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7617136 No.7617136[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's make a directory of them. Post the good, the bad, and the ugly. Which ones do you like? What do you hate about Lolita youtubers? What do you wish you saw more of?

I am not a fan of Princess Peachie (http://m.youtube.com/user/PeachieAngelPrincess)) but she is the most popular. I admit that my bias against print replicas might have to do with my dislike for her.

I am a sucker for package openings. I need more of them.

>> No.7617283

I have a few:



Peachie's friend Chi:

BunnyNariProject (Who recently moved channel so linked both):



PolkadotPoptart1(She doesn't do much lolita though):


Noelle Belle:


Then we have our little ring of....um....with

Crystal Chan:

Kota Bear:


Some of these channels are good and some are not good.

There are the bigger channels too like Lovely Lor and DeerstalkerProductions etc.

Just look around youtube for more. Also I did come across quite a few unboxing videos in the past but I don't like unboxing videos so much so I didn't sub to them sorry.

>> No.7617321

Wasn't LolSourGrapes banned from all comm's up the north and north east of the country for calling her comm whores, fatties, bullies and ita's? I remember something about her trying to join new comm's by saying nasty things about her home town comm then insulting these new comm's she tried to join.

Does anyone still have the cap's? It was a LONG time ago now.

>> No.7617325


Shelby Cloud is one of the best but she never post's anymore.

>> No.7617342

Goth lolis




>> No.7617359

She does have a really bitchy air about her.

>> No.7617378

I've been wanting to start a lolita vlog, but I'm not sure where to start. Any advice?

Also didn't see it mentioned MissLillith:

>> No.7617407


Stop selfposting.

>> No.7617410


Look through rebeccablacktech for deets, she's a twisted son of a bitch.

>> No.7617413

My advice - don't do an introduction video.

Start off with some really casual videos so you can get used to making videos. Then do an event video or a haul video or something that'll attract attention. Also don't expect a massive outburst of subs but do set yourself some goals (150 subs in 3 months).

Enjoy it and most importantly be yourself. I can't stand the high pitched annoying shit that some lolitas put out there.

>> No.7617420

Op here. Hey, nothing wrong with self posting. If anyone has a YouTube channel here, feel free to share. I would like to have a directory.

>> No.7617432

150 subs in 3 months? Is that feasible? I am not well-known at all and doubt that I can get that many followers. It would be nice to have subs and be a Youtube star but that isn't realistic for me. I do like making videos so I hope to at least have 10 subs one day, even if it takes 10 years! But like I said, having followers would be nice and hey, having attention is nice.
Any tips on getting subs for someone who isn't well known?

>> No.7617442

Fille De Porcelaine

Julie Obscure

Leia Lavender

Princess Porcelain




Kimura U

>> No.7617518

3 people self post all in one go. Amazing

Sunny Macabre:


>> No.7617529

Shannie Bree


Manon Marguerite




>> No.7617530

God I love watching unboxing videos, especially lucky packs. They're always what I end up watching when I'm bored

>> No.7617617

can we get some that have actually updated recently. I check out all of these links and half of them are dead/haven't updated in over 4 months

>> No.7617629


It's pretty clear that I was referring to one link, you fucking child.

>> No.7617631


Question: Would anyone be interested in tutorial on stuff like clothing upkeep? I'm considering doing a tutorial on ironing, since, that seems to be a rampant problem among noobs. With Youtube being so saturated I have no idea if this would be well received or not.

>> No.7617647

I do blog posts on my mail, maybe video is a much better idea.

>> No.7617657


That's a really good idea! I think that would probably help a lot of clueless people who would never look that stuff up but would stumble across it looking for loli stuff.

>> No.7617673

I seriously think a lot of girls have never ironed something before, and are afraid of ruining their garments. I just thought it might be a good idea to show how to use an iron properly and good technique? Now I sound like a housewife, lol. Good! Just need to hunt down someone to film for me, I guess.

>> No.7617682

I would love this. I suck at ironing. I have items I am weary of wearing because I'm unsure how to care for them.

>> No.7617684

That would be great! I am always scared of upkeep, such as what kind of fabrics I can iron and steam.

And if anyone has a tutorial for wig upkeep, that would be great. My wigs look like a bird's nest and I need to fix them up. I stopped buying curly wigs because of this.

