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7627726 No.7627726[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>>7621003 is autosaging

>> No.7627733

Has anyone been having trouble with Japonica lately? If so, what happened and what did you do about it?

I just posted about them >>7627720 and I'm contemplating just telling them that I'm unhappy with their service (they also have refused to do anything about scammers not selling items in the past) and just not using them at all anymore. But I'm too chicken to actually do that. Considering how much money I've spent with them I'm really unhappy that they've become so shitty. Can anyone recommend any other SS other than FromJapan that are good? Hopefully one that is slightly more personal like ChibiTenshi.

>> No.7627738

I always use Tokyo Pirates and she's excellent

>> No.7627741

Thanks! I have heard good things about her. Her site says that she can only bid on 1 item a day though which is odd.

>> No.7627752

Might just be a safeguard to protect against potential scammers that would want her to bid on everything they want all at once and not pay later. email her to ask about it if you're bothered and maybe she'll do something? she's been very accommodating for my orders.

>> No.7627759

I think she said it was for a different reason, but I guess it can't hurt to ask. I might just wait awhile to see if Japonica will reply seeing as they have my money already as the auction doesn't end for several days. Then I might email TP. Thanks for your help!

>> No.7627884

Thank you! If it's not too much bother could you maybe measure the insole? I have the same problem with my clown feet... and I'm wondering if I could wear size LL which is said to be 25 cm. My feet are a bit over 25 cm and for comparison Metamorphose's size LL is perfect.

>> No.7627891

At what point did people start freaking out about dresses not covering knees? It seems to be a bigger deal than it used to be.

>> No.7627904

Be careful, she can't read and write Japanese which can be a problem with snotty sellers with lots of rules on mbok. Chibi Tenshi is the best.

>> No.7627907


I thought the conventional style lolita dresses are meant to be a fingerwidth or two above the knee? You can't go too short, but as long as the skirt isn't mid thigh you're usually okay to show your knees.

>> No.7628328

Pretty sure the "knees" thing is just an unfunny running joke/troll that resulted from the whole Misako lolita contest debacle a while ago.
Dresses have been above the knee pretty much since lolita's inception. When a dress is deemed "too short" it's usually because it shows a large amount of thigh, not just knees.

>> No.7628342

What the fuck is up with all of these scalped Honey Cake bags? Just because one person paid $300 one time doesn't mean it's going to sell for that much regularly. I want the bag too but god damn i will not pay $200+ for it.

>> No.7628348

I came to this thread specifically to bitch about that $350 Honey Cake bag on LaceMarket. You beat me

>> No.7628351

Especially the ones with damages or stains.....

>> No.7628364

How about that ratty Honey Cake dress someone was selling recently? Even if it's a coveted print, something like that isn't worth anywhere near retail when your fucking pet chewed a hole in it.

>> No.7628370

Is one of the 350 ones fucked up? Link?

>> No.7628388

Someone tried to sell one with a hole chewed in it? wtf.

Idk, $200 sounds reasonable to me, considering the it originally cost over $100 after the yen to dollar exchange and is a highly coveted piece. Any more than $210 is pushing it, though, imo.

>> No.7628392

anon is probably talking about that recent lm auction that started really low like 15usd and was bid up to 200 or something even though it had marks and scratches

but that's all buyer driven pricing since i had been watching it and i know it started super low

>> No.7628401

This one has a starting bid of $350, and the other one on lm at the moment has a BIN of $400. Seriously? http://www.lacemarket.us/honey-cake-shoulder-bag-2/

>> No.7628407

Is one of them messed up? Anon was saying something about stains and stuff

>> No.7628410

The other one has a stain on the strap. I think they were talking about the one that sold recently for $200, it had some damages.

>> No.7628420

Yeah I wouldn't have bid on the one with the scratches and marks but obviously a lot of other people didn't care lol

Oh yeah big strap stain on that other one

>> No.7628446

How the fuck does Milkyfawn have over $2k to spend on brand in one haul and then make another haul shortly after? I know she works, but what kind of pay is she making to be able to do that? Isn't she like 20?

God, I'm so fucking jelly. I hate having poorfag parents who I can't live with and having to work to pay rent while I'm in school.

>> No.7628455

so I just made a purchase on lacemarket. seller sends me a message asking if I want standard or priority shipping on the package; I don't need it in a rush, so I say standard is fine. she invoices me, I pay, all is well.

but today when I checked the tracking I notice the package is listed as 'priority'. and when I go to double check the bill, sure enough, she charged me for priority shipping. it's my fault for not catching it the first time, but i'm still a little peeved. should i say something?

>> No.7628467

I would just leave neutral feedback(assuming the dress is fine)

>> No.7628468
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It could be many things: parents, inheritance, credit card debt, you name it. But anon, don't worry about her. She posts the dollar amount she spends which is very tacky and shows that getting negative attention and jellyfeels is her main goal. Don't fall for it and give her what she wants.

>> No.7628557

Did anyone else see this going around tumblr? Girl is selling scans of GLB on etsy

etsy com/shop/KudamonoCraftyCorner

As if they weren't pissed off enough about scans being shared...

>> No.7628604

yeah Index is going to put a stop to that really fast. what does she think she's playing at selling scans of volumes that are easily found on the internet anyway?

>> No.7628619

Glb and gosu rori scans have been being sold on etsy for ages and nothing has ever been done. I doubt they get many sales honestly, most people can easily find it online anyway.

>> No.7628807

Yes, I know that pain about poorfag parents and being a student.
Best thing to do is to just close her blog page and not revisit.
Use your hate for motivation for your studies so you can get a good job that allows you to do the same.

>> No.7628947

So.. I was just wondering how many girls visit multiple comms on a semi-regular basis? I have a local comm in my own city, but we're small and don't have meets too often, so I travel to other comms (within a 2 hour drive) on occassion. Am I the only one who does this?

>> No.7628961

>Am I the only one who does this?
when is this statement ever fucking true?

...maybe if you're an inventor I guess

>> No.7628967

you're right, I was just wondering if there were any seagulls who did it too.

thanks for your contribution to the discussion.

>> No.7628975

She probably saves and buys in bulk because shipping is expensive anon.

>> No.7628990

my hauls are better

>> No.7628998

Does Milkyfawn only buy used lolita? I never see her wear any new releases or buy from brand, which is strange for a lolita that buys so regularly.

>> No.7629004

She buys brand but I've never seen her buy new either.
I'm 21 and my parents are only of average wealth but I have a full on college ride so I don't have to pay for school. I only pay 200 a month in rent.
If I save my money a few months since I get paid 1.5k a month I can afford to buy like she does but I'm saving for a house.
I know there are people that are a lot less lucky but she doesn't have to be rich to buy like she does.

>> No.7629005

she buys only used and lots of taobao

>> No.7629011

Second hand is generally much cheaper than direct from brand, and Japanese Lolitas usually keep their stuff in good condition. Therefor you can buy more stuff!

>> No.7629012

how long has mikyfawn been in the fashion anyways?

>> No.7629019

What kind of job are you working to make that?
I'm the original anon who posted, and I also have a full ride thanks to a shitty high school experience (moved out at 16 due to being in an abusive situation) and pretty good grades/test scores. However, rent in my area even for closet sized rooms in shitty apartments is high. I paid almost $400 to live in a 7x11 room in a technically one bedroom (converted to a two bedroom with no living area) apartment this year.
Despite having a good bit of experience in the food service industry thanks to working at a restaurant from age 14-18 and doing an internship at a non profit one summer, I can't seem to get jobs that pay any more than $8 to $9 an hour. I work 20-25 hours week (usually about $650/mo after taxes) and honestly don't understand how people manage to work more with any sort of rigorous course load.
Don't get me wrong, I save for and buy plenty of brand so I'm not screaming out "rich bitch!!!", but I really don't understand how she makes enough to spend the way she does.
Sorry for venting; lolita has just made me more frustrated with my situation than I already was.

