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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 51 KB, 594x395, 1357885_1399766037.0467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7563129 No.7563129[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It doesn't add up. Why are your parents kicking you out of the house? You must be an asshole or your parents are. How do you have the ability to go to out of state cons like CT Con, Hartford Comic Con, Colossalcon and Otakon when you you're about to be homeless? I'm sick of people looking for handouts when they're are just lazy.


>> No.7563152

Two more slots open for CT con AND Otakon!

About my shoots:
-Must sign model release form
-Free professional editing, by yours truly
-No charge for extra people
-The one hour and 2 hour shoots get you a free 11x14 print from your shoot (1 for each person in the shoot)

30 mins: $150 / 4 photos
1 hour: $250 / 7 photos
2 hours: $325 / 12 photos

I would imagine this outrageous cost helps fund the trips.

>> No.7563155
File: 133 KB, 960x945, 10178008_620567478034950_5053593617251242613_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But hey, she's damn near fully-booked at all those cons for a reason

>> No.7563166
File: 72 KB, 626x417, 10246323_634829493275415_5430137750420240381_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I'd pay her if I had the money

>> No.7563181
File: 56 KB, 500x667, 1356992322951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You must be an asshole or your parents are.

I'm sure you can off the top of your head think of some enormously shitty parents.

If you can't tell me what utopian society you live in.

> I'm sick of people looking for handouts when they're are just lazy.

So you're saying she is lazy? Nothing in your post indicates that besides your belief that she is lying (without proof).

If you don't believe her don't send her money. Even if you do believe her you aren't obligated to do anything so don't feel like you have to find a reason to not send money like making her out to be a lying layabout.

>> No.7563184

is that her in the OP image? she should just become a prostitute. would make $200/hr easily.

>> No.7563200

>I am a graduate of Hallmark Institute of Photography
This explains why she is a good photographer, why she has no job, and why she charges as much as she does.

Good photog: obvious
No job: commercial photography is not something you just jump into. You have to build a name and get clients and even then if your area cannot support another commercial photographer you're fucked. Preferably you have some savings to keep you afloat before you get going which she obviously doesn't have.
Prices: You have to make your stuff be perceived as having value and high prices is one of them. It also keeps a lot of potential clients away from you if they're too high.

I cannot speak for her actual financial arrangements but I assume she had an agreement with her parents that she'd get a job after graduating and move out in exchange for them housing her and/or funding her degree (or she has loans). Now that she's graduated the clock is ticking and she has to go.

>> No.7563212
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>I have no idea what to do anymore and I'm scared I'll be living in my car.

It's doable. It'll suck having to get a monthly gym membership and being there at six in the morning every day so you can use the showers and what-not, but it's doable.

>I have applied to over 350 jobs in the past two months and I have had zero interviews.

Time to start waiting tables and parlaying your aesthetics into something other than free drinks at the club, sweetie.

>I've calculated out that I'll need at least 2500$ to be safe for three months.

Getting greedy there, Lauren.

>Assuming I can find an apartment for $700/mo

You don't need to spend that much on an apartment.

>spend $50/mo on food

Top fucking lel.

>> No.7563220

Can't she do lifestyle photography with infants, family, seniors or weddings? Or even take up a some graphic design jobs? Let's get real. No photographer makes a living off of cosplay alone.

>> No.7563226

She's most likely facing trouble getting work period. I don't know what she expected but from quick googling you have to be a self-starter for job placement when it comes to Hallmark. She couldn't have picked a worse industry to get into right now.

>> No.7563230

Where I live $700/mo for an apartment is cheap. $50 for food is doable but you really have to budget and be OK with eating the same things and eggs

$2500 for 3 months is about right. Even 2k, but much less and you wouldn't be eating everyday

>> No.7563246

I was going to say.. In her defense, just because she's at the con doesn't mean it's all fun and partying. I know plenty of 'professional' con-going types who are there to work around the clock. When they aren't manning an artist alley booth or scrambling around to attend scheduled meet ups, they are handing out business cards, furiously sewing, knitting, trimming or whatevering the shit they need to sell when the con starts up tomorrow.

For a photographer, I imagine that would mean that when everything is winding down at the end of the night, they'd still be huddled around a laptop processing, fixing, and adjusting the hundreds of photos they took that day so the customer is properly satisfied with the outcome.

