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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 142 KB, 720x960, tumblr_n6v63kEc0E1qj01vco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7607929 No.7607929[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

there hasnt been one for a few days now.

>> No.7608234

That meet was fucking awful.. so many itas

>> No.7608273

I blame the weeaboos

>> No.7608278

deets anon?

>> No.7608282
File: 94 KB, 720x960, anita_and_me_by_walljewels-d7lqiyk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7608283
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>> No.7608285
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>> No.7608287

b-but....isnt that just an alternate outfit anon? not "lolita miku"?

>> No.7608288

She honestly looks pretty to me, it is cosplay, but I think she dropped her other sleeve.

>> No.7608289
File: 79 KB, 720x960, ita fucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7608290

Well, she's calling it a lolita version, so
Yeah, the whole thing could have been much worse but it's still definitely ita. The outfit's supposed to be lolita and it isn't.

>> No.7608292

Why do people fake stutter on here so damn much? It kinda bugs me, would someone enlighten me to as why it is done? Are you trying to me all meek or fake defensive?

>> No.7608294

Yeah I wouldn't call it lolita, but it is a cute as just a cosplay of Miku with some lolita like themes added to it.

>> No.7608296
File: 322 KB, 1024x768, the_girl_and_the_rose_3_by_nyappynessofdoom-d7lcz7w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7608297

i do it as a joke-y sort of thing, sorry it annoys you anon.

>> No.7608305

Don't feel bad for it, I just saw it a lot and got a little bugged as to what it meant. I just imagine some lil kid mock stuttering when I read it.

>> No.7608307
File: 905 KB, 600x858, one_shot_2014_14__lolly_who_by_honeyhowitzer-d7ky96n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This photo also introduces the new every-day Lolita-inspired look I'm diving into.

What makes it lolita-inspired? The bow in the image on your graphic T-shirt?
The thing on your head?

>> No.7608311
File: 348 KB, 1024x2191, lolita___the_duck_by_helegris_nimbereth-d7lalpn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7608315

"look at me tryin to be all dark goffin living dollie with my dook, so ver deep."

>> No.7608318

Maybe the new stage of ita is when they think just a slightly frilly hair thing and some socks n mary janes make you a lolita.

>> No.7608401

Fairytale Boutique and Anime Jungle had a lolita-jfashion and cosplay meet, it was the worst meet ever. So many poorly dressed girls..even saw a few milanoo dresses. It was pretty sad because the FB fashion walks are really fun. I dont know why they had to join up with Anime Jungle of all places.

>> No.7608410

well the blonde wig has the right idea minus that kind of hat
makes me think of VN designs
the hair thing obviously anon

>> No.7608411

I don't know either. I asked the girls working there and they said this walk was pretty much thrown in with the AJ event. Probably would have been better just to keep them separate events. Especially with it being ILD. I admit it was my first walk, outside of mushing it together with the cosplayers, how do the other walks differ.

>> No.7608432

Dr. Who fans manage to fuck everything up. I've never met a sane one, probably because the sane ones are too embarrassed to be lumped in with the rest of the fandom and so hide their powerlevel.

>> No.7608436

>the sane ones are too embarrassed to be lumped in with the rest of the fandom
Among other reasons ... yes.

>> No.7608446
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>> No.7608448
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>> No.7608449
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>> No.7608452
File: 136 KB, 499x750, tumblr_n6u6wpQMWN1rd6bzto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what material even is this

>> No.7608454
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well they're young so at least they have plenty of time to learn

>> No.7608455
File: 55 KB, 905x689, nobueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloody Christ, who and what is -that-?

CAPTCHA: was Unixchan

... This thing is Unix-chan? I guess.

>> No.7608458
File: 91 KB, 480x480, tumblr_n6xsfecIWn1qi89mgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a full coord shot but it's scary enough on its own

>> No.7608461
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>> No.7608462
File: 289 KB, 700x700, nonflashridden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their photos are always so awful and I don't know why or how they made this one look so godawful shiny. I have that dress and the material is so gorgeous in person. The metallics in the dress are a subtle gunmetal.

>> No.7608463

Is that a body line maid outfit?

>> No.7608464
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>> No.7608465

I like how one of the businesses listed behind her is an "adult novelty store." Good way to prove lolita isn't a kink there.

>> No.7608466
File: 691 KB, 1159x1920, tumblr_n6vdnyI4LW1s3uqm7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will it end

>> No.7608469
File: 755 KB, 1280x1477, tumblr_n6wxeaWR921tc6h5oo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes that's right for only $17 you too can own a piece of shit!

>> No.7608473
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>> No.7608476
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>> No.7608510

Holy fuck

>> No.7608511

Where are her shoes...

>> No.7608519
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>> No.7608523

Why would you do that do that beautiful dress

>> No.7608552
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>> No.7608559

From the waist up it's a cosplay and from the waist down it's a lolita coord. What's going on? It makes no sense.

>> No.7608874

Oh she watermarked it? Did she think someone wa gonna steal that?

>> No.7608876
File: 517 KB, 245x150, 1395984058014.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crappy nail polish
The unphotoshopped faces

>> No.7608900

The girl on the right looks pretty cute imo, just needs to lose the lacy robe and change out her socks and bag.

>> No.7608913

What's up with the pose though? It's so awkward it's like she's taking taking a shit. Also her makeup skills could use improvement.

>> No.7608982

We found Mr. Yan's new waifu
they can marry now and do furry make up together

>> No.7609015

it makes me think of "b-baka"

>> No.7609027

does the landwhale come with the collar... or?

>> No.7609031


>> No.7609034
File: 102 KB, 242x292, uh_uh_gurlfran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7609042

Out of all of the points of this trainwreck, the dirty socks and blusher bother me the most.

>> No.7609046
File: 1.07 MB, 510x958, kawaiifartsdesu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolis so kawaii, they fart glitter.