>> No.7629027

from her blog "Occupation: Pharmacy assistant & merchandiser.

>> No.7629030

I know what Milkyfawn does; I was asking about the anon who I responded to.

Although, hot damn, I wish the US would pay its workers like Aus. does.

>> No.7629044

I'm an assistant manager of a family owned retail store. It's basically a gift shop. I live in a tourist city so it's probably why I get paid more.
I work in the morning and take night classes.
I work about 30 -32 hours a week.
During the summer I work two jobs and save all my money.

>> No.7629050

That makes sense, I guess; being able to take night classes (my uni doesn't offer them) would make scheduling/working a bit easier. I'm glad you've got something good going for you. I'll stop whinging now and try to suck up my self pity.

>> No.7629052

I feel you though anon. I wish I could just spend all my money on brand too but I have to think about the future.

Also CDC accessories went like about 20 minutes ago for anons who don't know.

>> No.7629053

Idk are you living in a major city? Rent is going to be fucking high unless you have a car. I would try a health care type job (group homes pay well and cover for your training) You should maybe consider moving to a place with roommates to save on rent too.

>> No.7629068

I am living in a small city with a very high concentration of students and university employees as well as a decent tech/health care industry. Thanks to the two major universities in my area, even rent in the shittier city where the other university is located is high (I'm currently living with my boyfriend paying ~310 per month each plus utilities and all that jazz in a not nice area). I did split a tiny apartment in order to save rent. I've never owned a car and can't really afford the extra cost one entails, and even if I did, parking here is a total bitch. Street parking is expensive, and most rentals require you to pay an extra $60-100 per month to park in the driveway of your rental.
The shitty thing is that no, this isn't a big city. It's just a city dominated by a university that caters increasingly to very wealthy individuals. 5 new high-rise student apartment complexes have gone up in the 3 years I've been here, and 2 management companies have slowly acquired a large share of the market and jacked up prices. At least if it was a major city I would enjoy some benefits.

Sage for totally OT.

>> No.7629221
File: 297 KB, 1000x1500, tumblr_mydj5pyZqf1qe8515o5_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good lisb coords yet? this is the best i can find.

>> No.7629223

Should I just buy CDC in pink? Or am I gonna regret it? But the socks are so cute and I really like the pink colorway the best. Only thing that really sucks is that all the blouses are gone...

>> No.7629229

go for it, it's going to be way cuter in person. picked up the pink regular jsk.
which cut do you want?

>> No.7629251

Congrats anon!
I wanted the other jsk... I'm just worried I won't find the right blouse to wear it with for a while. And I haven't ecided if I want the socks in pink or lavender... descisions decisions...

>> No.7629269

It's not an easy dress to coord anon. Nothing matches it.

>> No.7629299

Is anyone going to AX in their frills? I'd like a chance to see some outfits in real life and possibly meet some gulls.

>> No.7629376
File: 79 KB, 350x442, Diamond_Glitter_Over_the_Knee_Socks_ivgd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go for it! you'll find a cute blouse. maybe you can commission one from the floral notebook? she has a cute design with princess sleeves. also the ponies on CDC look white and there were white socks released with it so it's a fair bet that white will go with it pretty well. i'm wearing pic related for legwear, lavender DDC bonnet with pink foam roses, lavender shoes, and a gold bag.

>> No.7629381

See if you can find a job in retail where you earn commission.

That's what I do, I bring in 2.2k a month, rent is $500 a month since I split rent with my partner.

>> No.7629383

Minimum wage in Australia is pretty awesome. My friend went there and got a job at Subway and was making $15.65 USD an hour.

At Subway.

>> No.7629387

I hate you all. I pay $600 a month and thats split with my boyfriend and doesnt even include utilities.

>> No.7629393

i make $15.84/hr as a cashier. i pay the $500/month car payment. i spend the rest on school and lolita.

>> No.7629414

jesus, where do you live? I only make $10 an hour in a fucking restaurant.

>> No.7629419

Is it tacky if your accessory's theme doesn't match your outfit theme, even if it's the same color? For example if my jsk has pink strawberrys on it and I wore pink bear themed accessories. And what if it's a more general themed necklace like a bow? Or a plain dress with milky chan accessories? Sorry for all the questions but I can only get one accessory set to match all my pink stuff and I'm trying to figure out what to buy.

>> No.7629428
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I don't understand; I work a decent job at the equivalent of $1,668 a month. I'm paying the equivalent of $578 a month, utilities and tax not included, to rent a small bedroom in same sort of flat (no living room) in the UK, and I thought I was just paying a bit more than average for my city and was pretty content with things.
Is rent a generally cheaper in the USA? Sage for OT.

For all the hype, this dress is just too difficult and everyone ends up with samey coords.

>> No.7629435

Rent can be extremely cheap in the US, but wages are considerably lower as well. When I was living in a tiny college town, I paid under $250 in rent and utilities each month, even though I was in a "prime" location near campus, because it was a tiny one room apartment (bedroom and kitchenette in one room, bathroom with a shower attached).

Lived in another, nicer apartment (two bed, two bath) in a big city a few years later for nearly $900 a month before utilities, while a friend in a one bedroom, one bath apartment in another part of town was paying almost as much. Depends on where you live, not just in the country, but also the city.

>> No.7629436

Eh, it depends where you live. I've lived in cities where $450 was the cheapest and you just pay electric (mind you this is like bug infested, tiny, everything broken cheap) and I've lived in cities where you can't get anything less than $700. Everything where I live now was out of my price range so I live with my mom again since it's all 500+ and minimum wage is only $8.

>> No.7629437

Where did you live that it only cost $250? I want to live there!

>> No.7629443

Can we not turn this into a how do you afford lolita thread? Every city's living expenses and every person's situation and finances are going to be different. Why do we need a million personal anecdotes about it? Move to the country if you want cheap rent.

>> No.7629448

Do you prefer proof pictures with the merch laid out on a bed or floor or on a hanger? I feel like floor/bed photos are kind of dirty, but the clothes don't hang very attractively by themselves. And no, I don't have a dress form.

I'm going to make my first sales post and I just want my items to look nice.

>> No.7629454

I think bed photos are fine if you have clean sheets and good lighting, but hangers are a safe bet too. When possible, I'll put stuff under dresses on hangers so that they sit right.

>> No.7629457

There's nothing wrong with bed photos as long as everything is clean

>> No.7629469


I don't like floor pictures. Seems so dirty to me. Bed is fine, if you use clean sheets. On a hanger always makes it look less appealing imo.
I bought a cheap dress form to display the clothing, it's definitely worth the money.

>> No.7629472

The best way to do bed photos is to take any blankets, etc off of the bed, smooth out the sheets as best as possible and, if necessary, lay a solid, light-coloured sheet over it.

It can be a bit 'eh' when you see people displaying items on a heavily patterned bedspread.

>> No.7629486

As long as it's a plain sheet I prefer it. gives a better idea of what the dress will look like and the proportions of the dress

>> No.7629497

I ordered it, but with the pink socks because the white ones have sax blue in them.
I hate that I always miss out on the blouses that would actually fit me :c O prdered a pricess sleeve blouse from Pumpkin Cat in Pink a while ago, or would pink be overkill? I wanted to combine it with golden shoes.

>> No.7629498

What's the cheapest way to ship internationally with tracking from the US to Europe and Australia? The items are too big to fit in a bubble mailer.

