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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 48 KB, 499x750, 1388533007317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7595823 No.7595823[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What makes an outfit fairy kei?
What bumps an outfit up from just being pastel clothes to being fairy kei?
Is it a shitload of fluffy pastel accessories?
Is it extra skirts or socks that don't seem necessary?
Are 80's cartoon characters vital in fairy kei or just an option?
When does fairy kei cross over into pastel goth or ita?
Let's discuss.

>> No.7595912

I'd also like to discuss the differences between pop kei and fairy kei.
There are too many pop kei colors being used in fairy kei, ugh.

>> No.7595956

Care to explain?
It has to be pastel to be fairy kei, right?

>> No.7596157

where are some good places to get big chunky pastel sneakers? I want a pair but I have no idea what brands to look for besides swimmer.

>> No.7596550

To be fairy kei the outfit needs to mostly consist of pastels and usually fairy kei has 80's elements like hair scrunchies and legwarmers and 80's characters are optional, but they help complete the look.
Fairy kei only passes over to pastel goth once you start adding eyeballs/crosses/bats to it, you can still do fairy kei with dark colors but once you add a bunch of spoopy things like those it's going into pastel goth.

>> No.7596585
File: 251 KB, 934x934, 3575203_80sfashioncontest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is fairy kei so popular in the west? It makes white girls look like old ladies who miss the 1980s.

>> No.7596593

Dark colors correlate to economy. The US wasn't doing too well awhile back.

>> No.7596602

I think you answered your own question, anon

>> No.7596603


Pastry (American brand) makes pastel/printed high tops that i have seen people wear with Fairy Kei as well as neon and other "girly" colors I think go well with a lot of similar j fashions. You will have better luck finding those used though.

In general, most sneaker/skater brands have at least some pastel colors or prints, especially since pastel was so stylish for the past few years.

Other than that...ebay/taobao son.

>> No.7596622

These "I love spank" pins give me the impression of age-play spanking enthusiasts.

>> No.7597845

Check http://fuckyeahfairykeifashion.tumblr.com/ and http://fairy-tips.tumblr.com/ for your questions, they might have what you're looking for. Can we turn this into a Fairy Kei general, haven't seen one in a while.

>> No.7597936
File: 57 KB, 500x500, Op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would these shoes work in fairy kei? Walmart has them and I saw they go up to adult sizes.

>> No.7598364

They're a bit too bright, fairy kei is usually pastels... Maybe they'd work for pop kei though!

>> No.7601968


>> No.7602870

Fairy kei is so hard to pull off in summer, it's over 90 degrees every day, I don't feel like wearing sweaters or tights.
Any tips on summer time fairy kei?

>> No.7602879

Think Tinkerbell, anon. Think Brian Froud fairies. Short light skirts, floaty layers, glitter and feathers and shit. Layers aren't compulsory; mori-style layering is something of a plague in my humble opinion. Any fashion that brushes it on a busy street gets infected.

>> No.7603309
File: 31 KB, 236x328, 072883c957a77b095a115592f409c0dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairy kei is awesome in its versatility. Maybe look at some Japanese street snaps for inspiration? Fairy kei isn't just sweaters and tights, nosir. Cutsews have a solid place in fairy kei and definitely check out cute ankle socks and lighter tights/otks. Fairy kei is more of a color scheme and a theme, there isn't a solid calculation of what is necessary.

I'll do a mini-dump of non-sweater coords I have sitting around. OTKs and tights can be re-imagined into ankle socks and pantyhose, so I'll leave those in.

>> No.7603312
File: 22 KB, 236x354, 6a063f2198868de97c5bcf124866ed86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7603313
File: 102 KB, 600x900, 72fe0__TK-2013-07-015-007-008-Harajuku-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7603314
File: 113 KB, 388x700, 1365643029972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Light sweater, but would look just as good without it. I know I'm a baby and still wear light sweaters a lot in the summer to combat over-active a/c's

>> No.7603315
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>> No.7603317
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>> No.7603320
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>> No.7603321
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>> No.7603322
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>> No.7603324
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>> No.7603325
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>> No.7603327
File: 67 KB, 500x500, BQcDAAAAAwoDanBnAAAABC5vdXQKFlBCVFdVZEpvU095VDdYZE9tcjVLT1EAAAACaWQKAXgAAAAEc2l6ZQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7603359
File: 237 KB, 1181x1227, DSCN8379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minus the furry hat, moving the bows to the hair itself
>>7603324 Same thing on this one, I got too starry eyed about her smooth foundation, falsies, fluffy skirt, and nice legs to notice that she has a winter hat on.