>> No.7563247

Maybe for middle class neighborhoods $700 is cheap, but that type of lifestyle isn't for a young lady with zero career prospects that's resorting to begging online for help. I was dishing out $375 a month to live in a ghetto shithole for nearly a year in Cincinnati, but I still had plumbing and electricity. Don't forget that she'll still need to make a down-payment on said apartment.

And only $50 a month for food? No way in hell can she handle that if she can't handle living in her car for a few weeks.

>> No.7563254

>Assuming I can find an apartment for $700/mo
>You don't need to spend that much on an apartment.

That REALLY depends on where she lives.
I live about an hour out from Chicago and apartments around here start at $1000/mo, not including utilities. The cheapest places to live around here are suburban trailer parks, but that entails a WHOLE 'nother series of problems when you get down to it... Like having the majority of your 'house' only having 7ft high ceilings and about 10 square feet of open, walkable space.

>> No.7563257

I'm saying it sound like she doesn't want to take what she can get,until the ideal job rolls around. If she's applied to over 350 jobs without a single interview, she's not doing something right. One of those 350 jobs damn well better of been McDonalds, Home Depot or Walmart. They are always hiring!

>> No.7563259

Where I live, 700$ is about as cheap as it gets. That's the price for a shitty apartment in a shitty neighborhood. Granted, almost everyone has room mates but still...

>> No.7563260

Because working at minimum wage in America and surviving without welfare is possible.

>> No.7563263

Waiting tables isn't working at minimum wage, dumbass. Plenty of girls at my restaurant are working as waitresses to supplement their future endeavors.

>> No.7563264

at least she's actually good at what she does, and I don't think she's asking for an unreasonable amount

>> No.7563273

Why doesn't she do something like stock photography? What kind of kind of jobs has she been trying to apply for?

>> No.7563299

Isn't her boyfriend working for General Dynamics? Telling people you're gonna be homeless when your boyfriend is rolling 6 figures!?!? Spoiled brat! 'Merica stop drinking the KoolAid.

>> No.7563326

Maybe she should ask Anna Fischer for some of that Kickstarter money she pocketed.

>> No.7563336


Alright, I know this woman. Here are some facts.

She's been applying to everything. Photography, temp, fast food. She worked in a kennel shoveling dog shit for a few days, but they decided not to keep her on. She is not being picky, I can assure you.

Her parents don't wanna coddle her. She's an adult, and she should/wants to be able to support herself.

She works from 8am-8pm every con she goes to, and that's just shooting.

Hartford Comic Con is actually paying her to shoot at the con, so that should help, but it won't pay first-last-security on a new place.

And I don't think she even has a boyfriend. I've certainly never heard her mention one. She's listed as single on Facebook.

>> No.7563345

She apparently does do photography for weddings, but I don't see many pictures of that (could just be the couple not wanting her to use them)

I can't find anything about her having a boyfriend.

I have no problems with her prices, she's a good photographer. But I do think she's lying about the jobs she's applied for (350, seriously?) and she doesn't seem to have any job experience (according to her google+ account).
IMO, she should room with a friend and try working at least a min. wage job. Not only is it do-able, but she'll be able to build up some credit/references.
Massachusettes CG has apartment listings as low as $500. I live in the Bay Area of CA, $700/month will get you a room in a house, a pretty good one bedroom apartment starts at $1200/month. When I worked a min wage job, paychecks came twice a month ranging from $300-400.

>> No.7563356

I feel like cgl is trying so hard to pull some great drama out of this girl's story but they just can't

>> No.7563363

I feel like the samefagging in this thread is through the roof.

>> No.7563368

aw OPs mad their dramabomb was a dud

>> No.7563401

I'm pretty sure it's just one person, probably some other photog fag

>> No.7563537

The vendetta is strong.

>> No.7563565

She's engaged to Dylan Sanborn. She's not going to be homeless. Just wants some handouts

>> No.7563710

Someone actually told me about this thread about me so let me clear up some things: 1: I'm not engaged anymore, things didn't work out.
2. Parents suck major butthole. Mentally and emotionally abusive as fuck. No one is ever 100% in the wrong but after coming out as bisexual thats when they started treating me like shit, so it's all in the religious bullshit theyre that way.
3. Most of the 350 jobs are not photography related, and my work history sucks so I know why I'm not being hired. It's hard getting a job, btu I a am getting help slowly. Whoever created this, if you don't like that I'm trying to get help before I become homeless for a second time, then don't donate. Simple as that. I have a bunch of friends offering to house me but I'm not going to rely on house hopping if I don't have to. Hopefully I'll have a job interview this week with best buy but we'll see.