>> No.7629500

* I ordered

>> No.7629504

I know those feels, anon. custom-made blouses forever.

if you're going to use gold shoes, try a gold bag and maybe a gold tiara or gold flower hairclips! and it probably wouldn't be too much pink if the blouse were pink, but I'd be wary different toned pinks. CDC pink seems really cool-toned and darker, whereas most pink blouses made by taobao brands are lighter, warmer pink colors. when you get CDC and your blouse in, try taking pictures to see how the tones of pink are different, and if they're too different in terms of warm vs cool tones, try a white blouse instead.

sorry though if this is confusing as fuck because the socks for CDC actually seem a little warm-toned compared to the CDC main pieces. it probably doesn't matter as much for legwear though, AP keeps making socks that don't quite match the colors of the main pieces they're for (like Candy Sprinkle) and the socks still look good in coords.

>> No.7629506
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Does anyone have the stock picture for this in black x navy (Moitie's Gothic Arch bag)? I just bought it for a pretty good price which I'm excited about and I love to collect stock pictures of my stuff.

>> No.7629507
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I live in Australia and making lots of money isn't hard if you have the right job. I also currently live from home. My income can range from $1.4k - $2k a fortnight (I get paid fortnightly) and am also able to buy like her. Even if I save up some money from two pays and buy more. It's really not that hard here.

>> No.7629518

Afaik, she works in a pharmacy just stocking shelves and working registers. She purchases used brand and lives with her parents (not entirely sure if it's rent-free but she may pay a small amount in board). It's easy to say she spends a lot of her earnings on a shopping addiction. You could bet your frilly ass she most likely has little to no savings. It's easy to spend $1k a month or even more on a taobao haul if you only have to pay minimal fuel for your fuel efficient car, minimal living expenses (board would include internet, food, electricity and I would hazard a guess at $100 a fortnight average), phone plan which you could get a decent plan for around $30 a month depending who you go with/how much credit you use. If she's working 40 hrs a fortnight at around $18 an hour (I don't know what minimum wage is for over 18's) that's $720 a fortnight. Take $200 out of that for bills, she's still left with $520 to play with. She could spend it on a haul easily if she's choosing to not save money

>> No.7629519

It's always kinda hard to tell from pictures, especially with taobao.
I've been searching for a golden bag forever. For CDC a star-shaped bag would be fine, but I also wanted one for my DDC and I'm not sure how I feel about combining it with stars.
A tiara would be so cute, I've always wanted one and wear it with a hime style wig... Could be a little bit tacky, but I love tacky.

>> No.7629520

I always wonder how lolitas can save up to something. For me, it's always like I either buy it right away or it'll be gone.

>> No.7629521

What kind of industry do you work in, without having to pry and be outright rude and ask what job you have specifically?

>> No.7629526

Like, missing reservation dates and stuff? I had to block a couple of friends and stuff on facebook because I often just impulse joined GO's and whatnot. I would get hyped up over a dress I didn't even like because everyone else liked it. Without their fawning I would think the same dress was hideous. I now just try to only buy dresses that I know I'll never find anywhere else at a price I can afford (if a dream dress pops up when I have no money, then it's too bad so sad).

>> No.7629530

This was my fear about CDC... Am I just hyped? But then again, I've always liked it... Pegasuses are the shit!
I have 2 dream dresses I'm pursuing and they're both not very expensive or sought after, so if they pop up one time, money shouldn't be the problem.
But sometimes I find stufff that's kinda cheap at auction and buy on impulse.

>> No.7629534
File: 35 KB, 499x419, tumblr_mu9egkdHYp1sp15ppo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work from home for a private college completing students applications and signing them off to be enrolled. I have a really good base salary along with an extra commission for those who continue on past the census date but even without commission I make about 1.5k a fortnight.

>> No.7629557

Bows and hearts are pretty safe, a lot of pink/sweet pieces will have them somewhere in the details. Anything specific like animals or strawberries will be more awkward. they can work, but they won't work with everything. If you have to get just one thing- go the bows.

>> No.7629561

>For example if my jsk has pink strawberrys on it and I wore pink bear themed accessories.

That's really tacky yes. More neutral things like bows are fine. It's fine with a plain dress of course as long as you stick to one theme. Just don't mix a bunch of themes together or you'll look like a hotass mess.

>> No.7629562

DDC has stars in the print (along the stripes) so it wouldn't look too out of place, I think.

>> No.7629570

True... Maybe I'll get a golden star bag then... Should I ever find one.

>> No.7629571

Alright, thank you. I don't want to risk looking like a hot mess. I guess I'll have to save up for a second set eventually since I really want the matching set to a dress I have.

>> No.7629668

In Italy university loans aren't that high but well depends of which uni you attend, but we have a shitty economy going more and more downhill so there are lots of low paid jobs or no jobs at all and the 90% is full time, this means for a student is awful because it's rare or in some places impossible to find a part-time job.
I can buy some brand but only second hand also because that damn AP shop or BTSSB don't shop overseas so high shipping/ss and the customs hitting you so often, life gonna suck for a student lolita. I can only buy second hand on auctions or taobao/offbrand. The only thing i'm lucky is i don't need to pay rent to attend uni because it's sorta near from my small town.

>> No.7629728
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My lavender VR has damage, do you thing a good seamstress gould fix this to look remotely like it did before or is that impossible?

>> No.7629763

What do you like in reviews of stores and services, seagulls?
I recently wrote a review, but I feel like it's so goddamn long (and not amazingly organized) that no one's ever going to read it.

>> No.7629775

well, what did you buy?

for shopping services
>I think timelines are important, though I generally skip them
>communication is important
>no need to introduce the shopping service's rules and policies, I read them all beforehand anyway
>inconsistency in service or adhering to their own rules would be nice to mention

for buying an item brand new
> if you want to talk about the size/fit, please list your own measurements
I'm sick of reading reviews that say the dress fits right/fits bad, I don't really care how the dress fits on you, I care about how it fits on me. And you are not my size.
> describe the construction in a detailed manner, you don't have to be wordy, talk about whether the sewing is good, any flaws
> if it's a print, a photo to show print clarity (more so for indie brands)
> service not really necessary unless something went wrong along the way or they were extremely nice.

I think it's best to write a review after wearing the item out once or twice and having washed it. Only after that will you know if the colours run, buttons pop, or a specific spot on the dress pokes at your flesh when you wear it.

>> No.7629787

Thanks for the help.
I gave a general overview of an SS an my short review of their services, since I feel like they're not as well known as others like Japonica.
If people generally know about their policies and whatnot, I could probably cut some from that.

>> No.7629827
File: 139 KB, 528x553, serious_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think timelines are important, though I generally skip them

>> No.7629839


Well its an individual's responsibility to clarify the policies before using a service.

important to othes but i usually only skim through.

>> No.7629955

She has better saving skills than me tbh
But I wonder how much of that goes towards customs and shipping? That must cost a ton

>> No.7630016

The secrets this week got me thinking: I have an upcoming meet that's magical girl themed, and I had a coord I was really proud of planned. It's all AP, and from one of their lesser known special sets, but it has arm warmers. I thought they were really cute, but I'm new to this community, and I'm afraid they'll think I'm just ita. What should I do?

>> No.7630019

I have the same feeling towards owning dresses. I either buy it new or not at all.

>> No.7630020


>> No.7630022

I always just put a cute blanket on the floor and put the clothes on the blanket.

>> No.7630023

When i spend 2 G i spend at least $200 on shipping

>> No.7630032

Try asking one?

>> No.7630036

Post it here and ask for opinions.

>> No.7630216

I don't care as long as it captures the whole garment. the lighting is good and you have detailed photos. The worst is a single photo at a weird angle with crappy lighting that cuts off half the dress. Whatever makes the dress look good.

>> No.7630299

What do you guys consider a perfect sized wardrobe for pretty regular wear?

