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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 40 KB, 307x320, PrincessFrogCryingL_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7581008 No.7581008 [Reply] [Original]

Old one on autosage.

>be me
>girl interested in my dress, really excited that she's going to buy it from me
>i send her invoice, tell her to double check the amount i sent her & info
>everything is cool
>ship it this afternoon
>it's sent out. cool.
>i send her a picture of her parcel to confirm that it's sent
>"anon... that's the wrong address, its ### instead of ### that you put down"
>shit, i typed her info in the paypal invoice wrong (even though she gave it to me right), but she never corrected me
>it's sent out already, can`t do shit
>feel like shit
>buyer needs dress within 2 weeks for a convention
>all these shit feels
>shit i hate myself

>> No.7581019

Call the post office if you have a tracking number or other identifiers. Dunno what country you're in, but I've been able to have USPS intercept a package for me.

>> No.7581032
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>buy old AP, super excited
>tfw package got delivered to the wrong house
>tfw they signed for it
>been a couple of weeks, no one knows what happened

>> No.7581290

I did. Canada Post couldn`t do anything. They did tell me to ask the girl to contact USPS once it arrives in the US though.

>> No.7581298

Would she able to go to the address you wrote down and explain what happened?

>> No.7581317
File: 253 KB, 960x540, 1401127339225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't wanna end up in the National Virgin Registry
>need to find a girl to take my virginity
Fuck me. I need a strategy for my next anime convention.

>> No.7581331

Just don't go on a shooting spree if you don't find a vagina willing to accept your cock.

>> No.7581343

That address doesn`t exist, so it`ll most likely be sent back to me
I promised her it would arrive before her convention in two weeks, though

>> No.7581542

here's a strategy:
>strike up a conversation with someone
>see if you feel a good, mutual vibe outside of "SHE HAS A PLACE FOR MY PENIS TO GO"
>see what happens

>> No.7581549

good luck

>> No.7581563


Hookers. And condoms. Problem solved.

>> No.7581609

>National Virgin Registry
This is a thing? Man you need so blackjack and hookers.

>> No.7581627
File: 354 KB, 505x578, Screen shot 2012-03-02 at 9.04.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom is going to dry cleaners, ask her to take some of my dresses
>leave mermaid symphony separate, terrified of cleaning it
>she takes all of them - including MS
>only find out today when I'm looking for it
holy shit, I'm terrified of what's going to happen to it - I've heard that the glitter print can melt off entirely under dry cleaning. It's my dream dress and it took me ages to find my preferred cut & colorway, I'm gonna be devastated if it's ruined.

>> No.7581639

Go to the dry cleaner's and try to rescue it ASAP.

This is urgent, nigga!

>> No.7581644

It's already been there a few days, I have no hope that it hasn't already been put through the process. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that some miracle happened...

>> No.7581648

Just keep up with where it lands and once it arrives at a stop, get them to change the addresses.

You should start off with the first address not existing, that makes your claim much more credible to oblivious folk.

>> No.7581664

This isn't even vaguely /cgl/ related, but while I'm here; My manic-depressive mother is a pathological liar who has a tendency to make up stories in her head and make herself believe them. She's been spreading rumours and telling absolute nonsense to family friends about my boyfriend, who are all now "Seeing something different about me" and "So concerned" that they want to hold a fucking intervention.

Jesus christ. I feel terrible about needing to explain, too, because I don't want to humiliate my mother, even if she is a crazy bitch.

>> No.7581682


What do you do with a dress that can't even be taken to dry cleaners? I mean, it's their job to clean delicate stuff, I assume you aren't washing it in your own machine if you are worried about them doing it.

>> No.7581694

>tfw cosplay/lolita gave me an ED
I fucking hate myself and I feel so stupid for it. It's really bad now that it's summer, and it's too hot for me to exercise at home, and I hate gyms.

>> No.7581695

This just in...

>visited relatives for Memorial Day BBQ/belated birthday party for two of my 2nd cousins
>check up on the older of the two and her cousins
>leaf through Seventeen Magazine with the B-Day girl
>while half listening/watching the other cousin scroll through her iPad
>tfw had a nice bonding time with them even though they're literally half my age

>cousin w/iPad wants to get into cosplay (her uncle took her and his kids to C2E2 recently)
>she really likes Baby Metal and wants a fursuit
>the other cousin in the room decides to join us (curious about what fursuits are) and also shares my mixed feelings of fursuits


It's a good thing she's only 13, so the naive-weeb phase is mostly expected. Hopefully it would fade away soon. I remember seeing furries at her age (also went to my first con at 13), but thinking that they were weird, and I think that unlike my experience, her computer had all of the NSWF stuff filtered out by her parents.

>> No.7581699
File: 89 KB, 568x955, jimmieswererustled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit. Dropped image.

>> No.7581734

It sounds like she needs some help so go to your family and explain it in that way. You shouldn't feel bad about getting her help for what is obviously a real problem.

>> No.7581774 [DELETED] 

>This is a thing? Man you need so blackjack and hookers.
Yes it is. I have a virgin friend who was arrested on two counts of creepiness for making eye contact with two girls and for being a virgin over 20, a level 3 threat.

>> No.7581778

>This is a thing? Man you need so blackjack and hookers.
Yes it is. I have a virgin friend who was arrested on two counts of creepiness for making eye contact with two girls and for being a virgin over 20, a level 3 threat.

I'm not allowed to lose it to a hooker. They have undercover female cops busting virgins who try that.

>> No.7581818

And you didn't think to call them and say
'hello, I'm Mrs Someanon daughter and she's taken in a dress by mistake, can you please not clean *insert dress description*'

it's like you want it to be placed in the hands of fate so you possibly have some piss poor story to tell your comm.

>> No.7581851

> Don't be a creepy faggot
> Show confidence while speaking to women
> Get laid.

>> No.7581863

what are they saying exactly?

>> No.7581887

>be me
>no loli friends at all
>be invited to meetup 2 days before actual meet
>event page, 1 month before: congratulations on being invited my darlings! please don't tell others about this tea party, i've only selected specific lolis, i don't want others to really know about it. we'll have lotsa fun!
>4 days before: about 5 girls cancel their invite because they can't make it
>tfw i was only invited to make up for the numbers so they can reserve the place
>wonder what other TPs i've been left out of because i'm not deemed good enough
>maybe everybody just hates me

i rejected them anyway, since i wasn't free. they managed to make up for the numbers and had nice tea last sunday. i really don't think it's because i'm too ita or i look horrible. while i'm not very good at my co-ords, there were one or two itas allowed into their special tea party. maybe i offended somebody the last meet up.

>> No.7581916

>go to a club
>talk to every single girl

One of them will be drunk enough to sleep with you. If none will there's no hope left for you.

>> No.7581920
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>in this week opened a case with the post office
>they said they'd go to the house and forcibly had them take back the package
>person who took the package is nowhere to be found

>> No.7582000
File: 170 KB, 1440x1592, 1380261732929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>just starting to dress in lolita
>post picture of coord
>actually get a few notes.
I now it's just a few notes but it makes me feel so much more confident, after being on /cgl/ for a year and a half I was terrified that I would just end up ita and get posted here in the ita threads. Feels fabulous.

>> No.7582013
File: 383 KB, 960x408, 1375948937029.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW no cosplay friends in WA
>trying to find cosplay coms
>can't find any outside shitty cons I've never heard of
>afraid if I do find one it will be nothing but homestuck and SNK

I feel like I'm cursed to not have real cosplay friends. All I have are shit tier closet cosplay friends who I don't talk about cosplay with because CLOSET COSPLAY.

>> No.7582014 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 640x360, mental representation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get this dealt with

Any of you seagulls that has focus or motivation problems on doing daily or regular tasks, be it studying, drawing, reading a book, doing exercise, sewing, and that WANTS to get over them, send me something with the task(s) you want to work on (can be very specific or rather general), your country (state/city if you're USA, as to establish timezones), and the hours where you'd be free to talk and work

Sessions have been going for like a week now, and they give huge individual results: I now wake up early every day, lift more than ever, started running and draw more and more.
Sadly, most of the interested people chicken out and never show up to the sessions. We are hence still looking for more people that are ready to get motivated on a regular basis (but coming just once or twice by week is worthless).

All I can say is coming to those sessions will be one big step for all of you hungry for change!

>> No.7582041

You have been shit posting this is some form or other all over the boards lately. Gotta say I admire your persistence. Did you get any takers?

>> No.7582043

>Go to a con with friends every year
>I'm the only one who sews everything/makes props etc.
>Usually they think this is cool and respect that I want to wear what I make whatever day I want to go to photoshoots/events.
>This year they want to do a group.
>I want to participate in a contest this year because I put a lot of effort into my main costume.
>"But anon! We have to do the ~popular series~ cosplay on Saturday."
>Last year one of them got mad when I didn't attend something they were participating in because I wasn't interested.

UGH. I'm going to wear my costume on Saturday anyway. I'm just not looking forward to the repeat of the crap attitude.

>> No.7582186

>shit posting
>all over the boards
Only in the feels thread in /cgl/
Are you the same idiot from the other thread?

>> No.7582205

holy shit, anon, I'm so sorry.

>> No.7582225

what part of WA do you live anon? i am interested in cosplaying, but i am a total newb. maybe you can show me the ropes?

>> No.7582234

I'm the "douchebag fee" anon from a previous confession thread.

> Job is finally going under
> Getting yelled at every day for no customers showing up
> Worked longer than coworkers
> Everyone else's hours are getting cut
> Coworkers that work hard are giving me shit because my hours aren't getting cut
> Looking for another job to fall back on when we finally close
> I really want to leave now but I need money

>> No.7582246

whats the point in stealing that?

>> No.7582264
File: 17 KB, 320x480, PID11169_MED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ordered a package from Japan
>Tracking number doesn't work for literally a week
>When finally get into tracking it says it has been at my local Post Office since Thursday
>Did the Post Office tell me they got it? Like fuck they did
>Had to spend hours on a phone explaining the Post Office has my package but they didn't leave me a slip
>Finally get them to send it to me tomorrow, hopefully they come otherwise I will lose my shit

I mad.

>> No.7582347

> be alone at a con
> meet some nice people
> they invite me to go to thier room with their friends
> at the hotel room
> loud music, everybody is drunk and are all talking about shit I can't follow.
> get nervous, just sit there while thinking of a good excuse to leave.
Even at a place filled with social outcasts I still feel like a social outcast.

>> No.7582363

>no loli friends

It seems more likely no one thought of you offhand. Maybe you can pm someloli you're not total strangers with and ask why they make their meetups that way? Some of the lolita comm threads a little while ago said that their comms had a weirdo or a creeper they had trouble keeping out/admin refused to kick out and were doing private meetups just to avoid that one person. Kinda sucks that newbies would get left out just because the person doing the private meet forgot to invite them though (and defeats the purpose of having a comm).

>> No.7582593

>have trouble being myself around people.
>still very secretive around boyfriend even after two years.
>finally start talking about maybe being interested in cosplay.
>he's totally into it.
>stay up all night last night looking at cosplay stuff.
>brainstorming couple costumes together.
>look up local con
>spend hours laughing at shitty costumes and making fun of people together.

The happiest feels right now.

>> No.7582612

The chemicals used in dry cleaning melt screen printing. It's not that screen printing can't be handwashed or cleaned at all, it's just incompatible with that cleaning method.

>> No.7582622

Do you live in Ural Russia?

>> No.7582777

> tfw I need some irl friends because lonely
> tfw no idea how

I have no idea where to start, never had a lot of friend irl so it's just kinda... new territory for me

>> No.7582786

Just go to some local events that are about things you like
Then other people there will have something in common with you for you both to talk to about
Its pretty simple

>> No.7582789

I live in Oly, anon, where are you?

>> No.7582803

yeah that's kinda one of the problems. There are no local events of things that I like over here.

>> No.7582808

Is there any conventions or do you play MTG?

>> No.7582815


Copy, never really taken stuff to a dry cleaner. Just figured their job is to clean fancy clothes, so they would do it right.

I guess I always figured dry cleaners used some kind of steam magic or something, hence the 'dry'. Never thought about it that much.

>> No.7582823

the conventions aren't really anything that great especially the last two times I went because I just ended up walking around alone all day and that got boring quickly. Not really that the cons sucked more that everyone already seemed to know each other so I just kinda didn't fit in.

>> No.7582827

Maybe you just have to be satisfied with online friends until you can/want to move to a better area

>> No.7583346
File: 53 KB, 500x463, n542h4FvzQ1qjb8lso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>come across some "Words you must never google" creepypasta
>whatever, seems like the typical shock/gore sites?
>see one entry I have never heard of
>"Lotus pod holes"? How the hell is that scary?
>google this
>goole Trypophobia

Seriously, DON'T look that shit up. I have no idea why but it freaked me the fuck out. It's just some badly photoshopped pictures, not even gore or shit like that, but I felt so uncomfortable and disgusted I didn't manage to properly eat today. Maybe I have Trypophobia, haha.

