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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 480 KB, 1280x670, tumblr_n75yqcyOpQ1rlrk9bo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7618689 No.7618689 [Reply] [Original]

Ita thread?

>> No.7618700
File: 247 KB, 1024x1365, this_is_now_lolita_property_by_catholicschoolreject-d7mhz9h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The arch has been claimed by the schoolgirl Lolita...

>> No.7618704
File: 283 KB, 764x1045, sweet_lolita_in_pink_by_zeroking2010-d7mck86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7619956

It makes me sad when cute girls dress like shit

>> No.7621508
File: 37 KB, 960x640, 10489686_660793420682362_1484046539172159211_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7621521

>That fried hair
Honestly that bothers me more than the ita.

>> No.7621529

What in the sweet name of god is this mess?

>> No.7621666
File: 395 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_n5tq18i8R11tnxw2io4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"grunge lolita"

>> No.7621671
File: 74 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n51b06bvRq1rozvrto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7621678
File: 126 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n5rt2fvx7h1tcndyzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7621685
File: 80 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n6cpd0qG4q1rt243zo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7621689
File: 547 KB, 800x1067, tumblr_n5a7r3tqmW1qd8p71o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7621695
File: 518 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n5a6ogbI451qjuk73o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7621698

I like everything but the damn ears.


>> No.7621699
File: 191 KB, 500x750, 1399052655984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7621702
File: 385 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n79vn08Dka1r6beh6o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7621706
File: 110 KB, 499x750, tumblr_n5cxwml3Qd1rzqquio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7621710
File: 108 KB, 500x617, tumblr_n59v7tD1WD1s8z0eto2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7621712

oh god no lady why

>> No.7621716
File: 507 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n5dcluHNfa1qke9gqo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kodona, apparently

>> No.7621840

That is the ita in it's habit: The awful background wearing the ceremonial fuzzy paws.

>> No.7621842

Poor hygiene lolita....Which isn't really lolita at all.

>> No.7621847

I can see her fitting into Angelic Pretty one day without losing weight.

It's absolutely pathetic that you're hiding behind Anonymity to fat shame this person who is basically having to live obese because of her binge eating. She wants to be a lolita.

>> No.7621848

This one pops up all the fucking time. Find some new blood. Yes, she's fat. Yes, she's horribly dressed. But I'm so tired of seeing her posted here all the time.

>> No.7621851


>> No.7621852

My eyes! spewor faw

>> No.7621854

Well, apparently, it's a hot damn mess too.

>> No.7621862
File: 70 KB, 332x500, 1302518699134_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7621864 [DELETED] 

>fat shame
Where the fuck do you think you are? This is cgl, get your ass back to tumblr.

>> No.7621869


>> No.7621870

Oh fuck my friend told me a ton of itas showed up but this is the first picture I've seen

>> No.7621886

Go back to Tumblr with that fat acceptance bullshit, you're delusional if you think she'll ever be able to wear a piece of Angelic Pretty that isn't a hair accessory.

>> No.7621912

They are evolving rapidly. A crossbreed of milanoo ita and pastel vomit newfag ita.

God help us all.

>> No.7621960
File: 115 KB, 414x750, tumblr_n7chziw9811t37obdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7621961
File: 34 KB, 480x640, Easy Lolita Over Skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Easy Lolita Over Skirt

>> No.7621966
File: 86 KB, 469x750, tumblr_n7c3i0Wmtr1rs9rqxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7621972
File: 121 KB, 619x800, full_P1010034_1299880138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7621973


>> No.7621981

belongs in nitpick thread

>> No.7621983

nitpick thread.
but if you'd like
>dat boobloaf
>dat replica
>flat hair
>should be wearing otks

not ita though

>> No.7621984

Das some boobloaf, damn.

>> No.7621989

Would be passable as hoverloli, because the top part seems ok whereas everything below the skirt has no business in that outfit at all.
>shoes too faded red
>wtf blue harlequin socks in red/black/gold coord why

I like that parasol, though. Would anyone be able to identify it, even though it's closed?

>> No.7622031

I'm no expert on parasols, but I believe it's this >http://lolibrary.org/apparel/frill-millefeuille-umbrella-2014

Looks like AP USA has it in stock in black last I checked.

>> No.7622032
File: 194 KB, 450x1280, the jackass of versailles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was tagged ouji on tumblr

>> No.7622039

There is no way that is not a replica right?

>> No.7622043



>> No.7622045

Haven't you seen this thread yet? > >>7613982

AP has started making special items just for fatty-chans, the Mumu/babydoll dresses. Granted they're sack dresses and are probably the least flattering type of dress that a fatty could wear but hey at least its something...?

>> No.7622048
File: 113 KB, 720x960, 10371692_1465113833727029_1724289081780435954_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surprised this was not posted yet

>> No.7622057

Yeah, I saw this today. This was just a hot mess all through and through. She has potential, but she's going to need a lot of work to get the Lolita aesthetic. Dat belt.

>> No.7622061

Not Ita, just nitpick

The only things off in this coord are the color of the belt, boob-loaf, and that hot-pink thing in the back of her hair.

>> No.7622073

Also peeking petti, dress way too short, visible weeb tattoo, obvious socks under tights, claire's bracelets???

>> No.7622074

Isn't that a mod from one of comms? I forgot the area...

But seriously she does look ita. Most of her coords are ita.

>> No.7622076

you're blind and retarded, gj

>> No.7622077

her toe....what is that even

>> No.7622082

Think something on her coord was from Hot Topic too. Not like I really have anything against HT, but most of the time, it has no place in Lolita.

>> No.7622087

Those aren't for fatty chans, those are for chubby chans. There's a difference. You ignore the fact that only so many pounds of potatoes can be shoved into a sack. Obese people still aren't going to be able to cram themselves into that, it's the same reasons nightgowns run in different sizes. Dumbass.

>> No.7622095

From what I recall the OP in that thread was pretty fucking fat herself. And are we seriously dividing fatty-chans into different categories of fat? Since when do we even need a differentiation? They're all fat, and AP has started making some of their clothes for fat people, get over it.

>> No.7622099

Doesn't mean that 200+ pound whales are suddenly going to fit AP. That girl only squeezed into it because she was short. Keep wishing though.

>> No.7622100

Not ouji but it looks nice.
Holy fuck.

>> No.7622104

No. There's chubby >>7622048
and then there's fat >>7621699
Lumping these two girls together would be a lie and a disservice to both of them.

