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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7544600 No.7544600[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The other thread is down, and I feel like I might've missed something.

Let's continue talking about this liar.

>> No.7544604

I smell vendetta bullshit.

>> No.7544605

Almost 20k notes on that post and everyone's still buying it. It's tumblr though.

>> No.7544606

Yeah it 404'd a few hours ago. Looks like it wound up being a lot of over-exaggerating, especially after the chick's past DA and Tumblr posts about getting into fights at school came up.

It's kind of sad something like this would get more attention than a kid just getting bullied because omg she was in a cosplay!!!! but that's Tumblr for you, I guess. People will move on from it.

>> No.7544615

She's used the same lie before, as was visible on her deviantart from 2011, and I'm still surprised she chose to garner sympathy from anime fans instead of Homestuck fans. Could've made for some better drama if it involved them.

>> No.7544627

Any links to her past lies and trying to pull this bs?? I'm a bit behind

>> No.7544630

Same here

>> No.7544636



Should have everything

>> No.7544637


It's the webpage files for what I could get of the last thread, and the webpage file of her deviantART journal, just in case.

>> No.7544639

There are people on my facebook feed eating this up with a spoon and I want to tell them how stupid this is but I don't want to create a riff in my comm. I'm just hoping that my other friends who haven't made a comment on it are thinking the same thing as me.

>> No.7544642


Well you could always link them here lol

>> No.7544658

So did anyone call the school or anything?

>> No.7544669


She talked to the school but they're not doing anything about it, it looks like.

>> No.7544670

No I mean did anyone from here call the school and confirm it even happened. people were talking about it last thread.

>> No.7544672

Nah, they're the kind of people who hate 4chan and think it's all like /b/

>> No.7544679

I will post the post I made using the info people compiled last night

This whole thing sounds so suspicious, and is total bullshit. breakdown with contributions from anon contributors:

1) You school is Vestal High School in NY, They could have a lawsuit on their hands for not doing anything. The school wouldn't refuse to help. there's no doubt the school would take action to punish who did it.

You said, "the school will be reviewing the surveilance tapes. Pretty much, none of the staff saw it. So they treat it like it didn't happen, until they see it."

That's not how this shit works, schools have to be diligent over these kinds of things because lawsuits over assault are a dime a fucking dozen because the school will pretty much cave upon any threat of legal action. The last thing a school wants is the media to put them in a bad light.

2) This story is almost exactly like another one she posted on her DA a few years back, and I doubt it's a coincidence.

>> No.7544681

If nobody else will, I'll call the school, although I'm sure they won't answer a question like that to a complete stranger.

>> No.7544683

3)Facebook caps like that can easily be faked with post-generators, google one, you see it in text message captures all the time. It would be more convincing if you could see the names of the people, or if it was a more zoomed out picture showing the browser and the rest of the page.

Your facebook was checked, and Erik hasn't posted on FB since 4/30, a few days before the incident. The fact her FB wasn't flooded with her/people wishing her well and asspatting makes it seem even more fake.

Vestal High School's match the color of the lockers in the image she posted. we know this because

>Google NaNoWriMo word-count
>get NaNoWriMo userame
>google username
>find youtube/DA (same username as nanowrimo, both linked in thread)
>google username with "erik"
>find youtube
>find last name
>find FB
>look at who liked the post
>find their HS
>cross reference pics of inside their HS from the website with the lockers in the grell chick's pictures

4) You mentioned you're not sure whether underage individuals can go to the police. A quick google search would tell you that you most certainly can go to the police with assault charges, but you wouldn't do that, because it didn't happen.

>> No.7544688

If you call I think it might work if you frame it like "how come your school refuses to help people being bullied"
Then you might get a response that either hints they are unaware of the situation, or that they actually take bullying very serious. That could be a hint as to if it's real or not.

>> No.7544689

>Facebook caps like that can easily be faked with post-generators, google one, you see it in text message captures all the time
This is something that was bothering me because they had some other Tumblr posts of other people/incidents (the one with the cop on the subway and then the thing with the school principal) and they all sounded kind of hokey. They seem to like making stories a lot.

>> No.7544692

I say someone call the local news station an show them the story, saying something to the affect of "bullying in school is bad! This school is doing nothing about this" and go from there.

>> No.7544695

I haven't seen much support in my community at all; a lot of people are pretty suspicious. I guess I got lucky as far as my friend's list goes.

>> No.7544699
File: 35 KB, 242x210, abortabort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for length, it was compiled to be made into a tumblr post, and I posted it on a sock account but someone connected it with my personal account so I nuked it

captcha careful towsdan

>> No.7544700

Everyone on my facebook is eating this up, I really want to call it out but I don't want to get shit on...

>> No.7544703

how did they connect it?

>> No.7544704

I never truly hated tumblr style overreaction till I saw one note response along the lines of "OMG this is the WORST thing I've EVER heard of!"

Really? Out of all the shit in history and in the current human condition some highschooler allegedly getting punched for wearing a costume is the worst thing you've heard of?

>> No.7544705

give me a link to her DA.

>> No.7544706

Im sorry to hear you got found out, im guessing you got flamed to hell with tumblrtards screeching at you and shit?

But thank you for compiling all of this.

>> No.7544708

Mine too, jfc people can be so dumb.

