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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7570400 No.7570400[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Cosplay feels thread

>really like Love Live
>have a cosplay planned for it
>watch the latest episode of the anime
>full of body and fat shaming
>by the end of it I was almost crying
>don't wanna cosplay anymore since I'm plus size
I know it's Japan but what they did was too harsh and insensitive

>> No.7570406

You don't need to feel bad and drop your cosplay. It's Japan, you don't live there and it's a different culture.

>> No.7570410

I might just pick this show up now.

>> No.7570414 [DELETED] 

Fuck off back to tumblr and please do not come back.

>> No.7570446

Stop being fat. If being overweight makes you feel fat and disgusting (which it should), then take some initiative and work to improve yourself.

You could also stop giving a fuck what other people think of you. If you're fine with being fat, be fine with it. Just don't be an entitled cunt and expect anyone else to find you attractive.

If you're too weak to do either of these things, fuck off and wallow in your fat. Or kill yourself.

>> No.7570453

You may be looking for this thread:

>> No.7570456

That's on auto sage now.

>> No.7570459

Not yet, though I suppose it will be soon.

>> No.7570461

Believe it or not, there are people who find larger women attractive and not in a fetish way.
I think chubby girls can be fucking adorable if they take the time to look good.
And OP, try to remember that Japanese culture is super fucked up. There is no reason to adhere to their standards or their views.

>> No.7570484

There are a lot more fat women than there are men who genuinely find them attractive. Being fat makes you disgusting to the majority of men. Some men will be desperate enough to fuck you, but that doesn't mean you're attractive. Be fat if you want, but be honest enough with yourself to realize that your dating pool shrinks as you get bigger.

Also, Japan is fucked up, but at least they aren't so deluded that they think being fat is normal or healthy.

>> No.7570522 [DELETED] 

Lose weight you disgusting pig, then you won't have to worry about being too fat to cosplay.

>> No.7570575

Nobody cares about what men think. They fuck anything.

>> No.7570580

>They fuck anything.
You wish

>> No.7570701

>have really shitty social skills
>can't hold a job
I wanna be a house wife

>> No.7570702

Back to tumblr please

>> No.7570715

The feels when really fat.
The feels when size 1.
The feels when everything they make in a size one is for really thin people and is all really revealing and skimpy.
The feels when I can't dress to my body size

>> No.7570724

I finally decided to be social and make loli friends but now every fucking meet I join is getting cancelled. I just want to dress up cute with other girls come on :/

>> No.7570832

>TFW built like a fridge: Big, tall, blocky.
>TFW no wigs will fit my big head.
>TFW notice start of male-pattern baldness.
>TFW my only cosplay opportunities are bland, generic characters.

So for everyone out there feeling bad, look on the bright side: You're not noticing that you're going bald before you're even a quarter-century old, with hundred(s)-buck custom wigs being the only possibility. No hats fit, either. I should just accept it and work on a Juggernaut costume.

Also, to the "men fuck everything" comment above, it's a subset issue: Some men do. Some women do. But not all in both cases. But trust me, while looks are important (and they are, don't be a liar), if someone can't hold up a conversation, then what fun are they?

I've outright and literally run from women because despite them coming onto me, and being fairly attractive, I could FEEL my brain trying to escape the pain. Meanwhile, I have many female friends I don't particularly care if I stick my dick in them or not, but we do enjoy going for tea and having conversations about cosplays and anime. I also have male friends where the prior statement also applies,
though perhaps I prefer them more dicking-free.

If you feel lonely... Talk. Find someone at a con sitting in a line alone, and say "Hello, noticed you alone here, mind if I chat? If you don't that's fine too." And if you're fat and awful and OMG SIZE 1, well, worst they say is "no", next worst is they ain't interested in giving you an orgasm but they at least give you (verbal) intercourse.

>> No.7570859

>my bf who's 9 years younger than got a job where he makes 4x more than me
I'm happy for him but I feel like a big loser.

Another thing is that I wanna get pregnant but I'm not sure how he's going to react.

>> No.7570874

>girl in my comm leaves a item in the back of my car after a meetup, back at a gathering in December
>Messages me about once a month for it. Makes arrangements to pick it up and either doesn't show up or something comes up and she can't make it.
>messages me today asking me to possibly mail it to her, whole message comes off kind of like she's trying to guilt me because I didn't drop it off at her house instead.
>anon you can get around easier then I can
>$20 is kind of hard when you're unemployed
I tell her it's kind of hard to take it to her house when she never gave me her address
>but anon you've been to my house
Yeah, back in December, in the dark, with her directing, my husband driving, not me, not a written address. Only been there once. Like hell I'd remember.
>Finally get her address. She lives less the a mile from my house.
>Finally drop off the stupid thing since we're going to the store.
Also she's unemployed, lives with her parents, and is in her 40's. Reading the messages, I'm pretty sure she borrowed said item from somebody(hense the needing to buy a new one, and saying she's giving it to her friend) and is also a lolita.

So yeah, she wanted me to mail an item to her, when she lives within walking distance of my house, doesn't work, and has my address, phone number, and Facebook.

>> No.7570876


"Hey, you ever feel like having kids? I have kinda been thinking on it lately from a bunch of viewpoints, wondering your thoughts on the matter: soon, much later, never?"

>> No.7571068

>be monday
>still living with mum and stepdad because poor student
>get in trouble for having an anxiety attack on saturday
>mums trying to explain to stepdad that I cant help it
>stepdad doesn't care
>"she needs to stop acting like a child"
>takes both of my computers and my phone
>destroys them
>kicks me out of home with only a small bag of clothes
>all my school books are still there
>exams in two weeks
>all my costumes, wigs and makeup are still there
>sewing machine still there
>con in 5 weeks

I'm living with my brother for the next few weeks, and my Mum's dropping by every night to see me/give me some money for bus fares to and from school, buying lunch, etc, so I'll probably end up skipping lunches and putting that money into my bank account so I can buy a couple of costumes from Bodyline (I've been eyeing their Love Live ones for some time) even if they do turn out to be shitty, at least they'll be here in time

>> No.7571073

The only people who care about fat shaming are fat people

You're cosplaying as an idol character, you know that, right? They're supposed to be 10/10 qt's. Pick another character if you can't look like them.

>> No.7571104

It's situations like this I'll never be able to understand. Your mother is kinda really shit for staying with such an asshole and the step father is a fucking huge asshole. I'd call your mother out on your step father being shit and her being shit for staying with him honestly.

>> No.7571124

I forgot to mention that she's not going to stay with him forever, seeing as if she leaves it means that he won't fix up my brothers car or let us get our stuff so it's a pretty delicate situation

Hopefully we'll find a new place to live in a few weeks, for now though there's not much we can really do about it

>> No.7571128

Sucks to be you, anon.
>tfw planning LL cosplay and super skinny
Why don't you do like the aidorus did and lose some weight?

>> No.7571149
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>See link to contouring tutorial for crossplay
>Person is really ugly
>Proceeds to make herself look more ugly with make-up
>Feel disgusted and bad for feeling like this

>> No.7571299

>watching an anime about becoming a young girl celebrity
>expecting there to be no fat shaming

Actually, iDOLM@STER didn't do it. There's references to diets in there but usually the characters tend to eat tons of indulgent shit and work it off through dancing.

Anyway Love Live a shit, iDOLM@STER is best feel-good aidoru animu

god I wish I knew moonrunes so I could play the games

>> No.7571341
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do not condone fat acceptance.
being fat is unhealthy and unattractive.

>> No.7571358

Since I'll assume you're over 18... sue his ass. He has no right damaging your property.

