'm partial to this one.

>> No.7638801

The outfit itself is fine but could use some tweaking. I'm just not a fan of the bows and the belt divides her up a bit too much. Heels would be far more suiting, the flats aren't doing much for her.

I think this is more of a nitpick than anything as far as the outfit goes. But I agree the tags can be a little silly and excessive.

>> No.7638814

i am in no way waif and frail but DAMN i could fit like three of me in her what the hell

>> No.7638821

She looks like she should be on TLC D:

>> No.7638846

why did you crop out the cat?

>> No.7638919

I prefered her creepy cute shit. She.owned that style and every pastel goth creepy cute wannabe copied her look and still does. Now she's jumped on the peignoir bandwagon and looks like every other westerner's copy and paste attempt at cult party kei, without really having a good feel for the style. Mediocre and forgettable at best now.

>> No.7638925


I thought she did it for the lulz...?

>> No.7638930


This did not need to suck that hard if she had just reoved the tacky blue bows, wore a better headdress/wig maybe and better legwear.

She is morbidly obese, though. I am sure she has a serious eating disorder, and I wish her all the best to get healthier. It's just sad at this point, like looking at these 60 pound norexia girls. That shit is so unhealthy.

>> No.7638937

Isn't this... Homestuck? Only without paint all over their bodies? Like, human!homestuck or whatever?
>because closet!honestuck isn't lazy enough


Is that the same girl who insisted her shitty replica was actually AP?

>> No.7638939


>that empty food container right behind her on the floor

Top lel

>> No.7638947

There are human characters in HS.

>> No.7638950

Oh okay, I did not know that.

/sage for no contribution

>> No.7638954

Too much effort for the lolz

>> No.7638960

"for teh lulz" is just a backup excuse for if people don't think it's totes awesum~

>> No.7638972

Yeah she has some kind of Binge Eating Disorder, I'm pretty sure. She said on her blog that she's got Bulimia.

I really feel for her.

>> No.7638991

>having bulimia
>still being that huge

It's not working.

>> No.7638995

There's plenty of overweight bulimics out there, just saying.

>> No.7638999

THIS is where it's /necessary/ to buy 2 or 3 of the same skirt and then sew them together.

Same for this one. I wouldn't count this as lolita, but even for carnival wear, either have an umbrella skeleton underneath, or double the skirt of it.

I thought this was two 12 year olds by looking at the thumbnail. I was wrong...

If the white wasn't as thin... It clashes with her sleeves.

>> No.7639003


Do you even know how Bulimia works?

>> No.7639006

meanWHALE on CGL

>> No.7639007

Love seeing all the jealous haters on here <3

You're only making me more famous =^_^=

>> No.7639013
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>> No.7639014

nice b8

>> No.7639018

gr8 b8 m8 you g8 w8

>> No.7639020

did you even try, anon

>> No.7639027


someone bites it in 3-2-1...

>> No.7639031

Hello rosaire
sage for no contribution

>> No.7639034


> It's ironic because cgl is mostly skinnyfat chicks with EDs and mental issues

pleased to meet you

>> No.7639036

You're an idiot. She has better things to do.

>> No.7639041

Oh right, I forgot. Gomene!
People won't scam themselves alone after all...

>> No.7639055


And they bite!

>> No.7639057

She has all the free time in the world, are you kidding?

>> No.7639060
File: 9 KB, 172x154, there he goes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lets get back to posting itas shall we

>> No.7639062
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>> No.7639073
File: 156 KB, 500x669, thats a granny bolero u tit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go

>> No.7639076

>that chins
>derpy face
>wtf is going on with these feet

>> No.7639089
File: 57 KB, 453x604, babbys 1st dress?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7639122

This would be kinda hilarious if she didn't have the star chain hanging off her bow and if she didn't use that weird pink heart tulle /nitpick

>> No.7639123
File: 38 KB, 480x640, 1780907_1381570165444694_1235069172_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand facial piercings in lolita. I don't care if you think it looks so goffick, it's tacky and stupid.

Especially if you have a fat face, then it looks like BBs stuck in silly putty

>> No.7639131


Does she have down's?

>> No.7639135

I wish the girls in my comm looked this put together.

>> No.7639139

Definitely not lolita, but she's really cute. I'd love to see her in a good coord.

>> No.7639144

I actually really like this.

>> No.7639149

She looks like that bald British comedian who was in Little Britain and Bridesmaids

>> No.7639166

But that's pastelbat? So that person is pretending to be pastelbat

...am I still getting trolled if I'm just really confused?

>> No.7639208

Cute wig.

>> No.7639213

She looks cute, no great coord, but not ita.

>> No.7639240
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>> No.7639242
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>> No.7639244


I don't think it's ita. It's more nitpick.

>> No.7639249

top lel

>> No.7639257

What is that weird... bra thing on her?
I dont understand.
Also not lolita at all.
idk how people are saying this is cute the top half looks like one outfit and the bottom half looks like another, there is zero cohesion. She's just completely blue on bottom and grey/pink/purple on top, it looks like shit. And isn't lolita.
Gross, why don't people ever put on makeup.

