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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7596385 No.7596385[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see one in the catalog.

>> No.7596389

I'm testing something I read online where you apply a thick layer of lotion on your feet before wrapping them in clingfilm and putting on socks and waiting for a few hours. I have terrible feet in desperate need of attention so I suppose it's worth a shot.
Has anyone else tried this?

>> No.7596472

Nope, but I'd caution against this. At my start at trying to get my feet soft, I would slather them in lotion and put on socks. It caused lots of peeling and bubble skin and I couldn't figure out why until I stopped doing that.

Now I just exfoliate in the shower, lotion the top of my feet during the day, and lotion the soles before I go to bed.

>> No.7596478

Ok so I just bought my first makeup brush set (12 pieces) and I know how to use, like, half of them. Is there someboddy really on point on make up who can explain it to me ?

>> No.7596481

i have no idea what you did to your feet but ive been doing the lotion+socks thing for years and not had a problem. anon should be fine.

>> No.7596482

"Bubble skin"?

>> No.7596497

Tried it before and I've seen others do it. Don't do it. Your feet ends up feeling really clammy in the morning

I didnt use cling wrap but I used some vasaline and put it in the areas I needed it the most like my heels and top of my feet. Then, I just wrapped it in a sock before going to bed. I did it every other day and it was okay. Exfoliate in the shower and lotion it after shower on the days you dont do it. Just a light layer

>> No.7596504

Would you mind sharing a picture? This will help us help you!

>> No.7596514
File: 123 KB, 860x666, makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, sorry. It's something like pic related.

>> No.7596590

Anon probably had bad feet like mine. I was a dancer for 12+ years and when I quit I had horrible calluses that if not kept up with would peel. Lotion and socks would make them peel and bubble and just hurt.

>> No.7596613

Can I get recommendations for strong facial moisturizers? My problem is that my face is clear and pretty 90% of the time but the other 10% it becomes so dry, flaky, and red I can't even put makeup on. I think it's stress induced because it's usually when a con rolls around. I know it's bad but I usually end up taking my exfoliating sponge and literally scrub all the dead skin off just so I can wear makeup and have a nice face for a con.

I currently use a variety of doctor recommended stuff, but the product they told me to use for the dry skin I can't use repeatedly because my skin will apparently become addicted to it? I also use this lotion and moisturizing wash called CereVe?

>> No.7596621

If it's usually before a con, what about using something heavy at night like vaseline or [a lot of] coconut oil?

>> No.7596670

Tips on makeup appearing well in photos? I can do cute makeup and whatnot so that I look great in real life but I can't seem to make it transfer into photos. In photos I just look like I have barely anything on.

Are there any tips you guys have besides loading on/exaggerating the makeup so that it looks clownish irl but looks awesome in photos?

>> No.7596715

Maybe try the Full of Grace bar from Lush? I used one of those in the winter when I'd wake up every day with my face peeling.

>> No.7596732

Eczema sufferer here, this stuff works wonders. After I ran out of my Dove moisturizer I found this and now I don't get patchy anymore.

>unrelated, but captcha: you atistds

>> No.7596744

>really young looking face
>sweet lolita
>gets mistaken for high school student
>put on false eyelashes (dolly wink)
>suddenly look 25+ years old
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I put a thin line of eyeliner on before and after applying eyelashes and it always comes out too much. Is it possible to wear falsies without any eyeliner? I always see tutorials advising to put on eyeliner.

>> No.7596752

I've had this. I did heavy makeup. Didn't show up???
What the fuck?

>> No.7596761

I have wrinkles under my eyes, I'm only eighteen and it's the only spot they are at. I'm not dehydrated and my face is well moisturized? I'm confused as to what it is.

>> No.7596774

In order from left to right
Eye lash
Fan brush (Dusting, wiping, overall finish of makeup)
cant see, but I am guessing another eyebrow for stronger colors
Small ish foundation brush? Idk it should be bigger than that so not sure...

>> No.7596776

I've done heavy makeup at home and did test shots that looked good but I can't bring myself to go out with that kind of makeup. I need to contour like mad to make my face shape look good in photos but irl I would look burned lol

>> No.7596778

Try Seacret. I have been using for at least 5 months and it works wonderfully for already ok skin.

>> No.7596789

Lots of people have little lines under their lower eyelid. Even children. Don't worry about it.

Could it be that it's just a really dramatic change? Lots of women who've never worn makeup think they look whorish or like drag queens with just a little mascara and lipstick, whereas people who aren't used to seeing them barefaced think they look perfectly normal. Also everyone generally looks younger without makeup on. Anything beyond concealing under eye circles and filling in your brows can age you even if you do it right.
You could post a picture here with and without falsies, if you like.

>> No.7596797

Can anyone recommend a good way to cover a large amount of tattoos? I've done lots of online research and watch youtube videos, but there's a lot of conflicting information/only very small tattoos being covered. Good concealer and fixative? Brands?

>> No.7596799

Maybe you should try more toned down? Do you use under eyelashes as well? Maybe stop using those.

>> No.7596815

When it looks like you have a bubble under your skin, and the skin above looks white because it's peeling off but not quite. There's no liquid or anything. I'm not sure if I'm explaining it right.

This anon's right, I always stood on my tip-toes and used to go barefoot all the time. I danced as a hobby. It also doesn't help that if I lotion my soles, I'll have to be active almost immediately since I have class/a life.

It's possible, I've done it before. It only looks weird if you don't put it very close to your water line. As another anon said, if you're using lower eyelashes, maybe you should see how it'd look without them.

>> No.7596821

I want to clear up my face but I'm not sure what else to do.
I wash and moisturize it everyday. I have mild acne and oily skin. I have black and white heads and sometimes I get nodules. Theres also have a ton of blackheads on my back and I exfoliate them as well but nothing seems to get rid of them.

>> No.7596824

Try Queen Helene's Mint Masque, everyone I know loves it including me, and my boyfriend likes how it makes his face less blackhead-filled.

>> No.7596829


>> No.7596847

I'm fairly sure this has been asked before, but I don't really remember the answers. Dermablend works for scars as well, right? Not acne scars, but a cut scar, fairly elevated?

>> No.7596888

and to seal it?

>> No.7596964

ah, i see. it has a setting powder. have you personally tried it? my tattoos are on my hands and arms and I was wondering how well it holds up after a few hours.

>> No.7596998

I'd suggest using a thinner layer of vaseline instead, and skipping the cling wrap. Your feet still need to breathe.

If your feet were peeling, it was because you had a lot of built up dead skin that needed to come off. I'd suggest combining this methid with shower exfoliation to remove the dead skin you're allowing to come off.

I was a dancer for a really long time, and this is what got the calluses off of my nasty rock feet. It IS kind of gross while they're peeling off, but the only way to remove a callus is for it to peel off.

>> No.7597000

My nose tends to always get covered in black heads. I use a normal acne wash every morning that works for the rest of my face except my nose

Does anybody have any recommendation on what I could use?

>> No.7597031

Buoy here(dont hit on me silly girls!) and I am planning to cosplay Tab from Jet Set Radio. I know that it is mandatory to wear make up if you want a halfway decent cosplay, so any tips for a guy who has never worn make up? Like is there a basic kit make up kit or something?

>> No.7597032

There's a male character I'm cosplaying with facial hair, but I'm a girl with a heart shaped face. Is there I way I can make my chin look bigger so it doesn't look silly? I'm very pale so highlighting doesn't do much for me.

>> No.7597042

Yes I have tattoos on my arms and chest. Dermablend is the best cover up for anything abnormal I have ever tried.

>> No.7597052

Pore strip or blackhead peel mask after a shower when your nose gets gross. Konjac sponge for some daily gentle cleansing.

Foundation, concealer (dark circles, any sort of scarring?), some sort of setting powder if you have oily skin to keep it all on.

>> No.7597054

They're probably not actual blackheads, they're probably enlarged pores. I get them too, the only thing that works is to scrub the fuck out of them and use a clay mask to shrink them, but even then it's only temporary.

>> No.7597113

I had glasses for years, just got contacts and- holy shit, I never knew I had such huge eyebags.

Besides more sleep(this is a problem for me) or cold spoons, how can I shrink my big ol' bags?

>> No.7597115

Buy Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay. Seriously just trust me. Its all natural and you can make so many amazing masks with it

>> No.7597141

Thanks, any specific brand I should look for?

>> No.7597169

For pore strips I've tried ones from Etude House, The Face Shop, and Biore. They all work fine but I bought the ones from EH and TFS in bulk so I got tons of them to go through. Tip is to use them right after the shower (when your nose is still wet) and/or wet the strip even after you put it on, wait for it to completely dry before ripping it off. Follow up with some cold splashes of water to the face and toner to close up the pores. If you rather use a peel mask then the one I use is from Daiso, inexpensive and gets the job done. The tube lasts a while especially if you are only using it for your nose (can be used on the whole face).

>> No.7597205

I bought a jar recently but haven't got around to using it because I still have another jar of clay mask. I assumed you just used it on its own, can you link/rec some mask recipes with it?

>> No.7597212

Oh no, I'm the make up guy!

>> No.7597273
File: 156 KB, 375x368, legmakeup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any experience with leg makeup? I've heard of Dermablend as >>7596829 pointed out. But what about Air Stocking and Sally Hansen's Airbrush Legs?

I just need to cover up dark knees (currently working on them with lemon juice) and a few scars, but I don't want something that would rub off too much.

