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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 41 KB, 330x303, taobaoimh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7616353 No.7616353 [Reply] [Original]

FAQ (Please Read!):

Taobao Dictionary:

Store Spreadsheets:

Shopping Services Spreadsheet:

Budgeting Spreadsheet Template:

Pop-up dictionary: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zhongwen-a-chinese-englis/kkmlkkjojmombglmlpbpapmhcaljjkde?hl=en
Good EL-CH dictionary: nciku.com
Translate text from images: newocr.com

If the above links look the same, disable add-ons (like 4chanX), clear cache, clear cookies, and/or try a new Internet browser. This problem happens sometimes. Theres also an anon that will translate stuff if you wanna keep it personal or whatever and don't mind waiting: fortranslatetaobao@gmail.com.

A rough guide on the new forwarding service by anon! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/myoq4zzz5s5pu5t/5GGaij-8os

Old thread >>7604107

>> No.7616450
File: 169 KB, 400x300, ghosts-dribbble.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want that bag.. link?

>> No.7616454
File: 498 KB, 500x243, dontevencare.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw taobao makes you broke

>> No.7616458

Found something you guys might like.
Will probably squish my c cups though.

>> No.7616484
File: 440 KB, 237x185, tumblr_ml83o9Wi5n1r0qpzbo8_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Sorry for capslocking, but this definitely made my day!!! God bless you anon!

I'm soooo looking forward to it. Let's see how transbao would charge LOL

>> No.7616492

Here is the link to that specific store in the picture but you will probably be able to find it cheaper in another store using the item terms.


>> No.7616561

Shiiiiiiiiit, so does that mean I should import a bunch and then add hairclips and fabric and sell them at $20 a pop????????

>> No.7616732
File: 52 KB, 600x600, mermaid-blonde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know where I could find a lavender or baby pink wig similar in style to Lockshop's mermaid style? (Pic related)
I'm also trying to find a dark brown wig that could be styled into himegyaru hair.

>> No.7616830

Try http://gkyouko.taobao.com/

>> No.7616833

Can someone tell me what this means? Google translate is just confusing me.

>> No.7616871

a 2cm discrepancy in the garment's measurements is to be expected

>> No.7616977

okay!! i'll ask them to review it, it'll probably arrive in about late july so expect it around then

>> No.7616981

All the clothes are handmade, it is not rare that there may be 1-2cm error in the measurements, we seek your kind understanding

>> No.7617023

Does anyone have the link to the official Angelic Pretty shop on Taobao?

>> No.7617057

So I go from some of the links on the Taobao stores spread sheat.
Description says "clothing and accesories"
>It's all men underwear

Do you think maybe we need to update it?

>> No.7617134
File: 6 KB, 299x55, i do love my order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, anyone know where I can find a wig with long hair in the front short hair in the back?
capctha is getting wise

>> No.7617154

Why don't you just find a long haired wig, the longest length you need and cut it? if you are worried about the wig base showing through, just buy some similar coloured wefts.

>> No.7617165
File: 611 KB, 609x609, Classical Puppets Steam Victorian Boots Brown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw these boots on CP, and I adore them. Anyone know if CP shoes are quality?
I don't want to drop $130 on a pair thats going to be shit.

Seconding this.
> looking for accessories, link leads to baby food..

>> No.7617174

That with the content of the stores changing is usually when a shops changes its name and someone else starts to use the old one.

>> No.7617652
File: 231 KB, 600x721, blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


think they'll restock? everything over S is a wasteland.

>tfw I've been waiting for the blouse with stripes to go up for what seems like forever
>tfw it's out of stock as soon as I see it up

>> No.7617838

Anons, help me find a fawn fur faux collar?
I've been looking really hard...

>> No.7618029
File: 84 KB, 600x266, tumblr_n77ck5lxRW1s7j565o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a source for this new taobao stained glass release? thinklolita never fucking sources their shit. Google image search got me some plurks that I think called either the print or shop 'Masquerade Cat' or something like that?

>> No.7618030

did you ask them for the source?

>> No.7618063

I managed to find their Weibo, but I can't figure out anything further than that since I can read Chinese. Sorry, anon.
No Taobao shop. The only thing I could find was a link to a Facebook page connected to an Etsy shop with accessories and some nice garments, so I guess that's where they operate out of.

>> No.7618069

>*can't read Chinese
Their Facebook is fb.com/LunaYosu
Their Etsy shop is LunaYosu as well.

>> No.7618070

link to the etsy shop?

>> No.7618072

nevermind, was too quick, thank you!

>> No.7618098

Looks like they're LunaBorgia on Taobao.

>> No.7618114

Weird, they're usually just an accessory shop... I wonder if they'll open a new shop for garments or keep to there.

>> No.7618246
File: 39 KB, 500x474, 1661282_10154032915025398_8444269298386264994_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using Pruany for the first time. Confirmed for worst SS site ever made.

>> No.7618336

on a related note, can someone tell me how to pay for an order over $500? it won't let me add money no matter what I do and I'm so confused

>> No.7618342

I think it's because I'm trying to use VISA. Fuck it, Paypal it is.

>> No.7618358

She's only just designed them, no actual items produced yet. They'll probably pop up on her weibo or shop later. This blogger's a bit infamous, ripping off Alchemy Gothic designs, scalping accessories, and she's really fat and keeps posting shit like "When I walk into a goth club in Europe everyone cheers. I may not be attractive to Chinese men, but I'm a goddess to European men."*

>> No.7618360
File: 143 KB, 636x1600, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some pics.

>> No.7618365

For those of you that bought the sailor moon swimwear from pinksavior, how long did it take to reach your SS?

It's been over the 10 days estimated time the seller stated so I'm starting to get really impatient, especially since I need these items by July.

>> No.7618371
File: 1.41 MB, 547x6808, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some choice quotes from this long strip.

>I don’t like lolitas because it’s not connected to goths. Lolitas are bitchy, once I posted a no-makeup selfie in a daily thread and I got bombed. #even if I’m a beauty in European eyes, it’s not necessarily the same for Chinese#

>My height’s about 160 and 120jin (60kg), it’s not that fat? Sorta like ancient Grecian type ideal figure.

>I pity women who still think they are girls. It’s fine if you’re mid twenties, but the 30 something lolitas are stupid and disgusting to be. Every age should dress appropriately to their own beauty.

>I never copy or steal pictures. Only get copied by others.

