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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 333 KB, 2000x650, image-beach-candy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7584607 No.7584607[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>7581535

I think it's safe to say that this year's Fanime was much, much better than last year's disaster.

More pic dumps plz.

>> No.7584611
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Crowd shot at KLK.

I only did unplanned shots this weekend, so it'll take a few weeks to edit them well. KLK had so many people standing in front of me it's a loss anyway.

>> No.7584614
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Jolyne though

>> No.7584620

you've probably realized this but all gatherings are wastes of time to photograph. at best you get to see a large variety of people and maybe ask one to shoot later. shooting the gathering itself... pointless. snap one, you're done.

>> No.7584626
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>> No.7584632

This. Gatherings are alright if someone competent is running it. 99% of the time, though, there's no one in charge or worse yet, a complete idiot in charge. Good for seeing a bunch of characters in one location, bad for actual photos.

>> No.7584636
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walked by that gathering a bit late but the tiered setup made it easy to grab a spot and shoot away.

>> No.7584649

There were so many goddamn Makos walking around...

>> No.7584654

Not to mention half the good cosplayers miss the gatherings for one reason or another. I seem to keep running into Touhou cosplayers who are lost, don't hear about gatherings, or forget about them, and it's a shame.

>> No.7584663


It's good enough to post on Facebook or whatever when enough of them are your friends. That's all I'd aim for, unless the location's good enough you can block off part for solo pictures.

Smart gatherings will break up into solos pretty quickly since you'll just forget what the group photos were in a week (and with touhou it's like, player character appears in every photo). Of course that never happens since the announcing dudes love rules.

>> No.7584669

>announcing dudes love rules.
That one Shiki can go fuck himself.

>> No.7584724

Did anyone get a shot of the guy in Gunkan No Baltzar cosplay or his WH40K cosplay?

>> No.7584725

>drink beer
>suddenly become chill
>last the weekend without flipping out at homestuck and League of Losers faggots because NOT ANIME
Underaged drinking is awesome!

>> No.7584729

I was never sober during my time at fanime.

>> No.7584730
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>you'll never start a Dr. Who, Homestuck, Steampunk, LoL, and Ponies con 20 miles from Fanime during the same weekend with major guests from each of those franchises at it to filter those people out of Fanime

>> No.7585215

Hey did anyone get pictures of that Male bullet cosplay walking around on Friday? I didn't get a chance to see it, though my friends told me that the gauntlets were pretty good.

>> No.7585237

I almost lost it but I stayed some what chill even when they started shouting "Hail Hussie" on a street corner when everyone was passing it.

>> No.7585261

:'( after leaving a panel i went through the park to check out the protester but in his place i only found an angry african american lady with child in stroller spitting at people demanding people to show some respect and give her space

>> No.7585280


>> No.7585293
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>> No.7585300
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>> No.7585321

Are you guys against video game cosplays at Fanime? I know it's all about anime as the name suggests, but would you guys be more open to other cosplays as long as they were LoL, Homestuck and bronies?

I saw a really cool Ironman cosplay and I welcome that type of display to Fanime.

>> No.7585324

Deadpool would've been fine if it wasn't so overused.

>> No.7585325

if u guys saw halo guy, he was cool, we all took some shots together

>> No.7585331
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>> No.7585349
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of course there's going to be good people coming to anime-themed cons that are coming from other fandoms.

the problem is that for every 1 "cool" person or someone actually wearing good cosplay for the sake of wearing it at a con, there's a significant amount of retarded kids and bad copslayers that come along form those other fandoms and end up ruining the experience for the rest of the people that came for the ANIME convention.

The more people start going to a con without the con's focus in mind, the more the con starts to lose it's meaning and just becomes another generic "lol, this is what's popular on the internet right now con".

Thats exactly what's happeing to a LOT of conventions right now and no one seems to care that it's happening.

>> No.7585356
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>> No.7585377


>> No.7585384
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>> No.7585396


I kinda wish Comikaze here in california would absorb all the internet fandoms, but it's so late in the con season that those people get desperate and that just have to go to the summer anime cons and end up ruining those.

