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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 890 KB, 1280x1667, tumblr_n54nd38ZLC1r6rai4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7539457 No.7539457[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have another nitpick thread?

Let's keep this civil.
>Don't be overly bitchy.
>Provide critique if you'd like.
>Don't post people just because their fat or ugly in your eyes.

There's something off about this outfit I just can't place, but it's not so awful that it's ita. Maybe it's the shorts and the mismatching flower clip? They don't seem very cohesive.

>> No.7539461

>They're not their
My English is terrible, sorry.

>> No.7539476

None of the browns match. None of them.

>> No.7539487

Shorts really fucking bother me and could use a different hair pin or none at all. Other than that I like it.

>> No.7539488

I think it's a cute outfit, and I can see she was trying to tye in the colors, but yeah, too many shades of brown going on and too many different textures.

>> No.7539513

The vest's fit is very, very awkward. It's what's bothering me most

>> No.7539517

Shoes are ugly and look like they're from Payless, shorts are a weird poop brown color that clashes with the rest of the outfit, random flower clip that has nothing to do with chocolate, and the vest is too large and makes her look boxy.

>> No.7539520

Bad fit, too many brown shades that don't complement each other, flower clip with chotolate, wrong shoes to tie in the theme and style. Too many textures and shapes that clash with each other.

Not outright ita, but not that cute either.

>> No.7539521


I kinda like the look she's going for, like some kind of Industrial revolution chic, lol.

Brown is simply a difficult colour to work with. She may have been too ambitious, is all.

>> No.7539529

Shorts and the shoes, for me. The shorts are a different tone of brown than everything else but the clip (which I can forgive because it matches the vest buttons) and the proportional gap between the shorts and those homely boring shoes is really offputting.

>> No.7539531
File: 63 KB, 480x640, tumblr_n4gh5oB6eC1sqxyqeo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her outfit is on par, but the face paint terrifies me.

>> No.7539542
File: 215 KB, 500x665, tumblr_n48bws02KV1rnv9mto2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tights, blouse, and that massive out of place black headbow trying to force the shitty blouse and tights choice in. Whyyyy.

>> No.7539545

what's throwing it off for me is the tone of the shorts is completely different than the rest of the browns. They have more... yellow? I guess? Than all the other browns in the outfit, so it looks really off.

I own that same blouse though and it's really lovely.

>> No.7539551

It's a shame she wore the tights/blouse/headbow since the accessories and shoes look fantastic with that dress.

>> No.7539558
File: 93 KB, 640x960, tumblr_n52wwrIvj51ql8kjzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people think that belts and boots like these can work with sweet of all styles?

>> No.7539563
File: 535 KB, 458x683, tumblr_n52wvsBvch1rowqqho2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sweet-style split wig in a classic coord
>black shoes
>knee highs with a long sleeve blouse
>no makeup??

This isn't so bad that it's ita, but it's definitely something. The blouse/clip/skirt combo has potential at least.

>> No.7539566
File: 91 KB, 422x750, this is not classic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bare legs
Ugh. There's something really unbalanced about it too that's throwing me off, but I'm not sure if it's just the bare legs or if the flat stumpy TP's are part of it.

Also was posted with a comment somewhere along the lines of "I tried out a classic lolita coord"
Girl, non pastels =/= classic...

It's too bad because this would be a lovely (sweet) coord if not for something just being really off about it on the bottom.

>> No.7539569

That's pretty borderline ita for me. Also is that a guy?

>> No.7539572

>brown belt
>black shoes


>> No.7539574

>'aaay gurl hold my scepter while I tinkle

>> No.7539580

Her hair and headdress are so ootp and her shoes are... not.
Some cute little ruffly sucks wouldve made this look a lot nicer.

I like that dress a lot though.

>> No.7539588

She needs jewelry. For such a gold focus, it's surprising to see no gold-based necklace, rings, or bracelets.

>> No.7539590

Tights aren't that bad but the blouse isn't working. I like everything else though.

>> No.7539593

wait, what's wrong with long sleeves and knee highs?

>> No.7539600

It just looks really strange. OTKs and tights are good, but wearing knee highs and ankle socks with long sleeve blouses just looks really 'off'. It just draws a lot of attention to the knees, and not the outfit, making it look strange.

There are of course exceptions where it can work, like wearing loose chiffon or translucent sleeves.

>> No.7539605

Not the OP, but the shirt is very poor quality and the knee-highs are a bad length for her because she has chubby legs and knee highs make your legs look wider, plus it's an awkward length with the skirt. She should have gone with white tights.

>> No.7539613
File: 1.73 MB, 1280x1853, tumblr_n518ofCcEs1qagxnio5_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about this is driving me crazy. I think it's the shoes/hair.

>> No.7539616
File: 205 KB, 780x948, tumblr_n52dk3Fyc81syqyomo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can this peignoir trend end already, please?