>> No.7597274
File: 19 KB, 300x277, 51ij4Ia-1bL._SX300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my grandfather had HORRIBLY cracked hands and feet that caused him massive amounts of pain until he used Udderly Smooth cream. I'm pretty sure it was the Extra Care kind but it might have just been the normal foot cream. This stuff works miracles on dry feet.
I like this video to explain a wide range of brushes:
It might be a lighting problem. Make sure the light in the room is proper as to not over or under expose the photo. Over/under exposing can often erase any glimpse of make-up. There's also photo-ready make-ups that you can purchase, I'd personally recommend the brand Smashbox which shows up amazingly.
If you're actually getting wrinkles and not just minor lines, try to use an eye moisturizer or serum. Creams, rollers or serums can help diminish the look of lines. I like to use the Nivea hydrating eye cream, it's pretty cheap and works like a dream. >>7597113 these can work for dark circles/bags as well but one of the best ways to get rid of them is lots of sleep and TONS of water.

>> No.7597281 [DELETED] 

Seconding this? Does it dry like tanner or do you have to seal it?

>> No.7597285

>>7597281 >hurr wrong punctuation
Seconding this. Does it dry like tanner or do you have to seal it?

>> No.7597311

Used Sally's before. They're okay. Gotta work quick with smoothing it on. It's kinda glittery to give that pantyhose look but it covered my veins and uneven tan pretty well. I didn't seal it or anything but you have to be careful of heat, sweat and liquids. It washes off pretty easily with soap and water. Don't use it if you're super pale though

>> No.7597357

Oh my bad! It depends on your budget and the amount of coverage you need. Different brands tend to work well for different people. If your skin doesn't need that much coverage and you're not that tanned then you might even be able to get by with bb cream (skip all the aisles and aisles of different shades). I've seen a couple asian brands make bb cream for men now - if you're interested look up the face shop and etude house (those are the ones I remember on the top of my head right now).

If you need a fuller coverage I suggest you go to a makeup counter (I know it might be embarrassing but it's like a one time thing and they'll never see you again) like mac to get your exact shade down. Then you can use http://www.temptalia.com/foundation-matrix to find a similar shade in a different brand (choose your choice of coverage, price, finish, etc...). Then test it out at the store if possible.

I swear by shiseido and various bb creams because I've found a few that match my skin really well in terms of color and finish.

>> No.7597428

what would you guys recommend for getting rid freckles? As a child I decided that they were cute and I wanted some, which was a big mistake. There are these really big and dark ones I want to get rid of, but don't know how to. Preferably something cheap (since I don't have much) and natural (allergies which prevent me from using ANYTHING).

>> No.7597440

... you can't get rid of freckles. They're there forever.

>> No.7597466

There are no permanent ways to get rid of freckles, however covering them can be easy with concealer and foundation (Dermablend is probably the best thing to go for in this case). If you actually want to fade them, you could try lemon juice treatments or if you have money, laser treatments.
For the lemon juice: squeeze your own juice, white lemon works best, and apply to the freckles with a cotton ball/pad. This is not a permanent solution so you'll have to do this constantly and consistently. Also, it only fades the freckles, it doesn't wipe them out completely.

My personal opinion, try to learn to love them. Many people, including myself, find freckles cute no matter how dark they are.

>> No.7597473

Oops, yeah, I meant lightening them. Had a brain fart there, sorry. Thanks for the advice! I'll probably try the lemon method.

>> No.7597489

>concerned anon here

PLEASE DONT GO UNDER THE SUN WITH LEMON ON YOUR FACE or you will get some pretty bad marks on your face. Wash your face well and use sunblock afterwards.

>> No.7597788

Seconding that freckles are really damn cute tho.

I have really ugly sunspots instead of freckles, and I'm really jellin' on girls with cute freckles.

>> No.7597796

Think it'd cover my keratosis pilaris?

Ugly ass red spots that get worse in water. I could seal with something waterproof and have beautiful beach legs forever.

I;m so self-conscious about it, and it really pisses me off because my legs are pretty nice aside from that and a few wild veins around my knees.

>> No.7597805

I am an extremely pale person. I cannot tan at all, I just burn and freckle. Can anyone recommend a decent fake tan product? I don't want to be too dark, I just don't want to have translucent skin during the summer.

>> No.7597806

wait, "wanted some"? how do you get freckles without being born with them?

>> No.7597810

Go out in the sun a lot. The sun can cause freckles, or you could have shit luck and end up with gross tiny moles everywhere instead.

>> No.7597815

yeah I'm the latter kind. Fuck.

>> No.7597821

Me too.

My back is covered, I'm considering having them removed, but I had one taken of to make sure it wasn't cancer (it wasn't,thank god) and it left a nasty scar.

I have a few actual freckles here and there, but then I also have a bunch of darker spots (on my face too, which blows, because they're impossible to cover) all over. I keep getting more and more, and I don't really go into the sun without sunscreen anymore.

My boyfriend says they're just cute freckles, but there has got to be something wrong with him, because the are not cute nor freckles.

>> No.7597828

I have one above my upper lip, Marylin Monroe style. I wanted to get it removed but the doctor refused because it "looked cute" and because there'd be scarring so now I'm forced to look like a French prostitute.
>tfw will never have qt freckles

>> No.7597841

I have really big ones on my back, like dime-sized, that the doctor says don't look dangerous, so she won't remove them.

I have a lighter one above my lip, but then I have six darker ones on my cheek that look like the constellation Gemini. I am a gemini, which is a little spooky. Then there's a slightly bigger spot on my forehead, and a scar on my eyebrow where I got hit by a door when I was little.

I don't know how anyone thinks I'm attractive with all this shit all over my face. I wish I could cover them or get rid of them or something.

>> No.7597870

I'm assuming you're a white girl?
I'm not sure why, but nearly every white girl I've ever met has a ton of those large freckle things on her back.
Think what you will of them, but just know that they're relatively normal.

>> No.7597876

I have a lot of white girl friends with none, or very few.

But I'm also like paper white, and disregarded sunscreen when I was younger, so I guess that could be my problem.

>> No.7597881

They're normal, but can lead to skin cancer if you don't watch them and get them removed when they start looking iffy.
My dad has skin like that and has had to have several removed, some that were cancerous.

>thank the heavens I ended up with my mom's relatively mole-free skin

>> No.7597885

I have a few that I'm a little concerned about too. Unfortunately they're hard to keep track of when you can't see them.

>> No.7598115

seconding recipes, I've been using it since 2012 and love it, but the most I've done is ACvinegar and the clay

I tried adding a couple drops of tea tree oil to a recipe once and it just burned my skin woo

I just remembered google exists too brb

>> No.7598119
File: 463 KB, 500x222, that's love bitch gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't put undiluted lemon juice on your faaaace I'll keep saying it as may times as I have to!

>> No.7598218
File: 461 KB, 1600x1202, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of lashes are you using? I'm also sweet and had this problem so I would just go without lashes since my natural ones are pretty great. I've noticed since then it's the thick straight ones that make me look older and the thin long, sort of clumped or the flared ones look very nice with lolita. Pic is similar to what I use now.

>> No.7598228

Tan-ish male here trying to lighten my complexion for Giorno Giovanna cosplay. What's some good, drug store brand make up?

>> No.7598436

I'm gonna put an order in on f2plus1, any recommendations?

>> No.7598546

>coconut oil
Don't do that. Not for your face.
As a body moisturiser it's fine but not on your face

>> No.7598567

Samples, get a ton, they're superfun to share with friends.

Other than that it depends on what you're actually looking for.

>> No.7598588

No nice way of phrasing it but my back is hella spotty any recommendations?

>> No.7598592

get a long handled exfoliator and change your sheets

>> No.7598597

What kind of spots are they?

Like acne or...?

>> No.7598636

actually, i have milky white skin and i can use sally hansen just fine. just don't go any shade darker than medium, and be careful not to apply too much or you'll look orangey. good luck!

>> No.7598643
File: 13 KB, 936x260, fuuuuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing my own eyebrows for like 6 years. I fucking love my Mugi/Audrey brows. Went out this morning, realized they were really messy because I hadn't done them in a few weeks, went to get them quickly cleaned up.
>"Just the spillover fuzz," I said. "Just a little clean up. Leave the shape."
>Left is what I got. Right is how they were.

Needless to say I didn't pay, got a coupon that I'll never ever be spending there and am now waiting for my fucking eyebrows to go back.
I'm smearing vitamin A oil all over them right now, but can anybody reccommend other ways to make them grow in as quickly as possible?

>> No.7598751

Anon I used to get KP really bad too, seriously consider dry brushing, or shower with a loofah. It's not impossible to get rid of, you just have to exfoliate a little more than regular people.
Don't forgot to use a generous amount of lotion afterward too.

>> No.7598766

I scrub and moisturize the fuck out of my legs every time I shower, nothing helps me. I've tried all kinds of scrubs, I've tried oils, I've tried acne washes, I've tried charcoal, I've tried sponges, loofahs, konjacs. The only time it gets better is right after I shave my legs, because I'm basically scraping all the dead skin off with my razor.

It seems to be spreading up my legs as well, there are a few spots on my hips now.

>> No.7598769

Just regular spots like blackhead or whatever, they just annoy the fuck out of me,

>> No.7598784

You can try this, maybe?
Has anyone in the thread ever tried this? I'm so curious about it.

>> No.7598796

I've tried it with brown sugar (all I had at the time) and it was... eh. It was okay. Made a mess, though. Not really worth it in my opinion.
I didn't try it on the KP on my arms but that always responds really well to coconut oil, so this probably would be nice for that too.

>> No.7598806

I like to use Jergens Natural Glow, as long as you put it on carefully so it doesn't streak.

