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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 135 KB, 640x960, 1396574677129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7584205 No.7584205[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Doll time! Looking for doll tutorials, and general pic dumps.

Pic related, anyone know the name of this sculpt?

>> No.7584237
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>> No.7584243
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>> No.7584245
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>> No.7584251

I think the plainer you go with these dolls, the better. The more accessories you add, the more cluttered and fake looking they become. I'd like to see some simple dolls. The more simple they are, the more real they look imo. I can't wait to get one.

>> No.7584273
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>> No.7584275
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Honestly 90% of the doll photos I see these days are of casually dressed, vaguely feminine male dolls with short wigs and a t-shirt, jeans, and maybe a beanie and couple bracelets. That's cute and all but I couldn't be more bored of them. They're dolls, go wild, don't only dress them like an average American high schooler!

(Also this is a /cgl/ doll thread, not a /jp/ or /toy/ one, so really if the doll isn't wearing loli, cosplay or jfash it won't belong here heh)

>> No.7584282
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>> No.7584284

Yeah but so few people know how to "go wild" properly. Before you know it, shit looks like 90's decora lol. I'm all for extravagance and what not, but if its' not done in the way of the picture you posted, it gets messy as fuck.

>> No.7584287
File: 31 KB, 280x393, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7584282 reminds me of this

>> No.7584288
File: 140 KB, 500x708, tumblr_mg1lepotKB1rgx217o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love seeing photos similar to this. The whole matching outfit is adorable.

>> No.7584294
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>> No.7584295
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It's amazing, yeah. Waay better then < if you remember em

>> No.7584298
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>> No.7584304
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Ironically I got into BJDs before I even new about those ones. No idea how that happened. Now I'm seeing them everywhere.

>> No.7584306
File: 98 KB, 500x750, jedi_bjd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm. I've seen way more ugly casually-dressed dolls than ugly dolls in lolita.
Although I hate to say it, I think the reason is that dressing your doll casually is cheaper, and more likely to be done by the younger kids who can't afford fancy/elaborate outfits, and since they have less resources they are also likely to have out-of-scale fabrics/findings/trimmings, poor faceups, a lack of knowing how to photograph, clothes made from goddamn socks, etc.

anyway here's a cosplaying bjd

>> No.7584307

You're just too hipster for us right now. lol

She's too fuckin pretty for cosplay dude. I'd love to see that one in a gorgeous ballgown of some sort.

Fookin magical

>> No.7584308
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>> No.7584310

no. that's too much. that's too fucking adorable to exist, no

>> No.7584311

Yeah, it's a matter of "if you can't do it right, don't do it". The male BJDs are just - I mean, my ovaries... lol

>> No.7584315
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>> No.7584316
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>> No.7584318
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And another photo of this gown

>> No.7584320

Holy mother of god. Magnificent. -tear

>> No.7584326

Is this Charlotte from Vampire Hunter D?

>> No.7584331

It sure is.

>> No.7584335
File: 95 KB, 500x366, tumblr_m9sf57nL4v1r9xqnno11_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jared is playing with Sam and Cas dolls. I don't know how I feel about this

>> No.7584340
File: 198 KB, 534x800, tumblr_m9sf57nL4v1r9xqnno2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better look at the Winchesters. I'm surprised how much detail is in the Samulet - it's so tiny!

>> No.7584808

At first I didn't realize the one on the left was a person and I thought it was a doll hanging by the neck or something.

>not making little SnK cosplay dolls and dressing up as a titan to do photoshoots
Get with it, SnK fandom.

>> No.7584814
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Oh god. BJDs and Supernatural both have some of the most psychotic fandoms I have ever had the displeasure to encounter so I'm quite interested in what's going to happen now. Do the crazy portions of the fandoms overlap? If so, are they going to create a black hole of wankiness to end all fandom?
Best case scenario we just get a couple of pictures of Sam & Dean dolls making out. Maybe Misha Collins buys a Cas doll and trolls some people with it. Either way, I'm getting popcorn ready.

>> No.7584851

I ordered my secong BJD with a princessey looking white dress... I'll try to draft a pattern out of it for latter use.

Iplehouse has some nice doll costumes.

>> No.7584877
File: 11 KB, 400x300, 1395994943693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are so cute.
Now I want a mini Jensen.

>> No.7584902
File: 23 KB, 202x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this little girl in the mail right now. She's a form of plastic rather than resin, but she's only around $30 with all the clothes, faceup, etc.

>> No.7584926
File: 117 KB, 640x400, tumblr_n68ymfDoZA1r5rdqjo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7584944

Have you a bigger pic ?
From afar, it looks really cute. Does she have glass eyes ?
How articulated is she ?

>> No.7585071

She is a Jun Planning AI doll, the same company that started making Pullip. I don't have mine yet but reviews show her and the others in the series having a typical bjd articulation. I'm not sure in her eyes, but she does have the removable faceplate so you can change her eyes or better secure the ones she has with putty.

>> No.7585105

omg... i want this cat boy bjd
Love it
Aww, so cute! One day i will have also I a little bjd to dress as a mini me in lolita or fairy kei. I hope....

>> No.7585217
File: 265 KB, 650x930, Cen_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those guys are possibly the cutest bjds I've ever seen

>> No.7585337

That is Soom Grey (that's his name, not just his skincolor!), which was supposed to be a fox. I have Ace (the girl counterpart) and they're so much cuter in person.

>> No.7585415
File: 424 KB, 800x1228, 654654645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, new doll thread, finally. I will be be bumping some lolita-ish dolls, mostly DDs.

>> No.7585417
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>> No.7585419
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>> No.7585431
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>> No.7585434

I'd love to have one of the more slightly fantasy dolls like that.
Personally I think the smaller ones like those are the cuter ones, I feel like those big 50 cm ones are just too big.

>> No.7585436
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>> No.7585476
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>> No.7585594
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>> No.7585637

I just want to make tiny clothes without the monetary commitment of actually buying a doll ;_;

>> No.7585664

I feel the same way

>> No.7585790
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>> No.7585892
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>> No.7586148

It's a plutodolls millicent

>> No.7586162 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7586340

Thank you thank you thank you!!

>> No.7586350
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>> No.7586396
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kinoko juice anyone?

>> No.7586400

I love them, but they are so expensive, it's unjust to expect so much for something so simple. Cute, but simple.

>> No.7586407

I can't decide whether I find DollPamm cute...or absolutely terrifying..

>> No.7586413
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Pic dropped

>> No.7586415
File: 110 KB, 663x400, tumblr_n68ymfDoZA1r5rdqjo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same feelings...
I used to be obsessed with them, but they're so expensive and japan-only

>> No.7586417

they're once cute children now disfigured into this horrifying state

>> No.7586419

whats the best way to start getting into dolls? i'm mostly interested in doing face-up because i really like the art behind it but i'm not sure where to start.. Is it possible to just do face ups? A lot of the sites I went to sell full bodies. Idk, any suggestions?

