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7589560 No.7589560[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm just beginning to get into lolita and was wondering what advice you guys would give newbs? Also, we can make this a basic lolita question thread.

>> No.7589567

My only advice is don't dive into it quickly, do your research. Also do your research. Google is a cool thing. So are the egl memories and f yeah lolita.

>> No.7589569

Ok I'm unsure how to phrase this
but I've seen people talk about how their brand is better than Bodyline, and I was wondering if it's lace and fabric quality?
or, basically, what makes good brand good brand?

>> No.7589577

Short answer: It's both.

>> No.7589585

Brand is better than Bodyline because a lot more goes into it. The quality of everything is better (fabric, lace, patterning and construction etc.) You'll find brand often has nice little details that cheaper dresses might not. Bodyline is cheap, mass produced. While some brands may also be made in China, there's stricter controls on what makes it into the actual shops than Bodyline puts on its goods.

>> No.7589587

Save pictures of lolitas and outfits that you like. Break down what it is that you like in each photo and use the common elements as a reference to build your wardrobe. Don't forget to consider if it's also something you'd wear or if you just like the way it looks on other people.
When you buy something new, make sure it's a versatile piece that can be reworked in multiple coordinates.

If you have different main pieces then buy blouses that will work with more than one outfit.

As a rule, I don't buy something unless I can wear it in two different outfits with my current wardrobe.

>> No.7589588

And construction, and considering what anon above me said - this makes everything.

But, bodyline is good for wearing lolita to places that could leave you sweaty, stained, or smoky.

>> No.7589598

Construction is a big one, so is consistency. Bodyline doesn't really have as much consistency nor do they have much quality control specifications. So basically, if it looks passable it goes out where most brands don't sell subpar items, or do so at a lower cost(IW's oddment packs and LPs in general) Another thing that ties in is materials, even between just the two cottons there's a distinct difference in the feeling of bodyline vs a large brand, as well as lace being a very important aspect. Many brands can afford to use custom lace, buttons and other bits for their clothing due to their profit margin and reputability.
I do think that some brands are better than others, in general though they're on about the same level.
I'd say brands from lowest to highest quality go as follows

>Meta, Baby/Aatp, AP, JetJ, MMM, IW, VM and MM

Brands lower on the list tend to have a history with mistakes or general sloppiness(churning out more items at the cost of minor quality issues) Where has brands higher on the list tend to have a smaller stock in general which they can pay more careful attention to.

All in all, brands do end up having better items, but the driving force is the uniqueness of the item. A lot of original bodyline prints are vaguely liked more than their regular items because they're something unique and that's why brands flourish so much.

>> No.7589601
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When you start, it's really good to start with the basics. You don't want to be the newbie with two bodyline prints that are completely different colours and is wondering why it's so hard to make coords with her limited wardrobe.

Here's a good starter closet. Best to buy all this at once or close to each other, if possible.

>1 blouse
If you are unsure of what substyle you hover towards, buy white. If you like classic buy ivory/cream. If you like gothic, buy black. Sweet can go many ways, but buy white or pink as it's really easy to find pink accessories. If it's the summer get a short sleeve, if it's winter get a full blouse. If the blouse has detach sleeves, definitely go for it.

1 simple OP
>No print, simple cut. Can have lace on it, but avoid lace if your blouse doesn't have lace on it. Solids are simple and easy to coordinate. They can be worn both casually and in OTT ways, in most cases. They're great.

>1 skirt
Try to keep the colour around the same as the OP, unless you have accessories that can work for both colours. Prints can be okay, but try to keep it the same base colour as the OP so it's easier to coordinate.

>1 headbow or whatever 'main' hair accessories
It's going to have to work with both the skirt and OP so make sure the colour, cut and style works for both.

>1 or 2 pairs of lolita shoes
Don't ruin your coord by wearing ill-fitting shoes. Doesn't even have to be brand or bodyline, thrift-store maryjanes and certain styles of kid shoes can work. Make sure it works for both the OP and skirt.

This is not optional. Make sure both the skirt and petti are the same shape (bell/A-line) so you won't have to buy more than one petti at once.

>bracelets, rings, hair clips, etc
This can come later, but small accessories make a coord much better. Can be from local chains, thrift stores, etc as long as it looks cohesive, It's good.

I feel like I'm forgetting something.

>> No.7589603

It should also be worth noting that anon's list is a general list and there will always be odd pieces that swap the order round. Also seasonal dresses can swap the brands round (some do higher quality winter dresses compared to their summer pieces etc.) On top of that, you might find the quality differs in older pieces compared to newer pieces. But in general terms, that list gives you a good idea of which ones are the higher quality pieces.

>> No.7589608

Quality over quantity. It's okay to take your time saving up and not have a full coordinate right off the bat. Invest in your basics- petticoat is priority, then I'd say shoes, then blouses.
Don't just buy a dozen replicas right off the bat to have the hottest prints. And I'd also suggest avoiding replicas altogether. They're never as good as the real thing, and they're usually more expensive than (non-print) brand anyway.
Finally, it's okay to play around with the different "types". You can start with sweet and find you're trending more towards classic or gothic after a while. That's why I suggest investing in higher quality pieces in the first place, too. If you decide this or that style isn't for you after all, a better quality item will be easier to sell later down the road.

>> No.7589609

Thanks, anon. I was a little weary about posting a list that leans more towards classic, but I know baby and AP have both had quite a bit of issues with quality control in the past, baby especially...

>> No.7589615

Thank you for all the information!
I have another question:
Where do taobao brands fit into this?
Are they between bodyline and Brand?

>> No.7589619

i would say they're about the same quality as brand that comes from lucky packs

>> No.7589623
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Does anyone have any tips for a disabled girl getting into lolita? Is it easy to wear if you're sitting in a wheelchair?

>> No.7589625

Generally yes, but a lot of taobao brands are nearing the same level of either bodyline or brand. There are actually "top brands" like Krad Lanete and Surface Spell that go above and beyond their cost, where brands like Dream of Lolita and R-series are almost lower than bodyline tier. I think the same applies to them as other brands in that sometimes hit or miss but generalizing them can be good for the person to learn what makes a good brand.

>> No.7589627

yeah sure just dont wear a huge petticoat

>> No.7589629

That's difficult to say because Taobao brands vary hugely in quality from one to the other. For example, Krad Lanrete is very good quality and I would rank it up there with Japanese brands. But there's always going to be poorer quality Taobao brands like Dream of Lolita which are basically replicas printed on tablecloths or bedsheets.

>> No.7589643
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It's fine to wear, there are many lolitas that use wheelchairs. I recommend not wearing a petti though. Disregard anyone who says you have to, it's more frustration than it's worth and pretty needless. You can't see the shape pettis give while sitting in a wheelchair, so it doesn't make sense to have to wear one.

>> No.7589651

As a wheelchair lolita myself, it's really easy to wear! If you like the fashion, go for it. Obviously don't wear a huge petticoat, or even just go without depending on what is comfortable for you. I wear a slip under some of my dresses that have a layer of tulle in the skirt (AP does this), so it doesn't get itchy on my legs. I also don't like to wear wristcuffs or bracelets with charms/hanging parts so I don't catch them on my wheels when I'm going round, although that might just be my own preference.

>> No.7589657

Thanks, anons! This is really helpful!

So what are the best places to buy lolita? Preferred brands?