St. Ives Apricot body scrub basically saved my back. I've heard African black soap helps as well as benzoyl peroxide. Use the latter with care though, it can cause horrible pain if its exposed to the sun or if you have uber sensitive skin, I'd recommend putting it on at night.

>> No.7598841

Anyone have an advice for sebum control?
I cleanse, tone, and moisture everyday. The moisturizer i use is specifically for sebum control and has helped a bit, but my forehead and nose get gross in a few hours.

>> No.7598865


>> No.7598935

Not sure if anyone has the same problem as me or has any suggestions, but here goes. In almost every case I can think of makeup makes me look worse. A little mascara is ok, a bit of lipstick, but anything else and my features look jacked up and hideous. I don't know what it is. I see all these before and afters of fugly girls who look gorgeous with makeup. I'm average looking, maybe even pretty, but I can't seem to find the right makeup for my face...Can any anons help?

>> No.7598938


Thanks! I think I'll give it a shot with a sealant to see if it holds up.

>> No.7598967

Where does my sunscreen come into my daily routine? I've gotten by with using makeup with SPF but I'm going to be in Las Vegas sun for an entire week.

My usual routine:
>setting powder
>mineral foundation
>eyeshadow, blush
>setting powder
>setting spray

If I put sunscreen on before my makeup how do I reapply in a few hours? Or do I always apply after?

>> No.7599025


If it's liquid sunscreen put it on after your moisturizer and let it sink in a bit before putting on primer. If you want to reapply then get powder SPF, I can't say I've ever used it but I know it exists. Peter Roth does one that's SPF 45 and I've heard good things about it.

>> No.7599441
File: 6 KB, 250x250, s487694-main-hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I broke out really badly recently and my face has always had really bad issues with redness (teetering on the edge of rosacea) but I started using this and my skin is soft and flawless for the first time in forever. It doesn't get oily OR dry. I love it. Just wanted to share, in case any of you are looking for a new face wash/makeup remover.

>> No.7599667

Anyone know of a good face lotion that doesnt feel/look greasy?

>> No.7599678
File: 26 KB, 265x265, pro_x_exfoliating_renewal_cleanser_265x265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For acne/general face improvement, I really recommend the Olay Pro-X Exfoliating Scrub. Love it way more than the St. Ive's Scrub. That plus the Dr. Jart Black Label underneath concealer has been really great. My skin is more even and definitely less break-outs. If anything, I get tiny little bumps around my period, but it's not a big deal.

As far as application goes...I suck a fuck at blending in a circular pattern. I don't know if it's the shape of my eyes, but in tutorials girls always blend out in a beautiful half-moon shape, and mine always gets like...angular or squared off near the end of my eye.

>> No.7599815

Does anyone have any tips/products for ridiculously oily skin? Like slick within a couple hours after washing.

>> No.7599891


Do you use lots of products on your skin in an attempt to alleviate this? By that I mean things like over the counter facial washes and what have you.

>> No.7599895


tbh if you don't have dry skin you can just use a bb cream, but if you are not planning on wearing makeup I personally like Clinique's "dramatically different moisturizing lotion". If you don't have sensitive skin you can probably find something cheaper but that's not my domain.

>> No.7599898

You just don't know how to do it properly. I felt this same way when I was in my late teens, which was the first time I ever experimented with makeup. I always looked like some sort of transvestite streetwalker. Then I had my makeup done professionally for prom and realized that it wasn't just that I look bad with makeup, but that I must be doing something wrong.

You should look up some youtube tutorials for natural makeup, offhand bubzbeauty's "no makeup makeup" comes to mind

>> No.7599901


I meant to quote >>7598935

>> No.7599908


that's pretty normal

you can keep some of the facial rice powder stuff on you. I apply it with my finger (clean at sink or with hand sanitizer) so that it doesn't end up cakey.

>> No.7599922

I don't know how to go about remedying this, so here goes:

I have pale, cheesy-yellow skin. Like, not the pretty kind of white-pale, the sickly yellow kind with greenish veins. I also have dark baby hair that makes my body look kind of dirty and swarthy, not dark PCOS-tier hair but still there. It hurts if I remove it.
So how do I go about making my skin color a tad better/healthier looking? I don't wanna tan, but there seems to be no other way.

>> No.7599962

Unfortunately I have combo/leaning towards dry skin that tends to break out a lot so I try lotion to make the skin feel less tight but then I feel greasy especially around my acne.

>> No.7599998

Here's what i did:
Get an old mascara wand, or eyebrow brush and coat it with castor oil and just brush your eyebrows in all directions. Don't wash it off and do this every night. I saw progress in about a month, my eyebrows definitely grew thicker

Another method is using aloe vera oil but i haven't tried that yet.

>> No.7600091

My upper lip is not hairy and I wax it regularly but it has this blueish tint like you get when stubble is growing under the skin. How do I make it go away?

>> No.7600104

Monistat. Yes the cooch cream, it makes hair grow like crazy. But honestly eyebrows grow really fast anyway.

>> No.7600115

>>smallish foundation brush
Probably a concealer brush

>> No.7600121

Really? Not previous anon, but I used to have blotchy and wicked oily skin with the occasional stress-induced pimple. I use the coconut oil a few times a week after cleansing my face right before bed, leave it on a few minutes and wash it off. Since I've been doing that (a little less than a year), I've noticed more even skin tone and less oil throughout the day.

I definitely understand not slathering it on and leaving it there all night, but a little goes a long way with that stuff.

>> No.7600122

I use Sally's, it looks like you're wearing panty hose almost. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS! Do not just spray it on your legs, spray it in your hand and rub it on your legs.
I wore it on a day that was constantly either raining or misting and I had to walk about 3 blocks to the con, figured it had washed off, take a shower that night, use soap and suddenly three water is tan. This stuff stays on if you apply it correctly. It does even out your skin tone. Just buy the correct color.

>> No.7600125

IMO fan brush is fucking useless
Also the "smallish foundation brush" other anon mentioned, I use it for contouring.
What they label as the 2nd lip brush, I use for cat eye liner. Blush brush is conspicuously missing as it should be a bit smaller than what they label as a bronzer brush, but it could work.

>> No.7600129

I had one removed from my stomach because it started to discolor and such, I have a huge scar. They basically carve it out ( moles have 'roots' so when they remove them, it's not just cutting off the top part, they have to scoop pit the roots and it causes scarring)
Trust me, you'll look better with a 'beauty mark' mole, than you will with a giant (bigger than your current mole) pinkish or whitish colored bump of a scar, it's just as noticeable than the mole.

>> No.7600178
File: 464 KB, 620x515, BM_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really tempted to try this but I'm not sure if I should go with it. The foundation I use now is currently Maybelline's dream liquid mousse foundation and it really works for my skin type but I'm suuuuper pale and I've tried tanning in the sun but it never lasts so even when I use porcelain ivory it still ends up really orange on my face and I have to use power down my neck (i know, gross) to blend out the colour when I wear clothes.

Does anyone know good foundations that work with very pale skin? I'm kind of skeptical to go into the Asian side of it, and I've tried a few before, but I do know they have borderline white shades. (Unfortunately the ones I've tried were poor quality)

I'm debating between the new bareMinerals (pic) or the Lioele Dollish Cera-V CC cream. (Sorry for shit post this is my first time here)

>> No.7600191

Illamasqua skinbase in sb2 is super pale with a pinkish undertone which might be what you need if ivories turn orange on you.

>> No.7600210
File: 29 KB, 350x300, best_teeth_whitening3-350x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I use Crest white strips or should I get my teeth whitened by my dentist? I was at the dentist the other day getting a filling and they had a nice before/after chart of chipped and stained teeth that have been fixed with whiteners and veneers. My teeth aren't badly shaped but the bottoms are rough from chewing on shit too much and they're stained because I was a stupid kid who thought brushing my teeth was dangerous.

Anyone with tips/tricks on getting actual results for white teeth?

>> No.7600493

I knew a girl with beautiful white teeth. Every time someone asked how she did it, she said she used Crest whitestrips once and stopped drinking tea/coffee/soda.

>> No.7600499

Crest strips. Use sensodyne toothpaste for two weeks straight before applying

I got my teeth professionally whitened and it was the most painful experience in my life. For 72 hours even inhaling would shoot sharp pains all around my teeth. I couldn't eat or sleep and struggled to brush my teeth. The results looked AMAZING at first but they started to fade to a yellow (lighter than before I got my teeth whitened) in a few days so I did not feel like they were worth it.

>> No.7600515

I have really oily skin on my face, especially my nose, chin, and forehead. Give it a few hours without makeup touchups and I start to look really gross and shiny. Any suggestions to prevent this?

>> No.7600586

you could try those oil wipes there supposed to sop up grease, or maybe powder those areas lightly before you put on foundation and then again after

>> No.7600622
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Yeah yeah, oil blotting papers help a bit. Just be sure to dab it, don't wipe it. It might take a bit of makeup off but not a ton.
I don't think brand matters much. I use knock-off store brand and they work just fine.

Also drink more water. Your face produces oil is because it's dehydrated.

>> No.7600833

Unless you tweeze or epilate, you can't. Just cover it up with makeup.

>> No.7601039

Are you meant to use concealer before or after foundation?

>> No.7601346

Anybody know of a good appetite suppressant that actually works?

>> No.7601373

A smaller plate.

>> No.7601384

As funny as I'm sure you think that is, that doesn't actually make any sense if you think about it. Nice attempt though.

>> No.7601387

Actually it does.
If you're Western, chances are you were raised to eat everything on your plate.
Logically, a smaller plate would compel you to eat less.