>> No.7617693

>I suck at ironing
you need a steamer

>> No.7617700

Teaching how to iron extremely intricate/delicate clothing items would be great!

>> No.7617824

So what is with the hate circle jerking between Crystal Chan, Kota Bear, and LoliGothRosePrincess?

>> No.7618008

Idk but from the videos cgl posted of Kota bear, I think she is an idiot.

>> No.7618153

Agreed. Kota bitches about how mean all these people are and how all the hate and judgmental stuff in lolita comms is terrible, but she comes across like a HUGE judgmental bitch in all over her videos. Pot calling the kettle black much?

>> No.7618292

They have this really horrible outlook on all the other lolitas. Especially ones who aren't beginners and their advice is poor and wrong in most cases. CC and KB are collaborating and LGRP is well "friends" with them.

>> No.7618382

I miss her videos. I wish she'd post more

>> No.7618385

This so much

>> No.7618400


HelloBatty (I know, I know)



Deerstalker Pictures

I guess most of you will already know the last two, but just in case.

>> No.7618527

Would anyone be interested in classic Lolita vlog?IvI've been thinking about making one, just not sure if I will follow through as I already have online blog.
What would you like to see from classic Lolita?

>> No.7618557

Really done with HelloBatty, am glad you know, but have to say it.

>> No.7618559

Tutorials, wardrobe posts, updates on trends, 1 dress 5 outfits type videos are all my favorites.

>> No.7618565

are you from the australian comm?

>> No.7618605

The only bad thing about some of these channels is that some of the girls haven't posted in over 2 years. Advice for anyone starting a vlog would be to keep up to date with your posts.

There is nothing I hate more than going to one of these channels and seeing no new or relevant content.

>> No.7618702
File: 238 KB, 1200x1600, 20140613_185051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do really large monthly orders of otome/lolita clothing from jauctions and closetchild but I never post about them anywhere. I try to keep my Internet presence to a minimum but I think it would be fun to have a channel that is entirely dedicated to lolita hauls since those are my favorite to watch. Would anyone be interested in a channel like that? I'm not looking for efame or popularity but I figured for people with a bit of a shopping addiction it might be fun since I spend almost all my money on brand/wear it daily.
If it's better to have a more versatile channel I don't really know what else I can make videos of. I don't really craft or sew and my makeup is barely anything special. My other main hobby is music,like collecting records,going to shows and learning songs on guitar/ukulele so maybe itd be cute to record a video in head to toe Jane Marple while covering neutral milk hotel or something but I don't think most lolitas would enjoy my generally /mu/core taste.
I don't know what do you guys think.
Pic related is one of my outfits.

>> No.7618740

I know I'd love a channel like that. I live vicariously through other people's hauls.

>> No.7618741

sounds good to me. I also really like 'what I think of new releases videos' but if your doing that leave a picture of the release in the video as you talk about it.

>> No.7618757

What do you guys think of a DIY focused Lolita channel? I love sewing and I can't find a lot of lolita-specific DIY stuff that I like. What kind of things would you like to see? I'm thinking pattern-drafting, sew-alongs from the Otome no sewing book, small accessories, or something similar.

>> No.7618758

Girl on Sunday. She just started out but so many hauls.


>> No.7618762

I know her from tumblr. She buys so much stuff, I'm both excited and jealous.

>> No.7618769

Nope not even cloose.

>> No.7618774


>> No.7618775

Thank you for the input!
Starting with my next closet child order I'm going to start posting them.
another question,I have an old channel I haven't touched in 3 years that has a couple of really old haul videos on it with 4-5k views should I continue posting to that one or start a totally new one? My tastes have changed completely since and I look very different now as well.
Ahhhh I love this girl so much I'm so excited she has a channel now since we have fairly similar taste. Thanks for posting her.

>> No.7618777

They're mellisa.
I bought them while visiting family in London but you can get them on ebay I think. If not Emily temple cute released similar ballet shoes that come up on auction occasionally.

>> No.7618781

I love her hauls too because I have liked her for some time and it is nice to see her collection grow. I wish she would invest in some camera equipment so that her videos aren't shaky and are better quality since I do like her close up videos. I am tempted to tell her "BUY ONE LESS DRESS AND BUY A CAMERA." Seeing how she bought Puppet Circus, that probably broke her bank.

