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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 674 KB, 806x618, sugarywat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7558572 No.7558572[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We have an ita thread, but can we also have a "things itas say/do" thread? Can you tell someone's an ita before you even see them based on the posts that they make? What are the clues you look for?

>> No.7558584

>weeaboo screen name

>> No.7558590

Addressing the comm as "lovelies," "frillies," or any such thing. Also, intro posts with a shitty little question tacked onto the end so the post doesn't get deleted. People who, when unable to attend a lolita event on Facebook, take Facebook up on the offer to "say why they can't go."

>> No.7558595

This is gonna be a great thread. /r/ing screencaps of all kinds.

>> No.7558596

Call their dress/coord specifically their "lolita dress," or even worse, just their "lolita" or "loli". If they do happen to know the word "coord," they will spell it "cord".

>> No.7558602
File: 212 KB, 900x1051, cupcakeno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This type of poorly-done contrived "cutesy" posing

>> No.7558604

Some choice ones i have heard:
> "squirrel party is my dream dress!"
> "Ive been into lolita since i was a little kid!"

>> No.7558605

Saying in an intro post or whatever that they've been RESEARCHING lolita for YEARS and acting like they're an expert, even though they don't understand how to put together a good coord, or how to order from Taobao, or if Milanoo is a scam site or not. Shit is irritating.

>> No.7558608

Oh! And another one i witnessed once.
On FB i watched an ita claim that the F+F Kuroshitsuji ball dress cosplay was both totally lolita and, in her words, "No different than many of AaTP's designs"

>> No.7558609

Nice pic, OP.

>> No.7558610

Fuck, I do this all the time. Guess I'm an Ita now.

>> No.7558621

The poses would be cute if her coord was better

>> No.7558630
File: 948 KB, 318x241, 1262038084385b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"omg I've like always loved Japanese culture!"
>sole knowledge of Japan is from animu/mango/vidya
>that's like listening to Rammstein and saying you love German culture

>> No.7558631

No, they'd be cute if she actually made her face express some sort of emotion.

>> No.7558632

No, they wouldn't.
"kawaii!!1"poses are stupid.
hope this helps.

>> No.7558634

Are we talking about the same person? Does she have tons of freckles and runs a cringe-worthy maid cafe?

>> No.7558643

What if you invade poland a lot, does that count as loving german culture?

>> No.7558644

This was going to be my post.

>> No.7558660

she's actually really cute

clothes somehow remind me of my aunt, so would not bang

>> No.7558671
File: 70 KB, 612x960, tumblr_n4r4ztjAmd1soglwmo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might enjoy looking at Western Gals then

They're notorious for looking like idiots in the fruitless quest to look ~the most japanesu~

>> No.7558716

white girls trying to look like asian girls trying to look like white girls.

>> No.7558742

i am HIGHLY offended that the girl in the middle is wearing tennis shoes with DIA

>> No.7558754

this on! I saw a girl telling the comm she was into lolita since she was 7 years old.

>> No.7558768
File: 33 KB, 590x585, 1743505_1472845566260985_719254580_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These girls aren't even that bad. It's far worse than that.

>> No.7558772
File: 52 KB, 960x583, 10337764_10154124149395447_2710622319347731147_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7558774
File: 1.33 MB, 300x225, tumblr_ml032zNt5W1r7noybo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking more at the "super kawaii uguu" poses rather than bad fashion.

>> No.7558777


To be completely fair, the two on the left kinda look like they're trying to hide their faces. Maybe they realise it's embarassing and are only going along with it to keep the one on the right happy...

>> No.7558782

who is this?

>> No.7558787

>pointed toes.

>> No.7558794


>> No.7558801
File: 70 KB, 640x960, tumblr_n4r4ztjAmd1soglwmo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese girls do that a LOT though for some reaosn, they hide their face with their hand/look down/cover their face with their phone, etc

But like all good gals they HAVE to have the peace sign up in their photos, otherwise it doesn't count (or something)

In this one her face isn't covered and she's doing the SUPER LEAN FORWARD PEACE SIGN

>it's sad that I recognize what poses are overused and what poses aren't

Looks like she's a Russian gal. I don't know anything about her.
himeparadaisu at blogspot dot com

>I just watch gal for the cute clothes and to laugh at bad makeup, try-hards, and the pettiest of gossip

>> No.7558802

it looks like a cracked out princess peachie for some reason, it's so surreal and weird

>now...i... do... the... cat... paws...

>> No.7558806

When a person's post has random Japanese or uses emoticons like this ~_^ it no longer matters what their actual post is about because I'm already annoyed.

In real life, when I meet people who talk about how they like lolita, but make up dumb alternative names, pronounce it wrong, or try to go overly-Japanese on the enunciation, I'm immediately skeptical of whether their "gosurori wardrobe" is anything to brag about.

>> No.7558810

Nah, all you have to do is conjugate. That is what it means to be German.

>duck face pics

>> No.7558814

For some reason well-dressed lolitas never jump at every opportunity to give unwanted advice or proclaim how many years they've been in lolita.

>> No.7558820

At least 90% of foreign gals are terrible. They're all stuck on kurogyaru, which has been pretty much dead for a few years now. It's pretty sad/hilarious for them to shit on Neogyaru and apparently totally forget about sweet and girly styles.
And don't get me started on the nose shading. Japanese girls shades theirs because they have flat noses, and shading the sides makes it look taller and thinner. White people already have thin and tall noses, they don't need to smear dark mud brown on. Ashley's harsh shading and then the highlight at the tip makes her look like a pig nose

>> No.7558841

100% agree. Tired of western gals shitting on mode, neo and onee for being too toned down while walking out obliviously looking like trash. They try to hard when it comes to mimicking the style instead of altering it to fit their face structure.

>> No.7558950

This but when I say that I've lived in Japan/study Japanese and they start spewing memorized anime phrases at me in those annoying high-pitched voiced
Nobody actually talks like that in real life

>> No.7558976

Or they get frustrated and tell you either how they're part Japanese or how they went to Japan, did a bunch of shit they didn't realize was embarrassing, and make sure to mention that a ~real live Japanese person~ kind of maybe said something nice to them. Though, this is definitely in general weeb territory that's not exclusive to lolita.

>> No.7559065

proposed natural law to explain this phenomenon
>Not all weeaboos are itas, but all itas are weeaboos

>> No.7559072

I kind of want to make a movie/documentary about a group of really trashy, drug-addicted gaijin gyarus and itas who get a vacation in Japan for like 3 weeks.
I just want to see some white chick in a Milanoo lacemonster tripping on acid in the middle of the street and watch a blonde gaijin in tacky clothes and makeup drunkenly yell at guys in a host club and puke on them.

>> No.7559077

Unfortunately it's not that simple. I've known itas who got into it from goth or steampunk who were at least as annoying and clueless as the weebs. There's also the anti-weeb itas who wear their lack of interest in Japan as a badge of honour and think it makes them better than girls who actually do dress nicely but listen to JRock.

>> No.7559082

There's a relatively new ita in my comm who just joined and went to a meet last week dressed in a purple milanoo-ish dress with a yellow cosplay wig. She barely spoke to anyone despite our efforts to include her in conversations and it was really awkward. Afterwards she friended me on facebook and I added her to be nice. She only posts her "cosplay plans" which is basically her stating that she will be cosplaying tiny moe girls and asking where she can buy the cosplays. The rest of her posts are just self-pitying in various degrees ("nobody likes me", "why do I have no friends", "I'll remove my facebook since nobody likes me".) What do, /cgl/? I don't want to be mean to her but she is annoying as hell. She also seems like she'll never learn, since she said she had been into lolita for three years but her only dress was that milanoo-travesty.

