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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 125 KB, 960x428, IMG_3949261434062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7594497 No.7594497[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have an indie thread?

>> No.7594550

Are there any UK-based indie brands that aren't shit?

>> No.7594662

Not sure about this print. I was waiting for something like this, but I don't like the background.

>> No.7594665
File: 213 KB, 450x675, tumblr_mmiu79JogR1qcfpzpo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cloud Chamber

>> No.7594668
File: 30 KB, 450x675, summer-night-cloud-chamber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite indie brand dresses

>> No.7594676
File: 211 KB, 400x400, dear-margaret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7594680
File: 604 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mt4l01oB291r35t05o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7594684
File: 84 KB, 375x500, 8238982478_e28fa75212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7594689

I can't see any prices? I check their tumblr, fb,and webshop

>> No.7594690
File: 76 KB, 452x750, tumblr_md14ld87yW1rqqow6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7594692

You have to log in to see the prices I think.

>> No.7594694
File: 95 KB, 960x641, 479899_150960758382303_2021079331_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I can afford this dress one day

>> No.7594765

I'm really tempted by a few of the Korean brand sailor series right now, but I couldn't decide which one I wanted and now I think the reserve periods are over... kicking myself.

OP source? Reverse search isn't giving me anything..

>> No.7594783

Source on OP is The Snow Field.

I snagged Lief's Sailor OP in navy, really excited to get it. I'm worried about the bodice length though.

>> No.7594791

I love the dress with the buttons, but that second tier of pleats looks so awful to me. If I had that dress, I'd want to remove that, but then the skirt would end up being too short for lolita.

>> No.7594792

Is this as nice IRL as it looks here? I like it.

>> No.7594796

Jelly. I hesitated on lief's sailor and now I feel bad.

>> No.7594816

I never saw it IRL unfortunately. I've heard good stories from other customers and their other dresses are beautiful IRL.

>> No.7594897

I am not liking any of the stuff that they released ever since they opened up for international orders. On top of that, prices were quite steep for an indie brand.

>> No.7594941

Does anyone know what happened to Vierge Vampur? I had my eye on the red striped dress they made, but it seems their shop has dropped off the face of the earth.

>> No.7595858
File: 153 KB, 960x876, 10298677_740900065961728_4953920582853702176_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how I feel about these thunder thigh ponies

>> No.7595862

well looking at the print more, maybe they are supposed to be fat ponies? because of all of the food?

>> No.7595870

wasn't there an indie brand which was releasing a greek mythology print a while back? i tried gooling but cant find anything.

>> No.7595889

I heard that the owner is taking a break, as she's a student still. Not sure if that's true, though.

Krad Lanrete announced a medusa print, but I'm not sure what happened with that.

>> No.7595890

I'm wondering as well...I was about to buy that spoon dress...

>> No.7596909

Thank you! I'd really like to see Vierge Vampur re-emerge. I remember that BxW dress from their photo campaign which afaik was never put up for sale... I think I need it though.

>> No.7597325
File: 65 KB, 600x900, 10276003_444227392388970_360356857298098594_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh, all of 4 O'Clock's stuff is gorgeous!

>> No.7597327
File: 328 KB, 750x892, T2bNs5XDJXXXXXXXXX_!!93746821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel jipped since I bought from Ista Mori's storenvy, but I wanted the XXL size.

>> No.7597334
File: 147 KB, 709x992, T2zT1fX0hXXXXXXXXX_!!98224415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Dark Box & Ecailles De Lune are separate designers/owners now? I forgot the details behind the split.

>> No.7597337

I thought Dark Box was associated with Krad? Or did I miss something else entirely?

>> No.7597341

Dark Box is a sister brand of Krad, I think a designer who used to work for Krad started Ecailles De Lune? Not sure.

Maybe if we say her name three times she'll appear and answer our questions.
ChineseGossip, ChineseGossip, ChineseGossip!

>> No.7597350

She probably got banhammered, there was another Chinese Gossip thread. She always seems to disappear for a few days after those.

>> No.7597356 [DELETED] 
File: 417 KB, 1024x887, 14272395365_e0ebb5ed5e_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belladonna, mossbadger, Ick by Industrial Kitty from the Fanime lolita fashion show

>> No.7597359
File: 202 KB, 556x1024, 14269234181_0fdb619020_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this gorgeous Moon Kingdom OP from Ivy Frozen (her stuff looks better on other models ngl)

>> No.7597414

Basically looks like fandom + Chantilly, but I agree. It looks much cuter here than in the outfit she did for herself.

>> No.7597445

Wait, I don't know the drama. Is this dress not going to be available? Dark Box and Ecailles De Lune both link to the same taobao.

>> No.7597509

When are these supposed to come in? I want to get my hands on one after I see how they look on people. I'm small but busty and the cut looked potentially troublesome.

>> No.7597576

"Nameless OP will be released around mid June to mid July" from the English contact. So hopefully there isn't a big delay!

>> No.7598735

Those look really really nice.
And I don't like gothic much.

>> No.7598738

How dare they make ponies look like they should rather than mlp or AP anerexo ponies

>> No.7598742


Not anymore. kinyo666.taobao.com split up from krad and now are known as écailles de lune. Krad made a new brand I believe called Dark Box (again) and that store has its own front at darkbox666.taobao.com

>> No.7598778

Yeah those ponies are totally realistic like they should be unlike jealous anorexic skinny bitches without curves! Haters be hatin

I love everything from the waist up but the skirt looks kind of.. meh. The print isn't really adding anything. It might as well not have been there. Imo it would look nicer with ruffles or something to bring out the lusciousness of the fabric.

>> No.7598802
File: 10 KB, 275x183, hoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg ikr? how dare artists making our dresses put any sort of creativity into the frame of a pony!
lms if u think ALL ponies r beutiful

>> No.7598839

Look bra, I posted those slubbo ponies because I was worried about their diet! Not because I'm a fatty pony hater! Those Koreans are feeding them weird rectum donuts and shit!

Don't every let them say I wasn't a roley poley pony advocate.

>> No.7598926
File: 1.57 MB, 1046x874, bara ponies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't help myself.

>> No.7598931

Where are their fedoras

>> No.7598933

this makes me happy

>> No.7598937

How the heck are romantic picnicking horsemen the fedora type? Those guys never work out, get it right.
Also >>7598926 is hella awesome

>> No.7598946

I'd wear it

>> No.7598947


Summerfags are here, thinking every fat dude is a fedora chan. Way to miss the joke.

>> No.7598957

top kek

>> No.7598963

>Such sand
>Much vagina
>Sum thirsty

>> No.7598966
File: 437 KB, 732x232, it's hay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lms if u think the donut on the left is just as beautiful as the hay on the rite!