>> No.7618784

Thanks for helping out another gal! I will keep my eyes peeled for them.

>> No.7618785

If you are ok with others knowing how you looked before now, I don't think it hurts to use your old channel. You can make your old videos private or delete them too. If you want a fresh start, I would say new channel.

>> No.7618800

Yes!!! Can you make several newbie videos too? I would love to learn how to make my own dresses but never knew where to start. A channel that focuses on lolita sewing in particular would be great.

>> No.7618816

They are the prime example of blind leading the blind. How old are these girls anyway? Their mentality reminds me of bratty high schoolers.

>> No.7618821

I would probably do some basic things to get started, like how to make bloomers, a simple gathered skirt, etc. I'm not a great seamstress, but I learned quite a few things by trial and error that others might find useful.

>> No.7619063

I'd love this!

>> No.7619138

CC at university for sure and I think KB is as well.
I have no idea about LGRP though.

It really isn't excusable at this age.

>> No.7619161

LGRP is college-aged, too. I think she's 18, about to be 19.

All of them are disgusting to me, not because they're fat or poorly dressed, but because they're all so judgemental and negative. They automatically assume that everyone who is more established in the fashion or tries to give them advice is judging them, and none of them want to improve. They see any suggestions or con crit as personal attacks. CC spends so much time bitching about her former comm, and KB has an entire series about "problems in lolita" or whatever. LGRP uses her weight as a crutch, and is constantly complaining about being posted on here. If you're trying to spread love and positivity through your youtube channel (which I think most of them claim to do), why focus on such negative things? Just ignore it and focus on improving, and listen to the good suggestions that people have given you... Unless you enjoy the drama and like pretending to be some kind of martyr (which it seems like they do).

>> No.7619253

That's 100% my problem with them as well. I find also that it's always THEIR problem and THEIR opinion and THEIR experience. They do try to focus on others but it always comes back to them and how they feel. It's okay to voice your opinion, but there's a point where these girls start to hate on you because you have the opinion of the majority. CC does it in particular you only have to watch the first 30 seconds and it's already about her:


>> No.7619261

obligatory miki post

>> No.7619289

I would watch your videos!
May be also teaming up with others who also buy a lot of J-fashion clothing and make a huge haul channel?! I would love to see that.

>> No.7619399

This. I've never actually met someone that thought being fat automatically made you an ita (besides angry anons on /cgl/ and btb). The reason they keep being posted is not with that, but I guess it's easier to blame your body/looks, rather than recognize you're being a complete asshat. They complain about being judged, yet they constantly whine about other people and how they're oh so evil. They victimize themselves and are delusionally self-righteous. I tried to give Crystal a constructive comment once, before I knew of all her drama, and all she did was bascially say "I don't care", with lots of flowery wordings and Smileys.

Sorry for ranting, but people like those three grind my gears like crazy.

>> No.7619510

Any cap's at all?

>> No.7619524


I think most of her shitty activity was conducted in person, not online. Check the archive for more info, people can't be bothered rehashing her behaviour every time she comes up.

>> No.7619700

I wish that iiralina would post again.

>> No.7619729
File: 254 KB, 500x285, YAAASSSS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another /mu/tant lolita! We need to twin!

>itd be cute to record a video in head to toe Jane Marple while covering neutral milk hotel

Oh, yes, yes please.

>> No.7619759

what did she do ?

>> No.7619812

She's just obnoxious as far as I know, I don't know much, only seen one video

>> No.7619856


>uses comm as a fame vehicle
>uses maid cafe as a fame vehicle
>uses friends as a fame vehicle

It's no wonder she lives in the desert because that girl is thirsty.

>> No.7619915

I think this girl is cute but I hate the intro she always does with her name and wink. I just hate the whole ~kawaii thing. https://www.youtube.com/user/acchirin

>> No.7619975 [DELETED] 

Nah, I think the wink is cute. I think she's kinda new but knows enough to get a decent wardrobe.

On the other hand, HB (now that just make me want to call her head bitch) had only one good outfit in that Halloween merry making town print. She spams herself all over too frequently. There's a reason internet famous people get that way for quality, not quantity.

Everyone else that I follow has been mentioned, but my new fave is LolitaEveryday since the Russian lolitas just have high quality videos and editing.

>> No.7620010

Nah, I think the wink is cute. I think she's kinda new but knows enough to get a decent wardrobe.

