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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7554180 No.7554180[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has /cgl/ ever stolen something at a con?
Or j-fashion, accessories, ect.

>> No.7554212

only hearts

>> No.7554220


>> No.7554224
File: 8 KB, 225x225, totoro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once stole a keychain when I was younger.
I was immature and I think I wanted to prove I could.
I wouldn't do it ever again and it was silly I did so in the first place.

Bonus story time:
I was talking to a friend of mine who owned a booth.
An overweight man looked at the goods on display with his child. I overheard him asking the child if he liked the totoro plushie.
I didn't think much of it until he told his kid to take it.
He walked away, my friend and I stopped him. He then proceeded to blame his child.
He talked very demeaning towards his own child, "oooh why did you take it? you should have told me!".
Truly disgusting, poor kid. I wish I could make this up.

>> No.7554231

Poor kid is gonna be so fucked up when he's older.

>> No.7554241

so much guilt i die.

>> No.7554311

No, I've stolen from larger chains like a lip gloss tube from Wal Mart. But it would be too god damn embarrassing to get caught stealing from weeaboos. Besides, they keep a pretty good eye on their stalls for the most part.

>> No.7554315

I almost did this weekend. I bought a keychain from a vendor and then was looking at another vendors key-chains when I realized how easy it would be just to walk away with another one in my hands.
Then I remembered I loved Weebs and Conventions, I just couldn't do it!

>> No.7554341

I am a veteran shoplifter who happens to like Anime

Cons are literally a thieves paradise
>No cameras (even if there are, they aren't clear enough + too many people)
>Busy booths (5-15 people talking to 1-2 store owners)
>Field of vision (90% of booths cannot be seen 100% at all times by the owner, unless they are one of those behind counter only vendors) <--- best way to prevent stealing btw
>Retarded bins filled with wall scrolls, not even in store owner vision (seriously I get like 10-20 of these and sell em to people)
>No loss prevention, sometimes they get volunteers but they have no idea what the fuck they are doing
>Benefit of the doubt (no one thinks anime weebs/fedoras/nerd girls would be thieves) <--- Seeing the responses in this thread so far just prove m point such as >>7554241 >>7554315
>Benefit of the doubt again (I got caught once, I simply passed it off as "oh I forgot I had it", works becasue its an anime convention - would not work in a clothing store)
>Low turnover walk away (as in once I have the stuff, I walk 20 feet away put it in my bag and I'm done, I don't have to leave an entire building with my loot
>Can carry large bags around w/o suspicion

>> No.7554343


I could go on and on, but basically cons are literally the easiest place to steal from

I go to Fanime, AX, Otakon, AWA, and PAX, plus local small cons

I usually spend an entire 12-6 "shift" lifting stuff because I literally take so much I can't carry it all, I usually do 5-6 runs to my hotel room and back before I stop and actually enjoy the con
I also switch out cosplays/clothes every run so no one notices me loitering

Last year at AX I stole about ~$3,000 worth of stuff, kept 6 figs for myself (legit 1/8 PVC goodsmilecompany kind etc) and sold all the rest to my friends at half price
AWA last year I got about $2,500 and I could sell almost full price cause alot of it was Touhou crap that just sold instantly because the creator was there or something

Books are the easiest to steal and are valuable, followed by keychains/plushies. Don't get figs unless your really experienced or have a friend to distract the store owner (even I have to do this sometimes)

Largest haul I've ever had was ~$5,000 at AX 2011

I also notice that recently con security has been getting tighter universally, most notable is the increased prevalence of staff "secret shoppers/watchers"(though its really obvious cause they just stand there looking at people, obviously not trained for it)

I will be at FAnime in like a month

I work a minimum wage mcjob and go to school, this is how I afford all my cons/luxury items

>> No.7554351

While deplorable, I'm fascinated.
So do you ever just go into the Dealer's Room just to see how much you can actually steal or do you just stick to stealing stuff that you or your friends like?

Also do you ever swipe from Artist Alley's? Seems it would be a lot harder since they have less stuff in front of them.

>> No.7554352

Just because of the gsc figs if I go to a con and see you lift I'm gonna call you out. Making a niche hobby with high demand and low supply even more expensive, fuck you man

>> No.7554358

Yeah, I can't wait until you get caught and charged. There's shoplifters and there's you.

>swipe from Artist Alleys
Whoever does this is the worst of the worst and even other shoplifters would agree. You don't steal shit from people who made it themselves and rely on that money.

>> No.7554366


You can try


I steal stuff I like, I also have a group of anywhere from 4-8 people at cons that give me a "list"
ex. one person lets call her Jen, at AWA last year told me "I want a mokou fig 2hu doujins and vocaloid wall scrolls"

I get as much stuff as my list as possible and sell it off at 60-70% of the vendor hall prices, if they don't like the thing in particular I just sell it to randoms or go to the con swap meet

I don't steal random crap, if I do it would just sit in my house rotting, no point. If its popular I lift sometimes such as Attack on titan/sailor moon/Pokemon because random congoers will buy it

I also steal alot of Magic/Yugioh/Pokemon booster boxes/packs/tins etc and go to a local card shop and just dump it all (Its amazing how unguarded the card stores are despite their value)
At Otakon I took about 4 boxes of Cosmo Blazer/Magic core set

I don't usually take from artist's alley, not because I couldn't but because no one really buys that stuff, and its usually overpriced anyway
I took some nice League prints at AX one time cause I like Ashe, thats about it

>> No.7554368


Maybe someday I will be caught
But I can garuntee you it won't be at an anime convention, worst I would get is just banned from the con

>> No.7554371

You think you're really smart. How hard is it to see someone just walk away with a figure box. How come no one else calls you out, is everyone else that much of a pussy?

>> No.7554378


Watch some "professional" shoplifting videos, it's blatantly obvious, there is really no way to truly steal stuff, you just have to wait

No one calls me out because of several reasons
>Maybe I didn't want a bag
>Not worth my time/Not my problem
>No one is watching

View it in my perspective. Your in a booth with 5-10 people all talking and looking at merchandise, your not eyeballing some random cosplayer watching his/her every move. You in fact are leaned over the booth looking at some of the t-shirts, the booth owners are counting money from customers

4-5 t-shirts are already gone. Everyone else is just continuing on with their con life

I got a busy booth, people go in and out
I grab a box and its in my hand, old people leave the booth, they assume I'm paying for it
New people come to the booth, they assume its already paid for/from a different booth cause its already in my bag
Someone catches me putting it in my bag - "It was heavy I was putting it in my bag so I can browse and go to the register later" <-- I've used this literally 5+ times, even if they believe me they cant punish it because I haven't left yet

Think about yourself, when your at a booth do you watch other people? Probably not. Your busy shopping, just like everyone else

I also walk into booths with unboxed merchandise in my hand, and walk around the hall with unboxed/bagged merch in my hand as well, So everyone assumes It's just natural

>> No.7554381

>worst I would get is just banned from the con
...uh, no? They do arrest you on site and take you to the police station. You honestly think if you're caught stealing at a con (especially that much shit) that they're just going to take it back and ask you to leave? Your ass is getting arrested and charged.

>> No.7554383

The feeling like i easily could and get away with it is always there (especially the last day) and always with AX for sure but i never actually could bring myself to do it, the fear of getting caught is too strong, maybe if i was moving away or never going to the con again though it'd still go on my record and i'd still get cops called if i failed

>> No.7554387


I don't walk around with thousands of dollars of merch on me at any given time, thats retarded and I; in fact would be arrested/charged

I do plenty of smaller runs

You think if they turned em in they would arrest that dudes father because of a keychain?

People get caught attempting to steal all the time, its their first offense and they give a sob story and they usually just get let off with a warning, I speak from anecdotal evidence, not from what I assume what would happen

If I ever got caught it would also be my "first offense" so nothing life changing would happen, esp since I always try to keep my loot under 499 per run

>> No.7554389

I feel this. Convention floors just seem so... open. Makes me feel like everyone is watching me.

>> No.7554391

From someone who's planning on running a booth in the near future, thanks for the tips mate

>> No.7554392

They aren't. Unless your some kawaii uguu pretty cosplayer, and stealing if your in some skimpy cosplay is a dumb idea anyway

They wouldn't call the cops unless you took like some $500 figure. Unless the dude is on a power trip hes not gonna call the cops over some wall scroll

>> No.7554393


If you want your booth to be thief proof get a wall spot, put all your shit BEHIND THE COUNTER and don't let anyone back there.

I literally just ignore these booths because theres no way it can happen

>> No.7554400

I do watch other people, what else am I supposed to do while I wait to you know PAY for something I want. And I have a overbearing sense of justice and don't want shitheads like you getting the same $100 fig for free.

>> No.7554401

>dudes on powertrips
Come now, the power-trip alpha-nerds are the ones asking to see your badges every 19 minutes, not the ones running security. They put the shy weebs in charge of that.

>> No.7554406
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I like you, teach me all your secrets.

