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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 176 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n6wyborwmq1qzeipro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7608783 No.7608783 [Reply] [Original]

>different shades of gold
>need a gold bag to balance the shoes
>the socks should be sax to balance the bolero/blouse
>why the wrist cuffs/ankle socks when she already has OTKs on

>> No.7608791

nitpicking your nitpick

>different shades of gold
what are analagous colours, anon

>need a gold bag to balance the shoes
because people don't put their bags down someplace and take photos at another part of the venue

>the socks should be sax to balance the bolero/blouse
no, she should just swop out for a white top instead

>why the wrist cuffs/ankle socks when she already has OTKs on
because extra frilly frills around ankles are kawaii anon.

i feel that this lavender and pink on the JSK is so...soft, translucent and airy...but the mint blouse makes me think of heavy rock-hard candy, so something soft, airy and lightweight would be better for the blouse/bolero.

>> No.7608794
File: 639 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n6xq6zmiXU1qagyv4o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk exactly what my nitpick is, I just think it looks bad on her despite nothing being obviously wrong with it

>> No.7608795

My main problems with the golds is that some are warm toned and some cool.
I definitely agree with the blouse though. I just couldn't quite put my finger on what was off about the colour imbalances

>> No.7608798

>ill fitting blouse
>what is a neck?
>hair looks shit

>> No.7608799
File: 156 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n6dic4zFQF1s0yaqco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't like those socks with that dress, the boots are awful, and her makeup's a bit weird

>> No.7608800

The bonnet has slightly too much gold for the rest of the coord perhaps. She also looks like she doesn't have good posture which really brings a coord down

>> No.7608803

Probably because she has the shape of a frilly, neckless potato with little legs dangling out from underneath.

>> No.7608807

>I just couldn't quite put my finger on what was off about the colour imbalances
the differences in tones of gold wasn't throwing the outit off-balance. the mood and feel of the blouse was too different from the rest of her outfit. if anything, i would also rid off all hard-plastic accessories. like the teacup ring. think cotton candy...no, a very celestial, royal, fairy-like version of cotton candy. that's the mood the print+dress is trying to give.

you are right, the socks are out of place. the boots should stay, they're a cute addition. she shouldn't try to draw/shade in eyebags, it just makes her look old, drugged and tired. still, i think it's the pose/angle more so than weird makeup.

also can't tell what is that black band around the wrist. but it currently looks very un-loli.

>> No.7608808

I get what you mean. If it was on a slimmer girl it would look better tbh. This girl has very little shape, there are chubby and fat girls with more waist definition that could rock this but she isn't one of them. The only other thing I didn't like is her hair.

>> No.7608810


Ahh this girl. There's always something off with her co-ords imo. She's clearly not ita but I find her really meh. She has a cute face though.

>> No.7608817

wrong, it would still look equally bad on a slim girl. that bonnet is too...unclassy. gold is a very tricky colour. too careless with the quality and level shine; gold will look cheap and tacky. gold is supposed to look rich, luxurious and classy...but here it looks flat, inexpensive and of toy-like. it looks like "peasantry yellow that is pretending to be gold." the gold was just thrown on without careful thought to bring out the richness of all other parts of the outfit.

>The only other thing I didn't like is her hair.
you have poor taste. her hair is equally bad as the rest of the outfit.

>> No.7608818
File: 731 KB, 900x1200, tumblr_n6ts7hEUsT1sk0dkmo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hate her bangs.

>> No.7608825
File: 454 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n6it9g1oi11qgtfzjo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even want to know what the fuck is that plaid top. Rosette seems random. None of the reds or blues match.

>> No.7608838

aside from the unflattering animu fringe, she should
>use larger flowers on her bonnet to make her face look smaller
>in fact, a bonnet with a wider circumference would be good
>do something about her hair looking flat and slick (curls would be nice..)
>get rid of those things on her wrist
>something about her makeup doesn't look right, her face looks a bit pasty. she either has little to no foundation or her foundation isn't working for her
>get blusher, or go heavier on blushier

her choice of dress+underskirt is good, because it is light and flowy so it makes her feel less heavy...however, maybe it is her pose, maybe the dress is poorly constructed (looks like pierrot or boz to me but IDK), but the shoulder/bust area just doesn't sit right. or maybe she's stretching it too much. can't tell from this picture.

90% of the problem with this outfit is that she's not wearing clothes that fit. imagine that they DO fit, (just picture it in your heads ok)
>get plaid tartan-check whatever you call it stockings with blue as main colour
>leave the bag out of the photo
>replace messy thing on shoulder with a cute red velvet bow
>don't wear the other shirt that's under the dress, it sticks out weirdly around the collarbone area.
And you will have a funky JM'ish co-ord.

can you post something other than fat people, you smell really sour now.

>> No.7608843

I was going through the plus size lolita tumblr, I feel that if whales are going to wear the fashion, they should at least wear it on par or better than the rest.
(polite sage)

>> No.7608893

Wait, isn't this the girl who used to be about spank-style fashion with her shitty store?

>> No.7608898

Yes, it's Kyandi. Couldn't you tell by the saucer-sized nostrils?

>> No.7608901


I feel that in order to have good fashion, you should find clothes that fit flatteringly. I'm not sure why most people are like "ohnoes people who look like they're exploding out of their clothes shouldn't be posted!"

There's a humongous chick who I think still dresses very well because she makes most of her own clothes and actually manages to make the cut flattering to herself. She's no looker, but I admire her because she works with what she has and instead of trying to fit into petite Japanese clothing, she makes her own way and puts her own spin without looking too tacky.

>> No.7608941

I'm the anon you quoted and I agree fully. However I have no idea who you are talking about.

>> No.7608952
File: 42 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n6shifUQkU1qlxqfyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they mean this girl?

>> No.7608975

Uhh, is no one going to point out the obvious?
>her eyelashes
>what the fuck is up with her falsies
>did she get white eyelash glue all over the top of them

Honestly my biggest critique, it is so distracting I can't even focus on the outfit.

>> No.7608978

That's too obvious of a mistake, so I think it's glitter.

Gross though, yeah.

>> No.7608983

I think her shoes are too small for her.

>> No.7609023


Stay mad fatty.

>> No.7609028


Her clothes are too small but other than that I quite like it. It's not 100% Lolita though, it gives an Otome vibe.

>> No.7609433
File: 119 KB, 626x960, 10441077_680173602056048_7449036110595013309_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SO much red. My eyeballs are searing. I wish she'd at least gotten a white bag.

>> No.7609441

I could barely see the bag.
A white wig would've looked nice too.

>> No.7609443

what no wtf is wrong with you.

aside from that ita lace parasol there is nothing wrong with this. stay pressed

>> No.7609445

>black band around the wrist
I can't see from this angle, but it looks like it could be AP plastic jewellery and therefore an exact match to the print (did this print have plastic jewellery? I don't fucking know).

>> No.7609470

>nothing wrong
The strawberry thumbnail didn't put you off?
The darker wig doesn't stand out against all the bright red?

>> No.7609472

She looks too broad and lacks shape to pull it off.
The bonnet is kind of excessive too.

>> No.7609473

>stay pressed
Opinion instantly discarded, go shine some shoes

>> No.7609477

She just needs a white bag and a brown wig

>> No.7609478

haha no I didn't recognize her from her usual gross 80's attire, hair, and grinch smile

>> No.7609482

>The bag doesn't go.
>The rosette is completely random.
>The coat doesn't fit.

>> No.7609627

What does "stay pressed" even mean?

Whiteknight harder. Her outfit's not bad, but it is a fact that there is too much fucking red everywhere.

>> No.7609782

>Her outfit's not bad, but it is a fact that there is too much fucking red

Classic example of a Lolita that read up ~the co-ordination rules~, followed everything to a T, but still doesn't look good. Why? Because she did not look and observe carefully.

>But she's all matchy matchy
>her reds match!!
>she only used the correct colours of red from her dress!!!

