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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 90 KB, 960x960, 10175972_432575226878660_5682620350258353489_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7624332 No.7624332[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The kind of regular larp thread with /tg/ is here again.

>> No.7624337
File: 80 KB, 800x600, tumblr_n66kkhrg4A1scyrtto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yaay field trip, so Hungarian in the last thread I saw a fellow ask how to make boffers that don't look like poop, and people suggested asking you.

>> No.7624338
File: 21 KB, 404x720, 156284_376330159085538_100001256727029_1175336_938281928_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically it's the same way you make home made latex swords, the only difference is instead of putting latex on it you cover it with tape.

Example, before the tape covering

>> No.7624343
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>> No.7624352
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also while fiberglass cores are way better, it could work with wood or pvc cores too although these will be way more bulkier

>> No.7624360

Well thank you, when I start getting stuff together when I decide to head to that larp I found, Ill post pictures if I manage to make them pretty.

>> No.7624362
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I sorta finished my gear for this year. Thoughts?

>> No.7624364

looks pretty ratty.
Well done!

>> No.7624367

wouldn't go out with him? it? after the dark / 10

>> No.7624368
File: 96 KB, 754x960, cock_and_swallow_v5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what to do

>> No.7624369

I'm gonna save that pic.

>> No.7624371

Also, who /Drachenfest/ here?

>> No.7624372

One can still see bits of your BW boots, otherwise looking great, even if the face isn't completely done.

>> No.7624373

you will gonna see that flag on Drachenfest

>> No.7624374

also you should strap something on your shoulders so you will look like bigger and more orky

>> No.7624375

Yeah, I know, but getting the breastplate done was more important. I'll be working on that next. Also, I'm not happy yet with my kilt (or whatever it's called in english), and you still see too much of the gambeson. I'll tackle that later this year.

Blue camp again?

>> No.7624376

I'm a scout, I don't need to be big, I need to be agile.

>> No.7624382

you won't be big, you will just look like someone with actual shoulders. You know like orcs and stuff

yep, with the Ankh-morporkian city guards. And probably in the proper city guard too

>> No.7624390

some orcs are wimps though

>> No.7624394

nah, you are thinking goblins

>> No.7624400
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you can just fix some clothing or add leather scraps like this, so you get a little bit more of a V shape for added manly-bulk look without adding actual bolky bits

>> No.7624401

my fantasy is more canon than your fantasy

>> No.7624406
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>> No.7624408

Weren't they the same in Tolkien-verse?

>> No.7624410

probably but it's still as good as anything to argue over it

>> No.7624412
File: 76 KB, 720x480, tumblr_mkv119fKYm1rwf1mbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well on the topic of orcs, I was wondering what people's opinion of green orcs is, I've heard people regard it as being lazy but the LARP I am thinking of getting in on has them as basically the only orcs, and I am thinking of playing one and being a character that is essentially "Fart, gluttonous orc"

>> No.7624414
File: 91 KB, 640x960, tumblr_mxzn04c5iF1t4is7uo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear, what a typo, I mean fat.

>> No.7624415
File: 2.20 MB, 2448x3264, DSC02198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by green you mean it has green skin but masks and everything too or that you would just paint your skin green and that's all?

>> No.7624417
File: 119 KB, 960x720, tumblr_myfyib4WCY1raijg0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what the common practice is(probably the lazy one) but Ill likely grab a mask for it.

>> No.7624429

Honestly, the lighter-hued orcs usually do have the habit of looking... well, lazy, especially as most of them tend to look like green humans with fangs and/or long ears.

>> No.7624440

If you are going to that length, why not just use latex?
Now I've never made one, so this is a genuine question.

>> No.7624446

for that sword we used latex. But we used the technique before we could get latex too. Because we couldn't buy it anywhere in the country and stuff like that.

>> No.7624456
File: 62 KB, 720x540, 1544370_864425300250430_2009196212624289587_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, for some marginally unknown reason most girls at cons absolutely love armors.

>> No.7624487

is that hair even real?

>> No.7624489
File: 918 KB, 3024x3024, P4276676.ORF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah it's a wig. as far as I know.
So is this

>> No.7624503

Not to shiggy your diggy, but that is obvious.
I have never seen a beard-wig that looked credible.

>> No.7624538
File: 232 KB, 960x960, P4276672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not a beard wig. it's a ruined hair wig. Which we used... creatively. For giggles and shit

>> No.7624587

I was thinking that myself, but stuff like that can easily be caught in undergrowth when running through the forest, which kind of defeats the purpose of being an orc ranger.

I'll consider it, though, thanks.

Depends. You won't find green orcs in the Grat U Murdur, because those guys play a very strict Tolkien-background based on the LOTR movies.

It's less of a problem in groups like the Bal-hai and especially the Clans of the Old Blood.

>> No.7624602

That dude looks like white knight Severus Snape.

Any SCA people here? I've considered researching the USA larp scene after joining the SCA, but I heard the US larpers are either bad crazy, not fun or both.

>> No.7624606

By the way, you are a group of sellswords, right?

>> No.7624634
File: 677 KB, 810x1080, 1403103994252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping with Orks.

>> No.7624641 [DELETED] 

How did you make the chest plate?

>> No.7624651

What sort of fiberglass do you use? Fence posts?

Looks great! How did you make the breast plate? Looks articulated.

>> No.7624654

Ontario and I are SCA, so is Gropey and several anons if they followed us from TG.

>> No.7624660
File: 1.42 MB, 1000x1500, DF2013-Sascha-_MG_2154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks great! How did you make the breast plate? Looks articulated.
I used a pattern for a uruk hai-breastplate I found on the web (I can't find it right now or I would post it) and made it out of Brandsohlenleder (Which is a relatively rigid leather for soles).

In theory, this armor is flexible, because the moving elements are attached to flexible laces, but I just riveted them together because the leather is flexible enough on its own.

>> No.7624661
File: 145 KB, 356x500, ork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends from group to group. You gotta meet your local larp people first and then decide. My local larp group isn't even old enough to drink which is a problem.

>Also no orc larpers nearby, which would be my sole reason for doing it.

>> No.7624664

Make your own LARP, with blackjack and hookers.

>> No.7624676
File: 16 KB, 350x293, orcBPpat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these maybe?


>> No.7624692

on drachenfest? Sadly no. I mean in the end me and a girl will come from Hungary so we join to the Ankh-Morporkian city guards in the blue camp who are awesome people and I met them last year there. But I will bring a flag and I will recruit people nevertheless. Also the banner will be there so fa/tg/uys can come and meet each other there

>> No.7624694
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>> No.7624696
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also also, just got the religious thingies I will at the larp this weekend

>> No.7624771
File: 74 KB, 960x638, 10384451_10202796969899905_4119357377778943731_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember - no crt

>> No.7624784

>Remember - no crt


>> No.7624812


I'll be sure to watch for the cock&swollow. And the rape.

To be honest, if I would not be in a group already I would definitely think about joining the Ankh-Morporkians.
I really like an ironic touch to larping, it is just too cringeworthy if you take it too serious IMHO.

I am quite sad that my group will only consist of 6 people or something along these lines, many of us have job or university obligations to fulfil this year.

I guess I won't be able to finish all the stuff and quipment I'd like to until then, but I will try my best.

>> No.7624927

>I am quite sad that my group will only consist of 6 people or something along these lines, many of us have job or university obligations to fulfil this year.
now that feel.
two guy cannot come because of money issue, one cannot managed to get a holiday from work, one has a family and other stuff, and others not good enough gear and stuff

>> No.7624972

Tactical long-range Orc. Let me tell you, Snagas might flock around the guys with the big muscles, but endurance is what makes you a keeper.

