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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 339 KB, 900x675, kijhfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7583083 No.7583083 [Reply] [Original]

New help thread? New help thread.

>> No.7583086

Oh lovely, I was about to make one.

How do you.. sharpen cardboard?
I'm planning to make a spear/lance sort of weapon and I want to make use of all this cardboard I have, but how do I get the edge of it to be sharp like an actual weapon?
I know sanding wouldn't work.

>> No.7583108
File: 198 KB, 700x700, ellie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on how to so body paint to make you look dirty? I'd rather not use actual dirt if I don't have to. I'm cosplaying ellie from the last of us, but subbing the jeans for shorts (way too hot for jeans) I know it wont be 100% accurate, but I'd need to make my legs look dirty to go along with the rest of the outfit.

>> No.7583141
File: 5 KB, 263x192, Plains Dust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not use stage dirt? it comes in a bunch of shades and washes off easily, it can be used wet or dry and can be used to weather costumes as well.

>> No.7583146

Try taking an xacto knife to it on 45* angle. You would need to seal the edge however.

Consider where you would accumulate dirt and grime if you were Ellie. I'm thinking along most of the lower leg, the knees, and the back of the thighs. Use a variety of greys, browns and blacks to get dimensional color.

>> No.7583151
File: 80 KB, 600x540, painting-guardian-set-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of material should I use for this? Also should the "wig" piece I guess, be a different fabric?

>> No.7583155
File: 169 KB, 640x960, 5d6a9a168cae378f69ad48e623f38e371397769381_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friends and I want to do Nudist Beach Cosplays, but we have no idea where to start and we are complete amateurs.
I have some sewing experience, but I was wondering if anyone had useful ideas on how to go about this. I was thinking initially to buy some backpack straps for the chest, and small pouches to sew on a velcrow belt. I also found embroidery online. https://www.google.com/shopping/product/15424570823990410738?q=backpack+straps&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS506US506&es_sm=122&biw=1344&bih=772&dpr=1.25&sa=X&ei=eg2FU-G5MIL3oASm7IHgCw&ved=0COwBEPMCMAc
Any help is appreciated, or just tell me to fuck off and lurk more. Thanks.

>> No.7583197
File: 2.23 MB, 1920x1080, voidsword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using pink insulation foam board to recreate this weapon from Guilty Crown. I am now stuck at the painting phase which I believe is the make-it-or-break-it part of the whole weapon creating process.

Any tips/tutorials I can check out? I would not know where to start.

>> No.7583276

Just wondering if Reece from Animal Crossing would be recognizable on her own, or would I have to have a Cyrus with me as well? D;

>> No.7583285

How good of a site is Cosplayfu? I want to order a Cirno dress from somewhere and they seem like the best option http://www.cosplayfu.com/product/Cirno++Cosplay+Costume+from+Touhou+Project

>> No.7583289
File: 227 KB, 1254x1242, Water_repellent_shell_layer_jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 'hair' looks like it could be quite difficult, but it's definitely the same material as the robe.
Maybe something similar to water-proof material? It has a fitting texture and looks strong.

Are there any other cosplays of the Painting Guardians you could look at for reference?

>> No.7583297

Hmm... I would know you as "That llama girl I sell stuff to in Animal Crossing" but wouldn't know your character's name. I'd probably ask for a picture just because I love Animal Crossing.
I feel like you might get confused for those kawaii alpaca dolls you see everywhere, which is still adorable. You might need something like a bag of bells or some weird prop so people know you're from Animal Crossing.

>> No.7583299
File: 25 KB, 480x225, last_of_us_1-480x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stage dirt is definitely a good idea.
If you want to make your face look dirty, Bill Nye has a colour-range for things like bruises, dirt and such. Great product.

I'm also going to be cosplaying Ellie, and I need help on one thing.
Does anyone know how I can get my hair looking dirty/greasy (like hers) without having to leave my hair unwashed? Is there a kind of product people use in film or stage to get this look?

>> No.7583313

>.< I was planning to have a bell bag or possibly a bell rucksack which I think could be pretty recognizable, but whenever I see people cosplay Reece they always have a group of cosplayers also doing Isabelle and Tom Nook etc. XD

>> No.7583319

Maybe you should try some shine serum, I tried it once and it left my hair greasy >.< It's worth a try!

>> No.7583333

Thanks! I'll give it a go!

>> No.7583337
File: 37 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just this lmao. The fabric seems like it's strong but it's also light weight looking? It's odd.

>> No.7583342

I'm not sure how easy waterproof fabric/material will be to work with, but overall it shouldn't be too heavy.
Not much to work with that photo! Definitely try a soft grey than a white.
Do you have any local fabric stores like spotlight?

>> No.7583347
File: 242 KB, 333x503, Charaimg_02p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting again since I got nothing in the last thread. how would one go about doing all the gold shit on her dress + necklace?

>> No.7583493

I've heard some pretty positive things about it XD

>> No.7584008
File: 137 KB, 811x985, taokaka_by_maniacpaint-d37n1gi (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm making a costume with really big paws, sort of like pic related but not exactly, so I'll have to make my own pattern. Does anyone have any tips on this sort of costume?

>> No.7584038

Recently got a Serger, a Brother 1034D to be exact, and I've been trying to put a narrow rolled hem stitch into some organza. It sews in just fine, but if I give the hem so much of a gentle tug, it rips out of the organza. I've gotten a smaller needle, adjusted the tension within the given parameters of the rolled hem stitch, and switched between a few different organzas.
Am I trying to use the wrong stitch? Something I should be doing differently?

>> No.7584068
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, 1384036970556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have suggestions on what fabric types I should use for Flamenco Sapphire? 4 way stretch vinyl? Stretch cotton twill? I'm at a loss in how to interpret it.

>> No.7584083
File: 6 KB, 218x231, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a uniform with a single ribbon stripe around the sailor collar, but I've realized I have a problem!
How do I make it round from the curved front, and then into the straight back? Obviously the straight part isn't the problem, but I don't know how to curve the ribbon like so. I apologize if my wording is confusing.

Pic semi related?

>> No.7584093

The curve on those kinds of collars is usually quite gentle. You just pin the ribbon to follow the line of the edge and smooth it as you go. I don't know how else to explain, but it's not that hard.

>> No.7584173
File: 103 KB, 960x720, gantz_z_gun_2_by_assert_revenge-d6ktucf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna make a Z gun from Gantz
I would have to guess on some of the scaling, but I'm not sure what material to use because I've never done this before.
I assumed just Styrofoam and wood would work, but I don't know much.

>> No.7584975
File: 49 KB, 480x272, XNFE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I`ve never built anything complex, but how do I make big arms like this?

I was thinking of carving craft foam into the general shapes and just gluing it onto some sort of tube that would accomodate my arm. Then inside the tube there would be a little handle for my hand to hold so I can lift the arms and allow them a little bit of movement.

I'm pretty dumb so precise steps would be really appreciated!

>> No.7585421
File: 85 KB, 526x430, sif-loki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to cosplay Lady Loki, but I'm a bit confused because of her outfit.

In most pictures she's wearing pants (left in the pic) but I also see people cosplay her without pants (right). Are both canon outfits from the comic?

I'm pretty new to comics/Marvel (only read Journey into Mystery so far), so I'm not sure...

>> No.7585551
File: 113 KB, 257x398, 2565d54f-99ac-48c1-8e22-49f41567e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be cosplaying Roll from Mega man for a con coming up and I have no idea how to begin on her boots. was thinking Eva foam wrapped in fabric, but I'm not entirely sure it'll work. Does anyone have any ideas on how to go about it?

>> No.7585574

So, the dude I have a crush on is doing an Aladdin cosplay this summer, and he's just asked me to be Jasmine. I'm pale as fuck, I have acne on my upper back, and I've been pretty uncomfortable about showing off my body and showing skin for the past couple of years. I'm trying to get out of that shell though, but still.
I really, really want to say yes, just to have an excuse to spend more time with him if anything, but I'm afraid I'd look stupid. I've also never done any big wigs like that before.
What do I do, seagulls?

>> No.7585577
File: 245 KB, 1215x717, Leona_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay so I wanna remake my Leona sword and shield out of insulation foam, but I was planning on trying to make the centre of the sword light up. Does anyone have any tutorials for doing something like that? I literally have no knowledge about this. I might be a little in over my head.

>> No.7585582

Anyone know where I can get these, but maybe a little bit nicer?
The color and everything is right, but I'm leery about the quality of $5 halloween costume gloves.

>> No.7585592

Uh.. do they have to be satin? Costume satin gloves tend to fray like hell and at the end of the day, they're covered in elastic shreds.
Those are sometimes called half gloves and you can find a bunch of leather ones on eBay. I'd trust cheap pleather more than satin.

>> No.7585599

How flexible do you want them to be?

>> No.7585603
File: 145 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done the same cosplay, though the dress was rushed. My boyfriend made the boots for me. Glued sheets of foam together, carved it down, left room inside to glue in loafers, vacuum formed the casing, spray painted. The bottom was a cheap welcome mat that we cut up.

