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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7629539 No.7629539 [Reply] [Original]

time to feel

>> No.7629546

old thread

>> No.7629549
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>oh anon you obviously don't want to lose that weight enough because you're not going on 10 mile runs on your arthritic legs those pills obviously won't work you can to only eat salad any fat at all is going to make you fatter

bitch i have lost over five kilograms and i'm still eating good shit like cream and pastry. you don't know shit about nutrition outside of that new diet cosmo has bullshited up. and if i "don't want it enough" then fuck, tell me what shows I want it more than shitting pure fat that smells like rot and death. what could i possibly do, that shows i want to lose weight more than that.

oh well, either way i'm losing weight and keeping it off, and she's still yoyoing between 90-100 kgs. I am gonna look fucking rockin' in my cosplay.

>> No.7629591
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>I have a body disorder and I see my face really ugly as well
>aw yes feeling good today
>aw yes time to put some cute clothes on
>rarely feeling pretty so it's really something to me
>going outside with a little confident smile for once
>bursting into tears
>come home,take off everything
>cry curled up in a ball
>i hate myself.jpg

I'm sorry for the awful english...not my mother language,I had to get it out of my chest

>> No.7629594

body disorder anon from >>7629591
I'm sure you'll be able to lose weight,it'll take some time but I'm sure you can do it and that you'll look great in your cosplay (what cosplay do you plan to do anyway) don't listen to basic bitches

>> No.7629597
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oh gosh anon, i'm sure you're adorable. those people are complete dumbasses trying to project their own insecurities onto you. if I can lose this weight, I'm sure you can overcome those petty little comments.

>> No.7629606
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A-Anon senpai
(pic related kinda look like me right now bwah)

>> No.7629622

By cute clothes do you mean lolita crap?

I'm sorry but most people think lolita looks freak as fuck. Try wearing normal clothes.

>> No.7629632

>measured myself
>perfect size for a lot of lolita

>ugly face

>> No.7629638

i doubt all you claiming to be ugly are actually ugly

>> No.7629641

How do I stop worrying what people will think?
When I was younger I was a wee sperg from a small town, and everyone commented on everyone there. Literally, whatever you did you'd be the talk of the town and not in a good way, like even if you saved a million African orphans or whatever people would talk about it with a really snide and cynical tone. I was also bullied a lot.

Fast forward some years later, I live in constant fear. I don't even give a shit if there's people who don't like me, fwiw, I am just terrified of people judging too soon or spreading gossip and ruining my good name. Actually, come to think of it, I don't even know why I'm so scared, I just am.

How do I overcome this fear?

>> No.7629644

Maybe you were wearing that "dolly" makeup or circle lenses?
Try toning down your makeup, see if that helps. I used to get that a lot before I realized my makeup was kinda over the top for everyday wear.

>> No.7629718

probably your make-up...do you have a picture? also what were you wearing?

>> No.7629741

See if you'll be accepted to beautifulpeople.com, then you'll know if you're at least average.

>> No.7629745

>tfw no average lolita who thinks she's ugly to call waifu


>> No.7629823

>>oh anon you obviously don't want to lose that weight enough because you're not going on 10 mile runs on your arthritic legs those pills obviously won't work you can to only eat salad any fat at all is going to make you fatter

Wow.. I'm not fat so I'm not sure how you feel exactly, but I have horrible pains in my knees and hips from moving, I really feel envious of people who're able to go running for miles and miles and come back with just a slight muscle ache

Don't think that, I doubt you're ugly at all!

if you now live in a big city, try travelling in public transport just for fun. Look at people's faces, look at their eyes, where they're pointing to, look at their body language. I did this when I was feeling quite down, and noticed that nobody in public transport gives a single fuck about anything that happens in their surroundings. I think most people "shut down" when they have a single purpose in life (which is getting somewhere in transit). their eyes are dead, their body language is non-existing and they're staring into dead space

>> No.7629826
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>Should have two checks from university job at home
>Starting Nanny job that pays well
>Can finally do a Taobao haul

I am much excite.

>> No.7629832

>Fast forward some years later, I live in constant fear. I don't even give a shit if there's people who don't like me, fwiw, I am just terrified of people judging too soon or spreading gossip and ruining my good name. Actually, come to think of it, I don't even know why I'm so scared, I just am.
>How do I overcome this fear?

Sorry for your bad childhood experience, Anon.
But if you live in a big city, I can only agree with >>7629823. Random people sually don't give one single fuck about you. They won't even notice you; even if they do, they might just think "Hey, this person is dressed weirdly! Oh, I wonder what's for dinner", and you're out of their mind forever. Do what the other Anon suggested. Public transportation, or even sittinng in a cafe and see how other people wil react. Spoiler: Nothing bad is going to happen, I promise!
Even people who grew up in big cities fear being judged, it's just human, You just need to try not to let your life get ruled by this fear. From my experience, it's a constant battle; you'll have bad days, but good days too. If the fear is so strong, you also might want to speak to someone professional t help you deal with this.

Anyway, good luck Anon!

>> No.7629841
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>Joined a sugar daddy website out of curiosity
>Actually getting responses

>> No.7629843

As weird as it sounds, those people are not going to give two shits about you if something bad happens to you. Stop caring so much what randoms say about you because you'll end up caring more than they will. Rando's will say mean shit, but a few hours later they won't even remember.

I used to care so much then took psych & advertising classes where I learned everyone is too busy thinking about themselves to care about strangers. Sometimes I still catch myself thinking that way, but I have to tell myself they don't care about me in any way.

>> No.7629845

You should be more concerned when you start earning money. Lots of people on there are casuals who just want to lead girl on with the idea of money.

>> No.7629852

Not lolita,juste cute clothes like some Bobon21 stuff also I rather die than be a boring normalfag. When I see those wannabe thug or normalfag bitches or sluts or even boring normal clones I just remember how much Iove J fash'

I was wearing cute normal makeup none of that freaky "living doru" bullshit

>> No.7629856

Yeah I know, it's just a weird feeling. The fact I have a bf is also a bit of a killing point for them, it seems.
My bf also joined the site, he's had more offers from gay men than women.

>> No.7629863

>crys when called ugly
>calls others bitches and sluts

you deserve your ugly mug with your ugly attitude

>> No.7629864

This. Most people really don't give a fuck. They really don't. Kitty Genovese is all I have to say.

>> No.7629865

I'm talking about the REAL bitches and sluts.
The one dressing super slutty where you can (nearly) see their bum and their hoo-haa bragging about having sex and all

>> No.7629866

I agree. Just think about how much you don't give a fuck about the strangers around you and you'll realize they give the same amount of fucks about you too.

>> No.7629868

Also not all the normalfags are bitches/sluts/clones
but I encountered so much of them I'm kinda bitter about it eh

>> No.7629870

(Aw yiss Hetalia gif)
I'm so happy for you anon,will you post it? I'm curious

>> No.7629882
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>tfw fat

>> No.7629884

Thank you! And I more than likely will because I admit, it'll be babby's first big Taobao haul.

>> No.7629893


underage b&

>> No.7629894
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>> No.7629904
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>one of my closest friends and I had a fight
>she's been annoyed of me for a longer time
>we chat on fb, she doesn't seem to beinterested though
>I can feel our friendship is about to end

I cannot even blame her, I was a shitty friend sometimes. I have bad habits like not checking my cell phone for three days or not replying to fb messages because I am too lazy and then forget about it and other small things she always disliked because she thought she would not be important to me, and now we had a huge fight because of nothing.
She moved to another city, found new friends, and moved on, I guess. But she was a very dear friend to me since 6th grade, and I don't want to lose her. All I want to do is write something like "Please let me be your friend again I promise to be a good friend, please I don't think you understand how important you are to me even though I am a shitty person! ;_;". But all I do is stare at the blank screen, because dep inside I feel it wouldn't change anything. Something broke. I want to curl up and cry.

>> No.7629910

As one shitty person to another, maybe give it a bit of time. Try not talking to her for a week or something, try apologizing. Try explaining to her how much she means to you. Tell her that you suck at keeping in touch but you're going to try, and then actually try. If she cares about you and you care about her, then don't stop trying.

I was a horrible person to some people I really cared about-- pretty much the first friends I made after getting sober, and I mean-- I did some terrible shit. Or really, I didn't do the thing that was the straw that broke the camel's back, but I took the blame for it to protect the person who did. It took a year for them to start talking to me again, but we're now stitching things back together. I wish that I could have told them how much they meant to me and I went a year with having no friends at all-- I mean, I was actually hermitting outside of school and work. Don't be me, anon. I believe in you!

>> No.7629920

Can you really change? If so, wait a week like another anon suggested and apologize.

>> No.7629922

>As one shitty person to another, maybe give it a bit of time. Try not talking to her for a week or something, try apologizing. Try explaining to her how much she means to you. Tell her that you suck at keeping in touch but you're going to try, and then actually try.

I did this, but we had this conversation a few times now - it always annoyed her a bit, but since she moved away, we fought two times because of the same reasons. I just don't know if she wants me as a friend anymore.
I forgave her when she was a huge bitch to me, because I knew I made mistakes in the past and I'm not a flawless friend, but she does not seem to do the same. Even though I did not really do anything. (We attended a huge con together, and lost each other - she was mad we did not meet even though cell phones did not work anymore, and there were thousands of people. She was with other friends, so I did not leave her alone. I really tried to find her, but she thought I did this on purpose, and that I did not care about her).

>I wish that I could have told them how much they meant to me and I went a year with having no friends at all-- I mean, I was actually hermitting outside of school and work. Don't be me, anon. I believe in you!

Thank you very much, Anon ;_;
Problem is, I have a hard time making friends, and barely go out these days, and now that one of my closest friends is breaking off with me I am even more afraid to open up to new people because I feel like a failure, and that even my friends don't like me. And we are stuck in meaningless conversations, so it'd be odd to burst out in such serious manner; at least that's what I feel. if she even wants me to have such strong feelings for our riendship anymore.

>> No.7629925


Fellow shitty person, and I agree with the above. Even though people mostly say this about people who are dating, even in friendships communication is really important.

Maybe you should tell her what you posted here, so she knows that you're taking this seriously

>> No.7629929

In the immortal words of Missy Elliot:
"Ain't no shame, ladies do your thing. Just make sure you ahead of the game"

>> No.7629937

>most people think lolita looks freak as fuck
I feel like anons that get flack for wearing lolita in public are one of the following:
> ill suited to the style they've chosen
> coordinated poorly
> too OTT for daily use
> not wearing clothes that flatter their figure

If you make an effort to address each of the above possible issues, you'll only get positive comments, if any. Whatever people might think, if you look put together, even if a little odd, they're not going to say anything.

>> No.7629942

Holy shit
I want to sign up and get my bf to too

It'd be a contest yes

>> No.7629949

>Mfw live in small town known for unemployment and benefits
>Mostly filled with elderly and intimidating young people
>Go out wearing cute clothes and feeling like a princess
>Little girl comes up to me bewildered
>Parent grabs her hand looks at me viciously and tells her to stay away from weirdos
>When shopping, tons of stares and criticism from behind my back from normals. ;-;

>> No.7629954

I think if people still wear it right and are in sweet or gothic, people will still get weirded out since it's still quite different

Normalfag dudebros around here would say something negative to even the most god-tier coorded classic lolita, so I guess it's who you're around too

>> No.7629957

He's jealous that I've had more responses, but one of the guys who messaged him is supposedly some sort of music producer who travels a lot, so idk who would be better off, haha.

>> No.7629962

well you really shouldn't be taking pills if they aren't from your doctor anon. Diet pills mostly do shit all or can fuck your body up.

>> No.7629967
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>be shut in who spends all money on vidya/anime merch
>really want to start a new j-fash wardrobe
>the pain of dropping money on clothes when i could be buying a new console/knowing i'm dropping 200+ just on preorders alone this month
Honestly I'm tired of looking like a slob but I hate buying clothes so damn hard. I don't know if I should bother or just keep buying vidya because it makes me happy, but looking like a slob doesn't make me happy. What do.

>> No.7629971

they are from my doctor anon, don't worry. they're xenical/orlistat, so the worst thing that can happen is that i'll risk a fart and lose.

>> No.7629976

>Hanging out with cutie 'e-famous' internet blogger
>Go to buy icepops together
>Man serving us tells her she looks like a doll and is super nice to her
>Man turns to me and is frowning
>Both of us wearing pastel clothing + wigs
>Her face is prettier
Hanging round with super pretty kawaii uguu girls sure is confidence breaking...
Invest in some cute clothes, anon. Make yourself feel cute and pretty whilst playing vidya.

>> No.7629995


Try cheapr places like taobao. I have been in your postion too, so let me say - f you like dressing in cute clothes, I promise once you wear them, you'll never go back, and won't have that much trouble investing money in clothes.