>> No.7625019
File: 293 KB, 1024x768, Img_0066_done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda sorta bump

>> No.7625025

Yes, I think I got the pattern from this site, though I can't find it anymore.

That's a shame, I would have hired you.

Kurvlobs dig the tall guys.

>> No.7625038

Goddamnit, I would almost consider to go just for that...
Fuck, why is it so fucking expensive?
I don't suppose you're going tp be in Tü for the next Stammtisch?

>> No.7625042

>I don't suppose you're going tp be in Tü for the next Stammtisch?
I definitely want to, but I don't know if I can afford it.

>> No.7625049

>Fuck, why is it so fucking expensive?

Well, it is a longer event than all the weekend cons and a lot more "stuff to see". I do not find it THAT expensive.

>> No.7625054

That's true. It might be 140 bucks (if you really wat until the last minute), but it lasts for 6 days.

Usually, it's 60-100 for a weekend.

>> No.7625058

Shit sucks...

But I dig the new kit. Maybe get some wide as fuck belt to hide the Gambeson a little bit more, but that's just the icing on the cake.

>> No.7625062

Well. The DF isn't all that interesting to me. I just don't really like the location. I'd love to go there to meet up with some /tg/ bros but that alone isn't warranting what it would cost to go there.

>> No.7625071

Won't be able to do this year, but might have a look at going to DF next year.

>> No.7625084

/tg/ could join up for DF and go as a group...
Glorious things would happen and everybody would hate us out of jealousy.

>> No.7625087

That's actually a pretty nifty idea.

>> No.7625105

I like the idea of a ragtag group with differing kit and accents just dicking about.

>> No.7625113

I'd suggest to randomly build a fortress in the middle of the meadow overnight and insulting every passerby.

>> No.7625115
File: 11 KB, 337x266, HGrailTaunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I approve.

>> No.7625143

>claim we have incredibly important artifact and we want to sell it to the highest bidder or some shit
>inevitably, people pop up to take it from us
>other camps don't want to lose powerful artifact to other camps, so they come and try to fight whoever attacked us
>shit hits the fan, suddenly the whole meadow is filled with camps fighting one another
>meanwhile we chill inside our blanket fortress, drinking some beer and gaze upon the carnage

>> No.7625278
File: 56 KB, 640x955, beranunne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know we are on /cgl/ but...who are we cosplaying?

this is my only cosplay, as Ze nun 2
ze nun 2 is cosplaying me
ze nun is cosplaying a friend
and friend is cosplaying Ze nun

we're not famous character out of bico but...yeah

>> No.7625295

For a while I thought Larpfag had died, it makes me happy to see this topic again.I'm going to be joining my first larp this fall. Requesting lady larp costumes? I'm looking to expand my folder.

>> No.7625375
File: 891 KB, 1280x1912, tumblr_n3zxfhTYzL1s7tfywo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill post what I have, not going to say it will be good though.

>> No.7625377
File: 108 KB, 500x334, tumblr_n0do03DdWB1s4qo3to1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something a bit more traditional

>> No.7625381
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>> No.7625382
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>> No.7625388
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>> No.7625393
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>> No.7625395
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>> No.7625398
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>> No.7625399
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>> No.7625404
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>> No.7625410
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This lady looks super important.

>> No.7625413
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>> No.7625414
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This feels sufficient for now, let me know if you'd like more bitch pudding.

>> No.7625427
File: 53 KB, 497x750, tumblr_n6lm2oZBUR1scyrtto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disregard that, one more.

>> No.7625468
File: 28 KB, 800x600, 10455922_10152211129318494_4525115937990012076_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hell is a bitch pudding?

pic unrelatd, a girl made a pillow of Monquefort

Monquefort protects!

>> No.7625476
File: 251 KB, 1200x895, tumblr_n1d7llL6dx1scyrtto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the namefag that asked for lady larp pictures.

>> No.7625509
File: 1.31 MB, 1000x1500, DF2013-Sascha-_MG_2505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a completely unrelated note, as a side project, a few of my friends and me are working on a religious order (The Order of the Iron Hand of our Lady Althurea of Cathauria) and I'm working on some props.

I want to write a nice little IC book, but I have no fucking clue what I should write about since the god we came up with doesn't have a holy scripture of any description. It would be really helpful if someone here had an idea and would share it.

>> No.7625520

You can always start with some out of print game book mythos, and then adjust anything you want more to your liking.

There are dead games out there everywhere, and PDFs of them to boot.

Then there are unpopular games like SLA, Warzone, Talsilanta, to name a few, you can always examine religion in those systems.

>> No.7625525
File: 393 KB, 2048x1366, 10479662_10152524811513428_8874557195413022370_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b...but...there is only one true religion...
only one god...
one one truth

There is only the True Faith
DEUS VULT! death to the unbeliever!

>> No.7625537
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Mail dilemma:

I want to pick up a mail byrnie that's reasonable for a 950-1050AC Dane. Historic mail from that era is a mix of flat and round rings (often in the same shirt), and is dome-riveted. However, the dome rivets are peened flat on the interior of the shirt.

My sources on getting a shirt are essentially as follows:
-Commission one from Erik Schmidt or somebody off of Ringlord ($1,000+, so no)
-Make one (no)
-Buy from an Indian Manufacturer (even the nice stuff from someplace like Zeughaus is ultimately of Indian make).

The problem with Indian manufacturers is that there is no "historically accurate option" from them. Among some other issues (such as their use of punches instead of drifts to set the rivets, which seriously weakens the mail), the big dilemma is:
-Dome Rivets are double-rivets (with domes on both sides of the rivet), and they're HUGE compared to the doming of the historical rivets. This means that the domes tend to rip up underclothes - like my $300 linen gambeson - are there's several results from MyArmory.com pointing out that the interior domes are known to cause actual injury.
-Their wedge Rivets are flat and don't have the above problem, but they're totally ahistorical. There's very little primary evidence for wedge rivets until 15thC Germany...which is an issue for a 10thC Dane.

What should I get?

>> No.7625595

Ah, a fellow connonissuer of Myarmoury, greetings Anon.

"Indian Mail" is not made equal and there is a vast amount of variation between manufacturers. Some is suprisingly good, and while it can not compare to the artisan stuff, it will not cost you 3 limbs and your first born son.

I hear good things about Cap-a-Pie Mail (if you want to import from england). A short sleeved shirt with round rivets should set you back a bit less tha $500. I'm sure other armourers with similar price/quality could be found stateside.

With a good supplier the dome riveting should not be such a problem, but consider a leather lining on the gambeson to protect it just in case. Could we have some picks of the gambeson, espeically if its quilted linen instead of the usual stuffed tat?

If you felt confident enough with the quality of the rivets, I would take the chance and go for round instead of anacronistic wedges.

Best of luck

>> No.7625704
File: 249 KB, 768x1024, 1332199376559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too clean. Go roll in some dirt, snaga.

Awwwww yeah.

>Not making people tremble at the name Fart the Gluttonous

Do you even orc?

Life long member, here (parents were SCA). Whacha wanna know?

>the banner will be there so fa/tg/uys can come and meet each other there

Among other things...

We do not discuss this here. Stop that, Frenchy.

I suggest we praise....Someone...

You, I like.

Hey BP, long time no see. I'd be happy to dump. Any general theme?

>> No.7625740
File: 95 KB, 862x631, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tragically, Fedex is charging $272 in shipping for a 7.25kg box if I want it from the UK. That's the big draw with the Indian suppliers - I'm not getting charged an extortionate shipping rate.

In fairness, shipping armor is always pretty terrible. Do you happen to have any sources State-side? Plate harness sources I know about, but I'm only familiar with folks producing butted mail in the US unless I want to got over $1000 just for the armor.