>> No.7554415


Like I said in a previous post figs are off-limits unless experienced / have a friend

If i'm at the booth your at you may not know, but I already know your watching me. I'm not stupid, i've done this a long time and I know better than to just blindly walk away without knowing if there are alert people at the booth; I will put down the fig and say "its too expensive" then off to a different booth I go - remember you are in a minority and I am in an even smaller one

60% of my stuff are books/scrolls which no one watches

Pretty much, security at cons are much more relaxed/friendly/forgiving, remember; they are volunteering their own time.

They are not on the other hand middle aged security guards being paid $10/hr that relish the fact they get to call the cops on people

>> No.7554418

Do you feel no shame? Yeah, it's not like it's murder, but you are causing trouble to other people nonetheless. Does that not bother you at all?

>> No.7554424

Some women are extremely selfish and materialistic.

>> No.7554429


80% of merchandise at cons are taobao resells or marked up by at least 50%, It's not like im taking 2500 from a singular booth, they will recup their 50-100 loss in 3 sales.

I used to be an outstanding citizen but working a $11 full time job while going to university really mellows you out to things

most women

>> No.7554435

There should be some sort of con merch black market.

>> No.7554437

So you are a terrible person and you are ok with that. That's just sad.
And while I refuse to correlate this to gender, I shall not argue.

>> No.7554438

Can you give some tips? I might steal a few things at a con (small things that won't make a difference)

>> No.7554439


1. Look for secret shoppers
2. Wait until booth is busy
3. Know what you want beforehand
4. Leave as quick as you came

>Make sure no one is staring at you
>Don't look back
>Walk at a normal pace
>Act natural

Don't try to "hide" the item once your -out of booth range-, if your just carrying it around its not stolen, if your trying to hide it people get suspicious

>> No.7554443

Why is it that you think Kleptomania was associated with wealthy women throughout the twentieth century? Why do you think Tumblr, a female dominated site, has spawned a large shoplifting community? Why do you think that /cgl/, one of the sole female dominated spaces on 4chan, is the board that gets a shoplifting thread like this one, despite the fact that it would fit on other boards?

Face it, women are the ones who pull this kind of crap most of the time. Men tend to rob and commit burglaries, but women are the petty shoplifters of the world.

>> No.7554444

>marked up
They really fucking aren't. A keychain will be on amiami for 500 yen, and the same is sold for $10 at a convention. With shipping from Japan, that would be $10 either way. Sure you can say shipping can be combined which lessens the price per item, but that extra is how booths are able to stay alive.
I don't think there is much official anime merch sold on taobao either.

>> No.7554446

Don't try and reason with a woman about how she should obtain from her pleasurable, materialistic hobbies. It will fall on deaf ears.

>> No.7554450

>women are petty

Well, I suppose that's pretty accurate, at least.

>I am a woman

Honestly I don't see the issue with people shoplifting from people who will easily make up the difference, and who aren't depending on their profits to live.

I personally won't, but I won't chastise someone else for doing it, s long as they stay away from me so I don't get in trouble when they fuck up/

>> No.7554452


Yeah but burglaries and robberies are worse than shoplifting so why does it matter anyways

>> No.7554455

>women are petty


>> No.7554457

Im bad at math but that doesn't seem very profitable.

>> No.7554458

Robberies and burglaries are also much rarer, and tend to be committed by people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. Shoplifting, on the other hand, is committed by a much broader range of people, many of whom are from the middle and even upper classes. How many of the women on here who admit to shoplifting do you think are from the ghetto?

What it reveals is the kind of shallow, materialistic, and entitled character that many modern women posses.

>> No.7554460

Attack on Titans hoodies sell at cons for $70 when they retail for ~$15 on taobao.
It's depends no the item, I suppose.

>> No.7554462


At AWA I saw tohuou fumofumos being sold at $60-70

They are 30 on release

Peach skin dakis are sold at 40-60 usually,

20 on taobao

>> No.7554467

I said I refused to argue because I'm a woman and I knew this whole thread would prove me wrong anyway.
As it did in just a few posts.

It's still wrong and that is just weird. Stealing is bad enough and then you steal worthless toys you're probably not even going to care about of all things. It's not like you even want what you're taking, you just do it because you can. I can't make sense of your behavior.

>> No.7554472

That's because your parents never instilled a sense of morality in you.

If you read the thread, you would know that they are hauling away much more than 20 dollars worth of stash. And even a 20 dollar plushie at every con and event will quickly add up.

Glad to see that your priorities are in the right place though. You've really convinced me of women's moral superiority.

>> No.7554473

If the price is unreasonable I feel like the company's are being entitled and deserve a loss of profit

>> No.7554483

Too much drama and gender wars, we need more posts like these.
What do secret shoppers typically look like other than staring at you?

Also does just grabbing say, a book, and rushing off not seem suspicious as fuck? I would worry being there a shorter amount of time and just grabbing something would at least raise suspicion to other shoppers.

>> No.7554491


do you know where you are?

>> No.7554492

That reasoning makes absolutely no sense though. If you're not willing to buy something at a certain price, then don't buy it. You're not entitled to get the item no matter what.

>> No.7554493

I don't steal. I did when I was younger and stupid, and I got caught. I firmly believe in Karma, and just like I had my comeuppance, everyone else will at some point too. That's their decision to make. I made my mistake already, I just gotta let other people make theirs.

That said, I won't rat someone out unless they're stealing from an artist or a small business.

Maybe it's not the most moral thing on the planet, but when people are getting $30 for a plushie they paid $4-$6, well, they're not missing one or two.

When I did lift, I only ever took petty shit anyway, less than $20 a run, only ever at Walmart or Target, and when I got cocky, I got caught with $250 of shit in my purse.

Woo hoo, you have better morals than a bunch of people that you don't know who could very well live across the planet from you. Congrats.

>> No.7554495

Big difference between posting shit on the Internet, no matter how heinous, and stealing physical goods from people.

>> No.7554507


You'll be able to tell if you just look

Spotting them at places like Macy's took me a bit of practice but at cons they generally just stay at one booth watching, you'll know.

>> No.7554508

shoplifting is evil and just as bad as rape and murder, i agree

>> No.7554511

Because if more people stole items/boycotted company's would be forced to lower prices or give us our moneys worth, me just silently avoiding them does nothing.

>> No.7554514

it's worse than stealing 200+ nigerian girls and selling them into the sex slave market.

Hell, I'd forgive whoever flew those planes into the twin towers before I forgave a shoplifter, despicable,

>> No.7554516

What are you even arguing at this point? No one ever said that shoplifting was as and as raping or murdering people.

But why are you entitled to those goods in the first place? You can live without posters and anime figurines.

>> No.7554519

They're especially evil when stealing merchandise from anime cons

>> No.7554522

>all these women in thread trying to justify their stealing by comparing it to rape and terrorism


>> No.7554523

>if more people stole items/boycotted company's would be forced to lower prices or give us our moneys worth
That's not how economics work.

>> No.7554527

>I can justify myself because there are worse crimes happening
That's really not how it works. Fine, you do something bad and you don't regret it, ok. But come on, don't deny it's bad or even try to claim it as a righteous action such as proposed by >>7554511
I mean, if you know where to buy them for a fair price, just buy them there!

>> No.7554528

Thanks for the info.
Yeah, from what I understand, department stores tend to just have people walking around mostly on their phones and looking... more or less busy.
Really, I just try to avoid everyone.

>> No.7554532

No, you stupid twat, it just makes companies cut hours of the people who are only making minimum wage. Some stores hold employees personally responsible for customer theft and cut pay.
Have you ever had a real job? They almost always have videos about why workers should deter shoplifting. If anything shoplifting is going to increase prices.
Fuck some of you are stupid.

>> No.7554533

How is it entitlement? I as a consumer want a quality product,if the product is mediocre and cost 5x what its worth,the seller needs to learn that isnt right but they don't cause tons of lazy people just accept it.

>> No.7554534
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>> No.7554538

Nah, it's just how most women on this board think.

>> No.7554539

What store do you know of that holds employees personally responsible?

Stores generally have policies that state that employees aren't even allowed to do anything about shoplifting, because of the legal complications that can happen if the person claims that the store employees did something wrong or wrongfully accused them.

Some places like Walmart have specific security units who are allowed to stop shoplifters but just regular employees can't, and therefore can't be held responsible.

Even at my job, we had $200 in cash go missing an nobody got in any trouble.

>> No.7554543

If the loss is too great it might change because giving them more money obviously doesn't help.

>> No.7554547

I've never stolen anything from a con, but I've stolen two pairs of sunglasses from Target. I felt terrible after.

>> No.7554548

Anon I know you think you are edgy for stealing all the things you have, which is why you insist on gloating, but at the end of the day you will get caught. There's no way around it. You've gotten too cocky. When that day comes I hope the humiliation humbles you.
Vendors sell these things to make money and go through school, pay their bills, and feed their families. I pity you because you can not comprehend that what you are doing is so wrong.

>> No.7554554

Its gullible to assume all sellers are good people, most of the ones I've talked too were huge assholes.

>> No.7554555

It made you mad so it must've worked

>> No.7554557


OP said shes been doing it for awhile so idk what your talking about

>> No.7554559


>> No.7554564

Last Fanime during the busy hours, someone reached right into our booth through the cage and stole two giant bags of just gashapon. I don't know how anyone could miss it, so I do blame myself partially. But to do this is fucking stupid and I had to deal with stupid volunteers while reporting the theft.
>"hey so some fuck stole two garbage bags-size things of gashapon from our booth"
>volunteer says "oh my god im so sorry i've never heard about people stealing from cons!!11! "

So fuck you guys. It's a huge headache.