>> No.7589661

if you live near an IRL lolita store go there because you can see how it fits on you and what it looks like in real-life, especially shoes

>> No.7589669

It really depends on if you're wanting to buy direct from brands, or if you want to buy second hand. For second hand, there's a huge selection of places to buy from. Japanese second hand shops are places like Closet Child, Maiden Clothing (which have their own websites), or you can buy from auction sites like Yahoo!Japan auctions, or mbok. These auction sites are obviously like ebay where it's all different sellers so you can't always guarantee the condition. There's also tons of English second hand comms, such as on Facebook or Livejournal (egl_comm_sales). There's also Lacemarket which is an auction site.

>> No.7589674

Thank you for the advice!

Do you wear lolita often and go to meets? How long have you worn it? What type of chair do you use? Sorry about all the questions!

>> No.7589681

Can we stop coddling idiots who obviously don't know how to use google?

There's a fucking general thread.
There's fucking egl and all it's links right on it's front page.
There's fucking hellolace.

Just stop. Please.

>> No.7589686

Krad is probably one of the best brands on taobao but I wouldn't rank it up there with brand unless you were thinking Putumayo.

>> No.7589689

Bitter anon is bitter. Let people help when they want to give help.

>> No.7589691

I actually don't go to meets so I'm no help there sorry. It's not because of my condition. I work weekends and that's when the meets are almost always held. I try wear lolita a couple of times a week but I usually wear otome more. I've been wearing it since 2006, but didn't really get into it properly until about late 2007. My chair is just a bog standard self-propelled chair. Nothing special, interesting or cute. Some girls I've seen decorate their chairs or canes, but it seems really impractical to me. I'm quite a clumsy person so I know if I stuck anything onto it I'd just be knocking it and catching it all the time.

KL print matches at the seams, which is something AP doesn't do. I think it depends on the specific dresses though. Mozarabic Chant was much nicer quality than the Jellyfish print, for example.

>> No.7589703

>I feel like I'm forgetting something.

Maybe a wig? If your hair is not perfect for lolita.

>> No.7589709

About new releases...is it better to try to get them when they go on sale or if you dont have enough money/have patience, wait for them to be sold second hand?

>> No.7589721

If you really like it, always try get it when it's released in store rather than waiting for the second hand market. If it's not popular, you might end up not being able to find it. If it's popular, you'll end up paying above retail for it.

>> No.7589725

Nah, it doesn't take much to make natural hair work. Wigs aren't necessary for a beginner lolita, they have enough things to buy immediately.

>> No.7589735

Ah, I want to try to go for Crystal Dream Carnival, but it really seems like a long shot and one of those pieces to get marked up. Oh well.

>> No.7589740

Leg wear.

Tights, socks, etc. Base color usually matches blouse.

>> No.7589747
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Thank you for you answers. What style of lolita do you wear? I imagine gothic and classic is easier to wear than sweet.

>> No.7589772

As a sweet lolita, I would actually recommend a good white blouse if you go into sweet. Pink blouses are surprisingly hard to coord unless your wardrobe is all pastel vomit. There are so many shades of pink that you are just asking for trouble.

Also, outerwear. Boleros would be the easiest, but a cute cardigan also works.

>> No.7589782

I was thinking with the old school point of view. Just showing my age here, lol. Back in the day most of the pinks were pretty similar shades, didn't really think about that.

>> No.7589783

Print matching doesn't put KL above the brands because the design and construction just aren't there yet. Print matching is what seamstresses do to put themselves a step ahead of mass produced items and I don't think it's a big deal in a dress that shouldn't be overstuffed with a petticoat. KL meanwhile has released some real garbage. I saw some of their phantom dresses at AWA and they seemed to have snagged easily (or the wearers scooted across a parking lot on their butts) and had the sheen of a trash bag. I own MZ and while it's nice it's just not brand tier. Brands at least are consistent with their quality.

>> No.7589791

I wear mostly classic, but I also have some sweet and gothic. I wouldn't say one style is harder to wear than the other. Honestly, just go with whichever style you personally like best.

>> No.7589816

>I feel like I'm forgetting something.

A simple color, non motif bag that will go with everything. You can invest in cute shaped bags later on, but don't run into the trap of "Hey I just bought a new dress" and realize you don't have a bag that goes with it. Boston bags or square shapes are good and generic that will work for anything (black for gothic, ivory or brown for classic, white for sweet)

Heart-shaped bags are generic enough for most everything sweet so long as they're a basic color that matches anything. But I'd recommend non-shaped ones.

>tfw: has about 10 ap bags, bought her first generic bag and it goes with one dress. fml. Take my advice on this.

>> No.7589904

Oh my, she's adorable. The one in the wheelchair. 10/10 would push her around all day.

>> No.7590628

I've been studying up on lolita for a year or so. I fell in love with sailor lolita the first time I saw it, and I plan on buying AP's Border Marine OP as my first lolita dress. However, I'm uncertain if this is the right choice or not, as most beginner articles I've read don't really talk about sailor lolita.

In other words, I'm new and I'm scared I'll make a newbie mistake. Help?

>> No.7590640

Phantom is their shittiest piece, though, and they admitted that they had production issues that forced them to relocate to new factories with that release. Don't use the Phantom series to shit on KL, and check out MC in real life. The quality is there.
Construction wise, I would rank KL actually above AP and Baby. The only thing that holds them back is lack of little details like custom lace, nicer buttons/zips, etc. I think there was some of that in the Jellyfish release, but damn, were those cuts unflattering.

>> No.7590648

Don't hop aboard something just because it is popular or trendy in lolita. Buying things that work for you and your wardrobe is the best way to shop. For example there was recent trends with skeleton tights and fawn prints, I can count on 1, maybe 2 hands at a push how many good coords I see/saw with them.

>> No.7590769

Eh, I have phantom, and I'm going to dispute what you said.

>snag easily
phantom doesn't require me to be extra careful around anything special in particular, i do think you're exaggerating too much. of course you don't scratch your butt off beds of needles in loli. i find that wearing full lace items snag more easily (since there are so many tiny holes that get hooked onto things)

>sheen of a trash bag
totally disagree. the sheen is pretty low in opacity imo. but the print itself is shiny.

cons of phantom:
the little hook at the top of the zipper is bloody tiny and comes off easily. shitload of loose threads. horribly long waiting time when i reserved it. also the fabric is so soft it's very comfortable to wear outside of loli, but it is a but too soft so it can't hold too poofy a petticoat. just feels really odd since the petticoat usually poofs up a dress/skirt with some weight. but i wear it quite a lot because it's so nice and soft and even though it's black i don't melt in the summer heat.

not trying to whiteknight KL, never really got interested in their other dresses, but just putting this info out there as an owner of PotD

>> No.7590819

Would anyone be willing to do a little ranking order with taobao brands like how someone did with Japanese brands?

>> No.7591195

How do you avoid custom taxes? What's the best shopping service willing to mark down packages? My country has insane custom taxes so buying directly from them is out of question.

I'm very comfortable buying indie brands on taobao in other way, cause I never saw any shopping service who refuses mark down my 300 dollar worth package to 20 dollars, but i don't know any shopping service good enough to buy directly from japanese brands.

>> No.7591207

I once had a dress rack up an 85€ customs fee. Now I send them to a friend in the US and she mails them to me. Packages from the US make it through. I guess its the lack of moonrunes.

>> No.7591216

I can only comment on a few brands, but in my experience, brand quality has been as follows:

Chess story < R Series (mostly blouses I ordered about a year ago, so could be different now) < Infanta < Surface Spell Gothic < Krad Lanrete

That's mostly with regards to blouses and main pieces.