>> No.7586424

if you can manage to snag a membership invitation on den of angels, try scoping their market place for some cheap secondhand heads.

>> No.7586425

How much do they usually go for?

>> No.7586427

$1,000 for a doll

>> No.7586428
File: 174 KB, 400x600, BFT-TBO-20110215-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of companies sell heads separately.
Depends on what size. For a ~45cm doll, expect to pay $240 and up blank, wigless, and naked.

>> No.7586431

I'm interested in getting dolls as well, but I really want to start collecting darker skinned ones.
everywhere I seem to look only has pale options.
are there darker skinned models somewhere?

>> No.7586432
File: 55 KB, 550x385, luts-resin-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7586433

dollstown or dollshe craft, maybe?

>> No.7586472

.....fffffuuuuuck of course Fairyland would suddenly pop this out right after I swear off ever buying from them again.

>> No.7586474

I'm so amazed that Dollheart hasn't really leaked over into the general lolita scene yet. Thought for sure they'd get picked up pretty quick when they started producing human scale clothing.

>> No.7586477


Don''t let the SJWs get hold of this pic.

>> No.7586483

I cannot stand the faces but I fucking love their bodies. Gimme all the big bootied dolls please.

>> No.7586486
File: 217 KB, 798x1178, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

;_; This hobby makes my wallet cry. Goddamnit fairyland. I don't even normally go for msds, but these two are just so cute.

>> No.7586488

Their clothes are expensive and don't look the best, either.

If a company actually made nice matching lolita sets, I'd be all over it.

>> No.7586492
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>> No.7586493
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Why'd you swear off buying from them?

>> No.7586496
File: 236 KB, 567x449, Screen shot 2014-05-29 at 12.34.25 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, seeing as it seems a lot of people are struggling with the concept of how much money resin ball jointed dolls are going to cost, I want to introduce the lot of you to Pure Neemo dolls. I've collected the resin ilk for years, and after a large overhaul of my collection, these are the kind of dolls I'm most in love with. No yellowing resin, articulated joints that are sometimes disguised with soft material that gives the "solid skin" effect, plenty of clothing that is more geared towards lolita and fairy kei. Also, Obitsu is now making plastic heads that have open eyes and more realistic facial sculpts which look nice paired with these Neemo bodies. You can piece together an amazing doll for a fraction of the price of even a low-end resin doll.

>> No.7586502
File: 74 KB, 554x239, Screen shot 2014-05-29 at 12.41.55 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better posing ability, at that.

>> No.7586503
File: 192 KB, 372x321, Screen shot 2014-05-29 at 12.44.10 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that this is just overkill at this point, but these are honestly amazing dolls.

>> No.7586549

why not just buy dollfie dreams?

im pretty done with resin too now after getting mine

>> No.7586578

These prices are so reasonable. Which heads work on these bodies?

>> No.7586584

really? only $240?
hmm, well the last I heard of them they were brand new and only a few in existence.

>> No.7586593
File: 416 KB, 783x1096, aileen-doll-rot-bjd-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are bjd dragons??? Goodbye money

>> No.7586609
File: 446 KB, 450x2029, alberta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm just weird, but these doll chateau bjds are gorgeous

>> No.7586612

Here are some cheaper bjds (I.e. >200$):

>> No.7586647

Jfc I didn't know they had cute little kitty cat people ones. I need so much money now.


>> No.7586666

No, that person meant specifically, how much do Kinoko Juice go for.
They're about a foot tall and go for $800-$1000 because they're artist-made and verly limited (like Enaibi dolls)

>> No.7586689

please do not ever buy from DDE i cannot stress this enough

>> No.7586756

I've bought from them and never had problem (only small stuff though.)
Do you have a bad feedback to share?

>> No.7587070

Iplehouse does it.

>> No.7587081

I thought only their limited dolls came in dark colours?

>> No.7587089

kinda ott but does migidoll make anyone else angry

>> No.7587092

...no? They're nice, pretty dolls anon. Why would they make you angry?

>> No.7587095

their "doll choice" system lets you get dark skin colors, I think.
Additionally their basics are always available in "real skin" which is a browner color than most BJDs.

>> No.7587341

What's up with DDE?

>> No.7587353

DoA has mostly good things to say about them.

>> No.7587376

Has anyone here tried making their on BJD before? What materials would you suggest? Would Sculpey work?

>> No.7587494

I personally use the "Apple" resin heads that Obitsu released for the fact that I enjoy having insertable eyes and more realistic facial features. However, Pure Neemo makes their own line of heads, and most vinyl heads can be used as well. I have actually seen some really interesting hybrids done with Blythe heads, as well.

>> No.7587509

I like the smaller size of the Pure Neemo dolls, to be honest. Also, they are more affordable and I enjoy their versatility a bit more. But like I stated before, I hybrid heads with these bodies.

>> No.7587553

Sculpey's only good for really small dolls, since it needs support before baking. I also heard people complaing about smearing details when it gets too soft.
I use Premier La Doll (on woodclay core) and can swear by it. It's soft, dries quickly and doesn't have a grainy texture, allowing you to go into details. Easy to shave and sand, I really like the silky texture as well.

Also be prepared to spend like a dozen hours desiging and refining joints. There's nothing sadder than a nicely sculpted body that can barely stand up straight, let alone pose...

>> No.7587556

I own pureneemo as well as DDs but they're honestly not comparable, they cost the same respectively for their sizes, and DDs are more versatile in that they're customizable and easier to make clothes for. I like them both, but honestly DDs are the better deal.

>> No.7587692

I was going to ask about handmade next,cause that seems affordable, and I enjoy sculpting. Does anyone have good tutorials on making the joints? I've never owned a bjd, and so I'm not 100% clear on how the joints look.

>> No.7587696
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>> No.7587719

I wanted to give my Iplehouse's Carina some elf ears, but since I didn't want to screw up a $600 bjd I ordered a recast head to do this.
Problem is I don't know ant face-up artists that work with recasts and I suck at them.
What do I do?

>> No.7587792

Epoxy is your best shot.

>> No.7587846

i bought a doll full price from them and the front side was yellowed because it was a display model.
unfortunately didnt figure out WHY it was yellowed on the front until it was far too late. complained anyway and got no response, as expected

a lot of other people hate them too from what ive seen on tumblr

>> No.7588216

I might be wrong but if I recall correctly, Call-Me-Gorgeous/Cats1010 paints recasts.

>> No.7588217

Tumblr hates everyone

>> No.7588233

Sorry, man. Doesn't surprise me, though, because a lot of vinyl doll people don't realize that resin yellows. They obviously just jumped on the bjd money bandwagon without giving a shit about the quality of dolls they sell.