>> No.7639268

oof honey that cardigan/bolero is NOT doing you any favours. It makes her tits wayyy more pronounced

>> No.7639309

Ohhh somebody's trying for the "Cupcake's Clothes" image and missing the mark spectacularly.
Styling, quality of clothing, and decent backgrounds being the difference here.

>> No.7639311

Also the skirt is too tight/short.

>> No.7639320
File: 60 KB, 426x640, e882ca08-b37b-47e8-aef5-096076f8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7639321

Is that just.... a petticoat?
Im confused

>> No.7639322
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>> No.7639327
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>> No.7639330
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>> No.7639332

Are you Batshit??

>> No.7639335
File: 172 KB, 720x1280, 1b56d270-372c-496e-a3b2-33c36e4bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7639336
File: 151 KB, 638x960, 6ac3898c-2882-4d88-95dc-1e293e81d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7639340

It looks like they cut of her feet and put shoes on the ends of her legs.

>> No.7639342


Please tell me that's a replica.

>> No.7639346

Do they even make replicas of that cut? D:

>> No.7639349

no idea, just looked through the lolita tag on tumblr

>> No.7639353

I know everything is pretty bad here, but jesus christ what was she thinking when she was putting on that eyeliner.

>> No.7639355

I actually think this is really cute!

>> No.7639359

Not ita. Belongs in the nitpick thread.

>> No.7639364

her feet are so huge looking in those flats, I'm slightly mesmerised by them.

>> No.7639366

If it's not, I might cry.

>> No.7639372

I don't see how this is ita, the angle is terrible though

>> No.7639376

Ha, I totally wanted this dress in my noob days and would have bought it in a heartbeat if I'd seen it for sale back then. With any luck, she's like me: suddenly has the cash for lolita, but doesn't have the skills to coord her new goods yet. With any luck she'll get there.

>> No.7639378

Hair and makeup needs polishing, but I also think this is just old school.

>> No.7639383

the ratty wig bothers me more than the piercings. Such a bad angle for her too, but she is trying to look edgy afterall so that explains the pose

>> No.7639388


It really is summer here.

>Diffrent shades of red
>The dress looks frumpy
>The belt
>Three diffrent shades of black
>Big ass roses on her head
>The gloves looks way out of place for that coord.

Sure it's not the most ita-tastic ever, but it definetly is painfull to look at.

>> No.7639390


>> No.7639418

This sure does...sound like a nitpick.

>Mismatching colors does not equal ita
>The dress looks fine
>The belt is fine, could maybe use some silver accessories to tie it in better
>Again, mismatching colors does not equal ita
>They match the blouse and make sense in the context of the coord
>The gloves are a little costumey and plain, but they're okay quality and wouldn't look out of place in a less casual coord
It's not a great coordinate by any means, but it could be fixed with some minor changes. She tried a formal look with casual items, which never works. At the bare minimum, she could go for some plain tights that match the blouse and the roses and a change of shoes (also nixing the ring because it's too bright).
Half of your nitpicking is biased personal opinion, anyway.
6/10, wouldn't be humiliated by being seen in public with her.

Just because you're running low on good shit from the tumblr tag doesn't mean you can start posting mediocre coords just for the sake of contributing to the thread.

>> No.7639424

Also stop calling summer on everything you disagree with, jesus christ.

>> No.7639527

I don't understand why is ita, it's a very cute creepy coord! Maybe more nitpick about the choice of white boots, i would have use black or lavender tea parties.
Maybe it's more nitpick than ita but it's a boring coord.

>> No.7639533

because cgl does not like the creepy cute trend so if someone uses a lolita piece in a non-lolita coord it's automatically ita

>> No.7639571

I hate when newfags and weebs conflate 80s cyndi lauper style with lolita.
Just because a dress is poofy doesn't mean it's lolita
>and just because you wear black and crosses doesn't mean you're goffick

>> No.7639574

What's this girl's tumblr?

>> No.7639590

She she not only got a custom replica, but she couldn't ask for the bodice to be longer to hold her tits the right way, but also chose the colorway that was done the worst??? Gurl I got this replica(I'm an ass for having I know) too and have big tits, but I at least got the betterish looking navy and had her make the bodice longer.

>> No.7639598


I have seen some girls with facial piercings wear them well, but it's so rare. It only seems to work if they only have maybe one or two facial piercings at most and if they wear very very discreet jewellery, so they may as well not wear them at all. I don't understand people thinking this works with the aesthetic.

>> No.7639619

I don't think that black piercings look good on anyone ever, personally. If her jewellery were just plain metal, it'd be far nicer. Also, if you're going to wear lip piercings with gothic, *do something with your lips*. Leaving them nude/bare next to piercings is unbalanced and weird.

>> No.7639629

Oo Jia does, I used to own one.

>> No.7639672
File: 640 KB, 1246x705, tumblr_mklhji1aa81rgam01o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7639693

What the fuck. She's actually really cute, too. But that print is awful.

>> No.7639697

its a dude, and a joke dress.

>> No.7639725

I hate noobtards like you who don't know what old school is. Get out of the fashion and kill yourself.