>> No.7591224

Any bit can help, thank you
I'm probably going to go the taobao route, so I want to make sure I don't fuck up
especially since I was eyeing some Chess Story stuff

>> No.7591242

Here's OP's question with a twist: How does someone with a few coords start to get into lifestyle lolita (daily wear)? Any tips or tricks?

>> No.7591658

First up:
Perhaps avoid using the words 'lifestyle lolita,' since it's generally synonymous with crazies and lolcows. That's not to say you or other people are immediately like that, it's just that the negative connotations related to it can be pretty strong.

As for everyday wear I suggest aiming for comfort and practicality, which generally means going for a more toned down look.

>avoid buying pieces that are dry clean only and get use to the fact that you'll probably be doing a fair bit of hand washing
>try to buy plain or non-print pieces – they immediately look more toned down and can be worn in a variety of ways
>build up a good stash of cutsews
>use a minimum poof petticoat
>stick with 'normal' shaped bags as opposed to novelty ones
>invest in some comfy shoes
>avoid head eating hairbows- go for simple alice bands or small bows
>invest in warm outerwear since warmth should take priority over fashion, especially if you live in a cold country!
>you'll want a range of versatile legwear to change up your look (try ebay – socks and stockings are often far cheaper there than in normal stores)
>accept the fact that lolita isn't appropriate for every situation, so keep some normal clothes in your wardrobe

>> No.7591828

Advice for new classic lolitas?

>> No.7591840

Brown isn't the only color palette

>> No.7591843

>Perhaps avoid using the words 'lifestyle lolita,' since it's generally synonymous with crazies and lolcows
>this is what summerfags really believe

>> No.7591892

brand flower clips are generally over-rated, but if you're going to make your own, spend the extra couple bucks on GOOD fake flowers.

>> No.7591898

>AP's Border Marine OP
If you're new, that dress might be hard to coordinate, since it's really loud and flashy. As a fellow sailor lover, I suggest Meta's sailor pieces. They might be a bit more expensive, but IMHO Meta does sailor the best. Also keep an eye on indie brands facebook pages during the summer, since a lot of brands traditionally release a sailor piece then and indie tends to be slightly cheaper. However, if you really love the dress, go forth and buy it! Always good to meet a fellow sailor lover.

Will back MC being on par with at least Baby, I want to marry the material it's made out of. If I could find suiting that nice I'd have myself a wardrobe of jackets made of it.

>> No.7592059

I'm lost. I've been here for five years. Lifestyle lolita brings to mind snobs who shape their life around lolita, refusing to listen to non-lolita music, refusing to eat non-cute foods, talking in this weird voice, and saying "Lolitas should be lovelies!!!"
I can see us using it on cgl, specifying that they mean daily, and letting it go- if they're sane and knowledgeable. A new lolita saying "lifestyle" is going to make me think "I limit my interests and my life is roleplay" before the benefit of the doubt I'd give a veteran. When you're new, there's no downside to avoiding words and phrases that might be taken strangely before you understand all the connotations and contexts it is and isn't acceptable in.

>> No.7592061 [DELETED] 

Saw this Elder Scrolls Movie trailer on another thread.. subbed!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_MeH5vEbyQ

>> No.7592062

Can you recommend places online to buy high quality faux flowers? Thanks for the advice.

>> No.7592065

>Chess Story and R Series at the bottom
Damn. I've only been buying western second hand, since I haven't gotten around to figuring out a shopping service, and I was considering some of their designs for when I finally do a taobao order. I really like the Dear Friends' colors.

>> No.7592244

I always get hit with customs on US packages too. I hate EU customs.

>> No.7592361

pffft. for that price, just buy them from taobao, it's not expensive. to-go shops for individual pieces of flowers, on a hairclip or haircomb: foxcherry, surface spell, ciciworks, rococo soul

just want to add to anon, that the "rank" also variates according to different releases. taobao brands are so inconsistent in quality that you can't really rank them. for example some anons swear by loris bags for durability, and others have had the nastiest experiences where their bags tear or snag within the first use.

we all know DoL is just shit tier rock bottom though

>> No.7592366

Here's my rankings:

Chess story < R-series < Infanta < HMHM < Surface Spell Gothic < the other Surface Spell < Akane & Aloise < < Kidsyoyo < Dear Celine < Krad Lanrete

I don't buy from the bottom 4 anymore. The material and quality of the R-series blouses I have bought have disappointed me every time. They were made out if the weirdest, stiff, strange smelling and feeling material. HMHM is so all over the place with quality and wait times I'll only buy it second hand. Everything over Infanta I consider above Bodyline for quality. I hesitate to put KL at the top but their polyester is nice as well as their printing and construction. On par with AnP/Baby/IW LP items I'd say.

>> No.7592376

Oh shit forgot Yolanda. Stick Yolanda here:

Kidsyoyo < Yolanda < Dear Celine

>> No.7592518


>> No.7592551
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>taobao flowers

One particular batch of the surface spell ones were all paper though, so now I'm somewhat wary of them. One of my friends said their current batch may be silk flowers, but someone else will have to confirm for you since I don't buy flowers from Surface Spell anymore. I usually just buy normalfag flowers now.


No, I'll have to agree with >>7592361 on this one. I have exactly two R-series blouses, and both are good. One of them is my favorite, has been with me since my first year of lolita, doesn't smell and isn't weird.

The other example is pic related, apparently made from Japanese fabric, much loved, and sadly rarely comes up for sale.

>> No.7592561

Thank you so much!

>> No.7592576

Is it generally considered ita to wear the head-bows that come with a dress? As a beginner those are the only head-bows I really have, but I've been avoiding wearing them for fear of looking too plain/not thought out.

>> No.7592582

Slightly related question I forgot to put in the other post-if the matching bows are acceptable how bad would it be to take the detachable waist-bow, style it, and use it as a headpiece?

>> No.7592584

Hmm I do own that r-series dress and it is lovely. I just have never bought anything else from them directly that I've liked. Their choices in lace, design, and fabric for the blouses I've bought have all been mediocre. But they do have certain things that are nicer. That dress is mostly lovely because if the fabric with the silver threads woven into it, but the little detachable bows were really sad and not sealed and the construction was mid-grade to me. But the fabric and design made up for all of that.

I guess I'd have to say just double check listings for fabric content.

I'm >>7592366

Just for reference. And the bottom of my ranks are just things I won't personally buy directly from the shops anymore. They aren't going to fall apart or anything, they all just seem to make some questionable fabric and lace choices coupled with lazy construction. Still good for a lolita on a budget and not something you'll cry about if it gets ruined IMO.

>> No.7592938

This really depends on the quality and shape of the individual bows themselves. If they don't look like Claire's-tier crap, then go for it. They are, after all, designed to go with the dress.

If you mean the waist-ties and you're confident in your crafting ability, then it's worth a try. But bear in mind that if they're printed, the print may not be an appropriate size for an accessory. For instance, Cinema Doll's border-printed waist ties would look hilariously bad.
If you mean the bow that pins on to the waist at the front, then lol no, seeya in the Ita Threads.

>> No.7592963

Do you mean a matching headbow on a headband or the pin-on waist bow? The matching headbow is totally fine. If you're talking about the waist bow, sometimes they're stiff and flat, since they're designed to be on the dress itself. Some people get freaky about using any waist bow on your head, but I think they're usually fine as long as they aren't the aforementioned stiff/flat kind. But if you're unsure, pair it with something else. Maybe pin it to a beret or a straw hat, or have really big hair so it just nestles in there, or wear a plain colored headbow or other hair accessories alongside the waist bow.