>> No.7588311
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>> No.7588324
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>> No.7588332

Where does one even start with BJDs? like is theres a site with resources, for buying, good sellers vs bad> Ive always been curious and kind of wanted to get into it. But everyone IRL I've met who has a BJD is kinda nuts and has weeabo-ish like qualities which detoured me a bit.

>> No.7588336


go to the /toy/ thread, there should be a pastebin with all you need to know.

>> No.7588339


>> No.7588343

Their production/shipping time is insane right now, and theres a lot of quality control issues. Plus the last dolls I bought new from them were packaged pretty badly and arrived damaged. They do have foam insert packing, but its loose enough that my male Chicline's inner jaw cracked somehow, and my female's hands popped off, stuck themselves to her back magnets, and one got completely crushed. The back magnets are actually pretty visible on both dolls too, like bruises.
I love Fairyland's work, but I'm not waiting 6+ months for a doll that has a very good chance of arriving damaged.

>> No.7588358

I second epoxy, or at least a similar self curing or air dry clay. Being able to add a small bit, leave it, refine it once its set, and add more is very helpful. Plus epoxy sets into a resin which will help you see how strong your parts must be and how heavy the entire piece will eventually be.

I also suggest you sort of scope around and look at the jointing on different kinds of dolls, figure out how they all work, and make a few life size drafts including those joints.

>> No.7588402
File: 1.14 MB, 700x5854, 20121019064905cont3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get some pictures up in here

>> No.7588614

>vinyl doll people
DDE doesn't sell any vinyl dolls at all, and has been dealing BJDs for...quite a few years? Almost a decade I think? I'm surprised to hear about them doing this.
Anon, did you leave bad feedback on DoA, and can you link to it?

>> No.7588642


im surprised i dont see more bad reviews on it, ive seen plenty of bitching in other places

>> No.7588716

Am I reading this correctly, you emailed them "after a few years"...? Jesus, no wonder they didn't do anything.

>> No.7588742

den of angels
fyeahlolita also did a 101 on bjds
it's also a good idea to seek out your local bjd comm, they'd probably be happy to welcome and educate a newcomer

I mostly met great people through it, levelheaded, creative and really fun women in their 20-30s. But I do make an effort to avoid weeabooish girls, both irl and on the net. It's easy to distinguish just from the dolls they own.
Collection consisting only of prepubescent looking boys with j-rock wigs and cat ears? Girl doll from the cheapest and most accessible company with frizzy hair and creepy maido outfit (and often terrible makeup)?
It's not a rule though, more of a warning sign. I know plenty people who started out with an awful looking doll, but have grown enough to now have spectacular, verging on artistic, collections.

>> No.7588778

Monster High Dolls are good for practising face-ups on.
The most important thing to buy is a RESPIRATOR. The sealant used for face-ups can damage your lungs and make you very sick if you don't protect yourself.

>> No.7588816

Pretty much all American fashion dolls and baby/child dolls are vinyl.

>> No.7588843

Dunno if this is the right place but I've got a couple of MSDs, but I'm really interested in Pullips at the moment, especially customising. DoA seems to be decent enough for BJD but where do people hang out for pullip/blythe/etc. Is there anywhere active or do I just have to keep looking for individual customisers? I guess if anyone has some favs if you'd like to share?

>> No.7588912


no, they are not. Vynil and resin are different - just get one of those $20 chinese practice heads.

>> No.7588931

Any 3d surface will
As someone who does faceups on both DDs and resin dolls, painting on vinyl and resin takes basically the same skill set; the materials do have slightly different toothiness and will take materials a little more/less (for example, it's easier to blush vinyl because it takes pastel more easily). But the skill set of painting on a 3d head is the same between both of them, and is very different from 2d artwork. So yes, you can practice with a Monster High head if you want, and you don't want to order from China and have to wait for a long time.

>> No.7588935

Aahh, you're totally right, I forgot that they sell a bunch of American companies and read "vinyl" as "DDs, Azone, Pullip and Obitsu".

But my point was, DDE is not a vinyl-exclusive seller or new to resin BJDs so it would be really silly to say they wouldn't expect a doll to yellow.

>> No.7588942

As someone who does faceups for a living, I can tell you how dead wrong you are. The materials are too different to get the same affect. Hell, you even said that it takes more materials on one over the other, so then the person is used to having to use more and fucks their whole shit up.

Also, the it's almost entirely the same as 2D if you can grasp the idea.

>> No.7588973
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>> No.7589551

>for a living
Very, very few people could ostensibly say they do faceups for a living. What are you, SDink or something? If you're trying to say you take commissions, so do I, and if someone has never painted on a 3d surface before an MH is definitely better practice than none or using a 2d mockup. My very first practice head was an Obitsu Gretel, and with a base coat of MSC it wasn't really different than painting on a resin BJD.

>> No.7589558

Also the material difference I was refering to is mainly that vinyl holds onto pastels a little more readily and you need some more for a resin head, especially if they're lower quality pastels. However, assuming the person's actually looking at the head as they paint and going slowly, I don't see how this would lead to "fucking their whole shit up" just because they were used to using more on the other kind of doll...they just would see that it was already the color they wanted after less pastel, and then stop.

>> No.7589710

nah i wouldnt expect them to refund it or anything because of how long it took me to figure out, a response would have been nice though
im mostly just pissed they sold it to me for full price as a brand new doll

>> No.7590037
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>> No.7590094
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>> No.7590116
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I have an Ai doll. The faces are cute, but the bodies aren't suoer quality and don't pose great. They come loosely strung, too. However, they have adorable outfits that seem pretty quality and for $30 I think it's a good deal.
Pic related, a sucky midnight mobile photo of mine. He basically does that pose and stands.

>> No.7590181

I was thinking of one to get as a doll for my doll.

>> No.7590185

He's sitting in my MSD's lap right there. They're perfect for it. Do it, anon, it'd be so cute!

>> No.7590204

Why is her head so damn small?

>> No.7590252

I got mine today in the mail [was anon from above] and yeah, the stringing was awful. I could barely get her shoes on. I ended up while I was putting the putty onto the eyes pulling the string and tying it into a knot so her limbs don't just flop around which had made the issue MUCH better in the legs.

>> No.7590289
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>> No.7590312

..... Really, jointed penis?? Is that needed??

>> No.7590342
File: 79 KB, 567x559, 20111115hebody-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Not at all.

>> No.7590345
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>> No.7590364

how can you censor the product you're trying to show...

>> No.7590391

Doll chateau doesn't have it censored, nor zoomed in, but their male models have the same jointed penises.... :$

>> No.7590993
File: 28 KB, 400x532, unoa manlet kit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Unoa boys are more pathetic because they have manlet bodies.