>> No.7559088

defriend her, you cannot help her and you're only going to cause yourself stress worrying about it. This isn't your problem. She needs to grow up, enabling her by commenting 'oh no, you have plenty of friends!' is giving her the positive reinforcement she needs to continue that terrible behavior.

>> No.7559092

Gonna have to agree with >>7559088, ain't nobody got time for that shit

>> No.7559123

Defriend and nope the fuck out. If she wants to complain about how no-one likes her, make it a self fulfilling project. If you're gonna whine about your lack of friends to your friends, pretty soon they won't be your friends any more because you aren't valuing what you got.

>> No.7559139

>Oh, I've been into lolita for YEARS!! I've read a lot, but I'm only starting to wear it now. So, you think it's safe to buy from Bodyline?
>turns out "YEARS" meant she saw it at a con 2 years ago and have since only read the lolita handbook

>Hi, my name is Kuroningyou/Nekohitashi/Himechan! It's japanese for doll/kitty/princess! Kawaii!
>Flunked out of japanese course after a few weeks

>I'd love to go to the meet, but I only own Bodyline... I'm poor and have this terrible illness and my mom won't drive me there. Convince me I should go anyway!!
>Finally shows up, sits there all pouty and acts defensive towards anyone trying to politely include her in conversations. Afterward whines about "elitists snubbing her out for not wearing a brand fullset" on her personal blog

>> No.7559154

>lolita comes up as a topic on a random message board
>less than a half dozen replies in, somebody has already brought up "elitists"
>"but it's really fun you should just do what you like"
I've seen it many times and by now don't even bother looking for pics. The moment somebody says "elitist" you know they're ita as fuck.

>> No.7559165

>Japanese girls do that a LOT though for some reaosn
Stalking is a big problem in Japan.
Besides, dressing in alternative fashion is still considered shameful, so they probably want to avoid recognition.

>> No.7559177

This so much. How wasn't it mentioned earlier?
>"I wear lolita (or ita names like loli, gothloli, rori) for fun!!11 Rules are mean, fuck the elitists" >there's a 150% chance of you looking like complete shit girl

>> No.7559182

I think they can lose their jobs too

>> No.7559251

What, the Facebook thing? I'm mostly talking about the random nobodies who post on each event "no, my mom can't give me a ride" when they're fucking 25 or some shit. If you're a connected part of the comm and say something like "can't make it, have fun!" it's a little different. >>7558634
I'm just talking in general, but I'm curious to know who you're talking about.

>> No.7559349

I totally know what you're talking about. The people that skip out on basically every single meet and give some long winded pathetic excuse why ("my mom can't give me a ride and my car broke down two years ago and my puppy is sick, not to mention I have bad knees and my beetus is flaring up...") even though nobody really cares because they MAYBE attended one meet in the past. It's not just once or twice it's like every meet has some sob story attached. While everyone else is just like, sorry, I have work!

>> No.7559352

>ita names like loli,

Is it really so bad to call it loli? I only ever call the fashion lolita, but when I'm using it as an adjective, it's almost always loli.

I can generally tell if someone is an ita just by the way they talk about the fashion. Itas always seem really excited about every aspect of lolita, and try to shoehorn everything in their lives to relate to it. "Bought a bow, I think this would go great in a coord!" "This blouse would look so great in a lolita outfit!"

>> No.7559353

Horrible coord, no hairpiece, greasy face and hair
>they hate me because I'm fat!

>> No.7559355

lel I thought it was underage minxi

>> No.7559357

loli always has had the pedo comic meaning to me. So I stay away from it personally.

>> No.7559361

They open up their own "deco and kawaii" goods shop with poorly made deco foods on cheap chain necklaces and wonky quilting fabric bows within their first 3 months, secretly hoping it's enable them to afford all the burandos of their dreams.

..It'd be pretty funny if there was a "just ita things" tumblr to make fun of this phenomenon

>> No.7559367

She's this weeb fatty-chan I know who decided to run a maid cafe at my college. It's painfully obvious an excuse to attention whore since she's pretty much in every dance (badly). Also in the beginning no one wanted to do it except her because of logistics and money, and she didn't get why no one wanted to since it's supposed to be fun. She also made an idol group consisting of about two people so far. Every time I hear about her shenanigans it's so cringey.

She claims she's a lolita despite that I've never seen an outfit, and she always says she doesn't have a full outfit isthatokay when there're meetups. (I don't think she went to any anyway.) All I know is she loves loves Bodyline and would be a horrible lolita. Her makeup's terrible, she squeezes into clothes too small for her, and her face is just so blotchy. She also joined the local mori community, oh god.

>> No.7560253

Speaking with that animu baby voice like a squeaky fluttershy. Thing is, this is something normal level+ lolitas do, especially sweet.


>> No.7560352

>tfw I have a high pitched voice and people might think I'm doing it to sound cuter

>> No.7560357

Same. It's even happened before, but when I try forcing my voice down I just sound stupid.

>> No.7560358

Is this person from the midwest?

>> No.7560360

My biggest hate. I guess I have a pretty low voice, so unfortunately for people like >>7560352 I just assume every really high pitched voice is totally fake.
Alizabunni/ Princess Amai is the worst, but she seems to have deleted all of her youtube stuff.

>> No.7560364

I learned to talk from cartoons and am autistic, so I go between talking in a high voice to a low one unknowingly.
It's pretty embarrassing.

>> No.7560370

I don't want to sound mean but that girl on the left needs to do something with her legs before wearing those shorts. Her legs look like tree trunks. Maybe it's genetic though

>> No.7560371

>tfw my voice unconsciously gets higher when I speak with strangers
I also end up speaking slower, so it's probably more of an uncomfortable thing than a kawaii thing.

>> No.7560384
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, evetaku-kamisama-no-memo-chou-01v2-1280x720-x264-aace6a3d5d1-mkv_snapshot_17-14_2011-07-07_01-19-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have been into it for years, but can't afford much yet, but when you meet other lolitas at cons and stuff, you like to ask them questions you already know the answer to just so you have something to talk about because you're awkward as fuck

>> No.7560399

Yes, loli is not the same as lolita and gives off the completely wrong impression. They are entirely two different things.

>> No.7560405

Ah same here! People think this less when talking to me in person though, because they see how tiny I am and it makes sense. But every time I talk to people online they always think I'm faking a "cute" voice or something.

>> No.7560441

Nope, Northeast.

>> No.7560442

I hate the squeaky animu voice, but I think it's clear when people normally speaking with a high pitched voice, and a fake weeb moe speech. That video was a good example of trying too hard with the "hiyee, yay~, oh!, wooh, ummm, eheehee"

>> No.7560444
File: 905 KB, 1300x1963, _IGP4043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me..what do you think?
First coord

>> No.7560456

The pearls fuck everything up

>> No.7560462

The pearls are a shit and the skirt is cheap shit
you have a nice face and hair though

>> No.7560463


>> No.7560472

Ok thanks, I'll try to do it better next time

>> No.7560478

You bought one of them Bodyline blouses with a huge collar. It doesn't look good on anyone and it looks like it's swallowing your head. Sell it.

>> No.7560935

>lil pri
it sounds like an anime about ita rap
lil pri ft. yung burando

>> No.7560957

Oh, man, so does mine. My voice is naturally pretty high, to the point where my friend made fun of the fact that I sounded like a baby on the phone. My first time speaking to a different friend on Skype, she said I sounded like I inhaled helium. I also have high-pitched 'chu' sneezes and yawns, and I embarrass myself, because I just know people think I'm doing it on purpose.

