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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 70 KB, 960x125, animenext.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7552575 No.7552575 [Reply] [Original]

Saw no thread in the catalog. What are you wearing? Where are you partying? How badly are you procrastinating on getting everything finished? Less than a month to go

>> No.7553944

I'm debating on going. I have the time, the money, and can get off from work if need be, transportation is just the kicker though. If I do decide to go however, I'll probably just go on Saturday since it would be my first con and I'd like to take it easy. Playing around with the idea of cosplaying and what character I could try.

>> No.7554065

I'm still rushing to get my Rhyme cosplay together. Almost done with Mikan but I know all of this will look super half assed but oh well.

>> No.7554250

I'll be going, but I'm not sure if I'll have my costume ready in time. I've been busy with other, higher priority stuff and haven't been able to devote more than research and materials.

>> No.7554257

I'm going. I have one costume in need of some minor touch-ups which can be done in a day or so.
Then I am hoping to have a second costume done but I haven't even started (I do have all the materials I'll need, though) because of finals and some other work. I'm hoping to get started by Friday and if everything goes right, then I
ll be fine.

>> No.7554468

I just got off from school and meant to work on my costume nonstop for the next two weeks and of course I got super sick and its day 3 of "cant get out of bed"
How I'm going to get my cosplay together... No one knows

>> No.7554976

i swear i'm going to die getting ready. i have 4 costumes to make and have 1 started. god help me.

>> No.7558517
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I'm coming....

Too bad last year's musical guests werent that awesome (in my opinion). The fact that BerryZ went 2 years ago still puzzles me.

I get a ride from a friend, but he doesnt like staying longer than 10pm, and we usually get there around 12pm.

Hoping I can go to decent panels at least

>> No.7558812

if you like jpop i'm hosting one called jpop explosion!

>> No.7558819

Had a room with a jacuzzi last year, missed entire panels I wanted to see just chilling in that thing. Wasn't so lucky this year, but hopefully friends will come through with the party plans.

>> No.7559389
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I'll be cosplaying as Yang Wenli and Sterling Archer Top Gun version. I plan on doing the 18+ dating game again as Sterling Archer. I was the Naked Snake last year if anyone remembered me.

>> No.7560318

anyone up for a late night gull meet on saturday?

>> No.7560475

I would be. I don't think there's been any the past few years.
If so, I've missed them.

>> No.7560504

I'll be around all weekend, though I mostly lurk here now these days. Would love to attend a gull meeting. Where at?

>> No.7560576

tbh this is my first time going so i dont really know the layout, if you guys know of a good spot im totally down for it

>> No.7561026

I know there's a tavern/pub thing at the Double Tree and another at the hotel across the street.

There's also the option of having it at someone's room and playing cards against humanity or something.

>> No.7563628

i'm up for either pub, my room isnt ideal for a meet sadly

>> No.7565587

Sweet! Is it like a jpop general or what?

>> No.7565598

Yeah, a room doesn't really sound that great. How about the pub at the Double Tree which is attached to the convention center? Is Saturday good?

>> No.7565820

>post a pic of me in cosplay on the facebook page (first-timer)
>way more likes, positive comments than i ever expected

On one hand i'm very happy but on the other i feel the pressure now, like i can't let these people down now and must work harder to look good.

>> No.7565965

im down for seagull meet if its not during my panels lol

>> No.7567703

bump. I might be able to go this year but I've only heard that it's "meh"

On a letter rating scale how is the
>Cosplay scene?
>all around area?
>all around fun/ Overall grade?

Any more detailed experience or stories would be nice

>> No.7568505


Cosplay scene is decently competitive with that % mixed in that is the wtf you thinking....

Area is weird and minimal food options unless you go for a drive. Many people order in, North Jersey pizza is pretty good. You have to walk outside between the buildings, one involving crossing the street. There seems to be a cross guard part of the day.

Panels I can always find something that interests me but I think it really depends on your likes or dislikes. You do have to get their early as the rooms do sometimes fill at capacity for the most popular.

Guests I'd say check the website so see if there's anyone you like.

Attendance gets pretty crowded, most walkways are small and always crowded with people. Lines for main events do fill up get there early.

I'd give it a 4/5 I'm pretty easy going. If I were more strict I'd say 3/5 for location and lack of food options.

