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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7609275 No.7609275[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which cons are the best party cons?

How to get into room parties?

Drunk con stories?

>> No.7609280
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If you're a decent looking girl, chances are you'll be invited. That or check the con forums/have friends/etc

My favorite drunk con story was jumping into the fountain at Otakon when it was full of bubbles

>> No.7609334

>have friends
I'm working on this one

>> No.7609340

>If you're a decent looking girl, chances are you'll be invited.
Oh man, i used to think I was decent/average looking, but now you're making me doubt myself because I've never actually been invited. People usually just tell me they'll be partying tonight so I hit up a friend and find my way in.

>> No.7609374

How are you supposed to get into con parties if you're a guy?

>> No.7609387
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It's mostly about connections. Most room parties stocked with a worthwhile amount of booze aren't going to want random people wandering in, but that's not to say you can't find a few. Ask around and you're bound to find someone willing to show you the way.

I think my favourite drunk story was at A-kon two years ago. I was dressed as Stein from Soul Eater and stupidly still wearing my platform shoes I use to make myself taller. I got to the third floor area where the video rooms were, and my screw fell off of my head. I spent no less than ten minutes trying to reach the floor to pick it up, much to the amusement of the people standing around me.

>> No.7609388

atomic lollipop is 10% con 90% party

>> No.7609395

Major party cons include Ala, Fanime, AX to a lesser degree. I have been told Acen and Dragoncon.
To get in you gotta now people, host your own, or go roving and bring some alcohol.
Bring grills or bring booze. Dont be creepy.

>> No.7609397

Oh well I guess I'm fucked then.

>> No.7609412

>Which cons are the best party cons?

Dragon*Con by a country mile.

The con itself at night is a party with no room needed.

>> No.7610762

is weed generally cool with con-goers? i can't drink due to medical reasons, but i can easily grab an ounce of medical grade marijuana

>> No.7610770

I'm a girl, semi-attractive but not super hot. I plan on dressing a bit revealing this year so that maybe I'll get invited to shit.

I'm going to Cali next summer and need party cons to hit up while I'm there. Any suggestions?

>> No.7610783


Drop not so subtle hints towards guys that look like the party time on how you are looking to get wasted tonight.

Motherfuckers will jump on the chance, just be careful

>> No.7610841

I've heard this several times but have not been able to go.

ALA was pretty party heavy

I thought Colossal would be too but it was more drunk con. Then again the rooms were pretty spread out around the whole place and I didn't go looking.

>> No.7610868

Did you go to the open room party at 3258?

>> No.7610911

depends on the person(s) themselves

>> No.7610923

that's why i'm asking. i'm new to cons so i am trying to get a sense for how cosplayers feel towards it. when i was in HS and tried larping, everyone was an evangelical/born again christian and irritatingly straight edge,

>> No.7610924

Is it easy to get laid at cons?
I don't know shit about cosplay but I'm thinking about dressing as Captain America. I heard from a friend that girls love comic heroes.

>> No.7610951

are you /fit/?
being at a con immediately tells you that you have some common ground, and offers an easy way to strike up a conversation. i find it a lot easier to get laid at cons, because i'm in shape if you have a good body and want to get laid, show it off, kind of funny, and i only go to out of state cons so i don't really care about striking out. having drugs/booze helps, too

>> No.7611023

Nah only party I went to was the Canadian Cabana.

I was actually pretty worn out from day drinking when I actually stayed at Kalahari so I didn't party Saturday night.

>> No.7611159


Not that much easier than your normal situations. If you're a hopeless already when it comes to women, like myself, only large amounts of booze or a hooker will help you.

>>7610951 put it best though

>> No.7611265

Tell us what con you're talking about, then maybe we can help you. Cosplayers aren't just one international culture. It depends on where you are.
If you're at a Seattle convention? It's probably going to be easier for you to find weed than booze. Some down-south con in the middle of the bible belt? I'm not so sure.

>> No.7611270

any cons on the east coast USA are fair game for me to attend. MA, RI, NY, NH, all within easy driving distance.

>> No.7611274

There was a large group of people very blatantly smoking on the terrace saturday night last otakon, though idk if I would recommend that without a group and security that doesn't seem to give a fuck.

I've done it in the hotel bathroom a couple of times with no complaints from anyone but a couple of roommates. Maybe out a window or something? Try task first or casually drop it into conversation to gauge the chillness of the people around you.

>> No.7611429

Generally wondering this... I'm cosplaying as anakin skywalker due to me being a huge Star Wars fan and being told I kinda-sorta look like Hayden Christensen in the right light. Only thing is most of my friends are too "normal" to go to these things so ill be operating solo, don't worry I'm decently sociable, just won't know anybody. I can also get decent bud, and alcohol (really good fake)

The con I'm referencing is metrocon, if that makes a difference

>> No.7611438


Dragoncon is THE party con, end thread.

