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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 40 KB, 500x667, tumblr_inline_n50ca250wt1rymbq2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7543234 No.7543234[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Wait what????
That's some World Star Hip Hop BS.
>chick wears cosplay to school
>chick gets the shit beat outta her

>> No.7543240


Probably 100% fake and made up.

>> No.7543242

On the one hand, wearing cosplay to school is dumb as hell.
But on the other, nobody deserves to be fucking assaulted. I hope she presses charges.

>> No.7543245

I really do hope it's fake. I'd be disgusted by that.

>> No.7543247

My friends and I suspect that too.

I'm surprised it took this long to get here since it's been a few hours since it started getting around!

>> No.7543248

>wearing cosplay to school
>"I expect people to be weird and mean"
Well yeah you got your ass beat. Change into your cosplay after school.

>> No.7543249

I'm sure it is. Just typical tumblr attentionseeking.

>> No.7543252

hrrmmmm See initially I thought "Whelp, that's what you get for cosplaying to school" but really, while that borders on victim blaming I suppose no one deserves to be assaulted for their clothes. And the gloating from the other girls' facebook is just disgusting. I also looked at this person's asks and they said that the school didn't seem interested in helping them.

>> No.7543254

In all honesty, I think wearing an entire cosplay is dumb, but I think maybe wearing a part of it and incorporating it into your outfit would be kinda coo, granted it actually looked normal.

I've worn wigs to school (in high school, and I've done it once in college) and every time people would say positive things about it, maybe a couple negative comments behind my back from randoms, but I've heard more good than bad.

>> No.7543259

>they said that the school didn't seem interested in helping them.
It's got to be fake then. If they were actually beaten, there's no doubt the school would take action to punish who did it. Unless she just goes to a really, really shitty school, but come on.

>> No.7543260

>they said that the school didn't seem interested in helping them.
They could have a lawsuit on their hands for not doing anything. The school wouldn't refuse to help.

>> No.7543264

I feel bad for her. On the other hand, the only reason you'd wear a full cosplay to school on some random ass day, would be because you wanted attention/to show off. People get beaten up for less.

>> No.7543266

>wearing cosplay in public
deserved it

>> No.7543269

Calling fake here as well. The school would absolutely take action if she'd notified them, at least a suspension. Additionally, she posted zero photos of proof, no pictures of these supposed bruises or the damage done to her costume.

>> No.7543273

So this thread is full of the weebs that didn't get bullied in school?
Unfortunately, most school don't give a shit. Unless she got shanked or something then the school really doesn't have to do anything.

>> No.7543279

Oh, that's not true at all.
A friend of mine was beaten up once and all three of the asses who did it were expelled within a couple of days.

>> No.7543282

hahaha cosplaying at school

>> No.7543283

From the FB caps she posted, it's kinda suggested she's done other things to piss people off besides being a weeb. As someone who was bullied in high school, people don't talk shit on you like that or attack you at random, its for being a stuck-up cunt.

Also, who the fuck in their right mind would wear an entire cosplay to school?

>> No.7543291

Why on earth would you bring a complete cosplay to high school on a random day? Might as well walk into school in a bikini instead. There's a time and place for everything, and high school is not the place for a cosplay.

Poor girl doesn't deserve it, but she should've thought it out more. Dressing up in cosplay when you're not popular to begin with = recipe for disaster

>> No.7543298

This just in, she's a typical shitty tumblr user who has to make up a new identity for herself in order to feel as special as possible.
No sympathy.

>> No.7543302

If it is real, then that's quite unfortunate. But now that I think about it, it seems odd, what school wouldn't do anything about this?

>> No.7543304

Is everyone who likes Black Butler insane? I never hear a single good thing come from its fans.

>> No.7543308

Agreed. Honestly, I'm seeing her most recent ask and it's about how she was "grossly misgendered" by people at school. Maybe that's what they might have against her? She says she identifies as male, but maybe word got around prior to and people just thought she was trying to beg for attention now?

>> No.7543319

She was already begging for attention by being an obnoxious special snowflake.