>> No.7630318

I would like to know if you're able to repair this, anon. I have a dress that while I don't think I'll ever sell it, a few of the lacing lace pieces are damaged.

>> No.7630322

I would say at least 30-35 main pieces, 15-20 blouses, and 3 different colors of shoes; plus at least one piece of legwear and accessories to match each main color in your wardrobe.

>> No.7630338

Depending on what your style is and how many accompanying pieces (like blouses, legwear, shoes, etc.) you have, anything from 10 to 20 would allow for almost daily wear with a good bit of variation, imo. You're going to need fewer pieces if you tend to wear fairly simple pieces with more toned down prints (i.e. not signature AP or JetJ's flashy prints), as they're both less memorable as pieces (as opposed to outfits) and can be coordinated in more ways.
My wardrobe goal is to have 2-3 OTT pieces suitable for conventions and big/expensive meets, 3-5 pieces that can be dressed up to be OTT or worn more neutrally, and 10 staple dresses that I can wear regularly with ease, so about 20 pieces. But I also want to have a lot of boleros, jackets, blouses, headwear, bags, and shoes to coordinate with it all.

>> No.7630361

How do you wear cardigans with JSKs? I have a cute cardigan from AP, but it looks weird unbuttoned and the waist bows of all of my dresses get in the way of buttoning it. Should I just wear it unbuttoned? Or is there a way to make it look nicer?

>> No.7630368

I usually remove anything from the waist when wearing cardigans.

>> No.7630371

only 3 pair of shoes? nigga, you need at least 10 to match a wardrobe of that size.

>> No.7630381

What if it's a nondetachable waist bow? None of my JSKs (AP and Baby) have detachable waist bows.

>> No.7630424

Then just wear it unbuttoned. Lots of people do it, I think it looks cute.

>> No.7630475

Yeah, seriously. Same with bags. I have to buy a new goddamn pair of shoes and a bag almost every time I buy a dress.

>> No.7630528

How cohesive are your wardrobes? As people who wear it often tend to stick to a style and a few colors, so they get basics for both of those. Shoes are easier to build up since you can get non lolita ones, but bags are supposed to be one of those things you try to fit many outfits. Hence the number of coords with the same heart shaped bag everyone has, its a basic bag in a color they wear often.

>> No.7630555

Middle of bumfuck nowhere Missouri. Seriously. Not worth it unless you were either a student, or a professor, because the rest of the town was dying a slow, Walmart-induced death.

>> No.7630560

Neither of those anons, but I have a fairly cohesive sweet wardrobe (I have a number of classic and gothic pieces, but they're all over the fucking place) and still have almost one bag for every main piece (7 JSKs, 5 bags). While, yes, one of those bags matches 4 pieces, another matches 3, and the gold star matches two, it's nice to be able to mix it up with a new or special bag, especially if you're wearing the same pieces repeatedly.
Same with shoes. While you could wear the same 3 pairs of shoes over and over again, why the fuck would you invest in 20+ main pieces only to have 3 pairs of shoes?

>> No.7630561

If you're in the town I'm thinking of, I almost went to college there. Going to STL instead, thank goodness.

>> No.7630562

What's the dress called?

>> No.7630563

There are quite a few college towns that are like that in Missouri, sad to say. I can name two or three off the top of my head. The sad thing is that the schools in those towns aren't bad schools, but combining the fact that local kids can't get into them, and Walmart is crushing all local industry, and you basically get ghost towns once you get off campus. Makes for cheap as hell rent, though.

>> No.7630564

Shoes are cheap too.

>> No.7630567

Missouri has a weird law that allows students to opt out of whatever they don't want to learn for religious reasons, right?
From hearing about how bigoted and sheltered many people are from professors I've spoken with, I don't know that I'd feel comfortable wearing lolita around there. Maybe it's different since you could portray it as some sort of southern bell sort of thing, but still.

>> No.7630568
File: 240 KB, 1440x810, 1378094908596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7630570

>opt out of whatever they don't want to learn for religious reasons
Never heard of that. And honestly, I didn't meet that many people who were particularly bigoted or sheltered that were a part of the university/college. A few homeschooled kids were a bit sheltered and prissy (both of whom were from out of state, one from Chicago and the other from somewhere in Iowa), but that was about it.

We used to have this preacher come around, he hits all the schools in the midwest down through Arkansas. Calls himself Brother Jed. Had a "family" that travelled with him harassing students. Telling girls that they're going to hell for wearing pants or going to college. Calling them whores. Shouting at students and saying they were going to hell for mysegination and homosexuality and generally just being assholes. When he'd show up, every group on campus would pretty much rally a protest to chase them off. I never saw a single person actually agree with any of them.

>> No.7630571

You must be new here.

>> No.7630587

nah, I live in STL, and it's pretty chill here. I get complimented on my dresses most of the time I go out. It's actually a pretty liberal area in a conservative state.
And even is some turbo rural places like Rolla (I have family there) there are lots of dumb scene/emo/whatever was cool 3 years ago ~edgy desu~ teenagers, so wearing lolita looks p good by comparison.

>> No.7630588

Lost in Sea by taobao brand Krad Lanrete

>> No.7630592

motherfuckin' brother Jed Smock, he used to come up to UIUC all the time. I was in my school's secular student alliance, and we'd always do some kind of silly counter event, like bingo cards with his most common "Jedisms" (like "you deserve hell" sign, "it's not okay to be gay" song, etc)

polite sage for OT

>> No.7630598

idk how you feel about bag replicas but there's a gold milk bag replica on spreepicky right now, and a gold star bag replica on ebay. AP just re-released the gold star bag and it sold out on their site immediately, but maybe mbok or y!j auctions will have some up if you want the real thing.

the tiara sounds really cute. go for it!

>> No.7630602

That's the one. There was one year where the went to Iowa before coming down to see us. Was at one of the bigger campuses there and got chased down a hill by angry students or something. Fell down and broke his arm and leg (I think?), and had to sit on this dinky little folding stool for his entire time at our campus.

Quietest trip they ever made, I think. His wife doesn't have the same boom and the other "sisters" are all too scared to get in people's faces the way he does. So they were ignored for a few days until they decided to just leave early.

>> No.7630605

Oh my god, I'm Midwestern (Indiana) and Brother Jed comes through our campus from time to time. It's actually hilarious because most people completely ignore him and go about their day.

>> No.7630609

I go to UNL and he has visited campus every year I've been attending, unfortunately the crowd here is like 50/50 of students who think he's full of shit and then the sizable chunk of students who agree with him. The Catholic group on campus is insane and even though Jed isn't Catholic as far as I know, that club always shows up to enthusiastically back him up.

>> No.7630613

That sucks. Our Catholic youth group would go out with their Bibles and basically just cite verses as to why he was wrong/a massive cockmonger.

>> No.7630621

Yeah, basically the UNL Catholic kids ally with the other hyper-religious kids on campus who flock to the preachers who come by and they all spout off together. They've been so collectively loud and overbearing that the people against them tend to get drowned out half the time.

Last year a massive anti-evolution street fair also set up in our student union (I say street fair because nothing else can really describe the scope of this thing) and it got the same response. Smh at attending a university where people still believe evolution isn't real, I'm glad it's my last year.

>> No.7630635

I figured out it was legislation that was left dead. I have heard horror stories from profs (weird Asian art history ones, though) who were lucky/happy they had tenure, as students had complained about them showing "immoral material."

I'm from the northern Midwest (southern Michigan/northern Ohio) and have never heard or Jed or really had a problem with people while wearing lolita. People ask me why I'm wearing it but generally leave me alone, but then again, my area is fairly liberal (thanks to the university) and sees a lot of rockabilly, goth, and super hipster kids. I also wear toned down gothic, so it's not a big deal.
A couple of years back, we did, however, have a campus group that invited a religious group to come and post these huge ass, wall-sized signs of aborted fetuses and genocide victims next to one another, as if to compare the two.