>> No.7611593
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Party cons are often the worst cons. Anime Reactor was THE Midwest party con and it got driven into the ground by destructive drunken idiots and a staff that literally pissed away the con's money on booze and parties.

If you want to get into a room party, the easiest way is knowing someone is having one or knowing someone who knows someone who is having one. The only thing you gain from this is the opportunity to creep on girls and the possibility for cheap booze, since lots of room parties often have someone doing the bartender thing while asking for a couple bucks to cover the cost of booze. Means you can get away with tipping $2 for a drink that would cost you $20 at the hotel bar.

However, the best plan remains buying a bit of booze for yourself and a few others, inviting them to your room, and winding down in a chill, relaxed, not-crowded private party. If you're already social enough, it shouldn't be a problem to invite a few new friends to your room for drinks and shootin' the shit. If you're a friendless loser who can't make friends... well, there's no secret that's going to get you into anyone's room party then.

>> No.7611743

old sac anime late night hot tubbing= parting at the con. Went out to just chill then saw they were passing around booze. Since our hotel room was super close I sent a friend back to grab us drinks while my guy friend tried what they had. Yeah whatever they had in their stuff he got super sick off of, so I hope the girls who had been drinking it were okay.

Last sumer sac anime we had a drunk girl wander into out room at like 1am. we were all getting ready for bed and one person said they had a friend dropping off a costume so we open the door and this girl just walks in acting like it was her room. We took her to the front desk to get her back to the right room.

>> No.7611761
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>tfw you didn't try to fuck her drunk ass as hard as you could

>> No.7611807

I'm a chick, she was drunk as fuck, and it's a con in downtown sac.
99% chance she's con skank levels of gross and no one wants a hot mess like that.

>> No.7611866

Went to Anime Detour a few months ago, was also my first con, I didn't find it hard at all to get into room parties. If you do go to a room party just bring some alcohol to share, if not make sure to tip or give money to the host for sharing with you. Only really drunk story I have is getting super drunk to the point where I wandered away from my friends to go party hopping with another group of people I had met at one of the con parties and somehow managing to find my way back to my room on the 20th floor of the hotel we were staying at on my own while blacked out.

>> No.7611913

Canadian Cabana? Wut?

Beer pong in the game room, no one can complain because it too is a game.

>> No.7611922

Speak for yourself man, I'd smash but wouldn't make gf or any sort if contact after the con is over, or (depending on how wild) the night

>> No.7611927

I am a huge loser and not a party type at all, but my boyfriend and I went to the Midwest Media Expo and actually had fun/got pretty drunk together. The Voltaire concert was pretty fun, like that. Also the people around us rank of weed so badly it made us almost wish we'd brought ours.

>> No.7613735

That will only get you invited to dodgy parties. If you come to ax hit up the cgl meetup. We have the best parties.
If parties are the only game a con has than maybe. Ala as small as it is has a lot of good places for photoshoots, which is nice.

>> No.7613762
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>I am a huge loser
>my boyfriend

That's enough of this board for tonight!

>> No.7613934

Oh man Reactor was off the chain

>> No.7614305

How to get invited to room parties:

Step One: Be generally attractive and personable. Strike up conversations with people who are with a larger group of friends.

Step Two: If you are attractive/personable enough you might get a straight up invite to hang later. If not have a generic, 'we should meet up/hang out later' - if they don't hate you then you'll likely get an invite or phone # for later.

Step 3: AT THE PARTY. Say hi to fucking everyone, if you don't puke everywhere or act like an ass hole you will be invited to parties the rest of the weekend or future cons. Then its just a matter of seeing known party friends at convention and asking what the nights plans are.

>> No.7614347

The worst is
>but I'm forever alone!
>I only have my boyfriend!

>> No.7614351

>dr scientist
>best parties

>> No.7614355

>sac anime
I lol'd.

Canadian trip took me to a Cabana what was where all the Canadians were. A group booked one.

It was nice as fuck to, like eight rooms.

I would get one for myself but I'm not a party hoster, I'm old and need my sleep.

>> No.7614372
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>I am a huge loser
>my boyfriend

If you've got a boyfriend then you're nowhere near as big of a loser as half the people in this thread.

>> No.7614527

I live in Sac. Is it worth going to that con to party?

>> No.7614743
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Taking our hookah with us to AX, though we're not going to be staying at the Westin like previous years, we're crashing at the Stillwell this year.
Kinda scared we might miss out on the parties this year

>> No.7614830
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Going to AX this year. planning on rolling balls. Is this a bad idea? Are dances any good? Has ALA become more party central then AX or some shit?