>> No.7598968

>Much summer

>> No.7599024


>thinking doge meme is funny

Mm yes, and you have the wrong concept of sandy too. One could argue you're the sandy one.

>> No.7599033

Very Serious, /cgl/ is serious business only

>> No.7599834

I would legitimately wear this. As long as that basket was fixed up.

>> No.7599841

dammit i really want this print

>> No.7600821
File: 153 KB, 425x604, sweet tooth op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love this green OP. The little hearts on the chiffon are adorable. You don't find green that often in lolita either, and this spring shade is a favorite of mine!

>> No.7600824
File: 286 KB, 520x714, anniversary jsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This JSK is super cute too. I also like the white colorway with its gold ribbon. Very nice.
Anyone own anything from Pumpkin Cat? Opinions?

>> No.7600827
File: 198 KB, 425x604, bodice detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems well made. Though you'd probably need to wear a slip underneath, since it's so sheer.

>> No.7600831

This is so cute
Can i submit this to btb?

>> No.7601161

I see that the reservation period is going to end this weekend. Do you need to use an SS for them? I see they mentioned international, but I don't know if that means to just message them or what.

>> No.7601165
File: 336 KB, 393x588, lostcandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a brand new start up but I'm really tempted to put in a reservation despite it being so new.

>> No.7601787
File: 12 KB, 225x225, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So upset I missed the reserve for Pepermint Fox's Crowning Glory.
It's so pretty. I heard there might be a chance of a rerelease, but don't know when. Fingers crossed.

>> No.7601798
File: 22 KB, 480x720, ball of starlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone managed to get in contact with Haenuli within the past week? I emailed them about being sent the wrong dress, they haven't replied to it, nor have they posted on facebook in a week either (despite running the pre-order for the organza overskirt).

Are they okay????

>> No.7601935

What is this, a picture for ants?

>> No.7601945

Same, except I found their website and Taobao and
Nah, I'll pass. If someone gets it and confirms $150 quality work, then I ma go for it, but as it stands, that's a bit much to take a gamble on.

>> No.7601955

Spoonflower this please!

>> No.7601967

keep your eyes out, I've seen a couple people sell theirs

>> No.7601974

who is it?

>> No.7601997

Are there any decent etsy sellers?
Also how is rococoneko? Any good?

>> No.7602001

Any opinions on Marchen die Prinzessen? I like the look of Cherry Girl.

>> No.7602014

I'm literally wheezing with laughter and now my boyfriend wants to see what's up but there's no way I could show him this.

Because this print is going on my wedding dress, that's why.

>> No.7602165

IMHO, Pumpkin Cat is on par with some of Baby's older stuff. Good fabric, stitching is well-done. Only thing I can say is that buttons are prone to fall off, but I've had that happen with Brand.

With printed stuff (they don't really do "prints" per se, but with things with stripes or patterns) they do a good job of making sure it's matched up and doesn't look wonky. I've reeeeally got my eye on their anneversary JSK.

>> No.7602215

does anyone know any indie sellers that do plus-size classic items?

>> No.7602299

I may or may not, if I get it and it's worth it, I'll keep everyone posted.
It's a start up called Lost Candy, they have this JSK in 2 other colors than the one I've shown, a skirt, and a couple of cute accessories.

>> No.7602622

If you ask, many Western indie sellers will do custom sizing.

>> No.7603956

Sure, I dunno what you'll do with it but why not?
Bara Pony-men anon here, I was banned so I couldn't say thanks so much. I feel a bit less stupid for sitting down and wasting time on it, now! I do actually like the original print btw.
I'd love to see that!

>> No.7603973


Eh, they look quite tacky even in the stock image. I've seen a lot of other taobao indie do better designs for half the price.

>> No.7604250

It's a shame she gave shit service before, though. It makes me wary to buy from her especially with her high prices.

>> No.7604305
File: 489 KB, 909x1631, charlesdarwinprint.belladona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here's the deal. I went to the fanime hosted lolita fashion show, run by two people who also had indie brands (their names escape me at this time...). There was an OP that had a print inspired by Charles Darwin's Origin of Species and I SALIVATED. It was by "Belladona". Pic related, model was kind enough to give me the time of day. Okay so here is the issue: how the fuck do I buy this. It was said during the panel that the releases shown weren't out at the time of the show (2 weeks ago). So, I tried to check out Belladona's web presence and I got almost nothing. Their storenvy is broken. Their facebook page only advertises their physical booths at cons. No comprehensive product page anywhere. I want this dress, why are they making it so hard to buy it?!

>> No.7604310

>wearing charles darwin
>reading charles darwin
>listening to the soundtrack to an opera about the life of charles darwin
>Becoming one with the Darwin

Good luck anon, I suppose you already tried messaging the facebook pages already?

>> No.7604313

WTF, I would buy that in a heart beat. I don't understand why so many designers make it so hard to buy their items. Sigh...

>> No.7604314
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>> No.7604315

Belladonna probably closed their storeenvy because of con season, a number of people do that. Their releases seem to be slow as fuck as well, they show tons of teasers for ages before they put stuff up for preorder. If I remember though, they put up stock photos and a worn catalog to their FB and take orders through there. You just have to wait.

>> No.7604500

Except it really wasn't, it was a whiny, needy buyer expecting to have updates basically every single day.

>> No.7604811

does anyone have a link to this? I don't see it on the Dark Box taobao and I would love to order it.

>> No.7604818


>> No.7604820
File: 148 KB, 567x850, T2sp_rXz8XXXXXXXXX_!!186720356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krad Lanrete has some new stuff out! I'm kinda dying a little at the Mana clone.

Did you even look on the tb page? It's still up

>> No.7604822
File: 142 KB, 533x799, ALS007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illustrations from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland is on this Alice OP

>> No.7604825

Except Linda had no problem staying in frequent contact with another buy who ordered a coat around the same time. And Linda lied about when the coat was actually started. And lied about giving the buyer the options to approve buttons before they were sewn on. And so on.

But whiteknight away, I guess. Just pray that if you order from her you're considered worthy of good service and quality. Personally I prefer not to buy from someone when their quality is a crapshoot.

>> No.7604835

This looks like the MMM stuff that I don't like. Especially on the JSK, the print looks too small.

The print on the lighter colorway of this is almost invisible. Cute but not my style and also already sold out in except for mint in a size large.

>> No.7604856

http://kinyo666.taobao.. com/

I don't see it. Can you please link? Am I looking in the right spot. When I googled "dark box taobao" this was what came up.

>> No.7604857

never mind. I see someone else has put up a link. Thanks.