Anybody who says she "looks fine" is also blind. She's a radioactive blob of bright red. No matter how cute her face is, nobody's eyes feel comfortable looking at such a picture. The solution:

>don't use that bag and (assumed) wig
It just worsens the fact that the red is so powerful here
>If that is real hair and not wig, probably tie it up so doesn't kind of....melt into the silhouettes of the dress. Curled twintails would be great.
>don't take pictures with light coloured background
>have other colours - green or blue - in the background
>Go borrow some coloured soft toys to hold or pose with. Green, blue, white soft toys would be good.

This should do the trick even if she doesn't have a white bag.

>> No.7609914

>pose with toys
Die please

>> No.7609941

This looks like a case of "owns tons of brand but can't put a good coord together".
Aw, the wonders I'd make with that wardrobe.

>> No.7609960

I think if she wore a short sleeve blouse and a bigger petticoat it would give her a better overall shape as it is there is no definition the blouse and dress merge together to be extremely unflattering.

>> No.7610090

this shooped?

never seen anyone IRL with these physical proportions

>> No.7610095

no she really is so fat she p much has her own gravitational pull
her nostrils are black holes

>> No.7610112

I've seen a lot of pictures of her, and I think she just has an unfortunate build, one that lacks a neck. Also, I don't think her short hairstyle is doing her any favors.

>> No.7610127

I think it's a bangle.
I think that's a bow attached to it (a la angelic pretty bangle).

>> No.7610153

There is something wrong with it and it's the fact that she didn't add any variety to her coord and instead decided to go for the "let's look like a big red block" look.
She needed to play with the colors better.

>have other colors - green or blue - in the background
This would only add to the radioactive mess she is. No need to add any more colors since you want to center all the attention on her.

>Go borrow some colored soft toys to hold or pose with. Green, blue, white soft toys would be good.
Holding toys is kind of a retarded idea and not even needed. And again with the green/blue that's equally not needed when you're working with a red dress.

She needs to balance the colors instead of adding more.

>She should go for a wig. Either a blonde, light brown or even white/pink wig.
>The bag should be white or maybe even pink/beige.
>Lose the parasol
>No red lipstick
>More accessories.

>> No.7610169

wtf? shes so short and fat she looks like a weird baby

>> No.7610172
File: 137 KB, 640x960, 10462634_750028998380514_1646561670154366877_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like everything but the gold shoes and her wrist cuffs.

>> No.7610175

Do you even colour theory

You can't just shove a huge blob of saturated reds into the centre of a picture and not expect it to hurt the eye. You need to throw in mutes of the direct opposite colour (green) or a neighbour of that (blue)

Full red outfit + plain white background is just screaming: look at me!!! I'm all red!!! The whites take a back seat to have the red seem redder. You need to kill it with the opposite colour.

She should pose with some blurred out blue flowers with green leaves in the bg for example.

>> No.7610340

Why did she go for gold here? The shoes don't match at all.

>> No.7610454
File: 248 KB, 306x750, tumblr_n0vde5O38m1rpapm8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow this has 730 notes

>> No.7610471

Yeah sorry anon I don't see anything wrong with that.

>> No.7610474


I like the co-ord but wtf is up with that wig? Doesn't go with the rest.

>> No.7610475

thin and gorg. u jelly?

>> No.7610490

She has the body of danny devito

>> No.7610494

Just because she's thin and pretty doesn't make it a good coordinate. Did second anon even look at her outfit?

For starters, the wig is hideous and very costumey. It looks like it's been cut very poorly too (look at the longer bangs at the right side of her face). The underskirt looks out of place and is the wrong shape for the dress. The silhouette is all off. The shoes like like loafers that Japanese school girls wear. The necklace looks really cheap and is too blocky looking for the style of the dress. She's also wearing a cutesy bow ring with silver on it which clashes and her nails are all stubby and bitten. There are too many different shades of black too. Not jelly.

>> No.7610501

That's actually her real hair dyed purple and not a wig, so probably why is doesn't perfectly match that days outfit in color.

>> No.7610502

Wow, that's unfortunate...

>> No.7610507

I actually don't find her to be attractive. She has the face of a young boy. She'd look good in ouji.

>> No.7610518

That's her real hair dumbass

>> No.7610525

lol pwnt

>> No.7610528

Probably because it's ~trendy desu

>> No.7610529

How am I supposed to know that? It looks like a wig because her hair is so fried. Doesn't negate the fact that it and the outfit looks like crap.

>> No.7610534

These days the long dresses with underskirts are very popular in Lolita and therefore it fits the silhouette, Lolita is an ever evolving fashion and this is a current trend. The necklace and the corset over the OP are nice but this is my personal opinion. The shoes are clearly not loafers but yes she could have worn nicer shoes you are right about that. Her hair is awful and doesn't fit the Lolita aesthetic at all, and it does look like a bad wig.

>> No.7610537


So if you don't follow her and don't know it's her real hair you are a dumbass? Sorry but that is retarded.

>> No.7610589

I don't think it's too bad aside from the ill-fitting bodice. That shit's an eye sore.
The red bag could be switched out though, it blends into the dress too much.

>> No.7610593 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all just hide your faces' behind your insecurities. You're no better; than the shit I flush down the toilet. Who fucking cares; what you fucking think. Even less when it's out of negative intent. Go kill yourself; put yourself to use. Help save hanity form your retardness. You're all egotistical assholes. That have nothing else to do, but be bored & talk shit. Don't forget. We all share the same death, & you're no better than the dirt I stand on. Fuck hate! Speard love and understanding. Peace. Fuck all y'all niggers <3

>> No.7610595 [DELETED] 

What's with all the incorrectly placed semicolons. Is this some kind of hypnotist trick?

>> No.7610598 [DELETED] 

I'm to fucking tired. You need to use your brain for once and fill in my errors; you fucking ego.

>> No.7610602 [DELETED] 


>> No.7610603 [DELETED] 

Black Lolita's are all ita or ghetto as Compton. They smell bad too.

>> No.7610605

Omfg she's so pretty & nice. Fuck you ugly whores that can't afford nothing but free speech. Sluts. Haha

>> No.7610614 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 409x403, 1329263468771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's going on? H-hold me, /cgl/.

>> No.7610615

From the thumbnail I thought the image was squished awkwardly, but oh shit those are her actual proportions. I agree this outfit would look great on a taller/slimmer girl but right now I only see an angry goffik toddler.

>> No.7610645

I love her coords, I just wish she'd stop wearing those fucking awful glasses because they make her look like she's actually retarded.

They make everything on her face look really disproportional. Her nose looks tiny, her mouth looks gigantic, and it's all because of those fucking glasses.

>> No.7610646

>wrist cuffs
>With long sleeves that cover up most of them

That's absolutely retarded, and I agree the shoes just don't work here. THe only other gold is that little piece on her hair... thing. Veil, I think? She should have had a gold bag, and some other gold jewelery to make it look more balanced.

The only ssue with this is the obvious cosplay wig, honestly. A black or dark blonde wig would have looked much nicer, but I adore the coord itself.

>fuck hate
>hateful post

Pls go back to /x/, nobody believes in that retarded shit here.

>> No.7610647 [DELETED] 

the thruth

>> No.7610686 [DELETED] 

It's like an especially terrible piece of slam poetry written by a white dude.

>> No.7610805

>the boots should stay, they're a cute addition
They look like they're made of molded latex. They're horrible.

>> No.7610828

only problem I have with it is the underskirt

>> No.7611092 [DELETED] 

Having black skin makes Lolita dresses look like shit. Looks like a monkey wearing brand.

>> No.7611108

>obvious cosplay wig
did you not read upthread that it's her real hair

I mean I don't like it much either but damn, anon.

>> No.7611191

Honestly it doesn't matter if it's a wig or not, it looks terrible.

>> No.7611200

I love how often /cgl/ goes on about how you NEED to wear a wig for cosplay/lolita because it looks like shit if you don't
yet half the time they can't tell the difference anyway

>> No.7611211

>Somehow this has 730 notes

>edgy purple hair
>shooped face
>quirky lolita camera case
>popular print

I can think of a few good reasons...
Also, that hair is awful and doesn't belong. Why do people try so hard like that?

>> No.7611214

It was the bright ugly color that threw them off.
She must've just dyed it because that shit's gross when it fades.

>> No.7611364

>wrist cuffs
>With long sleeves that cover most of them
While they may not look good here you do realize wrist cuffs were invented to go under long sleeves to add extra lace to a blouse, right?