>> No.7593025

It's >>7591216 me again.

Chess story's designs are generally wonky (those poor, derpy ponies) and construction quality is mediocre.

Several people seem really happy with the deer/bunny dress, although I think the deer looks way too anime, in a way, for the design. I would love that JSK otherwise.
Like >>7592361 said, with most taobao brands, quality can change rapidly and from series to series. KL, for example, had problems with their Phantom series, but their others have been very high quality.

Also, I agree with >>7592366 about HMHM. I totally forgot to mention them. But in my experience they are on par with Infanta or maybe even a bit below.
I ordered two blouses from them, and they not only took ~2 weeks longer than they were supposed to (which was already like 35 days) to make them, but also didn't sew on one of the buttons and left blue chalk marks all over both of them.
The material wasn't as nice as I was expecting, either.

>> No.7593031

I really only meant le jardin de versailles,
do you know anything about that one's construction?
It's so pretty, and it'd fit wonderfully with everything else I have

>> No.7593048

That dress always looked shiny and cheap to me, but I can't comment on it, really, as I've never seen it in person.

>> No.7593211

That really sucks, I once had a 10kg package come through from the US with nothing. It was huge I was shocked

>> No.7593275

Would wearing 2" heels with a dress that's already on the short side be a sin? I feel like tea party shoes make legs look so stumpy but I don't want to be labeled ita even more than I already might be for my first coord! :(

>> No.7593350
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Does anyone have recommendations for flat and comfy lolita shoes? Preferably classic. They don't have to be brand.

>> No.7593354

the heels are just going to make you taller not make the skirt shorter.

>> No.7593356
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I'm a 25 y/old man but I like lolita clothes. Slightly overweight but hey i can burn it off. Should i get a co-ord together? Anywhere i can look for plus sized loli in time for Jcon?

>> No.7593568
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quit bitching

>> No.7593577

Heels make your legs look longer. Act like you've been around for more than two minutes. Usually a short skirt is paired with flats to lessen the impact of all that leg. Heels elongate the leg. Anon might consider wearing tights with heels to minimize the legginess.

>> No.7593580

So would that make things look worse?

>> No.7593592

I was going to say, I've never heard lifestyle lolita as a negative thing

like I refer to my friend as a daily lolita because she goes hard and wears it daily, but she's totally normal

>> No.7593596
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>> No.7593629


It's difficult to pull off without looking a little confused, or like you're dressing for a fetish instead of fashion. To start with, you need to be pretty skinny, or at least not have much fat on your thighs. Go straight for tights instead of socks, but make sure they aren't warped or faded. Make sure the entire area from the top of your shoes to the hem of your skirt looks as perfect as possible, ie- no fading or ugly tights, no lumpy bits, no fat, etc. Your coordinate will also matter a lot, the colour/pattern of the tights, shoes, skirt, etc can change the way the proportions look on you, so you need to make sure those are on point. You may also be judged much harder, particularly if it's your first/earlier attempts at lolita, because other lolitas will be trying to decide if you're actually attempting lolita, or just a normie wearing a lolita dress that's too short.

It's generally much easier to wear an underskirt and extend the skirt that's too short for you rather than try to show off too much leg.

>> No.7593633

Usually tryhard newbies will say they are lifestyle lolitas because they are attempting to establish their identity as lolitas, without actually owning any of the clothes. They will say they like tea, sewing, reading, violin, and the extra desperate ones will also include baby pictures wearing an easter dress.

>> No.7593653


No, you're thinking of the term "daily lolita", which isn't just the comm for posting selfies, it's also the term for girls who wear lolita daily, everyday. Hence, "daily lolita".

Lifestyle lolita has the connotations >>7593633 describes. You've certainly had less than four years' experience if you missed the flood of posts where newbies said they didn't own a single scrap of actual lolita clothing but they were definitely lifestyle lolitas because they were total special snowflake princesses and "lolitas at heart". The entire egl comm now insists lolita is a fashion and that you need to own lolita clothing to be a lolita partly as a reaction to those cringey posts.

>> No.7593671

I'm not so sure an underskirt would look good with the dress I have. I guess I'll just go for the tea party shoes then so my legs don't look as long. I don't consider myself fat, though I'm definitely not where I'd like to be. The dress I have is supposedly short as it is, so since I'm a few inches above typical Asian height, it looks extra short on me.

If I decrease the amount of poof, it doesn't look as horrendously short. I don't want to have too little poof though and be frowned upon for that!

I'm still waiting for all the pieces for my coord to come in the post, but I bought OTKs from the set. Would they be okay since I'm not really a landwhale?

>> No.7593795


It's a common dilemma, if you look in the archives for threads discussing AP's Cosmic jsk, you can find a lot of lolitas expressing frustration that the dress is too short and will look weird with an underskirt (since all the dresses are high waisted). Some of the lolitas decide not to buy the dress based on that alone. So you're definitely not alone in this dilemma.

The best look for OTKs is if the gap between your OTKs and the hem of the skirt is only a couple of fingers wide. If it's more than a hand width wide, then it starts to look less attractive, maybe even a little vulgar if you don't exactly have nice thighs to show off.

It sounds like you won't be able to tell how much gap you have until your items actually arrive, though.

If you have solid-coloured tights that match your OTKs you can wear them under your OTKs to give the illusion that you're wearing tights, that might help a bit if you don't want to display your thighs.

>> No.7593838

>no response from general thread

Does anyone know how aatp op dresses fit compared to their measurements?
The measurements for an op I want to buy are telling me it'd be too big on me.

>> No.7594017


I think not many folks have the specific dress you're asking about, that's why nobody is answering.

As for aatp measurements, they're generally true, provided they haven't goofed and copied the measurements from another listing. If you're just an inch, or 1-3cm underneath it though, you should be fine, as the measurements provided are garment measurements, and you need a little bit of ease to be comfortable in the dress anyway.

>> No.7594018

It actually is the Cosmic jsk that I'm concerned about. I only looked at the bust and waist measurements and didn't considering the length! It's quite stupid on my part, but I really liked the print so I went ahead and purchased it. I'm waiting for the OTKs in sax to come in the post, and I'm debating on what shoes to purchase (as you can tell.) Since the OTKs are sax, I don't think I'd be able to find tights to match (not to mention I don't think it'd look that great.)

I really have no issue displaying my thighs. I'm just concerned that doing so will brand me as a terrible lolita, since thighs aren't particularly welcomed.

I suppose I really do have to wait until the socks arrive, but I would prefer to have this issue squared away sooner than later. Thank you very much for your help though! Tea party shoes appear to be more popular with lolita fashion anyway so I will purchase those and hope my legs won't look too stumpy since the jsk is on the shorter side. I just hope I won't look too off as a lolita.

>> No.7594022

>I really have no issue displaying my thighs. I'm just concerned that doing so will brand me as a terrible lolita
it's like you people don't even look at the scans where you can obviously see how short the jsk is on the model.

The people who give a shit about short skirts aren't people who should matter to you anyway, so either stop catering to other people's opinions and dress how you want, or simply don't post photos on the internet.

>> No.7594123


Oh lol, we're pretty much in the same boat then. I just preordered the Navy jsk over the weekend, figured it was easier to find matching Navy tights to wear under the OTKs if the gap is too big, and the dark colour should help keep color-block things. I know the jsk is too short, but I really like the print and the design.

