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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 21 KB, 211x550, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7588819 No.7588819[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ita thread/terrible jfashion

>> No.7588883
File: 103 KB, 717x960, 10394803_1428949974039768_1804079295827511031_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this trainwreck
>"please no haters"
ok, you know it sucks... why you wearing it?

>> No.7588891

The problem is not wearing it, the problem is posting it on the internet for everyone to see someting you know is a trainwreck.

>> No.7588910


>> No.7588934

oh god someone should post the rest of the girl in OPs outfits. She's terrible.

>> No.7590122
File: 547 KB, 806x571, princess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon delivers

>> No.7590160
File: 157 KB, 582x1280, tumblr_n5dvdiNADl1qmqglbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Natural kei means no bra, right? I’m thinking yes."


>> No.7590174

did she do that to her eyes or is she really that haggard?

>> No.7590186

I'm so confused by this photo. Is she actually a midget or has she just fucked up her proportions with clothing?

>> No.7590206
File: 480 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n6ekza3Gdh1qbvfyco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really dislike how people misuse the word "hater". If someone is rude to you because they're jealous or has some vendetta against you, they're a hater. If a person comments, "This coord is shit" (because it is) they are not a hater. They are just a normal, functioning, human being.

From the creepycute tag. It's hilarious how 90% of the people in that tag consider themselves to be *~*~so different and speshul~*~* meanwhile they're just walking copies of pastelbat/irodohieru.

>> No.7590219
File: 320 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n67ieeEALH1qmqglbo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs to get some sleep.

>> No.7590223

why do people do this black eye makeup i don't understand. do people think it's cool and ~edgy~ to look like someone hit them in the face multiple times?

ug and she's look pretty cute without it.

>> No.7590372

It really tells you something about person when they think criticism = hate. Because let's not pretend this girl is only complaining about completely uncalled for malicious comments, she's talking about the people who would have told her to take off that fucking hat. So much hate!!!1

>> No.7590903
File: 81 KB, 600x400, artsylaurie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7590906


I'm not sure she did. It's so evenly across both eyes, she might just be incredibly tired...

>> No.7590908

Actual insomnia perhaps?

>> No.7590914

the only time I did it was for a cosplay of a character that had similar eye circles.
people got confused and thought I was just really tired or didn't have makeup on.
so.. success?

>> No.7590930

>dat waist tie

>> No.7591311

how can the commenter compare her to lilpri?

>> No.7591378

That is definitely makeup, to at least enhance her eyebags.
As someone who always looks like they have two black eyes from the lack of sleep, this is not natural. It stretches past even her eyebrows.

>> No.7591528
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>> No.7591608
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>> No.7591664

Grandma get out of my closet.

>> No.7591881
File: 15 KB, 221x405, tumblr_static_dk7oqjphbxcko840g40wccw84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to see this youtube and the tumblr. She recommends buying bodyline school uniforms so you can use the top as a jacket (pic related.)



>> No.7591888

Doesn't look too bad, IMO. Doesn't go with lolita, but... maybe with other styles.

>> No.7591889
File: 76 KB, 192x183, margeee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She recommends buying bodyline school uniforms so you can use the top as a jacket

>> No.7591895
File: 659 KB, 960x1444, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that power ranger lolita? She actually had the balls to wear this to a meet.

>> No.7591900
File: 220 KB, 1000x1000, 1374445659672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7591903
File: 84 KB, 512x512, vk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Visual Kei"

I think the thing that bothers me the most is that completely fucking fried mop of unstyled hair...

>> No.7591907

Is this that chick who's all "Come to me if you have any questions about lolita fashion! ^ _ ^" but can't even dress herself? And didn't she get married in a really shitty ita coord?

>> No.7591912

Disgusting, oh my god. Vomit.

>> No.7591929

When did Penn Jillete get into lolita?

>> No.7591930

Is that the woman that keeps trying to hit on Yoshiki through twitter?

>> No.7591936

Yeah, but I'm pretty sure he's a guy.

>> No.7591954

In the most obnoxious and disgusting ways, yes.

FTM, actually. Supposedly even on T.

>> No.7591977

omg i know dis girl

>> No.7591988

I cringed so hard at that awful "hello darlings!!!" bullshit and the ~demisexual~ tumblr bs and dat pronounciation of "deviant"
>"keep being lovely darlings!!!!!"

>> No.7591993
File: 96 KB, 675x900, wed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Here's her wedding. I love her friend on the right taking this shit like a champ but you can totally tell she wants to go the fuck home.

>> No.7592000
File: 35 KB, 323x643, fairykey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this uncoordinated monstrosity offering advice

>> No.7592007


>plus sizer

Shoot me now.

>> No.7592017

Is that Asherbee?

>> No.7592023

Are those canvas wedge pumps?

>> No.7592030

smfh i saw this on the mori tag and wanted to vomit

>> No.7592035

Eh. I don't hate it.

>> No.7592064

If a girl wore this to a meetup I was attending I would actually start crying. I would just fucking leave! Doesn't she understand that she's embarrassing the other lolitas?

>> No.7592346
File: 191 KB, 500x750, goodgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks awful but if that's actually how your mind works that's really pathetic.

>> No.7592353

I'd be really embarrassed too and look for any excuse to leave early.

>> No.7592381

Oh god she spent about 40 seconds telling people to get off her channel. I am interested with the Btssb story though it's probably some ita sob story

>> No.7592408

Holy Rococo Frilly Lawd is that the momma of Weenus?

>> No.7592416

I love how it's all tumblrfaggotry bs. Nobody cares about your *~demisexuality~*

>> No.7592419

Frankly I'm pretty impressed this one's still capable of standing upright, let alone (presumably?) dressing herself.

>> No.7592462
File: 60 KB, 529x397, gurl no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7592464
File: 385 KB, 757x577, thisfkngcomm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7592483

The coord itself wouldn't even be that bad, the girl ruins it-

>> No.7592500

I'm kinda fascinated by big people, I guess it's because it's more interesting to draw. Where do you get he pics, tumblr ?

On the same topic what is the blog of that super fat yet cute lolita girl ? I always lose it. She's kinda crafty and has pastel hairs.

>> No.7592508

Right? I still have my tumblr but I get so bored of all that bullcrap.

>> No.7592511

I hate her hair so much. It really doesn't look brushed. Does she even bother doing anything with it? I couldn't leave my house with my hair like that.

