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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7545101 No.7545101[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well guys, it's here. Scroll down the page

>> No.7545108

I scrolled through a few of her recent posts in the "Fashion" tab, and the dresses don't look completely retarded anymore.
The blue&peach floral dress she's wearing in the cafe is actually pretty damn cute.

Haven't watched the video yet. The "I'm Asian American and..." concept in general seems stupid.

>> No.7545115

Eight minutes in, it doesn't seem so bad.

>> No.7545117


>> No.7545124

>she probably gets a lot of hate because she celebrates diversity

Of course they're going to spin this to be about race. I hate it when people use that to hide behind, piling all the blame of negative pubic reactions on it.
It has nothing at all to do with her actual brand or anything no way no how, rite?

>> No.7545128

what the fuck.
they kept the darker skin lolitas, oh no, and added that she is for lighter skin lolitas

>> No.7545136

>she's hated because she's asian
>not because she's a giant bitch and ita as fuck
>ya okay

Oh maaaan. I'm 2 minutes in and already fuming.

>> No.7545137

There is so much wrong with this show.

Fuck I don't want to be associated with this shit. It's bad enough having to answer a million questions from sj wankers about cancel colbert thanks to that korean fucker.

>> No.7545141

i like how they didnt put her wonderful dead baby head dress on there
there are reasons why people don't like dolldelight, its not racism.

>> No.7545148

I just realized I said
>negative pubic reactions

Considering the scratchy lace she uses, I wouldn't be too shocked about that either.

>> No.7545151

lmao are all american "minorities" this focused on face?

>> No.7545153

I know people have said that the girl saying "oh no!" about darker skinned lolitas wasn't actually being racist and her comment was taken out of context, but I'm trying to think what the hell kind of context would make that seem not racist.

>"It's a little bit tougher to get acceptance with the other lolitas because I'm... South Asian"
>"I actually do like the lighter skin, and when I see... darker skinned lolitas I'm kind of like... oh dear, no."

>> No.7545155

This just makes me realize how shooped all these girls photos are.

>> No.7545156

>mfw they featured PULL as one of the sites talking shit about her
Kind of annoying how she's trying to make it into a "racist" thing, but anyone who knows shit about her knows that's untrue so it's whatever.
At least they don't seem to be shitting on Lolita like they were with that other girl who went to a job interview in bloomers or something.

>> No.7545157

> All that SJ talk
> All that fakeness
God, at least try to make it look like you're sincere

>> No.7545160

Does anyone actually care about dark skin in lolita? I know that Japanese lolitas do but I have honestly never heard of western girls being anti-dark skin, and have only been accepting in my experiences. These girls have such victim complexes.

>> No.7545162

They all seem really fake. Especially that Kiran girl. ONA seems really weird, saying she's Asian. I can understand growing up in a different country, but she's a white girl in America now. Pretty sure guys won't have tried to date her just to have an Asian girlfriend.

>> No.7545163

I like the pink wig she's wearing in her pajamas, anyone know where it's from?

>> No.7545169

All her wigs are from Gothic Lolita Wigs. I would not recommend buying from them though.

>> No.7545173

It's no wonder that they are all friends... they are all oozing with fakeness.

Also, what the fuck is up with their nonstop claims of being open and diverse? All I saw were a bunch of Asians and one white weeb and one racist Indian.

>> No.7545184

Japanese and Chinese lolitas do, but the only Western lolitas I've seen who cared were racist southerners and a few butthurt NYC lolitas.

>> No.7545191
File: 538 KB, 245x320, tumblr_inline_moottss9fB1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We include people of all races and sizes!"
>5 Asians, 1 white girl
>all size 4 or smaller

>> No.7545195

I dated a girl who fits the look. She wasn't into the scene, but she wore a lot of makeup and wigs because of that hair-pulling disorder. We stopped seeing each other due to the other six disorders scrambling her brain, but at least I got to her tits.

On a related note, I would watch it just for how bizarre I find this fetish. And I'm saying that as someone who's been on 4chan for years.

>> No.7545196

She's not a weeb, okay. She was BORN in Japan.

>> No.7545197

>one racist Indian.
She was misquoted. She said she got happy whenever she saw darker skinned lolitas because OTHER lolitas were like "oh, honey no".
TLC obviously did it on purpose for dat controversy.

>> No.7545199

I agree. It went from, " what are you wearing? Tell be about it." to "oh you're a living doll. You have mental problems. Go away. Avoid it."

>> No.7545204

>I identify more with Japanese culture more than White culture
Excuse me but what the fuck is "white" culture? I'm Asian and even I'm not racist enough to classify all white people as a single culture.

>> No.7545206
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>> No.7545221

>what the fuck is "white" culture?
burgers, orange skin and huge tits

>> No.7545223

Hurrdurr I'm totes Asian guyz!

>> No.7545242

lol 19:30- where that one girl is talking about the weeb trying to pass as an Asian, ending with: "She WHITE!" It's the only part of this documentary that didn't suck.

>> No.7545249

which dress? i saw one of the first "haterzz" comments was about a baby larvae thing

>> No.7545347

Guys, keep in mind editing is very manipulative and that these people can actually see everything you're saying about them. Do not be so naive as to believe that the portrayal you are seeing is actually how these girls are. That's extreeemely unwise, and you should know better. You honestly should. Don't even try to pretend you don't realize how constructed reality TV becomes.

>> No.7545358

They still signed up for it.

>> No.7545359

..I don't think anyone here thinks this is an accurate representation of any of their personalities.
This is /cgl/ not tumblr.