>> No.7571380

Americans are sick in the head, you are not healthy at any size and you fetishize the obese only because more than 66% of your nation is fat. Genuine subhumans, can't even walk in the grocery store.

>> No.7571428

>skipping lunches so you can pay for a cosplay
priorities, you don't have them

>> No.7571430

Holy shit this. I want to go to school for my doctorate, but damn do I want to just stay home.

>> No.7571432

I really hate this idea that more than half of America is obese. The statistics are half the percentage you've said.
Sure, America is fucking shit for a lot of reasons, but get your facts fucking straight.

>> No.7571462

I'm so fat...like 5'4 for 128 lbs.
I'm working on losing some weight but I hate working out. Does only eating veeeery little will help?

>> No.7571472
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>you are not healthy at any size

>> No.7571488

Your life's a mess and you need to fix that before worrying about cosplay.

>> No.7571499

>baww im fat :'(
You're such a fucking attention whore it isn't even fat, bitch

>> No.7571512

That's retarded. How did she expect you to mail it without her address in the first place?

>> No.7571536

Love Live is a million times better than Idolmaster.

>> No.7571567

> tfw watch the episode
> tfw no friend who also needs to diet and another friend constantly making sure you keep up your diet
> tfw forever landwhale

knowing anime land they probably only gained like 5 pounds or something

>> No.7571576


you can't feel "fat". just sayin

>> No.7571580

More than half of america is obese. That means both of you are probably obese.

>> No.7571585


I believe over two thirds of american adults are overweight, but 30% are morbidly obese. Being overweight is still unhealthy and unattractive, being obese is disgusting and shameful.

>> No.7571590


Are you willing to have a large family and live relatively poor until your 40's? The only way I'd accept a house wife is if she was willing to home school our children.

>> No.7571596

I need this too. I honestly do want to exercise, but it feels so awkward and lonely going to the gym by myself.

>> No.7571610

same, I prefer not going to the gym at all because there's always people I know there and it always feels like they're laughing at me. I know that's silly but being there feels like everyone's thinking "look at that fat girl trying to be healthy"

>> No.7571622

You're right, people will stare at you for being fat at a gym, and most of them will be thinking "look at that fat girl trying to be healthy."

They aren't laughing, though, they're nodding in approval and solidarity. The gym is where you find people who understand that fitness requires discipline and hard work. Most of them will respect the fact that you're taking those first steps, as long as you're serious about working out and sticking with it.

>> No.7571686

Wow are you me? I was just thinking about watching it now.

>> No.7571743

did you play the psp translations for idolmaster?

>> No.7571760

Agreed. They'll think "Well, they're trying. Which makes them better than the most-of-the-population that don't."

Some may mock if you are morbidly morbidly obese, yes. Like, 300 lbs thing. But at that level, exercise isn't so much what is needed but dietary changes (morbidly fat people tend to burn MUCH more calories just sitting around than thin people because their muscles and organs work much harder to keep them alive, BUT they take in so much more as well because they need it to maintain their weight, so they feel hungry if they're not getting 3000+ calories.)

So diet and light exercise if lbs > 250lbs, real gym+diet if lbs <250lbs.

>tfw you're 260lbs... but 6'3" and stronk so it looks like you're just hueg as opposed to fat. Still gym-going, though.

>> No.7571765

Most people are pretty busy with their work outs to really have time to judge you. Even then, think of it this way: how many people do you pass each day? How many of them do you take notice of? Of those people you notice, how long do you keep thinking about them after they're out of your field of vision? Unless they're rotten people, they most likely won't give you a second thought.

>> No.7571767

Where does this type of thinking come from? Everyone I know who goes to the gym focuses on themselves and working out . I don't even notice the people around me.

>> No.7571774
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You're watching the wrong anime if you want to make excuses.

The ED song:
Chase it fervently
Chase it courageously
Small wishes make up our vision for tomorrow
And they might just come true if everyone wishes for it
Try harder than everyone else
And never lose your zeal
As you walk down that stormy path toward your goal

No bullshit, no excuses.

>> No.7571776

Same. Sometimes regulars who recognize that you also go to the gym a lot will say hello or nod but that's usually it. I've only had people come over when I was doing something wrong because they wanted to make sure I didn't accidently hurt myself.

I think the morning crowd is the best compared to night, there's usually younger people who just hang out or hog all the equipment until they start clearing out around 9 pm or so.

>> No.7571782

These are both true. There is no reason to be insecure at a gym because literally no one gives a fuck what some stranger is doing when they are busting ass on a machine or with weights. The only time I've overheard someone talking shit at a gym, it was actually because I'm a rather scrawny girl, but when they saw how much I could lift, they shut the fuck up real fast. Go in and rock it, anons.

>> No.7571784

Self image issues and general self esteem problems. You feel like everyone is watching you and laughing at you

>> No.7571871

Hey anon, my mom and I are in the same boat as you, it'll get better just try to help your mother as much as you can without stressing yourself out, so you all can get away from him as fast as possible. Also the other anon is right, if you can prove he broke your shit, take him to court.
Only a true piece of shit is disrepectful to his wife/girlfriend's kids.

>> No.7571873

>5 11
>wanting to cosplay fit character
>change diet and work out
>wow look at me im gaining 2 pounds per week!
>check weight 5th week
>hasnt changed
>continues until the present
>up weights and do less cardio
>still no change
>weight isn't changing despite still being underweight
>now a little worried my body won't have improved in time
>at least I've got a cute face

>> No.7571952

She's pretty fat if she dosen't have any muscles.

>> No.7571966

AKB0048 played off weight gain by having one girl get stung by jellyfish on her tits and they swelled up enough for her to forget about her own love handles. Said character also constantly ate rice with a crap ton of butter on it.

>> No.7571975

Yeah, no.
First season was cute but the second one is nothing but pandering and shipping fuel. It's trash.

>> No.7571979

not that anon, but it's fun to watch, first season wasn't anything special and the second season isn't anything special either. but idol anime are my guilty pleasure so I still just watch it

>> No.7571982
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>tfw you like popular things and want to cosplay from popular things but popular things means big fandoms full of loud, bad fans and you get grouped with them

>> No.7571999

Idols typically aren't fat. What part of that is hard to understand? Don't use my favorite girl group as a scapegoat to push your bullshit Tumblr agenda, bitch.

>> No.7572009

You'll be the cutect qt marshmallow idol. Please don't be sad...
Power to the flab bitches. (as long as you aren't at an unhealthy weight like a landwhale you're ok in my book)

>> No.7572025

> 5'4 for 128 lbs.
Isn't that like.. average?

>> No.7572039

Slightly above, nothing to bitch about

>> No.7572045

If your non-Asian, yeah. You know all the girls here want to look like a stereotypical kawaii uguu tiny Asian girl though, so if they aren't below 100, they think they are cows.

>> No.7572047




>> No.7572054

Can't help with the brother's car, but you know you CAN call the cops for your stuff, right? Police escorts do exist. You can sue this guy.

>> No.7572076

tbh I rather have some of this then constant yelling everything and everyone is too ugly and/or fat, that gets boring quickly.

also not really if you've ever seen how people talk on here about how much they hate fat acceptance. which is daily.

>> No.7572085

I doubt it's bait but it's not the new /cgl/ either.

>> No.7572122


But that is the only thing that made /cgl/ better than the rest of the Internet. Here, you can call fat and ugly people what they are and not be punished for it. At least, that's how it used to be. Now the fat and ugly people are in majority, and they are quick on the report button.

