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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 72 KB, 600x750, hipsterariel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7632297 No.7632297[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Personally I'm getting tired of Hipster Ariel, and anything else that butchers something Disney

>> No.7632299
File: 520 KB, 443x701, hipster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP again, the first pic isn't actually a very good example of what I mean since the rest of her cosplay is actually Ariel, here's a better example

>> No.7632305

I just hate any kind of fan ~edgy desu~ cosplay. Hipster, punk, sexy, lolita whatever. All of them are just basically closet cosplays that don't have anything to do with the source material and are usually lazy. Most of them are just for shock value attention and the people wearing them always have their heads so far up their own asses.

>> No.7632325

Tardis/dalek dresses or any other lazy Doctor Who closet cosplay, anything MLP:FIM but especially lazy or shitty outfits, Harley Quinn, Princess Leia's slave bikini outfit

>> No.7632330

If I never see another lazy "human" version of a homestuck troll, I could die happy.

Actually, any homestuck cosplay in general.

>> No.7632338

"Hipster" versions of characters are just a way of saying "closet cosplay". It's a way to make a new costume using only regular clothing and accessories.

>> No.7632343
File: 71 KB, 640x480, humanstuck_nepeta_cosplay_by_plumblossom20-d66i3ny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

humanstucks. I mean, some of them are really well done and great, but usually it's someone just doing a closet cosplay.
This one is a nepeta.

>> No.7632346

meme cosplay (or meme anything), which I think also encompasses hipster disney characters.

>remember when memes were things that got inexplicably popular, not just image macros with impact font shitted out by 9faggers?

>> No.7632356
File: 67 KB, 640x480, eridan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow stop hating because my human!fem!hipster!eridan is PERFECT.
(this picture is like 3 years old and was done as a joke please do not take this seriously. but yeah I hate when people add a shit ton of weird AU's to justify their closet cosplay)

>> No.7632362

I'm gonna say Doctor Who cosplays. Or worse, Supernatural cosplays.

>> No.7632528


>> No.7632538


how do you even cosplay a radio show with incredibly vague descriptions?

>> No.7632540
File: 41 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n77yj9fkQi1rj69fko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all Super Sonico's in general but those who put on a random bikini and call it cosplay.

>> No.7632543

Through fanon and interpretations, I guess.

>> No.7632545

Especially since it's so easy to just get a plain white one and actually be accurate.

>> No.7632606


i mean sonico has a couple bikini styles but shes known for wearing a white one.

I'm tired of seeing nurse sonicos. most of the girls are still hot as hell who wear them but i want something different

>> No.7632617

I'm not nearly as comfortable as some of the girls who wear those skimpy outfits. So I was thinking of doing a super lazy sonico. Getting a pink gloomy kigu since she has a pink gloomy figure and the wig/headphones/contacts.

That or either her ONE concert outfit

>> No.7632631

I don't like the white/pink or baby blue nurse outfit either but enjoy seeing cosplays of the normal white and black one.

>> No.7632638

id rather see the ONE concert outfit imo. i never see that done

its okay its just super boring now everyone does nurse sonico or at least the cons i go to

>> No.7632655
File: 110 KB, 640x960, 10448742_724472650946842_4950467517149994573_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossovers. The ideas can be funny but when they crossover into reality, it just tends to look dumb. That and Attack on titan + anything. It's just getting old.

>> No.7633037

Free crossplays with the large girls trying to open bind with the jackets.

>> No.7633038

Sailor Moon crossover anything
Disney crossover anything.

It is over done to the point where people look for something to crossover to be the first or original.

>> No.7633081

I can deal with a crossover if it makes sense. Like until Elsa there was never really any Disney princess that had any fighting or supernatural ability. There's Mulan and maybe Pocahontas but neither are made into sailor versions as much as the main line-up. DPs just dont have a lot in common with the senshi besides being nostalgia female characters?

>> No.7633176
File: 200 KB, 1024x768, 20140315_173338-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything Deadpool. Normal Deadpool, Deadpool and ____ crossover cosplay, just anything. No. It's done, let it die.

>> No.7633196

This might just be my region, but shipped couples children have become popular.

Like Yuna and Vincent? Say they got married and cosplay their obese daughter! Then, spend half an hour explaining it to the first poor soul that asks what your outfit is from.

It's like a slowly creeping infection of the less creative. There's two of them just this week on my FB feed.

>> No.7633227
File: 163 KB, 900x1200, Peace_by_XxBlackitty813xX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shipped couples children
Literally the first thing I thought of. So glad this particular one isn't a thing anymore

>> No.7633234

This pisses me off cause sonico has bikinis that are really simple to wear. I'm also fucking sick of these nasty cheap cosplay accessory headphones. They're all just awful. I'm sick of sonico cosplayer's in general.

>> No.7633395

Where did the Deadpool cosplaying as something else idea even come from? Oh, you're cosplaying as Deadpool as Cloud? That's cool, I guess. Why not just Cloud? Oh, because you're so random and get to be a dick behind a mask.

Is this a Cloud and Roxas lovechild?

>> No.7633399

Axel and Roxas, actually. Look up 'Roxel' on GIS and be awestruck

>> No.7633411


Fucking hell. Didn't even notice the red in the back. I thought it was just shadow. It looks like they got tired of going as Cloud and just sprayed the wig to change it to Roxel.

>> No.7633442

Kill la Fucking Kill.
Hate me all you want, but I'm really tired of seeing KLK and AoT.

>> No.7633452

People using a $30 zentai to justify being an asshole. Also too many unfortunate wrinkly bulges...

>> No.7633469


Are you the same anon who was posting this in the fap thread?
your vendetta is showing

>> No.7633481

Because all it takes is one popular artist doing their own interpretation before everyone starts screaming MUH HEADCANON and copying it shamelessly.

>> No.7633485

Does anyone even cosplay Lady Deadpool or is there just a lot of Deadpool with inexplicable tits?

>> No.7633486

I would say I'm tired of seeing big yaoi fans cosplay from Kuroko's Basketball. I'm not saying fat girls can't cosplay by why in the hell are you cosplaying for a sports manga with FIT characters knowing your ass isn't in full shape to play basketball. Plus, it disgusts me seeing you and all of your friends do yaoi in front of people. That is not cute!

>> No.7633622
File: 215 KB, 1095x730, the_pokemen__ax_2012__by_brianfloresphoto-d58qf3z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Asian manlet's favorite cosplay; The Pokemen.

>> No.7633625


>I'm gonna be a dick and fondle ladies cuz I'm in character!