>> No.7639745

ITT: Vandetta-chang mad that Rosaire has Holy Lantern

If you're going to try and say she is ita at least post a picture of the entire coord because that's what it's supposed to be about. Not how someone's face is fat and you hate their piercings. Dat's jus vandetta and ur a faget.

>> No.7639747



>> No.7639754

is that who that is? i dont actually follow drama but i see her name everywhere. doesnt seem like anyone talked about her dress, soo why even bring it up?

facial piercings has always been bitched about in lolita, it aint just about this girl. You could have a perfect coord but if your face is covered in metal and holes it's not cute to look at aka ita as fuck

>> No.7639758

But you can't even see the coord. Can I post some random normalfag's face and call them ita since now the clothes matter naught?

>> No.7639759

>doesnt seem like anyone talked about her dress
Which is supposed to be the point of an ita thread. This isn't a bitch about people you think are ugly thread.

>> No.7639762

Oh honey... That hair is just... No, Nooo!

>> No.7639767

Excuse me but WTF?! This is really fucking cute and does not belong in an ita thread. I smell a vendetta.

>> No.7639775

there have been plenty of times where decent coords were posted but the wearers face is fucking busted.

fat girls get posted to ita threads all the time despite having good coords. so is complaining about facial piercings that out of the realm of posting to an ita thread?

or is it because you know who the person is that they posted so you're bitching about vendettas? they could have literally posted any other lolita who has facial piercings (this girl isnt the only one) and you wouldn't have bat an eyelash

>> No.7639790

Did you look at the picture? You can hardly tell what she is wearing. What's the blouse look like? Wristwear? How about the petti, is there one at all? OTKs, UTKs, or tights? What kind of shoes?

>> No.7639798

no one was talking about her specifically other than her fucking piercings you moron. Shit that has nothing to do with your outfit can count as ita. whether its your fat ass, your busted teeth, or your fucking piercings.

>> No.7639803

hi vandetta faggot. having fun combing through her fb?

>> No.7639807
File: 603 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mw6xbnVKkq1rg1clio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still dont know anything about her other than she gets posted about on cgl all the time. in other news heres some more ita piercings

>> No.7639812
File: 128 KB, 375x600, tumblr_msr1irviBN1qex9cro2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7639816
File: 359 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mqo2dhsky21rbvg7no1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7639817
File: 31 KB, 251x222, 10296577_1418681021733608_6235005831546831877_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such an ita so fat omg she looks so bad she should burn her wardrobe and kill herself!!!!!

>> No.7639819
File: 366 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n45fu0SYTH1qgt7a4o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7639822

>trying this hard

>> No.7639827
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mzgc2xlpzV1rb18nko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7639828

Not ita at all

>> No.7639829

the piercings she has in this picture are less obnoxious and ugly looking than the ones in the original picture posted of her

>> No.7639832
File: 85 KB, 500x669, tumblr_mnl66nCwTE1rigd0uo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That heart is liek sooo itaai.

>> No.7639837

shut up faggot whiteknight her outfit is ita as fuck

>> No.7639840
File: 21 KB, 500x281, Sid-toy-story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7639843

She's really not ita. I know not everyone likes the piercings, but her outfits are always nice imo.

>> No.7639846
File: 300 KB, 558x745, tumblr_mhha6bmZPa1rigd0uo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dem cannkles

>> No.7639848
File: 51 KB, 450x600, tumblr_mls0wwjqUb1rb18nko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

piercings are ugly and don't belong in lolita

>> No.7639850

you are ugly and don't belong in lolita

>> No.7639859
File: 76 KB, 640x960, tumblr_m4ce7az2M31qht3llo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


put more metal in your face uggo. we need something to distract us

>> No.7639861

Distract you from what? It's not like the majority of you have lives anyway aside from trolling the internet looking for drama and stalking people you don't like.

>> No.7639862

Why is her face all... lumpy?

>> No.7639866
File: 47 KB, 400x533, tumblr_m8rilv49nN1rb18nko1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7639869

>this mad

>> No.7639872

I really don't see what's especially wrong with piercings... I don't think they add to the lolita aesthetic unless you're aiming for a more punk gothic look, but they don't really detract from it either.

>> No.7639873
File: 41 KB, 390x600, tumblr_m8ripwWmMS1rb18nko1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7639875

>this pathetic

>> No.7639876

Holy crap, her nose is super crooked.

>> No.7639878
File: 15 KB, 171x458, 10419502_776931039025879_2604358338263390769_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got made fun off!
>better tell them they have no lives.
Seriously what is even with that "insult" are you 12.
They look stupid and shit like >>7639859
Just looks like they have pimples.

>> No.7639880

Ugly/average people will be ugly with or without piercings. I don't their issue is the metal as much as genetics.

>> No.7639881
File: 173 KB, 1280x1798, tumblr_m9fa5vSthn1r7tyxzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah totally "adds to the look"

>> No.7639882

Over large pores
Bad bone structure

>> No.7639883

Sorry the truth hurts, sis. Need a rubrub for that chapped ass?

>> No.7639885

Well, yeah, but >>7639859 would look awful with or without the piercing. There are just too many conflicting elements going on there compounded upon an unpleasant face.

Those piercings are a hideously ill matching color. They would have been nice as straight metal.

