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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.87 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7596461 No.7596461[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/cgl/, if you received a dress in the mail like this, what would you do?

I'm not sure whether to be disgusted that the post office actually accepted this, or that the sender had the balls to send my dress in a trash bag.

>> No.7596465

I think a better question is how it survived the trip through the mail? But seriously, the sender could have packaged it properly.

>> No.7596473

It wasn't even taped. It was just double knotted closed.

>> No.7596474

The question is why?
To pass it as mail so you don't get any custom fees?
I'm glad it's okay tho

>> No.7596475

L O fucking L

That's so hilarious - I'm sorry anon.
I'm surprised the bag isn't torn to shit or even scuffed. Did you put your own dress into a bag and take a pic in order to propose a hypothetical situation?

In any case, I would take pictures of how it arrived, take pictures as I unpack it, check for any damages. I would also re-estimate the shipping costs the seller charged me, since there's no way in hell they would have the right to tack on even an extra $ toward packaging.

Whether the dress is undamaged or not, I would give a bad review for shipping/packaging, because that's some shit right there.

>> No.7596479
File: 1.79 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it was seriously sent to me this way.

>> No.7596480

Where did they stick the shipping label?

>> No.7596486

See here >>7596479 I flipped the label over to hide the addresses. The bag was double knotted and the label was stuck over that. The bag is extremely thin.

>> No.7596487

That's ridiculous. I see azn all over the label/bag; where did you get this shipped from? Or, if it's an SS, which one?
You don't have to give all the specifics if you're uncomfortable, but it's good to know who to look out for. Plus there is a difference in recourse depending on whether this is sent from an individual or a company.

>> No.7596490

you can send virtually anything in the mail as long as it's got correct postage.
people used to send bare coconuts and flipflops and crap in the mail all the time.

>> No.7596494

theres no difference between these and those grey plastic mailer bags that you usually receive clothes in if you order online if you think about it.

Other than like, you wouldnt be able to see the inside.

>> No.7596500

Oh no there absolutely is. This is very very thin. If you drag your thumb across it with even the slightest of force, the bag tears. The grey ones are at least somewhat thicker, but even paper would have offered more protection than this bag.

>> No.7596505

It was from a personal shopping service.

>> No.7596507

That is not correct.
I think OP is being generous by calling it a garbage bag. To me it looks like a plastic grocery store bag.
If you think that a parcel bag and a grocery bag are of equal toughness, you haven't dealt with either one.

>> No.7596508

Yeah, that's what it looks like to me too. And you even look at those damn things the wrong way and they'll rip.

>> No.7596509

Do they post each flip flip individually and see which gets there first?
I mean, what do you do if you only get a flip or a flop?

>> No.7596515

Name and shame, anon. That's fucked up.

>> No.7596516
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>> No.7596517

now you're just baiting us all to ask who is this SS.

would take this advice, document the unpacking of the....grocery bag...in photos, and then do the math and go back to communicate with the ss.

>> No.7596521

All it took was a little pull to get the bag open.

I'm concerned that if I say who it was, a massive shitstorm will ensue.

>> No.7596523

Contact them about it and tell them that the way they shipped your item to you was not acceptable. You may be able to get some of your shipping costs back if the item is undamaged (if it did get damaged, then maybe more) depending on how concerned they are about their reputation.

If they don't offer you some sort of compensation (like partial refund, free shipping on next order, or even an apology and a promise that they'll improve) give a bad review, because this deserves it.
If they do try to make this right in some way, give a better shipping review and mention what happened and how they fixed it after.

>> No.7596526

Lemme guess, Rosaire?
That's the only name who would cause such a shit storm here, and TP/CT/etc. are good enough SS to not do this shit.

>> No.7596529

Leave negative (or at the very least neutral) feedback. Warn your comm know about who you bought it from and to avoid them. Let the online community know as well.

If you let this slide and don't warn anyone or leave negative/neutral feedback, you won't be the only person burned by that seller.

>> No.7596531

Gurl you can't back out now.
Tell us who it is.