>> No.7609064

>ita is not a person
>it's a clothing!!
>a person cannot be ita!

>> No.7609075

That would explain the face she's making.

Oh no not her again

>> No.7609156

and in addition to that:


>> No.7609158
File: 43 KB, 526x295, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7609164

Lol she isn't ita because she's fat, she's ita because she dresses like shit

>> No.7609170
File: 94 KB, 400x263, 1383516658865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like she's pulling her shirt down to hide her gut

>> No.7609181

it's like weird furry juggalo makeup wtf

>> No.7609244

This girl might be happy here, because at least here we hate everyone equally, brand or no brand.

>> No.7609271
File: 9 KB, 251x249, 1389273017754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That awful cutting and editing.
>8 minutes of "Lolitas should be LOVELIESSSS"

>> No.7609272
File: 782 KB, 848x477, 1401794886675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(i had to explain to my coworkers what the fashion was....i took a picture of those girls as i got off work and they walked in, but i have no clue who they are. but yeah i knew they were ita but i was just excited from getting off work and seeing someone who even knew what the fashion was...)

>> No.7609325

Not a local, a friend of someone who is. Sorry.

>> No.7609338
File: 223 KB, 484x273, itacoord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord. Her lolita coordinate is terrible with the blouse and the cat ears. She is an ita.

No offense, but there are plus size lolitas who do coord well and don't get insulted.

>> No.7609344

Yes and she has the nerve to give people concrit. That hair annoys me so much. And she needs to get rid of that lovelies.

>> No.7609355

Oh god when she says darlings I feel so demeaned like she considers me to be 5 or something.

>> No.7609361

Put sad violin music on while you watch this. Trust me.

>> No.7609373

>Talking about the zebra print.

Does she have asperger's? She complained about lolitas wearing expensive brand and created her own term. Then defended the girl's zebra. She deserved to be bashed for such a poor print.

>> No.7609384
File: 114 KB, 768x1024, http%3A%2F%2F31.media.tumblr.com%2Fbc4636cbc28e426d5cd54bf997a0fa1c%2Ftumblr_n4njgpvZ5p1qdaabao2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kawaii Titan Rori desu~~ nyaa~~~

>> No.7609408

Jesus fuck, that things like half an hour long. Someone sure likes the sound of their own voice.

Also, her forehead is way to short for her to have that style of bangs - it makes her head look completely triangular and bottom-heavy.

>> No.7609410

Dang. Its kinda barren over here and I'd love to have more Lolita's or jfash folks come in. We sell a bunch of cute Asian stuff and I'd love for my coworkers, who started up this store about two months ago, to see some really awesome looks opposed to fawning over this....it'd be cool if your friend could stop by and maybe say hello, but I don't know if they would just be sorta weirded out by me talking about lolita and such with them.

>> No.7609411

What is she on?

Infanta =/= Angelic Pretty

>> No.7609444

WHY THE FUCK is this 28 minutes long?

>> No.7609446

sweet baby jesus that is awful

>> No.7609451
File: 77 KB, 627x960, wowwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7609456
File: 125 KB, 720x960, threeitas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7609474

I love how almost every shit artist on DA uses that ridiculous huge watermark that ruins the whole image even on good work.

>> No.7609513

Ya know...if the girl in pink switched tights with the girl in yellow this wouldn't be nearly as offensive.

>> No.7609535

Looks like a tulle spider is infesting her bedroom.

>> No.7609546

Why are there so many itas in Kera? I understand that it isn't just lolita fashion in the magazine but dear god there were very few good lolitas in the street photos and one big old lace monster...

>> No.7609573
File: 64 KB, 512x512, http%3A%2F%2F37.media.tumblr.com%2F9ea770e4484c38e599bb497c0fee80d3%2Ftumblr_n6xm32Hxlk1ttnpado1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear lord

>> No.7609580
File: 544 KB, 1280x1920, http%3A%2F%2F31.media.tumblr.com%2F64681af15ebda863c8c68b831b6317a0%2Ftumblr_n3iu7wqFWD1rkb3tho7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7609615
File: 41 KB, 468x960, 10369733_686173331431056_8862301139908573563_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i give up.

>> No.7609635

Everything in CoF

>> No.7609674

i liked that HL ivory x black coord posted last week though, I mean it wasn't fantastic but I wouldn't call it ita. but maybe i'm remembering it wrong, and no, I'm not that girl

>> No.7609706

oh god yeah it does

>> No.7609723

10/10 gave me a good laugh.

>> No.7609822

W.. Is that her hair? It looks like it's possessed and in the midst of attacking her.

>> No.7609840

Why are they advertising a collar on someone who has no neck

>> No.7609841

Maybe I'm tired, but I put this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vodd6C5ryUU up behind it and I seriously cannot stop laughing.

>> No.7609926

I'll see if I can pass by, what are your hours?
I plan on going next Monday with a friend in lolita anyways.

>> No.7610007

This dummy should spend her money on speech therapy instead of terrible lolita, or even good lolita, for that matter. Nobody is going to take you seriously if you lisp like a child. It doesn't help that she's so fat she's out of breath just recording herself talking. What a mess.

>> No.7610013

The tumblr is strong with these ones.

>> No.7610099

this is actually a really cute dress.

>> No.7610151

Is that Avril lavigne?

>> No.7610164

I like some of the stuff on there actually.

>> No.7610168

I imagined that after every sentence she had a Turrets episode that had to be edited out.

Girls, this is supposed to be a safe place for our lolichans BITCH PUSSY CUNT

>> No.7610183

Hagrid inspired coord?

>> No.7610184
File: 164 KB, 960x720, tumblr_n5q5weCuM81tc7hp8o1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita should be banned in mexico.

>> No.7610195
File: 200 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n6z7eeWjrV1skwjuio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tagged as "gothic lolita"

>> No.7610267

At the other FTB walks there is'nt any cosplay, just fashion, and everyones coords look great for the most part

>> No.7610324

The fucking comments on that video, christ.