>> No.7615229

Metro isn't a very big party con from what I've heard/seen, most people ditch the con and go drinking in the city vs having room parties

>> No.7615239

That's not too bad. I like drinking in Ybor, I just do it too much sometimes, but I suppose it'd be cool to get drunk in a cosplay. Also I could use my connections to get booze for the under 21's (and probably earn some brownie points there)

>> No.7615240

I honestly don't know. Im pretty attractive and good looking and not really an autist and even then i can't seem to make friends at /cgl/ gatherings so how the fuck am i supposed to get invited to parties. I try being nice but all i get is people ignoring me. Its sad really i just want to make friends. I try every year and all i see is people that already know each other ignoring people like me. I really wish you guys were as nice as you pretend to be. It hurts.

>> No.7615258

I've never been to a /cgl/ meet up before, I always pussed out. But maybe you're too pretty and make the other seagulls jealous? That or you're more of an autist than you think. Or maybe you're like me: totally chill with random people at cons saying hi, casual chat etc. but as soon as I meet someone I'm like "Yeah it would be cool to be friends with this person" I start to spill my spaghetti

>> No.7615958

That is what I'm afraid of, either them getting jealous or them thinking "no way this guy seriously wants to hang out with us, he's probably fucking with us and baiting us for slushies, wedgies etc"

>> No.7616082

At least for west coast meetups, everybody knows each other and has for a long time. It can be intimidating for a new person.

>> No.7616093
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IMO if you roll at the raves (and aren't too pilled up) it shouldn't be a problem, just not during the day time.

>> No.7616153

SRSLY?! Were the like a bunch of Canadian tripfags? And do you mean eight rooms side by side or like one big villa? Hell, I'll consider it.

>> No.7617103

oh look
valle is implying things again

>> No.7617121

As part of that villa I can confirm it was super nice as fuck. I know on the thurs party we had I crashed early upstairs and it was pretty quiet there the most part.
that villa though was so worth the cost

>> No.7617344

Hit or miss. It's no more or less accepted than it is with normal party scenes.

>> No.7617363

>Which cons are the best party cons?

>How to get into room parties?
Know someone throwing a party

don't be a dick to the door guy

bring girls with you, don't just wander up alone, unless you're a girl

You can also try looking around the hotel floors for lines to get into parties, and some cons have advertised parties too, though personally I think the privately thrown parties are better

>Drunk con stories?
Don't really have any as I don't drink much. We had a couple D grade celebrities and internet personalities visit our parties before, like one of the comic relief pirates from Pirates of the Caribbean (the short fat one, not the guy who played Dwight on the UK office), Chloe Dykstra did a little walk around with a camera (this was a couple years before HoC when she just did her youtube channel, the video never made it to her channel because it was stupid) I think we had a couple of the people from some popular Ghost hunter show too, but we never had anyone super exciting that I can remember.

Room parties are a lot of work to make them worthwhile to the attendees so you're looking for one that has wrist bands/door people/bartender/dj to have a good time.

We never charged people, but we did have a tip jar on the bar. I think people liked that better than charging for anything. Usually the cost of the suites, alcohol, security, dj, flyers/marketing, and cleaning supplies was split between 4 or 5 people which made it manageable cost wise I guess.

Hope that helps

>> No.7619220


>> No.7619561


Best bet is to be friends with those who hold their own room parties, the quality of which may vary. Once there, always offer to tip the organizer a few bucks for the trouble then proceed to socialize. If the latter is successful you may find yourself invited to other parties either that weekend or at subsequent conventions.

The kind of drunk you are is a big factor as well. If you are a happy drunk, it's likely people will want to have you back. If you are a sad drunk your chances lessen unless you're really good friends with folks, if you're an angry drunk then forget it.

One last thing: don't focus on women alone. Start a convo with most everyone in the room, ask them how their day way, what mutual friends they may have, bring up what you work/study for a living. You'll come off more genial and women will come into the picture eventually, even if it's just for friendly chatter. Come in and leave with diminished expectations and your night should be fine.

>> No.7619585

good like azizam i hope it doesnt break.
for the past 2-3 ax i have watched the meetup in secret and just couldn't do it each time and ended up walking off.

>> No.7619837

> don't focus on women alone.
This. Thirsty motherfuckers that create a bad environment for everyone. Hang out, have fun, and let things happen as they will.
Come by this year. Its always good fun.

>> No.7619998

I woke up in a bathtub at ohayocon. Can't wait for next year.

>> No.7620055


eh just ask the group you're planning on partying with

most people i know that don't smoke weed just don't want people smoking in their rooms because it's not legal here and don't want to be badgered about smoking too but won't clutch their pearls if you do it in a stairwell or another room,

other groups i know smoke in their hotel bathroom

it just depends on the group

>> No.7620422

Dragoncon omfg that con has got to be the best party type con ever. Cant wait to go again. If you have a dont give a fuck attitude and are mildly attractive chances are you will be knee deep in pussy.