>> No.7612435

Moral of the story: Pretty girls can pull anything off, laymen will never attack them for anything and anyone who criticizes them will be accused of jealousy

>> No.7612438 [DELETED] 

>Help save hanity form your retardness

>> No.7612439

That ugly yellow golden color, the busy bonnet and the weird not so well done waist bow
i'm only of the few i love her coords, but this is meh especially the shoes.
This look ita for me, that jsk is very unflattering.
The jacket is too small, like she is exploding and that bow is too big and smashed.
The only thing i dont like are the socks, she should choose tights, because knee socks look awful to almost everyone.
I love how the bag is in camouflage with the dress, idk why...
Why not lavender shoes?
I love only the hair color, the rest is more aristocrat to me and not lolita at all. Still a decent coord but i don't like because i dislike aristocrat.

>> No.7612456
File: 600 KB, 1280x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just came up on my dash, god.
Borderline ita.
> That blouse under the OP
> those busy, non-cohesive tights
> lack of Petti
> bag doesn't match

I understand what she was going for, but my first reaction was, Yikes!

>> No.7612463

What a shame. Her coords are usually do cute too!

>> No.7612468

I think that's meant to be natural kei more than anything, but she should have gone with darker tights or switch the blouse for something ivory/off-white.

>> No.7612508

really? I think the only thing that doesn't work here is the blouse, a semi-sheer chiffony blue blouse with close sleeves or off white sleeveless/cap sleeve blouse with say, a blue country type cardigan would have worked.

This seems very natural kei/ pink house-ish to me anyway. I doubt it was ever intended to be conventional lolita.

I love her style though, I'd much rather see the occasional arguably 'off' outfit than a bunch of brand set stuff over and over.

>> No.7612537

I usually quite like her coords too.

I can see why you would get the natural kei impression. It does give off that vibe a bit. But I feel she was trying to make it more Russian inspired, as she stated it was 'classic lolita' and was attending a Russian cafe.

Like I said above, I don't feel it was intended to be natural kei, but Russian inspired.
Changing the blouse would help this coord tremendously. With the current blouse, the tights look out of place. But an ivory/off -white blouse and a light blue cardigan would work wonders.
Perhaps it's my bias towards lolita, but I think with those changes, it would looks adorable if she also had a larger Petti.

>> No.7612591
File: 122 KB, 534x401, hannity-001 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously this thread is hurting Hannity-chan's feelings. After all lolita is the singlest greatest bestest fashion that Kami-sama ever gave kawaii girls on this earth and when meanie anons criticize cute lolita-chans, well, that's just disgraceful!

>> No.7612595

Oh God this thread is cosplay lolitas at their worst. You guys don't understand the concept of lolita as a fashion and couldn't put together an outfit unless you have weeks or months to put it together. Fun times tho.

>> No.7612624
File: 52 KB, 900x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think using complementary colors will tone down a coord you need to get back to art school. Complementary colors make each other look brighter if anything using them will add to the radioactive red effect. Analogous colors or different values of the red will help tone it down. Like pink, for instance.

>> No.7612651
File: 630 KB, 2048x1263, 10269287_314700928696671_6241233438126430400_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up close those lashes look so beautiful it's just from afar that they look really odd.

>> No.7612796
File: 247 KB, 930x1123, 112885571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nitpick more than any apparent misdemeanor is probably nitpick threads; yeah sure they do what they say on the tin but many of the complaints aren't problems per se.

No petti - many lolitas don't use petticoats or use a light one, especially when going for a more relaxed look. The only time it looks really odd is when it's a very voluminous skirt that looks misshapen without one, or if it's such an ott/grand type outfit and the lack of volume looks discordant.

Lolitas that are out shopping in Japan often don't wear them, it's just not polite to take up masses of space in crowded areas. Look through any G&L bible and it's full of people not wearing pettis in street snaps as well as in the brand ads. Not everyone that leaves the house in lolita is off to participate in a AP inspired photo shoot.

This is just the one I've touched on, there are many more. Don't get me started on those that don't seem to appreciate the difference between the intentional use of analogous color and color accents and say, naive use of warm and cool tones in the same outfit.

I don't want to shit up this thread any more, I've said my thing and I won't say it again. The sand has now been removed, all is at peace.

>> No.7612811

wtf does she wear size 2

>> No.7612821 [DELETED] 
File: 377 KB, 300x169, 0d19MuP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7612867

>You need to throw in mutes of the direct opposite color (green) or a neighbor of that (blue)

What? Green is not...
Blue isn't...

Do you even color theory?

>> No.7613182

Her hair and the shoes are kind of off.
She should've gone for a wig instead of her real hair as it takes points away from what she was trying to go for.

>> No.7613242

I don't see the hate for the purple hair, it's jewel-toned and goes with the print. The underskirt I can see nitpicking, but the rest seems nice

>> No.7613243

I lol'd, thank you based anon

>> No.7613245

her hair is waaay too bright to go with the print imo. I don't care about the color, it's the lack of styling for me since she's wearing a pretty elegant outfit, and then just a mop of hair on top

>> No.7613247

Do you follow her? A lot of the time her hair is that same shape. I agree that it would go with that aristocrat look to have styled hair but i find it kind of relaxing that she isn't using a wig. She works at baby SF so maybe lolita is a bit more casual for her

>> No.7613251

i didn't say anything about a wig, just some styling. And yeah I've seen her pictures before and she usually does a little more with her hair

>> No.7613260

I agree, my first thought was just a wig

>> No.7613271

I feel you dawg. The problem with these threads is that the tone should be "this outfit is good and I'm sure it looked great in real life but photos can't capture things exactly as they are and maybe the color tone is off. Maybe in a perfect situation where the person has money and access to x item or maybe is just sitting around the house taking photos with unlimited time, maybe x thing could be changed" but instead it borders on offensive criticism without taking any of the context into account. I for one don't wear lolita to prance around the house for photos, I actually go places, eat, chat, walk for hours, sweat and then remember to take a photo at the end.

If I worried about making every single aspect of my outfit 100% I would never be able to leave the house nor post any photos online. At some point you say to yourself, this outfit isn't perfect but I still want to share it online because this is a fashion and we bond over outfits.

>> No.7613284

cgl is so fucking great. I love you guys for stuff like this

>> No.7613286

what point is your photo supposed to make? because they are obviously wearing pettis except maybe top left has a light one on

>> No.7613384

>Do you even colour theory
Do YOU?? Why the fuck would you stick green and red next to each other to REST the eyes, jesus christ

>> No.7613454

The blouse is bad and the tote bag is really off too.

>> No.7614032


I think most people realize, "hey, this outfit can be improved. I will add this specific item to my wishlist and hunt it down."

I feel like these threads are often times more like "I will get called out for posting this person in an ita thread, so I'm going to post it in this thread so we can make fun of them for not being perfect."

Most people are perfectly capable of nitpicking their own outfits and realizing what they need to improve upon and where they need to invest money into their wardrobe to make it more cohesive.

>> No.7614446

She always look so sweet

>> No.7614784



>> No.7616933
File: 156 KB, 958x744, 10449931_10152249958300345_6528903462711067162_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Different reds
>hearts on cheeks (?) look sloppy and childish
>need I even mention the glasses

>> No.7616939


I seriously dislike the gothic looking headbow and blouse with the sweet jsk and the even sweeter handbag. It looks clashy as fuck and it's two very different reds to boot. If she had kept to one theme (ditched the bag for instance, added tights for a more mature look, and dropped the cheekhearts) this would look much more cohesive.

>> No.7616968

What a hot mess

>> No.7616975


What a mess. Why must she insist on wearing her fringe/bangs like that. It's unflattering and with those glasses added it's just bloody awful. The hearts on the cheeks look stupid and costumey.

I agree with you, she's mixing the gothic headband and blouse with a sweet dress and it doesn't make any fucking sense.

>> No.7617197
File: 87 KB, 229x400, tumblr_n77h98dcwL1s071muo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>summery hat and parasol
>wintery boots
>Halloween themed dress which doesn't match styling whatsoever
>socks completely out of place
>random cutesy trump motifs

This is a clusterfuck mish-mash of styles. Everything is nice on its own but it doesn't go together at all. The contrast with wintery and summery items is really bugging me.