>> No.7622110

This is totally Ita whats wrong with you?

>> No.7622113

>Ears: Hot Topic


>> No.7622114 [DELETED] 

The girl being posted in this thread looks pretty fucking short herself, her top half is just very wide which masks that. Fatty-chans come in all different shapes and sizes because fat is distributed to different body parts in different people. Some people luck out and their fat gets distributed nice and evenly others like this girl unfortunately get the bad luck of the draw and their fat all builds up in just one area, still most fatties are usually all considered obese, which is why they're even called "fat" in the first place and not "chubby!"

>> No.7622117

If this is true, lolitas should ask for her to be demodded. Wearing a replica is setting a terrible example to baby lolitas.

Anyone who is wearing a replica are not lolitas and ought to be ashamed.

>> No.7622124 [DELETED] 

No, that's fat and morbidly obese.

>> No.7622129

Ugh, I actually like her outfit so much. I wonder what skirt and shoes she's wearing?

>> No.7622132

Sorry it's not a replica. Can tell by the lace and the waist bow.

>> No.7622134

How do you know it's a replica? The real OP has full back shirring.........................

>> No.7622135 [DELETED] 

But aren't most fat people by definition obese? Why would we even need the term chubby then if fat also refers to non-obese people?

>> No.7622143

if she had actually tried to mix kinderwhore with lolita it would have been much worse.

>> No.7622145
File: 73 KB, 528x534, tagged lolitafashion and kawaii on instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't know what to think anymore.

>> No.7622146
File: 58 KB, 604x453, fry 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7622147

Wow, the katamari rolled up a rabbit!

>> No.7622149

Stop trying to make Wa-Lolita happen. ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

>> No.7622152

the dress is kind of cute, but everything else is bad.

Is there a reason why lolitas hate wa-lolita in general?

>> No.7622155 [DELETED] 
File: 449 KB, 700x620, cglchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still most fatties are usually all considered obese

>> No.7622156

The wa-lolita debate in a nutshell.

>> No.7622158 [DELETED] 

I always saw 'chubby' like packing maybe 5-10 extra pounds. Just a little extra flab, having a bit of a belly. It's really weird what some of the anons here consider to be chubby. >>7622048 is fat imo, but I guess that has room for interpretation? >>7621699 definitely has got to be obese.

>> No.7622159

>Because it looks and is weebish
> It makes Lolita seem more like cosplay/a costume than actual fashion
> Its an inherently terrible style, most Japanese people don't wear kimonos for everyday anymore it just looks weird now if anyone tries.

>> No.7622162

I figure this is as good a place as any to ask this since I've always been curious. I know certain makers/sellers always seem to be classified as making items that skew ita, but I was wondering what people thought of Fanplusfriend's lolita items. Some of it is definitely ita, but what about their newer collections and such?

>> No.7622163 [DELETED] 

So is it really like a spectrum? Chubby is only slightly overweight, fat is middle of the road/ center overweight and Obese is extremely over the top overweight?

I don't see it, they're all just fat to me.

>> No.7622166 [DELETED] 

fat people are still able to fit into normal furnitures and walk. Obese is when you can't even do that.

>> No.7622167 [DELETED] 

This is obese

This is morbidly obese

This is between chubby to fat

>> No.7622168

I remember it being sort of a thing when I first got into Lolita, ages ago on the egl livejournal comm girls were all about it and it was considered an "official" style. But that was also when black x white old school was considered "gothic lolita" and sweet lolita was just "lolita"

I think the dress that girl is wearing is cute, but it doesn't really fit in with the lolita aesthetic these days. Maybe if she came around 7 years ago.

>> No.7622170 [DELETED] 

You can't tell by looking at someone if they are carrying 1, 5, or 20 extra pounds.

Bitching at fat people for being fat isn't going to make them stop being fat, else there wouldn't be any fat people at all. If you don't want to see it, don't look, or singe your eyes with hot pokers so you can't see it. Problem solved.

>> No.7622172


>> No.7622173 [DELETED] 

The BMI scale disagrees with you. Even someone who can fit into all furniture and are able to walk can be considered obese if over a certain weight limit for their height.

>> No.7622176


I say >>7622048 is chubby because she looks like she could probably still fit in the average clothing store's L ~ 2XL range. To me, fat (and of course obese) people would have a hard time shopping for clothes and would have to find stores that carry 3XL and up. Of course this is all extremely arbitrary and it also depends on where the person carries their extra weight. I'm also American obviously.

>> No.7622177 [DELETED] 

Get the fuck out.

>> No.7622181 [DELETED] 

lol u mad that you really are obese and just can't accept reality?

Charts don't lie.

>> No.7622182

How about we stop talking about how fat she is and talk about how twrrible her outfit is? Goddamn you assholes never stay on topic

>> No.7622185 [DELETED] 

I actually feel the same way, anon, but it's not like it matters because I don't really make it a habit to discuss other peoples' weights.
But yeah, it's like a spectrum. What other people consider 'average' probably plays a big role in there too. If 'average' to someone means already sporting a gut, then yeah the obese girl is probably just fat to them, but if someone considers average to be no gut then I guess it'd be different.
And then there's PT, who is convinced even now that she's 'average sized' and anything smaller than her is the epitome of anorexia.

>> No.7622186

No, weight is an important determinator of looking ita.

>> No.7622187 [DELETED] 

BMI is a bullshit system and doesn't take muscle, organs, or bones into account. Unplug your computer and hang yourself with the power cord, windowlicker.

>> No.7622191 [DELETED] 

>Butthurt Fatty-chan detected.

>> No.7622193 [DELETED] 

Nope, it's how the weight is distributed or displayed

Pull your head out of your ass and start actually thinking for once.

>> No.7622201 [DELETED] 
File: 730 KB, 679x559, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a tumblr that was full of women that are technically considered obese by their BMI, and their sizes were not at all what you would think. They looked like girls that just crossed the line into the technical obese category.
There were girls with bodies like these.

>> No.7622207 [DELETED] 

>mentally retarded beast with downs detected

>> No.7622208 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 994x800, 539361_orig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way.
They barely make it into the overweight weight bracket. Still far from being obese.

It looks like tumblr fat acceptance BS.

>> No.7622210 [DELETED] 

Which is why BMI is outdated and retarded. But idiots like >>7622173 persist.