>> No.7630643

Ohgoodlord. I was an art major, so we saw lots of nudity and "immoral material". No one complained that I'm aware of. The closest I can say I experienced was that I had one girl in my nude drawing class who said she "thought the first man [she'd] see naked [was her] husband". We teased her, because she wasn't particularly religious or anything, and she just said she hadn't "thought about it" when she signed up for a life drawing class. She still did the assignments after she got over her embarrassment about seeing live penis, though.

>> No.7630660

Are you part of the main STL comm? They seem really friendly and nice.

>> No.7630665

>anti-evolution Catholics
Is this a thing in America? I'm not religious myself, but I was raised Catholic in a predominantly Catholic area and you'd be looked at like a retard if you said you didn't believe in evolution.

>> No.7630696

>Is this a thing in America
you're so lucky you don't know.

>> No.7630701

America is land of the creation museum, where they try to tell you that humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time.

>> No.7630704

not so much at the moment because I just moved back after graduating of UIUC.
But I want to go to the next event they have.
I went to high school with one the girls in it and she's pretty cool.

>> No.7630708

>gold milk bag replica
Not the anon you were replying too, bu thanks. I tried to pick one up from taobao, but by the time I discovered them they were sold out.

What do you think is the best way to go about removing the marking?

>> No.7630733

I do that a lot, I'm in a place where four comms are within two hours, as well as my local comm. I don't go all the time, but when the nearby comms have really big events, I'll drive out.

>> No.7630759

I'm pretty sure I'm going to the meetup at the Japanese festival at the Botanical Gardens. I'm super excited, haha.

>> No.7630811

No I mean we have people like that here too, but they're all Protestant. Though even most Protestants here believe in evolution.

>> No.7630822

I used acetone and it was great, the pleather is a bit textured so its a bit hard to remove. Cant wipe too hard or the pleather gets ruined tho.

>> No.7630826

How long does usagiyouhinten take sending the invoice if you used their shopping cart system? I've only got the automated email they send when you check out, or am I supposed to pay them through paypal with that somehow?

>> No.7630875
File: 19 KB, 550x399, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm second guessing my decision to make an old school coord for the BABY tea party. Too late to try to get a new one together ..

>> No.7630931


>> No.7630937

>at least 3 colors
colors, anon, not pairs

>> No.7630942

Old school is the best anon, don't doubt yourself

>> No.7630943

I used Japonica once and I never will again. Ordered some anime merchandise and it turns out the seller sent me the wrong poster. E-mailed Japonica about it and they said they would contact the seller immediately. Never heard from them again, even after I sent a few follow-up messages.

>> No.7631092

Growing up a poorfag has made me paranoid about spending money on 'unneeded' things, which sadly, a part of my brain classifies lolita as. Even though I -want- to buy stuff for my wardrobe, I always feel guilty, like I shouldn't be buying expensive stuff I don't need. Has anyone else had this problem, and if so, how do you get over it?

>> No.7631123

Just do it.

>> No.7631177

Are there any recommended Japanese Shopping Services that physically deals with Closet Child? The SS I was using is moving out but I saw something I wanted to get on their Shinjuku blog and can't find one that provides this service.

>> No.7631198


Honestly, lolita is indeed unnecessary, expensive stuff that you don't need. Don't get into if you're still a poorfag trying to make ends meet, or if you legit have serious financial problems.

Financial situation aside, if you already have a wardrobe going and can't make yourself buy the accessories to complete it, think of it this way -- you can't wear just the dress without blouses and shoes and stuff, lolita just doesn't work that way. So it's more worthwhile to spend some money to complete whatever outfit you already have, so you can at least wear it out and go do whatever in it. Otherwise the dress just sitting in your wardrobe depreciating in value every year is even more of a waste of money (very few dresses go up in value, even if you haven't worn them).

If you're thinking of starting lolita, have the money but can't make yourself take that first step, well, remember that you can live without it. It's just another hobby, you can go through life appreciating the fashion without wearing it.

When you feel that you absolutely want to dress up regardless of the cost, try to think of the money spent as buying an experience in frills instead of an expenditure on clothes. Instead of buying "a dress that I can only wear to x occasions instead of a LBD", think of it as buying an experience where you spend one day in a very frilly dress, going out for high tea where you stick your pinky out (or in) and feel princessy (or whatever feeling you associated with whatever style you like). It's similar to buying a hot air balloon ride or a camel ride, just a bit different.

>> No.7631213


Tokyo Pirates

>> No.7631282

I know Wisconsin has an option of getting out of sex ed with a note from your parent. Too bad, they missed the STD "Life" game and the gross pics of STDs (reasons to stay safe if you have sex!)

>> No.7631318

Lots of people are getting their CDCs on weibo and mine hasnt even shipped in Japan urghhh. I'm pretty sure everyone who has their dresses already is from the physical stores' left over stock from the reservation. I havent seen any navy items, a lot of blue Nd lavender tho.

Anyone else got their CDC?

>> No.7631356
File: 204 KB, 960x797, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone source this? Reverse image search didn't get me anything but pinterest links, maybe a seagull can help me find it?

>> No.7631364

Alice's Chess Print by baby.

>> No.7631377

you'll def look like a fuggo potato in it

>> No.7631379

It's currently on LM, though it looks like the listing expired. You could try contacting the seller.

>> No.7631388

I meant the blog of the girl in the pic, sorry. Should have been more specific.

>> No.7631450

Oh god, the seams are all damaged too from being stretched out too much. It doesn't fit you and you literally broke it from being too fat for it.

>> No.7631455

Pretty sure you're not supposed to use the shopping cart unless you live in Japan. You're supposed to order by email and it takes a couple of days. They might cancel your order.

>> No.7631456

That styling with that dress looks so terrible. These ~edgy~ coordinates that doesn't match at all make me embarrassed to be a Western lolita.

>> No.7631457

Only if you get crappy ones from Bodyline or Secret Shop

>> No.7631458
File: 246 KB, 277x530, 1403178143053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of blogs to find I'd like to find this girl because I'm very curious about this dress.

I'm thirsting to know so bad
reverse search gave me nothing

>> No.7631461

I agree, I don't wear creepy cute with lolita and I don't think they work together. I do wear other fashions with a creepy cute theme and i thought her eyeball bows were cute and I've never seen orange ones before. I also liked the wig, though I think it's discontinued Lockshop.

>> No.7631463


most brand shoes except for like angelic pretty are expensive and basically the same thing

>> No.7631466

I dunno. I think if it was a plain red dress it would be pretty cute and simple. It just seems like the theme of the dress does not go with that whole devilish thing shes got goin.

also its not like japanese lolitas havent done retarded coords with random crazy themes going on. relax bro

>> No.7631467

Didn't the anon that posted this say she would put up the lj username? I'd try scouring egl.

>> No.7631470

I'd pretty sure anon knows what the dress is but is looking for the pictured person.

I agree, I just dislike creepy cute for the sake of it being *edgy*. Not that anon though, I posted the pic and wear creepy cute myself so I'm obviously biased.

>> No.7631496
File: 138 KB, 1200x969, kickinginthepinkseatkickinginthebackseatwhichseatshoulditake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need mental help here.
I'm in love with MagicCat'sStreet new design and I can't decide between the red wine and pink.
I have accessories to match both, I'm blonde and of fair skin.
I would take both but I spent already $1000+ of lolita in the past 3 weeks.

>> No.7631510


Pink is nice.

>> No.7631532

Wow did the girl in China finally find the Jelly dress she was willing to pay $4k for?