>> No.7601400


>> No.7601402

Some years back I used to be on strattera to help with manic episodes. I had a really good experience with it and lost some weight because it lessened my appetite. Currently I'm on a different medication that treats both symptoms of my bipolar (mania and depression) simultaneously so not only do I not need strattera, but my current medication makes me binge like crazy.

>> No.7601436

Depends on whether you're using chemical or physical sunscreen. Physical can go after skincare and before makeup, but chemical NEEDS to go on bare, clean skin with no moisturizers or treatments.

General consensus for reapplication (at least from what I've read) is that you kind of don't under makeup. You'd either have to remove it all and then apply more SPF, or fuck up your whole face by re-applying over it. Powder sunscreen is iffy as it's hard to use the proper amount to get the advertised SPF (you'd have to use a fucking ton of it) but it's better than nothing I guess. I'd honestly just suggest going at least foundation free if you're going to be in constant sun. You know you'll be good then. That's what I always do, skip the foundation and do my brows and lashes and moisturizes, then reapply when necessary.

Also, stop relying on SPF in makeup, that isn't enough and doesn't do a damn thing for sun protection. You need a separate sunscreen for protection.

>> No.7601452
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Look for a TDEE calculator to find out how many calories you need a day, eat 100 to 500 cals under TDEE to lose weight.

Install my fitness pal on phone, set your macros and calories, search for food that fills your macros and calorie requirement, eat that.

That's it.

>> No.7601463
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buy and use an italy towel like twice a month, you guys.

I typically exfoliate with one of those towels thats like an undone shower poof, but I tried a pink italy towel (supposed to be more gentle than green?) and still had rolled up dead skin coming off of me.

>> No.7601470

I use those Japanese Salux cloths, they're fucking awesome at getting rid of dead and dried up skin when I shower.

>> No.7601471

I break out if I don't exfoliate enough.

Also, retin-a is a bitch for several months, but my skin looks awesome now

>> No.7601477

Diff anon, I just realized retin-a has been causing me severe nausea of all things. Did you experience anything like that?
I am really frustrated because my skin already looks awesome and glowing all the time but it's not really worth wanting to throw up every day

>> No.7601486

drink lots of water. If you're still hungry after being full of water, then it's a mental issue, not a normal appetite issue.

>> No.7601488

no, I never experienced that. Are you positive it's not something else, or maybe you're using too much around your mouth or something?

I don't think it would make me nauseous, but I did kind of taste it one night when I put it too close to my mouth.

>> No.7601496

also, not that it would hurt anything to continue reapplying, but I read somewhere that you only have to reapply every 2 hours when you're out in the sun.

If you're just going to school or work, then you should be fine. I think the sun reacting with the sunscreen is the main reason for reapplying

>> No.7601514

I was just sort of slathering it all over my face (while still only using slightly more than a pea size amt) so that might be it. I put it on every night and I feel fine all night, it's just the next day that I get sick to my stomach. So it kind of seems like it needs to absorb in to cause sickness. And it's definitely the retin-a, not another medication, not being preggers or anything like that. I'm going to try using a lot less and just on my wrinkles, maybe I can get used to it in small doses or something. I'm really bummed because it was working so well.

>> No.7601515

2 hours is the recommended reapplication time, but it's not just from direct sun exposure. At least with chemical sunscreens, the effectiveness degrades over time hence needing to reapply to be sure you're getting protection. With physical you may not need to apply as often as the effectiveness lasts longer (how much longer is still in question) but it's more prone to being rubbed off. My general rule of thumb is if I'm going to probably get more than 20 minutes of any sunlight in a day, I'll be sure to re-apply on my face (and as such skip my bb cream). If not, I don't worry about it and just redo my body.

>> No.7601528

I should note, SOME chemical sunscreens don't degrade as long as they're photostable, but many on the US market are not. If your sunscreen IS photostable, you don't need to reapply every 2 hours unless, like you said, in direct sun for 2 hours.

>> No.7601754

Good news: I'm losing weight, yay
Bad news: I'm getting gross stretch marks, particularly on my inner thighs and inner knees. There's countless Google results for treating them but any personal recommendations? Part of me just says "fuck it, that's what I get for becoming a fatass" but I'd like to try SOMETHING

>> No.7601763

If they're already white/flesh toned (mine from losing weight were) there's nothing to be done. If they're still pink you can fade them faster with things like cocoa butter but they'll still end up white/flesh colored. You can't ever really get rid of them unless you get, like, plastic surgery or something.

>> No.7601811

I've been using a lotion with 20% urea and its been doig good things to my feet. Vaseline just traps moisture, maybe you should look for a foot lotion with an active ingredient like urea or lactic acid.

>> No.7602180

Self control?

Honestly are you that weak that you can't say, "Well, if I just take less food, I'll eat what's on my plate, and then I'll be done."

Your medication doesn't "make" you do anything. Learn how to control yourself.

My sister does the same thing, but with the way she acts day-to-day. Just because you may have mental problems or may be on a certain medication with a certain side effect doesn't mean you can't fucking control yourself. It's not an excuse. I've been without my medication since I was 15, and I learned how to not let my condition affect the way I act. You can learn how to not let your medication make you eat.

Every time you have the urge, just step back and really think about it.

"Am I REALLY that hungry?"
"What have I eaten today, and what will I eat the rest of the day?"
"How many calories is in that?"
"Will I regret eating that later?"

If any of your answers make you uncomfortable, remove yourself from the kitchen and go do something else.

>> No.7602674

Drink lots of water , avoid eating greesy food , dont over scrub your face , pat your face dry with a clean towel after cleansing , use a mild toner , use a deep pore mask one a week (clay or green tea ) , dont tuch your face with your hands during the day as your hands are oily , keep your hair out of your face , use blotting paper/powder

>> No.7602680


I got stretchmarks during puberty and they're unfortunately still here. The red marks disappeared with coco butter and brightening creams disappeared after a couple months.

>> No.7602684

>>7599by the sound of it I have the same skin type as you , I am quite hairy and my skin looks crap when not tanned , all marks show and I always look ill without makeup , I suggest getting a ligth tan and if you have the chance go for a swim in the sea and sunbathe , the hairs on your body will turn blonde and wont look as bad , also veins will look less visable , if you cant do that just use a gradual fake tan lotion and bleach the hairs blonde

>> No.7602688


>> No.7602697


Retin-A supposedly gets rid of stretchmarks.

>> No.7603922

SPF in makeup is fine if you barely go out in the day. You are supposed to reapply SPF though, I think every 2 to 3 hours though?

>> No.7604087

Tips for getting hair to grow faster?
I'm trying to grow my bangs out but there's this one little tuft that's way shorter than the rest of my bangs and it's pissing me off.

>> No.7604091

People in past threads have said to take biotin.
I'm taking 2000 mcg now but it's too early to tell if it's making a difference.

>> No.7604165
File: 51 KB, 320x167, BEFOREAFTER20SCHIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is face yoga bullshit? I have horrible nasolabial folds that I hate so goddamn much, and would love to do something non-surgical for them if it's in any way possible.

I tried to pose this question to /fit/ but they wouldn't entertain it for even a second, citing the usual 'you can't spot target weightless dipshit' stuff. Face yoga might well be bullshit but it doesn't claim spot weightless, only strengthening of facial muscles through regular exercise, resulting in a 'lifted' effect. Going by the photos alone, the people in the before/after photos haven't visibly lost any weight. What cannot be determined however is if they've been tampered with, or any other use of deception has been used.

Oh how I wish it was legit. Anyone tried it with any success?

>> No.7604167

No, it's really not. Just being outside isn't the only way people get exposed to UVA/UVB. Windows, light shining though blinds, etc. Pretty much if you see the sun, it sees you too. There is almost no way anyone is using enough makeup or moisturizer with SPF to actually get the advertised rating. SPF 20 becomes something so low it doesn't even matter that you're wearing it.

And I did say you're supposed to reapply, just that the vast majority tend not to when they're wearing makeup because it's a nightmare figuring it out.

>> No.7604197

I'll be honest and say I've never heard of face yoga before, but your entire face is covered in muscle, so there's no reason why toning those muscles wouldn't have the same effect as toning your abs or your glutes. I feel like it'd be similar to girls working on their pecs to give the illusion of their breasts being bigger. obviously yeah, you can't tell if there's any kind of photoshoppery or outside dieting/exercise going on in addition with the facial toning regimen, but personally I don't see any harm in it (neuromuscular therapist here).

lots of people have very tight muscles all over their face without being aware of it (if you eat, you use your masseters daily, and those are tight on just about everyone), so if anything it might loosen those up through stretching and strengthen them. just don't overdo it, as with any form of exercise, otherwise it could lead to various muscular issues later on (TMJ disorder comes to mind).

>> No.7604224

UV rays can't go through windows, are you fucking retarded?

>> No.7604235

lol yes they can

>> No.7604242

Thank you for linking before I could!

So no, I'm not retarded, are you?

>> No.7604246




>> No.7604259

PFFTT oh anon.
But they can travel though all those miles of thick protective atmosphere. But a window? Heaven's no.

>> No.7604267

Quick question, I can't remember for sure, but is it true all SPF has the same "base" protection but the different levels indicate how long its going to last? (ex: SPF 15 is reapply every 2 hours while SPF 50 is reapply every 6 hours)? I swear I saw it in a video once but I never really looked into it

>> No.7604279

really appreciate the detailed response, thanks anon. I'll look into starting a fairly light 'face yoga' daily routine. I might even try my own 'before and after' pics to see if I can determine any genuine positive improvement.

>> No.7604287

Please tell me you're the same person who thinks only radiation can cause cancer because I can't deal with the idea there are two people this retarded on /cgl/ right now.