>> No.7592531

you know, i try not to judge obese girls too hard because im not exactly prime weight myself, but jesus christ girl, get some shapewear or something.

>> No.7592534

girl in >>7592346 is http://isolated-poptart.tumblr.com/

i dont think shapewear will help..

>> No.7592541

At that size, shapewear does nothing for you. She posted here at one point saying that she was going to lose weight, and I pray for her.

>> No.7592542

Better shoes, some well-placed accessories and a cute cutsew (one of the ones with the frilly bottoms that you shouldn't tuck in) and maybe a few accessories and I'd be all over this. As it is now, though...

>> No.7592548

I too would find an excuse to leave. This girl clearly thinks lolita is a costume, not a fashion.

>> No.7592549

oh god oh god oh god

either this is the dude that hangs around the 'bohemian' area of my town or he has a twin

>> No.7592560


Well I hope she's determined to lose the weight because at this point this is not going to be an easy journey. I hope she'll focus on the healthy part and not wildly cut her calories intake.

>> No.7592568

Maybe like, fairy-kei or something.
It's not a bad idea, just a bad spokeswoman for it.

>> No.7592569

When people tell her to get a wig, she goes all *~special snowflake~* and says she has a condition that a wig would aggravate, and also she can't do anything else with her hair...or use hair accessories.

>> No.7592571

Well she supposedly has bulimia, she just doesn't.. throw up..

>> No.7592574

Please tell me this was ageplay and not lolita. She makes such an adorable little.

>> No.7592578

I thought it was a shoddy attempt at fairy kei or something, seeing as this thread is for bad j-fash and not just lolita.

>> No.7592579

I think you might mean Cupcakesclothes?

>art mapplica

>> No.7592580

Any particular lulzworthy quotes or links?

>> No.7592588

That's unfortunate. My friend has a hair type similar to hers and she started using shampoos and conditioners for curly/wavy hair and blowdrying her hair with a diffuser. (She also used a heat protector that doubled as a smoothing serum.) That's it. She doesn't even dry her hair the whole way and it looks way way better. Her waves are defined and there's no frizz. She could at least try that. Though she may have to straighten her bangs.

I see a lot of potential in her, to be honest.

>> No.7592589

Ah, that makes more sense. I think. I'm not too familiar with fairy lie other than it features lots of pastels and I think tutus/crinolines without skirts over them?

>> No.7592605
File: 103 KB, 960x639, kawaiiofficial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dammit Rabbit, she was actually on TV promoting "lolita fashion"

>> No.7592607

oh that's some little house on the prairie shit right there

>> No.7592609

She might throw up, but you retain something like 30% of the calories even if you throw up, or she could take laxatives, in which case you basically retain all of them. If she has a 10,000 calorie binge, and retains 7,000 then she has gained approximately two pounds in one sitting. If she does this regularly, it really adds up.

>> No.7592611

I'm always fascinated by how massive Rabbit is whenever I see her in photos with people other than her pedo husband. Like she's fat, yeah, but she's so tall and broad. Must be so awkward, but since she's so big and she runs often like she says she does, I shudder to think of her food/calorie intake.

>> No.7592627
File: 105 KB, 720x960, 10334297_612790748828640_6310376991668347582_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See-through bras and strained buttons are not kawaii. At least she's open to help? First thing firsts, get something that fits, ffs.

>> No.7592628
File: 16 KB, 511x511, 10426668_10204333482283534_8290386133604304322_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This isn't lolita.

And this was posted in CoF, so this is more than fair game.

>> No.7592629

Oh, those poor buttons.

>> No.7592639

She has a binge eating disorder I think. Not bulimia

>> No.7592661

I could've sworn she mentioned something about being bulimic but not throwing up, though I can't find the post.
Both, apparently.

>> No.7592673

Ok, she wore it to Anime Day in jax, so it wasnt too bad. But yeah. She wore it. And sat with us lolitas. And she wore a miku wig to one of our meet ups with normal fag clothes.

>> No.7592831

Have any pics of the power ranger one? Thought it was horrible when I first saw it here. Made it worse when I signed into facebook and saw it was my comm. Makes me debate going to a meetup

>> No.7592854
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>> No.7592877
File: 1.12 MB, 640x960, IMG_3825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She didn't wear it tho. Basically everyone was like eeeeyaaaahhhhh, it's not really lolita.

>> No.7592898
File: 511 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n5uptkwz4h1rpx7l7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7592910

i showed this picture to my bf and he was like
>what are they doing?
getting married
>well that's cool they're doing what they want for their wedding
so if we get married you'd be totally cool with me wearing that?
>uh well lol heh ummmm we would both have to agree right?

i think its so funny when people have this mentality but if someone they knew was going to wear this shit, god forbid

>> No.7592911

what the fuck is that

>> No.7592929

I'm intrigued and horrified at the same. May go to meet ups just to see what she comes up with. Why would you even think this looks good?

>> No.7592943

Sailor Jupiter?

>> No.7592962

Wait, did she really say that? On like CoF or something?

Everyone told her to lose the top hat. Why won't she get rid of the top hat? Also, is she wearing two skirts?

>> No.7593071
File: 432 KB, 1280x720, Fantano 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my ex girlfriend had this exact "milky chan" bodyline dress
I know fuck all about J-Fashion. What makes this especially bad? Sorry if I sound like an idiot, my wardrobe is plain as fuck I'm not at all clued up on the conventions of lolita and so on.
Also, is this a man?

>> No.7593074

Omg, her legs have stomachs of their own. I absolutely love her hair though

>> No.7593077

it's not the dress, it's the fuck ugly pink stockings, white shoes en white hat. Absolutely nothing about this is decently coordinated/the same style/lolita

>> No.7593080

>has really nice camera next to her
>using phone for picture


>> No.7593082
File: 66 KB, 720x960, IMG_298253471097854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7593084
File: 90 KB, 717x960, IMG_245621951852448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her hair is fucking disgusting

>> No.7593087

If she's bulimic but doesn't vomit, she abuses laxatives and will end up needing a colostomy bag if she doesn't stop.

