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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7544282 No.7544282[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

time to feel

>> No.7544307
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>buying stuff on Aliexpress
>probably 13 items + 2 on eBay in past two days
>anon, just put away your credit card god's sake
>have number memorized

At least I'm done with things I needed to get anyway.

>> No.7544310
File: 56 KB, 500x371, tumblr_lxzc25b1of1r791bbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a dress I've always wanted
>so hyped
>paypal address is old address
>it gets sent to wrong house
>go to house
>they gave it to their landowner
>landowner might send it to post office, no one knows when

catcha: spendin parcels

>> No.7544312

>they gave it to their landowner
hahaha why would you even do that

>> No.7544327

>tea party at a convention
>super excited, first lolita meet, going to meat seagulls there
>get paycheck yesterday, go online to buy it
>sold out

I was really angry at myself for a few hours, but now that I've calmed down, I'm just sulking in regret.
Man, I was so excited.

>> No.7544328

well if they keep it I hope they feel kawaii as hell at the very least

>> No.7544353

I was the same last month. While I do have pretty good savings, I still think I should have saved at least half of the amount I spent. You kind of forget about the value of money when you're online shopping, especially if you're shopping lot of cheap small things. Then again after that I decided I need to save some money for now and decided to drop alcohol and other shit so it's not all bad.

>> No.7544388
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>have shopping money for the first time in ever
>had a whole list of things to buy
>only bought two items
>second guessing every purchase
>this is why I can't have shopping money

>> No.7544394

>Largest convention of the year coming up
>best time to hang out with friends, everyone I know will be there
>Brother's wedding the same weekend
>Same thing happened a few years ago when my sister got married, it was same weekend as this con
If only I could be two places at once

>> No.7544403

Cue wacky sitcom scenerio that ends with you toasting your brother while wearing a formal jacket over your cosplay

>> No.7544404

I'm guessing it's only one or the other, right?

>> No.7544406

aw anon, is there no other way to get a ticket?

>> No.7544413

I bet I could pull it off

There was never any question about it, there's no way I'd consider an anime convention more important than being there for my brother's nuptials.
I'm also the best man so responsibility calls.

>> No.7544425
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>Be into anime and manga that isn't popular/well known in the west. No one except close friends thinks I'm weird because I can hide my powerlevel pretty well.
>Friends are more into mainstream stuff and popular series.
>So is most of the city's comm.
>Feel so fucking alone because I can't talk about my favourite series with no one.
>Meet this weeb group that everybody hates at local Con.
>Holy fuck, they're into the same shit as me.
>Try to talk to them.
>Nervous as fuck, I try to leave a good impression.
> Spaghetti falls out.
>They think I'm weird as fuck.

God dammit, not even the weebs will talk with me about shit.

>> No.7544451

I find it really really weird your brother is going to have his anniversary the same weekend as his sister.

>> No.7544460

Might not be the same date, it could the same weekend. Like Memorial Day weekend is the last weekend in May, rather than May 26 or some specific day.

>> No.7544537
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>tfw no gf who likes touhou and will teach me how to cosplay

>> No.7544552
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>tfw gf who likes touhou and was going to teach me how to cosplay broke up with me a week ago
>tfw we played Dark Souls II together and beat it at exactly the same time
>tfw I was going to cosplay Solaire

>> No.7544565
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>tfw no qt 3.14 cosplay gf

>> No.7544574

>tfw I bought 2 wig LP's and only got one
>tfw seller saw my message but didn't respond yet


>tfw my Antaina shoes are still not here, even though tey are supposed to be sent to airline

I'll never use the cheapest option of shipping again when buying from China. chinese post sucks

>> No.7544577
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>tfw meet person who also likes animu&mango and even wants to cosplay with me
>turns out they have romantic feelings
>w-well okay, that's cool too
>I get really excited and start planning cosplays and such
>They say the forbidden phrase
>"So have you ever, y'know... had sex in one of your costumes? *winkwink*"
>Nope my way outta there

Why does everyone I meet who might cosplay with me just want to fetishize the fuck out of it...

>> No.7544588

Ugh I know that feel anon. I've also had experiences where I'll mention to a friend that I used to have to wear a school uniform complete with knee highs and a tie to my religious school and I hate it when they would say "Do you have any... pictures of yourself in it?" Or "Do you still have it?"

So so awful and I'm so glad that my current SO has no desire to fuck me in a school uniform or in my cosplays.

>> No.7544597

ahhhhhh anon I feel you!!! I went to a religious school too (Catholic) and we had to do the whole plaid skirt, knee high socks, etc and I swear to God it is so annoying when guys get all creepy and ask if I still have it. LIke, what the hell? Do they not see how weird that is? Once I dated a guy who went to our brother school and he asked to see me in my uniform if I still had it, smh.

Good for you finding someone who isn't such a creep, haha. I am quite envious.

>> No.7544633

I kind of want this to happen to me...
...to see the look on their face when my uniform is actually a huge puffy shirt and a skirt that goes to my ankles.
A potato sack would be sexier.

>> No.7544640

Hahaha yesss that would be perfect though! I never really got the whole school uniform appeal, especially after having to actually wear one for so long. They're not sexy at all and the material sucks.

>> No.7544644

Yeahhhh that's the reason why I would always change out of that uniform as soon as school was over if I wanted to go anywhere, because the one time I didn't and I went to them mall I would notice that occasionally I would get stared at which was so off putting.

My school was a bit odd though because freshman-junior year we would wear a plaid skirt, white button up with maroon tie and thin gold striped and senior year we would have a completely different one (probably a way they could get more money). That one was a grey skirt, white button up and a tie with fat maroon and gold stripes. So basically all the seniors looked like gryffindor students.

Yeah once he told me that one reason he wouldn't want to do it in my cosplays is because he would worry the whole time about something getting on it and staining it, thus ruining all my hard work.

>> No.7544648
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>tfw no bf

I wish I would not be so spaghetti and would actually talk to guys and behave like a normal human being around them. Wearing frilly clothes isn't helping either, I have to admit...

>> No.7544649

>all the seniors looked like gryffindor students
I am so jealous!! And at least your uniform sounds cuter than mine. Maroon is a nice color. We had to wear this gross green plaid. Did you ever roll your skirt? lol it was so uncomfortable but everyone at my school always did that.

Aww that's so sweet and considerate of him though! You keep him!

>> No.7544651

A-anon, where are you from? Maybe... maybe we could get to know each other?

>> No.7544655

You girls realize that a schoolgirl fetish is a thing for most animu-loving guys right?

>> No.7544657

Not same anon, but green plaid sisterhood! We rolled our skirts, then hid it under our sweatshirts. The really cool kids would get their mom's to hem their skirts, and it was always a game of how short can you get it without getting a detention.

School uniforms were the worst...

>> No.7544665

Senior year was the only time that I actually enjoyed wearing the uniform, so for our spirit week one of the dress days was hogwarts themed and basically all the seniors went to school in their uniforms and black snuggies for robes. I'm pretty sure that rolling the skirt is a universal thing, no matter how uncomfortable it is that and finding out which teachers were strict about the skirt length so you would know which classes to unroll the skirt for.

Thanks! I plan to! We actually met online last year and fly to see each other about once a month, I'm super excited because this summer we will finally be able to move in together.

>> No.7544677
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Oh my goshhh we could've gone to the same school given the similarities right now haha. We had sweatshirts that were much loved until the principle banned them and replaced them with dinky little cardigans because the sweatshirts didn't look "professional" enough. Lame. Some of the rich girls at my school would get their skirts hemmed, too. Always so awkward when a teacher would be like "Unroll your skirt, young lady!" and she'd just stand there like... uhhhhh lol I can't.... The worst part was how cold/hot it would get in school but you could never really dress for the weather because uniform.

>black snuggies for robes
Oh my gosh I am so jealous right now I could die, you school sounds so cool! I wish our spirit week was hogwarts themed! And awww that is the cutest, best of luck to you to and have fun this summer!!

see pic related

>> No.7544693
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Oh another thing at my school that some of the girls would do instead of rolling their skirts was ironing the hem up and safety pinning it in place. And I feel you about the frumpy cardigans only instead of that we had to wear frumpy vests during the winter and that made all the girls look preggo because of the lump that the tie would make under the vest. I'm so glad that after my freshman year it was no longer mandatory to wear it.

Another thing that some kids in my grade did (I did this as well because how could I resist) is that Universal Studios opened harry potter world right before our senior year so it was fun to go in our school uniform. When I went a couple of the staff members told me "Shouldn't you be in potions class right now?"

Unfortunately you can't see the skirt but the picture is of me drinking butterbeer there haha.

>> No.7544698


That doesn't mean that I like it. My bf has hinted at wanting sex in my old uniform and i always say no. The only reason I'm still keeping that uniform is because my mom won't let me throw it away.

>> No.7544701
File: 27 KB, 500x270, oreimo3p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally would've ironed and pinned up my skirt but my parents wouldn't let me, sadly. I was suck looking like a lumpy potato in a miniskirt most of the time. Vests sounds horrible, though! Did you ever have to wear blazers? Ours were super itchy and uncomfortable and we always had to wear them during mass because what's better than wearing hot, stuffy clothes with 500 people crammed in an auditorium (aka the gym) listening to psalms.
You got to go to Harry Potter world IN YOUR GRYFFINDOR-LIKE UNIFORM??? I am so friggen jealous of you right now it isn't even funny! And you're so right, that tie is completely perfect for a gryffindor school uniform cosplay. Ugh, I am so so so so so jealous.

>> No.7544702


I'm from Germany, A-anon...

>> No.7544709

Yeah, it's always gonna be creepy to me because think about it, wearing a school uniform pretty much signifies that you are under 18 and I've found that most guys that are into that shit are in their lower to mid 20's. Plus it's not just the otakus that are into that shit.

>> No.7544710

>a schoolgirl fetish is a thing

Why? why is it a thing in the first place? I feel like it's the same people that sexualize lolita too.

>> No.7544715

I don't think it's because of pedos or anything necessarily. It's probably more an association dudes have from when they first came of age and became sexually interested in girls, their first crush might have been in a school uniform, or they just liked the idea of a school full of girls in uniform or secretly naughty catholic girls.

>> No.7544717

Thankfully only the guys were subjected to the hell that is school blazers. As for the girls we couldn't wear sweatshirts to our church service (not quite mass because my school was Episcopal), but we could only wear nice jackets that were either grey or black. We had an actual church on campus that we would go to for that but it sucked because the AC in the sucked so it was FREEZING in the winter and hot as balls in the fall and late spring.

Like I said, senior year was the only time that I actually enjoyed my uniform and that's the only reason why I still have it.

>> No.7544724

I'm from California, so cold/hot was never an issue.

Oh god we had vests too! And I wore them! No tie in our uniform, but they still looked awful.

I'm super jelly of your uniform though! Those ties are great!

>> No.7544725

Why? If anything, it's a good excuse for a double date in later years.
I guess it's just an ideal time of year to have a wedding.

>> No.7544728

I had to save mine for my sister. She's finally graduating this year though, so maybe we can have a ceremony and burn the damn things...

>> No.7544745

This is making the uniform from my school sound like casual friday.

>> No.7544771

You could plan an event. I'm sure there are other people who were too late but would still like to dress up and hang out. Just a small meet near the con or something.

>> No.7544785
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> JetJ fashion show at AN
> Have the required measurements
> Have terrible anticipatory anxiety on top of other things, would probably shit myself on the cat walk out of complete fear
> Feels bad man

>> No.7544799

Man, I wish clothes weren't so needlessly gendered. There's nothing better than wafting around in the summer heat in a vest and a floor length, whooshy, twirly skirt.

>> No.7544811

>summer heat
>floor-length skirt

why would you do that?

>> No.7544817

All the floor length skirts I have are made of thin and light cotton and catch the breeze very easily. That and I get sunburn if I even go near a window so it's either trousers or long skirt.