>> No.7630000
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count me in too

>> No.7630004
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This might be more of a horror story of craziness than a feels story but I still feel the feels of this event to this day...

>get my few first brand pieces
>not really equipped to properly coord it in lolita style
>decide to just throw some cute accessories on and wear them as is, not really trying to do anything special just really excited about wearing it for the first time with my friends out in public at a con
>acquaintance i am not fond of, happens to be very in to lolita fashion, sees me
>"omg why aren't you wearing a fuller petti? you don't look lolita at all! but those accessories are so cute... can i wear them if i give you some pieces to make that a full coord?"
>"um.. no thanks... i just wanted to wear it.. i'm not really going for lolita.."
>"well, yeah, but it's just fine as it is... i worked really hard to pick out all these accessories, so i don't really--"
>hand her my jacket hesitantly
>"can i wear your headband?"
>"s-sure, for a few pictures... i want it back it since it goes with my outfit.."
>she leaves immediately with the jacket and headband on, saying she wants to go get me some pieces for a full coord, i try to tell her no but she bolts
>gone for a nearly an hour and i am almost in tears, text my boyfriend about the situation
>boyfriend blows it out of proportion (imo) and starts texting everyone in the area that girl has stolen my brand name items

>> No.7630010
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>girl shows up maybe 2 minutes after the mass texts of thievery go out, i'm panicking, she's crying saying he is calling her a thief
>i nervously ask for my headband and jacket back, she hands me a blouse and petticoat and tells me to change in to those instead, i tell her no, ask again for my brand things back
>she freaks out and tells me they are better on her outfit for the day
>surrounded by friends at this point and trying not to have an emotional breakdown, lose it
>everyone is floored by my outburst, even me
>her eyes start watering and she takes off the items and places them on the table in front of us all then leaves immediately
>i quietly pick up my things without saying a word, put my headband and jacket back on and go sit down by myself for a minute
>friends approach cautiously and ask if i am okay, feel like it was a huge drama fiasco and feel ashamed and apologize to everyone for my freakout, they all apologize for the girl's behavior
>one of them tells me he was about to yell at her as the tension built prior to my outburst, says he was surprised i stood up for myself to her and got my things back
>i am happy i got my things back but upset over the whole ordeal, leave to my room to change out and carefully put away and hide all of my most prized new possessions and wear nothing but jeans and t-shirts for the rest of the weekend
>haven't worn any of it since

The girl is still friends with me on social sites but I really don't like her and she has caused me all sorts of emotional grief... It started when she 'confessed her feelings for me' and I told her I wasn't in to girls.. It's been a big mess. Glad I could get this off my chest though, I haven't said anything and it seems unimportant but for some reason the whole ordeal really upset me.

>> No.7630026

Smells like ita.

>> No.7630028
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Thanks for the encouragement guys.
Yeah, I kind of realized I need to just learn to re-budget a bit, on the bright side, maybe buying less new releases will help me work on my backlog.

>> No.7630035


I'm sure she felt the same way about my outfit but I still like it. Ita or not, I worked hard saving up money for the pieces I had and really tried to put together an outfit and having her take the clothes literally off my back and run off like it was some fair trade for her clothes that definitely didn't match the coord at all is kinda scummy.

>> No.7630039

I would be upset too. I definitely don't like when people act against my decision. Im also a germaphobe so if someone touches my stuff without permission, i get upset because its "tainted"

>> No.7630040

>tfw cant even afford food anymore
>tfw cant get a job either
>tfw too chub for anything cute that i actually have
rest in peace

>> No.7630045

I feel like she just tried to scam you saying how her totes better items are ttly better then your stuff. Most likely her items were cheap ass shit and tried to grabby hands the items that were worth more thinking you would not see through that.

>> No.7630048

>lost a lot of weight
>not super ugly, at least with makeup
>have everything bought for first complete coord
>so pumped
>just need to get cost for shipping from SSes and then pay
Everything was going so well until
>lose job
>not sure if will have enough money to ship all of my packages
>bf will probably have to spot me
>even with everything paid and good to go, throwing the last bits of my savings at one outfit makes me feel really empty
>will most likely sell every single piece as soon as they get here for emergency money while I'm looking for a job
>probably won't even try on dream dress to not lower the value
>might end up being a scalper for raising the price
I'm sorry.

>> No.7630057

I cringed for you. I can't...I don't think there was any way to handle that girl gracefully.
anon does sound ita, can't judge without pictures. doesn't remove any of the horror from their treatment by that other girl, though

>> No.7630075

>try to be normal
>artistic mind with imagination
>fail miserably at painting, drawing, writting, computer art, anything that I try
>try and try again
>feel like a complete failure
>I'll never produce anything good in all my life
>I'll never get any work as an artist
>I'll be forever stuck in a corporate job once I graduate
>I feel like I should drop out, pack and leave alltogether to experience life
>taken back by severe health problem
>tfw my life has absolutely no sense whatsoever

j-fashion related
>self-taught seemstress, still novice
>self taught 'designer'
>want really hard to work one day in fashion design and make j-fashion friendly clothes
>that so not gonna happen, I know it
>I lie to myself so I'll keep going
>I lie to everyone about how motivated I am
>On the inside I'm just totally hollow

>> No.7630111


Anon are you me

>artistic mind with imagination
>painted and drew throughout my childhood and teen years
>lost my creativity, everything I do is shit
>people younger than me are way better
>stop producing art
>I'll never produce anything good in all my life
>I'll never get any work as an artist
>I'll be forever stuck in a corporate job once I graduate

>If I ever actually manage to graduate
>I lie to everyone about how motivated I am
>On the inside I'm just totally hollow

All I want to do is lay down and cry, and stuff my face with food. But mostly, I just want to be left alone, and feel miserable because everyone is good at stuff and I suck at art, college, everything. Only thing that makes me happy at least a little are cute clothes - because they are a way to express creativity, gain attention and make me feel a little less invisible. I feel pathetic.

>> No.7630124


The secret to art is to just keep trying.

>> No.7630127

I'm in a similar situation but I've gotten over feeling sorry for myself.
I go to an art school and i'm constantly surrounded by people my age who are amazing artists, while I'm only mediocre and unmotivated. You're just not trying enough. Just because you're unmotivated doesn't mean you have no potential. It's just practice. Try setting up a comfortable area in your home where you're supplies are already set out for you. Aaand anon just said it, >>7630124

>> No.7630130

>Dog suddenly gets sick on sunday
>gets surgery on Friday, worse than they thought, had to take out part of his intestine
> Did okay for 2 days
> Got really bad this morning
> Vet wanted to wait and do a blood test
> Dog literally convulsed just after we got off the phone
>I pretty much watched my dog die today.

This isnt even an old dog, we got him as a puppy like 2 years ago.

>> No.7630142


I know, but it's not that easy to motivate myself. That's the hard part, unfortunately.
I knew I was happy when I did art, but I cannot bring myself to be that person anymore. If I ever sit down and produce anything, I hate it and I hate myself for not trying harder, then fail at trying harder. It's a circle.

I can barely motivate myself to go to Uni (not studying art though), or putting on clothes. I cannot even motivate myself to take a showe more than twice a week. I just feel down all the time. As the other Anon said, I mostly feel hollow. And not producing art and knowing I'll spend my life at a job I will probably hate is a big part of that.

>> No.7630143

>Treat yourself like a doll!
Sounds weird but I had this same problem. So I started to think of myself like a dress-up game and tried to enjoy prettying myself up. Changing your mindset is the first REAL step

>> No.7630144

Oh gosh, I'm incredibly sorry for your loss anon.

>> No.7630145

You and me both, anon. I don't dress for attention though, if I could disappear completely it would be great, but I feel unsafe without my pretty clothes. You know, they make me feel like those little vividly colored creatures who scares the predators away with their nice motives.

But yep, I fail at being a functional human being. I can't into long term social interaction, college or just life. I'm so miserable I won't even throw myself out by the window because I don't want to bother my roommate and my family.
I'm surrounded by talentfull people, I'm the only one who fail in my family. I have no talent in anything, and now I'm crippled byental illness eating away the few interest I still had. I don't even want to try anymore. If I could become a crockroach as in Kafka everything would be better.

>> No.7630148

>Can't afford food

Sometimes things just work out for the best.

>> No.7630151


People need to be better at budgeting.

You shouldn't be spending your money on fancy clothes if you don't have any emergency savings.

>> No.7630152

Anon you replied to, I feel you so hard.

I do dress for the postivite attention, I admit. I am neither pretty nor otherwise outstanding, so it feels nice that at least my taste in clothes gets compliments. But it gets to an almost obsessive point. I cannot leave the house until I found the perfect outfit, make up, hair, ecetera, or I panic and feel unsafe and judged for being ugly. I began to hate all those other pretty girls who just throw on a top and pants, and still look amazing without much make up - even though I know this is totaly irrational and retarded and mostly my imagination.

>But yep, I fail at being a functional human being. I can't into long term social interaction, college or just life.

Pretty much sums it up

>I'm so miserable I won't even throw myself out by the window because I don't want to bother my roommate and my family.

Same here Anon. I don't even really want to kill myself, I just want a happy life. But I have low hopes.

> I have no talent in anything, and now I'm crippled byental illness eating away the few interest I still had. I don't even want to try anymore. If I could become a crockroach as in Kafka everything would be better.

Haha, same feeling here. Funny, I even thought about the situation from Kafka's Metamorphosis today... I just wish sometimes I could just leave, or win the lottery so I never have to bother with anythin anymore. Toxic daydreams. (Nitpick because I major in German: Gregor Samsa did not become a cockroach; actually Kafka did not specify what kind of bug it was.)
I did not see a therapist though because I still don't know if I really need to or if it's just my shitty whiny entitled character ruining what could have been a nice life. I did not even have a real reason, I am just my own monster, I guess.

>> No.7630157

You have the power to change, anon. You do.

>> No.7630161

MAN you guys are lacking in self-confidence. If you have a low sense of self/self-opinion, how do you expect others will look at you? If you don't love yourself, no one will love you.

Which is why I love the hell out of myself.

>Wake up in the morning, brush teeth and do mild exercise (sit-ups, mountain climbers, bicycles, jog/bike)
>Take shower
>Step out of the shower
>Look into mirror

>Smile all day thinking about how sexy I am.

>Use it as a pretense to stay fit and eat well because I'm sexiest to myself when I do.

>> No.7630166

not those anons but I"m a fat fuck
that's enough reason to think I look like a piece of shit right there

>> No.7630174

OMG, she deserved to have that outburst put on her. Good for you for standing up for yourself. I understand it may be embarrassing, but honestly the bitch had it coming, taking expensive brand that was obviously not hers. She sounds pushy and a drama-starter. I don't care if she claims she was just "borrowing" it, she ran out wearing it as if it were hers, and you were justified in thinking she was trying to steal it by taking advantage of your niceness.

Hopefully your outburst will be a lesson to her on what is socially acceptable -- like not putting on other people's expensive clothes and nearly claiming ownership of them because of a piss-poor excuse like "they fit better for their wardrobe". NO, YOU own it, so it's part of YOUR wardrobe, and they can just go fuck themselves if they have a problem with not getting to wear it.

If she doesn't seem to learn, stay the fuck away from her. Honestly, if I were you, I'd quietly re-categorize her as an "acquaintance" rather than a "friend" so that she doesn't see as much of my status updates/photos, and vice versa for her facebook material. (If she seems the type to watch this sort of thing seriously to a stalker-level, you can take caps of any messages she decides to spew at you.) Then slowly remove yourself from her life. Make an excuse that you're busy if she invites you to things, and be civil but cold if she tries to initiate conversation with you at any event which you both happen to be present.

>> No.7630177
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I will never find a chubby greasy weeb gf who would move in with me in my shitty studio and just live together as shut ins.


>> No.7630184

Tfw I'll never find a hot bf who is into anime.

>> No.7630186

I have a serious tendency to develop unhealthy obsessions with internet personalities. Not even really famous ones, but ones that I look down upon and often remind me of my younger self or have some trait that I wish I had. I try to avoid it, but it's intoxicating and sometimes I get lost for almost an hour reading tumblrs full of inane text posts and whatnot. It's partially a self hatred thing and partially a nasty way to make myself feel better, I think.

>> No.7630188

YES, emergency savings are so so important!

Emergency savings should be composed of 6 months' worth of expenses (rent/mortgage, food, utilities, household supplies, anything that you absolutely need to be living healthily). You want to be in a situation where you're looking for a job, not looking for the next meal.

Shit happens in life. If you're suddenly let go of your job because your company decides to downsize, you will be in a much better place if you dip in your emergency fund rather than paying with a credit card and racking up interest. (Also, stay the fuck away from payday loans. They are sharks, and they frankly should be outlawed in how they fleece people.)

>> No.7630191

Actually, Gregor Samsa's body may not have even physically change to a bug at all. It could have just been his own personality that changed into something hideous.