I'm not Xiao level of squeaky, but damn what I wouldn't do for a nice, husky rasp some days.

>> No.7560963

>erryone princesses
>oh my gosh
>dat replica mess
>dat nappy brown hair

Fucking Peachie clone attempt? Gawd she's so lumpy in that dress.

>> No.7560980

How come no one has mentioned the sailor collar?
It's a cute concept but it looks like it was made of paper.
Like the paper you put in present bags to make 'em look nice.

>> No.7560981

I actually met a girl who was very nice and polite, but kept saying things with an obnoxious, over the top japanese accent wich annoyed me to no end.
Later my friend told me she was german and that their pronounciation is very similar to japanese

Felt pretty horrible for a while...

>> No.7560994

Is that a penis accessory on her side? HA!

>> No.7561003

"~_^" isn't SO bad, I draw the line at :3c though.

>> No.7561009

Don't, though.

>> No.7561013

I really like those shoes on the far right. Anyone have a source? I think they'd go well into my western wardrobe...
(Sorry if I have no taste.)

>> No.7561020

This. Dear god if anyone can explain how "Wearing a pretty fashion for fun" and "Disregarding the aesthetic that makes it pretty" corelate?
I never thought looking awful was fun. Das jus me tho.

It's not considered "Painting for fun" when you use shit instead of paint.

>> No.7561029

>"Sorry I can't come I don't have an outfit yet!"
>"Sorry I can't come I ordered a dress but F+F haven't shipped it yet! (;n;)"
>"Sorry I can't some, my dress is stuck in customs!"
>"I wish I could attend, but I haven't got shoes or a blouse or a bag or a wig or a petti for my coord yet!"
>"Sorry I ordered my shoes but I don't think they'll be here in time... Have fun though!"
>"I have to give it a miss, I still haven't found a perfectly themed bag and I don't know where to buy socks yet?"
>"Aww this looks fun but I can't find blouses in my size. Sorry maybe next time."
>Sorry I can't make it, I'm still waiting on-

>> No.7561033

Foundation garments are important. Invest in a good petti and a really well-fitting, sturdy bra.
Seconding the "nice hair and face" bit though.

>> No.7561059
File: 22 KB, 483x427, ita things.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ask, I deliver.


>> No.7561082

it's one of those clip on fox tails.

>> No.7561097
File: 26 KB, 400x302, Da_Rules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems to be an ita thing to never EVER accept con-crit, and to be immensely supportive of other itas. I spot them on Closet of Frills all the time, maybe the coord isn't terrible but I try to give some advice and it's just excuse after excuse and people giving out to me about trying to enforce "the rules" and I'm like... okay but lolita has a certain aesthetic and if you're not following it then it's wrong... it's so frustrating!

>> No.7561117

the style kinda reminds me of http://juzt-lolita-thingz.tumblr.com . used to read all the time but no one submits anymore.

>> No.7561120

People should submit to this one, I'm always interested to see the ita things people discover.

>> No.7561127

Ahaha I love "raiding grandma's closet"

>> No.7561140
File: 20 KB, 365x86, Screen Shot 2014-05-16 at 12.53.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do itas always seem to have medical problems that prevent them from wearing clothes properly?

>> No.7561144
File: 34 KB, 496x334, excuses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same girl. Excuses, excuses everywhere! Clothes in the wash, I'm too small for the clothes I bought that are too big, my sleeves are too long for the jewellery I'm wearing...

>> No.7561158

This is the thing I hate the most. Like, 'I can't do that an that and that because I'm a siiiiiick bouh bouh bouh'.
I've a legitimate illness and it doesn't prevent me from looking good. If you don't want to wear flat or cannot, just say that you prefer heels. Nobody wants to give you a free pass because 'muh illness'.

>> No.7561164

I know those feels. Sometimes I get the high pitch sneezes and have been accused of faking them but I'm really not! It's embarrassing when it happens..

>> No.7561166

I have knees that dislocate, I once fell on my face because they popped while I was walking down a step. But you know what? I looked kawaii as fuck falling on my face because I didn't let my shitty knees dictate how well I put together a coord. - Not wanting to wear flats doesn't mean sneakers or heels the wrong colour works.

>> No.7561168
File: 186 KB, 500x338, tumblr_n5q83t6oUr1tc7hp8o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is genius

>> No.7561173

I don't know much about dislocating knees but I would assume that something like Clarks or theraputic shoes or inserts would help?
But instead of asking something like "do any other lolitas have this problem? what shoes do you recommend?" she's just like "SORRY I CAN ONLY WEAR DIRTY CONVERSE, DEAL WITH IT LOL"

>> No.7561174

That dress just did not fit. I wanted to pull it up a bit and those creepy cute hair pieces that really didn't work with that print

>> No.7561175

It sounds like she's new and hella tiny. That sort of stuff takes a sec to figure out calm down.

Personally I didn't even realize I was too small for Asian clothes untilled I bought a few pieces.

Tl;Dr its not an 'excuse' but a legitimate problem that you have pictorial evidence of.

>> No.7561181

Converse have no support in their shoes. So that's bs. She probably doesn't want to buy decent shoes with proper support (which can be anywhere from 34.99 and up) or atleast get some scholls inserts for half that.

>> No.7561182

i really hope this new blog does well! it seems pretty humorous so far. as long as they dont single out people maybe tumblr wont lose their shit

>> No.7561183

Yes but she posts all the time, and appears to have hopped around different comms, so she's not a total noob. It's not the mistakes I personally have a problem with, its the attitude itas give when they are given advice. If I find out something doesn't fit - which is fairly often - I sell it rather than wearing something that looks bad because it doesn't fit.

You can make mistakes, who doesn't? But accept con-crit and don't act like it's impossible for you to dress yourself well.

>> No.7561184

It seems to be pretty general so far and faces are covered so hopefully tumblr won't get butthurt

>> No.7561192
File: 94 KB, 500x305, tumblr_n5q9j6kZrP1tc7hp8o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one I like.

>> No.7561211

Yeah, it's the attitude. For example a common suggestion to try a different kind of shoe or blouse is usually met with
Whereas non-itas will say something like
>I guess I'll have to save up!
>I don't have a lot of money, does anyone know where I can get a cheap blouse that would go with this coord?
>is there any way I can alter my blouse to make it look better?
Another common one is saying the clothes are too baggy, tight or don't fit.
>abloobloo this is just my body type I can't change it
>Is there a better dress that would fit my body type?
>Maybe I'll try altering it
>Would a belt help this look more flattering?
It's all about the attitude.

>> No.7561227

Exactly. Non itas will always want to improve, whereas itas seem to be offended if you think that they can improve. Boohoo, you picked a fashion that has standards, if you didn't want that then wear whatever you want just don't call it lolita! And for the love of God, don't post in a group where criticism is welcomed if you aren't going to accept it when it comes!

>> No.7561242


I wonder if any of these girls who 'dislocate' their knees have actually seen a doctor about it.

My patella bone moves around quite a bit, so I saw a doctor about it, and he recommended me some exercises which helped strengthen them. It does you a lot of good in the long run.

>> No.7561246


*helped strengthen the muscles around the joints, rather.

>> No.7561254

I didn't ask a doctor about it but I used logic. My knees are incredibly weak, I used to find it painful to ride a bike, for instance because the peddling put a strain somehow - not sure of the science behind it. I started doing squats and running to strengthen my legs in general, and took my bike out, sometimes that involved having to get off and walk it but hey, it worked and they're stronger than they used to be! Apparently girls often have a problem with growth spurts affecting the muscles and ligaments around the knees. I just wear good quality shoes and laugh it off if I fall over, no point in pitying myself over shitty joints!