>> No.7568570

Going, and I might just be perpetually drunk thanks to my friends. If I'm not too drunk to get into cosplay, I'll be wearing Tsumugu, Agent Venom, and maybe either Lucas Lee or Dean Winchester on the last day.

Partying will probably just be hopping through various rooms my friends are staying in.

Also reminder that if you're driving there, you should get there super early so you can find parking in a reasonable space

>> No.7568896

I also plan to be comfortably drunk the entire weekend so a meetup would be cool. Friday night, anyone?
Say 9 or 10ish?

>> No.7569962

Majority of people that go to conventions are losers and fatties + neckbeards.

I wouldn't arrange a meet up like this so suddenly.
You just might end up regretting it.

>> No.7572706

What time do people want to meet on the saturday?
What would we even do? I've never done a meet up before.

>> No.7574915

i'll probably be there both nights, so look for twintails

>> No.7576066

Yeah, i'm going to talk about a few groups show some videos and then theres dancing and socializing.

>> No.7579580


>> No.7579590

Thinking of only going for one day since I don't have hotel plans and the drive is about 1.5 hrs for me. How much of the con is accessible if you don't have a badge?

>> No.7580226
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Hows the party scene there?

Just put in for some time off and looking to booze it up

>> No.7581954

is anyone in the "unofficial" facebook group tired of seeing that phillipino chick posting stuff? i mean really? a WIP thread?

>> No.7583172

So friday night at 10 at the double tree's bar works for everyone?

>> No.7583191

Plenty of room parties, decent rave, best results if you know people going.

>> No.7583238


Looking at all these posts in the group is giving me such shit hopes for this con. This is literally 99% cancer in the group alone

>> No.7585256

What's the 1% that isn't cancer?

>> No.7585343

people giving good advice, people who try to push all the "cosplay lineup" or "photographer" posts in one thread, anyone who isnt spamming the group with their cheap costumes and pcitures

>> No.7585555

My friend and I are going! Probably going to to cosplay from kill la kill :3

And it is more fun if you know people, but I have made a few friends there that were pretty cool actually
The area is also pretty nice

>> No.7585576

Nice quads

>The area is also pretty nice

It really is, New Jersey swampland is surprisingly pretty, especially in the spring.

If you wander around late at night, you'll hear the bullfrogs croaking.

>> No.7585593

Fair enough.
I'm still going though, you can do something else that weekend.

>> No.7585673

I am as well. I'll be going for friends but I don't have high hopes for the cosplay quality there

>> No.7585795

I'm down if my group isn't doing anything.

>> No.7586083

It's my first time going this year since it's near by me. Is there any locations that are good for photographs? besides the red dock, I don't see a lot. google earth maps of it would be nice

>> No.7586168

Depends on which trees are in bloom. There are lots of nice little ponds around.

>> No.7586398

I might go but I don't have my cosplay finished. And it's on my birthday so it's a toss up.

>> No.7587178

Would've been better if you named this thread Animenext OP so its easier to search for.

Cosplaying Attack on Titan.
Kinda realized now how everyone is gonna do it too.....

Oh well.

>> No.7587230

How did you just realize it now? Even last year there was everybody and their mother as AOT. They were in the trees. /everywhere/

>> No.7587854

Either way, Im gonna have fun.

I could care less what "professional cosplayers/ critics" think otherwise.

>Even last year there was everybody and their mother as AOT. They were in the trees. /everywhere/
I didnt notice probably because I didnt see the show until 5 months after Animenext 2013.

>> No.7587859

No one gives a shit how much of a special snowflake you are.

The Attack on Titan fandom is fucking awful, too. Have fun with your mountains of 14 year olds.

>> No.7587885


meh I'm gonna do it too, idgaf

I'm an oldfag relatively so I'll probably regret it but oh well, I look exact like one of the characters and I loved the anime so whatever

>> No.7587892

>go to con
>let it slip it's your birthday
>free drinks forever

>> No.7588040


If your a grill

>> No.7588097

Going down for a day since its so close by! Probably just going to wear Rise.

>> No.7588616

lucky thing I am

>> No.7588894
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>> No.7588951
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>> No.7590972

Oh man remember that fire alarm incident in 2012? That was such a pain.

>> No.7591492
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>No one gives a shit how much of a special snowflake you are.

I think you're projecting anon.