On the other hand, HB (now that just make me want to call her head bitch) had only one good outfit in that Halloween merry making town print. She spams herself all over too frequently. There's a reason internet famous people get that way for quality, not quantity.

Everyone else that I follow has been mentioned, but my new fave is LolitaEveryday since the Russian lolitas just have high quality videos and editing.

>> No.7620077


Honestly the only reason I even found Hello Batty was her frequently popping up on here with tons of hate... I just assumed she was a supreme bitch or really fucked things up in her comm. After seeing her pop up for the zillionth time I checked her out and I actually feel kind of bad for her... she seems lonely and I really want to know what she did to her comm to piss them off so bad that any mention of her or the AZ comm turns into a hate fest.

>> No.7620310

Found some more.

She also has a blog at http://makelovely.wordpress.com/


>> No.7620391

is that uttate

>> No.7620565

She's an attention whore, only cares about fame. She likes popping up on here actually because it makes her feel like she's so cool and popular that she has haters. She's not lonely. She has friends in and out of the comm. she actually quit her job so she could be a full time YouTube star and her boyfriend just sort of pays for everything now including her wardrobe.

>> No.7620769
File: 11 KB, 320x180, btbrant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original BtB rant

Ironically she's in the same comm as Miki/LGRP from

>> No.7620771

>she actually quit her job so she could be a full time YouTube star
...seriously? With her subscriber count?
Source/caps please?

>> No.7620777

Source? Just ask her straight up. She loves to tell people.

>> No.7620913

ergh. That girl is just.. bleh. That wig, that room, that dress, that face. Turrible

>> No.7620964

She originally said she just needed a break from working. But then she never got another job and just sits at home making sub-par videos all day long. she's nice, but the whole popularity obsession thing annoys the shit out of the whole comm. even people who like her or are her friends.

>> No.7620998


I have heard her talk about it at meetups actually. She mentioned that her boyfriend and her had planned on her quitting her job after he graduated college and got a job. She just wanted to be a housewife and he was cool with that which is really lucky for her. I've never seen her gloat about being popular but I am a bit jealous she can afford to do that.

As far as what was going on with girls in the comm hating her. I know there was a ton of drama and fall out with the lolita comm in the maid cafe she runs and then other girls claiming she snubbed them. When we brought it up she just laughed and said that those girls weren't worth her time. Not sure what to think about it.

My biggest problem with her is her best friend. Whenever they are together or end up in conversations online together they just end up cursing and getting completely off topic calling each other names. Her friend is so loud and obnoxious at meets and acts like a queen bee or gods gift to our comm. Batty is such a bitch to her too. I wonder how they are even still friends.

>> No.7621083


>> No.7621096

Yeah Divina is pretty loud and obnoxious even without Batty around. She talks shit about everyone too.

>> No.7621165

Every time Batty comes up people bitch about her wanting to be famous and having no job. Seems like someone is overly jealous. I am not part of your comm so I have no fucking clue what she did to you guys but her videos are cute for the most part some are bit annoying but she seems to care about them. I met her at ALA and she didn't even bring up her YT channel and later we ended up at a party together and she was just drunk and screaming about being a fangirl who loved everyone the whole time she just seems childish if anything.

>> No.7621483

She's more obnoxious then anything else tbh. The ones who shit talk her or say they hate her are probably the same people who complain about everyone else in our comm. for the most part everyone tolerates her and those who don't like her avoid her.

>> No.7621486

Not jealous. Just tired of seeing her gross meido boobs everywhere and shit coords. They're really just barely passable 99% of the time. It's just like Cadney. She's juust ok, but we're popular so that's alright! And then there's the 'why haven't I been on btb yet??!! I keep trying! that's all i wantt!!1!!' it's all just a popularity thing and she revels in being seen as a 'bitch' and sooo super edgy. It gets old when someone turns a meetup into a video shoot and doesn't tell anyone beforehand, or treats girls badly in the comm just to gain notoriety. But then again, the AZ comm is a fucking mess so not surprising at all.
Divina is gross and I'm not even going there.

>> No.7621514

>Divina is gross and I'm not even going there.
Oh please do, I'm new to the comm and I wanna know who to avoid.

>> No.7621535

I would never dream of ruining the wonderful ride your exploration of the comm will be! Have fun! But remember, keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times, the ita is contagious in the wild wild west.