>and yet ALA magically remains largely unaffected and is rather still legit anime.
>because it's a winter con perhaps?

Fucking summerfags, i'm telling you.

>> No.7585499

Did anyone take a picture of a Reese and Cyrus from Animal Crossing on Sunday? You would have received some homemade bells from the Reese after taking a picture

>> No.7585526
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Yun and Joe Higashi

>> No.7585534

Fanime was fun. Super crossfaded the entire time. Seeing staff drink on con center was highlight of my congoing.

>> No.7585560
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Anyone got more photos of a lonely/tired colossal titan?

>> No.7585575


Are there any cons in the winter?

>> No.7585585


SacAnime is in the winter.

>> No.7586187

You fags think we'll have a better Masq next year? I don't know who replaced head of Masq when that girl left after 2012.

Also, who's going to Big Wow next year? They have a low-key cosplay convention that's more amateur, but it's not as bad as masq. Nothing compare to masq, really.

>> No.7586191

Winter SAC and ALA. And there's... I forget what it's called, but it's in SF, they had little advert flyers at SF and it looked like Mulan was on the cover or something. It starts with an A.

>> No.7586196

holy shit you faggots again? I don't see people bitching about the fact Big Wow Comicsfest had Godzilla, Kikaida, and Ultraman's suit actors for guests of honor, never mind the fact they have a lot of classic horror fans come out, and never mind the fact anime cosplayers still go there

you retards shit up every fanime thread with FANIME FOR NIP BULLSHIT and it makes me depressed how fucking gook infested California is.

*tips fedora*

>> No.7586265


Cross-pollination of fan culture has been going on for as long as cons have existed and doesn't show any signs of slowing down any time soon. You don't like it? Tough shit, deal with it.

>> No.7586299

AOD? they're in Millbrae now, I think
Otakon Vegas is in January as well. Kind of close.

>> No.7586362
File: 291 KB, 1000x667, FanimeCon_1146[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just came across this pic on http://fanime.slickpic.com
:'( is that some cosplay from that sick as fuck midori anime to the left?

>> No.7586505
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Points for effort from the Gochiusa

>> No.7586510

Anyone got any of the Crystal Maidens? I think there were 2 but I can't remember whether they were around on Saturday or Sunday....

>> No.7586521

Please don't group League with the Homestucks. At least most of our costumes take effort and our girls are hot, not tumblrfags.

>> No.7586524

Yeah, that's them. The site says they're still at SF - Hyatt at the Hotel.

>> No.7586525

You're from the Salinas/monterey area? I'm in Castroville, and I actually know a few people in the area who cosplay

>> No.7586531
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>moba players are hot
>greasy elitists are any better than greasy sjws

>> No.7586541

Anybody that was from San Jose State?

>> No.7586583

That's what it looks like... didn't think I'd see that and I wish I had seen it in person, that's awesome.

>> No.7586603


>> No.7586604
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Hey I know that guy

>> No.7586611

found a fanime gallery

>> No.7586617

>tfw every mainstream radio song is now stuck in your head because of this con

>> No.7586676


>> No.7586705


Cool, did you cosplay? It was my first time at Fanime, I really enjoyed it and hope to do it again

>> No.7586715


ANy clue why the KLK is restricted?

>> No.7586729

Dunno, the album is 18+, maybe just for the skimpiness?

>> No.7586730

Can I ask how a well-run gathering should be held?

>> No.7586806 [DELETED] 

You don't seem to understand superior Nihon culture.
*sever your head*
Once again I have cut a worthless object.

>> No.7587236

>fanime for nip
y-you like Japanese culture and yet racist...

>> No.7587507

so handsome

>> No.7587535

Quit being so ungreatful

Comic Con and Dragoncon have anime events in their programing and Dragoncon has had anime cosplayers in their parade. Not to mention anon mentioned how Big Wow, another comic book con, goes and invites the actors for Godzilla and Ultraman and devotes a good chunk of their programming to Japanese monster shows.