>> No.7545381

Didn't Misako say a similar thing, but she was talking about gyaru-style tanning? I'd imagine that cgl wouldn't be that well receiving of fake tanned Asian and Caucasian girls dressing up in the burando

>> No.7545386

Wow. Seeing OP's image makes me not want to be associated with lolita.

>> No.7545444

Her stuff is actually terrible though... if they actually wanted to do one with someone better, they probably should have done one with RinRin or the person who runs Fairytale Boutique, who is in LA... just like filipino ≠ asian american lolitas...

>> No.7545503 [DELETED] 

Wait are you trying to imply Filipinos =/= Asian? That's like calling a Pakistani an Arab...

>> No.7545513

Well Filipinos are Asian...Also isn't Tiffany Vietnamese, unless I'm thinking of another Tiffany? I kinda wish there was some diversity.

>> No.7545518 [DELETED] 


I'm sorry to be THAT girl, but I don't consider Filipino girls to be "asian". They just don't fit in with Korean/Japanese/Chinese girls. Same for the entire southeast asian region. They're a (different?) kind of asian to me.

>> No.7545620

this episode... /thing/ would be 5x better if the name were changed from "I'm a Living Doll" to "I'm a fashion designer". They barely even milked the doll thing for drama

unpopular opinion: I kind of like her designs. At least the ones shown in this video at any rate. They'd probably look silly worn about, but as dolly kei-esque runway looks they're rather nice.

>> No.7545625 [DELETED] 

>I don't consider Filipino girls to be "asian"
>They're a different kind of asian to me.


>> No.7545628 [DELETED] 

You seriously deserve a punch in the face.

Korean/Japanese/Chinese is East Asian. Southeast Asians are Southeast Asian, but still Asian. That's like saying Indians aren't fucking "Asian".

>> No.7545636 [DELETED] 

Not her but a lot of people consider them pacific islanders.

>> No.7545649 [DELETED] 

Considering Filipinos "Pacific Islanders" is like saying Pakistanis are "Arab".
Filipinos are basically Southeast Asian (even though there's plenty who live in Guam). Otherwise you can say the same thing for Japanese or other island Asians...

>> No.7545651 [DELETED] 

I know what she was getting at; I was trying to get her to realize how idiotic her statement sounded.

>> No.7545656 [DELETED] 

Filipinos are the mexicans of asia.
Ita trash who cause drama.

>> No.7545679 [DELETED] 

>implying Mexicans are bad
>What are Salvadorians
>What is Colombia
>What is Venezuela

>> No.7545682 [DELETED] 

I don't really know much about the subject but I think its more so culturally and somewhat on their appearance (sometimes you can't tell them and Latinos apart) so it's been debated, my cousin is from an island that's half indigenous people/half Filipino (theyre actually the majority iirc) and they're still considered pacific islanders.

>> No.7545683 [DELETED] 


>> No.7545726 [DELETED] 

Guam? If so Chamorro and Filipino are definitely NOT the same.

>> No.7545751

Kiran is a really pretty girl.

>> No.7545799 [DELETED] 

Filipinos are the majority there though, and theyre still considerd pacific islanders, and what do Filipinos have in common with asians?like you can tell them apart immediately.

>> No.7545826

Probably referring to American culture.

>> No.7545831 [DELETED] 

>Filipinos aren't Asian but they're Asian.
>Filipinos are the mexicans of asia.
>This fucking description again.

Just leave.

>> No.7545948

Are you serious? Her bug eyes are ridiculous

>> No.7545974 [DELETED] 

You're probably Asian, right?

>> No.7545984 [DELETED] 


Yeah they're not the only ones who think filipinos are shit tier Asians.

>> No.7545996 [DELETED] 

ngl, I'm asian too and none of my family considers filipinos to be asians either

>> No.7545999

Isn't Tiffany just a cosplayer?

>> No.7546016 [DELETED] 

>they're not asian
>they're a [different] type of asian
>therefore they're still asian

How retarded are you? It seems to be 10/10 retardation.

>> No.7546019 [DELETED] 

>ITT: shit tier races fighting over who gets to be the shiniest turd.
Do what you gotta do, since you'll never be part of the master race.

>> No.7546020 [DELETED] 

Yeah, she's ita as fuck but how much more racist can you guys get?

>making a hierarchy of races
>this race is shit tier compared to the other ones!

>> No.7546026 [DELETED] 


My mom is a hardcore racist old chinese woman and she'd agree with these posts.

I literally grew up learning to hate filipinos, viets, and any other asians that had darker skin. I can't stand hanging out with them now as an adult, even if i tried to get my mom's voice out of my head.

>> No.7546027 [DELETED] 

>implying Mexicans aren't bad

>> No.7546043 [DELETED] 

If filipinos are the mexicans of asia, then viet ppl are the filipinos of...asian asia????
Like seriously, some of us look really dark and filipino, others are quite fair and chinese looking. Thankfully I look like the latter I guess.
But seriously, I suppose I'm a little offended by your mom, but mine isn't that much better so...

>> No.7546062 [DELETED] 

>how DARE anonymous people be racist anonymously!!!!
>how dare they!!

>> No.7546108 [DELETED] 
File: 226 KB, 1200x737, uzumaki_naruto__let_s_end_this__by_behindinfinity-d6k9lc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Growing up in a mostly Filipino neighborhood, they look pretty mixed up as well though. You have ones with the dark skin and big noses, ones that can pass off for other Asians, ones that have pale skin and sharp features and a bunch in between.

Anyone heard of the cosplayer behindinfinity? Her cosplay groups usually have really diverse looking Filipinos. Pic related is her.