>> No.7544718

I wish my local comm would post this, I don't really give a shit about them so it's like a treat to call them out and see the drama that ensues

>> No.7544719

http://xabbichanx.deviantart.com/ is their old one, they seem to have remade though

>> No.7544720

>post comes around on personal dash
>make one sentence comment "I don't think this is true"
>make sock account
>post essay on why its bullshit
>pussy out, delete post in case someone can connect it to personal blog somehow
>someone sends me an ask on personal blog
>"do you know anything about this post that just disappeared? you're the only person whose called bullshit and i want to prove its false too"
>nopenopenope abort abort
>turn asks off delete post delete everything

I really dont want SJWs on my dash and slandering me, they're fucking nuts

>> No.7544721

Missed the last thread. I assume everyone called bullshit on this - was there anything more to it than that?

>> No.7544722


>> No.7544727

dude just make a sock account and reblog it from original source. they wont be able to tell.

(tempted now to make it and have you send it to my email so I can post it)

>> No.7544729

This makes me think it's not them 'cause their old account was Abbi chan and they're talking about Abbi in the journal. (Though aybe they like to talk about themselves in he 3rd person, or they now another Abbi) idk

>> No.7544731
File: 82 KB, 583x605, ss (2014-05-08 at 03.29.31).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this. Looks like this girl lives in the same town.
Maybe it's not all total bullshit?

>> No.7544733

Didn't she say a teacher pulled the girl off her? Now she's saying none of the staff saw it. I am confused.

>> No.7544738

>I really dont want SJWs on my dash and slandering me, they're fucking nuts

Dont blame you. They go too fucking far sometimes and start gathering peoples personal info and trying to attack you IRL. Seen it a couple times happen to other people. Oh the hypocrisy of bullying someone for not believing someone else was a bully.

>> No.7544739

Old thread:

>> No.7544740

>saw this posted by a friend on facebook, came here because I knew there'd be a thread
>friend saying the whole "while I do believe some bullying belongs in schools to give kids a backbone, this is just over the line!!!!"

>not gonna say shit to him

Why do people take things for face value right away anymore

>> No.7544742
File: 43 KB, 1004x433, ss (2014-05-08 at 08.34.25).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7544744

The chuuni is strong.

>> No.7544756

continuing from:

" Anonymous said: as one cosplayer to the next, what cons do you go to? and also, what other cosplays do you have done?

I really only regularly go to Anime Syracuse, and I’ve gone to Tora Con once. I do plan on going to more in the future, though"

from DA

"I'm a cosplayer and performer from New York State. I attend several conventions throughout the state, and a few out of state ones if I can get to them. "


Confirm for attention whore



Confirm Jo Anns shopper












>> No.7544757

I'm from the Western NY cosplay community and I'm a little surprised I'm not seeing more from my cosplay friends. Maybe it's because most of them now are late college or college grads and some cgl lurkers and know when something sounds like bs.

I'm calling bs not just because the story doesn't make sense and Grell cosplayers don't usually have the best judgement when it comes to being "in character." I'm calling bs because I was also once a dumb high school weaboo with dumb high school weaboo friends and I can totally see one of us doing this then pretending we did nothing to provoke the attackerbesides wearing a costume.

>> No.7544761

This sounds really fishy, like she was asked to write it. In the other screencap of the similar story from a couple of years ago, one of the girls in that story was the girl posting this entry. Why did she just find out about it? Why's she so dispassionate about it? They seemed like pretty close friends.

>> No.7544763

She is 17. In the state of NY you are legally an adult and teenagers as young as 16 have been charged as an adult in crimes. She is stupid and if this is real needs to handle this like a real crime.

Her personal FB is private so I cannot see the post made by others however her cosplay page IS getting ass pat post. She only likes them and does not talk about it. However did take the time to answer a random question about contacts between it all

>> No.7544764
File: 716 KB, 245x187, Tony-Stark-Eyeroll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all over my FB feed and anyone not agreeing that the people involved be burned at the stake are being called victim blamers and trolls.

>> No.7544765

Idk sounds innocent enough but you never know.

>> No.7544766

i will just say this from my personal experience:

yes, i was that kid who wore stupid shit to school.
one time i was a "victim" and got beat up in the girls bathroom (i didn't do anything because i knew i would get in trouble for fighting back)
i told someone because i was pissed off, and the school blamed me for making myself a "target".
the school did nothing, so yeah, if you think every school is worried about "lawsuits" you're wrong.
there's plenty of schools out there that simply say things like "just avoid them" or blame the person who got beat up for being different.
that's all i have to say. i honestly don't know anything about this situation but this is just from my experience. (i also went to school in ny)

>> No.7544768

Apparently the school didn't teach you how to capitalize.

>> No.7544774

S/he had that knowledge beat out of him.

>> No.7544776


>> No.7544778

Maybe I just have an insane mother...but I feel like if I came home from high school, been beaten, AND the school wasn't doing shit...my mother would be raising hell at the school. Are the parents really not getting involved if all of this is true?

Wouldn't surprise me if the school has done something, just not what the girl was hoping for.

>> No.7544779

waw gr8 le cumbak m8 top kek xDD

>> No.7544781

>i honestly don't know anything about this situation
>but here's my specific anecdote directly relating to the situation.

>> No.7544782

Maybe she just saw the tumblr post or something.

>> No.7544783

do it, i'll send it to you

>> No.7544787

Yeah, looks like she saw the post and wants info since it concerns someone she knows yet can't find anyone locally who knows anything about it

>> No.7544788

That's what I think. They're from the day after the Tumblr post was made, and the alleged victim made that post two days after the incident.

>> No.7544789
File: 504 KB, 410x589, stupid called its for you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7544791

diff anon, makes sense, she probably would have heard about it long before then if she's local even if she doesn't go to the same school. Stuff like that always spreads like wildfire and then when I was a kid before all this social media stuff, I can only imagine it's even faster now.