>> No.7633637

Seconded. I was all for them before, but they're all over the place at cons here lately. They're decent looking guys. They have the ability to do other cosplay and still get attention.

>> No.7633654

That's such a well-coordinated group tho

>> No.7633657

I always feel like 99% of Night Vale fanart and cosplays make the characters, especially Cecil, way too interesting looking. Dyed hair, crazy tattoos, really fashionable dresser. Like, he works as a community radio host in a small, isolated town. I think you're overestimating his level of cool. Not to mention, pretty much the only two descriptions of his appearance given just say he's a man with two eyes and a mouth and involve him wearing "fuzzy pants" and yet most everyone seems to think he's got like 8 eyes and tentacles and wears bow-ties and vests and shit.
And almost every cosplayer is a teenage girl trying to make herself look like a 30-ish year old man
>I feel in love with something right when it became popular and have watched the sharp decline of its fandom ever since

>> No.7633662

im so tired of seeing shitty cosplays

>> No.7633670

TBH I don't think Deadpool would ever do that too

>> No.7633714

They're just lazy

>> No.7633716

Girls cosplaying Free!

Girls cosplaying guys when it's just very obvious they're girls because of no makeup and bad wig.

Girls doing yaoi fanservice at cons.

>> No.7633721
File: 64 KB, 960x720, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7633735

I'm doing Space Police this summer and Gloomy Bear at some point in the future, and hopefully that Sailor outfit. IMO Ani-Mia doesn't fit Sonico at ALL I just wish I had gotten into it sooner (I was into her for only a year before the anime came out, but still.) because there are SO many of them now it's intimidating that I'll just be inevitably compared to some photoshopped idiot.
I just need to cosplay for me is all, I just hate being compared to others which is why I normally shy away from popular shows.

>> No.7633766

I didn't post in the fap thread.

>> No.7633780

My list has some overlaps.
I hate:

Deadpools (overdone)
Homestuck trolls (overdone)
SNK survey corps or just 3DMG (generic and overdone)
Naruto specifically. Not the entire show, just Naruto. (overdone)
Girls throwing on just a bikini and calling it cosplay. Hurr lookit me titties I r gud cosplayurr and I'm a grrrl power (low effort, overdone)
MLP gijinkas (overdone, low effort)
Motherfucking Kirito. (overdone to hell and back)
Bleach ___ soul reaper (overdone, generic)
Skinny people cosplaying ripped people (Toothpicks can't into Jojo)
Landwhales cosplaying skinny people (300 pound Luffy AKA Stuffy from the last con, this is directed at you)

I'm missing a few. But that's the gist of it. Obviously certain things are less annoying, like you can't get mad at new people for cosplayng from their favorite shows, but... There's so many.

Hate the fan base, not the show.

>> No.7633814

If it weren't for the random Plusle, I would agree with you. Plusle isn't even from a generation with eveelutions.

>> No.7633865

You would just look like a Gloomy Bear cosplay really. If people recognised the headphones then sure, but she only has that figure because it's based on the Gloomy Bear racing girls and it's a cute outfit.
The ONE outfit would look really cool with the thigh highs but it's not very lazy. Maybe her sweater dress with the tie?

>> No.7633872

There's also a Deadpool one...

>> No.7634027
File: 86 KB, 960x720, hipster arial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this happened at a local con I attended recently...

>> No.7634075

that's flareon

>> No.7634089

There's a Plusle on the right.

>> No.7634137

You prick. Flareon is red and yeĺlow. Not red an black.

Regardless it does look like this hat>>7633176

>> No.7634188
File: 89 KB, 600x450, AX_08___Akatsuki_Gathering_by_Acroy_Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Naruto specifically. Not the entire show, just Naruto.
Lol what? This hasn't been a thing for like 3 years. And when it was Naruto wasn't the biggest offender is was any Akatsuki

>> No.7634285

Is she actually cosplaying AS Traci?

>> No.7634292

there's a minun on the end too

>> No.7634308
File: 49 KB, 453x604, CI_56398_1329597065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate hipster Ariel. I love Ariel and these idiots are trying to ruin a lovely character.

>> No.7634312


unrelated but

> having $500+ dolls on the floor

>> No.7634317
File: 25 KB, 320x480, 535404_10151815894179465_372411979_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. Who has the worst fanbase I've ever seen. It has caused me to negatively judge anyone who says they're a fan of the show. The show is fun, but it's overrated as fuck.

Steampunk is another that needs to disappear. They're starting to ruin cyberpunk.

>> No.7634432

Femme Free! too ugh. It's a show about boys. WHY do you insist on turning them into girls?! Either cross play or gtfo.

>> No.7634444


I don't mind AoT unless it's shit, tbh I don't mind anything canon unless it's shit even if it is overdone

>> No.7634465

Question that's somewhat related. What about Femme DMMD? My friends and I were thinking about doing it to try to piss off all the yaoi fangirls, though we'd do it so we didn't look like JNig skanks, of course. Saw this and that reminded me.

>> No.7634473
File: 59 KB, 307x355, 1393824192396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>follow a girl on Tumblr that does this
>gets regular fangirls squealing about her cosplay of MAKOTO WITH THE OPEN JACKET!!!
>Makoto is muscular as fuck, this girl is skinnyfat at best

>> No.7634480

The worst Femme Free! are the ones who do it in bikinis. You would NEVER wear a bikini in competitive swimming. And I just it irritates me so much if you want attention why not just cosplay a character that you know actually wears a bikini? There are plenty of them. Making female versions of characters isn't too annoying to me as long as it looks like something a female version of that character would actually wear.

As long as it looks like something the actual characters would wear go ahead. and if you're whole purpose is to annoy yaoi fangirls then... who cares how you do it, you're just trying to piss people off. Asking about the opinions of people online makes it seem like you just want to make female versions of the characters but don't want to get posted on /cgl/ with people bitching about you.

>> No.7634483

The amusing part is the teacher from Free! used to be a bikini model in the actual show, but no one cosplays her because no one cares about the teacher when there are HAWT BOIS to mangle

>> No.7634491

I think others have already posted their lists but here is mine:
-Steampunk ......

Crossovers are a mixed bag. Some that have thought and are well put together are amazing, but hipster disney, star wars/marvel are just over done.

>> No.7634492

Naw, that's not entirely true as far as the purpose. We were going to do the male characters, but my friend started bitching about how everyone's doing it now, so I brought up the femme idea with something like "I wonder how pissed they'd be for a femme DMMD crew" and she clung to the idea. I don't really care if we get posted, we weren't planning on changing the designs too much so if people have something to bitch about, they can bitch. I just saw the thing about Free and it had me wondering, specifically with the "It's a show about boys" bit.