>> No.7593088

From Segal's Medical Dictionary of Memetic Diseases:
Snowflakitis, subtype ita, can be a debilitating disease, encompassing addition of stupid accessories and complete lack of quality-based judgements. Some sufferers may experience uninhibited rationalization, social disability, and a marked lack of restraint. The first symptom of snowflakitis occurs simultaneously in the follicles, inner ear, and the medulla (all partially responsible for coordination), when a plain (usually) brunette coords poorly, without accounting for her horrendous, thin, or frizzy hair. In severe cases, Mikueque, twintail-like growths will sprout on top, but fail to mask the ita inside. Patients exhibit makeup rejection, especially around the eyes, necessitating the production of Phan bodies, dual-colored growths located approximately 4-23mm away from the actual eye socket. As the disease advances, 78.3% of patients have short paranoid episodes, accusing mentors and comm leaders of "brandwhoring"(see appendix n06). These severe symptoms can further socially isolate the patient, though other sufferers remain unaffected. Due to the delicacy of affected patients, many attempts at therapeutic treatment may backfire, at worst resulting in physical injuries, death, and even ruined brand.

>> No.7593105

>done button on that image

yes please

>> No.7593111
File: 28 KB, 356x450, Jazz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyy nice dubs
Ta for clearing that up, I knew it looked hideous but I wasn't sure why. Is most "bad lolita" just poorly-coordinated, or are there brands that are looked own upon? I hear the phrase "bodyline" tossed back and forth a lot.

>> No.7593113

bodyline is one of the cheapest and the most looked down upon, yes

>> No.7593119

i swear
>dont give me hate for it

we dont give a shit and wouldnt have know about it if you hadnt said shit. like what the fuck does this have to do with lolita?

>> No.7593127

i think this is cute but not as lolita. I can imagine her riding around town with her hippie circus troupe or something.

>> No.7593138

jesus christ, the best dressed is that bodyline clocks dress.

>> No.7593150

oh my god

has she even cracked open a GLB? has she even glanced at a single -brand- website? has she SEEN anyone else rocking an ICP luchador satin disaster?

i literally can't figure out her thought process for this.

>> No.7593181

I sort of respect fatties who manages to dress well despite being landwhales. It takes skills to look semi elegant when your body has no proper shape. Meanwhile skinny girls such as >>7592854 can afford to wear whatever without looking like shit.

>> No.7593222

Oh she's so cute! I like her style a lot. It's really refreshing when there's so many homely big people out there, to see someone of her size care about the way they look. She seems to carry herself very confidently also.

>> No.7593446

Gosh, her face is unfortunate.

>> No.7593510

This has to be a guy.

>that wall color
>mater sticker
>cars curtains

>> No.7593518

what's worse, that's a guy, or the picture was taken in their brother's room

>> No.7593536

I feel sorry for this comm they seem to have no idea how ita they are and who they are hanging out with. I bet $50 that rabbit has been 4channing/BTB them. They must have no idea she's one of the most hated cyber bully in lolita recent history, there is a huge REASON why she is banned from nearly every single comm in the UK. HOWEVER I wonder if this new group has melted rabbit's heart and she is now reborn as a kind grandma loli?

>> No.7593627

When has rabbit been mean? She's a poorly dressed moron but I don't think I've seen her cyberbully.

>> No.7593632

That dress is not made by bodyline haha... It might be a replica of an Angelic Pretty print.

>> No.7593647

I hope this wasn't tagged as lolita. It otherwise looks kinda weird with her tattoos, but is still cute.

>> No.7593657
File: 130 KB, 508x600, DSC_0015_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a shop called Yurei. I'm pissed because it's upcycled and they have taken what looks to be a really interesting and pretty 50's ballgown and turned it into a pile of barf.
Weird thing is they do really nice dresses then produce something like this?

>> No.7593670

>it's upcycled and they have taken what looks to be a really interesting and pretty 50's ballgown
I'm surprised you can see anything other than shit in that.
The top part looks like purple gift box tissue.

>> No.7593679

That looks like some pretty shitty satin.

>> No.7593681

i want a dress that says "my pussy tastes like pepsi cola"
just not that one

>> No.7593694

>Lana Del Rey fans
Above all tumblr kids, above all flavor of the month fandoms, above ever lolcow that ever existed, nothing annoys me more than them.

>> No.7593695

They had more photos on the site plus they wrote a long description on how exactly how they trashed the dress. The longer I look at it the more enraged I become, they are charging $350 for it and the hems they took up are so shit they tried to cover it up with that weird trim but the trim isn't even on straight.

>> No.7593696


I want to say that she singlehandedly pushed off the nymphet trend. And for that, I don't think I could ever listen to her music again.

>> No.7593713

I don't know too much about her fans. What's wrong with them?

>> No.7593727

Like >>7593696 said, she pushed off the nymphet trend. And while she herself is actually very nice and her shows are ok, her fans are the worst type of pre-teen wannabe-rebel pedobait.I hope you never get to experience this in person (I did because she was performing in a music festival right before the band I came to see), but being around them is seriously horrifying. I'd get embarrassed to simply type the things I've heard that evening.

>> No.7593774
File: 59 KB, 960x703, wearefucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my comm does panels.

>> No.7593782

Oh, wow. Do you need a hug?

>> No.7593799
File: 87 KB, 704x960, 1477383_717418381615615_314666529_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Just unfortunate.

>> No.7593815
File: 353 KB, 1247x567, secretspost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"He" is a she, dude. You can't see the tits?

There's this that someone just posted to VK Secrets

>> No.7593825
File: 135 KB, 960x640, DCIM179500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta love getting things off my cousin's Facebook.

>> No.7593841

This actually isn't terrible. Basic as fuck, but not terrible.

>> No.7593846

They just look young and inexperienced. Only the skirt of the girl with purple hair is seriously bad.

>> No.7593874

I can just imagine her heavy wheezing after struggling any one part of her outfit on. Can she even reach her feet? Can she even SEE them? Christ.

>> No.7593884

...Does anyone know where I can find those shorts? If altered a little, they'd be perfect for a costume im working on.

>> No.7593890

Even I am plus sized and would never say that.
First sentence is a shocking contradiction. how can you be polysexual and a lesbian?

and I'm guessing she's suggesting it as a jacket because she can't close it over her body and didn't want to waist her money.

>> No.7593899

The post itself is a link to Rakuten. Of course after this pic got posted all that shit was baleeted, along with countless other creepy bullshit s/he can't seem to stop posting.

>> No.7593900




>> No.7593909

protip: most lolita's partners I have ever seen are weird pedo/pedo potential/former pedo victims, you know that weird weedy malnourished dead eyed nerd pimples but too old for pimples? Yeah.

>> No.7593921

Give me tips, I'll talk to my cousin and suggest some things to her.

>> No.7593929

accessories. they literally have none.