>I have no competition, either on etsy or taobao.
>My enemies are all of Alchemy Gothic designers.

>> No.7618399

There are also a lot of links which just redirects to Dongtai high quality shop.

>> No.7618426

not sure what this has to do with taobao, but nice to know even asians are catty dumb bitches, i guess.

>> No.7618431

yeah, shit's old. i don't know who is in charge of those but we could make new ones and start putting them in the threads instead.

>> No.7618488

You are fucking retarded. She said she had no idea where it came from, and she found it on weibo. Calm your tities. She always sources her taobao finds

>> No.7618507
File: 80 KB, 600x401, TB2lfZbXpXXXXbMXpXXXXXXXXXX-153695118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have experience with buying AP taobao replicas? I'm looking for some for everyday/robust wear, There's quite a few chiffon ones around right now - holy lantern, melty cream donut, sweetie violet, cosmic, misty sky, fairy marine, etc. Just wondering if there are any particular shops or makers people would recommend.

>> No.7618510

it would help if she sourced the weibo. sourcing doesn't only mean taobao

>> No.7618646
File: 221 KB, 1101x1214, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything else is sourced though. Sandy anon is sandy.

Different question: where can I find these violin heels shoes in size 25.0 and bigger?

>> No.7618667

半杯牛奶 is pretty shit quality. 瑞青鸟is the closest in terms of cut and trim. I don't own anything though so don't take my word for it. I know only from second hand reviews, comparison photos, and word of mouth on lorp and tieba.

Only 1 store makes those replicas, here. http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.2.9.163.OuSWbw&id=38212212278

Size only goes up to 24.5, you can try your luck or request custom. However their items come out in batches so you may need to make orders of over 10 pairs to get a certain size and they'll charge extra.

Also, here's a pre-order for baby's sleeping beauty socks replica. Actual item only comes in white, no frill on the top, will go higher than in the picture, and due to technicalities with the knit, only fit 38cm and under calves. Closes on June 20th, work time is 1 month.


>> No.7618684


I bought the Fairy Marine Replica recently from here:


I was very surprised at the quality of the replica, I wasn't expecting anything for $30 but I ended up getting a replica I think is better than Oo Jia, no loose threads, AP lace, all the small details like star buttons and stars hanging from the front bow. It was also lined, and ended up being longer than I expected. I own a lot of AP, so I was surprised at how well the replicas were made.

I can probably upload some detail shots a little later today after I get home from work

>> No.7618857

Pruany's website was okay before, now it's complete shit.
like why.

>> No.7619099

Has anyone bought any professiona looking clothes from taobao?
I'm a makeup artist trying to get a job at Sephora/MAC and I need some nice looking black clothes without breaking the bank (so obv taobao) any advice/stores/search terms/reviews?

In return, I got these makeup brushes with the idea of "even if the suck, I can use them for body paint and atleast I'll have a nice looking brush roll," but these brushes are pretty amazing, especially for the price. It's lacking fluffy blending brushes for eyeshadow though, and obviously kabuki stuff. It's a great kit though. Can provide pics upon request.

>> No.7619108

>needing to look professional
>wanting to work at sephora
unless you're a fat girl with a pixie cut and drag queen makeup just work someplace else.

>> No.7619127

Idk what hick town sephora you've been to, but all of the ones around here look professional

>> No.7619130


>> No.7619146

I live in L.A., so kind of different level here.

>> No.7619192

I've been looking for simple, but summer dresses. any stores to recommend?


>> No.7619381

Seconding this, or any salopettes that look similar to the ones AP makes. I want some cute ones with prints similar to the AP ones to wear every day but I don't want ones that are worth a ton in case I spill on them or anything, being every day wear and such.

>> No.7619387

Do you think it looks different enough from the AP one that if you were to wear not as lolita no one would nag at you about it being a replica or anything?

Honest question, how does /cgl/ feel about replicas if you wear them not as lolita and just every day wear, and if they don't really look close to the original?

>> No.7619397

I laughed at this translation of the first photo:
>America is dead! Children participating in the show put on solo like a princess! Clothes, good texture. Because hurry performances, television video, urging the store, made a little bow back, and reissued immediately behind the bow more cents! Attach a few photos of her daughter to wear performances.

>> No.7619408

I'm seconding only for salopettes because I think they're adorable.

>> No.7619416

The terms in the dictionary sadly don't really give much look for finding cute "AP style" salopettes, so any suggestions on better search terms would be nice too. Or any suggestions for shops that sell similar looking ones, not necessarily replicas or anything.

>> No.7619421


I'm a tall lolita so I figured it would fit more like a casual harajuku dress than an actual lolita dress so I really didn't care at the time what it looked like, but the design is far too similar to ever be mistaken for anything else.

I don't know if I care that much about what people think of me in a replica, I've given AP so much freaking money in the past two years they should give me stock options.

>> No.7619427

Do you think it would look alright without a petticoat and as a casual dress?

>> No.7619435

AP's chiffon pieces are usually pretty good at having lining with a small tier of poof, so they already have a slight poof. It will be more A-line without a petti and can work for casualwear (outside of the print). Chiffon pieces are much more forgiving without pettis.

>> No.7619440

Please keep it to a drama thread unless you're posting actual shop/release info.

Yeah ok thinklolita, yeah you always source things... except when you don't. How can you find something but not know where it comes from? Link where you found it from, then.

>> No.7619443

Thanks for your help! Yeah from looking at it I was hoping that was the case. I really love AP's chiffon pieces but I don't think I'd want to wear them as lolita or anything, and if I bought them just to wear every day I would be so afraid of getting them dirty and such.

>> No.7619454

Thanks, googling the chinese store names gave some pictures!

Good to hear! How full was the skirt?

I'm mostly looking to wear the replicas as cute casual dresses to uni or to family events- little cousins love my poofy dresses, but I'm so scared of having food/drink spill on my brand or having charms pulled off and what not, and I feel self-conscious going full lolita at uni. I'll tend to coord them plainly, with minimal accessorising like plain tights and sneakers so that I stand out less, and it doesn't look like I'm trying to be lolita.

Thanks for the input guys, I might give the fairy marine, misty sky and melty cream donut ones a go.