>> No.7634531

These kind of cosplays actually don't bother me that much. If you just want an outfit to wander the con floor in, more "casual" cosplays are okay. When you're doing photoshoots in them and getting insulted no one wants pictures of you or act like it's top-tier is when I get annoyed.

>> No.7634540

I was there too. There was some seriously lazy cosplayers

>> No.7634542

Just curious, but does anyone know what this year's big cosplay will be? Typically it's that one for me.

Oh and Elsa no one ever does her right and the wigs always look like shit. Makes me mad.

>> No.7634558

KLK and Elsa.

>> No.7634653

>Gijinka Eeveelutions
>Trafalgar Law

>> No.7634764

But her wig looks fantastic in this photo. I could kill for it ⊙△⊙

>> No.7634825

It's not a wig...

>> No.7634831

Sailor Moon

>> No.7634838

>using tumblr emotes

really now

>> No.7634848

People have been predicting a sudden influx of Sailor Moon for the last 2-3 seasons now. I think there will be a bit more but not more than KLK or Frozen, not this year anyway.

>> No.7634857

Why is this a thing anyway?

>> No.7634867

>tumblr emotes
are you serious

>> No.7634903

Yeah, I'm also not tired of seeing Sailor Moon cosplay. I don't think I ever will.

But I figured KLK and Elsas everywhere.

>> No.7634904

I'm starting to get annoyed with all the cosplayers I've come across who are cosplaying from something they know nothing about...

>> No.7634934

>tumblr emotes
Come on, anon.

I'm tired of bad Kill La Kill (esp Ryuuko in her school uniform), bad sailor moon, steampunk anything, and SnK. Also shitty "anime eye" makeup in any context.

>> No.7634940

Punk Sailor Moon. There are more people cosplaying alternate Sailor Moon designs than there are people cosplaying actual canon Sailor Moon designs.

There are a whole bunch of scouts from Stars that you guys could be doing, but instead it's the same 10 characters in different costumes.

>> No.7635031

Law and shitty, lazy Luffys.

>> No.7635069

I'm 99% sure a lot of people are doing it to try to be original (yet failing spectacularly) along with probably trying to hide bulges and/or fat. I know there's some woman at most cons I go to with a 12 year old mentality that wears a Wonder Woman bikini bottom with it basically to cover up cameltoe but tries to pass it off as being lolrandum

That would imply they read comics and don't just see le may mays or D-Piddy

>> No.7635077

>Girls cosplaying guys when it's just very obvious they're girls because of no makeup and bad wig.
or the opposite, where they try to cosplay some sort of manly-man character and end up putting on so much goddamn makeup that they look more feminine than anything else.

>> No.7635155

You know what overweight yaoi fans cosplaying from sports anime. The characters don't do yaoi or look fat so why in the hell would you cosplay that. I saw them all over AWA last year. I had permanent "GUUUURRLLL THAT AIN'T CUTE" face every time I saw them.

>> No.7635161

Or youma from any season, really. Since there are a buttload of monster-of-the-day characters that had some pretty nifty designs.

>> No.7635165


>> No.7635178

I am getting tired of seeing the amount of forceful yaoi that goes. Clearly these characters from this anime/game/source aren't gay. Stop living out your weeaboo fantasies in public.

>> No.7635183

>tfw cockmonger was over eight years ago
>tfw there are people on the internet who have no idea who he is
>tfw you are old enough to remember Brian Peppers

>> No.7635225

Try outfits from the anime, it's not that bad if you like cliche and overly cute

>> No.7635232

At least Jasmine makes sense because she was literally a slave princess ala Jafar. But the other princess slave Leia are especially stupid

>> No.7635269
File: 484 KB, 500x302, 1355254022635.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who cosplay shit with the intention of it winding up on memebase (or some site like that)
>cosplays that almost outright say "ONLY 90'S KIDS WOULD GET THIS!"
>cosplays that literally have labels informing people who they are

>> No.7635519

People who cosplay blue things and call themselves Navi fom LoZ

>> No.7635541

>Stop living out your weeaboo fantasies in public

as opposed to cosplaying?

>> No.7635671

I've seen some really good Laws (Usually Punk Hazard Law) but I so agree with the lazy Laws and Luffys. At Sakura Con when I went to the OP meetup there was maybe like 2 good Luffys out of the bunch and one of them was cosplaying from the One Piece Z movie.

>> No.7635678

Chicks dressing up as The Doctor.
Chicks wearing a dumb blue dress that reads" POLICE CALL BOX"... You're not the TARDIS!

>> No.7635731
File: 344 KB, 640x480, 01s173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steam punk and homestruck. Been done to death.

>> No.7635802

Someone might've said this already but do you guys remember that fucking Pirates of the Caribbean phase and THERE WERE JACK SPARROWS EVERYWHERE?

>> No.7635814

Nah all super sonicos bother me :^)
shit character perfect for attentionwhoring!

>> No.7635838

In the sunlight no less.

>> No.7636021

that poor convention...

>> No.7636036

is this the Yorkshire cosplay con...

>> No.7636053

Steampunk ruins everything. We have a huge steampunk community where i live and they all look like crap all the time: Lazy fucking costuming, lazy fucking makeup, and all the dudes are creepy fucking pervs.

>> No.7636267

I'm really sick of those shitty Shingeki no Kyojin jackets.

>> No.7636384

harley quinn... so... so... so many x_x

>> No.7636393


I liked it as much as the next weeb, but fucking come on. There's a fat Grell at a local con every. single. year.

Get a new trick.

>> No.7636396

Not a complaint, but I really miss TF2 cosplays.

>> No.7636423

if I had a nickel for every shitty 'Ciel in a dress' cosplays I've seen I'd be the richest bitch

>> No.7636431

There's still quite a few of us, anon! Definitely not as big as it used to be, but it's comfy. I cosplay gunslinger engie and I'm working on a mini sentry for Youmacon.

>> No.7636433
File: 20 KB, 243x240, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying all deadpool cosplayers do that

>> No.7636440

It's hard when most cons are in warmer weather. the tf2 cosplayers I know can only wear their gear to winter cons (pyro,medic...)
My bf almost had a heatstroke as Pyro last year.

>> No.7636448

>yfw it's getting another season soon

>> No.7636487

I'm surprised that no one put down Mekaku Shitty Actors. Then again I don't really expect it to become the AoT of the con circuit until 2015. I know that it hasn't happened yet, but I'm already predicting that I will be sick of it before the wave has even hit our shores.

