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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7563575 No.7563575[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Cosplayers know that they are going to get asked a lot if they can have their picture taken. Try to be respectful if you see someone eating or sitting down. They need some time to relax too.

>> No.7563714

One time a guy asked for my cosplay group's picture while we were sitting on the floor eating. I sarcastically said "Yeah sure" and then none of us got up. He STILL took the picture, and even posted it online.

>> No.7563762

I like when I ask for a photo and the person just continues to walk. At least just say no. It really ticked me off because she stopped 15 steps later for a group of guys asking for a photo.

you made it fair game, not everyone is great with sarcasm.

>> No.7563765

Ugh, I feel so guilty.
Last year at a con, there were two Vocaloid cosplayers eating ice cream.
I thought they looked ADORABLE with their ice cream, but when I asked, they seemed kind of hesitant "um, we have ice cream", but I insisted that they looked really good with it as a prop.
Probably shouldn't have asked the second time.

To be fair, the picture actually looks really cute with the ice cream.

>> No.7563768

Okay, this is going to sound really stupid.

Is there a best way to decline photos? I love being festive and cosplaying but I'm camera shy and hate posing for photos.

>> No.7563772

is it discouraged to take photos without asking? I do event photography and street photography and tend to like the way those look more than posed photographs.

>> No.7563776

> "Sorry, there's a panel I need to head to"
> "Pardon, I really need to use the bathroom"

>> No.7563779

If you like natural candids like that, I would suggest going up to the subject of your photo (after the shot) and let them know that you took a picture and that you think they look wonderful naturally.
If they have any objections, they can let you know at that point (and you'll know whether or not it's acceptable).

That way, you don't seem like a creep that just snaps a picture and dashes away.

>> No.7563795

Got called a bitch because I declined taking photos while I was eating with my friends. Really wish more people understood this.

>> No.7563820

I was reapplying face paint in a washroom at a con, and a lady asked me if she could take a candid photo of me applying makeup (she explained that she was making a collection of cosplayers doing "normal" things, like taking smoke breaks or drinking coffee). I think candid photos are a fun, alternate view of cosplaying. I didn't mind her taking that picture, especially since she asked beforehand.

>> No.7563825

if you do street you should be used to shooting without permission
only if they notice would i ever mention anything

it's frowned upon at conventions but no one ever says or does shit about it because at the end of the day people forget and move on with their lives. sometimes the best things are "normal" things and a lot of people don't really know/consider/understand the whole concept of street.

>> No.7563837

Okay, good idea.

I normally just shoot and snap on the street, but I assume cons would operate differently.

Also, a lot of cosplayers are really shitty at posing. I don't expect them to be actors, but fuck, you look hideous with that dead gaze in your eyes. Natural smiles do wonders people.

>> No.7563845

they'll forget about it in 5 minutes. go for it.

i do remember one tripfag saying something at a comic con booth when i didn't ask to take his photo before pressing the button but nothing else came of it.

>> No.7563865
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Once I couldn't finish my makeup before I got to the con so I rushed to the restroom to finish applying it. I got asked for my picture twice while trying to do so. I just didn't even fucking understand.

>> No.7563870

I think most cosplayers look to the photographer for a little guidance. They may think their character poses a certain way, and looks stoic, but not realize that some small changes will make them shine all the brighter.

>> No.7563871

I was in a bathroom, changing from one outfit to another once and a lady asked me if she could take my picture, wig cap look and all. I stared at her until she said she'd wait until I was finished. Watched me for 5 minutes while I was struggling with a long wig and props and then took a photo with the stalls as the background.
Some people I will never understand.

>> No.7563881

a) they wanted an in-progress shot
b) they really liked your character

sometimes the coolest shit comes from the preparation stages of events. Never seen someone take photos of a bunch of flowers? You have now! Empty wine glasses and the associated wine? Bingo! Lots of empty tables? Yup!

>> No.7564045

This annoys the shit out of me. One time our group was exhausted and sitting on the floor. A guy walked up, asked for a pic, and refused to take no for an answer when we told him that there was no way we were standing back up. We eventually had to tell him to sit on the floor if he wanted a photo with us that badly.

>> No.7564264

this, seriously!

>watching wrestling with bf (I fucking love wrestling)
> creepy photographer who I'd been avoiding all day asks for a picture of us (I know him from several cons and he's always there....being creepy)
> bf politely tells him no as we want to see the wrestling match
> he keeps insisting
> we give him a half-assed pose since I'm watching wrestling
> keeps insisting to come with him for a 'photoshoot'
> we tell him to fuck off and leave us alone
> He keeps hanging around where we're standing, as if he's waiting for the match to end
> Couldn't enjoy the match as much since this guy creeps me the fuck out

>> No.7564280


Are you sure she heard you? I know I've had issues with that at cons before.


I think it's fine if you're doing it event/street photography style where you're not really explicitly targeting specific people. It's generally frowned upon because some people are gross about it and 'taking photos without asking' is more about stalking/harassment than taking candid photos.


I for one know that I am total shit at posing and would really appreciate some direction from photographers if they had any. I know some people are hesitant about it because they don't want to be rude, but I don't think it'd be an issue for most cosplayers if a photog just asked if they can offer some suggestions or something like that.

>> No.7564310

Crap, feeling tired and socially exhausted is my kryptonite. So many potentially nice shots have been ruined by my dead/stoner eyes.

>I guess that's ten years of marching band/drum major stoicism making itself visible
>also eff single-lidded eyes

Though, I think if the photographer spends a few extra seconds pulling out their camera or adjusting their settings, that gives the cosplayer time to switch from move-plebs-I'm-walking-the-con mode into looking-purdy mode.