It was a really long process, and the plastic was expensive, but I loved the boots.

You won't want fabric for those boots if you can help it. They're shiny, they're supposed to be metal.

Potential alternatives to the way he did it: expanding foam, and/or really, REALLY well-sealed craft foam. You can get that pretty glossy.

>> No.7585604

Even as a complete electrical novice it shouldn't be hard to hook up an LED strip to some batteries.

>> No.7585629

Anyone got any idea how to properly take in shoulders? Do you just roll the armhole back? adjust both the neck hole and top of the armhole evenly?

i managed to get the right look by gathering the lining in the middle of the shoulder and safety pinning it, but i want a less ghetto/ more final way to do it that makes the outter shell of the jacket not look gathered oddly. i just dont wanna look like im wearing my dads jacket anymore.

>> No.7585700

doesnt she have an outfit in-game with shorts? or am i remembering that wrong

>> No.7585703

Definitely remembering that wrong.

>> No.7585710

ah, yeah, i guess so. i thought during summer she had them but she wears jeans the whole time.
my bad.
also, to keep on topic with the anon who asked, i have a friend that did an ellie cosplay and literally just put dirt and mud on her cosplay and transported it in a plastic bag. she used stage blood and fake sweat and looked really good.
if you dont mind an intense shower at the end of the day, its worth it.

>> No.7585779
File: 163 KB, 570x912, spiked_acid_wash_jacket3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/! I don't usually post here but I thought it seems you guys have lots of knowledge about fabrics.

I have this old dark blue denim jacket and I'd love to acid wash it. Thing is, all the DIY acid wash tutorials either use a spray bottle and the outcome looks blotchy as hell or they dunk it in diluted bleach and everything becomes sky blue. How do I achieve the pic related industry level acid wash look?

>> No.7585796

was hoping to have them be moderately flexible for comfort

>> No.7585799

I don't have the resources to vacuum form anything, so I may have to stick with the expanding foam. I was planning on using a red metallic fabric, but it would actually probably be a bunch more difficult than sealing and painting.

>> No.7585820

I really fucked up and handwashed my jacket in a dirty sink. It isn't too bad, but the white parts has yellow spots here and there. It could be my eyes, but it looks like it has a yellowish tint. Handwashing it again in a clean bucket now.

Anything else I can do to return the whites to its whitest? I can't bleach because it's a half black jacket too.

>> No.7585837
File: 1.75 MB, 1392x664, ellie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same person as >7583108
I tried making ellie's monster key chain, but it turned out looking like shit (pic related). Anyone have any pictures of stencils I can use to cut the proper shapes for the material so its actually round and not flat like mine?

>> No.7585842

>Bill Nye

>> No.7585844

When I did Ellie, I used olive oil. Had to shampoo twice afterwards, but fuck, was my hair soft.

>> No.7585869
File: 14 KB, 331x708, feltballpattern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For balls, you need to use 4 of a shape like pic related.
Also try making the eye and teeth smaller. Yours looks cute, but not accurate.

>> No.7585884

Thanks! For the ears, would they be the same but cut in half? Would I use 3 or 4 for one ear?

>> No.7585886
File: 56 KB, 576x792, Cone-tree-pattern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends if they're supposed to be triangles or cones.
If triangles, the way you did it is fine.
If cones, use pic related. One per ear.

>> No.7585920
File: 423 KB, 800x800, beggar ref 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im trying to cosplay this guy here, but i could really use a fairly accurate pattern for the jacket. any help finding a pattern? i looked through patterns at joanne's and a few other irl places but came up pretty empty handed. i can post more pics if needed.

>> No.7585921

Oxyclean? Spot bleaching?

Depends why it's too large on your shoulders. Is the whole armhole too big? Just too wide? If you want it to look good on the outside you're usually looking at taking the sleeves off at minimum, recutting/adjusting, then reattaching. You may need to recut the sleeves if you have changed the shape of the armhole significantly

The outfit definitely looks like it should be a 4 way stretch of some sort, not necessarily vinyl though - any spandex will do. You will either want to interface it or have something more structured for the pleated skirt though, which I think is where the difficulty in interpretation comes in.

Foam + seal + prime + paint?

That's basically it, either put small belt loops on the back of the pouches or sew them on to the straps. You need the holsters as well which you can either sew yourself out of similar fabric to the pouches (like a heavy canvas type material) or buy.

>> No.7585942

No, I'd prefer like silk or something close ideally, but I dont think they make that.
Pleather would probably look off since the rest of the outfit is pretty light and silky.

>> No.7585965

7583347 here. Okay, that makes sense. That was something I was thinking of but wasn't sure if there was some other/better way of doing it. Sounds like probably the most wallet-friendly way, anyway, since someone else suggested wonderflex for everything gold.

>> No.7585989

trying to make a sword, what would be the best material / cheapest? i would like it to be a sturdy foam

>> No.7586015

How good are you at sewing?
Because you can use those as a pattern and remake them with a better fabric.

>> No.7586026

I saw some glue guns in stores, some are low temperature, and some are high temperature. What difference does it make? The latter ones seem to be a bit more expensive than the former ones.

>> No.7586037

Depends on the material you're hot gluing. Like I have a high-temp gun, and it'll melt pleather if the tip gets too close.

>> No.7586126
File: 70 KB, 640x360, itf6fl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you should just go for it. This is your chance. If he's asked you to be Jasmine, and you have a crush on him already....I would be feeling pretty confident! Clearly, he can see you're pale already, so scratch that off your list of insecurities. You can cover acne, and if it's still a month or two away, your skin still has some time to heal. If not, that's what makeup is for. As for big hair, maybe this Jessie tutorial could help:
Jasmine's hair is pretty voluminous around the crown, so if I were you, I would do something similar to what she did for Jessie to get dat crazy volume. I'm not a wig expert, however, maybe someone has a different suggestion.

My question: Jolyne's outfit has these small line details all over like a spiderweb. What are some practical options for decorating the fabric like this? I was considering a stretchy spandex fabric, if that limits my options a bit. Any suggestions?

>> No.7586135
File: 304 KB, 494x740, F30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I need help with my Akuma Homura cosplay. I've drafted out the pattern already, but can't figure out what material to use for the skirt part. It has to be "hard" and lightweight, so it doesn't just hang straight down.
I'm not sure I'm explaining myself correctly. Could somebody please help?

>> No.7586212
File: 453 KB, 841x992, Teddie_render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to cosplay mascots but I have absolutely no idea how to make a costume like this, what kind of structure is needed to keep its form?
Teddie from Persona 4 is one of my options, I'd love to make him but it will only be cool if it's really well done. Any tips please??

>> No.7586227
File: 991 KB, 520x479, P4U_Fake_Teddie_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help you, but please do Commander Teddie from P4A.

>> No.7586241

I'd only need to add a few items so I'd be up for it if I ever manage to make the costume!

>> No.7586244

Check bridal places. Also what they advertise as satin in gloves is typically a satin finish spandex type material. You can always buy longer gloves if you like the fabric/color on them better and hem them shorter.

>> No.7586252
File: 793 KB, 1224x1632, stormblade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gona start working on pic for Dragoncon. Any tips on how to get the shoulders to stay on? Should I do a strap between the 2 that will let them rest on my shoulders or have a clip that attaches them to the chest?

>> No.7586255
File: 2.95 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic of how the shoulders are supposed to sit in relation to the armor.

>> No.7586267

Not really anything I need help with, I'm just curious - do you guys match your underwear with the character you're cosplaying?
I do, it helps me ~slip into character~ Is that weird?

>> No.7586268
File: 375 KB, 420x464, ruka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of doing a rule 63 Luka soon, with pic related's outfit.

Where are some recommended places to buy leather/pleather outfits like hers? Preferably tight-fitting like this one too, but either really. I can't into sewing and would prefer not to commission.

>> No.7586278

Someone knows how to dye properly a wig? I have been doing the dying with sharpies and alcohol thingy, but it keeps getting off no matter what. Is that normal? Am I doing it wrong? Halp pls.

>> No.7586292
File: 98 KB, 1191x670, dominator___psycho_pass_by_amaterasu111-d5nwwrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to make this, what would be the easiest / cheapest way to go about doing this?

>> No.7586333
File: 283 KB, 1280x960, f2238978-e1e4-4a0f-a85f-aeeacd407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have braided hair and light skin and am wondering if there are any characters like that for me to cosplay. I could cut my hair, but it's still extremely curly so I don't have many styling options. Eventually my plan (I want to cosplay Delita Heiral at one point) will be to cut my hair and use 2-3 hair straightening treatments in order to get it to hold straight (2-3 because I've used the strongest ones out there [My family owns hair salons] and they're not strong enough. I'd need to do it multiple times and maintain it with a flat iron everyday in order to get it straight), but for now I would like to see if there are any characters I could cosplay with my natural hair. Also, for making armors, what should I use for shaping and what sort of material do you suggest (I've heard that Styrene is good?)