>> No.7583406

Dude I did the exact same thing
maybe it's less of a phobia and more of an stupid primal fear we all have? Like being scared of spiders or something

>> No.7583425

Trypophobia is driven by the fear of holes in your skin, which is, yeah, a normal fear. It's like being afraid of someone with a knife or gun.

>> No.7583433


What suprised me was the level of disgust I felt by some simple more or less badly shooped pictures. I cannot stop scratching now haha
Also Phobia =/= normal fear
Of course you are afraid of someone with a knife or gun, but that doesn't mean you have a phobia.

Guess it is a mixture of a normal fear and maybe a bit in the Uncanny Valley direction.

>> No.7583440

>Maybe I have Trypophobia
Just FYI this is not a phobia recognized by the medical community. Most people feel the same feelings of unease and 'wrongness' when faced with those pictures. Personally I think it's some kind of subconsciouse aversion to death as I've only felt a similar type of unease when looking up videos of screw fly and bot fly maggot infestations on people. Small holes = maggots = rot and death

Sorry it's like a thing on Tumblr to say you have this 'phobia' when it's not a diagnosable or treatable (or even recognized) condition in the medical community.

>> No.7583449

stop trying to convince us you have a phobia
it won't make you cool

>> No.7583457
File: 21 KB, 500x281, 1395192950873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bf wants to marry me
>we're talking about it like it's pretty much a done deal
>last weekend we saw each other for first time in a week
>pent-up sex all weekend
>intense cuddling
>much love
>later, he tells me his mom will probably move in with her bf in a year
>he'll get the house, utilities free for a while
>I could live there with him, he says
>we then talk about renting out the house and stuff
>tfw we could sleep in the same bed everyday
>tfw I could cook him food whenever he wants
>tfw I could have the quiet life I dreamed of
>mfw happiness

>> No.7583459

>Going to Rufflecon
>The lolitas in my comm who are going are either Tumblr crazies or nice but we have nothing in common
>Girl who is involved in the con suddenly decides we aren't friends anymore and that she hates me
>I'm shy and bad with people and now I'll get to be awkward and alone the whole weekend

>> No.7583473


Calm down guys, I wasn't serious; it was suppossed to be a joke.
4chan is 18+, by this age one should be past the "omg I have a phobia so cool and edgy!!1"-phase. Or be on tumblr.

>> No.7583475

It's summer
never underestimate your enemy

>> No.7583480
File: 987 KB, 500x381, yay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's so wonderful, anon!! I wish you both all the best of luck in the future.

>> No.7583481

You seemed pretty confused about why you felt the level of disgust you felt. I just wanted you to be sure it is completely normal.

Also though, this makes me feel old that some people are only now discovering lotus boob, jfc that shit is old.

>> No.7583486


Tumblr is annoying enough on it's own, we don't need people running around screaming "Zomg tumblr attention whore!!!1" every time they see something they vaguely remember having seen on tumblr. Especially here on 4chan.
I bet all of my bruando there are more posts crying "tumblr invading muh 4chan!!2" or "SJW go back to tumblr!!" than acutal annoying tumblr posts.

>> No.7583490


Alright, I appreciate that, Anon! Just wanted to clear things up on my side too.

Well, I think I was too young and innocent when this was "popular", and only now interested in discovering some more obscure creepypasta shit.

>> No.7583492

Thanks so much! I get so giggly whenever I think about it.

>> No.7583562
File: 12 KB, 600x222, jel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have you know that I have ANGRY happiness for you. Your life sounds eeriely close to what my life could have been. But my brother is the one who got the house.
Are you a lolita? Are you going to frill up your wedding dress?

>> No.7583565

>be me
>be last fall. Just graduated from a program, lost a great opportunity and crash landed back in my home town.
>suck at being an adult. So stressed out can't function
>best friend is falling off the edge again
>I can't watch her tear herself apart anymore, she dose something stupid and we stop talking.
>miss her like crazy
>three months later talk to a different friend, find out shes doing really really badly.
> feel horribly guilty

Now its summer time, when we used to practically live together. I've got my life together, but I know she doesn't. I still miss her like mad, but all my reasons for not talking to her are still valid, only I've started to wonder how guilty I'd feel if something happened and I never got to see her again.
Whats worse: watching your friend fall apart up close- or from far away?

>> No.7583598

or you could shut up and stop being butthurt when people call you out for being annoying

>> No.7583604
File: 765 KB, 300x169, tumblr_lzt0o56pK51rnfda2o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about not letting your friend fall apart?

>> No.7583655

I don't know how to help someone who doesn't want help. Trust me I've tried for years.

Her parents are ignoring it so are her college friends. If I had any idea of how to help her I would.

>> No.7583789
File: 790 KB, 320x224, okay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come home after a 10 hour day at work
>look at emails
>my Mother has sent me a message
>haven't talked to her in 3 years
>her message is incredibly spiteful, nothing about how I'm doing or if she misses me, and how she thinks I'm after her money
>mfw she didn't pay child support for 5-6 years when she ran away with her boyfriend to a different country
>mfw she's blaming me that for my dad taking her to court to pay the remaining fees


>let a friend borrow a dress for a formal event
>told her she would have to pay the dry cleaners bill if it were to get stained
>she stains the dress and keep insisting that it isn't noticeable

Why do people not take responsibility for shit? I'm so frustrated right now.

>> No.7583823

Ikr? I get so excited when my boyfrind hops on the bad cosplay lulz wagon with me. It's great bonding time <3

>> No.7583828

>Want to wear lolita err'y day
>friends all wear normal clothes

I'll never be ott without looking stupid and out of place

>> No.7583858

Even if Anon hadn't been trying for years, it isn't her responsibility. She isn't a professional. It takes a very special type of person to directly handle and support a friend with depression (and/or other issues). It's one thing to say "Hey, you look kinda sad. Let's watch movies and eat ice cream" and another to frantically jolt awake at a 3am phonecall, wondering if you'll have to talk her down from suicide again. Or from cutting. Or from purging. Or from just general being down on herself.

There's only so many times you can say, "It's going to be okay" before they start screaming back at you about how you couldn't possibly know. It's hard when you respond to their insecurities with kind words, and they spit back that they've heard you say it before. You can find yourself blaming yourself for not having the right things to say. Maybe they'll explicitly blame you. It isn't easy.

I had my own friend who burst into tears when I mentioned I was suicidal. I asked her about it, and she said it just wasn't something she could handle. I won't lie and say that I didn't wish things were different, but I certainly understood where she was coming from. I just didn't talk to her about those sort of things anymore.

Anon never "let" her friend fall apart, you're putting blame where it isn't deserved. The only thing that is at fault here is the illness.

>> No.7583866

>I've started to wonder how guilty I'd feel if something happened and I never got to see her again.

Yeah, but how would you feel if something bad happened and you ended up getting dragged into trouble along with her?

You can't help people who don't want to be helped. Just let it be, and don't feel guilty.

>> No.7583886

wow this is fascinating

>> No.7583911

You and me both, anon.
My comm is also basically nonexistent (there are three of us in a 2 hour radius and maybe 5 within 5 hours), so meetups aren't even really a thing.
I wish I could even just make lolita friends online via tumblr or something.
I'm always jealous/sad when I see other lolitas posting/talking about going out with friends. I just want to move to a real city and make friends.

>> No.7583930
File: 74 KB, 814x561, 1399764224045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have shitty washing machine
>whatever I wash falls apart
>if I put it on lower temperature it stays dirty
>no money for machine
>have all used furniture and clothes, banged up and broken, nothing fits
>every day something rips or breaks
>no money to buy nice stuff because college student
>have to clean up after dog and brother who plays videogames all day and still hasn't finished high school because he is too lazy to pass fucking elementary school level Swedish, and not because he's dumb but because he thinks it's "unfair that we have to learn it"
>need money for doctor, chronic back pain, everyone keeps telling me I'm fine and "probably overreacting"
>need money for dentist
>need money for tailor because I can't even wear half of my clothes or afford to ruin them by learning to tailor them myself
>haven't had a proper meal in ages
>my friends keep telling me to "just move already", as if it's that easy, as if I have money, as if anyone wants a dog in their apartment
>I wanna get into a good university and ask my brother to help me with studying but he rolls his eyes and says it's "boring" when I ask him to quiz me for an entrance exam
>tells me I'm "elitist" and "too proud" for not wanting to be a hairdresser or nurse, who make next to nothing here

i want off this ride

>> No.7583934

hand wash lol

>> No.7583937

takes ages and I have nothing to wash it in, not even a sink

>> No.7583942

No sink? How do you wash your hands?

>> No.7583944
File: 36 KB, 600x486, pallas-couture-2010-wedding-dress-edythe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dabble in lolita (just a blouse, two pettis and two skirts!), so I can't really call myself one. c': I'm more a mori girl so my wedding dress would probably be airy and forest-inspired. Oh gosh, now I'm looking at bridal dresses~

>> No.7583950

shower tap

>> No.7583951

Craigslist washers, anon. Sometimes you can find free ones when people get new ones. I've gotten a number of washers that way and they last me a good long time.

>> No.7583956

That sounds terrible, anon. I'm sorry you have to suffer through this. I don't have a dog so I guess this might come off as an inconsiderate question, but do you know someone that may be willing to take care of your dog for a bit until your situation gets better? From your post, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate at the moment, and maybe letting someone else take care of him might make your problems slightly better. I'm sorry I'm not able to offer any other real advice.

>> No.7583983
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, [Anime-Koi] Hitsugi no Chaika - 07 [h264-720p][E8E7D937].mkv_snapshot_01.36_[2014.05.26_16.49.43].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when starting to get used to being mostly alone for the rest of my life
>only have a couple people I know irl
>have online friends but I'm only online sometimes, usually because I'm drunk
>don't really want to go anywhere since I just end up being bored and reading 4chan on my phone
>besides conventions my life has become very unsocial
>basically luck of the draw that I would meet a girl to date
>would have to be at a con, which happens not that often
>don't even really need friends, just a gf that I spend all my time with would be enough, along with con "friends" I drink with
>found my ex's hair in my pocket randomly, sparks feels
>know there's something wrong with me that makes it hard to make friends or find a gf
>don't know what it is or if I can change it
>try to content myself with anime, vidya, and lifting

General feels, I guess.

>> No.7583984


wtf? Are you living in a shanty?

>> No.7584021

Congrats, anon! I'm kind of engaged to my boyfriend, but shit is crazy complicated. Thankfully, I've been able to sleep in the same bed as him for 6 months.

I really hope everything works out for you!

>> No.7584026
File: 611 KB, 1024x565, 1393556313473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Take a picture of a cosplayer
> She seems a bit awkward about it
> I thank her for the picture and ask her if she was cosplaying the character I was thinking of, which was Clover from 999
> She's already walking away, she sort of nods and smiles at me in an attempt to answer my question

It wasn't... too bad, but fuck, it was kinda awkward. Maybe I got them at a bad time, maybe I was just being spaghetti, I don't know.

>> No.7584029

that doesn't sound right... do you have any washing facilities?

>> No.7584078

Just changed birth control recently, so EVERYTHING is feels.

>successfully order business cards, box arrives and has that fresh from the printer smell
>pull the first card out
>printing is perfect!
>UV is aligned great!
>get all misty-eyed

>watch cute cat video friend linked
>tears of joy after about 10 seconds in

>watch Viz Sailor Moon release info
>TEARSTEARSTEARS and nostalgia

>Watching Rugrats DVD while sewing
>"In Loving Memory of David Doyle"
>gross sobbing

>Sailor Saturn figure announced and photos shown
>these aren't tears, I'm just sweating through my eyes

>cute kid bumps into me in grocery store

No negative emotional sensitivity that I can tell, but everything is making me feel super touched-and-happy-and-grateful-and-joyous-and-shit. It's a little bit embarrassing, because the tiniest thing can set off the waterworks lately. My boyfriend thinks it's hilarious, because I'm generally so stoic, so he's been posting cute/emotionally charged shit all over my Facebook wall while I'm working.

>> No.7584120
File: 205 KB, 500x375, suicide2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be really shy and don't talk to people much, even at cons.
>End up being approached by cute girl cosplaying from a series I didn't really know of at con last year and talk with them for a while.
>Never ask for their info before leaving and regret it.
>Still have photos I took of them (with their permission) and develop little bit of a crush.
>End up watching series they were from, then reading the manga. Character they cosplayed as just so happens to become my favorite
>Next year decide to cosplay from the same series, run into the same person cosplaying the same character again at the series photoshoot.
>After the shoot talk to them, they don't seem to remember me and seem a little bit uncomfortable talking.
>Ask if they came alone too or if they're with friends. "Actually, I'm waiting for my BOYFRIEND to come here we're going to get coffee." "O-oh, okay, well, um see you!"
>Stupidly hoped they weren't taken or straight. Quickly walk away feeling embarrassed and dumb about everything. End up feeling slightly down/lonely the rest of the day.
>Also end up seeing couple cosplaying from the same series holding hands like 20 minutes later.