>> No.7564316

I really hate it when I'm wearing a cosplay and people just take pictures without asking when I'm just walking around. When i see someone doing that, I turn my back to them on purpose.
People taking pics without asking when you're already posing is ok ofcourse.

>> No.7564391

>last con I went to
>hung out with cosplay friends, everyone was pretty exhausted
>one had a slight breakdown because of family issues of some kind
>sad down and her gf cradled her in her arms
>she started to sob and shake a bit
>people were starting to take pictures of that because they thought they were just acting
>mfw a couple pointed at them and laughed
>another friend of us totally flipped their shit at all of that
>asked the people to delete the pictures they took

>> No.7564404

>Dress up in elaborate costume
>TO get your photo taken
>ONE OF THE BIGGEST REASONS to ever dress up in said costume
>Get mad when people ask for your picture


>> No.7564411

>hurhur, I forget cosplayers can't always automatically turn on the posing, happy attitude, because heaven forbid they need to pee, eat, or are actual human beings.

>> No.7564413

if i'm sitting down at a table with my shoes off and cramming a hot dog into my face while in said costume, that is NOT an appropriate time to ask for a photo.

>> No.7564426

I was wondering about this earlier, so I feel this is the appropriate thread to ask this question.

Do cosplayers get offended or turned off when you ask to take a picture with them in general if you're not in cosplay? I was at acen over the weekend and I had two bizarre encounters. Firstly I politely asked two Asian klk cosplayers if they'd take a photo with my friend and I. Photographers had just walked away from them so I figured it wouldn't be a big deal to ask. They just said "yeah sure..." Then I said it's not a big deal if they were busy and one girl said "whatever" and literally stood there scowling for the pic. So I started laughing during the picture because of how fucking awkward it was which prompted the other girl to laugh sort of yet the other girls bitch face remained. so I said I was too sober for this and just walked away with my friends.

The second time this happened to me was when I took a picture with a really good raven cosplay. She was walking around by herself and I asked politely if she'd take a picture with me and she seemed okay with it. Then I think I might have fucked up? I put my arm around her for the pic. Is that totally inappropriate? Or should I have left her alone if she was walking alone? I almost didn't even notice I did that until the very last minute, but she seemed in a bad mood from the start. Her face in the picture looks fucking scary, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't because she was getting into character.

FYI I'm not ugly nor am I a neckbeard. I actually have had girls approach me at past cons before so I'm not sure if I totally was out of line or if I was mistaken for creeping on these girls in these situations or not. The last thing I want to do is offend anyone though, especially at a con.

>> No.7564432

Some people can just be bitchy (or have bitch faces?) If you put your arm around someone, I think it's better to ask (for example, I don't like people touching my waist, but people do ask about shoulder, which is okay), but the first incident doesn't seem like it was your fault at all.

>> No.7564435

It's not their fault you guys are shitty people.
I, for one, would be happy to get my act together.

If I didn't want and expect that sort of thing, I wouldn't go in costume.
Maybe you should find a new hobby.

>> No.7564442

Everyone's different, but it's not odd to me. It's really tourist-y, and usually tourists (from other countries) are the ones that do that in my experience, but it's fine. Putting your arm around someone is another matter because a lot of girls are sensitive about their personal space, especially if we're alone (in my experience). Even so, usually around the shoulders is okay, around the waist is when I get nervous.

>> No.7564444

Point taken, honestly my hand rested on her waist not the shoulder, so that might have been pretty uncool on my part.
Definitely gonna ask next time.

Thanks for the responses!

>> No.7564452

>implying that if you like making and wearing costumes you must also like having your picture taken at all times


>> No.7564454

/cgl/ are all brain-dead drama queens.
Which is why you just made that post. No ability to think for yourself.

>> No.7564470

i think she looks even more beautiful when she is eating a hamburger

>> No.7564475


>> No.7564477

you know there both shitty people if you ask me that's why i don't take photographs and cosplay because i am a faggot

>> No.7564482

Dat quads

>> No.7564487
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>> No.7564500

This. Literally every time I was rushing around at Sakura Con with my jacket OVER TOP of my cosplay, a ton of people would stop me and ask for my photo. When I said "Oh sorry, I'm actually just trying to get somewhere" they would put up a big fight like I was being mean to them and force me to pose. Seriously people? I told you no very politely and I am obviously hurrying to get somewhere. This wasn't even like 2 or 3 people either. Try a dozen.

>> No.7564501


>> No.7564510

>implying my ability to think for myself has anything to do with what I posted

>> No.7564639

If I'm eating or if all of my armour is on the table you can fuck right off.

If I'm just sat down but everything is in tact and I'm chatting or whatever, go for it.

What gets me is photogs who post photos without editing them. Not your average con joe who has a phone or a coolpix, but real photographers. And then they put them on their cosplay photog site and you look awful. My face looks like someone stretched a pair of pantyhose over a skull, so I know I need that edited to look good. Most of the time I'll do an old, ugly, or masked character but I cosplay with a group, and sometimes there's no option like that for that series. And I'm not a lone cosplayer - I cosplay to have fun with my friends.

There are now three instances of this happening to me, one of which was someone I trusted not to do it who I now have to awkwardly ask to take them down. Now I just don't pose for real photographers and walk away from the group if a pro comes along.

Cosplay and photos are separate for me b/c I'm also a photog. I'm usually in costume but behind a camera so photos are kind of an expected downside to cons.

I'd never post a picture of someone without editing it first just because I'm so anal about it. It's funny because I don't care at all about pictures of me outside of cosplay.

>> No.7564641

>on anonymous board

>> No.7564643

People who ask politely and respect your personal space are the best. <3

I can't stand when people keep pressuring you into taking a shot when you don't want to or when you're clearly busy. But the worst of the worst are those who just snap a picture of you without asking!