>> No.7610343

its perfect.

>> No.7610347

I'm pretty sure she was trying to be Mikuru in her maid outfit. This girl has a laundry list of terrible cosplays.

>> No.7610377

I work thursday, saturday, and sunday along with the next saturday and sunday, and a bit that following monday. we get busy on the weekends and try to do promo stuff, so that's usually when I work. I'm uh....the only part-timer. there's only four of us, and i'm the only girl, so i'm sure it won't be too hard spotting me. i draw the cheesy signs.

>> No.7610378

I hate how fat people's legs splay out into a V shape at the knee. It's like their legs are buckling under their own weight.

>> No.7610389

I've seen a few of this girl's videos and she just seems so... venomous. She's not happy with anything or anybody. Nothing is up to her standards and she always has something negative to say about everything. Everything has to be her way or else.
On a sidenote, I can't help but laugh when I see all these high school-aged newbies come into this fashion, own one dress, and start trying to make huge changes. WE SHOULD CHANGE THE NAME! ABOLISH LOLI HIERARCHY! SCREW AP LET'S ALL WEAR INDIE! TRUE LOLIS HAVE CURVES! I CAN WEAR STILETTOS AND HAVE AN UNDERCUT IF I WANT TO, IT'S ~MY STYLE~! BRANDWHORE ELITISTS!!! YOU'RE NOT TRUE GOSURORIS!!!
Oh, honey... give it a few years, okay? You'll get it one day.

>> No.7610409

oh vey! look at the money-maker on that one!

>> No.7610440

Shes a he and that's one of his Wigs he wears in drag apparently.

>> No.7610448

The male employee is by far the most kawaii one in this picture.

>> No.7610458

It makes my knees hurt just looking at it, and actually doing it is literally painful. Either there's something I'm missing or there is something wrong with their skeleton that they can comfortably stand with their knees close together but their feet far apart.

>> No.7610461

he's seriously the nicest ever :')

>> No.7610465

Red one isn't bad at all

>> No.7610466

fairy kei..?

>> No.7610515

Oh god there was so many things wrong with that video. Popular lolitas don't owe you shit. I own Bodyline and Angelic Pretty and you know what my Angelic Pretty is better.

>> No.7610542

Fucking damn well looks like it. I was about to post that.

>> No.7610547

ikr? i have a bodyline and an ap blouse with almost the same design and i can barely wear the bodyline one its so scratchy and stiff and ugly and it fits weirdly :(

>> No.7610677


To be fair, being fat doesn't cause knock knees (and I even know thin people with this problem, too), but it certainly doesn't help alleviate the problem. The extra weight on your knees isn't good when you already have this issue.

>> No.7610736

My prim dress was more expensive than AP or Baby, the dresses aren#t that expensive, what is expensive is a whole brand coord.

>> No.7610743

*prom dress.
Sorry, no contacts

>> No.7610793

HAHA. Oh how I would love to meet a loli with tourettes. "Wow your coord is lovely! SHIT WANK"

>> No.7610796

cat ears. The eternal plague.

>> No.7610799

I've only ever seen it on one thin person but nearly all obese people I know stand like this. Do fat legs just make it more noticeable or something?

That's not how Tourette's actually works, though.

>> No.7610803

She went outside like that. That surely is against some laws of common decency?

>> No.7610808

So solly, just making a bad joke while spelling tourettes wrong. My apologies.

>> No.7610903

i'm just wondering how you would walk without exposing yourself (more), teeny tiny steps without moving your huge thighs.....

>> No.7610906

I see people who have this of all sizes and just oowww.....it looks so painful. i can twist myself into a damn pretzel but this still looks uncomfortable.

>> No.7610979

The butch classic on the far left... I really like her bag. Sauce?

>> No.7611009

I think fat legs do make it more noticible, in addition to exacerbating the problem. It's kinda unusual that every obese person you know has knock knees, though... They're somewhat uncommon, and I'm friends with several people who are or were formerly obese (and I have even more family members who are, on top of that), and only like two or three out of all of the people I know have this issue. I think in general you have to have some weird skeletal or muscular issues to begin with in order to have knock knees, but then adding weight on top of that doesn't help and makes the problem even worse and more noticeable.

>> No.7611317
File: 127 KB, 359x239, 40598340598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>itas mad that they're told they're ita
>itas relying on hugboxes for support
>"its bcuz im fat isnt it" attitude when it's how they dress and how they act that are shitty
>itas pissed when they're kicked from communities for being unpleasant and nuisances

>> No.7611388
File: 75 KB, 445x960, IMG_811899543693193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7611389

Beetlejuice beetlejuice BEETLEJUICE

>> No.7611393
File: 33 KB, 284x350, beetlejuice-284x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7611399


>> No.7611407

I have now watched the entire thread with sad violin music. It really adds a new dimension

>> No.7611412

Just say no to blacks and fats.

>> No.7611420

I'd say CoF is about 75% ita, 20% decent/good, and 5% actually awesome.

>> No.7611525

This is beautiful! Where is it from?

>> No.7612083

This was in the related videos. I don't know which is worse, The video or the comments.


>> No.7612100

It's from Swimmer.

>> No.7612145

Read the comments above.

>> No.7612166
File: 48 KB, 405x720, 10417026_10202794901567350_404183702_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no petti

>> No.7612169

She looks like a gnome. Ugly girls need to stop wearing lolita. Those frills ain't fixing their hamfaces.

>> No.7612184

Oh my gosh. Those comments make me want to cry.

>> No.7612210
File: 64 KB, 568x627, 17ab400d34db7b12992e1e74eda56319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hahaha this fishing for guilt and inclusion. These two are hilarious.

>> No.7612232
File: 16 KB, 605x150, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The comments are the worst.