>> No.7539624

Man that would be a cute outfit minus the flower crown and peignoir. You can tell that she just added that on because those accessories are 'in' right now, too. They don't match the rest of the look at all.

The hair makes her head look smaller and thus makes her already wide chest wider, giving her weird proportions. Same with her feet. They're small so they give the illusion her chest is wider. Just awkward posing/bodytype/hair. A big wig, maybe a hime type one, would balance out her chest more imo.

>> No.7539646

Can this girl please not wear these fucking glasses in every single outfit she does?

I'm all for extreme haircuts in lolita but there is a time and a place for it and this is clearly not it.

This looks fine to me.

Homegirl needs a natural colored wig and some hair accessories.

>> No.7539650

>tfw she got a new pair of glasses
>tfw somehow they are even uglier than her old pair
she's went from "hipster glasses to grandpa glasses

>> No.7539676

Her makeup makes her dress look cheap somehow. Her hair is nice enough, but I think it would look better with a more princess-y wig also.

>> No.7539680

And with that, my hypothesis that she keeps the ugly glasses to garner more attention/give people something to remember her by is even more thoroughly supported.

>> No.7539684

Cute outfit, but it would look good with some Grimoire tights and a slight heel.

>> No.7539697

u talkin shit about mai waifu brizblossom

>> No.7539698
File: 348 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n52buwjL991rn1alao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This blouse should be nowhere near a lolita coordinate. The only place it would look good in would be a rubbish bin.

>> No.7539704

Also, that hairpeice. Fucking it's like a contest to see who can wear the most massive headpiece in existence.
Protip: they still look stupid

>> No.7539706

Mixing warm and cool browns. It can work, but not here

>> No.7539712

I actually don't mind the blouse. The print doesn't seem to be too loli, but it isn't a focal point of the outfit and is well hidden by the dress. I wish she would have added more purple accents to pair the blouse better though. Maybe purple shoes or purple printed tights and some purple jewelry.

>> No.7539722

I think that would solve my issues with this, yeah.

I love this girl's hair but she never seems to have a hair accessory and that's one of my #1 pet peeves that ruins a coord for me. Bare heads are a no-no.
I also wouldn't mind the blouse if she tied the purple in elsewhere.

>> No.7539735

I'm going to call her Grandpappy-chan until she starts wearing reasonably-sized glasses. She partly wears them as a badge of rebellion and that puts such a bad taste in my mouth when I see her coords.

>> No.7539740
File: 559 KB, 1280x1667, mkpbt71x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Mixing warm and cool browns. It can work, but not here

>too many brown shades that don't complement each other

this fixes it somewhat

>> No.7539750

Much better. Still don't like the shoes, would have been better with knee high boots I think.

>> No.7539795

Gurl you know it is.

>> No.7539816

Great job. As >>7539750 said, now the only glaring issue is the shoes.

>> No.7540053

>random flower clip that has nothing to do with chocolate

I disagree with this mostly newish idea that every single accessory in an outfit has to tie in with a "theme". A matching flower pin or corsage can look good with any print or theme imo. Yes themes started out as a fun way to tie things together or give love to a print or some kind of inspiration, but it's not a requirement. As long as the out fit is proportional and colors are matched and blocked nicely, it's fine. (Which op's aren't, but the flower pin is one of the lesser offensive things in this coord)

>> No.7540232

I think peignoirs can look okay in lolita but people keep pairing them with any random dress. They look particularly bad with printed dresses

>> No.7540238

It's a cute outfit, but I think the issue is not just that "the browns don't match" but that most of the browns are subdued/desaturated, and then you've got the pants, which are a saturated, yellowy brown. Honestly, if the pants just matched any other brown in the outfit it would be much better.

But even as-is, it's very cute.

>> No.7540239

>Can this girl please not wear these fucking glasses in every single outfit she does?
...you realize those are probably her actual glasses, right? Lolis are expected to be spendy and all but purchasing multiple pairs of prescription glasses just to go with coords is too much to expect of anyone.

>> No.7540246

... you realise you can get cheap prescription frames online, right?
... you realise that she bought a *second* pair in the same style when she was given the chance to get something less obtrusive, right?

But in all seriousness, why would someone buy such distinctive frames to begin with, if not as a fashion statement? ESPECIALLY going so far as to buy the same style in a new colour later on? If you want something that goes with everything, you get thinner, simpler frames.

Sincerely, someone who has to wear glasses too, and has figured out ways to make it work without resorting to huge, thick tortoiseshell frames with sweet.

>> No.7540256

she doesn't have bare legs though, you can clearly see a pattern. tights don't always capture well in photos.

>> No.7540259

The fact that the skirt is such a weird brown and the frills coming from under the vest are bothering me. Otherwise I like it

>> No.7540263

u so edgy

>> No.7540267

>given the chance
What by a bunch of anons on /cgl/ with chapped asses? If someone needs super thick coke bottle lenses there are cases where thin frames just wouldn't work, nor would contacts. Not everyone will go out of their way please you, princess.