>> No.7636491


If we had "Overdone Cosplay Bingo" that would be the free space.

>> No.7636513

>n-not all deadpool!
Enough do and everyone is sick of their shit.

>> No.7636516

Isn't this nerfpunk?
Still hideous, but at least some steampunk outfits are gorgeous, nerfpunk is just... ugh.

>> No.7636517

To be fair Elsa's hair is really weird to begin with. Honestly her whole design is very difficult to translate to real life.

>> No.7636518

Not all Deadpool cosplayers fondle others to act in character, but 90% are annoying shitzippers. That's enough that I don't want to see another one again.

>> No.7636522

>deadpool cosplayer detected

>> No.7636527

-SnK, but especially those who insist on doing really dark "contouring" with no blending. I get that they're trying to capture the stylized look, but they just look dirty to me, and it seems like everyone does it.
-Harley Quinn. I've loved that character since childhood and will cosplay her and hate myself for joining the horde.
-Steampunk anything
-Skimpy gijinkas

>> No.7636564

I am really tired of people calling Attack on Titan 'SnK'. When I hear SnK I think people are talking about King of Fighters, and I get really excited, but then I realise they are talking about an entry level anime franchise aimed at 16 year olds, and it upsets me.

>> No.7636579

>i hate when people call something by its title

>> No.7636600


There are tons of annoying gif sets that say otherwise. And the people eat it up because they only know LOL WACKY Deadpool.

>> No.7636619

Attack on Titan's original title is Shingeki no Kyojin.
Shortened to SnK.

>> No.7636623

>default Vocaloid outfits
>most Hetalia cosplay (there's some I like)
>lazy gijinkas (ears and tails does not a cosplay make)
>guys showing up in all their airsoft gear
>Doctor Who
>Adventure time
>Anything from Frozen that isn't Hans

There is a ton of AoT but I can't bring myself to hate it entirely. Yes, it's a poopy fandom, but I like the uniforms and belts, though I tend to glance over cosplayers unless they have the gear.

>> No.7636652

Sonico is becoming the new Yoko

>> No.7636683
File: 67 KB, 470x346, 1355222406649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you anon. I feel you.

>> No.7636719



>> No.7636730

I don't mind casual/closet cosplay as long people treat it like that. You wanted tomsething nerdy to wear around the con? No prob, enjoy yourself. Going around joining photshoots and saying in websites LOOK AT MY COSPLAY is crossing the line.

>> No.7636762
File: 93 KB, 512x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Velma's .... I don't know when this trend started but Jesus please stop it

>> No.7636804


>> No.7636823

I am a medic cosplayer!

>> No.7636829

Over/Under seven months until we're tired of seeing Nudist Beach cosplay (or something that resembles Nudist Beach cosplay)?

>> No.7636858

Attack on Titan is originally called Shingeki No Kyojin. It's abbreviated to SnK. Stop getting butthurt about a title just because it's similar to a stupid game no one cares about.

>> No.7637037
File: 420 KB, 1280x848, 1392346158798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7637060

looks like a shitty closet cosplay.
if this was your defense you have officially failed.
prepare your anus

>> No.7637065
File: 1.07 MB, 266x268, 1361159497521.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(Toothpicks can't into Jojo)

You know, part 5 and beyond exists. I mean, they'd need to be toned toothpicks, but still.

>> No.7637073
File: 828 KB, 800x629, 6765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7637081
File: 179 KB, 1024x949, the_avengers___loki_x_lady_loki_by_maxkennedy-d602vpe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female Loki's.
Whether they are girls trying to look like the male Loki or doing the genderbend version. Just no! No more. I can't take it anymore.

>> No.7637086
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>> No.7637095
File: 29 KB, 640x457, velma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's when this picture got super popular.

>> No.7637121

can someone please make this. i want to play.

find no complaints with what everyone's been saying. (minus mekakucity, but that may get a boost soon)

>> No.7637149

AU Harley Quinn or any Harley Quinn in general. Its got to the point where it seems anyone who is wearing an outfit predominantly made of red and black is cosplaying Harley Quinn. Stop being so lazy goddammit!

Lazy Gijinkas. 'I'm wearing a brown dress and ears I'm totes Eevee'.

Crossovers and 'alternative versions'. I'm so sick of seeing people being applauded for their 'creativity' and their 'awesome' ideas of combining two things that make absolutely no sense.

Assassin's Creed!Legend of Zelda
Punk rock!Frozen
Pirate!Les Miserables
Sailor Moon!Avengers

What ever happened to trying to make an accurate cosplay of the character you liked?

>> No.7637331

>What ever happened to trying to make an accurate cosplay of the character you liked?

Attention. The need for attention got in the way.

>> No.7637348

I meant sexual fantasies.

It is kinda funny because the girls are like, Yaoi is so hot, but think gay porn is disgusting.

>> No.7637380

Person on the left has some pretty badass armour though... I want to see thier cosplay.

>Halfassed shingeki in the back
>Literally halfassed
>Where did his other thigh belts go

Shitty shingekis are probably the thing I hate the most. I put effort into making my cosplay as accurate as possible, then get washed out in the hordes of flower crown + a jacket = cosplay, right? tumblr kids

>> No.7637387
File: 54 KB, 831x629, cgl bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried?

>> No.7637389

I think both are hot!
Except twink couples don't happen as much irl as they do in anime.

>> No.7637434
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...well ya got me there

>> No.7637476

>genderbend version
>implying it's not canon

>> No.7637635

loki was a girl for a while there

>> No.7637876

What about crossovers of similar characters?

>> No.7637909

swag/rapper variants.

please stop asking for attention, no one likes it.

>> No.7637985

Non-anime cosplay at anime specific conventions. Dr. Who, Harry Potter, Disney shit, My little Pony, Homestuck, Star Wars, none of it belongs. I'm fine with that at normal comic conventions because I expect to see these things at Comikaze or Wondercon. I don't like seeing a very loud and obnoxious Dr. Who gathering at anime Los Angeles disturbing the peace around the pool. That's cool that you love your fandom and that you have so many people to love it, but you don't belong at an anime con. Your fandoms aren't anime and they aren't even from Asia.
>genre specific cons
>genre specific cosplays
>that's the point

>> No.7638027
File: 600 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_m15gtyObXD1rnjol0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm worried now D: My first ever cosplay is going to be a gijinka(?) fluttershy and I'm scared people won't like it. Has anyone got any tips to make it look more polished and not boring? Help would be greatly appreciated!
>pic related, going for something like this atm

>> No.7638029

Here's some tips to make it more polished and not boring:

Don't fucking cosplay it. The less MLP, the better. Find something else to cosplay as.