>> No.7620505

>tfw poor and havent been to any major cons out of state since 2012
>tfw live in Florida

I am only going to Supercon this year as anything somewhat big. I usually never last all day at cons and end up leaving before it even gets dark. Between wearing cosplay and walking around all day, I get tired as fuck. How do you guys do it?

>> No.7620569

Even for girls, confidence still plays a role in how people perceive you.

>> No.7620572

>No body wants a hot mess

Speak for yourself but jack in the box knows how to make a sammich

>> No.7622536

Anyone going to be having a /cgl/ meet up or room party for AWA?

>> No.7622896

>lives in Florida

Come to Metrocon in Tampa dude, that way I won't have to be alone at my first con either. I hear it's fun, gonna try n get laid but we'll see what happens

>> No.7624492

Do people still go to that?

>> No.7624751

you do know homeless people piss and shit in that, right?

>> No.7624775

metro USED to be a big party con say 5 years ago.....the embassy pool would be full of drunk people til all hours. then a few years ago they cracked down hard and closed the pool at like 10. we always had tons of booze for metro....was a good time, but i've heard it's gone downhill in the last few years,

>> No.7624782
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It also has a metric ton of chlorine in it, on top of the soap

>> No.7624790

It doesn't take anything to get invited to a party. Just talk to people and don't be a weirdo.

This applies to males. I've never seen a female turned away from a party even if she's ugly. There are very desperate people at cons.

>> No.7624823

Damn, ahh well. I'll give it a go anyways, I'll create another thread during/after metrocon to see what's going on

>> No.7624888

can i make a rule where we kick out the thirsty motherfuckers, male or female

>> No.7625017

No, as long as they're hot they can be as thirsty as they want and stay at my party

>> No.7625721

If they're bothering the other guests, absolutely.

>> No.7625745

How would people react to Naked Snake rolling to a party in full gear, bottle in hand, telling people in his best David Hayter voice that the Major told him to be here? Asking people where The Boss/Sokolov is and engaging in drink offs with any Ocelots nearby?

>> No.7625829

Let's just tie them to a chair and make them chug before throwing them out in to the wild.

>> No.7626118

I was under the impression that the chances of getting laid at a con as a guy once you weed out the underage, taken, prudes, fatties and uggos, were on the low spectrum (that being you are decently attractive for an anime convention and not a total aspie).

Are you guys actually banging attractive chicks there? and if so, is it rather frequent?

>> No.7626182

That would be awesome.

>> No.7626646
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I got wrecked with moot at a con room party once. Pic related

>> No.7626648

My little sister cosplays and I bring her to almost every con I go to.
She's 15.
I'd love to party, but I love my sister too much.
Onee-chan probs

>> No.7626652

Make friends with people who do have parties. Thats what I did.

>> No.7626687

At otakon last year i got shit faced before the rave, got back to my room at like 3 in the morning or some shit, and my piece of shit roommates locked me out so i started screaming and hitting the door in a drunk furry and realized that nobody was actually in the room. They showed up like 45 minutes later.

>> No.7626699

That's awesome.

>> No.7626747

...god damnit that's adorable. I don't s'pose we can get a pic?

>> No.7626762

Hes actually really cool. Very relaxed.

>> No.7627312

How are people generally on the idea of having a 19 year old drinking with them? I'd like to go to some parties but I can't imagine there's much to do beyond getting hammered.

>> No.7627374

Depends if we know you and you're not a fucking dumbass.

>> No.7627388

You sound like the kind of nineteen year old I wouldn't want at my party, tbh. Talk to people and play drinking games just like at any other party; don't get hammered and require someone else to take care of you, that is never cute.

>> No.7627414

the AX raves are wack af, don't waste a roll on them

>> No.7627444

DragonCon is the best party con, period. If you aren't drunk, people will give you noise out of pity.

I've never been to a con in the south where people smoke weed. Is it frowned apon or do I just not find it?

Also, are there any parties at AWA that are actually good? It seems like it's mostly underage girls trying to get free booze. I want to party with fun, older, not-super-weebs. Though that might be asking too much.

>> No.7627451

I haven't been to AWA in forever, but from what I remember it was less of a room-party con and more of a going to the main hotel bar and getting drunk with the media/entertainment guests sort of con. More relaxed and public drunk than crazy party drunk.

>> No.7627477

ok. We don't encourage 3d coupling anyways.
Fuck im jealous.
You can't leave her in the room come bedtime?

>> No.7627485

Yeah, that makes sense. I haven't been in a few years, and I'd like to hang in a chill environment. As long as Vic Mcdongalong isn't there to mess it up. He gets rapey when drunk.