>> No.7622211 [DELETED] 

That's what my body looks like and my BMI is 18.something
I'm in a wheelchair though, but seriously being thin does not automatically mean you're lean and pretty and not flabby

>> No.7622214 [DELETED] 

>don't have reputable response
>subject is fat people

flawless logic, there, m8

>> No.7622221 [DELETED] 

>wasn't bitching at fat people at all
>did nothing but state opinion
Seems like you just took it personally. I wasn't attacking anyone, so I don't think I should have to apologize for you getting offended, but you really should reel it back there. Label your body however you want, dress your body however you want, but don't hiss in everyone's face who doesn't agree with you. I'm most likely never going to meet you or the people posted in this thread, but regardless if I did, I'm not going to scream fatty at anyone I think is fat.
Being a sandy blaster to people posting their opinion online isn't going to stop their opinion. If you don't want to read, turn off the computer.

Was it TITP? Because they're fucking ridiculous. Body positivity is cool, the way their blog tries to spread it around is just embarrassing.

>> No.7622225


>> No.7622226 [DELETED] 

BMI is a useful tools for normalfags people. It'sc only obsolete for roided meatheads.

>> No.7622235 [DELETED] 

No it isn't because, again, it does not take the weight of muscles, bones, and organs into account. Someone with a large frame and a shoulder width of 45cm is going to be able to hold more weight and still be considered healthy and not fat as compared to someone with a small frame and a shoulder width of 35cm.

Oh who am I kidding, everyone is fat according to the mentally ill people of this board

>> No.7622238
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 902e60d8-72ad-4d78-8a1e-e995d4956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are chubby. now get back on fucking topic or go back to tumblr
stop shitting up this thread every time seagulls

>> No.7622239 [DELETED] 

You're full of BS fatty-chan.

Most nutritionist use it and I believe those physician are more well informed than you on the matter.

It only becomes bollock for people with a huge muscle mass which means culturists on gear. It's accurate for the majority of people.

But why should I bother with your delusional probably fat self ?

>> No.7622249

see >>7622238

>> No.7622251 [DELETED] 

Why do you insist that I am fat because I disagree with you? Do you not have any solid comeback so you have to resort to going "oh ok because you don't agree with me UR FAT LELLL!!!!" That plus your dysfunctional English makes you look really dumb, just saiyan.

So you don't believe that a tall person with a larger frame can healthily weigh more than a short person with a smaller frame because many "physician" and "nutritionist" are "more well informed" than I am. brb rofl

>> No.7622261
File: 72 KB, 720x960, my_first_sweet_lolita_outfit_by_a_little_dragon-d57880h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My First Sweet Lolita Outfit

>> No.7622266
File: 117 KB, 1020x951, 10382550_10202921829101454_3128271669514561166_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you wont shut up about fatties here is another one

>> No.7622273

Fat aside, how old is this photo? Her phone reminds me of those small full keyboard flips phones that were popular before everything was touch screen, but the camera quality doesn't seem super bad.

Is this that "shh no tears" meme girl who always has a really awkward looking expression in her pictures? If so, her face looks so much better here than every other photo I've seen of her. It seems like she might not be wearing circle lenses and toned a little back on the eye makeup.

>> No.7622275

That looks like utter shit.

>> No.7622440


Oh I agree. Just don't reply to these type of retards, not worth your time.

>> No.7622454
File: 475 KB, 588x579, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, different girl.

>> No.7622513
File: 63 KB, 243x374, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super kawaii

>> No.7622572


>> No.7622575

is this porn

>> No.7622579

thats a sissy. not a lolita

>> No.7622586

landwhale detected

>> No.7622588

Chris-chan sure lost a lot of weight.

>> No.7622593

>how new are you?
radiant candlelight by AP, summerfriend

>> No.7622595

are you asian or something wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.7622598

I get sick of seeing her posted. Yes, she's fat and that outfit is ugly, been there already.

>see thumbnail
Oh, that doesn't look so ba--nevermind.

Except for the socks, she's cute.

This is ironic, because sack dresses only look good on frail, waifish girls.But I mean, a lot of AP dresses have full back shirring, and they go up to like 115+ in the bust sometimes. That's way into plus-size already.

>> No.7622603


>> No.7622605

Do sissys wear that shit out to art galleries and shit tho?

>>capcha: stressed came

>> No.7622613

yes. there was a post in one of these threads a while back linking to a post on /d/ about a guy wearing satin milanoo shit lolita with a remote controlled vibrator underneath to a mall with his dom

>> No.7622621
File: 181 KB, 592x333, uguu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u know it baby

>> No.7622635

From my understanding public humiliation is part of the kink.

>> No.7622649

brb gonna go brush my teeth after seeing that smile

>> No.7622659

aren't we all

>> No.7622684

He's not a fucking sissy >>7622603 was right.
Whenever I dress lolita at galleries this is the first thing people compare me to, which is pretty much better than asking if I'm a adult baby because Grayson Perry is loaded and chill as fuck.

>> No.7622722

Baby Godzilla rampaging through Tokyo.

>> No.7622723

...Is she floating?

>> No.7622736 [DELETED] 

>omg it's muscle u guise ;-;
Also if a fat person has heavier organs and bones than a normal person that's another reason to see them as unhealthy fucks that need to be locked in a gym until they attain a normal weight.

>> No.7622756 [DELETED] 

I see your 400 calorie a day diet is affecting your reading comprehension.

>> No.7622788 [DELETED] 

Body fat percentage is a far better measurement. BMI says I'm overweight. My bodyfat percentage is about 26% which is considered average or acceptable based on what chart you look at. Though I still have more I'd like to lose. (Ideally, I'd like to be around the 20% range or low 20's at least.)

I used BMI as a guide to set my initial weight loss goals when I started, but I find body fat percentage to be a better system to use. BMI is more intended to measure large groups of people rather than on an individual basis but it's somehow become this. Not to mention it was shifted in the late 90's to put most people into the overweight category overnight, namely to suit the pharmaceutical/food industries. Going by those previous standards, I would be at an "ideal" weight now. Granted, I'd be considered only a few lbs "overweight" at this point, but still.

>> No.7622835 [DELETED] 

yeah, I'd rather shoot for Bf%, bit more complicated to calculate

>> No.7622839 [DELETED] 


It's definitely not bullshit above a BMI of 30, and even a blind doctor should be competent enough to feel muscle.

