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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 58 KB, 281x301, tabaokuti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7547618 No.7547618[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

FAQ (Please Read!):

Taobao Dictionary:

Store Spreadsheets:

Shopping Services Spreadsheet:

Budgeting Spreadsheet Template:

Pop-up dictionary: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zhongwen-a-chinese-englis/kkmlkkjojmombglmlpbpapmhcaljjkde?hl=en
Good EL-CH dictionary: nciku.com
Translate text from images: newocr.com

If the above links look the same, disable add-ons (like 4chanX), clear cache, clear cookies, and/or try a new Internet browser. This problem happens sometimes. Theres also an anon that will translate stuff if you wanna keep it personal or whatever and don't mind waiting: fortranslatetaobao@gmail.com.

A rough guide on the new forwarding service by anon! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/myoq4zzz5s5pu5t/5GGaij-8os
Old thread >>7527787

>> No.7547620

heres some bodyline replicas that are no longer sold i think?

>> No.7547622

For those of you with experience ordering, how big does an order need to be to be "worth it"? I periodically find small things I want on taobao but I've heard it's not worth the costs of shipping + SS fees unless you have a big order. But how big is big?

>> No.7547632

Does anyone have experience with Elpress L? I want to get a dress custom sized from them but I'm not sure if I should give my exact measurements or add on a few cm.

>> No.7547715

>order with Taobao Spree the second time, first time was great
>send order, no replys for days
>send mail to ask what's gonig on, get immediatley reply "please send the order again"
>tfw I sent the order again and again nobody is replying for days

Any advices on a good and reliable SS?

>> No.7547746

Right now I'm using transbao and their communication is really good. The agent messages me every single time something comes in, and they weigh your items all separately. They ordered my items within a few hours of me placing the order, and reply back to messages within 24 hours.

>> No.7547765

I like taobao trends

>> No.7547970

Could anyone recommend a taobaoseller with nice looking loafers? in a brown colour, thank you

>> No.7547980
File: 16 KB, 480x348, 5355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about using SAL shipping this time around for my 5.4kg order since I don't really need it in a certain time frame. I don't want to end up waiting 3+ months for it, though...

Can I get some references for how long SAL shipping usually takes? I live in the US, California specifically, if anyone with experience with SAL lives around there.

>> No.7547985

Depends which shipping method you use and your budget.

If you glance through the FAQ in OP, there's explanations on the breakdown of each shipping method. If you find the cost of how much the base of shipping is plus additional g/kg, then you can figure out what is "worth it" to you.
I find orders that are at least 2 kg worth it for me and my budget. I ship via SAL.

However, if all you buy is things that are already cheap on eBay and Aliexpress and those have free shipping, you might as well just order from those sites rather than taobao since there's item cost+domestic ship+SS fee+international ship

>> No.7547991

I replied to you but didn't realize the old thread was autosaging.

SAL, for me anyway, reaches CA in about three weeks. The worse I've had is 1.5 months.

>> No.7547998

Is it safe to buy things like cutting boards and bento boxes? They're so cheap it's tempting but I don't want there to be lead paint or something. I'm scared of lax Chinese safety regulations

>> No.7548002

Most of your cutting boards are from China anyway. You're probably cutting up lead without knowing it.

>> No.7548008

or other types of shoes that reminds of Japanese school shoes? I need them for my cosplay and it doesn't seem like anyone has them in stock

>> No.7548018

I just use "Japanese School shoes" and sometimes I add "cos"

>> No.7548019

How would you write it in chinese characters?

>> No.7548021

Ok, thanks.
That works, so I'll go for SAL. Do you usually get insurance too?

>> No.7548027

Naw. I order from Japan and China with SAL all the time. I haven't had a package lost or opened.

I don't order any replicas/fake brand anything though.

>> No.7548035

Google translate is your friend.
"Japanese school shoes" and maybe add COS in the end.

>> No.7548038

Ah, I've got one of those Sailor Moon lingerie replicas, would that cause a problem?
Sorry for the annoying questions, anon.

>> No.7548046

Thank you alot! I just wanted to check if you used it as well

>> No.7548049

You're welcome.
I am posting from mobile and it's annoying doing this and that.

>> No.7548198

You might be using the wrong email address (though likely of their own fault, not yours). I don't order from them for months at a time and always forget which email address they actually reply to, the one you want is actually the taobaospree at hotmail one, not the susan at taobaospree.com one, despite what the website says.

>> No.7548209

I've only had nice experience with Taobaoring and I recommended it to my friend and she told me they're much easier than TaobaoSpree.
Also Beckii Cruel made a haul video using Taobaoring

>> No.7548258

Well, when things are sold in america even if it's made in china it has to follow american regulations. So I wasn't sure

>> No.7548264

I've had a SAL package that arrived after 2.5 weeks

>> No.7548268

I would reply to the email thread that you used for your last order; it's what I always do, and I've never had any problems (I've done 3-4 orders in the past 12 months or so)

>> No.7548360

>Also Beckii Cruel made a haul video using Taobaoring
Wowee well that's convincing

>> No.7548368

I followed it for my first taobao purchase and it helped me a lot. She explains very thoroughly

>> No.7548395

I'm waiting really anxiously for all of my stuff to arrive to Taobao trends so I can just hurry up and pay the final shipping invoice already. I'm super impatient and a little nervous.

>> No.7548411

I'm look for a circle neck white chiffon blouse for summer. Anyone seen any nice ones?

>> No.7548447

Wtf is a circle neck?

>> No.7548579

The advantage of SAL is it tends to clear customs fairly quicker, I had a package reach me in the UK within 10 days, so actually faster than EMS...

>> No.7548710

I'm gonna assume round-necked?

I'm getting the Magical Tea Party one for my order.

>> No.7548814

Diff anon. I tried looking at their website as I wanted to find out how much their fee was etc, but i keep getting this prompt to register?

also, i'm trying to decide on a colorway for little-dipper's star series op: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w5003-6933424357.1.b9DSFH&id=38943648508&scene=taobao_shop

I like the colourway the model is wearing but I don't really "do" sweet so i was thinking about going with the black and white. what do y'all think? and is taobaoring good with reservations? i used to do orders with taobaospree but i guess they've become too popular and are being a bit problematic because of that?

>> No.7548844
File: 247 KB, 460x460, ista mori captain mia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe someone could help me out, I love the new stuff from little dipper, but from what I can gather this is like a preorder?
Can I order it through a shopping service?

>> No.7548846

Ooops, wrong pic, sorry, the link is right though.

>> No.7548861


Yes, its a preorder. It works like any other preorder - deposit, they make the item, then you pay the rest for the full amount. Check the description for the full price though. Most SS will make you pay full price when you order through them.

