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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7574898 No.7574898[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


So what that honest opinion of CGL on the recent trend of taking action against harassment with sexy cosplayers at cons from just following them the wrong way or acting like you are their lover

Also, bad poser/photography anonymous for those who wish to confess to sins they have committed on the camera with cosplayers they posed with.

>> No.7574905

>making a thread on /cgl/ with jessica as the OP image
you fucked up

>> No.7574906

OMG it really isn't that hard and I don't know why we keep hashing the same topic over & over.

People cannot act inappropriately to others, regardless of how they are dressed. That's the start & end of it.

Look, but don't act like a slobbering creeper.
Ask to take a photo.
Ask if it is OK to put an arm around.
Don't touch any jiggly bits.
Don't make rude/lewd comments.

Just be polite. Using the excuse to act like an animal because of the way someone is dressed is fucking stupid.

>> No.7574921
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man like I'm all for this shit


the worst most physical creepers I see at cons are always the hambeast fujioshi. Being a gay dude at a con is so fucking difficult when, if you get spotted holding hands w/ ur boy a swarm of hambeasts tries to run you down. We were doing casual cosplays of Wiccan and Hulking and these girls didn't even know who the characters were but were trying to get us to make out for them

like when are we going to acknowledge all of the shitty behaviour con girls exhibit. but nooooo only men can be evil creepers only men can sexualise girls are always pretty perfect victims smh

this turned into a big rant w.e.

pic somewhat related

>> No.7574925
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>Cosplay is not consent.

Go fuck yourself and your thinly veiled Tumblr SJW feminist propaganda.

Every levelheaded person has a good grasp as to what is acceptable behavior and what isn't. Everyone would stand behind an all inclusive harassment policy but when you shoehorn in SJW and feminist buzzwords like "consent" and make a huge issue out of relatively small problem you don't get taken seriously.

Stop spread harassment hysteria.

>> No.7574927

Why don't you go ask murderers to stop murdering and thieves to stop stealing while you're at it.

>> No.7574929


I shouldn't have to look both ways crossing the street, motorist should avoid hitting me.

>> No.7574930

Not if you cross when it says 'don't walk'.

>> No.7574932
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Sure thing, babe.

>> No.7574933


Don't Walk lights support Accident Culture.

>> No.7574934

They do, fuck those privileged lights.

>> No.7574936
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>> No.7574942


Why specifically cosplayers?

I've been going to cons for 15+ years and I've never witnessed anything that wouldn't warrant this much hysteria over sexual harassment. The way I look at it is a bunch of bored Millennials that spend too much time on Tumblr perpetuating an almost non existent problem.

>> No.7574946

Same. I've been going to cons across the country for six years and never have I ever seen or been sexually harassed.
>inb4 you must be a fug whalelord

>> No.7574952

Its because girls are leeches with no personality, and as they grow older and uglier, they believe having "ideals" and "standing up for what they believe in" is incredible and makes them commendable and unique, and they can do this while they also avoiding self-improvement because all know its much easier to feel sorry for yourself than actually make the effort.

The only time I felt uncomfortable at a con was like 10 years ago, and the guy saw I as uncomfortable and stopped and apologized. Or maybe I'm wrong and I was raped.

ANy!thing G03s

>> No.7574953

"my gays" because they're sooooooo kyoot!!

I hate this.

>> No.7574970

>The way I look at it is a bunch of bored Millennials that spend too much time on Tumblr perpetuating an almost non existent problem.
That is EXACTLY what it is. Its so dumb, I feel sorry for anyone with that low of a self-esteem that would actually fall for it.

>> No.7574984


I think the major problem is there is a lot of sides to the whole sexual harassment thing. Personal experiences include...

-Minor cosplayers being photographed like a couple with someone who treats like they were in a relationship since forever. Jailbait incidents happened and when you realize it, it sucks.
-The dense social cases who don't understand basic social norms or as one guys describes it, doesn't treat other cosplayers like their own little sibling...oh shit...
-General douchebags who loves them a man/woman in uniform and goes after these cosplayers for a facebook worthy photo and posted to their friends.


I can sympathize, but then again we are dealing with nerds who have no sense of personal space let alone social norms. I don't know if Japan faces this kind of problem with otakus putting hands on models. As far as I know I never see some random nerd putting their hands on a cosplayer at minicomi

>> No.7574988


I mean comiket.

Sure they may not have felt it, but you ever had the feeling of being constantly hit on even though your aim at the con was to have fun and not receive several poorly made attempts at asking you out?

>> No.7574996

To add on to this discussion, cons are also constantly growing.

The internet makes it a lot easier for people to discuss their problems. But it also makes it probably seem blown out of proportion.

Out of the 100k+ people that go to comic con, I the percentage of blatant sexual harassment is probably small, but just because you don't see it happening, doesn't mean it doesn't actually happen. People are also now defending themselves, and that's a good thing because no one should be BLATANTLY sexually harassed. However, for eye balling? It's going to happen, especially if your cosplay shows a lot of skin... which you should expect. But no one should touch you inappropriately.

>> No.7574999


I'm pretty sure if a 10 out of 10 stud flirted with you it wouldn't bother you the slightest.

>> No.7575006 [DELETED] 

Go on girls, keep making us hate you...

>> No.7575009

I'm constantly hit on on my own college campus and I don't sit here whining about being 'sexually harassed.' Get a backbone, tell them you're not interested, and be on your way. It's really not hard to not make it a huge deal.