>> No.7638036

Haha, thanks anon. I was tossing up maybe trying a saya no uta cosplay instead, I just want to stick to something simple for my first shot.

>> No.7638092

yes. im so tired of crossovers of panty and stocking especially.

people will put a stocking wig on literally anything

>> No.7638137

as long as you've got a pretty face and you know how to dress yourself, people will like it. not people HERE mind you but people.

>> No.7638152

I'm talking the 5 foot 10 130 pound skinnyfat DYEL skeletons who try and go as like Dio.

It's... saddening.

>> No.7638170

Deadpool and Homestuck are #1 on my list of cosplay I'm tired of seeing. Most of the time, the costumes look like shit anyway. The Deadpools also tend to be annoying shits because Deadpool. I won't get into the body paint issue with Homestuckers - that's a whole other issue entirely.

Genderbent cosplays are starting to get up there too. Most of the time, it's just a shameless attempt to sexy up a character. To me, unless there actually was a genderbent version of a character, it may as well be just an original character cosplay. On a similar note, I am so glad that sexy no jutsu cosplay has died out. Mostly because most sexy no jutsu cosplay was more terrifying/nauseating than it was sexy.

I'm also tired of girls crossplaying for the sole reason of having yaoi moments between characters. Seriously, get a fucking room if you're going to do that. I don't need to see hambeast fujoshis in crossplay slobbering over each other in the hallways.

While I'm at it, closet/lazy cosplayers attempting to pass their outfits off as actual cosplay deserve a kick in the ass. Go learn how to sew for fuck's sake.

TL;DR: Stop doing terrible cosplay.

>> No.7638180

If they're skinny and short and want to go as Dio that badly, they have two options. Dio as a kid or Diego and who the hell doesn't want to dress up as a a jockey with dinosaur powers that can't into coffee? Anime only people, that's who.

>> No.7638186
File: 499 KB, 1387x1100, JOJO-v05-c38-p003-004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 1 Dio actually wears plenty of clothing, most of the time.

>> No.7640734

>I'm scared people won't like it

You need to just try and stick with the MLP gathering of your con.

Even as a woman cosplaying a female main character from the show, you'll still catch shit from anyone who hates MLP.

Maybe consider going for a more obscure pony / character so you have less competition to be held against?

>> No.7640766

It's still painfully obvious if they're skeletal unless they wear a muscle suit underneath (plus at least part of his arms are on show in most if not all his outfits).

>> No.7640776

>bloo no ones been on 4chan as long as ~~*IIIIII**~~ have

take your manlet nostalgia to /b/ or /r9k/

>> No.7640922
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>> No.7640958

>JoJo Cosplay..

PFFF.. only to ship dio / jonathan and caesar / joseph.. meh?

I dont expect to see much on it being cosplayed here in the florida district.. we have got nothing but stuckhomers and attack on tintin's and uh.. freezings.. oh and like one or two free groups.. kinda the same ol shit you tend to see.. this summer I am expecting to see a huge blowout on sailor moon cosplays.. and i'd be shocked to see some obscure stuff like.. No Game No Life or Herobank

>> No.7641110

OH god, Roxel

>> No.7641112

I want to cosplay that so hard

>> No.7641113

But this is a good argument. Saying all x creates disparity and stereotypes from ignorant people.

>> No.7641118

I saw a Kirito at the Reaissance fair a few weeks ago. He must've been pretending to be in SAO

>> No.7641121

no one gives a shit

having a stereotype of a cosplayed character isn't harmful, calm down

>> No.7641125

forever crying because I love Law, and I've seen so many bad Law cosplays.
He's supposed to be hot ;_;

>> No.7641132
File: 77 KB, 353x322, Why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Really want to cosplay a character from Doctor Who because I love the show
>Don't want to be associated with the overly autistic fans of said show
>Doctor Who cosplay is overdone as fuck

>> No.7641147

if you do it really well and present yourself well, I don't think you'd be hated on

unless it's 10

everyone cosplays 10

>> No.7641148

If you're wanting to do a companion, get into the SA shit and pick an outfit that's done less.

Seriously, as much as people say they hate DW cosplays, most people don't realize I'm Amy aside from the people who like DW when I'm not doing Kissogram or Time of Angels. Never gotten shit for it as much as the Doctors, either-- in any of my outfits. Well, aside from a comic book artist, but I'm fairly sure he was just teasing.

That, or be someone from Classic. They seem to get a lot less shit, and all the ones I've met are pretty chill.

>mfw a twelve year old six was more mature than the sixteen year old elevens I ran into at one of the cons I went to.

>> No.7641166

>everyone cosplays 10
I'd love to cosplay 10, but the consequences... especially considering what >>7635678 said. Maybe when I stop giving a fuck about what people think I'll do it, but I'll probably settle for Donna or Amy anyway.

That's a pretty good point, if they hate it so much they probably won't even recognize the less popular outfits. I was thinking about doing Amy's "Vincent and the Doctor" outfit because I think it's adorable and I don't see it around a lot.

>sixteen year old elevens

>> No.7641167

As long as you don't cosplay Tenth or Amy Pond, you're probably fine. 10, 11, and Pond are pretty much the over-cosplayed autistic magnets.
And any representation of the Tardis or... the machine with the balls all over it.

>> No.7641169

>knows doctors by number, companions names, frequency of cosplay
>"the machine with the balls on it"

>> No.7641173
File: 96 KB, 475x674, The Fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7641176

I love that outfit! It's definitely one of the lesser cosplayed ones, and I think the jacket has gone down a lot in price if you were wanting screen accurate stuff, but that coat is also one of the few things I've seen replicated of Amy's, too. I forgot who did it-- I think it was cosplaysky or something, but I saw the alt in person and it definitely wasn't bad.

It's all jumped ship to Clara from Amy, anon.

>> No.7641180
File: 115 KB, 580x427, dalek-004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When little girls do it it's cute, a bit meh else wise

>> No.7641188
File: 109 KB, 800x1200, Jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome! Yep, 5 seconds on Google gave me the jacket at $180 and it looks pretty close to the original. Thanks, anon.

>> No.7641195

I'm not a DW fan, I'm just going by what I see at conventions.

Yeah, forgot the name.

>> No.7641212


just kidding, I'll never tire of touhou regardless of how bad some people cosplay it.