>> No.7548864

that's the same dress i posted about and yes, you have to order it through a shopping service.

you'd most likely will have to email your service of choice and tell them that you want to join a preorder.

>> No.7548879

Okay, I was a little worried SS wouldn't do that. I guess I'll just try, thanks!

>> No.7548884

Anyone got links to chiffon blouses that are lolita/loliable in wine or navy?

>> No.7548899

Infanta has some

>> No.7548931
File: 216 KB, 800x531, T2hP5.XGlaXXXXXXXX_!!10274962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dear Celine has a navy blouse up right now, and 69th department does as well.

Dear Celine's blouse in purple seems to be more of a royal purple than wine though.

>> No.7548986

Sorry if I sound like a scrub, but I read the FAQ and got the basis of Taobao and I think I'm ready to make my first purchase except I didn't quite get the instructions. I planned on getting this http://2.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2007.1000337.0.0.1Tajkv&id=37867696841&from=list&similarUrl= and I translated it and it's around 8 american dollars, right? I'm so sorry about having to ask, I just want to make sure I'm doing this right

>> No.7548997

Yup, 50 yuan is about 8 USD. But I think this is an auction page and some Shopping Services won't do purchases for this?

>> No.7549014

Wait what? What do I need to do then?

>> No.7549015

forgot to add this in but could someone correctly translate what the reservation period is please?

>> No.7549016

2.taobao isn't regular taobao, it's the secondhand section I think.

>> No.7549019

Not that anon but I suggest you copy keywords that listing uses and search for the item in the regular Taobao section.

>> No.7549034

Contact your Shopping Service and ask them if they'll buy it. Actually, I think it's someone selling it 2nd hand but again, I'm not sure.

If for some reason your SS won't buy it for you and you're looking for bloomers, this shop has some neat looking ones.


>> No.7549084

Alright, thank you for helping. I'm still trying to get a hang of Taobao in general, but it's still extremely new to me. Thank you for taking the time to respond and to help.

>> No.7549244

I'm talking about replicas from big brands like Nike or Gucci or even Liz Lisa. The sailor moon stuff is fine.

>> No.7549258

I usually use bhiner and during the heartbleed thing, their site was "vulnerable". I emailed them about it so they can patch the site but they never replied back to me. I checked the site again and it was still vulnerable. I changed my Paypal already but I shouldn't order anything until they patch it up

... Anyone else have this problem with other SS?

>> No.7549281

Bhiner sucks big time anyway.

>> No.7549316

Different anon but why do you think that?
Have been considering bhiner.

>> No.7549340

One, they don't have SAL. First and last time we used them for a group order, it was EMS or DHL. Costs an arm and a leg to ship either one of those.

Two, they have a very bad habit of saying things are out of stock when they're not.

Personal horror story for why I don't like Bhiner:

>group order
>Bhiner claims items are out of stock
>"Can you check again?"
>items are in stock!
>pay for items
>wait for items to come in
>one item left!
>week later, one item left!
>finally ask about item
>"The item was out stock."
>waste fucking time waiting for item but okay
>pay tons of shipping for EMS because heavy shoes included in order
>package arrives at friends
>"Where's my shoes?"
>Bhiner fucking forgets friend's 2kg+ pair of shoes
>Bhiner still charged for 2kg+ fucking pair of shoes
>holy shit did customs take the shoes?
>realize there was literally no room in box for shoes, no customs repackaging
>Bhiner searches warehouse for shoes
>finds fucking shoes god only knows where
>"Okay, you need to pay shipping for your shoes and we'll send them!"
>friend has to literally fight with Bhiner
>ends up still having to pay some shipping
>refuse to use Bhiner ever again

And this was just last year.

>> No.7549459

>Also Beckii Cruel made a haul video using Taobaoring
Thats also why taobaoring went to slow as shit a while ago.

>> No.7549469
File: 199 KB, 260x308, sm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so my SS just sent me photos of my order and I threw in some of those Sailor Moon lingerie sets. I can only see the Sailor Moon one, and from the looks of it, the little button in the middle of the bow doesn't have the little broach details it shows in the photos; it's just a yellow button. Pretty bummed. Maybe I'll just paint them on myself. Or sell it, if anyone's interested.

>> No.7549525

Hm, I was thinking of using Bhiner for babby's first haul but this made me change my mind.
Does anybody know of a good quality SS that uses a similar cart system to Bhiner's?

>> No.7549531
File: 3 KB, 300x300, lts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know some stores that sell the Little Twin Stars kitchen tools set?
I think the Sanrio Store used to sell them but I guess they went out of stock.

>> No.7549630

Seconding this!

>> No.7549632

I desperately want to buy these in Sailor Moon/Venus but I know there's no way to get them to fit a 28E.

Fuck. Maybe I'll try to make my own.

>> No.7549832

Original transbao anon here!
I really fucking love transbao. Great communication, great shopping cart system, fast response time to buy items, and infinite storage time. 5% ss fee (plus 1 yuan per shopping cart item) and 51% off EMS.

The invitation code I used: asd123

>> No.7549833

which shop did you buy them from? now i'm worried about mine.

i ordered from pink saviour in 80E, which they accepted at first, but now they want to send the order for production and the factory doesn't want to create a mold for 80E because "among the thousand orders they received i'm the only one requesting this size" wtf

i changed mine to swimsuits, all in size L. no kawaii sailor bra suited soldier of justice for me.

>> No.7549865
File: 531 KB, 700x902, T2zb50XqXXXXXXXXXX_!!143652819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know any cute lolite headdresses with veils?

>> No.7549993

I bought mine from http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w4002-2105553014.95.8jZ48J&id=37982386645
It's free size, so you might be good.

A friend just stepped up to buy it from me, I think she's going to replace the button with a tin button she has of the brooch, so there are ways around it if yours does end up with a lame button, but hopefully yours is all good.

>> No.7550606

How long does SAL take to reach canadian anons?

>> No.7550666
File: 1.48 MB, 320x240, 1390014777737.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know Taobaoring's policy on combining orders?
I put in an order like a month ago that still hasn't arrived and couldn't see any option to add items to the current order so just made another.

Will they get all pissy and send two packages or shit on my stuff?

>> No.7550680

I've ordered twice so far
1st: 2kg about a month and a half
2nd : 5kg 2.5 weeks

so expect it anywhere from 3-8weeks

>> No.7550700

There really needs to be warnings about them as the same shit has happened to so many people and I still see everyone trying to use them to make 'babby's first order'

For me ordered bunch of stuff, had to 'requote' for about a week, most of stuff got told was out of stock so i got some ticket for free ss fees as they wouldn't refund that.

Tickets never worked. Stuff starts to arrive after a while with pictures, pretty cool. Finally all got shipped to me, two items missing. Asked taobao about it but they just sent message saying something like 'didn't arrive. mistake.' Even though next to the name of the items I ordered was a clear picture of my items on their floor mocking me.