>> No.7563717

Where did you even get that name from?

>> No.7563720

One more thing, I'm not paying to go to these cons. I'm staying in peoples hotels for free in exchange for shoots. I'm 'lobby conning', essentially not paying for a pass, and hitching rides with people. UNLESS I get a job before the cons haha. But yeah, not spending a dime at the cons.

>> No.7563724

I wonder how they got that name too. Clearly they knew me back when I WAS engaged to him (in Feb) but I'm not longer dating anyone lol.

>> No.7563738

good luck. best buy will probably hire you on just because the turnover rate is high (they had a 2/3 turnover in 2013). it's a shit job, yeah, but you're just going to have to suffer through it and use photography to help supplement. i worked at a supermarket for a few months before landing a better job and then i got the hell out of dodge. in the off time where you will feel like doing nothing because the day job sucks you're going to have to keep growing yourself and adding more to your skillset.

your port is pretty good, definitely enough for at least an assistant position. did you do any networking/interning/etc in your time at hallmark? any loans you have to dig your way out of?

>> No.7563748

Wasn't she fucking Kassandra Leigh?

>> No.7563754

Thank you- Yeah I dont mind whatever job I get as long as what I make/the hours I work allow me to get an apartment or at least room with someone else for cheap. I don't care where, but i have to be careful of security issues because of my equipment. Either way, I'm trying my best. My entire day has been revising my resume and apply to jobs today.
Mainly my problem is that photog places say I'm 'overly qualified' which is soooo stupid, or they 'just filled the position' haha. It is summer though.

As for loans, I don't have any. My parents might suck but they did pay for that so I'm greatful for that. That being said I still have no idea why they're kicking me out. Like they paid for my schooling so why kick me out? It doesn't make sense. Idk. I have some connections, but they're all internships and I can't waste time right now doing free work as much as I want to. :( I'm waiting on responses from assisting positions though! *excited*

>> No.7563756

Unfortunately for you people are just tried of cosplayer and photogs begging for money online so whether or not your legitimately in a shitty position working to get out of it your gunna have to deal with some shit being flung at you. Just ignore it after this. Especially when the trolls and vendetta fags are probably going to come in here and try for another response. Good luck getting your life on track.

>> No.7563761


So, what, we're all just supposed to go cap-in-hand to kickstarter and gofundme?

Get bent.

>> No.7563784

Its so hard to click a button on an SLR daddy bought you.

>> No.7563787

"overqualified" means they think you're going to have too much ambition and wouldn't be content doing whatever the hell it is they would have you doing. what kind of stuff do you have on your resume? bunch of rewards or big name things in your history? i'm not really sure what would make a photo place think you're overqualified.

if you're good at post processing/retouching i guess you could always throw up some of your stuff on model mayhem and maybe get a bit of extra work that way. one of the guys on /p/ used to do that for a while

good to hear about the loans or lack thereof

and you're never too big for foodstamps. i think shit jobs pay you minimum wage and expect you to use foodstamps (and no, you don't get to take the food they are tossing at a supermarket) i luckily didn't have to do the two job tango but i was pretty close to it.

>> No.7563789

She also tries to mooch her way into staying at hotel for these said cons for free (without paying what everyone else is paying in the room) in return for free shoots. That doesn't cut it. Also its almost impossible to be "over qualified". if that is the truth (and she is a compulsive liar and Idk how people don't see how she is talking out of her asshole) the company she applied for would want her to be there because she is "over qualified"

Such constant pure grade A bullshit, she should start a manure factory.

The only ones coming to her rescue are those who have not known her for awhile and those she constantly photographs and compliments for being "perfect, talented or gorgeous." Not to mention she is ripping off cosplayers who spend enough on this con as it is, while she is staying at a con for free and milking out more money from those who are spending more than her.

>> No.7563791

Yeah but this isn't someone raising money for their sexy Princess Peach cosplay I don't know why OP couldn't just scroll on by.

>> No.7563796

>time is money
>pays time for room
>isn't staying for free

God OP give up you lost no one agrees with you just stop it's embarrassing

>> No.7563797

SO obnoxious. Try actually living in your car for 3 months during the winter- you'd go running back to those religious fucks in two seconds. Maybe I'm just jealous I never started a gofundme. Wait, nevermind. Its called pride and that's why I never kissed ass either. Grow up.

>> No.7563801


That's not really the point.
The Sexy Princess Peach shit was awful, but at least she was honest about her intentions.
It would hardly be the first time someone's spun a sob-story to get money from strangers.