>> No.7627705
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>girlfriend brings me to party while I'm cosplaying (crossplaying? whatever a guy cosplaying a trap would be) pic related
>a few guys there were drunk enough to actually think I was a girl and tried hitting on me

The look on their faces when they heard my very unfeminine voice was hilarious. They must have been incredibly drunk too, because I looked awful.

>> No.7627751

My boyfriend got drunk in the shared hotel room and peed on the side of the bed/on my purse. He got up, pulled his pants down, and peed. That was a very unpleasant way to wake up. He had to call his dad to come get him since he's a really shitty drunk.

Kinda a huge bummer for my first con.

>> No.7627754

I rarely get drunk anymore. Probably because some disaster always happens where I get inhuman amounts of confidence and hulk-like strength. Cons for me are all about the edibles now. I want to chill and not wake up the next morning feeling like I got hit by a truck.

>> No.7628538

Pretty much this. There are some room parties, though. Two years back there was a big private one that you needed an invite to get into. It was an open bar, the con directors and some higher up staff was there, and even johnny yong bosch and his band showed up. My friend and I took shots with the drummer.

>> No.7628559

But Rui is hot as fuck

>> No.7628571

Just need to know the right people and you'll get invited all the time.

>> No.7628575
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That happened to me one Halloween, holy hell I must make a pretty girl, I had so many dudes coming up to me asking, asking me to dance, buying me drinks etc. my voice didn't even deter some of them, one I actually had to show him my boobs were fake to get him to leave me alone.

mfw I got more attention from dudes that night than I've gotten from girls any nights I've gone out.

>> No.7628600

Now you kind of know how it is to be a girl and why they may react like they do.

>> No.7628606

Yeah I figured that out pretty quick.

>> No.7628623

did you fuck them?

>> No.7628670

Generally wondering this, any dudes who got laid at a con please share stories and give advice

>> No.7628692

Nope, I'm into grills.

>> No.7628700

the guys who are getting laid are the ones who don't need help to begin with. if you can get numbers in "real life" you'll do fine. if you struggle in "real life" nothing is going to change. it's not a free for all

>> No.7628721


Its gonna sound pretty bullshit like "Just be yourself!" says the guy who looks like Brad Pitt 6'4 and muscular

But really, just be yourself. Girls at cons are generally much easier than other girls, the rather plain/average/uglier ones are often EXTREMELY easy, as they aren't apparent to the concept of being hit on.

I fool around with 1-4 girls every con, just be friendly and talk to people - make friends, not fuck buddies

Your intention cannot be to get laid like a thirsty motherfucker, girls can pick up on that - sure, some might. But those are generally whores

It will just happen, if your intention is to do Hot as HELL attractive sexy cosplayers I can't help you there.

But I would imagine those types would like Money or really really hot guys and most likely already have a partner

>> No.7628729

Getting shit faced is one of and the most important of the three pillars of con going.

>> No.7628751

>my voice didn't even deter some of them

Some of us are actually into fucking traps.

>> No.7628803

I dunno man, I don't have a particularly manly voice, it's not feminine mind you but this was in a club so it was pretty noisy too. I thought it really tipped many of them off.

>> No.7628827

B-but I'm already muscular with a 6 pack and kawaii face

Never been to a con (going to one next month) and my intentions aren't to get laid, but being friendly and not creepy will inadvertently cause such a situation to arise eh?

And I imagine the 1-4 girls you fool around with every con are rather cute?

>> No.7628832


If your -actually- muscular 6-pack with a good face just do a shirtless cosplay

Chances are girls will hit on you, you don't even have to do anything. I've seen it happen many many times with some of my more athletic friends
Hell, some of my friends even give me second thoughts sometimes

They are cute, by my standards. I only rate myself a 7/10 at most, take it as you will

Also one of them is more like a con fwb I see at almost every con I go to, so I guess she doesn't really count

>> No.7628845

Thanks for the motivation and yeah you are right

I go to EDM festivals shirtless without hitting on girls and they actually come to me every time but I just assumed it's cause it's a party atmosphere and everyone is drunk and on drugs so a con would be different

But I'm hitting up this con alone, so let's see what happens

>> No.7628857


Advice for fat guys: Dress nice as fuck and don't look sloppy. Button down shirts, slacks a nice watch and you're good to go.

After that just start talking to the girl without going into desperation of thirst. This Is how I pick up chicks at Dragon*Con and I'm a 6' 2" 360lb black dude.

>> No.7628996
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awww yeah nigga
Last year we spent a whole day piling up on edibles, but they leave you feeling so tired not even halfway through the con.
I'll just stick to filling up a monster can with Jameson

It really is man
Do you pre-game it or just sneak it in, or both?

