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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 118 KB, 720x960, IMG_240573043258890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7549595 No.7549595 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a shitty handmade lolita thread?

>> No.7549613
File: 87 KB, 512x600, ctreplica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Handmade with replica fabric

>> No.7549627

The only thing that's irking me about this is the double hem - They should have sewn the bottom lace into a layer of lining.

>inb4 ANOTHER replica debate.

>> No.7549631

There's a very neat way of sewing a laced hemline that she probably didn't know about

>> No.7549640

What's the best way to sew lace on to a dress if it's unlined. Im reconstructing a dress I bought and the lace is appalling.

>> No.7549667
File: 8 KB, 244x286, lace hem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a picture because I suck at explaining things.

Law the lace front-down on the front of skirt hem. Sew in place.
Flip skirt hem under, iron/press flat and sew hem as normal (right along the edge to keep lace flat.)

>> No.7549669

T-the arrows indicate which way the lace and fabric are facing. I'm REALLY bad at explaining things.

>> No.7549680

Oh. I think I get it. :) Thankyou

>> No.7549778
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tried explaining it

>> No.7549834


>> No.7550033
File: 173 KB, 900x606, _seasons_in_sunflowers__lolita_jsk_by_bisko_chan-d4kaczp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7550045
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>> No.7550050
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"I switched to my lolli night coord spur of the moment and all the other lolli’s loved it!!! They were shocked I made my whole outfit AND that my first coord was so BEAUTIFUL.
Since most girls don’t know shit. But I know my shit. (;"

>> No.7550052

I don't think they were shocked by the "beauty"...

>> No.7550055

she totally knew her shit

>> No.7550057

Please tell me you made that caption up

>> No.7550061
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''made by a talented local seamstress''

>> No.7550063

She wanted 50£ for this

>> No.7550070

this is too low cut, but isn't inherently bad besides that, just simple

>> No.7550078

are these from the same sewer?

>> No.7550079

lol sewer

>> No.7550088

pls google sewer

>> No.7550091

seamstress and tailor are gendered, I wasn't sure what to say for a person of unknown gender who may have sewn all these things

>> No.7550096

so I thought "hey, why not slap some figurative language in there too..."

>> No.7550097
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>> No.7550098

Both designer and tailor can be used genderless.

>> No.7550104
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>> No.7550112
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I wish I did, Anon... Oh god I wish I did.

>> No.7550115

ah. gotta love the joann's fabric lolita skirts.

>> No.7550121

thank you kind anon

>> No.7550258
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>> No.7550263
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>> No.7550293

This isn't even really that bad. It's replica, sure, but it looks fairly well-made, aside from that lower hem.

This one's also not that bad, a little too low, the sleeve bottoms are a little wonky looking, but it's not awful. The bow looks a little crooked, but that can probably be fixed. I think it's a pretty cute print, too.


I plan on commissioning a loli-esque dress for my wedding, and I'm terrified of mishaps like this.

I'm also not going to take any shit, though, if it looks like ass I won't pay. I'll just have to get it made far enough in advance, I guess.

>> No.7550329

More like "But I know my coord is shit (;"

>> No.7550336

I see what you did there

>> No.7550353

If you covered the middle seam area with a belt it might look okay.

>> No.7551120

The skirt isn't full enough. The hem shouldn't stretch out to be rounded like that.The bodice isn't fitted at all. The neckline is painfully boring. Those bows are probably covering up a shoddy strap connection. I shudder to imagine the zipper.

>> No.7551133

yeah, tailor isn't gender specific. I studied with a master tailor who referred to herself as such. In fact, she considered the term 'seamstress' to be a hobbyist/amateur term, and didn't think a professional should label themselves with it. The masculine overtone is due to the fact that tailors used to only specialize in making men's suits.

sage for ot

>> No.7551134

This is actually how I was planning on doing mine (assuming I'm interpreting the text correctly -- I can't really understand the picture but the description sounds like what I was planning.) Glad to know this is a thing that works

>> No.7551135

oh god everything is terrible, that whole post is just terrible

>> No.7551284

My boyfriend loves owls and bright colours like that and when he saw me looking at this picture he said
>Oh, that's nice! Why don't you make something like that next?
honey no

>> No.7551296

Haha aw

>> No.7551595
File: 198 KB, 1000x1285, il_fullxfull.556698321_cma8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7551764

Guess what it's made out of.

>> No.7551767
File: 567 KB, 844x1201, 02fd57327b7c45726f1804a2d26c9209-dh2juf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, dropped image

>> No.7551769

Yay maxi-pad dress

>> No.7551797

The sad part is you can find some pretty cute fabric for lolita projects at Joann's. But so many people get the tackiest looking shit for projects.

>> No.7551958

Really cute this will go great worth my maxi-pad headdress lol

>> No.7551967

If I squint it kind of looks like the white bows are moths attacking the dress. But who am I kidding, moths have better taste than that.