>> No.7603360
File: 63 KB, 600x600, fairy kei and lolita stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left coord minus the jacket is pretty cute, plus it has ankle socks

>> No.7603363
File: 99 KB, 1024x1570, fairy_kei_by_discordinthemelody on dA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7603396
File: 282 KB, 1000x1500, Strawberry-Planet-Mello-Moco-Tomo-2012-10-035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7603426
File: 191 KB, 600x900, TK-2010-07-25-003-001-Harajuku-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7603433

Anon, you are my favorite lady.

>> No.7603444
File: 44 KB, 500x500, $T2eC16RHJIcFHN1b7ls,BSMp47J(u!~~60_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these look like decent quality clip-ins?
I have a really terrible habit of never wanting to wear wigs because I'm so desperately gay for my own hair.
But unfortunately, my hair is black, and fairy kei is all about pastels, so I thought maybe I could use clip ins.

>> No.7603466
File: 258 KB, 853x1280, TK-2011-08-06-014-001-Harajuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you!

I'm a horrible judge for wig quality, but I can give my opinion on the aesthetic. I'm not sure about dark hair with light pastel clip-ins. I've never really been a fan of the look in the past. I've seen dark hair work in fairy kei sometimes. Maybe if you strayed towards more vibrant colors (not pop kei, but not as light as pic related.) the darkness of the your hair won't make the coord look too pale?
After I finish up my warm-weather coords, I'll see if I have anything with dark hair.

>> No.7603468
File: 137 KB, 431x750, tumblr_m6cl9uS4O21r9pu6wo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minus the blue blouse, this top is super breezy. The legwear would need to be swapped out, of course.

>> No.7603471
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>> No.7603472
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>> No.7603474

Thank you warm-weather-anon, I just don't want to seem like I'm not trying hard enough.

>> No.7603489
File: 289 KB, 853x1280, tumblr_marbemgvUQ1qfvrzvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you Dark Hair Anon or are you Hot Anon?

For warm weather: If you're worried about being too plain, have fun with accessories. Bracelets, necklaces, and head pieces won't add any extra heat. Get colorful cutsews with fun and bright designs, something that can stand on its own.

For dark hair: I don't like light clip-ins with dark hair since I don't think they can blend very well, so they stick out as fake. Bring in color on your head with clips, bows, and hats! Twintails with large colorful hairties would be really cute. Maybe add a small bit of black into your coord too? Like here, >>7603426 with the black of Mickey's and Minnie's ears. You could also stretch to count the black stripe on her shoes, but that's a very subtle piece of black. I'll check out to see if any coords I have have black in them, too.
I also noticed that this girl I posted >>7603317 has dark hair, and she's actually pretty much the favorite coord that I've posted here.

I'm sure there are fairy kei girls out there with black hair. After all, this is a japanese fashion, and not everyone is willing to dye their hair.

>> No.7603490
File: 361 KB, 900x1350, colors_wall_by_lulysalle-d55qzoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7603507
File: 308 KB, 640x856, tumblr_m75l9fBc5k1qc5jioo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like this is it for my short-sleeve fairy kei

>> No.7603624
File: 27 KB, 440x586, 1e66422ed3fee97ab569e553a1ed4109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Hair & Coords with Black in them!

>> No.7603626
File: 134 KB, 736x981, 1df8f2d7fb1db18d3957af387372aa3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7603628
File: 87 KB, 400x598, 6dddcc1425a4c213f6c24984b135dff6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7603629
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>> No.7603631
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>> No.7603634
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>> No.7603641
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>> No.7603643
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>> No.7603645
File: 1.32 MB, 1405x493, pop1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7603647
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>> No.7603651
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>> No.7603652
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>> No.7603654
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>> No.7603658
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>> No.7603659
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>> No.7603660
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>> No.7603661
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I'll post more tomorrow.

>> No.7604609
File: 214 KB, 666x1000, tumblr_n2lilm9uJf1qha11wo1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just love fairy kei, especially with AP items! But i'm just wondering if most of fairy kei fans love 80s? I love so much this style but not 80s stuff like music or toys.

>> No.7604612
File: 230 KB, 666x1000, tumblr_n2lilm9uJf1qha11wo2_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7604861

I love her jacket so much, oh my god.

Also, do people think legs like that look good? That's what my legs look like and my mom has always said they're too fat.
This girl is super cute though.

>> No.7605126
File: 104 KB, 560x791, dark hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mom is rude and on the path to give you self-image problems. These legs look wonderful, I really like them. Pastel Raindrops is a cutie and her legs only add to that. Your legs are no where near fat, Anon! What does she want, you to look like bones? Like a prepubescent? Going noticeably thinner than this might not even be heathily possible for some girls, due to muscle tone, genetics, weight distribution. It sounds like your mom is asking you to get an eating disorder.