>> No.7625778
File: 144 KB, 960x790, 10363480_10152195559928292_8325165515131196069_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCKERS i just made a fucking thread in /Tg and yuo fags are of being fieldtrip! assholes

anyways, anyone know an armor who will make a decent sugar loaf helm with brass accents, for arround 250-400usd.

also. im not of being sure what i want my kit to be. fml guys, fml. atleast these guys look cool

>> No.7625803

Fedex is confirmed for worst shipping. Shipping with the local shipping (china post, usps, cps, etc) while slow as fuck, is usually fractions of Fedex. UPS is good too.

>> No.7625821


Illusion Armoring is great. Their basic helms are here: http://www.illusionarmoring.com/Helmets.html

Take that as a starting point. The guy who does their work HATES doing assembly-line-type stuff, so taking his standard sugarloaf and customizing it should actually make him interested...which may mean he gets your stuff done faster.

>> No.7625827

>That's a shame, I would have hired you.
you can still hire me

>Goddamnit, I would almost consider to go just for that...
>Fuck, why is it so fucking expensive?
all in all it's not that expensive considering what they offer. but yeah Although you are a little closer then me

>> No.7625835
File: 2.22 MB, 2448x3264, DSC02297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd suggest to randomly build a fortress in the middle of the meadow overnight and insulting every passerby.
no,no,no,no,no. You guys should dream BIG! like... fuckhuge big!
first, all of us should be beggars and peasants and misfits. Then we loot the rubish and trash and on the game site and build a rag-tag "avatar" costume that one of us can weare and we proclaim he is our avatar protecting the beggars and stuff. Then the "avatar" can go to the temple and demand a place for himself in it and shit-talk the other avatars.

>> No.7625846

she is. it's the grey avatar from Drachenfest. Avatars are basically manifestations of the dragons that created the world there. Basically the leaders of the camps and technically invincible npcs but they doesn't fight, just sometimes start rolling the role playing ball.
Except the red one. That guy is everywhere, I mean fucking EVERYWHERE. Some of the Aldradach city guards draw a funny picture about him and said basically he is a party noodle. I proposed that we should send the pic through the postal service to him but we valued our life more

>> No.7625848
File: 86 KB, 484x720, 1297351424338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I specifically brought it up in the last thread that we haven't had a /cgl/ fieldtrip in a while, and folks agreed.

Illusion is good, and has decent turnaround time.

>> No.7625858

I vaguely remember that maybe there was one (or rather, half) chainmail from some viking period that was butted. although couldn't find the pic right now, ask me again around sunday/monday

>> No.7625872
File: 76 KB, 1024x1366, sugarloaf-helmet-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i didnt see that. oh well

know any other armorers? id like to have a few options

helm should be along these lines, just with a bit of different brass, and different holes/eye slit

>> No.7625886

lmao what cons, most girls don't give a fuck if you have armor cosplay or not, they're more interested in your face. (also if your costume looks shitty or not)

>> No.7625887

TONS. Serriouslly, just get on the Armour archive already:

AB Hammer
Mad Matt's Armoury
Thaden Armory
James River Armoury
Windrose Armoury

Literally hundreds of armourers of good repute and decent prices in the US.

>> No.7625890

ive been on the archive its just confusing. theres alot of old posts n shit. idk how it works.

>> No.7625896

Are you registered? It is honestly one of the easiest forums I have ever used.

>> No.7625899


im going to bed guys, and off to my event tomorrow! cya in a week!

>> No.7625915

Look, make an account. Send me an email, and I'll link you to a decent SCA sugarloaf that you can get for less than $200, with the shipping already added in.

>> No.7625918
File: 81 KB, 720x540, 1538836_313131482174496_4136044476438567568_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, maybe it was the fact that it's real armor not cardboard/foam/etc and they could try some parts of it. That and basically we went there to promote larping by bringin a lot of larp weapons and allowed people to fight with them.
We got a lot of kids interested but as I said the girls were the ones who were really interested in the armors.
Well with the possible exception of the guys who for some reason couldn't believe that the armor actually protects

>> No.7625956

So I'm trying to put together an assassin/mage and this is all I have so far.
I have a big black winter cloak, and a leather mouth mask/black hood.
I originally wanted to be an argonian, but it ended up being incredibly hard to make an argonian mask so I kind of gave up on that.
I have no idea where to go from here.
Horns? A tabbard? A staff instead of my placeholder whip?
Any ideas Gropey-senpai?

>> No.7625962
File: 1.83 MB, 1840x3264, lvl 1 witchhunter lfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my image.

>> No.7625966
File: 2.23 MB, 2448x3264, DSC02847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, aragonian masks are not THAT hard to make. but you shouldn't wear a leather mask. ever. not even if you are into that kind of stuff in the bed. it's just never works.

anyway I'm off to game, will be back in sunday

>> No.7625981
File: 191 KB, 1024x576, tumblr_static_tyrion-lannister[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Astonishingly long

>> No.7625984


>I'm cold
>I bet most of these guys don't even carouse
>Like that armour is flattering
>Brunette master race
>Standing around a fire to keep warm is for peasants
>Black boots are for peasants
>I want to go home

>> No.7625989


CGL rules literally say it's a board to discuss larps, we don't need to cosplay anyone specific.

>> No.7625997
File: 110 KB, 704x960, 921527_4416607672517_1124133745_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play in a handful of local LARPs here in the states. They're fairly good, and the players are all mostly in their 30's or higher.
Really, it's like they said above, you have to go, meet the people, and see if they are your kind of people.
You certainly won't get the kind of amazement you would get in a European LARP, but you can get a weekend of camping, roleplay, and swords.
Pic related, my character.
>tfw tarantula feels

>> No.7626011


Your shoulders aren't very broad, you're not terribly tall, and you have a slender neck. This makes your head seem big.

The leather helmet is a bad choice, it makes your head seem even bigger in proportion and gives you that whacky lvl 1 look.

I would advise pauldrons, damn near Space Marine size, to offset the size of the helmet and make your neck/shoudlers seem a little bigger. A tabard could help with this, as well.

Other than that, I know this is a little late, since you've obviously bought most of your kit, but I would seriously reconsider the amount of black you're wearing.

For one, it just screams "I am an untrustworthy blacksack villain!", and black is one of the worst monotones to hide in.
Depending on the locale, you want greens and earthen tones, or sands, burgundy tones and greys.
You also want to get rid of the shine.

>> No.7626016


Now -that- is a creeptastic mask.

I would get unnerved talking to that thing, for sure.

>> No.7626025

I also wear a backpack of 4 extra full-sized arms. Made the whole rig and mask myself, I'm pretty proud of it even if I do need help getting into clothes.
I was squired to a knight who was this huge, terrifying badass that everyone was scared of. He always treated me a little weirdly, but I never really questioned it until I had my mask off while I was cooking and he slunk up (kitchen is OOG area).
"Anon, IG, my character thinks Theraphosidae is really, really cool, but I'm deathly arachnophobic and every time I look at you I want to throw up."
It was good times. He got over it once I ate his other squire.

>> No.7626028

I think that's the Silver Avatar, the grey one has more of an owl-thing going in the pauldron design.
The avatars do a pretty good job, I have to say. Only ever saw the red and grey ones in action but they kick ass.

You know, 2007 something like that happened with Goblins. A group of Goblins started dancing, singing and chanting at the ritual-circle, other Goblins passed by and started joining in. Eventually they 'summoned' an avatar, which meant at some random point, some guy happened to walk into the ritual circle and every Goblin proclaimed "THE GOBLIN AVATAR HAS ARRIVED!"

>> No.7626036

As has been brought up, something around the shoulders.

I'd like to add your neck seems rather unprotected and 'naked'. You might want to get something to hide it.