>> No.7564646

Okay, I know this keeps being asked, but bear with me.

You're cosplaying with a bunch of friends, chatting and laughing, and a photographer takes a sneaky shot of you laughing or doing something funny. Are you okay with that?

Say the shot came off awful. Should the photographer approach the cosplayer with the photo anyways?

>> No.7564654

I can only speak for myself but if you approach me and show me the picture, 90% of the time I'll be ok with you keeping it.

What I find rude are photographers who snap blurry (creep)shots and post them online without you acknowledging the fact.
I'm shy but if you're nice and respectful, I'll always find a moment to pause whatever I'm doing and pose with/for you if you ask.

>> No.7564972

You'll have to make up some shit, needing to be elsewhere and the like. Failing that just straight up tell them you're not interested or in the mood.

90% of all photographers are cloth eared faggots who never hear 'No' the first time, they'll almost always insist no matter how obviously unprepared you are

It's rude as fuck to snap pictures of people eating, so i say just be a dick right back to them

>> No.7564979

A convention is crowded and loud. There are a lot of things for a person to focus on. If you aren't 100% sure you had the cosplayer's attention when you asked, they might not have heard or noticed you as they were going somewhere. No reason to get pissed at them.

>> No.7565000

This really pisses me off. Cosplayers aren't at a convention to be entertainment for other guests. They are there to enjoy the con as guests like everyone else.

>> No.7565146
File: 1.71 MB, 500x245, slide_317276_2917078_free.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sweet lolita, in food print
>Grab a meal in the food court
>Literally find an out-of-the-way seat to HIDE and eat
>Sip some pop, no one is watching
>Nibble a cookie, no one is watching
>Unhinge jaw, take first bite of massive sammich
>Click click click
>Turn around to glare, can't because they look so delighted
>How did they find me.jpeg?!
>"so cuuuute, food print loli nomming foodz~"
>Dammit, okay, fine
>"Thank you, you're so cute!" "I love that print!"
>can't... stay... mad...
>can't say anything either without launching lettuce

Every time. I get it, I wore food, I look interesting, I'm at a con, and it's funny that I'm face stuffing. Sometimes even I shoot without asking (though not while someone is eating). Just wish I could find some of them online, at least, to have a laugh at myself.

>> No.7565172

I just want a memory of the cool people I met. I'm sitting with some cosplayers, while they are eating and I want a picture of them eating, but then they make a big deal out of it, get up and pose. I just wanted a picture of you eating noodles! ;_;

Actually I have two reason for asking for pictures, I like their cosplay, and then posing is fine, and sometimes I want memories of the people I met, and then I want them in the setting we met, like eating noodles or fixing their wig, but it seems cosplayers really hate not posing, hate not being in character or acting. Oh well.

>> No.7565181

I think that's because a lot of people are afraid that the only picture they'll end up finding online is a maybe really unflattering picture of them eating. Though if it's just because you want some for memories I don't see the problem really.

That said I dislike it when people post their huge sets of pictures of cosplayers online and it's all shitty flash pictures taking in the hallway because it makes everyone look a whole bunch shittier

>> No.7565223
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Normally I don't have an issue with unwanted photos because people are nice enough to accept excuses but some people just baffle me.

>having issues with something at con
>visibly upset and on phone trying to sort it out
>everything gets fixed, forget about it
>go home and make forum post asking if anyone has photos of me
>someone posts picture of me visibly upset from that moment
>"anon you were on your phone so I didn't want to disturb you by asking for a photo"

>> No.7565234

I like having pics of my favourite characters doing something like eating

>> No.7565554

You should probably just ask if it's okay to put your hand on their shoulder. Some people get really touchy and you are dealing with nerds here, who aren't very good with social interaction to begin with.

Personally I don't shit a fuck if someone in or out of costume takes a picture with me, i'm flattered that they like my costume enough to ask. If they put their arm around my shoulder I don't care either, the picture looks better and more natural if we aren't 10 feet away and I want the picture to look good as much as they do. It probably made their day or they'll have a cool memory of meeting their favorite character IRL. Hell I'll even give those 14 year old weeb girls a hug if they ask (even though I feel awkward as fuck hugging them).

It's a picture, not a commitment, you know? But if ask you me to do something vulgar, i'm going to give a vulgar response when I decline.

>> No.7565908

Never fucking put your arm around someone without asking permission first. Would you seriously ever do this to a stranger outside of a convention?

>> No.7565990

Waist and lower back are some places I just don't like people touching, yet a lot of people tend to go for them in pictures. I dunno, they just feel like 'vulnerable' areas to me.

>> No.7566021

For a lot of people it's a natural thing to do, I never get grope-y or anything with it. I guess it just sounds weird to me if I were to say "mind if I put my arm around you for the photo?" But hey I respect that if that makes people feel more comfortable, especially considering all the ducked up things people get away with these days.

>> No.7566022
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Sort of OT, but related to some of the latest posts: Am I the only one who thinks pictures with normalfags who love my character or costume are far more fun than posing autistically on my own? I actually find it very annoying to strike a pose for a bunch of neckbeards who will add my pic to their fap folder later.

>> No.7566040

This happens so much that I started just eating and snacking what the character I'm cosplaying would consume, so if anyone steals a picture then at least it's kind of IC.
I was eating bread at an Attack on Titan shoot as Sasha, which was used as a prop while they had all the Sashas out. But off to the side I decided to actually finish it (as it was my lunch) and there were three cameras at me later.

At least if you're gonna do the asshole thing, make sure the pic looks nice.