>> No.7540276

I've always had super thick lenses (I'm -7/10 myopic) and you can pretty easily find vintage/girly/elegant looking large frames that would be way more lolita friendly. And these frames don't flatter her either.
I'me sticking wearing lenses though, because large frames do nothing for me.

>> No.7540280

>not getting ultra thin lenses

Anon pls. They might be more expensive than if you got thick coke bottle lenses, but if you can afford brand then you can afford a pair of ultra thin lenses that would go well with a thin frame.

On top of that, that kind of frame does not suit her.

>> No.7540282


Agreed, the haircut makes her head look too small for her body, and the shoes and bag are two different yellow/orange that don't match anything else.

Also a random black rose in her hair and teal nailpolish. I'm not a matchy-matchy kinda gal, but this combination seems a bit colourblind to me.


I will never understand why anybody wants to get hipster glasses. They're big and heavy and very uncomfortable to wear. When I got the chance to get a second pair of glasses I initially considered getting one since everyone seems to like them; half a second of the heavy frame on my nose and I noped out, got a pair of half rims instead.

That said though, I imagine there's probably some girls out there that have the opposite problem. One thing about those big glasses, there's so much more lens, you can just swivel your eyeballs down and still see whatever clearly. On my half rims, I have to move my entire head down in order to keep looking through my glasses. If she had a chance to get a second pair and still stuck to her old style, it's possible she finds the smaller glasses as annoying as I find the bigger glasses.

>> No.7540289

Maybe she likes them? Oh noes someone likes something I don't! Call her names constantly!!!

>> No.7540302
File: 165 KB, 584x536, 1391518684252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll call her grandpa-chan with you.

>never forget the time she came to /cgl/ and posted pic related

>> No.7540390

Not really an option when you're legally blind without your glasses.

>> No.7540409

My eyesight is terrible (worst among every person I've known), I'm verging on glaucoma and my lenses are pretty thin

>> No.7540413

>peignoir trend
I think they can look beautiful when coordinated properly.
The issue in that coord is that the peignoir doesn't match AT ALL and it just looks like an afterthought to match that dippy flower crown.

>> No.7540416

It looks like she's wearing a crown of mac n cheese on her head.

>> No.7540418

i actually think her glasses are cute, just not on her. someone with a more baby face could pull them off, but her wrinkles/laugh lines/whatever totally stick out because of them.

>> No.7540468
File: 227 KB, 455x750, tumblr_n55cpntAn41s1ic6do3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the hat. I wish she had put more work into the outfit and incorporate it better.

>that username

>> No.7540573

IDK, flowers, bows, stars (which some are sick of, but I don't mind them) are among the fairly universal accessories in lolita. But more specific things like crosses, sweets, animals? Those need proper context. Just because your doughnut-shaped bag is brown, doesn't mean it goes well with classic coord.

>> No.7540581

wow, I love the hat. This would be really cute in a mori inspired or otome coord. Also that belt does not go with lolita.

>> No.7540588

The berett looks really of to me.

>> No.7540589
File: 508 KB, 1280x1694, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, tell me I'm not crazy. I love the top part of this outfit, but those tights and shoes are lost on me. The colours are completely mismatched... Why go black and silver when the rest of the outfit is ivory, red and brown?

>> No.7540593

I think the shoes are a sort of cream/ivory/VERY muted gold with the red heart. I'd be more annoyed that they're slingbacks than anything.

I think if she changed the tights it would be alright. They aren't fully opaque, to start, and are far too busy focused in one spot of the leg. Not sure about the heart bag though.

>> No.7540596

Vendetta chan c'mon, especially with all the drama our comm has had

>> No.7540607

her outfits are always slightly off to me but I still love them. her quirky outfits remind me of infiniteneeya's, except they suit her better

>> No.7540612
File: 112 KB, 400x679, 20b31d9fe31f15e6eb4824e7a62f751455c6-f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh wow, when I first saw these Sakizo tights I had the feeling something was really off about the design, didn't expect it to look so weird on a real person though!

I think she tried to force the tights into the outfit by tying the reds, but then kind of lost the game combining warm colours on top and cold colours on the bottom. If you block out the top half of the outfit, the tights and shoes do go together. It's just that the top half doesn't match the bottom half

>> No.7540617

Sorry, no vendetta, this outfit just came up on tumblr. She looks cute, just I think the shoes and tights are off.

>> No.7540627

But why is the file name 'image.jpg'?

>> No.7540633

Maybe she posted herself for asspats? It's pretty unusual to save an image as image.jpg unless it comes directly from your iphone. It usually conflicts with another image on your computer because it's a common file name on lesser websites, while major websites like tumblr and facebook will always save as a string of characters.

>> No.7540635

I'm on my phone, I have no idea what the file names of the pictures I save from tumblr are. Sorry?