>> No.7572184

fuck you fatty drop some weight

>> No.7572248

> friends with landwhale who leeches of everyone
> tells her im going to cosplay Mina from dance in the vampire bund
>gets excited for me
>buys fabric to make cosplay
>"oh anon let me have done fabric it's perfect for who I want to cosplay as"
>"oh anon let me borrow that wig"
> give it back before the con
> day before con and no wig
> con day
>shows up in same cosplay
> my wig
>okay whatever
>hours later meet up with her
>she's crying
> everyone gives me stink eye
>later gets fb messaged that I'm attacking landwhale and calling her cosplay terrible and I was body shaming her as well as intentionally cosplaying mina
>signal post about me in community
>people calling me ugly and whore in photos

Every time I go to gathering landwhale makes up some weird rumor.

>> No.7572274

If it isn't fatties cosplaying Love Live characters, it's uglies. I saw a girl cosplaying a LL character at a con and she had major man face.

>> No.7572278

>friends with landwhale...
>your story

Anon, I hope you aren't friends with her anymore.

>> No.7572549

OP, cosplay anyway. I'm a fatty and was recently cosplaying at a con and people loved me. Don't worry about your weight. Cosplay is a fun hobby and everyone can enjoy it. Do your best to make your costume look awesome and I guarantee you people will appreciate you, anyway!

>> No.7572554

>con on the weekend
>been dieting since Jan, 1lb from 40lb down
>desperately want to hit that 40lb marker before con
>somehow managed to put on 8lb on feast day
>fuck everything

I fasted completely yesterday and I'm on 150 cal today and I think I'll have to try fasting again tomorrow. I know if I do lose that 1lb it's going to be water weight but fuck everything I'm so desperate to stand on the scales and see that number. I still have another 20lb to lose but this is my last con until next year I just want to feel good for it.

And my hours are getting cut next week. It's been a shit day.

>> No.7572576

She sounds like a real bitch,did you get your wig back?

>> No.7572684

Go back to tumblr, fatass.

>> No.7572703
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You wish.

>> No.7572865

It probably looks a bit chubby on her, any girl who doesn't work out/do weights with a BMI over 21 tends to look chub.

>> No.7572886

hahaha you're so mad that fatty got attention in a positive light

>> No.7572901

She probably was a man. I've noticed that like with 2hu there's a bunch of dudes cosplaying it/planning on cosplaying it

>> No.7572912

You should know fatties aren't welcomed here.

>> No.7572922

No, she was female. Her badge had a female name, she kinda looked likea not so fat version of pixyteri

>> No.7572950

have you ever seen suzuki kanon, shes not a stick. neither are sudou maasa pr that new group chubbiness.

>> No.7573389

>man face
It's a problem most white girls have.

>> No.7573408

Read the /fit/ sticky you probably look like ass despite the number.

>> No.7573439

You should see asian girls, most of them look like men without all the wigs and extreme makeup and photoshop. I was looking through comiket pictures and a lot of girls have square faces, wide noses and jacked up teeth.

>> No.7573451
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Let me put you at peace, ladies. The vast majority of people look like shit and nothing like kawai 2D character regardless of their race.

>> No.7573557

She still has my wig.

>> No.7573777

T-Thank you anon i'm feeling better about my stupid self now

>> No.7573794

There are plenty of people who can pull off looking like a character, just not the fat an ugly ones.

>> No.7573799
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Plus it'll save you money to not eat, if you're fat, you're probably eating more than a normal person in the first place

>> No.7573831


>> No.7573860

I hope you do realize a lot of us fatties eat better and workout to drop the weight yet we can't cause of whatever reason, conditions amongst them. And no, me having a condition doesn't make me a good fatty. I think a fatty is deserving of respect regardless of whether they have a condition or not. Live and let live.

>> No.7573872

Being fat from medical conditions is rare, most of you fatties just use it as an excuse. The average fatty is fat because they are lazy and stuff their faces like little piggies.

>> No.7573885
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>This thread

You guys enjoy having a sick body? HAH!

>> No.7573909

well and how is that even remotely your problem?

>> No.7573910


What condition? I have Hashimotos and I'm not fat. Most "conditions" just make you more hungry, they don't lower your metabolism or anything.

>> No.7573913

Who clogs the medical system? My taxes pays for you to be able to stuff shit down your throat and be saved by others.

Narcissistic choices impact the whole of society.

>> No.7573920

why do you speak as if fatties wouldn't pay taxes?

>> No.7573923

I have lipedema which is basically a fatty tissue disorder. Not much that could be done through diet or exercise, though I workout everyday and eat well (in fact I got to a point of malnourishing... but I began eating more recently)
Here's an educative, cute video about it

>> No.7573927

That's not the problem. They retire more benefits and will make me get less of my own benefits. I'm totally for helping the less fortunate having the same benefits, being fat because you're a lazy slob is not being less fortunate, it's being fucking lazy.

If they have a condition, most people are even more inclined to be healthier. They might be fat due to condition, but they'll be more healthy than that fat 500 pounds sack of shit. I'm all for helping these people.

>> No.7573934

It increases competition for the girls who aren't disgusting hambeasts. 2/3 of the women in America are fat (trust me, if you're a woman who doesn't lift weights and your BMI is overweight, you're fat) so any woman with a reasonably attractive face and a healthy body is in like the top 10% of hotness. This bloats their egos and turns them into bitches because everybody worships the ground they walk on.

You fatties are ruining America.

>> No.7573939

I want to add family conditions too. As in, the weight carrying over from when you were a kid because your parent would constantly feed you shit.
And unlike popular believe, most fatties do in fact not think they're amazing and beautiful and call everyone out on fat shaming.

I hate fat acceptance but just screaming "LOL FATTY" gets boring quick too.

>> No.7574020
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In the end, what everyone needs, is scooby.

>> No.7574261

>wake up with extremely strained neck/shoulder
>hurts to move, can barely turn head
>need to finish three costumes in two weeks
>can't try anything on without pain
>fuck fuck fuck
This shit had better be gone tomorrow. I ain't got the time.

>> No.7574279
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Or just blame your genes

>> No.7574357

Why are you still here, you frog eating fattie.

>> No.7574363

What the fuck. You're also fat so why are you speaking out against body acceptance? Plus, embracing feminism and social justice is the only way you're ever gonna laid [maybe].

>> No.7574380

you could always, y'know... work out like they do in love live.

>> No.7574409
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Fat people who "just can't lose weight" habitually grossly underestimate how much food they eat and overestimate how much they work out.

>> No.7574415
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I am omnipresent.

>body acceptance

>> No.7574417

Fucking this. Why are other people obligated to pay for some retard's bad choices? I don't mind paying for unpreventable illness or injury, but when some tard decides to commit slow suicide it shouldn't be on my time.

>> No.7574430

Why doesn't your mom just bag up a few of your things and bring them to you every time she visits?

I think anon means like... any size on earth is not healthy, there are healthy sizes, but not every size is a healthy size.

Not "you will never be healthy."

Sorry if I'm wrong and anon is just a cunt.

No, healthy weight for someone who's 5'5" (my height) is 110-120, so for 5'4" 128 is slightly overweight. Unless she's ripped or something.

Pretty much this.

>> No.7574435

>on the topic of weight

My BMR is 1450, but the recommended daily calorie intake for women is 1200. What do?

>> No.7574439

I am the previous anon with the lipedema condition and I just can't lose weight under I undergo a tedious, super expensive treatment that will involve massages and my legs permanently bandaged.
You can't judge others if you don't know their circumstances.

Also some people just can't put on weight, right? we know people like that, super skinny that can't put on weight no matter what. And nobody shames them.

>> No.7574444

>You can't judge others if you don't know their circumstances.
Yes you can.