>> No.7596533

...who the fuck ships a dress in a grocery bag, and not expect a shitstorm to ensue? LOL your SS is asking for it. let the storm be shat on her. you're just making the whole seagull congregation awfully curious. we all want to know who to avoid anyway.

but if i were you, i'd take these photos back to the seller, address any flaws/concerns, check for miscalculation in shipping, and then reveal the SS's identity after everything is done. a person who has the level of stupidity to mail out a dress in a grocery bag, will probably flip on you if you reveal her identity, kick up a big fuss and make herself out to be the victim. so if you need to get *anything* back from her - for example, partial refund for shipping? missing accessory? dress is damaged? - talk to your SS, close the deal, and then after that PLEASE, PLEASE COME BACK AND TELL US WHO THE FUCK SHE IS!

>> No.7596535

That is not a way to ship ANYTHING, let alone a lolita dress.
You should name them.
A business should exist by virtue of how well they do business. This is not an example of that. Especially not for a company that's geared toward providing a service to international buyers, where shipping is a huge aspect.
If they care about their reputation, they'll make things right somehow. If they're obstinate about it, then whatever happens to them is their own fault.

>> No.7596544

Oh, but there is another. And said person has been posted a lot recently, hence why she's reluctant to say who. She only posted this thread because I told her to post this crap somewhere after seeing the pictures. It's pretty fucking unacceptable.

>> No.7596548

Lemme guess, Akira ?

>> No.7596555

If it's a person with no history of problems, contact them first. See how it goes. If less than satisfactory, name them.

If it's a person with a history though, just spill it and get it over with.

>> No.7596568

No, it wasn't Rosaire, Tokyo Pirates, or Chibi Tenshi.

The dress was something I had asked to be altered. About a year passed, it never got done. The person in question and I had a falling out, I knew we would never meet, so I asked them to send the dress to me using cash on delivery so they didn't have to pay a dime.

>> No.7596580

All the more reason to just tell us who it is. If they think sending your dress in a trash bag is a cute way of enacting revenge, or "showing you" or some shit, I don't want anything to do with them.

>> No.7596581

I know exactly who both of you are and you both should smoke out together and eat pizza and quit posting on the internet.

>> No.7596584

Ok, then there's no worry about not outing them so that you would get some sort of compensation first, since they wouldn't do that for you regardless.

Just rip of the bandaid, anon!

This really makes it worse, because they let their personal feelings get in the way of business as well. We don't want to stumble onto crazy ourselves, so please do tell.

>> No.7596614

I take it you were the sender or friends with the sender?

>> No.7596632
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>> No.7596644

Fuck this dickbag.
As if his shitty attitude and his asskissers who've been spamming the board weren't enough to make me want to throttle him, I've yet another reason to hate him.

>> No.7596647

Agreed... what a douche.

>> No.7596661


That's why she didn't want to say who. But it doesn't matter who it is, that was a shit way to send a package and something needed to be said.

>> No.7596672

Japan Domestic shipping?

The courier services in that country are notoriously good and fast even AP/Meta sends their stuff in plastic bags, sometimes internationally. It's really quite common if there is no breakable.

>> No.7596681

There is a huge difference between a plastic (brand) bag and a grocery/convenience store bag. It doesn't matter how great a postal system is. That just isn't a good way to ship anything, especially a lolita dress. Unacceptable.

>> No.7596684

I get stuff in thicker postage bags all the time, but I've never gotten anything in a flimsy-ass trashbag. It could easily be ripped, and the contents are very visible, making it a target for theft.

I'd put a dress in a bag like that and then put the bagged dress inside a box or postage bag just to make sure if the packaging gets fucked up the dress stays clean and safe, but never ship it just like that.

>> No.7596699

It also wasn't taped up, just double knotted.

>> No.7596703

I never had anything come to me so poorly wrapped when I was in Japan. At minimum it would be in a tear-resistant grey bag with another bag wrapped around the inside or one of those thick/stiffer plastic bags.
Even if thickness/strength wasn't an issue, like >>7596684 said, the visibility is. There is a reason most shipping materials are opaque.

>> No.7596709

Going by what's been said the past week or so, Akira has it out for her. I guess it was his way of getting revenge by packaging something so horribly it would likely get damaged in transit and he wouldn't be liable.

>> No.7596718

Huh, I've bought stuff from that name before, had no clue it was the same person with the shit storm stirring this past week. I actually just pulled out the old packaging to check since it sounded familiar.