>> No.7546129 [DELETED] 

My Vietnamese parents have always hated Chinese people so I can see what you mean. Doesn't help either that all the Chinese cosplayers in my community are elitist, attention whores that just buy cosplays off taobao and shoop themselves until they're unrecognizable.

>> No.7546172 [DELETED] 

I still cry every night.

>> No.7546197

She's very pretty, it's a shame she pulls the same face for every single one of her modelling things. Big bug-eyed, staring, with slightly pursed lips... it's a real shame because she looks beautiful when she smiles and looks more natural.

>> No.7546199 [DELETED] 

I don't even see the point of this argument. DollDelight is Filipino but she's Chinese-Filipino.

>> No.7546227 [DELETED] 

>hating anyone for being Asian
They're not even trying anymore, are they?

>> No.7546229

IIRC it was something like
>"It's a little bit tougher to get acceptance with the other lolitas because I'm... South Asian"
>"when I see... darker skinned lolitas I'm [really proud!]
>"[whereas other people are] kind of like... oh dear, no."
It's in the archive somewhere.

>> No.7546255

the only thing i really dislike is that, being a show about a certain ethnicity, portrays a kind of entitlement over lolita
kind of like "im a minority therefore special" combined with "i dress in a nich fashion therefore special" results in a new special superbreed

>> No.7546295

Why does she get so much hate?
Besides being a romwe whore, she has some nice designs

>> No.7546300 [DELETED] 

you sound filipino, its not our fault you were born worst "asian"

>> No.7546346 [DELETED] 

fuck off /pol/

>> No.7546765

Does anyone know if the Stephanie girl has tumblr/facebook/anything?
she was cool I liked her attitude
The episode itself was pretty okay, I would probably honestly watch a reality show of these girls if it existed
I'm surprised there isn't any kind of Lolita Reality Show, there's so much drama

>> No.7546789
File: 25 KB, 361x449, 139923848260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this girl serious?
IIRC, they talked about how she is a bad seamstress and her designs are terribad.
Also, at one point she didn't use a corset properly and refused to fix it and threw a fit about how her way is safe (when it isn't)

>> No.7546798

This was so fucking boring... I skipped through it. Just a bunch of whining and fake merriment.
From what I gathered:
> anons are so mean
> fashion show prep
> lets talk about my diverse group of frands!
> all skinny
> three Asians with two self hating white girls (one of which claims shes asian) and one racist indian
> more whining about online bullies
> did I mention the bullies?
> lulz lets make fun of creepy white men in particular and have a tea party about gossip

Dear lord... this reminds me why I stay a lone lolita. If these are the only marks of the fashion to go by... I would hate to have sch a shallow friendship like these women. Drama, back stabbing and pretending to be ladies while simultaneously threatening to physically fight people and make fun of others?

How are we supposed to pity you if you put down other people in the same breath? So damn fake.

>> No.7546808

People seriously want to buy those dresses? 400 dollars? Bitch please

>> No.7546816

Christianna's hair wow
at first I was like "oh everyone else is wearing a wig but not her wonder why"
and then saw her hair and realized why
it's gorgeous, but I can't imagine putting on a wig

>> No.7546873

These women were embarrassing to watch thats for sure. They don't want to be accused of acting childish and then proceed to talk smack about other people and act like highschoolers. I will never understand the appeal these women seem to have in acting immature and vain.

>> No.7546892

I don't like the living doll thing, but this does bring up some bad shit for me.
I'm not of the japanese/korean/chinese race. You know, not of the 'stereotypical asian' category, and people like to tell me I'm not really asian and I'm a weeb because I appreciate those (and other asian) cultures. It gets me really fucking sandy.

>> No.7546898

Uh, you can be a weeb even if you're Asian, anon.

The Ona girl really weirded me out. Identifying with one culture over another is one thing, calling yourself Japanese is another. She reminded me of Kanadajin in a way.

>> No.7546904

How did this woman land a spot on this show? This is so boring and I feel like they could have covered a more interesting topic. It’s a story about a fragile woman that spends too much time searching for flamers online and obsesses over how other people perceive her. She has a real victim complex and literally fashions one of her friends to act as a pseudo knight-in-shining-armor because she doesn’t have a man to fill that role. It’s simultaneously hilarious and sad.

>> No.7546911

indian isn't racist, we discussed this. she was edited to sound racist.
in the end, she is stupid regardless for signing up for this.

>> No.7546925

Yeah the whole thing for the focus on lighter skin for Japanese lolitas specifically is because intentionally darkened skin is usually a gyaru trend. Looking like a leather bag after hours in a tanning bed is not elegant.

But this Indian girl has some major self hate going on along with her racist comments. Why are the most outrageous members of any community the ones that garner the most attention, therefore making everyone else think that the whole damn community is a bunch of shitheads

>> No.7546931

I know. I was a weeb in middle school. Not a particularly bad one, I just drew a lot of shitty moe crap and had a folder of OCs with my friends who would call each other by japanese psuedonyms in private and speak shitty japanese only to each other.
I thank my ex for not letting me get worse in high school.

>> No.7546997
File: 140 KB, 1360x768, onoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who is Kanadajin? From what I can gather from that one time I poked aorund on PULL she's a white Canadian girl living in Japan? IDk the short bio page on her board said something like she's the closest thing to a white Japanese that a gaijin can get, but idk if that was sarcasm or not since ED is broken and has been for days.

>> No.7547001

Jesus Christ read the fucking thread. >>7545153
Either way they're all idiots for being a part of it.