>> No.7612235
File: 196 KB, 600x1040, skit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By that logic this is punk because I say so. It doesn't matter that it isn't industrial looking, or has any sort of punk staples

>> No.7612247
File: 253 KB, 552x485, RENandSTIMPYlolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I believe Lolita fashion is the innocent cuteness hiding inside everyone who wishes to find it
>I believe Lolita Fashion is the cuteness inside trying to shine out anyway it can

This kind of thinking is awfully common in noobs and itas, but where does this come from? Lolita is easily the most narrowly defined fashion I've ever come across. It has a certain silhouette and a certain unmistakeable aesthetic and if an outfit lacks those, it's just not lolita. Probably still cute! But not lolita. If people don't want to adhere to these 'rules', then why are they interested in lolita in the first place? There are SO MANY fashions that are cute and girly and allow you to do whatever you want but for some reason the special snowflakes always latch on to lolita and then complain about it being too restrictive.
IMO the fact that it's kind of restrictive is a big part of the charm. Pic related.

>> No.7612252

that's probably the shittiest replica of my dream dress I've ever seen.

>> No.7612253


In all seriousness, no idea. It's always been around, though. For as long as I've been a lolita. The thing is, most people who come at it with that attitude found lolita because of Chobits or Rozen Maiden or some other anime, so maybe the whole overcoming-it-all morality of fiction gets instilled and somehow connected to lolita for them.

>> No.7612255

>main complaints are about how she's terribly dressed and doesn't know what she's talking about, and her terrible attitude
>one or two comments about weight
It's like she wants us to dislike her for something that's harder to change as opposed to things she could significantly improve on within several days if she worked at it.

>> No.7612262

All the "lifestylers" I know still wear the goddamn fashion, though. They just like to do fancy things while wearing it.
It also annoys me how she said
>I also worry you are taking what is a fashion and lifestyle for some and impacting loli staples items as hard rules. Just because my skirts aren't full enough and my gothic not lacey enough, doesn't mean they're unworthy of lolita
like um excuse me like for ME this is a fashion and lifestyle I don't know what your deal is ms. lolita blogger who actually wears lolita but clearly I know more about this than you do because I have these feelings ok

>> No.7612267

My remark was half sarcasm, don't get too rustled. Most of the people who have the attitude that they can be a lolita without owning lolita claim to be lifestylers, not understanding that for something to be your lifestyle, you have to actually participate in it somehow.

You can't claim that you live a horsetrainer's lifestyle when you live in the city and haven't been near a horse in your entire life, just because you collect photos of horses on your computer and sometimes wear boots that resemble riding boots. Same goes for lolita.

>> No.7612278


>> No.7612283

I wasn't rustled at you but at that chick, don't worry.
I know someone who is obsessed with cowboys. He wears tall leather boots, dirty jeans, flannel shirts and this crappy costume hat and thinks he's hot shit. But he's never sat on a horse, never been to America, never been to a shooting range, etc. He also thinks spaghetti westerns are 100% historically accurate and that he's the no.1 authority on all things American Midwest. It's hilarious but also cringeworthy.

The thing with ita "lifestylers" though, is that clothes are literally all there is to being a lolita. You don't have to move somewhere, you don't have to do a certain job or have certain skills, literally all a lolita has to do is wear the clothes. And they can't even manage that! FFS at least buy a pattern book and learn to sew or something.

>> No.7612300

I smell vendetta

>> No.7612302

>stumpy uggo
>no petti
>limp, unwashed hair
>no makeup

Your vendetta senses are broken, anon.

>> No.7612308

Makeup and a wig/styled hair would be good, but other than that, this is decent.

>> No.7612327

I have tourette's but not coprolalia sorry to disappoint anon

>> No.7612333

I feel like this should be a substyle of ita all its own. Poorfag Lolita.

>> No.7612352

I didnt realise it was a replica. She's just selling it as an offbrand carousel skirt. Sneaky bitch.

>> No.7612393
File: 260 KB, 974x714, Screen Shot 2014-06-12 at 9.33.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh. Of all the shoes to try to match with shit. There's so much more cute ones out there from normalfag stores.

>> No.7612402

Lol why do I get the feeling she's one of those people who introduces you as their 'best friend' even though you've only talked once in a group setting?

You happened to be standing in front of my actual friend one time and I waved at them but you thought I was waving at you. And now you won't leave me alone and I don't even know your name.

>> No.7612408

That dog wants to die. You can tell by how hes looking into the camera.

>> No.7612425

Beetlejuice is way more kawaii

>> No.7612428

>upside-down bow

>> No.7612528

sorry for asking.. but what is ITA?

>> No.7612532


>> No.7612556

Bad Lolita.

>> No.7612614 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 720x960, 10443706_10152195917047183_882856682_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I just want to burn my dresses when I see what the fashion has turned into. Enjoy this little gem I pulled from Tumblr.

>> No.7612623 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 525x816, 10358720_282132605301768_5014495526563754299_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I just want to burn my dresses with I see what this fashion has become. Enjoy this gem I pulled from Tumblr.

>> No.7612626

This isn't bad. It's normalfag as fuck though, wouldn't really call it lolita. She at least looks clean and presentable, she just looks like she's wearing a sundress.

>> No.7612630
File: 70 KB, 525x816, tranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I just want to burn my dresses when I see what this fashion has become. Enjoy this gem I pulled off of Tumblr.

>> No.7612634

Is that a man?

>> No.7612661

Not ita. Just needs fine tuning.

>> No.7612663

this was meant for >>7612630

>> No.7612665

>no socks
>awful blouse
>no headdress
>bad wig
>JSK above the knees

What comm is this person from?

Looks like one to me. I wished males would stop dressing up in our clothes. It's not manly and reduces the supply of lolita clothes for females.