>> No.7543320

That's exactly what I'm saying

>> No.7543329

I personally believe it's true. However do I think it's wrong? No. Not really. She's wearing a cosplay to school. People will make fun of her. It's human nature to be an ass to things they don't understand.

Now do I believe she was mauled or whatever she's trying to make people see it as? No. Somebody probably shoved her, gave her a hit or two and ripped her wig off.

I went to high school in my weeaboo years (I'm from the UK), and wore a red wig and some prick ripped that off. They think it's funny, and so do their friends. There's an easy way to avoid it: Don't wear cosplay to school. Simple as that.

Now if this happened in college, that's a different story because you'd at least expect people to have matured by then.

>> No.7543340
File: 625 KB, 500x170, tumblr_inline_n4fqt88jP91qewv88.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, first, wouldn't it be more normal Tumblr fashion to name and shame the attacker?
Second, you'd think she'd post pictures of these injuries (and she said she took photos to show to the police, too).
If this is true, I hope she gets the news and police involved if her shitty school won't help.
Honestly, looking at her blog, if this really happened, she seems like a bit of an obnoxious twat so I can see why the other kids would have something against her. Cosplaying to school was painting a big red fucking target on herself, "fun" be damned. Kids are fucking evil.

>> No.7543344

I was with them until I checked out the rest of their blog and saw that they're one of those awful fake trans people (that Tumblr seems to be overrun with) that claims they identify as another gender, but doesn't even try to pass in the slightest. Plus, there were other ways they could have tested the durability of the cosplay without wearing it to a full day of public high school surrounded by potentially hostile normalfags.

It's not fun that they got physically attacked and their cosplay destroyed, as it's not too bad of a cosplay, but honestly, they should have known better. It's common sense to protect yourself from that kind of situation.

>> No.7543345

>female but identify as male
>cosplay a character who's male but identifies as female
I get that you're not the person you cosplay, but that's got to be weird.

>> No.7543347

Seeing this is like looking at myself of the past. I was a total bitch in school, got bullied for it, didn't give a shit because I had an ego that shot through the roof. Wore Shugo Chara cosplay to school, got attacked for it, then cried about it on the internet saying ~*I did nothing wrong*~

>> No.7543357

Actually, he doesn't identify as female. He's just super flamboyant. Yana's basically said he's a drag queen.

>> No.7543362

He used female pronouns on himself so I wasn't sure, hm.

>> No.7543363

You didn't read the post, did you?
They hadn't ever had problems at school before. So they figured school was a safe environment. They had no idea they were going to be attacked for it.
They wanted to know they could stand being in the costume literally all day, walking around. And that's fine. School seems like the closest proxy to a convention, especially if you've never been bullied before.

>> No.7543368

the school will be reviewing the surveilance tapes. Pretty much, none of the staff saw it. So they treat it like it didn't happen, until they see it.

>> No.7543374

> but doesn't even try to pass in the slightest.
> lack of funds, parental and familial support, a non-bigoted community, etc. isn't a factor in what gender you are able to present yourself as to the public at all

>> No.7543376

the school will be reviewing the surveilance tapes. Pretty much, none of the staff saw it. So they treat it like it didn't happen, until they see it.

Yeah? Is that how it works? Alright.
>Made a rude ass comment about what someone 'deserved'
>Got beaten the next day for a completely unrelated reason.
Deserved it.
Burn in hell, shitbag.

Someone who wanted to be absolutely sure they could stand being dressed up like that for a whole fucking day. I've done it. Luckilly for me, I was 6 feet tall, and nobody fucked with me.

I feel like half the shits responding to this are retarded...

>> No.7543377

>They hadn't ever had problems at school before.
Did you read the post? Look at that screencap.
>And she questions why people make fun of her and look at her funny.

Clearly she's either faking it or lying to pretend she's an innocent little angel.

