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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 118 KB, 843x403, mikuexpo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7610359 No.7610359[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a Miku Expo thread going? Who's going to try to go, who's going to cosplay? Who's coming from out of state? How much are people going to shell out on concert tickets etc. Or how much does cgl not care about this event?

>> No.7610364

I really want to go even though I only know a few Vocaloid songs. I wasn't able to make it to her concert at AX and I regret it.

The ticket prices are ridiculous though. $55 for the very back? For a hologram? Seriously?

>> No.7610373

If I can get money by the time the tickets go on sale, I kind of want to go but I highly doubt I will. VIP pricing isn't too bad considering the goodie bag probably has merch thatll be a little more than total amount.

>> No.7610403

I feel like they are charging this much for a few reasons.
>They sold out back at AX. So they know selling out is possible.
>They aren't able to make full use of the theater. Less available seats = higher prices. Since you can't properly watch the concert from the sides any side viewing angle seats/balconies probably aren't being sold.

>> No.7610412

Makes sense in terms of less available seats. But I wonder how many people went to her concert during AX because they were already at AX. I honestly can't imagine having to pay for airfare, hotel, and a ticket just to see a hologram. But then again, I'm not a HUGE Miku fan.

>> No.7610418

This. Some people flew in just for it (lol Japanese tour group packages), yeah, but a lot were there because of AX. Even if I were to cheap out and take a bus down, crash at a friend's place, and then take a bus back, I'm still not sure I'd want to go. Miku is still very popular but I don't think it's as quite the fever pitch as it used to be.

I didn't go the first time at AX and I could have gone for free if I had waken up earlier.

>> No.7610428

There's a group of people I know driving there from a few states over, and one girl I know + some of her friends went to AX just to go to the first concert. She won't be going to this one because she'll be in Japan then.

>> No.7610451
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Personally, I missed out on the AX showing a couple years ago, and honestly have been itching for this moment. I'm so glad that she'll be coming back, and I hope to purchase seats at both showings. Call me crazy for throwing cash at a blue haired hologram, but I'm a die hard fan. I cannot wait for this concert.

>> No.7610456

I really want to go to this! I'm not even a huge Miku fan (I prefer other SF-A2 Miki, IA, Aoki Lapis...) but it still sounds like it'd be a ton of fun.

I really want to get the VIP Package so I can have a decent view, but my bf isn't a fan of Vocaloid but insists he come, though doesn't want to spend that much money.

>no fun allowed

>> No.7610473

Tell him if we wants to be a party pooper he can sit in the back by himself. My bf isn't sure if he's going with me or not, but he wants me to have a good view even though he doesn't care about the concert as much, so offered to help my ticket be for one of the good seats and he's fine with sitting in the back.

>> No.7610483

That sounds equally lame though. I'd rather not stand by myself at the concert, and I'm sure my bf wouldn't want to pay $55 just to be separated. I think he's just going to have to suck it up and pay the money or I'll find someone else to go with.

>> No.7610496
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I'm thinking of cosplaying this for it if I go. I hope 3 months is enough time for me to get it done including my habit of procrastination.

If I don't make it I'll probably just rewear an old costume.

>> No.7610498

Was at the first one. Personally found all the effects pretty neat but I didn't really like the model they used for her. As someone pointed out already, they realized that the hologram fades away almost completely when viewed at the sides, so I noticed that they were only offering seats in the middle sections.

For a normal concert, the performer gets to see their fans come out and support them and it would be a huge morale boost for them. Miku is a virtual singer and all you're doing by going out there is giving the people running the place cash. If the people who composed the songs she'll be "performing" at the concert were to show up there as well, I'd feel better about going.

If you're an absolute diehard Miku fan, it'd be worth it. Otherwise, don't bother with it. You're better off sitting at your computer watching the actual music videos for the songs you love.