Fuck, I mean, I felt really stupid about having a crush on someone I barely knew anyway but... Still hurt a little, no matter how stupid and probably creepy it was. Sorry, this whole story is really dumb and embarrassing to tell. Thank you for letting me get it out, /cgl/

>> No.7584129

>dieting for two months because I let myself get fat
>actually losing weight, feels good
>pictures from anime north
>I'm still so fucking fat

>> No.7584142

>"Lotus pod holes

Dude, I want to fucking touch that shit.

>> No.7584188
File: 91 KB, 409x403, 1329263468771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to go to a small dinner meet with my local comm next week, but it'd be my first meet and I'm so terrified. I have two days left to rsvp but I just keep looking at the event page.

I'm ridiculously shy as it is and I'll be wearing handmade, so I'm just.. Bleh.

>I also don't want to rsvp and then have a panic attack and just not show up after they'd booked the table.

>> No.7584234
File: 49 KB, 436x477, 1384675161632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>know there's something wrong with me that makes it hard to make friends or find a gf
>>don't know what it is or if I can change it

>> No.7584332
File: 141 KB, 446x435, 1358609785730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I can think about now is a really rare old AP print showing up at my house by mistake oh god I don't know what I'd do, if I'd keep it or say something

>> No.7584412


This gets bandied around a lot, but I want to point out that the way to clean burando is to always check (and follow) the care tags. I've had screenprinted stuff, both from indie and burando, sent to the dry-cleaners because that's what the care tag says to do, and they always come back in good condition. The screenprint didn't melt off at all. Not all of the fabric paints used in screen printing are made the same, so not all of them are guaranteed to melt when dry-cleaned.

>> No.7584448
File: 2.98 MB, 426x240, 1384818180890.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going out with my boyfriend for almost three years now.
>Love him want to stay with him for the rest of my life.
>We spend all day every day together. In the morning I pick him up, and at night I take him home.
>Still get nostalgic for all those lonely times I had in high school when all I had was the internet.
>I wish I had more alone time.

>That feel when you want a BFF like you had back when you were in middle school
but you and every other girl in the world is too busy with school, work and their own boyfriends

>Too busy to sleep over two nights in a row, make smores, watch movies together, lay next to each other and talk till the sun comes up

>That feel when you can never have that again
>That feel when you still try to look for it
>That feel when you can't fucking give it up

>> No.7584463

I would. Then when the original buyer posted about it on /cgl/ I'd be all "Oh anon, that's so terrible! Wow, you're actually in the same area as me. Look.. I have this print myself, I never wear it.. Would you like it for -significantly less than what they originally paid- ?"


>> No.7584781

>Friend that I had since high school grew up to be the most conceited piece of shit on the planet
>She had opinions that I don't really agree with but I kept quiet about them
>Used to go to cons with me but now she says things like "Wow, save up and go to Japan instead of hanging out with weebs."
>Goes to MAGfest to hang out with weebs
>Everyone has been telling me to drop her because she sounds like a bitch
>I still want to hang on to our friendship
>Boyfriend raised a crap ton of money from a Kickstarter
>Obviously riding his dick for money
>Her and her boyfriend were sharing something out of kindness
>Haven't talked to them in a while because I've been busy but take up their offer
>She bitches "Ugh, everyone suddenly floods your messages and wants to be your friend when you're giving out shit."
>This left a bad taste in my mouth
>I'm angry and mindlessly vent about how shitty she's been acting
>Word gets out to her and she cries about how my feelings are shitty and that she's ending our friendship
>It's okay because I think it's time to listen to everyone's advice and finally drop her
>Haven't talked to her in a month
>I miss her but the old slightly weeby her
>I have no other anime/J-fashion friends
>Trying not to think about rekindling our friendship and apologizing so I can move on to be a better person and a happy weeb feels bad, bro.

>> No.7584964

>move to a new city
>friends back home start talking to you less and less
>always the one to make any effort
>haven't made any friends in new city yet
>only have boyfriend to rely on for company
>spend all free time on cosplay to avoid feeling incredibly lonely and depressed

I really hope I can make some friends at the next con I'm going to in a couple weeks.

>> No.7584984

Im with you there. Loud music and drunkenness and im trying to bail out asap. Im been called a grumpy old man but I guess its just not my idea of fun. Hell im 21 and I didnt drink on my birthday

>> No.7584990

Sleeping together in the same bed is wonderful! It's the little things. Thanks for the well wishes. c:

>> No.7584999

You might meet new people there. I'm kind of awkward and shy too, but sometimes you just have to push through it and talk to people. I'll be at Rufflecon too; maybe I'll see you there :)

>> No.7585000
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Actually I got one maybe you guys can help me out. I love my girlfriend. She's absolutely fantastic and we can talk about anything. But she seems to really like cuddling alot. Like one hug is not enough. I wish her goodnight and its this 10 minute kisses and hugs. Or shed want me to stay over. Like she'd try her hardest lure me into staying the night. Its cute but sometimez i just wanna kiss her goodnight and be done with it. I dunno to be honest im terrified. One time we had a condom tear (got the plan b pill) but like im scared if it didnt work. I just dont wanna push my luck but feel like crap when I tell her no. Like again love her to pieces but I just dont have a good way to say I dont wanna push my luck again or that im in the middle of something and demanding hugs is just not convenient right now.
I know im probably the problem here but maybe you guys can give me advice either to change my mindset or tell her no in a way that doesnt sound like I dont want to just I dont wanna do it for half an hour

>> No.7585019
File: 875 KB, 500x463, noface.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww I'm sorry anon.

>> No.7585049

>Had a really lonely childhood
>Parents divorced when I was 8
>Brother is 5 years older and was mildly abusive towards me growing up because our dad favored me
>Mom worked until 6-7pm on weekdays
>She didn't trust me with a house key after my dad secretly stole mine from my bag and copied it when I visited him
>Locked out of the house for hours after school, no matter the weather
>Nothing to do but play by myself outside
>Only ever had like one friend at a time
>Most kids at school hated me and stayed away from me
>Jump to now
>Have a couple friends, but don't feel like I can count on them to be there for me when shit's going badly for me
>Talking to one friend recently about how my boyfriend was feeling suicidal and I didn't know what to do
>She got really uncomfortable and said she couldn't talk about it and left the room
>I've been friends with her for 12 years and we live together; she's the closest friend I have
>Always feel alone in groups
>Never feel like I can get close to anyone other than my boyfriend and family members
>Feels like I'll always have this kind of superficial relationship with people and it makes me sad because I really care about making other people happy and I know I'm a good friend

>> No.7585067
File: 771 KB, 706x1000, 11cea03ae7b910eea3a5e4f2e3d7cd80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sent in panels for anime con
>all of mine get approved
>schedule released
>all of them in smallest panel rooms at the con
>big panel room is taken up mostly by ponies and dr. who
>at an anime convention

>> No.7585078

Is it possible that she herself has had problems with suicide/suicidal tendencies? It might explain why she got so uncomfortable.

I know how you feel anyway, anon.

>Brother dies when I'm 8.
>Manic-depressive mother has a bit of a breakdown and pulls me out of schooling to homeschool.
>Meet boyfriend (In PlanetSide2, haha.) some 11 years later.
>Huge social mess. Can barely even talk to his friends a year and a half later.

>> No.7585108

Yeah, that could have been why. I guess from my perspective, if a friend came to me with something like that, I would never just be like, "Nope," and walk out of the room. I tend to put other peoples' feelings ahead of my own, so even if talking about something makes me really fucking uncomfortable, I'll do it if it'll make my friend feel better. For instance, I had a near-death experience when I was in my teens. It messed me up for years and I still have anxiety and depression stemming from it. The same friend I mentioned above had a brother who died tragically about 4 years ago. She is still totally fucked up from this and hasn't really dealt with it. Since all of my anxiety problems have to do with death, I don't like to talk about it. However, when she brings up her issues, I don't shut her down and walk away. That would be cruel.

>> No.7585112

she said she only found out today.

>> No.7585119

> be me
> be studying abroad
> not allowed to get job
> live in university dorm, curfew at 11pm, no kitchen, not allowed to sleep out or get thrown out of the dorm
> classes are meh
> everybody treats me like a child

> come back to home country in a month
> signed for awesome apartment in home country today
> had awesome job interview today

It's getting better. I'm so excited about decorating and shit now

>> No.7585123

>really great social life.
>go out every weekend, busy all week, nonstop fun times for a good couple years.
>anxiety starts getting the better of me.
>get busy and forget to text back a couple friends for a while.
>freak out, feel like an asshole, kind of just crumble.
>"they're probably better off without I shouldn't bother I'm already such a bad friend"
>haven't talked to anyone I know since September last year.
>too stressed out about it to go on Facebook.
>delete my Facebook around December.
>have no friends, hate my lonely apartment, hate my job which is all I have left.
>leave town for a few months to try and clear my head.
>moved back last week.
>go back to same job, one coworker is friends with all my old friends.
>"everyone wants to know if you want to come for dinner on Thursday. They said you're not allowed to say no you have to come."

I don't deserve these people. I'm such an ass and they still want to hang out with me even though I've talked to nobody since SEPTEMBER and I feel so terrible.
Bawling like a fucking infant.

>> No.7585127

Go and see them! They obviously want you around. I hope you can overcome this anxiety and self-loathing and get your social life back, anon. You are definitely deserving of good people in your life!

>> No.7585131

It's not stupid, anon. It happens to have a crush of someone you don't know well or also never talked to him/her.

>> No.7585141

Same thing ! Go for it, anon !

>> No.7585155

I am gonna go, I've even been invited to a beach fire thing by some other people that I said yes to.
I've realized I need to stop getting scared and running away, these are my friends and they're not going anywhere so I need to stop stressing out about it. I can't believe I ever thought they wouldn't want to see me.

Slowly but surely I'm going to piece my life back together.

>> No.7585163 [DELETED] 

>planning cosplay with a long distance friend for months
>agree that we're going all out and making them perfect and paying a photographer
>finish my costume and it looks great
>haven't heard a word for friend on it
>about a month out, tell her not to worry if she can't do it
>"no i got it!"
>a couple weeks out, message her about getting a photog
>all the good ones are already booked except one time slot
>"yeah that works for me"
>put down deposit, confirm with her
>"oh wait, idk if i'll be there that day, i'll let you know"
>tfw she's a notorious procrastinator
>tfw she probably is going to shit out her costume last minute
>tfw you're better off getting photos alone

I'm kind of disappointed about not getting pictures together, but I honestly would prefer it be just me in the costume I put a lot of effort into than one of us looking good and the other looking half-assed during a paid photoshoot.

>> No.7585165

Good luck, anon! You can do it!

>> No.7585170

make your own alone time then?
my fiance and I have different thing we do ( I go to ASG meetings, he has DnD on Fridays.
just because you love someone doesn't mean you need to be attached at the hip

>> No.7585202

The uni semester is almost over and after frantically doing lots of work over the past few months, I feel apathetic and don't really care anymore. Probably partly because of things happening in my personal life that have making me fall back into depression. I have a test today that I should really sit but I think I'll just stay home.

>> No.7585203

I don't know why you're going to put yourself through that. You stopped talking to them and obviously they're going to hold it against you. Inviting you out seems like an easy way to get you out and humiliate you for revenge or something. You don't deserve having friends if you abandoned them for simply not messaging them for a bit. Do you have a pet? Might as well take it to the shelter if you forget to pet it one day.

>> No.7585224

Not who you responded to. Maybe that's the advice I need. Its not like you can't enjoy one another but having a day apart to do our own things would be really nice.
Now how do I tell her that I'd like that dayto myself?

>> No.7585253

>break up with bf of 6 years
>pretty much cry 3 days straight but then feel better and move on
>still live together which is awkward but he'd be homeless otherwise
>broke up because i started liking someone else
>they return my affections, i think lol
>stay up until 4-5 am talking
>planning to go hang out with them early fall

i feel bad for wanting to jump in another relationship so fast but eh at least i'm not doing it behind anyone's back

>> No.7585268

This is exactly why're you're a virgin. This, this entire post.

>> No.7585275

You know, you'd probably get more bites on /r9k/ with this bait.

>> No.7585287

As much as I haven't seen any of them in a while I spent actually every waking second of my life pretty much with them for a couple years. I know they're genuine. They've been mostly busy as well anyway, one just got back from a few months in Peru, another just had another kid, etc...
Plus if anyone tries to get down on me for not being in contact I've got the added excuse that I've mostly been in the hospital and doctors since September anyways as my kidneys are shit, but I don't want to make excuses, I'm truly sorry to them and I want to patch things up.

