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File: 35 KB, 239x320, livija+dale-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7548257 No.7548257 [Reply] [Original]

Why are European lolitas regarded superior then US lolitas?

>> No.7548261

cuz of their comms

>> No.7548267

they're mostly white and less lazy than american comms

fuckin lazy ass americans

>> No.7548274

Japanese designers love european girls.
American girls are just trashy to them.

>> No.7548277

Uh, because they themselves have a superiority complex? There are many good us lolitas, same as anywhere

>> No.7548283

Their currency is worth more, thus they can buy more things at a cheaper cost(to them) fuck CAD conversion

>> No.7548284

I noticed this with brands like Grimoire and Juliette et Justine a lot!
In general they just look better

>> No.7548287

Bottom left in background is soooo superior lol

>> No.7548288

Well yes, copared to most of us girls from the states she is. Let's be honest.

>> No.7548290


>> No.7548291


>> No.7548294

Amen. I hate Canada conversion.

>> No.7548296

They have less fatties ?

>> No.7548301

even our fatties look better than yours

>> No.7548312

Lol not really.

And since when do Americans call themselves "us girls from the states" you damn european?

>> No.7548317

tbh I'm jealous of all the events they have going on

>> No.7548319

Oops meant to reply to >>7548288

>> No.7548326

Looks better than most american girls, sorry

>> No.7548331

more white lolitas
more skinny lolitas
more rich lolitas

>> No.7548334

Looks the same as most american girls to be honest

>> No.7548337
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>tfw you're not the only one who feels this way

>> No.7548352


They're less fat than americunts because they actually fucking walk around.

Fucking americans

>> No.7548357
File: 454 KB, 1600x1066, IMG_6414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

European Lolitas

>> No.7548359

>currency is worth more
>richer people
>less fatties
>less black people
>less trashy people

>> No.7548362
File: 351 KB, 720x960, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Lolitas

>> No.7548372


I don't know guys, I mean it could just be me, but I think that taking the two worst examples of comms to staple onto the stereotype of an entire nation is probably not the best idea and may just be narrow minded and redundant, but you know, that's just me I guess.

>> No.7548373

That and the fact that it's not as acceptable to be fat in European society. America has that be-all-that-you-can-be special snowflake thing going on.

>> No.7548376


we have just as many fat lolitas as america but in general we look better.

>> No.7548379

Actually that's really only on tumblr. Last time I checked most people in america made fun of fat people.

>> No.7548382

You're comparing a huge IW event with a random gathering of bodyline itas who don't hate Mr. Yan. The comparison is hardly fair. Americans tend to wear more sweet which also contributes to the hot mess effect.

>> No.7548384

you're forgetting European customs hell anon

>> No.7548385

the first one is a standart pic of an european meetup.

standart. nothing special.

>> No.7548390


>> No.7548392

Well I'm sure a standard US meet will be either all terrible or have a blend of pretty people and uggos or just pure pretty people like other large varieties of European meets I mean, let's just be honest here.

>> No.7548393

I'm an American who's lived in both the US and the UK, I do have to say that being overweight in America is seen as ok, even better than being a normal weight. Fat people love to encourage others to be fat so they don't feel so bad about it themselves. Brits are almost as fat as Americans but they feel a bit more shame about it, Europeans even more so.

>> No.7548394

standart, you're sure on that?

>> No.7548396

lol u jelly :^)
is there even one american girl that ever seriously modeled for a japanese lolita brand?

>> No.7548397

Any country coming from British stock has more fatties, ie Americans and Aussies. And Canada should too but I feel like I don't see many from there? Maybe the Franks and all the asians balance it out.

>> No.7548398

I live in the south in America and every fat person I know is catcalled on the street to be made fun of and is harassed/insulted on a daily basis, don't really know what you're talking about.

>> No.7548400
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>> No.7548402

Seeing as I'm European myself, you kind of just made yourself look like a giant faggot.

>> No.7548403

So you have brand designers at all of your meets then? Nothing special. And the word is standard.

>> No.7548409

:^) you're an american fatty don't lie

>> No.7548413

And you're baiting.

>> No.7548416

no matter how great the conversion is the shipping and custom fees will always ruin it

>> No.7548419

Ohh you're the new troll on the block from the getoffegl post. Might as well troll this thread since it sucks anyway.

>> No.7548426

europoor you cant even spell right

>> No.7548429

Kind of agree with this. Having known chubbies/fatties from all over the world (I travel a lot), I'd say Americans and Australians overall were much more comfortable about it, while the few chubby European girls I've met were clearly more conscious of their weight. And I definitely feel gross every time I return home to the southern midwest and everyone there who is at least a bit chunky if not obese feels the need to tell me how skinny I am and offer me all of the food in their house when I'd be considered average overseas, if not in need of losing a few pounds.

That's not to say fatties aren't pressured to lose weight in the States or made fun of for being fat, though.

>> No.7548430

>that fatty-chan in the back with the shiny cheap pink wig

>> No.7548441

someone can have a round face and not be fat

>> No.7548446

>2 flowercrown-chans, one with her OTKs riding down cuz of fat
>disgusting ageplay melissa sloppy ponytails in the back
>another ill-fitting wig 4th from the left, front row
>that little debbie-ass sweet lolita
>rowdy roddy piper-chan 2nd from left, back row

>> No.7548448

ok but that doesnt make her wig good i mean its fucking sliding off her head its way too small for her

>> No.7548455

one more:
>gross cogslapper ~*~*steampunk lolita~**~*~ eyepatch

>> No.7548456

American's have an entitlement complex where even dirt poor girls think they deserve to be lolita. I see girls in my local comm scraping together super cheap coords all the time.

With customs in Europe being a pain, I'd assume that those girls wouldn't be able to even get bodyline there. Making lolita more of a thing that more wealthy European girls participate in compared to here in the US?