>> No.7591129

Well -- you know why they're named L-Bi and B-El, right? As a homage to BL manga...of course they'll have skinny girly bodies lol

>> No.7591147

That's so sweet, you can choose between a big penis and an average one..... (What the actual duck)

>> No.7591151

Actually, I guess proportionally, an average sized and a small sized

>> No.7591165
File: 147 KB, 350x360, 110513c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The small one is probably there for when the doll is dressed (but you don't want to leave it dickless). The big one I guess if you want to take pics of the doll with a boner -- it can be rotated etc. As gorgeous, delicate, and weirdly nostalgic as his doll/photography aesthetic is, Gentaro Araki of Alchemic Labo/Unoa is unashamedly a huge perv, if anyone want a shock look up his kits sometime (and the jello mold he sculpted for the vore crowd...)

Heh. I went looking for the official promo pics from B-El and L-Bi's release, couldn't really find any, but there's this. Look at that tiiiny peen.

>> No.7591167

Are there knock off versions of bjds? Ive always liked them but not enough to get into the whole community.

>> No.7591168

Short stick dick

>> No.7591170

There are. They're frowned upon and for good reason, they harm their makers probably significantly more than even lolita replicas harm brands because doll companies, with only a few exceptions, are usually only two or three people. Also, at least making a replica involves some amount of sewing skill, they're just stealing the design; recasters don't have even that.

If you can't afford a BJD, you're better off just not getting one. If the community is really the only problem, you can just buy a doll and then not participate and

>> No.7591171

This isn't really the place to ask about bjds,
but there's Hujoos, which are made of ABS and a hell of a lot cheaper than most yo-sds, but their aesthetic is very different from a lot of bjds, and they have less posability.

If you just want a list of cheap bjd companies, I can list some, but you're still looking to spend around 100 for a naked doll

pro-tip side note: be aware of bjd sizes, because you might get fucked by buying a cheap doll, but paying a shit ton for their custom clothing because they aren't standard size.

>> No.7591173

They weren't asking about recasts
keep it in your pants

>> No.7591178

Just kind of a get one for myself to make clothes for, as a side hobby. I didn't want to spend 200+ on a doll I want as a side hobby, but I like aesthetic of them more than the monster high dolls people are obsessed with.
And 100 isn't too terrible, I just didn't want to spend a months rent on one doll, yk?

>> No.7591180

See wording
I'm totally baffled by your response, also. I'm not interested in fucking a recast? "Keep it in your pants" is a pretty weird way to say calm down, bud

>> No.7591183

example A of how the bjd community freaks out about everything

If you aren't too interested in posing or anything, Resinsoul/Bobobie and Fantasy Doll/F-doll are both pretty cheap, but they both do have interesting aesthetics compared to some other brands.

The thing you really need to think about, along with price, is the size you want. The bigger the doll, the more expensive they'll be, no matter the company.

I'd recommend checking out youtube, honestly, since that's how I started. A good user who has reviews for dolls (although she seems to ignore the negatives) is Asenva

>> No.7591196

Awesome, thanks! You're super helpful.
Since you mentioned it before, what is the typical "standard size"? Or does it range, and I just misunderstood?

>> No.7591213

I'm glad, lol! I apologize if I seem like I'm talking down to you at all
There's generally 3 size ranges
yo-sd, MSD, and SD
yo-sd's are around 25cm tall on average, and are almost always look like toddlers and little kdis
MSDs are ~46cm and can look young, or mature, it just depends on the company. (compare Dollzone with Withdoll)
SD's are 60cm+, and are generally mature looking.

Each size group generally has the same proportions, so clothing labeled as "yo-sd" can generally fit all yo-sds, no matter the company, but some companies have abnormally slim/short/tall dolls (Fairyland, Resinsoul, Fantasy doll, Hujoo), so they might not fit "standard sized" clothing for their size group.

tl;dr: A "yo-sd" doll might not fit "yo-sd" clothing if it's got odd proportions

>> No.7591276
File: 1.82 MB, 1500x1930, 54berryc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could get a Hujoo Berry (ABS plastic) for around $70 + shipping with the face already done.

>> No.7591279

also check out junkyspot for them if you're in the US, since they send cute little gifts with them!

>> No.7591386

That doll is creepy...

>> No.7591647
File: 32 KB, 324x316, 164218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked it up.

>> No.7591662

I'm not really into these dolls themselves, but I am absolutely in love with their clothes and accessories. I specialize in making jewelry and the idea of making tiny rings/necklaces/earrings/bracelets for these dolls makes me super happy. But I have no idea for scale and just how lucrative this idea is. I mostly want to create accessories for the pure joy of making tiny cute things, but it would be nice to make a little money along the way.

So a few questions:
Which dolls are the most "popular" with dollfie collectors, and in what sizes?
How much would it cost to just buy some (maybe 3?) of the most commonly owned dollfies? Nothing special necessary, I would just want them as models.
Are people willing to pay for these things, or do they usually just make it themselves?

Thanks :)

>> No.7591693

>How much would it cost to just buy some (maybe 3?) of the most commonly owned dollfies?
A lot. You're looking at a thousand dollars here. Most people buy them; it's possible to make them yourself but it takes a lot of time and at least some sculpting skill.

>> No.7591695

...and "at" should be "well over." I'd stick to one for now unless you're filthy rich.

>> No.7591697

Is there an equivalent of lace front wigs for dolls? Where could I purchase and/or commission them?

I'm trying to make a character doll, and the hair is slicked back, so if I can get my hands on something similar to a lacefront I'd be willing to pay a fair bit for it....

>> No.7591984
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>> No.7591987
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>> No.7592003
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>> No.7592096


Thanks, you've been very helpful. Would you suggest instead that instead a whole doll, I could buy parts? Say for example, an arm to display bracelets and rings? I don't know if that's possible or frowned upon in the dollfie comm, but since people IRL do this to display jewelry, it might work out the same for dollfies.

>> No.7592184

If you want to do necklaces, you could probably get away with this.
A disembodied arm won't do you any good because you can't string that, anyways.

>> No.7592492

Wow. Hujoos are pretty unpleasant; I always forget, and then I see one and remember. It's like the manufacturer thought "hey, why don't we make a doll with the same distorted proportions as a pullip, while taking away the cuteness and nice outfits that make pullips charming and making the face as horrifying as possible"

>> No.7592493

I didn't freak out, just calmly explained why not to get a recast and then suggested they can have a BJD and still not participate in the community? The defensiveness and claims of overreaction are kind of replichan-esque. Nice of you to suggest cheaper dolls for the anon tho.