>super skinny that can't put on weight no matter what. And nobody shames them.
The hell they don't! "eat a sandwich", "men like curves not bones", being asked or told that you're bulemic/anorexic, the list goes on.

Fat people are usually thought of as being uncontrollable slob eaters, skinny people are thought of as having EDs or being just crazy/bitches.

Also, I find it a bit ironic that you made that assumption and are so hypocritically defending only fat people.

>> No.7574446

>nobody shames them
Different anon here. Hate to shatter your vision of the world, but I get shamed a LOT for exactly that. I'm just that dumb anorexic skinny bitch to most people, nobody thinks that maybe I don't like looking like I'm straight out of the holocaust.

>> No.7574460

Let's see...
When you go to the doctor, are you told that ALL YOUR PROBLEMS will disappear if you put on weight, even though it doesn't have anything to do with your condition?
When you go to a store, can you NOT find anything in your size - and the section carrying to your size is made of ill fitting clothing that is radically more pricier than the rest of the items in the store?
When you go to a job interview, can you tell how they look at you like thinking "what the fuck are you doing here?" and of course you never get the job cause you're too skinny for them?
When you're in a restaurant, do you get stares from people watching carefully at what/how you eat and silently judging you?
When you look at magazines, do you see women that are the opposite spectrum of your body size being shamed when they uhm lose weight?
I don't think so.
Fat shame is more than people telling you to put down the fork and shit like that. Society has accepted it to the point that even fatties look down on other fatties. It happens to me too. When I see a fatty who's obviously larger than me, I secretly judge them too and sometimes feel "better" than them. I've even played dietitian with them at times. All that is thanks to the fat hatred in society.

>> No.7574463

Go back to tumblr if you want a ~privilege~ pity party. No one is going to compare their disadvantages with you.

We're just saying, stop discounting the issues of others if you don't want people to discount yours. This isn't a race or a contest.

>> No.7574465

>yes, because I also look 14 even though I'm 20
>no, but I'm not sure what this has to do with personally being shamed.

You're a fucking cunt if you honestly think that just because I'm thin I don't have issues with things like this. I have to buy children's clothes to fit my holocaust body, but they don't leave any room for boobs and they're too short. I can't buy pants because they're either too wide or too short. Most of my clothing is skirts and dresses, because I can't fucking fit in anything else.

I'm told on a daily basis by my own family in addition to strangers that I'm ugly and need to eat some cake because my knees are knobly and my elbows stick out, and you can see my ribs all the way into my back.

At least the overweight have all kinds of people saying that big is beautiful. At least SOMEONE is behind you. I've never heard anything but "Eat some fucking cake you skinny piece of shit." "Eeew, why are you so skinny?" "Wow LOL look at her knees." "No, you can't be in the front of the dance routine, despite this being your senior year after ten years of being on the team, because your movements aren't graceful enough because you're a fucking skeleton."

Just because the specifics of the shame are different doesn't mean it has less effect on the person being shamed. I understand how it feels to be treated like this, so I won't treat someone else like this. I'd think that you, clearly having gone through it, would understand that, but I guess not.

>> No.7574466

Different naturally thin anon, and YES, doctors tell me putting on weight will solve my non-weight related problems, YES it's ridiculously hard to find clothes that fit for cheap, YES, people watch the way I eat and feel the need to comment on it all the time. The "opposite end of the spectrum" would be a size perceived as unhealthy; do you really think magazines shame women for putting on weight when they are too thin? You're an idiot if you think only fatties are treated poorly. It's just a different kind of judgement. Society says you're fat because you are lazy and have no self control, I'm thin because I hate myself and have mental problems. Telling thin people they have it sooooo much better just makes me hate you more, fatty.

>> No.7574467

>ignores this >>7574444 well thought out and on point post
>replies to this >>7574446 hostile post with arbitrary examples making it a fucking contest
>b-but since i have more problems allegedly i'm more oppressed so your problems are invalid!
that's not how it works, anon. having more problems doesn't make someone else's invalid.

>> No.7574469

Spoiler alert, a lot of health problems are made worse by being fat.
More fabric makes more costly items.
Resumes and interviews are measured by your ability to preform the job. Stop projecting your own insecurities onto others.
Women in magazines only accurately represent 10% of the female population. Most women can't see themselves in a magazine.
Skinny shame is being told to eat a sandwich and stop eating salads.

People don't hate fat, they hate deluded fat people like yourself. Not everything is about how much you weight - fat, skinny or otherwise. Drop the victim complex and analyze your life.

>> No.7574470

That is a *fat consequence*, not a thin privilege. Being so fat you can't fit into clothes or fit onto bus seats or whatever is your own fucking fault 99% of the time. Society doesn't owe you shit. Fat entitlement is absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.7574472

What....? Is there an article in English that I can read or can you give some deets?

>> No.7574473

>When you go to the doctor, are you told that ALL YOUR PROBLEMS will disappear if you put on weight, even though it doesn't have anything to do with your condition?

Yeah, I'm sure you know more about medicine than YOUR FUCKING DOCTOR. I mean, what does he know? He's only been studying the human body for decades.

Stupid cunt.

And yeah, the rest of that shit happens to skinny people too. Skinny people can't find clothes because stores only stock items in fat sizes. People judge skinny folks for "not eating enough," or they get jealous when they eat a lot but are still skinny. Skinny guys have it even worse, but you don't usually hear us bitching about "thin shaming" or the unrealistic body standards we're bombarded with.

Fat shame is good if it encourages people to be healthy. Fat acceptance is a cancer.

>> No.7574474

>Fat entitlement is absolutely ridiculous.
This! Fat acceptance is nothing more than fat entitlement. I have a slight disability that causes discomfort and pain sometimes, and while it's annoying, it's abnormal and so while I appreciate preferential treatment I don't demand it, because like I said, it's abnormal and I know that it's not everyone else's job to accommodate me in every situation, it's my job to learn to adapt and get help where it's absolutely necessary.

Shit, even blind people are less entitled than most fat people at this point.

>> No.7574478

FUCK YOU calling me a cunt. I've heard people getting told to lose weight when they had a fucking ear infection.
And in my case, I have a bent coccix bone that hurts the most when I'm thinner, the doctor didn't even fucking TOUCH me, he FORCED me to go on the scale and told me to lose weight to feel better. My scoliosis will NOT get better like that, I've been to therapists and they told me so. So yeah. I think the cunt here is you.

>> No.7574481


'Nother skinny anon adding in:

I've had the worst self-confidence since I was like 8 because nobody will let me forget that I'm really skinny and it looks unnatural and they think I don't eat enough. In high school I was regularly called to the nurse's office to check my weight because they thought I wasn't eating. My boyfriend thought I was bulemic for the first few months that he knew me because I ate so much and was so ridiculously thin.

I can also second that clothing is really hard to find. I'll go into a dressing room with 10 pieces of clothing in my hands and come out with maybe one actually fitting. People are constantly watching me when I eat, I have no idea what they're thinking but if someone is watching you eat, I can't imagine it's good.

And my doctor has told me many times to gain weight, but that shit's not happening. I have severe joint problems (because no padding anywhere) and even migraines that she's told me would be better with more weight.

My fat ex-friend (Yes, a skinny girl with a fat friend!) stopped talking to me because she was pissed off that she couldn't (read: wouldn't try to) lose weight and my thinness made her mad. She was sort of shallow, though.

I'm very weak as well, have a hard time building muscle, so I'm sort of useless at a lot of jobs.

>> No.7574484


I've always wondered if it was mentioned as a thing while they were getting the ear infection, or if it was mentioned as a cure. Because people tend to blow things out of proportion.