>> No.7548463

Plot twist: It's her real hair
So many noobs

>> No.7548478

they probably have fewer brand dresses that they had to save up for instead of bunches of bodyline

then again they could still get bodyline which is still cheaper than brand

>> No.7548487

It's also a general awareness of fashion concepts as part of European culture which helps later with lolita. I love America but we dress in the same tshirt-jeans-sneakers or flip-flops uniform from cradle to grave. Part of me thinks it's a good thing that we don't waste time worrying about fashion, but the kawaii side of me is sad.

>> No.7548488

Not even US, but of course they deserve to be lolita, you canät say what clothes someone does or doesn't "deserve" to wear, that is so dumb. Affording it is another thing.

>> No.7548491

Rinrin you fucking ignorant twat

>> No.7548493


>> No.7548498


>> No.7548509

Where I live being dressed nicely isn't something you obsess over but it's still considered polite to look neat and at least somewhat fashionable.
In the US, it's seen as being "vain". I think that's why.

For example, when I went for an exchange year in the US (I stayed in Washington DC) people would call me vain for caring about how I look and some girls would ask how much I spend on clothes and makeup when in my home country nobody mentions it and it's seen as normal.
Also the girls considered "fashionable" in the US usually go overboard so that might be why.

>> No.7548516

lol RinRin was bown in the states but she is chinese

>> No.7548520
File: 140 KB, 640x960, 3033136_65624_546387475400760_1218313661_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is she fat you jealous american fat cunt

>> No.7548525

it's her real hair and she aint fat

>> No.7548526

I'm European and I don't especially agree with the whole "european is better than america",I agree with a part of it though (currency and shit) but yeah. Anyway,Rinrin BEGGED Angelic Pretty. Yeah,she begged them to let her model,licked their asses countless times,...So classy.

>> No.7548527


She's still American though. Her ethnicity is Chinese whereas mine is German/Irish but yet I'm still American. Get it together.

>> No.7548528

>that ita denim jacket
>that fried hair
>those snakebites
>that eyeliner
fucking disgusting

>> No.7548530

actually the japanese brands licked Chokelate's ass

>> No.7548531

ITT: fat ugly trashy americunts with a superiority complex VS snobby arrogant european bitches

my sides

>> No.7548533

But Chokelate didn't do shit. It's the brand.
RinRin just begged AP,several times,how pathetic is THAT? Seriously

>> No.7548537

This pic doesn't do her any favors,she looks ugly there...
Also that ugly makeup,denim jacket and that fried hair

>> No.7548538

the fat one is not in photo

>> No.7548540

Oh, no, I don't mean it like that. Anyone who wants to be a lolita is free to wear lolita if they can afford it.

I mean this attitude of they think they deserve to be lolita because they are perfect princesses on the inside, regardless of their financial situation. So they should be able to cut corners or spend money they don't have and get the same results as someone who spends hundreds of dollars. Or people should just give them stuff. I mean like... a spoiled brat sort of attitude where they make really irresponsible life choices and then demand that others help them out, because they deserve frill clothes so they shouldn't have to do other things, like pay for their own food.

>> No.7548544

Not that anon but I understand better,it's ok anon,I agree,they're annoying as shit.

>> No.7548566

still an american :^)

>> No.7548568

As a European, I find that you can sometimes get lucky and have 1 brand dress slip under the customs radar (it's always a nice surprise when you don't get fees!) but if you have a bigger parcel with a number of dresses, you will generally get hit with customs. So it's much more worthwhile to buy 1 brand dress than do a big order from Bodyline.

>> No.7548613

How do you know she begged?

>> No.7548618

I just know it,is all.
I'm not the only one to know it tho. Look at the archives maybe? I thing there was someone who talked a bit about it before.

>> No.7548628

This. This is so annoying I have to use a shopping service even for things I could buy directly because her rates are cheaper than customs.

Also what's up with Baby's Paris prices ? Ok it's great to not have to wait for shipping and have a chance to buy some great dresses but sometimes it's cheaper to buy directly from the japanese stores.

>> No.7548638

Because 'Murrica mentality and obesity. Also because fucking Atlanta is in the US.

>> No.7548696

Eh, custom charges start in EU countries only at prices of 150€ and higher so no, no customs at tiny orders (unless you use EMS, they always want fucking money just even for looking at the price of your parcel).

>> No.7548701

Pretty sure they start over 20€ or something.
I always order around 100€ and it's taxed.

>> No.7548702

They start at €40 in the Netherlands.

>> No.7548705

wasn't it at 21 euros and if they felt like it even below that?

>> No.7548707

I ordered a 30€ skirt,I've been taxed 26€ wtf why?
I don't even need sex,the customs fuck me all the time. Fucking thieves. We should start something to make a law about it seriously it should be illegal to charge that fucking much. I've been taxed several times and it was HUGE.

>> No.7548735
File: 49 KB, 600x413, fyeahamerica-montage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah see this is exactly why we told the brits they were faggots who could fuck themselves with their tea.

you don't see us complaining about taxes do you eurofags

>> No.7548737



obviously we still have cunts complaining about taxes of all sorts. But yeah, customs fees only start at like ridiculous levels.

>> No.7548764


There is a law about it. The law says to charge you retarded amounts of fees for customs.

>> No.7548770
File: 486 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_n5dc5cH5rQ1rze878o1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least there aren't any rape culture apologists in the American comms.

>> No.7548773

Are you implying that the fact this one girl's hair is natural is such a staple fact of lolita that the only people who aren't aware are noobs???
In a fashion that holds wigs as commonplace, it's natural to assume that any outlandishly coloured hair IS a wig.

>> No.7548775

handling fee=/=customs, they sooner starts of course at ~20€ but it is only at certain mailing services, I never have them with airmail orders.

>> No.7548776

>that thing on the far left

>> No.7548780


>> No.7548875

Which one

>> No.7548935

skeleton tights

>> No.7549033

Most American girls are fat or large framed and have more of a manly face.

>> No.7549044
File: 25 KB, 676x786, skeletontights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7549056

Omfg Bruce stop
Still waiting on AP to make a Tunnel of Love jsk

>> No.7549058

Not gonna even touch the fat one(since I am a fatty Italian/american), but do any of you realize that Americans... are mostly European? Like considering ethnicity and all that jazz.

>> No.7549068


Do you even fucking history and culture.