Kafka was a master of irony. Irony is the difference between Sein and Schein -- what is, and what appears to be.

>> No.7630192

Accidentally posted in the old thread

>friend works 10 a ten minute walk away from me
>constantly says she going to visit
>never does
>never see her on her days off because she can't drive
>doesn't even have her permit

To add to this:
>same friend constantly compares my job to the menial job she had in high school
>she worked ~5 days/month with some family friend
>anytime i mention anything about my job
>"Oh anon, that's JUST like my job in high school"
Bitch do you think I get paid $15 an hour to do nothing?

Cosplay related
>slowly and painfully learning to sew
>turned down parents offer to buy me a sewing machine and regretting it so hard

>very same friend has her mom make all of her cosplays
>complains and gets mad when they aren't finished on time

>> No.7630195

>tfw i'll never find a qt 3.14 lolita gf ;_;
how did you lolitas meet your bfs? are they normalfags? a-are my ripped muscles kawaii?

>> No.7630198

>Actually, Gregor Samsa's body may not have even physically change to a bug at all. It could have just been his own personality that changed into something hideous.
>Kafka was a master of irony. Irony is the difference between Sein and Schein -- what is, and what appears to be.

Yes, we could have a whole thread about this, but I guess this is more for /lit/ than cgl. I just couldn't resist to correct that, haha. Especially since I read the version with Vladimir Nabokov's annotations and interpretations (he even drew a picture of how he imagined the bug, and of course went on and on about bugs...)

Sage for OT.

>> No.7630203
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>Have slowly gained confidence in my cosplays because people kept telling me that I look good and that I make good costumes
>Maybe they're right
>Cosplay a character I absolutely adore despite not being the best fit
>Costume looks like shit, I look like shit, everything is shit
>Confidence lost, too scared to cosplay anything because I'm convinced it'll end up looking awful
It sucks. Especially because I really do like cosplaying, but after that one time I looked in the mirror and was disappointed I haven't been able to wear a costume without feeling like total shit. I'm afraid that if I take a break I might eventually just lose all interest and never do a costume again, which isn't something I want to happen. So now I'm in this uncomfortable middle ground where I keep getting excited because all these characters I want to do and these costumes I want to make but I don't have the will to start because I don't want to waste so much money and time on something that I'm sure will end up looking bad.

>> No.7630205

If you get downsized, also time for that sweet, sweet unemployment. One of my coworkers is trying to get canned in a manner that still allows him to draw unemployment but he's also a slacker.

>> No.7630208

I don't wear lolita but I wear general J-fash and mostly guys will add me on fb or try and message me. Most of them are total creepers and normalfags aren't generally interested. ;- ;
Or if they are, they get turned off by my hobbies.
I too, want to know how lolitas meet cute bfs.

>> No.7630219

>Taking a math class over the summer
>MoTuWeTh 9:15-12:45, two sections a day
>Get to school at 7:30 for parking, study till class starts
>Get home around 1:30, do homework/study till I go to bed
>Use weekend to catch up on homework and study
>Feel like everyone else in the class is just breezing by with no problems at all

saged for being non-/cgl/ related, is anyone else taking classes over the summer?

>> No.7630220

Nabokov has a big thing with bugs, especially moths, so that isnt surprising.

Generally what I find is that guys who date lolitas tend to be nerdy in some way, which seems to match the trend of girls who get into lolita tend to have nerdy hobbies. They usually dont care about the hobby, or tolerate it at least. Although the story of the bf who thinks it is ugly is common enough too.

>> No.7630231

>notice recently that a lot of pics I see in ita threads are from a facebook comm I'm part of
>I'm a noob even after 3 years interest in the fashion with a really small wardrobe
>Sometimes post casual/boring coords in said comm, usually with one of the only two good JSKs I own
>pray that I never get posted to a nitpick or ita thread since I'm in the same comm and don't have great coords

>> No.7630232

I'm not fully into Lolita yet because I need to save some money first before I can put money down on some coords but I've asked my boyfriend about if he'd mind it. He said he doesn't mind in the least, but he thinks I'm cute in anything I wear.

He himself is a computer/video game nerd and I fall into anime/cosplay and now j-fash.

I don't think a SO should have any right to tell you what you can or can't wear unless you may truly embarrass yourself. But even then, they should stand behind you if you do. They should love you, not what you wear or how you look.

>> No.7630236


I know, this is why I cannot resist pointing this out.


Yeah, somebody tell me please. Normalfags are usually turned off or intimidated, and metalheads and most nerds I met think I am a superficial slut. Oh well.

>> No.7630254
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>parents just had a huge fight
>me and two of my brothers overheard
>father acting like a jerk, my mother is crying
>we all go downstairs trying to cheer her up
>awkward and sad
>she asks us to leave her alone after a while
>go upstairs, we all feel awkward and sad

I hate my dad, and I wish they would just divorce. But they have a restaurant together, and money is the big issue. I hate my mother being so unhappy, and that there's nothing I can do. Any advice how to deal with this situation?

>> No.7630255

It's mainly metalheads or greasy hambeasts that are always trying to make a move on me and I hate metal music with a passion. Not to mention I want a bf who looks decent and is stylish.
I have really high standards. ; _ ;

>> No.7630258

i got wasted at ala in 2011 and it just sorta happened

>> No.7630266

I'm taking a summer calc class that starts and ends an hour earlier than your class, otherwise same exact schedule p much.

It sucks because I was hoping to catch up on drawing/jfash related projects but this class is even more time consuming than normal school, and I have more work hours than normal.

>> No.7630279

This might be helpful but you and your brother could take your mother somewhere and ask her if she honestly loves your father and if he makes her happy. You might get the 'if I divorce I'm being selfish to you' speech but convince her that it'll make her happy and you only wish for her happiness.
That or maybe you could talk to your dad about how his arguing makes you all sad and that he should stop being selfish and act like a man if you're sure that you're not in harms way.

>> No.7630284

>It's mainly metalheads or greasy hambeasts that are always trying to make a move on me and I hate metal music with a passion. Not to mention I want a bf who looks decent and is stylish.
>I have really high standards. ; _ ;

Eh, considering who's hitting on you I don't think you have high standards...
Most alternative boys, like the nerds or metalheads think, as I said, I am a superficial slut because I wear expensive clothes and put make up on my face. Esepcially the metalheads. I found many alternative subcultures can be quite unwelcoming if you look different, but not in a way they do. But maybe I just met the wrong people.
If normalfags hit on me, they mostly do it because they think I am somewhat special, put me up on a pedestal, and are disappointed when I am not their always beautiful special smowflake queen only there to fulfil their dreams of a manic pixie dream girl or whatever. Happened 3 times now...

>> No.7630291

I always tell them I'm not interested. I think it's because they think that because I dress in J fash I'm easy. Plus it doesn't help that I'm charismatic and friendly to everyone and some men think that if a girl is friendly to them it automatically means they want their penis inside them.
I wear gyaru make-up on a day to day basis and elaborate hairstyles so most normalfags think I'm 'clownish'.

>> No.7630294

I'm taking a calc class too, there's no way I could manage a job and take that class, just thinking about it puts me in despair. I hope you're doing well in class though Anon!

I was working on cosplays, but I'll know I'll finish before my deadline.

>> No.7630298

I think if you literally are doing homework from 2 pm on and you arent still on top of it, you arent efficient in your stuff and you need to work on grasping the concepts. You shouldnt be spending that much time with school, and not at all for a summer class.

>> No.7630313

>I don't think a SO should have any right to tell you what you can or can't wear
eh, they can still suggest. I've dated the type that only wears badly fitting hoodies and jeans for two months straight because "caring about clothes is for fagets". Well if you care so little I don't see the problem.

>> No.7630320
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>be 5'3 125lbs
>feel fat as fuck
>every damn acquintance tells me I'm skinny with a big butt
>see myself in the mirror and see nothing but fat

What the hell is wrong with me? I wanna get some motivation for losing weight but everyone seems to agree I'm sooo skinny and I shouldn't lose anything. Not sure if they're politely lying or I'm the twisted one.

>> No.7630327

My boyfriend is a math tutor...I lucked out. Also check out math stackexchange, it's good for calc help. I'm finding that google is getting harder as I march through the STEM math track. Sage'd.

>> No.7630328
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I'm in a lolita comm where the membership is 100+, but we barely have any meets. Recently we had one mega-meet that was gorgeous and glamorous and perfect, and I'm really thankful for the mods doing all that work to get together, but it was still a rare moment in the comm.

And now, after thinking for a year or two that I want to help organize more events in the lolita comm... I realize I don't want to.

The idea of organizing even 30 lolitas to go to one specific restaurant or cafe, seems daunting. Just as I get ready to set up an event on facebook, I think of what the restaurant owner/hosts may say when the 30+RSVP list gets reduced to less than 10 the day of the meet, because of people flaking out at the last minute. So I chicken out and don't set any event to begin with.

I much prefer meeting with another lolita friend one-on-one over tea or coffee, and take time in just shooting the shit. And if the other party ends up not coming, I don't end up feeling like I've caused an terrible inconvenience on the venue.

Also, I am much more at ease dressing up in lolita, at my non-lolita meetup groups, which are not only more active and 21+ in age, but have people I find more common ground with. I can talk about Mel Brooks movies, the latest fantasy novel or Shoujo manga series I discovered, modern feminism, animation, politics, video games... The lolita comm doesn't outright ban such discussions, of course, but I just don't feel as comfortable being open about my non-lolita interests with them.

I'm sorry, my fellow lolita friends in my comm. I love you, but I just can't make the effort to improve our comm when I'm enjoying myself elsewhere.

>> No.7630330
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I'm actually into guys with long hair and mostly into goodlooking metalheads (like in the picture), but they either seem to be taken or they are interested in more sexy girls.
Good thing I already have a bf or I would be frustrated until no end, since people tell me I'm only cute and it is impossible for me to be sexy...

>> No.7630341

You just need a good dicking.

>> No.7630343

>Also, I am much more at ease dressing up in lolita, at my non-lolita meetup groups, which are not only more active and 21+ in age, but have people I find more common ground with. I can talk about Mel Brooks movies, the latest fantasy novel or Shoujo manga series I discovered, modern feminism, animation, politics, video games... The lolita comm doesn't outright ban such discussions, of course, but I just don't feel as comfortable being open about my non-lolita interests with them.

man, this

>> No.7630350

This is a common worry I find in comms. A lot of places need you to put a deposit for big groups, which make it daunting for the person organizing as they have to foot that at least. A lot of cute places tend to be small as well, so you would have to do small meet with a reservation of the max they will allow and stick with it.

I know that what some people do is that they are transparent about these issues, and say things like if you back out too late you are still responsible for your portion, and that if it is something really big that you are a no show too, that it may end up coming back to bite you if you want to try to go to something else that is very important. Wait lists are good to have for these things too. There is also an option of a multi part meet, so that you can have a smaller group go out to eat, but the main thing is something else, typically outdoors, that will be where the big numbers come in.

Partly this is why I think cons are popular for lolita events, as it gives a venue to hold large amounts of people. Its very hard to accommodate big groups outside of them.

>> No.7630352


No, trust me you're thin.
I'm the exact same size and I'm fairly thin.

You sound like have some kind of body image issue though, maybe you should get that checked out? Either way I'm sorry you feel that way and I wish you the best of luck anon.

>> No.7630358

>they think I am somewhat special, put me up on a pedestal, and are disappointed when I am not their always beautiful special snowflake queen only there to fulfill their dreams of a manic pixie dream girl or whatever.

Bam. Hit the nail right on the head.

I married a guy like this.
He has no idea what to do with me when I have a rare bad day.
So he's gets angry and completely shuts down.

>in a relationship but doomed to be lonely because I'm trapped by it.
I married him, so it's my own fault, that's life, and now I just have to deal with it.

Really girls, I envy you guys who don't have relationships thus don't have people's mixed-up feelings and hidden agendas to deal with.

But, seriously, literally EVERY relationship I have had has been like that!
I'm very open and honest, but I'm also pretty clueless, which is WHY I love openness and honesty; so I don't get confused.

People are all like, "aww, you seem so sweet and nice! I feel like I can tell you anything!"
And it's true. I am, and they can!
But I have yet to find anyone who I can trust and tell me woes to without them becoming weird about it.

Shit sucks.

[/end whining]

>> No.7630359

So cons are the way to go eh. Not surprising I have yet to see a lolita outside of one

Didn't really comprehend the whole normalfag disappointment thing but how often do you meet guys that appear to be 'normalfags' only to find they have the same interests as you? (anime etc.)
I find it rather odd some of you seem to get hit on mostly by 'nerds', metalheads, and greasy hambeasts

Maybe you have body dysmorphia

>> No.7630377

>Didn't really comprehend the whole normalfag disappointment thing but how often do you meet guys that appear to be 'normalfags' only to find they have the same interests as you? (anime etc.)