>> No.7626037


That is absolutely brilliant, but seriously, mad props to you.
And quite the endearing tale, too.

Are the extra arms mobile? In sync with your real arms?

I've been trying to come up with a pseudodragon on my shoulder, that I could move with wires and tubes hidden beneath a cloak.
The system is there, now for making the dragon.

>> No.7626071
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The additional arms don't sync up with my real arms because I'm a sneak-and-kill character and need to know where they are at all times.
Plus I'd be worried about damages in combat.
However, the limbs are built onto a backpack base, and they bounce realistically when I run and I can control them a little by twitching my shoulder blades. The whole rig is pretty much lightweight.
It's become my thing that when people try to shake my hand, I give them one of my back hands. Always stops them for a moment.

Found an old photo. They now have black latex 'fingertips' on each of them. The whole backpack is adjustable and fastens around the front, then I put my bodysuit on over it which has matching fur patterns on my arms and legs.
Pissing becomes a fun and interesting time, though. I'm sincerely thinking of buying one of those piss funnels so I can pee standing up.

>> No.7626094


>pls be in london, etc.

Epic memes aside, I've heard from festival goers that those funnels are sincerely worth it.

Have any full pictures of the rig in full regalia?

>> No.7626098

I want to larp but I don't know if I can with larpers I feel like it's too much autism. Do you guys think the autism rate between larps and cons is similar? I'm not trying to offend anyone I really want to know
I just want to be a ranger and do ranger stuff in the woods and look badass idk

>> No.7626110


From my 7 years experience in larping, out of the literal hundreds of larpers I've met, I've met about 3 of the nightmarish autistic type, 2 That Guys, 3 or so overly bubbly females, and 4 edgelords. Some of the above were combined into 1 person.
Other than that, the people I've met are varying degrees of sociable, some inept but not abrasively so, others very fluent.

At the end of the day, it's a social hobby, not much different from sports clubs or other group activities. If you're not the social type, you won't stick around for long, or you'll forever larp with a tiny select group of social rejects.

Basically? You'll run into more of the Dreaded Autist types at a single random con than you will at all the larps in Europe

>> No.7626113

It really depends. Both on what kind of cons you go and what you call 'autism'.

I mean, there's groups that try to exactly portray a certain decade within a certain century within a certain area (ie: I'm aiming currently for an 'Eastern Europe in the 1340s' look...), they can be a bit of a pain, cause they are elitist snobs who take some details way to seriously.

Then there's the crowd of AWESHUM super-ninja-mage-demon-vampire-barons. They want to be the cool dudes that sit in dark corners moping and enjoy angst about their troubled past...

And then there's anything in between.

As a rule of thumb: Most people with silly hats are people who do not take themselves too seriously and thus shouldn't be too much of a problem to deal with.

>> No.7626122

Well one problem is it just takes one of them in regular contact to ruin it for me.. I learned this from D&D. But this is good news, thank you. It's nice to hear it's a bit more sociable, I've noticed a lot of nerd hobbies have the problem of not being able to tell people to fuck off which I don't really have to deal with at cons but do see in mtg, d&d etc.

>> No.7626129

It's most the edgelords/that guys that bother me
Not really fond of those girls either, you know the "i'm a ~girl~" type
Elitism doesn't bother me too much though I'm not super interested in historical recreation
There seems to be a larping community where I've just moved, Portland. I don't know how active it is but I think I'd really like to check it out.

>> No.7626134


Mtg isn't exactly a social hobby. It's a card game where you invest money to one up eachother. Simply because you play it against other people doesn't make it social, as you need no other interaction than that of the hand you play.

D&d, well... You choose who you interact with. If you pick up strays to form a game, chances are there will be a That Guy in the ranks. It's usually a better idea to run a game with people you already know aren't assholes, since there are, on average, about 5 people involved.

Larps are different in that, over here at least, there's always a good 40 people participating. You can just avoid that one guy. You'd be unlucky if you bumped into one, to boot, since they tend to flake after a single game where they couldn't play out their power fantasies.

All that aside, I'll try and not be crude about this, but if you can have your entire event ruined by a single guy, shouldn't you harden up a little?
Just saying, day to day life and work can be full of people like these.

>> No.7626140

Sorry if I was unclear, I meant it's nice if it's more sociable than similar hobbies with similar types of people. That's just what I have experience with, since I've never been to a larp I don't know what else to best compare it to. I've only really done d&d with randoms and there got to be so many That Guys after awhile I just no longer found it worthwhile.
I did say "in regular contact" for a reason, I can deal with it once in awhile but if someone I don't like is in my group all the time, I go do something else. I don't think that's unreasonable, it is not a job or anything I'm obligated to do but a hobby where I'm trying to enjoy myself and spend time with people I like.

>> No.7626143


>It's most the edgelords/that guys that bother me

Stay away from Vampire/Paranoia larps and you should be golden

>Not really fond of those girls either, you know the "i'm a ~girl~" type

These tend not to be regular larpers, though. Most of the time, they're a regular larper's SO, and most regular larpers leave their SO at home

>not super interested in historical recreation

Don't worry, most of us won't throw a fit over it. My group is generally dressed in clothes and armour from around the fall of the Roman Empire, whereas I go dressed as someone from the 1400's, and others we play with go up as late as the 1600's. It's a free for all.

>> No.7626144

Anyway I'm just trying to get an idea of what it's like before I get too committed to the idea. I've heard some horror stories in the past.

>> No.7626151


>d&d with randoms

Randoms usually are randoms because they're that much of a That Guy that they can't get into a regular group of their own ;)

>Don't think that's unreasonable
That's the thing, though. You're likely to end up with someone like that, no matter where you go, and letting a single guy pester you away from an activity you otherwise enjoy with more people whose company you do enjoy. Well, I can't agree with that.

To each his own, of course.

>> No.7626176

If I really love it I won't care, but I rarely find a hobby I am all that intense about for a long time anyway so I'm trying to be realistic. I can see your argument but I don't see it being all that different from quitting or avoiding a hobby or group of people for any other reason. If you don't like how people at clubs act, take dance classes if you like the dancing aspect or drink with your friends if that's the part you like. A lot of people here like anime, but don't like anime clubs so they enjoy it on their own. Some people admire cosplay or lolita but feel uncomfortable wearing it once they try it so they admire from afar. There's not really a shortage of hobbies or pasttimes to do out there if something has an unappealing quality and you are not super driven and passionate about it to begin with, you just sort of like it and want to try it out for fun. And it's always good to know what you're getting into if you're unsure anyway.
Anyway, sage for derailing, I do appreciate the insight, and I'm sorry for the lame replies, i'm mobile

>> No.7626201


Polite, level headed, and capable of clearly expressing yourself.

I like you.

And I'm thinking you'll do fine. Here's hoping you'll enjoy it.

>> No.7626269

Thankyou! None are like what I have, I definitely need inspiration.
I'm having a hellatime designing appropriate pants that match my teams colors/style and aristocratic nature.

Gropes! I'm essentially a necromancer. So undead themed outfits for ladies?

I've not met autism and I'm a new player. I'm so far the youngest in the larp (23) and the only thing that made me feel weird was the insane amount of sex jokes made at a weapons seminar. I'm no prude and I love a good sex joke however many of em were too easy (sword=dick...lots of those).

>> No.7626286

I knew it, the massive pauldrons informed me she is super important.
Ill keep my eye out for necromancery ladies.

>> No.7626289

If they have a wide enough pauldron span to force everyone to open their gates as far as possible, they better fucking be important or they'll just be stuck standing in front of the camp while it rains on them.

>> No.7626295
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Not sure how this would feel against the boobies since yaknow, I have none, but this is sort of mage-y, maybe darken it up a bit and add some skulls for the necromancer look

>> No.7626312

>I play in a handful of local LARPs here in the states. They're fairly good

Where in the states do you play? I'm searching for one on the Eastern side o the states.