>> No.7586338
File: 102 KB, 600x900, 6d003ba9-5734-4908-a570-07e332107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fml what happened to the picture...

Anywho, this is who I'll end up cosplaying. I need to figure out someone to cosplay before him so that I can spend thousands of hours and hundreds of dollars on working on Delita's armor.

>> No.7586386

>Buy a weekend pass to a decently-small local con for $35.
>Found out I have to work that same weekend.
>Doubt the convention staff will refund the badge.

So I just made a donation to the con or what?

>> No.7586390
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, lucian_article_banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First guy to come to my mind

>> No.7586391

Your hair is irrelevant. Wear a wig.
No, your hair is not too long/too thick for a wig. No, they are not too expensive. No, they don't hurt, provided you wear it correctly.

>> No.7586393

Ask if they give refunds. If they don't, sell your badge to someone else.

>> No.7586501
File: 221 KB, 539x532, demifiend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evening, /cgl/. I'm planning to cosplay the Demi-fiend, but I was wondering how I should go about making the spike on his neck and actually getting it to stay there. Any advice?

>> No.7586572

is it possible to make boot covers out of felt?

>> No.7586614
File: 185 KB, 490x438, 1381796796103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/

I never really post here, but I am working on a German SS cosplay to fuck around in at an upcoming convention. I have almost everything ready to order, but the boots.

I don't care how cheaply made they are, I just need some WW2 M23 Uniform boots without breaking the bank please.

>Need WW2 German Officer Boots for cheap

>> No.7586618

There are several characters (that I don't know by name, sorry OP) that have braided hair that would look like shit with a fucking wig, you idiot. It's like telling a bald person to get a bald cap for their costume. No, just no.

>> No.7586624
File: 277 KB, 800x800, tumblr_m5yzufjSsj1rz8lulo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IIRC a friend of mine cosplayed pic related, and made the understructure of the skirt from chickenwire. Maybe that?

>> No.7586649

I read the Thor vol 3 run she appears in - highly recommended, anon! - and she has pants the whole time. I think a lot of people forgo the pants because they already have the loincloth and fur covering the important parts.

PS: most of the older Thor comics imo are kind of lame, but do check out Walt Simonson's run from the 80s, and current series Thor: God of Thunder and Loki: Agent of Asgard.

>> No.7586674

I think for the amount of gold bits you're best with foam.

Depends how much things cost in your area, usually the dense insulation foam is the best choice.

Fabric paint is the only thing I can think of right now.

Interface whatever fabric you use, use a stiff medium to heavy weight interfacing, and possibly wire the hem - just bear in mind it will sit according to gravity unless you secure it to sit away from you somehow.

Ebay pleather catsuit?

>> No.7586686

if I wanted to paint a few details onto a pair of thick tights with acrylic paint could I just put a layer of gladwrap around my leg then the thick tights over top and paint them while that are on instead of doing that big negative space thing?

>> No.7586739

If you're really uncomfortable with it, you could try one of Jasmine's more covered outfits from the other movies. Or one of the parks designs, or even just alter it with a chiffon wrap or something to give yourself more coverage/comfort.

>> No.7586757

>Bill Nye
my sides

>> No.7586786

>most of the older Thor comics imo are kind of lame
May the Gods forgive you

>> No.7587283
File: 29 KB, 600x337, 3197586177_1_12_ehO6RnCX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since i just remembered that there's a board dedicated to cosplay, And i have been itching to wear this, What is the best fabric to use to make this coat?

>> No.7587314
File: 531 KB, 1000x1000, ramuramu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about making Lum's sock-like boots from a single sheet of fabric? Ive seen some cosplayers using kneehighs over shoes or heels but that's a bit too inaccurate/gaudy for me and I would like for the boots to be the same material as the bikini. Something as little as a diagram for sock shapes would be appreciated.

>> No.7587825
File: 281 KB, 1384x634, Star Lord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering what could I use as Star Lord's helmet, I was thinking about using a Soft Air M9 US Army Helmet and an Iron Man mask. Also I was wondering what I could use as his jacket.

>> No.7587986

have you tried following a boot cover tutorial?


this one is the best for someone who wants to avoid a ton of sewing.


this one is my personal favourite.

>> No.7587989


latex over foam and spirit glue is how i would go; it depends on what kind of 'look' you want the spike to have, though.

>> No.7588064
File: 138 KB, 478x700, shae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Making Shae from Game of Thrones but I'm having a hard time understanding her dress. The overall look seems easy but then I get to the back and wtf is that veil thing on her back doing. It's attached to the actual dress, but I have no idea how. Any help here?

>> No.7588066
File: 3.99 MB, 4255x2820, Tyrion-Lannister-tyrion-lannister-35694584-4255-2820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more pics

>> No.7588081

>Fabric paint
What would give a better result -- painting the fabric before I cut the pattern out, or assembling then painting?

>> No.7588331
File: 266 KB, 1068x547, ZoidbergBodyForm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll need to create a body form. Use cotton batting over the form's ribs to smooth it before covering with fabric. You'll probably want to create a separate form for your head that will line up seamlessly with your body form. Try to make it as lightweight as possible.

I look forward to seeing your progress.

>> No.7588388

4chan is an 18+ website.

>> No.7588455


I'll give this a shot, thanks so much!

>> No.7588632
File: 114 KB, 851x640, bishopjapan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to create the gradient effect on the pants, but I can't think of any way to do it other than a friend's suggestion of controlled tiedye. Thoughts on whether this would be the best route to go? I checked Joann's as well as a few other fabric stores, but couldn't find anything that could be used.

>> No.7588723

What do you call that wax stuff you can put on your teeth to make fangs and what not?

>> No.7588731

Why would you tiedye it? Just use a dip-dye technique.

>> No.7588735
File: 173 KB, 315x598, Ankha_NewLeaf_Official[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey cgl, i'm planning on doing a gijinka cosplay of Ankha and i was wondering how i would do the gold stripe things on her hair? Would I use some sort of spray paint?

>> No.7588744

really? it's called gradient dying. Get yourself some rit dye in the right color you want and dip whatever part of the costume you want dyed into the dye bath, Don't even try dying something lighter if the base color is already dark.

>> No.7588750

spray paint strips of foamies and clip them into your hair.

>> No.7588768

you can find Rit dye along with all sorts of other fabric dye at Jo~ann's and pretty much any other craft store. You should really ask the shop clerks next time you don't know what you need

>> No.7588773


Thank you, I'm pretty derp a lot of the time.

>> No.7588848

The first post is much closer what I am aiming for. But they both help quite a bit.
Thank You!

>> No.7588949

I think excess fabric from the back skirt panel is picked up and tucked into the collar to make the kind of cape. It seems to me like the back panel of the skirt is much wider and longer to allow it to be pulled up. You can kind of see that it comes up from the skirt rather than down from the collar in the second picture.

>> No.7588967
File: 122 KB, 1280x761, pahri-articlebanner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to cosplay Ahri. Is it better to make the tails individual or have them connected at the end? (If that makes sense) Any tips on this process is appreciated since I've seen lots of Ahri cosplayers say their tails are too heavy.

>> No.7588972

Connect them at the end. A friend recently did a cosplay with tons of fox tails(Ran from touhou) and she apparently bought these weird cylindrical blow up pool toys and used them as the base so they weren't so heavy.

>> No.7589717
File: 52 KB, 329x742, ichigo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a Mew Ichigo (pic related) cosplay from Tokyo Mew Mew, and I'm not really sure what kind of skirt she has. Anyone have any ideas?

>> No.7589736

I've seen a lot of people use bubble skirts.

>> No.7589786

I'm going to order a jacket from redstar cosplay on etsy for my snk annie costume. I'm going to make all the maneuver gear and harness on my own but I'm sewing challenged. Since I'm sure a lot of you have seen a million people wearing these, do you think that the cotton or pleather material looks better?

>> No.7589801
File: 99 KB, 354x344, ahri back small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same problem. I made mine and they were too heavy to stand up even with wire supports. Mind you, I did partially stuff mine with filling which weighed it down a lot. Because they couldn't stand up, I let the hang down in groups of 3. Anyone got any tips on how to get time to connect so they stand up? Pic is of my tails.

>> No.7589813
File: 67 KB, 232x458, gigj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you utilise something I did? Different sort of tail but I used really thin fishing wire at the top of the tail looped around my shoulder and tied near the base. It doesnt show in photos unless you point it out.

>> No.7589820

That seems like a good idea. I was also thinking of using Clamp ruffles, but do you think that would be too inaccurate?

>> No.7589835

I don't think that's inaccurate at all, so long as you're not a sad droopy circle skirt Ichigo, you'll look great. But clamp ruffles sounds really cute! I'd go for it.

>> No.7589843
File: 6 KB, 168x192, tftgawy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working on a cosplay of Touya from Yu Yu Hakusho but I'm kind of at a loss as to the best way to create (or, rather, fix up) an accurate wig.
I know this is probably a really stupid question with an obvious solution but I feel I should ask anyway...