Only one of them is enough of a cunt to be a cunt and she's not coming, which is fine because she's a cunt anyway.

Thanks for trying to discourage me though, I just want to do it more now.

>> No.7585392

>have a job
>so excited
>ready for money
>working out more and eating less
>slowly losing weight
>getting ready for college
>it's gonna be great

Everything's finally going good. Good feelings all around.

>> No.7585496

Anon, it doesn't sound like you want anything serious or any kind of commitment with this girl. In my experience, when you've found that one person, you wanna do these things naturally.
It sounds like you're very afraid and I would seriously rethink if this girl is exactly what you wanted and who you wanted to be with.

>> No.7585521

>They have undercover female cops busting virgins who try that.
Dude just find a hooker and ask if you can take nude pictures of her. It's not illegal and a cop won't agree to it, but an actual hooker won't care.

>> No.7585563

Who was she cosplaying?

>> No.7585627
File: 136 KB, 400x298, 1399012790194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dropped out of college twice
>no drive in life
>barely any friends left
>can't find a job
>tfw only plan is to play vidya and anime until family kicks me out and kill myself

>> No.7585640

>feels thread
First of these that hasn't mentioned how anon doesn't have a cute gf.
And don't sweat it op. You screwed up once, don't feel bad about that.

>> No.7585644

I'm not sure. Usually I just say I'm gonna go out, or my fiance says he's gonna go hang out with friends.

I would say be direct. Make a plan, tell your SO what YOU are gonna do, and go from there. If there's a big fuss you may want to think about your relationship. (This is coming from a first class Klingon BTW. My separation anxiety is something fierce, but even I know that people need alone time sometimes)

>> No.7585648

Im sorry. I was rushing before I had class I guess it came out wrong. Like I do enjoy doing things with her and I love her alot. Its been three years and I do think we have a serious relationship. But sometimes I feel she can get in the mood to be all kissy more than I do. Like feel its a bit too much affection. I love the kisses and the hugs but we dont have to it all the time. Right? Oh its me isnt it? Im the bad guy.

>> No.7585797

>have about a week to complete my cosplay
>nowhere near done
>have to spend three days with grandparents starting tomorrow
>I am allergic to their dog, don't want to work on cosplay there and get fur all over it
>then immediately go to boyfriend's where I will have no internet until the con
>he has dogs and cats too
>tfw have to compromise just to get it done
I can totally get into work mode right now and get it mostly done, but I don't know if there's any way to prevent breakouts and puffy eyes.

That shit gets to me real hard. I wasn't even exposed to trypophobia with lotus boob or those finger with the lamprey mouths shopped onto them... Someone storytimed a chapter of Sawayaka Abnormal on one board or another. I had a real bad time.

>> No.7585819

Antihistamines, anon. They are your best friend.

>> No.7585941

>googles trypophobia
I'm screaming in disgust and fear I actually want to vomit I'm so scared of having it now

>> No.7585980

Yea I think it's a pretty common thing, like if you look at Freddy Kreuger, I think of 'holes' on the body like open sores/burns/diseased skin.

>> No.7586090

I think it's like anon said, primal fear. Like I don't know about you two but I got that horrible something crawling up my spine feeling looking at it.

>> No.7586100

I know those BFF feels anon.

>> No.7586144

>be me
>Have friend who is dabbling in cosplay photography with new $200 dollar camera
>shes never done actual photography in its basic form
>takes pictures of a few people at local con
>uses flash in every one and really over-edited (shitty filters and all that)
>try to tell her while shooting that flash isnt the best idea
>no anon, I like it better
>friends hate their pictures but say nothing because shes a good friend and might get better with time

>> No.7586146

>thinking that notes on tumblr mean anything
girl the lolitas on tumblr dont know jack shit about anything fashionable 95% of the time

>> No.7586154

not being interested in drinking yourself and being a little bitch when other people are trying to have fun are two different things
I dont drink, but Ill sit with others as they do without a problem
If you're gonna be an old man about it just leave, itd be more fun without you

>> No.7586163

i was slowly reading that expecting a sad ending because thats what most posts are
But man thats awesome, congrats and hope it works out

>> No.7586302
File: 949 KB, 500x281, 3167165360_1_2_SRFo5NsO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apply to JoAnn Fabrics part-time
>just until my next theatre gig (which probably won't be till August; theatres usually have summer seasons then full-year seasons from Aug-May)
>got a call this morning
>job interview tomorrow!!

I am feeling pretty good, anons! It's in a newer location so it's pretty clean in there. I know I've heard horror stories from anon employees but I'd rather be working in an environment related to my actual career path than not!

>> No.7586325

Good luck, anon! I hope the job works out for you!

>> No.7586339

Similar feels anon

>Mother gave my sister and I up because she didn't want to raise us in a shelter
>Father couldn't handle two children
>Sister 4 years older than me began to rebel at the age of 10
>With her constantly running away, my father became incredibly physical with her until she didn't come back
>Spent my days alone because my dad was never home
>No television, Internet or cell phone in high school until my third year

On the bright side I have some pretty wicked childhood stories since I could have my close group of friends over whenever I wanted. I also learned how to break into my house different ways and I was able to cultivate my imagination to entertain myself. I also have over 500 books stacked in boxes back home.

>> No.7586383

I fit brand, Im skinny. i have clear skin, but I'll never be pretty enough to wear the clothes I like.
feels bad..

>> No.7586456


Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride, its cold medicine, but its the only thing that works for my boyfriend, who sleeps outside in the garage and has a crazy cat lady for a mother with 5 cats in the house.

Its like $6 at walmart.

>> No.7586513 [DELETED] 

Haha yeah. I never will know the feeling of that "been best friends since we were kids" thing. All my friends were for short times as a kid, they moved, one died, a few turned their backs on me for catty reasons. My one best friend on and off from childhood got addicted to drugs so we split ways. For a little while I had a nice group of friends in college. I got a boyfriend who was controlling, lost all those friends.

So I just maintain superficial friendships because people either leave me or I'll fuck it up. Most of all I don't really trust anyone and probably never will. I'm good at taking care of myself and solving my own problems, I don't really rely on anyone.

>> No.7586580

I've got some feels, maybe a rant will help me out...

>Worked a shitty job sorting recycling since 2014.
>Grow to like my co-workers because they are pretty funny people.
>Have to quit because the managers didn't maintain the machinery and mold built up severely harming my asthma.
>It's been almost two weeks now, but at least I have money for next months rent and bills with a job interview tomorrow.
>Roommates are engaged and I have been single for 10 years now.
>Think back to my relationship.
>Hate myself for throwing away EVERYTHING I'm looking for in a woman now because of a reason I don't even know.
>Message Ex because we didn't have a bad break up and she did really care about me.
>She's dating someone else and doesn't want to get back together.
>Can count the number of people I truly care about on my fingers.
>Most days I think about suicide but can't do it because it would hurt the people closest to me too much.
>Don't even want to die right now anyways, but I have a problem not even prescription drugs can solve.
>Was on anti-depressants for months that worked at first but just stopped over time.
>Just can't seem to truly be happy alone so I have 0 confidence talking to people I see as a potential relationship.

At least I can fake being happy around my friends and family so they don't worry about me. I can't even meet people through online dating...

I just don't feel like I'm living for the right reasons, just to make my family & friends happy until they leave my life, one way or another.

I know I need help, but I don't know who can fix me.

>> No.7586616

it's normal to not want to cuddle all the time, some people are less affectionate than others. not really sure how you can tell her that though without sounding like an ass. is there anything affectionate you can do besides hugging that wouldn't make you uncomfortable?

>> No.7586627

you could tell her the truth about why you don't like cuddling for really long time periods if you know the exact reason, like if it kind of overwhelms you or something. or suggest to do something else that still feels loving but is more comfortable for you

>> No.7586629
File: 189 KB, 524x366, 1396598656671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to a con
>Talk to a girl there about anime and stuff
>Actually hit it off, I think
>She takes a liking to me... I think
>Can probably hang out with her pretty soon
>Not sure how to feel
>Excited, I made a new friend, someone to talk to
>Scared, I don't want to disappoint them
>Nervous, don't want to get too attached

All sorts of emotions.

>> No.7586636 [DELETED] 

>put a lot of effort into a duet cosplay
>genuinely proud of work
>friend doing it with me is just now buying his fabric
>has one week to complete a complex design we agreed on months ago
>still excited to cosplay together, infinitely less excited for photos together

i was disappointed at first when he said he wouldn't be available for a private shoot together at the con, but now i'm a little relieved he won't be in the photos i'd be paying money for. i'm a little annoyed, even if i shouldn't be surprised, but whatever, we'll have fun while together and i still get to look good on my own.

>> No.7586646
File: 2.52 MB, 320x179, 1400677333520.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get home from work, new jsk i have been waiting for
>try it on, waist is fine, gets to bust and won't zip up any further
>tfw tits
It feels horrible, why can't i just have cute little boobs. My bust is only 94cm, i can't imagine how others with 100cm+ deal.

>> No.7586667
File: 496 KB, 898x750, 1388492844122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't stop it from being flattering.

>> No.7586673

I know this feel, I'm starting to just really dislike a lot of WA cosplayers due to their attitudes, it seems a lot of my cosplaying buds are in Oregon. Pretty much all the coms around here are very very meh and closet cosplay and very cliquey.

>> No.7586717

I feel like all I see here in Washington are just like, really really lazy people, and a smattering of maybe people who care about their costumes, but are pretty much jaded dicks about it. (then again there are jaded dicks in the closet tier too).

Maybe this is how it is everywhere... but maybe it isn't... I don't know about other communities. So I'm stuck with it I guess?

What's your experience with oregon cosplayers (or other areas) anon?

>> No.7586726

A lot of them are super neat people, really kind, I've roomed with a bunch of them and done cosplay groups with them, I guess that there are good cosplayers in WA but I have maybe 5 friends that are trustworthy and not drama whores or underage annoying idiots from here. I'm on the Peninsula so there really isn't much of anything for me, I can't wait to move somewhere to at least have one or two friends nearby. But my Oregon friends are there for me as much as they can be given the distance and don't start petty shit in the amounts that the WA people do. That and it seems there are less fame mongers there as well, I've had a few run-in's with unintentionally telling someone I liked their outfit not knowing they were popular online only to get scoffed at. I dunno, you can find good people anywhere if you look hard enough but in WA it's getting harder for me.

>> No.7586731

Try a minimiser bra anon! Or there're always chest binders.

>> No.7586776
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>girl i thought disliked me because she pointedly ignores me adds me on fb
>she tells me im cool and she wants to be friends
>kind of out of the blue, but ok
>finds out she's recently single
>remembers she onlys dates people who cosplay the other half of her ship
>i cosplay the other half of her ship
>realizes she last talked to me last time she was single

i have never hoped that i'm just being paranoid over weird coincidences so hard

>> No.7586794

Anon I'm like you, you just don't like clingy people. DATS IT

Get her a stuffed animal or something.

>> No.7586798

lol'd pretty hard at this

>> No.7586818
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I feel ya, friend.
>tfw can't wear cute dresses, stockings, false eyelashes, etc every day because rural Australia where literally everyone in town knows you and your family
>tfw if I lived in the city I could be livin' the dream and not give a shit if people on the street stared at me

>> No.7586831

>rural Australia where literally everyone in town knows you and your family
Are you me? Apart from I wear it anyway.

>> No.7586832
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Anon, I feel you. It's hard being a lolita with boobs too big for many brand pieces.

>mfw 98cm boobs
>mfw I will never be Baby
>mfw the stars will never shine bright for me

>> No.7586841

Most Baby blouses fit up to 95cm boobs, same for their shirred dress so it could fit with a minimize.
I love their blouses but I'm 83cm bust and it just look so frumpy.

>> No.7586844

Anon I feel you

>tfw I will likely fail my classes this semester
>tfw shitty job
>Can count the number of people I truly care about on my fingers
>Single since over a year
>Haven't even dated once
>Haven't even had a real conversation with a boy
>mfw even my own mother pities me

I haven't been to a therapist though. I am too ashamed because on paper my life isn't that bad, but I feel like my self pity, laziness and anxiety just ruin everything I could have.

>Most days I think about suicide but can't do it because it would hurt the people closest to me too much.

I am not really into suicide, and I want to live. But I just want to sleep and avoid dealing with life's problems forever. Not to mention my constat anxiety when I think about what the future holds for me. I am spaghetti, bad at making friends, and I have neither a useful degree (if i ever make it there) nor any marketable skills or motivation.

>I know I need help, but I don't know who can fix me.
Maybe try to a therapsit about changing your meds?

>> No.7586851

Different anon but i am also in the same boat and Australian. I wear lolita a few times a week, but sometimes it makes me sad i have no friends to dress up with. The city is where it's at, country towns suck.