>> No.7619462


It looks great either way, I have lavender so it looks very fairy kei without a petticoat, with a petticoat it is extra full, I think the chiffon gives it extra shape

>> No.7619517

how soon are you going to need these clothes, though? with taobao you can get quantity, sure, but you'll have to wait a while for them to get to you unless you shell out a lot for fast shipping, whereas if you shop around cheap normalfag stores stateside you'll get probably similar quality at similar prices (factoring in the cost of shipping from china).

if you really want to go the taobao route though, search "OL黑___" and replace the underscores with whatever clothing item you're looking for


>> No.7619544

I ship from taobao often though, like once every three weeks. I always ship EMS, so I would just throw my clothes in with that package. It would still be awhile, but I need more variety.
Thank you for the search term!

>> No.7619652

Does anyone have links to some nice, wide belts I can pair with lolita skirt-and-blouse combos?

>> No.7619661

I rather envy your ability to shop so often, anon. or maybe I'm kind of... slightly concerned

try plugging in the search term for suspender skirts and just tack on lolita with it? 背带裙lolita

>> No.7619726

(reseller, is that a bad thing here?)

>> No.7619731

Req'ing short sleeved wine boleros or light blouses? I can't find anything o Aliexpress or Ebay.

>> No.7619735

Anon, where are you based? US?
I want to get into reselling but Canadian shipping is so expensive.

>> No.7619780

Nah, I think a lot of us are either resellers or considering it. Heck I had a plan to buy a ton of wigs for cheap and sell them on Cosplaycom but their marketplace has been dead for ages so it's not worth it.

>> No.7619891

California. I think Canada has harsher customs regulations, it would definitely be worth it to research before you start.
Haha yeah I thought about doing wigs but it's too much of a hassle.

>> No.7619905

saw you in the aliexpress thread, sorry I couldn't find anything for you, anon. and it's not that much better on taobao, really... this is all I found after a while:
http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=19798114912 - mentions something about potential custom order if you ask

and anything more specific than "light blouses"? in terms of collar, design, sleeve length, etc

it may just be the season, since most stores have already begun the transition to summer, and fur collars aren't exactly beachwear. but a few do turn up if you search the terms in the dictionary, so is there something more specific that you're looking for?

>> No.7620038
File: 51 KB, 265x400, T1GynVFk8cXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the ones that show up if I use the dictionary terms are leopard spots instead of fawn-like.
I'm looking for something more like this.

Out of curiosity, what do you sell?

>> No.7620078

tattoo tights, beanies, dresses, sweaters, backpacks/purses, little accessories and some shirts and just general kawaii/normal stuff

>> No.7620084

For those that used tracking and had "null" appear in the English language Chinese tracking site, what did that mean for your package?

I looked through the archive and saw some people post about it but only one anon that answered it.

Just trying to collect answers.

>> No.7620088
File: 102 KB, 485x608, tbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TBS will be on vacation.

>> No.7620092

Looking for short to half sleeves, just something that will breathe well, like chiffon. Collar I'm not picky about as long as it isn't massive. Thank you so much, though. It seems like everything is either bright red, or burgundy, but I need that in-between.

>> No.7620097

I had null on my tracking, my arrived safely in a week. I think I'm the anon that brought it up a month-ish ago.
I think null is just an error, I actually have no idea what it means. My tracking showed null when it was shipped out from China, I think, and before it landed in Canada.

>> No.7620117
File: 23 KB, 654x428, tracking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh okay cool.

I google translated the tracking site in the Chinese language site and it just said it was being opened. I assume inspected but that's all it said.

The English language one said more details.

Pic shows screenshots of both.

>> No.7620123

Try 17track.com?

It gave me more detailed info (pre-translated) than any other site ever has.

>> No.7620139

17track.com goes to 17track.net according to the home page now.
Looks like the package is enroute from PEK to USA according to the site and Google translate. At least that's what I think based off this:
>2014-06-13 03:45, PEK, 交航, 美国, US

Thanks anon for the suggested site!

>> No.7620190

Has anyone used Fedex to ship their order? I'm being told by Transbao that it only takes 4-6 days which is godsend. If it really only takes that long, I'm tempted to wait for the last item of my order to arrive (next week) even though I need all my items by June 30th.

Or do you think that's too risky? :(

>> No.7620202

It only took that long for me (6 days including memorial day weekend), but it's cutting it kind of close.

>> No.7620291

Thanks anon, at least I know the shipping estimate is somewhat reliable. I'll wait a few more days and ship it Friday (China time) in case the item arrives earlier than expected.

>Although it's still technically late since it was supposed to arrive today, but the seller delayed shipping it out argh

>> No.7620325


HMHM has a chiffon wine red bolero, short sleeved.

>> No.7620345

Fedex is indeed fast but it can cost a pretty penny sometimes. Same with UPS (and USPS Express to some degree).

>> No.7620428

I wouldn't have thought that tattoo tights would sell well given that you can find them on Ebay for $5 to $10 everywhere you look but the last convention I went to had an entire stall full of nothing but tattoo tights for $10 to $20 and it seemed like on Saturday everywhere I looked girls were wearing them so I suppose anything is possible. It's already made me add tattoo tights to my list of things to buy to sell at my first dealer's booth at the end of the year.

Anyone else here have experience selling Taobao stuff at conventions? Mostly want some pointers on the technical side of things like do you need a license, do you do taxes, do you worry about getting kicked out for bootlegs, etc.

>> No.7620431

Anyone got any good room decor stores? false flowers too? Looking to redecorate.

>> No.7620475

I have sold Taobao things at several conventions - but answering those questions is really going to depend on where you're selling (both country and the convention).

>> No.7620483

USA here. The one I wanted to try selling at for a first time is just a small one-day convention so I'm not too worried about it there but I'd like to start branching out to other smaller conventions as well. I've read a blog about it and they suggested you have a business license but then I see artists with dealer's booths and I can't imagine that they did that just to sell their plushies and accessories.

I guess if the convention's dealer room agreement doesn't mean needing one then it would be alright to just pay the fees and show up like you would for Artist Alley?

>> No.7620488

* mention needing one
Crap English, I've just woken up so excuse any errors.

>> No.7620567
File: 109 KB, 718x456, ino8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me with this? I ordered a wig and selested the YTO Express as the forwarding service but it hasn't updated any tracking of the shipping since the 6th >__> Iv'e already paid for shipping too

>> No.7620653
File: 910 KB, 500x205, tumblr_ms280cddl01qf2dg2o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I'm that anon who had to wait 3 weeks for TBR to confirm my order. They confirmed it almost immediately after I sent them an email about it and I paid within a few hours. However because I paid via PayPal eCheck it's apparently taking a long time for the eCheck to clear (babby's first time using PayPal, if I knew eChecks were a problem I would have found something else). Thing is, this was two weeks ago. Does it normally take this long?
I'm going to send TBR another email about it but input from experienced anons is appreciated. I don't like being a nagging customer.