>> No.7589847

How does /cgl/ wear their armor? Do you attach it to a bodysuit? Do you create harnesses? I have armor but I'm not sure how to attach it to a body.

>> No.7589852

Ahh, thanks for the idea, though it might be a bit difficult to deal with 9 tails that way. I'll give it a little play around and see if it works. The tails need fixing up after a con anyway.

>> No.7589857

This is a really broad question but how do you guys feel about someone cosplaying a character that they're way too tall or short for, assuming they look like the character face-wise?

>> No.7589971

Could someone please help out with this I was hoping to order some today and all I'm finding is black stuff to make it look like your teeth are missing.

>> No.7590246
File: 1.50 MB, 1384x1035, oh noooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup anons, still trying to figure out Ragnarok. Still unsure whether I'm going to do the big human-like version or the chibi version, but either way all the parts are going to be added onto a black zentai.

I need halp, mostly with the spikes. They're sort of big, and I need a way to attach them, and then a way to make them so they're not too heavy.

>> No.7590251

honestly height isn't an issue so long as you're not in a group where you'll obviously look really off, or if you're planning on doing a shoot where objects around you could give a sense of the scale being really off.

>> No.7590256

can't you just make a big head?

>> No.7590259

I want to do Roy Mustang this year, but do it well. I've seen garbage cosplays online, so I went out and spent $$$ on fabric and am sewing like there is no tomorrow. Actually got the pants done, but the coat is the hard part. Anyway I feel good about the outfit but want to make it *POP*. I found some fairly thin fire resistant gloves. First off how to get the symbol on the back of them and make it look nice and sharp. Second I am hiding some magnesium and steel from a camping supply kit in the fingers patched into the fabric and running thin tubing from one hand which will have the trigger from a bottle of pressurized butane in my sleeve under my coat and to the other hand with the steel. Any tips on best way to do this without exploding?

>> No.7590263

clamp ruffles seem the best way to go. All of their battle outfits look like they're ripped right out of CCS anyways, may as well go all the way.

Don't do a bubble skirt unless you're really good though, they usually look sort of off and fitted wrong.

Please don't try to spray paint stripes onto a wig. It always looks really dumpy (look up any Death the Kid cosplay.) I'd suggest what the other anon suggested, make clips for the stripes instead of having them actually be part of the wig.

Possible yes, suggested... not so much. It's sort of difficult to work with sometimes, and it'll gt dirty very easily and not wash very well.

>not requesting off before buying the badge

Well there's your problem.

I'm not sure what you mean by that. I'm cosplaying Crona, and my boyfriend is going as Ragnarok, so it's like a whole separate entity, not like an attachment to another costume, if that's what you mean.

>> No.7590278
File: 17 KB, 267x200, doc_scratch__sakura_con_2011_by_firestar025-d3ewgyx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah man. I mean like... Those big doc scratch heads people do sometimes.

>> No.7590281

Well, that's sort of work for the chibi version. But the big guy version just looks like a buffguy. My main issue is with the spikes on the neck and shoulders and how to attach them, and what to do about the wristbands and spiky strap doodad.

Also with those shoulders if I do the chibi version. I guess just some foam orr something? Or a stuffed ball of some kind inside the suit.

>> No.7590338
File: 542 KB, 800x800, wat do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys, here's some last minute stuff and anyone who is knowledgeable...

Lightning and Lace, has anyone heard of these guys? Are they legit? I'm thinking about getting these glasses from them, for going as Houka Inumuta.

Secondly, I'm looking for some mary-janes that would suit a maid uniform. I found these on Amazon, but am wondering if I should jump on it or if anyone has any recommendations. I am looking for something cheap, and can get here fast.

URL: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00K1731NK/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A2OUF5Y5UU12MM

Please and thank you!

>> No.7590544
File: 209 KB, 1728x1274, mmz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about making an animatronic mask for this little tike? My gf wants me to cosplay him even though the body and limbs will be distorted(zero is around 5'4" and I'm 5'11") and the fact I've never made a cosplay before.

>> No.7590583
File: 56 KB, 449x592, uzu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I have decided to venture into the world of sewing, but I'm kind of unsure of what material to pick for Uzu's coat.

I was considering cotton, but I have no clue how it will work out with the length and such.


>> No.7590597

I'd use uniform material, like twill/bottomweight.

>> No.7590706

Me and my gf are going to cosplay for the first time. I was wondering what the best material is for armour?

I read about things like wonderflex but that's very expensive. Is there a cheaper material I can use?

>> No.7590919

Somebody know where to buy DARK BLUE lolita shoes?
I only see pastel colours, red and black.
Where's the fkng damn dark blue...

>> No.7590937

My Kill la Kill group got poplin for their uniform and it's working out pretty well!

>> No.7591131

EVA foam, it's what those puzzle-piece floormats are made of. It's pretty much the go-to for cheap armor.

>> No.7591263

I made a pleated skirt from one of the most common tutorials but I did something wrong and I can't tell what. The pleats aren't working, they sort of spread out? I'm not too sure how to explain it but what did I do wrong and how can I fix and prevent it?

>> No.7591266

Have your tried ironing them down? Without an explanation I'm not sure anyone will be able to help much, but maybe you didn't use enough fabric?

>> No.7591268

Take a picture of what is happening.

>> No.7591342


>> No.7591366

just google for dental casting materials?

>> No.7591488

im going to cosplay mugi from k on but i cant find any good references of any of the characters loafers, what the fuck?

>> No.7591867
File: 938 KB, 1555x998, Kalluto_Zoldyck_2011_Design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any tips on going about painting designs like this onto fabric? The most I've ever done was painting stripes and stuff, I'm not quite sure how to do the designs. I'm going to be cosplaying this for a con in the future and I'm not quite sure how to go about making the kimono.

>> No.7591877

Why not just get a Ko-furisode that looks almost the same?

>> No.7592078

Oh, huh, I actually hadn't thought of that, haha.
Would taobao be the best place to look for one?

>> No.7592089
File: 117 KB, 431x520, PQ_Zen_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know the best place to order a persona 4 school uniform? I see plenty on ebay but they all use the same stock photos

>> No.7592097

You are going to want to start with an opaque fabric paint.

I'd say you might want to use a spouncer instead of a brush on the light and purple parts to get that look

On the flowers I'd use a brush.

Map out your design with a piece of light chalk and go for it. Just work your way up the hem and gradually go darker with the paint...mixing as you go.

Once the base is dry go back in and paint your flowers.

>> No.7592115

Oh shit, that actually sounds much easier than I was expecting. Thank you!

>> No.7592133

If it's layered, take a (very sharp) razor and cut it at about a 30 degree angle on both sides, and then about a quarter of the distance from the edge, start working your way towards the center. Then seal the edge with two-part epoxy.

>> No.7592138

Can somebody explain to me how a gender-bend, cross-play Raven would work? A friend mentioned she wanted to do that recently and I can't quite figure out what she means.

>> No.7592143

Since you're using insulation foam, undercoat it with an airbrush NOT a can of spray paint. From there on out, the best advice I can give is to check out one of /tg/'s WIP painting threads and ask about painting metallics. Apart from a few grognards, they know their stuff.

>> No.7592144

How do you guys go about making rifles and handguns for cosplays? My typical method (Being take some airsoft guns and switch out parts to make them sturdy) doesn't fly at our cons. Any ideas?

>> No.7592147

In addition to foam (for the outside of the blade), use poplar for the core of it, hilt, guard and pommel as it is far more durable than foam. I can get it here for about... $2,$3 for a 4'x4" sheet.

>> No.7592150

Build up the top of the armor and the pauldrons above your shoulders. It may look a little funny, but it keeps the proportions right. Take a look at Space Marine (Or better yet, the guy that did a Grey Knight Terminator) for a better idea of what I mean.

>> No.7592154

Check out any and every Milsurp store you have in the area. Ask anyone in there if they know of anything similar. If you're worried about the height, you can get some motocross boots and make a cover for them. Word of warning on those: They are extremely hot, heavy and have no rotation in the ankles. Be warned.

>> No.7592158

Take a WWII-era gas mask and build off of that. They're dirt cheap and are really pliable. You could probably use foam of some sort for that snout-thing on the front. Modify a WWII-Veitnam-era Kevlar helmet, and you should be fine. Also, really cheap.

>> No.7592161
File: 3.21 MB, 2698x1280, wiggu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some help with taming this wig. I styled the front and the bangs the way I wanted, and from the front it looks great. However, the back is in sort of a controlled chaos and there's frizzing and flyaways everywhere. This is my first time using a curled wig, and I have no idea if this is normal and expected, or if there's a way to make the curls look neater without sacrificing their bounciness.

>> No.7592163

I wear mine on a harness, though it requires some serious glue to keep on EVA foam. I'm going to invest in a milsurp carrier pretty soon that I will have under my armor. I've seen a few Cmd. Shepards with it attached to body suits, so if that's the armor style you're doing then that would be best. Anything vaugly modern/medieval (especially medieval), a harness would look and function better.

