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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 44 KB, 300x386, 100714183715resized_34749_134685813232241_120850374615785_221820_170377_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7623732 No.7623732[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello, seagulls; I decided to take the challenge that's been going around, and well; I actually have been cosplaying as Adol Christin for when I go to SDCC this year.

Problem is; I know how to do some of this stuff, and thankfully it doesn't look like the design I chose needs any sewing that I couldn't handle, but at the same time it's in a little more than a month, and it's time to really start.

I've checked out some of the tutorials; they're all really nice, but I'm still unsure about some of the procedure for the metal. As you can see on this picture (Adol is the guy in red, and sorry for the potato-res!) some of the metal needs to mold to the body. Since this is the first time I'll be dealing with this - and the first time really cosplaying in general, really - I'm getting a little deer-in-headlights feeling. I know it might be a bit much to ask for, but I'd really appreciate any help that you can give!

What I'm most worried about is the pieces that have to do with metal; I found a completed cosplay of this style, that's kinda what I'm going for. I'll post it in a reply so hopefully that can help... I think I can handle the sword on my own, but I might be off base with how that sort of stuff is usually made.

>> No.7623735
File: 135 KB, 729x1096, boa___10___adol_christin_by_roddzki-d2z4s2r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is that cosplay. Only one that I could find, to tell the truth; at least it's good!

Also, meant *planning* to cosplay.

>> No.7623748
File: 56 KB, 441x480, 5092-595830668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a close-up on the upper part of the body.

>> No.7623756

$10 says that the amount of people besides me replying to the thread, is the number of people that will recognize the cosplay...

>> No.7623767

I'm just gonna keep bumping this thread, in hopes of someone deciding to help...

>> No.7623776

bumper cars

>> No.7623792

heh, get it? bumper cars? the bump system from the first two games, and one of the Ys IV's?


>> No.7623804

An hour. Shit sucks, man.

>> No.7623810

Holy fuck dude.
A) Theres already a fucking help thread. Go there
B) CGL is slow as shit, this ain't /v/ you don't need to bump your thread every 5 minutes
C) Fuck off

>> No.7623816


I'm sorry, I did a cursory search of the catalog, and I didn't see it. I'll move my questions to there, I suppose.

And fuck you too, jesus christ.

>> No.7623825

You either lied, or did an incredibly shitty search or you're just a fucking moron because the thread always has "Help" as an image.

You just need to lurk moar faggot.

>> No.7623832


I missed it, jesus christ. I tried to lurk long enough to get what the fuck was up with the seagull on the sticky. Calm down, dude.

>> No.7623833

Are you telling me you only have about a month left and you haven't started ANYTHING yet? AND it's your first time? Maybe it's just me who chooses me cosplay months in advances...

For the metal part, there are multiple ways to go about it (foam, worbla, wonderflex). Google 'cosplay armour' or something like that, and search for what fits your needs/budget/time constraint.

>> No.7623836


I got pretty much everything except for the metal stuff. And... well, I already did google the shit in regards to armor. I'm still unsure what would be the best method for the armor in the OP.

It's not that I haven't been working on it, I've just hit an impasse with the metal, and I don't know the best way forward.