>> No.7586853
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There are some dresses that fit, but I have yet to look into a minimizer bra. I'll go shopping next week and will keep an eye out for one.
Speaking from experience though most pieces do not really look good stretched to the maximum measurements.

But I will still never be able to fit most classic brands though.

>mfw I will never be a Victorian maiden
>mfw Mary Magdalene will never bless me

>> No.7586867

I've been living in Japan for the last year, working and having an amazing time. But my boyfriend's back home and I decided to only stay in Japan for one year. I have to leave soon though and I'm starting to get really scared - I think it's the right choice but I'm just terrified of not finding a job, and of never having this much fun again. The last year's been so easy and fun and now I have a feeling real life is going to hit me like a sledge hammer.

>> No.7586904

Only place from here is up

>> No.7586924

>tfw looking up shitty youtube videos for the cringe thread
I'm pretty sure he's talking about proudazn

it screams "obnoxious youtube star wanna be" and yet I love it
god whats wrong with me

>> No.7586933

I shouldn't like this but I do dear god.

>> No.7586952

I'm sorry, anon, that really sucks. Just know that none of what your mom is doing is your fault at all. I hope things get better soon and all goes well in court!

maybe try to make friends with someone who's going so that you won't feel so alone or awkward at the meet since you'd already know someone there?

>> No.7586964

On paper my life is fantastic, but i still ended up seeing a therapist a couple of years ago, specifically one who specializes in CBT, for a combination of lack of motivation/anxiety/depression symptoms...honestly the best thing I ever did for myself. I still get stressed and demoralised and everything but it doesn't overwhelm me as much now

>> No.7587045
File: 34 KB, 576x448, cc1c7da7af61b0_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check out favorite SM cosplayer's FB page
>She's selling her Princess Serenity gown
>Most beautiful Serenity I've ever seen hands down
>hand beaded bodice, chiffon skirt
>Reasonably priced for the work
>I don't have $300
>Not sure if I want to have to answer "no" to 10,000 people asking if I made it
>ebay fees will eat me alive if I try to resell it too
>oh god what do I do
So many feels. I feel like I'll regret it if I don't get it. I never planned to cosplay Serenity because I don't want to make it, but I've done practically every other Moon cosplay and this way I wouldn't have to make it. Serenity isn't my favorite though. What do I do?!

>> No.7587051

Yeah! She does love stuffed animals! >>7586154
Never said id smack it out of their hands. I just dont need to get drunk to enjoy myself. Just not my idea of fun, doesnt mean I cant enjoy it in small quantities.

>> No.7587052

Pro tip: tracking number.. $0.63
And ask the buyer for address don't just pull it off paypal.

> had ebay account for over 5 years now

>> No.7587066


Try not to take this the wrong way guys. But its what helps me alot when Im in the shitter. Find a hobby you can do with your hands. Like those cool metal models at barns and Nobel. You take your mind off classes or stress and just work on it. When you're done you can feel proud that you did it. All by yourself. You might not even be that good but its something you can take pride in and if you improve you feel like its progress. For me I paint minitures so everytime I get a little better or my friends say its a good job then I feel a sense of accomplishment. Itll be different for each of you but just try and find a hobby that will take your mind off things. Build that confidence up!

>> No.7587093

You share the link so someone else in this thread can buy it.

>> No.7587115

Actually it is ebay's policy that you have to ship to the address listed on paypal.
If you ask them for their address and they say "oh no anon, actually ship it here instead!" and you do it and it gets lost or whatever and they open a case you are screwed because you didn't follow pp policy.
So no, don't do that.
>ebay account for 10 years

>> No.7587116

Making jokes isn't something only virgins do

>> No.7587123

Recognized Onision right off the bat and prepared to cringe... but somehow this video of his is actually somewhat entertaining? Good find, anon.

That particular medicine sounds familiar. I think my dad keeps antihistamines around, I'll look in the cabinet for it.. Actually wondering if anyone here does what my dad does, which is dissolve the medicine in water and dab a couple drops onto his tear ducts? I thought it sounded like it could potentially cause long-term sinus issues, if not an eye infection.

I know it sounds silly to be aware of an allergy and not know exactly how to treat it but I live in apartments year round, so I don't even have to deal with pets.

>> No.7587142

>be me
>love cosplay
>but most things I want to cosplay are obscure as shit
>would love to try and gather a small cosplay group
>but none of my friends are into the same stuff than me or not that much into cosplay

>> No.7587191

I live in a coastal small boring town but in Italy. I can feel the pain of no lolita people or meetups near me, but i don't care i wear what i like but still more "toned down", of course no OTT sweet but i can wear some AP.
Plus i'm socially inept, so this means making new friends is a big issue for me even online.

>> No.7587192
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> want to cosplay characters with more elaborate costumes
> have bad sewing skills, bad self-teacher as well
> mostly rely on grandma for my costumes, she helps me but refuses to teach me how to sew properly, don't know why.
> promised myself to study hard and pass all exams so I could take sewing classes this summer
> get sick a few days before the first exam, in so much pain I can barely study
> pretty sure I failed the exam
> will have to resit exam during summer
> mfw can't take the classes after all because I don't have time for them during the school year

All characters I want to cosplay are above my skill level, and buying costumes would make me feel cheap. It just sucks so bad.

>> No.7587210

So yesterday my dad told me I either need to find a way to make a lot of money, or find a sugar daddy.

>> No.7587295

Unfortunately I can't do something like that when I'm low because it makes me more stressed/creates a fear of failure, if I can't do it well or perfectly I get really angry at myself and basically beat myself up for being a failure and not even being able to do something simple that I normally have no issues with. I found the exercises the therapist gave me much more helpful, stuff like getting myself into a calmer state of mind and mindfulness exercises. I honestly don't think I'm doing too badly these days - I've moved overseas and have a full time 50+ hr a week job, which I never could have coped with 2 years ago.

Pseudoephedrine is not an antihistamine, it's a decongestant. It often gets sold in combination with antihistamines though as it's very effective and also counteracts the slightly sedating antihistamines. You could take both if you wanted, one to target the allergy bit and one to dry up your eyes and nose

>> No.7587313

Keep practicing, anon, you'll get better. Remember that there's always youtube and google for anything you're unsure of. Maybe get a bunch of muslin, look up different pockets/zippers/any other detailing and practice those? That's basically what we're doing in my class, and it gets 10x easier once you realize that it's all the same.

>> No.7587339

Hey man do what ever makes you feel better. Just remember small steps are still progress! Good luck to you.

>> No.7587498

>need to pay for summer class
>decide to maybe ask parents
>be at dentist for first time in long time
>teeth is clean, need wisdoms pulled though
>if we go to Chinatown again, it's ~$500
>no big, is only 500
>brother comes out of dentist room
>brother is shit at hygiene
>will need $2k after everything
>it turns out parents are shit at saving
>which means they didn't, not even a penny
>find out brother told them it's not necessary
>wtf, after not saving for college you'd think they'd learn to open a savings account
>I'm living with idiots

Guess I'll need to come up with 2k myself..

>> No.7587501

You have a peculiar dad anon.
Most SDs are on the older side, maybe he just wants a new friend to hang out with.

>> No.7587581

if you get a credit card, like discover, it's easy to put that much on it. then you just pay it off. or you could ask the bursar about a payment plan.

>> No.7587607

I don't have any money to even pay it off, that's the problem. :c It's supposed to be paid in full by the time the course-drop date comes. I'm going to the bursar's tomorrow to ask if I could increase my loans or something.

>> No.7587623

Self teaching isn't that hard, just be comfortable with search engines and messing up a lot and having to get new materials.

>> No.7587705
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>Close friend gets engaged, says I'll be in the wedding party
>several months later see fb status from the maid of honor along the lines of "with the bridesmaids picking dresses"
>Am confused, text the bride and ask if I'm a bridesmaid
>bride says she took me out of the party and just wants me to have a good time. She didn't tell me because she didn't want a confrontation and hoped I'd forgotten; she said that I didn't seem interested in the wedding
>Make it known that I'm pissed off, we eventually talk things out
>Get the official wedding invite and look at the list of people in the wedding party
>Pent-up sadness comes up again
>Spend the day alone in my room feeling like I shouldn't be angry anymore and don't have a right to be upset

>> No.7587708 [DELETED] 

>best friend of 8 years ends friendship with me
>His new girlfriend that he is madly in love with doesn't like that we talk since I dated him for a short time and broke up with him
>She went through his emails and saw that we were talking and threw a fit

>> No.7587721

it depends; a sudden huge charge on a credit card can raise all sorts of red flags. i had a buddy who tried to pay for his college this way (put the tuition on a card that he and his mom would work to pay off) and it kept flagging in their system and getting rejected.

>> No.7587723

go to the wedding, get a small tasteful gift, drink a lot on your friend's dime, never talk to her again. she definitely should've formally asked you instead of saying "Yes you'll be in!" and then dropping you out.

>> No.7587752

>She didn't tell me because she didn't want a confrontation and hoped I'd forgotten
Is it me, or does that never work?
It's a wedding for a close friend, of course you'll remember.

That was rude as fuck of her, you have every right to be upset.
I don't recommend bothering her any further because then it'll seem like you want to make it all about you, so just show up anyway, have a good time, and ask her not to assume things like that in the future.

>> No.7587754

fuck her husband

>> No.7587782 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 488x750, Izayoi.Sakuya.full.897749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when daddy/mummy to buy me frilly shit to wear whilst I cuddle in their lap

>> No.7587790
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>tfw when no daddy/mummy to buy me frilly shit to wear whilst I cuddle in their lap

>> No.7587827
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>23 years old
>Have had serious anxiety problems since middle school
>Think I'm developing schizophrenia, seeing and hearing shit that isn't there, but I'm too embarrassed to bring it up to anyone
>Can only gather up the courage to leave my house about once or twice a week
>Never worked before in my life
>Dropped out of college 4 times
>Never finished high school, only have a GED
>Never go to cons anymore because I always feel awkward being there alone when everyone is surrounded by friends
>Can count the amount of friends I have with one hand, and they're all online friends who live on the other side of the country
>Try making new internet friends but keep spaghetting all over the place
>Kissless virgin, have only ever had online boyfriends
>Starting to very seriously fall in love with a video game character

I just want to kill myself but I can't because my mother loves me and I don't want to make her sad.

>> No.7587842

What's even weirder is that I come from a conservative Christian family...

>> No.7587843

I'm sorry it's hard for you, anon. I'm sure you can fix everything if you work smart and hard. You should seek mental help for your hallucinations, do you know how? If you don't, you might just end up killing yourself and making your mom sad. More importantly, you'll miss out on all the cool stuff life has to offer because you (falsely) thought it was out of your reach.

>> No.7587923

i feel ya.
>>get engaged before the rest of my friends. want to finish college before wedding, so take my time looking at dresses and such
>>friend gets engaged, yay!
>>goes dress shopping with me
>>asks me to be a flower girl with another friend while I'm trying on wedding gowns
>>of course, I'll be whatever you you want!
>>Mentions wanting me to try on the flower girl dress she picked out, while I'm still trying on gowns
>>yeah sure, just ask my girl to grab my size
>>she doesn't so I dont try it on, we begin to pull gowns for her to try
>>dont think anything about it
>>Begin to wonder about me ordering a dress when the rest of the wedding party starts to talk about it
>>wait till she mentions something about it, ask her about me being in the wedding
>>"Oh, my husbands niece wanted to be in it and you didn't really seem interested."
>> Oh, ok
>>have massive breakdowns bc friend took me out of her wedding without talking to me about it
>>go to wedding
>>every. single. one of our friends is in her wedding. I'm the only one left out
>>being to cry during the ceremony bc I was the only one thrown aside
>>fiance tried to calm me down

>>later that year is friends birthday, she mentions me not being intrested in being a flower girl, want to correct her that it really hurt me that she took me out and I did want to be a part of her wedding
>>dont want to upset her on her birthday, so keep quiet

honestly, at the time of her wedding, I wasn't super close to all my friends, but it still super hurt.
Never ask someone to be in your wedding and then just exclude them without talking to them about it.

>> No.7587935

That's horrible anon. Unless you specifically said 'nah I'm not interested' surely they should have asked before actually dropping you? I would have said something anyway at the birthday party.

>> No.7587953

That feel when I am a pretty boy who likes taking care of himself. That feel when I am always used by attractive girls as a way to get other guys jealous. That feel when I am some how attracted to this shit. That feel when I read about awesome girls like the ones in this thread and know I lack the courage to talk to them.

>> No.7588065

>>Starting to very seriously fall in love with a video game character


>> No.7588067

>tfw roommate asked me to help him get a yukata for a local matsuri
>tfw white guys in yukata are my fetish
>tfw i already found him fairly attractive for some reason

I'm going to want to latch onto his dick right as soon as he tries the thing on. I've been obsessively looking at yukata for hours fantasizing about which one will look good on him. Hnnng.