>> No.7617658


switch out the tights and the bag and i'm kind of in love with this. but then i'm big on toned-down classic/gothic coords.

>> No.7617685

Same, I think it's really pretty. Also, I don't particularly think those boots are too wintery.

>> No.7617706

I think the tights balance out the hat nicely, but I really don't like diamond patterned socks in general

>> No.7617903

In defense of the glasses, they're better than the granny style ones she had one before... that and I own these same glasses. I don't get it though they look huge on her, but my face doesnt make them look huge??? Does she just have a tiny face? bluh I like big glasses since I can see more with them.

>> No.7618309
File: 632 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n78a8f0BL31rwmjt5o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think this coord is all that horrible (if a bit plain), but this photo is terribly awkward and that bodice looks reeeeally bad. I almost feel sorry for her - she looks super uncomfortable.

>> No.7618319

lol I was, we were getting kicked out and I was the last person to take photos so I just did whatever so we could leave the room.

Dunno why you think the bodice is weird? There's room to spare there the chest area. But I did eat a lot right before the picture, so whatevs, worth it!

>> No.7618330

she's actually the perfect size for this dress and it was a rushed picture. stay rustled, asshole.

>> No.7618340

>getting this mad over gentle critique
Not even that anon but wow. Take the sand out of your cunt and go back to Gaia and Facebook if you want asspats on a mediocre coord and an ugly picture.

>> No.7618347
File: 120 KB, 520x520, 1366858501299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing in my reply >>7618340 indicated anger whatsoever? the awkward/uncomfortableness is from our group getting kicked out of the space and I didn't get the time to take photos.
side note: any advice on how to make bonnets stay on your head, because this one definitely didn't want to.

>> No.7618359

>nothing indicated anger.
>Unnecessary "Stay rustled, asshole."

I agree with the original anon, but I think that it looks awkward/cunomfortable more in the physical sense. I'm 99% sure it's just the angle, but it looks like the bonnet is squishing her head and the bodice is super tight. (Probably from holding the dress out and leaning back.)

Not every comment that somebody makes on the internet which isn't an outright compliment is meant to attack you. Calm your shit.

>> No.7618362

that wasn't me though...the bonnet kept falling off. How do you keep bonnets on your head? There's just 1 flimsy ass hair comb and a ribbon, it kept falling off throughout the day. Really annoying.

>> No.7618366

My bad! I noticed that right after I posted, haha. The other anon was being a catty bitch though.

With bonnets I usually use a million bobby-pins to hold them on and then keep the tie really loose - And I know some girls who have attached extra hair-combs all along it.

>> No.7618369

I bobby pinned the crap out of the ribbon to my hair but it wasn't having it lol. I even had bows and stuff to add to the bonnet but I was too embarassed to not only keep asking to re-secure the bonnet but also pin in the bows to it. I guess that is why it looks boring? #bonnetproblems

>> No.7618375

these replies, I'm dying

>> No.7618460

>sandy cunts calling people replying calmly sandy cunts
every thread

>> No.7618464

Is there a way to block a certain user's posts on tumblr? I already blacklisted her username with tumblr saviour but sometimes shit slips through. I hate her fucking glasses and her fucking retarded attitude. She's also got a nasty horseface and dat ratty ass uncut wig.

Oh grow the fuck up and accept the honest criticism. It was your choice to post an unflattering photo regardless of how/when it was taken. That pose with your legs and head is horrendous and mushing your tits forward is never a flattering look in lolita. Wearing a coordinate is just as important as putting it together. Learn and move on.

Prime example of why fat and ugly people don't look good in lolita. Even if shit fits and it's put together, nobody likes a frilly potato. Also her nostrils are huge, it makes her look like a gorilla.

>goodbye gun get banned for vendetta again

>> No.7618468

Yes, the ignore button? There should be an x on their posts in tags/dashboard browsing, or you can go to your settings and ignore them manually.

>> No.7618470

Thank you!

>> No.7618481

Why is it that only now I'm realizing you're really rude?
Oh ChineseGossip, you crushed my dreams so hard.

>> No.7618492

Because before she was mostly being rude random chinese bloggers, but her true cunt-itude is starting to show. It seems she really just needs something to feel superior about. Maybe she gets a power rush out of being able to spill secrets and have people hang onto her every word on this board, because no-one will pay her any attention in real life.

I'm disappointed too.

>> No.7618495

It was fun to read about how things were in China and who did who but now she's been scraping the bottom of the barrel and looking desperate while doing it.

>> No.7618517

She's always been this rude, it just wasn't as obvious when she was trashing the Chinese lolitas.

It's the extra stuff like
>Also her nostrils are huge, it makes her look like a gorilla.
that really just set her apart. She's cunty for the sake of being a cunt. That's why she's in the nitpick thread.

>> No.7618526

Agreed. Initially it was interesting to see what lolitas and the lolita comm were like in China. I like drama and gossip. But I can see now that she's just another cunt desperately to convince themselves they're better than other lolitas. I find that people who say stuff like that and
>nobody likes a frilly potato
>nasty horseface and dat ratty ass uncut wig.
>horrendous (with no proper explanation why)
are either the kind that honestly think they themselves are perfect and would never make a mistake worth discussing, or the kind that get a pathetic self-righteousness out of being able to tell other people that they look bad. Maybe if CG had given any good concrit in her life instead of just moaning it would be less disappointing.

>> No.7618561

>wasn't as obvious when she was trashing the Chinese lolitas

As in, the lingering sting of hypocrisy wasn't so apparent? Whatever CG might be, she's remained pretty consistent.

>> No.7618590

I've always been a cunt and made no attempt to claim I'm better or perfect in any sense. I do give concrit but never under this trip. This trip is for being cunty. If I did give advice under this trip all I'd get is attacked, and the advice would never be considered.

I've stopped making Chinese gossip threads because I keep getting banned for vendettas. Here's some actual coord nitpick then.

>cut the wig
>loose the glasses and tacky hearts + bag
>get some red to balance her feet, maybe socks

>lose the socks or the hat
>wear roses with bonnet or just in hair instead
>different purse without poker motif

>better posing
>more lashes
>some hair bows and necklaces to fill gaps of mint

>lose chest lacing or low collared blouse
>larger hair and side bangs to balance out face under head wrap
>good make-up

>needs natural colored hair, wine/black/blonde
>loafers ew, more shapely shoes

>more gold in the middle, maybe necklace or purse
>no need for wristcuffs with hime sleeves

>> No.7618604

>this trip is for being cunty
I like how you try and justify it. So where is your picture so we can give you cunty concrit? Don't dish it if you can't take it, bitch.

>> No.7618613

why are you so butthurt?

>> No.7618616

>I've always been a cunt

yeah that was pretty much my take on it, the comment about hypocrisy was aimed at the fickle anons and not you.

>> No.7618624
File: 160 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first co-ord so I wanted to see what I could have done better! Thanks in advance

>> No.7618637

I hope you do get banned you bitter bitch. May the fleas of a thousand camels come live in your armpits.

>> No.7618642

It's cute! Do you have a more frontal pic? I'm dubious on the triangle trim, but the shoes are lovely and the trim (underskirt?) looks like good quality lace. I'd exchange the black ribbon for a more quality bow, or a white lacy pussybow/jabot. Textured lace/knit tights in cream would add more interest to your legs as the current ones are a bit plain and a softer textured bow that contours to your head. The current one looks like it belongs on the dress and juts up awkwardly.

>> No.7618645

I think it's cute for a first coordinate but there's definitely room for improvement.

The blouse looks like it's just a typical office blouse from what I can see and looks to have a pointy collar which is a no-no. The ribbon on it is a nice idea but it looks very low quality. The colour of the wig is a bit strange and looks a bit cosplayish. Your stockings look like they're ivory while everything else is stark white which is not good. I personally like black shoes with the red and white as it makes me think of old school coordinates from the early 2000s, but something about them is off. I think it's the weird lines on them and the fact that they look a bit greyish? You could also do with a couple of accessories like a bracelet or a ring. Hope this helps. You look very cute from what I can see and I'm sure you'll improve a lot. Where is the dress from by the way?