>> No.7554570

I worked for one such store. I've posted in the fabric shop employee threads in the past.

I was at a Hancock's in a fairly shitty part of town, so our shrink ratio was too high compared to corporate goals. No one got pay increases (even after positive reviews/assessments from corporate on other areas) as a result. Even our assistant manager only received a 5 cent increase at her two year assessment, though she scored positively across the board.

They also made us carry plastic, see-through bags instead of our own purses, made us check our coworkers bags for stolen gooes before leaving, but did not install any cameras, gate monitors, or other anti-theft measures. Even though they knew that the shrink was coming out through shoplifting, because we kept meticulous records, they still treated us like we were the ones stealing from the store.

We also had a shift leader forced to resign because they suspected she was shorting the tills. We only once had more than $5 short on the tills in the time I worked with her and they had no evidence at all that anyone was stealing, but decided she was the least necessary of us and made her leave anyway.

Every corporation varies, however. Obviously, bigger ones have more leeway and will be less likely to take it out on their employees if shoplifting occurs.

>> No.7554571

>Vendors sell these things to make money and go through school, pay their bills, and feed their families
I kind of doubt that, given how many people make a loss of profit after trying to sell at artist alleys. They usually wind up paying a few hundred for a table, con pass and hotel room costs while most vendors at conventions have operating online or physical businesses. It's a nice thought and I also disapprove of theft but there's very little chance a single person can successfully make enough profit through cons to support themselves through conventions.

>> No.7554578

Since when does being an asshole equal not being a good person. That seems gullible to assume, anon.
Being a vendor is their job. Wouldn't one assume that said job contributes to, once again, bills, school, or family?

Every single time they steal something they risk getting caught. If everyone had your mentality then everyone would be stealing. Anon will slip eventually, especially because they occasionally go for higher priced items.

>> No.7554581

I don't think people realize how shitty stealing or attempted theft makes store employees feel.

>> No.7554604

The ones on taobao I'm certain aren't official, licensed product. This does mean they're marked up at conventions, though, proving it does depend on the thing. I am more an expert in figures (hence, official stuff) and in my experience there is only about a $10 markup on them. I would not sooner order a $40 figma with $10 shipping than just buy a $50 one at a convention.

>> No.7554606

They do know. They're just selfish.

>> No.7554610

2hu shit is always ridiculously expensive outside Japan though, because of some deal with ZUN. I think he wants to keep it his own and fan-expanded and therefore most 2hus can only be bought as exclusives in certain shops in Japan or something?

>> No.7554763
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>How is that entitlement? I want this product, and I deserve it because of the price
Do you even know what entitlement is.

>> No.7554788

It's not the store itself but corporate that divys out the punishment.

I know that Michaels cuts hours due to lost profit since I worked there. I'm sure Joannes is the same way since they're equally shitty to their employees.

>> No.7554789

You're the reason why new video games and technology are behind glass cases. All stealing does is make companies take security measures which cost money and up prices, or just raise the prices to compensate for the lost profits from the amount stolen. For a small vendor, theft can be crushing and basically kill their business financially because they can't recoup the loss of the stolen items.

>> No.7554796
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>> No.7554836

>You don't steal shit from people who made it themselves and rely on that money.

They should get a real fucking job then, not really on MUH DRAWINGS to sustain their finances.

>> No.7554872

You've obviously never wanted to have a job or a career you actually owned yourself. Have fun always working for other people and having no life ambition what so ever.

>> No.7554887

Stealing is just not worth it. I don't really consider it all that bad if it's from Walmart or something, but that's not it. You can get away with it a hundred times but that one time you get caught will haunt you for the rest of your life.

Same thing with drugs. I've done most everything you can think of but it's really just not worth it when you get caught.

-- Meditations.

>> No.7554889

Seconded. I doubt most people use their convention sales as their primary income, too. Just because you're doing something for money doesn't mean it's your primary job, and it depends on an individual whether having one consolidated stream of work or many little jobs works best. So many ignorant anons in this thread, or trolls. I appreciate you, you are a beacon of reason here. There's a few others in this thread I could call the same, too.

>> No.7554900

>be white girl
>have this brown male friend
>really sweet guy, but unfortunate looking
>he always grabs everyone's attention in a bad way
>take him to booths and while people are watching him I steal a few things
Thanks racism.

>> No.7554964

So then tell me how do you tell the difference between good people and bad people. Vendors are just people doing their jobs. What you are doing is no different then stealing money out of random people's pockets.

>> No.7554992

Man, I remember back in...I think Otakon 2012? Anyways, that year, Saturday at 2:00 in the afternoon - peak time, the fire alarm went off so they had to evacuate EVERYONE...

I had a friend tell me that vendors and artists were refusing to leave their tables because in the chaos, duh, it woudl be so easy to swipe stuff.

Apparently some vendors came back with their entire stock just decimated.

>> No.7555001

No, it was because that one guy was criticizing the psychology of modern women/questioning their morality so they fired back.
Don't talk shit if you can't take the heat :^)

>> No.7555006

i was at a con last year and AP had a booth. it was AP's first time in Canada as far as im aware, and then someone i know decided to tell me and some friends that they'd stolen a dress and were so smug about it. now theyre trying to sell it because it was an ugly print to begin with

>> No.7555021
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Oh hell yeah, my time to shine!!!!
I've stolen tons of shit, straight out of the hotel that I didnt even stay at, the Marriott or Hilton or whatever it was held at. Towels, salt and pepper shakers, even a painting off the wall, hid it in my car and went back for more drunk as a skunk.
Sandwiches were a fun take next to the smelly gaming room from a little stand.
From the Dealers Room: Pins, Buttons, Pokemon Soap, trinket shit no one notices.
It's easier when you dont care and you're abrasive, no one will do jack unless they're a hyper fag and you're being obvious then security gets their tits all uppity.

>> No.7555027

What I never understood was why people buy shit from a con when you can just get it online or ebay for cheaper?

>> No.7555029
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>even a painting off the wall

>> No.7555033

Atmosphere, spurr of the moment, and convenience are a few reasons off the top of my head.

>> No.7555045
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Oh yeah, I have it in my kitchen now. The towels were pretty nice too, and none of it traceable to me since I didnt actually stay in the hotel under my info. Some Fear and Loathing at a Forgotten Con shit

>> No.7555068
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Stole two "i heart yaoi" rubber bracelets from AX back in 2008. Then I proceeded to watch my two friends jack $100+ worth of merch a piece throughout the rest of the con. They bragged to me back in the hotel they've been doing it since 2006. One of them was nearly caught by the Kinokuniya stand staff but it was the very last day and when she stole there was less than 5 minutes left before the con was over so the guy just let her go.
>mfw my weeby self thought we were so fucking metal

>> No.7555071

Didn't anyone see you dismount the painting? lol oh man.

>> No.7555076


>painting off wall

Story please, this sounds amazing; if you remember details

>> No.7555078

Another anon answered this already but take like a drug store for instance. If you make a pitstop at a Walgreens or CVS you're going to pay a shit ton more for everything then you would at walmart. BUT you're already there, and hey you see something you need so you just end up buying it. It's not smart money wise but it's convenient. Also, not everyone that goes is aware they can buy the same things for way cheap.

>> No.7555089

Other anons here have mentioned that stealing "isn't worth it" because of the small chance of getting caught, but I disagree with that. Rather, I disagree with stealing in these places because it makes you a selfish freeloader. You people damage every one's ability to have fun at a con. Vendors, guests, security, everyone but you and other thieves. You probably know that and don't give a fuck. It's tiring to think about, especially as someone who tables at AA's. It makes me wonder why the rest of us even try to be good people around each other when a few shitheads can just freeload and take our enjoyment of the event away.

>> No.7555091

I feel so much less safe at cons after reading threads like these. Feels bad to take vacation from work/life and "escape" to a fun event like this...and then be unsettled by how many truly selfish, animalistic people must be thievin'. You shoplifters disgust me.

>> No.7555097
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I have no idea, it wasn't in the lobby, but it wasn't exactly hidden in some corner out a door either. I think it was during the Dance/rave thing on saturday so the place wasn't super packed at the time and security was preoccupied with that. I was very fucked up at the time, but I knew I had something mediocre and goofy to talk about later on. I personally like the towels more, but Im practical.

>> No.7555101
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>> No.7555102

>doesn't like that someone criticizes women's sense of morality
>makes excuses for women who steal

Women logic.

>> No.7555109

>mfw I just accidentally walked out of a craft store with $36 worth of nautical themed buttons.

..Fuck. I was wearing a big heavy coat because it's so cold and I kept dropping all of my little bits and pieces so I put the tube in my pocket so make it easier and didn't realize until I got home. ;~;
It would have been SO obvious, too, because half of the damn tube was sticking out.

>> No.7555115

I feel so much less safe at cons after reading threads like these. Feels bad to take vacation from work/life and "escape" to a fun event like this...and then be unsettled by how many truly selfish, animalistic people must be thievin'. You shoplifters disgust me.

