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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 54 KB, 450x300, Musashinosen-no-Shimai-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7589373 No.7589373[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey there /cgl/,months ago I made a thread about this lolita movie (Sisters of Musashino Line aka Musashino Line Shimai ,here's the link http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTMwOTA1MTEy.html )
but it's in japanese and subtitles only exist in chinese. I asked for english subtitles and some seagulls said they could help and all,where are you all? Any updates? Can anyone help to translate it as well?
Let's discuss this movie

>> No.7589413

i searched for this fucking movie for a year ilu so much OP

>> No.7589520

Oh man, I really want to watch this. Please english sub making god(desse)s, please finish subbing this.

>> No.7589546

I have a DVD rip of the movie but no subtitles. I've searched for the subtitles for a while but I don't think there are any.

>> No.7589556

Could you upload the rip somewhere? I have a lot of time on my hands and I might be able to translate it for you guys. I've been meaning to watch it myself for a while too. But I have no idea how subbing works, anybody who would be willing to team up and help me either with both translating and subs or just timing and fixing the subs? I think it'd be a fun project! Might take a while though, it'd be my first time translating a full length movie.

>> No.7589562

Sure thing. Is there a particular site that's best for you?

>> No.7589566

I have no preference really, 4share is good though. Thanks a lot!

>> No.7589568

No problem, should have it uploaded in a little over half an hour. I'll pop back over in a bit and post the links.

>> No.7589571

Great, thanks!

>> No.7589573

Will you marry me please?

>> No.7589682

Back again, with the links here. The file is around 1.5GB.


(bottom right corner button with the dots gives you the download option)

>> No.7589692

Thanks, downloading it now!
(Also as a small disclaimer, don't expect any kind of professional subs from me, I'm still not really "fluent", but I can understand and translate most stuff well enough. It may take a while for me to translate though, so I'll make a new thread when I'm done. Could be weeks or months, I have no idea honestly. But I'm glad to help out those of you who want to watch the movie!)

>> No.7589694

Take your time, anon! I don't think we're expecting super professional subs. As long as we can understand it, that's already way better than what we've got now. I'm surprised there isn't already subs for this movie.

>> No.7589697
File: 54 KB, 120x120, 1392646733223.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.
I love you guys you're all cutie patooties.

I have no words,thank you so much you're adorable anon <3
Hoping anon-senpai will deliver soon (but take your time,no rush)

>> No.7589700

Yeah, me too. It's been out for three years and not a single sub, it's really weird. Especially because it stars AKB48 members, the AKB fan community is usually quick to translate anything with an AKB girl in it.

>> No.7589701

OP again. Thanks a lot to you too and everyone here and...Yeah I know it's a movie translation but I'm so excited and it's so nice of you all

>> No.7589707

I seriously hope you have more experience than Japanese 101 and Google Translate.

>> No.7589714

No problem, I'm glad to help! And it's fun to have a project to work on that I know people will enjoy when it's done. I hope it won't be so hard so that I can be done in a few weeks!

>> No.7589722

I have been studying for six years and I consider myself "semi-fluent" if that makes sense, I just don't like overestimating my abilities. I'm not the best or even close to it, but based on the trailer I think I can handle this movie.

>> No.7589723

As long as it's understandable and better than google translate it's going to be good don't worry. Thanks a lot (and as long as you don't forget us like the other anon who never delivered) <3

Maybe we should ask the AKB fan community as well? I'm pretty surprised too

>> No.7589729
File: 61 KB, 395x513, 1392983848902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're so cute anon let me hug you

>> No.7589730

Yeah, maybe someone in the AKB community would be willing to translate it too? I have no idea where to ask though, I don't really know where their translators gather.

>> No.7589738

Drop your email? I can read Chinese and so I can help with subbing. What would also help would be to look for an existing sub (in whatever language) so we wouldn't have to worry about timing.

>> No.7589925

I'm one of the anons from the first post. I got a good ways through the subtitles, but I need some time to touch them up and then I guess I'll post it as a Google doc or something? It's a good thing I saw this, I was actually going to delete it out of my files yesterday since I thought the whole project had been dropped.

>> No.7590560

Hi, I'd love it if you could drop them somewhere, then I can just finish them off or time them if there's something missing? It'd be great!