Granted, my package was an AP bag wrapped around the dress and taped and then another wrapped around the outside and taped.

What country was this sent to from Japan? I'm really surprised it made the trip without a tear, I guess the post office and customs aren't always douche bags.

>> No.7596719

I don't think anyone is saying this was shipped to anyone we know though.

>> No.7596723

Well now that we know who it was, why is he out to get it for you OP.

>> No.7596724

That's a domestic label so it was sent from a Japanese address to another. The tracking confirms.

It's a little more than obvious who the recipient is.

>> No.7596730

Oh, come on.

>Domestic shipping = receiver also in Japan
>Recent fall out
>Used to be close to sender enough to request for alteration

I'd bet OP is Rosaire trying to get back at him someway or another.

>> No.7596734

I don't think so at all. With the amount of apparent glee that Lisa takes in shoving screenshots and proof etc. down people's throats, would you really think she'd miss this perfect opportunity to show that someone did something specifically to spite her? And if it was sent to her, how fucking stupid is this guy to do it right now when there's drama? Just more fuel that is actually real.

>> No.7596737

I wouldn't exactly call outing someone for sending a lolita dress in a *garbage bag* "trying to get back at them".

>> No.7596740

...are you implying that this wouldn't be his fault and she somehow set up the pictures? I don't like her either but not attributing any blame on him is ridiculous (if it was sent to her and not someone else living there)

>> No.7596747
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Sorry but Jesus Christ this is funny. I'm glad it got to you in one piece but wtf was the seller thinking???!!

>> No.7596749

Does /cgl/ have a problem with Chibi Tenshi? I've bought from her a few times and never had a problem

>> No.7596751

No, she's just a prominent SS.

>> No.7596760

No, CT is well liked. She was only brought up to say that she and a few other reputable SS wouldn't pull such nonsense.

>> No.7596765

This. It's just outing someone for being as ass about how they sent a package. It shouldn't matter who actually got it.

It's so stupid that I'm sure that no one would think to actually do it themselves. I mean really.

>> No.7596766

Not saying he's not at fault! He at least deserves a negative feedback and everyone should be warned.

I don't really know the details of what happen between them that lead to massive secrets and FB shame. But these are two of a kind and knowing Rosaire, if that is her, she would use that opportunity to drum up the fault of others and try to re-paint herself as the victim of the whole situation, which she is not.

>> No.7596769

TBH I'm willing to bet the sender was hoping the bag would either unknot or rip in order to ruin or stain the dress. They took the time to slap some tape down for the labels - why not tape the bag closed at the same time? Nobody is that lazy, especially since the OP mentioned this was done to get back at her.

>> No.7596771
File: 320 KB, 1077x1602, tracking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt this is fake. Tracking shows it was sent from Saitama and received in Koganei.

>> No.7596777

... considering the fall out, it doesn't really matter who the receiver is, it's pretty clear the dress was sent in such a bag out of pure spite more than out of lack of professionalism.

>> No.7596780

Okay so honest question, since you appear to have some insight as to what happened. What did happen? Who did what to who? Where is the proof of any wrongdoing by anyone? The only wrongdoing I see here is that David has sent a lolita dress in such flimsy packaging it's surprising it didn't get mangled.

>> No.7596781


This so much.

>> No.7596782

Do you have any proof?

>> No.7596785

Did you seriously just respond to a proof picture asking for proof?

>> No.7596786

The proof is right there, in the image. His name, and the tracking is legit too. Seems pretty clear as day that it's him.

>> No.7596787

Hehe one piece

>> No.7596788

Go home Akira

>> No.7596791

As first I thought you ordered a used diaper online, OP.

>> No.7596793

Ok now I can see why people don't like him.

>> No.7596794


>> No.7596801

Don't forget his recent attempts at trying to get his followers to spam all social media where lolitas congregate with anti-Lisa posts. I hope >>7596766 responds with what she did to him to get his nuts in such a vice.

>> No.7596802

Let me guess, Mikarin/Yunni/Sweet like candy?

That scamming bitch still have her SS?