>> No.7566047

It's natural around your friends but it still boggles my mind that anyone thinks it's okay to sling their arm around a stranger. The same code of conduct applies at cons. Plus you get gentleman points for asking first. - most girls really appreciate that.

>> No.7566081

Kind of related to the topic, but... Would it sound bitchy to ask for no flash when people are taking your picture?

>> No.7566099

Most people aren't going to be able to get a good picture inside unless they use the flash. Professional photographers should know better then using on camera flash.

>> No.7566146

my best friend does this.
I think it really depends on how you go about asking.
for her she says the flash bothers her eyes, especially because she usually gets stopped for photos so often, but if you're like "omg plz dont use flash it makes me look ugly!!11" they might think you're being a drama queen...
but really its your choice and if you really want to you can completely turn down their photo request so they should just do what you ask.

>> No.7566155
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>Go to convention in costume hoping as many people take your picture as possible
>Ego gets inflated from the attention and start making lists of annoyance and demands from others of when and how they can take your picture

Try being happy that anyone gives a shit about your shitty costume and stop pretending cosplay makes you entitled.

>> No.7566163

Nobody, cosplayer or not, wants shitty pictures of themselves mid-chew on the internet, grow a sense of empathy

>> No.7566168

Yes, how dare anyone demand to be treated like a human being. How dare anybody speak out against mistreatment.

You know, you're entitled to a lot of things yourself, anon. Things that are basic rights. If anyone took those away from you, I doubt you'd be very happy.

In fact, if someone took a picture of you while you were hunched over cramming stuff in your mouth after a long, sweaty day of doing whatever it is that you do, and decided to show it to everyone without even asking for your permission, I doubt you'd like it at all.

Don't forget your own humanity. There's a day when you will ask others not to do so, as well.

>> No.7566173

Most people wouldn't give a shit. If you are that vain about having "shitty pictures" show up on the internet then maybe you should just stay home and take vanity shots of yourself in your backyard like regular attention whores.

A convention is not your personal modeling agency. It's a place for fans to congregate and have fun together. Leave your ego at the door and learn to have the proper spirit.

>> No.7566179

Having a photo taken of you in a public place that you didn't like is not a violation of your civil rights.

>> No.7566183
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>> No.7566197

It's not "bait" just because you find it incriminating.

>> No.7566237

I can understand not asking while someone is eating. It is unattractive and not in character majority of the time.

As for when someone is sitting down relaxing, that is where I say grow some balls. If someone doesn't want their picture taken, they should have the courage to deny someone who asked for their photo. Why regulate the person taking pictures to convenience cosplayers. We don't need to pamper entitled cosplayers to inflate their ego more. This pisses me off just as much as the whole "butt on the floor, pictures no more" stupidity that went around several months ago.

>> No.7566243

I feel the opposite.

Like, I don't care if you want a picture of me while I'm eating as long as you're okay with a picture of me eating. When I'm sitting down though, it's either wadrobe malfunction or I'm dead tired. In those cases, I'm usually scowling or dead-looking, and that's the kind of pictures I don't want popping up afterwards.

>> No.7566246

So you want people to photoshop you to look better? I dont understand, why are people so insecure? If someone takes a picture its generally because they like what they see

>> No.7566249
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Pictures of characters while eating are funny.

Stop taking yourselves so seriously, you vain cunts.

>> No.7566262

Usually people stop what they are doing and pose for the picture when asked for a picture. I highly doubt someone is gonna come up to you and ask for a picture of you specifically eating or of you looking like crap on the floor.

>> No.7566268


I agree. It's just one picture, who cares if you look bad? Get over it.

>> No.7566294
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It's not about looking bad, it's about the fact that it's extremely rude to take someone's picture without first asking their permission. On top of that, it can be unlawful to share that picture (ex. online) without their consent. Take your shitty attitude, buy some lube, and shove it up your ass before you attend another con and decide that your wanting to take a picture is more important than that cosplayer's right to wanting five minutes of rest and expectation of privacy.

>> No.7566297
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It's more like
> Hey, can I have a picture?
> Sorry, not right now-
> *snaps pic anyway*

I suppose I'm happy you like my character/cosplay that much, but that could have been a potential less ugly picture if you could have just waited until later in the day.

>> No.7566301

>On top of that, it can be unlawful to share that picture (ex. online) without their consent
depends on country
if you're in murrica you can give zero fucks about both taking photos and posting them with the exception of areas where there is the "expectation of privacy." the only thing that isn't allowed is commercial/advertising usage and that's also a grey area as to what is and isn't considered such.

>> No.7566306

Talking about places where there should be an expectation of privacy, I'm not referring to large halls/restaurants/etc, I mean when someone asks for a photo while you're fixing makeup in the bathroom or another private place.

>> No.7566339

Here you go again with the "ITS MY RIGHT" bullshit. No, it isn't. You are dressing up as a cartoon character in public for the purposes of photos. They can take pictures of you if you want. If privacy is that big of an issue to you then either dont cosplay or take your food to a private location.

This is what people refer to when they talk about "cosplay entitlement". You think the world should revolve around you and all of your petty desires and expectations.

If you cosplay in public people WILL take pictures of you, some of them might not be in coditions you like, and no, they do not need your permission. Learn to deal with it, princess.

>> No.7566345

>If you cosplay in public people WILL take pictures of you

The basic truth.

As for >>7566306
When were you talking about fixing make up in a bathroom or a private place? I fail to see it in your post >>7566294 You just sound like another entitled cosplayer who wants the world revolving around them.

>> No.7566349

It is bound to happen. Some people are rude. Some people don't know how to conduct themselves in social settings. Hasn't cosplay is not consent made that obviously clear.