>mfw waiting five weeks for first Taobao order and it hasn't even been shipped internationally

>> No.7620658

I've heard that HMHM take fucking forever to ship anything out though? Is that true?

I do have some time constraints, so if they're going to take forever I'd have to find something else.

Though there were a few other things in their shop I also had my eye on...

>dat Cardcaptor coat
>TFW it's june and I'm shopping for coats already

Thanks for letting me know, it's really cute. I might just go for it and hope for the best.

>> No.7620659

So my order reached my country but it's not quite like my other orders. It arrived immediately to Bell Gardens sorting enter, and it's worrying me because this center seems notorious for being a black hole and losing packages entirely or rerouting them somewhere ridiculous. My paranoia aside, my package has not been through US customs? It's been scanned "Processed through Bell Gardens" three times in three different days, and none of the scans seem to indicate being customs, plus I only live a two hour drive away. I don't really get the multiple scans.

>> No.7620661

Just check the transaction on your Paypal account, it should say whether the cheque has cleared or is still processing.

In my experience as a seller, most eCheques take under a week but lately I've had a few take 2 weeks or more...

>> No.7620703
File: 1.81 MB, 200x267, 5OwHL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derp, that makes sense. It actually says "processing until June 10th" which was a week ago but when I look at the detailed description it seems to be saying that the whole thing hasn't been settled yet and is going to take another 6-10 days.

Ughh I just hope no other items sell out in the meantime.

>> No.7620732


They can do unfortunately. I've ordered from them three times, and each time took between one month-two months. If you can't afford a two+ month wait, i'd avoid them.

>> No.7620851

Yoybuy says they sent out my package 3 days ago (on Saturday?), but the tracking number they gave me isn't working on any of the sites, and starts with EV instead of the usual EE, should I worry?

>> No.7620861

Tracking numbers in general can take a while.

>> No.7620930

Which Taobao lolita shops will ship directly to the US? I know Antaina does, but I'm not sure about the others.

>> No.7620936

EV is a valid tracking number, don't worry so much.

>> No.7620988

After I answer messages on Pruany, will they buy the rest of my stuff automatically or do I have to email them or something? I forgot they don't e-mail me about stuff so I took a couple days to respond, hope nothing sells out.

>> No.7620991

Has anyone ordered from Dear Celine or ciciworks lately?
My ss put in an order on the 8th of May and two weeks ago they said it they were waiting on DC + cici and it would be one or two more weeks but I've still heard nothing.

>> No.7621060


>> No.7621072
File: 27 KB, 728x133, Screen Shot 2014-06-17 at 22.39.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck does this even mean, Parcelforce. I was at home all day and they didn't come. You better bring my shit tomorrow...

>> No.7621077

On top of this, I also have a bunch of other parcels which I had asked for redelivery today. They didn't arrive either and haven't updated since 'delivery scheduled' yesterday.
Urgh. Sort it out.

>> No.7621088

Anyone ever order any second-hand lolita from taobao, and did it turn out awesome or disappointing?

>> No.7621126

anyone know any good shops for that whole creepy/cute trend? Im looking for some lavender accessories and so far I've only found that unicorn webshop which has necklaces that are like twice the cost of my clothing order..

>> No.7621134

I ordered May 4th and my DC blouse came around beginning of June to tbr's warehouse.

According to tbr, it would take 35 days to make and that is roughly how long it took.

>> No.7621398

Same story here... I want to track my package dammit!

>> No.7621454

R-Series does.

I heard that they take a long time, a month+
I bought two blouses from HMHM two weeks ago and my SS told me that they said it'll take 25-30 days before they ship it.
Although to my surprise, it arrived at my SS within two weeks. I would definitely play it safe though, I was just lucky.

poor baby

>> No.7621463

for US Cali, yes, yes, and probably not

>> No.7621890


speaking of r-series, do they mark down the declared price if asked? I want to order stuff but those fucking taxes, man.

>> No.7621892

Anyone know where I can find bunny outfits? Like the whole I work in a casino thing.
I tried finding some, but they were more erotic...

>> No.7621916

All this promoting that Yoybuy's doing to win a free tshirt of their logo is making me want a Taobao tshirt of my own but I don't know what to put on it.

>Taobao Rich
>I'm only wealthy in Yuan
>China Brandwhore

>> No.7621929

I want to buy a bunch of cute bowls and saucers and cups but I'm worried about them breaking during shipping. Is it possible to ship them safely? Is any particular shipping method better at this?

>> No.7621930
File: 27 KB, 448x421, 9_6meBMIQh8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm only wealthy in Yuan

>> No.7621931

>I'm only wealthy in Yuan
Made me chuckle.

>> No.7621994

Ask Miro and find out, she's really sweet.

>> No.7622094

So uh, Is it possible to browse taobao too much? Seems like any shop I go to redirects me to a log in page now.

>> No.7622119

I bought some things through taobaotrends, paid for my stuff, and they've been really great in sorting any of my problems. But I'm kind of confused, some problems happened and my order ended up £25 more than it was when I paid for it, yet they're still buying the stuff - or so it seems.

Will I have to pay that £25 when I pay for shipping, or will they send me an invoice soon?

>> No.7622188

Heh, that could be the reason. I was getting that for a bit too, figured it was a glitch but it could be from excessive browsing...

>> No.7622363

Why dont you fucking ask them

>> No.7622458

Thank you anons! Definitely going to use that one.

>> No.7622490

Why don't you not be so fucking snippy?
I came here to ask in case it was a normal occurrence. I didn't want to send them a question in case they got it everyday, when somebody from cgl could tell me and save their time when they could be answering more important questions or dealing with orders.

>> No.7622499

>they get paid to provide you a service
>that payment is in the [usually] 10% ss fees
>b-but i don't wanna ask them even though im paying LOLS
>that 10% ss free is just my free charity!

Get a brain ;)

>> No.7622502

Calm the fuck down, anon was just asking a question (not even directed at you).

You sound autistic as fuck.