Despite all the stuff comic conventions do for anime, here are the anime fans going "waaaa we're being invaded!" when the other events are welcoming them with open arms.

>> No.7587551
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>> No.7587586


Any clue who the girl is? She's maybe a redhead? She's certainly has the freckles for it.

>> No.7587652

They also have a focus on old pre-90s horror and they have guys who do midnight horror/sci-fi flicks come out, and each Saturday runs Creature Features, in the vein of 60s/70s shows that showed them off at midnight.

They've also got the San Fran station's midnight horror personnel come out and they have, like, four panels.

Not to mention they have local filmmakers who do superhero/fantasy shorts...

>> No.7587663

SacAnime is at the end of August, not during winter at all

>> No.7587664

Yeah, there was one girl with SERIOUS underboob, No covering up with skin-colored tights, if she had a malfunction... I'm really surprised Fanime let her through.

>> No.7587667

Aren't there two Sacs, one in summer and one in winter?

>> No.7587675

Wizard World was in March this year, if that's what you're thinking of

>> No.7587681

It really depends on who sees you. I honestly walked past the peace bonding office with my prop about 3 times and hung around out front for a while, and nobody ever stopped me to tell me to get it checked (then again, a mage staff not a replica weapon, which may have been part of it)

>> No.7587686

iirc there's a smaller one in winter, but I've never been. Thinking of going this August though.

>> No.7587687

Yes. sac anime had always been twice a year, one in Aug and another in Jan or Feb (can't remember which month)

>> No.7587691

also to clarify on the cons in sac (Idk why so many are here) Sac anime and Sac con, are twice a year but are spaced out so that there's a con every quarter, and now wizard world is here too. Not sure about wizard world but sac con is small and pretty terrible, haven't went in years.

>> No.7587700

Hows SacAnime fare?

>> No.7587707

SacAnime summer is like going back in time to anime conventions 10 years ago. It's quite strange.

>> No.7587722

That sounds awesome! unless I'm getting the wrong idea. I picked up a flyer at fanime and decided, I better check it out this year. I need to start going to more conventions. Their website is horrible though.

>> No.7587724

I think you got the wrong idea... it's all Tripp pants, collars and leashes, and glomp circles from what I remember, and I haven't seen such a sea of poorly applied wigs in my life.

>> No.7587727

oh dear, Yes I was under quite the opposite impression. perhaps we should get back on the topic of Fanime.

>> No.7587964

Fanime was amazing this year! 10/10. So for next year, who's gonna use Fanime Day as an excuse to go on day 0??

This. I don't know how many people witnessed it, but the sheer amount and frequency of deadpool grind orgies and "I'm deadpool, therefore I can just act like a crazed idiot" was teeth grinding. Deadpool is a crazy dude, but he's not mentally broken and 500% random. He is coherent enough to be an assassin, a merc, and a clever witty asshole, not the Chef from Ctrl+Alt+Del comics. MvC 3 is the only reason I think the surge of deadpools came up at anime cons, because now he's in a fighting game and therefore more relevant than the years of comics he's been in.

>> No.7588043

This. So much this. Then again, cosplaying something you've never read or seen is commonplace in the first place.

>> No.7588134


Fanime Day?

>> No.7588164

apparently the mayor of San Jose came to the opening ceremonies and officially declared day one of the con, "Fanime Day" I heard it being mentioned throughout the weekend and then on the last day someone explained what supposedly had happened.

>> No.7588185
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>> No.7588193

It's also the snowball effect you see with joke cosplay. One person does wacky Deadpool antics at a con, and the next year you'll have 10 more trying to do the same thing because they saw it online.

>> No.7588223

Cute mako.

>> No.7588244
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>> No.7588363
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Oh, small anime cons with white people are still like that. New generations of white people are either /a/ or Tumblr, so they at least try harder.

(Photo I took at Acen.)