I don't really mind bare thighs either, at worst I figure I'll just wear this as a cute dress instead of lolita. It would be much nicer to be able to wear this to a meetup though, there's two or three other lolitas who also bought/ordered it so we could do twins or triplets. Except I'd really rather not stand out as the one lolita that looks terrible in that dress in group photos.

>> No.7594179

Honestly, I didn't think the dress would be too terribly short on me. I didn't think the dresses looked all that short on the models.

Well if the skirt is too short, isn't it not considered lolita? I'll gladly wear this dress as a normal dress and not give a fuck about how short it is (though it's not that short without a petti,) I'm just concerned since I do want to fit the "lolita silhouette" or whatever.

Maybe I should've gotten the navy OTKs since navy tights definitely would be easier to find. I'll definitely be using this dress as a regular dress, I was just hoping I could use it for lolita as well seeing how that's it's original purpose. I don't plan on going to meetups, but I would like to wear this to my local anime con.

Thanks for all your help though anon! I'll see if I can find someone selling the navy OTKs or opt for different socks/tights altogether. I found some cute constellation print tights in navy on taobao anyhow!

>> No.7594504

Alright thanks for your help.

>> No.7595863

I just dropped $200 on one of my favorite prints, its my first brand piece and im really excited but also feeling incredibly guilty as the most I have ever spent on a piece of clothing so far is $60. how do you guys justify your purchases?

>> No.7595872

I tell myself I'm going to die one day

>> No.7595884
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maybe even buried in frills.

>> No.7596049

Self-conscious question from someone wanting to get into lolita: looking around ita threads and BtB etc, I see people being super bitchy about appearance and I'm super worried -- what if I'm too ugly?

>> No.7596065


Just have fun!
Buy clothes and wear them.

I was worried I would be too nervous to wear since I'm normally shy. But decked out in nice prints and bright wigs I've never been more confident!

All in all ignore if people have rude things to say about your face.

Take all advice that's useful (how to coord, have better hair, better makeup) don't assume people are mocking you just to be mean!

If you buy your coords and still feel uncomfortable either don't post online (it's not required after all!) or maybe it isn't the fashion for you!

All in all: dress well, make friends who love you for you, buy only what you want not what is popular and you're going to have a blast!

Don't let vendettas on btb deter you!

>> No.7596067

That was really sweet anon, thank you :)

>> No.7596203
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>Make sure both the skirt and petti are the same shape (bell/A-line)
I feel the need to point out that it's the petticoat that gives the skirt its shape. A gathered rectangle skirt does not have a shape.

I often see newbies asking "is this skirt a bell or A-line"?, and the answer is both. If it's a skirt that's not gathered at the waist such as pic related, there is simply not enough fabric to accomodate a bell shaped petticoat, but that's the only exception.

If you're unsure, just get an A-line petti. It will fit every skirt.

>> No.7596205

Remember that makeup can do wonders. I can honestly only think of a handful of people who get made fun of for being ugly.
Most of the time people are ridiculed if they refuse to improve their clothing, don't try to make themselves look nice (e.g. by styling their hair or wearing makeup), etc.
Also, like >>7596065 said, you don't have to post photos of yourself online. A few of my favorite lolita blogs only post coords laid out, never worn.

>> No.7596225

No, skirts were generally created with a specific shape in mind, and putting a different petticoat under them will look like shit. Have you really never seen how bad an A-line petticoat looks under a really bell-shaped skirt? The only way an A-line could really work is if you could roll up the top a bit, which is why that one ebay petticoat is always recommended to newbies.

>> No.7596226

Uh, no.

>> No.7596256

I've only seen the problem putting a bell-shape under an A-line skirt, not the other way around. I can't find any pictures that would prove otherwise, but please enlighten me if you have one.

>> No.7596257

If you put an a-line petti under a bell-shaped skirt, you end up with some bunching at the top where there's too much fabric gathering/not being filled out.

>> No.7596262
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It depends. For some shapes, an a-line petticoat is preferred over a bell. Adding extra fullness to the waist serves to make a wider frame or rectangle shape look wider. (We're not even talking fat here, but it can apply to plus size people as well). With brands like AP, going for a super-full a-line would look fine and much better on specific bodies. Just less fullness up top and that may be desired.

>> No.7596264

I've never seen this happen before. Been digging around the archives too for pics, but eh. I'd really like to see a direct comparison, because I can't imagine this happening, unless you have a really huge amount of fabric gathered.

that's what I was thinking.

>> No.7596273

Also, it looks poorly filled out and sad. Bell under A line looks even worse.
Just wear the right shape and get the fuck over it.

>> No.7596275

Would buying a single quality dress you really really like and then go fishing for accessories be a good beginning ?

>> No.7596288

Lol I will go put my super full a-line under an AP skirt later for you to see how weird it looks.

Yes it's 100% true that different skirt shapes work better on different body types... But you can't flip that around to say you can Force any skirt into a certain shape despite how it's constructed.

>> No.7596322

Yeah, and? I did this all the time until the last 6 months or so when I dropped a lot of weight and can get by with cupcake shapes. Although it still doesn't always work out for me.

If you've got a proportionally narrower waistline and a more slender frame of course an A-line under a super full skirt is going to look, frumpy and weird.

If you're pretty much straight up and down with little waist definition a cupcake is going to make you look more like potato. Whereas an a-line is going to create a longer silhouette and is going to be more flattering.

Sometimes it's really more than following strict guidelines, especially when we're wearing a fashion made for slender, narrow frames and one strict body type. For some people no matter how thin they get, it's not going to work the same way on them due to how much western body types vary.

I'd rather go with a dress looking a little less full at the top if it looks better on me that way.

>> No.7596354

Um you're not understanding I think. I agreed that different shapes fit different people. I'm telling you that you can't force a certain shape on a skirt that is made for another shape without it looking weird. Has nothing to do with fullness.

>> No.7596356

Can you share pictures of you wearing the big a-line with your AP? Pretty interested in the outcome.

>> No.7596362

You're not forcing it into another shape. It's draping differently. There is a difference between force, and drape. Force would be more akin to stuffing three cupcake petticoats under a MM dress. There is no force involved with putting an a-line under a cupcake. It does not "bunch" up. The waistline simply tapers down and the gathers eventually flare out. It honestly does not look as weird as you are implying. Of course, my petti is ginormous, if you're using a less full petti the result won't be the same.

I'll take some pictures shortly as I still have my petti to demonstrate. I'd rather not post my older pictures though.

>> No.7596438
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i don't see why not? this is actually very safe to prevent yourself from having multiple items but not many co-ords, eh.

You need to go actually own a petticoat/see it in person.
The volume of a petticoat is like, beyond human proportions. So you're wrong if you think that banana-shaped folk would like like a Potato in a cupcake, but an apple-shaped person would look like a...Starfish shape or whatever shape instead.
Any person in a cupcake petticoat will look like their butts are cupcake shaped.

Also this is what it looks like when you force a wrong-shape petticoat under a different shape dress. dress is a-line.

>> No.7596489

Obviously this doesn't work, because there is not enough fabric in the skirt to accomodate the petticoat. No one debated this. The issue at hand was that wearing an A-line petti under a gathered skirt would supposedly cause bunching and look weird.

>> No.7596492
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Okay this is what I'm talking about.