>> No.7555117

apples and oranges, anon

>> No.7555121
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>baito desu ne

>> No.7555136
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Me and my best friend stole a balloon on free balloon day. I'm so ashamed.

>> No.7555145

I know this tread is for this kind topick and stuff but it makes me so mad and angry that you "guys/girls " steal stuff from convention so carefreely . Don't you feel any shame?! And you who stole from artist walley...i hope you burn in SUN! It's not cheap to travel 200 miles to convention and all food/hotel...many artists I know work really hard and but lots of their time to make stuff to sell so that they can come to next convention. Hopefully you all thieves live in America and we don't get cancer like you in Europe ever.

I know this is pretty harsh text but I don't like idea that people go to ruin fun from others.

>> No.7555147

Are you literally 16 and straight from tumblr?
Keep your emotions in check honey.

>> No.7555154

I don't know who would steal from an actual 'artist.' Seems like people take from the generic sellers of just shit you could get online, or in the case of that Anon with the painting from the actual hotel. . .

>> No.7555155

>Don't you feel any shame?!
No I don't.

>doing anything

>> No.7555158

Underage weebs whos parents wont let them order stuff online due to "identity theft D:"

Also casualfags who buy knockoff shit to be all "SUCH A NERD YOUGUISEOMG"

>> No.7555161
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>Underage weebs whos parents wont let them order stuff online due to "identity theft D:"

nostalgia, man. Made my boyfriend buy some things for me online until I was old enough for a pp account.

>> No.7555162

I completely agree with you. Come to the AA thread, there is a place for you there.

>> No.7555164

When I was like 13 I went to my first anime "con" (I put that in quotations because it was inside of a small community center.) Went with 2 friends and they stole a bunch of posters, cards (not tcg, just normal cards with animu shit on them), and wallscrolls. They dumped them off in an empty cleaned out dumpster and picked it all up later. I felt bad but I wasn't going to be the one to return it and get yelled at, despite having no affiliation or knowledge of it until after.

>> No.7555166

I'm fine with people who steal from vendors. I steal from the dealer room myself, but lay off the Artist Alley people. Hell, steal something FOR the AA people if you can. They go through a lot of bullshit from the actual process of getting a table to pushy hagglers to commissions of questionable taste in the name of art and fun.

>> No.7555171

>I'm fine with people who steal from vendors
Could you explain why?

I hope I won't be able to use your reasoning to justify burglaries and auto theft.

>> No.7555175

U Jelly

>> No.7555178

A company is a company. An artist is an artist. The company can recover. The artist will probably not. The company expects goods to be stolen. They will account for this. Even if the artist does expect shoplifting, they probably can't afford to account for this.

>> No.7555180

No I am not. I am not the one who will have to live with lonely, bitter callousness in my heart. You will regret your cruelty one day.

>> No.7555182


Dude, I know a vendor myself, not personally, but through friends, and I can tell you, she's just an ordinary reseller, and goes through shit as well from incompetent staffing and organisation.

There are also good AA people and bad AA people. It doesn't justify you to be a bad person yourself. You know how two wrongs don't make a right? Don't try to justify your shitty actions with the shitty actions of others.

>> No.7555183

Not all vendors are really "companies" as far as I'm aware. A lot of them are just ordinary people with a little bit of extra money and some interest/knowledge of anime. What you're doing is trying to dehumanize these people to rationalize your thievery. A consistent moral system would have no steal from no one. It's wrong.

>> No.7555189

Most vendors at cons aren't actually companies

>> No.7555192

I think your using company a little broadly. A big company like Target or Walmart account for shoplifting and include it into their anticipated costs. They make such large profits that they can bounce back from hits like shoplifting. A small company like a vendor may try to consider the cost of shoplifting, but many cannot afford such losses, as most small companies are running in the red for years after they start. Every stolen good might mean a little more they have to pay out of their savings to keep their company afloat. Small businesses shut down constantly, so they certainly don't fall into this magically theft-resilient category.

>> No.7555196

>The company expects goods to be stolen. They will account

Doesn't mean it's OK to steal from a company just because they will "account for it". They employ loss prevention officers to deal with, catch and charge people with theft (which will look really good on any background check any future employer will do on you). The recovery of lost revenue & the salaries for the loss prevention officers has to come from somewhere, which leads to jacking up prices.

Oh with all the CCTV footage around it's not IF you get caught, it's WHEN you get caught. People should just get a fucking job and buy their shit. I don't want no dishonest bastard around.

>> No.7555199

Still, the money used to pay for stolen goods doesn't come from thin air. Prices are raised and costs are passed on to the consumers of course. You thought Mr. 1% would take a paycut? It's just distributed theft, you're stealing a little bit from everyone.

Even beyond that, consequentialism is a horrible way of looking at this. We should never be stealing from anyone even if they can perfectly "bounce back". The feeling in your heart is poisonous. It degrades your character to knowingly do something wrong.

Finally, thieves aren't even looking at the all consequences. You can steal a hundred times and get away with it, but again, that one time you get caught will haunt you forever.

>> No.7555201

I wish I'd got a photo of the Link I saw being led away by police at the last MCM Expo.

>> No.7555202

My cousin vends. She's a poor college student who has otaku ways and decided this would be a good way to earn money, since she enjoys collecting fandom things and knows a lot about it anyway. My grandma helps a lot with the logistics of it, although she doesn't really understand fandom stuff. But she knows it helps with my cousin's tuition (dem korean values) so she helps out. It's just my cousin and her, though my cousin gets a few of her friends from uni to watch the stand with her. One time they lost about 650 dollars of figures and books in one day (presumably from one ambitious shoplifter, judging by this thread) and it pretty much erased their profits for the con. It was hard to watch. My grandma especially had a hard time comprehending that there are so many people like this at the con. My parents had to lend my cousin's parents money that sem for her to pay rent and eat. Obviously not saying that this ONE convention of wasted effort caused us having to lend her money, but these things add up. I'm just trying to add a human face to the vendors.

>> No.7555206
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If she is a qt lolita I will work security for her for hugs.

>> No.7555208

No, she's super shy. She'd never dress up like that. She does admire cosplayers from afar, though. She gets scarily obsessed with characters. Her cautiousness is really problematic regarding shoplifters because she will want to give people the benefit of the doubt, even though she knows better. And then she won't want to be forceful until it's too late.

>> No.7555212

This is a weird opinion to me, every shoplifter I have ever known was a dude. And they have all vouched that many of their male friends also shoplift. I have never known any girl who shoplifted but when I worked at Ross, cosmetics were the most commonly lifted item.

Ross is a lady oriented store but we did loose a bit to shoplifting every year, the manager said most of the thieves were women.

So I don't know, it seems pretty even to me. I should also add that every shop lifter I have ever seen in person was male. Which was a total of five, usually late at night in a convenience store or Walmart.

>> No.7555216
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That's female privilege at work. You never notice the female ones because nobody ever suspects them, they always get away with it by being women.

>> No.7555218

Dude. do you really not make the connection that perceiving someone as less capable of being dangerous usually has an internalized judgement call of that person being weak(at least when applied to women), and how that can manifest negatively in other contexts?

>> No.7555220
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Weakness is cute though~

>> No.7555221

>most women
Please, don't lump me together with you.

Unlike you I don't have obvious mental issues, as I do care about others well-being and I try not being an ass to them even if I could gain something out of it.

>> No.7555236

Wow this is all really depressing. I had no idea so many people did this stuff. Let alone justifying it....

>> No.7555237
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If you're saying all women are thiefs, then by that logic I can say that all men are sadistic murderers and rapists. :3

>> No.7555304

Was this in Vancouver?

>> No.7555306

The last time I went to a con, I went alone. I was too scared to even use the tablet that was for free use, let alone steal anything.

>> No.7555325

Has anyone here ever been caught stealing something?

While I'd be too guilt ridden to even try, I will admit I have thought about it... thoughts of, "what if I just walked away with this sword? Is anyone going to notice?"

>> No.7555332

I've lifted from stores before, but never from cons. I feel like people are staring at me in dealers hall so I never try; I'm always in cosplay, though, so I guess it's for the best.
Larger stores are much easier though, especially stuff like cheap jewelry. I wear a baggy jacket and casually slip things into my sleeves when I'm putting them back (usually I'll take two of whatever jewelry I want off the rack, then slip one down my sleeve while I put the other one back) basically everything I take is small enough to fit into baggy sleeves, and under 20.im still super paranoid, even after doing it so many times; I'm afraid they might somehow find a way to put a sensor thing on the product without me noticing

>> No.7555333

I usually hang out with my best friend at cons 99% of the time I am there

And he is too much of a moralfag to even let me try so no

>> No.7555334

Every year Walmart has a major inventory check and if that store surpasses certain amount due to shrink the store has to make up that money. So yes that means decreased hours and smaller pay raises. It got so bad at our local store that it's no longer a 24 hour walmart since most of the robbery happened at night. The cashier that were full time overnight had to either go to days where they would become part time and lose benefits or become instock which most of them where in their 50s or older. Theft hurts a lot.