>> No.7566359

I'd like to believe that if people see that a cosplayer is busy (like if they see them sit down and eat or they look tired/dejected), then they will not ask for a photo. As people have stated, there will be people who do so anyways.

You just have to hope people have the courtesy to not be rude, but at the same time anything can happen. That doesn't mean you deserve those candid photos, but if they surface, then that was just out of your control.

>> No.7566375

>petty desires and expectations
Since when is not wanting someone taking your picture while you're in the bathroom a petty desire? And NOT everyone dresses in cosplay for the sake of photos; some people only cosplay for the experience or because they love a character, not because they specifically want to draw attention to themselves. While it may seem counterintuitive, I've seen it happen to a lot of younger cosplayers where they expect photos are only taken at private shoots, not in a random hall.
I am not in any way saying that the world should revolve around cosplayers, I'm only saying that if a cosplayer hasn't given you consent to take their photo, then you shouldn't take it. That's not a hard concept to understand. It's rude as all hell to just take a picture without asking first in a situation where the cosplayer hasn't noticed you're taking a photo or, worse, taking a photo after the person has declined to have their picture taken. You need to learn how to deal with people having the right to say "No, I don't want my picture taken" and act like an adult about it.

As soon as I said "expectation of privacy" I was referring to places where, you'd have guessed it, you'd expect privacy. And I'll state again that wanting people to respect your right to decline having their picture taken does NOT equal being entitled and wanting the world to revolve around them.

>> No.7566450

Don't expect privacy at places like cons/public places, only at home


>> No.7566457
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Good to know you think it's perfectly acceptable to take pictures of people even when they're in a bathroom just because it's "public". You're gross.

>> No.7566533

except thats obviously taken by a friend and not some random stranger.

>> No.7566551

You make it sound like most people don't untag the ugly pictures of them on FB. This is the same as that except since it's not FB you can't "untag" it

"Most people wouldn't give a shit" this just isn't true

>> No.7566577

Perhaps he did it to spite you. Although I wouldn't do that because I have common sense, being sarcastic to a stranger is rude.

>> No.7566579

All three are perfect moments for a picture. It shows that the character is a human being.

>> No.7566585

I usually defend photog rights on /cgl/, but a bathroom, in most jurisdictions, is legally a private area. Anti-voyeur laws are against you on this one.
Like >>7566457 said, you're fucking disgusting.

>> No.7566721

No, but if the photographer decides to post it for public view/use (without talking to the person on the photo about it) then it is

>> No.7566731

>7 pm go with a few friends to get food for the rest of the group
>takeout boxes stacked high in our arms
>barely able to see; that's how much food we were carrying
>"can i take your picture?"
>sure but we're not putting down our stuff
>"oh. wow."
>bitch i'm not putting down and picking up all this shit so you can take a photo of me

>> No.7566886

Someone needs to study up.
Still isn't.

>> No.7566894
File: 113 KB, 327x319, 1396307689693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wore lolita for the first time at a con. I went into the bathroom to fix my makeup, and a girl took a photo of me.

Somewhere out there is a photo of me in lolita in front of a bunch of bathroom stalls.

>> No.7567060

Oh, sorry. It is were I live /eurofag

>> No.7567084

I don't mind if people ask me for photos when I'm eating but I don't like it when they just come up to me when I'm eating and snap photos without asking and then walk off.

>> No.7567089

im already ugly/unflattering in most photos so my worst nightmare is to go to babby's first convention and possibly get a pic snapped while im doing something else, then end up here or on some other place getting made fun of ;_; i-i wanna eat and shit in peace photog-kuns

>> No.7567113

Yeah, I'll just let you take a picture of me peeing, that'll make for a great shot, I'm sure.

>> No.7567163

Lenfried peed in a cup for a shoot

>> No.7567385

nigga do u really expect everyday sit-e-zens to pose while pissing lmao damn nigga u dumb u creepy as fuk too im calling 911

>> No.7567432

> Me and my friends are cosplaying from SnK
> A girl comes to ask if she can take our photo
> Eren is speaking in phone at the moment
> "Sure, just a moment, Eren is on phone right now, it won't take long"
> Girl just says "I don't mind" and takes the photo without further warning
> Must've been the most awkward photo ever since me and Armin are just standing there totally unprepared and Eren is speaking on the phone
> The girl lefts without a word

>> No.7568879

i once asked a cosplayer, who mind you was not busy and standing around having other photographers take pictures, for a photo and she said yes and got into a pose. but as she was doing so i saw her roll her eyes and give a "can't deal with this shit" kind of look. i was being incredibly polite and wouldn't have minded at all if she said no to me.

is this normal for cosplayers? isn't it in more bad taste if you said yes when you didn't want to and then ruin a photo on purpose by looking like shit? being a cosplayer myself i know not to push when someone says no or maybe the cosplayer thought i was some fob tourist with a dinky point and shoot. i've never had that happen before so i was really put off by the whole thing.

>> No.7568888

> Girl just says "I don't mind"

oh god what I don't understand about this stuff is that for some reason they think you said that because you'd feel bad for them if they didn't get to take a good picture. Rather then you not wanting to get a picture taking right now.

>> No.7568894

>a girl took a picture of me I didnt like

omg, you poor thing. Did you call the police? This is worse than rape.

>> No.7568905

You should explain to them the truth: "I'm sorry, but I am an extremely vain person who cosplays for the interests of internet glory. If you take a picture of me under not ideal conditions then I might run the risk of embarrassing myself. Your photo you want for yourself also belongs to me, since it is a part of my legacy. Now please wait so that you and I can negotiate the proper arrangements."