>> No.7540641

sometimes if you take them from google it will just say "image."

>> No.7540643

You realize there are online stores where you can buy prescription glasses for $50, right? You realize that if she can afford to spend $300 on a dress she can probably afford glasses that aren't fugly, right?

>> No.7540646

I'm like 99% sure she just does it to troll and get posted here. Didn't she recently change to even more hideous ones? I think they are ugly as fuck but if that's what shes doing it's kind of funny tbh

>> No.7540648
File: 1.64 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this butthurt in a nitpick thread

>> No.7540657

Ages ago she was posted here and there was drama in our local comm on if she self posted for attention and was backtracking or it was someone else pretending to be her.

I think she is a great dresser and has an incredibile wardrobe but I do question why our tiny comm gets so much spotlight.

>> No.7540661

source on the shorts?

>> No.7540665

My self post sense is tingling, especially with the nonsensical "vendetta" comment that came with it. Like.. there is stuff obviously wrong with the outfit. Anyone with eyes can see that. It's almost like she posted it herself and expected everyone to praise/defend her and decided to throw in a manufactured "vendetta" for people to argue with for good measure

>> No.7540678

Rather than your comm getting the spotlight, I'd say it's just the girl. I follow her on tumblr and some of her outfits get reblogged quite a bit. I think part of the territory that comes with posting outfits online to a niche community is that occasionally you're gonna end up somewhere like here. Besides, she wasn't even posted in a particularly bad thread, so I don't see what all the fuss is about.

>> No.7540686

Like I said, our comm pretty much shitted up the entire bitch about your local comm thread so it seems a bit suspect someone would shit on one of our best dressed after we banned a bunch of people while sorting out the drama within our on comm.

>> No.7540687

Yeah, I agree with you there. But I mostly meant people who think every single accessory must match precisely to the print.

>> No.7540690

Some people just like to make everything about them and whatever little world they live in. That's why you see so many people getting up in arms when one person gets posted for something like this and going on like it's a horrible attack on their wonderful snowflakey community

>> No.7540691

I hate the tights and the MILK bag.
Too much shit. Classic "less is more."

>> No.7540695

Learn to read. It's incredibly suss when this girl has been featured here before with someone out for blood and pretended to be her for multiple posts combined with our comm currently in the spotline as a mess and kicked out members within the past few hours.

Not saying there aren't issues with the outfit but what outfit does people not have issues with? The timing is most suspect.

>> No.7540703

Clearly no one is out for blood and no one is pretending to be her in this situation. You're only suspicious because you know her personally. No one else knows or cares where she's from. She ended up here because she made a bad decision with her tights. That's it. Seriously.

>> No.7540713

Currently in the spotlight? What comm is it? I haven't heard of any recent drama that isn't ongoing, probably because no one actually cares

>> No.7540718
File: 93 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n55wy8TFdh1r4khgro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus guys, you derail enough threads. I was going to post that girl as well and I don't even know what comm she's part of. The shoes and tights are incredibly ill fitting, let's move on.

>shoes, purse, mask don't match the dress at all
>needs a better petti stat

>> No.7540722

Go look at the bitch at your comm thread and see what takes up at least a third of the thread...

>> No.7540728

I feel like she thought she could tie the bag in with the shoes but... No. I'm also not a big fan of the socks. They seem weirdly casual. If she swapped them out for a nice pair of tights I feel like the outfit would be instantly improved.

>> No.7540738

It's weird to see such strong prints on her bonnet and the dress without having printed tights as well or busy footwear. It's so unbalanced.

>> No.7540741

I'm legally blind without my glasses and I can get them ultra-thin. That's what it's for, to thin down glasses that would otherwise be hilariously thick.

>> No.7540742
File: 156 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n55wumxIIA1qc5mq5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is absolutely no red in that print. The shoes/headdress look so gaudy and off.

>> No.7540746
File: 655 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_n54tiu5cM51r9iw87o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to call this ita, since the shoes could look interesting in a lolita coordinate but it's so close to being just awful.

>> No.7540758

I really like this! I wish it had a hairpiece though. However I'm a big fan of alt looks in sweet lolita.

>> No.7540759

Sweet Jesus those shoes are atrocious. And those colours. I know it's not particularly ita, but for some reason that outfit just makes me cringe.

>> No.7540764
File: 152 KB, 447x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This outfit seemed really nice all laid out on her bed, but for some reason, it just falls flat when she's wearing it... That awkward blouse under an op... The mismatched creams and ivories...

>> No.7540768

I think with a darker blouse and a larger headpiece it would be perfect.

>> No.7540772

With lighter shoes and a less poofy-sleeved blouse and I think she'd look great

>> No.7540778

To me it kinda just looks too big on her, honestly? I think because of the long sleeve blouse under OP thing, which already tends to rarely be flattering, plus it's empire waisted and falls below the knee which in total makes it very oversized looking.