>> No.7590566

That is if you weren't finished with them, I mean.

>> No.7590584

Oh anon...you're back... I'm so happy oh gosh.
It hasn't been dropped at all I actually hoped you would come back. Where are you in the translation exactly? Near the end? Middle?
Thanks a lot for your precious help

>> No.7590978
File: 7 KB, 300x168, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You girls are fantastic!

>> No.7591068

bumpity bump so excited right now!

>> No.7592318


>> No.7592386

bump for excitement!

Also are there are any movies/dramas with Lolitas or other Jfashion in them?

I've seen Kamikaze Girls, Cat Street, Mr Rococo etc I got back into watching asian drama in general but I'd love to watch more with the focus on street fashion.

>> No.7592406
File: 113 KB, 322x391, 1389243099086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love too as well aw mang...we need so much more lolita/J-fashion related movies

>> No.7592439

It's generally a really bad idea to translate from one language into another into another, though. Has no one else seen that ridiculous video where they go from German to French to English and then back again (or something like that)?

>> No.7592670

Maybe on an electronic translator, but a human can adapt the translations to make it fit better. Chinese anon can translate the Chinese subs, and Japanese anon can tweak them to fit better with the original Japanese. It just helps cut down on all the work for one person to do.

>> No.7592762
File: 631 KB, 1380x690, jyou-virgina_44181378969367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched a series called Jyouou Virgin which is fairly decent.

The basics are a bunch of hostesses trying to win a competition. There's some gal and lolita in it.

As a warning there's sex/nudity as most of the actress are gravure/porn actresses.

Pic related.

>> No.7592773
File: 50 KB, 704x396, JV Ep2.avi_snapshot_19.04_[2014.06.01_19.12.25].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Example of loli from it.

>> No.7593329

I just downloaded this and the audio is off? It starts off with a song and the rest of the audio is there but it's not timed with the video. Anyone else with this problem?

>> No.7593390

Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I just noticed I uploaded the broken version. I don't even know why I still have it on my computer. I'm really sorry, let me upload the fixed version.

>> No.7593429

Bump keeping this thread alive hope we're going to have subs soon (i'm so excited right now)

>> No.7593435

As soon as I get the new rip I am going to start. I just hope that other seagulls that could help are still around because I am going to have trouble translating some of the jokes. Also, what the hell is the bear's name? Samukura?

>> No.7593440

Ignore the download links in >>7589682, they're dead now because I stupidly uploaded the wrong file. This should be the fixed version but if anyone has any issues with it, let me know.


>> No.7593450

I think there's "kuma" in the name? The name definitely start with "sa" though. I wish I could help but I can't uh...

>> No.7593939

I have about 7 minutes in after about 3 hours! If anyone can help with proofreading/timing, please shoot me an email! I am using aegisub.

>> No.7594255

bump bump

>> No.7594505

I watched this today and the beginning seems rather hard to translate because of Ran's epic samurai-like speech patterns. Good luck ladies!

>> No.7594515

Yeah, it's hard for me to even pick it up that well.
I can normally watch films/news without much problem, but that sort of speech/speed is still impossible for me.

>> No.7594546

>Jyouou Virgin
Where did you watch it? I can only find broken links on youtube and some Veehd thing that wants me to download a player.

I love dramas but they can be so hard to find.

>> No.7594601

Here you go!


Download the eps and the subtitles and just load the subs onto the video.

The subs are very Engrish some episodes are hit and miss making sense wise. But they're not so hard to follow.

>> No.7594695

I just love Ran so much she's so funny also I foudn someone who translated like the 4 first minutes,do soemone want it?

>> No.7594704

I am going by the Chinese translation as well, but yeah, Ran (and other characters) just ramble way too fast.

>> No.7594750

You might as well post it, one of the translators might be able to use it

>> No.7594873

Hi, it's me >>7589925 again! I'm really sorry for the disappearance, I meant to come back sooner but I got kind of sidetracked. Here it is: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S4U4rH-qklIX3Qa_qAqeuytcOLQGpPOyzmYI6FVvl8k/pub

I jump around a lot when I translate things, so it's still pretty messy... Most lines are translated, some are skipped (I put [?] for the ones I couldn't get) and some were left in Japanese, full or whatever parts I could hear. I hope the other translator-chans can salvage it whether they use the Chinese subs or otherwise! It probably has to be around 50% despite me passing over a lot of the more fast-paced dialogue. And feel free to change or rephrase whatever you want, I'm not used to translating movie dialogue so it probably sounds a bit clunky to be used for subtitles.