>> No.7596807

She does but the SS was outed here >>7596632

>> No.7596808

I never followed him or anything I just liked his coords, but I totally get why people hate him now

>> No.7596814

All that I've seen was that post about Cosmic. He was a mega dick to her in the comments. And I hadn't seen anything negative from him towards her before that.

>> No.7596819

Wow, this is probably the most interesting thread in months.
I'm glad the package wasn't ruined, OP!

>> No.7596834

Oh missed it.
Wow, what a dick to ship it in such shitty way. I heard this guy was really catty and gossipy but I never saw any proof. This definitely isn't cute.

>> No.7596841

I really wish there was a LJ or tumblr tag to put sellers like this to warn people about their bullshit.

Like, sellers that may not have scammed you or your items are fine, but they do wtf crap like this. Or your dress arrives with tons of animal hair. Or just those little thing that aren't scamming but certainly aren't good seller practices.

>Captcha: ducfickg morals LOL

>> No.7596878

People keep mentioning FB/ secrets drama with Akira, and his whiteknights.
What happened? Are there any links to threads where this was discussed?

>> No.7596879

Look at this past week's BtB, secrets 22-27 are all about him.

>> No.7596882

And he says she posted them, because no one else has an issue with him. Everyone loves him.

>> No.7596885

All deleted/missing from the photo upload site.

>> No.7596894

They're still there.

>> No.7596899

They might be cached for you, I get an error too.

>> No.7596905


That's incredibly disrespectful.

>> No.7596907


I think a FB group where people posted sellers to watch out for etc. would be cool, but I don't have the energy to deal with the shitstorms that would inevitably come from it.

>> No.7596910 [DELETED] 
File: 276 KB, 228x640, F6SjMWt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post them one by one, with related pics too.

>> No.7596913
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Attached for reference in a comment.

>> No.7596915
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>> No.7596916
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For me it's cached, I guess? I still see them.

>> No.7596919
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>> No.7596920

Im guessing this is Akira? any pix oh him brolita with actual face?

>> No.7596921
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26. I guess this one was referencing an earlier thread.

>> No.7596923
File: 70 KB, 523x640, h2HmzLr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one from this week's secrets.
Yup, check out the Kera snap one here: >>7596919

>> No.7596927

Wow he's more passable than some women. Scary. Thank you.

>> No.7596930

I don't understand this one at all.
Is it because of his nose, or what?

>> No.7596932
File: 70 KB, 600x800, BcZI32xIYAAvc9P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More feminine than you.

>> No.7596935
File: 63 KB, 480x640, BQlONwVCYAALDTi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a vendetta I think.
Really? I think he looks like a very obvious man in drag. Anyways, that's it, you can find pics on his tumblr devoncuppycakes or look at his twitter from there.

>> No.7596940

Only when he's shooped or purikura'd. Maybe from a distance.
You can see some of the less-altered photos posted below, and his face is a clear giveaway.

>> No.7596941

That anon actually complimented him and you reply back to insult her? Classy.

>> No.7596943

He reminds me of a creepy conversation partner I had once. He definitely looks like a man here.

>> No.7596944

It was sarcasm, dear,

>> No.7596945

Those wig bangs are such a no. They really need to be curled under a tiny bit.

I'm pretty sure they were being sarcastic about it. The picture shows that he isn't actually.

>> No.7596946

hahahah no face is one of 3 things I have that he doesn't

If I was Cadney I would be worried

>> No.7596947

m_miu sent my AP biscuit bag in a trashbag as well, maybe a year ago? No other padding, just stuck the label on the plastic bit. It came to me with a really bad dent in the center so I've never used her again.

>> No.7596950

Maybe azns look too alike to me but I thought he was just another ugly flat azn girl when I first saw the Kera snap secret

>> No.7596952

Please don't tell me people only hate him because he can fit and afford a dress they can't. Please tell me that's not it.

>> No.7596954

No, it's because he is a dick about it.

>> No.7596955

Hmm. Yeah, I can see him being mistaken as an ugly girl. Maybe it's because I've seen him in the past (dressed like a man), before he was into lolita, posting on my friend's statuses when he was still in cosplay.

>> No.7596957

People hate him because he's an asshole, there really isn't much else of a reason besides that. He defriends people at the drop of the head who call him out on it.

>> No.7596958


>> No.7596961


Link to his FB anyone?