Excuse my tenseness. I have a friend with an anorexic mother that did her damnedest to make my friend despise her hourglass figure and conform to the mother's stickiness. It's sickening to hear her quip about my friend and I making cupcakes together. There is no context where a mother should negatively comment on her daughter's body. Sure, encourage an unhealthily overweight kid to eat better and exercise, but you don't need to point out their flaws to get the point across. Legs of Pastel Raindrop's size are on the skinnier side of average. Anyone who tries to say she needs to lose weight is nitpicking and should reassess their own self-image.


Also here's another dark hair coord. I don't have my other coord files with me, so I'll post the rest later. Probably tomorrow.

>> No.7605200

No offense, but fuck your mom. No parent should ever go and pick on their child like that, she's practically asking you to develop a body image disorder. Those legs aren't even remotely fat, what the fuck is your mom even talking about

>> No.7605256

O-Oh, well thank you.
Jesus, that's actually really great, thank you guys.

>> No.7605280

I don't think legs like that look good, but I also don't think having legs like that necessarily means that you're fat. Unfortunately lots of fat chicks seem to have tree trunk legs and they do visually appear larger because they don't taper at the bottom at all. If you want them to be wider at the top than the bottom you're probably going to have to build muscle rather than lose weight, unless you're actually fat in which case I recommend both.

>> No.7605307

For me, her legs look totally normal and not fat at all. Fat legs are another story, trust me...

>> No.7605430
File: 34 KB, 189x534, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7606059

Isn't it fairly popular in Japan? Why shouldn't it be popular in the west? That's where a lot of fairy kei and Spank! pull their inspiration from anyway. Sure some pull it off better than others (I think this girl looks adorable but I have seen some pretty horrendous outfits in the tumblr tags) but generally it's pretty cute.

Also what's wrong with missing the 80s?

>> No.7606676
File: 55 KB, 445x600, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The name for this shit is fucking stupid

>> No.7607770

We didn't pick the name, bitch.

>> No.7608078

tbh i dont think her legs are fat at all, and i actually LOVE how they look and how they complement the style. i know this sounds fucking weird but i genuinely think legs that have less of a difference between top and bottom look really good with many lolita styles because they go so well with the "big" shoes etc

>> No.7608176

Can you post examples of dark color fairy kei?

>> No.7608298

>dark color
>fairy kei
Pick one

>> No.7608309

when you hit dark you go into the realm of pastel goth.

>> No.7608422

I will post examples in approximately 12-24 hours. Western girls don't do it, but Eastern girls do.

>> No.7608435

How lamely defensive.

>> No.7609281

I would also like to remind people not to mix up pastel gothic with kowai kawaii-style (creepy cute if you may), because kowaii also uses pastels and eyeball/other "scary" themes in accessories and clothing.

>> No.7609284
File: 281 KB, 800x534, kowaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> 7609281
dropped my pic

>> No.7609289 [DELETED] 


>> No.7609295

and fucked up my post, way to go, I'll go to sleep now before I hurt myself

>> No.7609298

Uchuu Kei is a substyle of fairy kei?

>> No.7611938

Uchuu kei tends to use more black and neon colors, maybe a substyle of pop kei.

>> No.7612238


>> No.7612244
File: 359 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_5725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just popping in to make a friendly reminder that Spank!-kei and fairy-kei are two separate styles and that it actually offends the owner of Spank! to call her store's style fairy-kei.

>> No.7612271

Then maybe she should have made a different line of clothing.
How is spank not fairy kei?

>> No.7612290

Spank was around before fairy-kei was ...

>> No.7612294

they look the same

they look so god damn the same person

>> No.7612354

But there is no such thing as Spank! Kei, threy call their style Pop Kei.

>> No.7612444

I dislike Spank! stuff, it look so cheap constructed if you think about how much it costs. Hopefully isn't really fairy kei, but another style called infact Spank, pop kei is "fairy kei" in neon colors or red/black combo, also metallics etc...

>> No.7612670

Does anyone know where to find the ruffled shorts the girl in the middle is wearing?

>> No.7612678

Didn't Bodyline have some like this?

>> No.7612771

They all look pug-faced and/or like children. How does anyone think this looks good?

>> No.7612783
File: 528 KB, 400x356, 807311145_2009734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly quite a few people like the style. Get the sand out of your vagina anon and go back to your usual style/threads.

>> No.7612798

I think they meant something more along the lines of

"Why did those people think they looked good?"