Also their shipping cost an arm and a leg and I got charged customs fees.

Less importantly I was meant to get some sort of free gift from them because of some event they were running but didn't get that either.

>> No.7550704

Forgot to add, items they said were out of stock I know weren't as some other people on here were ordering at the same time and weeks after.

Also, a friend using a different ss (tbring) ordered some of the same items and she got hers fine.

Pretty sure bhiner are just lazy.

>> No.7550730

Why don't you guys file PP claims against them?

>> No.7550735

Items took so long to arrive, mainly due to a cp petticoat, that it was impossible.

Their English is so bad I'd be better off trying to carry on a conversation with my dog.

>> No.7550745

I was about to send a quote to Bhiner. Bless this thread.

>> No.7550781
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x850, tights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a sauce for these tights? Post just said taobao and their askbox is off.

>> No.7550847
File: 42 KB, 395x487, polka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought pic was a polka dot blouse and was going to get it to use with lolita.

Turns out they're pyjamas and covered in stars.
I'm so dissapointed.

>> No.7550852

They're so cute, I want them omg. Link?

>> No.7550855


There's a few options so good luck.

>> No.7550860
File: 70 KB, 978x764, perfumebag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone seen these perfume bottle bags on taobao?

I'm not even sure what to search for so just going though all the bags at the moment.

>> No.7550865
File: 72 KB, 640x480, f92558-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's a bag, the stitching is way too big. It looks more like a small heyholder like this pic.

>> No.7550879
File: 117 KB, 560x560, 3649384_perfume_purse_outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen them in a few outfit pictures on tumblr but never found source and figured taobao has everything.

>> No.7550882

Aldo sold them.

>> No.7551054

I'm attempting to register, but...
>Show your logo or your store's URL to your customers, print your LOGO to barcode label at all your products (up to 22 symbols):
What should I put in this space?

>> No.7551056

can someone reccomend me a lolita blouse with a nice tie/bow? I was looking at infanta and yolanda, but I don't quite like how the fabric looks in photos

>> No.7551059

Can you just leave it blank?
If not, leave it as the default word already in the space. (Panbazar I think).
Transbao lets you set up your own direct shop although I don't know how it works and it doesn't affect your shopping experience at all.
Or put in an alias/webname or something, it doesn't matter.

>> No.7551070


>> No.7551114

In the message part of the second order, put "Please combine with order ##############"

And you do this before you pay the first payment of that second order. At least, that's what I do anyway.

It's in their FAQ.

>> No.7551218


Can you use Paypal on transbao? I can't check the site without that stupid invite pop up stopping me.

>> No.7551221

No, transbao uses credit card.

>> No.7551248

how long does pruany usually take to send after paying the shipping?

>> No.7551270

Does anybody know what's up with FoxCherry?
Last I heard she was claiming to be very sick and not sending out products, but I visited her store today and it's plastered in a very long rant that started out apologizing for delayed messages, then somehow rambled into something about Marxism and her literary intelligence.

>> No.7551305

that message has been there for a very long time. I just bought a bunch of things and a hat from her last month, she said it will take a week but she took a few days more than that. all's good i think.

>> No.7551309
File: 128 KB, 800x800, cape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this cape use real rabbit fur? I tried using Google translate and it worked as wonderfully as it always does.
> http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=35935909170&spm=2014.12642430.0.0
It just seems too inexpensive for legit fur.

>> No.7551317

Rabbit fur is dirt cheap, anon, especially in Japan/China.

>> No.7551327
File: 94 KB, 750x562, 31a15eaa-156c-47a2-910b-5c605897c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TBS just mailed me that the shoes I ordered arrived at their warehouse. I ordered a size 25,5 cm. this size normally fits great (EUR 40).
TBS said the shoes run from 25,5 cm to 26 cm. Now I'm afraid they might be too big. and I'm no expert on shoes, does any of you know if those 0,5 cm make a big difference?

>> No.7551361

Real fur is popular in gyaru and himekaji (and in China in general), and rabbit fur is sometimes even cheaper than faux fur. So I'd not take the risk.

>> No.7551367

I imagine it wouldn't make a huuuge difference but if they are too big you can always put insoles in them.
Better for shoes to be too big than too small.

>> No.7551375

Ah, damn it all. I guess I was just hoping I'd be wrong.
Thank you, kind anons.

>> No.7551388

If i remember correctly, i think the .5 is for width. Someone correct me if thats wrong though

>> No.7551394

All my shoes are 41 and 25.5 is what my feet measure at and what size I get from antaina and they all fit perfectly so they may be a bit big.

>> No.7551398

insoles would be a solution, didn't think of that yet. thank you.

really? Well I hope so than.

They will be way to big then if it's really 26cm! wierd I normally take 25,5 without a problem.

>> No.7551405

Link for the shoes? They look fantastic!

>> No.7551410


they work quite fast too, ordered them last wednesday.

>> No.7551450

Aswell as insoles you can get these heel grip things that stick in the back of the shoe and have a cushion on them.
I use them to make big shoes fit more comfortably, along with an innersole.

No clue what they're called but here's a link to the ones I get.

>> No.7551480

anon i have the exact same pair
except you can't run in them, they're really comfortable
unfortunately the front part of the shoes that cover your toes are kinda short, so the shoe will start to feel heavy on your shin. otherwise it's really great

>> No.7551571

Yoybuy is accepting Paypal again:

>> No.7551596

I'm probably just retarded, but is there a way to tell how much your items weigh on the listings? I'm trying to guess how much I'll get charged for shipping but I can't find the weight of items anywhere.

>> No.7551608

If you cant find it anywhere on the page, you need to ask the seller for the weight estimation of each items.

>> No.7551618

I'm wondering this as well. I'm used to using EMS and they usually ship next day. I'm trying SAL now and it's been two days since I've paid and nothing after that. I'm not sure if this is just the norm for SAL or if something's actually going on with Pruany currently. Anyone else?

>> No.7551659
File: 316 KB, 748x918, img_189-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can find this bag on Taobao?
In return, I can post some other rabbit bags I've come across on my search that anons might like.

>> No.7551661
File: 72 KB, 300x300, T1IUlmFydaXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_460x460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7551663
File: 252 KB, 790x408, T2sdPIXqJXXXXXXXXX_!!684268248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7551677
File: 80 KB, 850x850, T2tJ7YXX8XXXXXXXXX_!!127912521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7551687

so cute.
The underskit needs a tad fixing though.

>> No.7551971
File: 214 KB, 853x1280, TK-2012-02-11-005-005-Harajuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons! Can i have help finding a bag like this on taobao please?

>> No.7552114


Thanks for your input. I'll try my luck with Taobao Ring now.