>> No.7592501
File: 142 KB, 750x776, bobobiespritecolors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A $40 item plus at least $20 of international shipping is kind of a lot to just have something to put necklaces on, isn't it? If you have $120 to spare you can get a pretty cute MSD-size doll to make outfit and jewelry for. I don't care for most Resinsoul/Bobobie molds but Sprite is pretty cute, junkyspot.com

>> No.7592821

BBB/RS sculpts are all really ugly. I wouldn't recommend them to a beginner at all. Or anyone, for that matter.

>> No.7592825

You freaked out at me instead of helping the anon

Your over-reactions and freak outs really don't leave a good impression about the community. You need to drop it.

>> No.7592830
File: 8 KB, 274x184, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're what you make them to be
RS Song is probably the best
I've seen a ton of BBB/RS that look better than FL dolls

>> No.7592835
File: 28 KB, 270x260, 2008629155945001da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, not really. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it's probably not good for a beginner.

>> No.7592839

Like I said, it's what you make it to be. Getting it with a 10 dollar faceup and cheap eyes will make a lot of dolls look bad.
A lot of beginners start with them, so they mess up and make them look bad. They're cheap and have problems, but they're fine for anyone imo

If the anon just wants a doll to make clothes for, they're fine.

>> No.7592862

You can order parts directly from Resinsoul. If you write them and ask if they would send you an upper body (upper torso, arms, hands), they'll give you a price quote.

And ignore >>7592821; Resinsoul's earliest work was janky as hell, but their more recent work is very nice stuff. And like >>7592830 said, a few of them have amazing potential with the right face makeup that could definitely compare to Fairyland.

>> No.7592880
File: 66 KB, 563x751, bcAsejJ9z43QGxmFLzQ14P3xtHGC5rw42U-KtdvpM4RSN8h4qFe87h_q-GpPnzn0CG5LkQ=w836-h751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7593399

this so much
my bbb was the 2nd shittiest doll ive ever owned

are you even 18 yet

>> No.7593764

I mean, anon literally wanted a doll to display jewelry on, so if you think it's wiser to pay $60 for a sculpted neck from Luts, okay...

>> No.7593766

Then quote it, anon. I was pretty civil.

>> No.7593789
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>> No.7593831

...lmao just,this literally reads like the good old Dollzone/Bobobie persecution complex with 'freaking out' replacing 'elitism'. If you reply they just read it as more elitism or what ever even if you're nice 'hey btw please don't buy a recast' is the new 'I don't personally like Dollzone/Chinese sculpts' for getting people to whine and act like you are terrible...

>> No.7593840

Ah, well I don't know shit about dolls so thanks for the warning if and when I ever buy one.

Are there any other cute cat ones like those that aren't shit?

>> No.7593842

You could just order from the dear mine website? Or if it won't ship to you, check for other dealers.

>> No.7593844

If you want a really cheap one, hujoo has one

most pet bjds are more expensive, though

>> No.7593848

lol bitches need to calm their tits about recasts
anon didn't even ask about them

>> No.7593859

Y'know I just realized I'm a tired idiot and realized that person meant I shouldn't order from that website and not the company itself that sells the ones I liked.

Thank y'all anyway for the info!

>> No.7593860

good luck, anon!

>> No.7593879

three weeks ago actually

>> No.7593885

Maybe they didn't mean recasts, but they literally said "knockoff dolls" so I thought I'd just nicely let them know that those exists and they shouldn't buy em. Just like I'd let a newb loli know they shouldn't buy replicas. No freaking out or yelling (a total absense of exclamation marks, even), just nice advice, idk what your deal is.

The old Junkyspot forums were chock full of people saying that Volks elitists were keeping them down and yelling at them for buying DZs, whereas I literally never saw anyone be rude to them for owning their dolls.

>> No.7593891

You'll pay upwards of forty if you buy directly from them. If you want it and they have it you should just buy from DDE. I've bought multiple dolls from them (some preorder some in stock) and never had a problem, and generally if a doll retailer DOES give you trouble you persistently threaten then with bad Den of Angels feedback until they give in (i have had to do that elsewhere).

Other anon admitted they only got no customer service because they waited YEARS before reporting their issue and leaving bad feedback. Of course people will not refund or replace your product if you do that.

>> No.7593905

Are there BJDs if dogs or other animals? I don't like how human dolls look, they scare me

>> No.7593954
File: 581 KB, 806x1210, IMG_3431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Several companies make cartoony animal dolls, Pipos is the most well-known (and imo the best, many others seem pretty uncanny valley)

>> No.7593969
File: 23 KB, 490x405, tmp_5941823c338771d762436b7cd8bbd322-606096404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyre pretty small though

>> No.7594019
File: 6 KB, 164x120, 8168190235_95677267ff_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a Doll-Love hamster! Nobody could find this lump scary lol

>> No.7594030

link? I don't see them on http://www.doll-love.com/

>> No.7594169
File: 69 KB, 179x193, 2267117_bun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, maybe they are not from Doll-Love. When I looked them up just now I thought it mentioned that company...
In any case, I remember people got them from an order run by this agent:
Right now they're queueing up to do orders for other animals from the same company (bunny, cat) you can email them about the hamsters probably

>> No.7594266

oops I meant to say
>upwards of forty for shipping

>> No.7594272
File: 65 KB, 500x319, T2oRw7XORXXXXXXXXX-49107340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I found these


which are close I guess, though no moving parts.

>> No.7594340
File: 16 KB, 259x194, Unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit, that bunny! ahhhhhh.
I have this dog, it is a dollfactory pet ari nara. Awww shitttt. I look at it and think I should sell it, but then I'm like naaaaah, little cutie fetus dog that scares my girlfriend.

>> No.7594343
File: 63 KB, 300x300, aileenrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aileen Doll has some cute little animals
They're famous for their cute ass dragons

>> No.7594344
File: 94 KB, 480x640, 20080417095900cont3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please someone tell me that I do not need an adorable baby cat bjd.

>> No.7594357

Save up, anon
save up and get that adorable baby cat bjd and fucking throw it a birthday when it gets there HELL YEA YOU NEED IT

>> No.7594384

This thread made me fall in love with BJD's all over again. I still have a coffe skinned resinsoul doll that I plan to make a mori girl/woodland creature out of, anyone know where to get some mori-ish msd sized clothes?

>> No.7594385
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>> No.7594388
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I think those are from Paper Sakura Group.

>> No.7594398
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>> No.7594399
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>> No.7594406
File: 198 KB, 700x893, freyav2wsnfup23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hujoo Freya is $45 plus ship at Junkyspot, though she's not available with the company face up on that site.

>> No.7594408
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>> No.7594410

Those animal dolls all look adorable, but the thought that there surely are people who use them for impure things like the oppai DD sickens me.

>> No.7594412
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>> No.7594416
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>> No.7594417
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>> No.7594419
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>> No.7594431
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>> No.7594435
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>> No.7594442

Yeah I kind of had to gloss over the fact that they have human genetiles instead of just Barbie crotches.