>> No.7618647
File: 45 KB, 600x400, 1402159742668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7618650

Why are you so bitchy?

>> No.7618652

You came here for concrit? That's kinda brave.

Anyway, this is pretty great for a first co-ord. I think the following things would improve it further however:

The wig(?) is a little lank looking and looks slightly cosplay-ish because of this. A hairstyle with more volume and/or a little wave or curl would be better.

The neck ribbon is a nice idea but looks a little thin and floppy, a more substantial, nicer quality ribbon in velvet or low sheen satin would be even better. You could then tie a bigger, neater bow too.

I see you matched the shoes with the neck ribbon but I personally think that slightly more elegant dark brown shoes would be a better compliment to the wine red, you could then make the neck ribbon the same shade.

With these minor nitpicks addressed, I think you would have a really lovely simple, clean and crisp looking casual-ish classic looking co-ord.

You could always try a more detailed and elaborate blouse and leg-wear for a different, dressier look - then add other slightly fancier accessories to pull it all together.

>> No.7618666
File: 2.07 MB, 378x239, 1388630514534.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>totally in love with CG for being cunty and not holding back
i still want to get married bby

>> No.7618671
File: 157 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a photo from the front! Unfortunately I was holding the book in a lot of the photos so the bodice always seems to be covered up. The bow was actually from the dress, so should I have invested in a different one? And thanks for the advice! It's hard to know what looks good without much experience!

Thanks for the advice, can I ask why pointed collars aren't really suitable for lolita? But yes it is pointed so ill get round to buying a different one! The tights I noticed as well when I saw the photos so thank god it wasn't just me! The wig is actually a cosplay wig, so what sort of colours do you think would work better? I had a dark muted chocolate brown that I debated on using as well, would that have worked better? Also I do confess to just pulling out some ribbon and using it so ill keep that on mind. Thanks for the advice!

Well I think it's the fasted way to improve! I'm not an expert an I do want to learn more so nitpick it is.
As I said above it is a cosplay wig so I will probably invest in more everyday use/lolita wigs. Thanks for suggesting types of ribbon as well! Super helpful and will keep that in mind! The shoes I admit I was happy with but brown does seen like a possible change, I was thinking more old school. Thanks for the help! I wanted to try something simple because I guess having the basics down is important.

>> No.7618709

now I can see the hair bow, I agree with CG that it sticks out oddly, it would look less strange nestled in a curly more voluminous wig but a bow meant for your hair/bow hairband would be the best bet.

I wouldn't normally say this but I think for once you probably have too much petti(!) - it's kinda distorting the shape of the skirt making it appear a little uneven and lumpy. Try a lighter petti, you'll probably find it looks better.

I disagree with the anon that said no to pointy collars, they do appear in lolita but 'peter pan' style is far more common. I actually think since your co-ord is quite clean and simple you can just about 'get away' with the blouse (esp as it has a pinstripe detail). For the future however, investing in a peter pan lolita blouse would be a lot better.

I think the brown wig you described sounds like a better fit.

>> No.7618720

Ahhh sorry I forgot to mention I got my dress from a seller on TB called Tanaka Lolita clothing (double and triple checked to make sure it wasn't a replica). They sell sort of cosplayish stuff but this dress is nice for the price I got it at.

>> No.7618731


Anyone who hates you for being cunty doesn't understand your charm, I love you CG never change

>> No.7618733

CG, never stop doing you. Your criticisms and cuntery are all accurate. The anons getting butthurt need to learn.

>> No.7618754


>> No.7618759

Concrit is fine and all, but one thing I have to add to people always hating on her glasses is she actually has a disorder that does not allow her to wear contact lenses. I really wish people would stop hating on her for that. She has a condition with the pH imbalance of her blood that makes it so she is very susceptible to corneal infections, so contacts are just NOT an option. :/

>> No.7618766

What disorder forces her to wear unflattering and out-of-style wayfarers?

>> No.7618767

But anon, she has to get glasses they like and find aesthetically pleasing, otherwise she is just a dumb ita lel

>> No.7618771
File: 249 KB, 930x1123, 116337259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, here's a quick collage. Hope this may help you to visualize things a little better. I've changed the black bow to a neater dark brown one with shoes to match. Curly, fuller wig, peter pan collar blouse in white, white opaque tights and white lace tights.

I have pointed out the area of your skirt that is distorted by the petti, it's no longer forming pleats in that section because there is too much volume in the petti, a lighter one should fix this.

>> No.7618773

Thank you for proving my point kekekeke

>> No.7618780

The shoes don't match at all. I really suspect that CG is just jelly of anyone who gets any level of compliments or following on the internet. I honestly can't believe people didn't notice what a bitch she was to begin with.

I don't think there's anything wrong with the blouse, but you should get the dress tailored to fit better, or maybe just add corset lacing in the back. I agree that the black ribbon looks cheap, at least if you must use a ribbon, use bigger stronger ribbon and add a brooch.

Is this classic or sweet lolita? The colors tend to err towards classic, but the eyelet lace on the bottom looks awkward. Eyelet lace is like very old-schooley or country sweet.

Depending on what you were going for, change the shoes to something like cute oxford pumps, or some lolita or loliable shoes with bows on them.

My comments are obvious nitpicks, it's a decent beginner coordinate. With the earlier comment about too much poof? Is the dress velvet? If it's velvet, it may have the same problem the Lief sacred night series has: Velvet is heavy and doesn't really poof right, any construction problems with the amount of fabric in the skirt will show, and it'll really show in an ugly way.

I think the wig is fine, but consider styling it or buying halfwigs to attach to it so you can focus more on how the clothes look on your body rather than your hair. Hair usually ends up being a point to nitpick but I think the quality of your dress is dubious. While I'm not going to be like "Go get a brand dress!" I do think you should get a better constructed JSK.

>> No.7618782

Oh thank you this helps a lot! Visuaally i can see the coord better now and I see what you mean by the brown box/shoes and would proabably work better with the wig as well. Thanks for taking the time out to make this!

Will get another lighter petti as well, because I see what you mean!

>> No.7618792

Unflattering? Sure. Totally agree with that. Out of style? They're still super in style with people who are college aged (which she is), believe it or not (and I know some people might dispute this, but living in Boston where there are unis on every street corner, they really are in style now). She's young, and chances are her parents + insurance pay for her glasses, and good quality glasses are not cheap.

>> No.7618805

The dress actually has lacing at the back which I had a friend help me do up, is there anything specific I should be focusing on?

I was thinking old school since the dress is old school-ish to begin with?

It is velvet, but I think its more due to my petti, which is throwing things off because I know its very full.

Thanks for the tips! Is here possible a place you can direct me to find out more about good dress construction? I'm not knowledgeable in that area, so reading up on it would really help my future purchases!

>> No.7618818

You expect basement-dwelling wannabe prostitutes to know what's actually in? Excuse me while I rofl

Most of the people on this board are so ignorant they probably think asses are self-cleaning like vaginas are, and probably didn't know vaginas were self-cleaning at all.

>> No.7618822

Have you read any of her previous threads? She's just blunt about her opinions and has admitted she has lolita idols many if which are internet popular too. Stop trying to justify your personal dislike by distorting the facts.

We need user ids on this board jaysus.

>> No.7618830

>just blunt
No, honey, she is just a cunt. You are too. hth

>> No.7618831


This is cgl, in case you have forgotten, it's not some lolita hugbox

>> No.7618834

There's a very large space between hugbox and being a cunt. hth

>> No.7618839
File: 216 KB, 930x1123, 116367430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't worry about getting too bogged down with what makes for good dress construction and instead compare branded goods such as btssb, angelic pretty, innocent world etc to say, ebay cosplay sellers and you will start to see the difference in quality and details. Also find out which taobao brands are recommended for their quality.



>> No.7618843

I tried read up on pH imbalance. Can't find anywhere that say it has any effect one the eye.


Anyway, have you forgotten there are few first coords of hers that she didn't wear those hipster glasses?

Special much?