>> No.7626326


>the insane amount of sex jokes

Heh, sword jokes are just flirting. It's not off the handle until the running gag becomes "lizard riders"

>> No.7626341
File: 33 KB, 300x286, dogarmor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How pet friendly are larps?
I'm talking about bringing a socially friendly pet, not Cujo hell beast.

>> No.7626347

Depends on the organisers, other players and how well your dog deals with it.

>> No.7626351

Better get used to it. Most larpers seem to share this really bad sense of humour. The amount of in-jokes, terrible puns and bad sex jokes I've seen with my group alone is insane.

What this Anon >>7626347 said. I don't thin I've ever seen a pet on a LARP, so I assume it's either not really common or organizers often speak out against it. There are LARPs with animals, though. About a friend of mine was at a con where they had trained horses (yes, they actually had real cavalry at a LARP, wrap your head around that).

>> No.7626362

Horses are powergamers and they never act out their wounds. Other than that, I can imagine it being great fun of flanking some guys on foot with your horse.
Have seen dogs a few times, mostly on a leash, though. As long as the dog is ok with it and noone is bothered by it, I guess there is no big deal.

>> No.7626365
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That's what I thought. Thanks.

>> No.7626581
File: 45 KB, 297x436, JeanneGauntlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already asked the help thread and that didn't work out so I figure I'll ask you guys since you guys seem to know a good amount about armor.
These gauntlets are driving me up the wall. I can't quite figure out a decent pattern or attachment for them. So my questions are 1. are these based of any historical gauntlets? and 2. Any ideas where I could find help for patterning these? I'm using foam.

>> No.7626587
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I've considered leather underbusts...but is going braless mandatory?

I cant even fathom what lizard riding might mean.
>gif related

Thankyou, I've drawn a decent amount of concept art but I'm fearing of going full tilt namely because of my group. We are supposed to be fancy...I'm not sure how to make a necromancer look fancy.

>> No.7626594
File: 107 KB, 682x1024, tumblr_mr2ya7GX2H1rnoruwo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea, as I said I don't have tits so, you'd be best off asking another lady.

As for fancy necromancer look, silver and/or gold trim, frills and jewellery yo.

>> No.7626603
File: 290 KB, 1511x1096, Carnaval_Venise_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not sure how to make a necromancer look fancy.

Well, I guess it has to do with your budget. You could go for Venetian carnival style -fancy and mysterious. Maybe a half mask, white face paint, add bones to convey the necromancer aspect.

>> No.7626609
File: 42 KB, 400x273, half.mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pic idea.
There really isn't any dress requirements for a necromancer, they are like mages, so whatever's light enough. Going fancy means being successful at what you do, so, you make it look like your making good coin at your trade, so gold tones. I was thinking a half mask because typically necromancy is frowned upon, and if you are successful at it, you are making sure that people don't know your face.

Just some ideas.

>> No.7626636


Those are not based on any existing type, no more or less than other fantasy bracers, at least.

I'd gladly set to patterning their like, but you'd have to wait until I get back to work on Monday, where I have drafting programs waiting for me.

>> No.7626638


>lizard riding

All things lewd and horrible you can imagine. Also badwrongfun.

>> No.7626644
File: 402 KB, 1600x1452, PicMonkey Collage1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not really feasible but a rendition in darker colors of the eyes and ears cloak from the Rainbow Portrait would be amazing for a necromancer.

I also really like the mask and creepy Venetian Carnival style.

>> No.7626661

That would be fabulous! Thank you so much.

>> No.7626663


Catch me on /tg/ on Monday as a reminder, there'll probably be a larp thread up.

I'll need you to give me

>Wrist circumference
>Forearm circumference
>Forearm length
>Length and width of the back of your hand

And when we get that out of the way, we'll get into the kinky stuff.

Joking aside, give me all the above on Monday, I'm liable to lose it if you say it here and now.
The character's name would be good, too.

>> No.7626772
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>oh you tee hee im not liek the otha grills, etc

I don't, sadly. Our game doesn't take photos often, and I'm a sneaky character, so I don't get to be in the ones that are taken.
Really, it's just the bodysuit, a karate gi I dyed mottled green with holes cut and hemmed in the back for the legs, my tabbard, a wraparound skirt, and all my gear on belts and things. I do wear those toe shoes... vibrams? Painted black because my character is barefoot and I'm not hardcore enough to actually do it.
I do have a photo of my tabbard, though.

Best advice to give novice LARPers: Learn how to sew. Now. You will never have a better opportunity, and you will use it all the time because your stuff will rip. Plus all your crappy attempts will just make you look more rugged and in genre.

>> No.7626805
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I can't help you for eastern. I play west coast. You're in luck though, east coast has a rep for being more hardcore than us.
The only game I know of that's in the east as well is Alliance LARP, which is a split off from old NERO. I play in a chapter over here, but they have chapters all over the states. They also usually have older players. Like was said above, some games are better, some games are worse, and you have to go in, meet the people, and see if you like it.

Looking through my photos, here's a drawn picture of the full rig.

>> No.7626813

I always wondered, does Alliance have the same problems as NERO does, ie the ridiculous magic system and callouts or extremely low gear standards?

>> No.7626830

I never played NERO so I can't really judge them. Someone tried to start a local NERO chapter recently and it flopped so badly.
Alliance, at least in my chapter, is pretty good. Newbs show up in crappy garb, but usually they'll be loaned/get their own stuff fairly quickly, and the people who have been playing a long time have very nice stuff.
A lot of people don't bother wearing armor- the amount it slows you down compared to the stat benefit makes it not the best idea, but that's okay.
The magic system is fairly complicated, and it does have the callouts so people know what you're doing. When you're actually in the fight it doesn't sound quite as bad though. There's a huge difference between watching a fat nerd shout "I call forth a dragon's breath!" from a distance and having that same fat nerd running straight at you screaming "I call forth a dragons breath!" The adrenaline removes silliness from it.

You do have to callout your damage, which is fairly silly, but with the right tones it can sound like war cries.

Plus everyone stays really well in character compared to other games I've been to.

Essentially: The system is silly, but it doesn't matter in the heat of the moment, and you get a nationwide game which is really exciting.

>> No.7626897
File: 74 KB, 800x533, 10376144_10152074921686097_8287476585546407574_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone tried to start a local NERO chapter recently and it flopped so badly.
As it should, I've only see and heard bad things about it.
>armour slowing you down
I dunno, I've seem people who move around like the wind in armour, pic related, Lord Tristan the Hare, got that name for a reason.

>> No.7626949
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>tfw I'd like to LARP as a spider creature, but I'd have too loose weight and likely shave my beard off.
Now, the weight part I'm cool with, just a lot of effort(and I am working on it) but shaving my beard? Hogwash I say.

>> No.7627031

Sure, you can run fast in armor, but when you're wearing full plate and everyone else is just tabbard and garb, and the NPCs are wearing tabbard and garb, you're going to be the slowest one there. and the secret to running away is just to be faster than the other guy.
Don't get me wrong, I love armor, I have my set of full plate, it's just that the system doesn't make armor worth it so I don't wear it there. It's better to be fast and flexible.

To add onto 'crappy gear,' plastic armor isn't allowed, it has to be real metal. 'Cheese-chain' (lightweight aluminum chainmaile) is allowed by the rules, but you'll get laughed at for being a wuss, at least in my chapter.

When I designed the culture of the spider people, they were a desert dwelling species where food was the highest priority (that's why you eat your mate, they may take your food otherwise). If you played a heavyset spider you would be, like, the king of the tarantulas for my species because clearly you are so terrifying that you could keep enough food to get fat.
I'm just saying, work around it. You can still do it. My tarantula would hail your tarantula as clearly the superior predator.