>> No.7568928

good thing I saw this thread. I wanted advice on asking for pictures since I'm going to my first con in the summer. How should I ask if I want to be in the picture with them? "May I get a picture of us?"

>> No.7568940

so exactly what is the problem asking for some normal human social skills from people? Just because you're in cosplay you don't suddenly lose all reasons to be treated normally

>> No.7568948

I wasn't talking about bathrooms, I meant like pictures of you eating a cafeteria or something


No one wants to see your shit.

>> No.7568950

Well don't fucking go to the con if you're scared of seeing pictures of yourself


Learn to deal with it, you're at a con, you're in public, deal with it bitch

>> No.7568952

Probably. Maybe include "...of us, together" for full clarification. Any particular reason why you need to be in the photos? Nothing wrong with it, but I always get a very touristy (as in, people from the street and not actually at the con) feel from people who want to be in the photo. For me, photos from anime cons benefit by focusing on the costume and character of the cosplayer, not simply the novelty of seeing a famous character and proving you were there as might happen at Disney. Just my opinion though, feel free to ask, and keep in mind that it might be a tad awkward if they haven't thought of a pose that involves somebody else.

>> No.7568954

You're in any wrong, hell, you could have taken the picture regardless, you have the right to

Cosplayer is the bitch in the wrong here

>> No.7568957

Oh ok. I just wanted to do thumbs up next to them. I plan on cosplaying too

>> No.7568959

Um, sometimes you want that selfie with Jessica Nigri or Yaya han, like almost everybody does


>> No.7568960

Getting a bit riled up in the thread, are we?

>> No.7568966

Suck my 8 incher.

Cosplayer's have no stupid rights at a con

Togs can snap and have the right to snap anywhere but the bathroom

If you're ugly and scared of pics, make yourself prettier


>> No.7568971

Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem. I might personally be a bit confused if you're in a cosplay from a completely unrelated series trying to take a photo with me, but I'm sure no one's going to say no.

>> No.7568974

oh god you're sounding more like bait with each post you make

>> No.7568975

Makes sense. I'll definitely do it if they're from the same series. But I can just stick to taking a picture of just them

>> No.7568983

Yeah, have fun! ...I don't want to discourage you from taking photos, please don't take it that way. Especially at your first con, you should focus on enjoying yourself. I only get mildly annoyed when photos from conventions show up online with non-cosplayers in them, like "am I supposed to know who this person is?", that's all. Hope you have a nice time!

>> No.7568987

Thank you!

>> No.7569088
File: 205 KB, 640x640, THERE IS NO BELL ITS NO DQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread reminds me of this

>> No.7569089

Are you sure you're not the retard with that level of piss-poor reading comprehension? I specifically mentioned bathrooms in my post that you replied to.

Last time I checked, guys with 8 in dicks don't try to feel better about themselves by trying to win fights on the internet

>> No.7569093


>> No.7569101

「アルバイト」じゃない、「ベイト」> beito > bait

>> No.7569102

You shouldn't use words you don't understand.

>> No.7569104

poor randy

>> No.7569105

What? When did I use a word that you don't think I understand?

>> No.7569365

>Also, a lot of cosplayers are really shitty at posing.
I've been looking through some of my con photos and I look so rigid. But a small while ago someone had me do a little modeling shoot and though the poses felt awkward, the pictures came out great. Would it be too much to ask the photographer some guidance as to how to pose? I'm blind as to how I look on a camera, so I have no idea what my face or body looks like even after practicing poses.

Then again the human mind glamorizes your own appearance so I may be seeing something waaaay different when I do practice.

>> No.7569394

>Would it be too much to ask the photographer some guidance as to how to pose?

Not at all. Photographers love models who actually care about modeling.

And asking someone for advice always makes them feel good.

>> No.7570896

Quit getting off topic and take your arguing somewhere else.

A decent photographer will know how to pose people. Asking them for help is great if you need help.

>> No.7571023

so you are the weebs at the con. good thing they pointed and laughed at you

>> No.7571033

Imma keep it real with you vain frilly bitches. plain and simple you dress up you go to a con you want attention. when i cosplay i know im going to get my photo taken. if my friends and i get asked and we are resting we say we arent getting up or putting the remainder of the cosplay back on if the person is buttmadd then we just let them be buttmadd
stop being whiney cunts

>> No.7571097

everybody who is okay with this use the word "vain" to describe those who aren't. samefag much?

>> No.7571115

I wish MORE photographers showed the initiative to pose people, ask people to move, offer advice, give direction, tell someone if a strap or a lock of hair is out of place, etc.

But that's basically asking for the average photographer to be better than average.

>> No.7571423

There are a lot of people running around taking photos at a Con, and anyone who bought a camera calls themselves a photographer. You may get a decent picture sometimes, but you also get what you pay for. The professional is going to offer posing suggestions to make you shine brighter and bring another level of creativity to the picture.

>> No.7573040

was this at a Georgia con?

>> No.7573427

No. A Texas one.

>> No.7573632

ah, just wondering because I was in that same situation a couple years ago.
we were a kaito/meiko pair and went into a dairy queen. had a bunch of people ask for pictures while we were trying to eat because "OMG kaito has ice cream that's sooo cute!"
with that cosplay I honestly didn't mind as much though since it IS the characters thing.

>> No.7574519

As a lolita, I find people at cons to be a lot more respectful than the general population. I've been harassed more for photos (or had ceeper photos taken more) when I'm out and eating outside of cons from normal people than in cons.

Worst was a time where I was literally about to pass out and I was trying to get something to drink and people kept stopping me.