>> No.7544898
File: 48 KB, 500x431, social loser feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to meet with old friends from school for a Japanese Culture Festivl that also serves as a con
>haven't seens them for a while, we are all studying in different cities
>one friend creates an event page on facebook for all of us
>my closest friend wirtes on event page: "Is it okay if I bring some more friends from Uni? :)"
>Sure, why not
>she keeps inviding people
>half a dozen friends of her are now coming with us
>feel annoyed
>feel jealous
>feel bad for feeling jealous
>what am I even feeling right now

I don't know what hurts me the most: The fact that things have changed and out friend circle will never be the same; the fact that she has now other friends who are probably closer to her due to sharing more of her live with her; the fact that I messed up a big part of our firendship by being lazy, not very talkative and rarely contacting her although she is one of my closest friends and I really like her; or the fact that she is bringing new friends from Uni while I am at Uni for 8 month now too and haven't made single friend yet.
I feel like such a loser on so many levels. I cannot even manage to hold up old friendships even though I love all these people, and could not manage to make a single new friend. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me, and I am so afraid my friends will judge me or find me weird for not being able to properly interact with other human beings.
I am so afraid they will find out how alone I really feel, and how sad I am most of the time, how I feel that I can barely manage to hold my hand above water, and how much time I waste by lying around in my bed pitying myself and browsing the web.

>> No.7544919

>finally have a full lolita coordinate
>want to go to meetup and meet my local comm
>hopefully make some friends
>awesome meet coming up soon
>no car
>can't ask to carpool because I don't know any of them

I think this is the start of my life as a lone loli

>> No.7544927

>want to cosplay, Frozen looks cute
>can't into sewing or any of that shit
>boobs also way too big for 99% of cosplay
>commence bad feels

what do /cgl/?

>> No.7544930

>Finally put together my first loli coord
>so pumped to finally meet the Toronto comm
>Go to buy tickets to the AN loli teaparty
>Sold out

>> No.7544938

I know your feels anon...our time will come someday

>> No.7544942

Is it that weird to ask for a carpool if any of them live near you? I'm sure it would be fine, unless you'd just feel too awkward about it.

>> No.7544948

Yeah I also think it would be fine, especially if you give them gas money if you live far away. I'm sure they will understand.

>> No.7545024

Buy a costume and wig. Bind your chest. Tada.

>> No.7545045


Not me I'm all about dat ara ara~

>> No.7545054

Anons you are right. I'm going to give it a shot.

>> No.7545060

Yay! I hope it works out for you and that you have a great time!

>> No.7545062

Yay! I'm sure those girls remember making friends in the comm too, everyone has to start somewhere.

>> No.7545159

I've been going to cons for years but have never cosplayed. It doesn't help that cgl has set such a high standard that I don't even think I can pull off a good cosplay. So I don't think I'm going to cosplay this year, maybe next year.

>> No.7545175

I have flat feet that hurt like a bitch and they make my back and legs hurt, with the additional blessing of fatigue after walking (swimming or literally anything else not involving walking or running on the ground doesn't give me this issue).

So far I have only been able to wear ugly orthopedic shoes (insoles stopped helping a long time ago, apparently my nasty ass feet squish the arch support completely flat) and some less ugly clogs. One pair of "kitten heels" I own looks like grandma's hand-me-downs and I don't want to wear my rori in those anymore.

What do, seagulls? I have nice feet which would look so much better without these ugly torture devices.

>> No.7545183

are you ok wearing flats? just stock up on tea party shoes, the basically go with everything anyway.

>> No.7545194
File: 244 KB, 969x719, NO HARUHI tHAT'S NOT FANCY TUNA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long time poorfag and cosplayer
>used to browse /cgl/ my senior year of high school, left because it was too much to keep track of along with college
>am out of college now, still just as poor
>been bored lately, start browsing /cgl/ again
>manage to not really have any interest in lolita last time I was here
>now sucked into reading all of the lolita threads
>read as much about lolita and coording as I can
>browsing different sales comms and secondhand shops, as well as taobao stores fairly constantly
>worst part is that I'm very petite and have a perfect petite hourglass figure, know I would look amazing in more than half of this stuff
>have a folder with images of over 120 items that I want saved to it
>all in all, thousands of dollars of stuff
>tfw when you have $30 in you bank account

This summer I'll finally have a job, hoping I can save enough money to pull together an inexpensive coord (~$250) from stuff I've found on taobao. Man, I can see this going very quickly into the realm of full blown addiction once I have expendable income, though.

>> No.7545203

Goddammit /cgl/, I just want some weeby girl friends that are interested in j-fashion and anime that aren't disgusting hambeasts. Where the fuck do I find them?

>> No.7545208
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Unfortunately no, not all of them anyway. They make my feet really pancakey and it's a lot more difficult to walk in them.

>> No.7545209
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>pairing most Mary Magdalene with cheap tacky tea parties

Besides, anon won't be able to wear them as she needs orthopedic shoes. I have flat feet too (nowhere as bad), and those flat tea parties basically spell hell for me with their lack of support and padding.

Anon, maybe try dressing your kitten heels up a bit? You can add bow clips even, just don't go crazy or tacky with it.

>> No.7545212

you will get a gf who isnt a disgusting hambeast when *you* stop being a disgusting hambeast

>> No.7545231
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I'll try, I'm more of a person who likes it simple and classy anyway so I won't go overboard.
There was one particular pair that would be passable but they have these godawful leather flowers glued on and I'm scared of shitting up the whole shoe by removing them. Any ideas on what I could do with those? I'd post a picture if my phone hadn't just died.

>> No.7545237

I'm not a guy and I was speaking more along the lines of platonic friends. Also I am far from a hambeast, not that it matters.

>> No.7545246

Yeah no flat shoes are pretty terrible if you have flat feet. Though I wish someone had told me early in my life because I spent half of grade school wearing flats and wondering why my feet hurt all the time.

Do you have rigid flat feet anon? If you do, I feel sorry for you but I can't really help though I really wish I could. Insoles still work pretty well for me but mine aren't too bad/is a flexible flat foot. Naturalizer can occasionally have shoes that can work but idk if they're good enough for your feet.

>> No.7545265 [DELETED] 

>That feel when your first ever boyfriend takes your virginity when you were underage.
>Less than a year later, he dumps you.
>I can't handle it.
>I make up a story about him raping me and spread it on the internet.
>His life is ruined because everyone believes my story just because, even though I have no evidence and no way of proving it happened (because it didn't really... but my Women's Studies professor told me that breaking up with a woman is also a form of rape, so technically it did).

>> No.7545267

Same here anon.
I just want a buddy with similar lifestyle and interests as me but everyone is either 1) too outgoing/social and go out every other day, 2) hambeast/autistic/ugly, or 3) doesn't share my interests.
I don't have the money/energy/time to go out super often, and I'm not social enough to be able to connect well with someone who doesn't share at least one major interest with. I'm also very shallow so it's hard for me to dress up with someone who isn't cute or fashionable.

>> No.7545292
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>be Minnesota
>head to my first Wizard World ever in Minneapolis
>Been to majority of the only other cons in this state, all small feeling and very anime related even the western theme ones.
>Wizard World there was a whole new experience for me, it felt like a small taste of comic con in san diego
>start to get depressed how I may never in a long time have the money to travel to the big cons I want to see
>remembering how difficult it is to get san diego comic con tickets
>still want to experience katsucon and anime expo even with the hate they get
>love to go to dragon con

You all who travel or even at least been to one huge/popluar con are so lucky


>was cosplaying applejack at MN wizard world
>that feel when people assume you bought your shirt that you sewn yourself
>want to take it as a compliment but makes you realise that everyone at the con is assuming youre wearing a shitty closet cosplay
>my /cgl/ blood also judging and questioning my gijinka costume design the whole con

I want to stop being so paranoid and worrying about what everyone thinks about me there because when I cosplay at cons I feel so sexy and confident and then I go home and I look and feel completely different and only wear baggy t shirts and sweat pants for men or unisex
I still wear makeup, yet my clothing is really lazy and unfeminine

>> No.7545295 [DELETED] 

Does really /r9k/ think this board is that gullible?
Yes, we tend to respond to b8 often but nothing this obvious.

>> No.7545296

Going to Anime Expo is one of the best decisions I ever made. Go to it if you can anon. You will not regret it.

>> No.7545298 [DELETED] 

I don't know, I did something similar when I was underage to the guy I lost my virginity to. Throwing the womens studies bit in was kind of dumb though.

>> No.7545301

I don't know, what's the difference between rigid and flexible? All I know is they hurt and bend shoes into comical shapes.

>> No.7545302 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7545304 [DELETED] 

Nice b8, no one will believe you though.

>> No.7545311
File: 45 KB, 634x346, carryon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel this so deeply in my soul anon.

>> No.7545328

I'm really worried that my gf is mad at me for some reason.
We usually have GSTA at our school today, and I skipped because the most of the people there either don't like me or are obnoxious weebs. I also broke down because of stress from school and family shit and she's been ignoring my messages for most of tonight.
I don't know if she's really mad at me or if I'm being a dumb shit.
Sorry for being off topic.

>> No.7545337

Seriously, fuck girls like that.
If she's mad at you she should let you know, not passive aggressively ignore you especially if she knows you're already stressed out from other things. Dump that cunt.

>> No.7545388 [DELETED] 

>Does really /r9k/ think this board is that gullible?
Dude. This board is way more than *that* gullible. I couldn't believe all the easy b8s I've been successful with. Hell, you wouldn't even be able to tell that it's a b8 if it wasn't a /cgl/ meme.

>> No.7545390

You can look it up on wikipedia, but basically a "flexible" flat foot is where if you stand on tiptoe/forefoot, it looks like you have an arch, whereas a "rigid" will still look flat. It sounds like you have rigid flatfeet if it hurts that much but I'm not an expert or anything.

>> No.7545392

Ah, flexible then! Though standing on my tiptoes hurts as well... My feet are fucked something fierce.

>> No.7545397

Man, that sucks.

Fucking chads always ruin everything good in this world.

>> No.7545401
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Just happened
>Finally get sempai to notice me
>We decide to hangout and watch some anime
>I'm ridiculously nervous because it's sempai and I didn't think they were that into anime or anything and just offered to watch it because they know I like it
>We meet up and holyshit sempai has a powerlevel of over 9000
>We completely hit it off, bond over a ton of series and have a really nice time
>Check online today and find out they got back with their girlfriend
>"Yeah I mean she came bursting into my room crying and shit, wanting to get back with me, I felt too badly for her to say no"
>Tell them that's a bullshit reason
>Crawl back to bed with my stuffed animals and resign self back to catlady life

Why is sempai such a little shit

>> No.7545407

if he just felt bad for her then it might not last very long

>> No.7545413

the "how could I say no" is a very common and lame excuse.

>> No.7545423
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I feel badly for saying this because it's not nice, but that's what I'n hoping for. They kept telling me, "Oh, I tried reeeally hard to say no, like, really, really hard..." but in the end gave in. It seems like there wasn't much basis for them getting back together other than them feeling badly for their ex, but they did date for a little over a year, so I know they have enough history to still have a lot of feelings and shit. I'm just trying to get them to maybe hangout with me again since we had such a fun time the first time.

>> No.7545427

All things considered, if he's willing to go back to dating her just because of guilt, you may be better off keeping him as a friend than pursuing things beyond that. Find someone else who forms relationships because of genuine feeling, not his conscience.

>> No.7545432

I don't even know if she's doing it on purpose though. We've been together over nine months now, and usually helps me get through shit.

>> No.7545436
File: 88 KB, 862x486, 1395023969489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess so, yeah, it just sucks a lot and I'm really hurt since they seemed to like me a lot. I'm worried now sempai won't even hangout with me as a friend, though, for fear things would get complicated since now they know I like them. Arrrrgh thought I had something with sempai finally!

>> No.7545439

>boobs also way too big for 99% of cosplay

you're probably too fat as well.

>> No.7545442

I had this problem, too. Tell your bank you lost your card and need a new one. New number, new life.