>> No.7618848

The blouse looks so weird here, I wish she went with something ivory. It's a shame the coord doesn't look awesome because her hair looks adorable here. Also, I hate it that she's using a rosary for a necklace; it just looks cheap and while the colors look great, she should've gotten real jewelry or not worn a necklace at all.

>> No.7618856

Thanks! I haven't seen any brand dresses first hand so these guides look super helpful. I bought the dress I was wearing more becuase Im just getting the feel of it but I will probably invest a little more into it

>> No.7618867

You only need look at this thread and the fact that you made a point of looking that info up to see why she continues to wear them. Does this honest to god need pointing out? Is it not flashing in your face like manic, exhibitionist clown dressed only in Auguste face make-up and strings of colored LEDs??

>> No.7618876

it may not be brand quality but it's not too bad for a first dress, it's quite cute and there's no dodgy looking lace. I think pepping it up a bit using the collage as a guide will really help to improve the general appearance of the co-ord. good luck anon.

>> No.7618887

>They're still super in style with people who don't have the money to keep up with fashion
They're 2010, 2011 tops. Get over it.

>> No.7618889

>I googled it and couldn't find anything so she must be lying
>she must wear what I LIKE! SHE MUST!

>> No.7618908

Thanks for all your help! Sorry for asking so many questions

>> No.7618910

Only thing I could find was keratococonus which can cause inability to wear contacts, but does not mention ph

>> No.7618981

>caring about trenes
>wearing alternativa fashion.

What matters to most people who are in to this fashion is that it looks good. Not wether or not everyone else is doing it too. Theres an entire group of lolitas that wear shit from like 2003. Anyway, you sound like the type who will be gone by next summer once you realize this shit isnt trendy or atleast not any more trendy than like goths and shit, pretty sure were less trendy than goths.

>> No.7618985

*alternativa fashion.

Sorry phone was set to spanish lol

>> No.7619467

Same anon you responded to, I just meant that it didn't seem obvious to others? It was clear to me from the moment she used the trip, but no one whined when she trashed the Chinese girls for similar things that couldn't be changed or helped.

I'm personally indifferent about her myself, and she mentioned my handle once.

>> No.7619490
File: 127 KB, 643x643, circlelensdailies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat. I work in an O.D. office and I've never heard of this mysterious ph blood disorder

>>the eye has very little blood

I'm going to assume what you meant is that her personal eye chemistry is incompatible with contacts. She gets all red eye and itchy. Or the contacts gets all cloudy no matter what she does.

She's probably sensitive to the lens material and should try an older lens or a newer lens. Or better yet, ask about dailies.They are comfy, feel the most natural, and great for people who just want to wear their contacts for photo opportunities.

Pic related, I really want to try these circle lens.

>> No.7619515

The more I see you speak on cgl the more I pity you. There's no way someone like you has a good life with good people surrounding you. You're a truly heinous, sandy cunt and I hope one day you're subject to the same shit you do to other people.

>> No.7619518

>I haven't heard of it so it doesn't exist.
>Try doing something that may cause you pain or damage your eyes because I don't like how you look!

>> No.7619529

She could always, um, idk, take her glasses off for photos? Oh but then she wouldn't be speshul of course, silly me.

>> No.7619530


>> No.7619534

Fucking this. The rest of us in the world who wear glasses because contact lenses aren't comfortable *just take them off* for outfit shots.

>> No.7619556

>getting this mad over something so trivial

>> No.7619557

Actually.... I have to leave mine on otherwise I can't see where the camera even is. I'm fucking blind. Plus I get vertigo really bad if I take them off in anything but darkness.

>> No.7619567

With me, I honestly think glasses make my round face look better? Sometimes I take them off for photos and sometimes I don't.

>> No.7619572

>being a snarky little bitch to someone politely giving suggestions
Stay sandy with your ugly glasses.

>> No.7619574
File: 15 KB, 300x57, WAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, I look haggard without mine.

My nose is deformed from being hit in the face with a ball when I was younger, and my glasses cover that up, plus my horrible eye bags.

And I've been wearing them since I was 8, so I guess I just think I look fucking ridiculous without them.


>> No.7619576

I don't wear glasses, but ok. Don't you think that someone who knows they have issues wearing contacts would have tried everything they could before giving up? The suggestions here aren't polite.

>> No.7619579

no1curr u hav 2 wear wut ah liek or ur an ita horsefaec betch kekkkkkk

>> No.7619922
File: 534 KB, 250x144, tumblr_mdftcr7zWl1r46fx0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7618330 wasn't me, again, lol, so I'll just respond to >>7618590
>better posing
Explained this already, actually this is an inbetween poses shot which is why I'm looking away and my feet are weird because I was trying to leave
>more lashes
Bitch I am wearing 3 layers of mascara + falsies.
>some hair bows and necklaces to fill gaps of mint
forgot hair bows in purse
there's a jabot, wouldn't necklaces look weird with it?

>> No.7622385
File: 124 KB, 529x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird face photoshop


Dazed expression

And those feet
I understand pigeon toes but this is out of control

>> No.7622407

We all love the brutal teardown until someone gets targeted... Thanks for at least posting better concrit instead of insulting for the sake of it on the second time (plus friends defending friends is a thing? Not always samefagging)

it's 2014... you don't need to wear huge thick glasses anymore? Honestly, I bet she loves the negative attention as it helps her insecurity about herself. She hasn't taken any action to change her glasses at all despite the comments every other time she posts in CoF that maybe she should try different glasses.

>> No.7622457

Maybe she likes her glasses and doesn't want to change them for a bunch of sandy cunts who are way too caught up in trying to change people to suit THEIR preferences?

>> No.7622518

That's a slippery slope of specialness though. We advise people to change their hair, makeup, petti level, posture and all kinds of physical traits to fit the lolita aesthetic. Got a nasty skin disease on your legs? Wear tights. Pimples? Cover them up with makeup. I don't see why we would make provisions for bad eyesight when buying a matching pair of glasses isn't that expensive.

>> No.7622525

>I don't see why we would make provisions
She didn't ask for advice from any of you. That's the point I am trying to make. She didn't come here or anywhere and ask how to improve. YOU all just started forcing your preferences onto her. Why should she change anything to suit what YOU like when YOU keep seeking her out to trash her?

>> No.7622535

Is that a replica?

Can we just forget about the stupid glasses and go back to concrit? Pretty sure we've said everything we need to on them

>> No.7622541

The real Happy Garden OP has full backshirring.

>> No.7622544

Sometimes you do need big, thick glasses. I've got -9 eyes and my lenses are 1cm thick and that's with all the additional thinning the optometrist can do.

>> No.7622547

You're obviously lying because anons with their google-fu know way more than you and your quack doctor!

>> No.7622552

>people wearing ultra busy patterned socks with busy prints
>sometimes they're even mismatched
I don't know what I can do to get over that. People jizz their bloomers over them but I can't learn to like them.

>> No.7622571

It's not a replica. A pretty bolero of some sort (perhaps a few lbs lost and a good bra to help with the boobloaf) and a better pose and expression would make a huge improvement. She takes a lot of pictures to look tumblr cutesy, but it ends up looking really awkward in the end.

>> No.7622677

Well she's been quite successful with her image promotion anyway - she's got us all talking about her. I see your point that if she's happy then why should we care, so I guess let's drop the issue like >>7622535 says.

>> No.7622852
File: 585 KB, 1280x1738, bodylinederp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh jeeze this is worse

>> No.7622930

I kind of feel bad for just not liking her. She seems really sweet, but her face doesn't fit gothic and her sweet coords are always off somehow. Plus, I am obviously innately jealous of her family's wealth and willingness to buy her all her brand, also her room. Fuck.
Hate those fucking boots no matter the color or coord though.

>> No.7622963
File: 299 KB, 1280x1919, tumblr_n6hyttfrqv1rxd8kro5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain how this got 300+ notes on such a boring coord?
>get a better wig
>not as fuck shiny shoes
>ditch the fan
>something on wrists

>> No.7622979

Because she seems to be black.

Easiest way to get at least 300 notes on the "BUT IT'S NOT RACIST" Tumblr.