>> No.7631536

Both are pretty but I think the pink would look best with your colouring

>> No.7631545

I love it when blondes wear jewel tones like the wine, they're very striking against pale skin. Pink would also look nice but be less striking and more girlish. Depends on what look you want.

>> No.7631546

I find the purple one to be more unique. You can find a pink dress like this at another point somewhere else I guess.

>> No.7631613

At first glance I would''ve sworn this was Milanoo.

>> No.7631617

I know what the dress is. I'm trying to find the girl in the picture.
ding ding! you are correct! someone posted her to a thread earlier but when I asked didn't respond.
no that was me. all of the responses to that post were me.
I am mighty thirsty for that dress

>> No.7631633

I think I fucked up at some point, I have 30+ blouses, 15+ main pieces, and 3 different colors of shoes. Whoops. I really like blouses.

>> No.7631636

>mfw I have atleast 40 blouses and maybe 20 main pieces

I know that feel, sis.

>> No.7631638
File: 114 KB, 595x960, 3447179_open-uri20131210-1043-380sqh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the Melty Cream Donut OP really sit this high on the bust? I was hoping it would be just under the bust (at least on small chested girls) but in all the pics I've seen of it it seems to cut through the bust.

>> No.7631651

Same anon here. Thanks for the tips, especially the last part about lolita being an experience, not just clothes. I am still technically a poorfag and my parents are too, but I live at home and don't have to pay much in expenses. I have plenty of savings that could totally go towards expanding my wardrobe (I have one measly Bodyline JSK and a few offbrand skirts) but I can't stop guilting myself out of buying new pieces. It's more the mentality than actually being pressed for money.

>> No.7631654

That seems to be just under the bust. I can't imagine titties that small hanging as low as that waist line.

>> No.7631680
File: 90 KB, 400x600, Blue_01_400w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never ordered from Haenuli before, do I have to pre-order this or will there be a certain amount of stock available afterwards?

>> No.7631682

best to preorder and have a long torso or else you get a wonky fit.

>> No.7631691

Thanks to CDC I've spent enought this month, and I'm not sure about my torso lenght... I'm pretty short overall.

>> No.7631706
File: 187 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mzz9s2UnaG1rj7zp5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a very high cut. It seems to be one of those dresses that you need to be really flat chested for, and even then it still will sit quite close to your boobs.

>> No.7631708
File: 184 KB, 633x1122, tumblr_n36k2wmjjV1trutnso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7631722

If you're short, you might find it's a bit awkward-fitting on the torso. Just a warning; she tends to make the torsos quite long.

But in answer to your previous question, the pre-order is the only time you can buy the dress. Haenuli tends to make enough to fill the orders only.

>> No.7631745

> $400pcm for a room in a 2-bed
Christ. Where the hell do you live? People pay that much (roughly £250) for a parking space here.

>> No.7631755

This girl's kind of a bitch but I like her outfits.

But she's a bitch and I wish she would stop being one. Ugh

>Tfw the person you hate in your comm has the dresses you really like

One day I will show this bitch up. One day... when I have the funds.

>> No.7631761

Does anyone have Cosmic in the sailor collar JSK cut and would be willing to post worn photos with and without a petti?
I just impulse bought it in navy and it'll probably end up too short on me so I'm likely just going to end up wearing it not as lolita.
Is it possibly to tie the waist ties enough in the back to make it look like it has a waist without a petti?

>> No.7631774


Who is this and what makes her so unlikable?
Sorry I don't follow sweet lolitas so I don't know her.
I think she overshades her nose though.

>> No.7631775

There's always at least one or two things I don't like about each of her coords, none of them have ever been spot-on or inspirational to me. Sometimes I nitpick her stuff when making similar coords and use her as an example of what I don't want to do. I said this in another thread the other day but I still just really wish she'd been a bit more experienced before she started pimping her new social media identity so hard, it really feels more like she's bandwagoning than actually trying to put together good coordinates.
It's also a little weird to me that I saw several photos of her ass with a buttplug in it before I saw her face, and now she's got this whole new persona that's very different.

>> No.7631786

Oh gawd, I really like the print and the overskirt... Gotta make my mind up soon. Thanks for the info.

>> No.7631790

You don't know her personally, so it doesn't matter. I don't really have a vendetta. I just wish she'd treat me more nicely and felt like posting a feel. Should've done it in the feels thread, I'm sorry.

She's part of the Houston comm. Always has really nice dresses. Ugh one of these days I swear to god I will look just as nice as she does if not more so.

Whoa, butt-plugs? Yeesh. Didn't know that about her.

>> No.7631826
File: 202 KB, 792x612, cosmic-ref.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took some quick photos. For reference, I'm 5"2 and 94cm bust and 70cm waist
The waist ties give a little waist definition, but you cant really see the effect from the front, just from the side/back. Basically it just prevents you from looking like you're wearing a huge sack.
Just realized my petti picture didn't save properly so Im gonna go retake that again
Heres the one without the petti with waist ties tied

>> No.7631861
File: 211 KB, 792x612, cosmic--ref-petti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is with the petti on. Just a CP bell petti.

>> No.7631869

I hate my coord too - thought I was so smart getting it together early, but now that it's too late to add or change anything, I wish I could start over.

>> No.7631885

Is Magic Cats Street good? This dress is pretty, and they also have some really tempting blouses.

>> No.7631911

No idea, but I need this dress.

Thank you, I love pink. I was thinking about wearing with it True Love's Kiss MAC lipstick, hm...

Thank you, my problem is I'm rather pale and I'm worried if it won't sorta make me look like a dead body.

Hm, as a fellow Sleeping Beauty fan I think I'll go with pink? However, both dresses aren't much "casual" pieces, sigh.

>> No.7631917

There tends to only be a few left over to buy after reservations, if you are picky about a certain cut or color you are best to not wait. As well these things arent often sold second hand.

>> No.7631925

Why were you looking at photos of her ass with a buttplug in it?

>> No.7631928

Not that anon, but I'm guessing it's because they were there?

>> No.7632166

This chick wears a lot of pieces I like, but I just can't get over the way she contours her face.

>> No.7632172

Does anyone else use FromJapan's check service?
I've started using it since it's only 150yen, but has anyone opted for it and been contacted by FromJapan that there was actually something wrong with the item? Or has anyone paid for this extra service, not been contacted by them with an issue, but the item arrived actually in poor condition or not as described?

>> No.7632193

>That makeup
Hooly shit. I just want to wipe her down

>> No.7632268

Is this the girl that posted pictures of her ass to instagram? I vaguely remember seeing some lolita's ass but not if there was a buttplug involved.

>> No.7632365


anyone remember me? i just got my ~priority mail~ package.

that doesn't have the dress i bought in it.

>> No.7632378

What is in it?

>> No.7632380

Did they ship you an empty box or...?

>> No.7632392


the head dress + waist ties that came with it, along with some empty plastic bags and large empty envelope

>> No.7632399

What the actual fuck anon. Name and shame please god

>> No.7632407

Name please.

>> No.7632408

Its dispute time

>> No.7632413

$10 says she tries to claim "the post office workers must have stolen it!!
Though I will add, a lot if times priority shipping is cheaper and sellers don't realize that. She charged you extra though right?

>> No.7632421

Was the packaging damaged in any way?

If it was, and you didn't take pictures, you might be fucked. If you can prove that there was mishandling on part of the post office, it might be possible to get a partial refund since priority mail usually includes at least $50 insurance.

Not saying what she's claiming happened, just trying to help.

>> No.7632425


should i open a dispute right away? this is the first time anything like this has happened to me. i messaged her on lm to try and find out what's up. i keep trying to think up some rational explanation for how this could've happened without malicious intent but i can't.

if she doesn't respond within a few hours i'll name and shame, but in the meantime should i go to paypal?