>> No.7621589

I hope Peachie doesn't wind up like Yuka. I was so disappointed when Yukapon disappeared from the internet, and Peachie seems like she might be the loli-con type as well. Luckily I suspect that Peachie would be much better at keeping that shit under wraps.

>> No.7621600

I actually would like Yuka back and would give up Peachie as a trade. I loved Yuka so much and was really sad when all the drama happened.

>> No.7621661

Definitely. Peachie is a poor substitute, but what can you do? No one can replace her, no one even comes close.

>> No.7621837

Which one, charmeine or mickey?

>> No.7622052
File: 678 KB, 962x580, lorita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about Lor's new video and her views on how Itas should be treated? Do you agree or disagree? Why?

>> No.7622081

I agree with her. I think it's rude in any situation, lolita or not, to give unsolicited advice. Also, if you're embarrassed being around certain people, don't be around them.

>> No.7622088

Kota Bear made a video responding to the "hate" she's supposedly received. I'm going to watch because she's good for my insomnia.

>> No.7622241

So basically, she admits she doesn't know what she's talking about, but it doesn't matter to her? Ugh, I want to comment so bad, but I don't want to deal with her bullshit.

Was just about to post this. I actually agree with her, unless someone asks for advice, don't give it.

>> No.7622247

>I think it's rude in any situation, lolita or not, to give unsolicited advice.
This. I also would've told that anon to stop going to those meets if she feels embarrassed by the way they're dressed, because that's her problem to fix and not theirs.

>> No.7622343

I don't know her name, sorry. The girl in the previously mentioned video screencap.

>> No.7622348

I've got a big haul coming in the mail and some free time on my hands so I really want to make an unboxing video. I thought I could show off some coords using the new pieces just to make the video a little more interesting.

>> No.7622356

I really like lolita youtubers but honestly I hate unboxing videos. If they just showed the packaging and then spent most of the time wearing it and showing it off then I'd be interesting, but twenty+ minutes of them slowly fiddling with packaging and breathing heavily is boring as all getout.

>> No.7622466

So I watched a couple of her videos and her voice kinds of skeeves me out for some reason I'm not sure why... but the script and editing is ok and she seems comfortable in front of the camera I think. Also kind of an inspiring older lolita (She's probably mid to late 20s looks like?)

>> No.7622655

I have such a love hate relationship with unboxing videos and wardrobe posts. I compare my wardrobe to theirs, usually get really insanely jealous, to the point where I fee like shit...but I can't stop watching them. I can't figure out why I do this to myself.

>> No.7622657

use it as an inspiration to further your wardrobe,
then one day maybe you could make a wardrobe video that makes people jealous

>> No.7622662

That's the thing. I have a decent sized wardrobe already, and it's like 90% brand, but I find myself getting jealous because I don't have those specific pieces. I'm just a greedy jealous person, I guess.

>> No.7622678

What is most important to you as a viewer with regards to quality? Is content really that much more important than video, audio, and editing quality?
I watched a few of the people posted here (KB, Girl on Sunday, for example), and they didn't seem very good. Sound quality, lighting, etc. were especially bad in GoS' haul videos, to the extent that I found it uncomfortable to watch them.
I have always worried that my videos wouldn't be nice enough to post, but after seeing these, I think I'd probably be fine.

>> No.7622697

When I watch unboxing videos it makes me want to go on shopping sprees. That's one reason why I don't watch them.

>> No.7622705

do you mean if someone's entire wardrobe is all expensive popular pieces?

Maybe then just be glad you have brand and didn't have to take out a loan or something for it

>> No.7622732

Yeah, that's what I meant. I know I should be glad for what I have and not so bitter. I feel the same way at meets. I'm working on being a less shitty person, anon.

>> No.7622841

Holy shit that girl is ugly.

>> No.7622855

it's pretty unfortunate, her coords are always pretty good, but daaaamn.

>> No.7623417


Peachie isn't an ageplayer. I know her irl and it's really not her thing. Loli-con kinda creeps her out. She'll never go down the Yuka route.

>> No.7623492

Personal opinion but I don't mind quality. As long as it isn't too dim and the sound isn't too low, I am fine. I care more about content and like looking at things or people talk about lolita.