>> No.7563802

>1: I'm not engaged anymore, things didn't work out.
I'll never understand this. If you're not financially stable, why get engaged? Why waste money on rings or a wedding? What kind of logic is this? 'I can't afford a home, but let's get married!' Even if it fell through, I hear about this crap all the time.

>> No.7563803

Her ex-fiance dylan literally gave her everything. She photographed his wedding with his ex-wife and a month later deleted said pictures and started dating him.

He apparently was really religious and as soon as she started dating him she "found god" and became a good christian. After they broke it off there are no more religious rants to be found. Interesting.

>> No.7563804
File: 66 KB, 960x639, 1014125_587753944649637_1246305547_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah look at these shitty pics you get for your money man what a rip off

>> No.7563807

i'm kind of jelly about her location choices

>> No.7563809

...that didn't make any sense
>if you're poor why would you agree to marry someone at some point in the future?

>> No.7563811

Wish I could afford her rates. Four shots for $150? Shit, I'd gladly throw down a quarter of that for just one picture.

>> No.7563812

You still have to pay for shit like engagement rings.
You're still spending money you don't have, for a future that you can't even see, when you can spend even more money that you HOPEFULLY have.

>> No.7563813

engagement ring can be simple, so can the ceremony (civil ceremony)

>> No.7563814
File: 68 KB, 960x639, 993017_600325800059118_490363627_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously. These aren't just "Let's find a bush in my backyard and you pose next to it" bullshit shots.

>> No.7563817


>at some point in the future?

Yeah, usually that's some time in the next few months to a year, not some time in the next decade (maybe).

>> No.7563819

Think the person meant ripping off as "over charging" photos of cosplayers work, (over $100) when she is staying at conventions for free as well as getting rides off other people without paying for gas money and only paying for her badge which is only $60. Meanwhile, the cosplayers who she is photographing are paying for their hotel, plus their badge, their ride to the convention, and her over photos.

I know Lauren personally. It's a goddamn mystery how people believe all this crap she throws at them.

>> No.7563823

My favorite are "a blank wall in the convention center is good enough"

>> No.7563824

That's if you're actually dropping money on a decent wedding. You can walk and drop $50 on a wedding license. You can get married at a courthouse. No chapel, no wedding ring, etc...

>> No.7563828

Let it go, op. There are far more things you could be doing with your life instead of trying stir up drama where there is none.

And frankly, I'd rather toss money to someone asking for a few thou to live than someone asking for $25 grand to shoot a stupidly expensive and pointless photo shoot.

Boy, someone's really salty.

>> No.7563830

none of this matters to me when choosing who to pay for my cosplay pictures lel
i'm sorry i just do not care
you can eat a baby before the shoot but if you make me look as good as the other shots in this thread then i will shovel over my money and get you a napkin

>> No.7563831

if you can get a cheap, good photographer, go for it. not all places have those available and not all people need her type of work. if they want a free photographer, they'll get a free photographer. if someone wants to pay her $150 or whatever it is for a few photos then they do so. at the end of the day it's their choice. if they didn't think her work was worth $150 then they wouldn't pay it.

>> No.7563835

are you a natural light type of photog or a strobe kind of photog?

>> No.7563839

Easy photog

>> No.7563841

Oh it does matter if you have a decent cosplay or not when shooting with her. If your cosplay is shitty, she won't shoot you. It' doesn't matter if you are paying. Go check out the Attack on Titan post on her page. I was appalled.

>> No.7563849

It's the people who know Lauren in real life and see the struggles she goes through and have helped her find places to work since she is budgeting her gas to go places and we are more than happy to buy her some food that will last longer than a damn handful of crackers I must've handed her like 5 waters throughout the day and she was like "I've never had this much water jeez". People don't seem to realize that there are huge gaps In time between her last relationship the last job she had and the time she posted the gofundme. She also roughed it for as long as she could between being without a job and the go fund me post. Personal friends of Lauren have re blogged re posted her go fund me and I helped her realize that many hands make light work and she needed to lower the donation amounts cuz not everyone would see and read that it has an option to donate a different amount. Even have her ideas how to sell her work promoted her work and I am a customer of her photography and both my girlfriend and I loved the work she did on it. It's funny how all the negative people seem to bring up details that were relevant half a year ago. And they do not apply to today's finances problems and relationships. She has not been picky with places to apply I have been there when people shoot her down upon asking for an application and she still insists on filling one out saying "I know you said you're full up but here just in case" I told her how by some stretch of amazement I beat 112 applicants for a retail job and my old boss showed me the stack he reviewed for the position so that means 112 people got denied this happens in the real world people it's not a Fake sob story. And we don't need to hear lack luster economic opinions from idiots who don't know how money works gas for a car food housing phone service to get clients receive payments via card reader there are people surviving barely off 40g a year and she's asking 2500 for THREE MONTHS that's fucking peanuts.