>> No.7632426

Thats not true. Assuming she paid through paypal, it's the sellers job to get her the item she paid for as described. She will very likely win. I would be sure to call paypal and tell them your story after you open the dispute. Also take pictures of the empty envelope, even if it's not very descriptive every thing helps your case. Especially since she probably won't do any of this or provide any evidence at all.

>> No.7632428

How many days since the transaction?
I would wait for her reply and post it here
She might try to stall and wait for the dispute timeframe to run out.

>> No.7632430


fuck me, the paper wrapped around the box was slightly loose on the bottom, but i didn't even think about before opening it. am i screwed?

>> No.7632431

open a dispute soon, as a precaution. does the shipping show that the dress was inside (by weight)?

>> No.7632438

No don't listen to that anon. They don't know what they are talking about. It doesn't matter if usps threw it in a lake before delivering it to you, it's still the seller's responsibility. Its also up to them to get a claim through usps but you do not have to wait for this, it's none of your concern.

>> No.7632439


i paid her on friday. how long do i have to open one?


yes. the package says it was a little more than 2 lbs

>> No.7632450

You have 45 days so quite a lot of time. The shipping weight could mean it was taken out but I don't think its likely. Is it a printed out label? Cause you can print anything you want, usps isn't gonna be like "lol you overpaid us, this is only 1 pound"

>> No.7632485

it was printed out, yeah.

thanks for all your help, guys. i'm gonna give it a few hours and see what she says. if i don't get a response by later tonight i'm opening a dispute. depending on how shit goes i'll namedrop, but i really want my damn dress.

>> No.7632487

How do you guys build your wishlists?

I know I can browse lolibrary but I really don't want to scroll through pages and pages. I honestly like the hellolace layout more but that's not updated.

>> No.7632512

Interesting. I look forward to hearing what she says!

>> No.7632513

she must have a big-ass nose for her to try to contour so much (and fail)

>> No.7632523

Unless I'm looking for a dress with specific features, I don't use lolibrary to build a wishlist. If I see something I like, I'll add it to my list, but other than that, I don't search things out specifically to add to a list. Others might feel differently, but to me that just leads to dissatisfaction.

>> No.7632524

I've never had anything wrong come to them, and I've bought a lot of shit. Japan sellers are really good. I've never used the check service though.

>> No.7632546

Because I was on tumblr and they showed up on my dash?
I really don't have the energy to go digging through two years' worth of tumblr posts to see if she's deleted her nsfw stuff but that's where a lot of her followers came from on her thecreepyhime blog (her username used to be balljointbitch iirc).
Don't know anything about that, I think her instagram has always been sfw though? Maybe? I don't know, I don't really use it that much.

>> No.7632562

Can anyone tell me the real name of JetJs cock pussy bitch ass dress?

Unable to find anything through keyword search on lolibrary or carefully googling for the dress!

>> No.7632566

hahaha I had this exact same problem the other day anon, but to no avail
though part of me kinda wants to only know this dress as the cock pussy bitch ass dress because it's incredible

>> No.7632572


Robe de Breme

(Name comes from the tale of the musicians of Bremen)

>> No.7632574

Bahaha I know what you mean!!

I only wanted to show my friend how great it was but of course can't find it now...

>> No.7632578

Oh thank you so much!! I really appreciate that!

>> No.7632585

Oh, found her nsfw stuff.

welp, at least she's not shy about it?

>> No.7632588
File: 128 KB, 500x749, 1393633576092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What dress is this? Thanks in advance anons c:

>> No.7632593

Alice and the Pirates Gloria

Summer is so strong lately

>> No.7632599

Ah thanks. Sorry man, mainly cosplay anon here.

>> No.7632603

Not the anon who requested, but you are such a faggot. Someone doesn't know a print, therefore they're summer?
Granted, the asker seems summerfag, but that's because of their emote. But holy shit, grill, save the phrase for when people are being legit retards.

>> No.7632608

Wait, this chick just posted a review on EGL?
Linking to her tumblr? DA FAQ?!

>> No.7632612


aatp gloria

>> No.7632616

Not that anon, but this post is going to radiate newfag and I apologize for it.
When people refer to "Gloria" they mean this dress, right? For a long while I thought the sought-after dress, Gloria, was the AP velvet dress. So that one isn't in high demand? Or is it both?

>> No.7632624

Faggot? Seriously? I'm not in LGBT community but that's quite insulting.
Besides, you are retarded.

Now how does it feel, huh? And yeah, if someone is on this board it's not like it's a really unpopular print or something. So chill down, ms. Summer.

>> No.7632625



>> No.7632630

Both (in the right colorways) sell for $700+

>> No.7632633

The AP's Gloria doesn't exist.
I remember the drama around it. They released a little stock. It's a basically non-existant print, I have seen it on sales only once in my life and I regret not buying it.
As to AatP, yes, it's also Gloria (insert a sentence here as Baby loves comign up with long long dresses' names, lmao)
Both are on very high demand but AatP's print is far more common and less rare than ultra-super-extra-non-existant AP's one.

>> No.7632635 [DELETED] 
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>Faggot? Seriously? I'm not in LGBT community but that's quite insulting.
Oh summer.

>> No.7632640

>Far more common but still very rare and expensive
Also apologies for mistakes and typos

I saw AatP's Gloria lately on Mbok I think going for 44k+ yen

>> No.7632644

Damn, I'm glad I got it on reserve when it first came out. I have it in black and is one of my favorite prints ever.

>> No.7632645

Go back to /b/ and stop OT here, summerfag. Or make another thread about rosaire, either way no1currs.

>> No.7632650

Same deal here with me. Having to go without for so long and living on a tight budget as an adult has made me pretty thrifty. I finally have a job where I can pay all my bills, put some into savings and have some left over to buy myself something nice.

When you go to buy a dress, make it like a reward. Like, I have been working pretty hard this month, I have achieved all my goals and I am getting myself a present. Then when the dress arrives it's even better because it feels like a birthday or christmas, not you've just spent money.

I know it's lame, just my way of rationalising my spendig.

>> No.7632651

Good job, Anon! Thankfully I'm not into that religious prints so it never was my dream dress and I can be happy for you without jelly (but damn, I'd wear the AP one if it wasn't like 20cm too short on me)

>> No.7632676

>Where do you think you are?

>> No.7632677

Oh dear.

>> No.7632683
File: 145 KB, 490x737, emilka (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was starting out I used Hellolace because for the same reasons you did.
Now that I'm into my 5/6 year and have sold/rebuilt my small wardrobe three time
>First was bodyline and bad fitting brand
>Second was gothic and halloween prints only
>Third is gothic and classic, I want to be a jewel tone fannie rose

I've found that I now look for items that would complement my current wardrobe color scheme and extra padding items such as blouses, bag and stockings.
So I suppose your dream items go from being main pieces to smaller items that help create a polished look for every outfit.

>> No.7632692

I see, thank you for the info, anons!

>> No.7632698

Welp, never selling to her again.
She bought something from me a while ago and bothered me anyways, not to mention that fucking makeup.

>> No.7632734


>those nipples
anon, thats a really, really dumb reason not to sell to someone.

>> No.7632739

Seen her irl and she has an unfortunate face. Definitely over contours and photoshops her photos.
I only know about her bcuz there was huge drama with her and a hlc member where they both flaked on hosting a lolita 101 panel at a convention I attended.

>> No.7632747

Damn I wouldnt even DREAM of mixing my kinky shit and lolita together on a blog
Shes got guts

>> No.7632759

I would't sell to her either. Go back to tumblr.

>> No.7632763

>go back to tumblr
I don't even use tumblr. tumblr is just saying around these parts for "she said something I don't like"
get it together girl.

she'll probably pick up on it and use a fake alias to order clothes. its not that hard.

