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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 215 KB, 413x550, manatee-mailbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7580025 No.7580025[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last thread died.

What are you waiting on?
What did you just get?
What are you contemplating on?

>> No.7580077
File: 313 KB, 1144x964, yep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the stuff I bought this month.
Needless to say, I'm broke now.

>> No.7580091

Ordered Fantasy Theater JSK + headbow and put in my preorder for Cosmic set!

Pretty excited for everything to eventually get here!

>No photo because cellphone

>> No.7580147
File: 135 KB, 1024x951, spring14order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went on quite a shopping spree...

The shoes and AP dress have already arrived.

>> No.7580153

waiting for 2 of my BTSSB dream dresses (everything is old school and second hand so I got it for dirt cheap,110$ for the two) and some accessories from Baby too. I had everything for less than 200$ you have no idea of how excited i am right now

>> No.7580156
File: 454 KB, 500x281, 1399825234565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rocking horses
I love RHS so much. That's a nice spree whoa

>> No.7580163

What job do you have? (and oh gosh the adorable sailor dress

>> No.7580171

Thank you! I was surprised at how easy it is to walk in them, and how comfortable they seem.

>> No.7580358


Just a minimum wage desk job in administration.
I got vacation money this month though, which you basically save up for all year as it's taken out of your salary.
Not going on vacation so splurging it on Lolita clothing.
I can't afford to do this every month (boy do I wish!!).
The sailor jsk is from Victorian Maiden btw.

>> No.7581324
File: 798 KB, 781x599, Mayshopping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the stuff I've bought this month and end of last month but received this month.
Hoping the shoes get here soon.

>> No.7581636
File: 153 KB, 1000x1000, safsdgsfzx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here i told myself id save up for a new apartment this month...

>> No.7581728
File: 789 KB, 872x568, mail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated since the last thread.
I'm having fun re-working my wardrobe!

>> No.7581858
File: 2.60 MB, 1458x1524, haul_052414_birthday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A mixture of things I was already expecting, plus birthday gifts. Hopefully I can find more black basics for my wardrobe...

Martin said the Jellyfish pieces all started coming in starting with the blouses, so hopefully we'll be seeing the dresses soon.

>> No.7581861

Sauce on shoes anon?

>> No.7581872

Not that anon, but they look like the shoes from the Charme de Rouge ~only shoes for me series.

>> No.7581881


Lumiere shoes

Doesn't look like they're on the site just yet?

>> No.7581885

link to the pink dress with sundaes in glass cups pls?

>> No.7581894

reposting from taobao thread because paranoid

is ems reliable? i paid for the 5-14 days shipping and its been 14 days with no updates since " Despatch from Sorting Center" 13 days ago

starting to worry i'll never get my package

>> No.7581895

It's a 2011 release from Emily Temple Cute called 'Parfait Print.'
There's no Lolibrary listing for the sleeveless OP/JSK, but here's the one for the OP:


>> No.7581902
File: 656 KB, 638x664, RIP MONEY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need to stop buying stuff. At least, I need to stop buying main pieces and hunt for blouses, boleros and accessories. I'm also buying more pink things which I never thought I'd do. Originally I wanted a classic/gothic wardrobe, but I can't help myself against cute things. LOLITA WILL BE THE DEATH OF MY SAVINGS.

>> No.7581909

Not always, but they tell you to do EMS because you can be reimbursed from insurance should something go wrong. I had to have a package resent recently because China's been having issues with their shipping facilities recently. You should be covered by insurance if it got lost, I would consider bugging your SS at this point.

>> No.7582340

They're in store only

>> No.7582380
File: 208 KB, 932x1020, may_haul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting those things.

>> No.7583262
File: 862 KB, 500x281, winkingalpacaroses.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting on Otome no Sewing vol.3-5 [spoiler] and an irrelevant fandom t-shirt.[/whynospoilersmoot]

>> No.7584031
File: 2.51 MB, 5120x3840, Recently Updated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so broke now. But I'll look great for summer and early fall.

>> No.7584145

yo fyi sammydress is a milanoo puppet/front/reseller.

>> No.7584211

Wait, what? Seriously? They seemed really legit. Now I'm scared as fuck I just spent $200 shit shit
Has anyone bought from them??

>> No.7584218

lol, i'm so excited to see what they get

>> No.7584236

I'm probs just gonna try and get a refund in the morning. $200 is too much to risk it. I feel stupid.
Dammit where will I find all my cute clothes now

>> No.7584266

I would try and find those on taobao or ebay. Milanoo/Sammydress steal stockphotos from legit sellers so if you can track down the legit sellers on taobao/ebay you can remake your order for the most part.

>> No.7584276

It'll take forever, but I'll do it somehow. Thanks!
And thanks anon for the heads up.

>> No.7584293

take pics when u get them omg

>> No.7584398

>Just Got
Black heart lace for a veil

>Waiting On
Aatp VR Corset skirt in black.
Supplies to make crowns, tiaras and other head wear as well as wire and bead jewelry.