>> No.7641291

>None cannon Evas
>Burlesque anything
Go be sluts elsewear.

>> No.7641300

Please do a really good Ood please. I want to see this happen so bad.

>> No.7641476

>tfw actually excited for more kuroshitsuji
>tfw feel guilty

>> No.7641489

Anything Evangelion. Fucking tired of that shit.

>> No.7641519

Zero Suit Samus.
Overdone to shit, and lazy ad fuck seeing as all anyone ever does is get a blue unitard made out of the wrong material and a wig, then they're totally Samus, guys!

>> No.7641521

Meant to link that to >>7632297

>> No.7641618

even the mechas?

>> No.7641636
File: 32 KB, 300x450, casual ciel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Casual Ciel or Ciel in that (shit satin) pink dress
>Edgy Harley Quinns
>Store bought Sailor Moons

>> No.7641700

>seeing as all anyone ever does is get a blue unitard made out of the wrong material and a wig, then they're totally Samus, guys!

Can't you say similar comments about any cosplay.

>Anyone ever does is get a ____ and a wig and they're totally____


>> No.7641704

This is gunna be really long so yeah, 1/2. Sorry to everyone that doesn't care aka everyone but the person I'm responding to.

Accessories are what makes certain MLP cosplayers stand out, to me at least. My girlfriend & I have been cosplaying different versions of Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Applebloom & Applejack for a couple years now and I always get compliments on my goggles (Idek why, but a lot of people throw on a blue shirt and a rainbow wig and call it Dash, so I guess my extra 30 seconds of thinking got me some compliments) and 99.99 percent of the time my girlfriend is actually eating apples and people are like "OMG CANON APPLEJACK!" when in reality we can't afford food while we're at cons and just brought 4876239 apples with us from home. (She could be in any other cosplay eating an apple an no one would care, but her Applefamily cosplay with them always get "CAN YOU HOLD UP THE APPLE?!" comments) I've also painted myself some Cutie Mark Crusaders shoes and wear knee pads/elbow pads/carry my helmet painted like hers/have a scooter when permissable, and my girlfriend has an apple shaped purse for Applebloom and they get good feedback.

The CAN be simple cosplays, and I think that's the point. Most of the characters don't wear clothes (aside from the Gala designs, etc) but it's either humanizing them well and doing something just a little bit different. (If I see one more Rainbow Dash in those fucking running shorts I'm going to scream)

>> No.7641711


Another thing that helps is pets! One of my friends made me a Tank plushie and it typically gets good reactions, especially with Fluttershy I think pets are a big one that a lot of people forget about. Make an Angel plushie or carry a little white bunny, for real. Fluttersy game upped in about a minute and a half.

But mostly, make sure your wig is nice, and even if your cosplay is simple be put together. I'm not sure what kind of makeup Fluttershy would wear, but you can interpret that however. (Light pink lips without much else but soft brown liner and mascara? Who knows. I don't. I just do my brows, chapstick & foundation for Dash, fuck it she's too busy running around being full of herself to put on lashes and lipstick and shit like that. But my girlfriend does gold toned shadow and cartoony-liner for Applejack, so IDEK.)

Also with Fluttershy make sure your wings & ears look good! Being such a light color it's really hard to hide mistakes (Which I learned while making one of my friend hey Fluttershy wings, akjgfhaeriug never again.)

>> No.7641717

Also to the person that said "cosplay a more obscure character" I'm gunna say...eh. TBH I see more background pony cosplays than I see Fluttershys. I cosplayed ponies 2 days my last con, and the only other pony cosplayers I saw besides my girlfriend were a few DJ P0N3's, a Doctor Whooves, a Gala Pinkie, and two other Rainbow Dashes (one who felt the need for no wig and a bad dye-job, and another in a WeLoveFine shirt and jean Bermuda-shorts. Yeeeaaah.)

But even if there ARE a lot of pony cosplayers you can still stand out by being a great Fluttershy! I saw a shitload of Pinkie Pie's last year, but only one or two of them actually stuck out to me as not just "Hey look a curly pink wig"

>> No.7641722

Yes. I'm fucking sick of Evangelion. The anime is garbage and the cosplay is never well done.

>> No.7641753

I've never seen the anime and I don't have an opinion of it, but I'm also sick of seeing anything from it, good or not.

>> No.7641784
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Levi, especially 'cleaning' Levi.

I see so many ugly, unfit, unshaven guys that think its okay to use their natural hair and cover up their face doing cleaning Levi and think that they're oh so amazing because they're male.

But shittily contoured Levi are also pretty bad when girls look like they're constipated.

>> No.7641803

>None cannon Evas
very confused, what do you mean by this

>> No.7641806

I'm sick of school uniformed kids.
The units themselves are incredible to me and I love seeing them well done.
Go plugsuit or eva or go home. School uniforms are for the weak and lazy.

>> No.7641814

>Hating on Eva
Do i fit in yet

>> No.7642134

I literally checked off all those except for Velma and it's only day 1of the con.

>> No.7642141

You can also switch it for League of Legends.

>> No.7642233

Then I filled the entire card. Please get me a drink.

>> No.7642236
File: 54 KB, 600x600, IMG_137261959579362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too anon. They're always the nicest cosplayers I've met.

>> No.7642309

>White demo

>> No.7642360

thought it was funny at first, then Flannel-Chan did it. Couldn't find that picture.

>> No.7643001


Hear hear anon!

>> No.7643068

Remember when there was a Vash at every convention?

>> No.7643076
File: 87 KB, 799x1000, sad_scout_is_sad__by_reunarwolf-d64x5vi.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you are the only one in your area that cosplays as TF2 classes.

>> No.7643114

Uh bitch plz, don't put a opinion into things you have no idea about. Lady Loki is canon.

>> No.7643140

You can't tell very well from this lighting, but he was actually fairly dark skinned.

>> No.7643159

I think they meant a non canon genderbend. Like a genderbend of their own creation. Does that make sense? Cause I saw so many last year at dcon.

>> No.7643165


>I want to cosplay that so hard

Next convention I go to I'm legitimately going to go as Not-All-Man

>> No.7643171

>his fedora is also a mask
I love this.

>> No.7643172

Please do this.

>> No.7643175


>> No.7643177

is this your first time on /cgl/ darling?

>> No.7643182

Oh yeah! That's a good point. Sorry about that. Yeah, if someone if going to cosplay a female loki, please dont genderbend him. Just go Lady Loki or normal Loki.

>> No.7643441

Is this your first time on 4chan, son?