>> No.7593938


>> No.7593947

You know, that's would actually help them.

>> No.7593952
File: 34 KB, 360x240, back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fix your fucking posture

>> No.7593972

I couldn't even read all those samples without having to look away and recoop erase from the sheer creepiness factor. Holy fucking shit. How does anyone think this is okay? How does Yoshiki possibly justify permitting that fucker to do that to his page?

>> No.7593981
File: 98 KB, 460x807, LAjIQN6fceI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7594050

Judging from the legs, it's a guy.

>> No.7594062

Is it a pencil skirt/miniskirt? I know there are shitty "fandom lolita outfits" but that's not even a lolita silhouette, does she not realize...?

>> No.7594066

Ahh lol to be fair "someone they knew" and "someone they would be standing next to at their own wedding" is a little different. I'm sure if you guys had some super ita mutual friend your bf would be happy for her disaster wedding coord even if he wouldn't want YOU wearing one...

>> No.7594070

This, this, this. Like I can coord ok but if I were fuckhuge instead of skinnyish I probably couldn't coord/style my way into still looking elegant and presentable the way she and a select few other girls can

>> No.7594075

neither, it's a goofy downward angle. Look at her feet.

>> No.7594082
File: 181 KB, 299x500, tumblr_n6hfjsNary1ql5kkyo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"cute Lolita-style inspired outfit — theme: coke-a-cola
My mom and I have always gotten terrible headaches. Whenever I did, she’d tell me to eat saltines, drink a Coke-a-cola, and take Advil. I no longer know if this actually helps or I’ve become immune and I’m coasting on placebo effects, but a bottle of Coke has a place in my heart that no other can replace.

#my fashion#casual lolita#lolita#coke-a-cola#fashion#cute#i need to take better pictures darnit but I don't have a big 'nuff mirrorrrrr "

Ugh nobody gives a shit about your brand loyalty to acidic sewage and it's not an excuse to put together a shitty outfit like this and call it "lolita".

>> No.7594084

How is she so gay for Coca-Cola but can't even fucking spell it?

>> No.7594085

it's always weird how itas and weebs make really bizarre excuses for why they're dressed so poorly.

>> No.7594094
File: 17 KB, 201x251, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7594127

>~lolita outfit theme~
>words on t-shirt
There's no hope for this one.

>> No.7594141

Is that Eva?

>> No.7594146

Man she'd be really cute if she just dressed better, she doesn't have a bad figure or face at all.

>> No.7594160

I work with kids with disabilities and I have a feeling this person has down syndrome to a degree. Would explain the room.

>> No.7594178

Why does her skirt look so enormouse? It's very strange. Is she extremely short? Is the skirt very long?

>> No.7594236


>> No.7594247

What is that skirt? It's really gorgeous.
Shame about the rest of the outfit...

Also, is she wearing leggings with sandals or something?? It's so distracting how her toes just stick out bare even though the rest of the leg is covered.

>> No.7594251

>...Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy...
>Spotted a landwhale, no escape from reality.
>Open your eyes, look to the horizon and seeeee
"Man the harpoons, it's breaching portside!"
>He's just an ita toy, fishing for sympathy

>> No.7594252

I think it's their kids room, if you look behind them in that photo you can see a confused looking child. So the room either belongs to their child or sibling. Still might have downs because they have clearly made very questionable choices.

>> No.7594253

AatP Elizabeth Bride of the Death
It hurts to see my dream print worn so shoddily.

>> No.7594262

She says demisexual not polysexual. But still, beginning a wideo with that is just cringeworthy to me.

>> No.7594263

how even....

>> No.7594265

Nope, those are bloomers.
What annoys me the most is the ill-fitting corset part and the hem of the shirt hanging awkwardly out from under it.

>> No.7594327

Well, bodyline's overal quality is worse, but when it's decently coordinated it can look really good. To me their original prints are the worst. I have one solid op though and a skirt with some fabric that better brands used too. But the carousel/bears/ice-cream print all look terrible and cheap to me. Another thing is their lace quality and shiny/more synthetic fabrics. I also have 2 pairs of shoes from bodyline and both buckles broke after wearing them for half a day.

>> No.7594332

holy fuck, 350? I wouldn't want it if it was free...

>> No.7594336

Didn't this girl come into the last ita thread she was posted to and blow a gasket?

>> No.7594339

you're too kawaii for V's

>> No.7594418
File: 585 KB, 911x730, Pavel-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being kavaii vas inwented in Russia.

>> No.7594422

Shes 17 I think? but she certainly doesn't have downs, shes perfectly normal in person again, just...unfortunate.

>> No.7594428

this girl has an advice blog and a "kawaii lifestyle" vlog which is hilarious considering her fashion sense.

>> No.7594436

is this a trans woman? most of them are hideous (compared to actual just cross dressers which is strange actually)

>> No.7594438

He's trans, he's on T and everything... why he doesn't bind is beyond me.

>> No.7594458
File: 58 KB, 478x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some more of her and god is it terrifying. I joined the fb page and saw her on there and was too terrified to go to a meet.

>> No.7594460
File: 114 KB, 540x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaaand one more. When we told her this kind of stuff wasn't lolita she freaked out and played the "no hate" card.

>> No.7594461

I know they are tons of fetishists who are into MtoF (as long as they retain their penis).
But who exactly wants to fuck a FtM ?

>> No.7594468
File: 144 KB, 399x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that frumpy face brings me to tears god bless

>> No.7594472

Amish style lolita.

>> No.7594475

>Ok, she wore it to Anime Day in jax

I feel better for not going now.

>> No.7594477

She's buddy buddy with a lot of the long term 10-15 year hardcore Asian X fans, and for some reason has a fuckton of followers. It's free PR for both X and his solo stuff. Plus I think since he follows so many people he might not see all of it.

And to think, there are so many more. I only follow her for the sheer hilarity of it. She also stalks his new studio, which is next door to a hotel and across the street from a Starbucks- she hung out there all day one day constantly tweeting him and asking him to come outside and have coffee with her.

>> No.7594479


Are you telling me this girl is in my city.

wat I thought I was the lone seagull here

>> No.7594485
File: 321 KB, 1071x564, YoshikiMoscowArgument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She even implied he would go down in history as a Nazi sympathizer unless he cancelled his Russia shows because Russia hates LGBT(QI).


