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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7626862 No.7626862[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you do if you need to use something like a cane, wheelchair, brace with an outfit?
Do you try to match? Coordinate around your item? Or just pretend it isn't there?

For example, I use a cane for Lolita events, and I'm currently collecting various canes to go with my co-ords.

Sometimes I need to use my wheelchair, and I'm trying to decide what to do with it. I don't want to Lolify it exactly, but I want it to support my outfit.

Any other things you do? Are you a friend of a handicapped person? Do you have suggestions?Do you have an opinion on handicapped cosplayers/Lolis? Let's talk

>> No.7626869
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I don't think it matters one way or the other. If you want to coordinate it with your outfit then that's cool. If you don't, then no one will even care or notice. Do whatever makes you feel happiest!

>> No.7626875
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>> No.7626878
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>> No.7626880
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>> No.7626882
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>> No.7626884
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>> No.7626887
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>> No.7626888

I would say...just use what you've got to use. If the coordinate or cosplay is good, that's what matters.

Having a wheelchair or cane etc that matches or is somehow incorporated is pretty cool, but I imagine it can be expensive, exhausting, or time-consuming (or all three, even) to customize them all the time.

A friend of mine uses a cane on bad days and customized it to almost look like a scepter...which is pretty neat. But she only has one or two of them, one in black and another in white.

>> No.7626889
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>> No.7626891
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>> No.7626893
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>> No.7626894
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>> No.7626898
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>> No.7626904
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>> No.7626909
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>> No.7626911

I'm beyond excited to see you lovelies looking beautiful in your wheelchairs! I wish I had some decent pictures.

My wheelchair is blue too. And I love the scepter idea.

Fashionablecanes.com has some great canes for like 30$. I have a gold one that's fantastic.

>> No.7626912

ugh, whenever i have to wear sunglasses with my co-ord, i feel like it really ruins it.
but if i try to find sunglasses that kinda match, i think they'll look tacky since the lens will always be black and clash badly with the pastel-colored frame.

>> No.7626913

Thank you, based anon, for the amazing wheel-chair loli photo dump.

If I had pictures, I'd join you in a heartbeat.

>> No.7626914
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>> No.7626917

Thanks anon! My boyfriend is going to buy me a kawaii new cane for my birthday!

I don't use a wheelchair, but I need a cane.

>> No.7626922
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Sunglasses are always tricky. You can get sunglasses that have a colored tint instead of a black lens (unless you need black specifically, in which case who cares if it doesn't match when you need it) which are a little easier to match into a coord.

>> No.7626923

Glad I could help!! The canes are really sturdy too. Some of them have cute rhinestones near the top, but not in a tacky way.

>> No.7626926

I love your cane scepter. That is amazing.

>> No.7626928

yeah, i specifically need black and i do tell myself 'fuck it, i need them' but it kinda burns a hole in the back of my head sometimes.

>> No.7626933

Aw hell yeah I love that outfit.

The bloomers juuuuuust peeking out is something I feel makes it look ultra cute. Reminds me of old-school lolita. Dat cane doe.

>> No.7626942

Nah, fuck it then. Cute frames are always a nice distraction if you wanted to go that way and would look more incorporated to your outfit. But at the end of the day, your health always comes first.

It's not me, it's just a pic I had that had a cane.

>> No.7626948

I really love the look of some of them, there's one with a rose handle I'm interested in getting, but I'm not sure how well that will work. Hmm...

>> No.7627056

I use a wheelchair and I've never bothered to lolify it. I need it every single day and I don't wear lolita every single day. I don't want to buy a bunch of chairs just to match to various outfits, it seems excessively expensive and they're really awkward to store.

>> No.7627067



>> No.7627072

Did you mean to put that first one in ita?

>> No.7627075


Are you blind anon, how is this ita?

>> No.7627080

/cgl/ never happy. I think they all look cute.

>> No.7627081

In the ita category..... not the cute category.......

>> No.7627085

You mean >>7626891? The outfit on the left is ita.