>The Attack on Titan fandom is fucking awful, too. Have fun with your mountains of 14 year olds.

meh. We'll all have fun I guess. Besides, I'm pretty sure they're not all 14 year olds lol
I'm a physical therapist and im doing AoT and Log Horizon.

Haha, hopefully we'll see each other there!
I think its fun knowing the fact that I would inadvertently run into someone from this board without even knowing it.
I'd probably take photo's though and might end up posting it here in a thread (with permission of course).

I'm hoping it'll be a fun year :D

>> No.7591496


thinking of doing some mescaline this year

>> No.7591525

Anime next has always sucked ass, they should have another tier of membership that costs 80 dollars and comes with a bottle of jack and 5 4 lokos so you can actually tolerate the shittiness.I've gone 5 times and its always consisted of lil faggots on add medication, the most autistic mother fuckers on the east coast (they should really have an autistic competition), parenhts that dont want to be there, over priced japanese nick nacks, and mother fuckers in their late teens just loaded.

>> No.7591540

Do some mesclun instead.

>> No.7591594

Any gulls going to the 21+ meetup?

Looks like a sausagefest from the facebook page though

>> No.7591626



>> No.7591629
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Dat spam filter

>> No.7591630


Fucking this! Reason why I only go to hang with my bros and pick up some hoes and drink. Cannot tolerate all those underaged brats and autistic little pricks. Like one time I am here drinking with some buds this autistic little fuck runs pass me almost knocking over my drink and I was really close to chasing that fuck and giving him a piece of my mind. If these teens really are loaded then I should round up the goons and jack these fuckers. Thanks for the tip anon.

>> No.7591727

Do male model-tier cosplayers attend animenext? Tired of seeing average looking guys.

>> No.7591762


Nope closest thing would probably be some of the males in cosplay burlesque.

>> No.7591834

I'm not in the group and I don't really feel like joining. So who's going?

>> No.7592343


21+ meetup at a bar near the con, get drunk have fun etc

Maybe hit up a party afterward

>> No.7592357

i love you

>> No.7592573
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Gonna be in the dealer's room.
Y'all should come buy my shirts

>> No.7592823


So close to 21... Soooo close...

>> No.7593282

Im going, this will be my second and most likely last year, I'm trading it for collossalcon since a waterpark sounds so much better than rain and imo crappy location..

Plus I hate driving the NJ turnpike up from DC.. rather drive the extra 2 hours to OH then..

My line up:
>> Friday: Chitoge - Nisekoi
>> Saturday AM: Hajime - GatchamanCrowds
>>Saturday PM: CSD jpop/kpop/nnd Dance Showcase @7pm outside the karaoke lounge thing

>> No.7593411

>tfw when I dont want to drive more than 2 hours anywhere, So I can really only go to AnimeNext and Comicon NY.

I wish there's a lot more places to go to.

Not that Im complaining too much.
AnimeNExt is decent, but I'd love to go to a newer place (This is going to be my 4th year)

>> No.7593539
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Girls drink free, might be able to hit up some poor sobs party afterward after they bought you some drinks

>> No.7593728

I saw your facebook post. Eagerly anticipating your Chitoge cause I got into Nisekoi lately.
Yea this is going to be my fourth year as well and I'm wishing for a change of locale at least.

>> No.7595474
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Any Getting Laid at Cons 101? Just got the time off work, and a hotel room brimming with booze for the event.

>> No.7597041

Just bring your fanciest fedora and your MLP t shirt with the least amount of holes and stains and you're golden. You won't even need to speak to women, they'll automatically just drop their panties.

>> No.7597053


The worst part is that is about 1/2 true

>> No.7598895

>want to cosplay for the first time
>decide on doing a Team Aqua grunt since I already have pants for it and the bandanna is cheap
>black and white stripe shirts are impossible to find and the black shirt I tried to paint white came out light grey
Welp. Would it be that awful if I wore a blue and white stripe shirt instead? The blue at least matches my pants.

>> No.7599002

Why didn't you just paint a white shirt?

>> No.7599020

Because I only bought white paint for the pants and it was a last ditch effort to get a black and white shirt with the right pattern. I'm meeting with my friends tomorrow to get stuff ready before we leave so I may bring a white shirt over if they have extra black paint.

>> No.7599124

Only if it's a really deep blue.

>> No.7599140

I'm going as a Modern-Assassin of the AC series (my rendition) on maybe friday but the other days I'm gonna go as Jacket from Hotline Miami (again but with a new mask and weapons)

What's the party plans that we're all doing? Where is the 21+ meetup at?