>> No.7547005

She's a really rude, stupid Canadian who knows SO MUCH about Japan and Japanese culture because she's lived there for like 2-3 years. She was married to a Japanese guy, I think, but they broke up.

Ona reminded me of her because of the way she was like "I totally know how you feel! White guys wanna date me because I'm Asian, too!" Idk, the feeling I had when I cringed was similar to the one I get when I watch Kanajin's videos.

>> No.7547016
File: 24 KB, 207x211, 1361248765993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Ona and Kanadajin actually claim to be Asian? Wtf.

I personally understand not identifying with American culture ("lel what culture?") but Jesus, I'd never say "I'm honorary Japanese because I identify more with the culture than the one I was born into", no matter how long I lived there. I'd have to renounce citizenship of my home country and be a full Japanese citizen AND ace the JLPT to even utter the words "I'm Japanese (by technicality)".

>> No.7547154

Wow I'm 1/4 Korean but look completely white (blonde hair, blue eyes) and I don't even tell people I'm "Asian" unless they see my mom and ask me if I was adopted or something stupid like that.

>> No.7547173

I'm surprised that's the opinion PULL has on her. When I watched some of her videos it was 95% just her bitching about how she tried to do something her own way and Japanese people made her do it their way.

>> No.7547206
File: 150 KB, 1017x1148, 2dv3fyr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she loves to scam people, it was the worst when she was Lovelace Lolita and stealing people's money but this days it is mainly because of her overpriced shit that falls into pieces even at fashion shows because she can't sew.

>> No.7547211

Because it was made by TLC producers.

>> No.7547213

>she's active sa plurk
>i PM'd her na din dun eh

This fucking language...

>> No.7547289


im a member on PULL and we never once talked about her race and all that. We just talked about her snowflake ways and her horrible choices in dresses and her only doing this to get more credit for her store and get in the limelight like Venus.

>> No.7547296

some weeb who wants to be asian so bad, married a dude just to get to Japan, divorced him because he wanted a better job in another country and rides the coat tails of more popular and better Jvloggers. no one on PULL likes her.

>> No.7547301

FB .com/pages/ONA/226097074134295?id=226097074134295&sk=info
Eh, weeb to the max.

>> No.7547364

>She's active on plurk

Plurk is a social media site used by Filipinos and Livejournal RPers. It's sort of like twitter+facebook mashed together.

>> No.7547428

Stopped watching after the "a lot of it is a skin tone thing." That's BS because DollDelight shoops the shit out of her photos that her skin isn't even close to looking brown.

>> No.7547718

>Born in Nagahama, Japan, raised in East LA
>raised in East LA
Sounds like a weeb if she was brought up in America. She makes it sound like she was born and raised in Japan on Japanese culture and only moved to America in recent years.

>> No.7547849
File: 476 KB, 300x199, NOPE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanophiles jfc

>> No.7547854

You'd be surprised at how many languages mix up half-English/half-native tongue.

Just watch a Bollywood movie, you'll understand all my relatives.

>> No.7547858

She was born there and spent time there as a baby. Ona is a compulsive liar that has trouble keeping her stories straight, though. She used to go up to asian people and tell them she was Japanese in broken Japanese with a straight face.

>> No.7547911

LOL even in the video they call Ona out for saying she's Asian. gurl, u white

>> No.7547922

lel women are such bitches to each other

>> No.7549239


>> No.7551100

"i'm a living doll" yeah...sure.. these are fucking lame and cringe worthy. these girls are obviously hungry for some attention

>> No.7551107


I thought it was english but then?????

>> No.7551124 [DELETED] 

>ED is broken and has been for days
malcolm smash!!!!

>> No.7551126

idk either but its really funny to me

>> No.7551129

God, they're all so fucking ugly.

>> No.7551146
File: 231 KB, 700x1575, 1358835343001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw she cries
Jesus Christ, someone shut this bitch up. Asian woman are such spoiled little whores, I just want to slap all of them and tell them to get over themselves. People are criticizing your dresses, deal with it. Don't like it? Learn to sew better and come up with some better designs. Fucking hell.

>> No.7551161

They all have an obnoxious victim complex, yes.

>> No.7551164


What's PULL?

>> No.7551167

Celebrates diversity? Feels like just yesterday that she was crying about people not liking her because she's "not Japanese."

>> No.7551173

Doesn't change the fact that Cyril was a bitch even before this show aired.

>> No.7551179

Pretty Ugly Little Liars. It's a forum that revolves around internet Special Snowflakes, more or less. There's a lot of spill-over of the "celebrities" between /cgl/ and PULL because of cosplay and j-fash related drama.

>> No.7551432
File: 40 KB, 479x356, lolharder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>the worst is when creepy white guys hang around me because I'm just so cute

>> No.7551829

Pretty sure it's Tagalog.

>> No.7552742
File: 107 KB, 677x594, full of fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does that work? I know you can marry for a visa, but don't you have to get the fuck out after you get a divorce? How does she pay her bills?

Fuck, I'm scraping by on a 9-5 retail job and I can't wrap my head around how these girls seems to just have money dropping out of their ass while they shop and walk around all day, wtf.

>> No.7552754

You do have to eventually leave if you only have a marriage Visa. Not sure the time they give you before you have to either leave or get a work Visa.
Maybe your passport comes back into play after the divorce is official.

>> No.7552951

it's derived from spanish

>> No.7552983

Singapore, man. One moment they're perfectly legible and the next you don't know what the fuck they're on about.