Otherwise, they could seriously get sued for not providing antibiotics for a proven bacterial ear infection. I really doubt things escalated that far or else we wouldn't hear the end of some poor fat lady who got a brain abscess because of untreated ear infections.

>> No.7574485

I think you should stop armchair diagnosing yourself and instead listen to professionals.

Protip, the extra weight makes scoliosis worse and you can't get a brace if you're fat.

You keep piling on all these issues...first your fat because thyroid/genetics, now it's to protect your bones, and you even claim to have been thinner at one point. Just stick with something and stop fabricating shit into oblivion

>> No.7574487

I had a doctor refuse to treat or even acknowledge my pneumonia because she thought I had lost weight even though my medical records clearly stated I hadn't. She also referred me to anorexia specialists multiple times even though I'm clearly not anorexic. Fuck off.

>> No.7574490

Oh, anon, I'm so sorry.

I'm a chubby girl and I feel so bad when skinny girls tell stories like this. Losing weight, for me at least, wasn't terribly difficult, but it sounds like a huge struggle to put on healthy weight.

I mean, yeah, you could just drink soda and eat twinkies all day to gain weight, but it wouldn't be healthy.

I'm sorry. I hope things get better for you.

>> No.7574491

Fuck off tripfag

>> No.7574493

I had to go to the school councilor in highschool with my parents multiple times for 'possible ED' and they didn't understand/care that I have hypoglycemia for almost 5 months and consistently tried forcing me to go to ED therapy

>> No.7574501

Schools and suspected EDs suck. I used to lie about my weight when we did the health check up in gym because the nurses would give you shit about if you were too skinny.

>flashback to middle school when the teachers would make fun of me for bringing snacks so i didn't feel like i was going to puke or pass out

>> No.7574504

>drink soda and eat twinkies

Tried it, man. I've tried a healthy diet, I've tried eating like I should weigh 400 lbs. Nothing works. I think it may be due to a specific genetic disorder, my sister, mother, and grandfather all have the same sort of issues as I do, to varying degrees. Unfortunately there's no way to treat it anyway, and testing for it would cost several thousand dollars and a trip to a facility that's like 3 hours from home, so there's no use in actually finding out.

Congrats on your progress, though! I'm glad you didn't have this kind of trouble.

>> No.7574507

oh fuck he's fucking French ?
Hows life being ruled by sandniggers?

>> No.7574512

This. I work long hours in a fast food place, my boss is such an asshole he won't let me take two minutes to run to the back and have a quick snack so I don't pass the fuck out. I almost actually fell into the fryer once, and he let up a little, but he still gives me shit about it.

Meanwhile he takes 10 minute smoke breaks every two hours.

>> No.7574540

Why are we so cruel to one another?
The unnecessary demons we see in each other are merely reflections of our own insecurities and fears.

>> No.7574542

This pseudo philosophical bullshit won't fly here, friend.

>> No.7574581
File: 1.08 MB, 600x338, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to get pregnant and start trying
>husband loses job over the summer last year because downsizing
>lose health/vision insurance
>husband and i both decide it's best to wait
>Needs to find a job in one month since that's when he is officially supposed to leave.
>Get extremely lucky and friend of his gets him involved in electrician job.
>applies to become for apprenticeship
>6 months later gets approved for said apprenticeship
>Also have amazing health insurance at the end of this month plus he'll have a raise
>brings up having babies
>i just started working on a new cosplay
>feel like an asshat for wanting to wait until i can at least wear it once..
God dammit lol..

>> No.7574584

You won't show for at least four months, probably. Just do your fucking cosplay.

>> No.7574590

Idk man I'm just high af

>> No.7574591

I have a con later this year in november and then next year in march. Depends on when i get the ball rolling and finish it. Gonna finish it though. I'll figure something out if it happens.

>> No.7574601

i've been thin and tall my whole life, but in high school i was prescribed depression meds which made me very sick and killed my otherwise healthy appetite. i heard from several students that on one of the days i was out sick, our teacher outright told the whole class that he thought i had an eating disorder and for them to look after me. it was completely humiliating for multiple students to come up and, what's the term HAES uses? "health concern troll" my body? i digress.

>> No.7574604

Dude just wait a while on getting pregnant. What difference does a few months make? It'll give you more time to save up for actually having a baby too. It's great that you're better off now, but it's never a bad idea to be more prepared. Also: are you going to have the opportunity to cosplay much at all after a kid? Just do it. Enjoy it while you can.

Also, stop tacking lol on to the end of shit that doesn't make sense.

>> No.7574608
File: 212 KB, 1205x899, Rise amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoken like a true reject.

>> No.7574612

Eh, true. It's what i was thinking too. It'll probably be my last cosplay anyways. I don't have ridiculous amounts of space to hold this stuff. 4 is enough for me.

>> No.7574626


Your mom is a cunt for using him.

>> No.7574629

>Get half the story
>Assume the man is at fault

Sounds right.

It's highly likely that anon was being a bitch and deserved what was coming.

>> No.7575095

Far worse than just French.


>> No.7575112

No. It's always the mens fault. Men started all wars. Men are making fun of the cute and strong girl that is OP for being different bodied.

>> No.7575140

Every talking about losing and gaining weight from eating is a bit worrying. You should eat a healthy diet no mater what weight you want it is all about exercise. Sure certain foods can help but stuff like not eating to lose weight is seriously bad for you

>> No.7575142

I'm thinking about doing this for the girl I love (my future girlfriend)


do you think it will win her heart, girls?

>> No.7575214

I've seen a LOT of desperate doods get together with these crazy chicks and put their D's in some stomach turning weeabo/psycho/obese horror story material shit just because they couldn't ever find anything better. I've also seen some desperate bitches hook up with and fuck some homely neck beards too. It's a 50% 50% thing. There's just as much nasty ass crazy bitches as there are self absorbed fedora neck beards in the world.

>> No.7575256
File: 25 KB, 300x300, Feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really want to cosplay and hang out with my friend(s) at cons but I don't want people taking pictures of me because I'm camera shy.
>People will probably insist on taking my picture and I will have to deny them more than once.
>People will probably get pissed off at me and say how much of a bitch I am for not letting them take my picture.

>> No.7575273

>>Letting people barrow shit your not afraid to lose. Hope you learned your lesson.

>> No.7575295


That was painful to watch. I seriously hope you were joking.

>> No.7575442

Painful? I thought it was cute!

>> No.7575642

Ehh. I think it's a combination of bad lighting and bad makeup. They'd probably look cute in decent conditions.

>> No.7575876
File: 61 KB, 600x390, it feels physically like galerian Ben Hur but mentally like chariot driver Ben Hur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight, any of you seagulls that has focus or motivation problems on doing daily or regular tasks, be it studying, drawing, reading a book, doing exercise, sewing, and that WANTS to get over them, send me something with the task(s) you want to work on (can be very specific or rather general), your country (state/city if you're USA, as to establish timezones), and the hours where you'd be free to talk and work

Sessions have been going for like a week now, and they've been giving huge individual results: I now wake up early every day, lift more than ever, started running and draw more and more.
Sadly, most of the interested people chicken out and never show up to the sessions. We are hence still looking for more people that are ready to get motivated on a regular basis (but coming once or twice by week is worthless).

All I can say is coming to those sessions is one small step to make for all of you hungry for change!

>> No.7575954

So just buy a pack of cigs and go on a smoke break but eat a snack instead? Or I dunno, report him to HR

>> No.7576492

The girl was cute I'll give you that
What wasn't cute is the slight look of disgust in her eyes, and that instant head-turn when she started hugging him to let him sure she'll never kiss him. If you're a man and you're finding that cute, you're delusional about a lot of things

>> No.7576516

Guess it's time to lose some weight fatty.