>> No.7596962

hat* sorry, brainfart.

>> No.7596963 [DELETED] 

People don't like him because he has a shitty attitude. I don't care who you are; if you think acting like this is appropriate in any situation, you're a fucking asshole without any sense of manners/propriety. He also doesn't seem to understand that a little arrogance goes a long fucking way. Saying that Rosaire is just complaining because she's a fatty easily alienates others who've felt upset about the newer, shorter AP releases.
Also, anyone who sicks their friends/followers on other people loses any and all respect I might have had for them.
I don't like him or Rosaire. They both seem like angry/shitty people.

>> No.7596965 [DELETED] 
File: 138 KB, 494x1352, QsA5L6s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Context is missing. This is the post that spawned Akira's post. If you question AP, you get the boot.

>> No.7596967

Agreed anon
I'm so sick of them both and their childish drama being splashed about everywhere.
He's the kind of person I would imagine Ifwinterends gluing herself to

>> No.7596970

She isn't kawaii enough to hang out with him.

>> No.7596973

This is the board where people get mad because fatties stretch their brand and laugh when people complain about the small sizes. Now the size and length bothers you, though, it's different right?

Seriously, maybe he's been an asshole in several other occasions, I don't know. But since the secrets seem to be focusing on this specific interaction, I'll just say you are all being super hypocritical.

>> No.7596977
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>using that tag for this

>> No.7596979

And this makes it okay for him to ship a brand dress in a trash bag? That's what this thread is supposed to be about.

>> No.7596981

This is bullshit tbh.

>> No.7596982

Wait someone has pictures of her now?
Fuck I miss all the good stuff

>> No.7596983
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1. I never implied that people on here aren't huge assholes.
2. It's a bit different to post anonymously on an image board than it is to go on a rampage on Facebook.
3. Also, the point is that everyone has been taking note of AP's shorter lengths, Asian lolitas included.
4. I don't even care about the secrets. I was friends with him on Facebook but had to delete him after seeing this kind of thing constantly. I don't surround myself with shitty, negative people.
5. The fact that he mailed someone a dress in a flimsy plastic bag is reason enough to dislike him as a potential seller/ss.
6. He really just rubs me the wrong way. The way he brags about his accomplishments/brand and shits on other people reminds me of the shitty Chinese dude from Courage the Cowardly Dog.

>> No.7596985

Pretty sure this was a troll secret.

>> No.7596988
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They'd both benefit from nose jobs, they could bond over that and become bffs.

>> No.7596989

I hate how all these idiots who are in Japan for a certain amount of time are trying to start a SS. Haven't we learned anything from Yunni? Not just anyone can do it.

>> No.7596994

Why are the ugliest people always the biggest assholes?
Both look like men except one actually has a dick.

>> No.7596996

>About a year passed, it never got done.
>About a year
>a year
Wasn't he going to start selling dresses? If it takes him a year to do an alteration and he never bothers at all, I wouldn't ever want to commission him for -anything-.

>> No.7596997

I hope you're right, anon.

>> No.7597001

No kidding her unfortunate face somehow suits her shitty ugly attitude though

>> No.7597009

I think it's an okay idea for someone who's there for a year or two to do a part time SS, but in my opinion, a person should have a lot of (very) good feedback and at least not be hated within the community (i.e. not an ifwinterends).
I would never trust some noob with no feedback and few connections to the community or a seasoned lolita with bad feedback to handle my money

>> No.7597017

I've never seen people in here laughing about the small sizes but the other way around, actually.
If anything they complain about how brand isn't forgiving, e.g. MM's dresses.

Besides, the way he went about that fb post was trashy and arrogant. This fashion isn't even for his gender to begin with, and mailing a dress in a bag is not professional. You should know how to keep your personal problems away from your business.

>> No.7597038

Whoa whoa whoa whoa
You are expecting a little boy in a dress to act like an adult

>> No.7597069

Looks kinda like Lisa Lampanelli tbh

>> No.7597084

Guys, can we just-
see the fucking dress already?
I mean, OP's dress, out of the bag.
I want to see it.

>> No.7597092

what bout a tumblr where someone just mods? It could be great

>> No.7597101

What would be the point of seeing the dress? Unless there are damages.