That and the shoes and bag don't match any of the other ivories, that's the thing bugging me about the color mixing.

>> No.7540797

something about that blouse/op combo along with the length of the dress makes her arms look really long.

>> No.7540837

I dunno, anon. I think it's kinda genius and unexpected of an otherwise boring blue/white/gold tone. Love it a lot.

>> No.7540940

have to match the shoes with the bag

>> No.7540949

>makes her dress look cheap
It's a Bodyline dress, you don't have to make it look cheap.

>> No.7540986

Is she chinese? She's got the frilly rocket look going.

>> No.7540992

That's what I was thinking. Why is this a thing? It looks horrible. Even yellow fever weebs who worship Asians can admit this looks bad like 96% of the time.

>> No.7541001

>frilly rocket look

I chuckled.

>> No.7541008

Isn't she Thai or something?

>> No.7541019

Lol I find it funny how this picture keeps getting posted. I was the one that first started posting her in that thread and also made the post that is in the picture. I wasn't even that mean about it, but she got butthurt as hell and started that "hurrdurr im trolling u" thing.

>> No.7541023

Hopefully she'll grow out of it. Purposely looking bad to kinda piss off a small group of people you've never met.. like I don't even know what to say about that. It's funny, but also incredibly stupid.

>> No.7541032

Doesn't she wear some kind of tights?

>> No.7541038

Doesn't really look like it, you can see the varying skintone of her legs?

>> No.7541041

She isn't purposely looking bad, she is just butthurt that we don't think she is as pretty as she think she is. She was wearing those ugly glasses way before she first got posted, and she gets posted her at most a couple of times a year. She is just like those guys that go "hurrdurr I was just trolling all along lololol you fell for it!" when someone finally proves that their opinion is wrong.

>> No.7541045

What about contacts?

>> No.7541050

Tights are off, why TWO bags?

>> No.7541051

To me it looks like glitter gold tights

>> No.7541057

That's what I thought
Probably because the super kawaii matching desu pancake bag isn't actually capable of holding anything. Actually I've seen a lot of street snaps of lolis carrying two bags. I do it sometimes too, easy way to bungle in more coordinating accessories.

>> No.7541080

I can get over her old man face and glasses, it's how smug she always looks and how obvious it is that she thinks she's a god tier lolita when her outfits always look inbalanced. She's one of those people who thinks brand automatically makes her outfits amazing, and she buys popular and sought after pieces for the kudos, makes one coord, then sells them on so she can hop on the next bandwagon.

Also she needs to stop trying to sell those fucking sceptres at that price, they look like a hot mess that I'd barely pay twenty dollars for let alone eighty.

>> No.7541115

I get carrying two if you need to bring stuff, but if I posed for a photo I'd put one of them away.

>> No.7541120

Haha yeah but then you get to show off extra burandos!

>> No.7541253

The two bags thing is so dumb, honestly, it's why I can never into brand novelty bags. It's so easy to get a nice matching bag for almost any outfit that's actually decent quality and can hold stuff.

>> No.7541296
File: 76 KB, 600x800, swooty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the glasses were a gag according to the post I found this on but:

Something seems really off about the lower half.
Silver details on the socks and the shoes just throws it off.

>> No.7541299

They're shitty shoes, that's why.
I'm not a fan of the wig either, looks fake as hell.

>> No.7541308

Aren't those the socks that are part of that set? I thought they only came in silver.
I really like this coord, it's a shame those shoes are so dumpy.

>> No.7541315
File: 443 KB, 910x1280, tumblr_n56a2xFZSg1rzsz6wo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs a better blouse and more fitting shoes, stat.

>> No.7541333

I've been following her for a long time, there's always -something- about every single outfit she's ever posted that has been just a little off to me (if not a straight up miss). Usually it's her fried, crunchy hair but she makes some really questionable choices about her leggings/shoes in particular.

>> No.7541337


>> No.7541360

For me, the bare legs are a less glaring problem than the huge flower crown and the huge heart-shaped bag. I think the size of the bag is the bigger problem of the two--it's way out of proportion to the rest of her coord, and it fights for attention with the flower crown. I hardly see anything else because I keep looking back and forth between the two. And personally, I think the bag is just too big for the girl's body size; she makes me think of a little kid playing with her mother's purse.

A pair of tights and a smaller, simpler bag (not a heart-shaped one) would fix this look. I'm not a fan of flower crowns, but I don't hate them, and I think this one looks okay.

>> No.7541361

I have hipsterish glasses because I find that they frame my face better. Narrow lenses make my face look wide.

>> No.7541386

The boxy tan purse (especially worn across the body, like a school bag) and tan shoes are far too casual for this dress, and the color doesn't work well with burgundy anyway.

Her hairstyle is just not going to work with lolita. No way. Especially not classic. The too-small flower crown looks like she didn't know what else to do to mitigate the hair situation. I'm all for natural hair, but this is one clear case where I'd recommend a wig.