>> No.7622858 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 281x354, this tastes like bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you and think that calculating body fat percentages are a much more accurate measure of health than BMI.

But....you know...inb4....
I fucking hate the cunts that post here sometimes.

>> No.7622870 [DELETED] 

Shit, I just went and played with a BMI calculator, and if I went by their calculations, and wanted to be on the lower end of healthy, I'd be positively skeletal.

>> No.7622900

Oh man, she was so close!

>> No.7622906

The little faces in the bonnet.
The right one is staring at me.

>> No.7622909 [DELETED] 

Not really.
There are actually levels of fat
Overweight, fat, obese, morbidly obese, etc.

Not all fat people are obese, although some people in here label fat people as chubby when chubby is just a small amount of extra weight.

The people they classify as chubby are actually fat, and some of them, medically speaking, even classify into the "obese" category.

>> No.7622914

I'd still fuck her.

>> No.7622922

It's LSPita

>> No.7622939

omg thank you, i cry over this every time

>> No.7622946

I used to have that exact phone I'm pretty sure, from 2007. It was a slider phone with a keyboard. I got a new phone, but it's pretty much just the same thing in a different color anyway. Just got it last year, it's very possible that it still works. Those things are bricks.

>> No.7622950

Holy Hera how did I not notice the socks were UNDER the tights??!! Thank you, sweet anon. Thank you so much.

>> No.7622956

Who is this? I need sauce on those shoes so badly.

>> No.7622966

same fucking hair, same fucking pose, same level of awful every time I see this girl.

>> No.7622981

just noticed the bear ears in that fried hair

>> No.7622992

it doesn't matter that she's short, she's got to the stage where people are impressed she can still stand up by herself. There is a difference between being fat and being that size. By the sizing AP normally uses, there is not a hope in hell of her fitting that, she could probably get an arm in it, but that would be it.

>> No.7623060

>btw I'm a boi -_^
pls go

>> No.7623142
File: 78 KB, 800x601, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wot a mess.

>> No.7623592

looks to me like shes wearing black combat boots.

...I'd prefer her to be floating

>> No.7624387
File: 133 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7624389

Is that a brolita?

>> No.7624391

>totes not a costume you guys =^w^=

>> No.7624392

Well, at least she tried to match the theme...

>> No.7624424

Without the vest, weird arm things and unnecessary hat this would be really cute.

>> No.7624425

nitpick, not ita

I actually like the coord.

>> No.7624426
File: 58 KB, 628x960, itaaa12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closet of Itas

>> No.7624428

Eh, this makes my eyes bleed. I'd say ita more than nitpick, because there is far more that I would change than not. Nitpick is when one or two things go wrong.

>> No.7624433

Makes me say ouch more than "hmm what's wrong here..."

>> No.7624434

Why is her dress blurry??

>> No.7624495

This is the first ita I have seen that is actually wearing a petticoat but fucking everything else up. However loose the shoes/socks and it's be a nice casual outfit, not lolita.
>Thumbnail looks fine
This is probably the nicest I've seen her dressed despite whatever the hell that headband is. The dress really suits her but I completely agree with the image comments that's she should wear some sort of top be it a blouse, cutsew or bolero.
I think she is maybe starting to take the advice many people have been hinting to her an informing her with.
It looks like she moved when the photo was taken. Its pretty obvious anon, don't be an idiot.
More nitpick than lolita. That hat is stupid but at least she has stayed with the theme.

>> No.7624577
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>> No.7624579
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>> No.7624582
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>> No.7624608

I got my phone in like 2009/10 I think. It's basically indestructible.

>> No.7624613
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>> No.7624616
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>> No.7624623
File: 431 KB, 1024x1365, aren_t_you_a_bit_too_big_for_that__by_acrazyninjapirate-d7mmosi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7624624
File: 503 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n5u6sdIZHx1r7ci76o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7624625

Oh hey she's slightly improving

>> No.7624626
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>> No.7624628
File: 809 KB, 1668x3224, colossalcon_2014_48_by_tgrrr89-d7m6x1t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7624630
File: 82 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n6d6194Ox31r3d7oko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7624707

I like that plush. Anyone know where it's from?

>> No.7624748

Don't hit on me, you silly lolita whales ^_~

>> No.7624754

I would like to dress her up.

>> No.7624758

Yeah and we told her she'd make it look like shit.

>> No.7624760

>that 200+
I think you have an unrealistic concept of what 200 pounds looks like. When you hear "200 pounds" in your head and visualize someone who is more like 500 pounds, there is a problem, and it isn't with the fat girl.

>> No.7624805

Holy shit. I thought that discoloration on her arms was a shirt sleeve.

>> No.7624815

That'd be an accomplishment, that dress was shit to begin with. I feel sorry for that OP, she probably overpaid big time for that pastel potato sack.

>> No.7624832

I thought she was topless...

>> No.7624863

not that anon but, 200+ I'd consider fat. I'm 105, so someone weighing two of me seems pretty fat...

>> No.7624868

Worst of all is that she refused to admit that dress wasn't gonna work on her and still wanted to wear it.

>> No.7624874

200 pounds is actually pretty fat for a woman unless she's around 6ft, anon.

Don't underestimate how fat a person actually is just because their fat distributes in a way that doesn't make them look that heavy.

>> No.7624891

Holy shit those are intense.

>> No.7624931


Those are creepy baby Halloween decorations/props.

>> No.7624936

>I like it, therefore it's not ita

Haha ok there.

>> No.7624950

>200lbs isn't fat

For a woman to not be fat (bordering on obese) at 200lbs, she'd have to be over 6'4"

Stop being such an Americunt. 200lbs is fat.

>> No.7624979
File: 64 KB, 302x600, 65237_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7624986

such a shame, she has potential and could have looked alright with her hair styled different and a different pair of shoes. It's not a great outfit but the dress fits her body really well from what i see here.

>> No.7624990

sorry to kinda be off topic here, but would that make 140-50 be chubby or fat? i'm 5 foot 2 inches....my weight fluctuates a lot between those things and i'm struggling to figure out what will fit me properly.