>> No.7588400
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Incoming dump

>> No.7588403
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>> No.7588408
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There's a resurgence of Ace Attorney cosplayers. I am happy.

>> No.7588416
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There wasn't one fandom that took over Fanime this year.

>> No.7588418
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Although there are a lot of RWBY cosplayers now.

>> No.7588420
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>> No.7588425
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>> No.7588427
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>> No.7588432
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>> No.7588437
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This group was hilarious, they had coordinated formations. I think this is Initial D?

>> No.7588442
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First time I've seen a Fry with a delivery box.

>> No.7588450
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>> No.7588458
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>> No.7588476
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Here's the Mai Valentine someone was looking for earlier. Great job.

>> No.7588482
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I saw a few Pun Pun cosplayers as well as a few prints in AA. My favorite print was the one that looked 3D.

>> No.7588487
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>> No.7588501

I loved those guys and the other Punpun cosplayers. I was so surprised and happy to find Punpun stuff in AA. I bought the print of him in devil mode and a keychain from another table.

>> No.7588503
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Is that a digimon? It feels like one but I could be wrong.

>> No.7588505
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>> No.7588509

There were other Punpun cosplayers besides this one? I only saw this one and must see.

I also bought the Punpun print because YES PLEASE. I didn't know there was a keychain at another table damn.

>> No.7588510

it is. I believe its from season 4

>> No.7588513
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One of the highlights of the con for me. Meeting an Archer and a Krieger in Safeway.

>> No.7588514
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This one, forgive the filesize and all that, I haven't edited any of my photos or anything like that so it's probably fuckhuge mode.

>> No.7588515
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>> No.7588517

didn't have my glasses all weekend and i think i saw this cosplay from afar with some people in the way and initially thought it was a Jushin Liger cosplayer. never really many wrestling cosplays at cons aside from hard gay

>> No.7588519
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There were more but I didn't get a picture of them. I did give a shout out though.

>> No.7588522
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>> No.7588524
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>> No.7588530
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>> No.7588532
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>> No.7588533
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Yeah, it's Agunimon, the main character from season 4. Pretty good.

>> No.7588538

I want the digimon fairy that the french girl turns into

>> No.7588541
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I knew it. It had the same feel and color scheme. I have some friends who are die hard Digi-fans, they were freaking out about this.
I think they had some digi tags in AA too. NorCal AA has a lot more craftman stuff rather than just prints.

>> No.7588545
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>> No.7588549
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>> No.7588554

Out of all the ones I saw in the #jolyne kujo tag on tumblr, she has to be the best.

>> No.7588555
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>> No.7588558
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>> No.7588560
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>> No.7588565
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They taped LED to nipples.

>> No.7588567

still waiting on that ass shot

>> No.7588568
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>> No.7588570



>> No.7588572 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7588574
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>> No.7588576
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I hope this one doesn't post sideways.

>> No.7588579
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Oh well.

>> No.7588581
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>> No.7588582
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>> No.7588585
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I think I saw two Space Dandys. The other was walking around with the little blue tentacle head alien girl.

>> No.7588586
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>> No.7588589
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Daily Life of High School Boys

So much variety at this con! It was great.

>> No.7588591
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>> No.7588594
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And.... I'm done.

Wish I took more pictures but I was so bogged down from cosplay and fatique that I just gave up by like Saturday. All in all, great con. Everybody seem like they were having fun and tons of great cosplays all around.

>> No.7588605
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Good work, I'm on the same boat. I wish I took more

>> No.7588842
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There were three or four Vashs but this one was best.

>> No.7588846
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>> No.7588847
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>> No.7588850
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Shameless self-post.

>> No.7588852
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>> No.7589194

>flower crown

Did anyone get photos or vid of the Fanimaids? They are one of my favorite parts of this con and some of their dances were sexy this year.

>> No.7589202


This channel has some

>> No.7589272

Does anyone have a picture of the 2014 version of Godzilla that only came out on Monday during the closing dance-off?

>> No.7589310
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Does he know?