>> No.7629014

So they have these tiny plastic bottles of burbon that slip so perfectly into ones pocket and aren't open carrying, as well as their normal sized counter parts in my hotel room at at the hotel bar. Its what you call a win-win-win

>> No.7629029
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My friend sells nerdy flasks pretty much for the purpose of people using them at cons. He's always got extras so we load up before the dances and other big events.

>> No.7629043

lol I just dump out some Monster can and fill it with whatever
Surprised our group hasn't gotten in trouble or whatever for going around being drunk and loud as fuck
Its fun hyping up cosplayers tho

Damn son, that shit looks nice
I always wanted a flask but I feel like I'd need to refill that shit very often.
Does he have a booth at AX, I've always wanted a weeb flask

>> No.7629059

how much are they on average

I'd buy it

>> No.7629074

A quick image search led me to http://thedrunkenmoogle.storenvy.com/
It looks like they're $20.

>> No.7629080
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>not having a P flask
>close tab

>> No.7629091



just make your own m8

>> No.7629665

DragonCon is the party con, hands down. There are room parties with apple pie drink contests to see who has the best secret recipe, but the official con parties are the best. There are at least 3 per night at all the hotels and each is awesome. Every time I've had girls ask me to dance and met some really great people. Just going is a lot of fun. You get a free drink ticket at a lot of them, but we normally flask it up.

>> No.7629670

>reading thread
>never knew that dragon con was a huge party con
>bringing 15 year old brother this year

the suffering

>> No.7629742

Holy shit I just realized that if someone started a baby/kid sitting gig at DragonCon they would make bank.

"Ok little sibling/offspring, you sit tight and watch X-Men 1-First Class and I'll be back at 2am. You get to stay up late and have fun! Yay!"

>> No.7629779

Dude I don't know about you but I started drinking/smoking pot at 15, just bring the subject up with him... Who knows maybe he'd have just as much fun hitting on the jb

>> No.7632296


>> No.7632312
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If you were invited to a room party what would you take?

>Grey Goose
>Patron Silver (or Don Julio)
>lol Water and asprin
>nothing, cause costs 2much shekles

>> No.7632339

Yes, D*C has a big party scene. No, that's not the only aspect of it, and it's not a bad con to bring kids to. I started going at 16, was always fine, and always had a blast. Now my 14-yr-old sister goes with my family too, and we've never had a problem with her.

>> No.7632348

>Not bringing based Kettle One and a white grape white owl blunt full of mango kush

>> No.7632684
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I dunno how to feel about bringing pot to a room party, Im all for it but I don't wanna get people mad or whatever
Where would you even smoke that shit anyways?
Last room party we threw we lit it up in the bathroom but it was our room party. Im pretty sure alot of people wouldnt want people smoking in their bathroom
Cause some people are really against that shit

>> No.7632787

Build either a smoke absorption tube (empty paper towel tube and dryer sheets) or invest in a g-pen (e-cigs but with pot) so you can covertly smoke in various places

>> No.7632795

And unfortunately I agree with you about people freaking out about smoking.for a group of people who claim to be very tolerant and open minded, break out a harmless joint and all of the sudden it's 1951 again and I get countless "I'm allergic to weed" people

>> No.7632800

Can confirm that no one gives a fuck at D*con.

But yes its also fine to bring younger kids to. I started going as a young teen, alone, and managed to stay out of any trouble.

If you're a girl and you aren't regularly asked to room parties by random men, I must therefore assume you're just really gross.

>> No.7633002

Seems like too much of a hassle
Either way my friend is taking a couple of edibles to have inside the con, we might just take a couple of prerolled blunts in my case just in case but I might just end up only drinking at the party

>> No.7633408

Last year my boyfriend and I went to Anime Midwest and ended up being among the oldest people there at like 20 and 21. Shit was dumb. We're going again this year and bringing booze so if anyone else got stuck going to this shit-tier convention and wants to have a /cgl/ party let's get that shit started

>> No.7633419

idk about AX or Comic con but man people in ALA just go all night, non-stop parties

>> No.7633439

havnt been in AX's raves but most recent ALA's raves sucked dick, shitty dj's and literally one DJ. the partys afterwards made up for it tho

>> No.7633558

Beer- potentially messy, doesnt stretch far
champagne- ditto
Jameson- good
grey goose- I hope you dont think that this is a good vodka
patron/don julio- ok choice but a lot of ppl wont touch tequila
sake- what are we, weaboos?
water- if someone brought a case of water to my party that would be fucking great
Almost all hotels are smoke free, and if they catch you its a huge fine. Its a big liability. Especially if you are hosting a party, which increases the chance of security coming by and smelling it. Best bet if you must smoke is to have a designated room for it.
ALA is the best party con. Thats why us tripfags hype it up a lot.