>> No.7576527

Nobody wants to date you, loser.

>> No.7576646
File: 4 KB, 150x251, 1343381749262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ask for absolutely no personal info you lazy fucktard

>> No.7576678


>> No.7576687
File: 55 KB, 482x447, 1328823844632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why dont you fat fucks just dirty bulk and go to the gym at the same time?

You get the best of both worlds, you can shove McDonalds down your throat 4 times a day, and you get swole doing it.

Sure, you'll be less healthy than if you ate clean, but its not like you disgusting lard asses have anything to lose anyway, youre probably going to die at 40.

>pic related, its what non-fat people see you as at cons

>> No.7576698
File: 2.35 MB, 1920x1080, Clu5IEP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry you feel so sad, OP, but you should still cosplay it if it's something you love!

Love Live is about idols, and with how harsh idol culture is on weight in Japan, it's a given that they'd have an episode like this sooner or later. It'd honestly be unrealistic if they didn't, since Japanese pop culture, especially surrounding idols, is so focused on dieting and weight. You're not trying to be an idol in Japan, though- you're a cosplayer! So, just focus on the cosplay part and don't worry about all that silly weight nonsense. Lose weight if you want or if your doctor advises you to, not because you feel pressured by an anime. Good luck, OP!

>> No.7576738

If anyone needs someone else to vouch, I'm the other participant that's been doing this thing.

Even if you don't necessarily have serious motivation problems like I do, if you have something you've been itching to start up but never "found" time to do it, you can do it here. It can be anything from something mundane as a cleaning your room to serious cosplay work that you need to finish in time for them cons comin' up. We use tinychat so you're pretty much gunna stay anon as long as you don't pick a too obvious alias.

I had finals and a cosplay to fix within a week, and I chugged through it with little stress. Doesn't sound like much, but I've been seriously been putting off studying/assignments until it was last minute or end up not doing it at all during this whole semester.

Basically, it works because when your not the only person doing something you don't really want to do/start, it make you feel like you're not suffering alone. It works better than someone nagging at you at the sidelines.

>> No.7576750

Walking through a convention gives me sad feels. I'm surrounded by all these beautiful females in their geeky costumes, hobbies that are also mine but I have no one to share with. Then I see those cosplay couples who are together and it just hits me int he heartstrings. I want a pretty girlfriend who is into cosplay. Or just a pretty girlfriend in general.


>> No.7576757

>We use tinychat so you're pretty much gunna stay anon as long as you don't pick a too obvious alias.
How does this work exactly? You guys stay in a chat room doing what?

>> No.7576777

Basically we plan a schedule that fit's both persons times, we go in, say what we're gunna do for a whole hour, and do that task for the whole hour straight. Then when the hour is over, we report on our progress, maybe make small talk in between. It may sound quite plain, but for some people it's just nice to have a little encouragement and a metaphorical pat on the head for completing the task.

The purpose is to stay focused on something for a specified amount of time. If we had more people, we could probably arrange things just so long as there's at least two people in the chat room and possibly longer sessions, but for now, it's been scheduled one hour sessions.

Apparently there's been people who said they've wanted to come in but never did but eh.

>> No.7576779

Hi, hope the con's doing well!

The whole thing is very simple. Anon pretty much nailed it to describe how and why it works. It's a mix of social pressure, limited time and set deadlines, which are great ways to motivate someone to do something

>> No.7576788

Why don't you guys create a google excel where you can make more complex schedules/plans for each person and chat at the same time?

I'd like to join something like that.

>> No.7576789

And obviously that way everyone could share their progress and see how everyone else is doing.

>> No.7576798

Claudie pls be my future girlfriend

>> No.7576811

Because those meetings gather two people at most, and what you suggest seems overly complicated and essentially pointless
If the whole thing gets big with a hundred persons, sure, why not. But until that point, let's keep "efficient" methods aside

>> No.7576946

She already has a boyfriend (me)

>> No.7576947
File: 16 KB, 500x282, 1399543025624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7576971

Wow, nice misandry you got there.

>> No.7576977

>doesn't want to date me
>hates all men

>> No.7576980
File: 9 KB, 500x501, 1394167197024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7576984

>"she needs to stop acting like a child"

>Mum's dropping by every night to see me/give me some money for bus fares to and from school, buying lunch
>skipping lunches and putting that money into my bank account so I can buy a couple of costumes

NEWSFLASH: You are acting like a child.

>> No.7576987

>Does only eating veeeery little will help?
No, that only makes it worse in the long term. You WILL binge out on junk food at some point if you starve yourself.

>> No.7576993
File: 34 KB, 397x554, anime+reaction+thread+C+_6a4919708f1eb98b68eb013f8ff8816a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEWSFLASH: It's extremely difficult to own your own place as a student because that means working the several jobs needed to own a place to live on top of studying. Many people still live with their parents because the world economy is so shit. It's not their fault.
Also, their father kicked them out because of a reaction they had due to a medical problem. Kicking someone out of their home solely because of medical issues that they can't control is completely discriminatory and abusive.

>> No.7576998

Yeah but when you're in a situation like that you need to be saving money for real expenses, not Bodyline cosplay. That's the childish part.

>> No.7577003

so they're supposed to spend their entire time in school working and saving all of it, and not spending any of it on fun things

>> No.7577017

When she just got kicked out of her house and money is so tight mom feels like she needs to give her extra for basic necessities? YES.

>> No.7577018

>fun things
Fun doesn't have to be expensive enough for you to skip lunches

>> No.7577028

skipping lunches isn't that big of a deal

>> No.7577031

Skipping lunches that your mom is giving you money for so you can buy a cosplay is.

Stop whiteknighting yourself, your stepfather is right, you're childish as fuck if you don't understand basic shit like this. Cosplay is a hobby, not a necessity. Pull your head out of your ass and grow the fuck up.

>> No.7577085
File: 86 KB, 634x565, typical virgin from -a-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh so you don't want me then? Well fuck you then you slut.

Picture related. This is what you lost out on. A supreme gentleman.

>> No.7577091
File: 15 KB, 400x231, 236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7577132

If fat people should be accepted in society, then virgins should be accepted in society.

>> No.7577143

or virgins could stop their fucking bitching and learn to be socially acceptable

>> No.7577145

So fat people should stop their fucking bitching and learn to be socially acceptable

>> No.7577156

there's a difference between physical appearance and mentality
I thought that was obvious

>> No.7577162

Mentally ill : ingrained into a person's mind and needs professional work to cure, taking years and thousand of dollars
Being fat: eat right and exercise, done on free time and cost less than being fat

>> No.7577166

The irony is that Claudie would probably date that kind of guy. He's leagues above Masao anyhow.

>> No.7577167

>being a virgin is wrong

>> No.7577170

>I'm plus size

I thought the whole point of fat chicks was they were easy fucks due to low self esteem? Who wants a fat chick with confidence, especially confidence gained from delusion?

>> No.7577171

what the fuck does being mentally ill have to do with being a virgin

also, that's not how people with mental illness think

virgin: buy a hooker/be satisfied with 3/10 mate
being fat: get fucked over by metabolism but have people assume it's as simple as "eating right"

and this is all coming from a 95 pound person

>> No.7577173

It's not just "being a virgin". It's being a male virgin past the age of 18. You used to laugh when we said that all virgins are scum but it's been prove true two days ago. Virgin men are a danger to society -- not only do they contribute nothing to it -- but they're also responsible for virtually every shooting spree / massacre in the last 50 years.

>> No.7577174

>Using fatshaming unironically

I don't know what else to expect from a board full of women trying to look like cheap knock offs of 2D but still.