>> No.7612667

>>JSK above the knees

Are you fucking kidding me? Lots of people have dresses above their knee. Hell, I'm 5'2" and all of my AP hits above my knee.

>> No.7612668

It doesn't look proper in fat and/or tall people. It's terrible fashion.

You don't even know what good fashion is you cunt. I went to FIT for 4 years.

>> No.7612674

Anon might have meant that it's getting into thigh territory. I'm 5'1" and really prefer my skirts to end above my knee because otherwise I look stumpy as fuck, but I think shortness of dresses and stuff makes a bit of a difference when it's super sweet like the one the girl is wearing, because it starts to look like ageplay shit at that point.
Some tights also might have supplemented that as well.

>> No.7612676

Link to tumblr post pls?

Somebody needs to help this ita.

>> No.7612746
File: 127 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n7156qGbU01tdgagso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7612759

>Do fat legs just make it more noticeable or something?

Depends if your thighs are fat but your legs aren't.
Sometimes your legs aren't fat evenly, so if you have this problem and your thighs are fat but not your legs, it'll look more noticeable.

>> No.7612768

Because Lolita is an alternative fashion that already breaks the rules of what mainstream fashion looks like.

These girls get into the fashion thinking they can make it even more ~special~ by adding what they think is a unique and cool style to it.

What they fail to realize is that whether or not they like it, Lolita has a set of rules that need to be met in order to create the silhouette and the general aesthetic of the fashion.

These people think they can come in and change the whole structure of what the fashion is to accommodate their needs, and then whine when they're not accepted into Lolita because of their poor fashion choices.

This goes for any set style, too. Be it Goth, Punk, Fairy Kei, mainstream high fashion etc.

In reality these women have a clear lack of taste and they try to justify it under the excuse it's not them but the fashion the one that "restricts" them.

>> No.7612778

>These girls get into the fashion thinking they can make it even more ~special~ by adding what they think is a unique and cool style to it.
Speaking of which, what's the new flavor of the month snowflake style? Is creepycute/pastel goth still relevant? I stopped going on Tumblr, but I've been seeing much less of these in ita/J-fash faux pas threads. Is there a new thing?

>> No.7612793

Her attitude is the problem.Her first video is just so... ARGH I wanna smack her! Who CARES about her sexual orientation? Why would zhis be one of the first thing someone would state on their youtube channel that's supposed to be about lolita?

>> No.7612924

It DOES cause genu valgum, faness and weak muscles are even the biggest cause of knee arthrosis and it can cause extreme knee deformities too. ( I had an exam on it today) And it sure can cause genu valgum since the tendons were not constructed for that much weight plus muscles are necessary for a stabile knee and most of the fat people don't exercise enough, plus their muscles would have to be much stronger for that body weight compared to a thin person.

>> No.7613004
File: 212 KB, 720x960, 10273983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7613009

This makes me think of >>7611754
The one on the far right looks like a mom, girl in the middle could be her daughter.

>> No.7613012

And the one on the left could be her dad.

>> No.7613058

Ugh yeah as a person with my fat centralling in my thighs I have learned to always make sure my thighs are completely covered in lolita since it makes my legs look even wider. It's more flattering when it covers, an inch is the highest above my knees I would go.

>> No.7613068

Yeah kinda, idk about it in lolita, but it is still in fashion(this dumb nerd actually likes pastel goth, but doesn't mix it with lolita)

>> No.7613108

There are some crazy people in this world.

>> No.7613288

so she could spare the $350 for Haenuli's Ball of Starlight, but not like 50 bucks for a proper petticoat?

>> No.7613370
File: 26 KB, 640x426, IZyRvmp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7613419

wow, i didn't even realize that was ball of starlight. it looks so shitty.

>> No.7613488

i was gonna get a petticoat, but then i got hiiigh~

>> No.7613490

>You don't have to move somewhere, you don't have to do a certain job or have certain skills, literally all a lolita has to do is wear the clothes. And they can't even manage that!
Lol, one of the better points I've seen about itas. You are totally right, every other subculture out there has music, movies, lifestyles, sports, careers, attitudes, philosophies etc to go with it. In lolita you can be ANYTHING as long as you wear a full outfit once in awhile and yet people still manage to fuck it up.

>> No.7613495

Yeah I facepalmed hard. There is a certain subtype of lolita that is SO INTIMIDATED by buying stuff from Japan/China/ebay/the internet that they will actually buy things that are MORE expensive *and* completely unsuitable just because it's from a store they have already heard of. They're obsessed with offbrand and "loliables", even when it costs as much or more. You guys know what I'm talking about. But even that being said, there is no excuse here because plain goddamn black mary janes exist in every shoe store ever.

>> No.7613518
File: 240 KB, 800x800, Hatsune.Miku.full.347164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is based off of the outfit in this image, and she did an awesome job imo.

>> No.7613528
File: 266 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mpl9v0emnb1qij1n6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is prime on what not to do
an offbrand blouse that is too small and with cap sleeves on a bigger girl do they do no justice to an already impaired body.
It isn't long enough to hid the thighs which makes her only look bigger than she probably is, that angle isnt helping.
And for god sakes bigger girls do NOT wear ankle socks, it makes us look even fucking bigger, and those with bigger ankles/calves more so!
Also suspender type anything don't look good with a big bust, it just looks awkward.
As a fat person who likes to think they do at least a decent job of dressing herself it insults me to be grouped in with people who dress bad just because I'm fat too. At least I try to look presentable for my field.

>> No.7613532

but the design is fucking terrible

>> No.7613549
File: 98 KB, 937x408, FSN_rin_tsuntsun_deredere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even stutter cutely for you, b-b-baka.

>> No.7613552

How the fuck did she even get that to fit? I'm smaller than that and I couldn't even manage O_O

>> No.7613553

Might of modded it.

>> No.7613557


This coord is wrong in every way, but she is cute and definitely has potential if she'd wear clothes that suited her!