I tried the other mail adress as you suggested and got one of those "your email could not be deliveried" meassages, so I pretty much lost my nerves with TBS.
Thanks for your input though.

>> No.7552127

I'm a 26F (same size as 28E) and it fits me fine. I have the M one. I was actually surprised at how well it fits. However, all you really need is a white bra and the sailor capelet and bows are just tacked on. It looks really cheap.

>> No.7552128

Oh, my sweet summer child.

>> No.7552130

>that broken French

>> No.7552138

Read the damn FAQ.

>> No.7552147
File: 2.85 MB, 400x300, 1377399316024.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone remember the keyword that brought up all the cute pastel clothes, it was sister something.

Had a word document with it and a bunch of other things but my laptop died recently.

>> No.7552155

Soft sister?

>> No.7552157

I think that's it.
But I meant if any one had the Chinese for it.

>> No.7552174

you literally just type soft sister into google translate 软妹

>> No.7552179

what anime is this from?

sage for ot

>> No.7552185

Kaze to ki no uta.
It's fabulous, bitchy, bl.

>> No.7552272

Any recommendations on Taobao brands cute clothes shops? What I mean is like Elf Sack:
Where it's an original brand that comes out with new seasonal releases and you're pretty much guaranteed quality. I'm just looking for something cute (not kawaii pastel), but not so hipster.

>> No.7552567

I just got a message from
yoitsukizuna@hotmail.com, who was the email listed for Fantasy Sheep.

>Hello, long time no see! here is our new >items, do you like to see?
>and our ebay acount open again! here is the account page:
>and our etsy shop:
>if order over 250usd value goods one time, we will give you a free gift and free EMS shipping!

That last deal is amazing. Can anyone else verify/did anyone else get this email?

>> No.7552570

i hate fantasy sheep for fucking up my order.
I'm shocked that they also own Starsrainbow.

>> No.7552572

I've never really had a problem with them, but I've only purchased a few items. Can you describe your experience, anon?

>> No.7552623

Is there a term for lanyards? like the type that you hang around your neck with an id holder or something like that?

>> No.7552706

Anyone know if KL is going to put up extras of the PotO blouse? I just missed the reservation and have had cash burning a hole in my pocket since then, and it's begging to be spent.

Or should I just wait another month and hope KL puts out?

>> No.7552711

2nding this request!

>> No.7552714

they haven't updated my order in two days. I'm getting nervous. at least it's not just me

>> No.7552765

Yeah, I'm getting that feeling too. I talked to Zui this morning, she told me to just wait a few more hours for the employee running my order to deal with it like nothing is wrong, but still nothing, no responses to my messages and not sending even though everything is paid. I don't know if you and I just got the same shoddy employee or what but I think this is the last time I'm using Pruany, even though they've been my go to SS for every order so far. This isn't even the only thing that's gone a bit wrong with my order.

>> No.7552778

in the dictionary

if you search "little twin stars 厨房" a small smattering of items will show up, a few from the same store, but they're pretty expensive

search 香水瓶包

>> No.7552779

can someone reccomend a short black (lolita/everyday) wig?

>> No.7553232

Couldn't really find how to do it but to recharge money on an order in Pruany, what would the easiest way to do it? Like, I was trying to figure out the VISA system but that didn't make sense and it's a little difficult to try to decipher their English.

>> No.7553239

Dang, I totally missed it when I checked; thanks!

>> No.7553255

Use Paypal. the 20yuan isn't really worth it to use your visa, at least it isn't worth it imo. You need to go to your user center, click 'Without Payment' it sends you to a page of all of the items you've accumulated, tick the boxes of the ones you want to pay for, it'll tell you your funds are insufficient and prompt you to recharge, where you can use Paypal to pay. But what you recharge here will only be available for this order. It's not really that big of a deal, Pruany will just refund you the excess when your order is done, if there is any.

I'm sure there's a less detailed way to do it, like there must be some recharge option on your actual order list, but I don't currently have an open order, nor can I figure out how to open one with their new layout.

>> No.7553261

Oop, I'm extra dumb this evening. Managed to open a new order, though I don't plan on using them again... Yeah, you can just hit 'Online Recharge' at the top of the box with all of your items and the option for Paypal is there.

>> No.7553268

How long does it usually take alipay to pay the SS? I used my visa but there's no charge and it's been a few hours

>> No.7553272

For the people direct ordering from taobao, you can leave a message for the original seller, maybe you can tell them to remove tags if u buying brand.

>> No.7553380

Also, can a person who can write chinese fluently give the correct text for "please cover up the (insert brand name) tags/logo with (insert material here)"?

I used google translate to write that as: 请把报纸在底部覆盖“LIZ LISA”标签 but I don't think thats right... is it?

>> No.7553383

in that particular text, the brand name is liz lisa, and newspaper for the covering material

>> No.7553394

I've been eyeing these for a while, but have been hesitating because I've never bought shoes from Taobao before. They have buckles.

>> No.7553398

假如衣服/货包装上有写着“LIZ LISA"的纸牌,标牌,等等就是有”LIZ LISA"字的东西都用指笔画过盖住,麻烦了

my chinese is pretty shitty though

>> No.7553404

Different anon, but does that mean that the size I should select for AnTaiNa shoes is the same as my foot measurement?
It's confusing because for some shops people say you need to add a cm to your foot size if you want the shoes to fit properly, like body measurements vs. garment measurements.

>> No.7553410

thanks a bunch!

>> No.7553419

i spaghetti'd all over, here's a more correct one sorry anon

假如衣服/包装上有写“LIZ LISA"的纸牌,标牌,等等,就是有”LIZ LISA"字的东西都用只笔画过盖住,麻烦了

Where can i buy 5-6.5cm long cherry red or wine red lace for lolita? the only lace shop i know is laces.taobao.com and they don't have any red lace at all. all other lace shops look pretty tacky and cheap. i damaged a dress. need to fix the lace.

>> No.7553426

Out of curiousity, how much does /cgl/ usually blow on a taobao haul? I've never did one before, but I'm planning to as I recently managed to track myself down a part-time job.

>> No.7553429

You could try dyeing white lace. No suggestions for colorfast dye though.

>> No.7553431

I usually average ~$300 (before SS shipping), most I've ever spent was ~$400 (after SS shipping). I only make 2 or 3 orders a year though at the most.

>> No.7553432

Oops, the ~$300 is after SS shipping also. I didn't factor it into my totals originally but I figured it was relevant info to you and included it. Forgot to change my wording.

>> No.7553436

How many items did you typically get out of that and what sorts? Sorry if it seems a bit of a weird question, but thank you for previously answering.

>> No.7553610

why do people say it's better to order taobao in bulk? if shipping is based on weight, wouldn't a light item cost proportionally the same amount as many light items packaged together?