>> No.7555339

I'm surprised so many people justify stealing from big corporations by saying, "Well, they won't notice it's missing!"

I worked at Walmart in a very busy, fairly wealthy area, and we had a meeting before work one night where the shift manager told us how much profit we lost in each section of the store. Every single area of the store had at least a five thousand dollar loss, with electronics and cosmetics having well over twenty thousand. These losses weren't even the full amount; if you throw away the boxes or they otherwise can't scan the product, they can't add in that amount because the store still recognises it as being on the shelves.
This was in a single six month period. While they didn't ever cut our pay/hours (only because I was overnight; they need as many workers as possible), no one ever got a raise, nor did they move anyone to positions that would pay more, even when they desperately needed people in that area.

Now, I can say I hate Walmart. The company is shit, and its policies are shit, but I still wouldn't steal from them because I know it would only cause trouble for the workers. Corporate isn't going to correlate people stealing with, "Oh, our prices must be too high!" They just assume that the workers aren't paying enough attention, and do whatever they need to to make up for the losses as much as possible. The only real way to get them to 'notice' is to simply stop shopping there. We actually had some people coming from another store that had shut down because of so many people lifting. It was the only Walmart in the area, but the losses just weren't worth keeping the business open. The thieves can just go to another store with minor inconvenience, but the workers had to come to our store, which was a good forty five minutes away from where they originally were.

>> No.7555346

I'm less of a "they won't notice it's missing' shoplifter and more of just a terrible person. I don't feel guilt about anything I do which sounds edgy as fuck but it's true. I don't steal much stuff, I buy all my electronics, stuff for my hobbies, cosmetics and stuff but over 70% of my wardrobe is stolen and 90% of my lingerie is $100+ bras that I've taken (the store I go to is really bad at tagging everything so often expensive items are untagged).

>> No.7555347

But, that's not holding the employees personally responsible. You must live in a pretty shitty place for that to have happened, though, because the two walmarts I frequent are in crime-ridden areas (someone was murdered in one a few months ago) and we're still 24 hours. I've friends who work there and they haven't said anything about cut hours, either, and I know for a fact that they get hit with shoplifting constantly. Nobody is very discreet about it.

>> No.7555349

>no one ever got a raise, nor did they move anyone to positions that would pay more, even when they desperately needed people in that area.

Uhh yeah, welcome to shitty jobs.

I should be making $8/hr if my workplace gave raises like they're supposed to, but they don't, so I make $7.35. I was in the runnings to be a manager, because we only have three at a busy fast food place, and now suddenly we don't NEED more managers despite the fact that all of our current managers are working 60+ hours per week, and two of them have children at home.

Companies would rather give employees hard times than lose money on, like, paying them.

>> No.7555351

It's more because we're the airport walmart. When corporate or regional manager fly to do visit inspections we're the first store to get hit. They expect us to be the model store in our area so stress does get put on us more. Higher ups pressured about the theft and that's the decision our store manager made.

When I worked in the electronics area overnight they would always move me to other areas to stock goods. One time we 3000 worth of computers got stolen and they wrote me up for carelessness because I wasn't in my area. Because the MANAGERS placed me someplace else. I had to call home office and fight to get that removed. I have another walmart closer to the house that gets way more theft than use but regional managers don't bat an eye about it. But you're right my Walmart is pretty shitty.

>> No.7555353

>all of that
and then
>painting off the wall

I have done all of these things. This is bizarre.

>> No.7555399
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All but one shoplifter I've known was a girl, and lemme tell you, they knew their Gender was an asset for this kinda stuff, especially in lolita looking gear at Cons.

>> No.7555497
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I don't care at all,I'm short on money,can't have a job right now, so if I want to shoplift things I will,I don't care about "how terrible and immoral bawww" I am. I see something that I like,I take it...It actually makes me wonder being a big fan of Momoko in Kamikaze Girl...would she shoplift too? I mean,she already scammed her father and shit so~~ I also scam people sometimes but it's very subtle and not for that much. I don't curr

>inb4 moralfags bawwing "i hope u get caught!1!!"

>> No.7555504

I don't shoplift but I do a lot of "soft scams" like rip off amazon or reprint coupons a hundred times. I've returned things to the wrong stores or lied about damage too.
I think they're less risky, but my general attitude is... these companies are run by people making more money than I'll ever see in my life. I really need it more than them, they are not even going to miss it and 9/10 of them are probably sociopaths who don't even care. Also, these soft scams are less likely to hurt employees.
I'm not proud of it, but the world isn't fair, I'm just trying to get what I can while hurting people as little as possible.

>> No.7555520

Aw mang I would hide under a table and steal so much shit. Dreamy.

>> No.7555530

Yeah,seriously stealing from Artist Alley isn't cool
even I think the same and I'm a terrible person

>> No.7555575

>who aren't depending on their profits to live
How do you know that? It's easy to assume the sellers are all there to make a quick buck but how the fuck do you actually know?
You don't.
It's just something you tell yourself to justify your stealing.

>> No.7555624

I had a group of friends and we decided cons were easy to just take from being all broke college students. We were right, but we took cheap little things we wanted like game prizes and plush toys. We probably got around $500 worth of stuff, but man that sense of morality really kicked in for me afterwards. I couldn't keep most the stuff and now work for one of the booths I took from...

>> No.7555627

I have stolen her heart.....

>> No.7555664

I do know about that kind of dream. I've been wanting to open my own anime store since I was 16. It's just owning an anime store and making that your primary income is more realistic than charging $10 a print and making money off commissions that people may or may not even pay up for.

>> No.7555705

I've only ever stolen a manga from a con, next time I'm taking more. I was mostly observing in the other cons I went to and plotting about how to steal from them effectively.
I used to shoplift from normal stores daily, now that I look at it though cons seem easier to take from though and I do actually really want the stuff there.
Plus it's so easy to steal skirts, rings, and necklaces there especially because you can just put a skirt or shirt with the rest of the clothes you bought and you won't have to rush out. The best part about stealing from a con is that you don't even have to worry about removing tags because there are no scanners. I have a friend who used to take from cons really often, it does seem pretty easy.

>> No.7555706

>working a $11 full time job while going to university really mellows you out to things
Bullshit. Other people in that situation still manage to be decent human beings. You're just an asshole, stop trying to justify it.

>> No.7555714

stole a choker from a "friend" once when i was lolita.
And a bunch of other things as well. Not even sorry.

>> No.7555720

nice b8

>> No.7555759

And you're just butthurt, quit killin' the buzz of the people smarter and quicker than you who can game the system in a way your faggot ass can't.

>> No.7555763

>Quit killing the buzz of the people are still stuck in the self-entitled selfish mindset of a toddler.

>> No.7555765

>sociopath so edgy
You are probably the type who thinks all rich people are evil greedy bastards and you deserve their extra money instead

>> No.7555771

Just food at cons

>> No.7555773

I definitely don't. I think a lot of rich people are smart, hardworking people who deserve what they have.
But it's also a fact that corporate mentality is out to rip off the pleb workers. Just look at all the people in this thread talking about how they're being punished for stuff completely out of their control. Corporate would rather look for reasons to cut hours and keep employees from being fulltime then actually put money into the real problem.
Almost all shoplifters I know don't rip from mom n pop shops. And I don't soft scam honorable corporations, like Starbucks. But no, I don't feel all that bad ripping off Hobby Lobby once in awhile.

>> No.7555776

Dude, fuck you. Have you worked for a large corporation? I've worked for a large online retailer, and they dont pay very well, all profits go to the top, and anyone gaming the system that I've found, I let them continue because it's not harming me in this mismanaged hogshit corporate culture Im underpaid in. Game the system, quit while you're ahead, and put that same drive into bigger and better games. Do you think the people at the top aren't "sociopath so edgy" fucks too?

>> No.7555780
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My sides

>> No.7555782

No. I've never been a thief, but if I were, I wouldn't steal anything really expensive or handmade. Since a lot of shit at cons are made by small-time artists, that would not be the place for me to lift something.

I would steal from a chain if I felt confident that I could get away with it. That doesn't generally hurt an individual, and I would only steal small things.

>> No.7555783

Starbucks is one of the best corps out there, do your fucking research.
Are they perfect? No. But they damn well try and you'd know that if you knew anything about them beyond "omg they drive out muh special snowflake ~local~ coffee shoppes!!1"

>> No.7555784

4chan is 18+.

>> No.7555786

For real. Where the hell were you people brought up, a freaking ghetto? Half of you say "it's overpriced and will bounce back" which I guess means you can just do whatever you want and take, the other half know it hurts the sellers but feel "no guilt" so edgy desu

In the end you all look like a bunch of freeloading teenage brats. It all falls on deaf ears though because of your arrogance, also a quality teenage brats have

>> No.7555798

>being this butthurt
What do you mean "work for a large online retailer"? You mean a position not requiring any credentials that deserves minimum wage? What did you expect?

Btw I know rich people who alphabet empathy, people think humanity is worse than it is, not everyone is as selfish as you thieves.

>> No.7555803

*have alphabet wtf autocorrect

>> No.7555808

From changes my department made in OPS for the website, we opened up and allowed for record profits, none of which we saw, all went straight to the top, none were spent on making the company a better place, none of it changed the corporate culture other than add more bitterness that our work in running logistics in a whole new way for the company gave us nothing.