If you have any specific exercises that worked well though, that would be fantastic!

>> No.7561256 [DELETED] 

get outta here you filthy spic

>> No.7561259

I had a really bad fall a while ago actually, I was knocked from the side by someone walking past me and I felt my kneecap sort of bounce, and then I couldn't walk properly for about a week. It was so fucking painful. That's the worst of it though, they don't bother me too much anymore daily, I just have to be careful because if I do get bumped the wrong way it can seriously damage me..

>> No.7561262

#omg #me #lolita #sweet lolita #gothic lolita #classic lolita #japanese fashion #gyaru #fairy kei #mahou shojo #magical girl #sailor moon #cute #kawaii #feminist #queer #nonbinary #ftm #lesbian #tw food #tw glitter #tw sugar #tw bright colours #tw cultural appropriation

>> No.7561269

I'll never stop laughing at fake trigger words
>#tw sugar
$10 says this is a real thing

>> No.7561271
File: 32 KB, 582x236, Screen Shot 2014-05-16 at 2.34.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what do you know

>> No.7561274
File: 29 KB, 645x283, ss (2014-05-17 at 06.49.55).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7561277

goddamnit you beat me

>> No.7561278

damn you
this could have just been a thread full of the same screenshot

>> No.7561283

#tw god #tw beat

>> No.7561284
File: 500 KB, 350x265, 324553734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, stop.

>> No.7561286

#no #bitch #tw misogyny #tw no #negative/////////456453/4//34/853/4/38/4/384/3/48/63/48/348/

>> No.7561287

holy shit you need hair accesories in lolita? headbows look so bad on me, will a matching barette/hair clip work?

>> No.7561288

Are you that new ? You need an hair accessory for a complete coord : bonnet, hat, bow, barette, beret etc. Now go back learning your basics on fyeahlolita.

>> No.7561294

Yes but it can be anything.
Cute hats (NOT MINIHATS), beret, barrettes, corsages plz research moar

>> No.7561305



>> No.7561319

wtf is it with that /////////// spam after a tag ive seen it so many times

>> No.7561323

It used to stop it coming up in the tag but the new system fixed that. Nobody has realised.

>> No.7561331
File: 18 KB, 491x193, based tyler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wants to bet this bitch posts on or reads BtB frequently? She just sounds so insincere and ~*kawaii moral high ground-chan*~.

>> No.7561349

"ughhhh just be nice to people!!! u dont need to be a bitch!"
>posts this

(her voice reminds me of the cotton swab girl from Zoey 101 ugh)

>> No.7561371

I'd be curious to hear what any of the girls saying their voices are high-pitched but without trying to sound "kawaiiiii" sound like. I've come across a few irl and their voices always throw me off.

>> No.7561458


Where are those heels from anon? I'm digging them.

>> No.7561461
File: 289 KB, 500x311, tumblr_n5qjk8dYGm1tc7hp8o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made me choke on my coffee. Cat ears + non cat related coord = trademark of the ita.

>> No.7561477

Because by doing it wrong, they assume they're doing it ~*~creatively~*~
Aka wearing shitty lolita = edgy and creatively ~*~ special~*~
Painting with shit = Breaking the rules ~*~fine art~*~

Let's add the "~*~" thing as something itas tend to do. I feel ashamed having to type it so many times as that.

>> No.7561482

Anyone who says
>idk I'm weird
Should be on the ita in every area of life list.

>> No.7561485

I saw her on the regular ita thread - twice on the same thread. *facepalms*

>> No.7561490
File: 353 KB, 497x529, noooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there we go.... No. No it is not even "lolita".

>> No.7561506

Loli is a hentai thing. People will think you want to attract pedo neckbeards.

>> No.7561515

Wow I think this is gorgeous

>> No.7561519

I really like this anon.

>> No.7561525

It's still not lolita though.

>> No.7561533

It's very nice and well coordinated but it's not lolita, more lolita-esque or sort of..... aristocrat? maybe?

>> No.7561558
File: 18 KB, 220x220, walkawayfromthescreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl in my comm said that she had wanted Squirrel Party since she was like 13, which is a great combination of both.
If you're going to lie about how long you've been into lolita, at least choose a dress that's old enough.

Girl I know also did this, and I was pretty embarrassed for her. I really thought she'd end up with secrets made about her, the way she kind of spammed the comm with it.

Thank you for also thinking this, anon.

>> No.7561573

anyone who gives themselves a nickname with a japanese honourific in it. (If I had a penny for every "hime-chan")

>> No.7561594

I'm poor and building a wardrobe. I never post pics, and won't until I have all the pieces. I fucking hate people that act like it's required to post a coord, even if it's unfinished.

>> No.7561604

The girl originally posted is annoying as hell, too. 5'1" isn't that short (I'm the same height), and if the clothes you bought are too big, you should have them altered or find something smaller before wearing them out and posting photos of yourself online.
People with this sort of attitude make me wish I could reach through the screen and throttle them.

>> No.7561606

It's so pretty, but so not lolita, ugh. I want her to do some sort of shironuri photoshoot with clouds and stuff for a set.

>> No.7561652

Why do they seem so ready to reject the notion of rules? The rules were written by other Lolitas to help each other better understand the style! You'd swear they were laid out by fat old republican guys in sweatpants the way Itas react to them.

>> No.7561656

There are DOZENS of alterations places she could take her stuff to, taking things in and taking things up are literally the easiest ways to adjust sizing. Fuck when you're in a fashion that often has adjustable lace-up shirring panels, or where larger girls let pieces out by sewing waist-ties into their side seams, not getting things taken in is just fucking lazy.

>> No.7561664

She was in my comm for a while and used the comm page like her personal journal. She flounced after she was asked to post only relevant things. I don't know what she thinks lolita IS, but I bet it won't be long before the phrase "I thought Lolitas were supposed to be NICE :,3 " is used.

>> No.7561670


Oh dear, I remember that. Started spamming the page to the point where I wouldn't check it anymore. Although isn't it the other incident that made her flounce?

>> No.7561675

Not sure whats shes doing with that corset and having dress leaking out around her boobs...

>> No.7561678

The thing with the selfpost and the cosplay and the ha ha ha? Did that come after? God damn I think she made most of us want to pass her around and give her a good shake with that. Either way I'm delighted to see she's not exactly winning the internet, because I did feel bitchy when I'd see her posts and think "oh ffs what NOW?!"
At least I wasn't being irrational?

>> No.7561684


Yes, that one, oh god. I distinctly remember her falling the face of the earth afterwards. But damn, I was giving her the benefit of the doubt at first because I had my own embarrassing stage, but then she just went on and on and, well, here we are almost a year later.

I think she's beyond saving anyways.

>> No.7561689

Oh well she's her own problem now. I think she might be still young, maybe she has time to cocoon herself away from the internet and develop properly.

>> No.7561707

Oh lord.... Newsflash, Lolitas are people!

>> No.7561818

this is exactly me. I'm still building my wardrobe and have only posted 1 outfit seriously because the outfits I WANT to make aren't ready yet. I hate people who make excuses for looking ratchet as fuck

>> No.7561871

Yeah my coords are always really simple because I haven't got a load of stuff yet, but I still don't wear something out with mismatched shoes or anything because *lol fuck it I didn't have the right ones yolo* ~~~ because if I don't have something I need to wear with the dress then it's not a fucking coord. I'll have things like normalfag bags that match because I need a bag to keep stuff in or ballet pumps/heels that match the colours in the coord because they may not be brand or even taobao but they match the aesthetic and work with the coord.. I just don't understand.. It's worse because itas have so many nicefags telling them not to listen and how cute they are anyway and sure that's fine just stop posting and claiming you're wearing lolita...