>> No.7643448

this ur first time on bleepdoobladeebloopbleep trollshijsghkasghkda

>> No.7643497

>Think its okay to use their natural hair
For a character like Levi, wigs look awful. He has an undercut, unless you have one of those super expensive Daenerys-tier wigs, your wig is going to be crap.

>> No.7643508

I'm sick of seeing really bad crossplays. Don't care who it's of. If you can't do a really convincing crossplay, don't bother. Especially if the character has facial hair.
I'm looking at you, 16-year-old fujoshits.

>> No.7643644

All of it. Every single cosplay.

>> No.7643943

The girl who ruins that con is pretty stupid.

>> No.7643948

I just went on Tumblr on the cosplay tag. I lost all hope for this community. What I'm sick of?

ANYTHING with an exclamation!point!in!it's!name. If it needs an exclamation point, it will look like shit. Hard truth.

>> No.7643959

As long as they aren't expecting to get a ton of attention, I'm fine with it.

Some people just want to be silly and have a good time, you can't fault them for that. Not everyone is interested in making a screen accurate cosplay. So chill out and let the kiddies have their fun.

>> No.7644055

What if your hair isn't an undercut anon? I guess having just black hair will do

>> No.7644179

Dudes cosplaying as chicks thinking they're funny

>> No.7644222
File: 62 KB, 960x514, 523758_203921593069673_859023243_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7644258

This girl thinks she invented the dalek dress

>> No.7644316

It was more of a "fuck I'm pathetic still on 4chan" than "look at me i've been on 4chan for years"

>> No.7644326

I don't think any person looks like a jojo character...

>> No.7644353
File: 1.99 MB, 370x322, 1369955041511.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw actually putting in a huge effort into Harley Quinn costume from B:TAS for next cosplay...

>> No.7644456
File: 387 KB, 579x850, gendo-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the adults? I can always appreciate a Gendou

>> No.7644462

I agree with this, but I would say tumblr is at fault on this one. Specifically, tumblr art.

>> No.7644556

The cosplay was done as a joke. I think this is hilarious.

>> No.7644564

I agree, dear anon.

>> No.7644572
File: 132 KB, 600x530, holyshitomg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.7644581

God, I want to hate fuck all of them

>> No.7644848

Don't worry Anon, I'm sure you'll look fantastic. Just try not to stray too far from the source material and you'll be fine!

>> No.7645070

Make it an undercut, then. It can be a pretty fashionable haircut if you wear it right, anyway.

>> No.7645073

Does wearing a tube top make you a hipster now?

>> No.7645078

Yeah, they don't look very hipster-y to me. Especially cinderella's hair. I guess it's all kind of tumblr inspired but I wouldn't call it hipster.
It might be kind of funny if they were more obviously hipster inspired. Shitty obscure band t shirts somehow related to them, flannel shirts that don't belong, a bicycle, speshul haircuts, piercings and gauges, ariel could have a little flounder or sebastian in a mason jar. That's all the hipster stereotypes I can think of atm

>> No.7645083

I guess I don't mind this kind of thing. I probably wouldn't even notice it, honestly, since it's really boring/lazy, but it doesn't give me the hate boner so many gulls seem to pop over this concept.

>> No.7645086
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1080, mermaid kiss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying asr can do wrong

>> No.7645095

Apparently if you wear stupid fucking glasses and you're hot, you look like a hipster.

>> No.7645179

>default Vocaloid outfits *that are from Crypton Future Media or Internet Co. Vocaloid companies*

I'm still looking for a good Merli cosplays, more Tone Rion cosplays, Tohoku Zunko cosplays, Yohioloid ones but most importantly, any ZOLA Project ones.

>> No.7645183

This is awful. Stop it.

>> No.7645274

Casual character variants or characters who wear casual clothes by default?

>> No.7645356

lol at the fucking tomato in the background.
9/10 would hold hands with

>> No.7645417

but why would you post the shittiest gendo...

>> No.7645510


>> No.7645519

fuck homestuck

>> No.7645522

>Toothpicks can't into Jojo

Filthy casual spotted

>> No.7645780

>Lazy Gijinkas. 'I'm wearing a brown dress and ears I'm totes Eevee'.

B-but....that's how you do a lot of gijinkas. If it's a non-complex Pokemon, you can't go overboard or you'll seem like a try-hard. What did you have in mind for a more exciting gijinka for a "plain-looking" Pokemon like Eevee then? A fucking fursuit? Or one of those faggots who wear furry leg warmers and gloves?

>> No.7645844
File: 365 KB, 806x745, eevee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the anon is referring to the difference between a plain dress with minimal effort put in with basic details like no wig/unstyled wig, unmatching makeup, etc.

I shooped/drew a shitty example. I've seen something like both of these gijinka in real life a cons. One looked like a regular sundress outfit with a knitted scarf, cute boots with tiny "paw" lines drawn on the front of the shoe, etc, plus ears/tail. Like, without it she was kinda recognizable, especially with the black-dot-japanese-eyebrow thing, but it wasn't obviously super halloween slutwear/cheap china status. Then there's the standard really bland nightwear/tube dress that's super thin with a pattern badly appliqued/sewn on, plus ears and tail. It was in no way wearable outside of a con based on quality alone. The hair is some scene girl style in bright blonde, wearing red lipstick, etc. Like...it amounts to effort and thought. You can overdo a simple character, sure, but underdoing it is much more common.

>> No.7645919

Personally I try to think of the pokemon's 'personality'? Like Eevee is shyer/reserved and probably wouldn't wear a skin tight tube dress but that could work for Jynx as I'd see it as a party girl type.

>> No.7646078

frankly im sick of seeing street fighter cosplays

>> No.7646275

Think more of "I'm supposed to be Naruto in jeans and normal T-shirt)
Or Ciel wearing Walmart clothes.

>> No.7646280

hipster anything is so 2012

>> No.7646286

agreed with this so much.

>> No.7646288

They're not cosplayers tho. They're just attention whores

>> No.7646294

I don't see this enough for it to bother me yet

>> No.7646299

>think that they're oh so amazing because they're male.

>> No.7646302

>let's make signs and not hold them up in the same direction so all of them can't be read on any one photo

>> No.7646635

Loki was a lady for a few years, retard. Next you're gonna say that Harley Quinn or Duela Dent are genderbent Jokers.

>> No.7646681

Is she? Only spoke to her briefly at a different con. Seemed a bit ditzy but not stupid.

>> No.7647234

I have no problem with Velma unless the girl tries to 'sex it up'. Which they almost always do. Velma is a short, frumpy girl. Keep her that way. If you want to be 'pretty', do Daphne.