>> No.7549070

As someone who lives in Georgia, I can agree with you about the Atlanta thing. I don't even consider Atlanta to be a city in Georgia. It should be considered it's own city-state, like Detroit.
Savannah is top tier though.

>> No.7549073


Maybe I your wording was better

>> No.7549075

Ethnicity means nothing. If you weren't born in Europe, didn't grow up in Europe and don't have citizenship of any European country, I hate to break it to you but you're not European.

If we all considered ethnicity it'd be different, but ethnicity doesn't determine shit about your general personality (movies you like, hobbies you like), especially not your fashion sense. I mean shit, have you not considered the fact that Europeans mix as well? I am 100% Southern Slavic but I was born and grew up in Ireland and it would be fucking stupid not to call myself Irish and prance around speaking broken Slovenian or whatever it is Muricans do to get in touch with their speshul heritiji.

It's a fucking stupid state of mind, being 1/16th Native American and 1/4th Polish does not make you either, how and where you were raised does.

>> No.7549085

Well that doesn't sound super sketchy. "I just know it"? Cite your fucking sources, asshat.

>> No.7549100

not her but Choke herself said it here once. She was approached first.

>> No.7549106

Amerifag here, I don't know much about all the different countries of europe, but outside of eastern europe and southern europe the US has A LOT more income inequality. No where in the US is the minimum wage a living wage and people have to go broke and in debt if they want to go to college or have medical bills. I understand this isn't the case in most countries of central, western, and northern Europe. Lolitas are usually under 30 and most people under 30 in the US don't have that much disposable income unless they were born rich, for the reasons mentioned above.

>> No.7549118

I agree that the anon you are responding to is not european, but their european descent has enormous implications for their identity and place in US society. They say the IS is a "melting pot", which is true, but does not give proper mention to how fucking racist every facet of this society is. You obviously have never spent an appreciable amount of time in the US and I wouldn't speak so decisively with so little information if I were you.

>> No.7549120

But I'm an American english, irish, scottish, french, spanish, german, dutch, norwegian snowflake~

>> No.7549133

When did I say I was European? I stated my ethnicity, which is Italian and that I was an American citizen. What I meant was blood, I was talking of genetics!
Oh my god you people twist words to your fancy. Your blood, your background, your ethnicity. A lot of the people in America have backgrounds from Europe(we didn't poof from no where). I thought this damn thread was based on whose features were prettier, like genes.

>> No.7549137

It's not considered vain in the US to dress nicely and wear makeup. Whatever you were getting was a response to you personally, not a cultural norm.

>> No.7549153

It couldn't have been, I don't care much for how I dress and I'm not vain.

>> No.7549156

Okay I get the place in US society, but identity? How? Your identity is formed by how and where you were raised, not your ethnicity.

>> No.7549161

But that doesn't matter either. Upthread an anon said it doesn't depend on how pretty or skinny someone is, apparently Americans have more shitty itas.

>> No.7549163

In the US a lot of your identity is decided by your ethnicity. Often people will ask what race someone is, and they're not truly wondering how much melanin this person has in their skin (unless the conversation is about people you want to fuck or something), but rather what your class is. People don't usually realize that's what they're asking but it's often true. Self-identified race correlates strongly to class in the US. Generally, black = poor and living in dense urban centers, for example. All of this is because that although migrations may have happened generations ago, the power structures in the US are still heavily influenced by the nature and timing of the migrations to the US (to continue the black people example, the fact that they were brought here as cattle still has serious effects hundreds of years later). You bringing up that the other anon is not european is somewhat legit, though, since "white" is considered the norm in mainstream american culture (in the media for example). To back away from social science and cautiously approach my uneducated personal opinion, I would say this all goes back to people's tendency to look at the world with an "us vs them" mentality. As someone who is east asian (often considered a "model minority" in the US), I will say that people (especially white people) have to point out the differences between me and them. It's honestly really, really complicated and I'm going to politely sage. I'm sure there's something better out there for you to read.

>> No.7549166


The American lolitas who go to European events always dress as well or better than the Europeans. Pictures from American meetups are much worse though.

>> No.7549169

Yes, but I was never talking about who dresses better or not, but physical beauty. Physical characteristics, which are... determine by your genetics.

>> No.7549181

>but ethnicity doesn't determine shit about your general personality
You couldn't be more wrong, especially when it comes to tight-knit ethnic communities.

Depends on where you live, for sure, and what is considered "nice" where you live.

>> No.7549197

You wouldn't have to worry about going broke because of illness if you had god damn free health care.
(What a fucking stupid country)

>> No.7549199


Asian American now living in Europe, but I'd say it's a generalisation to make that ethnicity would make someone completely 'european' in manner. The modern European is very different in terms of culture and manner than the modern American, and even differs between Europeans. To say an Italian American would have the same values and concerns as an actual Italian is laughable, and the same deal with Irish and irish Americans.

I mean, as a large glaring example, a Canadian in my class (who happens to be of Irish descent) gets repeatedly made fun of for being too combative and obnoxious during class, both by my classmates, and surprisingly by my professors. In the States, I was encouraged to argue, debate, question ideas in high school. Here, it's not so much less tolerated as I suppose being able to put it in a nicer form, I suppose? The person in question earned the general annoyance of the class for being brusque, oblivious to social cues, and questioning things outright (e.g. "this is a circle" "are you sure about that?")

Like we're talking about Europeans vs. European Americans, I suppose. It's definitely a different atmosphere there. And, at the risk of whiteknighting Europe (which, no, Europe definitely has its own problems, and I honestly miss my birth country), Europeans are definitely more stylish and are open to classy, if not eccentric styles. You'd still get the weird glance and annoying questions, but the atmosphere is not as oppressive as the States where you're seen as showing off or peacocking.

>> No.7549210

Make no mistake, this country is now an oligarchy. The number of billionaires and poor people has been going up for years. On that note, the quality of American lolitas will probably decrease slightly as the years go on for this reason.

>> No.7549225

More like a "tossed salad" as many people stick to their roots a lot more now than 10 years ago. Still not a ton of diversity in mainstream media as I would like. Also, most Americans have to drive to get from home to work because public transportation is shit except in major metro areas.