>> No.7561904

Wow. What a hypocrite.

>> No.7561908


>> No.7561910

aren't we all kinda guilty of this though? well, ok, a lot of people. you kinda get so excited to be part of something you feel passionate about, that you just wanna jump right in and get in on the action. and this is the crutial point where all the 'itas' appear.

>> No.7561952

>> "squirrel party is my dream dress!"
I feel like I read this really recently

>> No.7561968

Absolutely, I have been a culprit of that - for all of a few days. The difference between excited newbies who have never had a group to talk about lolita with before and can't wait to start and actual itas is the change in attitude and the rectifying of mistakes/avoidance of potential mistakes. Also, willingness to learn.

>> No.7562026

I admit to using fake names for lolita and other things a fair amount of the time, but its because my name is insanely common. There is always at least two girls already with my name in any group I join. But then again I just use a less popular name that actually suits my ethnicity.

>> No.7562074
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>> No.7562158
File: 21 KB, 283x420, ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this on facebook that someone plans to wear to A-kon. That poor, uninformed girl...

>> No.7562163
File: 320 KB, 831x637, facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D - Did she really just enter her own brand into the Lolibrary...?

>> No.7562188

I actually think that this is really cute and generally well-constructed (Bad choice of a print, though. Pixels will never translate well into a fabric print. Stop.) but.. Wow.

She's trying a little hard here.

>> No.7562192

I'm rustled.

>> No.7562244

It's made to be see through, it's made of sheer organdy.

>> No.7562260
File: 56 KB, 1135x445, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't think opening themselves up to ratings was their best choice.

>> No.7562349

Lolwut. None of the Germans I know sound remotely Japanese. Either she WAS faking a Japanese accent or you don't know what a Japanese accent sounds like.

>> No.7562440

Actually, Germany is a small country but packed with TONS of different accents. It's possible to come from Northern Germany and understand whack shit of what a Bavarian person is trying to tell you, so intonation differs a lot.

>> No.7562469

well our pronunciation actually really is very similar to the japanese one. I could see someone who didn't know that they were german and had a certain preconceived opinon, mistake it for a fake japanese weeby accent

>> No.7562473

Any pictures of what she was wearing?

>> No.7562502

It's on the other ita thread and still up on the facebook group. She had the creepy cute hair accessories.

>> No.7562537

I'd love to help you out, anon, but it was in a very private comm. Posting caps here is a no-go. The best examples I can give would be
>"Would this be considered lolita?"
>Floor length V-kei cosplay, pretty sure it was Hizaki from Versailles?

>"Cute dress for sale, but baww it's size M, I'm too small a bloo bloo..."
>In a comm with 2 plus sized girls and one EXTREMELY petite member who somehow manage to suck it up and dress themselves without the whole group getting a saga out of it.

Why hun. Why.

>> No.7562538

I sound like a breathless mouse when I'm nervous/ talking to strangers. It's probably some kind of inbuilt defense mechanism ("if I sound cute and young and harmless they won't hurt me!") but it's annoying as fuck because I don't realize I'm doing it until it's too late. People probably think I fake it but I don't know why anyone would WANT to sound like a Disney sidekick that just ran a marathon. It's not kawaii, it's weird.

>> No.7562571
File: 688 KB, 996x754, RUpn8q4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I don't understand the whole "boohoo I'm too small thing". Firstly - in lolita that's likely to be a benefit more often than a hinderance, it's easier to take things in than out and it's probably (generalising here) easier for petite girls to find things that flatter their body type in lolita than it is for plus sized lolitas. There's this one Irish girl who is so very tiny, and she is absolutely stunning all the time, I don't know if she wants herself posted on here, but I follow her tumblr and she takes my breath away. Excuses are tiresome and pointless, no one wants to hear your sob story about how your knees are descending to your ankles therefore you need floor length dresses and non-lolita elements to feed the demons that live in your elbows.. I'm far from "well dressed" standard in my opinion but I'm constantly looking for advice and ways to improve. It's just irritating when people take such a beautiful fashion and give it a bad image by going out looking like they're wearing bad cosplay and labelling it "lolita". It really grinds my gears.

>> No.7562573


Ugh, I'm the same way, anon. My sneezes are really high pitched and get accused of being an attention whore. I play get on vent/skype a lot since I game quite a bit and I used to get a lot of shit for it until I started purposely muting everytime I felt a sneeze coming on. So fucking annoying.

>> No.7562587

If you look up physio sites there are often rehab exercises for people who've popped their knees, also look up patellar tracking disorder exercises. Basically it is about quads strength and balancing muscles, or in more extreme cases of joint dysfunction sometimes surgery is useful.

>> No.7562643
File: 25 KB, 445x117, here we go again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's really still doing the whole 'abloo abloo abloo the dress won't fit me perfectly' thing. Hopefully one day she'll realise that Japan is a weird place that makes only two sizes for each fashion and everyone is expected to conform to that expectation, and for better or for worse, western lolitas have to work with what they have. Sucks, but we're dealing with a very different mindset when we're importing the clothing.

>> No.7562651

I could understand not getting brand altered in case of reselling. But - Fairly gaudy bodyline dress, clearly wrong size and shape for your figure, why not alter it so it looks good? tbh I have a feeling she hates criticism so much that she's hell bent on "liking it long" now because someone told her it's too long. Can't have brand whores bashing you with the rules now can we? Or maybe, just maybe, there are nice people who want you to look nice and avoid having an entire thread bitching about your outfits and attitude... what are people, I just don't get it.

>> No.7562652

There are plenty of dresses that I can't own because I am too tall - and awkward sized me means that I am often too tall for the small but too small for the medium so I have to either alter or pick a dress with the right measurements. Boohoo, some clothes don't fit. Body type does not an ita make.

>> No.7562657

This doesn't sound that whiny. She's saying she can't change her DNA so she has to work with what she has. I love how you thirsty cunts blow comments way out of proportion to start drama when there is none.

>> No.7562659

It does sound whiny when it's one of a string of excuses for why her dress doesn't fit and looks like shit on her. No, you can't alter your DNA, but you sure as hell can alter your dress.

>> No.7562668

"the dress is a medium but it fits because of the shirring, its my longest lolita piece (maybe I have a skirt that is that length idk) I kind of like it long though ^^'' because I sometimes don't like to wear short clothes idk I'm weird. I could sew it but ... I don't really want to adjust it I don't have any longer pieces, I'd love a gothic or classic dress that is shin length
The shirt is a bit big for me too ^^'' so the sleeves is long and wide (why does everything not fit >A<?!)" - whiny

" Im only 5'1" so most clothes is long on me and I have small bust waist and hips too which doesn't help either ^^'" - whiny

"This is bodyline, they only had the one length, and its a medium, so the length is what it is, there isn't a short version." - kind of rude because the people giving advice were very nice about it.

"I cant wear most typical "lolita" shoes, my knees dislocate, so sneakers work better for me." - sorry what there is no support in converse or most shitty sneakers.