>> No.7624991

Technically you are fat if you are exceeding your average weight range for your height. The step above average on the BMI chart is "overweight". Guess what? That's fat, too. Overweight, Obese, Morbidly Obese, Super Morbidly Obese. All fat. So yes, there are ranges/degrees of fat. But they are all fat. I don't look down on people for being fat but I sure as hell think this "fat is okay u guize" movement is bull shit sugar coated for fat people feelings. If a fat person wants to dress in Lolita, I don't care. If they jam themselves into small clothes and look like shit then that's on them and they are going to be criticized because they look like shit. But I also agree that people have generally poor judgment when it comes to guessing others weight. Bodies carry weight differently. I know there are 200 lb women out three who wear brand name clothes with no trouble, and there are some who look like a streaming pile.

Off my soap box, OT as hell. But both ends of the "fat controversy" drives me bonkers sometimes. Polite sage for my OT bitching.

>> No.7624997

It all depends on how you carry your weight. Pear shapes will have little problems fitting into things, since lolita has full skirts. Bustier girls and those with fuller waist lines will have a difficult time, but it can be done (I'm busty with same height and weight measurements). Also, muscle weighs more, so the more active and fit you are the better you'll carry your weight as opposed to someone who sits on their ass all day.

>> No.7624998

yeah, i think it's either everything has to be generalized as fat, or we get into super specifics of weight, bmi, height, measurements, overall health, and then suddenly holy shit it's too much work to care about, so going with fat is just easier, but knowing everyone has their own way of being fat or what have you is a personal revelation that can help people not look like shit wearing clothes. or....not as bad as they could have, i suppose. Yeah i'm being OT now, too. sagin'

>> No.7625005

I'm fairly active. With a job that has me on my feet and such, along with my out of work stuff being walking around campus (summer classes boo hoo) and walking around my local theme park (dis lucky bitch gotta season pass), I rarely get to sit on my ass like i've been luck enough to do today. But I'm like....reverse pear, or something. My shoulders are broad and my bust is big, luckily my hips and thighs won't matter too much for puffy skirts, but jeez, this body type has been the hardest for me to shop for. I suppose most people have their own similar issues, I guess i'm just whining.

Also I've been told I have a large rib cage for my size wth??

>> No.7625006

Exactly. That Georgia chick for example. I know she is fat and she does as well. Some people may not LIKE the way she looks or how she dresses but it's pretty evident that she is able to present herself in a much more lovely manner than this >>7621699 person has. And I'm only using that girl as an example since she looks like such a hot mess. She could dress herself much better and do something with that hot mess growing our of her scalp. She may get criticized still because she is so large that she will never obtain the correct silhouette but that's the way it goes when you are overweight.

>> No.7625077

I have a similar body shape. It's actually an inverse triangle. Broad shoulders, big bust, narrow hips and skinny legs. I also have a rather wide ribcage which creates problems with things sitting quite high but I'm short-waisted so they can complain, it sits at or very near my actual waistline.

If you need to get your waist in, I'd suggest corsetry (a good one). Low waisted items are bad, but high waisted items can either look great or look like floating boobloaf depending on the fabric. Go with chiffon and lightweight fabrics, avoid poofy sleeves and go for more set in sleeves, lower necklines. Longer hairstyles and wigs work great for offsetting broad shoulders.

I'm 5'4" and 145lbs. So I'm right at the edge of my healthy weight range (in b4 hurr still fat, I've been losing and finally reached this). I'm also pretty fit at this point but a lot of my excess pudge remains in my torso since that's where my body stores it. When I was really fat (about 215), I was definately an apple. While wearing the right things, I look a lot smaller than I actually am since my arms and legs are tiny looking. It's just important to know how to minimize the bust and wide frame.

>> No.7625379

Those fucking shoes...

>> No.7625380
File: 872 KB, 1272x1920, tumblr_n7fy6tAe6a1r094k7o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That boobage though.

>> No.7625507

>confirmed for bad taste
People who dress like that usually smell like shit and rarely brush their teeth, let alone their hair.

>> No.7625515

I dunno man, she kind of seems like she has basic personal hygiene, she has that look about her, like she has all her major teeth and has washed her hair/teeth in the last week. I mean, I still wouldn't, but give her her dues.

>> No.7625518 [DELETED] 

This bodice 'bout to blow-oh-oh-oh!
Go, go, go, go insane, go insane
Throw some binders, make it rain on 'em
Let me see da brand, let me, let me see da brand
Go insane, go insane
Throw some ninders, make it rain on 'em
Let me see da brand, let me, let me see da brand

>> No.7625519

This bodice 'bout to blow-oh-oh-oh!
Go, go, go, go insane, go insane
Throw some binders, make it rain on 'em
Let me see da brand, let me, let me see da brand
Go insane, go insane
Throw some binders, make it rain on 'em
Let me see da brand, let me, let me see da brand

>> No.7625572

Gurlll learn some color-coordinating skills Jesus Christ!

>> No.7625589
File: 100 KB, 960x720, ita222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from a recent "Lolita's of Kansas" meetup.

>> No.7625594

>>Not liking adorable AP Wrapping Ribbon babydoll style

lol, get out! Its not the dress's fault that fatties all flock to it!

>> No.7625597
File: 155 KB, 960x720, ita223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so bad for the decently cute girl second from the left.

>> No.7625602

This girl is just so unfortunate, I cringe every time I see a picture of her.

Saw her in real life at a convention a few months ago too.

>> No.7625603

How is even she decently dressed? The dress she's wearing sucks, her coord's too basic and there doesn't look like there's barely any poof to her petti if she's even wearing one. Just because she's the thinnest out of them all doesn't suddenly make her well dressed.

>> No.7625610

She's a real qt though..

>> No.7625612

I didn't say decently dressed, I said "decently cute" as in "not a planetoid hambeast". She has a pretty cute face but the rest of her photos are cosplay. I have unfortunately met the rest of this group, and they are absolutely revolting.

>> No.7625615
File: 40 KB, 480x640, lolvta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha wait, I lied!

>> No.7625616
File: 540 KB, 1024x1365, waterfalls_by_sawarineko-d7mxtsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7625619

How? She may be the "thinnest" (which isn't a big accomplishment with that group of land whales) but she's still fat. Her face looks kinda weird too.

>> No.7625627

She's definitely a qt, but the way those cross straps are cutting into the upper part of her chest makes me cringe.

>> No.7625635

I believe it was the Ohio comm.

>> No.7625652

what does "asian" have to do with it?
it's not like fat asians don't exist...

>> No.7625686

Is this the most white trash lolita comm in existence?

>> No.7625692


>> No.7625694

Looks like a sweet kid. Just needs some guidance.