>> No.7604296

If you're the person who thinks rigid collodion causes cancer, that makes 3 retards.

>> No.7604317

Of course not. But one anon's idiocy does not excuse another's.

>> No.7604468

Shittiest advice I've ever heard.

If you're still hungry after gorging yourself with water, than you're just hungry, not a mental problem. This only works if you think your thirst is hunger.

Source: Intermittent fasting. Water does not make hunger pangs so away.

>> No.7604519

No it's not. SPF is how much extra protection it gives you from your own natural levels. So SPF 15 will mean you're protected 15x as much, SPF 30 is 30x ect. What they're probably simplifying is the fact that that base level is calculated by how long it takes you to burn (ie, I'm ginger and I burn stupidly fast, someone with darker skin than me will last much longer), but it should still be reapplied as often as it says on the bottle to maintain that level of protection.

>> No.7604644

No but it can trick the stomach into thinking that it is full. Also by eating a small portion and drinking lots of water will fill the stomach and slow down digestion. It's about making you feel full so you eat less. Works for some people.

>> No.7604719

oil blotting tissues and powder. If you're really oily, a thin film of milk of magnesia really helps.

What prescription retinoid did you start on prior to the retin-A, or did you start on retin-A from the outset?There are so many retinoids (tazorac, differin, etc), it gets confusing.

Oddly enough, strawberries. A few strawberries completely rid me of hunger.

Dermarolling and laser treatment are some of the few things unfortunately. I am not surprised to hear that retin-A helps too (>>7602697)

I've started wearing sunglasses, using a parasol, and wear sunscreen daily but I really want that clear UV window tint for home and car. Its a bit expensive but I've been in a car that had it and it made a difference in car temperature, so I think it could work. For now, as I save I wear light, breezy cardigans to cover my arms when I drive or walk.

>> No.7604743


This seems like a surefire recipe for severe hyponatremia, if anything.

>> No.7604747

Seeing whether your stomach is full is not the only way your body determines if it needs food or not.

>> No.7604750


Pretty much this. There is a whole slew of hormones waiting in your small intestine to see if you are getting the right nutrients, which then send signals to the stomach to tell the stomach and brain whether to stop feeling hungry or not. Water seems like a very fishy way to 'trick' the stomach into thinking it's full.

>> No.7604752


*pancreas, not small intestine

>lol who cares

>> No.7604766
File: 34 KB, 500x500, $_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this and I'm loiving it http://www.ebay.com/itm/Miracle-Romance-Creer-Beaute-Japan-Sailor-Moon-Star-Power-prism-Eyeliner-BLACK-/231251183505?pt=US_Makeup_Eyes&hash=item35d7a50791 (besides it's a sailor moon theme how cute is that). Anyone has other eye liners that would recommend?

>> No.7605584

>slow down digestion

Do you also think 'starvation mode' is a thing? (Spoilers: It's not.) Water only makes you feel full for a short amount of time. It won't make you eat less if you feel hungry fifteen minutes later, it'll just make you pee more often.

I used to follow that advice until I realized that it ultimately does jack shit.

>> No.7605633

I switched to Sensodyne and added a Listerine Whitening rinse to my twice-daily dental routine about six months ago and my teeth are noticeably brighter than they used to be, to the point where friends have started commenting on it. I also quit smoking and switched to green tea, which is much less staining than regular tea, and cut back on my red wine consumption (sigh).

I've tried whitestrips in the past but they didn't do much for me; thinking about giving them another shot now that I'm taking better care of my teeth.

>> No.7606124

Should I fill in my eyebrows even if I already have full brows?

>> No.7606157


>> No.7606163
File: 55 KB, 637x473, 1399945358868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love love love sailor moon and this looks really cute! But is it a quality product by itself? Like would I still buy it even if it wasn't sailor moon. What do you like about it?

>> No.7606176

I read a few reviews that say it's pretty standard for drugstore brand level makeup. Not the best, but certainly not the worst.

I haven't tried it, though. So I can't say.

>> No.7606180

I can't say personally*


>> No.7606186

Mine worked pretty well and was easy to apply but dried up toward the end. Or maybe "faded" is more appropriate, because toward the end it just got lighter and lighter, it didn't physically feed dried out. It only lasted I'd say, 3 months? 4? But it was good while it lasted.

>> No.7606191

Thanks! And since we are talking eyeliner I've been thinking of trying cake since my pencil isn't wowing me and I've heard you get better control with it than liquid. Is there a specific brand I should look into?

>> No.7606196

>have ultra-dry skin

>already drink lots of water
>urea cream all day erry day
>use primer for dry skin
>use foundation for dry skin
>skin is still extremely dry and flaky and generelly looks sickly/gross

Anything else I could do? Should I just give up?

>> No.7606206

Can someone give me some tips on how to apply foundation/face makeup for day to day wear, for combination skin? as in what general products and what order you apply them/how to?

I'm talking skin here, eyes and eyebrows I have down pretty well but I'm trying to figure out something for a daily routine for foundation, if that makes sense. I only need medium coverage and my skin is usually in pretty good condition with a few blemishes now and then.

>> No.7606213

I prefer eyeliner markers in terms of control, really. Stila makes my favourite, which you can get in "full" size or travel size, so I always have it on me. NYX also has a few that are pretty good, too.

For liquid, I like Smashbox (especially their 24Karat gold eyeliner), but mostly use Milani Infinite liquid liner because it comes in a smaller/more portable container, which makes touch-up easier. I mostly only use liquid liner for when I have false eyelashes on, though.

For gel/cream liner, I like HIP. You'll need a thinner brush than what they sell it with, most likely, but it has a nice, dense colour and goes on smooth. I've tried a couple of the Urban Decay ones and wasn't impressed for the price.

>> No.7606221

what are some good tinted moisturizers?

>> No.7606282
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Does milk causes acne?

I'm about to start a bulk and I will be increasing my yogurt and kefir intake, but I'm afraid I will get pimples.

I won't drink much just about 300ml of yogurt/kefir a day.

>> No.7606323

Cerave Moisturizing Cream has helped a lot with my flaky skin during the winter months. It's insane how moisturizing it is, and I only put it on at night. In the morning I feel pretty plumped and dewy.

>> No.7606483

what do you cleanse with?
some things that might help are oil cleansing, getting a humidifier, using warm/cold water only, aquaphor/vaseline, and use some gentle exfoliating to get rid of the flakes.

>> No.7606507

So I'm looking at getting one of the TooFaced or Smashbox Primers.
Only problem is that I'm an Ausfag and the cost in store over here is pretty bad. The Smashbox primers are all $55AUD for the 30ml/1oz tubes compared to the $36USD ($38AUD) they charge on the official Smashbox site.

I don't mind spending the money on a quality product but I'd like to see if I could get it slightly cheaper elsewhere. So far I've checked a few places online and none of them ship the stuff to Aust. I was wondering if anyone here knew of any other stores I could try?

Where to get Smashbox or Toofaced primers with shipping to Aust?

>> No.7606517


I've used them before and didn't have any complaints. Shipping's a bit pricey, but things are discounted enough to make up for that. Only catch is that for "specialty" products, they might be discontinued, so reorderin later can be difficult.

>> No.7606523

Don't trust what people on the internet say. Ask a doctor or look up scientific studies.

>> No.7606623

only if you're lactose intolerant

>> No.7606630

I'm 99% sure at this point that the only thing making me break out now is wearing makeup. I can go weeks without wearing makeup, same skincare routine and look great, but the second I start wearing makeup again it all goes to shit.

>Does using a primer create a barrier between the skin and makeup? Enough to stop this?

I've had it suggested that I use a thin layer of Sorbolene cream to stop the makeup was entering my pores. (Because it basically dries on top; It isn't a moisturizer.)
What do?

>> No.7606980

Gel eyeliners are the fucking bomb. Sephora's own Smoky Waterproof ones are great, don't budge for anything, and are actually waterproof (the teal and statue bronze are really pretty) and they're on sale for like $5 all the time. Maybelline's gel liner is great too, crazy pigmented and lasts a long time but can be prone to smudging on oily lids if you don't set it.

I always use mine with my Real Techniques Pixel Point Liner brush and it gives WAY more control than markers and pens and also lets me tightline, wing, and vary thickness really easily.

>> No.7606991

Don't give up! Find a better routine and a gentle cleanser if yours is too harsh. I switch between CeraVe Foaming cleanser and Olay's Shine Shine Go Away after doing my oil cleanse with Innisfree's Apply Juicy Oil Cleanser. They clean without making my face feel tight or blowing up my pores and the oil cleanser removes makeup while adding a bit of hydration before the foaming cleanser.

I had to switch to an Asian skin routine to finally defeat my dry flakiness. The multiple steps in it really help lock in the moisture and keep it there. Nothing on the US market that wasn't stupid expensive worked for me, I'd end up flaky and gross by the end of the day without fail.

>> No.7607334

get a good make-up remover, if you're not washing your face well and just leaving residue on your face it doesn't matter what you do
primer does help you should be using that anyway

>> No.7607459

I agree with the suggestion of trying a new makeup remover. It's really unlikely that the makeup is getting so far into your pores in just a day rather than you just cleansing poorly and the remains causing your breakouts.

Oils do a kickass job of removing makeup and helping standard cleansers not be super stripping on your skin. Some people like using straight up mineral oil or similar, but I generally stick with oil cleansers for convenience. Just massage it into your skin for a few moments, rinse, then wash again. They won't leave your face greasy or oily as you follow them with a regular cleanser anyway, but you'll be 100% sure the makeup is gone and your face is truly clean.

>> No.7607803

Do you use makeup brushes? It's possible that your makeup and tools are dirty and need some kind of sanitizing.