>> No.7588068

Aww I feel you anon
> MFW friendzoned by best friend at a bar whole bar hears
> MFW she likes another girl at work and tells me explicitly she would totally hook up with her lol
> MFW yeah I had a bit of a crush but this was unprovoked
>MFW using me as example for point shes trying to make and doesn't seem to think I would be hurt

>> No.7588070

Are you me, anon? Those feels, I feel them, anon. I feel them. It'll be okay eventually. What character is it if I may ask? I accepted my fate for the 2D a few years ago...

>> No.7588073

Are you asian or something?

>> No.7588076

I'm haffu, yeah.

>> No.7588194

>have great boyfriend whom I love very much
>year and a half into relationship
>puppy love is starting to fade
>he's also gaining weight back
>getting less and less physically attracted to him

I feel so guilty.. I keep thinking "Can I do better?" I know I can physically and financially, but I'm not sure I'll ever find someone else with such a compatible personality. God, I feel bad for even thinking these things. It doesn't help that he's about three hours away and I've barely missed him. I'm about to see him in a couple days so I hope my feelings for him all flood right back in and I don't think about this ever again.

It's a good thing he attends cons with me or else I'd be very tempted to flirt with guys.. Which I wouldn't, because even that would eat me from the inside out.

>> No.7588300

Anon you've got to talk to him and tell him how you feel. Then you both can focus on try to fix what's wrong with the relationship or else you can just follow different paths. Anyways I hope it goes well, whatever you choose!

>> No.7588350

I've found that the less you miss someone, the better it is to stay away. If you sometimes find yourself walking around and you forget that you're even in a relationship, that shows how little that person means to you now.

>> No.7588495
File: 9 KB, 261x195, 1478987_636490826393051_1429619457_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going on a date
>pretty excited
>suddenly can't stop thinking he might stand me up
>what if he was just feigning interest in me to laugh at me later after he stands me up?
>not excited anymore

sorry it's not /cgl/ related. i guess to make up for that here's one:
>excited to make costumes i've been planning for a while
>lose track of time
>less than 40 days until con
>3 costumes to make, all completely unstarted
>hasn't even started to order things online yet

all the excitement is gone and filled with worries

>> No.7588521

I feel like if I didn't know who proud asian was I would find this obnoxious as hell.

>> No.7588577
File: 1.12 MB, 1069x602, Jounochiko and Bravo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey anon. Want to go to an anime convention?"
>I had agreed to go with mom since both of us wanted to shop in Minneapolis.
>"Sweet. You have to do this, but go talk to this friend who brought it up."
>Go to first convention
>Everything is too loud
>Can't speak loud enough to be heard. But hang out with mom's weaboo work friend since she inspired the convention visit.
>She brings small group of other friends. Ah sweet.
>After a few minutes, They start with Hitman reborn and Naruto.
>Okay. Cool. Easygoing anime fan. I know what to bring up.
>Ask if they have heard of Jojo's bizarre adventure since it aired on Crunchyroll.
>They look at me like they weren't sure how to respond. So they went to talking about supernatural instead.
>After I register in line, I didn't see them for the rest of the convention.
>Spend it with mom doing random nerd stuff and shopping for bootleg stuff.

Pic related. I know workfriend couldn't stay the weekend, but my anxiety was overwhelming me at that moment.

>> No.7588595

Ah... guess I should start building the courage to have a talk now. I just hope my concerns wont get lost in the shock of the conversation. The feeling might be mutual though, he hasn't been affected by my looks in a while either. Still, I just don't want him to selectively hear "You're getting fat and boring" when that's not what I really mean to say.. The blame really should be placed on me and not him.

It's just so odd. He was many of my "firsts," including first kiss. We started off as friends with benefits, having several sleepovers, would bend over backwards for each other. The only discrepancy was that he often commented that I was conventionally attractive while he wasn't, although I never saw it that way until a couple days ago. It was very equal between us otherwise. What happens that something like that fades away..?

I'm not sure the thing about not missing people applies to me, though. I can count the amount of times I've missed people on one hand and... I definitely care very deeply for many more people than that.

But yes, a good serious talk should do us well. Thanks anons.

>> No.7588600

you need to talk to her and tell her it really hurt your feelings that she invited you and then excluded you with no notice

married here, she's a flaky bitch

>> No.7588604

>Excited to see boyfriend for the weekend.
>Woke up early to get everything done that I needed to and get all pretty'd up.
>Ready to travel 3 hours on public transport, unfortunately due to line problems will only get there after 6pm.
>Find out right before I'm about to leave that he's spent the whole day sitting on his ass watching Youtube and playing Dota.
>The same thing he's been doing all week because he had time off of work.
>It only takes him an hour to drive up, he could have come over any time.

Had I known that I would have told him to come up and we'd go out and do something that's actually fun for once (we never go out during the day because there's nothing he wants to do in his city.)
Now he's throwing a tantrum and driving up anyway, buy of course by then everything will be shut and it'll be dark and cold outside.

>The joys of knowing that you're less important than Youtube and Dota.

I hope that you have better luck, anon!

>> No.7588623

Oh jesus christ I'm not the only one.
>best friend for a good while
>she meets one of MY friends
>they end up dating
>she decides to get married
>doesn't invite me at all, I don't even know about it until a week before, invites her on/off druggie friend instead
>bitch you wouldn't HAVE that fucking wedding if you didn't know me
>it's been two years and she still hasn't apologized

>> No.7588626

Dota is a hell of a drug.
i'd recommend you play with him but that game can seriously strain relationships

>> No.7588629
File: 41 KB, 500x490, Only the dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw short and pear shaped with grossly fat thighs and hips.
>tfw you have wide hip bones and will probably always be pear shaped, even with weight loss
>tfw when you will never be a tiny azn girl.

a-at least Lolita fashion can cover it all up??

>> No.7588663
File: 174 KB, 303x262, interactive2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to get nose piercing
>girl I used to be friends with gets one before me
>don't want to seem like a copy cat don't get piercing
>3 months later want to cut my bangs
>same girl gets the cut I want before me
>mfw she's what I want to be

>> No.7588665

I have no girl bff

>Move here when 13 into 8th grade
>last place I lived I'm hot shit, student council, circle of 8 girlfriends, great grades, everything is fine
>go to school, completely out of wack, don't understand slang, wrong clothes, wrong accent
>everyone's formed their cliques
>no fucking friends
>eat lunch in the bathroom
>get harassed
>get through it, go to high school
>make lots of friends
>make a bff
>bff treats me like shit, would rather RP and internet, relationship has been toxic for years
>meet future husband, realize friend is shit
>get married few years later
>happy but no girl friend

I just want someone in town who I can relate with and do nails and won't blow me off, sleepovers, vidya, whatever.

>> No.7588679

I'm sad to say that cosplay just doesn't hold the appeal that it once did for me.
>used to cosplay all the time with bff
>even had a few small group cosplays
>over the years cosplay has become more stressful and less fun
>social anxiety has really made itself known, cons are now overwhelming and unpleasant
>start feeling like its a huge waste of time and money because there are other things I should be saving for
>decline invitations to cons in the coming year
>bff still into cosplay, found a new group of people to hang out with and they're now all she talks about
I'm probably going to ride out the summer and then stop. It just isn't fun anymore and it's so much more trouble than it's worth, even if I do get complimented frequently when I'm in costume. I feel bad for saying no to so many social things lately, but I just don't have the drive or mental stability to attend.
Maybe I'm just getting older and realizing that my priorities should be elsewhere, but it sucks because I feel like I'm drifting away from pretty much my only friend.
I don't have anyone else in the area to hang out with (I'm a cynical, picky person when it comes to people), which I'm ok with, but seeing that she's fine without me kind of hurts.
Oh well.

>> No.7588790

I'm so sick of my clothes not fitting.
I'm pear shaped skinnyfat (read I have an huge ass but no boobs), I float in my lolita (old school and classic brand) yet my chubby upper arms makes me look fat in short sleeves.
When normalfag, I look fatty fat fat. I tried to loose weight, a few years ago I dropped twenty kilos and I looked awfully hollow because I'm from southern upbringing and I'm meant to be 'chubby', I had my bones showing on my whole upper body and no more boobs yet still gross upper legs. I tried to put on a little bit of weight on my upper body to make up for my lack of breast, did nothing. Before that I was doing 9+ hours of sport each week (fencing and gym) and still looked chubby and not toned.

I can't take it anymore. I count my calories, do cardio, walk everyday, do macro and micro, reduced dairy to the bare minimum even if it's my favourite food. I still look chubby, I'm still overweight. Now I have stretch marks on my upper arms I never had before, and my body looks even more disgusting. I start thinking that I might have some kind of chemical unbalance since I have chronical depression, but I faught it so hard...

>> No.7588887

You do lift weights right? Heavy weights? On a barbell??

There's nothing wrong with being pear shaped. It's actually my favorite body type.

>> No.7588898

Just say you were thinking of cutting your bangs too? I dunno im a guy so maybe its diffrent.

>> No.7588906

I feel for my fellow pears.
>Want to wear those cute outfits with the big oversized sweater/hoodies, tight leggings/skinny jeans, and chunky sneakers/boots
>Giant thunder thighs make it look like I'm fat and lazily dressed, instead of cute
I don't want to wear tight tops and loose bottoms, and I really don't want to wear tight everything.

>> No.7588907

I'm surprised by the people in here who dislike their pear shape. I'm an apple shape, I'd give anything for a pear shape. It's so much more flattering and feminine, in my opinion.

>> No.7588959

I think I'm falling in love with my roommate /cgl/ and I don't know how to tell him. He and I have sort of formed a cosplay group and have been spending tons of time together making costumes. We're all doing a Eureka 7 group and he and I are cosplaying Anemone and Dominic and I'm all full of feels. I'm not sure what the hell I should do but dat sexual tension is off the wall.

>> No.7588988

>want a girl to hang out with, play dress up, and fuck
>we'd also go to cons and cosplay together
>don't really want to deal with love drama
>thinking about becoming a sugar daddy
I don't even know if I make enough to be one. Maybe to a younger girl or someone less demanding. Also don't know where I'd meet a willing girl. I just want to have fun spoiling someone.

>> No.7589037

Something similar like this happened to me a couple years ago too, anon. My depression and social anxiety got ridiculous and I couldn't handle going to any more social events. Meanwhile, my only friend continued going and flourished. At the time, it was pretty shitty because she began to acknowledge she was on a "higher level" than me and really acted like it too. We lost our friendship and to this day she's extremely popular in the cos community, and I still feel regret for not pushing myself go to more events a couple years ago when I could have because even though I still have good cosplay friends, it still feels extremely lonely at times. I love my current friends and all, but it just feels like a chance I missed out on.

I hope you're able to rekindle your friendship, and if not, I hope you meet new friends that can help you enjoy cosplay again.

>> No.7589038

Get out there! Also post pictures of your cosplay when you get the chance, Anemone and Dominic are my absolute favorite couple ever.

>> No.7589042

I'm pretty sure there would be willing girls on cgl. Putting your e-mail in the field in a post like this could probably get you some opportunities, in my opinion. I know I would have considered contacting you if you did.

>> No.7589049

Girl, I know that feel. My hips are so huge in comparison to the rest of my body.
I'm 96 pounds with an eternal muffin top.

>> No.7589057

i'd do it if you're into lolitas and want to buy me burando

>> No.7589059


>> No.7589063

I think I'm going to try to confess to him this weekend. One of our mutual friends thinks he likes me due to how he acts around me now, so I might take the plunge. Also, I will definitely post photos! I agree that they're an adorable couple. He actually picked it out, because apparently I remind him of her. Ugh. FEELS!

>> No.7589097

Well I don't think I'd want to do it online only so it depends on where you live. Any girls in the Atlanta area willing?
Of course I'm into lolita. I could even sew you lolita and we could go no meets together.

>> No.7589100

>sew me lolita

errm.. no thanks.

>> No.7589110

what do you look like?

>> No.7589122

>Be me
>I'm really only good at art, sewing, crafting, things with my hands.
>Parents refuse to help pay for art school "It is a waste of money"
>Oh ok I'll just go for something else, beats having debt right?
>Spend 3 years constantly changing my major, eventually settle on psyc because it is interesting and I am at least good at taking the tests and the abstract thinking required...
>while working 40 hour work weeks.
>Writing essays give me panic attacks.
>Therefor I stop writing essays
>I go to the school psychologist, witch is really fucking awkward because I have classes with him.
>He diagnoses me with panic disorder but does nothing else to help, has to refer me to the outside. I can't afford it.
>I keep taking classes, while raking up this sea of incomplete courses.
>Uni eventually kicks me out for this
>Go back to psychologist. Says I should choose between school and work. Refuses to help me stay at the university.