I also tried to note as many of the characters' names as possible; I found out from some people who read the manga that the bear's name is Samufura.

>> No.7594880

Psycho gothic Lolita.

Don't watch it. Only one dress in the entire film. She apparently has a wardrobe of 1 outfit for the entire movie, plus the movie was bad as well.

>> No.7594891

Thanks very much anon, I'm going to go over it and make some adjustments. Not one of the translator anons from above, so I'll post it back here when I've done what I can.

>> No.7594926

That would be awesome! I am going to time them as well, so a good translation would be appreciated.

>> No.7594938
File: 67 KB, 575x322, xcross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you very much anon! I'm excited because it looks very much like Jotei.

There's also X-Cross (pic related) which I enjoyed enough, but I like rubbish asian horror movies. I only remember one outfit.

>> No.7595001

I think it really says something that in a lot of these movies, the lolitas are portrayed as very self-centered characters.

>> No.7595073

Bumpity bump my dear seagulls. Here are the first 4minutes translated (not made by me,but some qt anon made it and I just post it here) I love the over-acting in this movie so much


>> No.7595079
File: 332 KB, 373x448, lololol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm so excited right now

>> No.7595081

Anons (you and the other translator-senpais) you are all cutiepies ilu

>> No.7595089

I really hate overacting, which makes a lot of Japanese dramas and movies like this totally unappealing.

>> No.7595107

That has to do with Japanese culture itself. Anything outside the norm (ie. lolita, otaku, hikikomori) is seen as inherently selfish behaviors due to the fact that they deviate from the socially accepted avenues of how a persons life is supposed to progress. Lolita doesn't contribute to a persons school or work career. I assume most parents would think that it's a waste of time; their child could be involved in a school club that would further them socially even if the club wasn't sports or something.

>> No.7595130

I just find it really funny when it's not cheesy,in this movie it was really fun,in Switch Girl I loved it too

>> No.7595133

Quick update. I have timed about 30 minutes of subtitles (still needs tidying up), and I am going to take >>7594873 and
>>7595073 and edit what I have. If there are people who has downloaded the new rip, I would some help with polishing. Just a few more days~

>> No.7595149

Agreed with >>7595130, I think you have to go into it knowing that it's going to be an OTT comedy. It really grew on me despite the weird maid cafe plotline and overall low budget ridiculousness.

!! I love everyone in this thread, I'm so excited to see this get finished.

>> No.7595177
File: 41 KB, 500x385, Copie de 1386270375363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is cuter than a carebear like everyone loves everyone and is super excited. We need this kind of thread more often in /cgl/

I will proceed to translate it in French btw for all the frenchies out there who cannot speak/understand english that much

>> No.7595180

I haven't seen a thread this beautiful since NIGHTMARECARNIVAL

>> No.7595195

Sakurina Girl's Life its a gyaru movie

>> No.7595222

NIGHTMARECARNIVAL? What is this anon dear?

>> No.7595239

Does anyone know what the song used in the movie is called, by any chance?

>> No.7595248

Celebrity NEET (セレブニート) by Yumi Matsuzawa (松澤由美)

>> No.7595250

I make out some things. At the part where Yura and Ran are fighting.
I think the customer after the one who said "You are the one with a bad attitude" said something like "You made Yura cry!!"
And what Ran said before "Die!" and slapping Yura was kuso-ama which means slut/whore/...

>> No.7595255

(me again) It really is nothing so I'm kinda ashamed but yeah,hope it will complete a bit...

>> No.7595265

And the other one heard at the beginning of the trailer is "wake up song for you" by the same artist. But I can't found either on the internet for free

>> No.7595271

Reminds me, I tried to do the lyrics before but there were a couple words that I couldn't make out for the life of me. There weren't any lyrics that I could find online either, and the Chinese subs didn't bother with them. Should I post what I have or would that be unnecessary?

Everything helps, thank you!

>> No.7595445

I'm almost halfway through the series and it's pretty enjoyable, thanks! Japanese dramas are so much better than American soaps.