Rarely. Though I am not really into anime anymore, and more into j-fashion. By normalfags I mostly meant people notinto anime, but also not into any other subculture like goth or anything.

>I find it rather odd some of you seem to get hit on mostly by 'nerds', metalheads, and greasy hambeasts

Why? If you dress a certain way, I do not think it's surprising a certain kind of people assumes you have similar interests/might be a good match.

>> No.7630384

my korean foot peel is starting to work. my feet are gonna be sooooo smoooooth.

>> No.7630386

You're really ok anon *hug* you're a cutie with a kawaii bootie and you're adorable. Just eat moderately,not too much junk food,keep moving,... so you'll stay like this.

>> No.7630387

what do you use?

>> No.7630394

>posting a pic feeling kinda meh about it
>a whole load of people liking and comments about how cute i look
>crush told me I looked so adorbz and perfect
>act all tsundere about it
>"You're so adorable I could eat you"
>mean girl telling me i'm shooped
>people white knighting me
*heavy breathing*
it's so attention whore-ish and petty but I felt so good ;~;

>> No.7630395

>Why? If you dress a certain way, I do not think it's surprising a certain kind of people assumes you have similar interests/might be a good match.

Yeah I had to go back and look up exactly what j-fashion was and I can see why now :P. I figure alternative guys would be the ones you'd get more of a reaction out of. Cute though. Sage'd, feel like I spammed enough.

>> No.7630407

It's kinda cute at first but then it becomes a huge problem when people seem to see you as a perfect kind fantasy waifu who poops rainbows and is of pure heart, instead of a human goddamn being who smells, shits and looks like a donkey sans makeup like the rest of 'em (I say this for myself, results and animal look-alikes may vary)

>> No.7630419

I don't take advice from other people who don't read extensively on nutrition. Too many people buy into calories in=calories out and fat and cholesterol=bad.

>> No.7630429

oh my god anon, im so sorry.

>> No.7630437

> Was average size (by american standards)
> Decide to lose weight to be kawaii
> Now I kind of look cute
> My clothes are baggy on me now
> Constantly having to pass over lolita that I want since the measurements are too big
> I still feel just on the low end of average
> Still see girls who are skinnier than me
> Just want clothes that fit me well
I'm sick of skirts slipping down to my hips. It looks terrible. I keep meaning to tailor my blouses because even under a jsk they're parachuting out
Plus I just got a semi-physical job and I'm shocked at how weak I am now. I should bulk up, but I like how noodly I look. It doesn't look like I have much of a choice, though.

>> No.7630445

So true.

I have online friends I do video chats with, and they have never seen me without circle lenses. Then dudes message me and go on and on about how "you're so perfect" and "you look like an angel!" and I really can't talk about anything else without them constantly going back to it.

I mean, it's nice, sometimes, don't get me wrong, but I'm just a person. I'm not a stupid angel who acts cute and perfect all the time, and people just don't get that sometimes.

>inb4 show your real face and stop putting on an act bloobloobloo
Yeeeeah.. have you noticed guys [in particular] who fawn over "naturally beautiful, makeup-less girls" are pretty much unknowingly fawning over girls who wear a shitton of makeup to achieve that "natural" look?

>> No.7630455

Maybe you're not meant to go into art as a full time job. Maybe you need to find yourself. Do you have any other interests? If you have a job try volunteering or try getting an internship. What's your GPA? I think you either need to reevaluate what you want out of yourself or take a break and find something to get your inspiration. Something to get you out of your rut

>> No.7630458

>I'm shocked at how weak I am now
You didn't lose weight the right way anon. I lost like 30 pounds in 4 months - or 20% of my body weight - by going vegan, and I felt awful. Very tired and very weak. Start exercising and eating right, make sure you're getting protein and natural fats.

>> No.7630461

Hehe. Always heard advice to never compliment a woman on her looks (you're so beautiful! etc.) unless you're dating them. They hear that shit enough as it is. Guess I should follow it!

>> No.7630464
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>See wishlist item on LM.
>Stalk the auction and make sure to be awake when it ends since seller is in a different time zone.
>Ten minutes until it ends, highest bid
>Plug and unplug router. Frantically search for phone to use instead but can't find it.
>Five minutes after the auction ends I get my internet back
>I lost. For a price I would have outbid.
>All of my rage.

I'm going to treat myself to some accessories to get over it but fuck me, right?

>> No.7630468

thing is, guys put on an act as well, albeit not as appearance-heavy.
my bf used to want to do everything with me and fawned over how "perfect" i am, now he just sits in front of the pc and plays dayz all day, and if I dare talk to him mid-game (which is always) he acts like I took a shit on his keyboard.

>> No.7630472
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>new to sewing
>trying to sew opposing curves/princess seams


>> No.7630477

I feel like if you are so tiny that you cant fit into lolita, you are not at a healthy weight. It sounds like you think you are fatter than you really are, and are looking at thinspo, making your perception worse. Same with feeling weaker, your weight loss should not have effected your ability to lift unless you lost muscle too, which is bad.

>> No.7630478

>Too many people buy into calories in=calories out

Fucking physics man, how does it work

>> No.7630479

>Used to beat myself for not having any friends
>Always came off as insane or "too happy"
>Figured I was a shitty person/failure of a human
>Finally made a friend last year, thank god!
>Shes annoying as fuck and pretty slow
>I realize I don't actually like people
>I guess I was more bothered by the idea of "not have friends" than actually having friends. Oh well

I friend broke up with this chick, so hopefully she find better people than me to hang around. I'm now content being by myself, it's pretty relaxing.

>> No.7630480

Never trust a fart

>> No.7630481

Where do you live that you're thin and you can't find shit that fits? Go to any youth store or find shit in junior sizing. Unless you live in a city where lardos and land whales live it's easier to find small clothes

>> No.7630483

ditto... but at least my boyfriend is a chubby chaser.

>> No.7630486

At least anime nerds should be well aware of how lolita works.

>> No.7630498

I don't like that much normalfags for bf, usually if i like someone is dressing in j-fashion, he is a goth/punk/whatever similar or also a boy with nerdy interests but he has to be good looking or acceptable for me. I attract more or less this type of boys but at times dressing in lolita or fairy kei for some it's a turn off or some old creeps show unfortunately. But it's hard to find someone who geniunely like lolita fashion in a girl or j-fashion in general. Most of boys attracted with girls dressing in these styles are themeselves in j-fash i think or big weebs who don't care about their appearance or think i dress like an anime girl. Such hard is life for me in this context.
I can add some alternative (ie. metalheads, goths, etc) boys they aren't attracted to someone in lolita because it looks "unsexy" compared to the alternative girls they usually see, i mean sexy dressed, with dramatic makeup, corsets, etc... And me is the opposite, i dress sweet lolita, fairy kei and goth punk stuff but non sexy stuff, rather cute or a bit tomboyish.
Your story make me understand i'm lucky to be single, because well i won't never marry a guy as the one you have descripted, i don't need to be put in a pedestal to be a good gf. I need only to be accepted in my good and bad sides as i will accept him the same.
I just hope you can find a better man for you one day, because better be single than alone in a relationship or in a bad one.
Yes, that i mean. But in my case i'm single so it's a pain in the ass.

>> No.7630502

It's been debunked several times. I lose weight during some drinking binges and lost weight when I was disabled for a week. Calories in calories out dictates I should've gained weight. Weight loss is a biological process not a purely physical one. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to explain why people gain or lose crazy amounts of weight with an illness.

>> No.7630519
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>first time seriously looking through taobao for clothes
>everything would fit fine if it wasn't for the damn short lengths of shirts/jackets
>anything that has a half-decent length is double the price
I know it's probably because of a few extra inches of fabric costs but damn.

>> No.7630527
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I watch anime
At least I meet half of the requisites

>> No.7630529

I think Soto is cute.

>> No.7630530
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>borderline failing 2 courses, which are known to be pretty easy
>get lower marks in all the other courses too
>suck at all kinds of sports, get breathless from climbing a small flight of stairs
>love drawing and draw all the time, but everyone my age is better than me
>losing friends as fast as sonic collects emeralds
>fall into depression because I suck at everything I do and even the things I'm proud of everyone else can do better
>also no notable talents and socially awlward as fuck
>buy a sewing machine, haven't got the time or motivation to work on any projects due to depression and school
>spend time worrying about grades instead of studying to improve them

I'm the biggest failure ever. I also have the shittiest personality possible. I'm judgmental, jealous, self righteous, catty, and everything else related to those traits. I probably made a ton of spelling and grammar mistakes while typing this out, which is another piece of proof that I'm shit at everything.

>> No.7630541

As you get older you will get so busy that you cannot call back friends right away. Most friends will realize this. I also find that as life takes over years after the college school to be with a friend takes planning in advance. So one time out of two I have to turn down someone I have not seen in forever. I had only one friend in college who did not realize this, like your friend. I saw her one day coming out of hibachi... I was like omg hi we should plan to see each other. She was awkward behaving and said she wasn't sure we were friends anymore. This was coming from a girl I was so close to in high school. We would draw mangas back and forth. Cut me like a knife, and wasn't sure how to fix our relation. I can only hope she did not fall off the deep end of drug addiction and still draws for fun. Engel if your out there, once a friend always a friend in my book!

>> No.7630544

I have no idea what's going on. I've managed to piss off my friend by flaking off on her multiple times to read her story, then piss her off again by having a shitty debate with her on relationships. I considered her to be one of my closest friends but I've had this rough breakup thing going on and she's quickly becoming tired of my shit.

>today just sort of ask her what she thinks of love being letting a person go
>'omfg are you talking about ex again i swear to god'
>get dragged into a 'debate'
>I debate shittily because I'm actually crying at this point
>she doesn't know because we're chatting online, I don't bother telling her
>suddenly logs off on me, doesn't show up on skype again despite being on all the other websites/chats

I don't know if she or I am the shitty friend. It's a bit of both, I think.


Shit anon, are you me?

The worst part is when people come up to me and assume I'm smart. I'm not. I am borderline on everything except for one class (and surprise, not the one I want to specialise in). I'm always flailing at the back of the class. I don't get why you see me as competition. I'm not, holy shit.

>> No.7630549

I met my boyfriend through a mutual friend I met for the first time at the debut of the 3rd Madoka movie. I was like "damn he's cute but there's no way he'd be into a chubby weeb like me".
Turns out he only dates fat chicks. whodathunkit. going on 5 months this week,

>> No.7630550 [DELETED] 

>tfw two weeks until con weekend
>badge hasn't arrived yet
>wig/package is still missing, although apparently within the county
>gotta wait until tomorrow to check with post office - AGAIN
>still have to finish top and bottom
>still need to figure out transportation problem
>gotta pay roommate this week
>gotta wait until paycheck arrives on Tuesday/Wednesday
>not sure what to wear/do if cosplay couldn't get finished on time

>> No.7630556
File: 183 KB, 853x480, patienceisnotavirtue.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw less than two weeks until con weekend
>badge hasn't arrived yet
>wig/package is still missing, although apparently within the county
>gotta wait until tomorrow to check with post office - AGAIN
>still have to finish top and bottom
>still need to figure out transportation problem
>gotta pay roommate this week
>gotta wait until paycheck arrives on Tuesday/Wednesday
>not sure what to wear/do if cosplay couldn't get finished on time

>> No.7630573

>Physics was debunked

Oh, right.

>> No.7630576

It's not physics, anon, it's magic, in a young girl's heart

>> No.7630577

Calories in calories out is a laughably simple way to describe a complex biological process that is still barely understood. I'm imagining you know this and are just being an ass. The original anon was just commenting that the motto isn't robust enough for practical use since someone can gain fat when eating less calories and lose fat when eating more.

>> No.7630582


>Otherwise you wouldn't be able to explain why people gain or lose crazy amounts of weight with an illness.

It's because you metabolise more during illness. E.g. cancer takes a lot of energy, maintaining a fever takes a lot of energy. Physics is still well at work here, it's just because it's in a biological system it seems illogical, but once you break it down into its parts (the body works incredibly hard and uses lots of energy in maintaining extremely exothermic states, or cancer is a rapidly multiplying entity that devours energy at the expense of the rest of the body's metabolism) it makes more sense. Biology isn't some mysterious beast that defies physics, ffs.

>> No.7630595

I'm 5'3 and 114 lbs and feel like a landwhale because I got a tiny frame, currently losing weight and hoping to get down to at least 100 lbs
Everyone tells me I'm "normal" but I just want to be skinny

>> No.7630597

>realized I don't have good taste in fashion
>always wore jeans and t-shirts
>want to change that and dress better
>can't put together outfits for the life of me
>confused about what "style" I want to wear

Can someone help? I tried the /fa/ sticky. It helped a little, but not a lot. I'm a poor college student who's saving most of my wages for a study abroad program and life, so I really can't afford expensive clothes. (Like I want to get into lolita, but as of right now, I don't think it can happen!) I was thinking of trying to incorporate otome-kei into what I currently have. I have an apple/rectangle shape, and narrow hips, is there a specific fashion that's suitable for my shape?