>> No.7549226

Well like I said before, I never mentioned a word about personality or mannerisms. I spoke of the physical features on a person, not a lick about their personality, fashion choices or the lack. You do have a point about the comparison of personalities though. There was a person some comments back who said americans were man like and bulky compared to Europeans(I assumed they meant white americans compared to white Europeans) which in my comment was those said white americans were descended from white Europeans. Yes Americans are mutts a lot of the time, but with how close the Europeans countries are to one another I'm sure they have their mutts too. I'm fumbly minded so excuse me if my words come off a little jumbled, it's late here and my eyes are a tad fuzzy.
But concerning whether or not people have better fashion choices? I think Europeans do have better style in some ways, I mean where is the height of fashion? It certainly isn't in America.

>> No.7549229

In France "customs fees" (around 5%) start at a pretty high amount but you have to pay VAT (20%) on almost everything (if it's more than 30 euros, shipping included, then you have to pay 20% of total price)
+ 20 euros handling fees, all the time.
Crazy expensive.

Also the post in France is absolute shit, one of the Lolitas I know had to threaten express post with legal action because, five DIFFERENT TIMES, they hoarded her package for 2 weeks without giving her any "we missed you" slips. And 2 weeks is the legal time before they can say "well you never claimed your package" and send it back to Japan.
5 different times.

>> No.7549233

Because tax is calculated on the total price, with shipping, not on the price of your skirt alone
And probably 20 euros or so out of that is handling fees, not customs fees

>> No.7549266

My mum always said America was a fuck backwards """""""""""" first world """"""""""""" country, and man is it ever.

>> No.7549274


Yeah, even if most of the country makes fun of Quebec, that French passive aggressive orneriness does rub off on us. We refuse to be seen as too similar to the States, so if someone is fat it's like they're traitors to the cause of "fuck those Yanks".

>> No.7549309

God this whole thread
10/10 bait

>> No.7549317

But that's still just your environment. If you put an Indian baby in a Russian household it would grow up with the mannerisms of a Russian person. That's what I meant.

>> No.7549345

Yup it's me. It was actually the second time they did that to my package. After many call and a letter I finally had a call saying that it was not my job to fill a claim, and that FromJapan -who I ordered those two package from- was to do it. I mailed them and seeing that the procedure was too long and they couldn
't make it because of post office's bad communication, they were nice enough to give me a discount on my package. Never gonna use EMS again. I hope I will not be blacklisted from FJ too.
Regular post is quite ok, but Chronopost is shitty and over priced.

>> No.7549387

One thing I've noticed, especially with the UK (don't know many other European comms), is that people are more accepting of deviating from the "lolita norm", which I really like.

You often see examples of trashier fashion/london fashion mixed in and it's more interesting, although I'm sure a lot of people will disagree. It doesn't always work, but it definitely shows a difference in mentalities.

>> No.7549388

Europeans are arrogant shits is why

>> No.7549390

>>implying there are still Europeans in Europe

>> No.7549425

Because we don't write "then" when we mean "than". FFS they sound fucking different. This pisses me off almost as much as when people write "rediculous".

>> No.7549427

We get taxed far more highly than US lolitas though. Once we've paid our import duty, the cost of a dress is probably the same or higher to what a US lolita would pay.

>> No.7549431

>that girls petticoat 4 inches below her dress
holy fuck

>> No.7549443

I'm convinced it has something to do with our education. I think European ladies are taught how to be refined from a young age as part of their socialization. US, at least in my area is a bit rougher... I was taught how to camp, fight fire, not to sleep through earthquakes, how to avoid being sucked into a tornado with out a shelter, and how to dispatch a rattle snake with a rake.

>> No.7549453

I agree.
As a French lolita, I don't think we are superior to any other European country or any US-citizen, but we definitly don't have the same education.

I can't do none of what you are doing, but I'm on point about clothes TPO, acceptable jewerly and table manners.
Youngs tend to be a little bit more relaxed and wear really casual clothing, but people usually make the effort of dressing with well-fitting clothes even if they are just going to do some grocerie shopping. We have very few girls walking around in sports clothes apart from a few teenage chavs. And even them dream about designer clothes and spend monthes saving money to buy a Longchamp bag or some Chanel make-up (which is not that good for the price). It's polite and normal to be well dressed,

I don't know if it happens in the US, but if France most nice restaurant (not even talking about high end ones) have the right to refuse to serve you if you are not dressed up enought. Chic places can stop you from entering even if you had a reservation.

tl;dr : we are used to dress up a bit and be feminine, it's normal for girls to wear heels, dresses and nude make up. It's not vain, it's natural for us. Some people still can't dress themselves though.

>> No.7549455

isn't it "superior to"... ?

>> No.7549464

Here, in my area, Chic places do require what we call 'black tie' clothing and people are turned away but they're not everywhere and usually for people who have money or look like they do.
I wish we had your standards. People would stop running around in undergarment length clothing or showing off their unmentionables because their clothes don't fit.

>> No.7549474

Haha, no.
European women are whores. Europeans think fucking thirteen year old prostitutes is progressive, I wouldn't call them civilized.

>> No.7549476

What do the students in university/college dress like? Here in the US I feel like legging+(ugg)boots+sweatshirt is standard cold weather wear, and shorts+flip flops+sleeveless shirt is standard hot weather wear. Any one wearing anything else may not be made fun of or anything, at least at my school cause people are pretty accepting, but the fact stands that I stand out like a fat sore thumb if I even "dress up" a bit. I understand that it's uni and student just want to wear whatever is comfortable and not really worry about clothes, but it get really difficult if I want to wear something nicer to make myself feel good.

>> No.7549491

You should be careful with these kinds of generalisations and using your own personal experience as a judge of a larger sample.

I'm French, grew up in the Alps and also near farms on the countryside in other areas. I was taught how to deal with snakes, catch and gut fish by the age of 6, and I built log cabins with my Dad in the forest.