>> No.7575018

>implying they don't make it a big deal because they never get hit on and need to world to know that their butt-ugly selves are being hit on

I swear, people who never get hit on talk about it the most to make it seem like they're more desirable than they really are.

>> No.7575024

It's what fat trailer park high school girls say in an attempt to flatter themselves under the veil of criminalizing someone else
"Ah saw heeyim lookin at my tits when ah was wawkin in the hallway, he's a total petafile."

>> No.7575032

I had a guy literally follow me into the rave, leave the bcc with me, and try to get me to go to his hotel with him (he used some lame excuse saying that he had to fuck me or he'd get kicked out of his room, then tried to convince me that he wasn't a rapist. Those were his exact words btw) and here I am today. I told him to fuck off, then ignored him till he left and I got into my taxi and went to my room.

>> No.7575042

I think it's only harassment if they don't stop after being told directly and repeatedly that you're not interested. Which has personally never happened to me. Somebody hits on me I say 'Nah' and they move on, not harrasment in my book in that situation.

>> No.7575060


Basically this.Behave like a decent human being no matter who or how the other person is dressed as.
Counts for every person, no matter the gender or looks.
I got more crazed fangirls that piss me off due to my character choices/ being bishi of the month but I have to say they do not creep me out as much as men do when I cosplay as female characters.
Are they stupid? Yes.
Are they acting in a way that is not appropriate? Yes.

Yet the ratio of girls actually trying to lure me into undressing for them or going with them to any abandoned building/their room is still lower despite me crossplaying more often.

>> No.7575068
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It's pure hysteria from girls who want the world to think they get more attention than they actually do.

In the end they only manage to make the average male nerd con goer feel more uncomfortable around girls than they usually are because of this feminist fear mongering bullshit.
But obviously they will get labeled creepers even more often than before now that they feel extra awkward around girls.

Tumblr feminists need to stop this crap.

>> No.7575074

>It's pure hysteria from girls who want the world to think they get more attention than they actually do.
Soooo much this.

>> No.7575076

This sort of thing reminds me of that teenager girl who killed herself and people blamed that questions website because it allowed people to bully her.

Turns out she was making the nasty comments herself as a way to get sympathy from others.

I've been to countless conventions and the people there are much more tame than the people I see on normalfag gatherings.

>> No.7575233
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The whole 'bullying' bullshit that happens these days pisses me off. 'Bullying' is a word thrown around so often that it has lost it's meaning.

It really is very rare for a person to start harassing another person for no reason. And 'that person told me to fuck off and called me a stupid bitch because I pushed in line waahhh I was tired of waiting' is not rated as bullying, which is the fucking level of crap I am hearing from these whining, exaggerating victim whores.

>> No.7575247

When women do something repulsive and disgusting at a con, it's just fangirls having a good time and being wacky.

When men do something creepy or try to get some female attention, they are disgusting misogynist assholes who are trying to scare women out of geeky and nerdy communities and they need a whole activism movement to stop them.

Tumblr, everyone.

Also, it's Calgary, meaning Canada, where feminist bullshit is law. No surprise that their big smoking gun was people taking photos without asking. That shit fucking happens to everyone.

>> No.7575288

>Tumblr thinks yelling at people will make stupid people magically disappear

>> No.7575306

Neither cases really happen to any great degree, and they're both frowned upon.

>> No.7575307
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>> No.7575312

>My Gays
Ugh, that sign is disgusting.

>> No.7575314

There isn't any pics of sexual harassment in this thread. How boring.

>> No.7575341
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>> No.7575343

I've seen a lot more disgusting shit happen with girls than I have with guys.

All this "cosplay =/= consent" shit seems to create this moronic idea that there's an epidemic of men running around conventions verbally and sexually abusing women while screaming, "You are in cosplay, so I am allowed to have my way with you!"

>> No.7575346
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>> No.7575381

Does this also deal with fat smelly girls who glomp their fav kawaii yaoi uke?

>> No.7575384

no because it's impossible for girls to be creepy to guys shitlord omg they dont have that privileg

>> No.7575386

Nobody outside of female 14yo weebs thinks the first thing. I'm sorry of tired of that "when a girl does something bad no one cares, but when a guy does something totally innocent and looks in the wrong direction, he's branded a sex offender and put in prison," shit.

Just because some people exaggerate doesn't mean you need to. It makes you look just as pathetic as the others.

>> No.7575451

I made a point not to do the "when a man is an innocent angel who never even looked at the woman" thing.

There are creepers are cons. There are guys who go there thinking they'll be swimming in poon if they just get too close to a girl and compliment her a lot.

But I've seen more awkward hambeast fujoshi shits demanding that people make out for them or that they are allowed to do something to another cosplayer because their costume is an OTP with someone else's costume and then play it off as being "in character"

>> No.7575552


Yep, but the girls get the focus since it has always been the original source of the problem that could at least be more controlled.

That said I don't know if Japan's cosplay faces the same problems with cosplayers having even more big cases of shut ins being creepy around cosplayers.


Toss in cosplayers with significant others as well. How would you feel if some random person asks for an intimate pose?

>> No.7575631

Requesting that manga page with the hambeast rubbing off her period blood on a Male cosplayers hand!

>> No.7575680

I would slap the taste out of her mouth with that same hand. That's disgusting.

>> No.7575713
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Oh for fucks sake, no one wants fujoshi or fag hags showing their ~support~ for gay marriage like this. It's the equivalent of dudebros being like "Yea man chicks should totally be able to marry each other, I mean, the hot ones, huhuh"

>> No.7576020
File: 63 KB, 650x551, man-cleavage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole thread in one pic.