>> No.7551983

I have a terrible feeling this is meant to be used later for some form of "menstrual art"

>> No.7551989

The perfect dress for my guro lolita coord!

>> No.7552176

This is probably a big question, but what are some generals "dont's" when it comes to sewing a nice lolita piece? How do you take your sewing from "etsy reject" to "mistaken for brand?"

>> No.7552195

Proper fabric choice, knowledge of what lolita actually is/isn't (silhouette, cut, etc.), and good craftsmanship/sewing abilities are the three things that separate good handmade from shit-tier etsy pieces, imo.
One of the last egl posts and the comments on it can show you what bad handmade is. Most of that doesn't fit the lolita aesthetic, and even if it did, uses poor quality, flashy fabrics and way too much of them.

>> No.7553622
File: 59 KB, 570x716, il_570xN.235855705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything in this store.

>> No.7553892


>> No.7553903

If I saw her walking around I'd think it was a lazy Princess Bubblegum cosplay.
You can tell they at least put some effort into this and the construction looks clean, but the wonky proportions ruin it.

>> No.7553995
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>> No.7554595
File: 110 KB, 640x960, 10155467_261484210703038_7292542220805929890_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was posted by an "indie brand" on the Lolita Updates facebook page.
>mfw 93 US dollars for the jsk alone

>> No.7554603
File: 118 KB, 640x960, 10255300_261484274036365_4827736040925564191_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the front is sewn directly to the bustle
>mfw when poor hemming and loose threads everywhere
>mfw when the "brand" is called loli paradise

>> No.7554615

what is this?
it's like doll delight's shit work for less.

>> No.7557271
File: 854 KB, 1194x796, pixel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7557280

this feels average to me, not "ugh" status

>> No.7557285

it is so ugly though.

>> No.7557288

It's...verging on cute. The construction is fine, the fabric looks pretty mediocre but nice in the mockup (the pixel effect is lost and the final pink isn't warm or as saturated), I wonder what went wrong with it.

>> No.7557289

I don't feel like it works with that style at all. The print doesn't come through at all.

>> No.7557290

I'm sensing possible vendetta. I checked out the rest of that person's shop, they sell decent quality plushies. This jsk is not the cutest, but I don't have sweet leanings. I can see it fitting in with quite a few sweet lolitas. The construction of it is fine and the quality of the custom fabric is fine. It's just unoriginal and doesn't stand out. Like another anon said, just average.

>> No.7557292

No vendetta, I just saw the shop tonight. I adore the eevee plush they have. I just do not think that dress works at all.

>> No.7557294

The construction looks cute and well-made, but I'm really not feeling that fabric.

>> No.7557310
File: 53 KB, 720x540, 298196_10150885652720043_504930042_21335289_1505283923_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rabbit777 submitted these to the handmade lolita Christmas contest some years back
>her entry got only one vote... her own

>> No.7557313
File: 144 KB, 577x960, 1607042_1440710656146564_2105371305_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She aks € 149,00 to € 239,00 for her dresses.

>> No.7557321

Some of those dresses aren't necessary badly sewn, just stylistic disaster.

Also it makes me a bit uncomfortable in that I'm trying to learn to sew and that my first dress isn't probably going to look much better. ;_;

>> No.7557330

And that's fine, because everyone has to start somewhere. The issue with a lot of these is that people are trying to sell them, and in many cases for a pretty hefty price. As long as you know your sewing project hasn't turned out well and put it down as a practice piece, then that's fine. Just don't call yourself a professional seamstress and try to sell your super unique dresses for hundreds of $$$

>> No.7557344


that actually has potential.

Smaller bows
Better drape shape on the green
Solid color on the skirt portion.

>> No.7557390

>tfw she lives near me and gives sewing lessons
>tfw tempted
>tfw don't want to catch that bad taste

>> No.7557391

Bad taste isn't contagious.
She seems to be an able seamstress. (Just not a good stylist).

>> No.7557527
File: 509 KB, 529x660, Screen Shot 2014-05-15 at 1.19.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know (it was a joke) but just... hmm. I have to wonder whether someone who looks at a genuine lolita dress and then produces something like this isn't going to subconsciously push their bad taste onto anything made under their supervision.

>> No.7557544

I was so sick of seeing that shit on Lace Market. What kind of ita would buy this stuff? Especially on LM, where it's side-by-side with things that actually look decent.

>> No.7557573


Fabric choices are completely wrong but her actual sewing is pretty good.
Sad to see potential wasted like this.

>> No.7557600

Everything this seller makes... it's just all a hideous disaster and it makes me want to just sew ugly shit and call it lolita and sell it for $300 because people like her seem to have plenty of sales.

>> No.7557672

if the didn't have the print image next to the picture of the dress, I would think it was just a pink dress that had weird faded spots or something

>> No.7558407

someone please link this monstrosity.

>> No.7558706

The color is awful and the bows aren't even the same size. What a waste of fabric. I think you're being generous.