The a-line under a cupcake dress does deflate it at the top. Does it look as intended? No. However, this is what I mean by desired and done on purpose. I sometimes go this route when I wear a JSK with a blouse The very full cupcake is the intended shape, however it only serves to make me look wider from the front.

Sometimes when I go with a cupcake shape I will layer a flowy bolero or something over the front to help add more vertical lines to help me look narrower in the torso/bust and take the visual focus off that area so more attention is drawn to the poof of the skirt.

>> No.7596511

The A-line would probably look better if the petti was a bit longer (it's too short fort the skirt and the hem hangs over at the bottom), but it lifts the skirt properly, and there is no bunching anywhere. You can't stuff a cupcake petti under an A-line because there is not enough fabric at the waist, but the reverse is not true.

>> No.7596522

The a-line still looks weird, imo. The top looks slack and off, and since the petticoat isn't long enough you get a flat drop off/a more bumpy look at the bottom, which just looks sad.

If A-line skirts/dresses suit you more, buy them instead of wearing bell-shaped ones.

>> No.7596539

let me rephrase everything for you so that it's easier to understand.

>if you don't want to look fat, wear an a-line petticoat no matter what dress you using.

not trying to call you fat or anything (eh, you look fine) but anybody who isn't slender will just look fatter than they actually are in a poofy fashion like lolita. despite saying this, dresses and skirts are actually constructed /and/ designed with a petticoat shape in mind. Some items are meant to look cupcake. Wearing an a-line underneath is kind of...spoiling the intention of the designer. Yea you look more slim in an a-line petticoat but it /is/ meant to be cupcake.

>> No.7596689

Look, no one is arguing that certain shapes flatter certain bodies. You seemed to have missed the post that started this discussion
We were only pointing out that skirt shapes are designed and constructed with a certain shape in mind, and that wearing different petticoats with different skirt shapes will look weird, which is obviously proven in your picture. No one is saying that different bodies look better in different silhouettes.

>> No.7596694

>No one is saying that different bodies look better in different silhouettes.

Sorry 'that different bodies Don't^ look better in different silhouettes'

>> No.7597833

I hope this thread isn't dead yet... I've been lurking /cgl/ for about a year or more now and I think I'm finally ready to get into frills. I've scouted out hellolace and lolibrary and I've noticed that all of the dresses/skirts I seem to gravitate to are made by either Mary Magdalene or Victorian Maiden. Are these good choices and are there any other brands out there with a similar aesthetic?

>> No.7597843

They are good choices, however they are both small brands in terms of their sizing and production. Most people cant fit into them and it isnt going to be super popular. You can find both second hand though.

>> No.7597848

Post pictures / links of what caught your fancy so far, tell us your measurements, and if you have any budget constrains. We can help you!

>> No.7597865
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I usually where a small or medium in US women's sizes but I'm trying to lose weight anyways. I haven't actually taken my measurements in a pretty long while, and I can't find my measuring tape at the moment but at the very least I know I'm pear shaped. As for budget, I'm very patient and extremely good at saving if I do say so myself so that shouldn't really be an issue since I have nothing else to spend money on currently. Pic related is the first dress I saw that made me want to be a lolita

>> No.7597871

*wear - auto correct is a terrible thing

>> No.7597880
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I own it in red and it's beautiful in person, imo. The print is nice and the dress looks lovely. However, the zipper is really janky and I have a hell of a time trying to zip it up. I'd say it's worth buying, though. It's a nice piece.

>> No.7597967

I'm curious, generally what measurements fit MM and VM best? I'm about 33in bust, 28in underbust, and 26in waist for reference. I don't usually worry about measurements, but MM and VM are always said to be tiny.

>> No.7597970

Aha! I found a tape measure! Ok so currently I have a bust of 36 inches, underbust of 29, waist is 28, and hips are 37, but like I said I'm trying to lose weight. Oh and I'm about 5'4" if that changes anything... Plz tell me I'll fit into those brands

>> No.7597980

7 inch difference between full bust and underbust is going to be very hard to fit into their fully princess seamed bodices. Do you have a binder? If you can possibly get it down to around a 4 inch difference, it might be ok. But as is, no, most of their dresses will not fit you correctly in the bodice and will look off.

>> No.7597986

dammit... well, I can GET a binder, would it really help that much?

>> No.7597995

yes it helps to compress and distribute the breast tissue, but you will still need to layer the bodice with cardis/bolero/etc because it will be obvious you're wearing a binder. I know because I own one and wear it with the same full bust to underbust difference you have (7 inches).

>> No.7598008

I know its kind of cheap and tacky but is it possible to bind with something like a tightly wound ace bandage? I feel like that has potential for being less noticeable though it maybe wouldn't work as well I guess

>> No.7598018

you should NEVER bind with something like that. EVER.

>> No.7598021

eek ok I won't. Is it really just that tacky or is it hazardous somehow?

>> No.7598040

I own mostly VM and MM, it fit perfectly and I'm 82cm bust and 64cm waist if it can help. Their old school skirts are a little bit tight, but I have some margin in the waist area for their jsk. Overall I recommend max 90cm bust 73cm waist for them, maybe smaller if you want to buy lder pieces.

>> No.7598050

It actually can harm you. People have messed up their ribs doing it too tightly.

>> No.7598057

What if you're inbetween shapes? I'd say I was triangle because my tits are 1.5-2" smaller than my hip measurement(I'm fairly flat), but my shoulders and ribcage are in proportion with my hips and my waist is 10-11" smaller than my hips

>> No.7598060

Understood, I definitely will not do that then.
Well... My waist is within that, barely. Are there similar brands that I might actually fit into better?

>> No.7598065
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I'm effraid that classic is bound to stay small. Maybe check Juliette and Justine and Innocent world (IW is not that great for anyone over and EU B cup thought).
A friend of mind was boderline in her measurment and started light corset training, it help her fit a bunch of things but surely it's not for everyone.

The best for you is to check the measurment on lolibrary each time you find a VM or MM dress, MM's size tend to change a lot (forever too small for pic related). Otherwise stick to JSK, they are way more forgiving.

>> No.7598068

I've gravitated more towards JSK and skirts in general anyways, there are just a few OP that I was drawn to. That's really depressing though that they run so small.

>> No.7598073

Skirts are awfully small I fear, my MM skirts are 68cm max. Don't worry thought, brands tend to do larger and larger size to cater to the international scene, so you may find a bunch of things actually fitting.

The other thing you could do is look at the VM/MM tag on tumblr and maybe ask those girls their opinions about size and maybe some help. Most people are really nice and will answer quickly (maybe not Fanny because she recieve a lot of question).

Finally, the best thing to do is actually buying a dress and see how it fits. Depending of the cut it can be a hit, who knows ? You could always resell it if it don't work.
Good luck anyway anon :)

>> No.7598076

Meta is definitely the go-to for sailor.

IW also has some really god damn cute sailor pieces, in fact I think there may be one or two in the webshop right now?

>> No.7598083

Well I guess it's time to get a tumblr then. Thanks for the support, I hope it all goes well for me too :)

>> No.7598087

the anon you replied to, yeah no way, do not do that. Buy a medical binder from underworks if you are going to buy one and be sure to look up binder safety as well.

>> No.7598089

Adding, Pumpkin Cat actually has REALLY nice quality for the price. The dresses are generally around $100-$130, and they compare to Meta and some Baby.