>> No.7622504

Even if I am giving them my money, I could still potentially get a quicker answer from here than from them.
Now stop being a little bitch about it. It was a simple question about a taobao shopping service. Last time I checked, I was allowed to answer those in a taobao thread.

>> No.7622505

not answer oops

>> No.7622514
File: 591 KB, 480x270, oh god gross.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get the sand out of your cunt, holy shit.

>> No.7622551
File: 46 KB, 400x400, name_20necklace_400w (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know a place on taobao were you could order something like this?
They are all over spreepicky but there most be a cheaper option out there.

>> No.7622553

most= must. Sorry about that.

>> No.7622728
File: 51 KB, 546x728, TB1E9WwFFXXXXcWXXXX9fLt8XXX_728x728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommendations for gold purses? I found this one but I'm not too fond of the color it has.

>> No.7622746

Sorry, I don't have any suggestions but could I have the link for the one you found please?

>> No.7622889

there was an innocent world one that was white with gold? if you want white and gold i'll try to find it again

can anyone tell me if Pruany will use the money I've recharged for my order that's left over for shipping afterwards? I've heard people complain about SS's not refunding their money from the site or letting them use it towards shipping after.

>> No.7622891
File: 535 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n78yxujj1e1qcvasso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


anyways if anyone else wants to help, this is more of the bag i'm looking for

>> No.7622899


>> No.7623014

What are the pros/cons between using a SS and the forwarding service?

>> No.7623039

Here's what I think though I haven't used a forwarding service so take it with a grain of salt.

Can speak Chinese and English so they'll be able to communicate what you want to sellers from you
Can fix mistakes easily since most take pics of your items or notify you if you get a wrong color, size, etc.
Can decide different payment methods
Reserves are probably easier with a SS
Can pick a SS that will lower the package's total cost so less costs in customs (if your country applies to this)

The extra SS fee

Forwarding service:
No middle man, less fees

May not be able to communicate to sellers what you want
May not fix mistakes easily

>> No.7623061

>>7620988 After I answer messages on Pruany, will they buy the rest of my stuff automatically

That's been my experience.
Answer a question about color or something and they go right on ahead.

>> No.7623167 [DELETED] 

Taobao/forwarding services are not supporting shipping to the US yet, correct?

>> No.7623177

I haven't been keeping updated with the threads recently because I've needed to curb my spending habit, so I didn't realize that the forwarding service had been expanded.
Is it working for the US? It says transit services aren't available to my country yet, so I assumed it was still only available for a few countries like Australia.

>> No.7623207

To my knowledge, the US cannot yet. They will soon.

>> No.7623323

Different anon, but I would like That white with gold link please

>> No.7623596

Very newbie question but: how many items from one store do you advise to purchase so it's worth it buying there?

Aw, mang, I hope you understand what I mean, my English sucks.

>> No.7623601

The recharge money stays there until the whole order is finished, if there is money left from the order, it gets refunded to your PayPal (or whatever you used)

>> No.7623743

search 兔女郎cos

I'm assuming it actually is custom-made, hence the hefty price tags. try with custom necklace for a search term: 项链 定做

>> No.7623789
File: 7 KB, 177x259, 1347042012340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I have encountered the annoying scenario of being redirected to the log in page every time I try to visit a shop. Is there anything I can do or do I just have to play the waiting game?

>> No.7623797

You have to make an account. It's easy though and doesn't require much.

>> No.7623798 [DELETED] 

why so suddenly?? Even this morning I was able to browse no problem

>> No.7623876

Awesome, thanks anon.

>> No.7623883


There you are, ma'am.

>> No.7623977

I go by price rather than amount of items.

This is because I can order 10 hair clips from one store for .50 yuan each. With domestic shipping and all that, it still might not be worth it still.

I ballpark at least 20 yuan per store. There are some exceptions though.

>> No.7624003

Perhaps easy if you live in US, but they give you limited country area codes and if you're not on the list, shit sucks. The only way I can possibly use taobao now is with a proxy and for reasons beyond my comprehension none of the images seem to work.

>> No.7624006
File: 511 KB, 800x790, totallynotshittyorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot collage for my life.
But this is my order so far, nothing special..
Like usual, I'll add 500 more things.

>> No.7624225

Stay mad dumb sensitive tumblr bitches that throw their money and around and have a bitch about how poor they are.

Oh look, no answers for anon, smart idea asking us who don't even work there and have no obligation to answer! heheh

>implying cgl is fast at the time you posted it

Can't wait for you to try and validate your pathetic life to me~~ :3

>> No.7624228

You and anyone can still ask everything thats in the FAQ. Doesn't mean they're not a dumb cunt for asking. Like you :3c

>> No.7624242

Haven't used TBT myself, when I used TBR they invoiced me at the same time as when they did shipping, but Yoybuy invoices me straight away for any extra charges.

You will eventually get charged for it that's what you were wondering, but they're not going to abandon your order because the onus is on them to send you an invoice?

If you're really worried you can just ask them, and legit like the first anon said you're paying for the service, it's not like you're not being a needy control freak with just one email

But holy shit what is it with taobao threads and having at least one "u mad/sandy cunt" comment chain????? We're all here for the same reason (buying cheap China shit), can't we all just get along? It's hard enough having to use a Chinese website without us being catty bitches to each other as well

Stay fabulous ladies and relax a little

>> No.7624245

How about sjw and the person just shut the fuck up and ignore when someones being sandy?

Oh wait, no self control. Or maybe people are just so desperate to fit in an use le sandy cunt xD

>> No.7624325


>> No.7624328

What does this post even mean?

>> No.7624354

> cute shop
> cheap

How the hell am I supposed to even get VIP is everything is VIP?

>> No.7624430

Just buy lots from the shop at the same time? Or ask your SS, some of them have VIP with some stores

>> No.7624594
File: 1.40 MB, 1214x718, transbao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just shipped my first transbao order. Still annoyed that my final item won't be arriving until next week, but I had to ship my items now because I need my cosplay before the con.

I guess that just means I'm going to have to order more shit on taobao to offset the shipping cost for my final item!

>As if I wasn't already planning my next order.

>> No.7624595

Where are those constellation tights from, anon? I can't make out the watermark.

>> No.7624597

They're from mu-fish:

>> No.7624666

I've been trying to add items to my taobao trends cart but the system won't recognize the link and give me a blank instead. Is that an a bug on the cart or can I do something to fix it?