>> No.7592167

What>>7591131 said. EVA foam is fairly cheap, and is really simple to work with. My only warning is that it is flammable, so if you're around heat of flames be VERY careful. There's a long story behind that warning... Second degree burns the day before the con...

>> No.7592497
File: 1.24 MB, 908x672, 452513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because in the anime, they swap between wearing loafers and white mary janes with blue/red colored fronts depending on their grade.
I'd say you'll be right either way so.

>> No.7592556
File: 59 KB, 256x144, Venomancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, my friend is going to try her first cosplay and to ease herself in, she's doing a "gijinka" of Venomancer from Dota 2. Eventually we're going to have a full cosplay, but for now, we'll go the easy route.
We're not really sure how to do the face, we're thinking some sort of scaly/reptilian make-up, but I wondered if anyone has any tips or constructive criticism? Pic related, it's Veno's face. Hope this is in the right the place an that.

>> No.7592785

Since everyone I've seen here gets Pinky Paradise has anyone else had issues with their lenses before?

One fits the way it's supposed to and the other is like....loose. Like it sits on my eye but not my iris. If I turn my head, my eyes shift in the direction I turn it to but this lens just stays in place and on it.

Also it pulls up a lot when I blink.

>> No.7592799

Do you have an astigmatism?

>> No.7592888


But I've worn contacts before. One friend said it might be the measurement is different but the only one that is is the power by like .25

I've interchanged contacts and worn non prescription before. I'm just wondering if its the lens itself.

>> No.7592940
File: 2.17 MB, 2268x2932, Rosalina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend's mother is a wig stylist and has offered to style my wig for Princess Rosalina.
What would be a good wig for her to work with? One with bangs? One without? A long or shorter wig?

>> No.7592986


I'm also thinking about making a very big great sword out of insulation foam, are there any problems with the durability of it? Should I use something like fiber glass to prime it or white glue would be enough?

>> No.7593134

Anyone know where I can find just normal round black beads that aren't super expensive?
20mm or so

>> No.7593223

How the hell do you iron fur? The fur I bought you can see wrinkles and I have no idea how to iron it. (Faux fur btw)

Have you considered buying a necklace with them then cutting it? Or did you want them without the holes?

>> No.7593244

Buy fake pearls and spray paint?

>> No.7593284

Ah thank you!! can I also get your opinion on these bobby pins? I can't tell which ones to get.

>> No.7593289
File: 127 KB, 423x221, 3838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7593306

The saturated ones look better for Yui, you mind me asking for a link? Those look better than the ones I have.

>> No.7593312
File: 61 KB, 960x640, lana closeup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a novice cosplayer and while I've done some sewing, I'm very new to propmaking. Can anyone recommend a base material to make Lana's medals and epaulettes (shoulder decorations)? I know people use various types of foam and other material, but is there one that would be best for some of the detailing here?

>> No.7593319

Anyone? I really can't figure out these spikes.

>> No.7593336

Uh sorry, saturated? Which is that? And sure! Which one would you like a link for?

>> No.7593364

The brighter one on the left, for both of those questions.

>> No.7593370

low heat, damp pressing cloth. Is it the fur itself that has wrinkles or the backing fabric?

>> No.7593492
File: 204 KB, 237x555, Midna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does sharpie with body suits work? I'm currently working on Midna and after sharpie-ing the outline of the black I went to fabric spray it but the sharpie is noticeably darker than the spray. can I just sharpie in all of the black instead?

>> No.7593506

I have a convention this weekend, but while trying to cool down from a fever with an icepack I think I may have damaged my skin. I pressed ice on my face for around 10 seconds at a time and today woke up with purple splotches all over my cheeks. Boyfriend thinks it's bruising from burst blood vessels but I'm not so sure.

My question is, does anybody have any advice on how to reduce this? I know makeup will make it harder to notice but I am hoping that there is a way to make it fade covering it up.

>> No.7593507
File: 78 KB, 403x704, sweet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone tell me what kind of belt buckle this is?? or how to make/buy one similar?

>> No.7593512
File: 180 KB, 576x242, 3432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wouldn't let me post the direct links to it, but the shop name is Sutidoh on Etsy, just search bobbypins in it.
I hope I'm not the only one having troubles finding a yellow sweater vest aswell. Know any places except Taobao?

Also do socks or tights look better? Sorry for all the questions.

>> No.7593533

It looks like it could be either made out of EVA or leather/faux leather, but grey leather would be your best bet since they would be more likely to break off of the EVA foam. And you could decorate the outside with flat buttons, snaps or resin of some sort. Sorry it's not clear.

>> No.7593534

could i have pictures so i could tell you when it should go away and what you could use?

>> No.7593535
File: 1.30 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fur itself, it's got this look mostly all over and looks SO bad.

>> No.7593538


Don't do this. >>7592097
If you lightly sponge it on, it will look sort of like that gray purplish color due to the black fabric, do less paint on the edges, more where there's more white, if that makes sense. You'll probably want to make a couple of stencils or so with freezer paper for the flowers. But you should be able to wing the seperate petals too.

>> No.7593542
File: 55 KB, 625x626, c70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7593547
File: 308 KB, 1280x720, WP_20140601_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, here. My camera washes things out but it's purply-reddish splotches on both cheeks.

>> No.7593548

any tips on making ultimate madoka's wings?

>> No.7593552
File: 257 KB, 1879x1347, theyshouldveusedastencilbutyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong image.

>> No.7593563

i don't believe it's bad enough to go to a doctor, but you could if you really wanted to. and you could also put a warm compress on, make sure it's under 35 degrees celcius and wear a scarf to keep your face warm.

>> No.7593635

Question! With worbla, when you put a piece on top of another piece and heat it up and smooth it out the best you can, there's still that little tiny lip where you can see the two pieces meet. Is sanding + multiple layers of gesso enough to "fill" the crack before painting?

>> No.7593643

I have personally never seen sharpie on a bodysuit not look terrible.
Though maybe on the good ones i didn't notice it was sharpie or something.

>> No.7593674
File: 182 KB, 736x1030, mat-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anywhere I can find a good pattern for Usagi's school uniform? Skirt won't be a problem, but I don't think I'm experienced enough to pattern that shirt. Summer or winter, doesn't matter.

>> No.7593677

Thank you so much for the link! Ordering them asap!
I personally did her snail hoodie from the Christmas ep, since I've only see two other people tackle it, so I'm no help on the vest, sorry.
But as far as socks or tights, if you're 50/50 on it anyways, it all depends on your stature and what looks good on you. If you're tall/skinny enough, go for socks, but if you're a fellow shortie socks will cut your leg weird so go for tights.

>> No.7593686

No problem, hope you're happy with them! The only real struggle for me now is the wig, which ebay only has the right colors ugh. Do you have pictures of your cosplay you could share or do you wish to remain anon?

>> No.7593703


you mean anatomical? The pieces look fitted to the independent body parts, so just make the helmet along with everything else fit you yourself instead of trying to make yourself seem shorter

>> No.7593709

You can usually find wigs with bangs that go that long where they expect you to cut them anyway. So a long wig with long bangs and some wefts in the same color

>> No.7593718

I would use sculpey or some other clay to make the medals, but for the epaulettes, just use tassels like how most do.

>> No.7593729
File: 6 KB, 283x232, 4406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. I will keep that in mind.

I only have a few weeks left till the con, so I may just use a web belt buckle if i cant find something better before then.

>> No.7593773

Oh no, sorry, even though it's cgl, it's still 4chan lol. Archives are forever, I can still find my Yuno Gasai on Google image.
The wig I used is no longer on ebay, but it basically was a $23 long wig in the perfect color and I cried whilst cutting a good foot+ of hair off of it. If you go on fm-anime they use the same bland stock photos as the one I ordered. You should be able to find it quick with a search, good luck!

>> No.7593794
File: 33 KB, 400x376, original[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her winter shirt is patterned just like an 80's pullover sweatshirt. Just find one of those (easy enough at any thrift store) and pattern it from that, just add the collar.

If the material wouldn't look like garbage, you could use a sweatshirt for a base for her outfit. The shirt's just shorter, without the elastic in the bottom band.

>> No.7593854

That's a great idea, thank you!

>> No.7593876
File: 71 KB, 720x384, kiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to attempt my first machine sewing project. Ive done a few things with handsewing and such, but never actually used a machine.

I figured an easy place to start would be Kiki! Does anyone know a good pattern I could use for her dress?

>> No.7593898
File: 36 KB, 640x960, purple haze cosplay reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on how I would go about making the head piece for this? I know what material to use but I'm not sure where I should start with measuring and all that stuff

>> No.7593935
File: 301 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_n5wa3ySPag1tu2708o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey cgl I want to make Royce's Jacket and Vest from Transistor. Ive made some coats in the past and an SnK jacket but Ive never done like a suit jacket or blazer. Would you guys have any patterns you'd recommend for the jacket and vest? Complexity isn't too big of a deal I just don't know were to start for finding a matching pattern.