>> No.7594448

what model is the one on the left?
she's giving me a "cat returns" vibe

>> No.7594522

The small one is a Dearmine Dorothy and the bigger one is a Dearmine Angela.

>> No.7594539

Holy shit I want to do this now

>> No.7594549

How do they manage to have the ears stich so neatly out of the hair ?
the right one is really really sweet.

>> No.7594551

I just got a cutegasm.

>> No.7594567

The ears are magnetic and stick ontop of the wig

>> No.7594612

Maybe a stupid question, but if I buy a doll with a faceup, can I draw on top of and add to that faceup? Or do I have to wipe everything and start from scratch?

>> No.7594679

You can. Use sealant before/after.

I highly doubt that, is kind of a DD exclusive thing,BJDs aren't used for anything like that aside from some people may take sexy photos of their adult human ones.

>> No.7594685

Good find The 9999 is no order/out of stock right? I will bookmark this for future purchase! They're pretty affordable too from the prices listed elsewhere

>> No.7594827

Well, some girls might stick doll legs up their vaginas.

>> No.7594870

There are Zuzu Delfs (eluts.com)
Soom has a few out right now for their monthy doll. (Cat, Dog, and Chick)
Seconding Aileen doll and Pipos.

>> No.7594876
File: 26 KB, 326x500, volks baron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forever ago Volks make an MSD Baron, but imo those are much cuter.

>> No.7594931

Ahh, I remember this thing! One of the truly forgotten Volks dolls...I think his line was called "SD Companion" or something and there were plans for more but they never materialized

I highly doubt this, anon. I've been in this hobby for 10yrs, seen some depraved things (Kazakai smearing period blood on her doll in retaliation mod warning; a photoshoot where a doll fucks a floating head's neckhole) but blessedly nothing like that has come about, been anonymously confessed anywhere, etc. Try to keep your imagination in check lol, isn't it bad enough for you that people mod their DDs for that? (Also speaking as someone who's broken the skin during restringing accidents, those joints pinch, putting a leg in your vag sounds just plain dangerous)

>> No.7594937
File: 188 KB, 454x648, leviathan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this poor knobbly bastard
(this isn't Volks Baron, it's the 2005 doll Phantomdoll Leviathan, but it's the first image result for Volks Baron)

>> No.7594950

>it is dark spreads
>from heart deep place
>It is mind that don't want to found
>to anyone
>but it is proud mine

I love bad bjd engrish.

>> No.7595341

I've had more people be rude to me over the Volks I own currently than have ever said anything when all I owned was DZ, FD, and RS. I honestly don't think "Volks elitists" even exist anymore, if they ever did. Its all hype and persecution complex (especially on fucking Junkyspot. Seriously, just fuck Junkyspot people)

>> No.7595343

Camelia Dynasty has some pretty cute animals and parts for other dolls too. Their paintjobs are pretty rough but a competent faceup artist could work wonders.

>> No.7595352

Different anon, and unfortunately I can confirm doll leg up vag. Have seen pictures. Was someone who did faceups/body blushing and she would use the unstrung lower legs of 70cm male dolls she found attractive. It was...really really weird.

>> No.7595366

So I haven't been keeping up with DoA and new doll companies lately. Are there any new cute dolls about 1/12 scale? Not baby looking ones like Puki but ones with bodies like the old Elfdoll fairies or Catsy? And somewhat related, what kind of heads fit on PiccoNeemos?

>> No.7595372

Oh man, some past tween version of me was just heartbroken to see Mercedes Lackey make an arse of herself on those boards and on DoA.

>> No.7595375


Wait what? Mercedes Lackey actually came on 4chan and made an arse out of herself? I really have to see that.

>> No.7595376

Oh shit. I (very sadly) stand corrected, then.
Name names? Don't want to commission anyone who does that shit

>> No.7595380

>those boards and DoA
meaning the JS forums and DoA.
She drinks the "DoA are eliiiitists who don't like Dollzone/Bobobie" Koolaid and also once cut off a cat's whiskers to make brushes for doll painting

>> No.7595387

no we still exist. im right here

>> No.7595396

lmao I too prefer Volks to most other companies but I'm not like rude to DZ owners at meets or threatening to scratch their doll's faceups or whatever.
You have to understand, what these people imagine isn't someone who would rather buy the older companies over Bobobie and other cheap new ones, it's someone who actively hates on the owners and is out to get them "just for having cheaper dolls", it's a persecution complex.

>> No.7595801
File: 102 KB, 500x375, 7100777449_c8b680c600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hnngg she is adorable, does anyone know what mold?

And to contribute here is a photo of my lovely little lady that I just dont have the time to spend with anymore..

She is a mnf scar breakaway on an aline body.

I also own a 1st gen DIM R-Asiam and a Bambicrony Pepe.. I got into the hobby in 2002, then my granmother jumped aboard and she currently has 25+ dolls, alot of little yo size and a few iplehouses

>> No.7595879

>file name

>> No.7597085

Oh lol thanks, my mobile doesnt display those

>> No.7597130

I don't understand. Was just a bunch of numbers and letters

>> No.7597152

For me it says LTF_Rose_(numbers) so it's a Littlefee Rose

>> No.7597374

I fucking love Doll Chateau.

>> No.7597572

where are these from?

>> No.7597614


>> No.7597640

Just checked with the person who actually recieved the pics and it wasn't actually a faceup artist, my mistake, but at least you're safe on that count? I don't wanna go naming names and I'm not even sure she's still in the hobby but she was a divorcee with a lot of Iplehouse dolls and was a frequent poster on JS. It was either an Iplehouse or a Soom doll in question if I remember right.

>> No.7597650


Are there any heads that fit these Pure Neemo bodies that don't have hair? That take wigs I mean, I hate rooted hair.

Also are there any male ones?

>> No.7597656

Which is hilarious considering how often she's lurking the DoA sewing section shitting it up. For someone who spends hours posting patronizing sewing lessons on there, she really can not sew for shit herself. She once posted a tutorial on making catsuits where she described sewing spandex with a very loose running stitch so it would have room to stretch.

>> No.7597853


I've been interested in these for a long time, since I've been interested in BJDs for almost 10 years but never actually bought one (shit's just too expensive for something I can't carry around without looking creepy, I'm sorry) and these things have all the traits I love about BJDs- customization, flexibility, proportions, cute clothes, etc.

But damn if it isn't harder to find stuff for 1/6 than a 1/4 BJD, ugh. I just want a cute little 25cm serafuku ugh

>> No.7597861


jfc you can't just say "oh this person who may or may not still be in the hobby likes to unstring dolls and shove their parts inside her, including dolls which might not necesaarily be hers" and then not name names. Name some goddamn names, you're anonymous, don't be a puss

>> No.7597875

That's a weird reason. Most people don't carry around their dolls. That activity is restricted to the 14yo weeb segment of collectors (as well as the occasional photographers who might want a sesh in a public garden or something, but you don't have to do that)
Mine only leave the house for occasional meets and they go there concealed in cases.