>> No.7553023

Except for that's not true. It's a Malay-polenesian language.
The only reason there is Spanish loan words in the language is mainly due to the Spanish incursion.

>> No.7553859

I'm sorry to say it, but white people who move to japan ind of deserve this.

>> No.7553864


>> No.7554044

Deserve what? Not having to work and shopping all day?


>> No.7554151

she got a student visa at one point but now i dont know,

>> No.7554169

Ugh I hate being Filipino. I wish I was Korea instead.

>> No.7554189

No, but them selling out to be on a shitty tv show like this does a good job portraying them. Especially when, like you said, everyone knows how reality tv is, it was really unwise to do it.

>> No.7554199

Eh, I like Kanadajin's videos. She's just blunt.

She lived in a hick town in Canada, then (someshow) met a Japanese dude and moved to Japan. She taught herself Japanese at first then took some classes. They divorced, then she worked in one of those host bars for awhile. I'm not sure what she does now, maybe just pure youtube bucks?

I don't know if I'd call her a weeb since she doesn't like anime or games, she just likes living in Japan and has no interest in leaving.

>> No.7554222

>spurts inaccurate shit about Japan
>Gajin tips include "make sure you close the bathroom door""burgers are wrapped in Japan"
"No one has a dryer in Japan"
>acts better than other Gajins in Japan and is so Japanese but only hangs out with other foreigners

>> No.7554254

>>spurts inaccurate shit about Japan
Without examples I can't really rebut.

>>Gajin tips include "make sure you close the bathroom door""burgers are wrapped in Japan"
All her gaijin tips are a little silly. I just took them as little quips that aren't found in Canada.

>"No one has a dryer in Japan"
Exaggeration I guess? Most Japanese people don't have dryers.

>>acts better than other Gajins in Japan and is so Japanese but only hangs out with other foreigners
I dunno, I never got high and mighty vibes from her. I can't comment on her personal life either.

I'm not some huge fan of hers, I just never got the hate. Do Sharla and Micaela annoy you too?

>> No.7554312

I like sharla because she posts useful shit and doesn't look like a field mouse.
And almost all the shit she says happens in Japan happens in Canada. She should post useful shit like proper chopstick handlinglike how you're not supposed to stick them up in rice. Are tips on learning Japanese, where to find certain stores, info booth for foreigners. Things like that. But no she tells you no one but Japan wraps burgers even though most fast foods wrap burgers as well just foo BK and see if they'll hand you a unwrapped burger.
She even cried that a dude at a convenience store was racist to her because she got a fork instead of chopsticks for eating salad. Like how dare they give me a fork can't they tell how Japanese I am.

>> No.7554313

I'm nor a hater nor a fan but the way she writes + how she mocks other when they don't speak properly another language ... She can't even properly spell her own native language, she constantly use words like "exadurate", "quincidence" and other shit.

Also made like 4 accounts on PULL to defend herself, pretending to be a japanese boy living in Australia.

Also if I remember clearly she is rude enough to tell to native japanese that they're wrong even when they say they have a dryer.

>> No.7554316

I don't know who this chick is but wtf is her problem? I saw dryers in Japan and everywhere wraps burgers. wat. I thought ___ifwinterends was bad but none of that makes any sense.

>> No.7554330

She hated life in Canda so she tries to make Japan seem so much better. Most of the shit she says is common sense or an exaggeration.

>> No.7554346

I like Micaela, but I never heard of Sharla. And Kanadajin is a whooole different deal from those two, if Sharla and Micaela are anything alike.

>> No.7554420

No, what >>7552742 is going through.

>> No.7554441


>> No.7554451

Did anyone else think that Stephanie was pretty fucking annoying or was it just me?

>> No.7554463

>She even cried that a dude at a convenience store was racist to her because she got a fork instead of chopsticks for eating salad

Does she expect people to give her chopsticks for ice cream too? Jesus Christ she's dumb.

>> No.7554471


But foreigners aren't allowed to work in host bars since that one English woman got murdered.

>> No.7554480


...Yeah, I posted both of those and I still don't get it. Are you saying white foreigners in Japan should only barely scrape by with shitty jobs?

BTW I'm not in Japan- I work a shitty 9-5 in a hick town in Florida.

>> No.7554489

None of those are helpful. Helpful tips for gaijin would be "there are almost no public trash bins outdoors, put it in your pocket" and "many public toilets don't have tissue, so bring your own".

>> No.7554520

Thats the point her tips are fucking stupid
No its obvious the guy was since he could recognize a true blue japanese person
Thats why most didmt believe her, I never heard of a foriegner working as a hostess, especially one who cant speak proper english

>> No.7554566

>She lived in a hick town in Canada, then (someshow) met a Japanese dude and moved to Japan.

I have the opportunity to do this, I met a guy on Lineplay when I posted a diary asking for someone to chat with, problem is the guy owns a laundry shop in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and wants kids (I don't). I want to live in Tokyo or Osaka, not one of those hokey little in between spots, I'm sick to death of small towns.

He's nice as can be, but eh... I dunno where else to meet Japanese guys who want wives that aren't just old creeps looking for a white sex slave.

>> No.7554681

Try online penpal sites. They want English lessons but if you're lucky you can get a few guyfriends

>> No.7554691


That's another issue I always run into- I can't get past the basic intro convo before I get "from now on, let's speak in English, okay?" and it's irritating as hell. I bet a buck Japanese people have more access to English lessons in Japan than I have access to Japanese lessons in a conservative Christian red state. I don't learn shit about how to form sentences by speaking fucking English.