>> No.7593971

wait is she starting out with a venomancer gijinka and then going to do a full venomancer cosplay?

or would she be doing something slightly less insanely hard for her full cosplay

>> No.7594027 [DELETED] 
File: 348 KB, 1704x1120, ranger helmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please pardon the bad mspaint job, but it still serves it's purpose. I'm gonna try to make the flip front of the helmet (below) look like the flip front of the bike helmet (above), but I don't know how to go about it, suggestions?

>> No.7594031

Thank you anon. I am now using acrylic paint with a brush. /tg/ is my next stop.

If there is a strong wind, or if someone roughly bumps into it, it feels like it might snap right in two, which is what I'm afraid of as well. In all honesty, I should have took the time to use wood for the core.

>> No.7594328

I think we're gonna tackle it in steps? Like, the next one after 'gijinka' would be building the tail to get the serpentine body, and probably using prosthetics on the face etc.

>> No.7594354

I need help on choosing a character. I'm 22 male with a very average build. My friend has chosen Redhood, I would like a character that also covers the face but not from a comic. I'm more /v/ and /mu/.
Please don't suggest the most basic of basic but if anyone can help, it is greatly appreciated.
Thanks guys and girls :)

>> No.7594536

How can I make my cape not falling straight down but instead making it being more flowing and large?

>> No.7594547
File: 21 KB, 247x383, 29fe83d4-74f1-40f1-bcac-d816cdf78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be a Dragoon from FFT.

(pic related, sorry for small image, I'm on my phone and it's hard to find a decently sized one)

Alternately, if you're not good with armor-making, be a Ninja from FFT.

Ninja is probably easier. I'm a huge FFT fan.

>> No.7594560
File: 206 KB, 345x990, Rei_Ayanami_(Plugsuit).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be making Rei's plugsuit from Evangelion. But I'm not really sure what material I should use for it. Can you give me some suggestions? Thank you, any opinions are greatly appreciated!

>> No.7594569


i would only recommend using styrene if you have access to a vacuum forming machine. styrene doesnt take heat very well, and other than using styrene as a 2D guide for a 3D object I would recommend another material for armor making. sintra is a little better, but make sure to get it at a 2mm thickness. worbla seems to be the best material out there for armor making, its just so damn expensive.

>> No.7594586

Most people seem to use latex or vinyl, and at least one person on this board praises neoprene to hell and back (yet has never stuck around to deliver any photos when I've asked for good examples, so idk how to feel about that material for myself). From what I've seen, I think spandex looks best, personally, because I don't really dig the shine of latex or vinyl. Something matte is my preference, but since Rei's is white, it probably won't make a huge difference. I'd suggest going through different cosplayers' outfits and determining what you do and don't like about them.

>> No.7594590

Thanks a lot! I'm very new to cosplay so I hadn't even heard of worbla. I think that if I look around and see that it's really the best material out there, I'll buy it.

For me the issue isn't the price, it's the quality. Delita is my favorite character across all anime and comics and everything, so when I make the costume, I want to be assured that it is as accurate as possible with high quality materials. The fabric itself won't be as easily seen (and I already have that part handled, I will be using bamboo because it's very good quality, has a great feel, and is very breathable from my experience), so I'm more so worried about the armor.

Are you absolutely CERTAIN that worbla is the best armor-making material?

>> No.7594593

Since I want to be more than a pathetic loser and just move up to a loser I´d like to do my first serious, commited cosplay. Are there any good, simple ones for a darkhaired male around 171 centimeters tall? I´m rather fit, if that helps. Any suggestions are appreciated.

>> No.7594598

Wire in the lining?

>it feels like it might snap right in two
You can still put some layers of paper mache on top of the insulating foam. Like 2-4 layers and use wood glue on it to give it some strength.

>> No.7594620
File: 737 KB, 1185x1734, Usa_Luna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to go buy pieces to make my Usagi wig and Arda is out of stock in the colours I need. My backup wig is no longer available. The only premade wigs I can find are fluorescent yellow.

Help me find a wig for Usagi? Can even be a simple pigtail wig that I can style.

>> No.7594621

>Wire in the lining
care to elaborate?

>> No.7594738

Not that anon, but:
Take any flexible wire that'll hold its shape and bend it so that when the fabric of the cape goes over it, it goes into whatever shape you need it to be in. Attach said wire to the costume, cover with cape, done.

>> No.7594755
File: 203 KB, 1600x1200, Souryuu.Asuka.Langley.full.1005828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so my sewing skills are not so great yet, so I don't think I could pull together pic related, so I was wondering if I could get some help finding somewhere that I could buy Asuka's plugsit. Preferably under $150. I don't even mind if it doesn't have the armor pieces.

>> No.7594786

No problem!

>> No.7594787
File: 127 KB, 1174x1083, teen_titans_beast_boy_by_flutterfly34-d5xczml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a Beast Boy super suit and I thought it would be very visually appealing to make parts of it out of Neoprene (Wetsuit material) because of it's matte texture. Plus it's very flattering on the male body, it doesn't show off too much but it shows off just enough.

Is this a good idea or nah? I've heard if I use a walking foot and sew over masking tape I shouldn't break my machine too much.

>> No.7594788
File: 147 KB, 1024x768, 29f24c43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any instruction on making buns like the ones in pic related using those clip-in ponytails with the long claw clips?

>> No.7594795

Under 150$? Unless you want some chinese seller shit made of of loose cloth, you're going to need a bigger budget

>> No.7594799

Is there anything you can do if a brand new contact is torn a bit almost to the iris and the con is in 3 days?

>> No.7594806

What's the smallest amount I could spend to still get good quality?

>> No.7594810

I'd go for it. Honestly, I hold the belief spandex is rarely tasteful in body suits like that because it's usually too thin. I think the neoprene would look good for what you're doing.

>> No.7594814

If you want it to be made up of something that isn't just ugly stretchy fabric, then the lowest can range from 600-1000$ dollars, and even then it'll probably be crap. A decent suit will cost over 1000$, and if that's what you want it'd probably be better to go to a commisioner rather than a factory website.

>> No.7594823

Are there any commissioners that you know of that would do this kind of thing, besides anatomic latex?
I did find one seller on ebay that sells latex catsuits with the design of plugsuit 02 on it for 169. They go by aqualatex. Do you think it's a good idea to go to them, get that latex suit, and then just make the armor for it (i.e the big bulky back piece and shoulder pieces)?

>> No.7595115
File: 52 KB, 539x640, Assassin.(Fate.Stay.Night).477785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to find out if there's a term for Assassin's vest. Looking for samurai jacket just brings up kataginu which isn't the right thing or even close. I thought it could just be a made up garment but Byakuya wears it in Bleach after the timeskip and his wiki didn't help. I can figure out the pattern but was just wondering to get better references.

>> No.7595142

Chuck them out.

I can't tell if the waistcoat and jacket are actually separate parts or not from your picture/from what I can see online. The coat he has in that picture is not really a suit jacket or a blazer and will not require as much of the annoying construction stuff as they do. It's more like a long fitted coat with a standing collar with either a built in bit that looks like a waistcoat or a separate waistcoat.

The waistcoat part will be easy and generic and you could honestly go for any non-collared waistcoat pattern of the appropriate style. Just with a quick pattern search:
- burda b7799
- vogue v8987
- mccall m2447

The coat, on the other hand, is infinitely more interesting and I suspect you'd need to draft the collar anyway. I think Simplicity 5386 which is a costume pattern for the coats from the Matrix could be a good base for the shape.

On forums it looks like people have used Mccalls M5583 before, there is also New Look 6352 and Mccalls 6102 which will need the sleeves lengthened slightly.

>> No.7595158

So I've never posted here, and I'm not sure if this is the right board.

Anyways, I'm getting a onesie and I've got three materials to choose from: fleece, terrycloth & Pile.

The thing is I've got a cat that sheds like crazy and I happen to like sleeping with. So I'd like to know if any of these materials would attract less fur. Also examples of objects made of these would be nice, since I have no idea what they are. Anything else I should know about them would also be cool. Thanks.

>> No.7595168

Don't put them in your eyes and just accept you're not wearing contacts to the con.


>> No.7595170


check out kamui's videos on worbla. shes the worbla goddess. now to your question about the best material for armor, there are alot of cosplayers who make amazing things out of different materials, like sintra, craft foam, eva foam etc, its just worbla seems to have a shallower learning curve, with less prep time (foams have to be sealed, sometimes bondod, and sanded), much less material waste ( you can reuse worbla and make it into a putty material that can be used for sculpting, and the material is very forgiving and doesnt lose its strength (sintra, styrene). downside is its expensive and only sold in a few online places. I would highly recommend it if money is no object.

>> No.7595189
File: 525 KB, 770x973, BoFIII_Momo_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a few questions about this cosplay. So, this is going to be the first time I'm ever making my own cosplay from scratch, so I'm wondering about a few things.

>Type of fabric to use?
>How do I make the pants that puffy? I know that if I just make the pants normally, they will sag.
>How do I make a graduation/scolar cap like that?
>If I want the wig to be that thick, should I buy two wigs and sew the wefts from one into the other?