Check Pure Neemo clothes (by Azone). I'd be very surprised if they haven't made a seifuku. Also look on etsy and other sites under Momoka.

>> No.7597883

uh, *Momoko, my bad.
Also clothes made for Pullip and Blythe (aside from headgear ofc). There are a LOT of good seamstresses sewing for these three 1/6 lines.

>> No.7597901

1/6 seifuku in 4 colors

>> No.7597916

From my source, it was Sweetest or something. I swear I remember someone different though, because I definitely remember different dolls and distinctly the fact that the doll was not hers.

>> No.7597926


Well the point was that I don't want to drop hundreds of bucks on something that's just gonna sit in my house. With cheaper dolls it doesn't matter.

>> No.7597927

Would anyone by chance know if it's possible to put an SQlabs head on a 50cm obitsu body?

>> No.7597931

>something that's just gonna sit in my house.
The use of dolls is to customize, dress up, paint, sew for, and photograph. What is the point of taking it out of your house?

>> No.7597939
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For you anon, I continue

>> No.7597942
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>> No.7597945
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Yes, it definitely should be. You can get pretty much any head onto any body, sometimes a washer or s-hook may be required, but you can do it. The only thing that is uncertain is whether it will look good; in this case, yes, I don't think you should need to do any mods to the neck etc to make an SQlab head suit a 50cm Obitsu body! It's almost certainly been done before

Sorry, I couldn't find pics of existing hybrids, but here is a comparison to show the SQlab head size should suit the 50cm body nicely

>> No.7597947
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>> No.7597950
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>> No.7597952

The proportions look a lot better than what I'd anticipated. Thanks, anon!

>> No.7597988
File: 58 KB, 335x266, 1349743933485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>aw shit yes look at all dem clothes

5 minutes later I hate this site

>taking forever to load anything (and no, none of my other sites are doing this)
>shitty search feature
>type in Pure Neemo M and all it's giving me is S and L sized shit, or a ton of M sized stuff that's out of stock or preorder
>won't let me filter out of stock or preorder

>> No.7598055

Different anon, proportion wise it works well because SQ Labs standard body is just about 48cm . However the neck will be tricky. Both dolls have unusual neck joints, and on opposite ends of the spectrum. Obitsus have one of two different kinds of neck connectors, both made to work with flexible vinyl heads with a slot shaped hole. SQ Labs are resin and have a very small circular hole, like a DD's, though if put on their own bodies you're meant to pull the string through it.

Your best bet, since SQs were originally meant to go on DD's, is to get a DD neck piece (not just the metal part sold by Cool Cat but the actual whole cylinder joint that goes in the throat) and replace the Obitsu piece with it. Both pop out really easily. There's some tutorials on Dollieh Sanctuary for this kind of neck switch I believe.

>> No.7598081
File: 283 KB, 892x800, 1401048179092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this your first time on amiami? Because I've been using them for a while and yes they have problems with loading because there are Japanese and international people vying for preorders.
I honestly remember when the SH figurarts of Tiger and Bunny came out and we crashed the site for a good hour or two. And actually we still crash the site regularly.
Other than that Amiami is great for preorders but if you want something in stock probably search elsewhere first because the new site is pants on head dumb

>> No.7598409

Ah, thanks. Knew I had seen them before, saw the price and remembered why I don't have one.

Sorta related: looking for an MSD scale pet fox. Poseibility Prefered, but looking for something cheap. Plastic ok.

>> No.7598411

you are a gentleanon and scholar!

>> No.7598523
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>> No.7598525
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>> No.7598527
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>> No.7598565

Yeah, actually. But I did find a few things I like on there, for literally 50% cheaper than on the other site I was looking at, which is awesome!

Now I just have to figure out of the M Pure Neemo Flexion body can fit a 1/6 Obitsu Aki head...

>> No.7598596

Jesus fuck her dolls look like shit. You'd think for being who she is, they'd look better.

>> No.7598649


> they don't sell the wigs and clothes

why DC, why?

>> No.7599053

Haha, there's no accounting for taste.
The next most famous person in this hobby is probably the goth-rocky singer Kerli (? I can't recall her exact name actually) and the dolls shown in her music videos are freaking Goodreaus, so.

>> No.7599065

to make more hype for the fullsets, probs

and most of their stuff won't fit other brands,
or they're obscure items (the wire thing on the alberta, for example

>> No.7599096
File: 661 KB, 504x700, bjd lolita bonnet 5 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contributing my bjd Lolita doll

>> No.7599460
File: 50 KB, 728x460, amiami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


AmiAmi noob again, I've decided to go ahead and buy from them, but it wants me to confirm the order BEFORE it gives me a price for shipping or a grand total... it looks like it wants me to order the items before I pay for them, in that case, do I HAVE to pay even if they decide to slam me with shipping?? I like to know what I'm paying-before- I order stuff.

>> No.7599603

Yeah. This is correct. It's always a pain guessing how much shipping will be from them because they don't calculate it until they've put your order together for shipping and give you the grand total, at which point you've already committed to buying it (I preorder figures there sometimes and of course won't know the shipping cost until the figure is released and it's in their hands.)

A good guesstimation rule is half the cost of the items (but I haven't bought light things like doll clothes there before so if the QB anon knows anything about this they can add it.)

>> No.7599612

Is it a pre-order? If so, that's quite normal. But they won't actually charge you until they have the item and give you the shipping cost. Also, there's some link on their website with shipping estimates. It's somewhere in the help section.

>> No.7599627

Whole thing sounds really shifty and i'm not totally convinced you didn't just make it up, especially how it suddenly went from "I've seen pics" to "my friend got pics and uh I /think/ it was this person but idk". But part of it is that I honestly can't believe that could ever be comfortable to put a shin part in there, the idea of someone sticking what basically amounts to a pointy plastic cylinder up their vag, it would take major lube.

Well, i guess i won't let my dolls near anyone named Sweetest, at any rate.

>> No.7599637

No, it's a M sized Pure Neemo body and an outfit weighing 9g, both of which are in stock currently (I never do preorders, I'm too impatient- I almost preordered the Cospa Asuka interface hairclips for $55, now they run about $85 but I snagged a pair brand new second hand from eBay for $35, aw yiss).

The order total is 2600 yen, which is pretty sweet. The default shipping option is EMS, which is fast but I hear it's expensive as fuck. I don't mind paying for fast shipping, but I at least want to know how much it is...

>Now I just have to figure out of the M Pure Neemo Flexion body can fit a 1/6 Obitsu Aki head...