>> No.7604866

The fabric they used seems really bad. I was initially bummed about missing it, but several people have been selling them because it instantly begins to look like there's a lot of pilling, but you can't remove the pilling or you'll ruin the dress.

Can anyone comment/review Antique Beast? I haven't seen many reviews out their, and I've been eyeing one of her velvet dresses for a while. I'm curious about fabric and construction quality.

>> No.7605084

Except she didn't "lie" about anything more than had to move up the finish date due to other projects which isn't uncommon on a commission without a specific event need-by date, if you fucking paid attention to the facts in the review, but keep vendatting since you clearly have some cause to smear her business.

>> No.7605935
File: 349 KB, 973x768, SK_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been following updates on this new brand and this final (ish?) Skirt. I'm in love. So badly. The price is a little high, but on the other hand it looks well made.


>> No.7605943

Link here if anyone wants to help me out


>> No.7605956

Buttons look pretty ugly, and I don't personally like the bodices of either JSK, but the print is quite nice. Rose and hem details look a bit out of place though.

>> No.7605966

i wish there was a little wider range of colors in the print, or a little more depth. otherwise though, it looks gorgeous.

>> No.7606012
File: 276 KB, 450x675, white moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any info on this dress?
I'm still quite new to taobao ordering and am wondering is it in preorder or something. Also any experiences with White moon?

>> No.7606037

I wanted the skirt anyway so they don't bother me much lol, don't like the roses much but the red really got me...

Yeah I'm not big on the pastels that's why I was surprised by the nice looking red colourway. I agree like above said, indie designers need to use more shades to add depth to prints

Their quality seem to be good, but mostly the dresses only look nice on pretty girls :/

>> No.7606452

Just saw pics of Catherine's Tears on KL's FB. It's nice to know the underskirt looking thing is really just an underskirt and not attached to the OP in any way.

I don't care for the print. I would definitely have bought it if it were non print.

>> No.7606464

I don't have any of her velvet pieces, but I have a chiffon cardigan/overdress thing that's gorgeous. Really well made, with soft, delicate lace and very smooth chiffon. I also have several of her accessories and have never been disappointed by construction or materials.

>> No.7606522
File: 64 KB, 720x960, 945026_524176737642022_505939343_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where Lady Sloth got her van Gogh fabric last year, or where I can find something similar? Her execution is terrible, but I love me some van Gogh.

>> No.7606569

I really like this print, so I'm pretty excited for it. I agree with the others that more depth in the print would have been nice, but I'm going for the pale lavender colorway and so I think the flatness works to that colorway's advantage of being kind of muted and haunting looking.

>> No.7606590

I like the print because it's simple and features lily of the valleys, but I don't like the way the back of the OP looks. I want to see more of the JSK

>> No.7606670

I agree about the back. It just looks... lacking.

>> No.7606789
File: 111 KB, 679x960, IMG_8035106979000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddammit I will either get the OP or jsk now!

>> No.7606854

My Mother is one of those young earth creationists. I should buy this print so I can wear it the next time I see her.

>> No.7606873
File: 128 KB, 567x850, TB2S9WjXVXXXXXCXXXXXXXXXXXX-186720356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What even is this photo.
I like the print though, a nice understated piece.

>> No.7607694

Why does everyone hate underskirts omg

>> No.7607698

Probably because they're trending. For some people they're practically a necessity, though.

>> No.7607710

I'm not sure which colour to go with. Either the cream or powder blue
>I actually like the underskirt look for dresses like this

>> No.7607719

I don't hate them because they're trending, I hate them because people often don't wear them in a way that looks good. They often get worn in such a way that you can tell it's an underskirt, which looks bad. If it looks like just an extension of frills off of the hem, I'm fine with that.

Instead you get:
>underskirt with dress of a completely different shape, such as a fluffy bell-shaped skirt with an A-line underskirt
>underskirt without a petticoat that's the right length, so the hem just flops down unsupported
>underskirt made of material that doesn't match the dress in colour or fabric type, and shows up nowhere else in the coordinate to balance it
>underskirt that is of a significantly lower quality to the rest of the outfit

... and so on.

>> No.7607723

I like them but in the CT pictures, they just look dreary looking.

>> No.7608147

They were posting on EGL really sketchily. I'm not sure I'd go for it at that price.

>> No.7608179

Oh, I know the two girls that run that brand. They aren't in my local comm, but they are close enough that they come to cons near me.

The Darwin print hasn't been released yet, it's coming out at the end of June, I think. They close their Store Envy when they are at cons because they send all their stock to the cons and they usually sell out of their wristcuffs and one-off things at cons. So they close the shop so that they don't accidentally sell something online and in person to two different people. The shop usually opens back up within a few days of them getting back. They mailed that sample out to fanime, I think, and then they were showing a different sample at a con this weekend and their general stock was somewhere else a week or two ago. So once they get back from the con they are at now, probably a couple days to do inventory and then their store envy will be back up?

I have some of their wristcuffs and they are super nice. I've seen Japanese brands use the same lace they use (it's not replica lace or anything; it's just a generic lace pattern that multiple brands like JetJ and AP have used).

Their facebook is /fashionsbybelladonna

Their main prints get posted to egl-comm-sales, iirc too.

>> No.7608180

Are you in the socal comm? I believe those two are related to the SF comm

and thank you for the info

>> No.7608205

No, I'm in Maryland. I've seen them at some Maryland and DC cons (like I think they were at Otakon?) and at DC meetups. They are in VA. East Coast girls.

>> No.7608218

>tfw you're too tall and have to wear underskirts under everything so you don't get called a whoreish lolita

>> No.7608226
File: 739 KB, 800x800, do-and-do-not.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, I don't care if it's done right. Tall girls have been using underskirts for years before this trend hit.

The problem with the recent trend is that people are buying underskirts without buying longer petticoats or considering how to make the underskirts blend properly.

>> No.7608235

you can't really tell that the ddc one is an a-line just from that picture (unless you have a stock photo of the underskirt). But it is really bad looking anyway

>> No.7608239

oh ops I misread, I thought you were referring to the 2 that ran the panel, not the belladona ladies

>> No.7608246

I don't have a stock photo, but the majority of the underskirts in that length produced so far are A-line. So assumption, sure. But it doesn't fit the shape of the dress on top of it at all.

>> No.7608250

no it looks terrible, I agree

actually most of the ones I've seen that are tea length are long bells.

>> No.7608256

Hmmm. Interesting. Which brands? I've mostly only seen Taobao indie brands producing them, or the ones from Baby are tiered A-lines.

>> No.7608257

Oh, great. I see what you're saying now. Thanks for the picture. I feel like more girls should see this and keep this advice in mind, underskirts look like such garbage when done wrong. Same with fucking peignoirs (sp?)