>> No.7610519

I'm hoping the next Miku Expo will take place in a country that gives European fans a chance to go to her concert. As far as I know, there have only been concerts in Asia and America so far, not counting fanmade concerts.

She has a huge fanbase in Europe. If she were to perform in an easily accessible country like France, it would definitely sell out.

>> No.7610522

but i wanna see luka ;_;

>> No.7610559
File: 8 KB, 400x225, luuuuuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luka appeared at Mikunopolis. So she might come out to sing JBF or something

>> No.7610705

Luka is best.
they should tour other vocaloids, all in one show. not just miku

>> No.7611073

I wish I could go but I'm too old to be dumb enough to shell out for airfare to LA on top of tickets to the show. Ugh. I'll be watching it on YouTube after it's over crying ugly weeb tears

>> No.7611104
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>be from chicago
>every decent expo/con is either in LA/NY
I know it's completely irrational to be upset being only the third largest city but damn. I just want the cool shit to come here for once.

>> No.7611140
File: 681 KB, 1200x960, 1507295_10152521913384155_181596547440268074_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be going to this, but I wonder what the music selection is going to be like. Super popular songs like Melt, World is Mine, Love is War, etc. are always nice but god if I haven't listened to them millions of times already.

What I'd kill to listen to something like this but I know it won't happen:
You guys got fucking ACEN and Hardcore Synergy. I am eternally jealous because I can never see my favorite DJ's live.

>> No.7611151

id rather her sing one of her newer songs, they keep milking and milking the old "popular" songs. what about answer? or literally any other song besides jbf and two-faced lovers? jesus christ.
>getting this angry over 2d waifus

>> No.7611168 [DELETED] 

I'm a pretty big Miku/Vocaloid fan and I simply adore the hologram concerts as well as the cosplayers from the series. There have been countless exceptional cosplays I've seen of Gumi and the twins, I love seeing such magnificent craftsmanship in person.
I'll definitely be going!

To get an inkling of what songs are currently popular, the Vocaran on NND is a good place to start.
Personally, I'm dying to see anything by Gumi or any Wowaka songs. But I know it's unlikely to actually happen.

>> No.7611193

I'm a pretty big Miku/Vocaloid fan and I simply adore the hologram concerts as well as the cosplayers from the series. There have been countless exceptional cosplays I've seen of Gumi and the twins, I love seeing such magnificent craftsmanship in person.
I'll definitely be going!

To get an inkling of what songs are currently popular, the Vocaran on NND is a good place to start.
Personally, I'm dying to see anything by Gumi or any Wowaka songs. But I know it's unlikely to actually happen.

>> No.7611209

If i can get tickets ill be going to the one in NY and flying up from Florida.

>> No.7611226

Do people even cosplay at these concerts? I just saw fan footage from her show in Indonesia and it didn't seem like there were that many cosplayers - only girls wearing Miku wigs.

I'm working on a Merli cosplay, but I'm not sure how well that would go since she's not even from Crypton.

>> No.7611549

Apparently the Indonesia Miku Expo concert was essentially MikuPA.

>> No.7611588

Originally the Anime Expo concert was going to be center only like this one is but there was so much demand that they opened up the rest of the theater even though they knew the sides were going to be screwed up. This time they decided to run it two days instead

>> No.7611827

Full of Indonesian Mikufags, trust me, there will be a shitload of cosplayers here in comparison.
Gumi is so overrated, it's hard not to see the generic outfits from every hachi song ever and every Deco song ever or every gumi song in the rankings ever.
Similar to IA.
If I see any engloid, spainloid or ZOLA PROJECT cosplay, I'll love you forever tho.
pls cospurai Merli, she needs more cosplays and fanart ;;

Also people in the U.S. who whine about it not being in their city should try living in a completely different continent in which most of the good shit doesn't get sent to (AHEM LATIN AMERICA AND AUSTRALIA.)