>> No.7623495

holy shit do you just search for her name in every thread so you can some in and say this exact same thing everytime someone brings her up???

>> No.7623519


No, I just mention it whenever she shows up because I think it's a shitty rumour to spread about somebody when it isn't even true.

>> No.7623537

>Kota Bear

I am really starting to hate how spiteful this bitch is. It's funny because NO ONE IS ASKING FOR HER OPINION ABOUT LOLITA HATE. She is so transparent, doing it to seem like she is giving advice but really using it as a platform to complain about being "wronged."

>> No.7623548


her into video....what the fuck a demi what?

>> No.7623554

Her make up here makes her look like a sissy.
I actually like Lor, but this video is so unfortunate in a dozen and a half ways.

Agreed. She's both got an inflated ego and a bitchy, shitty personality to boot. I'm not one for "lolitas should be lovelies!!!" but all of the thinly veiled videos that have been going around the special snowflake ita crowd are really getting to me.
If you were actually a decent, nice person, you probably wouldn't feel the need to make those videos and talk shit in them.

>> No.7623556

Maybe she should stop trying to act like a loli-con from a hentai then.

And anyway, there's nothing wrong with ageplay or the whole DD/lg fetish.

>> No.7623569

Then she should stop acting like a little girl and having a room full of toys doesn't help.

>> No.7623700

Tips on how to get viewers and subscribers?

>> No.7623912

one of the girls had a fan going in the back of her vids really loudly. So you heard a huge wush wush in her vids. that drove me insane. I'm huge on sound quality as I mostly have them playing in the background, quality next and content last.

>> No.7624183

I found some more -


Beffnai - she has an unboxing video

KaceyCookies - 2 unboxing videos

>> No.7624439

Why would that be the first thing you say on a channel that has nothing to do with sexuality? The snowflake is strong with this one.

>> No.7624447

What does everyone generally use for their videos? I have a shitty macbook webcam and a fairly decent Nikon, but I would probably have to invest in a tripod to use it.

>> No.7624637

Making my first unboxing video the other day made me realize that I have a lot of annoying mannerisms. I pity the people who have to interact with me on a regular basis.

>> No.7625373

She's such a snowflake it's not even funny.

>> No.7625387

I have so much rage for this behaviour. So. Much. Rage. And I can't articulate the reasons for why without devolving into a screaming, swearing mess, so I'm just going to say this: STOP. IT.

>> No.7625391
File: 252 KB, 799x446, lgrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish LGRP would make a haul video, hahaha.

>> No.7625394


... she has to be a troll. Please someone tell me she's a troll. No one can be this annoying and oblivious.

>> No.7625400

She's not, unfortunately. She's like that with everyone...

>> No.7625408

Well, she does have her own t-shirt shop now... with only one design actually made by her, and it's the worst one.


>> No.7625485

Isn't that some mad copyright infringement? Not like she cares because she wears lots of replicas, but...

>> No.7625494

She's not a troll. Myself and some other anon(s?) have posted screencaps of her conversations before and there's so much shit.
Here's more. I really, really hope she makes a haul video, hahahaha.

>> No.7625499
File: 1.32 MB, 1366x575, jelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurr, dropped image.

>> No.7625523

I has sandals like these when I was a kid (7-8) and I don't get the appeal. They make your feet really hot and sweaty and they rub your skin raw. Do people just like them for the age play aspect of them?

>> No.7625531

I don't think she's an ageplayer, I think she's just trying to be all *~*~**super kawaii**~*~* and shit. I agree with you though, they're pretty awful. They look bad, too.

>> No.7625544

those are the ugliest shoes ever

>> No.7625546

besides crocs

>> No.7627172

I am thinking about investing in a camera. Should I get a digital camcorder or a digital camera to make videos? Thoughts and suggestions?

>> No.7628157


>> No.7628187

I'm hoping to start a lolita channel of my own soon. Despite the fact that there are so many channels and videos out there, the video and audio quality is always so lacking.
I'm just waiting on my lighting equipment to come in the mail and then I can get to work. I'm aiming to make two series to start with - one about the history of the fashion, and one being a beginners' guide with each video covering a single topic; that way, when a new person has a redundant question (Where do I buy a petticoat? What's a JSK? Look at my new gosurori hime punk coord! What do you mean miniskirts aren't rori enough?!) somebody can just directly link to the video instead of typing out a lengthy response time and time again.