>> No.7608262

All the taobao ones I've seen have been bells, I don't have any links on me though

of course, it's one of those things that at that length, it would be really hard to make it an a-line as you'd have to have a really dumb petti to push out the hem without curving down from the waist

>> No.7608264

here's a long one from little dipper that's a bell http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-6869046225.13.Qgd5xF&id=17805330480

i'll see which other ones I start to remember

>> No.7608268

Dear celine long that can go either way, though with an elastic waistband and the construction looks like gathered rectangles, I'd say it looks best as bell http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-6184731731.9.VTk8bw&id=38704353442

>> No.7608281


I'm going to jump in and say you have the right idea that it looks bad because they mixed the shapes, but it's the other way around.

On the DDC tiered jsk, the lower portion of the skirt is much, much, much, much wider than the top, so it's effectively like a very gathered, very wide A-line. Not only that, the bottom of the skirt has built-in stiff tulle that fluffs it out so that even if you're wearing a strict cupcake skirt the tulle still flares the skirt out into an A-line shape.

So the DDC skirt is very flared A-line shape, and then the underskirt is more like a tube underneath that instead of continuing the A-line shape.

At least, tthat's why I think it looks bad.

>> No.7608338

>Except she didn't "lie" about anything more than had to move up the finish date due to other projects which isn't uncommon on a commission without a specific event need-by date, if you fucking paid attention to the facts in the review, but keep vendatting since you clearly have some cause to smear her business.

Except she did lie. In her response to the buyer's complaint about the service she received, Linda said that she was 50% done with the coat on November 26th. But in previous emails, she admitted to the buyer that she hadn't even started sewing the coat on November 26th. That would be... dundundun... a lie! Which was probably an attempt to make her delays and poor communication look better.

Poor communication which is in comparison to another buyer who bought something around the same time and said Linda had on problem going in-depth with her about fabrics and accessories when the buyer she screwed over couldn't get her to take pictures of buttons and kept getting days without a response on a 500+ euro commission.

>stop smearing her business with facts that make her look bad!
>in before you find some way to whiteknight her lying anyway

This is why people get away with bad service.

>> No.7608641

I personally think when the dress itself has several layers on the hem, it's probably not a good idea to add another 10

Navy seems to be the most popular colour, would like tp see the finished ddess for light purple. I'm struggling to choose a jsk style nor colour ;_;

>> No.7608648

Probably the place where she gets all her fabrics, spoonflower.

>> No.7608922

Nova here, are DC meetups good? Full of itas? Crazy people? Snobs?

>> No.7608926
File: 141 KB, 567x850, T2s3I9XdtXXXXXXXXX_!!186720356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Krad also has the flora underskirt, which is the one that they use under St. Catherine's tears.

>> No.7608931

How does one get in touch with krad about custom size? They don't seem to answer facebook messages.

>> No.7609041

That's marketed as just a skirt on the listing though?

>> No.7609149

Does she really? I thought the printed knits were too thick for Spoonflower's stock. The crepe de chine would make sense, though.

>> No.7609640

MD and DC comm both have meets in DC. The MD comm has ~300 people and the DC comm has about ~200 with a good bit of overlap. Relatively little drama. With that many people, obviously you are going to have a wide selection of people. I'm going to talk about both, because there is so much overlap.

Itas... I mean there is a range. There are some girls who are new/young or just kinda don't have a whole lot of fashion sense, but they aren't the majority. And of course some meets are going to draw better dressed people than others.

Crazy people... no. I can think of like 1-3 people between both comms who I've met and found super awkward, but nothing really beyond that.

Snobs... no, and the DC mods are pretty good at shepherding new people and making sure they don't feel left out from what I've seen. I've seen some MD meetups where there were new people who were obviously intimidated by the fact that people knew each other, but then there were multiple new people and none of them made an effort to talk to any of the other shy new people. So, when I see that, I do try to get them involved, but at the same time, if people are really caught up in talking to friends they haven't seen in a while, they might not notice someone isn't talking to anyone? I guess, the DC mods really sort of baby their group a little, while the MD comm is friendly, but it's more casual and there might not always be someone playing the "mom" sort of roll to make sure everyone is talking to someone. They aren't snobs, they won't snub you if you come up and just insert yourself in a conversation; it's totally cool.

>> No.7609915

Totally agreed, the bodice for the JSK is beautiful with the allover print and the lace but I don't care for the border print at all. I'd buy it with just the allover and the construction/trims.

>> No.7613942
File: 32 KB, 500x241, crowninggloryii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PepFox posted their rerelease for Crowning Glory with new fabric and colorways, thoughts? I can't wait to throw my money at them, though I'm a bit disappointed the print will switch to chiffon. I wish it was still the sluggy woven fabric, just a better quality one.

>> No.7613944

That type of print screams winter to me, chiffon is a really weird choice of fabric.

>> No.7613946

yeah i can't really see this on chiffon

>> No.7613947
File: 48 KB, 720x266, 10252079_885217958162084_4028239249909629644_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone shared this on the updates group. Elegy has a new print soon

i like the art, but why did they use real animals and then stick antlers on the bunny like a jackalope statue? seems so offputting, though i don't really know what the animal between the elk and the warthog is... maybe a badger or something

>> No.7613949
File: 126 KB, 642x960, 10435842_884671848216695_4348899169197217809_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the design feels like it's inspired by some kind of traditional dress i don't remember the name of, something slavic maybe

i like it

>> No.7613961


I think the unknown animal might be a bat? It was doing the rounds on tumblr for being a "cute goth thing", kinda.

imho I find the frames too squished together, and the antlers are all knocking into each other. The skirt, too, seems very empty up top and then frames all jammed into the border.

That's just my opinion tho.

>> No.7613962

I think it's a hedgehog

>> No.7613963

Thats just a normal fox, what are you guys even talking about

>> No.7613966

the nose doesn't look long enough to be a fox to me,but if you say so haha

>> No.7613975

I love the print, but the fabric looks cheap and washed out irl.

Did they already announce a date for the rerelease? I don't want to miss on it again.

>> No.7613983

Ugh, why do they al have eye infections?

>> No.7614047

Awww thanks for nice comment about my underskirt anon

>> No.7614096

Albino animals usually lack hair around the eyes.

>> No.7614100

So what are classic lolita's meant to wear in summer?

>> No.7614732

>Crowning Glory II will be made on a light chiffon fabric, in two new colourways, and will be released towards the end of the year. Peppermint Fox will be releasing more information closer to the date!