>> No.7624680
File: 20 KB, 439x278, 1396142166301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm way too nervous to order from Taobao itself for no reason
...is buychina a good alternative? I keep hearing mixed replies about it so I'm confused. Is it milanoo tier or something? If yes,is there any alternative?

>> No.7624681

Just suck it up and order from taobao. Why are you nervous anyway?

>> No.7624683

If moonrunes freak you out just ebay or Aliexpress
Do not buychina

>> No.7624685

>>mfw I'm way too nervous to order from Taobao itself for no reason
Why are you nervous? Avoid buychina and just use eBay or taobao.

>> No.7624687

Because I'm always nervous about ordering from somewhere I never ordered from before eh, and also anxious in general. Being an eurofag i'm so fucking anxious about having a shitton of shipping fees/custom taxes sicne I heard stories about how some girl ended up paying like 80$ of shipping for a bag. I'm going to put on my big girl's panties an order from taobao I think but I'm still curious about buychina tho?

>> No.7624693

I need to sleep more damn.

>> No.7624698

It's so silly but I can't decide on the SS there's so many

Bonjour from Belgium fellow eurofag

>> No.7624708

It's a bug. It happens to me too sometimes.
Try to remove all the extra crap in the url. The only important part is the id.

For example from this post: >>7624597
The only important part is: id=38894453608
So the url should be:

Read the SS spreadsheet about buychina. I put the reasons why, in general, /cgl/ does not like buychina. Try to find a SS that will mark down your package so you don't have to pay a shitton of shipping fees/custom taxes.

>> No.7624714
File: 162 KB, 533x400, 1356963590857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about, when someone asks a question either 1) answer it or 2) ignore it. This is basic shit, how the fuck do you function in society without knowing this? Do you snap at every single person who dares to ask a question?

No one is forcing you to answer it, therefore there is literally no reason to be a cunt aside from actual autism.

>> No.7624742

It means someone is having a bad trip, anon.

>> No.7624807
File: 177 KB, 1197x480, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babby's first tiny order.

I'm looking forward to it though. I've wanted that scarfhat since last year and I want to try being cute for the summer. If this order works out I'll buy more.

>> No.7624818
File: 135 KB, 844x572, 1VWj52z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my order in perfect time to swim today! Super happy with my order

>> No.7624825

Ooooh link to the green bag?

>> No.7624846
File: 208 KB, 750x516, T2rwJYXxNXXXXXXXXX-95911255.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ooooh link to the green bag?


It comes in 2 sizes.

>> No.7624849

This was the best response I've seen to anything in a long time.

You've won all of my respect, anon. I wish I could interact with people who have your level of logic more often.

>> No.7624859

How is the quality on the dress on the very right? Link please.

>> No.7624867

Link to the scarf hat thing.
It's summer but I don't give a heck.

>> No.7624889
File: 143 KB, 500x750, T29GquXJ4aXXXXXXXX_!!1992209763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good! The fabric isn't as sturdy as I thought it was going to be but it's still very very nice. The collar area is sturdy. It's lined as well.


>> No.7624921

I have the small version in red. It's fairly cute.

>> No.7624932
File: 160 KB, 541x827, T23T0qXbBOXXXXXXXX_!!279052827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Link to the scarf hat thing.
>It's summer but I don't give a heck.

It's summer here too and I was like... getting it anyways. This may be my only order ever and I think it's cute as hell.


>> No.7624934

link to wristcuffs,please? i can't make out the url

>> No.7625022


>> No.7625052


You think custom taxes and expensive shipping won't happen with Buychina too? I don't get you anon. You're anxious about buying from Toabao, so your alternative is to buy from a site with a dodgy reputation. Brilliant logic anon, just marvellous.

>> No.7625097

That's very helpful! Thank you. I thought no one would answer.

>> No.7625156

You realize that VIP doesn't mean only VIP's can buy it, it means there's a price that VIP's can get and you pay the crossed out price beneath that...?

If it was VIP only you wouldn't even be able to see the items, pretty sure.

>> No.7625324
File: 66 KB, 424x594, tumblr_n61yysosWv1qivj1oo7_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a replica of the Spinns x Sailor Moon chokers available? My searches come up blank, except for a seller scalping the originals as usual.

>> No.7625327

I don't know but that don't look very nice in the first place... I don't get what they are going for, it is too innaccurate for cosplay, but too costumish for everyday wear..?

>> No.7625337

I see that too, but I want them mostly for collection/fun. They're really cute despite not being really wearable.

>> No.7625341

Ah, I understand, I do like the bag they came out with. I got out of sailor moon collecting too early...

>> No.7625358

Sorry if this has been asked in a previous thread, but does anyone have the Chinese text for Yowamushi Pedal?

>> No.7625376

baka updates usually has chinese names if you look in the associated names section

>> No.7625403

Thanks for the tip! Found it without problems when I tried that.

>> No.7625439
File: 543 KB, 969x430, Screenshot 2014-06-19 at 9.34.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found this shop by accident through a follower ask and thought I'd share.


>> No.7625470

hi, taobao-finds-san

>> No.7625536
File: 2.98 MB, 432x224, 1388124118999.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get a -san now? This must be what Yan feels like.

>> No.7625665

just wanted to say hi. keep up the good work!

>> No.7625703


I found some tall/plus sized fake thigh highs and there were 100+ black ones in stock last time I checked a day or two ago, and now they're just... gone. My heart is broooooken.

They come in other colors though, so if anyone is interested.


>> No.7625757

How tall we speakin'?

>> No.7625758

Scratch what I said, but isn't this the plus size hosiery store?

>> No.7625766

I ordered a hat off of there a few days ago, it's rather nice

>> No.7625775

It is yeah

>> No.7625777

Which hat anon? Have pics?

>> No.7625790
File: 40 KB, 640x480, NimoCam_20140618_110635_312 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7625860

That looks like a child's craft project

>> No.7626083

I did answer it. Go learn to read you retarded SJW cunt.

>> No.7626084

It means when someones being a pissy bitch, you just ignore them instead of giving them more to reply to. You bitches can't into logic and are part of the problem, but of course you're sitting on your cute little high horse thinking you're any better than the sandy bitch.

>> No.7626097

Or I don't know, this is 4chan where you're hidden and don't have to pretend to be nice. Shocking revelation for you, I know.

>> No.7626211

anyone got any faggy tumblr / 90s style stores like xindy?