>> No.7545449
File: 637 KB, 1456x2592, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Claudie, just smoke a joint, drink some coffee, and watch Chinese cartoons
Life goes on

>> No.7545454
File: 25 KB, 390x294, yhst-11400100427085_2311_690900139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I see, I guess it's just bad case then. It says you can get it treated if you aren't already but who knows.
I'm looking up orthopedic shoes and there are some pretty cute ones but they're all pretty much over $100

>> No.7545457
File: 7 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate you, anon. Thank you.

>> No.7545464

>tfw I don't have that fig
How much and where?

>> No.7545465

>helps dad on his job
>gets paid
>expend all money on food, booze and gifts for friends
>suddenly realizes could have bought nice clothes
>3 months later dad wants to kick me out because autistic fuck who can't get a job


>guy who did really shitty things to me suddenly gives me a gift after almost a year without talking
>"you look more cute anon"
>mfw still like him
>i don't want to forgive him

>> No.7545473

Dude, kick his sorry ass to the curb. Don't even speak to him. Who cares if he gave you a gift? He's a punk for doing shitty things to you and a tool for thinking he can waltz back into your life like that. You deserve better.

>> No.7545481
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It was a gift from a friend, dude got it from AmiAmi. Dunno how much though, just checked and it ain't on there. Maybe it was limited edition?


>> No.7545484

the problem is we were really bros until some point and he was a very pleasant guy to be around
i did break his nose tho

>> No.7545494

I swear we've had this exact conversation twice now.

Just mirin your touhou taste. I think I asked you the same thing before and was already told that same answer. I just didn't look into it yet cause muh paycheck and I didn't even want to see the price.

>> No.7545539
File: 59 KB, 540x720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I think we've been talking ever since I posted my remi sweater

>> No.7545545

Whaaat this sweater is amazing, where did you get it?

>> No.7545551

Nah, I'm just anon, and yeah, I was mirin that sweater hard.

I think we were just meant for each other, anon.

>> No.7545555
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PMX at some small little booth.
Can't find it online
Don't even want to wear it cause it might get stained

>> No.7545556

It's a singular person. HE or SHE and not they. Only on /cgl/ do I read this shit. Fucking tumblr.

>> No.7545558

Calm down there, anon. They/them, etc can be singular. It's proper English.

Just frame it haha

>> No.7545565

>They/them, etc can be singular. It's proper English.
They can be used to refer to one person. 'Them' is solely a pural pronoun. Tumblr just uses it to be ambiguous about genders and you know it. It takes more letters to type them instead of 'he' or 'she'.

>> No.7545575

Might take more letters to type, but that's what the person I was referring to uses as their pronouns, so I'm not going to just ignore what they would rather be called.

>> No.7545582

can you leave? seriously, three strikes you're out bitch you're being annoying

>> No.7545583

It can be used in a case where you don't know or don't want to reveal someone's sex as well.

If I were talking on 4chan about someone I know, and the gender wasn't obvious, I'd use they to make it less likely that that particular person would realize it was ... them.

>> No.7545584

Do you think "Martha's family was going to get her or his eggs" sounds right?

>> No.7545587

>but that's what the person I was referring to uses as their pronouns
Oh lord, a mentally ill individual. Should have known.

>> No.7545589

>made some cosplays that took a lot of time and effort in preparation for cons and group cosplays
>not able to go to said cons because of job not letting off

responsibilities first, but it sure sucks not being able to join all my friends

>> No.7545593

Are you the guy from the Soku threads?

>> No.7545597

>Martha's family was going to get her or his eggs
'Their' is the correct term as it refers to the family.
The tripfag was referring to his/her tranny friend and was being full SJW with the neutral pronoun crap.

>> No.7545600
File: 470 KB, 450x192, tumblr_n4ut3dxq6d1sc20iqo9_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You first

>> No.7545605


You really need to calm your tits. Pronouns are not that big of a deal, and they can be used as a single-person identifier. Did you flunk out of grade school? Stop shitting up the thread with your autism.

>> No.7545676

>they can be used as a single-person identifier.
see >>7545565
>They can be used to refer to one person. 'Them' is solely a pural pronoun.
>Did you flunk out of grade school?
Did you? Besides she already admitting to using those terms incorrectly to appease her shemale friend's delusions.

>> No.7545697

Please don't bully my future girlfriend.

>> No.7545783

>no close friend
>make good close friend
>talk daily, things are nice
>stop messaging as often abruptly
>try to start conversation
>doesn't even try

I fucking hate it when people just stop talking to you out of the blue. At least tell me what the fuck your problem is with me so I can at least try to work shit out. That's one of the fucking shittiest things you could do to a friend.

I mad

>> No.7545803


tthe shirt is on taobao

>> No.7545811

Feels like shit. I'm still going to work on the costume, I guess.

>> No.7545821

I just beat Score Attack mode in BlazBlue, for the first time in my life. I got a screen saying "Congratulations" and then the game crashed. My final score, or the fact that I completed the mode, was not saved.

I feel like shit. It should've been the best day of my life but it's also the worst day of my life.

>> No.7545866

Where are they listed anon ? I'm wondering if I fit

>> No.7545892
File: 46 KB, 720x540, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think so man.
I'm that autistic guy who carries people bridal style at cons and posts pics of remilia and weed

>> No.7546102

>gears up in binder/spandex pants/under cosplay guff
>instantly needs to shit

why cgl

>> No.7546111

I had to wear green plaid too!. I just hemmed mine, didn't roll it.

>> No.7546116

Oh hey those aren't that bad at all! Thanks for all your help, anon(s), I'll ask in the orthopedic store today if they can order overseas for me. Most of the ones available in my country are butt ugly.

>> No.7546121

No, they and them can be singular as well. At least in British English it is perfectly correct and acceptable to use it as a singular form, but I don't doubt other English versions have it too.
>I don't know who that person is, but I am scared of them.
>that person is behaving oddly, they are scaring me.

Both the Dictionary of Modern English Usage and the Cambridge Guide to English usage accept it, as do many others.

>> No.7546128

Because you should have attempted to shit before hand.

>> No.7546138

but i did anon

>> No.7546141

This happened to me. They suddenly stopped messaging me and deleted me altogether wtf. I was so upset and angry.

>> No.7546145

Are you freaking out because she hasn't replied to your messages for a few hours, or is there something else? She may just not have her phone with her or be checking her computer. She may not be upset with you at all - wait until you've spoken to her before you worry. Worrying won't help and will only make your stress worse.

>passive aggressively ignore you
Nice jumping to conclusions, there. Sounds like you have a history with this sort of thing.

>> No.7546147

"They" has been acceptable to use for a singluar person since the 16th century. Why does not knowing the gender of Claudie's sempai upset you that much?

>> No.7546301

OOOOHH MY GOD YOU HELD ME FRIEND ONCE AND I THOUGHT IT WAS SO CREEEEPY hi anon. Maybe you're not so creepy afterall.

>> No.7546416

>tfw i'm into old obscure anime

>> No.7546461
File: 36 KB, 543x399, jupiter-laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you anon ...
On a bright side, my brother can no longer spam with Noel's Drive.
Thank you based ChronoP.

>> No.7546502

That's completely normal in American English too, and not just with the SJW crowd. You can use it for a singular person if you don't know or don't want to say the gender.

>> No.7546509

> mfw it's like everyone has the most shitty parents/family
> mfw my family is lovely

well aware this is the most stupid feel there is but jfc it sucks because I feel like I can't reach out to friends because I have no idea how someone must feel in those situations. It also feels awkward to try to give uplifting talks when you've never experienced such things.
I just want to be a good friend /cgl/

>> No.7546527
File: 991 KB, 245x156, tumblr_mc62fiPKic1qix2yh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've spent roughly $1,200 on lolita in the last 3 weeks, not including most shipping costs...
I've never been this irresponsible with my money before and it feels even worse when I remember I only make about $1,500 a month

>> No.7546534

anon plz no

>> No.7546538

Tbh this is the first time I heard it being considered a SJW thing. Where I live it's pretty usual that you use it when you don't know someone's gender.
For example,
"I went to eat out with a friend"
"Oh? did they enjoy themselves?"
"Yeah, she said she liked sushi so that's where we went. Afterwards we went shopping."

I don't see why the SJWs cry so much about it when it's pretty much standard English.

>> No.7546542

Woher genau?

>> No.7546543

SJW don't cry about it, grammar nazis do.

>> No.7546555

same here.

>> No.7546564

>tfw you have a friend with a severe concentration problem
>tfw you have the feeling she uses it as an excuse to do not a single fuck when it comes to school
>tfw she probably can get an income without working for it eventhough she's smart enough

you know, I really love her, but sometimes she just annoys me the hell out of it with her concentration problem. ofcourse I can't see into her head and I can't see how severe it really is, but if you can concentrate on browsing tumblr, you could also concentrate on your school.

>> No.7546581

Only the dumb grammar nazis cry about it.
I guess SJWs do too because they feel like their effort at making new pronouns has gone to waste.

Either way, it's dumb and I'm not going to stop using 'they' both singularly and plurally.

>> No.7546602


I remember I got into an lj argument with someone about the word 'they.' I'm not sure if they were grammar nazi or SJW, they were a bit of both. I pulled up a reliable source on a university website for them, and their response was literally "I'm not going to trust a shitty website you can go fuck yourself."

If you ever feel bored, head over to ontd_political or sf_drama. It's proof that the crazy SJW existed long before tumblr did.

>> No.7546611

I think it's fine to use 'they' when you don't know the gender of the person, but I'm not going to refer to a singular person with plural pronouns when I know their gender just because they request that others do, that's where I draw the fucking line.
Unless they've got DID or something, but I can't imagine that someone honestly with that disorder would really try to play off on it for a personalized pronoun. That's still stupid Tumblr shit.

>> No.7546651
File: 53 KB, 500x590, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was your friend cosplaying as?
T-thanks for calling me creepy anon.

>> No.7546665

Your friend sounds like me anon....I can't see into her head either but for me its just really difficult to do the things I need to do. I think its because I end up procrastinating and then the crppling guilt and panic settles in to the point where I want to throw up, so I try to distract myself via the internet. Obviously it does not help one bit, but I get that initial short term comfort so I keep doing it.
I kinda hate myself for it because Im pretty smart too, but its just so difficult to sit down to study/do the work.
I feel like I need help but I don't know where or how?
Sorry to piggyback on your feel, but seriously nowadays it just really difficult to tear myself from cgl and it fru strates me how I have zero self control/time management abilities.

>> No.7546678

> mfw this sounds like me

don't worry anon you're not alone, it starts with "I'll do it later" and by the end I want to avoid it because it starts to panic me and I just ignore it all together. Haven't studied like a normal person in years and that has gotten me in tons of trouble and I regret so much. But I just can't get it to stop and it happens all over again each time.

>> No.7546680
File: 95 KB, 523x521, 1398795425146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when no girlfriend who likes animu

Is it a good idea to pick up chicks at cons

I've never been to one

>> No.7546692

>centering getting a gf around one hobby
Why do people do this

>> No.7546697

Also, I should say that 'concentrating' on yumblr or most sites in general is not the same as concentrating on schoolwork for me and possibly your friend.
Its a thing that ties into a lot ofkids having attention problems nowadays, but basically social media sites, you are focusing on many subjects but for a very short amount of time, so technically it does not require any long term concentration at all. Whereas sitting down to write an essay or whatever, its doing ONE task or focusing on one subject for an extended time.
Like I said, this might only be me, but I hope ot may help you understanf a little more. Maybe you can help her if sh e agrees to it? It'll take a lot of reminding and nagging though so idk if you would be willing to bother

>> No.7546700


cosplay sex

srsly who else would be up for that without giving you shit

>> No.7546702

>just bought my first lolita dress
>its brand
>never thought I would spend this much money on one dress
>I am so happy though, 0 regret
>so excited for my future in the fashion

I've been lurking long enough and I am so happy to finally be getting started. I can't wait to complete my coord and meet my comm.