>> No.7639887
File: 66 KB, 433x720, 427133_4152578609506_1113260691_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7639888

Fucking thought that was Speedwagon from Jojo.

>> No.7639891

This girl is in my comm, where did you find the picture?

>> No.7639892

>literally the ugliest places to have piercings in

I like outer mouth pierces, but piercings that go through the nose, cheeks, and tongue make me cringe.

Lip piercings are so-so with me but if the ring is too big and it's dragging down the lip, I cringe.

>> No.7639897

Uh. She posts on CoF pretty frequently, and she always looks like shit. How is it surprising to you that she was posted?

>> No.7639899
File: 81 KB, 500x673, tumblr_mqvuwzbRuC1qdrbuao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

know what would look really good with my sweet coord? metal dangling from my nose!

>> No.7639900

On closet of frills.
that fucking make-up oh god.
this is so cringy, she looks like a corpse...
Also is she wearing a fucking sweatshirt under that OP wtf.

Looking through the lolita tag on tumblr... is there actual CP wow.

>> No.7639902
File: 39 KB, 220x299, tumblr_n7majltkTu1r0m67qo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like she has a bad case of the whore lip

>> No.7639904

So is Lady Amara an ugly ita? She has a lip piercing.

You fug obese bitches wish you were as pretty as she is. lol.

>> No.7639907
File: 510 KB, 925x1920, tumblr_n7t42gMTg21qhkjt9o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"OOTD! Or as I’m going to call it- my Cat vs. Mouse coord.


Shirt: Disney

Skirt: Mint Neko

Socks: AATP

Shoes: Punkrose

As you can see I am showing off the utterly AMAZING pockets in the top layer of the skirt. See-thru mesh pockets are so cool.

#punk lolita#mint neko#h.naoto#there's some kei in here too#like some weird fairy-punk vibe sorta "

I don't even know where to begin

>> No.7639910

Oh, this was in the #lolita fashion tag too.

>> No.7639911

i bet you think gauges are cute in lolita too

>> No.7639913

What dress is that?

>> No.7639914
File: 65 KB, 323x750, tumblr_m4h4uyyLtb1qjj1ako1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7639918
File: 37 KB, 229x238, 1403182659712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whoring for notes this badly

Everything about this outfit is just no.

>> No.7639920

Why is this tagged as lolita
help I'm scared

>> No.7639921
File: 958 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n7t4n2D7qv1qjq3yto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"A VERY cute casual coord by my bestie signsonthewalls!!! "

You can't excuse lazy, ugly outfits simply by calling them "casual"!

>> No.7639922

>What is that weird... bra thing on her?
It looks like a dying bolero

>> No.7639923
File: 88 KB, 500x667, tumblr_lrn1o0qK8l1qjj1ako1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7639925
File: 33 KB, 500x500, creepy makeup help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops I'm retarded.

>> No.7639928

I don't think she does, but that makes me wonder, is there anyone with Down's into lolita? There must be, right? I mean, I've seen quite a few weeaboos with Down's but never one in lolita.

>> No.7639929
File: 436 KB, 1280x1280, booblero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found another on in the #lolita tag.
I deem it booblero.
Seriously it looks so weird, this girls isn't even fat, it looks like she's using a childs bolero or something, so small.

>> No.7639933

kawaii lolita alternative fashion desuyo

>> No.7639935

I think it's more that it's not mean to 'close'. It's just supposed to hang, but she seems to have pulled it over tight or pinned it for some reason.

>> No.7639937

She sounds like a hippie/starving artist, and that crochet 1-up mushroom she's holding doesn't help with that assumption.

>> No.7639938
File: 207 KB, 926x922, tumblr_n57xe5wV391r9iw87o1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7639940
File: 47 KB, 510x510, 35944e7490febc83f1af9ae566b258c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg look at this UGLY ITA!

>> No.7639942

I like this coord (except the bonnet). put a paper bag over her head and this would look fine.

>> No.7639944
File: 376 KB, 1280x1108, tumblr_n147ybWpEP1r9iw87o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

giant ear holes are cute

>> No.7639945
File: 185 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n7n6rsTwth1qg40jro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girls body shape is so... unfortunate.
Also I think her purple undergarment is showing between her skirt/blouse.
maybe, it just looks horribly awkward.
#real lyf doll
#pastel goffff
How does someone with a weak chin not know that low angles make you look fat as hell. That angle is terrible.
She's cute but has herpes on her lip :)

>> No.7639947

Quit trying so hard. Facial piercings are tacky in lolita, end of story.

>> No.7639948

Pretty face, still ugly piercing.

>> No.7639949
File: 355 KB, 956x1280, tumblr_mzn04k4vfk1rbz3m3o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7639951

Quit being such a smelly cunt.

>> No.7639952
File: 87 KB, 640x480, 1397858341406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7639957

>so mad
>rethinking putting 10 holes in her face

>> No.7639962

I'm going to get my hood pierced. When I clean it I will save my smegma and next time I see you I will wipe it all over your dress. :^)

>> No.7639964

was one of them #dragqueenmakeup ? if sure fits it

>> No.7639966

great story. nice to know that you're nasty enough to allow smegma to grow under your clit hood.