Black roses to make flower head wreaths and head wear as that trend seems to be dying down a bit.
Starting to make some unique tube bracelets for different Lolita styles

>> No.7584421

Wow, someone who actually want Someday in Ranunculus. I wanted that cut too but I thought it would be way too long for my 5'3" self. I hope it works out for you anon!

>> No.7584586

Holy shit that meta dress is perfect.

>> No.7584593

Good choice. I've ordered a dress from them before that ended up being total shit. Never again.

>> No.7584719

can I ask where you got that bag? I love rabbits.

>> No.7584754

it's either original or a knock off of a bag from a brand Ahcahcum Muchacha

>> No.7584779

Seller claims it is an original, so we shall see.

Did people not like this dress? I think it looks really cute. I'm 5'7-8" so the length should be fine on me.

>> No.7584852

Okay guys I used EMS for my taobao order and it said "despatch from sorting center" for like 3 days
And guess what
Today I check and it says its in san francisco and was "handed over to customs"
I'm so pissed off. This is a $200 order and they are getting their grubby hands on all my things.
Should I tell my SS? Or just wait a bit? I've never had this issue before.

>> No.7584880

I think all packages go through the "handed over to customs" phase even though customs does not open all of them.
And it's not your SS's fault, why would you tell them

>> No.7584883

I wanted those boots (if they are the Lacemarket link) and you beat me to it haha.
I am sure your coords will be adorable, I love most of the stuff you bought.

>> No.7584889

Ah the hmhm blouses, i'm still waiting on mine

>> No.7584910

I got them off the comm sales, but they might be the same ones if the seller double-listed them.
And thanks anon! I've been buying up some nice otome stuff for casual wear and the boots are for a convention that's coming up.

>> No.7584936

My last two international packages are stuck in customs too, never had it happen before in four years of import buyfaggotry. They weren't even particularly valuable, just an obi and a small order from Bodyline. I wonder if there's been a change in CBP's policies?

>> No.7584940

Anyone else ever had issues with tracking orders from Loli Loli Paradise wherever she ships from has shit tracking and it's not showing up in my local post tracking

>> No.7584951

Paste the tracking into Google, maybe that would help. Also if it's been a day or two, it might not show up so soon.

>> No.7584953

Will try its almost been a week now and she can't be bothered with questions once she has done her part

>> No.7585091
File: 297 KB, 999x1068, Mailll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some recent purchases. I've been buying way too much stuff lately (mostly Moitie) and I feel really guilty despite having sold a lot of stuff recently. Despite that I want to buy more. A few items are at the post office now actually...

>> No.7585176
File: 774 KB, 1092x768, order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shipped 2 days ago

>> No.7585597
File: 32 KB, 600x450, tamora pierce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been re-reading the books of my childhood lately - Tamora Pierce especially. Got the four Immortals books and half of the Protector of the Small series in the mail yesterday and today, and waiting on two more sometime next week I think! Books are great.

>> No.7585936
File: 652 KB, 655x685, waiting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two pieces from Lacemarket sellers, two accessories for my Super Sonico cosplay from eBay.

This is probably the biggest "haul" I've had in a very long time. Kinda sad to think about when I look at how much the rest of you are waiting on, but I'm still excited for mine.

>> No.7586691
File: 24 KB, 600x400, 0133268_1_ll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annnd, I just went and bought some shoes from Yosuke. At least I had been meaning to get some new shoes I guess.

>> No.7586942
File: 12 KB, 405x529, hamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought this t-shirt today
i'm not a fan of oversized shirts but maybe it won't look that big on me

>> No.7586958

Have you read the Beka Cooper books? I think they're her newest Tortall stores

>> No.7589062
File: 457 KB, 828x589, throwsup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7589067

>those headphones.
Ugh I hate all sonico cosplayers that use these shit accessories.

>> No.7589070

I was thinking about getting some HMHM blouses, how long do those usually take...? I've heard they take a while.

>> No.7589103

Source? That looks funny and comfy.

>> No.7589578

omg both so beautiful. Congrats anon I'm excited for you!

>> No.7589667

Both these just arrived, left is taobao, right is Japan SS. The coat is more red than I was expecting, but other than that I'm quite happy with everything.

>> No.7589671
File: 707 KB, 1442x734, mail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic

>> No.7591501
File: 530 KB, 600x1080, 5312014-mailcall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really went over my head this time but it's the first time in a long time I've had the free money to do this sort of thing.

>> No.7591518

Damn, anon, so jelly about the KL blouses.

>> No.7591521

What's the name of the black velvet dress with the crown print? It's gorgeous.