I could see the beard being a problem though, especially if you have sideburns.

>> No.7627038

So today I received an IC letter through my letterbox.
This was amazing because:
A - I only ever get bills through the mail so a proper letter was exciting.
B - Letter was sealed with wax when taken out of the envelope
C - Was a handwritten self written poem from another character. This will ensure good roleplay and DRAMA next event.

Can't wait till end of July now

>> No.7627040

It is a full, almost dwarfy(not long enough, but then again it is hard to get it dwarfy length) beard. However that is neat, I now have two ideas for characters(especially if I go with a setting that has spider people), fat spider leader who is feared due to fatness, or fart the glutton, orc warrior.

>> No.7627047

If you can shape your beard, you might be able to make them look like mandibles or something.

>> No.7627112

>Fart the glutton, orc warrior.

Yay! Someone listened to my terrible ideas!

Suggestion: Fart was your childhood nick-name from your siblings.

Who you promptly ate.

>> No.7627114

You guys are weird, do you wish that you were living in the Middle Ages or something?

>> No.7627120

Fuck no it was terrible back then.

>> No.7627121

>You guys are weird, do you wish that you were living in an animu or something?
>You guys are weird, do you wish that you were living in the Victorian/Edwardian Age or something?
Pick your poison. And no.

>> No.7627122

Spider chick here.
No, not really. Think all the fun of Cosplay, while you also get to actually fight people, plus camping. It's a good time, without all that 'actually dying' stuff.

>> No.7627127


It was by far not as terrible as modern cliché wants us to believe.

>> No.7627128

No, but I now got a job as a professional 18thC fop, and I used to make a living as a 16-17thC soldier.

The Middle ages is just for the fun of it!

>> No.7627130

Well I know that much, but it was still to the point where I'd rather not live back then. Maybe if it was an idealized version or a fantasy world where magic pretty much or almost replaced technology, then I'd go for it.

>> No.7627140

I love pooping on a proper toilet too much

>> No.7627194
File: 295 KB, 977x333, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being a goblin hiding in a tree pooping on the enemy as they pass under you to signal the ambush

>> No.7627214
File: 12 KB, 236x283, 5411e6dffeb8a276f40c9b271b5dd3bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, but I now got a job as a professional 18thC fop
Pictures, please!

>> No.7627546

Send via email. I got none of me in my wig and face powder though :(

>> No.7627634

Are you people interested in creating a Skype conversation or something? That would have the advantage that we could direct people who want to get into LARP there, and it could make things a bit easier if anyone wants to try and meet up.

>> No.7627637
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>> No.7627640
File: 127 KB, 691x588, florentinecap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got none of me in my wig and face powder though :(
Sounds like a sight to be seen!.

That is too great!

To keep the thread going here is an in progress pic of a gilt net headdress I'm putting together to go with my Florentine garb (with new sleeves hopefully.

This is the underside as i am still attaching all the cross pieces, once that is done I plan on adding additional cross pieces of thin cream knit ribbon with gold edging in current cross peices; to make it more substantial.

Finally I'm going to add some freshwater pearls at the meeting of each gold strip.

>> No.7627647
File: 34 KB, 187x320, capcloseup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I know there is only one example of this kind of net/hat thing. This pretty lady ( Lodovica Tornabuoni) in "The Birth of the Virgin Mary" by Ghirlandaio

>> No.7627682

What you have there is a rete di capelli- literally "a net for the hair", which is used as a stand alone piece, or more commonly with a snood.

Great work thusfar!

>> No.7627773


>otha grills

Otha grills know how to cook? Badum tish.


If it wasn't for a larp, I'd have passed out laughing, by now. Good thinking, though, I'll keep it in mind if I ever go barefoot.
That's an... interesting sigil, btw. Is there a story behind it?

I can only encourage the idea of learning to sew, I've been larping for a few years, and have only now finished my first year of sewing classes. Period correct costuming, though? Piss easy. As you might expect, given how simple their tools were.

Especially when you consider just how expensive the upper tier and custom made clothes can get.

>> No.7627807

looking for a good wig for pre shippuden choji, we're cosplaying team 10 and i am having troubling finding one that doesnt look tacky as venus angelic

>> No.7627816

Gropey, you're such a weird tripfag but also incredibly helpful.

>> No.7627828

I'd be down for that. I don't really like Skype, but for the sake of LARPs I'd be willing to use it. How do you suggest we arrange that?

That looks lovely. How does it 'attach' into hair? Regular pins?

Once they're painted and all the extraneous tags and branding are covered/taken off, they make really good spider feet.
Not so much for a human character, though you could totally paint them a weird beige and cover them in crepe hair for a dwarf or a halfling character.
The sigil was designed when my tarantula first learned that sigils were a thing. It has the desert sun of her homeland, and a dead rat. It represents the relentless beating of desert sun that never goes away, while also the futility and quickness of death. The rat also represents food, which is very important to her culture.
Essentially it says "I am relentless, I will kill you, and then I will eat you."
It was also a symbol to my knight, who was an immortal rat creature, that all things must end. Spooked the crap out of him.
>that NPC's face when you lean down and whisper "I inject you with stomach acid 1... I drain out your insides 1..."

>> No.7627916

That runs the risk of killing off LARP threads though if we started using Skype rather than here.

>> No.7627920

This. We'd essentially become an exclusive circlejerk while the actual larpthreads would just wither off.

>> No.7627956

Please tell me you are coming to cons in the future too....! (Hungarian congoer seagull here who loves armor and good LARP costumes)

>> No.7628122
File: 418 KB, 1024x1536, fotknektar__by_krigshjartan-d5xu62k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are not so different after all...

>> No.7628124
File: 79 KB, 404x603, 16266_339745740234_5811829_n_by_krigshjartan-d5ycqfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7628127
File: 1.76 MB, 2354x1559, DSC_6604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7628128
File: 2.69 MB, 2112x2816, octodad and his fine wenches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7628325
File: 303 KB, 755x576, floren25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good to have the Italian name for it, thank you. I guess this in picture would also be a rete di capelli? I forget what painting this is from but it looks to be florentine as well a few decades later.

I was planning on wearing it without a snood, hair braided in the back with red hair taping around it. Maybe also a very sheer veil over?

>That looks lovely. How does it 'attach' into hair? Regular pins?

Thank you!

As far as I can tell it ties under the chin, although if that's too annoying I might either pin it or tie it under my braid.

>> No.7628493
File: 128 KB, 682x1024, tumblr_mr2ya7GX2H1rnoruwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that octopus guy looks neat, any idea on what he is supposed to be?

>> No.7628523

probably a ship captain

>> No.7628593

>Gropey the clown is weird

News at 11!

>> No.7628594

The avatar of a necromantic sea-god.

>> No.7628597

If you think Gropey is weird you haven't seen enough of Frenadian.

>> No.7628693

You've obviously never been in one of Gropey's clown threads here. He's done some cool and fucked up things in his train-wreck life.

>> No.7628695

Oh, I know what Gropey does for work and the other shit he did. It's just that Frenadian weirds me out like fuck and I have no idea why.

>> No.7628702

Probably because he's French-Canadian.

>> No.7628710

>does for work
I suppose I should change that to what he did for work now that he's no longer hammering nails into his face for a living.

>> No.7628761

nah, they worship a dualistic sun/moon god/dess

>> No.7628799
File: 27 KB, 540x720, The fop and the furious- Colonial Drift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still do occasionally. I just can't make a living off of clowning and sideshow in Virginia like I could on tour or in Louisiana.

So now I am a yankee doodle douchbag.