>> No.7613803
File: 107 KB, 257x503, bruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do uglies have to wear lolitaaaa!

>> No.7613921

She has a surprisingly cute face.

>> No.7613922 [DELETED] 

She doesn't even go here!

>> No.7613924

She doesn't even go here!

>> No.7614150

This looks like a Tim & Eric character

>> No.7614771

Fuck you anon, I'm from Mexico and I'm fly as fuck

>> No.7614787

I'm a fatty chan and I wear ankle socks and they really don't make my legs look any bigger. I'm lucky not to be cankle-y but at the same time I don't get where this comes from, I think they're way better than girls trying to squeeze into OTKs and longer socks and getting that knee muffin.

>> No.7614798

....I genuinely think Mr Yan is cute. I am hating on those bitches so hard right now for this pic.

>> No.7614812

is there some kind of male equivalent of a butterface because i think mr yan is that

>> No.7614857


>You don't call Angelic Pretty internet Lolita or inweb Brand just because it's located on the internet
>located on the internet

I have no words, this girl is a gem.

>> No.7614943

Hit on him and use your influence to bring us cute clothes.

>> No.7614948

Get your eyes checked, he's a bald old guy.
I'm actually sick of seeing people unironically say that. Is it the rorita money you're after? I mean fucking hell.

>> No.7614978

Why so much fights between lolitas?

Also girls always want to be prettier than people, feel the superior ones.
Okay you want to be the best, but not in a bitching way.

When this stupid people appears?

I remember, years ago, when I entered into lolita. There was a nice place, kind girls helping each others. Lately, it become "popular", and some stupid people appears. Critizing all. Hating when someone is best dressed at her. Like have no life. And some friends starts acting like them. That sucks. Sucks when in my group, some people make fun at itas, or other lolitas; I think that's have no respect for people.

Also the "ita"
Well, I don't care about that. I have my own bussiness and my own life. Also they're not that bad: people is free to do they want. Maybe they like to dress like that, or they're beggining at lolita, or simply not have enough money to buy some clothes. I not have reasons for make laugh at them. Just give her some tips, or maybe lend any dress...
Also say (not know if it's a coincidence) but itas seems nicest than pretty lolitas.

Don't you think, so much people make laugh at us, critize us, injury us... To have fights between us? Is not so hard to leave stupid things and remain togheter.

But I guess, there are bad people, or just bitches, around the world.

Have a good day.

>> No.7614981

so which one of these itas is you

>> No.7614982

Is this some kind of copypasta? It's hilarious!

>> No.7615002
File: 103 KB, 509x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's sad is this is a step up from her usual outfits.

>> No.7615109

You were blessed with good legs, but not all of us are. I get my father's big calves and even when I was a skinny kid boots were damnation to find. If you have the legs then work it girl, but a lot of us dont and the girl in photo does not have the legs for it. I also know not to go for otks and socks at all normally, I wear tights that can be slimming.

>> No.7615111

Lunagoonie here, I tried to tell her to drop the "darlings" BS and she seemed open to it and we talked a bit about it so I was disappointed to see her come back with it again. Oh well, if you can't fix 'em, snark 'em.

>> No.7615114

I saw her photo on the comm earlier, dear that wig is not cute. I love pink tartan to death and it is a cute fabric, but the way it's cut for this dress is not. Also she needs some eye make up to bring out her eyes, less stressed smile to make her lips fuller, eyebrows pencilled in softly. Those cuffs look like bondage wear and the top is cut too short for her bust making her appear pregnant. Sweetie I have big titty problems too, learn to accept that. I want to just grab all the itas and give them make overs to appear beautiful, come precious new children let me show you the world.

>> No.7615129

Why do people do this in public instead of over PM?

>posted for being fat
Is it just me, or do they use this as an excuse for not examining the things they're ACTUALLY posted for? Like yeah, I've seen comments about her size, but more comments about her awful hair, shitty coords, annoying video tagline, weeby Japanese, etc.

>> No.7615136

I'm glad she edits at all though, so many vlogs leave in the time-filling noises and awkward expressions and out-loud musings of "what should I talk about?" and nervous habits and things like that.

>> No.7615149

why must people force their pets into their bullshit

>> No.7615157

You really need to learn better english if you're going to keep posting here.

>> No.7615163
File: 91 KB, 457x750, tumblr_n72pxgkPoI1ratb4so1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if ita or nitpick, but this one looks like a giant baby, the color and cut are both a horrendous choice, the bonnet makes her face look like something out of a circus
and the brown shoes don't even make sense.

>> No.7615164

Definitely ita, just like everything else she posts.

>> No.7615165

>but the design is terrible
see: most vocaloid designs

I've seen people try to wear Cantarella/Sandplay outfits and claim it's lolita. It's an issue with vocaloid cosplayers. This girl did a good job in the costume aspect though. As an outfit, it's ita as fuck.

>> No.7615340

It is precisely because he is a fat Chinese guy. Dunno about old though... Even if he is up there in age, he is asian so he will always look better than a white guy his age. He looks like a round, squishy, happy Buddha-looking kind of guy and that's why I genuinely think he is endearing. Though if he has a shitty personality, then that's another story...

>> No.7615353

I knew this would get posted. He was saying that he was inspired by lolitas which is nice. But since he is a member on CF, he should know the game. Look a mess and get posted here. Oh well. They never learn.

>> No.7615358

Well, her shoes are cute?

>> No.7615489

How new are you? Lolita has ALWAYS been a bitchy fashion. Does nobody remember lolitafucks?

>> No.7615539

I'm wincing at how her boobs are squeezed down. That has to be so uncomfortable.

>> No.7615562

>I pray to the gods of all that is frilly that this is a replica and not the real deal
I wish I had an appropriate reaction picture for moments like this.

>> No.7615626

Sure is summerfag around here

>> No.7615724

I think it's more so that it was well hidden at the time. Aside from the occasional vendetta-chan, any critisizm is really tame.