>> No.7555811


Jesus, Society sucks, get over it, you're all poor, shut the fuck up, lets talk about Con Theft!!!! More Comical stories, Anyone else steal from the Hotel itself rather than the cons?

>> No.7555812

"It's ok to take from ~da corporate~ because they have enough money!!"

People ITT do realize you're just like those fabled, faceless people at the top, right? They stepped on and hurt other people to get what they wanted, climbed the ranks, and are now making more money than you'll ever steal. You lift to kick it to the man but secretly realize being the man would be awesome. Jelly. I'm sure some of the tops started out just like you.

>> No.7555816

This is why intelligent thieves move on and realize being white-collar is way more profitable long-term

>> No.7555825

I've never stolen from a con, but I stole a tiny detail paint brush from Walmart when I was in middle school because I wasn't about to pay $5+ for a teeny little brush.

I have friends who have stolen from SDCC. One was a soot sprite, he was looking at two and "accidentally" dropped/knocked them off the table. He shoved one into his shoe and put the other back.
My other friend was more daring and stole a bunch of artbooks from different vendors. It was weird watching her do it, since she would seriously just take the book and drop it into her massive CC plastic bag. She did get caught trying to steal DVDs though. I was at a different table, but another friend flagged me over and said she needed money since the vendor made her pay for everything she tried to take from him. Her badge was then confiscated and she was kicked from the hall. She still made out with all the other stuff though. This was all back in maybe '06-'07 when we were highschool kids.

>> No.7555939

God, this is going to be the next sugar daddy thread thing. I can already feel it.

>> No.7556142

>makes excuses
Ah wut. It's an annoyance with the pot calling the kettle black.
Do you understand what that idiom means or will I have to explain it?

>> No.7556180
File: 42 KB, 439x402, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't use that as a justification for stealing at pharmacies, I work at one and the amount of attempted theft and scams we have to deal with on a weekly basis is outrageous.

>> No.7556541

>see a family drug store around town
>walk in one day
>there are multiple entrances to the prescription drug storage area, not all of them can be watched at once
>sneak behind the counter
>pharmacist is a couple rows down
>looking around frantically for the oxy
>found morphine, dilaudid, vicodin, cannot find the oxy which is what I was there for
>put them in my bag anyway
>black pharmacist guy walks up to the front counter
>customer gives me strange rooms
>I move to the next row right behind the pharmacy technician
>find the oxy, 2 x 120 30mg tablets
>street value is almost 8,000 dollars
>stuff them in my bag
>pills shake and make a lot of noise
>pharmacist is startled
>hit him in the chin with a ball peen hammer
>screams an unforgettable scream, busted his chin like a frozen egg
>run out
>wake up

>> No.7556558

Anon I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I meant that drug stores are convenient. Not convenient to steal from or anything like that! Just answering the anon who asked why people even buy from vendors.

>> No.7556577

You're a fucking idiot if you think theft from corporate only hurts TEH SUPER RICHHHHH. Billion dollar corporations get that way by squeezing all the money they can out of their min wage employees. Coupons are one thing, but stolen or damaged items in brick and mortar stores directly impact employee wages and hours. Stop being a cheap scumbag.

>> No.7556578

Anyone have any good stories about con thieves who got caught?

>> No.7556591

That's not how it works. The only people who believe this are people who work or have worked retail, and have been scared into thinking that their jobs are at risk if things are stolen.
Hell, big box retail workers aren't allowed to pursue, stop or sometimes even aren't allowed to question thieves.

The only reason people are ever told it will affect their wages, employment status etc, are for scare tactics.

>> No.7556598

I know a cosplayer in my community who I'm told got caught stealing things from some specialty shop for a costume and had to either do community service or pay a huge fine. She was too lazy to do the service and didn't have enough money to pay the fine, so she got a job as a stripper to pay it off and has never looked back. I think she still sucks at saving money and still steals, though. Not shaming strippers or anything, I just thought it was really funny that that's how she decided to resolve her fine.

>> No.7556606

>The only people who think this delusion are the ones who have been affected by it.
So much sense is being spoken now.

>> No.7556637

I'm sure you do believe that you got fired because a random redditor took a box of yugioh cards from your target store, and not because big box companies constantly fire people in order to avoid giving raises where they are due.

The truth is, big box companies can afford to pay their employees more, you're acting as if they're on the last legs. Using scare tactics about firing people due to shoplifting is going to make you hate the patron and not the shitty company.

>> No.7556644

No but when 1000x people do the same thing, it adds up. Every big box store could afford to triple their employers' salaries but they're not going to do it because it'd cut into their big bonuses. They're also not going to cut into their big bonuses to pay for your precious stolen goods, so where do you think that money's going to come from? Good companies don't do this but you're ignorant if you think that nobody on the planet does.

You can hate both the shitty company and the shitty thief. They aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.7556647
File: 116 KB, 277x400, omgrofl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow ur defs 3edgy5 me momoko-sama do go on

>> No.7556663

Dude, those companies KNOW how much gets stolen. They know it month by month, store by store, and that shit is accounted for as a cost of business. IT IS PART OF THE BOOKKEEPING. It could not be less important to Corp HQ what chump is working where, because those numbers stay startlingly constant. In short, dude: it is not about you. Nobody is giving up anything because shit gets stolen. Unless an employee is caught stealing or helping to steal, theft has exactly 0% to do with someone being fired. But it makes a good sob story to keep you from trashing the place on your way out, right?

>> No.7556668

Not really. even if 1000 people stole a $5 item that cost less than $1 to make it wouldn't add up to even half of a part time employee's annual income. Most of these people steal items that were worth less than $1 for the company and it takes much more than even 5,000 people to dip into profits.

If you're going to complain about that, then complain about ebay or cheap chinese goods that are readily available for people, because that takes away business as well by removing the middle man, but the middle man is your job.

>> No.7556673

Pretty much this. Hell, shopst that are frequently stolen from hire more people, security, so they end up doing the opposite of what you claim.
You're really trying so hard to shame petty theft that you're defending the worst criminals of all.

>> No.7556688


>All these faggots trying so hard to justify their lowlife thievery.

>> No.7556693

It's cute that you think this is how profit margins work. If that's the case then why do you care about stealing from a mom and pop store or from the small businesses in the dealer's room? Taking 1,000 wallscrolls is just a drop in the pond amirite?

>> No.7556694

I don't even steal things, I just think it's pathetic that anon is defending shit stores like walmart because they think petty theft took their jobs. My stepdad was a manager at k-mart for 2 years and I can tell you it's a bold faced lie.

>> No.7556696

I'm not even going to respond to that, just sage.

>> No.7556697

You just learned in detail why petty theft is functionally meaningless and instead of
1. realizing people are getting lied to and fired
2. realizing how easy it is to enjoy some corporate largesse

...you stuff a few more cheetos into your mouth and bust out slurs? A+ citizen, well done.

>> No.7556707 [DELETED] 
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Hey /cgl/! Since body type is an important part of cosplay, I figured I'd ask!
How do you keep in shape?
Do you work out, eat right, or nothing at all?
What are some of your favorite exercises and meals?

>> No.7556735

No one learned anything except that you're an entitled moron that thinks that just because you can steal something, that you should.
Of course 'big box' companies can afford to pay their employees more. But they'll use any excuse to drop an employee. So you aren't helping the situation. Especially when they can use the excuse of needing money for tighter security.

Justifying your shitty ~so edgy~ attitude and illegal actions with bad reasoning does nothing but prove that you have the mental capability of a 16-year-old who tries to fit in with the 'cool kids.'

>> No.7556761

LOL @ thinking you understand how every store in every country operates. Retail workers get written up for the dumbest bullshit all the time. You're still faggot scum.

>Crying about namecalling on 4chan
Maybe it's time to close the computer and go to beddy bye?

>> No.7556763

>they'll use any excuse to drop an employee


That's exactly what we've been saying, you jackass. Theft is a given. Theft is not the real reason, it's an excuse. WE FUCKING AGREE ON THIS. So what does this mean to you? Lol lol everyone on the internet who understands more about corporate structure than you is in middle school?

Or maybe...MAYBE...the big ol' shit you're giving about megabusiness solvency is a little misplaced?

>> No.7556775

This argument is getting really old, just let it go. Sorry everyone's been using the wrong terms, grammar-chan: theft is an EXCUSE for hassling employees, is that any better? A write-up for large amounts of theft is still a write-up no matter what their ulterior motives are so who gives a fuck?

>> No.7556779

(psssttt, k-mart is not the only retailer in the world)

>> No.7556787

Why do you people write like this? Who are you even mocking?

>> No.7556797

Just makes me sad is all. Poorfucks getting shit on is one thing, but poorfucks telling other poorfucks they deserved to be shit on just breaks my heart.

>> No.7556809

You seem to have this backward. The poorfucks who get in trouble for your petty theft are the ones getting shit on here. Keep the justifications coming if it helps you sleep at night.

>> No.7556814

faggots like >>7556697
I'm not the anon you were arguing with but sir or madame you do sound like a huge faggot.