So mom and dad, that was so not a waste of money am I right?
They keep giving me shit about how I should go back and finish, I could just scream.

So all and all I am currently a retail manager and I am working to set up something selling lolita doll clothing, but I keep getting to anxious to work on projects and therefor production is slow..
If I could just set it up and sell 7-10 dresses a week I would double my current salary...there is lots of interest, it would make me so much happier then my current job, I could finally afford to get help.

>> No.7589126

You seem like a moron. I wouldn't have paid for you either, lolita doll clothing, what a joke.

>> No.7589135

I am a moron, thank you.

>> No.7589139

someones got a sandy vag

>> No.7589141

>Put up an auction for a super complicated costume
>But minimum bid 100$ to see who bites, because it was up for auction for 2 months at 850$ buy-out with no interest
>Few days go by, still no interest
>Finally a bid!
>Couple more people bid!
>Up to 360$! askihakhfd!!!
>I can pay my bills!
>More bids!
>Auction is over in 5 days.
>Highest bidder contacts me [bid is currently at 525$]
>Asks questions and wants to be added on social media.
>He's paying me lots o' cash, so why the hell not?
>27 years old, apparently, so yay for bidder being an adult with money
>Get curious and check his bid history
>Find another bid he put at 1000$ on another costume
>get curiouser and check the auction
>see comments that go like this:
>"can u shp this for free"
>"i m desprate for cosyume plz"
>"i can pay evenually"


If this autist faggot ends up not paying, I am screwed so hard.
And I know the runner-up will probably not want to pay the highest price that was run up for some non-paying bidder.


I need this guy to pay me when this is all said and done.


>> No.7589144

You know how many people do that shit? You know how much schooling they had? You're just another idiot who thinks that you need college.

>> No.7589145

Maybe you should message him to clarify that if he bids, he needs to pay in full immediately? Otherwise, delete his bids, sounds like someone who's never going to pay.

>> No.7589147

Yeah! It's not like Cadenza's $300 sets sell out in one day... And Phantomdoll's $150 handmade shoes didn't get picked up by a big retailer... And nobody buys them $200 Dollheart dresses, nope!

Not saying you'll immediately have the same success as above, but I know plenty of girls who actually manage to live (or at least cover the bills) off their doll crafts. Just try to gradually build up your work pace, don't get clogged up with 10 dresses at once starting up. Maybe consider taking commissions? They always bring a bit more money, but can also be more stressful. Good luck, anon!

>> No.7589150

Depending on what site you're using check to see if you can block them from your auctions. 5 days is a decent amount of time to try working around this, even if their auction bids get removed it might go back up.

>> No.7589153

Sorry If I implied it, but no, I don't need the schooling to sew. I honestly wanted to go to school for drawing or graphic design?

I just need to get my ass in gear to get a few dresses done so I can afford to get my life back on track after the downward spiral that shit set me on.
I need to get medicated for this, it is slowly ruining me, I mean I can't even get a few dresses done? I have sold a few things hear or there and people keep asking to commission me for my current project but I can't fucking finish it because I spend most of my time away from work curled up in panic mode.

I would have been much better off if I never went to uni in the first place, and only went through all that shit because my parents wanted me to "go to school and be successful"

Why exactly did that make you so mad?

Thank you anon. I honestly just want to cover the cost of seeing someone and medication.

>> No.7589154

I'm a little confused... are your parent paying your way through school, or only partially so that you have to work 40 hour weeks?

Also I have panic disorder as well. Try to find a way to see a good psychiatrist, if you don't confront it now you might regret it long run. For some people it resolves itself once the source of stress disappears, but for others it spirals into everything being panic-inducing. Try to find a local clinic that offers mental health services for those with low-incomes or no health insurance, they probably won't be able to offer you long-term therapy but they at least could offer you medication to keep the anxiety attacks under control.

>> No.7589155

You should probably think differently than expecting that medication and dress sewing are going to solve your current dilemmas, it sounds like you have more problems than that.

>> No.7589158

That's such a pretty wedding dress!

>> No.7589162


>> No.7589165

They paid for school, not rent utilities or living expenses... living with them is not an option.
I had not thought of seeing a clinic though, that is a good idea!

Yes I have plenty of problems. But hopefully a good therapist and some medication will take the edge off, I don't expect it to solve all my problems, just get the attacks under control and help me function.

>> No.7589168

I just sent an email asking that he read my terms of payment. Hopefully he gets back to me soon, but if he doesn't within 24 hours, I'm going to email the site admin to take down the bids.

It's just frustrating to see something go so well and then have it go potentially disastrous right when you need it NOT to.

Why can't I get people who can just pay with no snags or drama?

>> No.7589170

Eh, it's good to supplement brand with.
hmu bby

>> No.7589171

I'm laughing my ass off imagining the scene where daddy and sugar daddy are best freinds... Sounds kinda nice though?

>> No.7589172

lonely as fuck feels lately.

i don't have any rl friends anymore. haven't in maybe two years, we all grew apart. my online friends and i have all slowly stopped talking to each other either. none of them are near me anyway. i haven't had an so in 5+ years, which is fine, but i wish i had at least someone to talk to or do things with.

i live in a shitty country town where there's nowhere to meet new people, except maybe the bowling alley lol. i've never been to a con, and i don't want to go alone. i'm not a lolita, can't go to those meets, as if there are any nearby in the first place.

it's just weird. i've never been utterly alone like this before. my family isn't even close by.

my job is my social life. i hate it.

>> No.7589174

Oh hey look, a tumblr babbu.
1) If you go to school for drawing or graphic design, don't cry about being unemployed. Ever.
2) Go outside and stop fishing for pity online. Seriously, I know you have it "SUH SUPAH HARD YOU GUYS" but your parents are sensible people who want you not to shit up your life and going to art school will do exactly that. You can learn to doodle and use InDesign without a degree and do it as a hobby, seriously.
Instead of wasting money on hobbies go get treated or pick up a self-help book or something.

Every week some dumbass posts some self-pitying depression/anxiety/disorder of the week type shit and when you tell them what to fix, exactly, to a T, they start whining and making excuses. Well fuck you too.

>> No.7589177

Replying to my own post for an update:

Just got this email is response to asking about payment:

>"i did read the terms 3 times. but if i win and if you are going to [**insert name of convention I am nowhere near and do not plan on going to**] this year i will give the money or spoil you"


>> No.7589179

>tumblrshits who overcharge up the ass for their shitty arts and crafts-tier fanwork
>wah wah I'm so depressed so I'm quitting school but it's totally not because I'm a lazy cunt lol, I'mma just cam xD


>> No.7589180

Just a piece of information if you want to stay with him for the next years, or even marry.
Passion isn't the most important thing for a relationship. Lasting relationships may be created from love, but the most important thing is to change. You can't expect passion to last forever, it's biologically almost impossible. However, knowing your partner will help your relationship to evolve in the meantime both of you change.

>> No.7589181

Good feels
>My oldschool velveteen skirt finally came in and I can't find the damage that was supposed to be on it
>Going to try a new restaurant with the boyfriend today
Bad feels
>See Elodie Doll on LM in the colour I want that ends in the morning
>decide in 7am early morning haze I should wait longer to get it since I'm poorfag right now and am only earning $300-500 a month and I've already spent about $800 on lolita(not incliding the things I've sold recently)
I also have a TB order I've been wrestling with to go through with because I don't know if I can still get the dresses I want, and the only way I want it is if I can also get the dresses I want(it's at $400 right now), but I really want that Krad Dress

>decide I'm going to do a group order for the new Lief dress as well

I feel like I made a horrible mistke and will never see Elodie doll on market again for less than $250 if I do see it

>> No.7589183


>"if you can you can bring the costume and i can pay it in the room and try it on i can be your pet for the con if i'm not working with the fun raser"


>> No.7589184

>calls op moron
>insists they're "helping"
>complains about other people's problems

how about you stop being an internet tough guy and go do something productive
the op didn't even make excuses
clean the sand out of your vag holy shit

>> No.7589188

It sounds like he wants to whore himself to you so he doesn't have to pay. Just be strict with him and tell him "sorry but I need you to just pay me by x date"

>> No.7589189

who the fuck let him on the internet

>> No.7589191

holy shit NOPE. block that mother fucker and get your aauction sorted out anon!!

>> No.7589222

Heres whatcha do. You tell him you need to be paid in full before you send the dress. It must be paid the exact amount agreed upon with with no service or favors effecting the price. Send every transaction to a moderator you had with this guy. If he gives another excuse tell him that the answer is still no and he's under scrutiny.
If he bails reset the auction or contact the runner up. Good luck

>> No.7589224

Find out his paypal and then report him for trying to solicit you.

>> No.7589313

That would totally be something my dad would do, too.

He's also into fashion and helps me with coords, and takes pictures for me. When I was a minor going to cons, he had a lot of fun, and now he wants to cosplay. I told him he should cosplay as King Bradley, but he told me he "wants to cosplay the handsome good guys"

>> No.7589324
File: 883 KB, 797x774, Screen Shot 2014-05-30 at 9.29.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw 100 days 'til you get married

so much to do (well not really), so little time.

> tfw 20 days to sew a dress/jacket for friend's upcoming wedding

fuck. now all I want to do is sew stuff for Ren faire.

>> No.7589357

Wow, that is cool and kinda cute in a dorky old man way, I want a dad like that!

>> No.7589410

what country do you live in anon?

>> No.7589439

>tfw no sugar babies contacting me

>> No.7589668

How much money do you make and how much of a monthly allowance are you willing to give?

>> No.7589731
File: 34 KB, 500x281, 8654345678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reserved IW's Chiffon and Lace pettiocat
>mfw I realise underskirts are probably overdone
>mfw I realise how much I want one anyway
>mfw I realise the brandwhore in me is big enough to justify buying an overpriced probably only semi-decent petticoat/underskirt
>mfw no regrets

I know, underskirts are overdone and everyone on cgl hates them, but I still wanted one too ;_; Especially since some dresses are really a bit too short on me. Also, the brandwhore in me is stronger than I thought, I guess.

A-m I a bad person now?

>> No.7589737

Nah anon, you live your burando dreams. If it makes you happy, don't let /cgl/ cunts ruin it for you.

>> No.7589741

Don't worry too much about what /cgl/ things. This board is very helpful when asking for advice and sometimes in lifting people's spirits, but there are many catty people on it. If the petticoat makes you happy, then enjoy it. See how it is, wear it, and determine for yourself whether it was worth the purchase or not. If you feel great in it and like the look of it, then that's great! Just remember to try to find things that match with it and there won't be too big of a deal. Congratulations on your purchase!

>> No.7589743

Thinks*. I should slow down while typing.

>> No.7589744


I am also a bit afraid what my comm might think.
I only went to a few meet ups with a smaller part, nothing big, but I was one of the few people wearing any burando, and felt a little... juged. And my newest and only Lolita friend there is so sweet and charming, but does not have any money and I feel a bit bad, because I can afford all this burando.

>> No.7589748


Thanks Anon!
It will match my wardrobe pretty well, if the colour does not turn out too fucked up. (You never know with Innocent World). I cannot wait until I finally get it! Might be just in time for my birthday, that'd be great.

>> No.7589896
File: 501 KB, 245x160, tumblr_inline_mxd34h7Sbd1qg24an.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>agree to do four costumes with different friends for one con
>procrastinate like crazy
>oh fuck what have i done
>five day until con
>finished two, finishing a third, next to nothing done on the last
>friend cosplaying the last one just let me know that she's not ready either and we decide to put it off for now
>mfw i might actually sleep the night before leaving for a con for the first time ever

>> No.7589919

It's ok anon I like them too. Some girls go overboard and have more underskirt than dress

>> No.7589933
File: 66 KB, 600x930, dungoofDawg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought a wig online
>forgot to update the address section in the pp account

Unless the seller got my email about sending it to my current apartment address, it would be sent to my parents' address (an hour drive). I suppose it was ok that it wasn't sent to the old address because I don't have the key to the mailbox anymore, and I think my mom is planning on visiting me when the wig is supposed to arrive at the home address.

This is only little comfort for me because while she knows that I cosplay and wear lolita, she always pesters me about my spending toward hobbies.

>> No.7589935

tell her it was a trade

>> No.7589936

he'll buy you a box of pocky and maybe some crappy pins

>> No.7589949

Thanks. I think I will just in case she asks about the price (which she probably will anyway).