That's my personal experience, and it's a more common experience in parts of France I live in (although to be fair, your generalisation is far closer to the average than mine). I'm still a lolita and prefer classic... I do agree that your education is a principal factor in behaviour/how you end up dressing, but the divide is nowhere near as neat as you guys are implying.

It's also tough to compare the US to EU countries, because whereas we have clear divides of culture/customs/mentalities, which are also shared between US states (I get the impression), US states are lumped under one country.

>> No.7549503

Preppy is in style in France right now, so I mostly see skinny jeans in burgundy, navy, black or pine green color, nice t-shirt or casual shirt, Oxford shoes etc, and a lot of girls also wear dresses and small heels. Jewel headband is still trendy especially with liberty dresses for a romantic feeling. Well-off young adults tend to wear things like the Kooples and stuff. Hipster-ish fashion is also seen quite a lot for man.
Bare minimum for both sex tend to be well fitted jeans, nice converse or leather shoes, shirt over a printed t-shirt in a soft rock style. Make up is not mandatory for girl but most tend to wear at least wear liner and mascara.
Jeans are in majority but dresses are seen really often.
Yoga pants + ugg + sweater is worn by some lower class teenagers on lazy days, and I've never see people wearing fucking flip-flops in the city. It's only acceptable in your own house, near the beach or at the swimming pool.

People still wear bum-length short shorts, but with opaque thighs and no cleavage. If you are well-dressed it shouldn't look trashy.

>> No.7549507

Yeah, I never lived in the countryside so I may have missed those kind of things, but my generalization is true for most citizen I guess. I live in a small countryside city so even here most of what I said still true. As a city girl, my view is more average than yours I guess. But you had some pretty good fun living in the mountain, Alps are a nice place.

>> No.7549511

Forgot to say that what I described is for bigger cities and their suburbs, middle of nowhere is pretty much white trash.
People dressing at the Kooples is pretty much a Parisian thing, in a circle of 200km around the capital should I say. Lyon people tend to do that too. Southern people tend to be a little bit less...classy ? Other French anon may or may not agree with me, but Marseille is not the epitome of French class.

>> No.7549516
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Guy here, I'd fuck the ones I circled.

>> No.7549520
File: 31 KB, 400x371, are you kidding me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love America but we dress in the same tshirt-jeans-sneakers or flip-flops uniform from cradle to grave.

Haha Germanfag here, I can assure you that 90% of the girls wear tshirt-jeans/leggings-sneakers/topknot too. Once you're over 16, you slap on a blazer to show off how mature you are now, and that's it.
Wearing a dress or red lipstick is already considered being dressed up; we have this big "Omg natural look soo coool and mature and make up is evil!!1" thing going on too, which means the less make up, the better. I have been called a cheap superficial slut for wearing mascara and a nice dress. I mostly wear cute dresses and occasional casual Lolita to Uni, and I am always getting so much attention for "being so dressed up", and not wearing my hair in one of this extra disgusting looking disgusting top knots (really, if you are a cool kid, your do not wear top knots, but extra lazy shitty looking ones. Ew.)
I cannot say much about our comms, but the meet ups I have been to were not as gret as some pictured it in this thread. On my last meet, the brolita was the best dresssed Lolita (and the only one besides me wearing brand). Not to mention the main page for German Lolitas, dunkelsuess, does not allow new members which makes it even harder for newbies like myself to get into a comm.

I don't know, maybe I am from the wrong European country, but I assure you Germany is not a very fashionable country, at least in my opinion.

>> No.7549524

Anon you live in the south.
That's self-explanatory.

>> No.7549530

But isn't the south like 70% overweight? You're in a minority, might want to watch out next time.

>> No.7549540
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n1 curr

>> No.7549544

Yeah, I get the feeling a lot of these 'only Americans underdress' generalizations are coming from a very small percentage of Europeans...

I think rural vs city dressing trends are the issue here, not Europe vs America (or any other part of the world for that matter, consider Kamikaze Girls and Momoko's laments living in the countryside).

>> No.7549547

>you didn't get circled

>> No.7549565


I do not get why people treat Europe like one entinity. We are different countries with different lifestyles, languages, traditions, ecetera.
Of course it is also rural vs city dressing, but dressing varies from country to country (I live in one of Germanys biggest city, people still dress jeans/uggs/t-shirt/topnkot, and Anon from Paris described an entirely different view on fashion) and even within the country itself.
I have visited quite a few European countries, and people had different tastes and approaches in clothing in each country. So this whole "hurr durr Europe is best and well dresses hurr" just doesn't make any sense for me.

>> No.7549585

You all generally act/look the same to us. :/

>> No.7549586

I'm Paris anon and I agree totally. I've never been to Germany but English and Nordic people tend to be pretty fashionable, although it's always kind of 'all or nothing' mentality. Italians love dressing up, they're even more fashion addicts than French. Other than that and from what I've seen, people don't tend to have a strong fashion sense. And the whole city vs. countryside is really stong even here, though way less than in the US.

>> No.7549591
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You're a special kind of stupid aren't you

>> No.7549614

To add more details to this post, as a french lolita too, you can be turned down from a lot of places if you're not properly dressed (ex: some bowlings places, every clubs, bars etc).

Obviously no one requires you to dress fancy to go outside or eat at McDonald but I guess people know how to dress themselves depending on the area. Now having lived in a small and big town, there's still differences as in small towns people are highly critical of any weird fashion sense and can be very rude.

Also it's fun that the one to dress in joggings pants and track suits can be the rudest and mock you for your clothes.

>> No.7549615

I bet you haven't even got a passport to leave 'murrica with, and your only "contact" with Europeans is via tired stereotypes on shitty sitcoms.

>> No.7549616

It's called Initiative, you twat. And obviously it worked since she's one of their more frequent models now.

>> No.7549619

Oh god this, this so much. It's not uncommon for me to pay as much for customs as I paid for the dress itself.

>> No.7549620

What languages do you speak fluently, other than English?

>> No.7549621

Nah, my parents do art show shit, so I kind of grew up in that culture. There's a shit ton of European vendors who buy a second house here because they're so cheap in my area. I can't tell the difference between Eurofags until I hear an accent or have to ask. You really do act the same. Always bitching about things like tennis shoes and socialism.