>> No.7595211
File: 19 KB, 177x150, boots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've started working on a suit of armor and we've completely walled on the boots.

We attempted to use the same thick sheets of foam we were using for the leg plates and chest but the sheer amount of pieces we came out with in a basic template for the base layer seemed almost impossible to shape.
We couldn't bend it properly to get a curved shape.

Does anybody know a place where I can either find a boot template, has a tutorial for boots alone or another suggestion for how to build these?

My dad suggested we use the same spray we were going to use for pauldrons to just carve boots out of but I have no idea if that'd end up looking like shit.

>> No.7595212

I forgot to mention worbla is extremely expensive and it's why we're not using it in the first place.

That and the entire suit is extremely bulky itself and doesn't lend well to the material.

>> No.7595213

Hnngggghhhh! I love that you're doing a BoF3 cosplay! I never see these! I feel obliged to share what I know just out of pure excitement.

Her braid is a giant fishtail braid. Look up some videos on youtube because it's actually pretty easy. To get it that thick I would just integrate a ponytail clip into a normal wig. if you put too many wefts in the wig it's not going to like being pulled into a braid like that and you'll have some wefts showing.

>> No.7595217

Ah okay! Since she has two braids, I would then just make two fishtail braids? Do you know exactly how many weft I can put in before the wig starts to reject them in styling? I was going to only put in about another 5 or 6 layers of wefts at the bottom part of the wig.

>> No.7595224

Cotton will be a good fabric. As for the pants, elastics are your friend. You make the pants huge with an elastic waist band, even wider at the ankle and elastic there to poof it up. You can use tulle to keep it fluffed out.

>> No.7595229

You should be fine. What I meant was that a ponytail piece will help hide those wefts, you can really add as much as you want.
Alternatively, if you have hair lying around to make your own wefts, try braiding loose extra hair in the braids to make them thicker.

>> No.7595246

I was thinking something a bit more western. Maybe Doom related? Timesplitters, Metroid, Mortal Kombat???
But I don't want something silly like Samus or DoomGuy, just something related to the series.

>> No.7595258

See, I kind of wanted any extra hair I added to it to be permenant. I feel like a pony tail clip will end up being way too bulky, and there's a risk of it falling out if not secured properly, and with those...you kinda never know.

>> No.7595261

Any specific kind of cotton? Are there any specific diameters that will add too much/too little poof when bunched up by elastic?
Also, how do you use tulle to keep it fluffed? Do you stuff it into the pants? Won't that look lumpy?

>> No.7595262

Ok so what the hell. I'm kinda new to sewing tops from scratch and I need to make the shirt in pic related. Did the skirt and sailor collar just fine but it's the stupid sleeves.

I cut up an old tshirt to take a pattern from, but the sleeves just looked too long and unshaped compared to the successful AoT jacket I made. So I made the sleeve caps more arched...and it just looks wrong. It gathers all weird at the armpit and hangs unflatteringly.

There are no side darts in the main body and it's made of cotton sateen.

What am I doing wrong? Is the main body the problem or the sleeves? Also, when making sleeves like this, should the bottom edge be curved or straight?

I'm so frustrated. I've taken them out and adjusted so many times. This is supposed to be such a stupid, easy shirt.

>> No.7595263
File: 31 KB, 500x500, clannad-cosplay-school-black-uniform-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course, dropped pic.

>> No.7595370
File: 58 KB, 800x800, chulip-20050524005700991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting to do a couples cosplay of Chulip with my SO. Since he's fairly new and I'm very amateur at it, we figured Chulip would be simple enough. (Also we both love the game).
But I have a sense that it wouldn't be well recognized at all and I'd just look like a generic school girl.
Just wondering what /cgl/ thinks. Any feedback would be extremely helpful.

>> No.7595390

I only know this from old Game Grumps, but it was apparently one of their most requested LPs. I haven't met anyone else IRL who's even heard of the game. Still, shouldn't stop you from doing it, it'd be adorable.

>> No.7595414

I loved that game! Maybe make a giant heart that the both of you could hold or have half-hearts attached to your backs so that when you 'kiss' they become one heart?

>> No.7595436

Haha me and my SO were going to do this too but plans fell through. We were going to make a big pair of lips for him, maybe you could do that?

>> No.7595443

make a sleeve block. that sleeve is pretty standard and you won't need much altering. there're tons of tutorials online for sleeve blocks

>> No.7595449

Mmkay! Thank you!

Yeah I figured something gimmick-y might add to it. The heart idea is super cute.
Thank you, guys!

>> No.7595514
File: 395 KB, 1024x768, berserk51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I go about doing her armor? I'm good on the shoulders/arms, but the chest has me really confused.


>> No.7595586

What part about the chest has you confused?

>> No.7595587

Just basic assembly/patterning. I'm good with the finishing/painting part of things, its just piecing it together that's a problem.

Sorry for not being specific.

>> No.7595609

Since I personally haven't made on myself, I'll reference other tutorials.

There's a tutorial here:http://amethyst-angel.com/armortutorial/armormaking_patterns.html

On armor-making and you can skip to the pattern part, but basically for something like a chest piece, you'll need a dress form to hold it all together and allow you to work on it. Dress forms can be expensive, but you can make one yourself: http://www.wikihow.com/Create-Your-Own-Dress-Form (Quick google search, there are probably ways to make sturdier ones, I'm not sure).

The specific item she's making is shoulder pauldrons, but of course her tutorial works towards all sorts of armor, and she references chest pieces. The specific materials she uses are craft foam and styrene (the craft foam to give sturdiness to the styrene, I'm assuming [I have a terrible memory for such things]).

Also, in order for you to be able to put it on, I'd suggest a sort of slit opening on the side that attaches together via....either something simple like velcro or a zipper or perhaps clasps? Just throwing ideas out there.

But! I shouldn't be your only source of ideas, so you should definitely check around!

>> No.7595916 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 1136x852, BpLEvOpIYAEvjZe.jpg-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting on this for real finally. Hoping I'll be able to get a full mockup/base finished tomorrow so I can focus on finding some good fabric for the embroidery. I really wanna use something like a nice, heavier silk taffeta since I won't need much yardage-wise and it seems a little dumb to do go through the trouble of doing embroidery in precious metal, but cheap out on the ground fabric.

I've never actually done goldwork before, so I am a little worried that I didn't order enough wire/thread. I might have to make some adjustments if I run out. Already guessing I'm gonna have to do something a little different for the belt and cuffs just because of the sheer length of the cording patterns. I figure the collar is the main focal point of the outfit, so putting more resources into that makes sense to me.

I wonder if I'll actually be able to finish in time for AX though...

>> No.7596133
File: 310 KB, 1247x944, Mirai-Nikki-v5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find a good cheap jacket / coat that signifies I'm cosplaying as Yuki? I live in Europe.

>> No.7596280 [DELETED] 

Or else, what would you call that piece of clothing? A colbert, perchance? I tried searching Youtube for a colbert to get a better idea of how those things look, but all I could find was videos of Stephen Colbert.

>> No.7596315

Or else: is the jacket leather or fabric?

>> No.7596563
File: 520 KB, 898x685, help1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make a bodice like this?
It`s backless and the middle is open.
I also don`t know how to make the boobie shape.

>> No.7596565
File: 508 KB, 898x672, help2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is what it`s for.
(apologies for using princess tutu image, it`s just the only similar 3D translation that I like)

>> No.7596570

Fuck I love this. What anime is this from?

>> No.7596573

Princess Tutu

>> No.7596576

It looks like there actually is an invisible backstrap that has been partially photoshopped out, and I bet that there was one holding the boobs together as well which has been photoshopped out as well.

You can either try and create a custom corset using boning in the back black part to hold it up, or use invisible straps (infinitely easier)

>> No.7596579

Ah yes, I see the invisible strap too, but I`m looking for a little more help than that.

How do I make the boob shape? I might be wrong but the photos look like her bodice is pretty stiff, should I bone it? Interface? Different material altogether?

S-sorry anon, I`m pretty new to this.

>> No.7596587

after, when its finished. put it on a dress form or someone else.

>> No.7596599
File: 15 KB, 300x300, gildfarts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the holy fuck do I make my collar on a cape stand up like this. I've got interfacing jammed in it and it goes straight up and down rather than kinda diagonal. I've tried starch, and it still flops. I've tried molding and shaping worbla and sticking it in there, and it looks retarded.


>> No.7596600

Not who you asked but i think you should try double sided tape, bone it.

>> No.7596607

Cut a icecream bucket or whatever you have thats thin enough and enough of the size you need in there, sand down the edges a bit so you dont rip your fabric and stuff that shit in there. You could use batting if you want it kind of soft and thicker.

>> No.7596611

Oh I didnt see the last part. Just try battinng? I dont know.

>> No.7596884

First off, what type of interfacing did you use? If it is very light, and you have a heavy fabric, then yes, it won't hold up very well.
Get something very stiff. Also, try using wire along the top edge.