At least some people are willing to call them out but jesus I expected a thread full of ridicule and got this instead.

>> No.7577175
File: 13 KB, 205x223, 76-0986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop being fat?

>> No.7577176

being an asshole virgin that kills people because they won't fuck them is wrong

blaming other people because your ego is too big to accept that you're 4/10 is wrong

>> No.7577177

Hi vitagen

>> No.7577179

>be satisfied with 3/10 mate
Even a 3/10 girl wouldn't date / have sex with a virgin man. No matter how fat / inhuman she looks, she can always get a 6/10 black guy.

>> No.7577182

>suddenly every virgin is a killer

>> No.7577183

>be satisfied with 3/10 mate
Even a virgin wouldn't date / have sex with a 3/10 female. No matter how socially retarded / autistic he is, he can always get a 6/10 girl.

>> No.7577184

Just lose some weight then, tubby

>> No.7577186

When in the fuck did I say all virgins are killers

are you autistic

>> No.7577191

Lol no. A virgin man can never even dream about getting a 6/10. If that 6/10 is in some male dominated college (e.g. IT, Computer Science whatever) then she's promoted to a 8-9/10 and she gets a 9/10 boyfriend.

>> No.7577192

Basically the compromise:

If men are not "allowed" to be virgins, women are not allowed to be fat.

>> No.7577194
File: 27 KB, 300x162, 1400292232295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well at least you're not wrong that even he's better than Masao

My Little Thread Can't Be This Fucking Off Topic

>> No.7577196

Lol no. A 3/10 girl can never even dream about getting a virgin man. If that virgin is in some female dominated college (e.g. women studies, whatever) then he's promoted to a 8-9/10 and he gets a 9/10 girlfriend.

>> No.7577198

>somehow men are tied down to women in their proximity
My sides! Plenty of men ugly men have pretty girls, there are no ugly girls with handsome men.

>> No.7577201

Thread needs more LL cosplay pics.

>> No.7577203

You are fucking disgusting. Thinking that white knighting virgin men will get you popular?

I hope you get raped by some virgin from /a/.

>> No.7577207

>implying she doesn't love the virgins from /a/

>> No.7577208

>muh rape
>muh soggy knees
When are you going to off yourself? Seriously.

>> No.7577211

How is it even off-topic, I just told her to lose some weight which is what OP was complaining about in the first place you poofter

>> No.7577213

And with this post, you literally sunk your own battleship. Everyone reading this realizes how full of shit you are.

>Plenty of men ugly men have pretty girls,
Yes and those men have a lot of money and tend to be Jewish. But hey, the money makes them kind of cute, don't it?

>there are no ugly girls with handsome men.
Confirmed for basement dwelling landwhale. I have so many guy friends who are forced to date cunts who are not only 3 points below them in terms of attractiveness but MOST IMPORTANTLY have horrible fucking personality.

I bet you're the same person who posts about African food as if it was anything but shit in the other thread.

>> No.7577214

>implying everyone doesn't love /a/lphas

>> No.7577215


To be fair, you sound extremely underweight in a medical light.

Fellow previously skinny fag here. I'm a guy but I was always underweight. Thought fuckit and did a ton of /fit/ research and went from 5'9 125lbs (skeletor) to greek god at 170lbs.

Have you thought about gainer shakes? If you're in the US, bodybuilding.com sells it cheap enough (among a bunch of other sites with deals) and you can easily add 500-1000 cals/day to your diet without the need to force feed yourself. If you're worried about this all going straight to fat, you can do a simple 2 or 3 day / week 45min workout with weights.
Since you're building skinny up, any fat you store will go to the right places and you'll end up with a bombshell body.

Using a calorie calculator to find your daily maintenance cals, and what you need to gain on top of that (usually adding +500 cals/day), and then calorie counting for a bit using something as simple as a calorie app on your cell, it's easy to gain.
Sounds tedious, but most people eat the same 20-30 things per week. Once you learn to guesstimate calorie content of food you can ditch the app.

Just saying.

>> No.7577218

>And with this post, you literally sunk your own battleship. Everyone reading this realizes how full of shit you are.
I literally just took your posts and switched male with female. It makes the same amount of sense, so you're right in saying that's retarded.

>> No.7577220

>forced to date
Because they feel they *need* a girlfriend, which is a retarded standard women made up for men.

>> No.7577221

I don't think you know what whiteknighting is

>> No.7577222

Based newfriend scum from /a9k/.

There used to be guys posting from /a/ here. We have literally killed one of them.

>> No.7577225

Back to SRS with you. Even /cgl/ girls know that what I say is true and what you say is bullshit. By girls I mean actual girls who go out, not landwhale tumblr SJWs.

>> No.7577228


>> No.7577229

Right before /a/ was voted most sexy board, lel.

>> No.7577232

What are we supposed to do when we're skinny and female?

>> No.7577233

What's the difference between a 3/10 going out and 3/10 SJW? Almost none at all.

Don't cut yourself on all this edge, baby girl.

>> No.7577234
File: 325 KB, 477x351, 1399491166457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm singling out the virgin debate as being off-topic. Kindly learn to read a thread.

Take your debate to /pol/, this has nothing to do with /cgl/

>> No.7577236

We can't take this to /pol/ because everyone there would agree with me.

>> No.7577237

What, are you saying you actually accept virgins? Disgusting, they must be killed.

>> No.7577238

No you're right we should pull this thread back on topic

To the whale OP my advice to you is to shave off the extra bubbler if you want to cosplay a skinny character and not bitch about fat shaming.

Now this thread is back on topic.

>> No.7577241


>> No.7577243




>Yeah no, I don't like /a/ either.

Also the entire thread is all about /cgl/ girls saying that we never liked /a/ in the first place.

>> No.7577246

>forced to date
>forced to date
>forced to date
Forced? Who the hell is forcing them?

>> No.7577248

>trying this hard to troll her into saying she likes you
Pathetic virgins are pathetic.

>> No.7577253
File: 129 KB, 800x624, 1342976745208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look in that thread
>find this pic
>sides=leaving orbit

>> No.7577254

>double reverse trolling to trick her into saying she likes you
Pathetic virgins are pathetic.

>> No.7577255

Social standards set by women.

>> No.7577258

What the fuck does this even mean? I'm not even male or a virgin and I certainly don't want that shitposting underage tripfag to be friends with me.

>> No.7577266


Same as I mentioned.

Girls have this thought in their heads that they won't lift because it'll turn them muscly and disgusting.

This just in: Female Pro bodybuilders are laughing at you in hate. You'll NEVER be muscly without roids. Girls have like a tenth of the testosterone needed for building pure muscle. Lifting just makes your muscles more dense (you can lift heavier), and it'll keep you nice and toned since 45 mins of weights is equal to multiple hours of shitty cardio in regards to fat burning, but it also builds muscle.
If you're starting from skinny, combining high calorie intake with weights will ensure you're growing with the best body all the way up to your goal. It's just VERY important to make sure you're always in 500 calorie excess of your daily maintenance, maybe a bit more on gym day. It sounds complicated but it's not once you actually sit down and start. Just a few websites and punching in numbers, then doing it.

Also, as a skinny, you CAN do a dirty bulk. Meaning eat everything and anything. I would suggest always choosing things with less sugar, and more protein/good fats however, since you don't want to fuck up your insulin.

>> No.7577270
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pic related

Damn, that picture is old

>> No.7577274

Almost older than you!

>> No.7577276

>that thread
I remember when /fit/ hung around and derailed nearly all of our threads after that poll, most of them take up that thread
>we run this board!
Good times

>> No.7577277

because that forces them to date someone they don't like? they could just, i don't know, not date???