>> No.7614749

It's not even a summer release or color scheme. It's not the fact that 'classic can't be done in chiffon' it's the fact that this is a fall release in browns and golds which is a little heavy looking for a delicate fabric.

There are plenty of classic chiffon dresses perfect for summer.

>> No.7614991

Late this year is summer in the southern hemisphere though ...

>> No.7614999

I think i'm looking forward to the chiffon.. i'tll look quite lovely.

>> No.7615005

Ok yeah I am a dumb non Aussie sorry. The colors and theme are still not summery and there are other summery chiffon things you can buy as a classic lolita. The material choice just seems odd with the colors and theme.

>> No.7615025

I'm also trying to figure out from this wording, does that mean two additional colorways, or that they won't be bringing back the old ones at all? If they don't have the blue, and it's suddenly chiffon, I don't know if I'm that interested anymore... I mainly liked it because I could essentially get a skirt version of Grazia Crown. And I don't think I'm alone in the interest in it because of its similarity to Grazia. Bad move on their part imo.

>> No.7615369

They only custom size some items during reservations. If it isn't makes for custom sizing or isn't in reservation period then you are screwed I am afraid.

>> No.7615375

I love the DC mods. They are super cool, stylish, and sweet. In the com there are only a couple of people who are kind of annoying/awkward but they don't show up to too many meet ups. I just wish the DC community was more active and took better advantage of all the great stuff around the area. Also I wish more people who RSVP would show up last meet I went to only have four people other then myself but we had a good time.

>> No.7615385

I really hope they bring tights out with these patterns

>> No.7615416

Why does the theme of the print have to be summery? Since when are brands restricted to prints (NOT fabric/cut) suiting the season? Pretty sure that rules out MMM for anything but winter.

>> No.7615423
File: 512 KB, 600x464, Little_Mermaid_blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on Haenuli's newest release? On one hand, she seems to have fixed the bodice issues. On the other, the mermaid is a blatant Ariel rip off. At this point I feel like she's making Disney movies in dress form, or Tumblr fads.

>> No.7615740

Their prints always look like some cheap ass vectors being thrown together. Art style is nothing special either. Don't get me wrong I work with designers in my job and I know the time and effort into vector and textile designs but haenuli's prints never interest me because how cheap they look, sorry if that hurt anyone's feeling

>> No.7615745

It doesn't have to be, that's just why people think it was a weird fabric choice, that's all.

>> No.7615746

Eh, I wouldn't jump to "blatant ripoff" just for reddish hair and a green tail. I mean, it's obviously referencing Ariel, but it seems more like a shout-out or homage to me. The colors are different in the black version anyway.

>> No.7615755

All of her fairytale prints have at least one colorway that references Disney, this isn't new.

That said my big problem with her prints is that they have lovely art which I'd totally buy say, a print of, but they don't work (imo) for lolita garments because they're often TOO graphic and heavy looking, they'd work better as logos or banner art or something like that- art that looks better close up on a screen. They aren't delicate enough for a dress. Same with this one, art is very pretty but it's just too heavy and blocky for a dress.

>> No.7615769

Looks cheap as fuck like all of their other stuff

>> No.7616596
File: 133 KB, 960x902, elegy albino accord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the grey colourway is so much nicer than black.

>> No.7616652

Goddamn I love this. Those light, removable flutter sleeves are such a nice touch!

>> No.7616654

I want this, so bad.

>> No.7616660

I don't understand the tassels!

>> No.7616670

I actually quite like the tassels. I think they are really cute. I didn't really like them on the blouse sleeves though, looks tacky

>> No.7616679

Any idea how much it's going to be? I really want it. I love the lacing on the bodice and the sleeves

>> No.7617209

On their facebook: "Everyday this week I've spent sewing like a maniac, so sometime this weekend I'll be updating my shop with photos of all the garments/details/pricing information - I'll be sure and link to it once I do"

>> No.7617224

Man, I really wasn't feeling this print but I am in love with the grey colourway. Elegy is taking over my closet.

>> No.7617225

I really love this version. I'm hoping it will fit me and isn't too pricey. This will be the first piece I've bought from an American indie designer.

>> No.7617226

I thought Elegy was european... or maybe I'm thinking of someone else

>> No.7617231

oh yeah I'm thinking of the people who make the bunny hoods, Ergi, my bad

>> No.7617234

For the quality I think Elegy's prices are more then fair. I have been amazed by her quality and fit and I own at least 8 custom items by her. Basically I just give her all my money all the time.

>> No.7617238

How would you say her quality is? More specifically print/fabric quality. I've heard good things about her velvet pieces, but what about custom printed fabrics?

>> No.7617241

What kind of custom pieces did you get? I want to make sure she knows how to do a full cup alteration on her patterns for cups sizes larger than a B cup... though the most telling thing would be, do you happen to have on hand which measurements she asked for? I'm hoping she asked for back waist, point to point, etc. Sorry I'm just really picky with custom stuff, it seems a lot of designers don't know how to alter patterns properly.

>> No.7617265

I have three velvet jsks and velvet caplet, blouse, apron skirt and salopette with matching head bows. Personally I think shes pretty close to on par with brand for the clothes part not so much with the head bows. Although the head bows are very nice, just not brand nice. I consider her quality miles beyond the other indie brands I have bought from, I also find her very easy to work. The velvet is very high quality, I like it better then the velvet from the two old school meta jsks I have. But I have a velvet baby skirt I think slightly nice quality velvet. I think the fabric quality it pretty high. I don't own any of her print items currently but I am waiting for the entire Delicacy and Decay collection I should be getting it in a few days as I have a custom jsk on the same order that isn't finished yet. I will can post a review when I get it if anyone is interested.

>> No.7617277

3 jsks, apron skirt, salopette and blouse. I also have an order on the way- 2 jsks, 3 blouses and a head bow.
Here are the measurements she asked for: Bust
Over bust
Skirt length

So far everything I have received has fit perfectly.

>> No.7617280

can you post some of the stuff you've commissioned?

>> No.7617282

yes, I'd love to see some photos, if you don't mind!

>> No.7617288

I'd like to know what brand pieces you have that are more current and what indie brands you've ordered from in the past. Personally, looking at the Elegy site, especially the blouses, I don't like the look of the fabric (looks like cheap poly blends that still crease and wrinkle) and the fits on the dummies look pretty bad. I see a lot of puckering on the darts and princess seams and the collars look like they are kind of a 'false' standing collar that's relying on the tie to keep them up.

Thanks for all your time!

>> No.7617289

I sure can. I have the blouse and apron skirt with me since I just picked them up, but I am at my parents for fathers day so I just have whats on my laptop for the rest. Gimme a few and I'll do a photo dump.