She can't seem to differentiate between her love of yaoi (and bara) and her obsession with Yoshiki, so I think that is a part of it. She's one of those fans who thinks since Yoshiki said he loved hide and he never has any girlfriends publicly, he MUST be totes gay and waiting for a kawaii blonde transboy.

>btw, she's 30 and still doing this shit. I thought she was just a really unfortunate looking 20 year old.

>> No.7594493

She's a girl

>> No.7594495

I have seen one Lolita by herself years ago during World of Nations other than that have seen 0. I thought I would be a lonely lolita then saw that abomination now I almost want to stay one

>> No.7594500

Who is Yoshiki anyway ?
Some Asian bishounen, I guess. Maybe a VA ?

>> No.7594501


>> No.7594502

If you call blowing a gasket telling people she had an eating disorder and mental health problems that she's trying to overcome then yes, yes she did.

>> No.7594516
File: 68 KB, 640x705, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noo, he's almost 50.

He's the godfather of Jrock and inventor of Visual Kei.

>> No.7594518

You poor, naive motherfucker.

Just look at any given gtfo she comments on or any thread she's in.

>> No.7594524

>acidic sewage

Get over yourself. I know /cgl/ hates fat people and therefore anything that can make you fat if you have too much of it, but soda isn't "sewage," that's just an absurd thing to say. Your alarmist health BS is obnoxious and isn't actually helping anyone.

Have a soda every once in a while. It won't kill you or make you instantly obese. I promise.

>> No.7594525

Aww, that stance.
I like to call it the "Nobody's taking a photo of me but I want to feel included" stance. People do this when they're not used to actually being properly framed in photos. Poor girl.

>> No.7594608


>> No.7594632

I'm worried that comm has really fucked up my comm's reputation. Not that we particularly had a good or bad one, but now the ita comm is giving our area a bad name.

>> No.7594636
File: 505 KB, 499x750, tumblr_n6jxu4bXzT1qjbv70o2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7594645

Who is this girl? I see her in ita threads all the time, once even with a comm.

>> No.7594653

She is someone who really could benefit from plastic surgery.

>> No.7594666


I think this is her livejournal


>> No.7594674


I personally dislike soda because it causes me horrible cramping. I don't think the anon you replied to was even talking about fat people, maybe they just are health conscious. Also that shirt has fuck all to do with lolita and never, even with alterations, would be appropriate for lolita.

>> No.7594675
File: 42 KB, 282x600, this poor girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the makes this face in every single picture...

>> No.7594677

>soda isn't sewage
>implying soda isn't one of the leading causes of diabetes

Yeah okay keep telling yourself that while you take your insulin.

>> No.7594678


>> No.7594681
File: 129 KB, 720x960, IMG_333332205795122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7594699

>who exactly wants to fuck a FtM
I am kind of a fakeboi (not the same as FtM) and I get so much attention,I got asked out several times,have a pretty decent number of fans/followers on my facebook (won't reveal who I am sorry) and AT LEAST 200 likes per pic I upload of myself

>> No.7594706
File: 234 KB, 503x636, Lolita_Kitty_by_Zerodomon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7594710

Only fatties don't have an irrational fear of anything with sugar, amirite?

I never claimed that soda is healthy, just that you won't drop dead of instabetes if you touch cola once a year, like some people seem to think. Saying soda isn't "sewage" (that's exaggerated bullshit if I've ever heard it) =/= denying it can cause health problems if you overdo it. This kind of stuff is part of the alarmist, not-based-in-reality health craze bullshit that harms more than it's ever helped.

Or, y'know, you can just claim that I must be morbidly obese because I don't despise anyone who's ever looked a grain of sugar. That's super rational.

>> No.7594714

Blast from the past!

>> No.7594719

I drink a glass of soda every other day and I'm 90 pounds. Fatties are fat not because of a little soda. Its liters of soda, shit diets and no physical activity that make them fat. Its just easier to place blame on other things other than themselves.
Soda probably IS pretty unhealthy though.

>> No.7594721


>> No.7594725

Soda addict spotted. That shit's used as pesticide and rots your teeth. Go brush, please.

>> No.7594727

It is very unhealthy. You might as well be eating sugar cubes. Pure, readily available sugar is a shock for your system.
It won't necessarily make someone fat, though. But even if you're thin it doesn't automatically mean you're healthy.

Let's shut up about this now and post more itas.

>> No.7594730


Like smoking, it really doesn't take that much to 'overdo' soda too. Nobody's denying doing anything once a year is going to kill you fifty years later, except maybe playing at Chernobyl. But let's be real, we're talking about people who drink soda on a daily basis. Even if you're not fat, it's not an entirely healthy habit and can rot teeth and build a resistance to insulin, which can in turn cause diabetes.

>> No.7594734
File: 70 KB, 218x470, nya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7594745
File: 100 KB, 500x667, 1373166334546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7594747


>> No.7594758
File: 15 KB, 271x600, 148585_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd almost forgotten how bad this girl is

>> No.7594761
File: 28 KB, 252x600, 157068_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7594767
File: 161 KB, 720x960, 1373159969603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7594770

The girls on the right are qts but Tiferet and Melissa just ruin everything they touch.

>> No.7594771
File: 27 KB, 606x596, 1318206190254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh is that Melissa in the middle?

Seriously, this pic would not be in this thread if it weren't for Melissa.

>> No.7594779

does her shirt say "very vanilla"? I'm sorry but I can't help being reminded of that stupid doge thing that's been going on a while ago

>> No.7594781

Who's Melissa?

>> No.7594789

The brolita who's not even trying.

>> No.7594800

As a lolita and a Kamen Rider fan (she's trying to cosplay a lolita Kamen Rider...I guess...) this makes me sad.

>> No.7594802

There are at least 6 or 7 active lolitas in our group, myself included. This girl has only been to one meet up, not including anime jax, and she wasn't in any photos, just offered to take them. The newest Mod is handing things a lot better than the last ones.

>> No.7594805
File: 181 KB, 517x696, 1373264613218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7594837

I'm sorry but only the one on the right looks decent. Everyone looks like a train wreck.

>> No.7594856
File: 73 KB, 640x960, finest lolita in nebraska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what else I was expecting.

>> No.7594864


That file name.

>> No.7594871

Is that Shane Dawson?

>> No.7594884

is right-chan supposed to be kodona?