>> No.7546708
File: 194 KB, 569x629, h6h45r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw browsing /cgl/ because of fetish for lolita+femdom
>tfw not sure why, since nothing here actually ertains to that
>tfw still browsing
>tfw learning a surprising amount of information about seams that i'll probably never use

>> No.7546711

We need a support group

>> No.7546723



I saw an image like that on /d/ and even though I'm a cosplayer and have never once entertained the thought of lolita, it made me want to go out and spend my college money on classic and gothic.

My actual feels:
>clinical depression
>treatment resistant
>"You need to exercise" "stop eating so much" "you sleep all the time, that's why you're so depressed" "You haven't gotten out of your bed and showered in a week? wtf you're disgusting and lazy" "You're not trying hard enough" "You want too much stupid chinese cartoons."
>can't work on cosplays because I'm gaining weight
>haven't gone to a con in two years, even though I have the options to go for free, because I'm too anxious and tired all the time
>recovered from bulimia, but starting to fall into ED habits again out of immense stress of not passing a single class this passed semester of uni
>constantly conteplating suicide even while on anti-depressants because I don't think I'll get over this or get better at all

I remember hating myself as far back as middle school. I've always been depressed, and it just gets worse/better in two year increments. But this deep depression has been going on for almost four years now, and I'm so tired of being told it'll get better when I feel like I can't pull out of it this time. I'm tired of the guilt of not doing well enough at anything. I'm so worthless, and it's killing me.

>> No.7546836


Aus der Hauptstadt NRWs.

>> No.7546856

Tbh nobody really manage to stay in touch with their old acquaintances. If you're more concerned about what your friends will think of you rather than about how sad/lonely you are, I can safely say you conserved your social capacities better than the other LONER FREAKS

>> No.7546877
File: 476 KB, 188x174, tumblr_inline_mkpzq8RBeu1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling so relieved right now, stayed up super late to study for exam at 7:30 am only to sleep through that exam. My professor emailed me to ask if something was wrong because I missed it and I explained the situation. He's super nice about it and is letting me take it tomorrow at 9am. I totally thought that I was going to have to take the 0 and fail the class because he seems pretty strict about that sort of thing but it's a good thing that I always show up to class so he knows that I care about the class and didn't miss the final on purpose.

Can't wait to go home tomorrow though and work on cosplay this summer as well as get a part time job to save up for some dresses I want to buy soon!

>> No.7546882
File: 2.02 MB, 2300x3800, 1340999705543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll like this

>> No.7546887
File: 22 KB, 1024x683, give-me-your-feels (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh God Anon, I can relate to so much to this (except I never had an ED.)

>eat too much; it does not even make me happy, just feeling full and gross and fat but I cannot stop
>sleep all the time, constantly feeling tired
>haven't showered in a week
>even skipped brushing my teeth a few times because I could not get out of bed and I could not give one single fuck
>skipped 3 classes I should have really attended because they were improtant, but I couldn't get myself to get out of my bed
>watching stupid cartoons all the time
>can't buy more Lolita because I am gaining weight and half a dozen dresses already do not fit me anymore (also too fat for most burando now)
>immense stress to pass every single class, also 3 exams and two papers and I haven't started studying and I feel so fucking lost
>procrastinate more
>stress intensifies

I remembered being a happy person last year around this time, but it got so bad over the past 12 month. My boyfriend turned out to be a complete asshole who left me because I was "getting fat", and also because I was "boring and annoying" and I did not have one single date since then, my school friends all moved away and found new friends while I am still alone at University no being able to make any real friends, and my hormones went mad so now my face is full of ugly acne and disgusting black hair. I constantly stress out about my appareance (never leve house without make up, always wear nice clothes, hair done, etc), and when i come home from Uni I just feel sad, exhausted and tired and want to be left alone to browse the web and hate myself. I really don't know what to do anymore, I feel like such a failure at life, and I feel even worse because my life is not really that bad. I have my dream major, a stable financial situation, ajob, a loving family and my old friends from school whom i really love, yet I am rarely really happy. I feel so spoiled ungrateful.

>> No.7546895

Jesus /cgl/ really has the lowest powerlevels.

Also many of those are fucking awful.

>> No.7546897

Jokes on you /a/ that list comes from your board

>> No.7546907
File: 233 KB, 623x443, ZWic1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update on the dress. its been a while. it had tracking. they signed for the dress.
they signed for it.
and are in fact hoarding it.
I have to get someone to legally step in there to remove the package from them.
I just want my package

>> No.7546916

are you sure we won't get stressed out and procrastinate over that too? Wish I could talk about this stuff to people irl without sounding like the laziest shit on earth

>> No.7546921

Holy shit, anon, good luck.

>> No.7546924

People faced with this problem usually try to fix it by just not eating anything anymore, or eating at "normal levels", which is as efficient as telling yourself "Starting tomorrow, I'll never smoke a cig again!". A more succesful way consists in eating still a lot of shit, but that isn't as sweet and fat. Roasted almonds work very well. Plus minimal exercise, if not to lose weight, at least to keep it at regular level, like walking 1 hour/day
Of course this will in no way solve your other problems

>> No.7546934

Not anon, but a support group doesn't sound like work in itself, and well procrastination is only about work! Plus chatting with strangers isn't very stressful in itself, you're doing it right now. Honestly this is doable, just to see how serious you both are about this

>> No.7546938

>I feel even worse because my life is not really that bad. I have my dream major, a stable financial situation, ajob, a loving family and my old friends from school whom i really love, yet I am rarely really happy. I feel so spoiled ungrateful.

Fuck, anon, I'm the same fucking way. I have a boyfriend who's loving and supportive (even though he doesn't understand depression, or EDs, he makes an effort to learn so he doesn't do anything that may offend me accidently), a loving family, a great college career (well, had...), a job (that I might get fired from because I'm too tired to come into work), and (had) tons of amazing friends. Now I'm losing it all because of this shit. And I know that logically it really isn't my fault because I've had this since I was young and i know it's a ~*chemical imbalance*~ that I can't do anything about, but it still makes my self loathing so much worse. I attempted suicide because I was failing every single one of my classes this semester and I was tired of living as a worthless failure, and my boyfriend just snapped and screamed at me, saying that i have so much potential and such a great life and I have no reason to kill myself. And it made me feel so bad. Now I'm at the point where I don't have the energy to even try anymore. I just refuse food instead because it makes me feel like I'm maybe doing something right, and it saves my family money much better than binging does. I know it's my Ed behaviors coming back, but I don't even care at this point.

My boyfriend and I already pre-registered for D*con and got hotel rooms and everything, and I'm so scared that I won't be feeling good enough to go. This will be my first D*con in two years, and the first time I'm not going alone. I'm so upset that I can't even start on my cosplay. Hell, I don't even have the money to because I'm not working enough.

>> No.7546953

>T-thanks for calling me creepy anon.
Nah, you're a bit creepy, but I'd friend you, don't worry. She wasn't cosplaying, she was just being generally sad in normal clothing. Colossalcon on a Sunday.

>> No.7546961

>I attempted suicide because I was failing every single one of my classes this semester and I was tired of living as a worthless failure, and my boyfriend just snapped and screamed at me, saying that i have so much potential and such a great life and I have no reason to kill myself.

He was right, Anon. I do not really have suicidal tendencies myself, so I cannot really judge how you feel, but just wanted to point out that there is so much to live for. And think about how the people you left behind would feel. This is what usually keeps me from exploring this though t; I know my family, especially my mother and my younger siblings just do not deserve to experience such a horrible thing, and that they do not deserve to be dragged down by me.

>And it made me feel so bad. Now I'm at the point where I don't have the energy to even try anymore. I just refuse food instead because it makes me feel like I'm maybe doing something right, and it saves my family money
Eh, not sure about that saving money argument, anon... I also never had an ED so I do not really know what to say here either, other than trying to avoid slipping onto old habits again because like any addiction once you're in again it is so much harder to get out.

>My boyfriend and I already pre-registered for D*con and got hotel rooms and everything

I wish you all the best for the con! There is a con coming up me and my old friends attend, and everyone is bringing someone new except for me. Time to feel like a social outcast again. Also I can barely zip up my dress, and the blouse I just ordered is too small too. Well...

Honestly, Anon, I really wish you all the best and hope it will get better for you!
I don't really know what I am supposed to do though. As I have said I have been a mostly happy girl my life, it has never been as awful as it is now. I haven't seen a therapist or talked to my family about all this.

>> No.7546977

its old ap too. may Mana be with me

>> No.7546978

So an online friend wants to meet up with me and hang out, and it scares me

Not because I don't like them or anything, but because I feel too gross and fat. I'm terrified I'll disappoint them for some reason and that they'll hate me. Eating up my emotions made me go from chubby to disgusting and when I noticed it was already too late. I hate how fat I am but I can't seem to break out of it, hell I barely buy any new clothes because I feel gross and feel like I don't deserve them

>> No.7546992

>lose a shitton of weight
>hope that old hambeast measurements will even out to a nice figure
>end up at 37-25-33
>huge tits, linebacker shoulders, normal waist, no hips, thunder thighs. just HORRIBLE proportions.
>never really had body image issues before, but now, it's a constant thing

I just wish I could love myself...

>> No.7547010


Oh, no, I agree with him completely. I DO have a lot to live for. I just get in these periods of, "It'll never get better/I'll never be happy/I'll never be able to be productive" and get hopeless. But he's really close by now and he keeps me in check (like making appointments, replying to professors, etc.), so I'm hoping the rest of the year will go better.

Thank you so much, anon. You're too kind. And I know the feel. Do you have any close friends that you trust enough to talk about your issues with? I'm not as bad off as I was when I attempted, and it's mainly because my boyfriend has been keeping me accountable and getting me out of my room. It doesn't help with my depression directly, but it makes me feel better when I look back at the month and think, "Wow, if he hadn't had me going to event x/y/z, I would be worse off and probably way fatter." So that kind of motivates me.

I recommend a therapist only if you can find one that 1) specializes in depression, and one that you can maybe get a recommendation for. Before I started going to my newest therapist (he's amazing), I was going from therapist to therapist because they were unwelcoming at best and made me feel like shit at worst. I would have saved so much time and money had I asked a family friend for a recommendation ahead of time.

Yeah, this is definitely true. I try to eat lost of healthy things, but I eventually either start binging again or just stop eating, and starts a big relapse.

>> No.7547014

Your proportions sound lovely, anon. I have close to the same, and I was a hambeast as well. Fuck these shoulders. I'm not even a swimmer. But anyway, you're always going to find something wrong with yourself, but I'm almost certain that bitches would kill for your measurements. Dat delicious 25 inch waist.

Self love is hard, but you have to start complimenting and loving yourself more, even if you're faking it. Confidence will make you and everyone around you feel better about yourself.

>> No.7547018

There are a lot of confessions about eating disorders and weight problems in this thread and I feel so, so sorry for anyone struggling with that right now. I know how hard it is to look in the mirror and hate yourself.

>suffered from ednos last year
>was in an abusive relationship and my partner supported my disorder
>felt superior to other people because of my ~control~ from not eating
>i got down to the same weight i was in middle school
>felt good about myself and left the abusive relationship
>met a wonderful boyfriend (at an anime con lol)
>moved state, lost all of my belongings in the breakup, struggled to find a new job, still struggling to make friends here
>couldn't afford my antidepressants and fell to the lowest low
>ate so fucking much way more than any girl my size should be able to eat in one sitting
>multiple times a day
>gained like 60 pounds in a year
>60 pounds
>in a year
>i dont even know how that was possible even if i was actively trying to gain weight. eating so poorly in the past messed up my metabolism
>last summer it got really bad
>attempted suicide and was hospitalized twice
>finally got the help i needed to afford my medication after spending time in a psychiatric ward
>got a job
>it pays well
>feeling great! doing art, losing weight, and finally feeling genuinely happy about things sometimes which is a huge personal accomplishment
>went to anime cons across different states this year
>bought all of my dream dresses
>cant fit into them
>i look like a bloated retard when i wear lolita
>even the dresses i can squeeze myself into
>the dresses sit in my closet
>and i cant wear them
>i dont feel like i deserve any of them
>or deserve happiness
>or deserve to have survived my suicide attempts

>> No.7547025

I wish I'd been taught good habits with sewing when I first started getting into this hobby. I'm trying to make my costume better construction-wise, but I'm so used to using crappy short cuts that I'll be lazy, feel bad that it doesn't look as good as it could, then have to take it all apart to do it the right way. Ugh.