>> No.7617294

oh that doesn't bode well... she doesn't ask for underbust, or point to point, or sleeve length for a blouse? That's really weird to me. Do you have a large different between full bust and underbust? Maybe I'm just worrying for no reason

>> No.7617297
File: 6 KB, 183x275, mealtme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what the fuck happened to vierge vampur?

>> No.7617317

I own the following brands: Angelic Pretty, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, Innocent World, Alice and Pirates, Meta and Cornet. I buy mostly brand and indie brand. I will say I don't own a whole lot of current brand. I mostly own old school stuff which is one of the reasons I like Elegy so much as I have very little interest in prints most of the time. I have owned prints before including Milky Planet and Triple Tart.

Indie Brands: The Snow Field, Ick by industrial Kitty, Bunny House, Mystery Garden and Haenuli.

I am going to be honest and say the first time I ordered from her I was pretty hesitant because of some of the pictures I saw online.

>> No.7617324

I do actually. I can't wear most brand blouses because of the difference between my bust and under bust as it often gaps just under my breasts. I have pretty small breasts but a very large rib cadge.

>> No.7617326

Ok well that makes me feel a bit better about reserving. Actually, looking back, the older brand pieces were nicer imo than the more current stuff, so comparing it to older pieces is actually more telling. Yeah none of those indie brands have ever caught my eye as being decent, and I've never ordered from them. Ok, well, other than the lack of measurements asked, I think I can say I'll probably attempt to order the full jsk in green or grey...

>> No.7617331

ok well that's good then, she must know how to alter her patterns well. I guess i'll just send her a full body chart like I do for all custom stuff, and she can pick and choose which she wants. I have EXTREMELY square shoulders and that really has to be taken into account for things, though JSK straps shouldn't have to be altered for that... but if I were to buy a blouse she would need to take that into account.

Thanks for talking with me about your experiences, I think I've decided to give them a try!

>> No.7617380


Oh and she did ask for shoulders- I thought it was odd she didn't so I kept going through the emails, she just forgot to ask the first time around.

I have dumped all the pictures I have into a photobucket. As a warning I suck at taking pictures and only have my iphone. I did the best I could. I don't have detail shots for all the items. Also I used an ugly blanket as back ground so I didn't have to lay things directly on the carpet.

Here is the link: http://s1345.photobucket.com/user/w2Sp93/library/?sort=3&page=1

I had posted some of these in an egl I did a while ago.

>> No.7617388

oh that's great then, thanks for the pictures, I wasn't the one who asked, but I'll take a look too. I really appreciate all the time you took answering my questions.

>> No.7617390

Those velvet pieces are lovely, how much did she charge you?

>> No.7617398

175 for the black, 150 for the red.
190 for the Green including the head bow. The fabric had to be imported from the UK so it was more expensive, but I was really set on that color so I didn't mind.

>> No.7617400

wow, those pieces look great. thanks for taking the time to provide those photos! I feel like I'm definitely going to reserve the albino accord print now.

>> No.7617411

Your welcome. I'm glad I could be some help. I know it can be a pain to find info on indie brands so if I have it I try to pass it around. It sucks investing money in an unknown and having it turn out poorly.

>> No.7617683
File: 98 KB, 294x243, money take all of it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sold, my fucking kryptonite

>> No.7617686

Rumour I heard: she's taking time off to focus on university studies. But I have no idea if it's actually true.

>> No.7617696
File: 494 KB, 500x262, oh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ergi is also European, pretty sure?

>yfw there are no good American designers

>> No.7617698

Ergi is EU yes, I confused the two because of the names. Elegy is indeed US.

>> No.7618102

You've just gone around in the circle. The point I'm trying to make is that it's possible for a brand to bring out a fabric/cut suitable for a certain season whilst the print itself might not be specific to that season. It doesn't seem so different to having sweet dresses in snug fabrics or cuts.

>> No.7618125

what? I think the fabric is a weird choice for the color and theme. Someone else was talking about summer and then another anon asked a weird question about 'what should classic lolitas wear in summer'

sorry, maybe it got confusing somewhere, but I just think a brown chiffon with crowns on it is a weird choice. I don't care about the season.

>> No.7618130

this is amazing. I love the sleeves

>> No.7618139

Crossing my fingers that I can step up to that late.

>> No.7618171

I saw this in person at Colossalcon and it's really lovely. I'm going to order it. I'm a little sad it's only available in black, because she had it in dark green. But at least it's more versatile that way.

>> No.7619353

Holy shit, anon, thank you. I was the anon who first started asking about fabric and construction quality; these look really nice and make me feel a lot better about (hopefully) reserving a piece from this series.

>> No.7619357


>> No.7619776
File: 124 KB, 500x668, ecailles de lune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does doing a reservation work through taobao? Do you just use a shopping service like usual and pay them when they say to pay them? I'm wanting to get this when it's released from Ecailles de Lune, and I'm assuming it'll have a reserve period rather than just going to ready stock; or does anyone know any different who has ordered from them before?

>> No.7619787

Reservations work about the same as a normal order. Most SS ask you to pay the full amount upfront, so be prepared for that. I think Bhiner is a bad choice though, I remember Anons in taobao threads having issues last summer because bhiner would cancel the order and refund them not understanding it was a reserve. I use TBS, and they did fine with a reserve/preorder.

>> No.7619835

Cool, thanks for the info!

>> No.7620156

Any idea when it's coming out?

>> No.7620162

Shop links and more info posted. Not sure if want.

>Here's a link to the shop page with all the details/pricing info: http://www.elegyclothing.com/product-category/collectionaa/ As always, I will accept payment plans with 30% down, so you won't *have* to pay in full via the webshop.

>I also have a gallery posted of all the garments being worn, which can be found here: http://www.elegyclothing.com/gallery/albinoaccordlb/

>> No.7620179

I was looking for something like this

So if we want to do a payment plan, does that mean we PM her?

>> No.7620261
File: 132 KB, 829x917, aajsk1grey7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The edges of flutter sleeves aren't finished? This is weird considering the construction looks otherwise nice.

>> No.7620280

Well her tumblr said it would be in early June, and her taobao just says soon...hopefully soon then. I want it so bad, I'm loving the gradient.

>> No.7620301

uhhh yeah that looks really weird considering none of the other hems or fabrics are left unfinished...

>> No.7620307

whatever happened to that viking print? Slepnir? Did it ever get shipped?

>> No.7620308

v-viking print?!

>> No.7620319
File: 80 KB, 333x500, 4qrltg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it got caught up in the one day in paradise shit storm, so not really sure what happened

>> No.7620343

she said she was in a hurry to finish, so likely this is the result of that. I doubt the actual items will be unfinished

>> No.7620509

Wait, they're rereleasing this? Awesome, now I can buy the right size. Link to her Tumble?