>> No.7608269

What's your routine, exactly?

>> No.7608301

>Treats infections that are caused by fungus, such as athlete's foot, ringworm, or jock itch. Also relieves itching, burning, cracking, or scaling of the feet.

>> No.7608348

>kills fungus that would otherwise impede hair growth

>> No.7608396

Is there such a thing as eyebrow fungus that significantly impedes hair growth, though?

>> No.7608428

Can anyone recommend a lip balm or chapstick

>EOS - too waxy
>Nivea - too heavy
>carmex - not sure about the fiberglass bullshit
>burts bees - too waxy

might just get cherry chapstick if all else fails

>> No.7608430

blistex :)

>> No.7608431

Do you want SPF or just moisturising?

>> No.7608460

if you're in the US trader joe's brand is actually pretty good

>> No.7608650


I've been using the Badger Cocoa Butter lip balm and liking it a lot.

>> No.7608660
File: 43 KB, 532x765, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face is a lighter and much pinker tone than my neck and the rest of my body. It's a true pinkish white whereas the rest of my body is 'ivory'/very pale yellow. It's not any kind of irritation, it looks and feels smooth and healthy, just completely devoid of pigment so the blood vessels show through much more. If it weren't for my dark hair and eyes my face would look straight-up albinistic.
I never noticed because I'm very pale all over but now I've started looking for a new foundation it's glaringly obvious. I asked my boyfriend about it and even he sees it, so it's not just in my head. In pictures I look like I'm using foundation that's too light for me even when I'm not wearing any makeup at all.

Could this be a result of skincare products? I pay a lot of attention to my face but tend to neglect the rest of my body. I don't use any whitening products but always use at least SPF30 on my face.
How do I fix this? Tanning just makes the difference more obvious because my face doesn't tan at all.

>> No.7608753

does showering with hot water really cause body acne?

i have both chest and back acne and i've been looking for ways to get rid of it. any help would be appreciated.

>> No.7608759

Showering with hot water is not good for your skin. It basically dries out your skin by stripping the natural oils out of it. This can cause some people's skin to over-produce oils to compensate, leading to acne.

>> No.7608764

Damn, so i'm guessing lukewarm water is the way to go.

I have one more question for you.(if you don't mind, of course) Does a loofah(mine is long so I can easily reach my back) help with acne or would I need to buy like a brush or something similar

>> No.7608786

If you have persistent body acne you probably won't get rid of it by washing alone. You'll need some kind of prescribed medicine.

>> No.7608793

It might be that since you're using spf on your face but not on your body, your face ends up slightly lighter. Not sure what you could do except maybe use a foundation that is just ever so slightly darker than your face. Don't use one that's a lot darker, it'll look like shit even if it matches your body.

>> No.7608796

If your acne is caused by clogged pores, then scrubbing (with a loofah or brush or whatever) can help. It can also irritate your skin further, though.
Like anon said if you can afford it, by all means see a dermatologist.

You can also use a body wash formulated for body acne, like this one:
I've been on a Paula's Choice binge lately so I really just want to share, haha.

Also does anyone here have experience with Michael Todd? I've only heard good things, but the things I want are a bit pricey and don't have trial versions available. Also shipping to Europe bloo bloo etc.

>> No.7608879

I saw that shit. Didn't do it. Did just file my feet with a pumice and some semi-boiling water then slathered with lotion and covered in cotton socks before going to bed.

9/10 did improve feet softness my a lot but then it was my first time doing anything more than cleaning for my feet. I do it now after every shower while waiting for my hair to dry. Thinking of doing some kind of sugar scrub but idk.

>> No.7609007

not them but I have a good recipe

just make a real strong half cup of green tea and mix it about 30/40 ratio with the aztec clay powder. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice if you have some scars or dark spots you're hoping to lighten.

when you apply it don't let it stay till the clay is completely dry and cracking. You want it till it's changed shade (it gets a bit darker) and still a bit sticky but mostly dry. If you wait till it's completely dry it'll just dry out your skin completely.

>> No.7609018

You could try to use papaya soap + exfoliation to lighten your body a bit. Ooor you could try to blend in the makeup to your neck to make it not so obvious.

>> No.7609209

Super expensive but the best, I have tried like 30 brands no joke until I found Fresh Sugar lip balm, I like the original (smells like lemon) made in france. At Sephora.

>> No.7609237

This weekend at a convention, I suddenly broke out in small, red, pimple-like bumps all over my cheeks. I NEVER break out. The most I will get is one or two pimples along my forehead, but I have been blessed to never have gotten any acne on my cheeks, let along this huge amount. I don't know if it was because I borrowed my friend's concealer for the first time, stress, or because my hormones are out of whack due to birth control, but I have no idea as to go about fixing this. I'm not sure if it's actually acne, because they're not coming to a head at all. They're just small, red, bumps all over. I've been drinking lots of water and green tea, and did a green tea mask yesterday to try and flush my system out. I wash my brushes regularly and change my pillowcase often, and almost never go to sleep with my makeup on. Any recommendations for anything else I should try? I'm going to give it a week or so to see if it clears up, otherwise I'll be looking for a dermatologist. My clear skin was one of the only features I liked about myself.

>> No.7609242
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I ned advise
pls help

>> No.7609266

I hate it when girls ruin their bodies with tattoos.

>> No.7609276

What's with the Charms vendettaing all of the sudden?

>> No.7609297

tattoos are fine. the eyebrows are fucking offensive

>> No.7609332

either I guess, SPF tends to dry my lips out but

I forgot I have tried Fresh's lip balm! It's really great, just super pricey. I might have to go back to it


thank you!

>> No.7609383

I hate it when retarded cunts like you think that my skin is public domain. Guess what, it isn't. Masturbate with a knife pls

>> No.7609422

What about opinions?
Everyone has the right to have them and express them.

>> No.7609924

Try dermablend

>> No.7609991

Hey anons.

So, just found out I'm probably allergic to my dogs. We were playing, one of them scratched me, I got mad hives everywhere/

Is there any way to get rid of them? They don't itch, but they look kinda gross. I also don't get like normal splotchy hives, but rather a whole shitload of tiny red bumps, so it looks like chicken skin or acne, but all the fuck over.

Took benadryl already, it's not helping much. Would topical benadryl maybe help more? Or some home-brew remedy?

>> No.7609996

and if people are offended by one's opinions, they are allowed to voice their opinion about how they feel about the other person's opinion.

>> No.7610006

Why would the opinions of a random person online offend you? aren't you self confident enough?

>> No.7610125

Your tattoos are ugly as shit.

lol You're going to look so retarded when you're old. Saggy, green colored ink all over yourself. disgusting.

>> No.7610208

you obviously know jack shit about tattoos. Shut your whore mouth, k?

>> No.7610262


I know that they look like fuckin shit on old people AND young people. How's your job search going?

>> No.7610273

Topical steroids. Depending on where you live, hydrocortisone cream may be sold over the counter.

>> No.7610276

p easy since mine are all in places covered by clothing, lol

>> No.7610277
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>actually getting jimmies rustled

honey, is this your first time here or...?

I mean I know it's summer but seriously, don''t make yourself such an easy target.

>> No.7610280

Shut the fuck up, people. This was a nice thread!

>> No.7610283

>u taking me this srs
k lol

>> No.7610404

It really does dry out your face if you let it dry, I started washing it off when it changes shade too!

>> No.7610753

EC stack
literally the only thing that surpresses my fucking gigantic appetite. do not recommend if you don't lift weights tho

>> No.7610768

My hair does not like when I use the same shampoo/conditioner for more than a month. It'll start acting like I haven't washed it (clumps together, feels a little greasy at the crown) even if I washed it with shampoo twice and just stepped out of the shower.
The problem is that my hair's short so after a month, the bottle is about half-empty. I'm trying to cycle bottles (use one brand for a month, put it under the cabinet and use another brand for a month, go back to the first one, etc.) but it's starting to do this shit again.

Am I doomed to keep cycling brands or is there some way to fix this?

>> No.7610771

It could possibly be that your hair isn't adjusting well to frequently changing a shampoo. By more than a month, how long do you mean? Just a month and a bit or is it the same three months later as well?

>> No.7610774

I'm trying to figure out what you're asking.
What do you mean by "the same three months later as well"?

>> No.7610782

Sorry, I mean to say: If you use the same shampoo for three months, or six months, do you still have the same problem?

It could be that your hair needs more than a month to adapt (while the greasiness is part of the adaptation process) but isn't able to because you're changing to a new shampoo.

>> No.7610788

Ah I see.

It used to not do this until I bought this huge bottle of Tresemmé. I used that for about 3 months and my hair kept getting progressively worse.

So I guess using something that's not Tresemmé for 1+ months should fix it?

>> No.7610795

Not that anon, but you should use oil-based shampoo (shampoos with coconut oil, almond oil, etc as featured ingredient) and avoid shampoos with sulfates (such as Sodium Laureth Sulfate). Sulfates and non-oil shampoos usually cause your scalp to overproduce oils. And of course, condition your hair if you aren't already!

>> No.7610797

I think it's worth a try. Is Tresemmé a brand that's in your cycle as well? It could be something in that shampoo that's causing it.

>> No.7610801

It's a brand that I keep going to for some reason, but I definitely won't be anymore.

I never really pay much attention to ingredients, so thank you for this!

>> No.7610836

yeah and I at first heard from a friend that I'm supposed to feel that tight dry feeling for it to work but I thought bullshit and googled it.

nope, by the time it's changed shades it's already done all the good cleaning shit it's supposed to do, letting it stay longer effects nothing but suck moisture from your skin.