>> No.7630625

No. It fuckin isn't.

Work on your self-image. I've met many people who were initially fat and when they found confidence in themselves and loved themselves more, they lost weight and were a lot healthier all around.

It's all about that opinion.

>> No.7630628
File: 318 KB, 650x488, 1366159115225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no serging machine
>made some painstaking reinforced stitches (mostly French seams)
>tfw gotta remove some of them on purpose
>tfw harder than it sounds

Goddamnit. The one time I do something well, I do it too well.

>> No.7630629

I'd honestly be worried about dating chubby chasers, especially ones who only dates fat chicks. What would happen if you want to lose weight? Will he be supportive of it? What if you end up losing weight unintentionally (work, school, etc.), would he still be there for you at the end of the day?

I'm not trying to make you question him, I'm just curious, especially after that one episode of "My 600 lb life" with that douche bag of a husband.

>> No.7630630

Edit: It's all about that STATE OF MIND.
Style is about what makes you feel good. Jeans and a t-shirt isn't so bad, and is definitely at least a starting point. There are different shades of jeans and different patterns that they have. Depending on the T-shirt you're wearing, the jeans might look grungy or professional. I wear plain collared t-shirts with light blue (smooth) jeans when I am going for a casual, but not street, look.

>> No.7630638
File: 19 KB, 500x384, 10352842_10152180675721964_3568025596201316438_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get cute clothing and stuff from one of my favorite artists on tumblr
>"oh, this shirt will go great with a skirt I own!"
>mfw the t-shirt looks fucking awful on me

I should have known. For some reason t-shirts always look bad on me.

>> No.7630640

As per usual when it comes to humans, it depends. Some people might consider me a chubby chaser, and personally I have a range of what I find attractive amounts of body fat. Does that attraction go down as the girl gets skinnier? Yeah. But on that same note, I'm really attracted to positive attitudes. So if a girl is losing weight and it makes her feel really good, then I'd of course be very supportive of it.

I'm a case study, though, and most certainly don't represent every man in the world. Some guys become really unattracted when women lose weight to the point that they want to break up. Some guys even try to fatten their significant other (which, honestly, I find the idea rather repulsive unless it's a health-based issue).

>> No.7630647

>just bought dream dress
>it's too fucking short

I wouldn't even care, but my knees looks so fucking weird I can't handle wearing things that are too short. It falls about 2" above my knees, and I love it so much, but I just don't know when I'll ever wear it. I'll never find an underskirt that will match color-wise, and I think they look stupid anyway.

What do?

>> No.7630648

There are always two kinds of ppl. It depends on you to get to know them and find that out.

>> No.7630664

I would tbh

>> No.7630667

>cousin is at Wizard World right now
>all of my jelly

My next con isn't slated to be until Januray... sigh.

>> No.7630669


>> No.7630670

There are not two kinds of people. Shut the hell up. Why do people say this, that's the most retarded saying ever. There are literally billions of kinds of people, because people can not be, and will NEVER be, generalized. Every human being has his or her own unique experiences, and just because similarities may be drawn, doesn't mean that any two are the same. That's why the same advice doesn't work for everyone. That's different illnesses affect different people and different experiences produce different outcomes. Your reality will never be the same as my reality, nor the same as the reality of any other human on this planet. If it were, life would be dull, and there would never be any point in meeting other people and learning about their opinion.

Shit happens. You could post the dream dress and we could try finding an underskirt that matches and won't look stupid. Also, you shouldn't worry too much. My knees look weird too, but I pay that no mind. Even the way I stand looks weird (my knee pushes inward, so that my legs aren't straight when I lock my legs. Never even noticed this until I was 16).

Don't let the little things bug you. Those tiny strings are what hold us back.

>> No.7630671

Maybe getting something from Bodyline? There are good quality stuff here for cheap. You can also buy bodyline for second hand to save more. Or maybe if you are good in sewing, sew something handmade!

>> No.7630677


You can't gain weight when you are burning more calories than you are taking in though.

How much you eat is only half the formula.

>> No.7630681

We meet again here!! I'm the Touhoufag, Madokafag girl who liked your Remilla sweater!! So fun and cute this pic!!

>> No.7630710

two kinds of people: positive & negative.
I ment to say that.
of course you might say that there are ppl who are +&-. Your taking it farther for your personal reasons.

>> No.7630720

>go to disney
>be in line for ride
>turn around and notice two obnoxious female homestucks behind me
>people laughing at them, parents shaking their heads in disgust

...it made me feel kind of embarrassed because I realize they were technically cosplaying and I am ashamed to be associated with them.

>> No.7630753

So the two people Im rooming with for an upcomming con have just informed me their 2 roomates will also be in the room, whom I have never met before. Im a bit nervous, since Im the youngest in this group of friends and I hope I dont come off as an annoying youngster. Im also a little irked I have to sleep on the floor/air matress, but thats just me being a brat.

>> No.7630761

>Im also a little irked I have to sleep on the floor/air matress, but thats just me being a brat.
Are you paying less? I always charge atleast 10-15 less for people without proper beds.

>> No.7630769

Just made my mother cry for the first time in our life.

I'm so angry. I can't stand how she can be such a clueless mother.

>> No.7630770

No, Im still paying the same as everybody. Which, isnt so bad since their are addtional people and Im only there 2 nights, while they are all staying 4.

>> No.7630773
File: 127 KB, 370x370, 1369868022378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people think you're an entirely different ethnicity than you are
>tfw they talk to you in said language of ethnicity and ask you what part of ___ you're from
>tfw you say you were born here in Canada and are___ethnicity
>tfw they give you that awkward look
>tfw it happens in regular clothing, but j-fash makes it worse
I'm not even sure how to respond. I normally just smile and try to hint or just correct them politely, but it's just so awkward. I think even my boyfriend is begining to dislike how I dress because of it. It makes me think of how I must look weird as shit since I've been getting this forever.

>> No.7630779

At least they told you ahead of time, I guess?

I went once, and we got there and they basically said, "Yeah, you're on the floor for four nights."

I have back, shoulder, and hip problems, so there was no sleeping without major pain. I ended up staying up, waiting till everyone left for early-morning panels, and then sleeping at the foot of the bed like a dog.

>> No.7630825

Thats happened to me before with a different friend. I do like these people a lot so, i am trying to stay positive. I just get anxious because my last con buddy was well, kinda shit with the hotel.
>> At first told its just gonna be 4 people (Me, her and 2 other friends)
>> Suddenly 2 of here work friends crash there in the middle of the first night.
>> 2nd night one of here work friends cousins crahses in the room too.
>> the room is a single suite with a king sized bed
>> mfw when 7 people are in one fucking tiny room.
>> 2 were horrible snorers.
Similar shit happened at 2 other cons.

>> No.7630831

I have the same problem man, I have thick, coarse curly hair and live in Florida, everyone thinks Im from some place from Cuba all the way to Brazil.
And I mean everybody, whites,blacks and Hispanics all think I'm lying when I say Im as white as Mayonnaise.

>> No.7630837

Wait, you're paying the same rate per night or the same price over all?

>> No.7630847

We'are all paying the same amount, the room per night has been divided by 5 for the 2 nights im there.

>> No.7630849
File: 67 KB, 620x350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thiiiiiis is my life.
I'm in Canada also and everyone thinks I'm Native or at least part. Including actual fucking natives. I've had people argue me on my race, like
>no you can't just be white
>no seriously what are you
>are you sure you're not adopted then?
The last one always gets me. Yes, I'm fucking sure.

>> No.7630856

For me it's apparently because:
>round moon face
>slim and flat, have hips but they are hidden with what I wear
>brown eyes and hair
>big lips
>pasty olive
>my nose
I usually get Korean or Chinese, though Chinese most often probably. I've at least never had a Korean person talk to me in Korean randomly. I didn't really care until I got older and people started giving me weird looks when I tell them I have no connection at all.

At least if they think you're South American/Cuban you probably look pretty sexy anon.

>> No.7630860
File: 25 KB, 275x300, bitch plz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real bitches

>> No.7630864

I got native once or twice.
I find it really embarassing. The worst was when I went to this ESL Chinese girl's house for her birthday, her family tries to speak to me in Chinese everyone is happy, girl comes and tells them I'm white.

Dead fucking silence.

>> No.7630868

I probably won't be able to buy any lolita for at least a year. I still have until November until I finish school, and I have an unpaid internship I just started and have to complete for at least a year before I start my career in that field. I might get a part time job or something after I finish school. It's nice to know I'll have a career I love, but it still sucks that I'm broke and have to live with my parents until next year.

>> No.7630877

>be 5'2 and fluctuate between 100-110 throughout the past few years of my life

I look exactly the same when I'm at 100 and when I'm at 110 :\ Pretty sure the only way I'm going to look remotely close to "thin" is if I drop to like 90. I know I'm not "fat" but I look chubs in comparison with my 5'7 friends and my naturally stick thin friends who cannot gain weight.

>> No.7630879

>unpaid internship

Off Topic, but that's such a scam. It's crazy to me that they get away with it.

>> No.7630880
File: 1.81 MB, 420x230, fuuuuuuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, anon, I know that feel so hard. we're our own worst critics, though, and I bet you're the only one who thought it looked like shit.

current feel:
>otakon coming up way too fucking quickly
>just pulled stressful week of all-nighters to finish costume for con this weekend
>burned out on costume making
>don't want to even touch my fabric for a while because i was so stressed out
>need to step it the fuck up if i actually want to make new cosplays for ota though...

>> No.7630883

I'm glad in the very least I get mistaken for a race that speaks mostly English. I don't mind being seen as another race, it's when people try to tell me I clearly just don't know my own background.

It's my eyes and skin tone that do it though. I used to dye my hair black and I stopped that because I was getting asked nearly every other day.

>> No.7630886

You gettin scammed girl.

>> No.7630888

Yeah I agree. At least I'm lucky enough to have parents who can support my broke ass until then.

>> No.7630889

I kinda hate being on that cusp of plus sized. I'm too small so most things in plus sized sections look unflattering on me.
But then most regular clothing store items are small on me.
>> tfw cute size 12 dress at good well fit me perfectly until I had to button the chest.
>> Damn these lumps of fat with nipples attached.
>> My weird measurements makes buying things online rather annoying.

>> No.7630890

Nah, I don't look at thinspo. I just mean seeing girls walking around town. I'm not sure how much of my weakness was from losing weight or if I just was weak to begin with. It's been a while since I've done anything physical at all.
I've been using my butt as a bit of motivation to begin working out, doing squats and all that. I've been trying to eat better, but I live in a communal house and someone else is paying for the food. They don't make very good choices, but it's hard to let go of the luxury of free food. I request items to a point, but I don't want to be a nag or imply that they're eating poorly. They're sensitive.

I do go into the children's section for skirts sometimes, but it's embarrassing. I fit into XS at Forever 21, but they only carry that size for some of their lines. I can find clothes that fit, but it's annoying to pass over so much just because their small runs large and they don't carry XS. I'd need to replace a lot of my clothes, and that's not something I can afford right now. I'm thinking taobao once I've got more money to spare.

>> No.7630894

Yeah I kinda feel like I am. Too be fair, one of the friends Im rooming with there always buys me food so Im not upset about paying for a shit place to sleep.
And I prolly shouldnt look a gift horse in the mouth, I tend to sleep better when i don't have to share a bed.

>> No.7630895
File: 226 KB, 642x481, 10303458_645850078832017_4253080529130689240_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you amuse me

>> No.7630913

>Canadian as well
>"so where did you come from?/ where in china/asia did you come from?"
>"Canada, I'm from here."
>"no silly, like which country are you from?" - asks me as if I'm ESL
>"Canada. Born and raised here."
>"oh okay, then what's your background?"
> tells them
>"oh okay see! so like from which area?"
> -mental facepalm- "well my parents are from..."

It's not my fault you phrased your question like that to begin with okay? I'm not trying to make your life difficult I'm just telling you the truth.

>> No.7630935
File: 196 KB, 750x750, konata-weeping-sweet-tears-of-anguish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> Want to learn how to make good cosplay and become an all around better seamstress than I am now
>> Want to Draw and make comics/Cartoons and write stories
>> Want to learn special effects, maybe make a horror movie.
>> Have an irrational fear of failure, makes me lazy and not even want to try.
>>Playing it safe in college and getting my degree in Elementary education.
>> Always second guessing myself.
>> Afraid to go after my dreams and fail, becoming poor and a burden like my older sister.

These anxieties is suffering

>> No.7630950

You just reminded me of this video.

>> No.7630951


It's always really awkward when the old ladies try to talk to you in mandarin or cantonese too.