>> No.7553619

Minimum cost of shipping is set fairly high, but the increases after that are more reasonable

>> No.7553620

There's a base cost + additional cost based on weight.

e.g. something like, $40 for first kg + $10 every additional kg.

Bulk shipping helps distribute the high initial cost.

>> No.7553632

thanks for the tip kind anon! I added it to my order in case they do run big.

Are you the anon who linked these shoes in another taobao thread? because I asked around for toyko bopper replicas and someone linked these for me.
If you were, thanks again!

If anyone is interested I can post a review when they arrive.

>> No.7553689

Aside from the distribution of shipping costs, some ss will give you another shipping discount on top of that or lower their service fee if the order is big enough (>$2000).

>> No.7553777

They usually have a few extras, but it will probably take them a long time to put them up, so I wouldn't hold your breath.

Dumping some of my favorite lace shops:

>this one is my go-to for colored lace


>> No.7553784

FFFFF I've been hesitating and twiddling my thumbs for too long and now the blouses I wanted to order are sold out.

>> No.7553799

I typically spend $200~350 before SS fees and shipping. Right now I'm at my biggest order at nearly $700. Some of my friends joined in, but $475 of that is all mine (I have no self control apparently.)

>> No.7553802


I've gotten as high as $1300 on a GO between six people

>> No.7553804

Thanks for answering my silly little question, anons! I really appreciate it

>> No.7553816

I aim for ~$200 on items, but usually end up with ~$300 in items, which amounts to $400-500 with SS and shipping fees in all. Usually I buy a cart load (~20 items) although I go over if I have a lot of small items such as socks/accessories.

>> No.7553820

I've heard fewer complaints about quality from you guys in regards to taobao as compared to korean stores like yesstyle and sammydress. Any reason why this is? Do koreans just tolerate lower quality clothing more?

>> No.7553822

my biggest order was around €350. I do tend to save up for my orders and buy clothes in big bulks

>> No.7553873

Usually ~350 USD items+SS fees+domestic shipping.

How many items it is depends if I order random shit or loli stuff. Since loli stuff usually costs more than random shit, then quantity changes...

People can read reviews of items from taobao. Not sure about those sites. Also, you can decide what stores you order from on taobao. Aren't yesstyle and sammydress just one "store"?

Also, people tend to get "higher brand" things on taobao like indie loli brands or taobao-famous brands that are known to have good quality items.

>> No.7553878

I'm pretty sure yesstyle and sammydress are both based in Hong Kong and both resell a lot of the same cheapo Chinese clothes. They just push the 'Korean style' thing because it's considered nicer than Chinese style. Maybe they do get some stuff from Korea, but a lot of it is Chinese.

>> No.7553881

Yesstyle marks their shit up so much that it's ridiculous. Sammydress, they've got good prices but most of the good stuff is always sold out. With Taobao if something is priced too high or sold out, you've literally got hundreds of other shops to choose from selling the same item. Same goes for quality, if something isn't good quality on Yesstyle or Sammydress, there isn't much you can do about it while on Taobao you can just go to another seller.

>> No.7554000

That's been there since at least Christmas.. lol

I've been wondering what ever happened to them, all of a sudden I never hear anyone buying from them anymore and their shops are so sparse.

>> No.7554033

Question: I did a group order between a few close friends. One wanted to pay me through paypal (I'm not too familiar with invoices) but when I sent the invoice and she paid I noticed I didn't get the full amount because it was taxed.
What the shit? Do they actually tax paypal invoices?

>> No.7554042

Er, it was probably Paypal fees not tax.

>> No.7554054

Oh, okay. I had no idea that was a thing.
Just feels slimy because I'm not getting the actual amount.

>> No.7554056

Just get her to send by gift next time. Since it's a close friend, getting scammed shouldn't be a concern.

>> No.7554061

This was a while ago, when they had wig based and junk.
I bought 3 of them and one of them wasn't the colour I got.
I guess I shouldn't hate them that much, but yeah.
I did make quite a profit selling the wig though.

>> No.7554072
File: 1.08 MB, 1088x550, 546484658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first taobao order , only wanted a seifuku

>> No.7554097

I found theese ones that are pretty similar, I hope close enough

Hope it helps!

>> No.7554099

Link to the seifuku, peach hair elastics and OTKs?

>> No.7554100

>only wanted a seifuku
That's how all of my orders start out, anon.
>I'm just gonna get a seifuku/dress/singular article of clothing and maybe a few little accessories
>more accessories, it's fine
>add more clothes, it'll be okay, clothes are pretty light
>add bags, they can't be that heavy...
>add shoes, why the fuck not at this point
>8kg order for what was originally supposed to be a very small order

There's a reservation I'm waiting for going on next month and I'm going to try just sticking to that one thing and some small accessories I've decided on.

>> No.7554103

Does anyone know what this means? Google translate is once again of no help.


>> No.7554113



hair ties


>> No.7554153

I'm used to reading traditional, so I might fuck some things up, but from what I can understand, this page is for people who have preordered the perfume bottle gardenia skirt (pictured) to complete the payment for the skirt.

>> No.7554166
File: 76 KB, 506x900, d25474094b36acaf134fbe7c7ed98d1000e99c39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this browing the baidu threads.
Whattttt is ittt... Need it in my lifee

>> No.7554235
File: 480 KB, 1000x368, socksloli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy some basic, plain lolita socks with frilly trim. Is there any one store that sells all of these items in place?

>> No.7554308


Or they might run small- I bought a pair in black from an ebay taobao reseller, supposedly in size 8/25.5cm, but they feel more like a 6. I can't wear them for longer than like 45 minutes without being in pain and feeling like my toes are breaking.

I even measured them, sure enough they're 25.5cm, but goddamn they feel 3 inches too short compared to my other 25.5cm shoes that fit fine, I don't understand it.

I love them so much but I can't wear them, it makes me so sad...

>> No.7554329

What should I do if I only want one or two small things? I was thinking join a GO, but I'm not sure how to go about that.

I want this cute hair clip thing and I can't find it on ebay, and now I can't even seem to find it on taobao. The shop name is Daruma, it's a little black X hair clip. I saw someone post it on here in a tabao thread before with some of those little black horn clips and some other things.

>can't navigate taobao for shit

>> No.7554342

Thanks. And too bad, I really dig the pictured OP.

>> No.7554376

I think glitzyinwonderland does, but I might be wrong.

>> No.7554432

link to the place you bought the swim suits from?

>> No.7554486

Does Alipay not accept visa or something?

>> No.7554659

Alipay accepts visa, why?

>> No.7554689

I tried paying for my order last night and it still says it's unpaid for, my card also hasn't been charged.