>> No.7639967

As someone who once had nine piercings at my most and stretched ears, that shit looks so fucking stupid and bad. Always. No exceptions. It's disgusting trash.

>> No.7639968

it happens to everyone, dumbfuck.

>> No.7639970

most importantly, has no place in lolita. keep that shit to your ~alternative goff fashin~

>> No.7639972

>dat lack of cleanliness

>> No.7639974
File: 996 KB, 500x281, ohgodno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that smug smirk
Jesus, that is literally horrifying.

Whenever I see itas take photos in public places I get so embarrassed for them. If they're in their rooms I don't think too much of it since they're probably just trying a shitty coord on. But this girl actually went outside like that.

>> No.7639986

super kawaii loli drag queen desu

>> No.7639988

Sweetheart, that's not how you fashion.

>> No.7639989



>> No.7639991
File: 930 KB, 320x240, 980.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tells others to stop being a smelly cunt
>literally has a smelly cunt

>> No.7639996

The fuck is going on with the print of that outfit?

>> No.7639997

This came on my FB feed. Apparently I'm elitist in my thinking because lolita has rules and if you don't follow them, you really can't call what you wear lolita.
IDK. Same girl is bitching about a $30 skirt from bodyline being too expensive.

Also, apparently from what she says, August 2nd is international casual lolita day? What?

>> No.7639998

And that alternative shit has no place in adult life unless you want to be an unemployed shitbag or make minimum wage. Pretty much only belongs on attention seeking teenagers.

>> No.7640001
File: 218 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a dumb ass...

>> No.7640011

Here's the thing that these people don't grasp. You (general you) can wear lolita clothing without it being lolita. You can skip the petticoat or wear it with a t-shirt and kicks. But the catch is that once you move away from the general look as dictated by the accepted overall guidelines, it's no longer lolita.

So yes. It is just a skirt. But why is it so important for you to call it lolita if you're not following the aesthetic of the style? If labels like ita are bad, then why do you want to be labelled a lolita at all? Wear your shit, don't be involved in the community, don't tag your photos with lolita, and no one will criticise you for breaking the rules. End of story.

>> No.7640013

All I can imagine is the little ladies at the Chinese sweatshop this came from all giggling and seeing how many of them they can fit into this dress.

>> No.7640014

"I bought a dress from hot topic. that makes me a goth right?"

say that to someone who is goth and see what happens

>> No.7640023

Ugh, I hate people like this. If you want to be active in an alternate fashion community (or really any community that centers around a "nontraditional" hobby), you have a responsibility to others in the community not to look like a piece of shit and make everyone else around you look like shit by association. If you don't care about "fitting in", don't post pictures online, don't discuss the fashion or try to dish out advice, and don't call it lolita because to you it's "just clothing" and therefore shouldn't be worth giving a name. To other people it's much more important than that, have some fucking respect and see yourself out.

>> No.7640028

12%? You should charge your phone anon.

>> No.7640031

This is by definitely one of the most ita things I'm this thread. Thanks anon.

>> No.7640033

Shoobun is kawaii as fuck haters to the left.

>inb4 selfpost

I've been a big fan of hers since the prime d_l days so no.

>> No.7640039

If she's complaining about $30 being too expensive she needs to get BTFO and find another hobby/community.

One that doesn't require actual effort, knowledge, artistic skill, or money b/c clearly she doesn't have any of those. I suggest she start a tumblr blog if she doesn't have one already.

>> No.7640040

having metal in your face is a downgrade

>> No.7640041

But are you dating me? Fucking me? lol

>> No.7640043

might be meta

>> No.7640047

do you want me to?

>> No.7640053

>see-thru mesh pockets
>"hey thieves, this is where my phone is and this is where my wallet is. hope this material isn't too easy to cut!"

>> No.7640059

she needs to wear JSKs, not skirt/blouse combos. it would smooth out her torso without dividing it at the squishiest part.

>> No.7640063
File: 77 KB, 720x540, whatisinthemiddle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7640080

Why I don't wear skirts that often. If I do its with a corset underneath to smooth shit out because I have large ribs so no matter how fat/thin I get I always have this awkward looking roll just above my waist band ;_; though its not always fun to wear one when we go out to eat. Museums and the like where we walk a lot are perfectly tolerable though.

>> No.7640082

this is just unfortunate.. like, you can tell she tried with the matching headbow, try-styled wig, and accessories and blouse.
but.. that nose ring, that belt, just.. so close but so not.

>> No.7640088

>that gloomybear

>> No.7640092
File: 875 KB, 1333x2000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why people keep pairing sweet pastel dresses with black colors and studded belts? Is it supposed to be a punk interpretation? It never looks good. Sorry for using Batty

>> No.7640095

Is this fucking 'tokidoki' fabric? Holy shit.

>> No.7640097

>omg look at this UGLY ITA!
>uses this photo
>dat lace
>dat errythan
yeah okay hun.

>> No.7640103

New to lolita? That's a BTSSB print. Stars of Confeito.

>> No.7640104

>pairing sweet pastel dresses with black colors and studded belts
I figured that's where the whole pastel goth thing started. Because edgy is cool.