>> No.7630959

Another education major! I'm always super anxious about my cosplay photos getting leaked to "professional" friends/acquaintances (or even future employers gawd). I really want to start showing off what I do but lbr cosplay's not going to pay my bills. I just feel like I can't put my 100% into cosplay because I'll also me living in fear half the time after I'm done. It's like putting all this work and effort into something and not being able to really show it off.

>> No.7630969

You can go poor and be a burden getting a degree in a field that may get overcrowded by the time you finish it too. Or just hate what you do the rest of your life.

>> No.7630970

Im glad Im not the only future teacher here!
Thats another feel I have, I suppose thats the benefit of wigs and make up as it makes me less recognizable. Im also so afraid of messing up wigs and fabric I spend good money on, and working hard only for something to be crap. I dont want to give up but at the same time its discouraging and a lot of money.

>> No.7630971

The correct way to answer that question is "I'm Canadian but my parents/background is [insert nation here]" I'm Syrian and this is how I always answer it, it's polite and obviously answers what the person asked.

>> No.7630973

I don't hate teaching, I actually do really love kids so I wouldnt be unhappy. ( I would like to think)
I just have my doubts and am just worried Im wasting my and my parents time and money.

>> No.7630984

>I'm too small so most things in plus sized sections look unflattering on me.

Are you implying if you get fatter, you will look better?

>> No.7630986

>I live in a communal house and someone else is paying for the food.

What does that mean?

>> No.7630991

Did you read the rest of what they said bro? Plus doesn't fit right but neither does regular sizes from my understanding.

>> No.7630992

Yah, I tend to be more..."comfortable" when I'm all done up with a wig but I know a lot of casual weebs who go to the same cons and every time I spot them I legit run in the other direction. I've had my fair share of very natural colored hair so that I still look very much like me so I get super paranoid at those times.

I know the feel anon ): I'd say that planning out my cos perfectly takes up like 80% of my time while the rest is the actual construction. I'm super nitpicky about measurements and cutting certain things exactly that it take me forever to sketch, trace, and actually get down to cutting my fabric.

I do tend to try to get most of my stuff during sales and my only worry with wigs are that I won't have to time to get another one if I mess up the first. If I don't have to make weapons/props my cost can actually be kept low.

>> No.7630994

I think part of this is just being frustrated with these quasi-microagressions because more often than not they don't hear the "I'm Canadian" part and skip to the part where you're insert-ethnicity-here because asians can never truly be Canadian or something. I know where it's coming from but it gets a bit irritating when the people at ServiceOntario keep asking for your work permit as ID when you visit them.

>> No.7630997

>tfw from Canada too
I don't mind when people talk to me a short bit in their language, which I assume them asking me if I understand them. But when they keep going on like they want to have a conversation with me, it gets pretty awkward till I explain to them that I don't understand and only speak English. Though nothing tops the people who questions my ethnicity...

>> No.7630999

Different anon, but things in plus sized stores are cut to fit and flatter a plus sized figure and will look odd on a girl who is busty but otherwise average (which sounds like other anon's problem). Its the same thing in most stores, really. They're cut to fit and flatter smaller and slender women. I have a similar problem because I'm very tall and my bust and hip measurements place me in plus size, even though my actual body type is not suited to plus size cuts.

>> No.7631005

You have to let them know that the way they are asking is pretty ignorant of them imo.

>> No.7631011

My friends and boyfriend make fun of me for it.
I'm thinking about next time just saying
Duìbùqǐ āyí/shūshu, wǒ bù huì shuō pǔtōnghuà!
And see what reaction I get.

>> No.7631017
File: 48 KB, 480x480, messaging_attachment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> been improving my eating habits and doing exercise since January
> Quit stepping the scale except for like once a month
> start actually listening to my bf about exercise and what my body is doing
> Quit smoking at the same time
> Feel great, many people compliment me and tell me they can see a difference
> Have clothes falling off! This includes my first Lolita skirt I ever bought.
> Weigh myself this month, have lost approximately 45 lbs so far
>HOORAY! Gonna actually post something since I can face the world with all this new found confidence!
>OMG What a fattie. She looks like complete shit.

I'll be in my quiet corner from here on out, folks.

>> No.7631029


Women's clothing is fucking confusing man.

>> No.7631041

It's sort of a roommates-in-a-big-house situation. Sort of. It's kind of complicated. Someone has designated themselves as food-buyer. All of our incomes vary a lot.

>> No.7631053

>used to cosplay a lot
>was fairly good for the time (over ten years ago) and won prizes for it
>stopped due to lack of money/time/other adult shit
>make new younger friend recently
>she is excited to find that I used to cosplay
>is excited that we are both taller women and we can cosplay cute shit together without it being awkward
>start to feel outclassed
>too old
>out of it too long
>no real drive to go to cons full of screaming sticky sugar high teenagers
I'm fucking old. When did this happen?

>> No.7631064
File: 307 KB, 700x1200, why guys help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this in every colorway and I want to buy it but it would go with fucking nothing in my wardrobe and what the fuck even is it and where the fuck would I even wear it

why the hell am I head over heals for this shitty weird ass dress what the fuck

>> No.7631079

I'm weirdly in love with this dress too. Tbh I actually like it better than the Infanta version I'm pretty sure it's ripping off of. For me it's something about the cut. If it were a different print or a solid, I'd buy it and wear it all the time.

>> No.7631085

It's publicly available fabric, so as far as that goes it's not ripping Infanta off. Not sure about the design as I haven't seen the other dress

>> No.7631086


Interesting, is that common?

>> No.7631101

Ok honestly the weirdest part is that I actually like the print.
I love red whites and blacks with everything and I like everything about it besides that it's weird as fuck and i probably wouldn't have the balls to wear it

kill me

>> No.7631103
File: 647 KB, 703x783, boringcoord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know i love it too its just so weird

>> No.7631108

holy shit anon that's beautiful

you're making me want to buy this clusterfuck shit

>> No.7631270
File: 350 KB, 1280x960, the embodiment of loneliness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can always dream lol

>touhou/madokafag girl
Its like my dream girl all together in one

>> No.7631293
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x720, Sc00044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hardly do anything after my internship at a steel factory ended. I still eat huge amounts as if I was doing tons of physical work shit on a daily basis but the truth is I just sit at home. Suddenly all that extra energy converts itself right into fat. Hooraaay summer plans, looks like I'm going to be the stranded whale this year.

>> No.7631298
File: 44 KB, 500x556, 1399034832266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have 2 TBS spreadsheets already filled out and ready to go
>Counting down the days until I can order
>tfw late August needs to be here faster
>tfw scared things will go out of stock
>tfw impatient as shit

>> No.7631305

5' person feels:

>tfw the lost in sea short OP in navy is on LM
>tfw dreamdress
>tfw the lenght of the dress is 97cm and only dresses of max 93cm suit you well

guess I'll go for the JSK version one day then

>> No.7631334


The only thing "failing miserably" means is that you failed without method. Failing with method is another name for success. Coldly analize what you're doing wrong so you can do it right. Google Aaron Swartz's series of writing on what he saw as "getting beter at life", called Raw Nerve. I can tell you it's awesome advice and very nicely written, and some people I know would actually refer to it as life-changing, and you might find some use in it. But really, as I see it, it's all about trying and failing beautifully. Success is a form of failure, anyway.

>> No.7631381
File: 880 KB, 500x418, tumblr_n2b584qHjZ1rbnx7io1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good feels
>lost a few more cms off waist with just eating a tad healthier
>gone from 98cm in the waist to about 95
>feeling more confident about my face in general despite having that teensy bit of double chin forming
>taking biotin and using mane n tail, hair looks good, is past shoulders a bit, feels like its already grown
>bathing more often (homeschooled so i neglect myself ;_;)
>got a new gel moisturizer to try and hoping it works
>dont go out often but feel like im finally getting my social anxiety/depresshunz under control without medications
>aw yiss
bad feels
>still cant convince mom-chan to go look at gyms with me
>mom pls
>laundry piling up too damn high
>best bro/e-friends cat went missing and shes afraid a neighbors dog has eaten/mauled it
>i-i just want things to turn out okay

>> No.7631386

Your mother isn't going to go to the gym with you.
Go pick out a gym yourself.
Although you should really just buy dumbbells and go running locally, unless you live in Detroit or something.

>> No.7631391

i wouldnt feel motivated if i didnt have someone with me, thats why i want to have a 'fitness buddy' of sorts since were both fucking whales. (also carless-chan) i know itd be cheaper to do dumbbells and exercising at the park near my house, but its just so FUCKING hot now, if im outside 5 minutes i want to die, im the biggest baby in the heat.

>> No.7631401

arrg, lately I feel like a really bad person. There's a female cosplayer in my area thats....complete shit at cosplay, which I wouldn't care about...but she's soooo arrogant.
All her good cosplays were bought for her by her boyfriend or commissioned by him or her friends. The ones she makes herself she ends up throwing them out right before the con because they fell apart (whcich she complains about online). She's dating a cosplay photographer and has pretty good photos of her good cosplays that she then submits to every single facebook cosplay contest she can without crediting the person who made the cosplay. When someone calls her out on it she and her boyfriend go "ohh, I didn't know I needed to, they didnt ask who made it, it was a misunderstanding." every. single. time.
and she deletes comments from her facebook when people call her out on crap like that, she's super rude to people in person and on her facebook page. I just really hate her and I wish she would move out of the area. I keep metting other cosplayers in the area that also hate her, so I'm glad its not just me, but...I think she's 17, so she's still a bratty kid. I hope she grows out of it soon or someone is able to actually put her in her place (not holding my breath on that one)

>> No.7631405

>tfw there are stores/sections in stores for petit/plus sized
>tfw 6'2"
>nothing for me

I wish I was into gyaru so I could wear regular american dresses as super short gyaru dresses

>> No.7631407


just wear them anyway.

>> No.7631417
File: 345 KB, 500x282, April_help_me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I should post here anyway...
>be guy
>be cool with it and liking women and all that manly stuff
>still feeling envy of lolitas for wearing those beautiful dresses and being cute
>feeling like a total creep for browsing tumblr and /cgl/ looking for pretty dresses
>I will never be cute and wear a pretty dress

I have a lolita friend but I avoid talking about her hobby fearing to sound like a creep.

>> No.7631437

>Have Spanish and French Surnames.
>Look like totally normal white person.
>Nobody suspects I'm jew.
>Nobody suspects far african heritage.
>I'm /pol/'s worst nightmare.
>People says racist jokes about jews/blacks all the time in front of me.
>Never really had any problem with it.
>One guy at Uni actually suspect's I'm jew.
>Goes passive-agressive all the time we have to work together.
>In the end he apologizes but keeps making racist remarks all the time.
I never felt annoyed by racist jokes before this. I suppose this is what feels to be black/jew.

>> No.7631451

>I did not see a therapist though because I still don't know if I really need to or if it's just my shitty whiny entitled character ruining what could have been a nice life.

As a person who has recovered from a serious mental illness, go get diagnosed at least. It's absolutely possible that you have a disorder of some kind, or a chemical imbalance in your brain. The best thing about having a mental illness is that it's absolutely treatable. You don't have to feel shitty for the rest of your life. You can take care of it, you can recover from it and live a better, more fullfilling life.
I honestly thought for years and years that it's just my personality to be a mopey, anxious, depressed piece of shit when that wasn't the case at all. The journey to recovery wasn't easy and it took me 8 years but the life I'm living now is very normal and stable with meaningful relationships and hobbies and I am so happy and grateful to be here every day.

>> No.7631462

>But they have a restaurant together
>Any advice how to deal with this situation?
Gordon Ramsay, obviously.

>> No.7631471

I'm a little curious, I feel like I might know someone who's also like this. Where are you from and what's the cosplayer's Tumblr or cosplay page?

>> No.7631479

>>Have Spanish and French Surnames.
>>Look like totally normal white person.
>>Nobody suspects I'm jew.
>>Nobody suspects far african heritage.
>>I'm /pol/'s worst nightmare.

Are you me ?
>Have French name
>Jew heritage from my mother side
>a quarter arabian a quarter black from my father
>I'm white as fuck, people think I'm French or sometimes Spanish
>nobody never suspect anything, until they hear my last name
>black name
>when I'll marry, I'll be /pol/'s worst nightmare forever.

>> No.7631488

I had a fight with my boyfriend. Apparently he can't get over the fact that I had a sexual life before him.
I feel so depressed. The worst part is that he isn't even a virgin himself, when I told him he was being a hypocrite he said he wasn't because I was happy that he was experienced and that it's different for men.

>> No.7631507

I would honestly ditch him. He sounds like he's very imposing, disrespectful, and the type of guy who would become controlling.

>> No.7631520

>he said he wasn't because I was happy that he was experienced and that it's different for men
I don't get this logic.