>> No.7589626

very organized and well shot videos of saturday and sunday performances. my favorite is the Saturday - 5. "Smile Bomb" (yu yu hakusho)

i shot some silly video during their 10 minute or so opening ceremony performances with some not recorded while i took pictures with the camera

>> No.7589634

Noon performance on Friday was pretty bad. I didn't know about the other shows, I just thought they were normally clusterfucks.

>> No.7589646

likely had the clusterfuck of fridays performance to try to excitingly start of the festivities for the con

>> No.7590358
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Oh, my friend got some great shots of him

>> No.7590397


Their performance ranged from terrible to good, depending on who was on stage.

Their Viva Happy dance was pretty good - decent for a maid cafe. (It wouldn't be good enough in Japan though - but most J-Pop/Vocaloid dancers aren't on that level in the US.)

I like the fact they challenged themselves to do Dempagumi INC & Morning Musume '14 - those are not easy songs to dance and it showed. Especially MM '14 - your formations have to be on point or it looks like a clusterfuck and girls get lost very quickly.

Their Doki Doki Morning was bleh - the dancing looked tired and the singing was for the most part non-existant (why even have the girl sing? Get your dance down first before singing!)

The Start;Dash dance was okay - but whoever thought SINGING the song was a good idea should re-think that decision. The only good singer they had in that song was the one that had hair like Kotori. The rest of them were flat and off-key about 90% of the time.

Their Super Neko World is pretty decent. It's about as good as Mochi Maid Cafe's (the only other US cafe to have danced this DANCEROID song to date).

Their Ifuudoudou was literally one girl pulling the other three along. The other three looked lost for most of that song.

Basically - you could tell who likes to dance and probably competes in SF during the J-Pop Festival and the maids who is trying to hide in the back.

Also, they didn't perform Mune Mune Kyun. Isn't that breaking some kind of US Maid Cafe rule or something?

>> No.7590437

What the hell? They had Ifuudoudou up on stage? I vaguely remember that, but that song is NSFW as all shit.

>> No.7590440

I saw them right before I had my first Fanime in 2011, it was... I THINK the Spirit of Japantown festival? It was in August/September. They weren't that well organized - out of sync a lot.

>> No.7590534
File: 309 KB, 1780x1000, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7591217

omg this guy was at the maid cafe and he was super sweet to everyone. Really made my day seeing him fangirling over us, it was adorable.

>> No.7591246
File: 292 KB, 2048x1536, 10257728_10152452450048255_1149629693004634293_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to my what the style of "idol dancing/maid dancing" is like. It doesn't seem like anything based off of classic dancing or hip hop and just looks more like a sequence of gestures and spins than an actual dance

Dat newman

>> No.7591312


Idol dancing is based on dancing without having to practice much but having each individual member shine for a second, so they still get fans.

There's no such thing as maid dancing (sometimes they might do wotagei, which is the glowstick moves idol concert attendees do) but we don't have idol teams here so they gotta double up.

>> No.7591703

Ha, that's me. Inside the box was a 2 liter of Shasta (orange) and my all rush mix tape.

>> No.7591829

no one wants to hear about your sick fetishes

>> No.7593388


>> No.7595007

As a staffer I'm glad that Registration worked so well this year, and it seems like most everyone here enjoyed the con overall. Any other gripes/compliments/criticisms?

>> No.7595015

sounds like parts of masq still need work.

>> No.7595051


- Reg lines cut down
- New panels rooms are sizable
- Checkin for panels super good
- Fighting Mania Arcade Game (LOVE THIS!)
- New AA

>Things to improve on
- Dates and approval times. Reg was super late, same with panel approval lists, AA, dealrs etc. Other cons let us plan well in advanced and many of us need to know if we're approved as getting into these things makes or breaks us going to Fanime.

- Hotel room rush. Make it so that you need a badge to get a room. People complained last year not due to the policy because rooms went up before AA, deals etc was approved. If you do enforce a "need a badge to get a room" deal, we'll be ok as long as everything gets out earlier.