>> No.7549636

I get the feeling it's mostly coming from Americans who view Europe's grass as being greener. Sure the topknot/sweatpants/flipflops uniform is looked down upon where I live, but it's still VERY common.

>> No.7549638

>Why are European lolitas regarded superior then US lolitas?

>> No.7549643

I think it's europeeans acting in a typical euro manner.

>> No.7549646

The only European people I've ever heard talk shit about other people's fashion choices were French. Most Europeans look down on the US for their ridiculous politics, not fashion.

>> No.7549650

Does anyone have that photo of the european comm where everyone is wearing gothic lolita? It's beautiful but I can't remember what comm it was/what it was called sorry for going slightly off topic.

>> No.7549655

>>ridiculous politics
You mean jews?

>> No.7549673
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>> No.7549677


>> No.7549679

Thank you friend. I wish my comm would do a gothic lolita only meet. That lolita right up the back is incredible.

>> No.7549681

Mother Russia rain down down down

>> No.7549686

It certainly is, but if the OP can't tell the difference between "then" and "than" I can hardly expect them to say "superior to".

>> No.7549688
File: 2.67 MB, 620x349, nK0WIaN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about how all Polish lolis are sexy milkmaids and washerwomen

>> No.7549695

about time the poles got sexy, amirite?

japan does it, germany does it, why not the poles?

>> No.7549697


>> No.7549710

I don't know what this is but it is the best thing I've seen today.

>> No.7549815

It's the Finnish lolita community

>> No.7549916
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thats how the dress looks you fucking noob

>> No.7550069

Wouldn't that make it a Not-A-Gothic Lolita meetup then?

>> No.7550081

I tried in the comm thread but I got no replies, so here goes. Can anyone give me info on the Barcelona comm, is there even a comm there? I can't find a link to them.

>> No.7550107

Not from BCN but I know some people there. They tend to gather in Madame Chocolat so you could go and ask there, but they seem rather poorly dressed. Some people do stand out (Leka and Cocolilith come to mind) but it seems like most of them are pretty new to lolita or just plain frumpy. At least it's better than Madrid's. Watch out for Hikaru btw, she's a known scammer and has been banned from egl sales and several online comms, but somehow she still attends meets and is well received.

>> No.7550138

Whaaaaaaat? Newfag here but what Rinrin are we talking about??? Please explain?

>> No.7550141

So you're saying you read on /cgl/ that someone asked Choke and she said that Rinrin begged to be an AP model. Okay, yeah, that sounds Real Fucking Legit, anon. Don't believe everything you read on here. Rinrin is an AP model because she volunteered to model at one of their fashion shows, and was going to move to Japan to teach English anyways.

>> No.7550146

Oh, thank you! I'm just visiting for Primavera Sound and Sónar and I thought I could stop by and meet the local lolitas, but for what you say, it doesn't seem to be worth it... I'll check out the girls anyway, just in case. Thank you very much!

>> No.7550150

I don't get why people treat Americans as one entity. We are a vast collection of different ethnicities. Our country is huge, and the differences in people who come from the south, the northeast, the west coast, are quite considerable. We have farming communities, huge cities, deserts and fishing communities. We have different accents and customs. Yet people from other countries are always like "hurr durr all Americans dumb and fat and un cultured" even though they've either never visited America, or have visited only one select area of our huge county and believe they're an expert all of a sudden.

Seriously, the generalizations are just as bad on either side.

>> No.7550153

Haha I work with this old German man who is always making fun of the fact that his country has horrible fashion sense, himself included

>> No.7550155
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Yeah, but statistics sort of prove that Americans are actually fat, and it's not a myth.

When the average BMI is 29, you can't really deny that the majority of America is overweight.

>> No.7550157

Youre still generalizing that ALL Americans are fat. Not all of them are. (I'm not saying it isn't a huge problem that many are) but most of the fatties come from the mid west.

Oh well, many european countries are beginning to rival America in fatness as well.

>> No.7550160

>you came to the wrong neigbourhood motherfucker

>> No.7550162


Well, stereotyping the whole point of the thread anyways. People will generalise no matter what, and we are talking about groups as a whole. On average, a lolita meet will probably weigh more in the US than in Europe, even if that in itself is changing. Perhaps in 50 years they'll be the same, but right now they aren't.

>> No.7550164

...I feel like I understand my Polish friend a lot better now.

>> No.7550165

Honestly, I doubt it'll take more than ten years for euro fats to take over

>> No.7550166

RinRin the AP model. She pretends to be kawaii ESL Japanese but she's from the US and speaks perfect English.

>> No.7550172

Yeah, considering the US is pretty much the size of Europe, I feel like it's not very apparent to some people that living in another state can be an entirely different experience.
Sure we have the same government and laws are (somewhat) uniform, but it's really interesting how different part of the same country can be. Like, there are so many different accents there are in the US. Of course, I can't even really tell a lot of them apart, but the point is, there's a lot more than the Valley girl/southern/new yorker accent (which all sound really different by themselves).

Still It's probably worse to generalize Europe as a whole than doing the same to the US, since they are obviously distinct countries with their own languages.

>> No.7550194
File: 492 KB, 300x225, kitten973701.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO SHIT. I didn't know that! She pretends really well though, I always thought she was legit japanese.
Thank you for the info, anon. Have this kitten as a sign of my gratitude.

>> No.7550206

It's Romanian not polish. The dudes in the video singing are Roma gypsies

>> No.7550312

wow, that looks like shit.

>> No.7550315

or maybe she actually is ESL? Maybe Chinese was her first language from her parents, and she learned English from school.

>> No.7550575

but you're still not Irish.....

>> No.7550617

Either way, her English is native-speaker level and she just pretends it isn't so to seem kawaii uguuu

>> No.7550635

Your my favourite anon.

>> No.7550646
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>> No.7550690

Jesus christ the shoop on this picture.
and he hair still looks like shit.