>> No.7599271


Someone posted a 21+ meetup at the Double Tree bar Thurs at 8:30. Other than that the parties go where the girls are.

If you have a room and want a bunch a flock of seagulls that is

>> No.7599280


So that's one of the plans? Cool

By the way, me and my friends have one more spot in our hotel room if anyone needs a place. You'd just have to pay around 80 if you're staying all three days but we'll cut the price in half if you're only there for one day

>> No.7599364
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I might take you up on that, waited a bit too late and the prices are a bit iffy.

80 seems like a steal

>> No.7599400


I just spoke with my friend, inactuality all you'll have to pay is 70 since it's only 3 of us. We're staying at the holiday inn across the street from the con

If anyone wants to contact me about it, my skype is slayerguy234

We'll accept two more people possibly, less we'll have to pay in total

>> No.7599410

/cgl/ I'm so fucking angry oh my fucking god I was supposed to go with my sister and her friends and she said she had the tickets and shit handled and TODAY she sprang it on me that she never actually bought a ticket for me, I was gonna go as Yajirobe and it looked cool as shit and I was so hype to go and have a great time and now I can't fucking go jesus christ fuck this shit

>> No.7599413


Just buy a ticket there.. ? Or just come for the parties, its what I plan to do

>> No.7599417

she was also my ride because lol no license she fucking smeckledorfed me

>> No.7599443

>Cool as shit

Sure thing, bro

>> No.7599449

Oh fuck I remember you.

This might be for the best, man.

>> No.7599577
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Never fails to make me laugh

>> No.7599782


Apparently pink, zip up sweaters are impossible to find too >.>
Who woulda thought

>> No.7600167


If you accept two more people how much will the cost be?

>> No.7600518

And its raining, fugg :D

>> No.7600521

The rain is supposed to stop soon, the weekend should actually be pretty nice weather supposedly

>> No.7601219

Apparently the Madison Suites Hotel is closed? My boyfriend just got a call saying that our reservation is cancelled. What the fuck.

>> No.7601431

The building is condemned.

>> No.7601557


Well we've got another guy but we would accept 2 more. You'll have to pay 45 bucks in total along with the rest of us.

Just message me on skype by tonight or maybe tomorrow. I'm leaving in the morning but I'll be checking my skype via phone

Once again it's slayerguy234

>> No.7601632

Expedia still booked us there a few weeks ago. We called them, and they placed us in a better, more expensive hotel and paid the difference. Plus, we got a $100 Expedia voucher that never expires. I'm not so angry anymore.

>> No.7601675


Cant you guys get a different hotel or have them switch you to one?

>> No.7601764

I'm going on Saturday, if anyone is wanting to meet up that'd be cool!
I won't be there late enough for a late night meet like some people here talked about though, could some of us meet maybe earlier in the day? I've always wanted to meet some seagulls in real life.

>> No.7601845
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I'm going on saturday only and will be lazily cosplaying as evil abed from community.
I intend to be perpetually drunk like Dan Harmon.
any meet ups planned for saturday?

>> No.7601860

my friend told me there was a decent buffet at the double tree, can anyone confirm?
also how is the bar priced?

>> No.7601890
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is the pool open to all attendees?

>> No.7601978

I'll be here, just hit up my skype or whatever. I'll check it every once in a while.

TK's Pub has a small lunch and dinner buffet, nothing extravagant. Bars are always expensive, hotel bars even more so.

>> No.7602284


We all going in cosplay or it's just a mixed thing on that? Where is TK Pub at?

Also how is the con going for people so far? I've had a minor setback and won't be arriving until later

>> No.7602529

TK's pub is in the hotel lobby, I don't know who's going in cosplay or whatever. Depends on the time, I guess.

>> No.7602814

We still on for tonight at 10 at the tavern

>> No.7603149

Sup, /cgl/, /v/ here.

Does anyone know when the Melee tournament is?

>> No.7603695

so how was the first day?

>> No.7604001

Can someone find this girl and take more pictures of her?

>> No.7604003
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forgot pic

>> No.7604004

Gonna drive down now. Hope to see peeps there

>> No.7604006

Aaaaadorable. I'll see her at the KLK shoot probably, and try to get some shots.