>> No.7594909

It's ultra beginner, but it seems p rude to post your cousin/her friends here.
The adage "friends don't post friends on /cgl/" seems doubly true for family

>> No.7594943
File: 630 KB, 540x720, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are selfposts okay?
Here's me when I was 14 and thought I was ~~a kawaii rori~~~

>> No.7594949

It's not that bad, anon. For a first attempt at 14 years old it could have been a lot worse.

>> No.7595066


has anyone posted this yet?

>> No.7595159
File: 469 KB, 303x537, 1373166885270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7595166
File: 117 KB, 720x960, tumblr_mqw83nvOUN1s0jpnko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7595179

My god this is almost surreal.

>> No.7595184

Why, yes. I do call that blowing a gasket. Regardless of the reasons behind it, it was an emotional outburst.

>> No.7595194

I really like her cardigan or jacket or whatever. I love cute skull shit.

>> No.7595225

Can't. Unsee. THE JEANS.

>> No.7595226
File: 101 KB, 960x720, 1373234916036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7595237

Is the girl in the center just wearing a shirt and tights with no shorts...???

>> No.7595245

100% agree, from the north east and these guys make us all look bad.

>> No.7595249

This is honestly horrifying.

Looks like she's wearing very short jean shorts under it.

>> No.7595282

Oh my god, I recognise that shopping centre. I'm just glad I have never run into these weebs the second hand embarrassment from just knowing I live near them is already too much, in person the shame would be too great.

>> No.7595287

Haha I used to vkei... back when I was 12

Yoshiki is ugly, I don't see what people see in him.

Gackt is ugly too.

>> No.7595294
File: 126 KB, 960x720, 1373159227720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7595298

my eyes actually looked like this from not sleeping more than 5 hours a night for 2 weeks, i hope it's makeup because that shit's not fun.

>> No.7595326

>on the left, what i hope i look like in lolita
>on the right, what i fear i look like in lolita

>> No.7595334

Im in that comm, who are you I wanna be bff's

>> No.7595335

Gackt looks like he's had way too much plastic surgery, Yoshiki just looks like he likes botox a little too much. But still, he doesn't look too bad for pushing 50. White guys his age usually look half dead.

>> No.7595349

I saw a girl in Bodyline's white clock print JSK with a white lace parasol at World of Nations one year, and there was even a group there dressed as shit from Hetalia, wtf. Odd since there was no booth for Japan that year.

Is there a comm page?

>> No.7595378

At the same time? I think that's the time I saw the lolita and the Hetalia group saw about same day I think. They were in costumes one girl had a tail. But there is a group on Facebook. Heads up you can see a lot of Captain Gangsta Lolita

>> No.7595411

I hope she drops that "hello darlings!!!!" bullshit real quick.

>claiming "curves"
gurl, your spare tire curves like in >>7590122
do not count as curves

>"be happy with who you are right now!!!!!!"

this sort of pseudo-inspirational bullshit is so aggravating to me because it the kind of enabling tumblr thinking that leads to stagnance and laziness and reward for nothing. And weight problems, apparently.

>> No.7595441

why does she always smile like she's having a really bad time?

>> No.7595451
File: 189 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This popped up on my dash
>flower crown
>frizzy wig
>wrinkled dress
>too short
>stretched out tights

Yep, your typical tumblrita

>> No.7595467


unsure if this is a troll or selfpost fishing for whiteknights

>> No.7595476

she has also said that shes asexual...

>> No.7595486

At the same event, yeah, World of Nations year before last. The Bodyline girl in white was with another girl but idr what the other was wearing but I want to say she was wearing a dark red or black furry tail. The friend I went to WoN with just looked at me when they passed and we both literally said "wut" out loud.

>> No.7595585

Please make this a picture so I can save it to my phone

>> No.7595715

Even more unfortunate than manly face-chan.

>> No.7595719

I want to believe that maybe the older woman is that girl's mom and is just trying to be supportive.

>> No.7595727

oh you poor summer child

no, no that thing in the middle has a history around here of being insane as well as never improving despite how light a hand people take when giving concrit

>> No.7595731

Looks like the bastard child of Weird Al and a mole rat. Shit!

>> No.7595738

I can't take it. Msg.

>> No.7595744

Fucking sloppy!

>> No.7595815

Yeah it has

>> No.7595831
File: 105 KB, 949x960, 10443362_10203899499989149_928860870569183627_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the entire sales album that was just posted to LSE, omg

>> No.7595846

Just coming over here to post this. Not a DAMNED thing was even lolita-esque. Not even the shitty parasol you posted.

>> No.7595850

yeah everything is fucking terrible.

>> No.7595901

lol this should be the go-to copypasta reply to every ita who refects concrit

>> No.7595917
File: 48 KB, 500x334, dormthumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine getting this angry over a joke.
fucking landwhales.

>> No.7595921

imagine not knowing what "hyperbole" means.
imagine being this autistic over a fucking drink.
calm your saggy tits

>> No.7595936

God I think you nailed my worst fear of dressing in this fashion.

I love sweet but can't shake the feeling I look ridiculous in it and should concentrate on darker colors. I can't bring myself to sell all my pastel shit though. Is it possible to achieve looking good in sweet or if it's not working, it'll probably never work ?

>> No.7595938

I'm the anon you're quoting here, soda used to be the only thing I drank. Literally. No water, no tea, no nothing. Just sodas, and usually dark sodas (except for Coca-Cola, I didn't like the way it made my teeth feel soft and fuzzy). I'm actually severely underweight so obesity clearly wasn't my problem, but my skin always looked like shit and I would have withdrawl symptoms if I went too long without something caffeinated (and I got really burned out on coffee so there's that). Dr Pepper was my shit though man, I was literally drinking several gallons a week, and eventually weaning myself off of the caffeine was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I was such an angry, irritable bitch for several weeks, experienced other symptoms for months, and I still get really hard-to-resist cravings two years later...but now my face is so clear and nice! My circulation is much better now and my heart doesn't have to work so hard because I drink a lot of water, I have a lot more energy now and I can still get a little caffeine now and then from certain teas (I drink mostly decaf though). I still cheat every so often and have a Dr Pepper with my pizza but I always end up paying for it with a small zit or two.

So how about you take a couple of steps back and realize that you projected way too much onto two words that were actually said as a joke. Who's the alarmist now, cunt? Eat my asshole.

>> No.7595947

I love the couple in the background though, their styles are hilariously contrasting

>> No.7595949

Vendetta....? She looks really cute, wig looks fine and the flower crown goes with her outfit quite well. Could use some ironing, but that's more nitpick than ita...