>> No.7627098

Yeah, but the other two aren't.

>> No.7627101

The Melty Chocolate coord was posted earlier in the thread as a separate picture (>>7626882)

>> No.7627107

Oh whoops, my bad

>> No.7627110

I think that's the point of that image though. It looks like one of those first coord vs recent coord progress pics.

>> No.7627129

This picture is just too adorable!

>> No.7627136

This is the same girl as >>7621689 in the ita thread?

What happened to her?

>> No.7627926
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>> No.7627927
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>> No.7627928
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>> No.7627930
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>> No.7627931
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>> No.7627932
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>> No.7627940
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>> No.7627941
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>> No.7627949

Does anyone know if there's a group for disabled lolitas? I know there was loli_able on lj but it's dead. Anything on facebook?

>> No.7627954

Only the one Rosarie mods. loliABLE but its closed.

>> No.7627957

Doesn't look like it's searchable either

>> No.7627960
File: 2.85 MB, 1731x816, cane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my walking stick. I'm tempted to get another one similar but with a lighter background so I can match my outfits better. It wasn't expensive at all. I have another one I use for mori girl, but I'll take pictures of that one when I get back home.

>> No.7627961

Forgot to say I wear classic lolita so it goes pretty well.

>> No.7628106
File: 67 KB, 480x640, babycane 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AatP have released walking sticks before. Really not sure how practical they are for actual use but they look pretty cool.

>> No.7628107
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And the skull one

>> No.7628108
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>> No.7628110
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This one is the red rose.

>> No.7628112
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>> No.7628113
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>> No.7628129


once you go black, you gonna need a wheelchair

>> No.7628139
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>> No.7629717
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>> No.7631059

As someone who at one time lost the ability to walk, and still uses a cane to this day, I just want to say...

Don't worry about it.

Your medical devices are not for fashion, or accuracy.

If you come up with a great idea that incorporates your existing chair or cane, go for it. But the moment you start worrying about altering to "look right" you've crossed into the realm of caring what others think about the fact that you have a disability.

Few people will give you crap if you're genuinely needing to use a cane or chair. And unless your personal style happens to resemble some character that does use it or your lolita outfit vaguely looks compatible with it, no one will jump to the conclusion that you're doing it for fashion.

>> No.7631225


Not sure what you mean, like, standing one minute, sitting the next? Or.. fashionwise?

She suffers from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis so when it flares up, it makes it very painful to be able to stand. I've only ever seen her in a wheelchair in hospital pictures though so I don't think she uses one in day-to-day life.

She sold most of her lolita wardrobe because she's moving to Japan to be an English language teacher over there.

She used to be quite a cute lolita but over time slowly got worse and worse. This photo is from a few years ago, the one in the ita thread is more recent and is an indication of what her co-ords are like now.

>> No.7631254

>she's moving to Japan to be an English language teacher over there.
lol yea rite no one is going to hire a cripple, especially not a fake cripple. just look at roseairie. japon hates lazy obese weabs.

>> No.7631264

I don't think you need to worry about it. I mean it'll be a plus if you can coordinate with your cosplay but who's seriously gonna be THAT big of a dick and say "YOUR WHEELCHAIR/CANE DOESN'T GO WITH YOUR OUTFIT. YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG." Does anyone seriously say that? Imo, as long as your cosplay is fine, I think you'll be fine too.

>> No.7631296

Well she already has a job lined up there.

>> No.7631469

at least then if she's a fake cripple like the other anon said, she will be able to cope. Even if you have a legit medical condition they have very few allowances for it getting in the way of your work because you can't commute etc.

>> No.7631500

yeah ok and the second she wants to sit down during her lesson or even mentions a wheelchair she will be fired so hard no ice will soothe that burn

>> No.7631539

Are there any disabled lolis who blog? I want some inspiration.

>> No.7631630

If you looked through this actual thread... people did just that sort of shitty thing you just said they wouldn't actually do.