>> No.7628621

and yet, people still flock to her and her "brand"

>> No.7629212

I clicked through all of the suggested but is there a super classic/goth lolita vlogger? Like most of these are sweet with classic, or even bloggers at this point. I'm getting tired of hearing about Baby or AP since I own nothing but socks from them

>> No.7629224

people grow up and change, shut the fuck up vendetta-chan, and stop trying to shit up a bunch of threads to start drama.

>> No.7629276

>seamstress has to add panels
>"my arms arent that big! tee hee!"

miki is disgusting fat nasty trash and is in fucking denial of her fatness and tries to pass it off as MUH CURVES

i have nothing against fatty-chans but i just can stand when someone is in denial about their own damn body its fucking stupid

>> No.7629353
File: 48 KB, 351x287, 435345034958039485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this mad and defending LSG

Someone is either new or out of the loop.

>> No.7629501

While not really applied to her, those shoes are really popular on the high street atm.

>> No.7629547

someone is an ignorant retard. go be autistic somewhere else.

>> No.7629705

I like them 'cause you can go through stuff like water mud and sand and all you have to do is spray them with water to clean them.
Fabric sandals get ruined if you get them wet and considering half the point of Summer is going to the beach I find them pretty pointless.

>> No.7629786

MimsLang is fucking horrible. She's not even a proper Lolita, her coords always look so bad

>> No.7629853

fallen Princess kind of fits this, but hasn't updated in forever.


>> No.7631860

She didn't even try to draw her "chubby" characters as even such? She just drew some shitty chibis, at least when I draw fat people, I make them look fat. I'm gonna scream if this bitch gets sales, because her "art" is shit.

>> No.7632287

Lor's my favorite too. I like that she isn't afraid to be silly and doesn't seem to be dramatic or snotty at all. That's as far as I can tell from her videos-- maybe she's a totally different person in real life.

>> No.7632306

Peachie creeps me out. I know it's her life and she can do what she wants, but I can't stand how childish she acts. Also, why is she e-famous while wearing a ton of replicas, but everyone else who wears them gets shit on?

>> No.7632317

She's only famous cause she's disabled and she spams her shit everywhere. I don't know where OP got the idea that she was the most popular. She's not.

>> No.7632551

Then who is the most popular? Iirc she has the most subscribers.

>> No.7632582

>has almost 30,000 subscriptions as a j fashion blogger on Youtube
>not popular
You got some strange standards there for your definition of popular.

>> No.7632621

I was talking about a YouTuber that is a lolita. That is what the topic is about. If you know a lolita YouTuber who has not subscribers, link them here.

>> No.7632799

Ignore this. I realized my reading comprehension sucks.

>> No.7634730

WHY CAN'T A KNOWLEDGEABLE LOLITA MAKE A YOUTUBE? I realize tha they have lives but these newbies and their channels make me want to vomit.

>> No.7634747

...you go make a channel then?

>> No.7635648

because they're mostly older and have a life

>> No.7635694

any Japanese lolita blog channels? Not that I could understand, but would be fun to see their hauls.

>> No.7637041

This is the most cringeworthy shit I've ever seen.

>> No.7637236

This so weebish and awkward, they all seem really uncomfortable.
The butler is cute though.

>> No.7637278

You pretty much gave the reason yourself. Most experienced lolitas either have a life/job/other commitments that take up their time, or the common sense not to want to be dragged through all the shit that YouTube videos get.

>> No.7637568

I love unboxing videos if they aren't chatting the whole time

Is that weird?

>> No.7637572

I don't think it's weird, that's actually how I prefer it, unless they're reviewing for quality or something.

>> No.7637574

Don't be a hatefilled wad-monster?
Thats the best one I can think of

>> No.7637576

I feel the same way. A lot of the chatter isn't necessary. Put a nice backing track on it, and open away! Commentary about each item after the fact (maybe with detail shots on a dress form or something?) can be nice, but talking about each item as it's pulled out, or talking about other things as the box is opened, is annoying.

>> No.7637583

Don't insult ageplayers like that okay?