>> No.7625702

I couldn't find the creator even though I know I've seen that logo before but I came across this shop and feel the need to post it

>> No.7625705

Idk, aside from the clashing patterns, I don't think this is really that bad. Change the socks to a solid color and it would be a cute (albeit super casual) coord.

>> No.7625713

I have never decided I hated a dress so fast before
Sad thing is it looks like they put a lot of effort in

>> No.7625734

Oh my god one literally is holding a baby what the hell
Why is the person on the right even in the photo
I feel like I need a very strong drink after seeing this. Please escape, decently kawaii girl. I'll call for help. That girl has seen some shit

>> No.7625737

Whoops sorry reply was to SNT girl. I used to like that dress

>> No.7625805

The fatty-chan on the right isn't so bad, at least she's dressing for her size which is more than I can say for most of the other Lolita fatty-chans.

>> No.7625833

did anyone else think she wasnt wearing a top from the thumbnail?

>> No.7625834

I actually like this coord, though. Without the things you mention, her coord would be boring. Not ita, but boring.

>> No.7626054

muumuu and birkenstocks combo

i felt a chill consume my very soul

>> No.7626139


That is probably the worst comm I've ever seen.

>> No.7626195

I feel bad for the swing.

>> No.7626203

that's Grayson Perry, he dresses in sissy for some arty nonsense

>> No.7626281

Why is the left one doing to that poor tree?

>> No.7626572

>isn't so bad
>dat hair
>dat parasol
>dat dark blue bra
>dat absence of petticoat in favor of letting spare tire provide skirt shape
>dem awkwardly positioned dollar store pearl necklaces

>> No.7626576

I don't understand the body of the thing on the far right.

>> No.7626584

> Everyone rages on about fatties and etc.
>No one mentions the fucking flip flops in the middle.
>mfw goddamn flip flops OVER socks

>> No.7626835

This is why the Kansas comm is known as elitists. This is what they have to deal with as the alternative.

>> No.7626900
File: 103 KB, 639x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's an asshole too. So glad I left that com.

>> No.7626915

Shorty had boots with the fur

>> No.7626931

If it's any consolation, I know who the two on the far left are. I mean, I don't actually know them, but I follow some of their friends on instagram so I occasionally see them pop up. The one furthest left doesn't attempt lolita anymore and the super cutie has only worn lolita a maximum of probably 4 times (the other attempts being much better).

>> No.7626934

Oh I love you seagulls, I'm crying my ass off and this post gave me a chuckle, you don't understand how happy I am.
Sage for OT

>> No.7626940

Made my day.

>> No.7626956
File: 19 KB, 236x311, aa5d3554c780a885b40245c311693c16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a limp, pitiful attempt at a faux victorian skirt. The gathering and drape look more like a scrap of mutilated curtain, but even cheap curtains aren't that crappy.

>> No.7626993

What all is wrong with this besides losing weight? Tips.

>> No.7627089
File: 143 KB, 1136x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"My take on Lolita"

>> No.7627103
File: 81 KB, 720x960, 310909_645609878787328_1233830229_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to school with this girl. Thank god I moved away before I got into jfashion.

>> No.7627106

>that bow at her neck
>nothing appears to fit well
>that cane
>no makeup
>hair not done up well enough (at least from the looks of this)
>what are accessories
>those fucking boots

>> No.7627115

This is actually a beautiful representation of the word "ita"

>> No.7627117

She looks like someone who would shoot up a school.

>> No.7627146

i bet that corset has plastic boning.
fucking basic bitches

>> No.7627153

I bet it has no boning at all.

>> No.7627156

>"My take on Lolita"
Your "take" blows.

>> No.7627196


GAWD she's still pissing me off, and who are those fucknuggets whiteknighting her? She looks AWFUL, why would anyone want to look awful?

>> No.7627210

She's a kid and she has that whole "sunshine and rainbows" mentality. Reality is going to hit hard for her in the next couple of years.

>> No.7627216

Land whale Ugly Betty?

>> No.7627226

Thanks to whiteknights on the internet, she'll never learn. She'll baaaw on youtube and other chubbies and uglies will run to her aid and support her world view.

>> No.7627227

Alright call me a softie, but making fun of someones measurements? Come on, that's a bit uncalled for.

>> No.7627248

why can't she understand she gets mocked because she's an ita and dresses horribly, not because she's fat? god

>> No.7627266

I was really upset when she started to crit some relatively good coords on one of the FB groups. I was like, "Seriously? You're gonna crit someone when you can't even dress yourself?" She comes off way too haughty and way too overconfident in her "abilites"

>> No.7627268

As far as I recall she posted a wtb with her measurements and was mocked for her expectations. And, to be fair, it wouldn't kill her to lose weight, on the contrary. She's not chubby, she's too fat.

Because she's in total denial and there's people preaching about the whole "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" bullshit. It's not like people make fun of her online dating profile, people are complaining about her lolita coords.

>> No.7627270

Oh dear Lord... So it's okay for her to citicize people, but if she's getting some negative feedback it's "haters".

>> No.7627329

Awwww, I got posted in here. Thankfully, I took concrit and un-ita'd. Thanks, seagulls!

>> No.7627359

Own up to it bitch. Show us the after result.

>> No.7627363

I am actually curious to see, too.

>> No.7627366
File: 1.06 MB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Challenge accepted

Not saying that it is an amazing co-ord, but it's not nearly as ita. Concrit appreciated!!

>> No.7627369

>And, to be fair, it wouldn't kill her to lose weight, on the contrary. She's not chubby, she's too fat.
She's going to be one of those people at 35 with worse joints than a retiree.

>> No.7627376
File: 7 KB, 190x265, thumbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Give you shoes a scrub, the black mark is off putting. A bit of elbow grease will sort that out.
> Nice basic coordinate, the colors go well.
>Natural hair? If so your hair is in great condition.
> Dress looks a bit tight on you, undo shirring ribbon a little if it has any?
> A pink bolero or cardigan would have looks great here.

Overall 8/10, a few changes here and there and it would be a perfectly fine coordinate. Good improvement, keep at it.

>> No.7627385


Same person? Sorry just spotted the hair and glasses.

>> No.7627387

Wow, thank you!! That is my natural hair. It's so long!!

I agree with the bolero, and I'm so bad about scuffing my shoes. I'll invest in some cleaner ASAP.