>> No.7640105

what if you tried high-waisted skirts?

>> No.7640106



>> No.7640124
File: 7 KB, 236x149, shit pastel vomits say.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like Western pastel goth, soft grunge, and pastel vomit communities somewhat consist of itas who couldn't handle lolita's guidelines and decided to settle for less.

Pic related.

>> No.7640131


don't be sorry, she's a cunt

>> No.7640157

Actually does anyone know where the skirt's from? I think it's actually pretty cute

>> No.7640162

They make my tits look huge and my shoulders look they belong to a linebacker. Doomed to jsks and OPs otherwise I look freakishly un proportioned.

>> No.7640166

Damn, I wish I was leaving for summer again this year.

It's AP's Chess Chocolate.

>> No.7640167


>> No.7640170

I think it's cute. Not this example in particular, I don't like the dress she chose, but "pastel goth" color schemes are appealing to me. I really love black colorways of AP dresses.

>> No.7640171

How new are you? That's Angelic Pretty's chess chocolate. I don't even like that shitty chocolate OTT stuff and I still know what it is

>> No.7640175

I'm very new sorry. I like looking at the coords people have but I don't have much knowledge of stuff sorry ;_;

>> No.7640196

the piercings aren't its but those fucken bear ears are.

>> No.7640221

not ita just needs to pull her shirt down and get a better bra

and for the rest of the thread, if you have to explain why something's ita, its not ita. you newfags need to stop posting nitpick and old school shit like it's actually ita.

>> No.7640246

These are in every thread, come on.

This outfit would be cute if she'd just...used a different dress. I usually like pastelbat's outfits though. Also, am I the only one who hates shoes that are lighter than your hemline/legwear? Just looks off to me.

Anon has no idea how eating disorders work, apparently.

The main problem with this outfit is that she's ugly. And the shoes maybe.

>> No.7640247

Don't apologise- we all have to start somewhere. I don't know why everyone's riding your dick.

>> No.7640267


I'm not convinced that's a girl

>> No.7640374

Oh man when I spotted that I headed straight here, but it looks like you beat me to it. Those tags though.

>> No.7640391

I'm pretty sure she made it herself, so at least that's something. But yeah I imagine the same thing whenever I see someone obese wearing a custom-sized Taobao item.

>> No.7640400

Gotta watch that tag like a hawk, anon. Sometimes really good stuff gets posted and then deleted within a matter of minutes.

>> No.7640410
File: 65 KB, 600x900, 10294246_1474726149437532_6772968793449357167_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7640450


That would make it a nitpick, not ita.

>> No.7640451


This is the same girl in old school you called an ita right?
I smell a vendetta.

>> No.7640457

Let me guess, indie brand fashion show? I wouldn't call them ita but they do look frumpy as fuck due to the bad fabric choices.

>> No.7640466
File: 442 KB, 441x270, 1348623239199.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this depresses the fuck out of me
I can't even laugh cause it's ita.

>> No.7640473 [DELETED] 

I fucking hate those beach sandals worn in everyday clothing let alone lolita

>> No.7640477

I fucking hate those beach sandals worn with everyday clothing let alone lolita it's the tackiest shit ever

>> No.7640480

How is this ita? Because she's big? All I see is just a meh goth lolita coord. It's not great, but still not ita.

>> No.7640483
File: 68 KB, 420x960, 379367_10200500121205001_1497227773_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7640494
File: 312 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ouji, or so it says.

>> No.7640500

I went and looked at this site. Why is everything so horrid and why is it so expensive? This looks like a 6th grader's version of edgy 8th graders. Both tragic and slightly funny. Surely Lolitas don't buy this... Bodyline is cheaper...

>> No.7640504

Those fucking pants.

>> No.7640505

Considering her size, I don't think this is super terrible. The dress is better than some of the others I've seen on here imho. I just feel... pity toward her for her weight. I can't even make fun, really. It's just... sad. I didn't come here to be depressed.

>> No.7640506

I think her skirt is cute. What is it?

>> No.7640512

Gulls, help explain me a thing.

How do these people find/ fit in dresses? Do they make their own? I didn't think replicas went this big, like I am seriously curious, where do you find stuff like this?
captcha: defect ahdsffi

>> No.7640521
File: 675 KB, 320x240, uhh what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Considering her size
What? She has an eating disorder (which is pretty sad), but c'mon. This dress wouldn't look good on anyone.

>> No.7640528

I thought she was wearing an 80's sweatband. This looks like nitpick, not ita.

>> No.7640531


Either the dresses were made by the girls themselves, or they pay someone to make them this big (aka commission a seamstress).

The homemade ones actually add to the ita, like >>7638591 doesn't have enough fabric in her skirt, that's why the shape is so weird, and >>7638582 just seems to have really shit taste in picking fabrics.

>> No.7640532

She's adorable!! All the elements are there, I think she just needs to learn. She'll grow into a good Lolita. She already has good tastes in dresses!

>> No.7640539


Some Taobao shops do custom sizes. The old school goth lolita is wearing Surface Spell >>7639242 here.