>> No.7554730

Kanadajin or Mira (whatever the fuck her actual name is) isn't working in a host cafe (refer to anon that mentioned gaijins are banned after the death of one white woman). I believe she was working at a cafe where people come to learn English, however it doesn't take a genius to know that Mira's English speaking is terribad. She has a terrible lisp and can't even pronounce words properly - and not because of her canadian accent. Her Japanese is just as bad as her English. It's quite embarrassing to be honest. I would enjoy Sharla's videos more if there was less of Mira being inappropriate in them but it is so hard to find a decent jvlogger on YT. There was that drama a while back where Mira insulted lolita fashion by calling it cosplay because BtSSB store was located on a "cosplay" floor at a shopping mall and she was a nasty stubborn bitch to anybody that tried to tell her otherwise. She refuses to acknowledge it as a fashion and calls it cosplay any chance she gets. Plus recently she had a video about fucking toilet brushes. Like what the honest to god fucking what. She basically made a tutorial video about what toilet brushes are for. I'm not Canadian, I'm an Australian but I'm pretty sure in all western cultures we understand and use the toilet brush. I really would not want to come to her family home if she thought it was that absurd and strange for people to be disgusted by dirty streakmarks in the toilet bowl.
Also, her fucking face. She has huge big fish eye syndrome or something that doesn't suit her beaver teeth or something, I dunno. I probably sound like a jellyfag at this moment but actually sharla is my waifu and Mira disgusts me so I'll take any excuse to rant about her.

>> No.7554753

I would be so all over being a good Jvlogger if I could just get my broke ass over there, unf. I'd take video suggestions and errything.

I would make videos about how to get a visa, how not to get fucked by immigration by trying the "just go to Korea and then come back to reset your 3-month visitor's visa, teehee!" shit, how not to pass food with chopsticks, not to lay chopsticks horizontally across your bowl, don't stick them up in your food, sneezing and blowing your nose in public are rude, TURN OFF YOUR PHONE RINGER ON THE BUS/TRAIN AND DO NOT TALK ON IT, TEXT INSTEAD, if the bus/train is crowded give your seat to an elderly person or pregnant woman, so many other things I've learned over the years.

>> No.7554766

I just started watching Micaela's videos and just finished the one about IC cards. I'm actually liking her a lot. Get your butt over there and start making videos. I want videos about great places to see, awesome shops ect ect. kgo

>> No.7554828


I'm trying!

>> No.7554877

I like Rachel & Jun. My favorite Jvlogger is gimmeabreakman, but he's a dude in his 40s.

>> No.7554882


I don't know any of these people, but could somebody post links to their YT channels? I'm curious about their channels since I was thinking about doing something similar when I go to Japan for the next few months

>> No.7554895

Sharla in Japan: dabudabudabudot tubeofyoudotcawm slash user/JyuusanKaidan
Micaela: user/Ciaela
Mira/kanadajin3: slash channel/UCC1BNMUl5dnju1b9oKpkysg

Tbh I don't really like Rachel & Jun. Jun is hard to like as he's such a stiff generally I spose. I don't like how Rachel rambles on for hours and hours and the content really isn't that interesting. It's more about their lives as a couple rather than things people should know about living in Japan. Idk

I honestly can't stand gimmeabreakman. He's such a chauvinistic disrespectful asshole. His videos are too long, he can't get to the point and he really comes across as rude majority of the time. Just my opinion though. I've been trying to block him from appearing in my recommended videos, he really is that annoying.

>> No.7554898

Older guy who has lived in japan for 20+ years

Rachel & Jun - American wife, Japanese husband

Sharla, Mira, and Micaela, they're all pretty similiar.

Mimei.. she sort of annoys me but she's alright

Sandra- she's not very popular but I like her daily vlogs. Swedish girl studying in Japan

>> No.7554901


You guys are awesome. Thank you!

>> No.7554905

gimmeabreakman's bluntness is what I like about him, but to each their own.

>> No.7555238

What if they were invited to work there by a legit business? Anon you sound kind of jelly. I get being tired of people who think they can move to Japan and become a famous mangaka/hostess/professional fashionista but lumping all white people together is ridiculous.

>> No.7555248

I don't understand why people need Japanese etiquette lessons for everyday things. Tips on eating with chopsticks makes sense because most people have no idea what to do and you don't learn proper table manners in the average Chinese restaurant, but the others?
Blowing your nose in public is rude EVERYWHERE. Talking loudly on your phone on public transportation is rude EVERYWHERE. Not giving up your seat to someone who needs it more than you is rude EVERYWHERE. Like what kind of caveman sees these videos and thinks "Oh gosh, must write this down before I forget and offend someone?" I don't believe North America is really that backwards, and like >>7554730 I get the feeling this chick is just from a rude, gross household.

>> No.7555258

she's a sensitive cunt.

>> No.7555267

Kanadajin seems like one of those white trash people raised so ignorant they don't even know how to learn from their own mistakes. It doesn't help that she has a 3rd grade level of literacy and comprehension.

>> No.7555419

>What if they were invited to work there by a legit business?

That's not what Anon is talking about. They were just asking how girls like Kanadajin manage to live abroad with no real job or education without having sex for money (or maybe she is, we don't know).

>I don't believe North America is really that backwards

Then clearly you don't live in the States. You would be shocked.

Also, some people are interested in learning about Japanese etiquette, y'know, because they plan to go to Japan.

>> No.7555438

How do you know? They literally just said
>white people who move to japan kind of deserve [scraping by on a 9-5 retail job]
They never specified that they were talking about clueless idiots with no job or education.