" I'm /almost/ 5'2'' xD EVERYTHING is too big for me :'D "

" I can't wear flats either ^^'' my knees dislocate without me wearing proper footwear because my joints are unstable . Flat shoes are really bad for my bones and balance." - she says while wearing shitty converse

That's only a few of her comments. She's always on about it, while doing nothing to fix anything, just getting butthurt when people try to give her helpful advice - and no one is ever rude to her from what I've seen. God forbid I try to give her advice, I don't think I could keep cool with her excuses.

>> No.7562696

Being short is a weird excuse. I'm the same height and I feel lucky that it works well with lolita.

>> No.7562712

It's strange isn't it? So many western lolitas would give their limbs to be shorter because it's an advantage for the fashion...

>> No.7562721

well, giving your limbs would definitely make you shorter.

>> No.7562723

Is it C? She's actually frickin' travel size, and sews most of her stuff as a result.

>> No.7562727

Ohhhh no but her too! I meant E! So many pocket sized lolitas looking fantastic it makes me happy...

>> No.7562729

This is nothing if not true. Maybe some of them would go that far.... they wouldn't have to worry about dislocated knees, at any rate. Or shoes...

>> No.7562734

Is E tiny? I thought she was my height-ish, and I'm average in terms of the comm... Either way, nobody beats C's 4'10".

>> No.7562743

Well she's also tiny in general, though true no one can beat the 4"10 standard. Short/small = good from what I've seen!

>> No.7562750
File: 104 KB, 576x960, jhkjjhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't want to be mean, just block her from your Facebook feed. It'll be like you never added her in the first place. That's what I've done in the past.

>> No.7562772


Ahh sorry, I'm E, and I was actually lurking this thread until just now. Uh, gosh, I really don't know how to react! I honestly don't think I'm that amazing compared to others in the comm, but thank you so much!

>>7562734 is right though, I'm 160cm (5'3) so I'm actually 'average Asian height,' so I think that's a bit unfair in that respect. I agree that C takes the cake though - 4'10 and she dresses amazingly!

Sage for a lack of contribution. And general spaghetti I suppose.

>> No.7562790

Nah, you came out of the blue perfectly put together and sane so we're all fairly delighted about you. And you're taller than me by about an inch!

>> No.7562836

the chick op posted went on a tirade about btb as well but thats just cause shes been posted so many times and is a terribad ita weeb. lol id like to see what shed do if she found cgl.

>> No.7562930

Why would you tag something if you didn't want it showing up in that tag?

>> No.7562984
File: 177 KB, 498x634, 1357321914032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You rang?

>> No.7563102

On Tumblr it sometimes brings things up in tag search even if just the post contains those words. Tagging it with the ////// stuff used to prevent it coming up in the search for that word at all. So for instance if you made a rant about someone and said their username in it, you could tag it as #username/////////////whatever and it would not come up under their name.

>> No.7563132

I almost spat tea on my laptop. Well played, anon. Well played.

>> No.7563370



I was reading one of PT's FB posts, so. I'm not super high, but I guess it's still kind of up there.

>> No.7563495

Being short is lucky as fuck. I would love to wear more skirts but I have a 35" inseam (only 5'8 but all my height is in my legs), no regular length skirts come anywhere near my knees. Short girls, even tiny, tiny short girls, are lucky.

>> No.7563539
File: 194 KB, 517x231, let me tell you aout the elephant in the room that i&#039;m proud of.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I actually don't think her outfit is bad, if not terribly meh, but damn, we get it, you're fat.

(also I hate her lips so much, but hey, that's just my personal opinion. It looks like she has a permanent scowl, that's all)

>> No.7563604

Oh god this girl is in my community. I can't believe how two faced she is.

>> No.7563634

I was always made fun of for being the smallest kid back in primary school, so I used to have a major desire to be taller (wore shoes with thick soles, lifts, etc) And I mean, when you see models for western fashion, they're all tall, so that MUST be the ideal, right?
Lolita is actually the one thing that helped me realize that being short is cute and desirable. Now I'm happy to be 5'1"~

>> No.7563639

Whoops, meant to tag >>7563495

>> No.7563921
File: 65 KB, 807x960, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...she's designed a t-shirt

>> No.7563925

Confirmed for wannabe-Peachy ita trash

>> No.7563959

thing is she seems to think people love her shit. confirmed wannabeSJW, special snowflake, ita weeb.

>> No.7563978

even the "art" is ita

>> No.7563982

Think about all the neat guro coords you could put together with crutches or a wheelchair.
Prosthetic limb design is a thing, too.

>> No.7564000
File: 533 KB, 452x661, Screen Shot 2014-05-19 at 12.04.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does bodyline think they're doing

>> No.7564005
File: 219 KB, 297x502, Screen Shot 2014-05-19 at 12.05.08 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7564081

>turning up the hem of my jeans

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is she turning her jeans into high waters because she can't wear skirts? I'm misunderstanding, right?

>> No.7564093

full babycore

>> No.7564122

do you know her tumblr?

>> No.7564140

These are nothing new, they've been around for years.
>dat nostalgia when i see those models

>> No.7564199

Ita as fuck, holy shit I can't stand her.

>> No.7564275

I think she's just talking about how short she is, so jeans would be too long and drag on the ground. Skirts would be more convenient since they don't usually get that long, but because she wore special-snowflake shoes she had to wear pants so the shoes wouldn't get called out.

>> No.7564406

Those chibis don't even look fat, they just look like regular (badly drawn) chibis. Try again.

>> No.7564552

I can't put my finger on it but it kind of looks like South Park characters.

>> No.7564555

If someone says; omg you guise I can't afford to spend $300 on a dress!11!!
then you'll know they are a weeb

>> No.7564592

..Oh shit, my mother is a weeaboo and I never even knew it.

Just kidding. But not being able/willing to drop $300 on a dress doesn't automatically make someone ita (plenty of decent cheaper alternatives out there, especially for those who can sew). This only becomes ita when they start insinuating that anyone who DOES spend that much money is stupid/selfish/vain/clearly a prostitute or that people should start gifting $300 dresses to poor little them like lolita fashion is a charity. It's all in the attitude.

>> No.7564595

But they have $300 for two shitty replicas.

>> No.7564597

silly anon, don't you know that replicas are of equal quality to brand for half the price?

>> No.7564598

>Ugh, not everyone can afford a $300 dress!! What am I supposed to wear then, if not DOL replicas and maxed-out Squirrel Party??? You're criticizing my outfit just because I don't have any brand!!!

I consider everyone who legitimately says that to be an entitled thirteen year old brat.
Even if they're actually in their twenties, and believe me, I've met such lovelies.

>> No.7564605

It's more that a
>"all burando is always $300! Every lolita drops at least that much on an outfit!"
notion is very misguided and outdated. It might have been that way when no brand shipped overseas, but now we have direct access to their outlets, lucky packs, second hand shops, auction sites as well as dozens of cheaper chinese and korean shops. Whom by the way do custom sizing, so no girl has a legitimate excuse for walking around with a boobloaf and flashing thighs.

>> No.7564623

>>"all burando is always $300! Every lolita drops at least that much on an outfit!"
I'm lucky if my whole outfit costs only $300 or under. Usually it's pushing a grand and I don't even wear all brand head to toe. But I would've gawked at that when I started.

>> No.7564635

Same. A lot of the time my shoes or purse will cost more than my dress.

I'm really tired of the attitude that luxury hobbies should be egalitarian and everyone is entitled to participate at the same level. It's a hobby. Spend what you want, spend what you can. People make it into a competition and get sad or mad when they can't win.