>> No.7637584

They are soooooo uncoordinated together it's a disgrace if they can't work together how can they be my maido? Also gross Batty boobs D:

>> No.7637589

Thank god I'm not alone on this
It's hard enough finding Let's plays like that let alone unboxings

>> No.7637964

Anon you are such a fucking idiot. This video has nothing to do with Lolita and also it's from 3 years ago. If you want to hate on Batty you need to try harder. Maybe actually posting something recent and relevant. Your really grasping at shit at this point.

>> No.7638156
File: 2.11 MB, 350x233, naked-gun-facepalm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An ita explaining how to avoid being an ita

>> No.7638211

Does anyone know a story behind this?


>> No.7638214
File: 331 KB, 500x264, tumblr_mqhmm3F7FA1s8scfko1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the ita founder of cosloli who thought it would be okay to annoy the fuck out of briscomm because she thinks she knows everything and that lolita is about rainbows and cupcakes and happiness.
She didn't get bullied she just can't take concrit and took it badly because she's a 14 year old dumbass.

>> No.7638216

**Forgot to add that she explains in the video that lolita comes from cosplay therefore mixing the two is allowed which caused more drama.

>> No.7638236

Well, thanks... I expected sth like this to be honest.

>> No.7638443

Also she failed to mention that she specifically got in trouble for posting advertisements for her Cosloli club to the Brisbane group constantly trying to get people to join, hence their frustration. And her being butthurt saying 'Why can't everyone get along?' but meaning 'Why can't everyone be in my group?'

>> No.7638482

A dual youtube/blog question:
Do you usually milk each purchase for multiple posts/videos?
For example, including a piece that you've recently bought in a "What I'm waiting for in the Mail" post, making an unboxing video, making a post/video about the piece or a coord, and then a final one reviewing any services you used to get it?

>> No.7638508
File: 198 KB, 500x724, tumblr_mzxkwh6UMO1tqpfbro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't she realise that she is an Ita? She's so thoroughly uninformed. Now, Brisbane Rufflebutts has turned to shit, I won't deny that but she's like so uninformed about the fashion in general and even int his video she looks so unkempt.

>> No.7638519

What in the world is she wearing??

>> No.7638649
File: 44 KB, 300x313, 1370816332187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What annoys me is her tumblr is supposed to be full of clothes for plus-size people, instead it's just full of oversized sweaters/shirts for free-size wearing asians. Of course it's not going to fit right. Just because the bust/waist is huge doesn't mean plus-size per se.

>> No.7638669

personally I would find this really annoying, I would do like 2 of these but not 3 or 4. It also looks kinda poorfag unless it's a massive massive haul or you're doing it all the time. Otherwise it just looks like you're REALLY excited about your $120 Infanta dress and it's a little pathetic. If it's rare or expensive burando it makes a little more sense to post it multiple times

>> No.7639080

THIS! And even then she looks so uncomfortable in those clothes.

>> No.7641862


... I really like watching her videos. But I can see where you are coming from. I feel like if I knew her in person, she could possibly irritate me. I think mostly from a clash of senses of humor. I knew her tumblr before her videos, the accent really surprised me haha. Also her old videos and pretty bad, but I'm really digging her newer ones.

I also like that she collects 80s/90s toys because I'm a huge sucker for nostalgia and have collections of similar things as well (retro games).

Mostly I think shes pretty genuine and soft and nice which is why I like to watch I guess.

>> No.7641905

>spams her shit everywhere
>has Tumblr and Youtube
>just got Instagram

Idk, I'm not really a fan of Peachie either but she really doesn't post her shit everywhere. There was a point where she didn't post any videos for like six months.

>> No.7641922

Don't. Maybe do an unboxing and then a combined review/outfit thing, but more than that and it gets boring very quickly.

>> No.7641928

I want to believe she dressed ita on purpose, but I think she might be serious.
>can't pronounce aesthetic correctly despite clearly being a native speaker

>> No.7641942

not sure if posted yet but...

Brookelle Marie

>> No.7642052

I'll stick to just an unboxing video and a review with a coord at the end, then.
Thanks, seagulls.

>> No.7642208
File: 66 KB, 169x119, 1371818079881.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a video this girl is making and I'm in it and it's pretty well done from what I can tell. The problem is that I am not very attractive and I look ugly in the video and I feel like I ruin it. Probably belongs in the feels thread more but still.

>> No.7644125

it's a fetish thing (at least for me fap fap fap)

>> No.7644717

Tell her to take you out then.

>> No.7644729