>> No.7623011
File: 71 KB, 976x556, zenni glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayyyy -9 friend
though i will say it's not hard to get glasses that suit your face if you know where to look. i got frameless glasses that actually suit me with a normal backup full-frame pair from zennioptical for £40 instead of £300, and if they didn't suit me I could send them back and try other ones. she really has nothing stopping her from saving up and trying certain frames.

>> No.7623017

*£300 for one pair of glasses

>> No.7623018

eh. the only problem i have are those hideous tights. plain black or red ones with either red or black shoes would have been so much better

also lemme just say, as a fellow fatty, fans arent always just for decoration

>> No.7623496

Her face looks super smug in all her photos, and she always has the same expression. Plus it's annoying that she always signs her posts ~Miss Lillith~

>> No.7623506

To be fair, I've had a very boring coord with a very boring dress get 500+ notes, and I'm not well known or anything. It all comes down to who reblogs/boosts your photo.

>> No.7623513

She's fat and black. The original recipe for notes on tumblr.

>> No.7623518

I was just saying that it's very easy/possible to get that many notes even as a boring white girl.

>> No.7623539

Still, when your eyes are this bad certain frames literally cannot support the thickness of the lens. I mean, sure, you do still have choices, but they are limited a bit. Anyway, enough on the glasses, but jut wanted to butt in with that.

>> No.7623559

This girl was easily the most cringeworthy at the Colossalcon Lolita Fashion show... I really wish there were higher standards for it overall, though the showing was much better this year than last.

>> No.7623568

adding on to what other anons have been saying about glasses, yes it is easier to get thinner lenses now and yes cheaper frames are available online but if youre stuck with progressive lenses, like me, buying online really isnt an option since progressive lenses need precise measurements for where the prescriptions need to chane in the lenses. it usually doesnt mean thicker lenses but it does pretty much take contacts and online glasses off the table as options, and where I live at least progressive lenses add an additional $200 or so on top of all my other costs

>> No.7623583

that is just ita

>> No.7623597

That's not Bodyline.

>> No.7623608

Her tits are way too big for that dress! My tits are smaller then hers and I still avoid this type of bodice because unless you're barely a B cup your tits will be way to big for this dress. It just looks so weird!

>> No.7623610

She looks like my friend and my friend is a dude....

>> No.7624259
File: 430 KB, 800x1200, 810_53961d93c017a-IMG_2842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Black purse that matches nothing in the coord
> No blue accessories at all
> Mixing silver and gold in accessories
> Random butterflies (come on. this skirt is just asking for flowers)
> Don't like her makeup

This skirt is slowly going up and up to "dream skirt" status for me, and this coord could be so much better, sigh

>> No.7624260

But yeah I admit, it's not a really bad coord, and it looks great on her.

>> No.7624293

Why do people act like 300 notes is a lot, because it kind of isn't.

>> No.7624520

I think that's a little overkill on the nitpicking.

>> No.7624755

For some of us it is

>> No.7624794


You're terribly annoying. I won't flash my credentials, but I have to actually study this shit, and I have no idea what mysterious pH blood disorders could cause her to not wear contacts. She could just say she's super sensitive to them instead of pulling bullshit diseases out of her ass. To boot, a pH blood disorder would affect a lot more than her eyes and would probably change the physiology of her entire body so there would be a lot more going on even visibly. She was probably fishing for pity with that compliment.

>> No.7624892
File: 226 KB, 960x640, 2055926_lotta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she wearing the fucking waist bow on her head

>> No.7624906

I like this girl as a person, but she always looks like an overstuffed sausage in the bodice area. As someone who used to, I wish I could help her lose weight or something.

>> No.7624982

Yall niggas need to learn to COORDINATE.

Coordinate =/= match. You guys need to get over this matchy matchy shit and learn what colors can work on a coord and what can't and looks bad.

>> No.7624985

give tips then?

>> No.7624999

Alot of people do that it's not uncommon.

>> No.7625008

Aside from the purse and shoes I really see nothing wrong with it.
As a side note, anyone knows what skirt is that?

>> No.7625032

This. I want to know what moon brand everyone is buying their shit from. I don't know about you, but colors are everyfucking where between brands, within the same damn release. Nothing is going to match 100% perfectly. Match your cools with your cools, warms with warms, same general tone and darkness. Half the time some of you bitches are like... oh hell no she's wearing #49f7b7 with on her purse #76e8bf and that makes her ita as fuck.

>> No.7625041

your vendetta is showing br-chan

>> No.7625082

I don't think the butterflies are random. Kinda goes along with the flowers... Butterflies love flowers...

>> No.7625093


>> No.7625098

Looks like shit. I think it's okay for waist bows to go on your collar if they aren't big and ridiculous, but usually putting it anywhere but your skirt just screams laziness.

>> No.7625100

I absolutely love this. You're trying waaay too hard to find something wrong with it.

>> No.7625101
File: 1.41 MB, 245x294, 1402112270427.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"that wasn't me tho!!!"

>> No.7625124

She always looks awful.

IW Anniversary Rose

>> No.7625129

The bag has nothing to do with that dress and it bothers me.
It is too dark.
If you're going to incorporate a dark element in a neutral coord then it's best to have it someplace else, like the shoes.

I think the waistbow on the head was a mistake too. The wig doesn't have enough volume to carry it.

>> No.7625148

It's okay anon, I understand where you're coming from about wardrobe malfunctions.

I own a cyperous wig, which is super gorgeous, but unfortunately kind of small on me. If I don't secure that shit down with bobby pins it slips off my head when I add the extra fall in the back for a hime look.
So for one meet I absentmindedly just threw on a wig cap and a few pins with it--it was fine on the way there; but the second I stepped outside into the wind + walking, it SLIPPED off my fucking head. It was at a festival too so it's not like I had any place to adjust it.

The pictures came back and they were awful. The wig looked obviously awkward and so did my face because I knew how shitty I looked.
>tfw normies took pictures too
>tfw our picture was on the festival's fb page with me in it

Also in regards to the bonnet, try sewing on another hair comb.

>> No.7625332

I love this girl and I usually think she's flawless, but that handbag is really off. Can't say I agree with the rest of your nitpick though, except maybe for the gold and silver thing, which isn't that prominent in the photo but probably does not look very good in person.

>> No.7625336

>not carrying a mirror or some kind of mirrored object

>> No.7625880


Hi Akemi's white knight chan!

>> No.7626013

can you not read? They said they knew they looked bad, and thy couldn't adjust it.

>> No.7626046

minus the purse it's fine. you need to calm down.

>> No.7626059

Thank you anon!

>> No.7627083

>oh hell no she's wearing #49f7b7 with on her purse #76e8bf and that makes her ita as fuck.
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that with colors. I fucking love you.

>> No.7627261
File: 427 KB, 1042x1062, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing in this outfit makes any sense.

> work blouse - why striped white/ blue?
> muse du chocolate waist bow? Why? Just because it's brown?
> ugly dark socks. Wot?
> silver and purple necklace. Does not fit into the colour scheme at all.

>> No.7627264

That shirt... just... no.

>> No.7627280

>hex colors

>> No.7627384
File: 136 KB, 500x750, nitpick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browns don't match, especially beret/bag/shoes
>black on the shoes, no black anywhere else
>pink on wristcuffs
>wristcuffs with a long sleeved blouse?
>blouse doesn't match

and the shoes in general just look like shit with that. Kind of a shame because I really like the dress with those tights.

>> No.7627406

I don't like that outfit at all but I just want to point out that originally wrist cuffs were made to be worn with long sleeved blouses to add some length and lace to the end of the sleeve

>> No.7627412

actually if you look closely the black shoes match the black ribbon, it's a subtle nice touch

>> No.7627441

Where are you seeing black shoes? They look dark brown/brown to me?

>> No.7628176

the brown on beret and the brown on bag does match though they don't match brown on those shoes. the shoes are def dark brown.

>> No.7628180

I *know* this is a nitpick thread but the whole "shade of color" doesnt match..

none of this stuff is made at the same time with one international dye color. It's gunna be real hard to do a mix and match coord without some colors being off. Elements of an outfit I can understand but damn picking on colors seems so silly.

>> No.7628194

I disagree. Most of the time when anons are nitpicking colours, it is with people wearing warm and cool tones of the same colour and using them like they match or they're wearing multiple very distinct shades of one colour. Nobody expects every shade of pink to match exactly in a coord, but we expect the pinks to be similar shades.