And like I said, more relevant Japanese etiquette like how to eat with chopsticks properly can be very interesting. I just don't see why all these videos have to be 10% relevant advice and 90% "how not to act like an ogre". It's patronizing.

>> No.7555446

Then I think we're talking about different anons.

I meant >>7552742
You probably meant >>7553859

>> No.7555455


Japanese won't really expect you to know how to use chopsticks properly (and if you want to be technical about the "proper" method, many Japanese people don't do it that way either), they will expect you to not act like an ogre. and let's be honest, often the kind of people who plan to go to Japan ARE ogres. So it would be good to cover both types of things.

>> No.7555481

Japan is shit when it comes to this kind of thing. People work long ass hours. People are expected to put work before everything else. Everything in Japan is expensive, the living spaces are small, and it's usually hard to get by. Why move to Japan? Because you're a retarded weeb, that's why. The natives don't even want your white blood shitting up their gene pool, everyone just stay in their own country. Immigrants ruin cultures. I hope someone commits a hate crime up your anus.

>> No.7555482

>not to lay chopsticks horizontally across your bowl
The weirdest "tip" I've heard is that slurping your soup/noodles is a sign of appreciation. Also, I had NO IDEA when I went to Japan that you weren't supposed to finish your plate.. because if you finish your plate, obviously your hosts did a bad job and did not feed you enough! So they just keep bringing you more and more. Meanwhile, I felt like I had to show how much I liked the food by finishing my plate (as in America, always remember those starving kids in China/Africa), and cringed at the 100th bowl of rice or whatever they gave me.

>> No.7555487

closeted weeb detected

>> No.7555488

Yeah, when I went literally everyone was so impressed the foreigners could use chopsticks. lol

>> No.7555491

>>Then clearly you don't live in the States
Whaaaaa, my first world country not good enough. :( I bet japan will accept my weeaboo behavior...

>> No.7555500

Yea, it's another one of those religious/funeral things, like not sticking them up in your food. Also, don't stab your food with the chopsticks.

>The weirdest "tip" I've heard is that slurping your soup/noodles is a sign of appreciation.

That's true, actually. They'll even ask you why Americans don't do it.

>> No.7555516

I'm a weeb for telling people to go back home? Okay. White people who move to japan don't do it for any real reason. Life wouldn't be better in japan for them in any way, why move? I just don't understand why so many white people want to live in other countries. Why go to a country where everyone is a different ethnicity as you? You'll be treated as a foreigner, you will never quite blend in, and you already have your own homeland. I have a good understanding of the English language and European culture, but I do not understand this specific thing?

>> No.7555521

Are you trying to convince me or yourself?

>> No.7555523

Hostessing is illegal unless you have a spouse visa or are a citizen

But foreigners do still hostess, at their own risk - deportation and minimum 5 year ban from entering the country again

Sorry to break your grorious Nippon bubble, but Japanese do all these things except maybe putting chopsticks upright in a bowl and passing food between chopsticks. They even pick their nose on the train. And eat it. Adults do this. Old lady with a cane and several shopping bags staggers onto the bus, better pretend I'm asleep!

Japanese people are fucking amazed by foreigners. Say "konnichiha" and they go ballistic over how fantastic your Japanese is. Use chopsticks and it blows their mind, because nobody uses chopsticks outside Japan, ever.

>> No.7555524 [DELETED] 

I'm usually surprised people don't know how to use chopsticks more but that's probably unfaire; I'm part asian even if most people wouldn't be able to place it

>> No.7555528

>I do not understand this specific thing?

Because you're not white.

White people aren't like Asians, we don't group together and have the ingrained group mentality that the Japanese do, the "for the good of the group/for the good of others" thing. Outside of families and smaller, closely knit communities, it's basically everyone for themselves.

Other than that, sometimes we just get sick of the usual bullshit and want to live somewhere completely different and experience a different culture. Why move somewhere similar to what you want to escape?

>> No.7555529

So how do you do chopsticks? Only on the rest or is diagonal on the bowl okay? I knew the vertical chopstick thing but never heard the horizontal one.

>> No.7555532

What's with passing food between chopsticks?

>> No.7555533

I'm pretty surprised by people who don't know how to use chopsticks too. I'm not asian but we enjoy eating food from all over the world at home, so my brother and I were taught to use chopstick early.

>> No.7555535

Seriously, don't use Japan as a barometer of east asian cultures in general. That's utter crap and just makes you seem clueless. Japan is a weird mess whose specific history makes it unlike most of east asia. Add to this the tendency to treat the japanese as a hive mind and you get complete nonsense.

Coming from someone who is from any other east asian nation? This is somewhere between blatant lies and idealized nonsense, which btw is pretty much similar to a lot of other places.

You're also using anglo culture as your barometer for white.

>> No.7555538

>Hostessing is illegal unless you have a spouse visa or are a citizen

I don't see why that would be, since the ban for foreigners was focused on non-Asians to avoid another dead white chick. What would having a visa have to do with that?

> Japanese do all these things
Yeah, but- they're Japanese. Foreigners still shouldn't.

>Say "konnichiha" and they go ballistic over how fantastic your Japanese is.

THIS. Even if you get it wrong and your pronunciation is shit. UWAA NIHONGO JOUSHI DESUNEEE

>> No.7555539

Yeah, that's also a thing, I tend to eat in vietnamese restaurants a lot (when I can afford to eat out more)

(The deleted thing is "I'm surprised when people don't know how to use chopsticks, but then again I'm cheating, being part asian even if people can't place it" - deleted because I suck at spoilering)

>> No.7555540

Chopsticks have little things you set them on so that the tips aren't touching the table. Just avoid laying them across any bowls.