>> No.7605377

So how was masquerade?

>> No.7605386


I know her, she goes to my college and is in the Animu Club

>> No.7605448

wasn't there a wcs qualifier at this?

how were they? who won?

>> No.7605872

Uncle Yo is annoying and not funny at all. He made the whole event pretty unbearable.

Skits are always pretty bad, but the Twitch Plays Anime was pretty good, if only for the Gendo Titan.

>> No.7605919

It was nice seeing the people I ran into, and hanging in the seagull room. If anyone got any pictures of a Tsumugu on Saturday, that was me.

>> No.7605987
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Here's the picture we took together.

>> No.7606019
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>> No.7606043

kill yourself

>> No.7606123

There was a seagull room?

>> No.7606197

Dat rave tho

>> No.7606220

I love you too anon.

Yeah, I don't know if it was intentional or just worked out that way.

>> No.7606288

Can someone tell me how Mako from Kill la kill won best in show in the costume contest? Her costume was a joke. Was it fixed?

>> No.7606308
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I don't have pics yet, but I was the black guy, walking around as the Iron Mechanized patriot form bioshock infinite. If you don't know what looks like here's a pic. see if you ran into me!

>> No.7606766

>>7605987 #

Tsugumu, I think I know you lol
I saw you at the shoot but I wasn't sure

>> No.7606785

I think it was half/half.

Thanks for taking us to your meats on Thurs.

>> No.7606919

Glad you enjoyed my meats. We should hang out again before I leave.

Well you should've said hi or something. Were you cosplaying?

>> No.7606978

Did this happen to be on the 6th floor of the double tree? If so Imma be real pissed.

>> No.7606997

Fo shizzlllessss. If you guys are planning a bbq or hangout or whatever, I'm down

Nawh. We were on 4th floor. There was like 7 seagulls in the room

>> No.7607005


seven seagulls and rumchata.

>> No.7607082

Damn, that was the same floor I was on. I asked about the 6th because right across my friend's room was another room party.

>> No.7607098

What? We were backstage with her before they revealed that she won, and the detail and cleanliness of her work was really really good.

>> No.7607106

is there a list of the hall contest winners?

>> No.7607110

Only three teams competing, the team that won was the only that was not completely boring.

First skit had a "build your own character" theme, I think? Couldn't tell what was happening, but I think the character that was built killed the other.

Second was a Gundam thing, they re-enacted the final fight scene.

Third was Black Butler, they had a circus theme and one of them disappeared inside a box. They won both Best Resume and the spot in finals. No second place/Wild Card.

>> No.7607114

7 seagulls, rumchata, and a Grapefruit.

>> No.7607623

Haven't found one yet. They displayed all winning costumes on the screens with really messed up aspect ratios/

>> No.7607699

I saw her close up the seams on the arms weren't clean at all and her ties to keep the cape on was crudely hot glued. I think that the woman and man with the big weapons should've won or that black mage with the eyes

>> No.7607714

She was sounderwhelming and looked like she bought the skirt online. A lot of people in the audience were confused as to why she won too

>> No.7607750

I ran into the penguin-knight-thing cosplayer and she was super butthurt about it.

But yes, Mako is kind of plain to be winning. What won last year?

>> No.7607785

Not sure I couldn't make it last year. But yeah it was just boring... She didn't deserve a 500$ sewing machine that's for sure

>> No.7608084
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Looking for fire emblem Cosplayer pics if anyone has.

>> No.7608120
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Here's a few

>> No.7608123
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>> No.7608824

Anyone have the group nudist beach picture from the kill la kill photoshoot on Saturday?

>> No.7608828


I was thinking about it but I have the social skills of a potato so I ended up not
And yes I was

>> No.7608831
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I have a video if you'd like to take a look at it, anons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rXPY1BgF4Q

>> No.7608960
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>> No.7609357
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Love the vivi

>> No.7609414
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Well if you want to get in touch with me or whatever and say hi anyway, my skype's that.guy052

Posting my favorite picture all weekend.

>> No.7611114


>> No.7611158

Here's a list of some of the photographers at the con roaming around. They all have Facebook pages, so you just have to find the fan pages

Con Pics
Nerd Caliber
Knightmare6 Photography
Cantera Cosplay
Blue Shell Photography
Cool Steel
We Rise Magazine
Brian Ngai Photography
Mary Elaine Photography
Cozpho Photography

>> No.7611186

Entire masquerade is on YouTube. WCS skits are the last 3 entries.