Also, I'm a lazy fuck and I procrastinated way too long on some costumes for an upcoming con and overestimated my ability to find the fabrics I want at local stores, so I'm having to express order a bunch of shit, and everything's getting pricey, and this shit sucks. I hope this teaches me a lesson, but it will probably take a few more times yet.

>> No.7547030

>tfw day one of my weight loss journey
>tfw i don't know if i can stick with it because none of my friends / family even care about what i do anymore
d-does anyone want to be my fitness / diet buddy?
i'm doing pretty much no carbs and exercising daily and i need someone to put some pressure on me right now

>> No.7547035

>But he's really close by now and he keeps me in check (like making appointments, replying to professors, etc.), so I'm hoping the rest of the year will go better.

I am really glad you have someone who loves and cares for you like that, Anon! And I am sure the rest of the year will go better for you.

I do not really dare to. My clostest friend I have known for 20 years would be an option, but I am just so, so embarrassed. As I have said, I am living a" happy" and priviliged life. And my best friend has far more greater problems than I have, and I would feel like a poser and an attention whore - "Yeah, sure, your circumstances are bad and mine are awesome, but look at me I am so depressed!!" I know it might just be some chemical imbalance, but the believe that depressions are rooted in some tradgic experiences is still inside me, and probably most of my firends and family. I think they would rather say something like "Stop pitying yourself" or "Pull yourself together, it's just a phase" - at least that is what I am afraid of.
My uncle is a therapist, but I just never have a quiet moment to talk to him, unfortunately.

I considered going to a therapist on my campus, if I can get an appointment, and see what they will say. No one would have to know, and maybe it can help me. I just cannot get myself to make an appoinmet thoug. Everytime I think about how I introduce myself, it sounds like shit. "Hey, here I am, living a great life. Nope, no problems with the family, or abusive background, or anything, really, yet I still feel sad all the time- ??" I dont know. My worst fear though is that a therapist would just say me "Well, you're not depressed, you are just a lazy self pitying entitled horrible human being. Too bad!", and thus I am REALLY the awful person I think I am.

I will try to eat healthier, but I just cannot bring myself to exercise even though we have home trainer, I cannot even bring myself to go take a shower...

>> No.7547048


A therapist would never say that! They recognize that mental illnesses don't care about your home situation or wealth or anything like that! They would probably recommend you take anti-depressants for a while while you're in therapy to help alleviate the symptoms so that you can make sure that your life doesn't start crumbling around you.

I know that you're hesitant because of all the negative stigma associated with mental illness (depression especially), but you really do deserve help. Please, get it soon. Don't be like me and wait until you're basically failing out of university and you've lost most of your friends and developed unhealthy coping mechanisms.

>> No.7547058

Hi there, anon, I haven't been part of this conversation at all, but I really have to agree with >>7547048 and encourage you to go see someone, even if you don't feel like your feelings of depression are "justified" by your life circumstances. I'm very much like you in that I have a happy life with lots of friends and nothing really to "make" me depressed, so I put off going for a long time much the way you are until I finally became very suicidal and my boyfriend insisted I go. My therapist never said anything so judgmental at all, and I feel so much better after getting help. Please do this for yourself. You deserve to be okay.

>> No.7547063

>complete asshole who left me because I was "getting fat", and also because I was "boring and annoying"

I know I don't have the whole story. But how are these not completely valid reasons? He started dating you for reasons and you changed, he didn't like your changes and the direction you were headed.

>> No.7547071


>anon is obviously dealing with emotional turmoil
>calls her names instead of reassuring her and suggesting she get help with her depression

There are ways to approach the situation without being a gigantic dick, and her bf didn't' handle it the right way.

>> No.7547075


Who cares what others think? Do it for yourself

>> No.7547077

>therapist would just say me "Well, you're not depressed, you are just a lazy self pitying entitled horrible human being. Too bad!", and thus I am REALLY the awful person I think I am.
Not anyone from this thread, but I feel the same way. I actually unloaded all of these feelings on my boyfriend recently and was basically told that there's nothing wrong with my life, so I can't be depressed, and I'm only miserable because of myself, because he tries to do everything he can to make me happy and I'm just an ungrateful, self deprecating person and it's no one's job but my own to fix myself since I'm apparently not allowing him to do it.
I've just kept shut since then and continued just dealing. Nothing has changed, still sad, but still alive as well, so I don't know.

>> No.7547079
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My university recently hosted these American exchange students (apparently it's happened in few other universities in my country too) and I tried really really really hard not to sound mean and snarky to them but it's just so difficult, I don't think I can do it. -All- of the girls, and I am -not- exaggerating here, are really nasty and trashy and behave like they are hot shit around here without pardon.
On the first night we had a formal welcoming party and the girls showed up in these skimpy outfits dressed like cheap bordello girls, and when one of my seniors told them to go change they started berating her for "slut-shaming" her.
One girl who sits next to me seems to be hitting on one of the professors, always kissing his ass every day, and he keeps ignoring her but she just won't stop.
She wears sweatpants to class and told me I shouldn't be dressed like I'm on fashion week every day because it's making them feel out of place (I wear extremely toned down otome on some days, normal stuff on others, other girls dress normal mostly) and that I am vain because of it.
I cried once because they just say really gauche, borderline insulting things and won't stop talking about how their country is better because they are more "progressive". Then they say "oh my god, guys treat you like you are one of them, you guys are so lucky" and get offended when we tell them that if they wore more modest clothes and acted normal instead of "silly boiz! don't hit on me!" they'd be the same to them.

We were really looking forward to meeting them because it was an Ivy university but now I just want them out of here. It's so exhausting and frustrating.
I can't even wear my usual otome for fear of the guests pestering me about it and cwying how inadequate they look.

>> No.7547085


I never called her names.

Just saying, he got in because of certain things. If those things changed, how is he an asshole?

I ordered roast beef and got turkey. Am I an asshole for not liking that, even if the turkey is good?

>> No.7547088

so you want him to lie and give the generic "its not you, its me" bs? Doesn't sound like name calling, sounds like he was just stating why he was breaking up

>> No.7547092

Go see someone. You cannot help it if you have depression. You could be the wealthiest, most well-loved person in the world with the ability to do whatever you wanted and still feel like shit with depression. Please get help and don't let someone who doesn't understand make you feel bad.

>> No.7547095

>I know I don't have the whole story. But how are these not completely valid reasons? He started dating you for reasons and you changed, he didn't like your changes and the direction you were headed.

Well, you do not know him or the whole story. I wasn't getting "fat", (I gained about 5 pounds during our relationship, I admit, but I didn't get fat) - HE was the one who changed.
He started getting into sports, got fit, and became disappointed I did not want to go on a marathon with him or wasn't into sports at all. Which would be fine, if he wouldn't acted like a complete jerk about it. He constantly told me about nuirtition, how I should not eat this, how I was eating too much or the wrong things... But not in a helpful manner, but a snobbish and hrutful way. I remember one time we cooked spaghetti, and I had two portions - he later told me how "disgusted" he was when he saw me eating two plates of spaghetti. There were tons of these little hurtful comments.
And it wasn't me who was boring, he was the one who was bored of our relationship (I was madly in love with him, so I ignored every problem we might have had). But instead of ending it, he kept me around as a nice caregiver, listener and occasional sex toy until I finally got the hint and we broke up - after we had a 4 week "break" he demanded, althoguh be both knew it was over (I was just too much in love to admit it).

Also, he had struggled with depressions and saw a therapist. If anyone, HE should have been the one to understand.

>> No.7547098

Call them out on their stupid bullshit
exchange students can be really fucking stupid no matter what country they come from. I'm murrican and we had these obnoxious exchange students who just wanted to chastise people all the time for being fat and spending too much time shopping, unlike their apparently superior european culture where they start drinking early afternoon and don't do anything else for the rest of the night.
Good exchange students actually want to learn about the culture they're in, not try to shove their narrow-minded view upon everyone else. Call them out on their bullshit, they are the alien ones.

>> No.7547100

>started berating her for "slut-shaming" her
Having a hard time believing that part. The kind of girl who uses that term (nerdy, liberal, maybe JSW) and the kind of girl who dresses trashy/slutty (partying normalfags) is usually not overlapping.

>> No.7547101

We don't know the full story. If he actually cared at one point and encouraged her to get better and got sick of nothing changing, there's no problem for wanting out. If he bailed the moment she put on five pounds without ever talking to her about it, or if he saw her feeling low and berated her with comments about how fat and annoying she was, he's a dick. Very circumstantial on how to judge this dude.

>> No.7547105

I just want to tell you to please not take them as an example of the usual, or typical American college girl. I am so sorry that they sent a bunch of dumb bitches to your school. I don't know what type of school they are from but they sound like spoiled brats. I personally got passed over for an opportunity like that to go to school in Japan. Thank god that the people representing my school going over seas are all nice.

>> No.7547107


I wasn't even at such a low point as I am now. I considered myself to be pretty happy. Things started to fall apart mostly after we broke up; mostly because so many things came together (we broke up, I graduated school, my friends moved away, there was a period o wasted time between school end and Uni), and things really got bd with University.
As I have said in >>7547095, I wasn't the one who changed much during our relationship, it was mostly him (in many ways). He got fit, discovered he wants to fuck with other girls, kept me around as long as I was useful to him for personal and sexual needs, and dumped me like a jerk when i confronted him.

>> No.7547109

Seconding, and I'm so sorry those twats are acting that way. Though if they're from an Ivy university and on exchange, they probably come from a wealthy background, which might explain some of it. (I hate to stereotype that way, I really do, but it has been true more times than not in my personal experience that girls brought up in money act more like this.)

>> No.7547110

believe me, it happened. Whenever someone says something about their choice of clothing they get a barrage of "but I have a right to feel sexy!" and "slut-shaming!" and only listen when one of the professors comes to intervene.

>> No.7547112

I dunno anon, their fashion choices sound similar to a lot of the girls on my campus though I doubt that they would say stuff like that. On my college the trends are mostly nike shorts + oversized sorority shirt in warm weather and then leggings/sweatpants + jacket/sweatshirt in cold weather makes up for about 70%. The rest are a mix of different styles.

>> No.7547113

You'd be surprised how many party girls have heard of slut walks, got a vague grasp of the idea behind them, and take off running with the term "slut-shaming" to defend their tacky dresses.

>> No.7547118

I go to a CUNY here in New York, and a lot of the girls are fashionable, but are pretty conservative. Over half of my campus is devoutly Christan. One time we were talking about social issues, and we were talking about attitudes towards sex in America, and when I mentioned slut shaming no one knew what I was talking about. So for those reasons they really don't sound like most of the girls from my school.

>> No.7547124

Ah that's interesting to hear, I'm currently going to a large university in the south and I'll be transferring to a different one soon (they have a better program for my major) and even at the one I'm transferring to the fashion seems to be the same. I would like if if the people here were more interested in dressing better but eh, it's whatever they wanna do. When I had a 7:30 am class I would roll out of bed, go to the class, go home and then actually get dressed for the day.

>> No.7547138
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You probs got the wrong guy anon.
I'm over here in SoCal so like the only cons I go to are AX, ALA, Wondercon, or PMX.

>> No.7547141

Binge on fresh/frozen vegetables. Lettuce and broccoli are good because you can still mindlessly shove shit in your face but do less damage.

>> No.7547150

can't call some of them obscure.but this has a lot of shit on it. Then again since its from /a/ I doubt the person who made the list actually watched any of those. jin roh is not obscure and the shows on this list are drastically varying in quality and reception.

>> No.7547152

>this picture
Holy fuck my sides. Look at that faggot carrying all her shit too.