>> No.7620556

Email her about it. She's really good with payment plans

>> No.7620576

The neckline of that bodice looks super awkward, are there any pictures on a person rather than a dressform? I can imagine that cut being really unflattering.

>> No.7621108

It's gonna be a summer version apparently, so might be thinner material or something than the first release? Tumblr is the same name as her taobao, kinyo666.tumblr.com.

>> No.7621118

I really like this colorway. I didn't buy it the first time because I didn't like the red or blue and dislike white line print on black. With the color fade this is now just right.

>> No.7621160

Yeah I don't think the original black version is anything special, but this new version looks awesome.

>> No.7621261

Where were the details posted?

>> No.7621326
File: 143 KB, 400x600, ergi-viking-series1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I was super interested in buying it, but It was announced a long time ago and I never heard nothing until it was supposed sold out.

idk. I loved the print, but the quality seems a bit suspect.

>> No.7621335

> those tassels
Whyyy. They always make me think of curtains.

>> No.7622059

I love curtains.

>> No.7622312

Is this the only color way this time?

>> No.7622836

It's because fashion students aren't trained in custom sizing etc, and only ever make size 12 (unless they go on to work in couture or bridal or something). If you want proper custom sizing, you should ask a costume maker.

>> No.7622862
File: 469 KB, 2000x1237, TB2Qr1TXVXXXXXUXXXXXXXXXXXX-1023246685[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was up on their shop's main page

>> No.7622867

They have Blue, Black and White.

>> No.7623256

Their email newsletter, I don't think they posted it on their tumblr yet? Maybe fb but I don't follow them there

Exactly! I love home decor fabric and trims so for me it's perfect

>> No.7623262

I want it so badly, but I've already bought way too many dresses this month and also want the new KL piece.
Why am I not filthy rich?

>> No.7623263
File: 237 KB, 800x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Urg, every time I see it it gets worse. Does anyone actually like haenuli's new reserve?
Pic related

>> No.7623270

jesus that's not good

>> No.7623276
File: 691 KB, 2048x1761, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI they are little deer.

>> No.7623277

Haenuli, we asked for shorter bodices not non-existent ones.

I would really like the cut if there was actually more to the bodice (this would only cover small cup sizes) and a different print. But I like the silhouette more in general and the...simplicity, almost? Big bonus if it's chiffon, it'd be cute for summer.

But I can't get over the print/colors.

>> No.7623283

Wow I had no idea I wish they hadn't made the print so small. From a distance you can't even tell, especially with the light brown deer.

The deer themselves are cute as hell, too.

>> No.7623288
File: 691 KB, 2048x1717, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'm a little biased, I don't like the cut mainly because babydolls make me look preggers. But it's quite obvious, anyone over a B cup, will probably have trouble with getting the dress to sit correctly.
And the colours, urg.

The deer themselves are quite cute. Too bad they decided to make them ridiculously tiny. But even if they were larger, the cross pattern they make is horrid.

They tried it with butterfly's too. At least these colourways are a little more visually pleasing.

>> No.7623290

> butterflies
My mistake, they are bows

>> No.7623315

Damn, the OP is really cute actually...still probably going to get the JSK though.

>> No.7623333

It's open for reservation now!

>> No.7623351

Holy Jesus that's fugly
Seriously wouldn't be flattering even on the most skinny girl

This pattern makes the dress look more like some overpriced ita ebay dresses

>> No.7623354

Torn between styles and colours. ARRGH THEY'RE ALL SO NICE

>> No.7623356

What is everyone's opinion on CMLolita? They seem pretty crap, but I really like the ivory colourway of their new sleeping beauty print.

>> No.7623401

Well the price is pretty cheap actually... GET TWO. (I was surprised by the price actually, I was expecting it to be more).

>> No.7623409

remember the full price is 686 (if you reserve, it goes up to 746 if you don't)

>> No.7623413

I reserved Lief's Perfume Coffret dress recently so 686RMB seems pretty cheap in comparison haha.

>> No.7623542

>This pattern makes the dress look more like some overpriced ita ebay dress

>> No.7623600


All I have are some petticoats from there, they're quite well made though. Biggest issue I have with cmloli is that everything is too short (they seriously do not have regular length petticoats), you can see how short all of their dresses are on the models, so I'd be wary of that.

>> No.7623860

Taobao is the only place to get this, correct? It looks like it says it will be a 2 month wait after the reservations are closed, and I definitely won't have an order open then. Might have to get it separately, it's probably my most favourite gothic piece I've ever seen

>> No.7623871

I feel like Haenuli made one decent dress and now everything they release is horrendous

>> No.7623872

I got a custom sized short sleeved blouse and bolero a while back from them since the blouses are dirt cheap! My arms got fatter so the sleeves are tight but everything else fits. Basically great for padding your wardrobe.

>> No.7623975
File: 290 KB, 800x604, tumblr_n7addjpil21rsdovno2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else see that il Sangue finally updated their tumblr for, like, the first time in a year? Not any new pieces, though.

>> No.7623987


There have been a few FB posts since then including some accessories, but nothing big since last summer. I liked the stuff they sent to Frill, so kind of disappointed.

>> No.7624017

She's at grad school at the moment, so I'm completely unsurprised that the shop has been on hiatus.

>> No.7624040

I got mine, it's super cute but I have to wear a serious sports bra to make the bodice look ok. the print is really clear and the waist sash is nice, it has snaps to attach to the dress and you can take it off easily. the skirt is nice and full too. if I didn't have huge tits and small shoulders (weird proportions basically) it would probably look perfect on me, but wearing a looser blouse helps the bodice look better too. I love it.

>> No.7624212
File: 37 KB, 250x375, tumblr_n77ehs0Wuf1s7j565o2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh, so the new Souffle Song print skeeves me out. Looks like infected wounds to me

>> No.7624254

Ouch, it really does.
How does something like that get designed/okayed? Surely the girl's friends or business partner would let her know...

>> No.7624318

More info on dates for a re-release? I really don't want to miss out on this. I'd love a light chiffon dress with a good lining but I would still like the original woven fabric despite the problems where the fabric pilled and pulled apart easily.

>> No.7624341
File: 144 KB, 500x500, pepfox gentle fox milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peppermint Fox's new print looks nice. Reminds me a bit of the Beth frog prince pieces from earlier in the year, but since I missed those I think I'd like to get something from this

>> No.7624344

I only wish this "strawberry milk" color looked more like strawberry milk. There seems to be hardly any pink to it.