>> No.7615761

key emphasis on the giant part...That bitch is huge.

>> No.7615777
File: 198 KB, 549x824, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7615781

He needs to shave his stubble better

>> No.7615785
File: 105 KB, 400x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7615787

I don't know why but I really like the girl on the left's legs.

>> No.7615789
File: 268 KB, 500x747, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for low quality on mobile

>> No.7615792

apologize for the lack of petti

>> No.7615793
File: 99 KB, 400x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7615809

that Kota person does the pausing a lot, I swear her videos would be a lot shorter if she planned what she had to say or bothered to edit the silence. but the ~darlings!*~ girl edits it so choppy and im sure some words even get repeated

>> No.7615827 [DELETED] 
File: 1014 KB, 1280x1707, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prob not itas i just hate these girls

>> No.7615828
File: 85 KB, 400x534, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7615830
File: 61 KB, 338x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7615882

Right's wig is a little meh and she needs some legwear, not crazy about left's blouse but they're not ita-worthy. You've acknowledged it isn't ita so stop shitting up the thread with your vendetta and take it to the nitpick thread.

>> No.7615902

I think they're pretty ita.
I mean, have you seen the shoes on the left girl?
And the blouse and wristcuffs on the right girl don't match anything.
Basically, all they did was put on brand and random blouses that don't fit. Little to no accessories, and those they chose do not match.
Maybe beginners? Girl on the left is awfully cute though.
If this weren't cute brand dresses, the ita would be more obvious.

>> No.7615919

Mr. Yan?

>> No.7615985

There are pretty itas, they're just good-looking girls who can't dress themselves.
There are ugly well-dressed girls and girls with elite wardrobes and charming personalities.

Since you're speaking in such massive generalizations and don't remember the old snark comms, something tells me you didn't start in Lolita "years ago".

And something I've noticed from about 6 years in Lolita myself, Itas tend to be massively insecure, since they seek out an elaborate alternative fashion to help themselves feel special, and further try to elevate their snowflake status by fucking said fashion up for the sake of "creativity". They then project these insecurities outward onto girls who dress better than themselves.
This results in the perception that girls in brand or good outfits in general are intrinsically judgmental and snobby, and so itas behave coldly to them and distance themselves.

tl;dr: If you think Itas are nicer than proper Lolitas, chances are it's because they think you're one of them. Get out, improve yourself, and see how much they like you then.

>> No.7615987

ah, this copypasta.
always effective.

>> No.7615992

A parasol and a veil indoors at night.
A parasol and a veil indoors at fucking night.

What the shitting why, how does that make any sense at all?

>> No.7616003

>Get out, improve yourself, and see how much they like you then.
I always hear about the itas complaining about "elitists" with their burando. Stop kidding yourself, that dress you found at TJ Maxx is NOT lolita.

>> No.7616039

It's called a nitpick
because you're nitpicking

They aren't ita

>> No.7616061

She does have nice petticoat, she was just trying to fit into photo with other ladies. I know, its photo from my blog

>> No.7616063

at least her room is tidy...thats really the only redeeming feature.

>> No.7616068
File: 241 KB, 1190x794, 452342283ee8c8dcaee8e9f337c6138f-d4p58wb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From moemo's deviantart

>> No.7616078
File: 6 KB, 153x152, myfuckingsides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7616079

when someone you hate is ugly
good feels

>> No.7616081

Nope, not nitpicking. They make these dresses look really underwhelming and ballet shoes are just plain ita.
You are blinden by burando.

>> No.7616094


>> No.7616105

I those these feels. They are my favourite feels.

>> No.7616107


Why is this ita? Is it because the fur trimmed coat?

>> No.7616114

Are you not seeing the hair and the makeup? The coat is okay. Not great, but passable if someone knows what they're doing.
She looks like a scene kid who got lost in the "lolita" section of Hot Topic and miraculously managed to make the only remotely decent choice.

>> No.7616123

This so much. I can't believe ti's what Moemo is looking like,I always expected her to be some supah kawaii dolly girl but she's actually a scene/emo mess stuch in 2008 with terrible shooping and terribad makeup

>> No.7616128


Yup okay got it. I just wanted to check because I like fur trimmed coats and didn't want to look like a scrub wearing one.

>> No.7616134

WOAH is it really Moemo from PULL forums?!

>> No.7616136

Kyandi's a MAN>?!

>> No.7616138

This girl is pretty cute but the hair eurks me. More nitpick than ita.

>> No.7616139

Wasn't her deviantart posted in that staminarose thread http://www.staminarose.org/pt/?do=thread&id=19904#24981 where she whiteknight herself pretending to be someone else and is now telling eveyrone how jealous they are of her?

>> No.7616146

NO. This shit is the definition of ita.
That horrible make-up and emo hairstyle make me cringe.

>> No.7616154 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 600x800, 140278641160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her stocking cosplay. totes not edited guise

>> No.7616162

This is your second attempt to bring attention to this girl... It's a cosplay, post it in the bad cosplay thread not here.

>> No.7616163

It was to show how edited she was,calm down anon

>> No.7616166


>trying this hard

Take your vendetta to an appropriate thread is all I'm asking, and pretty nicely too anon, lol

>> No.7616169

She looks like Dee Reynolds

>> No.7616176

She doesn't even call it lolita, take your vendetta somewhere else, jesuz. DA members can submit the pics of others to any group they like.

>> No.7616183

Whiteknight harder

>> No.7616194

How editted she was? Hence, she never posted any selfies, nor do you have proof this is her.

>> No.7616195

was mean for

>> No.7616200

underwhelming coord/ugly shoes are not ita. It's not great, but not it's not painfully awful enough to fit the definition of ita. How is this such a difficult concept?

>> No.7616203

It hurts when DDC is worn this badly.