(If you gulls were wondering, I was the shorty with the furry boots. I still love those boots, but not with Lolita!)

>> No.7627389

I also have gigantic tits. (34 DD) I have the biggest issue with trying to get them in Lolita. I'm thinking about investing in a breast binder, because I'm wearing a heavy duty sports bra in this image. I'm really thinking about breast reduction surgery.

>> No.7627393

Yes. I'm saving up to invest in contacts. The cane is there because I'm handicapped and have to use one occasionally. I'm also working on losing weight. I'm curious as to who posted me since that picture came off my Facebook. I think I know, though, and hilariously their picture is also in here.

>Here's hoping that everyone who gets posted in here sees how they can improve by concrit, instead of getting upset.

>> No.7627399

Looks like something hello batty would do...

>> No.7627401

That is not gigantic. Give us your full bust and your under bust for an actual measurement

>> No.7627413

For my body type and height it is pretty big (or it seems so to me, maybe it isn't?). Let's see...
My height is 5'4". Underbust is 32" Overbust is 43". My belly is 28".

>> No.7627415

>gigantic tits
That isn't gigantic. Unless you have over 500g of tissue that can be removed from each breast while leaving enough behind for you to have anything at all, you will have a very hard time finding a doctor to operate on you.

>> No.7627418

They hurt my back. Maybe they aren't that big. People tell me they are, though. Even if they aren't, I still wish I could get them reduced to where they don't hurt my back. But, yeah, I would only get it done if it were medically okayed, not just for lolita.

>> No.7627427

If you guys were curious, this is the girl that posted me.(I think. she hates me.) She left our comm and threw a fit. She dressed similar to this. She went to HLC, and I never knew what happened after that. She bashed me on BtB, too.

>> No.7627429

You're not a DD if you have 11 inches of difference between your underbust and fullbust, anon. You need to remeasure your boobs and stop derailing the thread.

Sage for OT

>> No.7627432

How is your underbust 32 inches? That's my overbust and I'm your height. My underbust is 26 inches...

>> No.7627435

Did you have your ribcage removed?

>> No.7627449

Definitely an improvement.

>> No.7627456

Its called being fat.

>> No.7627479

Looks like she's watched too many videos on her YT. At least batty looks decent most of the time.

>> No.7627483

My belly is 29", not 26". I know the measurements sound stupid, but I think they're right. But yeah, way OT; I won't talk about it anymore. Back to ita's! Maybe I'm not a DD. I don't know.

Sage for OT.

>> No.7627487

now you just need to work on your make up and hair.

>> No.7627497

Could I have some tips on that? I'm scared of putting on make-up for fear of overdoing, so I end up wearing very little.
My hair is very long and flat. What do you think I should do with it? I can't wear wigs because they make my head too hot, and I'm in danger of passing out. I recently got a wand to try curling it.

>> No.7627503

You'd have to post a face shot. Preferably one with what you usually go with.

Again I can't quite make out how all of it looks with your face shape, but you definitely more of an actual hairstyle. I'd also avoid wearing those frames, wire frames like that are truly awful.

>> No.7627504
File: 380 KB, 764x1046, Lol, ita_Sakura_by_hollyhaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found on deviantart. Supposed to be Sakura from Naruto as a lolita??

>> No.7627570

If you can, you might want to go to Intimacy at Phipps Plaza to get fitted. You're definitely bigger than a DD, and I think a proper fitting bra will help you fit Lolita better.

>> No.7627573

I've never been there. I would live to go. I'm always embarrassed to go bra shopping at the places near my house since no one knows how to fit me. Thanks for the suggestion! Maybe you could go with me, or is that weird? Haha.

Sage for OT

>> No.7627616
File: 6 KB, 300x168, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we just never going to talk about the fact she looks like that girl from Welcome To The Dollhouse?

>> No.7627719

im an orca-sama (working on it though) and even i dont like her.

>> No.7627722

Am I the only one who noticed that the left one's dress is ripped under her arm?

>> No.7627743

It's not? Lighting + seam.

>> No.7627745

It does look like that at first but after staring for a minute I realized it's actually just sunlight landing on her. The rest of the dress is in the shade from the trees but the sunlight is on her arm and that part of the dress. It really does look like a rip though lol

>> No.7627746

is she five

>> No.7627747

Not exactly, anon. I'm just shy of 200 at 5'10" and I've got curves but I wear a size 10 easy. Most of it's muscle.

...and my unfortunate bubble ass.

>> No.7627748


This is pretty accurate, though the results are in UK measurements. I though I was a DD but it turns out I'm closer to an H.

Sage for OT

>> No.7627797

>implying size 10 isn't fat.

>> No.7627815

>implying size 10 means the same thing whether you are 4'10" or 5'10"
anon pls you can't be this dumb. owait...

>> No.7627826

But who would want advice from someone who can't dress herself? She gives positive comments on terrible outfits and has the nerve to call outfits that are good not lolita.

>> No.7627839

Anon pls those are obviously tabi socks
it's a Japanese thing you wouldn't understand

>> No.7627872
File: 124 KB, 960x720, itamess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cringe every time i see this dress, it was my very first "lolita" dress and i got it from ebay. Pic very related, messy room and everything. Thank god i wasn't in the ita phase for very long, but there is proof out there. I have more pics to contribute of myself unfortunately, if you guys are interested.

>> No.7627976

Confirmed for being kawaii ita.

>> No.7628032


>> No.7628059

>scene hair
>crappy sweet lolita dress
Oh, anon.

>> No.7628068

Either you're a bit chubby or you're wearing the wrong bra size.

>> No.7628073

I'm also not exactly skinny, but I try my best to look good. And to be fair, there are chubby lolitas who look very cute. And I really respect girls who work on their body and I think lolita fashion is a great reason to start. I mean, people were kinda shocked about her measurements, and she acts like it's fine and normal when it's really unhealthy.

>> No.7628074

Size 10 isn't fat outside of lolita

>> No.7628075

No one wants her advice, that's why people dsilike her. It sounds like she wants to create an army of itas.

>> No.7628088

I had it. It was steel boning but it was also Timeless Trends which meant it was for people with long, tubular torsos.

>> No.7628090

>Size 10 isn't fat outside of MURRICA!


>> No.7628094

So americans are skinnier than every other nation?

>> No.7628097

Size 10 in Straya is an American size 6.

>> No.7628104

Sizes are confusing in general, let alone conversion charts. One brand I need Si. other brand I need XL.