I had one dress in particular that was made out of really nice woolen material, it was striped, and the stripes were all lined up nicely, with cute embroidered pin-on accessories. Really held up, even to a brutal machine washing. I'm waiting on another of their dresses in the mail now, so I can report on their newer pieces in a few days.

They also have cute af blouses.

From what I've heard Magi Tea Party is somewhere around Infanta level. Infanta is pretty good, but they have some discrepancies with the details in their stock photos. I've gotten a few of their pieces with different buttons or ribbons or lace than the stock showed initially.

>> No.7598098

KidsYoyo's replicas are a little wonky though. They don't quite sit right unless your torso's sort of long. Their regular dresses aren't like that, though, not sure why.

Just don't post your face here, you'll be fine.

I'm really shy too, but when I wear lolita I feel so confident. It's helping me to get over my social anxiety (which is crippling as of now.)

I can't even make my own doctor's appointments because I can't talk to people on the phone, but I'm super excited about going to meets and meeting all the girls in the comm.

Also make sure you have the appropriate amount of poof for your skirt.

If it's laying funny and looks kind of off, you need more or less poof. Add a petti, if it gets worse, remove a petti.

Also be sure to have more than one petti with differing poofs on hand, so you can layer accordingly.

Ekaterina's fit is a little tricky, be careful with it.

Mine was tight in some places and way too big in the boob area, and I'm a US XS-S

I don't want to crush your dreams
I just don't want you to spend a lot on a dress that may not fit right. If your measurements there are right, it's gonna be pretty tough to get into it. There is no stretch at all, and while the chest was too big for me, I have like no tits. Seems like it might be too small for your chest. There's corset lacing, but that won't help your poor chest.

>> No.7598104

>KidsYoyo's replicas are a little wonky though.
I've never bought one of their replicas, only their custom blouses and original designs, so I have no experience with them in that regard anon (I'm the one you replied to)

>> No.7598107

>and I'm a US XS-S
that like literally gives her no idea what size you are due to vanity sizing... can you give your full bust/underbust/waist/hips instead of a generic size like that?

>> No.7598177
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>they compare to Meta and some Baby.
Really? Wow, maybe I'll consider buying from them instead of that new Chinese seller that popped up on Lolita Updates. Pic related, I'm not too fond of the cats, but it's pretty cool how they're fashioned after tarot cards and I adore the cut.
But I have no idea what to expect as far as quality goes, plus they're charging like $150 for this thing. I'm so tempted, and I have an entire coordinate made for it, but if Pumpkin Cat's quality is that nice, maybe I'll throw my money their way instead, I kind of like their OP that's out right now.

>> No.7598430

This isn't really helpful to lolitas who don't want to/can't sew, but I just started wearing lolita and am exclusively making my own pieces right now. In order to keep my wardrobe as versatile as possible, I'm not making jsks or ops. I'll make a skirt and a matching bodice which, when worn together, look like full dresses.

Makes for fun matching, too!

>> No.7598439


I made a set like that before, based on some Victorian Maiden pieces that came as both bustiers and skirts (so you could combine bustier and skirt for a jsk-like appearance). I still have mine, it really is nice to be able to wear it different ways. I did go back to sewing dresses because I like wearing them more.

I guess lolitas that don't sew can have the same effect by buying a matching or complementary bustier for their skirt, though they're not quite commonly found.

>> No.7598711

I feel like this would work best with solid color bodices though? Matching prints can be tricky in any fashion

>> No.7598714

I'm going to a first meet up soon but I'm not sure which coord to go with with and what I need to change I'm still building my wardrobe, but I'm hoping these look ok until I get more accessories >>7598014

sorry for the crosspost

>> No.7598722

>If you mean the bow that pins on to the waist at the front, then lol no, seeya in the Ita Threads.
May I ask why this is bad? If the bow doesn't look like it's obviously supposed to be a waist bow (how can you tell anyway?) I don't understand why wearing it on your head would be an issue.

>> No.7598810

That bodice ruffle looks like it could be super unflattering.

>> No.7598820

If there truly is no difference in how it looks, then maybe you could get away with it. Honestly, there are so few waist bows that have the right shape. It's usually painfully obvious when someone does that.

>> No.7598821

I have a jsk with a similar ruffle and it looks fine, imo. My chest is pretty small too, that could be the reason why.

>> No.7598908

What's considered the "right shape?" I honestly can't tell the difference.

>> No.7598922

Smaller, less stiff mainly. Most waist bows have some serious interfacing and therefore they look really stupid on your head, like a frilly helicopter. Just use something else if you honestly can't tell, better to play it safe than look stupid.

>> No.7602470

If I'm wearing a bolero/cardigan do i have to have a blouse on underneath?

>> No.7602492


>> No.7602603

I'm sorry if this is a really dumb question,
but does anyone know any decent places for plain kuro dresses?

I'm eyeing Gloomth's Valance and Chrysanthemum really hard, but their back zippers bug me

>> No.7603098

where is the best place/seller to get a petticoat?

>> No.7603152

Classical Puppets on Taobao is probably the most popular petticoat maker. You can buy them from Clobba, Qutieland, or Lacemarket/comm_sales.

>> No.7603193

Victorian Girl Dress on Ebay if you live in the US.
I bought a Classical Puppets bell petti for like fifty bucks when I was starting out. It's not completely deflated, but it doesn't have the same poof that my cheaper VGD petti has.

TL;DR Victorian Girl Dress on Ebay has petticoats with great poof for cheap. Make sure you order in your size. They sell for kids, so you'll have to order the larger one to fit your adult waist.

>> No.7603207

Sheglit, Boz, Atelier Pierrot, Pina Sweet Collection, Moitie, Aatp, Millefleurs

>> No.7603349
File: 88 KB, 455x750, cinderella bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the waist bow, sometimes they're stiff and flat, since they're designed to be on the dress itself
Why the interfacing the other anon was talking about is a big deal is because it makes the corners of the bow pointy and the bow will stick straight up from your head. They're often curved straight or concave rather than convex, since they need to lay flat on the dress, maybe curving with the flow of the bodice to the skirt. Headbows should be curved convex, because they need to follow the flow of your head.
> if you're unsure, pair it with something else. Maybe pin it to a beret or a straw hat, or have really big hair so it just nestles in there, or wear a plain colored headbow or other hair accessories alongside the waist bow.
due to the convex vs concave issue, you can combat this by putting the bow in a setting where being concave or flat is optimal. If nestled into big hime hair, concave would work because it's in the hair, rather than on top of the hair. Pinned to a straw hat works too, since it'd be flat against the straight hat. The overall silhouette would be the hat itself, rather than your silhouette being the stiff points of the bow. With a beret you'd either need a stiffer beret or a softer/flexible bow for it to work, but it can be played with.
Wearing other head accessories helps with the stiff silhouette too, since it'd round out the transition from the tallest part of the bow to the flat of your head.

No aggression towards pic related intended, I searched for this print because I know girls wear the waist bow as a headbow a lot. Especially with her minimal hair here in a high-contrast color, the bow looks just stuck on rather than like a cohesive piece. This picture also shows the stiffness and flat/concave nature of the waist bow fairly well.

>> No.7603441
File: 491 KB, 400x785, doop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o fuk me i posted this in the lolita general but it's on autosage,

tldr; need help coording this dress.
i intend to get gold shoes and a chiffon blouse but need help accessorizing and picking legwear

>> No.7603477

I'd actually point you towards the lolita coord thread >>7578020
But here works too, since this would be going through the view of you being new. I'm spacing on what you should do, but it's possible that the stripes + polka dots are a bit much. But if you're going for a circus-y look, that would actually be a plus. I like the headpiece. Do you have a better image of what's going on with it? it looks like there's a gold flower or bow or something just out of view.