>> No.7556839 [DELETED] 

Hey guess what our company was incredibly clear about what happened and when.
We were told the profits everyday, along with what we lost to shrink when that information was available THE LO AND BEHOLD WHEN THAT SHIT ADDED UP TO LOST PROFIT OUR HOURS GO CUT.

You don't get fired. You just go from having 20 hours a week to having about 8.

So suck it you self entitled little prick and stop trying to input your uninformed opinion into threads like this to justify your shitty behavior.

>> No.7556847

Hey guess what?
My company was incredibly clear about what happened and why it did in terms of money and the consequences/rewards that followed money. We were told the profits everyday, along with what we lost to shrink, when that information was available. LO AND BEHOLD when profits dropped we got our hours cut. Hey take a guess as to what shrink cuts into.

You don't get fired. You just go from having 20 hours a week to having about 8.

So suck it you self entitled little prick and stop trying to input your uninformed opinion into threads like this to justify your shitty behavior. Yes the companies suck. No doubt about that. However your actions are not affecting the company instead they are affecting the employees.

>> No.7556877 [DELETED] 

You sound like the same kind of shitstain who screams at minimum wage employees because you don't like the company policies.

Wish I could thumbs up this comment.

>> No.7556881


You sound like the same kind of shitstain who screams at minimum wage employees because you don't like the company policies.

Wish I could thumbs up this comment.

>> No.7557009
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On the topic of accessories/makeup, has anyone ever stolen from Sephora? I've always been tempted but their associates are intimidating as fuck.

>> No.7557060

I work at Sephora. Don't do it. We have little security things in places you wouldn't even imagine. Better alternative: We'll give you free samples of anything. Ask for that. Every time. We are not paid enough to judge you.

>> No.7557075
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>stealing from weaboos
I like you.

>> No.7557169

how's the virgin life treating you buddy

>> No.7557245

I'd say never jack from a chinese lady's booth, at Megacon this past year I saw a lil white girl get her arm snatched and yelled at for snitching. It was a busy booth and my friends and I were next to her. It was scary as hell seeing her get yelled at, Chinese ladies can be mean., but lil white girl was stupid.

>> No.7557248

Once I was at a Ren Faire and I was holding a blouse I wanted to purchase in a busy booth. I kept getting pushed around so much while holding it that I was shoved outside the booth... I stood there for a second before just walking away with the shirt. It was a nice shirt

>> No.7557260

At ACen last year, my boyfriend at the time accidentally stole a lanyard. He was super high/drunk and didn't even realize it.

I always think about stealing things but never do it. I'd feel too bad.

>> No.7557264

Unless you're ready for things to get hot (sprinting, pushing down employees, etc) you probably shouldn't do it. Another place like that is Best Buy.

You should honestly be ready to do it anywhere though, my buddy had Publix employees chasing him up the aisles one time, and he got away by pushing one of them on the ground and just hauling ass out the emergency exit.

>> No.7557273

Woman who takes offense at the insinuation that her sex isn't perfect in a thread full of her sex acting imperfectly.

>> No.7557296

holy shit this thread sure is full of entitled little assholes trying to justify their shitty morals

>> No.7557328

I don't know if I'd feel guilty or not.
I know i used to and I felt guilty about having the things my friend stole for me so i never wore them
Mostly a karma thing.

Tbh I do think that if you steal from a corporation or large company with multiple stores around the country it doesn't even matter, cuz they're raking in the millions every single day. And they do use any excuse to fire someone. I've never heard any of my friends who work for large retailers complain about the theft. If anything it's that no one is buying. If profits go down it's not soely due to people stealing but the current state of the economy in the stores area. And a few petty thefts don't do much to change it.
I wouldn't, however, take anything from a mom/pop store or a small business because that for sure affects the employees. My mom works for a small business restaurant as the manager, and if someone gets up without paying either they chase them down for the money or it comes out of their paycheck, and the owner takes money away from the checks just because.
Although if you're taking 1000's of dollars worth of merch, you're an asshole. Like...really? Who needs to take that much stuff?? you got a problem.

>> No.7557337

Wow the chinese lady was a fucking cunt

>> No.7557383


Nothing "opinion" about it. Women are assumed innocent and can throw stuff in purses so they're less likely to get caught. The best professional shoplifters are nearly all little old ladies.

>> No.7557386

>best buy

I'm hardly a pro at this, just an opportunist, but the most I've ever taken a place for was best buy. Black Friday and they'd just started a video game exchange program and hadn't secured the shit yet. Ditched the games and accessories I got that day on amazon for $400.

>> No.7557397


Well, let's be reasonable here for a second. Factoring in that you can only recoup .5-.7 of the label price for most things, and that you can only carry so much shit inconspicuously, and that you have let's say a 1% chance of getting caught, which rises if you do dangerous tricks like take highly secured items or spend too long loitering or repeat at one location close together, shop lifting barely pays minimum wage. People who actually make money off it are stealing from the back end or the warehouses, not shoplifting.

Shoplifting as anything but a way to save money on small items is stupid for anyone who has a job. Cons move the math a bit, but I'd be surprised if even the chick with the pull list is making much more than her attendance cost.

>> No.7557439

If only we can go back to the days of cutting off fingers.

Hopefully y'all would learn and reform before you lost all of your twitchy digits but I'm not complaining if you decide to risk the full set.

The best benefit is that others would finally have visual proof of your shittiness and would easily be able to avoid you.

>> No.7557448

Shes the cunt, not the bitch that was a thief.


>> No.7557449

Why, for catching the thief and calling them out? The Chinese do not look lightly on blatant thievery, and won't just ignore it like a lot of Americans would. They don't give a single fuck if they're causing a scene.

>> No.7557453

Being the one who saw it happen, I silently applauded her. Yeah she was scary, but she was protecting her merch from some slimy white weeb who want to jack her shit.

>> No.7557537

This, there's no excuse to steal from people and then get pissed off you got caught. She shouldn't have done it anyways, and If I was running a booth, FUCK YEAH I'd embarrass the fuck out of them too. I'd snatch em by the arm and call over or drag them to the staff to get her removed. Shit like that teaches people to not do stupid shit.

>> No.7557551

No. Not ok you faget.

>> No.7557648

I'm curious. How much does a figure where you live? Where I live, figures and figmas cost around U$150~U$300, depending on the series.

>> No.7557675

Never stolen anything from a con, but when I go to the hugely crowded ones and see merchandise like plushies, accessories and things that have fallen from their stands I usually pick them up to give back to the owners so they're aware of it.

No matter how amazing some of the items can be at cons, I could never steal anything. It would affect me very badly...plus knowing my luck I would get caught.

>> No.7557698

>trying to justify their shitty morals
I'm not even trying to justify them. I love being scum and stealing.

>> No.7557714

Don't know how Claire's is run in other countries, but I had a friend working full time at a store that was the busiest of the region. It was a tiny place, and some times there could easily be 20 people crammed in there. Needless to say, it was also the store with highest shoplifting rates. They added the value of all the stolen stuff, divided it by the number of employees and cut the amount from their paychecks.

They didn't have a single alarm or sensor in the entire store and got paid about $3 an hour after the discount.

>tl;dr don't work for Claire's and don't steal there because the employees are already getting fucked thoroughly enough by corporate

>> No.7557715
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Oh god terrifying.
I just want a naked palette.

>> No.7557718
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at this rate you'll steal first place

>> No.7557725

>"OMG just admit you're a shitty person"
>"I'm a shitty person"
What do you even want?

>> No.7557733

>not even that person

But for people to stop stealing obviously

>> No.7557743

I'm sure everyone here will laugh their asses off once you eventually get caught :)

>> No.7557749

But anoooonn, k-mart doesn't work that way! It's impossible that poor employees have to bear the brunt of my scummy actions... why can't we all just pretend that it's only faceless corporations who get hurt so I can go back to stealing my merch in peace!

>the amount of ignorant kids in this thread

>> No.7557751

You're only upset because you're too much of a pussy to steal yourself :^)
Do you think people who are at the top got there by being decent human beings?
Smart people steal for a bit, and then eventually step up to more lucrative business.
There's nothing wrong with shoplifting if it helps you.

>> No.7557757 [DELETED] 

>everyone here watches my daily life and will know if I get caught so they can laugh at me
Yeah I'm everyone here will get a telepathic message when I get caught and since everyone here knows who I am too they'll know who to laugh at.
Also some thieves go their whole lives without ever getting caught.

>> No.7557760

If everyone stole, prices would eventually be meaningless and nothing would be "too expensive", just too well-guarded.
Why do you think that's bad?

>> No.7557764

>everyone here watches my daily life and will know if I get caught so they can laugh at me
Yeah I'm sure everyone here will get a telepathic message when I get caught and since everyone here knows who I am too they'll know who to laugh at.
Also some thieves go their whole lives without ever getting caught.

>> No.7557770

Not even the same anon, but if everyone stole, paychecks would get cut or prices would raise to maintain the benefits they were previously getting, which is exactly what many businesses already do. lrn2economics

>> No.7557779

Yet it's okay to download anime and music.