>> No.7577280

No. because then they're seen as losers.

>> No.7577282

I don't want dense and toned,
I just want tits and an ass

do you see my problem

I appreciate your information, though, thank you

>> No.7577284

Like fat chicks?

>> No.7577286

Not according to this thread.

>> No.7577287
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Heh. That was pretty good.

>> No.7577289

> You'll NEVER be muscly without roids

Not true. Not true at all. Extreme exercise builds muscles on women too, especially with lifting. When exercise is done in moderation, however, then the chances of having large muscles is small.

>> No.7577290

By who? Your male friends?
The majority of people won't think single people are losers, who even has enough time for that

>> No.7577294

>fat chicks don't think fat chicks are losers
Shocking, meanwhile all the /fit/ guys would never touch you when they could get nice slender women with big tits and shapely butts.

>> No.7577296

hey claudie would you fall in love wit me if I did this for you

then we could hold hands

>> No.7577297

Then why do fat guys know they're losers?
I can't comprehend it.

>> No.7577298

There are exercises centered around T&A. This all being said, I'm ignorant as all hell when it comes to exercise and I have no idea which exercises those would be.

>> No.7577301
File: 567 KB, 1061x1049, 1399459015383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't think that whole thing about /cgl/ having drama was actually true
Who is this Claudie and why is she so apparently important?
Ba dum tssssss

>> No.7577304

I think I could potentially get a bigger ass through squats, but I think for tits I should just start eating healthier/eating more

should I go to /fit/

>> No.7577305

Men are intelligent, rational, thinking beings.
Women are unintelligent, delusional, wishful beings. They belong on a man's dicks, its all they exist for. /fit/ owns you.

>> No.7577306

>Who is this Claudie and why is she so apparently important?
Nobody and she's not. You're just confused because she's the only tripfag ITT.

Go back to /a/, virgin.

>> No.7577308
File: 10 KB, 251x240, 6b53f011-ac0e-45c0-83f4-cbd77d709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides have ascended to the heavens. King of all fedoras has graced our presence. I will save that video to teach my kids from his mistakes.

>> No.7577314
File: 1006 KB, 490x368, 1398969403090.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a decent babyfreeze at the end. Needs to work on his toprock and floorwork though
I'm only a seasonal /a/ poster, I haven't been there for ages.

>> No.7577315

Well, to be honest that fedora guy is about the best she deserves (the trip, not the cute girl in the video).

>> No.7577316

*tips fedora*
You're apparently the future version of the guy from the video in this anon's post >>7577296

>> No.7577318

So much fedora it hurts

You should go to fit, but make sure to read through the stickies before anything. Reading those will honestly probably answer most if not all of the questions you have.

Yo I'm nobody, I'm just floatin by, don't mind me

>> No.7577321

i...i g-guess that means a n-no?

>gets broken heart
>literally dying inside of loneliness
you put me in the friend zone.... I'll put you in the grave zone!!!

>> No.7577322

Someone just linked this thread to /fit/. We all agree: Lose weight.

This is all of you in the future.

>> No.7577326

>read the stickies
thank you~

>> No.7577329

Always the friendzone, never the bonezone

>> No.7577335

Everytime I see a fat person, I look them in the eye.
Damn fucking right I am laughing at you. You lack the self control to not eat shit, and don't have the drive to do better.

>> No.7577337
File: 73 KB, 800x530, IMG-20140115-WA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this, a turkish soap opera?

>> No.7577341

Need some chloroform?

>> No.7577342


>> No.7577343

>don't have the drive to do better
but they're at the gym

>> No.7577345
File: 451 KB, 1536x2048, me being swag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have a chance, Claudie-chan?

>> No.7577352
File: 498 KB, 500x283, 1400291178737.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual cosplay feel because this thread is so shit right now:

>Be younger
>Lots of my cosplay friends (18~early 20s) go to cons and party
>I wanna go to!
>Parents be like nah, you're too young to be at a con that late/stay in a hotel/etc
>Be now
>Finally old enough to afford staying in a hotel and don't need any permission
>Yeah let's party!
>All my friends grew up, too, though
>"Sorry, we have like... adult stuff to do, y'know?"
>Only a handful even go to cons anymore
>Busy with work/grad school
>Some of them are even married already
>Fell super left behind

I know it was inevitable, but it feels like everyone grew up so damn fast

>> No.7577365


This is the mentality I'm talking about. You assume things and don't do any research.
Why would you not want dense and toned? It will not make you bulky. This is just a side benefit. 'Dense' doesn't make you rock hard or anything. Fit girls look smooth and sexy as fuck.

>I want tits and ass

Your pec muscles are under your tits. Increase pec muscles even a bit, pushes out your tits and makes them appear bigger.
Eating more calories will make tits/ass bigger.
Doing squats will give you DAT ASS.

I'm not talking out of my ass here, I know what you want and I'm telling you how to achieve it.


This is misleading. I know you clarified at the end there, but none of these girls will ever 'accidentaly' pick up an extreme weight routine unless their specific goal is to get bulk muscle. 99% female lift guides out there will just get them nice and toned. This just makes girls worry and develop and 'I'd rather pass on weights than risk it' attitude.
They will never look bulky unless it's intentional.

>> No.7577369

>Doing squats will give you DAT ASS.

My girlfriend squats. It is a glorious thing.

>> No.7577372


I sorta know what you mean. I've been worrying that my friends are all going just go somewhere else with their lives and leave me behind.

>> No.7577377
File: 126 KB, 256x192, Joshua wat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread
What just happened?

>> No.7577380

>Want to cosplay Donte
>Jacket is like $200+
>Poorfag with no job
>Get job
>Now everything is okay

>> No.7577381

>be 19 when I get back from the war
>all of my buddies are in their 20s
>can't go out drinking with them
>by the time I'm old enough to drink they're all married with kids

I know that feel

>> No.7577385

Fuck off. You're the worst namefag of 2014.

>> No.7577387

>by the time I'm old enough to drink they're all married with kids

If they're married by like 23-24 or whatever, trust me, you've won.

When half of them are filing for divorce or bogged down with kids you'll have lived life to the fullest and maybe got married when it made sense with a leveled headed individual (closer to 30).

>> No.7577400

Most of them married their girlfriends who stuck with them through the war. Trust me, these guys were a hell of a lot more mature than most 24 year olds. They may as well have been 34 years old.

>> No.7577413 [DELETED] 

I wish you and your friends died in that war, you fucking cis-het scum.

>> No.7577427
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>> No.7577433

Sailor Moon is exactly the same and look at how many hideous hambeasts cosplay from that.

>> No.7577455
File: 13 KB, 400x300, 1399686929942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a happy place.

>> No.7577477
File: 180 KB, 1452x794, zCuaBbm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/, since this is the feminist board of 4chan, I got a question to ask on how to be a proper feminist.

Is it violence against women if I punch a woman who is trying to hurt my daughter?

Picture related.

>> No.7577495

>violence against women
It is violence against a woman
Don't know what you're trying to start

>> No.7577538

Fucking bitch deserved to get knocked on her ass.

>I am a woman

A feminist believes men and women are in equal standings, therefore a feminist believes than any reason to punch a man is a reason to punch a woman. If a man attacked your daughter you'd punch him, wouldn't you?

>> No.7577684

Lose some weight then.

>> No.7577686

As an equalist, I believe everyone should be held accountable for their actions regardless of age, sex, creed, or religion.

>> No.7577770

Look at the tumblardian.

>> No.7577773

What are you talking about, she IS the whale in that picture going after bait.

>> No.7577779

I came here to laugh at you.

>> No.7578198

Just dress as Nozomi, you'll do fine.