>> No.7554701

have you tried looking through aliexpress? there's tons of stuff that ships for free


http://emomobaby.taobao.com/ has a kind of ridiculous antlers+veil combo
here are some other specifically lolita veil-y things I found
otherwise, just sift through normalfag wedding veils, there are some more casual/less overtly wedding-ish ones out there

>> No.7554931

Is the stuff on Taobao mostly bootleg? I can't imagine it being legitimate, but I've seen plenty of the stuff for sale at cons.

>> No.7554936

Yeah, most are.
(If you're talking about animu and brand names)
For brand names, if there's a tmall, chances are it's legit.
There's an official Peach Johns and Levi's I know of.

>> No.7555055

Pinksavior has them

>> No.7555195

Thanks for your responses

>> No.7555219

mine were from pinksaviour, still waiting here...

>> No.7555302
File: 81 KB, 750x413, T2lfmsXI4aXXXXXXXX_!!1929633406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone translate the row of chinese above the numbers in the table?

I tried to google some typical words for pants, like hip/waist/ thigh/length etc but they don't match the words in there..?

>> No.7555305

and i also tried the image translater but it gave me numbers, and random letters

>> No.7555307

>Sizing choice - Item actual size (+-2cm)
>/ - Pant length - Waist - Hip - Leg

>> No.7555316

thanks so much cg!

>> No.7555370

I don't know how they did it, but half my £300 Taobaonow order has been delivered without me recieving w single tax or customs letter.

>> No.7555394

Probably because of the shipping method you used, I never have to pay customs even at giant orders when it is sent with airmail.

>> No.7555746

Never got taxed with SAL, always with DHL.

>> No.7555777

Hey CG!(Or anyone reallye) Know any store that will take any commissions when giving to then? I'm not sure how it works. But I would like something commissioned that isn't in store.

>> No.7555788

I used EMS. I've been taxed with every method because they're so strict. Actually, DHL is the only method I've never been taxed on.

I realised that Taobaonow marked my price way down, then put the shipping price (HKD) down as CNY instead, using the Y symbol. So I'm guessing customs thought my shipping was only Y1000.

A really good haul too, a bit of household stuff and some bags from Isos. They're really sturdy!

>> No.7555863

I've never been taxed for a TB order. First two times EMS and marked as gift, third SAL with insurance.

I don't get as lucky with brand, though.

>> No.7556010

Need sizing help!

It says the units is cm, but clearly a 30cm waist has to be doubled yeah? Now that makes sense for waist and chest to be measured flat, but how is the shoulder 20cm? Help appreciated, thank you.

>> No.7556418

Does anyone have reviews of Olive&Ting (especially blouses)?

I'm worried since they use stolen pictures. I think I've seen some positive reviews in the past but can't find them now so I'm not sure.

>> No.7556425

I had a blouse from them ~3 years ago, it was really nice and it didn't make me look more fat than I already am. I was happy because it was bespoke and it fit perfect. The lace was nice but fabric could have been even softer. Things may have changed though

>3 years
>of taobao

Oh my

>> No.7556450


I had a ~£500 TBS order just come through in two 6kg boxes, EMS. No customs.

The small parcel they sent earlier with a single 2nd hand Dear Celine dress? Literally just paid fucking charges on it.

The fuck they figured the two huge boxes wasn't worth at least £15 but a single dress is I don't know.

>> No.7556455

UK customs are like hawks so it was likely the value on customs was lowered considerably. However even if it's marked as a gift if it looks like merchandise they'll count it as merchandise (meaning they'll charge fees if it's over £15 not the higher value)

>> No.7556485 [DELETED] 

Sorry if I shouldn't be bumping.

>> No.7556489

Sorry if I shouldn't be bumping.

>> No.7556665

Does anyone know how to fix the browser/login error? I thought I was clear until it started happening to me about an hour ago...

>> No.7556715


Whoever makes the next thread, PLEASE add into the OP 'no we don't know how to fix the log in error'

>> No.7556733

What's the error?

>> No.7556754
File: 1.14 MB, 749x749, tights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuuuck I think I finally found them
god bless taobao's "similar items" function

>> No.7556774


Oh, crap, that's me. I'm so sorry about that! Didn't realise my ask was off.

I got my tights from the link below, but the shop's sold out of them. It seems like you've found a much better link anyways (more colors and options).


Sage for sort of useless post.

>> No.7556778


And forgot to sage. I'm just brilliant today.

>> No.7556795

Can someone explain what this page is selling? http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.36.Sowg5e&id=38149225346

Is it a replica or what?

>> No.7556827

Yeah, it`s a replica.
That`s a deposit, full is 189 for salo, 199 for jsk.

>> No.7556830

these are on ebay

>> No.7556886

Sorry, I searched in the archive but found no recent updates to the issue.
Thanks for the answer though!

>> No.7556901
File: 255 KB, 417x383, spineshoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know some shops / keywords that can help me find some spine heels like these?
I've already tried
> spine high heels (脊柱高跟鞋)
> spine shoes (脊柱鞋)
to no avail.

>> No.7556963

you're far from wrong, but you gotta dumb things down for taobao, anon. I searched "bone high heels" 骨高跟 and they showed up on the first page of results

>> No.7556983

Hi, I don't cosplay anymore but I know most cosplay shops accept commissions. Larger stores might not, but most will. Look for the words 来图定制, which means custom with picture. However I'd be careful with more intricate items, since things like cut, material and fit are hard to translate and properly communicate online and through an SS. Most notable Chinese cosplayers have a IRL tailor they go to to have it fitted and altered, and buy their own materials as well.

20cm is just the distance between the two straps, don't think too much about it. Usually for anything if it's within 2-4 cm of your actual shoulder measurement it should fit fine with the sleeves and all. More than that and it'll pull.

骨头跟 is the term for bone heels.

>> No.7556984

thanks kind anon!

>> No.7556990

Thank you so much, CG.

>> No.7557040

Any shops still selling winter clothes (preferably cute or in mori style)? All the ones I've bookmarked from before have understandably transitioned into summer

>> No.7557152
File: 162 KB, 346x441, crying ojousama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, gracious and glorious Taobao wizards.

>> No.7557153

Thank you! Adding to my order asap

>> No.7557170

Thanks a lot! I'm going to try them then.

>> No.7557226

Is there a term for cutsews (I mean not just t-shirts with cute prints but puffy sleeves, lace, ...)?
Or does anyone know any shops that sell them? I already have the infanta one.

>> No.7557236


>> No.7557238

The absolute most I've done is $700

>> No.7557362

For the taobao direct, you can make multiple separate orders orders and have them forwarded to you in the same package. They don't charge you for warehousing fees until you've had stuff in there for one month.

>> No.7557538

I thought i'd keep it straight to the point, but when I do my next order I will update it and make it much clearer.