>> No.7631525

>Weight loss is a biological process not a purely physical one.
This is the single stupidest thing I have ever read. What the fuck do you think biology is? There isn't anything but the physical. God I'm furious that someone as retarded as you exists.

>> No.7631528

Dump him, he seems toxic and childish.

>> No.7631531

Men think these things don't apply to them because we value them for their experience.

>> No.7631534

Why should I shove my feelings to a bunch of pieces of fabric.

>> No.7631535

Oh man thats so sad, I bet if you write that shit on tumblr everyone will blow you.

>> No.7631540

how long have you been dating? if its anything less than 3 months dump him

>> No.7631541

This is off-topic but I need to get it off my chest.

I keep having romantic/sexual dreams about this guy I used to be friends with who I discovered really liked me only after I started going out with a mutual friend of ours. We've since broke up (a couple of years ago) and I'm not in contact with anyone from that group anymore but part of me regrets going out with my ex and wonders what would have happened if the other guy hadn't been so shy. I kind of want to talk to him but I am never going to do it because I'm a chicken so I guess I'll just be sad and fantasize about having a relationship alone in my bedroom. Should I try to do anything about it or should I just try to get over it? I'm such a loser.

>> No.7631566

you can totally be a brolita, you just have to own it.

>> No.7631568


You should try to get in contact with the dude. I'm trying to grow the balls to talk to a guy myself so I really feel you. Please talk to your guy!! Succeed where I don't

>> No.7631583


Oy vey! Not even my moody fat girls on /cgl/ are safe from Zionism anymore

>> No.7631586


A lot of guys love girls who are forward/take the initiative. I know everyone likes to be the one asked out to feel special, but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do

>> No.7631619

Sounds like a Chasing Amy situation

It's the whole "women find virgins and inexperienced men to be a turnoff" idea they have wrapped around their minds

Most want the girl that they are dating to not be "used up" and "pure". That's why some just don't bother to ask about your past sexual life cause they wouldn't be able to handle it


>> No.7631621

He's not the controlling type, it's just this specific subject.

>> No.7631634

It's not 'different for men' I personally only date virgins and there are a lot of us out there, this whole gender-lock thing is pissing me off.

>> No.7631660

I am pasty olive with dark eyes and hair, and I'm a Baltic Slav, born, raised, Lithuanians from both sides for at least three generations etc.
I always get the "um so where are you from?" question.

>> No.7631665

You must be really ugly if you can only date virgins.

>> No.7631702

I've ended up mainly with virgins, and tbh the quality of the sex is no different after the first month or so either way, it's more about whether I have good chemistry with the person.

>> No.7631782
File: 64 KB, 459x496, SodaPop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just for a moment imagine a reversed scenario.

You find out he was a virgin pre-dating/just after getting involved. Chances are most women would be turned off in the same vein men don't like lots of dicks in their girls.

No one is 'right' but everyone has a preference

>> No.7631797

How do you know it's "lots of dicks"? To lose your virginity, you only need to fuck one other person.
The entire concept is ridiculous and extremely entitled.
In the same vein, women who refuse to date virgins are probably just scared he won't know what he's doing and it'll be awkward as fuck, but that's not always the case.

>> No.7631801
File: 44 KB, 444x322, 1351268621102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's been about a month since I was given this advice, but I'd like to thank the seagulls who helped me figure out how to treat my pet dander allergy. I found the medications you guys suggested and made it to the con without puffing up or breaking out. Success!

some boyfriend feels in the meantime
>boyfriend is at home with parents for summer
>keto diet is too expensive when he doesn't have fed aid like he does at college
>he was off diet all last semester and has gained a lot of weight back
>when I started dating him he was bigger than he is now but I'm feeling less attracted to him anyway
>b-boyfriend maybe you could lift some to pass time
>"What would I even lift with?"
>Well you have a dumbbell in the frontroom at least
>"No anon, I'm not gonna be a curlbro. That's gay"
>mfw I don't even know what a curlbro is, I just want him to introduce himself to regular exercise
>mfw he just hurt his neck because all he's done the past few days is marathon Lost while lying on his bed
nigga gonna get bedsores

>> No.7631808

Men are very territorial. Now with virgin males, it's a turn off because women value men "pre-approved" by other women and who have status.

Everyone has their reasons.

>> No.7631813

Nerd men in general are a turnoff because they act so fucking retarded over trivial shit. hth

>> No.7631815

Who's talking about nerd men?

>> No.7631827

Anyone on this board is a fucking nerd.

>> No.7631829

>Should I do anything about it?

Is this even a question? YES!!!
Life isn't easy for anyone, we're not just handed what we want. If you want something, you go and take it. Want to be rich? Go spend your life learning to be wealthy. Want to get laid? Go out and talk to guys/girls, get your 50 "No"s and get that final "Yes". Want to date that qt3.14 guy/girl you've been checking out for the past 30 minutes/day/2 weeks/6 months/year? GO ASK HIM/HER OUT.

Life won't solve itself. When people go around with that "tfw no bf/gf" attitude, my only response is that they haven't tried hard enough. You should at a minimum be getting 5-10 "No"s per day if you're serious about whatever you're looking for.

Go get 'im!

>> No.7631835

You can find this sort of thinking in basically every culture in the world. It's not something only nerds think.

>> No.7631839

I'm so f*cking tired of being only called cute... Fuck this shit. They all just think I act tsun about it.
I just want to be like one of those fucking gorgeous androgynous cosplayers with loads of like on their pics and people being like "damn she's fucking awesome". I'm forever stuck with 100 like per pic at least and 150 like at most on my pic and people being like "so adorable". I also see myself as someone really ugly with a laughable face and I feel fucking bad comparing myself to everyone (why must all these idiots be so gorgeous?). But being called cute pisses me off because I feel like I'll never be anything more than "just cute".

>> No.7631844

>chances are most women would be turned off
No they wouldn't.

>> No.7631848

You can cosplay qt shots boys, anon

>> No.7631849
File: 8 KB, 259x194, angrybeagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no point in starting a page/blog for cosplay because I have no good photos
>can't get good photos because I don't know photographers
>can't get photographers without networking
>can't network without cosplay page

Photography in my comm works on a weird-ass friendship basis and I really wish it didn't

>> No.7631852

can and choose to are different.
I only date virgins by choice because it's a power trip for me as well as the fact that I can tailor their sexual prowess to fit my wants and needs.

>> No.7631853

Autocorrect is a cunt

>> No.7631855

>go to larger con
>talk to random photographer outside your comm
>ask for photoshoot

>> No.7631856

I don't exclusively date virgins, but I prefer them because I don't wanna deal with relationship baggage.

>> No.7631863

There's nothing wrong with making a page when you haven't got good photos. Just explain that you're looking to get into the community more. People only get shitty and judgmental about cosplay pages when people self promote like mofos when they are mediocre.

>> No.7631878

That's what I did since last week anon he he. I don't understand why they're litterally on fire when I do so like a bunch of weeb girls reading hot yaoiz. I mean calm down it's just a picture of myself doing silly cosplay stuff

>> No.7631884


He got hurt watching TV?

Real strong breeding stock you caught there.

>> No.7631886


Different poster, but where are you that you are running into 5-10 potential bf/gfs in a day?

>> No.7631900


damn that sounds hot

>> No.7631904
File: 49 KB, 353x359, 1371458821583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I know that feel. I'm really short and skinny fat with wide hips and thighs so there go my dreams of being able to cosplay tall, fit male characters. The only comment I ever get on my looks is "cute" or "adorable", and I hate it. It also pisses me off that even after I've told my friends that I don't like it when they ask me to do the shota/loli character for their group, it's still the only thing they ever ask me for. Like I get it you think it's the only one that fits, but the answer is going to be no so please stop asking.
I just want to be tall and androgynous and have a handsome face is that too much to ask for.

>> No.7631935

>>mfw he just hurt his neck because all he's done the past few days is marathon Lost while lying on his bed
wow, that's fucking embarrassing.

>> No.7631946

then why doesn't his stupid ass look for work if his preferred diet is so expensive? he sounds lazy and just wants everything to come to him with no effort. i'd move on.

>> No.7631958

>First post on cof
>Know it isn't perfect, but still think it looks pretty good
>Text gf saying i posted the first time and I'm nervous that people won't like it
>She gets super pissy and goes off about how I shouldn't care about what other people think
I can sorta see where she's coming from, but I still want to look good and not just pretend I do.

>> No.7631986

Are you a guy? Because guys are the only ones that believe that shit. I know this because I'm a dude myself and I cringe everytime some fat nerd says they prefer their girls unsullied.

>> No.7631997

I mean I understand she doesn't want you to stress over it too much, but it's a fashion. Of course you care what other people, especially those IN the fashion, think.

>> No.7632010

Not that anon but I prefer the girls I end up in a relationship with to be untarnished as well. When it comes to just hook ups, an experienced girl is a much better/preferred option in the sack. But it also depends on your definition of unsullied. A couple dicks, 5 or so, who cares. Her banging 20 dudes already by 20 is different. All preference though.

>> No.7632020

My girlfriend and I both sorta got into lolita together. Glad I don't have to deal with dating normalfag dudes

>> No.7632066

Try modifying it a bit? My metalhead friend showed me how she makes her band tees more flattering. cutting the neckline to be a bit bigger and then shortening it works wonders!

>> No.7632090

>tfw oh hey let's organize a meet
>tfw the location you have in mind requires you to call (no email)
>tfw afraid of calling

>> No.7632103

> tfw brolita
Life's so unfair for us :(
So many brand dresses that will never fit, the stigmas put on us by the creepy brolitas, heels making us super tall, so many feels.

>> No.7632139

>tfw short
>tfw very feminine cute round face
>tfw 21 but get mistaken for 16 all the time
>tfw have the potential to make a great qt 3.14 brolita

I wouldn't know where to start

>> No.7632156

I try to meet at least 10 people every day, and that's while not looking for anyone that's bf/gf material. Doesn't matter who they are, where they're going, what they're doing, etc, everyone has at least enough time for a "Hey! How's it going?"

And most people have enough time for a small conversation that'll tell you a little about them and a bit about yourself. And that's just within the daily grabbing mail/going for a walk/heading to the store/exercising/ etc activities that would put you in contact with people. During a convention it's easy as hell to meet at least 30 people per day that are friend material (70-80 overall). You don't have to have mad socializing skills to meet people, just a genuine interest.

>> No.7632171

Wow, you sound like a pathetic womanchild. Motivate yourself. Your waist measurement should be motivation enough.

>> No.7632183

Dump him. He's a toxic and disgusting manchild. Don't get depressed over that waste of air. He can stew in /r9k/ with his hand to comfort him.

>> No.7632198
File: 208 KB, 826x822, 35534117_p18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My SO came out to me as a necrophiliac.

I have absolutely no idea what to think about that. I'm not even that weirded out. I am just like... I was thinking they were cheating on me, or something? But they are just getting off to dead bodies.

Do I just... not care, anons? I don't feel anything about it, and I don't think any less of them, but it feels like I should be at least concerned.

>> No.7632205

well there's weirder fetishes out there..

I guess they'll want you to play dead during sex or something, not sure what that'd be like, but it doesn't sound that bad

>> No.7632210

This. Imo it is a huge sign of insecurity. It has nothing to do with ~men and women being different~ and everything to do with beta nerds fear of comparison and inadequacy.

>> No.7632212

I did ask, and he mentioned that it would never be quite right. I should feel slightly inadequate, but I think being too much like a dead body is a bad thing.

... Just, I don't even know.

>> No.7632214

If you don't care I would just go with it. As long as they're not harming anyone, you know?

>> No.7632227

You should probably let us know who you're agreeing with..
Uhh..Good luck. I have no idea.

>> No.7632243


If you are serious: Start looking for a local comm, or post on cgl. Make sure you don't come off as creepy, and participate in rthe fashion because you are really interested. I am sure there would be quite a few girls who would love to guide you.

>tfw no qt 3.14 brolita kohai to guide and dress up

I-if you are in Europe by any chance, and really interested, leave me your e-mail ;_;

>> No.7632246
File: 182 KB, 400x374, 1396290189295.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I lost 4 Tumblr followers in one day
I didn't even post anything that out of the ordinary.

>> No.7632250

This really grinds my gears. First, the whole point of this episode was pointing out cleveland's double standard. Leave it to idiots to just cap the parts they like and ignore the entire damn message
Second, women aren't bottles of coke or roses or locks or whatever else sexist fucks like to compare us to
Third you could just as easily say "would you rather have a popsicle that's new, or one that's been in seven vaginas?" of course no one asks that question.
Sage for ranting.

>> No.7632254

Jesus fucking christ i swear I'm going to kill my phone, it either doesn't reply properly or drops my reply. That's my feel cgl. Enjoy

>> No.7632260
File: 389 KB, 700x988, oUWcG4v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just remembered that he said I have a really low body heat when we were first getting together. Somehow, that is in a really sinister light now...