>> No.7595965


Even if you discount the diabetes risk for soda, the acid dissolves your teeth and caffeine (since we're talking about Coca cola here) does terrible stuff like make you addicted, leech calcium from your bones, contribute to insomnia.

I'm currently trying to quit Coke Zero and switch to fruit juice + sparkling water. I draw your attention to the fruit juice having more calories and sugar than Coke Zero. It just doesn't have quite as many bad side effects as Coke Zero. So it's not all about fatties, sodas should be treated like delicious sewage; only have it once in a while instead of everyday because it's really not good for you.

>> No.7595968


Calling self post
Or really bad vendetta

>> No.7595983

This poor, poor comm.

>> No.7596018

Always cringe when I see her name posting on CoF and the Plus Size groups. weebs leading weebs

>> No.7596020

Albinos exist

>> No.7596021


>> No.7596024

She said it later? My bad then...

>> No.7596027

As bad as the far left two are, especially the man in rose toilette (THOSE SOCKS. WHY), I can't get over the fact that milky berry girl is wearing a fucking blouse as a cardigan. It's as bad as the girl suggesting people get the bodyline sailor top to wear as a bolero

>> No.7596034

She looks like she is floating... someone please hover loli this

>> No.7596078

I just want to make a point that type 2 diabetes, when you are genetically disposed to it, is indeed aggravated by insulin resistance, which is developed in obese people. This is defeniately true, however the true cause of both types of diabetes has never been discovered. My friend works in a lab where they are researching an actual cure (not just treatments) and, especially in type 1, there is literally no reason that can be discovered at this time for why the pancreas stop producing insulin.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, yes certain lifestyle choices are not productive in any way and can make genetically susceptible people more open to the thread of type 2 diabetes, but there has never been a true cause found yet. Just factors that make people more of a risk factor.

>> No.7596084

>there is literally no reason that can be discovered at this time for why the pancreas stop producing insulin.
actually, sorry to add onto this, they have observed that the body turns on itself and treats the pancreas like a foreign body and attacks it, or attacks a specific set of cells responsible for insulin production, but they cannot discover why the signal gets sent to do this.

>> No.7596102
File: 74 KB, 422x750, omi ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her socks somehow look like boots..

god, that's terrifying. I'm really tall and hope that my friends are good enough to slap the shit out of me should I ever look like this

isn't she demi aka slutshamesexual?

>> No.7596172

What the fuck it's happening in this board

>> No.7596210
File: 6 KB, 153x152, myfuckingsides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7596216

Why is she using jeans? Why do her legs look so short?

>> No.7596286
File: 495 KB, 1024x683, mmmoitie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The infamous moitie ita delivers

>> No.7596290

I didn't know they made clown shoes in black.

>> No.7596293

She always looks so fucking deranged.

>> No.7596295

Oh dear is that Manasan Brois the french lolcow?

>> No.7596298


Sad thing is, this is pretty much the best I've seen her look, this co-ord isn't too bad and she at least tried to make an effort to look nicer by applying make-up and styling her hair which she usually doesn't. She also needs a better bra cause damn she has some seriously saggy tits.

Dem shoes are probably Moitie though. Still kinda fug so you are right.

>> No.7596303

in my opinion, at the core of it, wear whatever the hell you feel like and love it, no matter what. but it's up to you, anon. you can always borrow a friend's darker pieces to try on and compare to a picture of you in a sweet coord. but i think that anyone can wear any style as long as they are smart about nailing every detail.
i hope this made sense.

>> No.7596305

Can't unsee

>> No.7596306
File: 15 KB, 225x300, 71012_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yep that's her.

>> No.7596314

High five

>> No.7596319

Wow, the boots thing... weiiird

>> No.7596321

hahahaha it's so awful...She's so pathetic yet so amusing.
Also hi french anons <3

>> No.7596323

Oh look, my comm.

>> No.7596329

She made a fake account lately,Hime Takito or something and she was called out by some lolita page. She also did something a few days ago on facebook but I can't remember what

>> No.7596342


>> No.7596392

Yup. Jacksonville Lolita Society on fb

>> No.7596408

This might be her best coord yet. She looks acceptable, I'd say.

>> No.7596510

I agree, if I didn't know she was crazy and usually really badly dressed I wouldn't look twice at this.

>> No.7596519

My eyes are burning

>> No.7596556

Probably that the shop staff looked at her funny because "omg they're so homophobic because im a demisexual lesbian you know." Her dislike of BTSSB totally doesn't have anything to do with her not fitting shirred brand.

>> No.7596557
File: 133 KB, 250x371, tumblr_n6llcgHaqZ1rav719o2_250[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least iron your bedsheet skirt before you post your boring "mori" coord.

>> No.7596562

Did she really just say she had an hourglass figure -_-

>> No.7596583

right looks like timmy from wkuk

>> No.7596589

Thoughts that came to mind while watching this:

"Forever a virgin."

"Cat lady of the future."

"Most likely to require a hole cut in the side of her house to rescue her bed-bound, immobile self by the time she's 40."

"Hourglass? Yeah, Tiferet says she's one, too. Frankly, a teddy bear has a better figure than either of you."

>> No.7596591

>I'm such a girly girl
Doesn't wear make up or fix her hair

>I'm sooo creative, I write, I draw, I act, I sing, I make jewellery
Yeah, all really badly. What's wrong with picking one think and getting good at it? She links to her deviantART page, the art is so bad. This is the sort of shit I was churning out at age 8.

I don't normally hate people like this and I don't like bullies... but there is just something so fake about her, she isn't sweet at all and maybe if she didn't walk into BTSSB demanding and whiny they would have been nicer to her. They were probably scared she'd break the seams in everything and leave pit stains behind

>> No.7596598


Also what's up with "demisexual"? Surely just another word for frigid? Don't worry ~*darling*~ you'll be safe

>> No.7596691
File: 201 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n6kdso6I6w1qll4h6o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tumblr delivers.

>> No.7596696

> mentions sexuality in first sentence
Why would you do that?? It doesn't even matter in this context.

>kawaii lifestyle enthusiast
She's not even that ugly, albeit poorly dressed, but man, how can you fuck an introduction up so badly?

>> No.7596710

So aside from seeing her make moitie look like Milanoo, how is she crazy? What aside from her lack of fashion sense makes her a lolcow?

>> No.7596936

>Is every room in her house painted yellow?
>Spongebob on in the background
>Dat expression

So eregant. So gosiku.