>> No.7543382

>shugo chara
mah nigga

>> No.7543401
File: 74 KB, 451x640, kyou-tsundere-girls-31416552-451-640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing she's faking, tumblr is about as trustworthy as /b/. Admittedly it was in college, but I know a trans person who transitioned by, instead of telling anyone, cosplaying Kyou Fujibayashi almost 24/7 for TWO FUCKING YEARS STRAIGHT! To my knowledge the worst thing that ever happened to her was some drunk idiot ran by and stole her hat one time.

>> No.7543407

The only people I know who cosplayed at school during days that didn't allow costumes or other themed clothing were either mentally disabled or weeaboo to the most irritating degree. I'll assune this chick is the latter, though I'm sure she loves all the attention her Tumblr and story is receiving now.

>> No.7543414

No reason to believe this until she shows proof of her injuries. And I have no sympathy for people who cosplay where it's not appropriate.

>> No.7543417

>Someone who wanted to be absolutely sure they could stand being dressed up like that for a whole fucking day.
So maybe wear it in a safer venue than somewhere you knew you'd get treated like shit?

>> No.7543428

Calling fake.
I want proof. If you were attacked and something, I'd post proof a long with my cosplay.
I honestly don't feel sad or anything for them. Congratulations on getting notes & followers.
Anyone reblogged calling them of their bullshit?

>> No.7543433

Clearly the work of Satan

>> No.7543436

>the school will be reviewing the surveilance tapes. Pretty much, none of the staff saw it. So they treat it like it didn't happen, until they see it.

That's not how this shit works, schools have to be diligent over these kinds of things because lawsuits over assault are a dime a fucking dozen because the school will pretty much cave upon any threat of legal action.

It's human mentality to hate things that are different, hell, we do it here too. I don't think people deserve to get beat up, but then, I don't think they deserve anything good or bad.

>> No.7543437

that's an... unusual way to transition?

>> No.7543442

It's true. I can 100% agree to this because I've actually had to go through with that for the last few years. It wasn't until after I graduated that I was able to finally dress the gender I identify as.

>> No.7543447

>dress the gender I identify as.

>> No.7543449

She isn't trans. Not even close. She's just a girl who wants attention. She wouldn't get surgery or anything in a million years. It's just a phase and she'll be over it within a year or two like the rest of tumblr.

>> No.7543454

despite what fox news show you people dont randomly get their ass kicked without getting caught

if you believe this shit then im an Nigerian Prince that will give you 3,000,000,000,000,000 if you send me your routing numbers to the attached email address

>> No.7543461


>> No.7543462

The only reason why they act like this is because of the lolsorandumb XD characters like Grell or related yaoishit they become obsessed with. It's an embarrassment to people who actually are transgender.

>> No.7543467

Thanks for being one the very few non-terrible people posting in here. Just going to have to hide this thread and move on, I feel so bad for this poor girl. I have an incredibly awkward, probably-slightly-autistic little sister, and wearing cosplay to high school seems like the kind of thing she would do if she were feeling good about herself one day and wanted to do something like...confident and fun or whatever...and apparently /cgl/ thinks it's ok to beat the shit out of people doing that. Just...hdiing this and moving on, christ, you people are awful

>> No.7543470

grell's not even trans, he's bi, tumblrtards just don't seem to understand that anime doesn't have real life gender stereotypes so they leech onto what they stereotype gender as being to prove a shitty point.

>> No.7543479

Yeah, although she passed pretty damn well.

>> No.7543481

I don't agree on beating anyone, I just think that it's fake and she should back her proof up.
She could easily be faking these

>> No.7543485

This *

>> No.7543494

I'm gonna be that person and tell you that you're wrong.
I had a similar situation at my school, in Australia, though I wasn't the victim
The person who was beaten was simply a kid who was weird and a bit different. Though he never let it get to him, he kind of kept pretending that life was still okay and that he wasn't getting bullied.
Then one day he got the shit beaten out of him and people glorified the attacker.
He did nothing, he wasn't stuck up, he wasn't a dick, he was just a kid pretending his life was okay.
Oh, and for the record, I went ahead and told the school cuz he wouldn't and the school barely did anything. They gave the attacker suspension (the kind where they have to be at school, but sitting in the 'detention room')

>> No.7543501

I don't think that it's okay to beat people up for that kind of thing, but I also don't think there's any need to cause unnecessary drama by trying to gain attention from an online community, especially in such a sensitive time. People are quick to assume, and this could be just for attention, but even if it's not, some people may think it is and make this person feel worse.