>> No.7631631

Did you even read this thread? No one has said wheelchair/canes don't go with outfits. People are saying "if you incorporate it, it's cute but don't worry if you can't" which makes perfect sense.

>> No.7631700

The only thing I've seen someone complaining about with wheelchair lolitas was that they didn't wear petticoats.

>> No.7631724

Wait on this thread or somewhere else? I haven't seen anything about petticoats on this thread.

>> No.7631735

No no, it was on one of the secret comms. They said something like "people say you're ita to not wear a petticoat so these girls are ita too" or some shit like that.

>> No.7631868

>the blind one is the best dressed of the group

>> No.7631936

I suddenly find myself attracted to girls in wheelchairs... is this wrong?

>> No.7631962

I don't think it is as long as it's not for cruel reasons.

I'll sit in a wheelchair for you, anon.

>> No.7631969

I don't think she's blind, I think that might be the albino-anon who came here last year looking for advice? I don't know for sure though.

>> No.7631973

I just think it looks adorable, especially if she really needs it, would love to have to carry her if she couldn't use the wheelchair

>> No.7631974

It is indeed her. She's legally blind, but not completely sightless.

>> No.7631979

It's pretty moe.

Sorry, I've got some pretty sick fetishes. Your's are pure. Carry on.

>> No.7631980

Ah that's right I remember now. I'm so jealous of her because she has Dim Light I think in iris? I would literally sacrifice my firstborn for that dress.

>> No.7631989

lol I'm not really "pure" I just have a soft side for cute... imo cute > hot/sexy

>> No.7632014

I have the same feelings. When I first saw >>7626882, I imagined pushing her around in her chair and carrying her in my arms, with her tiny little arms wrapped around my neck. She just looks so delicate and fragile. I want to tuck her up in bed and bring her tea and biscuits. Just too moe!

>> No.7632017

Dude, cute IS sexy.

I know what you mean. I'd take a cute loli in a wheelchair over a girl dancing in the club any day.

>> No.7632037

that is exactly what I thought

>> No.7632040

yea, party girls aren't my type

>> No.7632065

If wheelchair/cane lolis are worried about matching your gear to your coord, maybe something like little matching wrapped ribbons with brooches clipped to them would work? Simple, easy to remove, and you wouldn't be compromising the use of it. Or something like snap-on padded arm rests in matching fabrics? My great grandmother was in a wheelchair for a while and we made some different interchangeable arm rests and cushions and a little bag for the back that all coordinated, and everything just connected with snaps underneath. The arm rests were just a rectangle that would juuust overlap underneath, with a second larger rectangle gathered along the edge and padded.

>> No.7632184
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I would a lolita katawa shoujou

>> No.7632194

I am disabled, with weak and painful joints, just to name one thing. I use mobility aids on a regular basis, especially braces, but usually I try to avoid clunky stuff like that when in lolita, especially if I'm not going to be much walking when I go out in loli.
I have considered decorating some of my brads for a long time, but most of my braces are solid black, which would be hard to fit into my sweet classic coords.
I also tend to avoid going out in general on days when I need a wheelchair, but for some reason I think that would look better with loli better than a clunky grade that's attached to my body...

>> No.7632199

wow okay thanks autocorrect
Both 'brads' and 'grade' should say 'brace(s)'
way to proofread, me

>> No.7632279

I volunteer myself to push your wheelchair or carry you anywhere you need to go

>> No.7632288

Cane loli here. I actually have a few plain canes that I "deco" with cute tape. Most of the time if I want to switch the tape out it comes off easy and the glue will come off with rubbing alcohol.

>> No.7633057

what about a cast?

>> No.7633243

Go OTT Sweet and cover it with deco whip, rhinestones and flowers. At least that's what I would do... When I have to have an eye patch for a couple of weeks it's what I did to it,

>> No.7633808
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>> No.7633811
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>> No.7633815
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You can apparently get cast covers, to make your casts more cute. I've learnt something new today.

>> No.7633819
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>> No.7636183

Does anyone had any tips for disabled cosplayers? It's all lolitas in here.