>> No.7574937

Random passerby here. You should pick what form of speech you want instead of mixing. "ううん、ごめんね!" is informal/casual, while だった is the casual form of でした。

>> No.7576604

Do you know how cameras work? You are taking a three dimensional person and making them two dimensional. Faces look flat, lighting could be off, and fuck all if they used flash. They are asking to adjust settings to make a pleasing photo, not reshape their face. As a professional they should be doing this to all their photos anyways. I hate seeing a guy with a huge camera at a con but a shitty portfolio online.

>> No.7576706

Yeah haha, I caught that one too late. Whoops.

>> No.7576762
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How embarrassing

>> No.7576769
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>> No.7576773

Claudie is one of those proper asiaphile weebs like Yukapon right?

Makes sense she'd try to speak broken Japanese.

>> No.7576774
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>> No.7576795

Why is she doing that though?

>> No.7576897

Attending Fanime right now and I have never been to a con before, so I didn't know what kind of etiquette there might be as far as pictures go. Many of the people I asked said that I had to have been the most polite person they had met cause I always said, "Can I please take a picture of you/with you?" Are people really rude at cons or something? Oh and I know its kind of off topic, but I would love to cosplay but don't know where to start :( Any ideas?

>> No.7577656

It's not that people are rude, they just don't recognize when someone is trying to take a break.

>> No.7579423

why else would you be sitting down or eating? cant enjoy a con while remaining in one spot can you.

>> No.7579631

>What gets me is photogs who post photos without editing them. Not your average con joe who has a phone or a coolpix, but real photographers.
I'm sorry, do you want your money back? Oh right, you didn't pay anything. Get fucking bent. You want photogs, who take literally hundreds, and sometimes THOUSANDS, of pictures to shop them? Are you out of your fucking mind?

>> No.7579635

>wear special clothes for attention

i will never know what goes through the minds of these utter retards

>> No.7579640

This whole thread is filled with unappreciative, passive-aggressive cunts. Fuck each and every one of you who wants the world to revolve around what you're doing. Boo-hoo someone took a candid shot of me eating fries. Boo-hoo someone took my picture and I can't find it on the whole fucking internet. Boo-hoo someone took my picture and didn't photoshop out my wrinkles, cankles and fat rolls.

Meanwhile, even when someone does shoop your fat asses, gives you a card so you can find the pics, and doesn't snap a pic while you're stuffing your fat face with a cheeseburger, you don't even have the common fucking decency to click the "Like" button. A split-second of your time to demonstrate your appreciation for the the thousands of dollars and time spent processing your photos, and you can't even do that. You can seriously wrap your lips around my cock and suck hard. Fuck all of you.

>> No.7579647
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>> No.7580099

oh waaah I willingly choose to take photos and be a PHOTOGRAPHER but I'm too lazy to take good photos or create pleasing work.
You sound like someone I don't want taking my photo anyway.

>> No.7580118

Too bad, bitch. You go to a con in costume, many people will take your picture. Deal with it.

Conventions are not your personal modeling studio. Grow up and stop being vain.

>> No.7580158

why did angry men who don't cosplay or know what it's like take over the thread?
>you cosplay for attention!!
attention is one of the last things running through my mind while i'm in costume

>> No.7580165

butthurt amateur photog detected. people are just bitching, not acting like it's the end of the world. shit sucks, but it happens. you go cry over your shitty pictures no one likes.

>> No.7580189

Try being an actual photographer instead of a butt mad neckbeard who uses a photog pass as his key to snapping half assed fapping material.

>> No.7580191

I'm curious about your photography now. Show us some if it's so perfect and deserving of some shitty Facebook attention.

>> No.7580214

>/cgl/, the post

>> No.7580220

>being this angry
I can just hear the bitter, creepy, mouth-breathing neckbeard behind this post. No wonder no one lets you take their picture

>> No.7580474

But at the same time, a lot of con photographers seem to go over the top.
My friend and I were attending a local con in just casual Jfash, when a guy with a camera stopped us and asked for a photo. We were a little confused because we weren't cosplaying, but agreed to do so because he seemed enthusiastic.
> OK tilt your head! No, not that way! Yes! More though!
> Smile! No, like a real smile!
> Your bangs are out of place. NO, not there! There! Here, let me just do it for you.
> OK you on the left, I need you to lean down a little more.
> Alright now curtsey. No, a real curtsey! OK and a bow. A nice cordial bow.
> Your feet aren't straight! Point them a little more!

>> No.7580653

This girl once came up to me and asked for a picture whilst I was clearly eating a snack. I'd spent ages on face paint and makeup for homosuck cosplay and while it was a little annoying they asked at that point in time, I didn't tell them outright fuck off.
They waited patiently until I was done and then let me clean my face/lips/makeup.

An example of actually good etiquette which I thanked them for, plus they got a good picture of me, one where I'm not stuffing my face.

>> No.7582545
File: 40 KB, 397x330, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitches about "lazy" photographers and pleasing work
>poses for a million iPhone pics
Confirmed for retard.

>> No.7582552

>butthurt amateur photog detected. people are just bitching, not acting like it's the end of the world. shit sucks, but it happens. you go cry over your shitty pictures no one likes.
Actually my images get thousands of views and plenty of likes. But there are a very large number of the cosplayers themselves who don't even bother liking their own images. They can all eat a bag of dicks.

>I'm curious about your photography now. Show us some if it's so perfect and deserving of some shitty Facebook attention.
Lol... like I want a bunch of autist seagulls shitting all over my page out of spite. Yeah, think I'll pass.

>I can just hear the bitter, creepy, mouth-breathing neckbeard behind this post. No wonder no one lets you take their picture
Typical idiotic tweener who can't read. I have tens of thousands of images, and shit tons of likes. As I said - the cosplayers themselves rarely say "thank you" or like their own images.