>> No.7635082


Florida cons are all but dead. Mega is good, but what you should really do if you want to have a blast is skip both Mega and Metro and go to Dragon*Con. Me and my friend are doing that, we're from Jax and we're trying to get some more people to go and make friends with hopefully. AS of right now it's just the two of us because all our other friends are whiny broke ass little shits who want us to pay their way for the weekend which ain't gonna happen.

>> No.7635084


Which hotels are the best for Dragon*Con for meeting people to party at the con with? I'm way into social networking with people into cosplay and Jfashion that aren't complete shutins and/or functional mutes.

>> No.7635115

IMO marriott and hyatt have the biggest bar/lobby areas that people tend to congregate in. probably your best bet for finding people to party with.

>> No.7635118
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Are you hosting a room party for AX?
I kinda wanna drop by a different one, cause we're always throwing one or stopping by the staff party in the Westin. It'd be nice meeting new people and chillin.
Which hotel are you guys crashing at? Due to my car being a lil shit I lost a good 200 from my AX savings so we have to stay at the stillwell

If I were to stop by I would probs bring a pack of water and a bottle of Jameson
>I'm a weeaboo and I like Grey Goose ;~;
Im pretty burnt out on Vodka though, that was back in my highschool years when 4lokos and vodka was a thing lol

>> No.7635123

I'd definitely chill in the Marriott Lobby during the first part of the evening. Lots of big cosplay and lots of alcohol being consumed.

But that's just what I've noticed the past two years I've gone.

>> No.7635763


Been going to Dragoncon for six years now, Megacon for eight (because I live in Orlando). If I had to choose, I'd save my money for Dragoncon hands down, its non stop action for four days.

Plus Megacon was kind of a clusterfuck this year. That parking.

>> No.7635868

disgusting taste

>> No.7635931


Oh believe me, it was a nice icebreaker with some friends of mine when I brought sake with the drinking cups.

>> No.7636052

I'm in Orlando as well. What are some good cons here or in it's neighboring cities? Sage for off-topic

>> No.7636069


If you're planning to go to Dragon*Con now then you are SOL if you're trying to get a room. The host hotels are sold out and the rooms that are available are going for $300+ per night.

>> No.7636490


Eh, I'm not disappointed. The "friend" I was planning to go with is being a twat so im probably about to cut her toxic ass out of my life anyway.

It's not worth being treated like an auxiliary friend for when your "real friends" are busy just to have someone to go to cons with.

>> No.7636602

I am in the jw but I am not currently hosting. I am gonna go all out at ala so I am saving money. I am the only seagull out here that stocks a full bar but that gets expensive.
If you want a decent vodka go for sobieski or svedka. Grey goose is of similar or lesser quality but is artificially expensive. Read up on how Sidney Frank marketed grey goose.
Sake is not bad, but you can't mix much with it and thats what I do.

>> No.7636701

I got a room at the Marriott in October [It only cost my firstborn]. I think I'm fine.

>> No.7637107

Oh nice, how long you been bartending?
My sis is actually got a bartending license and she is always wanting to teach me but Im usually too busy being on my computer lol.
All she ever uses is Grenadine and Sweet and Sour though, never been a big fan of mixed/sweet drinks.

>> No.7637189


Yeah, those rooms are going for $575 per night right now. And they want all that shit up front. Thankfully I got a room at the Westin for 140 per night on the Federal employee rate.

>> No.7638046

We need some quality party time next weekend. I was too busy cooking last time around to drink much.

>> No.7638078

Also, if anybody gets lucky they can find me cooking at a convention. I have three George Foreman Grills, a Rotisserie, multiple crock pots and a toaster oven. I've done pot roasts, multiple types of burgers, jalapeno cream cheese poppers, my killer mac and cheese, and prolly gonna do steaks and chicken next time around. Made about a hundred hand packed sliders and 9 pounds of mac and chees for Bryantist's party this ALA. Prolly gonna do it again next time around and I look forward to feeding everybody again :)

>> No.7639757


>> No.7639841
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>> No.7640015

>dabs + smokebuddy
>small amounts of ketamine
>small amounts of mdma

I donno how many people would be cool with this though.

>> No.7640768

I'd be cool, done everything on the list except K. Wouldn't mind doing it, but if we're talking "hardcore" soft drugs I prefer codeine in sprite

>inb4 nigger

>> No.7641222

>If you're a girl...
sorry m8, i regret to inform you that i am the owner of a penis.
people talk to me a lot, but i never get invited places.

>> No.7642033

Ketamine and mdma would be bad news, there's always that one person willing to try new thing but isnt experienced with drugs and they end up tripping and then its just a buzz kill for everyone.