Because those women did not look cute.
This one did, though:

And so did she:

A lot of the others, though, definitely look like pugs.

>> No.7612799

Just because people like the style doesn't mean they look good in it.

>> No.7612804


>> No.7612809

Not that anon but
How do you think that none of them at all looked cute? Some quoted looked bad, and some looked adorable.
Even before I got into fairy kei at all I always thought it was cute. It's only cute if you can pull it off right though, those clothes and colors don't work on everyone. I think that some people look great in it and that it's really cute.

This is all opinions though so why are we all discussing it now like it's a fact weather the girls looked good or bad? It's all a matter of your taste in clothes.

>> No.7612835

Only three girls out of the fifteen-some posted in the pictures really looked cute.

The rest have faces that are too mature for the style. They look trashy or old to me. Like mountain goats with makeup on.

>> No.7612838


>> No.7612843

And your opinion was that those girls are cute.

And I don't think they are.

And you know what? That's okay. This board is here for us to say things we feel like saying. And you know what? I feel like saying that I don't think those girls are cute.

>> No.7612869

Everybody japanese must be looking trashy and old then with saying it is because of their faces.

>> No.7612898

That isn't even close to what I said. I'm not even arguing here.

I'm just saying that a lot of those girls in the photos aren't cute. And newsflash: Not everybody in grorious nippon is the idol you make them out to be. You can stop drooling over them now.

>> No.7612905

Adding an extra thought onto my comment:

If you guys fail to see and acknowledge what clothes people look good in and what clothes people don't look good in, then how will you grow in the fashion yourselves? It certainly won't be easy if you deny when improvement should be made.

>> No.7613368

Okay then, you have shit taste.

>> No.7613540

I honestly thought most or all of the girls posted here were cute.... but then again my views on beauty are more broad? I just look past imperfections a little easier I guess.

>> No.7613575

Oh boy, this again. So many straws being grasped. It's just like when a lolita is dressed perfectly but haters can only resort to insulting her face. Also, you're funny anon. Some of their faces aren't even showing in these pics.

Do you even have the capacity to realize how stupid you sound by implying someone's face is the end all, be all in determining how cute they look in a fashion? These girls are mainly posting to share the fashion but feel confident enough to not block their faces. (And they have no need to as no one posted so far looks ugly.) Let's be real, everyone posted so far captured the fashion just right. You simply don't like the clothing style, yet feel the need to insult... their faces?

You are criticizing them for something they can't help (well, without extensive surgery) which makes your "opinion" sound like mouth diarrhea. Criticizing weight is one thing since it can usually be worked on, but physical facial features... c'mon now. I think you are exaggerating a wee bit when saying they all look like mountain goats and pugs.

This is just my opinion, but I personally find that a lot of people who aren't traditionally beautiful look better or cuter in quirky styles rather than normal every day clothing because it fits with them better, provided they aren't dressed like slop. Some of my friends look pretty ugly when normalfagging but then when they wear crazy fashions they look super hot.

Also it's funny how you ask how anyone could think this fashion looks good and then go on to defend yourself with the "YOU KNOW I HAVE AN OPINION AND THAT'S OKAY."


>> No.7613583

Agreed. >7612771-anon sounds like they either have no friends or have aspergers.

>> No.7614610

Pastel Ai is such a qt, I'm still sad she left the fashion.

>> No.7614794

The boy is dressed in pop kei male version? I love so much Moco, she looks so adorable!

>> No.7615474

Every time I see this girl in a picture I admire her hair and clothes. Does anyone know if she has a blog or twitter or something?? (don't care if it's in japanese obviously)

>> No.7615486
File: 297 KB, 1500x1000, Strawberry-Planet-Mello-Moco-Tomo-2012-10-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the article I pulled that picture from

They sell fairy kei clothes and accessories! Her name is Moco and his is Tomo.

>> No.7615584

I really love loose legwarmers like the ones pictured here,
But I have no idea where to find them, especially in pastel pink! Does anybody know where I might be able to?

>> No.7617337

Just search for knit leg warmer on ebay.

>> No.7619788

Fairy Kei is just so damn cute, I wish I knew which type of airy tulle is used in it though. The tulle I see in fabric stores is always way too scratchy and not the super soft stuff used in fairy kei stuff.

>> No.7620184

Sock dreams sells some, they literally call them harajuku legwarmers.
In my experience, the light pink is a very bright pink, not pastel at all. The blue or lavender seems best bet.

>> No.7621613

Where can I get a vertically striped pastel petticoat besides taobao?

>> No.7621821

bodyline sells them

>> No.7621957

>"That coord is so cute! Lemme see who's wearing it!"
>Dat face