>> No.7547275

Fellow new york uni student! I go to NYU, and honestly I've never seen anyone show up to a class in less than neat jeans and a cute tshirt/nice blouse - it's pretty much deemed that you've 'given up' if you go anywhere in sweatpants or have your hair in a shitty bun.
I love my school and I'm sorry you guys have to deal with the be-Ugged masses.

>> No.7547293
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>lend replica skirt to Homestucker "friend" because she begs for something lolita to wear to a con
>April 9th
>heard she was an ita mess with it and gave members in my comm a lot of shitty looks
>whatever, skirt back pls
>week later
>April 17th
>"Hey do you mind dropping off the skirt?"
>April 19th
>"hurr I forgot xD today or tomorrow I will."
>never happens
>May 7th
>"Hey I don't care if I'm not at home, can you just drop off my skirt inside the front door? I need money and I want to sell it."
>"Hurr shure I'll do it tomarrah"
>never happens
>"Hey, had a chance to drop by the apartment?"

I'm going to demand it in a bit. It's just a shitty replica but it's still my stuff. Stupid Homosuck.
Somehow I knew she'd keep it for forever.
To think she was eyeing my DDC to borrow, HAH!

>> No.7547347

> tfw working with slippery chiffon
> kimono jacket thing here I come
> cuts beautifully
> start to sew
> get to last part
> fuck up
> fuck up

why do I make such stupid fabric choices? I should just stick to stable wovens and knits. ughhh.

>> No.7547387
File: 2.41 MB, 461x366, d892e93a-41ff-438a-aa17-7f1846205.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat ass implies other people are fat to make herself feel better about being a hamplanet.

>> No.7547424

I hate it when this happens.
But maybe you should actually drop by her place and ask for it?
This way, she can't make up a bullshit excuse for why she can't quickly go get it and it shows how serious you are in getting things back.

Another thing that helps is asking for something to borrow as well, that way you can hold it hostage for cases like these.

>> No.7547431

I have to wonder if your skirt is okay/in good condition, anon. Why else would she be stalling this much? At least it's a replica, but that's still incredibly rude.

>> No.7547455

I was half joking but it could possibly work. It'd be just chatting with each other, reminding and nagging other people do their work. And so that people wouldn't distract each other too much, there would be set time limit or goal or something? like "you can't talk to me until you've finished at least one paragraph/20 problems" or something like that. Praise feels nice in itself, but there could be some other reward system idk.

>> No.7547488

She might have lent it to somebody else. I had to deal with that situation several times beck when I still let people borrow my stuff. The person I let borrow would then pass it around to all their friends (who would do the same) before it came back to me. To be fair, I did the same just once, and when the person took bad care of the book I had been trusted with, I never did it again.

>> No.7547559
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that's her boyfriend
Surprised I didn't get my ass kicked that day.
Hooray for alcohol.

>> No.7547608

anon, you need carbs.

>> No.7547625

No they don't. If you're going to say "you need carbs for brain function," you get more than enough from vegetables and occasional fruits.

>> No.7547627
File: 436 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lwnu70DWMC1qidnyzo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made my first pair of bootcovers and they turned out way better than expected. I'm really excited, this is my first time sewing my entire cosplay and the fact that one of the things I was most worried about turned out alright is really motivating. I feel more confident in tackling the rest now!

>> No.7547629

god, you are lame

>> No.7547630

just a friendly warning, exercising on a low carb diet is going to suck for the first 2-3 months
but don't give up anon, you'll receive many benefits in return

>> No.7547635

good for you, anon!

>> No.7547639

the very first thing we learned about healthy diets in high school health class was you NEED carbs. you just need the right kinds. theyre the body's "main fuel source".

>> No.7547641

Hm I see some ways that could work. It'll sound like some sort of AA reunion which serves as a warm up for one hour of doing something and fuck it I'll do it

Any of you seagulls that has focus or motivation problems on doing daily or regular tasks, be it studying, drawing, reading a book, doing exercise, sewing, and that WANTS to get over them, just send me something with the task(s) you want to work on (can be very specific or rather general), your country (state/city if you're USA, as to establish timezones), the hours where you'd be free to talk and work, and possibly the name of an IRC/chat service that would be adapted

This'll be sort of motivation reunions before you doing the task, with some kind of collective report after, and an organization nightmare done by an amateur for manchildren. If I get enough replies, I'll contact you back and set that up

>> No.7547645

This is absolute horseshit. Look into ketosis - the body can use fat as a primary fuel source, it just needs to be fat-adapted. My boyfriend dropped 40lbs in 3 months on keto eating 20g carbs/day or less and has never looked or felt better.

>> No.7547770

I spent a long time telling myself that whatever was wrong was something I could fix through sheer willpower. All it did was screw my life over. I didn't draw because everything was shit, I was shit. I couldn't sleep because I couldn't turn my mind off at night. I had zero energy no matter how well I ate or how much I did cardio or weights. Entertained the thought of suicide despite never wanting to go through with it, because I'm working a dead end job and can't even force myself to do the drawing/writing that I love. No value in my life, not wanting to spend the rest of my life being a figurative punching bag at work.

I was listening to someone else talk about their experience with getting put on an antidepressant when something finally clicked, that all of that, my ocd delusions, the complete lack of will to live, wild mood swings, things like that are sometimes impossible to fix through willpower.

Talked it over with my doctor and I tried a low dose antidepressant. (lexapro, less chance of weight gain than prozac) Started exercising, cleaning my room, and in general didn't feel like a bipolar mess.

Now every time that dark voice in my head tries to tell me that my shitty drawing is pointless I find a way to make it better looking instead of leaving it half finished to rot in a notebook.

>> No.7547779

>may meet a weeb girl in a week on a big local japanese event
>she is a bit autistic, its hard to understand her
>she never had a BF and is probably virgin
>she says she hates beards
>have a huge beard i like very much
Im not sure if i should shave or not. Maybe she is just unexperienced as hell and maybe she likes it after all. It will be hard to deal with all the weeb shit she is into. I hope i wont spaghetti out to much.

>> No.7547787


>shaving your beard for an autistic weeaboo

Sounds like you belong together, because that's the most autist thing I've ever read. If she likes you, she likes you, and no amount of grooming is going to fix that.

>> No.7547789

But anon, she is cute. It may be worth.
And you know, there are always some things you instantly dislike when you see them. For example, i hate facial piercings and its hard for me to look at fully pierced faces.
Maybe its the same for her with beards.

>> No.7547791
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Am I that ugly? ;_;

>> No.7547799

You smell like a virgin- that's an automatic no go.

>> No.7547816
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Post beard

>> No.7547820

>But maybe you should actually drop by her place and ask for it?
If I knew where she lived I might, I'm just mad that I'd have to seriously do this, and then she could always pretend she's not there too.

I think next time when someone borrows my lolita stuff I'm going to ask for a money deposit. That replica in particular cost $90, but I've had it for so long that I was only going to sell it for $30~40. Should've asked for a $30 deposit.

>Why else would she be stalling this much?
I was going to say because she's a lazy, rude Homosuck who doesn't give a shit about other peoples' things? But yeah, damage could be a possibility. Although if that were the case she would've been wiser to just come out with it. She's too old to pull this immature bs.

>She might have lent it to somebody else.
You know why can't people just tell the truth? Like if she lent it to someone else or damaged it I'd rather she be honest than try to conceal it from me. Gr.

>> No.7547830

>tfw live in Florida
>very busy in the spring and summer months, can't go to cons
>Only good FL cons are in spring/summer

I'm finally going to be able to go to a good con in September, but I'l have to drive up to Atlanta for AWA. How does Florida have like a million cons, but they are all awful.

>> No.7547861

What is it with uggs and buns? Many of the exchange girls are dressed EXACTLY like that, I thought students from Dartmouth dressed better and it was just community college type people. Lolnope!

>> No.7547864
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>huge tits, linebacker shoulders, normal waist
I see no problems here. Just start lifting.

>> No.7547870

this. crunches too

>> No.7547879

>Have what feels like ridiculously high friend standards
>Just want some girlfriends to talk about our hobbies and sip tea with
>Everyone in my convention community is either an awkward rave kid, a partyer or a tumblr. Or they're just awkward.
>No friends

I really don't mind if people do drugs or anything, like it's totally fine to me, I just want people who are capable of talking about more than that and don't have to constantly remind me about their party life and shitty party stories. Can we just sip tea or go to the fair and talk about how much fun we had and maybe read a book together or something? I just want simple things, not all of these hardcore edgsters. Maybe at least someone I can hold an intelligent conversation with who isn't a condescending asshole.

>> No.7547881

Oh hey are you me? I keep telling myself my standards are too high but I had shitty experiences with people like that and don't think they're good friend material.
I just want a friend who's into nice, calm stuff.

>> No.7547885

Male anon here, similar issue. I've learned to get past it and now I have a ton of energy daily and I like to use it to make other people feel happy and entertain them.

The problem is, I spent 6 years in that state of mind and it's really easy to have episodes of that where I have no energy to do anything and I question why I'm even bothering to be alive. I just plug through it until those feelings end.

Just stay strong, anon. Be glad you have people around to support you, because I had no such thing. When I first started coming down with depression, my parents flipped their shit because they'd never been around someone like that and they called the police on me. Of course, it was out of concern, but I was still dragged by a policeman out of my bedroom and stuck in a hospital for 16 hours.

But now I cosplay and don't give a fuck about what they think. I love my shitty cosplays, they're all I have at cons; I don't even have a group to go with.

>> No.7547886

a-anon can we be friends?
Everyone I meet at my cons makes me uncomfortable. I just want at least one female friend I can dress up with, share the same hobbies, go see plays with, have tea parties, etc. And it isn't a huge drama-fest.
bonus points if we can both wear lolita or sew together.

>> No.7547887

Same here.
I was really hoping I'd make friends in my comm, but all of the girls my age are a bit too loud, into their fandoms, or l0l so Random!!! for me.
I talk with the older members at meetups, but we're not really friends either.

>> No.7547890

Exact same situation here. Everytime it seems like I'm making friends with some sane, calm people at cons everything goes apeshit.

>This girl and guy seem pretty cool
>Guy accidentally gets directions wrong, makes girl wearing heels walk up a long flight of stairs
>Girl flips out claiming the guy friend doesn't "care about her" because he forced her to walk up the stairs.
>batshit drama ensues

Like what the fuck? Can I just meet some normal natured people?

>> No.7547893


;-; If you're in the South, I would go with you, anon. I don't have many friends to go with cons to, either. Lost them all when I stopped leaving my room/going to class/living life after my depression got too bad.

>> No.7547902

That feel when one of your dream prints is up on lacemarket really cheap but you wont have enough for it until the end of the month (shipping to Aus is killer), and even if you did have enough for it right now or could borrow money off family, it'd be pointless buying it because you just realized it's way too big for you anyway

Seriously, screw everyone who tells me they wish they were as tiny as I am, it's terrible and heartbreaking when you can't fit into one of your dream dresses

>> No.7547905

What dress, anon?

>> No.7547908

I finally outreached an online depression helpline. Halfway through, the person I was talking with said they had to go and wished me luck in "dealing with everything".

I was going to try and cut out a pattern for a con next month but I couldn't even bring myself to move so I ended up just watching stupid youtube videos until I had to go, I just felt so useless last night.

>> No.7547909

if you smiled for real instead of doing that weird mini-smile you'd probably be cute

>> No.7547912

>what is tailoring?
If only there were magical way to make a garmet smaller or someone who's job it is to help tailor clothes smaller...

>> No.7547918

It's the Musee Du Chocolat low waist JSK in ivory

My measurements are 80-65-80 (cm) so it'd be incredibly baggy on me... And I feel like if I did the back lacing really tight it'd look mishapen with how close the part the laces loop through would be and how the fabric behind it would billow out from being scrunched in, and that it would crease the back of the skirt up so it sat weird or something

Oh well, I can always dream...