>> No.7595464


Yup I definitely got that impression.


True, chronic delays had gotten worse over the years.

In regards to you both I'll ask around at the post-con BBQ if there are any immediate plans to address this. Hopefully this will not be an issue for 2015!

>> No.7595477

one thing that is sort of a problem with badge for room is that there are segments of people who don't get their badges til very late (press, industry, aa who are discounted at con). if you let those people get refunds if they do indeed need a badge to book a room then maybe it'd be alright.

>> No.7595493

also if it's badge for room and you get a badge but then can't get a room, you have no refund options as it is now....so they really need to figure out how they're going to approach this going forward. IMO they need to get more hotels on board, since everything sold out so fast.

>> No.7595877

On a similar note I was walking to grab food with a group of fellow seagulls in costume, and this severe autist Joker cosplayer who was heading the same way as us was comically attempting to be in character, but instead shooting spaghetti out of his lapel flower. He was running around shouting LOL SO RANDUM!! XD shit. The best part was when we got to the restaurant he offered to pay for food for a female cosplayer in our party, and when she declined he started to sulk and said he was never going to do it in the first place.
10/10 made me laugh
Yeah the hotel room situation was a clusterfuck. I don't see why they cannot use some sort of ticket system for pick order for reservations. As it stands its a crapshoot as to who can refresh the page fast enough and not get page errors.

>> No.7595886


These two are awesome

>> No.7596657


There was just nothing to do. It was a nice four-day con that felt like a two-day con.

Please have some guests! I wanted to play arcade games too, but apparently Fanime had problems negotiating with the owners so there was no Pop'n and nothing was free play.

Seems like Fanimaid did a lot of stuff but I'm not ready to idolize a bunch of maids I don't know…

>> No.7596667

Is there anyway to make up for badge trading? My younger sister did it and I feel like I have to make up for it.

>> No.7596904

Pay it forward.

Just buy a badge for someone you know or buy one for your sister's friends

>> No.7597077

I saw this walking by and almost lost my shit. It's beautiful!!

>> No.7597129


Guests have been inconsistent as far as notoriety and drawing power for Fanime. Sorry if it's usually late and you find it wanting =/

>> No.7597144


As to your other comments, I can ask Gaming if Pop'n is possible for 2015. It might be too far out to get an immediate answer though. Sorry but no free play!

No need to idolize the maids, but they are a legit sweet bunch that work hard. If the cafe isn't your thing I'm sure they appreciate folks clapping along to their performances =)

>> No.7597147


That's what I did this year actually, I just bought a good friend a full weekend badge instead of worrying about swapping around badges. It's a nice notion to be certain.

>> No.7598223


Well if it's not freeplay, at least make sure there's a change machine!

(Not saying there wasn't one, just that I didn't see it and had to hastily borrow quarters)

>> No.7598913


There was at least one change machine, although I think there was trouble keeping it re-stocked throughout the weekend.

>> No.7598973

As far as I know On Campus Entertainment doesn't have a Pop'n machine anymore (somebody bought it I think...) so unless someone has a Pop'n cabinet they are willing to be abused over the weekend, I doubt it would be possible.

Even people who bring their machines have to charge as part of the deal with OCE.

>> No.7599132

there is so much wrong with this

>> No.7601426


When you really think of dancing, it's going to be a sequence of gestures & spins mostly. Hip Hop only adds more dangerous elements like flips and body part spins (like headspinning).

Also, idol dancing is a bit harder then just "not having to practice much" - but the focus is on making the idols in the group look good. That goes for ALL idol dancing (yes, I'm including K-Pop in that) - and generally idols spend a day practicing the dance. For like, generally somewhere around 8-12 hours before having to go somewhere else to promote.

And most "maid dances" in the US are pretty much taken from the Japanese Nico Douga dance community who dance to vocaloid songs. There is only a few true "maid dances" - Mune Mune Kyun being one of them. But apparently Fanimaid Cafe doesn't do that song anymore.