>> No.7563850

The only thing I ever think I'm paying a photog for quality and quantity. Why would I care if they carpooled or didn't buy a badge?

>> No.7563855

I suppose it is take your $150 and you end up with shit or you get rejected and save your $150. Lipstick on a pig and all that. Sounds shallow but that's part of it when being what amounts to a fashion photographer

>> No.7563860

>I beat 112 applicants for a retail job and my old boss showed me the stack he reviewed for the position so that means 112 people got denied
shiiiiiiit that's a bad job market. I'm the guy who used to work at a supermarket who posted earlier. They had more employment spots open than they did people who showed up for the "job fair." you basically walked in and got to pick whatever grunt position you wanted.

>> No.7563864
File: 76 KB, 960x639, 1469866_634393299985701_5172388927285275292_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, went to look for the post you're talking about but couldn't find it.

I did, however, find this. This guy really negates your whole point. This is an awful cosplay and she still took a great picture of it.

>> No.7563882

probably a "fuck it, the girl is good" moment

>> No.7563884

And yes it is awful. In comparison to a seasoned cosplayer I am very novice. I missed a few details and didn't get fit enough in time, but she doesn't discriminate her cosplayers based on weight, color, or other stuff. so lets save the cosplay bashing for Heroes of Cosplay

>> No.7563899

Go check the personal page of your friend.

>> No.7563900

God she sounds so shallow *eyeroll*

>> No.7563918

I literally have no idea how I could sound shallow. o.e If it's about the new shoots I want to do, and not wanting novice cosplays for it, it's because I want to create some seriously stunning phenominal, out of game looking images so I want really talented cosplayers. I dont think it's wrong to want to build my portfolio and make some awesome images lol. I love photographing all cosplayers, no matter their style or quality, but I do like making images with extremely talented people as well.

>> No.7563922

She's not my friend I literally just looked her up on Facebook 5 minutes ago. I'm not gonna go friend her so I can see whatever the post it is that has you on some stupid vendetta. Chill out. All you're doing is bumping the thread and getting her name out there.

>> No.7563923

I was being sarcastic

>> No.7563927

Oh okay XD The internet is great at translating emotions haha. Anyways, It just seems like the people who are angry at me for this or are bashing me are making wild accusations and assumptions based on things they might have known about me months or years ago, or just off of pure spite. But thank you for those of you who supported me. xD

>> No.7563935
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It's time to go.

>> No.7563936

Well if the guy bought the ring and popped the question, she didn't spend money on jack. He did. And they were probably going to wait to get married once they had the money. You don't get engaged and run to get married that soon unless you're in Vegas or some shit. Getting asked a question and giving an answer is free. (unless you're the person asking)

>> No.7563941

Sweetie, ignore the assholes on here. 4chan is where people go to lose their humanity.
>I am already dead inside

>> No.7563943

>4chan is where people go to lose their humanity.

4chan confirmed for turning humans into Reptilians.

>> No.7563946

OP you're a little bitch.

I hope you ain't someone I know irl (which you probably are, seeing as it sounds like we've known Lauren for about the same amount of time).

I hope she figures out who you are 'cause I sure as hell don't want to associate with a petty-ass 4chan Internet Coward.

>> No.7563955

I do some side photography thats actually a decent amount.

It's hard to get your name out there right now. Every one and their mother are pretending to be photographers. The best money there is seems to be in weddings but it's a scary thing, as a photographer basically paces the wedding. It's something you would have to either be ballsy and step right in or be a second to someone and learn the books.

I've been doing event photography: Smaller functions, recitals, Bah Mitzvahs. But it was all gained by word of mouth via the one organizer I do the recital for every year. And that's a 2,500$ shoot for part of the day. And only 4 major edits. (Ex. take this kid out)

If there is funds to spare in her account... I would put a small flier advertisement out and see if she has any local event bites. You only need one good one to get the ball rolling. Jumping in is the hard part.

>> No.7563957

>I have a bunch of friends offering to house me but I'm not going to rely on house hopping if I don't have to

So you're not comfortable with accepting the help of friends but it's no big deal to publicly humiliate yourself by begging strangers for donations?