>> No.7557781

>look at these shitty people
>let me just be a shit person too, everyone's doing it!
lol at passive-aggressive smiley

>> No.7557792

The anime and music industries have adapted to digital distribution to the point where most people who pirate from either are only doing it for obscure media that's not physically obtainable where they live. It's not the same as it was five+ years ago.

>> No.7557796

It cracks me up how many people shoplift form really risky stores when there are WAY BETTER OPTIONS that won't get you arrested and fined.
For example, the aforementioned sephora samples. Or did you know you can return anything to sephora without a reciept? anything? you can use a makeup palette for years and then come back and be like "nope I hated it" and get a full refund to spend on more makeup.
And don't even get me started on how easy it is to steal from amazon and ebay... and you'll never get arrested for it.
I actually know a pro shoplifter who makes a SHIT TON OF MONEY. But he wastes it all on gambling or drugs or something lol

>> No.7557805

These shitty people are at the top of the food chain. If you want to be a goody-two shoes slave, that's your business.
>lol at passive-aggressive smiley
I used one because the other anon did. Does this upset you :^^)))

>> No.7557806

>paychecks would get cut or prices would raise
But if everyone just said "Fuck it" and stole expensive objects with raised prices and/or money, then they'd be rendered pointless.

>> No.7557813


>thinking you're going to get to the top with petty thievery
>not lying about your transcript, grades, and going to Harvard Law
>not committing mass credit card fraud
>not stealing 1 billion from the bank and getting away with it like those robbers in France did

step it up two bit criminal

>> No.7557852

Yeah...that's totally what would happen.
The companies wouldn't jump ship at all before then...anarchy is SO FUN!

>> No.7557856

Like just imagine all of the wonderful stuff people will want to produce and attempt to sell when their old stuff keeps getting jacked.

Sounds like a plan! You have this all worked out don't you?

>> No.7557858

> sephora

People who abuse return policies should burn in hell. They are the reason companies are so anal about their customer service,

>> No.7557872

$150? Christ, what are you buying? Tiny run alternate colored hentai figs smuggled out of Japan up someone's ass?

>> No.7557885

It'd be short-lived, but it'd still happen. If you want something bad enough to steal it, you should do it. Who cares about the future or whether or not the corporations would keep making shit or still exist as long as you can have the thing(s) you want?
Nihilism is a good thing and very freeing.

>> No.7557902

You just keep telling yourself that. I'm sure it's very productive and won't backfire at all.

>> No.7557924

As someone who has actually faked my school transcript and grades, I still disapprove of shoplifting. I'm pretty sure no one got in trouble because of me so my conscience is pretty clean.
Is this hypocritical of me?

>> No.7557925

Details? How did you do it and what for?

>> No.7557928
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Even if it does backfire, it doesn't really matter. My priorities will shift and I'll want something else. Similarly, I'll do whatever I can to get that thing and I'll be happy if/when I get it.
Stay a slave.

>> No.7557961

Not related to shoplifting but my favorite stories at my job are the ones where we catch employees who try to steal from their stores' loyalty card programs. "Smart" cashiers ring their cards into dozens of orders and then exchange the reward dollars for cash when they think nobody's looking. They don't realize we log all these details and then help the store owner find the thief. Usually they prefer to have the police make a public arrest in order to make an impression on the other employees. It only takes a few hundred dollars to qualify as grand theft and/or a felony.

>> No.7558103


>I actually know a pro shoplifter who makes a SHIT TON OF MONEY. But he wastes it all on gambling or drugs or something lol

He's doing that instead of work and is eventually going to wind up in jail and/or better crimes.

>> No.7558107

He's been doing it for ~20 years so I don't know about that. It is possible.

>> No.7558114

Not really but as a stupid honestyfag it just irritates me when people take the easy way of cheating for their education. I'll have to do it one of these days because I know more people who have become successful through bullshitting their their way through school than actually doing the work. The teachers do not give a fuck anymore.

>> No.7558118

none of the shoplifting-chans are responding to this, I think you hit a nerve

>> No.7558138

Reminder that this thread is the fault of feminism.

>> No.7558649

I had a dozen employees help to arrest me at Best Buy, so I like to warn people about it.

>> No.7558656

>got paid about $3 an hour
That's not even legal though.

>> No.7558676

I live in Brazil, so most figures will cost around BRL 300, that's around U$150 nowadays. If the series is famous here, like Saint Seiya, a figma can cost BRL800, which is U$ 400.

But everything is crazy overpriced here. Our PS4 costs U$2000 as well.

>> No.7559726

the fuck do I care if people think I'm weak?
You shouldn't care either. If they are wrong, prove them wrong. They're underestimating you, use that to your advantage.

>> No.7559729

Still waiting for details on faking your transcript, I've been thinking about doing this if I ever go back to college

>> No.7559739

>And don't even get me started on how easy it is to steal from amazon and ebay... and you'll never get arrested for it.

Please elaborate?

>> No.7559740

>>Low turnover walk away (as in once I have the stuff, I walk 20 feet away put it in my bag and I'm done, I don't have to leave an entire building with my loot
Can you explain this to me? So what if someone stops you, tells you to open your bag and they see a fuck ton of unpaid merch from different booths? I figured you'd leave the building and put the shit in your car or something.

>> No.7559749

I don't really want to because Amazon and eBay are mostly small sellers and I don't really trust people here to not dick them over. But as an Amazon/eBay seller, it's hella easy to steal and there's not even a real way to prosecute it. I've had people steal stuff from me and I can't even call the local police because they just won't do anything about it.

>> No.7559751

Not that anon, but whenever I buy at cons I don't even get receipts half the time. so how would they know it's unpaid? You could probably even shove some generic reciepts from a bodega in there and claim they're booth receipts. Have a couple of paper bags in your backpack for some of the merch and you'd be good, unless people see you.

>> No.7559754

How do you know these "secret shoppers" aren't also shoplifters like you?

>> No.7559755

>Don't try to "hide" the item once your -out of booth range-, if your just carrying it around its not stolen, if your trying to hide it people get suspicious
Wait so do you just walk out of the building holding your merc? When the fuck do you put it away?

>> No.7559765

Nah, anon actually proved the point in >>7557751.
Steal, then do more legit shit.

>> No.7559775

Never stolen from a con. I have stolen from Wal-Mart and Hobby Lobby, other places here and there.
My boyfriend "learned" from me, and tried to steal pens at hobby lobby one day. He was arrested, and usually cops won't take you to jail for theft. They had to take him because the rookie cop made a mistake, like he closed the car door or something? So they couldn't let him out. According to my boyfriend at least.
He moved up here for me a few months before, so he didn't have our landline number memorized, and he couldn't call out of state to tell his mom. Eventually figured out that it might be a possibility that he went to jail, and sure enough, lol.
It was a pain in the ass process, and I've resisted the urge to steal anything since. I see so many opportunities though, and it's a little painful to not take advantage of them sometimes.

>> No.7560134

To be honest, it's pretty easy to work out when buyers are trying to fuck you over on eBay... and it's pretty easy to find evidence. I've managed to stop plenty of them.

>> No.7560157

Don't glorify stealing, it can ruin your life, I have a few friends who have. Example one stole so much stuff all the time one day she went to wallmart stole like 200 dollars worth or make up, ended up in jail.
Don't think you won't get cought cause you will. I see shop lifters at the store I work at all the time, even cute girls can be shop lifters people know this. Just because you haven't been cought yet doesn't mean you won't be. Then you got a police record, which makes things like traveling harder, because you gotta put that on your fucking immigration landing card. Stop while you're ahead or fuck it all up. Your choice and shop lifters aren't cute, most people just assume your a druggie who is stealing for your next fix of coke or some shit.

From an ex shop lifter*

>> No.7560164

Woooh, what a cunt.

>> No.7560186

I was shopping and I had a bask full of thing and as I was paying I forgot a small tube of lipstick in the cart. But that's it... I ended up going back and paying for it though.

>> No.7560202

I have never stolen . Only poorfags and plebs steal

>> No.7560211

Welcome to /cgl/

>> No.7560233

I shoplifted a few bottles of wine at Anime Boston from Shaw's while dressed as a magical girl.

>> No.7560263
File: 60 KB, 269x200, squidward3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When me and my friend were 19 we stole Pokemon cards from WalMart all the time for well over a year. Then we finally got caught.

That was the most awkward thing having to stand in front of a judge and have him just roll his eyes and say "Pokemon cards, really?" in front of everyone.

>> No.7560641

That's amazing

>> No.7560895

I steal ideas from other cosplayers.

>> No.7560903

Yeah, it's going to be super-hilarious explaining that to a prospective employer, isn't it.

>> No.7560912

Anyone for cons @ Seattle wanna meet up? I'll distract the booth owner, you snatch everything up. Or vice-versa.

>> No.7560916

The statistics on this are gender biased. Women tend to take small things and get busted for shoplifting/ are doing minor offenses. Men often steal on a much larger scale. The people who end up with small offenses on their record/warnings tend to be women. People who steal enough stuff so that they can't get away with that tend to be men.

>> No.7560921

All or nothing.

>> No.7562488

Being a pussy myself, how would I find someone to commission to obtain specific merchandise for me at a convention (assuming I would do such a thing...)?