>> No.7589952

I have a somewhat similar life, anon. Well i have some friends offline i see but not really much and i don't have severe mental issues, maybe i'm only aspie. Hopefully i didn't drop university at least.
>at least i'm not the only one to be 23 and having an asocial life
>i will never join a lolita meet
>only dressing lolita for myself
>le sigh
>i want a boyfriend too
>but the ones i like they don't like me back
>uglier and dumber people than me get good looking bfs but me
>i can only meet bf online
>offline is like impossible to me
>brb going to do circles on the floor
that is the gif of how i feel

>> No.7590020
File: 2.46 MB, 285x375, 1391353677974.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first time talking to roommate
>awkwardly exchange tumblrs
>mfw my tumblr is filled with AP
>"i'm totally cool with it, anon, no problem"
>mfw roommate seems totally awesome
>so excited
>can't wait for college

I hope things are going good for all you seagulls!

>> No.7590023

as long as that AP means angelic pretty and not age play I do not see why they wouldn't be fine with it.

>> No.7590045

I just want cute female friends who are into J-fashion to hang out with but I'm so intimidated by girls that I think are prettier or more fashionable than me.

>> No.7590049

Have you gotten your invitations printed?
Please remember that you want to order your invitations 3 months before the big day if you are using any traditional printing methods. (ie, not digital)
Please I work in that field and if one more bride wants there invitations in a month I will slap them.

>> No.7590059

unrelated, but you remind me of the episode of bridezillas i watched today where the bride was ordering 300 cupcakes for her wedding... for the next day. and then expected a free cake tier on top of it for giving them her business and for being a bride. when the owner refused, she threw a fit and dressed them down and the owner said maybe they wouldn't bring anything at all. it was magnificent.

>> No.7590082

I know what you mean, though for me it has more to do with the fact that I find it difficult to "connect" with most other girls, so conversation stays really basic.
>tfw I haven't made a single new female friend since gr.10
I have aquiantances, but no girls I hang out with outside of the group.

>> No.7590088

I wish it was less common anon, I really do. I used to love bridezillas, until I started working in a wedding related industry, and found out that people are really fucking like that.
I once had a bride that wanted her invitations (that had hand painted borders) in a week. She got pissed that she did not like the spacing between the lines and tried to demand her order for free? What?
I once had a groom spell his brides name wrong, approve the proof with it spelled wrong, and then tried to get us to re-print the order for free....I had a customer come in just yesterday and start screaming at me because we did not have envelopes for her weird sized invitations she had printed in Brazil in house...they were like 9.5x10, yeah we just have 300 of them sitting around! She had typed 'envelopes' in to google and it said we had them!
I swear, for every nice bride I have there are 3 bridezillas screaming at me for stupid shit. I could write a book.

>> No.7590098

I'm sorry you have to deal with this madness, bro.

>> No.7590108

the us but i'm in the middle of the country, where shit doesn't happen. 3 hrs from st louis.

>> No.7590167

Oh god, I didn't even think of the other meaning when I typed it. Yeah, I meant Angelic Pretty.

I guess I've always had a fear of people finding out about the fashion and not liking it even after we became friends, then they judge me because of it. But, that didn't happen, so I'm so happy!

>> No.7590178
File: 195 KB, 800x800, cats treat jsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this ETC jsk
>tfw almost $300
>saving up to go back to school. it will probably never be mine

i love you, cat food and polka dots dress ;_; we will meet again in dreams.

>> No.7590182

Look on the bright side. Most normal people would probably think you were wearing a kooky apron or something. I think my mom had something similar when I was a kid...

>> No.7590217
File: 965 KB, 498x266, 1369189039993.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love cosplay and vidya
>full-time student and work 30+ hours/week
>no skills at craft
>want gf who shares hobbies
>no one I date likes anime, let alone cosplay
>tfw no time to look for girls
>tfw my guy friends all vanished after high school
>tfw alone

Is a cute cosplay girl so hard to ask for? I'm only at my house for like 3 hours a day, not including sleepy time, and that's all spent washing and cleaning and cooking. It's not like a nice, cute girl will knock on my front door. I just wish I wasn't a guy so then maybe someone else would approach me for once.

>> No.7590469
File: 53 KB, 720x404, dying alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not like a nice, cute girl will knock on my front door. I just wish I wasn't a guy so then maybe someone else would approach me for once.

Huehuehue Anon, do you really think it is that easy for girls? Some, sure, get approached by males, but many of us don't, or the one that approach us are useless macho types. And even if they are not, chances that they are into anime anime and not some weeabo creeper are pretty low, usually. It's not like having boobs and a vagina earnes you tons of qt.314 husbandos.
I'm speaking from experience, and I am in a similar situation as you, except I am not into Cosplay.
>Tfw no qt boyfriend who likes to see me dressed up in Lolita
>Tfw all men at Uni who ever approached me where horrible weebs who recognized my style from muh animes!1
>Tfw spaghetti anyway, so no way to acutally talk to a man because too anxious

Try to go to conventions, maybe?

>> No.7590822

Your parents aren't obligated to pay for your school you shitty brat, stop being so entitled.

>> No.7590893

I never said it would be easy to find someone. I meant that I have so little time to try to find someone else right now, I wish they would find me first. During two years of college, I've been on about a dozen dates, and I was asked out zero out of those twelve times.

A bigger issue for girls is trying to determine if a guy is worth their time and interest in just a couple dates, since whoever does the asking is implied to have interest.
>try going to cons
I just feel like that's the worst place to try and get a date. Not everyone is from the same area and even fewer of those people would be interested in dating at a con and even fewer of those people are actually single.

>tfw no qt lolita/cosplay gf
>tfw half of the girls I asked were taken/engaged

I'm so jealous of cute cosplay couples.

>> No.7590910
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, 1401138348268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gee anon, you look so different without your glasses on!
>not sure if "you should wear contacts more often" different or "please never walk outside without frames on" different

Too bad I live in the middle of nowhere because you all sound like the people I would enjoy hanging out with. Maybe it's everyone going through their quarter-life crisis phase but most of my school acquaintances have vanished with only a couple (literally) still keeping in contact with me. I just go to work and do really solitary activities but even online I get really shy and stop responding to one-on-one messages after two or three. I wish it wasn't so hard to find people with the same interests and be able to keep in contact with them.

>> No.7590975

>tfw half of the girls I asked were taken/engaged

And the other half were lesbians

>> No.7590977

Who shit in your tea

>> No.7590981

Actually two of them really piqued my interested, but it wasn't mutual. For the other ones, I just didn't initiate any more conversations.

>> No.7590984
File: 117 KB, 500x606, tumblr_n5wyckTYjL1ry8b8eo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha. No worries. Just sent out today (only 47)! I just need to focus on getting favors, picking out dresses with my 2 bridesmaid, arranging transport to the airport, and ceremony plans with the officiant.


>> No.7591562
File: 380 KB, 640x640, Madoka-Sayaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too live in the middle of nowhere, but in a small tiny boring shitty italian city and anime cons are still few times a year in my region, damn it. And being an asocial freak while i'm in a not cool place isn't helping at all.
I want to have teletransport powers so i can meet more amazing people even if they are far from me!
I tried also I cons to meet new people but it's impossible for me who is socially awakard. Also there is a big risk if the person you have a somewhat crush can be already in a relationship and you risk to make a stupid thing. I know that feel, when i like a boy there is a big risk he is not in me or engaged. And i'm jelly of couple cosplay too, jelly as fuck.
I have the same fucking issue!!!! Usually the boys i like have to not only be into anime/manga/games but they have to not be huge creepos/losers or with unkept looks. Seems all the cute boys i like are engaged, not my type in personality or we just don't click at all or they are stupid. So it's like escalating the mount Everest for me, if not worse. Even alternative/gothic looking boys still dislike lolita fashion and prefer sexy dressed girls.
>picture somewhat related

>> No.7591790
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>tfw I could have the quiet life I dreamed of
It's actually Yoshikage Kira everyone.

>> No.7591858

I'm doing some research on my Lin from Spirited Away cosplay.

>tfw haven't cosplayed in a few years
>tfw tendency toward frustration with the sewing machine
>tfw want to be accurate as possible, but would rather make pockets in the pants instead of an open slit on the sides (how else am I going to carry my shit around the con?)
>tfw can't go home and make a basket that she carries
>Could get some generic woven basket instead
>Unless I shop online, no Konpeito sugar candy anyway

I doubt that people would call me out on minor details like these and it's not like I plan on doing a photoshoot anyway, but ever since I've made cgl my homeboard, sometimes minor details and inaccuracies make me feel a bit insecure.

>> No.7592117

Somehow I get the feeling that, although you share a similar issue, none of you would get along very well.

It's a shame, because sometimes I feel that these threads would get some good out of them if loners like you paired up.

>> No.7592267

>I have the same fucking issue!!!! Usually the boys i like have to not only be into anime/manga/games but they have to not be huge creepos/losers or with unkept looks.

Yes, I know that feel. Our University has Japanese as a major, so you can imagine we have quite a few weebs running around on my camus; especially since we share the same building. Right now I have a class with a boy who looks like a bad mixture of a weeb and brony, and is not only disgusting but smells so bad no one can bear to sit next to him. But he recognized I wore Lolita one time, so now he's like "You into anime?? You know, I study Japanese, and also train with my katana!!"

>Seems all the cute boys i like are engaged, not my type in personality or we just don't click at all or they are stupid. So it's like escalating the mount Everest for me, if not worse.

Huehue I am mostly too spaghetti to even talk to boys. I did not meet a boy I was interested the year I have been singe now, but honestly, I rarely meet new people, even more rarely new boys.

>Even alternative/gothic looking boys still dislike lolita fashion and prefer sexy dressed girls.

Yup, pretty much. Cannot blame them really, I guess, Lolita can give asexual vibes, especially if you don't know the fashion or the girl wearing the fashion very well.

To be honest, I had bigger problems with boys, ironically the hipster/alternative/metal front who thought I was a superficial dumb bitch, because I "cared so much for my appareance" - I wear nice dresses, a bit of make up and nice hairstyle.I don't know what I am doing wrong, it's not like I am caked in make up or wear Lolita or other special snowflake styles everyday or spend two hours getting ready every morning. But it's enough to make most people think I am superficial, arrogant and a snob. Even my mom told me that I give off this vibe to people, and told me this was the reason I have a hard time finding new friends. Thanks, mom...?

>> No.7592428

>and also train with my katana!!"

He seems like a keeper. He could totally keep you safe from ninjas

>> No.7593086
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To update everyone:
Yesterday was the bridal shower. I went and hoped to maintain my composure.
>See everyone talking
>Conversation veers toward which bridesmaid is paired with which groomsman
>Feel self tearing up
>Excuse self to the bathroom
>Successfully calm self down and return to party, endure the three-hour event
>Bridesmaids are pretty focused on each other
>The bride oddly enough wants to hang around me and talk with me about non-wedding stuff
>She loves the gifts I give her and is the only one to say goodbye to me when I leave

Overall, proud of myself.

>> No.7593540
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>this homer simpson gif is me when i see a guy i'm attracted
>why i'm such a loser
Usually if i meet new people it's why they want to talk with me and not me who initiate the speaking. I'm too freaky and scared to talk, online less but still i feel embarassed.
The issue is most of the guys like Lolita fashion or other jfashion (maybe gyaru fashion is less looked upon down because it can be sexy if you want) are these weebs who want an real life anime girl *facepalm*.
>To be honest, I had bigger problems with boys, ironically the hipster/alternative/metal front who thought I was a superficial dumb bitch, because I "cared so much for my appareance" - I wear nice dresses, a bit of make up and nice hairstyle.I don't know what I am doing wrong, it's not like I am caked in make up or wear Lolita or other special snowflake styles everyday or spend two hours getting ready every morning
I don't like layers of makeup, having elaborate hairdos, fake nails... i mean being high maintenance. I only have a simple short bob and i put a bit of makeup, some cute accessories and toned down lolita/otome/fairy kei and also goth punk fashion but never sexy. The most "low cut" top i have is a sleeveless top and i use short skirts always with all covering tights in winter, with also bloomers/shorts underneath.
Also, my favourite style is sweet lolita with fairy kei even if i'm somewhat goth and listen to industrial music, so it get worse to get some boys to like me, especially the alt ones who would prefer to have a black clad dressed girl with edgy sexy items and awesome makeup than a girl who dresses bittersweet lolita or dark fairy kei. I'm not sure if people consider me an arrogant bitch who likes these dresses and has a very shut in personality, but it could be.... it's hard when people see you dress for yourself and say you it's selfish because you have to look as the other girls

>> No.7593660
File: 9 KB, 252x200, suchiswaifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized that I'm likely to go solo to a very large con this year. I'm sure I'll meet up with a friend or two, and I might make a new friend (maybe boyfriend? I'm trying to be hopeful here), but it just feels weird that in spite of having people I'll be rooming with (and yes, I do know them), I won't have anyone I personally invited to be my con-buddy for the first time in a long time.

It's a little nerve-wracking because going without a con-buddy to a big con isn't really advised and it could get boring, but also exciting because I don't have to be dragged to go to something I don't want to go to, or I don't a have to be concerned with whether or not they're bored/tired with what I want to do.

Kind of a weird feel.