When a loved one is cremated, the bones are moved to the urn by the surviving family members (usually a combo of spouse/parent/oldest child or sibling) this way.


>> No.7555543


cgl doesn't have spoilers, that's why it didn't work.

>> No.7555573

Why ruin other countries for your own selfish desires? You're tired of your country for stupid reasons and idolize other countries apparently. That's nice. What you need to understand is that other races want to preserve their ethnicity. If you truly admire other cultures, why water them down with your own culture? And why complain of prejudice if it's what you were expecting? You have your own people to return to, no one is making you live with ours. It's stupid to complain of other people not wanting you here when you force yourselves on us.

>> No.7555583

You can't understand the point of immigration at all? Like, conceptually? It's not something people only do to leave shitholes.

>> No.7555600

Why do it for any other reason? I honestly don't understand. The natives resent you. It seems like it's done out of a dislike for ones own people, but others aren't happy with you living in their countries.

>> No.7555603


hi /pol/

>> No.7555606

Mad immigrant

>> No.7555616


This shitstain reminds me of that self hating buttmad PROUD TO BE CUTE PURE ASIAN troll.

>> No.7555625

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. Still, fuck Japan. There are other countries in Asia that would be better to immigrate to.

>> No.7555638

I'm not. I have nothing against whites, I just feel that migration ruins individual cultures. We all have great, unique cultures, why not try to preserve them? Why not try to keep what makes us unique? I'm against other races migrating to white countries as well.

>> No.7555652


Cultures have never been influenced by anything else before. They all grew up in little circles and the way they are now is because of their cultural purity.

You're like those sjw's who believe that (american) cis white people appropriate everything and are dirty culture mixers. You should have a discussion with them and see how much you agree on everything.

>> No.7555662

>What you need to understand is that other races want to preserve their ethnicity.
You're implying that every time someone immigrates to another country they will get a native from there to marry and form a family with, which does not happen all the time.

>If you truly admire other cultures, why water them down with your own culture?
It seems to me that the one who idealizes these countries is you.

>The natives resent you.
Not always. In this case you're expecting racism to be excused. I do agree that there are people who do not respect a country's culture, but they're not necessarily white and you can't speak for -all- the people in a country.

Not everyone is out there looking to destroy cultures; Not everyone is out there to marry a native from a certain country and even that doesn't equate to disrespect of an ethnicity. You're too dense. Besides, you might never -be- part of a country's culture if you're not a native, but you can adapt to it.

For the record, I'm not white.

>> No.7555677

We can't progress as people trying to keep 'cultural purity'. You sound like an Aryan supremacist, really. While there are things that make cultures unique, immigration and interracial marriage aren't going to kill it in a generation. This isn't the fucking 1600s, and cultures do change.
Fucking racist.

>> No.7555717

you sound like my great grandpa

>> No.7556322
File: 1.56 MB, 320x240, BLT sandwich.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Include people of all sizes
>Except her friend who models for her and not only had to mush herself into a corset for the privilege of wearing her designs, but lost the feeling in her arms 3 minutes into a trial run.

>> No.7556443

Honestly, I have a feeling that they shoved her in there for the dramu. It seemed as though it was actually meant for that one girl you see wearing it later.

>> No.7556454

Yeah especially her ~OMG I CAN'T FEEL MY EXTREMITIES~ baaaaawing
sweetie you're not working in a coal mine, suck it up

>> No.7556460

Because hostessing is considered sex work, and there is no specific visa for it. It is a visa issue, not a nationality one. It was never legal, just after the white girl was murdered and her family really went public to the media about it, they started to crack down more on enforcing. The crackdown was really only because of the media pressure... the guy who did it was only in prison for a short time. I think he even wrote a book and got on tv. Tbh Japanese authorities care very little about crimes against women.

If there isn't a chopstick rest (a lot of times there isn't), you lay them across the dish or bowl. You think Yoshinoya has chopstick rests?

>> No.7556508

It bothers me more that she doesn't seem to know what the styles she says she's doing actually are. Especially Mori girl.

There's maybe 2 or 3 nice dresses, but they're just nice in the sense that they're interesting but they wouldn't actually be wearable for the most part. Like that fluffy white dress.

That Indian girl needs to not wear circle lenses and wigs. She looks better without them.

The Japanese born white girl was annoying. You can say you're culturally Japanese since you appeared to live there for a number of years as a kid, but you are not Asian. That's like saying white kids in South Africa are black because they're born in Africa

>> No.7556510

>Tbh Japanese authorities care very little about crimes against women.
Not exactly, they care very little about crime in general, especially against foreigners. For the most part the most well documented crimes by the media are those against young Japanese girls. Other than that media coverage is almost nonexistent to preserve their muted society.

>> No.7556620

Ignoring the troll aspects of this post...

>everything is expensive

I will never understand this. I'm currently living in Chiba which is a hop away from Tokyo. I'm paying the same amount of rent I would be paying in America for a place of this size (around $700USD all utilities and internet included). Eating out is very reasonable with large portions. Making food at home is even cheaper. I can buy an 18 pack of gyoza which lasts me 2 1/2 meals for $1.50. I don't find transportation to be that expensive either and I visit Tokyo often. Even if I get trapped there before the last train home I can stay at an internet cafe for 10 hours for around $15~$20 bucks.

The only truly painful expenses I've encountered have been actual hotel rooms.

>> No.7557997


Yeah, I read something once that said Tokyo is the most expensive place to live in the world. PFF-