>> No.7547925

Tbh I would take it to a tailor but all of the ones out here tend to have no idea what they're doing so I'd be too afraid of them screwing my dress up, or making the bib part (is there a better term for that part???) go out to be under my arms haha

>> No.7547927

My parents are scared of the internet
"You'll get scammed! They'll use your information to fuck your life up!"
I've gotten all of my stuff and whenever I recieve a package my stepdad yells at me.
I've started sending my stuff to my bf's place but he lives far away and we both got a job, which means we can't see each other often. So even though my stuff arrives quickly, I can't have it.... sigh

>> No.7547947

>mfw my mom likes my stuff and wants some skirts/dresses for herself
>mfw I never told her it's all secondhand
>mfw her inevitable reaction if she ever finds out

Should I just silently buy her some plainer ETC or Jane Marple pices for her birthday and not tell her where it's from when she says how lovely it is? Or is that too sketchy?

>> No.7547948
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Chin up, anon. Everyone gets down once in a while, but you can push through it. If the helpline isn't being particularly helpful, find someone you can vent to, or just write it out if that makes you feel any better.

I know it's difficult to trust anyone on here because "lol 4chan", but if you ever need to seriously talk to anyone, shoot me an email and we can chat. Crippling depression is never a fun time. Email's in the field.

>> No.7547953

>first day off in almost 2 weeks
>Coworker/roomate goes out drinking last night, he has work in morning
>Get call from work to come in because roommate didn't show and neither did other coworker
Feel like a shitty person but haven't called work back because I really don't want to go in but what kind of excuse is 'I need to go shopping for costume supplies so I can get started on 3 cosplays that are for a con in less than 2 weeks' I know I won't have another day off until the con so I really needed today off. Not to mention the house needs a cleaning. I'm really frustrated with my roommate right now, he drinks and misses work a lot or comes in really hungover and they won't fire him

>> No.7547957

It's all good now. Turns out she was just dealing with a bunch of family shit and was upset and didn't want to worry me.

>> No.7547969

Having ADD with depression is a pain. I have no energy to do anything.
I don't even go grocery shopping since it's a lot of work, so I just end up starving
Yesterday I bought craft foam and it boosted me up a bit, but then I wasn't able to do the breastplate properly... I just gave up half way.
I want someone to help me with my depression and my cosplay.
Cosplay is the only thing that makes me happy right, and if I can't even finish it, I don't even know.

I also believe I'm too selfless, I help my friends help with their problem.. I had a friend stay over for 2 weeks because she had problems, whenever I ask for help, I just get ignored. Jesus Christ. I don't know anymore.
Sorry for the ranting, I'm glad for these feels threads sometimes.

>> No.7547973

Anon, you're great. I'll keep it down just in case I want to try again. Right now, I think I'm okay.


>> No.7547975

>sick as shit
>mothers day weekend
>45+ hour workweek wooo
>was scheduled till 5 yesterday, excited to get home early and work on some sewing.
>computer breaks
>one of my coworkers tore one of the ports with screws in it directly out of the back of the tower without unscrewing it....
>I am the only one that understands computers
>Call dm, she tells me to stay till I have installed the new shit
>They overnight new tower
>end up staying till 8 fixing computer and dealing with other work shit
>Co worker gives me SO MUCH SHIT when I go to leave at 8
>apparently I was supposed to vacuum and shit for her while putting in a new motherboard and reconnecting a computer and fixing some fucking striped screws.
Seriously what the fuck I am so fucking sick, she keeps telling me I don't look sick.
I don't look sick because I keep pumping myself full of caffeine and cold meds.
I worked my ass off yesterday and she gives me shit for leaving 3 hours after I was supposed to on a week I already expect overtime and she is working like 20 hours?
Just fuck you, she is usually so fucking nice I could not believe her last night, what, did you expect me to do a double? fuck no, bye.
I really want to finish sewing this dress too, but shit like this keeps happening.

>> No.7548055

Congrats anon! I'm glad you made your first dress brand!

>> No.7548059

I'm not. I think its best to start with bodyline as wardrobe stuffers, get a little aqquanted with the fashion then move to brand.
do you like brand itas?

>> No.7548064

I'm always glad about the feel threads because I feel like I can't complain on other platforms since there's a name attached then and it might seem like I'm trying to cry for attention.

I hope you'll feel better soon anon, or at least be able to find someone to talk to

>> No.7548065
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We can be friends! Although I live in N. Europe, so there's that...
The friends I have now are real nice people, I love them so much, but I don't have an awful lot in common with them, especially not lolita.

>> No.7548067

I don't think that's the best way for everyone.
My first coord was all bodyline (I used it to sort of test out the fashion), but I never wore that outfit again and promptly sold the JSK.
While I think I made some mistakes with my first outfit (helicopter bow being the worst), I think I was able to skip the ita stage thanks to /cgl/ and a few good lolita blogs. Had I been sure that this was something I wanted to get into, I would have skipped that first JSK and jumped into brand straight away.

>> No.7548100

Because there is a neotanic value to School outfits.

>> No.7548106


Selfless =/= reckless doormat, anon... You gotta start taking care of yourself, too.

Tell them that since Mother's Day is tomorrow, you're going to a large family get together with your sick grandmother and you feel it would be wrong to refuse after telling them you had the day off. They'll just have to fire the useless fucker.


>> No.7548244

Could you set up a PO Box?

>> No.7548256

newbie here
>want to get into Cosplay
>I know I am not ugly, but I dont know if I am handsome enough.
>Am shy and dont like going out of my way to talk to people
>Dont think there is any character I can pull off...
wut do?

>> No.7548286

>buy first coord
>feel beautiful
>mom asks her friend to take photos of me
>friend is shittier with a camera than a 12 year old taking a selfie
>they decide to take photos at her parents ood barn
>her old, muddy barn covered in wood and h8rse shit
>brand new white ap shoes get scuffed and dirty from hiking all over that hell hole
>want to cry because I get covered in ants from sitting on old benches for photos
>at least the photos should he ok
>The ugliest, most unflatterimg photos I have ever seen
>the friend who claimed to be a "pro photographer" is really just a housewife who can afford a camera
> please delete them mom
>she fucking posts them on facebook
>the only comment is from the girl who lives next door
>"haha whos this baby XD is it anon?"
> mom replies, " its my beautiful baby girl!"
I cant wait till I move out. I never want to wear lolita ever again even though I think its so beautiful. Fuck this.

>> No.7548297

Lolita isnt for the weak

>> No.7548302

Do any of you happen to life in europe/the netherlands? I really want a friend like that too. the only person who understands this not partying thing and just relax all day is my boyfriend.
my only best friend turned into a attention craving weeb cosplayer after I introduced him to all those kawaii nippon things. He's partying the whole time and even when we hang out he is texting with other cosplayers and has the costant need to inform me about his awesome cosplay friends/fans. I feel really lonely since I stopped wearing lolita and this also happend.

>> No.7548307

>finally finish cutting all this fucking fabric and interfacing
>excited to finish this coat today
>need yellow thread, get yellow bobbin
>no yellow spool of thread
>look harder, still no yellow
>fuck, can't go to the store today
>not in the mood to work on something else, but have no choice
>look for other supplies in bag from last fabricland trip
>yellow thread

I do not remember buying that, but yay now I can finish this damn coat.

>> No.7548309

I've been trying my best to take care of myself. I'm pretty sure I got this from my mom. She's extremely nice as well..
I'm scared that they'll hate me if I don't care for em.

>> No.7548316

It really is...
My first time wearing lolita was brutal.
I always thought of my first time wearing lolita as going to a meet-up or walking to a parkn8r something. Not getting covered in ants and horse shit for the sake of making my mom happy.

>> No.7548320

If this is the extent of your problems and you want to move out because of it, you need to grow the fuck up. Sounds like your mother really loves you and thinks you're beautiful no matter what. I'm sure the majority of /cgl/ would love a mother that wouldn't kick them down a stairwell or sell their dresses, let alone offer to take pictures no matter how unflattering. Get over yourself.

>> No.7548329

I live in FL, but I'd be down for having just a simple skype group where we can discuss what's up, sewing/coording tips, or really just whatever.
It's the closest thing I'd get to having friends I can talk to knowing my crappy location.

>> No.7548342


Wow, are you fucking 12? You sound like a fucking brat. "Uuugh, my mom loves me a lot and wanted to take pictures of me in my dress and thinks I'm beautiful and put them on facebook, SOCIAL SUICIDE!11one Im never wearing lolita agian11!11" Are you fucking serious? Do everyone a favor and sell that dress. You're obviously too fucking immature to be in the fashion. You'd just turn into another drama-mongering lolcow.

>> No.7548346

>>7548307 again
>start sewing
>reverse not working

FUCK THIS GAY EARTH I don't have time to get this thing serviced before the con.

>> No.7548355


It really isn't worth it if it's causing you to be in a situation where you aren't getting back the same kind of care. It might hurt, especially if they DO hate you for not being a doormat anymore, but just let it go, or (if you can stand it) confront them about it. I was like you and got used a shitton until I just stopped doiing things for them. Then they left me. I was pretty down about it, but then after a while I got new friends that went as far out of their way to help me as I did for them. And that's the most amazing feeling in the world, anon. Don't waste your good nature on people who don't deserve you.

>> No.7548378

4 realms indeed

>> No.7548410

You're right. Reading it over I do sound like a brat.
I just posted what was /cgl/ related.
Sorry guys, I'm just fuming with a mixture of all this bullshit that has been going on lately.
My dog is going to be put down, my dad constantly talks shit to me about lolita being gross and slutty, and my mom is constantly telling me to lose "5 more pounds" even though I'm already 115 and 5'5
Sure, I'm not JUST angry about yesterday, it was a little fun. I'm just going crazy right now.

>> No.7548412
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My ex who hasn't moved on because he doesn't have any fucking friends always goes with me to conventions wearing vidya costumes. He is still a good friend, we just weren't suited for anything more due to his lack of other interests besides vidya games. So his costumes are always League and whatnot...and it pisses me off that he always gets all the attention. It could be shit-tier to cgl but con kids still eat it up, so I'm always stopping every ten seconds for his pictures from people similar to him that don't know hardly any anime but come to these things for eachother. They don't know who I'm cosplaying as. Always just the stupid not-even-Japanese vidya stuff.

So I hate to say it but League people are just like Dr Who and Homestuck, who dilute the population and make it harder to find other hardcore animufags. I may be jelly but I feel I'm justified in being annoyed that it isn't an "anime" convention anymore. And I wish he'd realize it too instead of being all "sucks to be you".

Anyways...my new group of friends I made since attending uni plus him and some others are going to a big convention coming up, and of course he's gonna be the only one in a clunky vidya costume instead of nice compact sewn cosplays. I might just ditch him to be by himself. It's not worth waiting for him to fix his costume for every single photo, and he doesn't know wth the panels will be talking about, so why not. Maybe it will force him to get new friends.

>> No.7548418

It's okay anon, thank you for apologizing. Sorry for yelling at you, I'm just a little envious because hell I wished my mother would notice stuff I did. All she does is the weight thing yours does, only she encourages me to constantly take laxatives and monitors my eating.

>> No.7548420

>So I hate to say it but League people are just like Dr Who and Homestuck, who dilute the population and make it harder to find other hardcore animufags. I may be jelly but I feel I'm justified in being annoyed that it isn't an "anime" convention anymore. And I wish he'd realize it too instead of being all "sucks to be you".
I'm pretty sure most of /cgl/ feels this too.
There is a comic-con ffor most major cities, why don't ya go there? You'll find more fans than you'll find at an anime convention.
I know this girl who went as Dr.Who and always goes to some anime convention then complains about the lack of whovians.

>> No.7548428

It's too expensive and I don't think there's anything near me since I live in a rural area. But thanks for the idea though!

>> No.7548432
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That fucking feel bro.
>that feel when you're a little dark skinned and your OCD wont let you cosplay as a light skinned anime character (which is like 99% of all anime characters) cause you'd be doing it all wrong.