>> No.7541420

I quite like the blouse. The shoes, however, you're right- the entire below the hemline seems off, it'd be better with black shoes and tights that were a bit more opaque to match the opacity of the blouse/headwear. Necklace has to go with the shoes too, I see she was trying to pull red from the print but the red in the print is very cooltoned/wine and the shoes and necklace are too warm and bright.

>> No.7541629

Chinese: No.
Attention whore: Yes.

>> No.7541637

are you autistic she looks fine

>> No.7541667


I think that's a good reason not to wear a set blindly. I've noticed that lately AP has been including socks in their set that don't directly match up to the print, like the lavender or black crew socks that are part of the Berry Garden collection, or white socks for DDC. Either they expect the girls to wear other things that match the socks (silver jewellery or silver bag with Radiant Candlelight maybe?), or they expect the socks will be matched with another series.


Oh seriously? The weight and size doesn't bother you? I just can't imagine putting up with that everyday for the sake of a lolita coordinate maybe once a week.

>> No.7541896

I agree, the shoes were far too bright for what I was really going for. Sadly my daily-use black shoes are currently being repiared, and I'm still waiting for my wine-red shoes in the mail...So it was those or super chunky Bodyline heels.

Though I thank you for pointing that out! It honestly kinda bothered me, so I'll definitely not be mixing those shoes with that dress again.

What would you suggest blouse-wise?

>> No.7541905

Usually if your wearing a sheer/chiffon blouse, you want it more flowy rather than tight. Because the sleeves on your blouse are so tight and the detail on the neck area is so small it just looks very off because of the jsk neckline.

>> No.7541910

Ahh okay! I see what you're saying. I'll make sure to try that out next time. Thanks for the suggestion!

>> No.7541926

Looks so much better! Agreed that sans the shoes this is adorable. Off-topic, but: are those Melty Royal Chocolate pieces? I was never brave enough to become a lolita, I'm 26 now and looking at every MRC piece makes me sigh something dreamy. They seem extremely hard to get, though.

>> No.7542089

The tights and barrette are AP, but i'm pretty sure that vest was made by Oo Jia.

>> No.7542190

Her wig and headdress match too much that it looks like one big glob and not enough accessories to balance off the different shades of gold. Even so she still looks cute in the outfit.

No mask, heeled pink or cream shoes, better petti, and tights would look good.

I actually like the red but I agree not enough red in the coord for it to look good. Maybe Mahogany/Red wig, cream headdress with little red decoration, and pin some red bows on the dress.

Since its an OP the blouse looks really weird under it. If she wants a blouse she should opt for one with prettier sleeve detailing or princess sleeved. Ivory is hard to match so I give some slack but definitely different shoes. I think gold shoes would be nice.

I like the choice of blouse it just needs to have more ruffle details around the collar and sleeves, red rose headband, instead of wrist cuffs just regular simple accessories, and a red purse. Black purse works but incase you want more red in the outfit.

>> No.7542215

>I will never understand why anybody wants to get hipster glasses. They're big and heavy and very uncomfortable to wear.

I think thin frames are very uncomfortable. They hook really nasty behind my ears, hurts like fuck. And the thing that connects to your nose also feels horrible to me. I also prefer big ones, because they feel less flimsy in my hands.

>> No.7542217

I got hipster glasses for a Newt Geiszler cosplay and I LOVE to wear them when I work on things now. My field of vision in them is huge. I don't just wear them out though because they make me look like a huge-nosed asshole.

>> No.7542458

I love it. The headdress and shoes and bag match. Her tights even match with the bodice. The only improvement is maybe a different wig. Maybe burgundy.

>> No.7542463

There's a white low waist jsk (2012 version I think?) on lacemarket right now.
I bought the pink version a while ago and I love it.

>> No.7542480
File: 115 KB, 500x698, tumblr_n4nw9azNRK1qgxqs9o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like this coord. The red brooch is way too big and ugly.

>> No.7542488
File: 120 KB, 720x720, 10277374_873898489302327_384001218782305918_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love everything but... why the fawn bag and brooch? Also, that bonnet is so unflattering.
Am I being too picky? I think she'd look perfect otherwise.

>> No.7542491

The shoes are too big for her. Look at her right foot: there's an ugly gap.

>> No.7542492
File: 170 KB, 960x960, tumblr_n3hlq1HAre1qk9zvlo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, wrong file. This is the coord I was talking about.

That girl has a collection of coords that could be so damn perfect if she'd just removed tiny little details. Like the wig and tiara on the picture above.

>> No.7542493

The bonnet is cream, while the rest of her outfit is white. It looks weird.

>> No.7542494

What shoes are these?

>> No.7542496

Yeah that fawn bag and the brooch aren't doing it for me. I'm also not a fan of the gloves that she is wearing. Why fishnet ones? Lace ones or even some lace wrist cuffs would look so much better.