>> No.7596908
File: 110 KB, 1500x1000, 1795807_680402331998185_1324240524_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you do that makeup around the eyes to give the kind of baggy/shadow look? Specifically the one on the left.

>> No.7597079

Look up bunny suit and corset construction. You will either need to cover moulded cups or piece your own, so that's bra construction as well.

>> No.7597345

Make it out of a rigid material. If you try making it out of fabric, it won't work.

>> No.7597484

yes it will, don't be an idiot, see >>7596884

>> No.7597510

you may have patterned it wrong, collars stand up better when the bottom curve of the pattern is less curved.

>> No.7597707
File: 66 KB, 630x900, Fayt.Leingod.full.334911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been wanting to do this since the game came out but I still have no idea how to tackle pretty much everything from the waist down.

Foam for the "greaves" is what I always thought but the bigger problem is the binding and what to actually use for "pants"...


>> No.7597794
File: 765 KB, 1275x2400, Shauna_FRDE__Sannah_IT_Shana_ES_Xana_official_art_300dpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related.
hey guys I'm planning on doing a pokemon group cosplay with my friends and I'm going to be shauna from xy.
what do you guys think i should do for the bows on her shirt? I googled her and some fanart has the bows just printed on her shirt but others have actual bows so I'm just not sure which route I want to take.
which do you guys think is better? and what material should i use if I make the bows?

>> No.7597804

I think making the bows actual bows and not a print would look nicer so you could make them from the same material as the bow on her bag, the scrunchie on her wrist, and the frills on her pants. Pretty much make all that black stuff out of the same material. I am bad with the names of fabrics but don't use anything shiny so help me.

>> No.7597818

I wasn't sure about the shiny material for the bows so thanks for clearing that up lol.
once I finish finding the materials I'll post a pic i guess...

>> No.7597825

Make them actual bows. I'd use chiffon and keep them relatively flat.

>> No.7597832

how would the chiffon retain its shape?

>> No.7598258
File: 121 KB, 420x238, ittokiotoya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some help coming up with poses for pic related character. I'm cosplaying him to a con soon but besides the generic hand-out idol pose I got no idea. I don't think I'll be able to get headphones as a prop on time so I can't do the hands-on-headphones pose, and bringing a guitar to the con will be too bothersome. I've tried googling for pictures of other cosplayers for inspiration but no luck.

He's the a very cheerful happy-go-lucky character and he's apart of an idol group. Need some poses that will work for winter uniform (so I can't bring a microphone and strike an idol pose because the characters wouldn't do that in uniform).

>> No.7598297
File: 56 KB, 1024x576, Kyoukai no Kanata - 01 -18[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I'm putting together a crossplay of Mirai from Kyoukai no Kanata (I'm a dude). Finding a good "male version" of her clothes has been fairly easy so far but I'm having trouble coming up with something to replace her school uniform top with. I was thinking maybe a white dress shirt with a blue vest over? Maybe just a white dress shirt with a blue tie? Any suggestions? Thanks!

>> No.7598314

>stage dirt
>black rouge for face, take a little and scatter with sponge
>eye liner for fine black contures like bruises, use it like a pencil
>additionally for pink/red in the bruises, red pencil like thing which girls normally use for the edges of the mouth, dunno how its called, used the one from my gf
>fake blood, very VERY little for face "nose, lips" or other small cuts, like its a scab

you have to be very careful and use as less as possible.

>> No.7598449

So I'm making a form fitting long sleeve shirt out of 4 way stretch mesh, any tips for sewing it? I know to use a zigzag stitch to allow it to stretch, and I was thinking of using French seams since the seams will be visible. Anything I'm not thinking of?

>> No.7598469
File: 70 KB, 740x590, 11498-38069144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also the option of wearing their school's male uniform, but I'm not sure if you'd be recognized as Mirai. Depends on how poofy your wig is and whether or not you have the blood sword, I suppose.
If you can nail the wig, sword, and sweater, then do the male uniform, I'd say.
If you can't, I'd go with your idea and just genderbend her regular uniform.

Those are just my thoughts on it. Good luck!

>> No.7598685
File: 155 KB, 600x900, Metal-Gear-Solid-Peace-Walker-cosplay-by-Omi-Gibson-and-AKOMI-2..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey cgl, what material is her hat made of?

>> No.7598692
File: 7 KB, 183x275, oberyn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/! I just needed some help with finding somewhere online where i could buy a base robe for an Oberyn Martell cosplay? Preferably some kind of pastel yellow that reaches below the knees, then i can add on my own designs for the suns etc... Thanks!

>> No.7598843

Yeah I had this idea as well. I have the sword and the sweater looks pretty good so I might just try it and see how it looks. Thanks!

>> No.7598856

It would probably be easier to find a fabric with that pattern on it and sew that.

>> No.7599162
File: 310 KB, 800x500, evauniforms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a specific name for the collared shirts Rei and Asuka are wearing? They don't look like just a normal collared shirt as Mari is wearing. Thank you!

>> No.7599170

They look like a Peter Pan collar to me

>> No.7599180

I was thinking that too but most Peter Pan collars are pretty small and rounder? I will search around more I guess. Thank you

>> No.7599193
File: 194 KB, 966x1280, DSC09437-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imho these look more like sailor collar, pic related

>> No.7599213
File: 9 KB, 240x180, scout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of bag does the scout use?
Pic related
I'd rather not make it myself

>> No.7599216

looks like a small duffel bag with the straps tightened

>> No.7599221

I can't find any that are actually a cylinder, though. I've been looking casually for a few weeks around the internet/goodwills and I haven't even found a brand or a general name to work off of.

>> No.7599225

I'm not sure there is a name for that style collar, but using a sailor collar pattern and shortening and curving the back will give you the right shape.

>> No.7599241
File: 426 KB, 1020x760, 12895435819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7599252

Oh, that's actually pretty great, thanks! Did they by chance say how they made those headsets? Mine is -almost- the right shape but it's slightly off, theirs look a lot better.

>> No.7599494

So I recently bought a pair of bodyline shoes, and I went on an outing wearing them once, and now the rubber sole of one of the shoes is separating from the shoe

Would I be able to hot glue it back on? I'm worried it'd be too hot and somehow warp the rubber, since there's 3 thin layers making up the whole sole

Has this happened to anyone else?

pic related: not my shoe, but an example of my problem

>> No.7599517
File: 49 KB, 1024x768, picrelated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic

>> No.7599574

So I have a kind of dumb problem.
I'm going to a con this weekend, and I'm bringing two wigs. However, as I was packing, I realized that I could only find one wig bag (the bag the wig came in). Is there a similar way I could take around a wig to the con? It will be in a suitcase so i cant just keep one on my wig head.
I was kicking around the idea of using an old gift bag, would that work?

>> No.7600207

Anyone know how can I brighten my eyebrows ?

>> No.7600250
File: 20 KB, 403x333, trltrltrl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me with my Yuki cosplay? I only need the orange jacket, but I can't find anything like that for men. Basically, I'm trying to figure out what search terms to use. I've tried jackets, blazers, and vests already. Any others?

The alternative is to go in the dark attire, but I really want to wear the cap. Yuki never wears that combination in the anime, and I think that's for a good reason: a light cap with dark attire doesn't match, right?

>> No.7600264
File: 32 KB, 457x396, Yuki65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideally, I'd find one that is specifically for cosplays, but then you have to buy the whole outfit which is kind of expensive. I already have all the other stuff anyway.

>> No.7600642

I'm a dude who wants to cosplay a mostly shirtless dude, but I have a pretty obvious case of pectus excavatum that only surgery can correct. Would getting a skincolor bodysuit/stocking/leotard be an option for me or would I just come across as a crossplaying chick/look really odd construction wise?? Any suggestions?

>> No.7600663

I would just suggest cosplaying a character you have the body for. Same rules apply to anyone, be it fixable without surgery or not. If you want to look good that is. If you are doing it purely for fun and don't mind the possibility of looking like total shit then you could probably try some different things.

>> No.7600749
File: 148 KB, 720x960, 1400626504618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a different thread a while back, an anon suggested filling it with liquid latex if it's minor enough.
Or you could just be like this guy and work it.

>> No.7601539

Ive actually done scout cosplay. Heres where I got my bag

>> No.7601542
File: 554 KB, 900x1319, gaara_png_iii_by_hidan_sama1408-d39dfjq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone Help me with Gaara's pants, Gourd and brown belt thing? I cant sew for shit but Im a handy man of sorts if that helps

>> No.7601679

How do I sew lapels? I made my own pattern and I'm pretty sure I'm fucked.

>> No.7601705

testing to see if autosaging

>> No.7601707
File: 512 KB, 689x387, Mikisugi- Old man cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question before AnimeNext starts up. Going as Mikisugi-sensei, but I wanna nail the facial hair. Pic handles it pretty well. I usually go clean shaven, but I'm aiming for a shave like this. How should I shave around the chin? To explain, I was planning to shave under the chin, shave off whatever stubble isn't around the chin or jawline.

>> No.7601711

new help thread >>7601710

>> No.7601727

Use a trimmer, durr