>> No.7597190

why would you ruin my dreamprint like that

>> No.7597429

I'm literally crying from how hard I'm laughing.

I know her and this is how she always dresses. I'm glad she moved out of my city and got into a different comm. She literally has a pencil skirt and calls it lolita.

>> No.7597463

Well there is an actual young little boy behind her so strong possibility she's using her baby brother's room I suppose.

>> No.7597541

IDK about other FtMs (a lot of them seem to be somewhat unfortunate looking, large, and awkwardly transitioning) but ones that have their shit together and are good at passing get a lot of attention. A friend of mine pretty much passes 100% (he is just very short and young looking for his age) and gets offers like crazy, especially from gay men and for some reason larger ladies. He was already pretty kawaii pixieboy looking pre-transition though and is a skinny kid so that probably helps a lot.

>> No.7597550

I've noticed this, too- either they're tiny and already look like girlybois, or they're just huge, fat and ugly. What's up with that?

>> No.7597559

Better lace and better fabric and this would be cute (not lolita, but certainly cute in a cosplay way). I like the layered bow at least. Too bad she went for super bright on bottom and then suddenly delicate pattern up top.

>> No.7597669

timmy looks way better in drag than that mess

>> No.7597709

Dead at her DA description
>"Describe myself? Well, to start with, I'm a bit different, like maybe I should've been born back in the Victorian era, but at the same time, I also like more modern things, and am more acceptive of change, even if I don't like how that change is being carried out. I'm very strongly opinionated and am good at debating those opinions. I tend to favor the darker sides of things, but I've always maintaned a very positive outlook on things. I'm very creative, and love to do anything artsy, including writing and acting (my two faves). One more thing, since this is getting a bit too long... Music is my life. I absolutely love it. And I listen to a little bit of everything. That should give you a pretty good introduction to me.

>Lots of love,
>Lady Irabella

>P.S. If anyone's wondering, I'm a Christian, and I'm proud of it, even if I am Sweet Lolita/ Goth (not that I really see what the two have to do with each other). =)
>And no, 'Lady Chloe Irabella Rosa De Amoure' is not my real name. It's just the name I wish I had.

>Personal Quote: Dying for someone is easy; Living for someone is so much harder."

how the fuck is she 18 like seriously. This reads like my fanfiction.net profile circa seventh grade, 2003.

>> No.7597740

The hugeness probably comes from a combination of stress eating and their source of social validation; namely, the tumblr hugbox that tells them their Arctic-tier layer of blubber is healthy and attractive.

>> No.7597808

I dont follow these threads that much so not sure if this is a repost but apparently ppl do youtube haul videos for Milanoo orders.


>> No.7597961

when not wearing the wa lolita and when trying to forget where she bought her stuff it actually looks pretty good on her(the green skirt and the blouses she bought are pretty cute). I'm glad she wants to take off the bad lace.

>> No.7598175

So...she's a christian Demisexual lesbian who would have liked to have lived in the victorian era?
I have no words. What an asshat.

>> No.7598311

Are you talking about WoN 2011? I think that was the year I also went. I only wore a very casual coord with and Infanta dress, though. I regret my decision now... haha. It wasn't very lolita now that I look back at it.

Also part of that local comm, btw, but I don't go really go to meetups very often.

Also part of that local comm

>> No.7598317

Wait, no. It might have actually been in 2010 when I went.. whoops. That would explain why I didn't see the Hetalia cosplayers or anyone else mentioned.

>> No.7598332

I totally fucked up that first reply. I really need to proof-read before I post. Whoops. XD

>> No.7598404

It's fine stop posting

>> No.7598724
File: 50 KB, 360x480, blogger-image--320142981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gross rabbit is going to be sweating all over her "lolita" for "charity"

>> No.7598814

Wtf is that

>> No.7599202
File: 77 KB, 497x509, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The petticoats and lack of makeup aren't the fundamental issues with this outfit...

>> No.7599233

>Ultimate level of green!


>> No.7599323
File: 68 KB, 500x374, tumblr_n2sks0v5IT1qfoddeo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know where you got this from, and if you're who i think you are, i really am happy you keep that whole board on there alive, it means a lot since the whole site is really dying community-wise.

>> No.7599523
File: 133 KB, 636x412, pot-kettle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOL Sethy got pissed on Twitter earlier about this. The hilarious part? Pic related. I screencapped errything as soon as I saw it, shit was gold.

>pot calling the kettle black

I mean it's not like you can make your tweets private or anything, right guys? I mean when you follow literally everyone who RTs you or Yoshiki up to the point where Twitter won't let you follow anymore people and you have hundreds of followers as well, and all your tweets are public...

Idk who made the VK secrets post but I sincerely hope they keep doing it, maybe then Sethy will back off Yoshiki a bit and he can interact with his other fans a little more. As of now he pretty much RTs the same people over and over, those 3 or 4 long term Asian fans (who Sethy is buddy buddy with, coincidentally!).

>> No.7599570

Why don't idiots understand that deleting something doesn't mean it never happened?

>> No.7600792

This was a joke though. She's not a lolita, her friend got her to try on the dress over her normal clothes for a laugh and stuck a pillow underneath as a petticoat.

>> No.7600934

It doesn't make that dress any less disgusting.

>> No.7601398
File: 271 KB, 768x1024, photo(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And as of about an hour ago she's locked her Twitter account and gone into hiding. Seems she thinks the one "stalking" her is a jealous Yoshiki fangirl "who likely wants him for themselves. /rant".

Direct qoute:
>"no, I am NOT stalking Yoshiki"

Her entire line of defense is literally saying "well if he didn't like it he would tell me to stop!!!"

I should also add that some of her friends, also Yoshiki fanss, have done this: (that's his front gate, keep in mind he lives in a gated community in Beverly Hills).

(sorry, I just can't refer to her as a he, it just feels too "tumblresque")

>> No.7601433

Creepy as fuck

>> No.7601445

I saw a video once of a Japanese camera crew and a tv host or something following him from his house to his studio by car, then trying to get into his studio via the keyed entry pad thing. When they kept getting it wrong his bigass black bodyguard came out and scared the fuck out of them.

And here I thought THAT was creepy and inconsiderate, but this? I followed this chick and I hope she comes back soon, she can be my new PT.

>> No.7601445,1 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone who spends
Way to much fucking time
Picking on shit no one
Gives a shit about
and many actually
adore the fuck out of