>> No.7640544


From far away, they look like you have shit on your face.
>See cute Lolita
>Notice crap on face
>Better tell them so they don't walk around with food on their
>"Hey, Anon, you've got some food on your face; you don't want to go around looking stu--"
>Furiously back-pedal

Please just take them out. Develop enough of a personality so that you don't need to compensate.

>> No.7640546

>mfw this was pretty much me in middle school

>> No.7640549

I will if you get a lobotomy. :3

>> No.7640551

She would have been ethereal... But she ruined it with the piercings.
The piercings make otherwise lovely people look 10x uglier.

>> No.7640553

It's like Mother Nature went overboard with the pucker tool on her face

>> No.7640557

Someone... anyone... please rescue that skirt! It doesn't deserve the Jersey Shore treatment!! There should be laws...

>> No.7640561 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 149x225, mZ3FEMnuwguurqJ0purrLmw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think she seems like a sweet girl and i'd actually like to be her friend. I'd love to get together and offer some fashion tips and suggestions if she was open to it. Stuff like, remove all the blue bows and then perhaps replace the central bow and lower two with more sumstantial/starched white ones. Loose the socks, arm stuff and green headband and ad frill white ankle socks, lolita dolly-like shoes, wig and white hair bow. Styled like an old victorian doll i think this would be pretty adorable.

sort of related, I actually really like how tiny feet can look on larger girls, I find this aspect pretty damn cute.

>> No.7640564

Every time I see gauges like this, I want to run up, put a padlock through it and run away.

Could somebody please explain legitimately why people do this? The only thing I can come up with is some form of ear sex...
(....watch out for hearing aids)

>> No.7640565
File: 36 KB, 467x656, kotakoti_dakota_rose_05[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw piercings
>mfw this thread

They don't look right in lolita though. If you're exceptionally pretty you can pull them off in other cute fashions, best example would be Dakota. Imo she looked better when she had them, maybe it was just that her style was better then though.

I always think it's funny when people in alternative fashions shit on each other; to normalfags we all look exactly the same.

>> No.7640569

They ... like it? Why do you dress up in frilly little girl dresses? You make choices outside the norm yourself, why is it to hard to grasp why other people do it?

>> No.7640577

No u incor eherzar

>> No.7640587

those "piercings" look fake as fuck

>> No.7640588

Because they don't like it and you must conform to what the Salty Princesses of /cgl/ like.

>> No.7640594

op here of all the piercing spam. i only did it because the retard replying to me thought i was picking on rosey person. i personally just dont think they fit the lolita aesthetic regardless of what lolcow wears them

>> No.7640595

I can understand the aesthetics behind most fashions, though. Tattoos are artworks, for example. I think most people could see why one would enjoy lolita, or the basis for enjoying it (lots of girls grew up wanting to be princesses or enjoy dresses)
I seriously don't get the appeal.
The padlock thing is a joke, like that was the first thing I thought of when I saw big gauges when I was like 10.
I'm seriously trying to understand why people want giant earholes? Doesn't the integrity of your ear collapse as well?

>> No.7640607

so you're a dramallama faggot, okay

>> No.7640611

Thats you, take a look at what pou're doing. Get off that high ground, cunt.

>> No.7640612

piercings are ugly and don't belong in lolita. don't care if you're the best lolita in the universe. if you have shit stuck in your face and it looks hideous you're a fucking ita for not realizing it

i get that your may think your piercings are special and unique and mean something to you and you think they look good and muh body muh expression but they don't belong. Just like fatties. It's not suited for the dresses you are wearing. Lose weight, take the metal out of your face. Simple

>> No.7640623

get a lobotomy and I will :3333

>> No.7640626

>i sed cunt im 3edgy5u
Dig the sand out of that black hole you call a vagina

>> No.7640649

Most people can't see why you would want to be a lolita, to normalfags it screams "Daddy issues attention seeker" they lump everyone doing anything weird into exactly the same box.

They like it. That's all there is to it. If you can't understand that other people like different things then idk man. What hope is there for you.

And no, the integrity of the ear does not collapse if they are stretched properly.

>> No.7640654

Not lolita at all, just an outfit.

>> No.7640663

Ssh don't even try. Their brains can't handle it.

>> No.7640665

What made you do it? Did you think it looked good at the time, or did you just want to rebel or something? I really don't understand the appeal

>> No.7640672

I don't like gauges (have you ever seen someone who just took them out? Hella gross), but I like tattoos and other facial piercings, it just looks appealing to me. I don't think there is a deeper reason for most people other than "it looks nice", except for tattoos with special meanings. Surely this can't be such a difficult concept. Gauges are pretty mild in terms of body modding anyway.

>> No.7640682

I think that's if you stretch to the point of no return. Mine are stretched to 12g and when I take my jewelry out they look pretty normal. 12g isn't that big however.

>> No.7640684

>Same girl is bitching about a $30 skirt from bodyline being too expensive.
That says a lot about the general quality of her wardrobe.

>> No.7640688

The ones I've seen were people wearing bigger ones for longer periods of time. The point is, once you go too big, they'll never go back and just be kind of floppy and eww.

>> No.7640698

Yeah once you stretch to the point of no return it's nasty. I will probably stop at 12 or maybe 10. My earlobes are huge so they can accommodate it.