>> No.7557657


What a helpful post. I went through five key terms to get the ebay post. Thanks so much for the enlightenment, I'll be sure to call on your vague help every time I order fillers for an already large taobao order.

>> No.7557668

How long does TaobaoRing typically take to confirm an order? I've been waiting for two days and while I don't mind waiting, I'd like to know if this is normal or not.

>> No.7557671


Anywhere from half a day to a week. Depends how fast they can get in contact with the stores. I find they've been pretty dependable in this respect.

>> No.7557674
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, 1397251684976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7557679

T恤 lolita seems to give a few results. I wasn't really able to figure out what else worked, unless you're willing to search through lolita衬衫 to find something

>> No.7557956
File: 91 KB, 272x320, tumblr_l0rw66VZbL1qzccmno1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for answering. I hope it'll be sooner rather than later, because some of the items are nearly sold out.

>> No.7558026


Ahhh I hope so for your sake too! They should answer by tonight or tomorrow, hopefully.

>> No.7558269

Is this a reserve? It's saying something about 15 days (I think), but google translate is being vague (as always). Thanks!

>> No.7558281
File: 52 KB, 480x320, 1398145819449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CG, do you also work as a SS?
Most SS I'm talking to don't understand what I want by custom cosplay and I don't want them to fuck up.

>> No.7558318

>Last Supper Skirt

>> No.7558357

I'm an art history/religion major and think it's funny. (Don't judge me!)

>> No.7558386
File: 499 KB, 350x200, phone2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of any stores that sell really cute lolita/jfash-inspired iPhone (preferably 4/4S) cases?

I've been ordering some cute new outfits lately and I'm in desperate need of new cases. My current case is old and ugly as hell.

>> No.7558401

Could someone also suggest some cute galaxy s3 cases?

>> No.7558416

Elfe In Our House does some matching to their Cult Party and Pastel Goth collections.

>> No.7558757

>tfw want to buy some sexual stuff like SM toys and shit, but have a pretty close relationship with my SS and don't want her to know.

I g-guess I'll use an SS that I don't usually use for my next order.

>> No.7558776

I'll be honest, if it's going up your vagina, I'd buy it here simply for the safety and reassurance if something goes wrong.

When it comes to health, never cheap out. Unless it's just harnesses, then no harm done.

>> No.7558851

I'm not in China atm, so I don't know how well I could SS, but I certainly have the time if you would like me to help. I can communicate with shop owners and will probably be more helpful with a custom cosplay than a regular SS, but this is sorta risky. A custom comes with risks that they'll interpret items wrong (tube-shaped hat instead of a beret), have color differences in their fabric choices (we usually get to pick samples from a card but there's still monitor problems), or other minor things.

I'd be willing to try if the costume is simple enough (e.g. school uniform). but it's up to you to decide how much you trust whatever shop you pick. If it has trims etc I recommend you pick it yourself on taobao. Also since I'm not in China I can't receive and check the item for you, or ship it out, so you'll need another SS for that.

E-mail's in the field! Send me a message if you really want to go through with this.

The page is the full price, it will be sent out approx 15 days after you pay. There's also a "oil painting house" option, but there's not pictures for it.

Just do it anon, they get it all the time. It's their job.

Everything's made in China anyway, the only difference is the ones exported come with a box and cost 5x more. I've bought vibes and shit from taobao before. The little 10rmb one lasted me a year.

>> No.7558982

>Everything's made in China anyway
But before anything can be sold in NotChina it has to pass NotChina's safety regulation which are generally much more strict than China's. I'm not sure if this is relevant to sex toys, though, unless they have lead paint or some shit.

>> No.7559143

>have a pretty close relationship with my SS and don't want her to know
pretty close relationship...? they all just treat you like any other customer. don't delude yourself.

Oh CG, you were conditioned from young to withstand lead or mercury or whatever in everyday products. You're an Alpha human, raised to be above us all, you can't speak like us Inferior Laowais have bodies as tolerant as yours.

>> No.7559183

I'm not saying that you would do that, but isn't using an anonymous person on 4chan with a throwaway email as a SS kinda risky? If something goes wrong you have nowhere to go.

>> No.7559312

Because they're morons. I buy 1-2 items all the time. Just ship them AIR. Air mail starts at 2-3 dollars.

If I end up buying over 2kg, I just go SAL, which is only around $18 dollars in total anyway

>> No.7559347 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 732x212, Screen Shot 2014-05-16 at 15.53.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So someone looked at my parcel and worked out the value is enough to get a customs charge. But so far it's taken them more than 2 days to work out the fee. Why would they not just get that first person to calculate the charge...?

Goddam HMRC. Inefficient as all fuck.

>> No.7559348
File: 37 KB, 732x212, Screen Shot 2014-05-16 at 15.53.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So someone looked at my parcel and worked out the value is enough to get a customs charge. But so far it's taken them more than 2 days to work out the fee. Why would they not just get that first person to calculate the charge...?

I don't even care about the charge, I just want them to hurry up. Goddamn HMRC. Inefficient as all fuck.

>> No.7559581


>> No.7559586



>> No.7559640

Just what do you buy?

>> No.7559716

I know this is the wrong thread for this but I didn't know where to ask and knew that making a new thread for this would be silly.
I want to buy some things from Mbok and I heard that chibi Tenshi is good, so I was going to email and ask how much the things I'd like to buy would total to be. I know that she has an email because I emailed asking about something from Swimmer on an old email account but now I cant find out what chibi Tenshi's email is to ask how much with shipping all the things I'd like would cost.
Also, would the items still be charged with Tenshi's auction fee even though everything I picked is a "successful bid right now" item? Thank you for any help!

>> No.7559748 [DELETED] 

I don't know about chibi Tenshi, but I've used treasure-japan for mbok auctions without a problem.

>> No.7560014

No idea anon, but I also need this in my life now.

>> No.7560056

Anyone else got a sailor moon lingerie set off TB?

I want to ko how theyre like

>> No.7560113


>> No.7560152

Link to ebay?

>> No.7560158

Even if it's BIN, still an auction and you'll need to pay the fee. Visit her site at tenshishop.com

>> No.7560196
File: 26 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have the Elpress Capulet Garden JSK. I found the measurements ran true to size, exactly as listed.

>> No.7560227
File: 435 KB, 1000x664, DSCF3029_zps85a8cfb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Olive&Ting pops up pretty regularly on Baidu (Chinese lolita forum) with girls wearing their blouses and dresses. They did a really nice replica of VM lace up chiffon OP, it is insanely popular with the Chinese girls.

Pic if of the Olive&Ting VM replica posted on the egl sales comm recently. The quality looks superb.

>> No.7560273

I'm looking for a pair of penny loafers on Taobao, but the taobao dic and google translate aren't helping me much.
Anyone know the word I should use?