>> No.7611868

>merli cosplay
I wanted to cosplay her so bad but I don't like sewing.
I wish you luck. I shall live me dreams through you

>> No.7611901

Do it. Most Vocaloid fans appreciate all Vocaloid cosplayers. Only the companies really care about mixing their characters. Obviously Crypton only wants people buying cryptonloids etc.

>> No.7611923

But anon if they did that everyone is just going to go for Miku anyways.

>tfw Yuzuki Yukari will never have recognition anywhere near Miku's

>> No.7613304

>Gumi is so overrated, it's hard not to see the generic outfits from every hachi song ever and every Deco song ever or every gumi song in the rankings ever. Similar to IA.

I detest that notion. Overplayed =/= bad
Do you also hate milk, eggs, beef, or bread because of how commonplace they are? What about Reimu and Marisa from Touhou or Ryu and Chun-Li from Street Fighter? They're classics! I find them adorable regardless of how common or generic they might be.

Though that's not to say they're any better than the less common characters. I wasn't trying to play a game of favorites, those were just the first couple characters that came to mind.

>> No.7613533

Well a lot of her songs are, specifically rock songs on the ranking where producers tune her in a way I find mediocre. I like Gumi, but she's better suited for other kinda songs.
Point is, Gumi is popular, you will probably see her default, append or any outfit due to a popular songs (anything Hachi, Deco, hai hai china, etc.)
I would love it if someone would wear her english costume though.
Point is, she's way more popular than you think.

>> No.7613541

I've seen DECO*27 and a few others at one concert they had. It was pretty rad.

>> No.7613543

>she's way more popular than you think.
I thought she was the fifth most popular, after Miku, Luka, Rin and Len?

>> No.7613556
File: 1.73 MB, 1567x2314, 637634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camping the page at work tomorrow to get VIP tickets for LA

I want to cosplay pic related and I've got access to a 3D printer and maker lab to get her hair ornaments and the lights right...but I've never wired lights before and honestly making the actual costume is the most intimidating part.

I've only sewn regular cotton clothes before...I've never tried to work with something skin-tight

>> No.7613908

:o Where did you find that scan??? Were there other outfits in other scans around it?

Also camping for VIP LA tickets. Hope to see you there. I'm going for the first showing on the 11th.

>> No.7613928

Absolutely going. I'm a vocal-fanatic and I've been to there concerts before- you'd think that since it's a hologram, it would be a just sit and watch concert with the glowstick thrusting, but hellll no (at least for me). Dancing, singing, all around fun. If anyone is between the fence on it, I'd say if you know quite a lot of songs, do it. It's a blast. and for those wondering, they don't just play Miku songs; they do a lot of different vocaloids.

I'm working on some Miku outfits right now for AX- just simples like Rolling Girl and Clock Lock Works; probably find something more complex for this though.

I do have a question- it's called Miku "Expo"; so is it just a 2 hour long concert, or is this like a small convention related thing? Curious to know if like there's gonna be any vendors selling vocaloid swag.

>> No.7613929

I'd check out where on the page it has a tab for Miku Expo Indonesia. I expect it to run a lot like that. Little things to do and some stuff to buy.

>> No.7613940

I'd think so anyway.
I was gonna try and save money after AX

haha Miku damnit

>> No.7613968

Is his new? how much is the tickets? I might go since it seems close to where I live.

Also, is it good?

>> No.7614180

Does anyone know if the Expo tickets include concert access?

>> No.7614266

Concert tickets go on sale today. Expo tickets have yet to be announced. Probably the expo will end up being free if you're a concert ticket holder, but if they did sell expo tickets, they wouldn't get you into the concerts.

>> No.7614267

Judging by the Indonesian concert, tickets are only needed for the concert. The Expo is free to access, but priority is given to concert ticket holders.

There's no info up yet about the LA/NY Expo, but yes, the tickets include access to the Expo and concert. I'm just not sure if concert tickets are required to go to the Expo.