>> No.7591531

still waiting on mine to get to my ss, paid for them on the 8th

>> No.7591537
File: 509 KB, 500x592, MAIL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7591548


>> No.7591601

Would you mind linking to the hats and violin bags?Thank you in advance

>> No.7591621

Not the anon you orginally asked but I think it's old school Metamorphose. They tend to pop up on y!auctions every couple of months but I'm not sure on prices.

>> No.7592053

I missed them last time around so I made absolutely sure to reserve them this time. There's still some leftover stock, though: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=19835190707

Bags (sadly sold out, but the quality is really nice so I'd recommend that shop): http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?&id=37113645698
Hats: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?&id=36179259866

>> No.7592058

>shop sells lolita clothing and bags
>+ online game items
Hm, never seen that before.

>> No.7592103
File: 823 KB, 3000x3000, waitingon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting on some super causal stuff. Some new things for summer. I finally had the money to buy the new sukekiyo album and the complete Wolf's Rain series. I got my .hack//Versus on Friday and have been playing it non-stop.

>> No.7592119

Are those earrings also bells?

>> No.7592189

It's actually just a wind chime. My old one broke and I got a new one.

>> No.7592214

which site did you order from?

>> No.7592295

Give me sauce on dem shoes, girl.

>> No.7592310
File: 64 KB, 600x398, set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's indeed by Metamorphose but I don't know the name. It looks the same to a set that came with a cape but according to Lolibrary that only came in red and blue.

>> No.7592563
File: 488 KB, 971x562, maypurchases.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering chopping the obi up to make it into a pre-tied taiko musubi.

>> No.7592566

Those bloomers are adorable. Where'd you buy them from?

>> No.7592583

Thankyou, I'll keep a look out on the auctions!

>> No.7592615

They're from a Chinese seller on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LoveMomoko?section_id=15038765

>> No.7593196
File: 40 KB, 354x349, lakeland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this old jacket from an antique store.
I'm thinking it would look good on the protagonist in a Star Wars fan film I'm planning.
I'm going to have this jacket paired with some black pants and Han Solo boots.
Sorry I'm sure this is unrelated, but I guess I can get away with it since I plan on turning this jacket into something for next year's wondercon

>> No.7593395

The gold ones or the red ones?

The gold ones I got at Akira

They also have them in glitter pink, black, gold, and silver

The red ones from Sweet Soul Shop (yeah I know they are a taobao reseller but I had a coupon)


>> No.7593400


Oops that was the link to the clear glitter ones. The ones in my picture is the matte glitter one.


>> No.7593852

...How in the hell did you mix up the Help thread with the Mail thread.

>> No.7596895

I just got my Grimoire box in the mail and am pleasantly surprised.
For about ~$115 after shipping I got around $200 worth of stuff, most of which will actually fit into my wardrobe rather nicely.

>> No.7598155
File: 119 KB, 821x400, from lingyisun on taobao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting on some wigs from taobao but ran into some trouble >>7598146 can anyone help?

>> No.7598166
File: 458 KB, 1200x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milk bag arrived yesterday. So many good otome things on auction at the moment!

>> No.7599038
File: 2.04 MB, 1080x1440, mayjune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I remembered everything... top is taobao order (all jewelry is dark whisper, all tights are mu-fish), bottom is other stuff.

>> No.7599104

Lolibrary isn't always correct, in fact there are a lot of errors on there. That set indeed came in black as well.

>> No.7599526
File: 980 KB, 2820x2280, NO MORE SHOPPING I MEAN IT THIS TIME DAMNIT!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh. NEVER do a major closet cleaning right before your mbok and Taobao orders ship. I ended up just taking the sales profits and making my never ending SS orders even bigger.

Seriously, no more shopping for a good while now.

>> No.7599535

Money well spent, nice haul. But I know that feeling all too well... May I ask where the roses in bottom right are from?

>> No.7599541


Roses from the bottom right are from this Australian shop: http://www.fjflowers.com.au/

They are a little pricer than taobao roses but I like that I can buy the burgundy and black silk rose heads in bulk.

>> No.7599569

Wow, stunning choices! Names of/info on the bottom right dress, the one labeled "blue," and the "Dark Box?"

(I have no idea if these are well-known designs, I'm kinda new.)

>> No.7599578


No problem anon.

The top right Skull dress is the The Ceremonial Proceeding jsk by Darkbox (hence all the skull accessories). It's a new Taobao brand but reservations are only open until the 8th so you would need to order it before Sunday.

The bottom right black dress is Ball of Starlight by the Korean Indie brand Haenuli. Its long since sold out but you can find it second hand if you stalk lace market and facebook sales in english.

>> No.7599581

good taste in animu! A+

>> No.7599828

SAuce on the Sailor Mars undies? '-'

>> No.7600081
File: 458 KB, 1280x956, jellyflats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the jelly flats today! They unfortunately are a little loose since they don't have between sizes. The size 7 would've been too tight since the top part of my feet are wide and the lower part is thinner. I wanted to try wearing some AP crew socks with them but they'll probably slip off my feet. Still love them though.