>> No.7632774

Why? I look into everyone I buy from and sell to to some extent. Whether people like it or not, the fashion has created a community, and I would prefer that community to not be associated with sexual things, given how difficult the name has already made it. Like >>7632747 stated, she's mixing kink with the fashion. Not to mention she doesn't leave feedback.

>> No.7632890

Is anyone else having a problem with not seeing their posts in the tags on tumblr? I know about the first five tags rule, but I'm not seeing my stuff show up even in those tags.

>> No.7632901
File: 815 KB, 975x674, Screen Shot 2014-06-23 at 9.27.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly just go with what your heart says "I NEED!!". When you find a dress that makes you think "I want that!!", add it to the wish list. Right click, save pic. Not that hard. Also, make sure you go back and clean it up every once in a while. A lot of times I'll think that a dress is a total dream dress but a month or two later I'll go back and be like "meh". The dresses that are still dream dresses through time are ones to pay attention to!

The great thing about compiling a wish list is that it helps you realize what kind of style you like, even if they're not all the same!

Pic is mine.

>> No.7632932

>i squiirrtteeddd!!! yaaaay, master was nice enough to stop doing his homework for a seconndd ahh his cock is so great i want it inside me everyday if possible! but now i have to change sheets and clean my laptop cause theyre both covered in cum now *sigh*
>i ate too many weed muffins and cupcakes and i want to fuck and yell at things master get you cock in me now or i’ll cry and yell i’m so full no more muffins but ugh weed cooooooock
Holy shit. I don't even know what to say. This girl is extreme.

>> No.7632936

>master was nice enough to stop doing his homework for a second and put his cock in me
I'm fucking dying

>> No.7632966

Did you pick the option "most recent" from the drop down menu?

Also, apparently if you're new to tumblr your posts won't show in the tag, FYI.

>> No.7632983

Yes, these are tags that I track and can view by clicking the hashtagged links in my "Posts" center (not from my actual blog). My blog is about 3 years old and sometimes I can correct this problem by reentering the tags a few times, I wonder if it's a bug since I mostly post from mobile?

>> No.7633069

Just legitimately had someone try to offer me 200 dollars on a ~400 dollar dress

What the actual fuck. Is there a polite way to respond to this shit?

>> No.7633071

I'd just say "Sorry, I was looking to get something closer to the current market value of the dress!"
I know how you feel though anon, shit's rude as hell.

>> No.7633090

Duno, depends on the situation. I saw a dress I was interested in the other day. The seller has an outrage price over $200 for this dress because it's "rare". No, bitch, it's just old. She has two and one is priced properly and second is priced outrageously just because it's a different color. It comes up on Mbok all the time. Some people don't know how to price their sales properly. Generally, it's just people being cheapskates, but sometimes the low offers are warranted.

>> No.7633100

Well yeah, my comment was assuming the seller was justified in their asking price.

>> No.7633186

What's the black AP OP, anon?

>> No.7633230
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all right, no response from her. dispute opened. lacemarket un is 'selcrysti'.

>> No.7633235
File: 47 KB, 800x600, hzRI5Ui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


didn't send my dress, but did manage to send me two empty plastic bags and a daiso receipt!

>> No.7633242
File: 42 KB, 800x600, w1ya5cP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also an empty, unused bubble mailer

>> No.7633250

Considering your situation, I find it amusing that the daiso receipt has the stamp "no refunds, no exchanges".

>> No.7633253
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what i did receive.

>> No.7633280

what the hell man

>> No.7633307

How disappointing! I ordered from her as well; I'm sorry to hear that happened to you, and I hope it doesn't happen to anyone else.

>> No.7633317

Well, she comes on /cgl/. She posted in the BST thread and directly linked her Lacemarket.

>> No.7633362

dang, and here I was kicking myself that I didn't jump on the black rhs she was selling. Guess I feel better about it now.

>> No.7633364


I would definitely alert the lacemarket mods and post about it on the lm fb page.

>> No.7633370

Those nipples... no.

>> No.7633379

I found the mixture of everything there a bit unsettling

>> No.7633380
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Here's her facebook, I remember seeing the MC being posted on the comm sales. Sorry that happened anon, I hope it all gets solved and you get your damn dress!


>> No.7633382

Holy shit anon, i'm so sorry to hear this happened to you. I was going to buy that dress from her, i offered a good price too but i decided against it. I hope it gets resolved!

>> No.7633409


I'm picturing people in freakin Vampire Requiem and Ave Maria and I'll be looking like basic bitch.
Old school is what got me into the fashion though, so it's still my favorite. I just feel like I'll look underdressed, especially with the designers there.
Kinda thinking about hitting up the BTSSB booth and see if anything fits my color scheme

>> No.7633463

Thought you might be interested in this: >>7633429

>> No.7633474

...How do you just forget to pack an entire dress? This is sketch as fuck. If it's an honest mistake, that seller is stone-cold retarded.

>> No.7633510

Seconding the bitch part. She is too flaky with people she knows. NEVER use her for group orders or any time of SS

>> No.7633512

It can be fixed, maybe not perfectly or undetectably but its basically needle-lace. If you can find someone who can match it up well and has decent embroidery skills you might get it at least back into useable shape.

>> No.7633531

What BTSSB tea party are you going to? I think the designers appreciate seeing their older designs worn, don't worry.

>> No.7633545

Ignore this dumbass >>7631455

I'm assuming you actually read the how to Intl. Order page and did everything correctly. I got my invoice the same day, but I may have just been lucky and they just happened to have English speaking staff on that day. They're usually pretty quick but I'd give them a few days (plus some if you ordered on the weekend).

>> No.7633566

Which sailor OP is that? I completely forgot the name for some reason.

>> No.7633636

AP'S Fairy Marine. I love the cut and colour combinations, but the fabric looks like organza? Taffeta?


>> No.7633713

It could happen especially if she had lots of packages.
I remember ripping opening a package because I put a wrong dress inside -sigh-

>> No.7633857


update; turns out she ... forgot to pack the dress. posted some proof pictures of it still at her house. will be shipping it out later this week. i'm glad i'm getting my dress, but goddamn. will not be doing business with her again.

>> No.7634015


>> No.7634039

She *forgot* to pack the dress? That smells like such bullshit.

>> No.7634093

A wrong dress, sure. But no dress? No dress at all? And random garbage instead? That is fucking suspicious as shit.

>> No.7634133
File: 61 KB, 540x720, 10513503_10203034467414458_5685006707358204394_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody know what this is?
i have no idea how anyone wants to pay $110 for what looks like a box with a print on it.

>> No.7634141

They're Grimoire tights. Also, they aren't super rare but they do restock a few times a year. They retail for $40ish plus shipping. I used to own a pair.

>> No.7634168

Is innocent world a reputable brand?

>> No.7634240
File: 48 KB, 350x490, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice b8 m8

>> No.7634260

im new

>> No.7634279

I read a thread last night where a seller on lacemarket said she accidentally sent accessories to a dress but not the actual dress and planned to ship out the actual dress. Don't know if it's the same person or not tho

>> No.7634286


Do not close the dispute until you have the dress in hand. Bitch could still be lying.

>> No.7635879

You guys are weirdos. If she did it on purpose she would have tried a lot harder to pass it off as being stolen or something. I know there are a lot of scammers, but they usually don't have a good reputation in the first place or anything.

>> No.7638057

got dem dinner plate nips

>> No.7638084

Does anyone know if its allowed to buy something with buyee but let it ship to a japanese adress? A friend of mine would send it to me then so I could escape customs. Anyone knows if thats possible?

>> No.7638096
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>dose x-box hueg nipps