Also, I'm really glad that this is on the road to getting translated again! I was thinking of making a new thread for this about a week ago.

Does anyone have any more recommendations for dramas with lolita characters in them? I know there are more that I used to have bookmarked.

>> No.7595775

Yeah I've tried to watch it but couldn't get through the first couple of minutes.

>> No.7595779

I've heard of it but thanks Anon.

>> No.7596025

that outfit was ita as fuck and it was a horrible movie.
machine girl was better. and that's pretty bad.

>> No.7596061

I've been trying to find more dramas with lolitas too. I've seen Cat Street and Deka Wanko.
Princess Princess while having Btssb dress them wasn't great as a live action.

>> No.7596062

Princess Princess was terribly awful,the drama was so low budget. Read the manga,really.
Also Deka Wanko is a good lolita drama

>> No.7596675

bump bump any updates?

>> No.7596803

I am halfway through the movie with subs. The translations really help speed up the process but there are still many parts that need touchups.

>> No.7597067

That's really neat anon yay

>> No.7598397

I enjoyed the anime which is why I tried to watch the live action. I just cringed at the first episode.

Yeah I really enjoy Deka Wanko. I love it when she goes to the Angelic Pretty store or when she helped a young girl who wanted to wear the fashion.

>> No.7598842

Does anyone know where I can download Deka Wanko? I tried doramax264 but their links are not working. I prefer to download it rather than stream so I can watch it while I'm commuting.

>> No.7599066

Probably not the answer you want, but there are add-ons (for Firefox, other browsers probably have them too) that allow you to download videos from online which is what I have done in the past when I was desperate.

>> No.7599100

Thanks anon, I may well just end up doing that. Seems a weirdly difficult thing to find.

>> No.7600014

i am now monitoring this thread

>> No.7600055

Any idea of where to find the music in the movie? (Celibrity NEET,wake up song for you,...) I only find weird stuff or music you have to buy

>> No.7600110

*Celebrity NEET

>> No.7600151

I did a search for it and only the amazon/itunes download links came up (among other info about the movie). The song was probably at one time on youtube but got taken down.

Also UPDATE TIME! I have about 10 minutes of the movie left to sub before I go back and fix up the translations and timing. I managed to figure out some of the ?s in >>7594873 through the Chinese subs but there are still a few lines that I can't make out. So I would really appreciate anyone who would be willing to grab the rip here >>7593440 or watch the Chinese subs in OP to help out the following lines:

Time - line

3:15-3:18 - Even though I am invincible? in society
Or something along those lines? It sounds very clunky.

12:59-13:07 - It's so hard to ? and it's easier to diversify.
Ran is talking about stocks so I have no idea what kind of words she is throwing around.

14:30-14:36 - Work? You mean the one that has the "person" as the radical?
This line just doesn't translate well without an explanation of kanji, so I might be liberal with this (joke localization) unless someone else has a better translation.

53:03-53:06 - Yes. I wanted it after watching "36 Staff of Victory"?
Ran is talking about watching some (kung-fu?) show with a name that has the number 36 and the word victory (shouin no 36 bon)? Anyone know if it's a real show?

1:01:48-1:01:51 - Taigi ni yatta, iza, gomen!
Taigi means state or ceremony, but I don't know why the policeman is saying this. Is it like "I now leave, ceremoniously!"?

1:17:15-1:17:21 - Small flies like you can't touch Himemusha as long as I am here!
I don't really know what Yura's tough talk is really about, so I would appreciate a closer translation.

1:17:23-1:17:28 - Yura's going after them? But...?
Ran is saying something about Yura but I can't make out what she says after.


>> No.7600200

First up, thank you so much anon for doing this translations!

"Even though I'm invincible in society" is probably the best way to write it, it's just such an awkward sentence anyway because no one would say that in English in the first place. I guess it's like "Even though I'm so invincible in society, I still rely on you, my little sister, to look after me"

I'll have to double check with my colleague about this because I don't know much about stocks and the related terms.

The "work" joke is kind of like how in English you would say "that word that begins with w?" it's just a weird spelling joke that's not really a joke. Other than that, you can either localise it or just add a note onto it.

The kung-fu movie thing, the closest thing I can think of is an old shaolin movie called shorinji 36 bou (少林寺三十六房) but then my knowledge of kung-fu movies is severely limited. It may well not even be a real show she mentions.