Dabs should be cool though, just don't whip it out and start smoking it then and there. Ask people if its cool with em

>> No.7642238

Otakon this year I am going to get pretty hammered and go around the whole day in my Mako cosplay. Getting drunk and wearing womens clothes should be fun

>> No.7642251


Damn, dude, when did you book? I'd be willing to move out of the Marriott next year if the fed discount's that hefty.

>> No.7642332
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You can go even lower if you stay at an overflow hotel.

>> No.7642377

I've always felt based on personal experience that ALA was the best party con since it's so close quaters with so many rooms surrounding the pool on the bottom floor.
People often keep these doors open during parties with some being a free for all or tip the host policy. I have also attended many birthday and theme parties there.
This year we held the Glow Stick party there which I bounced. Had an awesome turnout, ton of people showed up, word spread quick and knew of some people leaving the rave to come party with us.

I hear Dragon-Con is an amazing party con too and I look forward to going someday.

How to get into room parties?
Know people, be cool, get phone numbers, become an aquaintance of someone going, be awesome in general.

>> No.7642398

Ketamine is kinda like psychedelic alcohol. Just don't be a fucktard and K-hole.

Truth be told, the mdma/ketamine would be for personal use only. I obviously don't trust anyone else who hasn't experienced it before. Hell, there'd probably be retards freaking out from dabs. It'd be very low doses, so it's more or less a mood boost. Although, I haven't been any con parties before... what exactly goes down? Are there DJs playing music that isn't shit? I've been to plenty of EDM music festivals/raves so maybe I'm setting my expectations too high.

>> No.7642417

I've never been to a room party before, but I'm pretty good at hitting up larger groups of people and making friends quickly.
How decent is the party game at AX?

>> No.7642422

I should probably crossplay
Like three or four times a week I'll be in the bathroom washing my hands or somesuch and people will walk in, see me, then walk out to check the sign in the door

>> No.7642426
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>Invited to party a few years back that's mostly industry people by some VA who thought I was funny
>Decline because social anxiety

God dammit why am I such an idiot that would have been a lot of fun.

Agreed, but I'm not. Someone grabbed my ass though so from behind I must not have been too bad.

>> No.7642428

>Just don't be a fucktard and K-hole.
Wherein lies the problem

Nothing, because I'm 19 and the US of A doesn't allow fun for people before they're 21

Speaking of being 19, how strongly do people put age blocks on these things? Could I just get the black X thing if I'm under 21, or would I just not be welcome?

>> No.7642456

If you are a guy you have to take a little initiative. Ask if ppl are doing stuff later, etc.
Its not as good as the hotels are really spread out.

>> No.7643600

Hotel parties aren't as crazy as house parties cause you can't be that loud and the hotel rooms aren't that big so its kinda cramped at times

>black X thing
lol this aint a club man
Im pretty sure they'll be cool with you drinking just aslong as you don't get too shitfaced and act a fool
If you're planning to drink and can't bring alcohol at least give the bartender some money for the drinks, that way you won't seem like a jew and they'd be cool with you drinking

>> No.7643614


One year I'll have a costume plan that allows for walking in the Atlanta heat for more than a block and get some of those sweet savings.

>> No.7643770

>lol this aint a club man
I know, I just thought it might be a good faith thing or somesuch

>at least give the bartender some money for the drinks
What would be the standard for that? I wouldn't want to come off as cheap, nor would I want it to seem like I'm weird

>> No.7643885

>Thanks for the drink! Where's your tip jar?

>> No.7643901

this year's my first time going to AX too - where is the /cgl/ meetup?

>> No.7643936

friday 9pm outside west hall

>> No.7643941

So you gotta know people to go to these Parties? What happens if you go to a con alone but you're fairly fit, /fa/, and good looking? Will I get invited without asking? Like someone just coming up to me saying "Hey anon, we're having a party in room 503, there's gonna be booze and women. You should come"

>> No.7643949

it's possible but unlikely
you'd be better served by looking for them and not them looking for you. talk to people, get to know them a little, get them to want you as part of the party, ask around as necessary

>> No.7643954

Do you have to drink at these parties? I've only gotten drunk once at a house party a few years ago in high school. I ended up crying and punching walls in front of everyone and ever since then I've been scared shitless of drinking even 1 drop of alcohol. Also by any chance do they check for ID's. Being Anime Fans I expect them to be "stricter" for some reason. I am currently 20

>> No.7643966

Ask if they have non-alcoholic stuff and if they don't mind.
A great majority are VERY understanding if you're the violent type of drunk and don't want to drink because of that.
The type the want to make you drink regardless of it are not the type you want to be around anyway.

>> No.7643985

Making friends with random people isn't too difficult, but it requires quite a bit of time to get to know people to that level- and there's a pretty good chance that they DON'T know someone who's going to a room party. Are there telltale signs to watch out for, or something? I've made a lot of good friends/passing friends at cons over the years, and I've only been invited to parties a handful of times.