>> No.7582559

>Lol... like I want a bunch of autist seagulls shitting all over my page out of spite. Yeah, think I'll pass.
Oh, and to follow up - I have posted a number of my photos in other threads, and people were impressed by the photos and the cosplayers. So yeah ..|. ( ' ' ) .|..

>> No.7582590

You know those knuckles are the wrong way on that emoticon, right?

>> No.7582621

> I have tons of likes on a shit networking site and I use that as a measure of my worth to try to ignore that fact that I'm actually a piece of shit with self - esteem issues. You all love me but I won't show my work just trust me you all really like me.

>> No.7582625

Uh I never said I posed for camera phones. Not the same person bro but good try.

>> No.7582642

>You know those knuckles are the wrong way on that emoticon, right?
Yes. Congratulations, you will be a brain surgeon later in life.

>> No.7582646

>Uh I never said I posed for camera phones. Not the same person bro but good try.
You don't have to say you do. If you're a cosplayer who goes to conventions, you DO pose for them, so don't even fucking lie and try to say you don't.

>> No.7582753

I'm getting annoyed with the guys with video cameras more. At the last con I was at this guy asked me to pose for a con video he was making I was a fighting character so I asked multiple times if he wanted me to do a sword slash or something and he said no. When I saw the video I was the only one that didn't move and it looked really dumb.

>> No.7582794

No fuck that. I need photos asap. I'm a busy guy as well. I merely asked, you are free to decline. Stop bitching because someone merely asked you for your picture. If they keep insisting then kick his ass. But seriously stop being a bitch. Just respond and move on stupid.

>> No.7582802

I never knew the 'putting you arm around someone' was such a big deal. I'm always extremely polite when asking to get a picture with someone and when in there I usually do that because it looks more casual and way less awkward. The only exception is if it's a pose. I've never asked someone if it's okay and I've never gotten any complaints or people pushing me off. If it's a dude I put my arm around their shoulder like a bro and if it's a girl I put my arm around their waist as is the usual custom (unless they are wearing something really bulky). Sometimes I just put my hand on their back though if it seems to be more appropriate (bare waist, arm at the side, etc). I don't know, I must just be friendlier than most.

>> No.7582816

I think its more of a personal space thing, and sometimes people are sweaty bo monsters and can get their armpit stank on someone

>> No.7583054

I've been on both sides of this.
Dressed as Alucard at a Animenext and going through some manga in the artist's alley when a guy asks to get my picture, I say um sure but wait just a minute to step outside since the room is packed as hell. Guy says he just wants a quick pic so I try for a pose that hides the fact I'm not wearing the gloves or glasses (I have my own glasses I'm blind without so I was switching back and forth all day) and sort of hide the shoulder bag I had, NOPE the guy wanted the full thing, I'm trying to dig out my gloves and guns from my bag and tuck my glasses someplace safe, he gets the picture and walks off without even staying a thanks.
On the other hand last year I remember walking up to a guy dressed as Red from Pokémon while he was playing on his DS asking for a photo since the setup was just too good.

>> No.7583327
File: 54 KB, 204x140, 45637089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had various encounters with a photographer who looked like Mr.Miyagi at a small con I was at earlier in this year.
> be me, wake up late day of con.
> get half ready.
> ride tells me that she's leaving without me if I don't hurry up
> fuck it, I can do the rest in the con bathroom.
> just enter. I don't have my wig or makeup on yet. Just dress, shoes, and wig cap.
> make a bee-line for the bathroom to finish getting ready
> Walking as fast as I possibly can
> enter Mr.Miyagi
> he runs in front of me and crouches in the most dramatic way possible, walking backwards taking as many pictures as he can.
> too stunned to say anything, I just keep walking.
> Finally finish with wig and make-up in the bathroom.
> after getting ready I find my friends and tell them about the encounter. We laugh about it for a little then continue on with our day.
Every so often I'd just see Mr.Miyagi out of the corner of my eye taking pictures of me.
> blow it off
> start looking around at the different shops
> see someone familiar get on his knee next to me.
> Mr.Miyagi starts taking pictures while I'm looking at a novel.
> I flip my eye patch on and pose
> Mr. Miyagi just stops and tells me to continue on with shopping.
> why?
> tells me that he wants pictures of cosplayers being natural or some shit.
> I just look back down at the book. I'm not sure what to think of this situation. At least he's not harming me.
> hours pass and I don't see him
> start leaving the con to head to dinner
> Mr.Miyagi stops me and tells me that I'm a cute sailor moon cosplayer
> mfw I'm supposed to be Kirakishou.

>> No.7583368
File: 329 KB, 720x578, 1289397533778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always remember, heathens: cosplayers are convention royalty and you must always give them the RESPECT they deserve. You can't just go around snapping photos of cosplayers! You must do so in the proper format that they approve of. Otherwise you are disgusting filth and a rapist.

Now that you know that as a photographer you are lowly scum, be sure to kowtow to your superiors and do what they demand. Otherwise a story will be written about you on the internet of how you are a disgusting person who didn't know their place.

>> No.7583464

As long as they ask, or mention afterwards, I'm cool. No need for either if I'm in a huge circle of cameras, but I wish people would
-say something/thumbs up when they have a shot so I can return to normal/new pose
-say something if they are joining a photog circle, so I don't stop posing in the middle of a shot
-mention if something stupid and embarrassing is visible, like food on my face or hair messed up, etc.

I generally eat in my room or whatever, and I chill and figure out lazy floor poses for when I'm tired. As long as I'm aware of a shot before or after it's fine. The only shots that I don't like are creeper shots where I'm the only focus and I'm clearly unaware of the camera. They're just ugly photos overall, and show a basic lack of respect and social protocol.