>> No.7624356

From the samples they posted ages ago,there are slight pink accents in the foxes clothes. The brown fabric had blue accents. Hopefully they post more closeups

>> No.7624562
File: 84 KB, 906x442, 10464207_577939925657554_8824141941155601160_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been looking for this dress /forever/ it feels like it's been years. I'm so fucking happy right now.
>am I really crying over a dress right now??

>> No.7624567

I don't know what I'm going to do.
I blew $800 on dream dresses earlier this month, and now I'm lusting after this, Elegy's new print, the Pepfox fox print, KL's new lily of the valley print, and the Ecailles De Lune rereservation.
I want to cry, too.

>> No.7624573

I feel exactly the same. I've have the worst luck with reserves this summer, I've missed all but one due to bad timing.

>> No.7624604

Anyone see Haenulis post about her eye problems?

>> No.7624689


>> No.7625091

I'm feeling the same way, I was saving up for a trip but I think I've spent about $1200 on lolita these past couple months, and there's still more I want. Goddamn.

>> No.7625128

I thought the same thing.

I actually have a pretty big review to post on them soon, once I finally get my order resolved..... Let's just say they don't exactly seem to have their shit together.


>> No.7625133
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my first indie brand dress was Baroque Rabbit Circus OP
loved everything about it except the full shirring back
sold it after trying once ... the dress was too big for me

>> No.7625141
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I got the overdress from them, I thought it turned out pretty nice but they forgot to send the bows to everyone.

>> No.7625151

Impressions about Korean indie brands?

>> No.7625172

I am so excited. The one I got from the original run was a piece made from sample fabric and the materials weren't as good. The construction was also wonky. I'm so happy that I can finally get a NICELY fitted version that I don't have to be afraid will fall apart.

>> No.7625181
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Pirates And The Crown Rose

>> No.7625183

I'm scared about the price. I already reserved the perfume bottle jsk. but I know if I don't get it, I'll never get it.

>> No.7625186
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I guess I'll post about it now
Tl;dr is they sent me the wrong size skirt AND shipped it the wrong way from what I paid for/never sent me tracking, but tbh they've handled it quickly and quite easily once I emailed my issues and offered to send me a replacement or refund me without having to send the wrong one back, so even though they fucked up I'd give them a neutral for service. I still haven't gotten confirmation/tracking on the new one, though......

The piece itself I'm pretty neutral on, too. The colors are exactly as the stock photo but honestly the print really is quite blurry. I'm keeping it (sent in the right size) since I'll probably wear it casually and you can only tell how really blurry it is if you're standing right next to it, but there's a lot of quality issues with it overall other than just the blurriness. Bows (came with 2, one pin and one clip) being wonky, fabric is kinda thin, etc. Construction on the skirt itself is good though.

Pic related for blurriness of print- it's the print, not just the shitty phone photo.

Btw if anyone in the USA wants the skirt in a medium, let me know and once my replacement arrives I'll be willing to let it go cheap (like $30-35?), I have no use for it.

>> No.7625188

they make only make one dress per design.

>> No.7625189
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>> No.7625318

How thin is thin for the fabric? is it like bodyline status? also which skirt is it, the higher waisted one right? I'm kinda interested so...

>> No.7625329

Does Belladonna make good quality dresses? I really want the new Darwin JSK, but I'm unfamiliar with them, and thus kinda worried about the quality...

>> No.7625384


I'm pretty interested. Does the fabric have any give? Is there lacing?

>> No.7625405

>dat uneven neckline trim
>dat 1/2" hem.... or is that even the selvage?
>dat terribly topstitched bow....

nope. DNW.
i like the colors though. It has a long way to go. before I'd call it "indie label" right now it is definitely crafster level.

>> No.7625409

I was involved in the fanime fashion show so I got to see the OP in person. I really loved the seamlines on the bodice, and the fabric was really lovely quality (a heavy cotton/cotton blend?). The bonnet was amazeballs. The blacks are not a super dark true black, and I'm not the hugest fan of the back shirring they did on the OP. Over all it was a wonderfully constructed garment, just a few knitpicky things that are a mater of personal opinion I think.

>> No.7625418

Sweet, thanks anon!

>> No.7625431

no problem.

Oh! I LOVED the trim on the hem. I am a sucker for petersham which is so much nicer and quality than grosgrain. Shows attention to detail in my book.

>> No.7625433

That looks so terribly made it hurts

>> No.7625448

ah, dang. glad their compliant though. they're sending the bows they forgot, too, but it definitely seems like they don't really have their shit together. I'll take a picture of the overdress later. I've honestly never cared about quality that much unless it's complete shit, so I didn't inspect it or anything, but the material and lace is nice, nothing seems wonky or lazy, and it actually looks better under/over stuff than it did in their photos so I'm happy. I was going to get the skirt but opted not to because goddamn that expensive ass shipping.

>> No.7625451

they're* hurrrr

>> No.7625453

Thanks anon. I was wondering that too, especially remember how awful their Atelier Enchateur stuff looked

>> No.7625828

I'm in SoCal, message me! I'll buy it from you.

>> No.7625967

I just got the swan lake ivory skirt which was the collaboration of marchen x haenuli, if anyone wants I'll do a review. I'm really happy with it!

this thread is dying though, maybe next one?

>> No.7626728


>> No.7626783
File: 56 KB, 283x396, bae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone ever seen a review on antique beast's corruption sister OP? I kinda wanna buy it but I'm afraid it'll look kinda weird irl

>> No.7627564

I know that antique beast clothes are all rather short.

>> No.7628470

I have the normal waisted skirt. It's probably around Bodyline tier? I haven't had a non cotton piece from them in a long time but from what I can recall, I'd say it's similar to the polyester that L119 is printed on, which I had years back. Not quite is gross shiny though.

The fabric itself doesn't, but it's got back quarter shirring, no corset lacing. According to their site, medium is 72~90CM waist.

I'm sort of similar, in this case I wasn't expecting anything amazing because it's a new taobao indie brand and there was already a few complaints from the first round that was sent out. I didn't spend enough on it that I feel a refund would do me any more good than just getting a new one because I really do love the design of this print, it's just the execution wasn't very good. But I'm so thirsty for a good, not horribly boring Mucha piece in a colorway I actually like, I just decided to keep it anyway.

And yeah the shipping I was probably more annoyed about since I paid for EMS and got DHL without even any tracking. I wouldn't have even known it was on its way to me if DHL hadn't texted me that it was to be delivered the next day.

Saving your email! I'll message you once my new skirt comes in.

>> No.7629333

Mine was DHL as well, and I don't imagine I would have picked that since I always go with EMS. DHL has a tendency of taxing me and the only pick-up is in the middle of buttfuck nowhere. Luckily I was home when it came.