>> No.7640702

It is being charged!

>> No.7640997

I smell vendetta

>> No.7641001

Great otome coord for such an unfortunate face

>> No.7641002

I don't understand it either. Those massive baggy holes will never close up without surgery so people who have them are going to looking pretty stupid when that shit's out of fashion.

>> No.7641009

>asspained edgy metalface detected

>> No.7641037

She looked better then because she was shooping better. It all went downhill when she started trying to be kawaii uguu~
Were those piercings even real?

>> No.7641241

>Doesn't the integrity of your ear collapse as well?
oh, so you just don't like what you don't understand and refuse to learn about. ignorance is bliss, amirite? keep walking around thinking and saying the same thing you did when you were 10

>> No.7641278

Pretty sure Dakota did have snakebites at some point.

>> No.7641293

>>7638582 just seems to have really shit taste in picking fabrics.

You mean awesome taste. She's obviously doing it for a joke, the dress fits her fine and appears well made. My tacky self will forever wish I were this brave.

>> No.7641308

I don't have any facial piercings and I still think you're being a salty cunt. Did someone with facial piercings kick your puppy, anon?

>> No.7641384

Yeah, they were real. You can still see the holes they left in her recent candids.

>> No.7641473

did... did they just tuck a skirt into the back of their pants to create the illusion of bustle-back pants or something?

>> No.7641536

If any of the colors in this actually matched, it would be super cute. Not lolita, but super frickin cute for a party or something.

Also where has the "leopard print matches everything" trend come from? I know so many girls who wear leopard print shoes with everything and its weird.

>> No.7641561

Yeah I take mine to a 12 too, just because steel barbells are easier to wear for an extended period than regular earrings and my ear piercings like to close up quickly.

>> No.7641621

>>>7638582 just seems to have really shit taste in picking fabrics.
Come on, it should be obvious that this dress is a joke. And considering so many are taking it seriously, that kind of makes it more hilarious.

>> No.7641637


it doesn't matter if she has the most amazing coord in the world.
The facial piercings ruin the entire lolita aesthetic.
lrn 2 fashion you buttfrustrated newfag
>imagine thinking anyone would be jealous of holy lantern, one of AP's most boring prints. top lel rosaire

>> No.7641641

hi rosaire, having fun samefagging?

>> No.7641655

what does she do if she needs to blow her nose?
>boogers stuck on the piercings

>> No.7641658

her piercings look like herpes you dumb cunt

>> No.7641684

pastel goth is just tacky hipster bullshit. I wish they would stop trying to label everything so alternative edgy desu

>> No.7641737

because it's not putting huge holes in my body that will only be fixed with surgery?
>nice false equivalence faggot.

>> No.7641751

>I don't have facial piercings but I'm still buttfrustrated
lol sure you don't faggot

>> No.7641824

This, so very much.

>> No.7641851

I know plenty of people who work in STEM careers and academia, as well as several business owners, and even some people in certain divisions of the medical field who still look "alternative"...I think you're mostly thinking of stuffy corporate office jobs.

>> No.7641866

This. If you're not in a job where you're facing the public and they tell you no and give your tattoos/piercings as a reason it just means you're not good enough. If you're good enough at what you do people will accept all kinds of bullshit.

>> No.7641944

This. I'm in IT, and tons of people have alternative hair/piercings/tattoos. Unless you're a manager/politician or in economics in general, your appearance comes secondary to your skills
> wearing lolita
> alternative shit has no place in adult life!!

>> No.7642045

It's actually pretty easy. I never get boogers stuck to my septum.

>> No.7642723
File: 87 KB, 960x720, IMG_425485066846834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7643193
File: 88 KB, 1024x576, 2014-06-23 21.13.12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eyeball hair bows
>spiked choker
>bat tights
>white with black polka dot combat boots/docs
>All with a space print
Stop white knighting. If this was on a less fortunate looking girl no one would say anything

>> No.7643195

This is what happens when tumblr gets to lolita.

>> No.7643290

>what is creepy cute
Not that I would personally choose to wear this style, but this particular colorway of the dress (and other cutesy lavender prints, fantastic dolly for example) was commonly seen coordinated in this style. But it's definitely falling to the wayside so you can untwist your bloomers.

>> No.7643297

those obese bitches are so scary D:

>> No.7643304

her dress is cute, she doesn't belong in an ita thread at all

>someone's a vendetta-chan

>> No.7643488

Creepy cute is such a stupid term, also you can't just combine pastels and black to make a creepy cute outfit, and the dress doesn't go with spiderwebs and eyeballs.

>> No.7643511

>Hurrrdurrr everyone who doesn't agree with me must be pierced.

>> No.7643562
File: 66 KB, 370x829, somenavyshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7643692

vendetta. she doesn't even have cankles.

>> No.7643694

wtf is with that wig tho

>> No.7643699

That's her hair. She has dreads

>> No.7643703

sage for OT, but where do people find mini crowns like that? I never know where to look and google is no help.

>> No.7643706

that looks about 2 sizes too big for her. She looks so frumpy and sad. :c
She looks like a man in the thumbnail