>> No.7626242

Sauce on that lavender dress?

>> No.7626363


>> No.7626378

Did Dearli anon ever review the items they got?

>> No.7626435

Are there no recommended plain boater hats?
I've been trying to find a nice, but cheap, one for a year.

>> No.7626542

I own these. The stretch it really nice (compared to their old design) but I'm chubby AND tall (not really but 5'7 is tall for asia) so the mix makes the tights not go as high as they should. They end up rolling down and then the crotch starts to creep down. I also only wore them twice and they already have a hole. If you're in that inbetween asia sizing and plus size, it would work better for you. or chubby and short

>> No.7626583

in another thread a long time ago someone said they wore underwear over their panty hose to prevent it from slipping down. shit works!

>> No.7626651
File: 436 KB, 300x200, tumblr_lyqm10Sv2b1qcevha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck that is a good idea. I hate trying to pull my tights up in public. thanks anon!

>> No.7626669

Would you happen to know how often they restock? My SS missed out on both the original listing and a secondhand one in my size.

>> No.7626777

Who impatiently checks their tracking and continually window shows taobao while waiting for a package?

I certainly am. SAL shipping is pretty fast to CA, USA but I still check obsessively.

Maybe here: http://captale.taobao.com/

>> No.7626867
File: 387 KB, 463x385, what you need in life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came across this while browsing.

>> No.7626883

.. Hmm...
I'm not sure how to feel

>> No.7626902

>That filename.

Okay, on topic. Last time I used pruany, it suited my needs as a SS but they bitched me out when I tried to order something custom size, saying something along the lines of "just order from the size chart." Probably because the rest of my order didn't have custom items in it and it would have taken forever or something. But anyway, is there an SS that's better about waiting on custom orders?

>> No.7627011
File: 605 KB, 954x436, cutebrasahoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally opening my online shop in the next month or two and I thought I'd try selling cute bras and bra/panty sets.

Would you all mind helping me out by giving me a size range to go for? I was going to try for mostly C - D (American) sizes but I'd like to see if I should go higher or lower than that.

Here's a cute bra store in exchange: http://shop100208166.taobao.com/

>> No.7627016


>> No.7627032

Oh damn, I'm having a custom size with Pruany, maybe I should switch... I would use TaobaoSpree or those with good english.

>> No.7627034

Thank you for the input! I'll stock up on some B sizes as well.

>> No.7627041

Make sure you have a lot of band variety. More likely that someone will find their size or their sister size that way, and make sure to include the fringe sizes. Not many people wear a 28 but enough do that they look online because stores dont cater to them.

>> No.7627069

I'm going to start out with a lot more common sizes in stock at shops I buy from and once things start taking off - hopefully - then I'll be getting a lot more sizes to try and fit everyone.

>> No.7627070

TBS is pretty decent for custom sizing. They held onto my ready made items for 2 months while waiting for the custom one to arrive. They even measured the custom item to make sure the sizing is correct (which it wasn't, so they had to send it back to the seller to be fixed)

>> No.7627144

Does anyone have any link for that three bows shoes? They come in larger sizes, are made of some suede or something. After 40 minutes of endless taobao searching I gave up.

>> No.7627232


>> No.7627275


>> No.7627315


>> No.7627325

If I buy some of these will they just send me random colors or could I ask the shopping service to request the colors I want?


>> No.7627348
File: 74 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n7bkkzJMQI1sroj9ko5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chance of these being somewhere on Taobao?

>> No.7627351

They're already a black milk knock off. http://livingdead.com.au/collections/dresses

>> No.7627392

I know the image is from Living Dead, but the dress is originally from Black Milk? Or do you mean the style is just a knock off of Black Milk?

I see Black Milk stuff on Taobao all the time, but I've never seen anything from Living Dead. Guess this means they won't be on Taobao. What a bummer.

>> No.7627402

Thanks. I figured since it said it in the spreadsheet, but I wanted to double check.
If you're looking for taobao stores, try loris. They do bags in custom colors if you ask and I really like the bag I got from them.

>> No.7627439

Taobao Trends is a little smaller, but they're really nice and really helpful in contacting sellers for you and ordering things custom sized, from my experience.

>> No.7627442

Oh, I'll look into this one too. Thanks!

>> No.7627491

Do they have anime wall scrolls? I can't really find any

>> No.7627683
File: 73 KB, 700x595, T2C1h.Xw0aXXXXXXXX-32312230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


$157 USD
Jesus christ, fuck me over a barrel. How do you lolitas do it?

>> No.7627699

I have like 10 items that will take a week to a month to make. How long does Pruany usually hold on to things? I was gonna ship stuff separately anyway, but it would be good to know.

>> No.7627701

You spend at least $500 on a dress and then that seems cheap.


>> No.7627702

In the F.A.Q they said 180 days.

I hope I'm not the only one who searches other people's wishlist and purchase list?

>> No.7627706

Can any anon help me with this? What does the first box say? Google translate gives me some gibberish about contacting the seller before ordering. Is that what I should do or can I just choose the design I want?

>> No.7627718


>> No.7627731

Thank you very much! I couldn't find it in the dictionary

>> No.7627818

I do. On these threads and tumble/WordPress/etc

>> No.7627827

Tell your SS to ask the seller whether or not you can request specific color.

>> No.7627840

Jesus, that's a long time. My Japanese SS holds onto things for like 30 days tops and then they start charging you up the ass.

>> No.7627842

Are you using an SS? They'll do it for you.

>> No.7627894
File: 43 KB, 750x750, T29cMDXTlXXXXXXXXX-267965620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless you, Anon.

in exchange, I found these cuties

>> No.7627972

I'm doing my first taobao order now and trying to weed out items is the worst experience.

>> No.7628045

Not that anon, but really? That's really awesome to hear because sometimes I'm browsing a store and literally everything I want is VIP.

>> No.7628060
File: 207 KB, 500x743, TB2LKSZXVXXXXaZXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!10274962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I want to buy this dress from Dear Celine: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-6184731731.10.EVh95A&id=39639044700

But since I don't know Chinese, can someone tell me what the measurements for the sizing is?

So do they do custom sizing or is the replica the same size as the original?

>> No.7628067

Read the goddamn FAQ.

You can use Chrome to automatically translate pages, or just paste text into Google Translate. You think everyone here reads Chinese...?