>> No.7564638

>everyone is entitled to participate at the same level

This is what itas don't seem to be able to understand. They want to be part of the group so badly, but instead of saving up and buying nice, well made pieces, they shoot straight for the cheap replicas, and shoddy Bodyline. They live by 'more is better,' and whine and stomp their feet when they don't get attention, not understanding that no one is going to take notice of the fiftieth girl in a replica DDC.

You are not entitled to wear lolita. If you have the attitude that you are, there is no chance that you are going to improve to the level that people take notice for good reasons. There is always going to be someone with a bigger wardrobe, better coords, and more fans than you. Instead of trying to catch up with her by buying shit dresses in bulk, try to to improve your coordinating abilities, so you can at least be equals on that front.

>> No.7564655

Whats PT's fb?

>> No.7564687

Agreed. I have two brand dresses and one brand headbow (ap, btssb and innocent world) I bought them all secondhand and less than 200 euro each. I do like some bodyline pieces a lot, but they aren't the same quality in any way. Am I a brand whore because I go out wearing an Angelic Pretty dress that I saved for two months to buy secondhand? No, I appreciate quality I work hard and I have patience because as the old saying goes, "Your coord wasn't built in a day". I may be paraphrasing a little there, but you get my point.

>> No.7564729

this. I've been in lolita for about a year now, have five brand dresses and a brand skirt, and I haven't payed over $200 USD for any of them- even the ones I've bought new. Two of those dresses I even got for around $50-70 USD- similar prices to Bodyline/F+F. Granted, they're not the super popular end-all prints, but they're still beautiful and really high quality.

I mostly get stuff off of the various sales communities and Closet Child, but I also get a lot of stuff from the outlet sales that brands do during the year. Itas don't seem to understand that you can own brand without paying an arm and a leg, you just have to know where to look and what sales to jump on. I don't make a ton of money, but I can still afford brand, so it drives me crazy that itas complain so much about how much everything costs. Save up and then go bargain hunting online, don't just give up and buy a thousand shitty replicas because you're impatient and poor.

>> No.7564745
File: 80 KB, 534x412, Screen Shot 2014-05-19 at 11.11.12 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl enrages me.
I wish she was some super dedicated troll.

>> No.7564750

I'm 5'2 and extremely grateful because everything Japanese or Asian fits me so easily. I don't get this chick.

>> No.7564755

I knew a girl who mostly wore sneakers exactly for the same reason as here so it may be true, but with all that bullshit in the following message...it really look like she does that on purpose yes.

>> No.7564758

I was the one trying to give her advice. Boy was that a shitty life choice.

>> No.7564760

Wow, I have crappy knees and joints, if she's only unstable and weak on her legs she should work out a little..
She's exaggerating hard, there's no way she would use converse sneakers if it was that bad.

>> No.7564766

As numerous anons who posted earlier in the thread and I myself can attest, it is very possible to wear other shoes, though, even if you have issues like the ones she's claiming she has.
Converse and those shitty Swimmer (possibly even replica) shoes have little cushion and next to no real support.
I have shitty flat feet and weak ankles. I have to wear actual orthotics with extra inserts added around my heels for support. Her excuses are such bs.
I'm sorry, but if you want to keep on wearing what you have and what you're comfortable with, you better realize that people are going to keep calling you out on it.

It's not that hard to save up $40 and buy a pair of boots from Bodyline or splurge and pay an extra $20 for nicer ones custom made to your foot.
Hell, I bought a really nice pair of Clark booties for $25 once, and with inserts they work perfectly fine.
This is a luxury hobby.

>> No.7564767

Yeah I have crap joints, to the point where my hips get sore while I lie in bed, my shoulders are in pain every morning from sleeping on them and every evening from carrying bags, and my hand was swollen and numb after a two hour exam today because my knuckles and wrists are weak and I was writing for two hours. Those things don't change. But my knees used to be worse and exercise helped them so I don't know... If she had accepted when people were suggesting things to her that fit her criteria it would be redeemable but god the excuses....

>> No.7564774
File: 39 KB, 480x640, 10371960_577070975739484_7898742833009568069_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she wearing a bodyline dress bow on her head here?

>> No.7564776

Absolutely. If it's that important to your well being to have quality shoes, it's worth the money. Converse are actually more expensive than lolita shoes in a lot of cases anyway... 35 euro for those antaina boots and usually upwards of 45, 50 euro for converse, which are shitty and can affect people with the strongest joints because they offer no support. That's like someone complaining that people say their vaguely flared dress from x high street store isn' lolita because "they're comfortable with it and they don't have money to buy new dresses" but this makes LESS sense because good shoes are apparently essential for her life.

>> No.7564784

Plus I used to own a pair of the sort of sneakers she's wearing there, and they are NOT cheap... I'm pretty sure they were usually between 60 and 100 euro and they never last, they're pretty shitty too. Her argument is invalid.

>> No.7564786

Yes. It's a common newbie move.
I, too, was guilty of helicopter bow the first time I wore lolita.

Closet of Frills and this thread have made me realize that what pisses me off about itas is not actually how bad they look but how poorly they react to any sort of criticism. I make mistakes in the fashion, too, and am happy to talk to and be around people who are super enthusiastic and excited to begin wearing it, but I can't stand people who constantly make excuses or refuse to change/grow.

>> No.7564799
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>mfw she pulls the ableism card

>> No.7564800

It looks to me like a Mana inspired old school aristo/lolita blend. I actually really like this.

>> No.7564801

I'm more bothered by the ones that will die without attention. (I guess going back to feeling entitled to it.) They post coords under the guise of getting concrit but freak out when they get it or they think their coord is perfect and just want you to agree. This Jae person, hair and make up are OK but I can't make a shit sandwich concrit post of

Hair is good!
Don't wear that bow on your head.
Creepy cute is dead please put that shit away.
I bet you're planning to wear a peignoir let me just tell you not to now while I'm here.
Take that fucking bow off your head.
Don't tie the giant bow to your head with a cheap ribbon under your chin. It looks like you have a toothache.
Blouse is way too big and needs to be buttoned or thrown away.
Nice makeup!

>> No.7564802

I am about 5 feet and 1 inch away from losing my shit.

Forget brand whores, guys it turns out we're all ableist.

I'm done. I'm out.

>> No.7564804
File: 32 KB, 495x327, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops I forgot the photo

>> No.7564809

>inb4 everyone who offered concrit is banned from the group for bullying and being ableist scum

>> No.7564843
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>> No.7564856

Well actually the vowels are pretty similar. "A, i, u, e, o" are pronounced almost the same.

>> No.7564879
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That is not the bow off the dress you idiots, seriously, I am fine with people getting ripped on for idiot moves but at least know your fact's so you don't look like retards. This is the matching headbow they made to go with that carousel jsk.

>> No.7564883

How old is this girl? She sounds like she's been on tumblr too long.

What I don't get is how she cries disabled when she wears Converse with no support- they literally have no arch, it's probably why she's got feet problems- when she's been diagnosed by a doctor. Wouldn't her doctor noticed she's been wearing ratty Converse and know all the damage it can do to her feet?

>> No.7564913

Oh shit it's just terrible in its own right. Sorry!

>> No.7564922

Exactly, that shit is just awful.

>> No.7564928

The one clipped on in the back is from the dress, though, which is what I thought the person was referring to. It normally clips on at the top of the bodice.

>> No.7564930
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Dropped my pic, sorry.

>> No.7564939

Converse sneakers are the world's most expensive dollar store shoes. I have no idea why people fixate on them so much when you can get the exact same quality of shoes for $5.

>> No.7564995

Anyone who calls themselves a "living doll" = automatic ita in my mind.