>> No.7611222

Not the Hall Cosplay :(

>> No.7611342

Did anyone else feel like something was wrong with Uncle Yo this year? He started his panel off with this really terrible, unfunny puppet show that he apparently worked two years on. No one in the audience was laughing throughout the entire thing and he just kept squirming in his seat. Then at the end we had a Citizen Kane moment where we the audience just kept on clapping defiantly like Charles Foster Kane clapping at his wife even though we knew the performance was terrible. Then Uncle Yo goes into his personal problems about his anxieties on becoming a father and how recently had to explain in a court of law about his profession as an anime comedian and how that embarrassed him. He finally gets into his routine and it's going okay but after twenty minutes he takes a left turn and pulls out this Communist Manifesto and starts ranting about what's wrong with America. After reading his Declaration of Principals he then reads this poem about internet fame and just breaks down towards the end of it. I honestly think Uncle Yo is losing it.

>> No.7611351

I only saw him at the Masquerade, and I think his material is just getting really stale. Like he was talking about FMA and Gurren Lagan and stuff from like the mid-00s. He seems out of touch with his target audience, probably because he feels embarrassed by them.

>> No.7611352

Please tell me someone filmed this

>> No.7611375

I think that courtroom incident really affected him. Apparently he had to explain to to a judge, several attorneys, a prosecutor, and an entire jury pool what anime was, what anime cons were, what kind of material he did, and give examples of it. I guess he realized how much of a fucking loser he was and that made him really depressed.

>> No.7611464

I'm not a fan of Uncle Yo, but he never seemed like a bad dude.
This makes me feel bad.

>> No.7611742
File: 56 KB, 720x540, DatAss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doubletree hotel

>> No.7611833
File: 91 KB, 960x720, Suddenly, Master Shake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that was a picture of me mooning my friend for a second.

My buddy caught this though

>> No.7611840


Oh man hope someone at least took a pic of me mooning some con goers as they walked by the path to the con.

>> No.7611844

Buttcon 2014

>> No.7612137

Do you feel it now, Mr. Krabs?

>> No.7612339

Fave moment from Sunday:
>walking with male anon chatting it up
>dude sees Anons shirt and says "hey man I love gengar. Cool shirt. "
>anon give awkward "Kay. Thanks. "
>dudes friend goes "yeah man. I'd EV train the fuck out of you and have you at the top of my roster. "
>Anon death stares the hell out I him and mumbles some really metal threat I can't remember.
>telling femanon about it on stairs to con center
>dude in front of us overhears.
>chimes back when story is over "Well, that's just explicit. "

>> No.7612404

>"What's up, Toga-money?"

>> No.7612432

My sunday was shitty because some of the people from our room did not show up for check out and we were almost charged for the late fee. They had also ordered room service without telling anyone, and it was all going to my friend's card. Almost $200 in fees, and none of them were picking up their phones.

It got fixed in the end, but everyone lost a lot of time, and I personally missed 2 panels I wanted to see.

>> No.7612727

The Hall Contest part of the masquerade and fashion walk of some of the contestants. A lot of the Honorable Mentions and Judge's Award got jipped

Friday Journeyman wasn't anything special.
Friday Craftsmen was okay but still well done.
Saturday Novice was real nice.
Saturday Journeyman is really good
Saturday Craftsman isn't too bad
Best of Weekend wasn't that great up close


>> No.7612832
File: 141 KB, 524x716, vivi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I totally agree with you on that...I was the Vivi from FF9, I definitely feel like I did better than that Mononoke costume. (We were in the same category) When I got the judges award I didn't even put on my mask all the way lol. I feel jipped.

>> No.7613520


Fuck I lold so hard I farted assburgers!

>> No.7613702


>> No.7614282
File: 136 KB, 640x960, 10385418_10152527839899668_8518099004063296876_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sterling Archer (Top Gun Version) from the 18+ Dating Game here. Does anyone have any video of the dating game? I know I saw at least one guy with a video camera but he hasn't uploaded anything yet.

>> No.7615141

>> 7608824

I'm looking for some of those pics too

>> No.7615142


Whoops that was referring to >>7608824

>> No.7615156


There's a bunch of stuff in here. Including what you want.

>> No.7615700


>> No.7617521

My sides.