>> No.7610901
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>started esthiology classes yesterday
>instructor announces she doesnt want our class to shave, wax or pluck anything(yes, anything) for 3 weeks

i hate to be that special snowflake, but there's no way i can do that. I can give up wearing dresses and skirts for work, thats fine. I gave up doing something about my arm hair, so I don't care about having to leave it alone. I'll just wear pants for my legs and I'll be fine.

The problem is I just have a very noticeable mustache and a patchy babby beard underneath my chin sort of like pic related(pretty much same exact type of hairhair), but I have a couple more 'patches' and they're a bit lower. I can't let that shit go for 3 weeks.

Is there anything you guys would recommend? Should I keep waxing my stache and bleach everything else? I feel like I can pull it off if I do something like that and wear my hair a certain way to hide the rest of the facial hair. Or I can just go business as usual, and line it up so when I usually would have waxed is when we do it in the class, only having to forgo waxing for about a week and some change, which is a little more doable for me. I'm just so scared about this.

>> No.7610913

Ooooor you could just continue on your usual routine, and just leave your legs unshaven. Your professor can't make you walk around like that if you're uncomfortable with it.

>> No.7610920

Yeah, the teacher's probably going to show you guys something that involves body hair I guess? As long as you have some you'll be fine. I doubt she'll stare closely at you for perfectly hairless areas and deduct points anyway.

Leave other areas hairy but keep waxing your face, basically.

>> No.7610929

Just wax the facial stuff. Three weeks isn't long enough to accuse someone of waxing their face anyway.

>> No.7611179

>people on my facebook wall telling me that its fine to scrub your face with salt/sugar

Niggas gonna fuck up they skin.

>> No.7611340

Back and shoulder acne. Help. It's not crazy, mostly blackheads with a few deep zits, but they're really prone to scarring, and since most of it is on my shoulders, it's noticeable.

I have various strengths of benzoyl peroxide treatments, which works great on my face/chest, and OK on my shoulders. I think the main thing I need is a better exfoliation routine, and shower gel?
I do have sensitive skin, and tend to use organic/natural body products, so that would be preferred, but I'm willing to try pretty much anything at this point. Is there a specific type of loofa that's better?

>> No.7611465

Have you tried something with oatmeal? You could buy oatmeal-containing shower bars or DIY your own gentle scrub for cheap.

I've just given up on people like that. If they want advice I'll happily give it but if they're going to be stubborn idiots, well, it's their skin.
Personal favourite is
>I'll just use SPF6 because I don't want sun-induced aging but I do want to tan~!

>> No.7611467

Loofah is loofah, there's not much brand difference. What I'd recommend for you is a Japanese/Korean washcloth, which is a long rectangle of loose plastic seersucker. You can loop it behind your back and scrub away like and old-school cartoon character. Best of all, it never needs to be washed--only rinsed. I've stopped using anything else. They're not really hard to find, hell Amazon probably has them.

>> No.7611484

my friend had a sample of this acne stuff from sephora (she's got it pretty bad on the face) and swore it was great, she still uses that shit

so I've only got body acne, mostly bra area. I switched bras but sweating and all still keeps it so I remembered the name and got some of their acne body spray


only had it for a week now but it feels cool and haven't seen anything new when usually I do by now. been using it after showers and workouts.

>> No.7611638

Urban Decay/s 24/7 Liquid Liner. I will never use another liquid liner in my fucking life. It can last days (we've all done it, shut up), doesn't smudge from water or tears or sweat. It's insane and perfect.

>> No.7611642

Eos isn't that bad; I keep a few balls around.

Lush's Honeytrap is also really nice, but is in a pot thing and I'm not a fan of applying via finger.

>> No.7611667

This might sound strange, but one of the things that seems to have helped the most with my acne is changing detergents. I had it so bad when I was living with my parents, but when I moved out, I bought my own detergent that's free of dyes and perfume. Within two months (no other changes to my beauty routine), my acne was almost completely gone (except for a few monthly spots, that were nowhere near as bad as they were before.

Sometimes little things like that will do a lot more than all the cleansers in the world. It's worth looking at. Sometimes it's things in the environment.

>> No.7611671

forgot to add, I mean laundry detergent.

>> No.7612231

i am a milk horse and i have never had any skin problems save for some freckles

>> No.7612250

wax and then use generic vaniqua to impede hair growth

>> No.7612256

Can anyonr give me moisturizer recommendations? I tried olay's lotion for sensitive skin (white bottle, black cap, blue writing) and its not working. My skin is oily yet dry and flaky, on my nose bridge, forehead, and inner cheeks (not at the folds of my nose, a bit before it. i hate wearing my bb cream because it shows the flakiness, and i tried exfoliating. if age matters for recs, i am 18.

>> No.7612261

Forgot one of the most important bits. I have sensitive skin and am still acne prone if my face doesn't like what im using.

>> No.7612348

It might be that you've got dry skin but your skin is over compensating oil because you're stripping it. You could also have combination skin. You might have to try using a dry moisturiser on the flaky parts and another one everywhere else, but it's going to take some playing around to find out what works for you. In my store we have a device that tells you how hydrated your skin is, but I don't know if that's just in Boots or if any other stores have them out of the UK (it was provided by Vichy, so other stores that sell it might have one?)

Have you tried Simple? They have an oil free range as well as their sensitive range (personally I don't like them, but other people have said that it works for them). Otherwise I'd look into higher end brands; Eurcerin and La Roche Posay have good ranges (although I don't think La Roche Posay don't have any moisturisers with SPF in if that's important to you), and if you go to a decent store you might be able to get samples, enough to at least see if it'll make you break out.

>> No.7612378

I feel so shitty lately. I just want to put a paper bag over my head and die.

>My forehead is covered in scabs where I've started compulsively scratching at the tiniest of blocked pores (Nervous habit. Some bad shit has happened recently.)
>I have terrible hereditary dark hollows under my eyes.
>I'm 19 and already getting quite deep lines under my eyes, I think from sleeping with my face mushed into my pillow.
>My eyebrows have gradually gotten smaller and smaller because I'mafgt.

At the moment I'm using St. Ives apricot scrub in the morning, followed by 'pure velvet soap' with a gentle exfoliator pad to get rid of extra flakes that the scrub didn't fully lift (Heh, the dry scabby parts.) and then Vitamin A gel as a moisturizer. At night it's just Velvet soap and exfoliate. The Vitamin A is a bit much to use twice a day, but every moisturizer I've ever tried, from cheap drugstore to high-end, has reacted badly with my skin.

Right now I'm trying to actively stop touching my fucking face, drink as much water as I can and sleep ~7 hours a night as opposed to 10.

>Any suggestions?

>> No.7612381

I just had rhinoplasty and it's causing my entiiiiire face to break out.

My face hasn't broke out in years. Any idea what to do?

>> No.7612383


I've got suuuuper finicky skin like what you describe, dry and flakey under make up, and sensitive to everything I put on it. I've tried sooo many moisturizers, etc and the best one I've found imo is Clinique's Dramatically Different
Moisturizing Lotion+ (its yellow).

My skin feels moisturized all day and I have no more flakiness under make up anymore.

hopefully it can help you too anon, good luck!

>> No.7612396

I'm looking for eyeliner that actually looks natural. I have pencils, ink, etc. but they all seem to look contrived, although that may be me being fussy. I've heard of Ben Nye eyeliner that is put on with a brush. Is it good? Do you have any other ideas?

>> No.7612401

I guess brown pencil is the least noticeable.

Not sure what you mean by natural eyeliner, to be honest.

>> No.7612403

I use a roll-up stick that is brown and it can't make a decently clean line nor can it smear to complete one (and yet disappears halfway through the day no less).

I want something that blends and doesn't look very obvious. I know to get brown already, as black is unnatural.

>> No.7612405


When I want to look like I'm not wearing eyeliner but just have thick lashes I just tightline (currently using makeup forever's black liner) and then use an angled brush with black eyeshadow as close to my lashes as I can get. If I want something slightly more dramatic I tightline and use a gel liner on top rather than shadow.

>> No.7612406

African soap did wonders for my bacne.

>> No.7612434

Use a fine brush and dark brown shadow

>> No.7612472
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I recently got some stuff from Skinfood and Missha, and they sent me these samples- problem is I can't read Korean and I have no idea how to use them.

>> No.7612474
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And here's a shot of the back.

Has anyone else tried any of these? I also got the Missha BB Boomer and it's the bomb.

>> No.7612493
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I also got this one from Missha, but I have no idea what it is because there's no English on it anywhere.

>> No.7612496
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And the back. Sorry for all the sideways pics, I don't know why the hell my iphone keeps doing that. I took them with the phone upright but it rotates them anyway. So annoying.

>> No.7612500


Are you using a scrub every day? Obviously everyone's skin is different and reacts differently, but exfoliating every day with two different exfoliants seems likes overkill. I'd be surprised if it wasn't damaging your skin.

I've gotten the best results from pretty much babying the hell out of my skin. Very gentle cleansers, gently exfoliating once a week with a konjac scrub, keeping it hydrated and moisturized at all times, sleeping with silk pillowcases, etc.

When you say moisturizers react badly to your skin, how do you mean? What kind of reactions do you get?

>> No.7612527

You mean the black stuff that's used for psoriasis?

>> No.7612555

Nothing gets rid of them except surgery. They're deep, permanent scars.

>> No.7612559

Woah that happened to me too when I got a rhinoplasty. A face wash from garnier pure active worked well for me but it dried my face, try it too if it dries your face you could use it less times a week.