>> No.7548435

I've started to watch life as a visual novel.
I've triggered a lot of flags the past year, but I'm in a relationship and I really want to complete more routes but I can't
It's kind of frustrating but now I spend my time thinking about how my life would've went if I went for another route at the beginning

>mfw I started dating seriously at age 14
>It was super rushed
>I've never had super animu-like romance but they're happening all the time now

I'll just get my bf to step up his game

>> No.7548444

Thanks, anon. Yeah, she does the same thing, but without the laxatives. Though she is always telling me to work out more even though I do cardio at least an hour and a half a day.
I just wanted something to be fun for a change...

>> No.7548449

> tfw no qt bf
> or irl friends
> or any social life at all

well. shit. I only have people I talk to online but I'm always terrified they'll hate me.

>> No.7548453

Where you at anon?

>> No.7548459

I'm an Eurofag if that's what you mean

>> No.7548464

My next con is in about 8 weeks and I really don't feel like going at all?

Like, I've been both years it has run but I'm always incredibly underwhelmed by it, maybe because it's new and still shitty, or maybe because it's a comic con and I'm just not into comics, I don't know.

I always end up cosplaying anime to it seeing as I'm a huge animefag, and there are plenty of anime fans there who like my costumes and take photos of me, I look at/buy merch, meet up with friends, see panels/cos comps - the same as any other con - but it just doesn't *feel* like a regular convention to me.

Oh well, I should stop whining about it and just be happy that my state gets 4-6 cons a year rather than the 1-2 all the other states in Aus get. I'm still going to go to it regardless because it has the best location for shoots and is the perfect weather to debut my Mirai cosplay, so I'm sure I'll be able to enjoy it somewhat.

>> No.7548465

I am too! Central Europe here!

>> No.7548466

>mfw living in a capitol city of a shitty midwestern state and suddenly realizing I'm the only lolita in the entire town

>> No.7548470

If you don't feel like going, I don't think you should anon. You could always go this year and if it's stil kinda meh, then don't go next year!

>> No.7548471

So how is your social life anon

>> No.7548480

What I'll probably end up doing is if it isn't too cold I'll buy a 1 day ticket so I can go inside to see the booths, panels, etc, and just hanging around outside for the other day since a majority people people tend to brave the cold and stay outside, not to mention the place its held at is a short walk from the city centre so I can easily leave at any time to get lunch/do purikura with friends/explore the shops without feeling like I've wasted money on a full weekend ticker

>> No.7548481

The last 6 months I went out for about 10-12 times. Over half of them were family birthdays or visits.
I got a lot of real life friends though, but they live kind of far away and my parents yell at me whenever I ask for having friends over or visiting them (Transport is expensive!!! They shouldn't feed you! I won't feed your friends, we have to save money!)

But I talk to them regularly over skype and texts whenever I can. So I am in a really weird situation. What about you Anon?

>> No.7548482

Aah, I see. :( I'm sorry, anon. It makes sense that all that pressure they put on you makes every little thing they do unbearable.

My mother is similar. I gained a bit of weight due to changing medications, and she said I needed to stop eating so much. When I told her that since I realize it's my medicine adjusting and don't mind getting a little fat until it levels out, she told me, "No, NO. Fat is the worst thing you can be." and it's like, ouch...

I'm so glad I'm not the only person who feels this way. Fuck LoL kiddies and Whovians and Homosucks, god dammit.

>> No.7548484

Wow that sounds nice too! I hope it'll work out for you

>> No.7548489

well I basically don't do anything other then going to classes and then sitting behind my pc the rest of the time. Recently cut off some people I would talk to a lot (online) that ended with me being the only bothering to start a convo, and one of them is someone I talked to for years so that sucked.

And that sucks when you're parents are like that, and my situation is weird in the sense that I never really had many irl friends so at this point it just feels like it'll never happen.

>> No.7548490

Thanks anon! It's something I've had on my mind quite a bit recently so it feels nice to have told somebody

>> No.7548503

Ah I see. I lived at a dorm for 3 years and it helped me a lot. I like talking to people a lot more now, I was always bullied for being of asian origin, but I guess it get's acceptable when you grow older?

It also helped me alot to join the different forums for anime/gaming etc online. Eventually I met people from my country and we met up at different conventions and became friends.
It might work out for you too?

>> No.7548507

I know that feeling anon. It really does help a lot! Even if it's just some seagull anons on 4chan

>> No.7548512

yeah I might try getting more active on forums and everything, maybe that'll help

>> No.7548515

Yea, good luck. Personally I'm good at digital communicating so it helped me a lot. It creates good stuff to talk about when meeting irl too

>> No.7548545
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>tfw when really ugly

I recently bought a bunch of makeup from ELF since it's super cheap and I thought it would be better to not waste my money when I'm just practicing tutorials. I also look at many different guides about face shapes, eyelid shapes, etc. but I'm just not getting it when it comes to those. I've made a little progress (winged eyeliner erryday) which has been noticable and I've gotten more compliments on my appearance, but I'm so shit at contouring and highlighting. I'm also blonde, but whenever I do my makeup I feel like my face is the hairiest, grossest thing ever whenever I look at it closely in the mirror.

I feel like I'll never be good at makeup. I don't mind being ugly, I just want to be good at makeup. And plastic surgery is out of the question because everyone I know and love would hate me. Sorry if I sound like a whiney brat.

>> No.7548551
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>online gal pal told me I look like /pol/

>> No.7548559

emailed you anon

>> No.7548571

It's okay anon, everyone needs to whine it off now and then.
Contouring isn't important. At least not yet. Focus on learning how your face (esp. eyes) work. I started out with learning different methods for my eyes and when I mastered my eyes I went to brows and then to contouring. Step by step, it does take time anon. Now I can do a decent full face and it's taken me about 3 years to master. But I didn't use makeup every day, only at special events, so you might master it faster. But youtube videos does indeed help. At least they did for me! Good luck!

>> No.7548585

Thank you for being so kind and for the advice. This honestly makes me feel better.

>> No.7548587

Considered doing a make up course?

My GF used to have weird and overdone makeup, now it's really nice.

Make up is a skill, don't sweat it if you're not great right away, keep practising.

>> No.7548595

I didn't even know those existed. I'll look into that to see if there's anything in my area or online and hope I don't drop spaghetti everywhere (and if I have the money for it).

And thank you too for your advice!

>> No.7548611

I'm glad to hear that anon!

Oh I've considered it. But seeing my ideals lying in the Asian ideals rather than western and I'm an eurofag, I probably wouldn't learn any more than I already know/anything I need to know.

>> No.7548619

You actually made me realise something, Anon.
>>7548571 here
Read your post through again and I realised that
I'm really afraid of expressing myself through makeup, clothing or other forms of appearance-enhancing. I don't mind in photos or the likes since it will then be considered an artform, which is what I consider make up as.
But since I look REALLY average barefaced I know I look different with makeup on.
I turn heads with make on and pretty clothing, but I feel like I'm lying to myself and others.
I'm not a pretty sophisticated girl, I just like to look like one.
But in the end I'll only let myself go at parties or some conventions.
Any advice of overcoming stuff like this?

>> No.7548910

Your mom too? I'm out of state in school rn so mine can't bother me in person, even thouh it's finals week she called me to ask if I had "lost any weight yet" and didn't even ask about my grades (I'm doing well but that's only with a lot of hard work, I don't need the stress of feeling ugly and fat on top of that)

>> No.7549383
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same partially? i have gross acne (since i was like 14) i can't even put makeup over it because it still stands out or looks worse up close

>> No.7549500
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Unhealthy amounts of Vitamin A works but that will fuck your shit up son .
You'd be surprised how much changing your pillow case everyday helps.
I tried alot of shit back in the day cause I had some pretty bad cystic acne, like I even tried those fucking face masks and felt gay as fuck doing all that shit cause I'm a guy.
I don't even know why I would do that shit cause I was a NEET and never went out, now it went away.
>tfw no qt gf with acne

>> No.7549523

Try and have a look at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wp5iy5JJqDA
She was under the effects of Accutane and got pretty bad cystic acne.
But this video has pretty good coverage. And also do as >>7549500 says.
My friend said he got pretty bad acne as well and he's on Epiduo.
He didn't get nearly as bad symptoms as the girl on Accutane (But he just started so idk if it's incoming)
And a lot of water and healthy eating might help too.

>> No.7549622
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>watched the video
>read the comments

I really, REALLY hate it when people are like "But why do u use so much make up?? It will make your skin only worse?!?!"
SHUT UP, all of you. Seriously, everyone with acne probably knows that. And still I put on make up before leaving the house. Why? I have hormonal acne, so it doesn't make such a difference either, I am getting pimples anyway. And because damn, my face is full of ugly flaming red spots and scars and people judge. They judgy you for being ugly, they judge you for having acne, probably think you aren't washing your face, think you are gross, ectetera.
And people can dog the shit out of me about being insecure or having little self-worth. I just hope that they'll never have to be the ones who have their faces destroyed by something they have no control over, getting insecure as soon as a the sun comes out because natural sun light only enhances your awful skin, have little kids come up to you and tell you your skin looks gross and dirty, and almost crying everyday because you woke up knowing it will be another day where your acne hasn't gotten any better and you need half an hour of make up just to look like a normal human being.
People who have clear skin, or at the very least average, don't understand others who have not. If I could wake up with flawless skin tomorrow or at least without any scars and red dots all over my chin and cheeks I would never use make up for an everyday life again. But I can't.

I'm just sick of fooling myself and others into thinking that society isn't shallow enough to the point where beauty trumps all, and that people woun't judge you for the way you look.
/feels rant

>> No.7549707
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>lone Lolita
>decide to change that
>go to first meet up
>too scared to go alone, so I went with my best friend
>everything went better then expected

>new meet up
>want to go, but I would have to go alone
>scared as fuck, don't know half the people attending the meet
>what do

It was easier with a friend, because I was more open, less awkward and kept the spaghettis in my pocket. But I did not really make a close contact to any of the Lolitas (we only saw each other for a few hours, and I am not the kind of person who is able to open up so fast), and now I am scared I would end up alone.
I am especially afraid since we will visit a nearby castle, and will take pictures. Meaning we will do a group photo, then we seperate to make our own pictures for about an hour before we have a tour through the castle. And I am so afraid I will end up alone or as a third wheel and awkwardly stand next to some strangers and will not even have my picture taken.

>> No.7550197

i'm actually taking something from a doctor now (they also gave me vitamins) its def not as bad but still noticable, i hope it goes away because i would like to cosplay without worrying how shit i look
also i'm so afraid of accutane i swear ive heard if you have kids and you've used it they'll be retarded or something

>> No.7551590

just go and try and find out someone's name

and then keep going back and learn about that person every time. every time you go back, learn someone else's name.

no need to `jump into a relationship` all at once. just keep going and then those people won't be strangers anymore and you'll have some lolita buddies

>> No.7551826

>Not going through small inconveniences for the sake of making your mom happy

You've got support from her and she thought you looked beautiful in what you considered unflattering photos. She was proud of you, I think that's pretty cute.

Btw photography sessions are often brutal, grow a thicker skin mang and don't be afraid in getting your hands dirty.

>> No.7552231

>dad kicks you out to make financial breathing room for his spending habits

that's how i read it, correct me if i'm wrong.

>guy is pretending to be a nice guy to get in your pants

your intuition is working fine.

>> No.7552241

If your friend doesn't have ADD then her concentration issues are probably habit and diet related.

>> No.7552244

have you tried switching to a healthy but tasty diet? vitamin d and walking helps a lot with feeling down.

>> No.7552247

thanks for sharing

>> No.7552252

>says she hates beards

pleb taste, she likes pretty little boy types.

>> No.7552254

>i'm too selfless

yeah that's cool if you have a lot of things going for yourself, but if you only live for your friends it's gonna be rough.

>> No.7552264

You need some R&R.

>> No.7552651
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i just learned how to make knife pleats for a pleated skirt. now i have to learn how to do the waistband and hemming on it, but i'm actually really happy. i don't know why i didn't learn how to sew earlier. i feel it