>> No.7542497
File: 84 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n474jrmPyp1qhwcdpo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to get a custom dress designed and made, why this? I know harsh black bodice + lighter painting skirt isn't anything new, but those JetJ JSKs are no less jarring just because they're brand.

>> No.7542500

She doesn't even fit in the dress. It's quite a pity.

>> No.7542510

That pancake bag is amazing though!
Black printed tights have this problem of looking too greyish. But I have to disagree with everyone, I kind of like them in this outfit. My only nitpick would be her hair. Such an elaborate outfit deserves a more elaborate hairstyle imo.

Nothing annoys me about this. Pretty cute, imo.

I like the shoes. They just makes it a lot more otome than lolita, but cute nevertheless.

I don't like the brooch either. I'd drop that altogether with the book bag. I love the hearts on her tights though! Such a nice choice for that dress!

>> No.7542511

Glad I'm not the only one.
>giant red flower throwing it off
>book bag for no reason

Would be perfectly fine, if a bit standard, without those.

>> No.7542515

In this case I actually think that if all the browns matched it'd look retarded. I'm just not fond of the wig and the shoes there.

>> No.7542520

She looks cute.

>> No.7542521

Forgot to add the dress is weird and illfited

>> No.7542528

To be honest I have more of a problem with the book bag being used in this co-ord. Otherwise it's fine, even if the brooch is too big.

But that bag!! Why? It just looks wrong, and doesn't match the sweet aesthetic. Plus the black on it is weird with the bright colours.

>> No.7542532

Same problem with >>>7542492. Even a normalfag plain white bag would look so much cuter.

>> No.7542550

I actually really adore this coord. I love how the black/blue/ivory colour blocking look works out.

>> No.7542563

Baroque glitter shoes.

>> No.7542566

If she switched for shoes with a gold detail to tie in with the dress, I think it'd be better. And maybe some silver jewellery for the socks.

Sauce on the dress?

>> No.7542655

I love the blue, but think a brown bodice would have been much much better than black.

>> No.7542669

This entire coord is off to me for some reason and I don't know why. I love French Cafe especially in blue so it's not the dress putting me off, but...

>> No.7543101

agreed. Better to go plain than just wrong..

>> No.7543497
File: 101 KB, 422x750, tumblr_n56n7jwdae1rmo1l0o6_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl's outfit was cute, but seriously, how did she not notice how far back her wig had slid?

>> No.7543930

When I use my ipad and post on here it names everything I upload image.jpg, jsyk.

>> No.7545007

I don't think everything in an outfit has to mesh with a theme but I think the flower clip would work better in an elegant/classic type coord rather than this one. Everything else she is wearing is rather cute/playful and I just don't think it fits in very well. Also I just think it's weird to have a random clip on the side of your beret, especially when everything else is seriously lacking accessories, but maybe that's just my personal taste. Hopefully that clarifies what I meant.

>> No.7545066

Unrelated and not an attack on you, anon, but I really hate this "that one item doesn't match the sweet aesthetic" or "those shoes are too sweet to be used in an outfit with classic motifs" argument trend that's so prevalent in Nitpick and Ita threads nowadays.

The book bag doesn't look good here, but we need to stop acting like the rorita police, pretending that substyles can't be blended at all. A pair of shoes doesn't automatically look like shit in classic because it doesn't have a pointed toe, for example. These kinds of statements come off to me like girls are trying to play know-it-all authority when in actuality: 1. they don't know much, which is why their nitpick is so blandly standardized and 2. sweet/classic blends have been a thing for a really long time, now.

I'm not disagreeing with the bag in this instance but can we acknowledge that substyles are a venn diagram that can sometimes have interestingly dissonant crossover elements?

>> No.7545303

she has such a perfect porcelain doll face though!

>> No.7545308
File: 48 KB, 500x480, image.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah bro.
image.jpg is usually when someone on an apple device (iPhone, iPad) posts an image.

>> No.7545310

and before anyone starts shit the filename was intentional

>> No.7545489

I stared at those tights for many long seconds, wondering why nobody was exclaiming with shock at clearly guro tights with a sweet coord, before realizing that it was sliced strawberries and not a FUCKING SPINE

>> No.7545506

It's Radiant Candlelight by Angelic Pretty

>> No.7545654

It would be pretty fucking awesome if it WAS a spine, though.

>> No.7546254
File: 132 KB, 438x750, tumblr_n5b1pqS7Nr1qihe13o1_500 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from tumblr.
Why do so many people wear a wig and not think to cut the bangs?
Also it's a shitty wig that doesn't suit her skin tone at all.
Plus random flower hair accessories with something sticking out of them placed on head was overkill.

>> No.7546259
File: 78 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n5b4nxGObU1ttqm1qo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another from tumblr.
Bonnet doesn't match, and socks look silly. Possibly because it's a much darker red?
Also, what up with the purse choice?
Shoes look awkwardly thrown in without any other brown.