>> No.7550702

I will never not be bothered by that "eyeliner outside eye to make you look more animu" eye makeup. Anyone who's not blind can see your actual eye line, and it doesn't look good.
Same goes for that white eyeliner shit.

>> No.7550711

but she literally is
by that logic nobody in the US, aside from Native Americans, is American

>> No.7550715

What's wrong with her hair? As someone with super fine and thin hair, I have to say it looks nice, does it not? Do I have no hope of ever looking kawaii without a wig?

>> No.7550961
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Most American who are fat are usually black, native, hispanic, or some other poor minority. Just saying.

>> No.7550977

>>To say an Italian American would have the same values and concerns as an actual Italian is laughable

Who was saying that, ever? Shitalian americans kind of isolate themselves from everyone else like snooty faggots, so they really do have a different culture than everyone else. Also, why do asian migrate to white countries i the first place? Why would you move somewhere that is going to see you as a foreigner? You could always, you know, go home. You're worse than italian faggots.

>> No.7550979

>implying America is white in the first place

>> No.7550985

White americans are a lot prettier than eurofags, considering the genetic diversity gives us more symmetrical facial features. Europeans are all really inbred and gross.

>> No.7551034

How is she literally Irish?
If a black person grows up in Japan, speaks Japanese, and was literally born in Japan...they are still not Japanese. They may have ~Japanese Pride~ but they are not Japanese.

>> No.7551058

I think being genetically "x" is way more important than having "x" nationality in social terms when you're talking about areas where the genetic demographics are more homogenous (such as Japan), but yes, a black person who was born and raised in Japan is still, by nationality (and probably by many, many social customs and whatnot), Japanese. It's just easier to say that people of diverse stock are all "American" or "Irish" or whatever, many countries in the west (and I think Australians are like this, too?) simply because we do have such a mixed bag of ethnic backgrounds. It doesn't mean people from those countries don't share the same customs and culture, whatever their race.

>> No.7551063

>White americans are a lot prettier than eurofags,
That's why all the top models both in and out of mainstream are European, right? Wrong.

>> No.7551082

Are you retarded? Models aren't necessarily hired because they're the epitome of physical beauty. More often than not, they just have striking or memorable features. Many of them are just flat out unattractive without makeup.

>> No.7551194

Yeah but the Indian baby likely has Indian parents that will likely end up in a predominantly Indian community and keep Indian values and customs. Therefore their environment is still heavily influenced by their heritage. There are pockets of these foreign communities all over America. People are more comfortable with what they know so you'll find neighborhoods sometimes where practically nothing (not even the street signs here) are in English but are in whatever group who took it over's native language is.

>> No.7551234

Depends on the area. We had one black kid at my school and the only Asians were half white.

I've never seen so many black people until i visited London and Paris. Black people in Paris are way more terrifying than any black people where I'm from, I've never had so many people grab and push me into corners.

>> No.7551237

It's the illegal inmigrate in touristic places. Exactly as in Japan, you should avoid them. Regular black people are greatly accepted though, we have plenty of second and third gen inmigrant because of former colonies.

>> No.7551247

[citation needed]

>> No.7551374

Idk man. I was watch Eurovision and some of those women were pretty big like they weren't obese or anything but they were certainly bigger then the women you'd see on US tv.

I think the whole thing is probably some European fetish junk. Like where I live we have a lot of Europeans who live here or are just visiting and I've noticed staff are stores and stuff are way nicer to them. Heck at my job some of the employees are that way too.

>> No.7551383

I'm from The DC suburbs and I'm sitting here kind of shocked. People here care a hell of a lot about what they look like and what they wear. When I was in high school there were so many fashionable people in designer clothes and designer shoes and hand bags. Like legit designer stuff too! Even now I work in the city and it's the same situation, the girls who work in the retail shops here are all so fashionable, I hate having to wear a uniform because I feel like such a slob next to the ones who can wear dresses and heels. Where in DC were you? Also where are you from?

>> No.7551393

Agh this like I'm not going to lie I am a fat-ass but like I care about the way I dress and look before I leave the house, especially in Lolita. I also work my ass off at my shitty retail job and save up money like crazy to afford what I buy and use that as motivation in part to get in shape. I only have two coords but I just started actually wearing lolita a couple of months ago because that when I could start to afford it.

In my community meanwhile there are the fat girls who are poor and ugly too who just throw on a hideous poorly made hand made dress with cupcake appliqués and an elastic waistband that they paid $20 for from some other fatty or a former fatty. They also complain about how dumb the girls who wear brand are for paying that much. They don't like me either since at meet ups I normally am with the brand girls and not in the ugly fat ghetto of tacky since the brand girls in my com tend to be so much nicer then them. It's like I get it you wan to be a princess, I do too! But at least try and make yourself look decent and don't act like a dick. I have nice dresses because I worked hard to get them.

I'm just so over that entitled attitude.

>> No.7551395

I have a jumper that's sized Eur: S, USA: XS on the label. If they were so anti-fatties they wouldn't be so into their vanity sizing over there.

>> No.7551396

Do all Austrian lolis have manry beards too?

>> No.7551397

Designer does not mean well dressed, anon. Often it is closer to "tacky". In many countries in Europe if you wear clothes and bags with logos or are dressed up in flashy designer clothes head to toe people just assume you're a Russian new money bydlo or a spoiled teenage airhead.

>> No.7551401

Naw I live in an upper middle class neighborhood. Like one of the most expensive areacodes in the US. And the people I went to school with weren't those tacky ass ones, I should have phrased it better. Like they were wearing designer stuff but like you only knew it was designer because you know what fashion show it was from. I mean we had the tacky ones too but they tended to be from Baltimore or immigrants from Eastern Europe who's dads ran cigarette running business.

>> No.7551430

You guys should just get rip of them. Why do Europeans (and westerners in general) consider it racist to preserve ones ethnicity? I can't believe you're letting this happen in your countries, it's amazing.

>> No.7551433


>> No.7551495

>Japan Town in San Fran
>Bodyline itas
>Mr. Yan

??? When the hell was this? I never heard that Bodyline(or just Mr Yan?) went to SF. It doesn't look like an event is going on either cause the pagoda area is barren lol

The lolitas who hang out in SF genrally tend to dress really nice because Baby and AP are up there. I've rarely ever seen shit like these girls walking around so I'm rather confused.