>> No.7628823

Because Gropey is playful, kinky creeper. Frenadian is genuine "licking his lips while staring at little girls in the park" creeper.

>> No.7628824

We need clearer pictures, but period clothes flatter you.

>> No.7628826
File: 54 KB, 500x749, tumblr_mxx3o15ZQP1scyrtto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think Frenadian is actually creepy, more then likely it is his sick twisted humour mixed with the fact that his english isn't the best.
Looking pretty posh friend!

>> No.7628933

Its the language barrier. And the CRTs, but you don't need to even know what those are.

D'aww, thanks!

>> No.7628942

These CRTs intrigue me but will probably disgust me. I'm still not going to get an explanation am I?

>> No.7628952
File: 75 KB, 325x500, tumblr_n0tarj5OJ01t4is7uo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. The other larpfags and myself made a decree as part of the list of rules to conduct fieldtrips to /cgl/.

1: Yes, there are women. Don't be a neckbeard grognard, or fedora wearing whiteknight.
2: Certain inside jokes on /tg/ are not /cgl/ appropriate. CRT's among them.
3: Don't talk about anything found in the FATAL rule book.
4: Seriously man, no. Just no.

So far it has worked well. We have several cross-posters now, and have expanded the local gaming communities because of it!

>> No.7628959

To add to gropey, we call our particular /tg/ brand of off-color jokes of a sexual nature "magical realm".

Never dare you enter our magical realm. /tg/ is just /d/light after all.

>> No.7628972
File: 120 KB, 650x488, ride like da wind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never dare you enter our magical realm.

Truer words not yet spoken.

>> No.7628986

Oh...I. like the idea. Esp. Having masks. Unfortunately my budget has no limit...I have no idea how much money I've thrown at this and I haven't even played yet.

>> No.7628994
File: 179 KB, 666x1000, 1396564335310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW, I have time to dump now. Fancy Necromancer ladies! >>7628952 was one for you too!

>> No.7628999
File: 51 KB, 409x521, Doña Ana de Mendoza y de la Cerda (1540-1592).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, some historic insperation! Doña Ana de Mendoza y de la Cerda, a Spanish Duchess from the 16thC who lost her eye in a mock-duel (read: larp) as a youth.

She Liked black, and looking fancy!

>> No.7629001
File: 28 KB, 300x400, Doña Ana de Mendoza y de la Cerda (1540-1592) (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TOTALLY not a necromancer...

>> No.7629002
File: 39 KB, 400x533, Doña Ana de Mendoza y de la Cerda (1540-1592) (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That zombie over there? Not hers. Nope, never. She's holding it for a friend.

>> No.7629003
File: 93 KB, 640x960, 1348508480972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629009
File: 95 KB, 720x482, 1390334101252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7629017
File: 48 KB, 400x400, da3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7629018
File: 94 KB, 1024x682, tumblr_mr2ya7GX2H1rnoruwo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Centaurs were always something I never liked, at all, and that costume seems like a lot of work for something so.. bleh

>> No.7629021
File: 314 KB, 1600x1200, centdurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just jealous you'll never be this majestic!

>> No.7629031
File: 76 KB, 720x960, 1402878130995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no pls no must cleanse palette

>> No.7629159

Just your typical average day in Nola.

>> No.7629160
File: 79 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you go Centaur you never go back.

>> No.7629194
File: 230 KB, 592x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, here's a few more over the top fancy for inspiration.

Ah, Venice. Some day I will return.

>and hopefully on that day the canals won't flood and fill my boots again.

>> No.7629200
File: 395 KB, 953x1300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7629203
File: 158 KB, 620x429, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7629214
File: 1.20 MB, 300x225, tumblr_n1i52v99nr1qcxcr8o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother fucker, you have no idea. My family has owned the same house off of Rue St Anne for generations.

Where y'at?

Venice is nice, but Naples is better.

>> No.7629219

And I found a new reaction image.

Happy accident today, added a pocket to my surgeon apron then realised too late I added it to the back. Then it struck me that it could conceal something. They'll never expect the surprise machete.

>> No.7629243

>Venice is nice, but Naples is better.

I alway wanted to go to Naples and see the Baroque works that the Cabal of painters had their hand in controlling.
Sadly it was not on the list of the art history death march I did from North to South.
A few of my favorites were Brescia, San Gimignano (medieval towers, what's not to love?) and for the bars, Padua.

>> No.7629364

It's not the CRTs either, I was the one that actually made that shitty MSPaint version of them. I suppose the language barrier bit makes sense.
>San Gimignano
My nigga. I skipped my second day in Firenze just to go there again.

>> No.7629391
File: 1.14 MB, 1000x1500, DF2013-Sascha-_MG_4395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not entirely convinced, but I definitely see your point.

That costume is genius.

>> No.7629434
File: 509 KB, 633x700, 1391398725804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629444

So do warhammer fantasy guys ever show up to larp
like chaos knights and shit

>> No.7629449
File: 336 KB, 1000x667, 570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called chaos warrior my dear, not knight. Also yes.

>> No.7629450
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x1920, elf alpha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7629451
File: 315 KB, 1000x667, 572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629453
File: 303 KB, 850x567, 46454159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629459
File: 1.04 MB, 609x850, c007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629460
File: 128 KB, 820x543, Epic Empires 733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629461
File: 120 KB, 820x543, Epic Empires 739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629463
File: 597 KB, 667x1000, c018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629466
File: 555 KB, 667x1000, c017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629468
File: 612 KB, 1000x500, c015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629542
File: 654 KB, 1000x500, CHAOS UP IN THIS MOTHERFUCKER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love orc and chaos larpers.
They get so creative

>> No.7629544
File: 164 KB, 787x1181, damn it feels good to be orky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7629548

It's always amusing to see how much time and money the orcs put into looking as grungy and tattered as possible while the people play the stereotypical fantasy "good guys" usually seem lazy as shit in comparison.

>> No.7629551
File: 672 KB, 1000x667, 1348599286308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629552
File: 75 KB, 720x480, 1348597245304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629555
File: 86 KB, 1094x730, 1391386811596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629558
File: 158 KB, 500x750, elven-warrior-lotr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629568
File: 375 KB, 1280x898, ork leisure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if yer gonna ork yer gunna hafta be PROPA ORKY

>> No.7629619

Blahhh I want to LARP but I don't know anyone.

>> No.7629646

without internet and proper toilets? fuck no. I would rather live in the future

>> No.7629651

I will go to the next mondocon and the autumn one too, although I cannot promise that I bring my armor to the summer one, there is a chance that I will bring my monster costume that I currently making

>> No.7629653
File: 716 KB, 600x5315, i_wanted_to_be_a_dwarf_by_gimlee-d64ctww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting this for anyone who hasn't seen it before

>> No.7629657

It's from a movie, Unicorn City.

>> No.7629667
File: 2.26 MB, 3264x2448, DSC03121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not always lazynass. Most people only have shit taste or they don't know any better.
By that I mean they go for the "clean" look, everything must be "perfect" and neat and they use the wrong kind of materials. Synthetic fabrics, waaay to polished armor, etc. so they lack that special... I don't know maybe "living" feeling, it's like they just dressed up for a picture and when they start to move in it it all goes to shit in the sense of how do they look.

Also on an unrealted not, I finally come home from Terra Nova, although I did not had enough time to make pictures so I only have a very few. I will get the rest from others somewhen next week

>> No.7629752
File: 89 KB, 194x331, RomperStomper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I can think of after seeing that

>> No.7629756

That's all kinds of brilliant and I love it

>> No.7629795


Wow. I really like the idea of the paint I'm really fond of the idea of having lots of accessoriesive got a book, scrolls, apocothary bottles...not sure what else to have. Once I get my crotch banner (waist banner? Not sure what its got...the banner thing that drapes between the legs) ill post what I have.. I'm saving these to my folder.
Omg I love those barrels. I'm also trying to find something to lug my clothes in. /tg/ are there any more tutorials like this thatre larp related?