>> No.7614375

:D! I just got my VIP ticket!

>> No.7614437
File: 136 KB, 500x668, 1401793653722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got mine too!!! Yeah buddy~

>> No.7614560

I'm still upset that it was never announced there was going to be a waiting room! I'm pretty sure I would've gotten closer tickets if I had known. I only joined the waiting room around 9:45.

>> No.7614745

No way, really? I joined the waiting room at 9:50 and got VIP. But yeah, I agree that they should have announced something about the waiting room.

>> No.7614763

Well I wasn't trying for VIP anon lol. I just wanted the "miku love" $75 seats.

>> No.7614822

I got tickets so I will be going! I plan to cosplay, we should try and get a big group of different Mikus!!

>> No.7615175
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I can't remember where I found it, but I'll dump the few others I have

>> No.7615176
File: 1.94 MB, 1575x2306, 637512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Got my VIP tickets from camping the page at work, pretty excite

>> No.7615181
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And that's all for me, now back to staring at EL wire

>> No.7615292

lel my friend is buying his next week. I guess we can't stand together?

That's irritating as shit. I was up at 8 AM that morning, I didn't see any waiting room and when I went to ticket master it just said "not available".

>> No.7615294

oh my god unf.
I adore this outfit.

>> No.7615299

GA5 probably isn't too far back though is it?

>> No.7615306
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 48cb989c-ae39-41f6-a243-85c518ee6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alittle off topic, but does anyone happen to know what the front of this image looks like?
I'm loving the huge collar and gunner arms.
Trying to finally put use into my Miku wig.

>> No.7615466
File: 67 KB, 720x960, ELtime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just an FYI. Once you hookup EL wire to a portable inverter, it doesn't get nearly as bright as plug-in inverters. So the light will hardly be visible in the day time. Good in the dark for a concert setting I guess. If you want super bright you have to work with LEDs and LEDs are super intimidating to me, good luck to you.

>> No.7615473

I'm not sure if there was a waiting room through ticketmaster (the LA concert used AXS). The LA concerts were having trouble with the tickets showing as "no results found" even though there are many tickets left still. Perhaps ticketmaster is having a similar issue.

>> No.7615502
File: 431 KB, 2030x731, southern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're fine with it not being miku go for it
it'd be amazing if someone actually made the whole of southern ocean war oni, or any of the more elaborate kancolle abyssals

>> No.7615533

Wow I feel incredibly ignorant now. They do look similar, but I shouldn't have made the call that it was Miku before image scanning it first. Forgive me internet.

Seriously, thanks so much. I've dabbled in Kantai and actually was planning on doing Wo-class sometime in the future because alien head with submachine guns and leds in them is the business, but this chick is 100x more on my radar now.

Sage for off-topic

>> No.7615547

I'd pay to see a Wo-class. Okay, I wouldn't, but you get the idea.

>> No.7616090

got VIP tickets
where are my VIP homies

>> No.7616932

Yeah, I'm planning on just wearing it to the actual concert, not the expo (if there is a decently sized one during the day?)

Thanks for the tip, I've never worked with lights in costumes before. Here's hoping I don't light myself on fire

>> No.7617402

The event was on featured on MTV, sure will be flooded with weebs.

>> No.7617418

it's okay
everyone who saw lady gaga in the past few months has been exposed to miku too

>> No.7617687

>implying the fandom hasn't already been flooding with weebs for the past few years.

>> No.7617916
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I bought orchestra seating for Saturday in LA. I might cosplay there, and if I do it's going to be pic related. I feel like having to deal with the wig the whole time might be a bother, however

>> No.7618076
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>mfw VIP sold out in just 3 days


>> No.7618110
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Man, I really wanted to go but all my weeb friends could barely rack up enough for AX
I really don't wanna go alone cause I really enjoy being with them and stuff and being alone makes me feel uneasy.
I could never imagine going to a con/concert alone