I'm not sure if this is a weird pun or what, but taigi can mean ceremony (and since he's painted like a kabuki actor, it's not unrealistic that he has a lot of drama and flair) but also means "justice" or "moral law", or even a bigger cause. I'm sorry I'm not much help on this one!

>> No.7600531


I'm so excited for this movie.

>> No.7601140

This is so helpful!

I think that is the movie Ran is talking about. Added that in.

Maybe the kabuki policeman is saying something like "For justice!" because Ran repeats after him too (but the "gomen" part). I plugged it into google translate but it's not helpful at all. Maybe he is apologizing for what happened?

>> No.7601939

bump bump

>> No.7603869
File: 160 KB, 1500x900, I+m+pretty+sure+they+re+saying+my+name....I+can+tell+from+_05ec08fdd72f5e67455f7fcb7a819af2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping hard

>> No.7603876

What is Ran saying to the maid at the maid cafe in the beginning when she's screaming at her after the kimagure pasta discussion?

>> No.7604050
File: 33 KB, 400x329, Bump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7604598


>> No.7605227

bumping hard
any updates?

>> No.7605657

I finished timing the whole movie, but there is still a lot of post processing that needs to be done. There are also few lines that haven't been translated as posted here >>7600200
If I don't get called into jury duty this should be done by next week!

>> No.7605684

Thanks for your hard work, anon! So excited for this already.

>> No.7606188

So fast!! Thank you so much <3

>> No.7606667

Try gooddrama.net?

>> No.7606867

I am totally hosting a mini-meet when this is done, anon.

>> No.7608652

Hey translator-anon, just wondering how it's going and if there's any more bits and pieces you still need some help with?

>> No.7608886
File: 266 KB, 450x253, 1341433294484.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls deliver translator anon...pls

>> No.7609195

Bump keeping this thread alive

>> No.7612004
File: 56 KB, 298x268, tumblr_inline_mubpnnSzgb1rfc5zx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7613594
File: 955 KB, 300x162, 1356144728463.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting for translations

>> No.7616292

Hey guys! This is probably the last update before I release the subs. I am in the process of proofreading and finishing up. I am having my friend watch the movie with the subs and correcting as I go, so it should be good

What's the most important is basically translating the last few lines, so >>7608652
Basically what I posted in >>7600151 are what's really left (particularly the stocks part, the kabuki policeman, and 1:17:23-1:17:28 Ran's parts. I would really appreciate some input because they might as well be blanks at this moment. Another part is what the maids are saying after "himemusha has changed" at 50:54 - something about friendship with the Boss?

Sorry that this is taking longer than usual, but I promise to deliver!

>> No.7616408
File: 694 KB, 300x225, is this what sex feels like.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't help but you're incredible and i love you

>> No.7616704

Would you be willing to release the unfinished version so we can help you proofread?

>> No.7617251

Any news?

>> No.7617689


>> No.7617712

I am hoping that at least the questionable parts are filled with something before I release something. I am also thinking about adjusting the timing a bit before then.

>> No.7619594

bump! Cant wait till it is done. OwO

>> No.7621509

Hey guys. Here are the subs that I've been working on. I did the best I could for the questionable parts based off of the Chinese subs and there might also be some slight timing issues (some sentences cutting out too fast). Since I will be busy for the rest of the week, I figured I should just release them now.


They are timed with the rips here:

If you have suggestions/corrections for translations and timing, just leave a comment and I will come back for them and make a version 2 or something.

This has been fun and enjoy!

>> No.7621732
File: 62 KB, 250x356, musashinosen-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eagerly awaiting the updated subs. This movie is so cute, which is surprising because apparently the source material is porn-y lolicon style manga.

>> No.7622212

...I need to go read that now.

>> No.7622234
File: 78 KB, 350x501, 124766732642316202415_musashino01_cover_syoei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...If you find it dear anon, can you link me? I don't think it's been scanlated but that could be my google skills failing me.

>> No.7622521

It hasn't been, apparently. But here are some of the raws:
I wish my japanese was better.

>> No.7625795


>> No.7626023

Thank you so much! Me and my sister watched it together. I didn't think the timing was a problem, I could read everything before it got cut off.