>> No.7629871

there's this guide to making a backpack out of a coat [text only I'm afraid] afraid] - http://tutorials.abbott.me.uk/props/backpack

DIY larp pouch - http://tutorials.abbott.me.uk/costume/pouch

how to mjake a semi decent LARP outfit for £5 [$8.50] - http://tutorials.abbott.me.uk/costume/no-excuses [any chance of sticky this one for any future LARP threads?]

how to whip stitch [for peeps new to stitching] - http://www.holiday-crafts-and-creations.com/whip-stitch.html

And a LARP forum with loads of other props tutorials and guides - http://scrolls.larpcraft.com/index.php?forums/character-props.596/

hope that helps, or at least gives you a head start.

>> No.7629874

well, half of this stuff were stolen from /cgl/ but there are a few more stuff there too.

Also you can look at this

and if I get my food or something I will post the undead women I have too

>> No.7629896

Anyone have Cleric/Healer (preferably female) pictures?

I'm going to start going to my local LARP since fucking everyone I know decided to start ding it and they said they only have one healer for a group of 30 and they need another. Plus I don't like fighting and am great at memorizing passages/spell type shit. So I'm trying to figure out what kind of outfit/look I'd like to have.

>> No.7630159
File: 464 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20140622_203754 - Kopie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dat repurposed orc mask

By the way, I finished my new shield earlier today. Here, have a blurry picture with crappy lighting.

>> No.7630163

looks nice...you are more and more going for an Uruk-hai look aren't you?

>> No.7630172
File: 630 KB, 462x523, Rüstung.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't I always?

By the way, here's a better picture of my new breastplate, I vaguely recall that you wanted to see it.

>> No.7630179

Your equipment is certainly coming along well, nice work. I am really looking forward to seeing it in real life.

>> No.7630182

Chaos Camp this year?

>> No.7630190

yep, unless a major disaster hits I will be on site from the 25th onward.

On this note, I really have to get off my ass and get to work on a few improvements to my kit.

>> No.7630197
File: 98 KB, 498x750, tumblr_n04qv5wTpE1scyrtto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and Gentlemen, my quest for mead is almost at an end, it seems one of the people I met at Pikeman's pleasure and befriended is a brewer, now I just need to find someone who is willing to go to Trillium Wars for a day with me

>> No.7630199
File: 145 KB, 453x650, hope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7630204
File: 851 KB, 1365x2048, P6213764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and original one. For some reason it looks like I'm wearing a burgonet

>> No.7630209
File: 3.86 MB, 2448x3264, grand heist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7630210

Needs leg armor.

>> No.7630215

nope. this way I can still catch people who try to run away from me. Also if you have a polearm leg hits are way below in your list of concerns

>> No.7630218

The weapon of a coward.

>> No.7630223

the graveyards are full with heroes

>> No.7630224

polearms is best arm you infidel well and longswords and macesand daggers I'll just stop now

>> No.7630226
File: 440 KB, 666x999, 832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damnit there's no spoilers here is there?

>> No.7630227

No spoilers on /cgl/, broski.

>> No.7630229
File: 14 KB, 500x750, halberd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u jelly u cant have this

>> No.7630234
File: 199 KB, 720x960, bastion of masculinity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hueh. fag.

>> No.7630239
File: 375 KB, 1339x2000, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyway I promised a few undead girl pic but I just received most of the pics from the Terra Nova larp which also had undead (although not that high quality as in the bigger games but whatever)
so I will post a few although we are 20-ish post away from autosage

>> No.7630243
File: 344 KB, 2000x1339, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7630247
File: 779 KB, 2000x1339, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7630250
File: 586 KB, 2000x1330, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7630252
File: 828 KB, 2000x1339, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7630257
File: 370 KB, 1339x2000, 38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7630263
File: 1.01 MB, 2048x1365, P6213756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7630269
File: 985 KB, 2048x1365, P6213761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7630274
File: 810 KB, 1365x2048, P6213794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7630281
File: 774 KB, 1365x2048, P6213813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7630285
File: 2.02 MB, 2448x3264, DSC03086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7630288


>calling somebody a coward

>....at war.

Lol. I can't even.

>> No.7630290
File: 2.07 MB, 3264x2448, DSC03117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaand auto sage

>> No.7630293

thanks for the dump, always interested in new pics

>> No.7630295

So, next thread on /tg/ again? Or are we going for another round here?

>> No.7630297

Oh, well, it was fun.

I say let's go back, this place is giving me the creeps.

>> No.7630300

dunno, someone should throw up a coin or something. if there will be a new thread I will post more pictures (not much because only a few were made and most of them are shit anyway) and tell awesome stories of mindfuck and walruses from Terra Nova. Although that will be tomorrow as I go to sleep now

>> No.7630301

So explain this to me: just how are LARPs anywhere near balanced? Wouldn't it just be pure turtling with a shield as big as possible? Or just poking with a spear while backstepping? I somehow don't imagine the combat to be very fun, especially since most effective techniques in medieval melee combat wouldn't even be allowed.

>> No.7630311

>just how are LARPs anywhere near balanced?
They're not.

If you don't know how to use your weapon, you're fucked, basically.

>> No.7630312

nobody said they are balanced.
But to answer your question every larp solves those things a different way as every larp has a different system.
If you choose one thing I can explain a few different approach but I rather not try to explain all of the stuff right now as I'm already half asleep

>> No.7630314

What, do the seagulls scare you?
While shields are usually overrepresented, this affects archers more than anything.
Also, it depends entirely on the rules. Many have the clause that you have to "sell" your strike properly so people don't just tapfight.

>> No.7630317

So think if somebody tried to use a heavy two-handed sword/axe or hammer. Since they are lacking they weight of real weapons, you can't gat past any blocks with them and I highly doubt you are allowed to thrash away at an enemy. So effectively they are just bigger versions of smaller weapons which can't even be used alongside a shield?

>> No.7630324

well because it is lighter it means you can use it easier, that's a benefit of it's own especially it will damage your enemy just the same in a larp. And there are larps that allow you to use a shield with whatever the fuck you want. if you can use a two handed weapon with a shield then go for it. 99% of the people will fuck it up,
Also: two handed means bigger reach. bigger reach means advantage

AAAAND don't forget: real weapons weren't THAT heavy

>> No.7630333

Real weapons weren't that heavy, but try to hold a 3 kilo stick with 2 meters length at one end for some time. Levers are a bitch and so is circular acceleration. I mean a sledgehammer also typically isn't that heavy, but because of the length, the impact is huge.

>> No.7630345

still, weight isn't the most unrealistic factor in larps because that's not the reason why the weapons works differently, with the possible exception of ultralight ones. Plus most people aren't an athlete either, just some random dude

>> No.7630476

NEW THREAD ON /tg/ >>>32945161

Warhammer fantasy is an awesome, fluffy and well defined setting. People do it often.

Where are you from? Answer in the new thread.

Tons, in the new thread.


Long story short, depends on the rules and players. Some use numbers, some use honest skill.

My polearm I use for ACL combat is on the heavy side, and only weighs 2.3 Kilos. Just saying.

>> No.7630484

Goddamnit, Gropes. Every-fucking-time.

>> No.7630492

I cannot into computer. I can barely use my smartphone.

I can kill, gut, prep, skin, cook and tan a deer though. So there is that.

>> No.7631259


>that pic

Why do people bother with trying their hand at imperial measurements if they're going to count in decimals anyway?

And this is from a man who breathes metric.

>> No.7631262


Awesome book, that pdf. No, really. IT can't be highlighted enough.