>> No.7551518

It's not considered racist, but everyone thinks multiculti is the best thing ever and it's often at the cost of many cultures and languages being completely thrown aside because they aren't "cool" anymore.

>> No.7551543

In regards to the actual subject, US vs European lolitas:

I'd think that in the US, the mindset here is "BE CREATIVE AND DIFFERENT AND YOU ARE SO SPECIAL DON'T LET THE HATERS TELL YOU DIFFERENT!" which infiltrates into the lolita community. Thus, the lolita style gets mixed with different fandoms and styles that clash with aesthetic that lolita tries to aim for, ie. gun adorned with flowers as part of a coord; to me, that defeats the purpose of the cute, Victorian, or lady-like theme lolita is supposed to be.

For European lolitas, I dunno, that whole "snowflake" things seems to be less rampant [not saying it doesn't exist..], thus a lot of comms stick to what lolita is supposed to be instead of embracing the itas that infiltrate and try to make their own "style" of lolita.

Feel free to comment and argue.

>> No.7551594

I'm glad my community isn't full of special snowflakes. We're just a bunch of shameless brand whores from head to toe.

>> No.7551599

It's just sad that Paris allows its most beautiful sites to be swarmed with these kinds of scammers. Avoiding them didn't work, they kept grouping up and grabbing every single woman that walked past. I can't believe police don't do anything about this??

>> No.7551611

They can't do anything, they are too numerous. If you don't look at them they would normally not touch you. Infortunatly, most of them are flying off countries in war and some other are European, so according to our laws we can't throw them out.
That's basically why you don't see Parisians in touristic place. I never go anywhere near the Eiffel Tower or at the Champs-élysées (I really hate that place).
If people stopped actually buying things from them, they wouldn't be here though.

>> No.7551652


But I always wondered why the US doesn't have fancy events like the EU lolitas

>> No.7551684

Europe is king of speshul snowflakes, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.7551691

They can't touch them, that would be racist.

>> No.7551702

Like two weeks ago? It was organized by Harajuku Hearts

>> No.7552012

I want to do a fancy event. My stepfather is a somewhat famous chef and owns a fancy French pastry shop as well as a French restaurant. Like he has let me use the second floor of the restaurant for private parties in the past and the bakery on a Monday for a private tea party but I don't think many in my comm would come to something like that.

>> No.7552333

That sounds amazing, anon.
I'd love to attend a meet like that but sadly I live on the other side of the world.

>> No.7552352

Not in the same sense though

>> No.7552376

Just because you're afraid of guns...

>> No.7552834

I've never heard of them. Then again I'm not really up to snuff with the the Bay area lolita scene since I live in Santa Cruz and the comm seems to be pretty SF oriented from what I remember. I rarely get to go up there and I usually only go during events and festivals. I would have loved to go to this event in normalfag clothes to just lurk and laugh tho

>> No.7552879

from a North American's point of view, everything is better in Europe.

>> No.7553699

...That wasn't even Polish.
Try watching this one though: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1-z48cJDbc
(Yes, this song is a joke. Just like the Eurovision one.)

>> No.7553843

Actually euro sizes are smaller because think about it, euro xs is a us xxs. We are stricter on the size making women feel fatter. I found us tops to be too big despite being labeled xs.

>> No.7553849

I think that's what she meant

>> No.7553853

The US has way too much vanity sizing as well. The consistancy of size labels vs measured dimensions is ridiculous. I've found that 3 shirts that are almost the same from 3 different places labeled xxs, xs and s were all the same measurements but different sizes for no reason.

>> No.7553858

>Actually euro sizes are smaller because think about it, euro xs is a us xxs.

Yes that's what I said just using different sizes.
That was my point. A European small is an American extra small, so the fact US sizes are given a name a size smaller panders to fatties by making them think they're thin. What did you think I meant?

>> No.7553960

It's because rich Eurofag tourists = lots of money to spend. They're the absolute worst customers to deal with (apart from Chinese anyway) CS-wise but they spend the most dough in one sitting so we gotta milk them.

>> No.7555301


>> No.7555549

>basing your entire opinion on a country's attitude towards fashion on a single experience during an exchange trip.

lol. In america, we care a lot about appearance. Our main export is entertainment. You can't be this stupid.

>> No.7555579

i dunno Victoria style suits them well?

>> No.7555581

welcome to cgl

>> No.7555585

I'd fuck you

>> No.7555596

Don't confuse appearance with being a tramp.

>> No.7556008
File: 1.45 MB, 969x720, ss (2014-05-14 at 10.30.28).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know personally this one in the right side. She is a cute person, but in real life, annoying. But cute, so it's ok.

>> No.7556018

kawaii except for the wiener kid in the fedora

>> No.7556020


The feel when it's me. *sick*
We do some stupid thing when we are young.

>> No.7556021

Hey I'm here. It's a pretty old picture already.

>> No.7556022


oh god... Really????

>> No.7556030


So... It's a strange thing. How are you?

>> No.7556033

Sorry gal, are you L*** M****** ?

>> No.7556037

>>7549516 for


and >>7556008
for >>7556008

>> No.7556043

I'm sick about all this pics. The purple man say hello to the one in the pic. Who are you girl?

>> No.7556049



>> No.7556056

I'm M. I'm doing fine, just wondering what brings you on /cgl/ when you obviously can't use it. Are you drunk by any chance ? If yes you should step off your PC and have some sleep.

>> No.7556081

I often go on 4chan and often don't reply. And often here.. I like reading the board. I'm ok.

>> No.7556084

Ok, nice for you, it's great that you're doing well. Let's not hijack the thread anymore, ok ? It's already enought of a bait.

>> No.7556093

I'm ok, I just laugh whan I see this terrible thread. Good to know you are right. Say a hello at the futur.

>> No.7557417

Just as many fatties.

>> No.7560830

lol, I think anon meant that you've repeatedly written the word standart wrong. It's supposed to be standarD.