>> No.7628203

thats grayson perry, he's an artist and transvestite who uses his outfits to push the limits of uglyness. He has a challenge among some of his students to create something too ugly for him to wear and nobody's reached it yet.

>> No.7628244

Is anon really this retarded?

>> No.7628248

Np's anon, I am quite happy that you are honest about wanting advice. Too many people freak out when asking for advice.
I scuff my shoes a lot too it can not be helps but luckily for me I mainly wear black shoes so it's not so bad.
Your bust does not look that big at all and if you are happy with it, do not change it, just continue being you.

>> No.7628299

Your hair really looks great, I'd like to see it curled.
The bolero isn't a must for me, but I'd use blue shoes if the socks are already pink. Would make the lower half more balanced.
But all in all, it's by no means a bad coord.

>> No.7628323

Yes it is. Have you seen brand sizing? Lolita is a chubby girl fashion and if you don't fit into shirred AP, Baby or Meta (and not due to super tallness or big boobs) then you're seriously fat.

>> No.7628330
File: 174 KB, 720x960, ohlawd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know anon, i know. I was barely 16 there, just starting to come out of my "scene" phase. Here's another trainwreck from my first con.
>Shitty replica
>Shitty miku wig
>That sad bow
>covered in brony stamps from people i met that day
i'm glad to say i quickly improved after this.

>> No.7628338


I've seen some lolitas do piercings well (Usually the ones with the non-obtrusive studs.) but I wish there were more lolis with piercings who didn't act like it gave them a pass to be super special snowflake.

>> No.7628347

Do you have an improvement photo?

>> No.7628349

I agree. I used to have quite a lot, 6 on the mouth and my cheeks too, i took them all out eventually because i felt it didn't look right with lolita and i actually wanted a job, and to be taken seriously. I regret them all in the end honestly as well as stretching my ears. Except my cheeks, they gave me cute as fuck dimples.

>> No.7628352

I don't really know what you mean by brand sizing, what brands are you talking about. I fit into most brand stuff, my problem is my 30G bust, but it works with most shirred dresses. But it still looks better on skinnier girls with less boobs.

>> No.7628373

That fem Darth Vader is just gross

>> No.7628376

Do you mean transgender? Because a transvestite is someone who dresses as the opposite gender to get themselves off.

>> No.7628380

Are you apart of the local lolita comm?
I'm still kinda new to the comm, but I don't think I've seen you before, do you come to meets often?
>I'de recognise that wall anywhere.

>> No.7628383
File: 914 KB, 2000x2288, timeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a bit of a timeline real quick. I stopped wearing lolita for a while so there was a big gap but then i decided to dedicate a whole wardrobe to it. I wear classic lolita now.

>> No.7628385

I am yes, i am semi-new to the comm and i haven't been to a meet yet, mainly because i live 3 hours away. I'm hoping to move into the city soon.

>> No.7628397

Well I look forward to meeting you when come to your first meet!
> love the red riding hood JSK

>> No.7628408

Thankyou! Hopefully i'll make it to one of the next meets.

>> No.7628409

top right, awwww

>> No.7628419

You are adorable, and at least you also were a cute ita.

>> No.7628443

Are there actually decent lolitas in Kansas? It's hard to imagine after those pics.

>> No.7628490

This is like a cosplay of (or sequel to) The Legendary Purple Ita in the Horrible House.

>> No.7628503

Why does she pronounce "Ita" like a sassy Latina sidekick?
Between her "eetha" and Deerstalker's "itta", I'm starting to worry about the average intelligence of some Lolitas.
It is a THREE LETTER WORD. It is literally the second syllable of "Lolita" by itself. How does a person manage to get that wrong?

>> No.7628513

I thought she was trying to sound japanese. Weeeeeeebbbbb

>> No.7628517

It's nice to see itas become very accurate Lolitas. It's also great to know you took the time to gain knowledge about the fashion and how to dress. You look great, hon.

>> No.7628518

I like Dawn

>> No.7628525

If you guys check this week's btb, she called old school "classic ita". I was like, "Oh hell no".

>> No.7628542

She's dishing out concrit but once it's about HER, she has to go and make a youtube video BECUZ IT'S WRONG U DARLINGZ!

>> No.7628628

I'm wondering the same thing. If that is a girl, that manly face thing is unfortunate.

>> No.7628634

What irritates me about girls like her are the excuses they make. "I can't wear a wig. I have eczema." What they fuck does dry skin have to do with wearing a wig? She just wants to look a mess. I'm fucking sick of her! I'm sick of her hideous makeup, ugly shoes, excuses, and just stinking up the joint in general. Improvement or no, I'm just sick of her ass.

>> No.7628641

He is so damn ugly. I'm sorry.

>> No.7628656

I'm embarrassed to admit I'm from Kansas. I don't know either of these girls, and I don't want to

>> No.7628676
File: 122 KB, 500x281, i must.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true that.
i have eczema and i wear wigs almost everyday, nothing happens. eczema and wigs have, like, nothing to do with each other? shes just lazy and full of shit.

>> No.7628775

Are you all alone there with Toto? Are there even meet ups beyond the hambeasts?

>> No.7629094

This at Melbourne yeah?

>> No.7629314

Well, maybe weariing a wig every day isn't the best idea, not even for healthy skin.

>> No.7629410

Dumb question probably, but what exactly is the proper pronunciation for ita?
I've been pronouncing it like "itai" without the 'i' sound this entire time. So it's supposed to sound more like the 'ita' in lolita?

>> No.7629503

Ahh you're such a cutie!!

>> No.7629535

I'm guessing "ee-tah"
Like, the way I hear most people say "Lolita" is "Low-lee-tah", but there's also "Lol-ee-tah" and frankly it all depends on your accent because I think both are reasonably correct.
But one thing's for sure, the "ee-tah" part is the same in both. It also mirrors the Japanese pronunciation.
So, don't blunt your "t" or make your vowels nasal like Darlings up there, and don't shorten your "i" like in The Secret Life of the Lolita and you should be fine.

>> No.7629710

>file name
>top kek

>> No.7630446

Oh god, that girl looks like my friend.

>> No.7630766

Holy shit, this girl goes to university with me. What the fuck, she's a meme??

>> No.7631465

does she have a spoon full of fucking spaghetti in her hands

>> No.7631484

>even cut the miku wig's bangs like a scene girl's hair
lord jesus