Also still wondering about this, if anyone could lend some assistance? I really want eyeholes and nonrooted hair.

>> No.7599647

Here. Scroll down for shipping rates.

>> No.7599652

...anon, jsyk...affixing optional eyes inside a 1/6 head is a HUGE pain, just warning you (I have one of Soom's 1/6 BJDs and after putting her eyes in haven't fiddled with the position because it was such a nightmare that it wouldn't really be worth it.)
I'm sure this won't change your mind to get it, but have on hand a tweezer or something.

>> No.7599653

1/6 in this case meaning Barbie size, not YoSD size

>> No.7599662

Ooh, I didn't see that, I'll message them and report back. The combined weight is like 185g so It can't be too bad, right?

I would be getting more but ALL their white skin hand sets for Pure Neemo are out of stock. Sigh...

>> No.7599669

I know, but I despise the look of decal eyes. I'm good with small parts or else I would just get a bigger one with a bigger head that takes bigger eyes. Actually, I was looking for an MSD sized Azone, but the only ones they have bigger than 1/6 that I've seen are 60cm fullsets upwards of $300.

>> No.7599674

In my experience, these rates are quite accurate, the padding inside and mail package add very little to the original weight.

>> No.7599806

She's not technically in the hobby though. She doesn't collect dolls, she just orders dolls all done up and sticks them in her videos. The dolls all get returned or sold afterwards. I know the ones from her Tea Party video were being sold on the Goodreau site for quite a bit of money.

>> No.7599893

all the same, she bought Goodreaus, it goes to proove that you can't simply expect famous or rich people to have good taste in dolls.

>> No.7601169
File: 280 KB, 704x470, wendy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo can anyone recommend me some good faceup artists with relatively short wait times?

>> No.7601175

Does anybody know where to get any good 4-5 inch wigs that aren't mohair, fur, or look too big for the doll's head? I just hate the fried hair look that mohair wigs have.

>> No.7601325

Yeah, that's a somewhat unusual size... how about these? https://www.etsy.com/shop/DOLLWIG

>> No.7601412

Obitsu and Volks both make MSD size ones (and a slightly larger 50cm along with the 60), and have similar aesthetics. They are a bit pricey but not quite fullset price and you can get them in parts usually, which helps dull it a bit if you can buy a bit at a time. If you want to venture into resin, SQ Labs has a few Yo-sd scale cuties with anime faces along with their larger (and relatively inexpensive as resin goes) girls.

>> No.7601414


Oh God, I'm stupid- I forgot Etsy even existed, haha. I was about to drop $48 on a Leekeworld one.

>> No.7601416

Her first was a Souldoll or DIM I think. From the old Walking on Air video. I think they cheaped out on the second video because they needed 7 or so instead of just one.

I actually know someone who paid 1500 or so for one of the screen-used Goodreaus. Weirds me out.

>> No.7601423

I think you're misunderstanding me- I was looking for an MSD sized Azone like these:


>> No.7601444

It's understandable, I wouldn't think to look on Etsy for non-fur wigs either haha. Actually I only know of that store bc someone was asking for 4-5 wigs in a previous doll thread and someone posted that link

>> No.7601449

It seems like anon's into the seamless, cohesive look of the smaller bodies, which larger vinyl dolls have mostly sacrificed for articulation (like, Volks MDD seems to partly go in that direction but again, it doesn't end up looking cohesive or seamless, because it has as many joines as a DD)

>> No.7601450

No, I got that. But the thing is, Azone doesn't make a doll in that scale. The closest they make is a few 48cms and 50cms. I was trying to suggest some dolls with similar features. I don't think you'll find any dolls that large with that kind of body, to be honest. If you really like the look of Azone heads, you could put one on a Volks MDD or similar, but that's the closest you're gonna get.

>> No.7601453

If anon really likes seamless, there are seamless bodies out there like Arte Tokio. They're expensive though and will degrade quicker than vinyl, since they're silicone. Also, kinda creepy.

>> No.7601512
File: 149 KB, 1268x641, Azone 25cm Pure Neemo Flection Body M Size White.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a fashion doll admirer for many years who couldn't ever shell out the money for a BJD, I went ahead and ordered some stuff.

THOSE DAMN RED UWABAKI ARE OUT OF STOCK EVERYWHERE UGH I WANT THEM SO BAD. So I just got some Obitsu Nikes from Parabox instead.

I still want a kawaii serafuku, but alas, out of stock or $40 on ebay (which will have to wait, I have a $100 bullshit limit per paycheck and all this plus shipping puts me right up there).

>> No.7601513

I know! They have a mature seamless boy body out now too but that price tag is just... no, I can't.

>> No.7601564


>> No.7601578


I didn't really want a white wig, but as a brown eyed blonde I didn't want it to look too much like I was making a mini-me, you know? I like it, though.

For a starter order, I think it's not so bad!

>> No.7601597

Eh people will always assume its a mini-you even if the colors are mildly similar. My first doll was a skinny ass big tit girl with tats, purple eyes, and black hair, and people assumed it was a mini me because my hair is dark brown (despite being tat free, brown eyed, and kind of potato shaped)

>> No.7602162

You should try to look into going to the biggest doll meet up you can find near to you and go to it.
Ask what company and size the dolls are and try to find someone nice who'd help you out a bit.
Remember resin can stain so be careful of your choice of materials.

>> No.7602186

what country do you live in you absolute noob

>> No.7603134


AmiAmi noob again, trying to get the body & gym uniform here ordered from them, but I've hit a snag-

I submit the order, got the invoice number, and waited for them to calculate my shipping, but now whenever I try to pay, it comes up with an error and says my card information may be incorrect (which I'm pretty sure it's not), I even deleted and re-entered my card info again to be sure. I don't know what to do, I can't cancel the order and start over (because they don't allow it, the FAQ says not to order something unless you really want it).

What should I do? I don't want to wait until the 16th when it expires and start over, everything else has already shipped from Etsy, Ebay, and Parabox and at this rate, is going to be here before the body is!

I'm wondering how good their English is for customer service? Or am I just doing something wrong??

>> No.7603342

IIRC they have a recent policy where new customers must pay for their first order with Paypal, because they've had a spate of credit card fraud (see their Payment FAQ if you need deets). I'm surprised the page itself isn't telling you that

>> No.7603347

Also their customer service is pretty good, you should email them if it's something other than just them wanting you to use Paypal (I'm not 100% sure on that.)

>> No.7603353

This is true speaking from experience.
I wonder why people think that. It's not like most little girls' dolls, like they're familiar with, are intended to be mini-mes.

>> No.7604067


I figured it out- my bank freaked out and locked my card because of "suspicious activity", I called them today and authorized the purchase and it went through just fine! It took the teller a minute to figure out how I could be using my card in Japan while being in Florida though, hahah.