>> No.7603508

thank you. damn these are cheap.
however I see 2 white ones which seem the complete same to me but have different prices, is there a discernible difference? which one should i buy?

>> No.7603527

I agree with >>7603477 that the polka-dot tights might work either for or against you depending on which "route" you take with the coord. I think a chiffon blouse would be nice and even more gold accessories would really bring more color into the coord. If you go the "circus"-y route, I think you need a bigger headpiece, like a hat or a bonnet would be nice. Otherwise, just throw on some bracelets and rings and I think you're there, the dress is cute and so are you!

>> No.7603671
File: 23 KB, 257x581, fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The coord thread is about to autosage so I might as well ask for advice here.

I was a dumbass and the rose in my hair is facing the other side (it's the same as the one on the cutsew), but how is this for a first coord? I'm thinking about getting a wig since my hair is very short and there isn't much I can do to tame it right now. Also a rose necklace or something like that to fill the void around the neck.

(I know I need to iron the skirt, I just threw it on for the pic.)

>> No.7603674

I feel like it needs a fancier blouse, like a chiffon blouse, and some wrist accessories like bracelets or wrist cuffs. A wig would be nice, try a natural color in a wavy style like Lockshop Waves or Mermaid. The shoes also seem a little clunky, and maybe since it's summer you could try sheerer tights or black ankle socks.

>> No.7603684

I'll definitely get a Lockshop wig then, new tights and some blouses that fit better. I have a pair of black heeled oxfords, do you think they'll go better with this? Also I think I have a bracelet with silver roses, but I'll probably need something less subtle. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.7603689

I love clunky shoes but these make your feet look rather big. Do you have biggish feet or is it just the shoes creating that illusion? The oxfords might be nice.

>> No.7603710

My feet are pretty average (European 37-38), it's the shoes' doing. They are also like half a number too big on me. It was the first time I ordered shoes online and I'm not sure I'm going to repeat the experience.

I like clunky shoes too, which is why I got these, though in retrospect they may have been too much, haha.

>> No.7603784


It's not horrible but it obviously needs work, but it's not an ita disaster or anything. Switch the cutsew for a more gothic blouse.
The bag doesn't work, switch for a solid coloured one (black probably). I like your shoes but not sure if it goes with this co-ord unless it becomes more gothic. They are very Moitie iyswim. Not really liking your tights either, maybe you shouldn't go for patterned ones.You need a wig and some accessories.

>> No.7603791


I too like clunky shoes (maybe cause I started when old school wasn't old lol). But they don't go with much tbh.

>> No.7603817

>it's not an ita disaster or anything
Tbh that's what I was worried the most about. I can fix a bad coord but not a broken fashion sense. I see what you mean about the shoes and the bag and making the coord look more gothic (my fav styles are gothic and classic anyway). I'll take into account all your suggestions, thanks!

I'm more or less on the same boat in that respect, I fell in love with lolita when old school wasn't old. I never had my own money to spend on it until now, and I guess the shoes stuck with me. Somewhere there's a pair of rocking horse shoes waiting for me that won't match absolutely anything I own...

On a more general note, are there any Taobao gothic or classic stores you can recommend? I've been looking through the spreadsheets but I don't want to unknowingly end up buying from a store with bad rep.

>> No.7603825

... Honestly, everything about it is off, except maybe the tights. Everything the anons said makes sense: fancier blouse, shoes that are more elegant, a better bag (a glossy black matching the shoes would be nice) and more accessories (your arms are very bare, and that's just weird in the outfit). Get a nice big stone pendant as well! Then there's the hair. I don't think short red hair is working at all. Short dark ringlets, maybe. But longer hair with a flower comb would be better to balance out how long the skirt is.

>> No.7603841


Taobao can be rather hit or miss. The Taobao thread has a very handy spreadsheet you should check out. Watch out for shops with stolen pictures, you might end up with something awful. Out of personal experience Surface Spell, Infanta and the 69th Department are good. Most my shoes are also from Antaina shops. I personally like checking auctions and sales comms mostly though. A lot of 2ndhand brand can be very inexpensive except if you only want the most popular pieces of the moment. I'm not really into those uber popular AP prints and I tend to buy old school Meta pieces, AatP prints, old school Baby, Moitie and JetJ and some occasional IW and VW.
Are you European? If so, if you go for auctions from Japan and other overseas countries make sure to take customs in account. Chinese packages are often marked down and fly under the radar thank goodness.

Also, if you can sew, picking up the Otome no Sewing and Gosu Rori issues might be a good idea.

>> No.7603868

Thank you! Yeah, the hair looks pretty bad, I didn't intend to keep it like that. I'll get more accessories and go with your suggestions and the other anons'.

I've seen a couple of dresses I like on Infanta and Surface Spell before, so it puts me at ease. I'm also stalking Closet Child and Lacemarket for cheaper brand. I don't like prints much, so I'm lucky in that sense. And yes, I'm European and I've been hit by customs a few times. I always take the extra money into account when ordering.

I can sew but didn't even think about making my own clothes in case I fucked up. I'll look into Otome no Sewing and Gosu Rori.

>> No.7606105
File: 58 KB, 432x540, 10390313_10204052037369493_2962665148485225409_n kopi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must admit I'm not the best at coordinating. I'm buying this bodyline JSK from one of my friends and trying to coord it but I feel like I'm failing a bit.
Any tips or tricks? Accessorizing? Potentially shoes or something? I'm at a bit of a loss but I really love the print on this dress.

>> No.7609434

Damn that's a tough one, classic loli here. what number is it?

>sax or pink tea parties or shoes
>keep the tights
>lose the shawl
>wear a white blouse, long or short sleeve is okay
>match the colour of your bag with your shoes

>> No.7609506

Yeah, it's a bit derp trying to coord a patterned/printed bodice with a different skirt, haha. It does work to switch out for matching print top/print skirt, solid top/print skirt and plain blouse/print skirt, though.

>> No.7609642
File: 364 KB, 700x930, l299-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone else think this is pretty cute?

>> No.7609656

that capelet/shawl will make you look really bulky under a jsk

>> No.7609670

I love it, but hate the cut and I don't think that the skirt is still available? The lavender/purple is perfect.

>> No.7609682

I love it! So much so that I bought it--but I am going to do some basic modifications on the straps and stuff.

>> No.7609683

so one thing that has always put me off on bodyline is their insistence on trimming all their waist bows and chest bows in that white lace. it makes them look so bulky, i've always really hated it...

>> No.7609907

who would actually be dumb enough to wear it under the JSK?


>> No.7609930

The JSK has a weird cut. The skirt is perfectly cute though.

>> No.7610130
File: 158 KB, 500x708, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about buy AP Cosmic? Can I buy it from AP's website or has it sold out? I know AP sells out fast.
If I must go secondhand, how do I get a feedback thread on egl? This seems like the most stupid question, but I'm totally stuck. Thanks.

>> No.7610137

post a wtb in the buy/sell/trade thread
look on mbok/yjapan auctions/lacemarket
on angelic prettys website i think you can get it made to order
i think AP usa has the JSK in pink right now

>> No.7610139

it's no longer available to reserve via the site. Depending on the color (there is a pink jsk on ap usa i think) you will need to post WTbs or watch auctions.