>> No.7565004

Mine are super tough and have lasted years, and they've been through more than my other shoes

you sure you didn't buy a payless knockoff?

>> No.7565015

It varies with my ones, I had awesome crossword cons that lasted a year but then got another pair with a different design and they are still going.

It's strange as you'd think all converse would last equal time...

>> No.7565038

That's interesting
My high tops have been doing better than my one stars, come to think of it, but we might be getting off topic here

>> No.7565041

I wore them pretty much every day for close to a year, and I walk a lot so I'd say that was it. I'm so used to docs and other really good quality shoes that last years even used a lot, so if my shoes can't last a year they aren't worth the price to me.

>> No.7565048
File: 125 KB, 640x960, 10301589_10202127249162496_5833051546750067286_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is confusing me.... Is it just my hatred for peignors or is this ita? She seems to know how colours work at least, but I can't shake the "this is very wrong" feeling.

>> No.7565057

I associate them so much with cult party they just look weird when I see them with lolita now. It's mixing fashions.

>> No.7565059
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I'm not entirely sure but I think she's 21? Yeah she seems to be a bit of a special snowflake from what I've seen. I'm not in a position to give a shit if she calls herself disabled but my bullshit alarm is ringing.... especially as I saw a photo of her (not in her house) wearing big ass platform heels that didn't go up around her ankles.. Not saying I don't believe her but she is likely exaggerating.

>> No.7565078

I think it's mostly the use of the peignoir. If peignoirs had been acceptable for years you probably wouldn't think it was that bad.

Still, it's pretty redundant in the co-ord (regardless of stylistic validity), to me it just seems like she's trying to be original but it's not quite working - although since it's done badly I'm guessing it's an idea she took from somewhere else and then failed, which is kinda ita.

>> No.7565082

Speaking of Docs are the ones sold in Journeys decent? Cus I know some stores get cheaper versions sometimes and wanted to make sure before plunking down the money. They have a pair of really cute cream ones with roses painted on them that I want for mori.

>> No.7565087

Was this on Closet of Frills or Lolita mentoring?
I can't find the post... unless it was deleted?

>> No.7565091

It's not ita but it's a stupid coord. I'm so fucking over peignoirs. Itas are the best at latching on to a dead trend and beating it to death.

Peignoirs are dressing gowns that are on par with petticoats and bloomers. They shouldn't be a major focal point of your outfit. A little peek is OK but this is like wearing your bra over your JSK and looks retarded.

>> No.7565094

She bawwleeted the post like she said she was going to.

>> No.7565109

Ugh you'd think that if she had the strength of conviction that she was right, she would keep it up

>> No.7565110

She deleted it right after she got a reply.

>> No.7565113

Converse are too flat, it's bad for you to wear flat shoes too much.

>> No.7565117

I can't understand how people wear them every day. I have a pair but I had to get gel inserts with arches because it was killing my feet.

>> No.7565118

They also press your toes together

>> No.7565122

They look fine to me, but in my experience the matt ones are always better than the shiny ones, it's something about the paint it just cracks and peels and gets really shit after a short while, especially if you wear them in the rain and then wear them when it's warm. Mine actually got holes in them which is weird for docs so I just swear by any that aren't shiny now. But those ones don't appear to be knock offs or anything so I'd say you're good especially if you aren't wearing them all day every day.

>> No.7565138
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>things itas do
post on /cgl/

>> No.7565148

I have inserts

>> No.7565150
File: 59 KB, 356x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things itas do
>post on /cgl/
>which is a post on /cgl/

>> No.7565156

im not a lolita though
heck im not even a girl

>> No.7565158

You don't have to be a girl to wear lolita or be an Ita. Dumbass.

>> No.7565161

sorry im not ugly like u : (

>> No.7565163
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>> No.7565239

My friends in high school all saved up for top dorra A+ burando Converse Allstars every year because those damn shoes only lasted them a single year before literally falling apart. We always knew it was nearing the end of the schoolyear when someone got up to walk around and left one of their soles behind.
Maybe you got lucky or maybe you just take better care of your shoes than my friends did. I don't know. All I know is that even the people I knew that loved them were well aware that the shoes themselves where shitty and they were mostly paying for the name.

>> No.7565242

I'd love this outfit if she ditched the peignoir, switched out those blue socks for white ones and wore black shoes. It would be super cute in a simple oldschooly way. Right now, though? It's not working.
Throwing on the newest fad item over coords that don't work with them at all just to get those sweet, sweet reblogs is definitely a thing itas do, though.

>not even a girl
Get out, this is our clubhouse and your cooties are stinking up the place.

>> No.7565249


Wow. I can't believe she actually pulled that.

I'm actually genuinely surprised. I thought she had a bit more sense than that. Look at me, assuming the best in people again.

>> No.7565255
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>Things itas do
>Not realize Lolita is a cohesive, all-over style that involves washing and styling yourself, fitting your clothes to you build nicely, and appropriate footwear and accessories
>Not realize that everyone starts somewhere, we're all here out of our love of Lolita, and some of us would have fucking killed for tappa tappa tappa at their age.

>> No.7565256
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>> No.7565296

I feel you so hard here.

>> No.7565305

people write a bunch of slashes and numbers after triggers and stuff because "I DONT WANT MUH BLOG TO HAVE A CATALOG OF TAGGED RAPE (or whatever) ON IT"
i guess i can kind of understand?

they also do that with their personal posts (e.g. per 246796///321) so that people can't go through their blog for drama-filled personal antics

>> No.7565931

Same, it might not be "lolita" to some of these on this thread, but it's still really elegant and pretty.

>> No.7565935

I like it too, but I can't get over the fact that she looks like she has a satellite dish on her head.

>> No.7565941

Maybe it's the use of PinkxSaxblue in a way that neither pieces have any of the other color in them? both are solid? Might of worked a bit better if the dress itself had some light blues to make sense of the Peignoir? A white dress and headdress would of looked nicer to me, but she's not terrible.

>> No.7565950

Yeah the hairpiece is... questionable.

>> No.7566145

There's no reason you should be confusing ita with sit you don't like that's not the way it works...

>> No.7566222

Ah ok good! Yeah they definitely wouldn't be every day shoes, I have to wear an all black uniform full time 5 days a week and they'd look pretty odd with it. Just want to make sure they're not some shit thing like every other pair of similar boots I've tried to buy.

>> No.7566226

>saving up for Converses
Haha fuck that. I only have one pair of actual Converses (they have Batman and Joker on em, only reason I got em) and they were on serious clearance.

>> No.7566437

Teenage proto-emos, man. Nuts.
Then again they think I'm crazy for spending more than €100 on a dress, any dress.

>> No.7567251

unless we're talking about certain latin american comms

>> No.7568564

I actually LIKE peignoirs, and complimented her on hers on the Facebook group... but if I'm being honest (and the 2 faced bitch I usually am), I really don't like the coord because the colours came out of nowhere, especially the mint. She should have just made it pink x blue and tied the two together with some pink and blue print. plus I think she should cinch the peignoir at the waist because it sort of, idk, loses the lolita aesthetic? It skims over everything and gets rid of all the puffiness. I'd hem it to be shorter as well cause I don't like it draping over the edge of the dress, but that's just me. The headdress looks darker than the dress too which bothers me.

>> No.7569153
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>> No.7569172
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>> No.7569173

Fuck, forgot to remove some names. Oh well.

>> No.7569197
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>> No.7569203
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>> No.7570073

I kind of like this.

>> No.7571439

>reverse google
>himeparadaisu dot blogspot dot com

>> No.7572260

The shoes, I can't even...