>> No.7546266

The socks also really don't flatter her legs, since they start a little after the skirt ends and the skirt, since it's high waisted, makes that torso area look longer

>> No.7546282

Most lolitas are obsessed with resale value of their items. Not really surprising, considering how many just wear an item once or twice before selling it a week later to jump on another trend. So it's no wonder some don't even cut the bangs of the wig to match their face, what if the next owner gets mad?!

Or they just copy how it looked on the promo picture, I mean how many companies actually show how the bangs should be styled...

>> No.7546285

This is me, I'll definitely take the advice on tying the purple in. I had tried to tie in the grey of the blouse by using grey tights, but the purple does stand out more so I will look at repeating that colour through the outfit. I'll look out for jewellery to match!

With regards to hair accessories, I am starting to build up a collection and have been wearing them a lot more regularly in recent outfits (I feel unbalanced with a head-eating bow because I don't have a fringe, so it's been a process of finding what works). Thank you for the compliment on my hair!

Thank you both for the constructive criticism, I will definitely take your points on board.

>> No.7546340

I didn't see anything wrong with that outfit. Kind of simple but not everything has to be a circus. Keep doin' whatchu doin' gurl.

>> No.7546397


>> No.7546510
File: 710 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mo2fmtbwnN1qgotqjo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could be such a cute outfit if it weren't for the helicopter bow and the random star clip. I also really am bothered by the lack of black on the bottom half. The socks or shoes should be black, with the other one being pink.
Styles can definitely blended, but at the same time, if an entire outfit is classic, you can't just throw in a stuffed animal bag or deco jewelry. You don't need to confine yourself to one style, but your whole coord should go together.

>> No.7546693

I hear you, I use my long natural hair as well and also don't have a fringe, I stick to side-bow clips and hats for the most part. I think without a fringe, clips or headband accessories that put the volume by your ear look best!

>> No.7546735


I often do a side sweep on my hair, and it hides my forehead quite a bit like normal bangs do. It's definitely not bangs, but I think it serves to give more of the lolita aesthetic fully covering hair (for lack of better description)

>> No.7546744

I saw her in a thread before about drama and I still wonder what she did?..

>> No.7547184

I don't like the shoes

>> No.7547189

So what? So am I yet mine are ultra thin.
The reason why they're ultra thin is precisely for people who have really shit vision and need thick lenses to see right but don't want to wear ridiculous frames to hide them.

>> No.7547202

Looks weird because the bag and headdress are a darker shade of red than the shoes.
If she went for dark red velvet shoes then this would've looked much better.

>> No.7547204

What am I missing here?

>> No.7547209

I love the shoes, actually, but her hair looks tacky, especially in combination with those gauges. She could try wearing a wig that covers her ears.

>> No.7547212

I am not a fan of blouses under OP's because they look plain weird.

She could've matched the shoes with the bag's color, lose the blouse and then it would've looked better.

>> No.7547214

The book bag, no.
The gigantic granny brooch, double no.

>> No.7547215

I love this, actually. Especially the tights.

>> No.7547216

Although styles can be blended, you need to be coherent in your coords and have an eye for stuff that can be used in a certain outfit without looking out of place.

>> No.7547219

It's definitely below her usual standard, but I mostly like it. I wish I could just click-drag that brooch to be half as big.

>> No.7547279
File: 1.21 MB, 864x1296, tumblr_n5c0tkfxlT1qcmjsdo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7547281

Not feeling the big peter pan collar on this, and that wig is a bit to blondey-orange for her skin tone.

I'd like to see her hat straight on, though, it looks cute.

>> No.7547283

Her coords are always so meh.

>> No.7547303

The wine shoes and otk bring the whole coord down

>> No.7547313

Why wine? The red in the dress is a bright red.

>> No.7547314

unrelated to her coord but why does she smile like that? it makes her jaw look crooked

>> No.7547319

There's also no wine in the print. Even if there was, too much is concentrated towards the bottom. With so much white on top, she needs to balance out the blue and red.

>> No.7547321

maybe it is crooked?

>> No.7547326

Something about this makes her look pregnant. Not sure if it's the pose or the angle or what.

>> No.7547329

"The hat actually has a big bow on the side that you can’t see in these photos. I really need some different coloured blouses to improve this coordinate."

>> No.7547357

Her whole face always bugs me so much and I'm not sure why, maybe it's that

>> No.7548184

I hate that wig. Totally don't match the look.

>> No.7548195

Sick of this ho and dem glasses. Also sick of bedroom wear being combined with lolita. It's stupid.

>> No.7548203

This is one of my favorite prints, so I'm sad to see it look so off. Is she bigger? For some reason her waist looks really big. Also, she needs a better petticoat.

>> No.7548206

The shit don't match. Damn.

>> No.7548315

nice face but those brows need help, stat.

>> No.7548717

>nice face