>> No.7616207

You seriously thought she could ever be even remotely kawaii?

>> No.7616211

Then why don't you bring your vendetta to the 'buhu my dream dress being tarnished' thread with the other bitter vaginas?

>> No.7616218

Agreed, this is why we can't have nice threads.

>> No.7616219

You're stretching the definition of vendetta really far here.

>> No.7616221

Because I didn't post these girls, I don't know them, and DDC isn't my dream dress.
Deal with it, brand and a cute face can't save you from being ita. If you think these two look good, you have bad taste.

>> No.7616222

>Posting itas in an ita thread
>this is why we can't have nice threads
Sure... whatever, anon.

>> No.7616232

was tagged lolita

>> No.7616235

You're stretching the definition of ita. It belongs in a nitpick thread. You want to bitch about them not doing the dress justice? Then post them in the bitter thread.
Sure is summer in here.

>> No.7616240

>Doesn't recognize ita
>Calls other people summer
What, did you get posted?

>> No.7616248

You said that already.
Stop you whiteknighting already.
It's ita.
Blouses aren't matching, shoes are a fucking joke, acessories are nonexistant/not matching, wig slipped, one girl has no poof whatsoever.
Maybe the blouse on the right girl could work, but the whole outfit is kinda ill fitting on her.
These coords could be saved, but you'd have to take away everything but the brand.
That's not nitpick.
Nitpick is "this would look better if she changed...".
Not she'd need to change EVERYTHING but her dress to make this look good.

>> No.7616253

How the fuck is the girl on the left ita? She is literally just wearing a full set (OP, headbow and tights), plus a basic blouse (blouses can look fine under OPs, you know) and slightly quirky shoes that are similar to cute ones that Jane Marple made that a lot of Japanese lolitas used to wear. Sure, it's not very exciting and I'm sick of that star clip, but she's well groomed and obviously put in some effort. It's at least much better than at least half of the coordinates I've seen of DDC.

The girl on the right, however. Not quite ita but she does look terrible.

>> No.7616255

Also, I'm not the anon you replied to. Just sick of people misusing the word "ita".

>> No.7616260

>How the fuck is the girl on the left ita? She is literally just wearing a full set (OP, headbow and tights)
Proof that just because you throw yourself into brand, that doesn't mean you'll neccessarily look good.
>plus a basic blouse (blouses can look fine under OPs, you know)
Never mix off-white and bright white
>slightly quirky shoes
they're ballet shoes that make her legs look stumpy and have no business in a lolita coord.

So literally anything but the brand dress and tights looks off.

>> No.7616286

I said post it in the bad display thread... Damn you are dumb, lol

>> No.7616307

Omg shut the fuck up! Different anon but this shit is not ita. It's not great. Put it in the fucking nitpick thread and shut the fuck up about this already and get back to posting ita shit!

>> No.7616317
File: 62 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tagged as #lolitafashion
How the fuck is this lolita

>> No.7616318
File: 120 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7616331

those proportions

god what the actual fuck

>> No.7616389
File: 251 KB, 782x1050, crystal weston chandler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crystal Chan
dubly named

>> No.7616422

I think they gravitate towards lolita because they're stuck in those 1990's mallgoth/mallpunk modes
and then they see lolita as a way that all these "bad" feminine things suddenly aren't bad anymore. And so they grasp at that precious lolita label because if they want girly stuff under the label of lolita, it's OK. But just wearing girly stuff normally makes you a bitch prep whore.

>> No.7616506

it looks like she doesn't have oxygen whatsoever

>> No.7616519

how the fuck is this fashion

>> No.7616658

Obviously it's the bow and the vaguely frilly top, god it's like you don't even wear lolita.

>> No.7616778
File: 107 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n6b9ptqQeX1qknty4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prince greasyface

>> No.7616840

She really dosent look so bad. I'm calling vendetta

>> No.7616849

Are you the same person defending those ddc girls?
Can you just leave, please?

>> No.7616914

No I'm not, but I'm assuming you're the same person who insists that the DDC girls are itas because they are wearing your precious dream dress. You get the fuck out.

I came for the itas and 50% of this thread reaks of vendetta-chan and nitpicking. Gimme the good shit /cgl/

>> No.7616916

I don't know what's worse, that outfit or that room. Is that AP?

>> No.7616923

Maybe you just have poor taste. What ita is to some is pretty to you. Just stop complaiing about every other post because it's not ita enough for you.

>> No.7616926

I dunno, but her legs look kinda weird. Maybe it's the tight-shoe-combination, but she looks like she has some kind of condition.

>> No.7616963

I never said anyone was pretty. Both pictures are subpar. But not ita. I came here for some gross hottopic clusterfuck shit not for average/nitpick coords. Why the fuck do you care so much you're arguing with multiple people when they disagree with you. Nobody said they were good coords but you freak when people don't agree with you that it's the nastiest shit they've ever seen.

>> No.7616967

And by the way the only thing I'm "complaining" about is the average looking chick in the average looking bodyline coord

>> No.7617064
File: 127 KB, 722x960, 10439430_4376586590156_1958760637253545976_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh from CoF

>> No.7617089

The skirt could be -okay- with some modification, but I don't understand why people wear ugly ass normalfag tshirt and think they look so kawaii DESU ne

>> No.7617108

why is it so low? Shouldn't it be on her waist instead of her hips? Aaand personally wouldn't call this lolita

>> No.7617125
File: 120 KB, 720x480, jealousfatty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7617130

Guys this thread is on sage, continue in the new one

>> No.7617284

This messy room in the background trend has got to end. Not that it would help her coord any better, but it makes the child seem like a total slob.

>> No.7617287

Right! LOL. That's about it.

>> No.7617292

Come on anon. We're judging her ugly clothes, not her face. :)

>> No.7617426

can't believe how much weight she has gained. :\ Wasn't she nearly half this size at one point?