>> No.7560446
File: 228 KB, 500x600, 05151159_53742d9ea89f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know any pieces that would coordinate well with this skirt? I'm not a lolita so I don't know all the good shops. I'll be using this as normalfag clothes but I'm on the hunt for accessories and whatnot.

I'll be perusing through taobao shops myself, but if anyone has any suggestions please let me know!

>> No.7560468

That waist band looks gross what the hell ap?

>> No.7560473

I agree. I'm still going to try for the sailor jsk when it goes up in the SF store. But since this'll be a normalfag skirt I'm just going to cover the waistband with my shirt.

>> No.7560818
File: 169 KB, 764x529, wot m8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats it saying guys...? I got this popup after paying for an order

>> No.7560820

it's asking for your phone number; just exit out

>> No.7560869

Has anyone used Fedex for shipping before? It's listed as an option on transbao, and it's cheaper than EMS as well as being listed as taking 2-4 days (compared to EMS 5-10 days)

>> No.7560889
File: 544 KB, 1360x1836, 10125906_hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can find this dress? Searching the terms for 'cat dress' shows the same listings as always since I started buying from Taobao.

>> No.7561019

What's the best shopping service to use for reservations on taobao?

>> No.7561031

It's available on Mod Cloth. It's called the Kitty Crew Dress.

>> No.7561313

Call up your local Parcelfarce depot with your tracking ref and ask to pay over the phone. If they say it isn't ready ask them when they expect it to be. You can't pay at the weekend. If they argue tell them you can pay and that you asked the head office if it is possible to do so before the letter has been sent.

>> No.7561359

Not that anon but not sure how the local depot could help since the parcel isn't with them...?

Whenever I've contacted Parcelforce over similar issues in the past they always say there's nothing they can do when the parcel's still in customs as it's under HMRC's control.

>> No.7561397

Seconding this question, please.
I usually use Pruany but I've heard they're really awful when it comes to reservations.

>> No.7561537

I've used TBS for three reservations now (Ista Mori and Krad Lanrete), and they've never disappointed me.

>> No.7561592

has anyone ordered from blackmilkstyle yet?
I've seen it posted here but never any reviews
I'm thinking about picking up a dress but they seem pretty short and small

>> No.7561667

Thanks, I usually use them anyway.

>> No.7561677

So Krad's getting ready to release this dress.

According to google translate, they're just going to sell ready stock. I'm not sure if this will be online or in their brick and mortar store. They also will be selling this in four colors: pink and purple, pink and blue, 'grass' light green), and white.

Would a kind anon (or maybe CG) who knows Chinese translate it?

Pardon the frightening model.

>> No.7561679
File: 140 KB, 567x850, 31adcbef76094b36bcbc4a1ca1cc7cd98d109d10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dropped pic.

The name is St. Catherine's Tears

>> No.7561709

Link? Can't find it on their taobao.

>> No.7561721


No link yet, and I'm not sure when they will even release it. (hence my pleas for help haha).

But I saw the pics on their weibo: http://www.weibo.com/lanrete

>> No.7561766

Thanks, anon.
That's Taobaospree, right? Seems like previous anons are having issues with them being bogged down with orders lately. It's not really unexpected though, what with Spreepicky and Taobaospree gaining popularity with normalfags.

Are there any other good SS for reservations?

>> No.7561843
File: 459 KB, 719x489, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does the sponge/foam thing do?


>> No.7561865

I'm attempting to deugly my room, does anyone have links to some cute home goods stores?
Ones with cute storage in particular.

I found this one http://pf1314.taobao.com/

>> No.7561868

This looks nice from what I can see. I wish there were close ups, though.

>> No.7561875

any pics of the bodice?

>> No.7561902

> http://hellokitty2.taobao.com/
> http://momoi.taobao.com
As an aside anon, I would strongly recommend against buying bedding, blankets, etc (anything that is mostly fabrics.) A past anon got bedbugs from their order.

>> No.7561909

How much do bedbugs usually go for on taobao?

>> No.7561917

>not buying them and gifting them to someone you hate

>> No.7561922

Does anyone have good translations of the messages on little dipper about the reservation and when you have to pay the deposit by? because if I am reading it right it is already over but it's still up. Also does anyone think I could preorder though one of the shipping services taobao lists at the check out for Australians? I haven't tried it before and the archive is not helping much for preorders.

>> No.7561924

>A past anon got bedbugs from their order
oh my fucking god gross

>> No.7562269

Are there any stores that carry cute/elegant clothing that is not all pastels? I'm looking for navy and wine red in particular.

Also: shops that sell flattering clothes for busty girls except Autumn Moon?

>> No.7562289

Will it kill the bedbugs if I wash it first before using it?

>> No.7562355

Bedbugs are tricky, they won't just stay on the one surface they were carried in. Even just bringing the item with bedbugs into your house can cause them to spread. A few could fall on your carpet, make their way to the couch, bedrooms, anywhere really, and then they may breed. I really wouldn't risk it, bedbugs are a pain, being that they're so tiny they're very elusive, and once they're in your house the best thing you can do it pay out the ass to get your house fumigated.

>> No.7562483

that sounds scary tbh

>> No.7562583
File: 102 KB, 500x581, 68A65E7B7D2B1_zps7bafe49e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After spending ages trying to use different search terms and doing a google reverse search I can't find any info on where this headband comes from. Is it an item off taobao?

>> No.7563158

I heard the best way to get rid of bed bugs on bedding is to buy some big black yard trim bags and put the bedding inside and let it sit outside in the sun for like a month. Obviously make sure nothing rips the bad and that it's sealed tightly. The lack of oxygen and food source and the heat will eventually kill them.

>> No.7563195

Does anyone know any shops for clip on ponytails? I'm a natural golden blonde and I've had trouble

>> No.7563221

What is the most anyone has every paid for shipping on their order? I'm in the middle of a massive order with a friend, and I'm just curious.

>> No.7563610

I've been using 双虎口 to search for twintails, but all results I get seem to be of cosplay wigs. However, I'm looking for extensions. Is there a different term I should try?

>> No.7563980

Are they out of stock already? I can't seem to find the listing on their page.

>> No.7564004

Here's the numbers from my last order about two months ago:
>Items price: $704.77
>Pruany's fee: $56.38
>EMS shipping: $278.61
>Weight: 19.40kg

I'm currently in the middle of another order. I'm trying to keep it between $400-$450.

>> No.7564291

would I run into any issues if I order zara stuff from taobao?

>> No.7564600

does ems usually update tracking frequently? mine has said dispatch from sorting center for four days

>> No.7564845

Depends on your country's postal service. I've noticed from past threads that EMS can be kinda slow in some countries compared to others.

For me (in CA, USA), EMS has been updated fairly decently.