>> No.7647241

I don't think any person looks like an anime character.
But they still cosplay them.

>> No.7647630

do 9. nobody does 9.

>> No.7647902


those cosplayers seem awfully familiar...from p.r?

>> No.7647923

Fatties cosplaying at all get fit its not difficult

>> No.7647924


dafuq? Law is supposed to be a respective serious pirate. not some hot model <.<

>> No.7647927

I can understand why you'd be tired of seeing Night Vale cosplays, but I think it's really interesting to see different interpretations of the characters.

>> No.7647974

Yes all women cat lady

>> No.7647979
File: 12 KB, 205x246, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree way to mainstream pic related it's me

>> No.7648018

Every time i see anime cosplay at a comic book convention a puppy dies. Why do they do that? They have their own shitty conventions to ruin stay out of mine.

>> No.7648182

Every time i see comic book cosplay at an anime convention a puppy dies. Why do they do that? They have their own shitty conventions to ruin stay out of mine.

>> No.7648187

People always complain about non-anime media being at anime cons, but there are honestly very few comic/video game cons outside of, like, California. I live in the south, and I think there are maybe one or two non-anime cons, and they're mom's basement tier garbage. Most anime cons are really general multimedia cons these days.

>> No.7648189

Every time I see someone cosplaying whatever they want wherever they want because that's their perogative it doesn't mean they don't like the focus material of the convention at hand.

>> No.7648202

It looks like a cult

>> No.7648211

Fuck yo poppies!
I'm going as Deadpool and no one can stop me

>> No.7649028

lol burrito its funny because I saw him in a may-may video deadpool is totally me guys xD

>> No.7649589

I was at Seishun the other week and this ebay tier Deadpool came up and started talking in this thin, reedy voice about shit nobody knew about. Like, he had zero confidence and just kinda stammered his way around "I've...been to England once....I didn't like it...no chimichangas"

>> No.7650173

Im not sure if im just really tolerant or have no fucks to give but I don't care what the cosplays are. Even overused shitty ones or anime at conic cons or comic and tv at anime cons who gives a shit we are all here to dress like pretend people and buy weird shit. Yeah homestuck and hetalia and other popular cosplays are annoying in their sheer number but every once in a while you see that one special cosplay across the crowded hall of vocaloids and female doctor whos and you gasp because its the hunter from Jumanji and its perfect and you nostalgia so hard you can tolerate the superwholockwhateverthefuck for the rest of the day on that alone. Also i cosplay supernatural, and im all up in you anime conventions. I promise I wont be obnoxious to you if you return the same. I simply also like anime and cant go to comic con and ax and ala can be really fun. If doing supernatural bugs someone then i hope im no more than a fading annoyance as you go about the rest of your con day and maybe you get to see your Jumani hunter too.

>> No.7650184

If only Homestucks had their own conventions with everything covered in tarps or pre-grayed.

>> No.7651230

>anime at comic cons
>comic at anime cons
>>hurr durr people like what I don't like and won't follow my self imposed rules in a place I have no control over!

Really? This bugs people? Who the fuck actually cares? If you don't like it, then make your own pure blood con, good luck getting as much money as you would have if you allowed everyone in.

Let them do what they want, unless they are being stereotypical fandom obnoxious to people, then tell them to fuck off because those kinds of people need to be told to fuck off anyway. If someone dressed as Finn from AT shows up to an anime con and isn't actively annoying anyone (by, for example, yelling "WHAT TIME IS IT?!?!?!" in everyone's ear), then let him be.

And these.

>> No.7651983
File: 545 KB, 408x597, tumblr_inline_n1ey9gAOUA1qgwvyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Punk Sailor Moon needs to stop. 90% of it is closet cosplay, and Crybaby Usagi would never act like that.

Speaking of Sailor Moon, Sailor Scout crossovers. Sailor Disney princess, Sailor Tardis, MLP, Adventure Time, etc

>> No.7652171

Well no, it's actually fucking annoying. I go to an anime con for anime, and then bam. Shitty doctor who panels, even shittier booths. Space that should've/could've gone to something anime related. It's so fucking obnoxious.

>> No.7652178

Ooh, Deadpool wow it's not like there's fuckin hundreds of them at everycon. You're probably going to be another lanky guy in a zentai suit, it's not funny anymore. Stop.

>> No.7652181

you're part of the problem congrats

>> No.7652369

Yeah, I'm fine with cosplayers doing whatever, but it makes me disappointed when a Japanese Culture Convention is catering specifically to MLP, Doctor Who, Adventure Time, Homestuck. We used to have a lot of panels about Japanese architecture, and fokelore, and tea ceremonies, and the history of traditional attire. But there seems to be less and less of those panels and more and more "Homestuck Late Night XXX!!!" and "MLP AMV Compilation"

There are more general nerd conventions that are popping up, so that'll be nice, but I miss learning about Japanese culture.

>> No.7652675

I was talking about cosplays, not panels. I agree with you and >>7652369, the panels that have nothing to do with the con need to go elsewhere.
See above. If cosplaying something from a comic book or anime at the opposite convention is a problem then it's yours, not mine. I dress up to have fun.

>> No.7652814
File: 65 KB, 566x470, bookdodknowshisshitaight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learning about Japanese culture.
>Through fucking powerpoint slideshow panels

>> No.7653002

Their practically the same. It's geek media, stop pretending you're any different from each other - it's not like you have a deep appreciation of comic book or animation as a way of storytelling, you just like to fan the characters and that's what cosplay is about. Be harmony!

>> No.7653577

>Go to con
>"Team Con Doc? What's that?"
>A bunch of people who look nothing like the people from the show stroking their egos because they feel they resemble the actors

>> No.7654709

Wait didn't supernatural have an anime? So technically they could fall under anime conventions AND other conventions.

>> No.7654930

Yoko and Miku (with some exceptions)

>> No.7657299
File: 338 KB, 1280x960, 20140703_142444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really get pissed off about peoples cosplays. But what I am pissed about is that they're are hardly any castlevania cosplays or MGS cosplays
I really can't find them anywhere
>mfw good times with master miller

>> No.7657302

Can't believe I'm actually saying This but as a dead pool cosplayer I am tired of seeing deadpool now because its annoying and there's a lot of them that know nothing of his character. The only reason I cosplayed deadpool is because I have been collecting his comics ever since 93 when he first showed up in new mutants 98.

>> No.7657609

>complains about cosplayers not knowing things about deadpool
>gets his first appearance wrong