>> No.7558726

Ah, they posted on reddit asking for funding. I thought to myself..."almost there but no". They designed the fabric and cut, but outsourced the sewing and fabric production. Who knows if the final product will even look like this. The top is a nice cut but the bottom is really boring, as is the print.

>> No.7558729

Do people actually pay money for that...?

>> No.7558813

They didn't design the fabric either.

>> No.7561191


>> No.7561222
File: 453 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mvez05vvMg1qb5bk4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remember this monstrosity?

>> No.7561232

Please tag your Kyary spoilers

>> No.7561237
File: 82 KB, 541x960, kill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7561265


>> No.7561328

and then moses parted the red sea

>> No.7561817

What the fucking fuck is that?

>> No.7561829

>I call it the reverse period

>> No.7562150
File: 476 KB, 500x711, tumblr_n5r7vayhtl1tc7hp8o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So these are appearing on just-ita-things.tumblr.com now. Too good.

>> No.7562154

just-ita-things is /cgl/ incarnate

>> No.7562156

but she best be careful, she's operating in enemy territory

>> No.7562180

Might looks nice at a Ren Faire though,

>> No.7562311

why would you ever wear this to a convention let alone in public?

>> No.7563143
File: 151 KB, 436x474, Screen Shot 2014-05-18 at 4.39.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not lolita but I laughed

>> No.7564694

Please tell me no one bought that

>> No.7564701

haha wth that's worth like 50 cents

>> No.7564713
File: 160 KB, 1000x795, il_fullxfull.166147382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of selling something everybody over 6 could make in less time it takes to order on the internet ?
Does she believe she's some sort of master at making basic tie ?

>> No.7564728

wasnt this a dress in the disney Cinderella movie?

>> No.7564731
File: 35 KB, 610x731, Cinderella_in_Her_Dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7564734

Cinderella's handmade dress was ita as fuck. Good thing /cgl/-incarnate literally tore it to shreds and the fairy gave her a new one, because she never would have scored a rich husbando in that itatastic monstrosity.

>> No.7564763

Omg, first off there are no rules to lolita so itas dont even exist! Its just a word that you elitists came up with to put other princesses down. Also, she felt like a princess n that dress and it was 100% LOLLIABLE! :) You go Cinderella!

>> No.7564850

Troll detected.

>> No.7564855

This must be your first time, we were joking sis. Unless you're an elitist brandwhore #ableist #hater

>> No.7564896


Fuck off with your hashtags.

>> No.7564909

;-; omg anon pls don't b upset w/ us
cosplay and egl is suppose 2b fun u no >_>

>> No.7566266


fucking idiots right here

>> No.7566276

Cinderella, the tale of a sweet ita who learned to embrace shiro loli and score herself a sugar daddy.

>> No.7566554

You're welcome, anon. I had a good laugh.
This particular piece:

Apparently it's supposed to be a teddy bear, oh dear.

>> No.7569280
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>> No.7570546
File: 100 KB, 500x344, thefuckusmokin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the perfect shoes to coord it with

>> No.7573239
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they are for ripping apart and doing lewd thing right?

>> No.7575250
File: 67 KB, 570x834, tumblr_lyu887hsEj1rog56qo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7575265

top kek

>> No.7575354

I never understood why people who own these stores use lots of fabric for hideous ruffles but then don't make the skirt full enough to actually have the silhouette they're attempting

>> No.7575396

I'd wear that coord for the luls, no fucks given.

>> No.7575409

Not gonna lie, now that I've calmed down after looking at these...they'd be quite appropriate for a guro/horror themed coord.

>> No.7575750

It looks like somebody "upcycled" cheap curtains or bedsheets.

>> No.7575993

This remind me of the barbie head necklace i see on Taobao shops XD

>> No.7576002

What the faq is this?? Seems it was used an old blanket. I think this is the most itatastic thing i have seen
I hate this print with a passion and it gave me nightmares too

>> No.7576005
File: 43 KB, 500x500, $_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With this bag pls.

>> No.7576011

>Seems it was used an old blanket

Oh, you poor summer child.

>> No.7576133

YES. Oh god yes. I forgot about this bag and I posted it on my facebook the other day. That's it, forget chess chocolate and honey cake. I'm going for this shit right here.

>> No.7577112
File: 101 KB, 1920x1080, Cinderella-disney-princess-30357963-1920-1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her dress is sax blue, the only "shiro" she wears is her wedding dress

>> No.7577370

It looks like she stitched that thing together out of menstrual pads.

Others have suggested it was made from a blanket/bedspread, but it looks more like a protective mattress pad to me.

Whatever unspeakably inappropriate stuff it's made from, that's beyond mere badness. That's like the worst of the worst.

>> No.7577382

The '80s called; they want their party dress back.

Oh, wait--never mind. This one seems to be made from a bedsheet, and no matter how bad '80s fashion could be, they didn't do that shit.