I'm going to talk to him about it more.

>> No.7632263


Don't bother Anon, it's just some /r9k/-faggot who summer posts here. We have quite a few of them. Supreme Gentlemens.

Cgl related:
>tfw almost every thread gets derailed by discussions about being fat

Seriously, is it just me or is it even getting worse than it was before?

>> No.7632269


I would ask him if it is just a fetish he enjoys in his phantasy, or if he really wants to be a necrophiliac. Also, ask him if he really wants to have sex with you even though you're alive, or if it's just some "Well, better than nothing"-thing. Communication is very important here.

The most important thing is what you want though, Anon. It's not an easy situation, but don't forget your opinion and feelings about this. If you cannot handle this, I am sure he will understand.

>> No.7632278

Most "-philias" aren't something you "want" to be, so your advice is retarded. Just ask him to explain it to you better, so you have a better idea, but make sure you let him know that you don't actually care and you're not judging him or he'll want to avoid you. Also, make sure he doesn't go to morgues and fuck the corpses, because that's hella illegal, and he WILL go to jail. Other than that, it's a relatively harmless -philia. At least he's not a pedo.

>> No.7632289

>Most "-philias" aren't something you "want" to be, so your advice is retarded.

Sorry, English is not my first language. I did not mean it that way - I meant if he wants to act it out. (Which is hella illegal, as you pointed out).

>> No.7632290

Nope. U.S. ;_;

but I will post self-pics later on in a help thread asking if I have the features to pull it off. Not being able to grow facial hair should help. Thanks for the advice though!

>> No.7632294


Aw no, too bad! I wish you luck though, I am sure you are a cutie! I'll have an eye on the help thread anyway if you decide to post.

>> No.7632301

Oh, my bad. Sorry for being a cunt then.

>> No.7632310


Na, re-reading it I can fully understand that it came off the wrong way. Apology accepted.

>> No.7632327

Sometimes it just happens when they're purging the spam accounts, or when a single-topic blog who followed you for 1 post about a single topic gets bored and unfollows you. Don't sweat it, anon. If you want to know who they are in the future, Stalkr is a good tool.

>> No.7632340

How many do you have total?

>> No.7632366
File: 316 KB, 661x1027, GirlinBlack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did just have a clarification chat with him. Being pale and having a low body temperature apparently drew him to me, but I know for a fact that we're in it past sex, so I'm not too bothered. It feels nice in that really weird way to know I have something special that other women wouldn't.

And he assures me he will do nothing illegal. Though he didn't clarify on if he had done anything like it in the past...

Still! I am set; I will not worry about it too much. Thank you for the advice, seagulls.

>> No.7632371

The girls cosplay name is KawiiXkitten, KawiiXkitten or kitten cosplay (she keeps changing it)

>> No.7632381

Where from? I don't know of many AL cgls. If she's from Birmingham, I can at least laugh at her or something.

>> No.7632395
File: 90 KB, 960x784, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Montgomery, if you went to HamaCon, she was dressed like this on sat.

She's recently gotten her hands on some Lolita stuff, so I hope she stops cosplaying and just focuses on Lolita, but I know she can't afford it, so I'm not getting my hopes up.

>> No.7632397

You're a nice gf anon. I have a similar issue, but inverted, and my philia is worse.

>tell bf that I'm a pedo
>he's understandably concerned
>explain that I would never harm a kid and that it's just something that happened (also why I was attracted to him, because although he's twenty, he still looks really young)
>brings it up in a joking way ("Don't go to jail"/"Don't go near that park"/"I can't have you around my little cousin"/etc.)
>getting really down about it
>invited him to a con with me
>he said he didn't think I should go, or I might assault a kid
>starting to feel suicidal over it

I'm aware of it, and I don't act on it in anyway. I don't watch anything illegal, I avoid situations that would put me in a bad spot, and I'm not a disgusting fuck who thinks the legal age should be lowered to 12 or something. I'm genuinely upset over it, and the more he makes fun of it, the more I feel like shit. And now he's saying he doesn't even think I should be going to cons, even though I've been going for years and I haven't done anything. He went with me before I told him and he didn't act weird about it. I'm just really sad about it now.

>> No.7632422

Are you attracted to young boys or what? Is it a pure sexual thing or is there some power play involved?

>> No.7632427


What cons do you go where there are so many children? I don't attend many cons but I barely saw people younger than 13, 14 years old (most were older), and these often had parents or someone else to watch out with them.

Anon, you should see a therapist, and maybe have a talk with your bf about how his behaviour makes you feel. Maybe it is just his way of coping mechanism.

>> No.7632436

It's kind of sexual, kind of maternal? So, I guess it's a power play, in that respect. And yes.

He's mostly referring to the 12-16 year old age group when he's saying that, so I guess I should have specified hebephile instead. I've always loved going to cons, and I'm not the type of creep who goes to look for teens to creep on or something, but now I'm feeling guilty for going to cons at all. Even though that's really the only fun thing I look forward to anymore.

>> No.7632437

I'm not the person you commented on, but you still have my support. I know you won't get a lot of support for being a pedo, even not from 4chan.. but this is caused by pedos being used as scapegoats by everyone and their grandma. It's not so much caused by pedos actually doing stuff wrong (because most don't do anything wrong).

Seriously, want to know how people acted around jews and blacks in the early 1900s? Just ask anyone today what they think about paedophilia.

but well, dunno what you should do with your boyfriend. Don't make a big deal out of it I guess, talk through it, tell him not to joke about it. I have a diaper fetish, I want my girlfriend to wear diapers with me. Of course they're going to find it awkward at first, but people can get to understand stuff. If you're into ageplay, that's fine

>> No.7632449

>It's kind of sexual, kind of maternal? So, I guess it's a power play, in that respect. And yes.
I see. Do you think you could ever have children?

>> No.7632463


If he trusts and loves you enough to be in a relationship with you (and I think this involves believing you do not assault random minors at weeb conventions), I do not think he should judge you that hard for going to cons.
I understand he might want to keep an eye out just in case or because it gives him a feeling of security, but it is still not correct.
You might want to talk to him that pedophilia does not always come hand in hand with assault(rape, and that assaults/rape are not about sexuality, but rather about power. That's why not all the heterosexual men go crazy because some hot chicks in bikinis run around, it just does not work that way.

>It's kind of sexual, kind of maternal? So, I guess it's a power play, in that respect. And yes.

Anon, I am sorry if this is getting too far, but how did you find out about this? And how do you live with that? It is surely not an easy burden.

>> No.7632480

Thanks. I'm actually not into ageplay at all, and I wouldn't even know where to begin asking him about anything close to that, because he seems to be very uncomfortable with it for right now. But I agree, I think it's fine. It's hard for most people to understand that we didn't chose our philias, they just sort of happened. I feel that as long as I don't act on it, people can at least try to treat me normally...

I've already decided against it, unless I can kill my hormones to where I don't think about it.

Thanks, anon. That actually makes me feel better about it. I'll try talking with him more.

I used to volunteer at an afterschool program in early high school up until I graduated. It kind of came on me like puberty does usually, I suppose. I was still rather young when I started working there, so I assumed my interests were just because of hormones. But as I grew older, my interests didn't grow with me, like I thought they would, and I quit after graduation because I didn't want to be in that environment anymore. I live with it by strictly working, going to class, and then going home. I just avoid being in the presence of anyone under the age of 16 for too long.

>> No.7632489

753, now.

>> No.7632494

I had this female teacher when I was 9 who was always making sex jokes with the boys. She was very open about it.

She ended up fucking a 14yo boy and they got rid of her, but I don't think she went to jail because age of consent is 14 here.

It's good that you're doing your best not to end up like her.

>> No.7632497

>Thanks, anon. That actually makes me feel better about it. I'll try talking with him more.

I am glad I could help, Anon. I hope things will work out for you.

>I quit after graduation because I didn't want to be in that environment anymore. I live with it by strictly working, going to class, and then going home. I just avoid being in the presence of anyone under the age of 16 for too long.

Well, at least you seem to act responsible and mature. I cannot imagine how hard it must be for you. I wish you all the best so that you can resume such a life without hurting anyone. Do you seek any professional help? Have you ever told anyone else? I'd be way too afraid to even tell anyone besides maybe a therapist, because admitting you are a pedo is like social suicide...

>> No.7632514

Hell no. I know too many people who were molested as children and are really fucked up now because of it. I wouldn't be able to ever do anything like that.

Yeah. I'm seeing a therapist, and that's all. The only person I've told other than him is my best friend, and that was only because it was during a breakdown and on my list of things that I was saying I should die for. I wouldn't dare tell anyone else.

I guess I can still attend cons targeting the older crowd. Or become a LARPer.

>> No.7632522

If you're not doing anything, why would you stop going to cons?

I mean, men are pertty horny all the time and they still don't go raping girls on cons.
It sounds like it's the same for you.

>> No.7632533


Holy shit. How do you even notice when 4 disappear?

>753 different people are interested in what you have to show them. 753. That's no small number.

>> No.7632539

It's something I'm really sensitive about, and it already depresses me enough. His comments have me feeling really shitty, and now I just feel too guilty. I know he's probably joking to mess with me, but I also know that most people joke when they can't say what they really mean.

>> No.7632542

tfw i will never fit into Chess Chocolate Jabot or Drop Waist JSK.

tfw 82cm bust
tfw dress is 92cm bust


>> No.7632577
File: 12 KB, 300x209, hitoshisan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, how dare i want a workout buddy, and how dare i not want to go running in the near-100 degree heat.

>> No.7632581

no, keep her away from us, anon!

>> No.7632602

>tfw want to be friends with my whole comm outside of the fashion
>tfw i have no proof but think the whole comm hates me

>> No.7632735
File: 56 KB, 720x540, 10384692_765839483438190_3433388161786067893_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was just in the fashion show for Sukoshi coon Montgomery, and she looks pretty cute. sadly, someone gave her the outfit to wear and did her makeup for her, but still...take her from cosplay lolitas, please!

>> No.7632768

>someone gave her the outfit to wear
w-well at least she isnt insane and returned it....
>not sure if want
>if shes nice will feel bad

>> No.7632788

While I don't agree with the wording, the thinking behind the post of the anon you're replying to is that you can't rely on others as a clutch; you have to be able to motivate yourself to work out without relying on outside pressure. Having a workout buddy is great (especially if they help motivate you), but if they decide that losing weight is too much for them, you need to be able to keep at it and not give up.

Things like 100-degree heat are annoying, but you should find alternatives. Like, for instance, you could find a local gym or a place like a JCC where you can do your running indoors and go swimming and work out (fuck, I love that place). Otherwise, you'll find yourself giving up more and more often, putting it off on small excuses like "oh, it's too hot" or "oh, but I'll be doing lots of walking today anyways" or "oh, I heard that there's a tornado warning.... in a completely different state".

>> No.7632793

* lent her the outfit.

take her if you want her, cosplayers dont want her.

>> No.7632794

>tfw i look super kawaii from the front and feel rly good about myself
>tfw i turn my face to the side and want to kill myself and never leave the house because i am not as cute as i think ;-;

>> No.7632803

>Tfw I have too much baggage from a past abusive relationship for anyone to want to date me
>Tfw I'm just going to move into my mom's basement and NEET

>> No.7632823

Don't take it out on yourself anon

A lot of people feel that way when they look from the side

You're just being overly self-conscious

You are your own worst critic

Nobody really pays attention to the sides...more of the full on view of the face

>> No.7632838

new thread

>> No.7632861

I would talk to him about it and how he's making you feel. Make it really clear how far you go out of your way to avoid this stuff and how hard it is, without making it sound like you're just on the edge of temptation or anything.

>> No.7632877

Thanks for the positivity but I feel like it would be a mistake... As far as I know he's still friends with my ex which makes things really awkward and I don't know if he would even be interested anymore or if he's even single. Maybe I'll just try to go out and about more and try to accidentally run into him or something.

>> No.7634053

As long as they stick to roleplay and fantasies, I don't see the problem. You can't really help what you like.

>> No.7634568

My boyfriend has never given me shit about being a lolicon. As long as nobody is being harmed, he couldn't care less even if I were into decapitation or guro. He understands that fetishes aren't really a choice, as he's into some weird stuff as well.

>> No.7635117
File: 99 KB, 545x473, 1367039380863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would do this but I'm a major tomboy and I kind of feel like sugar baby sites are only for girly girls.

>> No.7635638

Same about not liking normalfags.
Yes yes yes!! And you are my dream boy!
I can cosplay Remilia or Flandre, well i always dreamed to cosplay a Touhou character! Such lovely valentine background for Remilia hehe!
You can be a brolita, liking manly stuff and having a gf and also find the right people to help you into lolita fashion.

>> No.7636112


>> No.7636244


Well that's what folks are trying to buy from those sites.

Good thing is that they don't really care if you just pretend.