>> No.7563974

If she is, she should live with her.

>> No.7563976

You're not going to get anywhere with Best Buy.

Here's what I did. I have no job history.

>Fill out Amazon's online job app
>Go to interview
>Get hired within 24 hours
>Start working at 11.75/hr within 2 weeks

If you aren't opposed to moving boxes, they'll take you. The shifts are 10 hours long, and you make 10.65 for day and 11.75 for night. I'll be pulling in around $90-ish a night after taxes.

Menial labor pays well, but it is physically demanding. If you aren't afraid of getting your hands dirty, you can get work.

>> No.7564131

The last photographer who said this ended up being called a racist and elitist. Giving free shoots to cosfamous people.

>> No.7564281

Not everyone can comfortably let disgusting men they are not attracted to touch them in intimate ways.

I personnally shudder just thinking about it.
But I'm not a desperate homeless person.

>> No.7564299


The pay sucks, but you can definitely make at least min wage doing grunt work for small web manga publishers (like a couple bucks/page for typesetting) if you're decent enough with photoshop. I've been doing it to supplement my income between freelance jobs. I'd link you a specific place, but I just got an e-mail contact from a friend out of the blue and I'm not even sure what website it's for specifically, but there are several weird little manga sites that are always in desperate need of grunts to do boring, tedious shit for them. You usually don't even need a resume, just an 'I know how photoshop works' and then deliver on the test page(s) they give you.

>> No.7564314

picking job where you wait for the kivas to drag stuff over to you? bad thing is that you need a warehouse near enough to you to do that.

one of my manager's friends is head of one of the warehouses. says they pushed a million packages out a day during the holidays. meanwhile my company's small warehouse pushes a half thousand on our biggest days. heh.

>> No.7564594

I have some mutual friends with Lauren. She's a lil batshit crazy to be honest. I hope she gets the help though. Immensely talent individual.

>> No.7564607


Is anyone smelling some samefagging? I don't agree with OP because I don't give a shit about what people wants to use their money on, and her pictures are indeed pretty good. But the samefag i pretty obvious here, just look at the way they all fill out the subject and name.

>> No.7564627

Yeah, definitely all the same person, who clearly doesn't come to 4chan very often.

>> No.7564630

Post your job application, I want to see why you can't get one
You can redact personal information. I have hired people in the past and there's a reason why people don't get hired, frequently it's because they're illiterate but it can be anything

>> No.7564695


If you don't blow your money on dumb shit it is.

>> No.7564707

>Begging strangers for money is better than rooming with a friend

In what world?

>> No.7564748

You mean like conventions?

>> No.7564752

She doesn't seem to know how and when to use a comma to separate sentences, so that could definitely be a factor.
First sentence would make me not hire her if there was any sort of competition.
>Hello- my name is Lauren and I'm a photographer based in Upton, MA.

>> No.7564757

at the job I'm at now the interviewers, who were separate, mentioned my resume/cover letter were well written. I thought it was average at best. Boy, I was wrong. Through some mucking around I was able to find all the resumes that come in for the company and a lot of them were horrid even to me. I can only imagine how bad they were to everyone else.

Also while I'm asking you: cover letters. How long is too long? I had about 3/4 of a page.

>> No.7564858

Uh, yeah, the ones that are Lauren all say that they're Lauren and use the word "I". Great detective work figuring out they might be the same person.

>> No.7564860

Different person, but I might go for this. I hate my current retail job, I could use the exercise, and this pays more. I'm really small, though, so I'm not sure if they'd take me, but it couldn't hurt to try

>> No.7564863

I think she's just one of the many people whose parents funded school, not understanding that forcing you to focus on your studies ONLY leaves you a 20-something with no work experience.

>> No.7564867

$700 without utilities is like minimum here if you want a studio apartment. Hell, I work with some girls that are paying that much to live in the LIVING ROOM of an apartment shared by other people.

>> No.7564872

I can't find the post. Inb4, you're defending her. No, I'm just curious and unfortunately am unable to find the post.

>> No.7564877

You are trying way too hard and reaching way too far up your ass for this. Are you jealous of OP and know her IRL, or were you going through Kickstarter and thought you found the perfect thing to crown you a /cgl/ drama queen? Because the backfire on this is embarrassing.

>> No.7564880

You're not from here and you need to stop. It's over. If she knows you IRL, I really hope she figures out who you are (should be easy) and gets you out of her life.