Here you go anyway:
L Bust: about 90 ~ 96CM, Length: about 90CM, L ~ XL [general usually can choose the size]

S Bust: about 84 ~ 88CM, Length: 85CM around, [S ~ M general usually can choose the size]

>> No.7628230

I meant on Taobao itself.
You can click a person's account and see what they purchased...
I normally would go around wig/cosplay listing because they have the same fashion sense as I do

>> No.7628246

Anyone know any shops with elegant/classic style gloves?

>> No.7628260

>the 30 something lolitas are stupid and disgusting to be
mfw I'll be 30 by the time I get out of school and earn a lucrative-enough salary to afford lolita.

>> No.7628264

I say attempt to go into Fs and Hs.

Most bras for that size are grandma bras. We don't usually get cute ones.

>> No.7628282

How many of you are resellers? Since I've been attending cons more and more lately I've been seeing a few here and there and I'd really love to do that too. More because I want to have a cute booth with cute clothes, styles that i think are cute. How did you get into it? Just invested your own money? Is this even business-worthy to get a loan?

>> No.7628294

Have you managed to find decent stores that way? I might try that sometime.

>> No.7628337
File: 2.15 MB, 1166x814, shoplist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying some stuff to resell that isn't already stocked by a million stores on Storenvy. Still adding stuff to the order but I'm trying not to blow my budget before shipping even factors in.

>> No.7628345
File: 1.13 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok here I am finally posting a picture of that bolero someone requested me to do a million threads ago. Hopefully you see this. It is really nice but again like a broken record I'm upset it's not a knit. I got it in a custom size and it fits perfect.

>> No.7628491
File: 32 KB, 385x579, dear_celine_invented_wings_knight_shorts_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my dear celine Invented Wings Knight set in today. Would anyone like reviews? I know people were interested a couple months ago, so I thought I'd ask.

>> No.7628497

Please please yes

>> No.7628498

oh fugg, yeh
With pictures please.
Thank you.

>> No.7628509

it'd be nice to see detail shots of fabric and especially stitching, please

>> No.7628522

Just noticed my vita (the only thing that I can take pics with) is in my GF's car at work. I'll try to get a short picture review up tomorrow. All summed up though: hhng, so beautiful IRL.

>> No.7628530

Awesome! How much (est.) did it end up costing you, with SS and shipping added separately?

>> No.7628572

Isn't the 157 for the OP with the detachable sleeves AND the little shawl though...?

>> No.7628585

Yes thank you. Is it like a stiff cotton like you'd have for a light jacket? Or is it a bit stretchy like a t shirt?

>> No.7628615

Not sure if I need to say this but wear underwear inside the tights, as well. A lot of Anons were giving shit about that.

I personally use sock glue to keep annoying tights up.

>> No.7628624

There are people who don't wear panties under their tights? That's fucking disgusting

>> No.7628665

layering on panties isnt hard. bloomers also help but if you're not in lolita and extra pair of panties are a quick solution to the whole slipping down thing

>> No.7628688

Oh fuck me that's cute, I want ten
> Goes up to bust 96CM
I need it just a few CM bigger...
Does "[Size selection to build! ! ! 】" mean they expect to get more sizes in..?

>> No.7628767
File: 115 KB, 920x597, 6b50e7c679084814b08ccda0de519bab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I died.

>> No.7628810

I'm almost positive that DC does custom sizes. I think you just have to ask
I thought it was common knowledge to wear panties under your tights omg ew. I've never liked sock glue tbh

>> No.7628830

>that print size disparity
>the unseeable moons

>> No.7628835

lmao nailed it

>> No.7628838
File: 239 KB, 600x800, TB2i81TXVXXXXb2XXXXXXXXXXXX-62896903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy Lantern Replica?

>> No.7628840

Yeah, I know. I think it's an old people thing (my 96 year-old nana does it) that just gets passed to the kids as being normal, but it's fucking gross.

>> No.7628842

those pictures are stolen from usagiyouhinten

>> No.7628843

oh no, reverse image search shows picture stolen from usagiyouhinten

>> No.7628867

So I checked the stickied dictionary, but I didn't see a word for jersey knit fabric? Can anyone help me out?

>> No.7628891

弹力针织 gives a lot of stretch fabric, for thicker maybe add words like 'winter'

>> No.7628960

hi anons, I've started a rehaul of the outdated shop lists! it's still really rough and mostly empty since I'm only going through my links right now (will go through the existing spreadsheets and copy over the still-functional shops eventually), but if you'd like to see what I have so far and make suggestions for categories and whatnot:


if you'd like to help or dump your own links, please email me so I can add you to the editors list, or just leave links in a post here.

I'm very aware that "lolita" doesn't have its own tab, and I'm not sure if I should try to add that in to this one as well. some of the existing spreadsheets have pretty exhaustive lists of lolita stores, so would it be worth it to re-add them to this one?

>> No.7628980

I dunno, but there needs to be a stationary and home decor listing for stores

>> No.7628985

it's on there, it's just wayyy off to the side because the tabs don't scroll that well. haven't added my links in yet either

>> No.7628989

I'm torn between the white and blue, halp me seagulls

>> No.7629013

White will get dirtier easier.

>> No.7629022

A much appreciated list, anon. Keep on the good work!

>> No.7629049

I've never been so glad that my SS didn't let me buy something that I really wanted.

>> No.7629051

I think the loli idea isn't needed. Good job though anon!

I'll email you after this weekend for other links I have..

>> No.7629057

Interested in this as well!

>> No.7629065

God it's so cute. It would look tent-ish if you're not flat though, right?

>> No.7629085

Wtf are those spikes coming out of the left armpit

>> No.7629104

>Just invested your own money? Is this even business-worthy to get a loan?

it depends on your savings. I invested around $2000 the first time (taking into account one-off expenses like material to set up a booth) and ended up with around $2000 after selling all my stock.

If your stuff is either 1) popular enough or 2) of enough quality, people will buy it even if it's a little more expensive.

>> No.7629107

Very close to 160 bucks, but I only got the shorts and the vest.

>> No.7629156

Could you link the bunny bag? I've seen it on ebay a million times but for that price in $ not yuan.

>> No.7629303

new thread:

>> No.7630189

...I kinda like it better darker and without the moons.

shoop, looks like

>> No.7631157

Found this cute romper. Anyone got any good methods of sourcing Sheinside items?

>> No.7632453


Link to the sailor fuku pretty please

>> No.7632694

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