>> No.7597108

To see if the dress is damaged or marvel at how it survived intact. Or hell, just to see the actual dress.

>> No.7597117

I'm pretty sure that she would have mentioned if there were damages already, so it must be fine. How... I don't know.

>> No.7597131
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>> No.7597182
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I'm dying of laughter, anon, nice one...

>> No.7597198

I mentioned this to my mom and she said the trash bag was actually the best because it's "sturdy" and won't get ripped through.
thanks for the laff OP

>> No.7597199

Lisa's trying to sell this dress right now so it's pretty obvious that it's her

>> No.7597202

Dropped link: http://laughingcrow.storenvy.com/products/7571834-btssb-original-ice-cream-print-jsk

>> No.7597204

>dress isn't damaged
>leaving negative feedback because 'WHAT IF'
>but the dress isn't damaged
I don't understand seagull logic sometimes, not that I'd bad someone's clothes myself. I'd get behind OP if the dress was damaged, the bag was damaged, or it smelled or something.

>> No.7597211

As mentioned upthread, who cares who the recipient was. It was sent in shoddy packaging, obviously out of spite, because someone who owns that much brand surely has a spare brand bag or two laying around? Does the identity of the recipient change the circumstances so they now deserve to have their belongings sent to them in a thin grocery store bag?

>> No.7597219

It doesn't matter if it wasn't damaged; sending someone a dress in a flimsy, see through bag is bad practice and deserves a bad review.

>> No.7597224

Are you legit watching someone's sales for the luls?

>> No.7597227

Wouldn't you be more pissed off if the dress was damaged? I'd say it matters.
Make note of it or whatever, but really, all I want is the name so I won't have to buy from this person and deal with potential issues.

>> No.7597232

Read the damned thread. It was posted already. >>7596632

>> No.7597236

They both matter, but if it arrived damaged then the buyer would assume it was damaged because of shoddy packaging.

>> No.7597241

Someone shipped an EXPENSIVE dress in a fucking BAG
in what magical planet is this acceptable?

>> No.7597244

Because of who the person that received it was, obviously.

>> No.7597253

underage and b&
go back to 9fag

>> No.7597259

>not living at home
enjoy paying rent, nerd

>> No.7597261

I did. I was js.
It didn't, luckily for the seller.
The planet where the dress is fine, oh wait, that's this one. Also calm down.

>> No.7597264

>luckily for the seller
Yeah, lucky. Just because it didn't happen with this package, doesn't mean it can't or won't. If they didn't have the proper packing materials, then don't mail it out. At least have some decency.

>> No.7597267

So is this person a know "i-ship-it-in-a-bag" seller, or is this the first time anyone felt slighted enough to make a thread on cgl about it?

>> No.7597269

The "seller" is by no means lucky. The dress may have arrived fine judging by photos, but that doesn't absolve him from blame. The fact that he shipped it in a transparent, incredibly thin bag is unprofessional and doesn't reflect well upon him, even moreso seeing as this was done amidst drama between the two. Bad form.

>> No.7597278

Nah, this person is a known "you-made-me-angry-so-now-I'll-do-spiteful-shit" seller. First time I've heard anything about shipping in grocery bags, not the first time I've heard about petty, childish tantrums.

>> No.7597286

Ohhh. I see. Noted.

>> No.7597287

Deets? If there is more than one incident involving Akira doing this to buyers then you should let others know...

>> No.7597706

This thread has been so entertaining. Who would win in a fight between them both?

>> No.7597726

>not having your own job or a college degree
enjoy working at mcdonald's, fag

>> No.7597744

>petite Asian vs. hamplanet Amurrican
Come on, anon.

>> No.7597757

>tfw the JSK is just above knee-length on me

>> No.7597758

the asian is spry, the hamplanet is slow. It actually would be a pretty good show. One false step from the Japanese fairy and he'll be crushed by fists of lard, but if he can keep up the foot work, he'll eventually wear her down!

>> No.7597780

Ain't no Milky Planet, they'd cut a bitch for shipping a lolita dress in a trash bag.

>> No.7597789

Fuck it, I'm making a tumblr to warn about shit like this. Any ideas for names? I'm thinking lolita-warnings or something with tags like #bad lolita sellers / #bad lolita buyers