>> No.7628452
File: 110 KB, 460x750, tumblr_n7j3d94syt1rmdiumo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl, really? You get PC and you coord it with 3 different varying warm/cool shades of brown and pieces that don't suit the style at all? This coord feels all over the place...

>> No.7628495

I don't mind the pieces she chose but I agree with you about the brown.

>> No.7628511

Doesn't look flattering at all.

>> No.7628534

I'm more bothered by her facial expression, it's dull and lifeless as fuck.

>> No.7628536

Wow this is shitty, she really missed the mark here. It's a shame, I usually really like jahr's co-ords despite the hate she seems to get. I guess she just doesn't know how to deal with sweeter pieces.

>> No.7628539

This. She needs to lose weight because she would look 10000x better if she did.

Old age is catching up to her.

>> No.7628546

I think her weight is fine. She just always has issues with posing, I wish she'd just be more natural because she's fine in videos and stuff where she's not posing for a photo.

I usually like her coords too, but this one is just wtf.

>> No.7628550

I agree. It is weird because she does wear sweet lolita so I don't know what the heck went on here. Maybe this is why she said that she won't wear it because she knew that she would fuck up big time.

I think she looks fine. The makeup is a touch heavy but the outfit and accessorizing isn't bad at all. There are plenty of lolitas who mix silver and gold and they look fine too.

>> No.7628555

After all these years she still doesn't know how to pose. I like seeing her videos because she is more natural and normal. She should consider doing outfit videos than outfit shots.

>> No.7628562

What is with the vysanthe and book bag hate? I think she dresses very well. Xylia was posted in a nitpick thread over a book bag too and I don't get what the issue is. I think that as long as the colors aren't too clashing, it shouldn't be an issue. No one has issues with people using an AP pony bag with a dress that doesn't have horses on it as long as the color palette works.

>> No.7628564

How is her weight fine? Sure she isn't a landwhale but you can tell that she is on the chubby side by looking at her arms, her face, and her double chin.

>> No.7628580

I think it'd be a fine co-ord (though the waist tie on the head looks pretty dumb) if it weren't for the fact that the dress just plain doesn't fit her.

>> No.7628591

I've gotten nitpicked for slightly varying shades of mint. As in a blouse that's slightly a shade deeper in tone, but not any less cool or warm. But then again she got called out for being a vandetta. I see it happen all the time. It's sort of like an excuse to post someone they don't like without thinking they'll be called out.

>> No.7628659

Nice email address, summerfriend.

>> No.7628738

Most people don't realize that the shades don't match until a picture is taken. Sometimes the shade and tone difference isn't as noticeable to the naked eye.

>> No.7628742

or even colors that match in one type of lighting don't look like they match in another type.

>> No.7628834

I find this literally painful and difficult to look at. Isn't that the definition of ita?

>> No.7628848

Blouses under OPs just never look right. Without the blouse this would be A+.

>> No.7628876

>everyone tries to coord with that damn IW bolero

>> No.7630173

This. It's usually just lighting on different types of fabrics throwing things off. But leave it to lolitas to not understand basic fashion concepts like material.

Yeah, I can't stand that thing anymore.

>> No.7630251

I can't stand this chick's coords or general aesthetic. Everything she does is OTT in a bad way and looks like a costume. I get that she probably wants to be hime or something, but it just looks like a hot mess.

>> No.7630508
File: 1.06 MB, 245x200, 1396912120768.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I just overexpose and photoshop my pictures. People don't notice in real life so if it looks off in the picture and I fix it, nobody will ever know.

>> No.7630545

I agree with you but that's just 4chan. It's always been like this, it will always be.

>> No.7631473

It's because the bag is bordeaux and matches absolutely nothing in terms of colour, not because it's a book bag.

>> No.7631657

I seriously don't get what the issue with this one is. I mean, it's not the bag I would have chosen and the headbow is a little big (probably a waistbow like you said) but the coord itself isn't awful or anything.

>> No.7631666

I think she was trying to pair the tan of the beret and purse with the tan on the shoes, which probably look a lot closer in real life instead of a photo. Also, I'm pretty sure the chocolate on the bag is the same color as the main part of the shoe.

I'm not trying to get uber-defensive, but the matchy matchy shit drives me up the wall, esp. since colors look so different in photos and under different lighting.

>> No.7631883

It's the bag. Doesn't match anything colors wise.

>> No.7635592
File: 157 KB, 640x960, 10476399_10152488643539250_905559280902961818_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about every one of this girl's outfits feels off to me, and her makeup really bothers me.
Here it's the capelet and the fact that her skirt needs more poof.
Also, I feel like she's a huge bandwagoner/trend follower.

>> No.7635603

I think she should've either picked the caplet or the blouse, but not both of them together. Honestly those sleeves are pretty goofy by themselves though and I'm a little afraid to see the rest of it. Other than that, I think she could've worn some slightly darker brown boots instead because this coord looks really top-heavy (though that may also be because the awkward pose + the parasol)

>> No.7635610

God, her terrible posture is pissing me off more than anything. I'm a sloucher myself, but I always manage to straighten up for photos.

>> No.7635628
File: 83 KB, 253x900, tumblr_n7l7sx1rLN1qgnhu4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a nitpick of the coordinate (though she's posted a few that I could say a thing or two about), but ladies please pay attention to what you're doing with your feet when you pose. If this were a quick snap at a con I might understand not being sure of the camera angle, but she's taking a mirror selfie and should've noticed that one leg has almost completely disappeared behind the other. This could almost pass as closet cosplay of the leg lamp from A Christmas Story.

>> No.7635658


>> No.7635677
File: 741 KB, 1200x667, feets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elaborating on this, I put together a little collage for you guys. I'm not trying to pick on anybody in the photos, I promise! Hopefully this helps illustrate a little better why it's important to mind where your toes are pointing in relation to the camera, vs just what feels cute. If you want to keep your ankles together, one foot should be angled away from the camera just a bit. Same goes for when one leg is directly in front of the other (otherwise you will be diagnosed with the dreaded Leg Lamp Syndrome). If you want to cross your legs at the ankle, make sure both feet are close together and the back foot is pointed in the same direction as your front foot. Also keep your weight evenly-distributed between both feet, to prevent the stiff back leg the three middle awkward photos show.

Also be mindful of the shape of your legs too, I didn't really do a good job representing thicker legs in this set because I wasn't thinking about it until now, but as a general rule bigger legs tend to look nicer if you follow the same guidelines (especially about weight distribution), but pose with your feet just a little further apart so it doesn't look like you're trying to squish your legs together (which makes posing with your legs crossed at the ankles a little difficult to pull off, though obviously it can be done well as long as you mind where your feet are pointing!)

I'll probably go back and make a much better collage about this later, lol. I just wanted to expand on my nitpick because I have nothing better to do.

>> No.7635680

Also, these are things a good photographer should be watching for, even if they're just your friend snapping some outfit shots for you!

>> No.7635690
File: 795 KB, 250x250, 1332925331248.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my boyfriend takes all my outfit shots for me
>he has no clue how to tell me I'm making a weird face, or an unflattering pose, or a bra strap is showing, etc
>the only other pics I get of it are candids at the meetup itself
>I will never be a kawaii ;_;

>> No.7635701

I know your feel deeper than you can imagine anon
I've tried to curb it with some advice I saw here a while back, she said to practice posing in front of a mirror with your eyes closed and try to imagine how you'll look when you open them. Then when you open your eyes you can see what looks different than you thought and adjust it next time, basically training yourself to have a better idea of what it feels like to look the way you want. It's helped me out a lot and I've actually found several quick convention snaps of me online that I liked enough to repost other places(which has never, ever happened to me before because I'm unphotogenic as hell).

>> No.7635914

As an awkward duck I have to say that this post has been incredibly helpful thank you so much.

>> No.7636050

new nitpik thread here


>> No.7636424

Um no. It's the draw thread. Quit trying to shit it up

>> No.7636778

That's the draw thread. Here is the real new nitpick thread >>7636776

>> No.7637806

im pretti sure thats her natural hair