>> No.7612564


use after cleansing face and toner

use like a moisturiser

For specifics you can just google the english names, I think they're popular enough to have multiple reviews and instructions online. I think I've tried the caviar serum before, it was kind of heavy iirc so only use before bed.

>> No.7612567

Ah OK, thanks! When did your breakouts clear up? I was told it could take months...

>> No.7612617


Dark brown shadow with a fine brush, if you want something really subtle.

I personally love Clinque Quickliner for Eyes, and Physician's Formula Automatic Eye Defining Pencil. They both go on well, and blend nicely. The Clinique pencil lasts a little longer, comes with a blending sponge at the end, and is available in more colors.

>> No.7612752

What makeup can I use to cover extreme dark undereye circles/eyebags? I can't get rid of them because they're a side effect from a chronic illness so I want to know what I can do to at least cover them up.

>> No.7612815

Like in 4 months, but I wouldn't use any product just that one and my skin looked better after a month using it also watch your diet, it helped me too.

>> No.7612889

i personally like pixi's concealer, its peach colored and in a small pot, you can get it at target. it brightens and covers pretty well for me. (i have pale skin and pretty dark circles, but obviously not from chronic illness.) you can try that?

>> No.7612899

from left to right:
smokey eyeshadow
glitter (or paintings lol)
liquid or gel eye liner

there's no foundation or highlight / downlight one in your set, also no concealer brush

>> No.7612908

What's the correct order for applying day cream, sunscreen and primer?

>> No.7612915

Is there any way to get Dermablend in Europe?

>> No.7612977

Ditch the St Ive's scrub and replace with an AHA or BHA chemical exfoliator

r/skincareaddiction has a helpful sidebar

>> No.7613015

Where in Europe? Boots sells it in the UK.

>> No.7613020

That's fine since they ship to the Netherlands. Thanks!

>> No.7613022

Looking again I see they only sell the Vichy Dermablend line though. I meant the brand Dermablend.

>> No.7613033

Pure Hyaluronic Acid serum + eye cream w/ hyaluronic acid + a capful of olive oil on the face before bed. I've been doing this for years and I have absolutely 0 fine lines/wrinkles anywhere on my face.

I'm 27 and I frequently get mistaken for 18-20 when I'm not wearing makeup.

>> No.7613040

Picture? Smiling?

>> No.7613082

sunscreen, cream, primer

then whatever make up

if you have the money go get dis shit: sephora.com/mineral-cr-me-broad-spectrum-spf-50-uva-uvb-sunscreen-P383591

though I ordered mine off amazon 10 bucks cheaper. shit's a dream.

>> No.7613113

Also if I'm using a physical sunscreen (forgot to mention)? I'm afraid it'll make my make-up slide off my face, especially since I sweat a lot in summer.

>> No.7613233

Oh god this is really late, sorry!


-Cleanse with either CeraVe Foaming wash or Olay's Shine Shine Go Away cleanser

-Face Shop's Chia Seed Toner Mist as soon as I pat my face dry (Missha's First Treatment Essence works really well too, but it's pricey)

-Tony Moly's Floria Whitening Essence

-Tony Moly's I'm Real Seaweed moisture lotion

-Mizon's All in One Snail Repair cream

-Sunscreen if I'm going to be hit with sunlight (I use physical so it goes after all the other stuff)

At night I do two extra steps, I use Innisfree's Apple Juicy Oil Cleanser as the first step then follow the morning routine exactly and every 3-4 days after the snail cream I apply Tony Moly's Intense Care Dual Effect Sleeping Pack. I rarely need to exfoliate my skin these days, I think I usually go about 12 days before I need to ever so slightly exfoliate my forehead and chin.

>> No.7613240

I thought sugar was okay to use? I've never used it for anything but lip exfoliation once in a great while but I thought sugar was fine for face exfoliation.

>> No.7613241

Same problem here, I just lost the final bit of the 30 extra pounds I gained last year.
Try slathering it with straight lemon juice on qtips. I did it every night for 3 weeks and it lightened them from an angry red to a light pink. Just make sure you wash the area afterward, and while it didn't for me, some people say it burns so it's not worth it if that happens.
I also just said fuck it after that and started slathering self-tanner on my legs, so that might help while you're waiting for them to fade into that sweet, sweet silver.

>> No.7613252

honestly try a bb cream (garnier or maybelline make some good lower priced ones) or what I recommended if your worried about using too many creams. it's spf, hydrating lotion, primer, all that shit. I just like the sephora one because it's goat spf and I'm picky about that shit.

or use what you use plus a setting spray

Say just mix your sunscreen with your regular cream and apply, then primer and whatever make up, then set spray real quick when done so it won't run while you sweat

>> No.7613256

That's awful advice. Mixing up your sunscreen with other shit makes it incredibly ineffective. You go from SPF 50 to like, SPF 4. Don't do that.

>> No.7613259

Softlips is really nice and has a light SPF. I like their lip conditioners, they feel minty and out of every chapstick I've used it moisturizes the best.

>> No.7613262

4chan is an 18+ website.

>> No.7613276

No. It's pointy little crystals that tear tiny little rips in your face skin, which can then become easily infected because you're putting sugar all over them and bacteria love sugar.

>> No.7613278

I've never had the issue of makeup sliding off over my physical sunscreen. I do worry that it's being rubbed off as I apply the makeup, but mine is an Asian sunscreen and it works as a badass makeup base. I don't even have to use primer anymore.

>> No.7613282

Well then, TIL. I wonder why all the honey sugar masks are so popular then. Thanks for answering nicely!

>> No.7613297

well idk I usually just use spf that's also lotion so I don't have to deal with all that

>> No.7613301

what about on the legs? cause I tried it once. like sugar mixed with oil and aloe vera and it was pretty badass for my leg softness. been thinking of doing it more regularly now that it's summer but idk now

>> No.7613303

moisturizing SPFs are just as bad, FYI.

>> No.7613306

really? because I got that one I've been using on the regular and it's pretty good for me

>> No.7613322

Yes, because most of them are diluted from the moisturizer that even by putting on the proper 1/4 tsp you still aren't getting enough of the actual sunscreen on your face. Now, it may be different for sunscreens marketed as also being lotions though I've not seen anything definitive on it yet, but it's definitely the case for moisturizers with SPF included just like BB creams, foundations, and primers that slap SPF # on the bottle. That's not to say just stop using it if it's agreeing with your skin, but you really should be using a dedicated sunscreen with no frills if you want protection. I use a physical one and only have to wait about 2-3 minutes for it to sink in before putting on my makeup and it doesn't have to wait 30 minutes before it's effective.

>> No.7613323

The skin on your legs tends to be tougher, so it's not so bad. I personally /have/ used it on my legs, and it does wonders, but it will vary from person to person. But, the skin on your face is definitely too soft/fragile for it! If it works for your legs, go for it! Just don't use it too often, to give some recoup time. Maybe 2x per week max?

>> No.7613358
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oh I wasn't even thinking more often then once a week

what do you all know of honey masks? I was thinking of making one with aloe, lemon, and cinnamon and letting it sit for 10 minutes.

generally I do clay masks maybe once a week or biweekly. It's been working great but I feel like switching things up.

well I use this. got on it last summer and never got burned. it takes a minute to sink in but it kept my skin from drying out and burning and felt nice so I loved it.

>> No.7613385

It's labeled as a sunscreen most prominently so I'd think you're good. But just as a heads up, just because you aren't burned doesn't mean no sun damage. Sun damage on the cellular level, the kind that leads to skin cancer and such, is done before a burn even happens. That's why using proper amounts and reapplication is so necessary.

>> No.7613503

I've tried honey masks, but honestly they just make me break out somehow. The only time I ever had issues with pimples was when I used it. I even used raw honey from a family friend's beehive, so there wasn't any processing or any additives, shit was straight out of the comb.

>> No.7613505

>Sun damage on the cellular level, the kind that leads to skin cancer and such, is done before a burn even happens.

Well, yes and no. Sun damage is completel inevitable unless you don't leave your house. But /major/ cancer-causing damage happens when you actually burn, or tan, if you're the kind of person who does that.

They rate your overall risk of skin cancer by how many times you've been badly burned for a reason. More burns = way more chance of cancer. Obviously preventing ANY damage is the goal, but don't scare someone into being obsessive.

>> No.7614221


Ok, I'll do that, thanks!

Any idea what the gold one is? There's no English in that one.

>> No.7614960
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>>7600122 OP from >>7597273

Really late, but thank you. I tested this out at graduation during a storm in the early morning and then the hot and humid afternoon. It did help lighten my knees and maybe because I didn't layer it on, it didn't quite cover all the imperfections (scars/burn mark) with the correct tone. However, it did lighten them considerable, so unless someone was really close up, they wouldn't really notice.

I applied it with latex gloves since it's a bother to wash off if you're on the go.

I did also use the Ben Nye Final Seal spray as a backup.

>> No.7615577

in future have a look on the f2plus1 ebay site, searching in hangul if you have to. they usually have the samples for sale.

anyway they're:

light purple - skinfood collagen boosting serum
blanc pearl caviar cream - face cream (goes with serum)
blanc pearl caviar serum - skinfood serum (goes with cream)
honeypot - skinfood honey face cream
gold diamante pot - missha kumseol kiyun eye cream

>> No.7616813

How do you guys feel about most DIY face/hair masks that pop up if you just google "face/hair mask"? Should I just go and buy some or are these actually any good?

>> No.7617027

Some are good, some are not. It depends on your skin but I wouldn't suggest the egg ones if you have acne, there is tons of bacteria in the eggs that is only gone after being boiled.

>> No.7617040

clay masks are sort of diy but end up pretty good