Obviously people cope differently, but as a victim of this kind of thing, I wouldn't have wanted to fuel the fire more, even if that would have meant support of strangers, who wouldn't mean anything anyways because they're strangers.

>> No.7543502

When I was in college there was an autistic guy who dressed in one of those Naruto Akatsuki robes every week and nobody shit on him about it. He didn't seem to be the type of weeb that was loud about it either so it's really making me wonder how this girl acts in school and publicly.

>> No.7543505

No one has to prove anything to 4chin vultures. I can't count how many times "proof" of something got posted here but everyone continued whining, saying it was fake.

>> No.7543517

What're you going about? Legit she could be off the hook by simply taking pictures of her ruined cosplay and/or bruised body. The number of these there have been pity stories on tumblr is insane, and this could be one of them.

>> No.7543520

And the attacker's name? Albert Einstein.

>> No.7543526
File: 159 KB, 516x734, sjw burn victim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even if she took pictures, they could still be faked...

>> No.7543528

Oh gross.
Reminds me of that burn victim which was actually the Joker from the Batman video.

>> No.7543534


or when people started reblogging Heath Ledger as the Joker thinking he was an actually injured police officer.

>> No.7543536

That's the one I meant, sorry.
I couldn't remember the whole story properly.

>> No.7543538

My sides.

On a similar note, that chick from a while ago who had a "black eye" she claimed was from trying to defend a girl from her abusive boyfriend.

>> No.7543539

I think this is proof that people on tumblr are ridiculously stupid and gullible.

>> No.7543542

Or maybe they just care about their privacy.

But who knows? Apparently if shit goes full retard, it's gonna go on the news.

>> No.7543545

And now she's talking about how horrible /cgl is when the replies here aren't even that bad. I call bullshit

>> No.7543546

Remember that person who was going around posting pictures of the little girl who was attacked by a kangaroo claiming she had been assaulted by boys at her school? Tumblr is batshit insane and will do anything for notes, attention and especially if they or (insert minority here) look like the victim.

>> No.7543554

Let me guess, she's mad we aren't kissing her ass and white knighting her? We are the anti-hug box.

>> No.7543555

this, even if it's real. no one deserves to get beat down on but she should've known better than to wear it to school, regardless of whether it's supposed to be a safe enviroment. It's not appropriate to cosplay at school anyway

>> No.7543556

She's probably mad we're not calling her "he."

>> No.7543558


Bitch is obviously under 18. She shouldn't even be on 4chan.

>> No.7543559
File: 425 KB, 1017x520, tumbler activism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did she look like pic related? I swear all these major tumblr girls have the exact same outfit. Even OP's picture seems similar too.

>> No.7543560

This has got to be a samefag, or tumblr defense force.

>> No.7543563

Definitely. Even shitty backwater schools have zero tolerance policies for attacking other students on campus. Though I don't doubt that she was dumb enough to wear it to school, and somebody might have pulled the wig off her head just for shits n giggles.

>> No.7543564

The replies not that bad? People are calling her an idiot for wearing cosplay (which she explains is because she wants to make sure that the cosplay can survive a future con) and saying that 'she does deserve it to some extent'
If this is legit, which there is a chance there could be, then I for one would be appalled by this response.

>> No.7543566

I'm gonna take a stab in the dark here and guess this person was trying to act like Grell if there was actually any sort of assault involved. No one would punch somebody repeatedly in a high school just for wearing something like that, especially a girl. She had to be spewing some Grell-esque shit about womenhood and beauty or just plain insulted someone flamboyantly and the wrong kind of normalfags ain't going to put up with that.

>> No.7543568

tumblr fakes this shit all the time

I remember seeing the black eye chick and thinking "that's fake, but my ass is gonna get roasted if I call it out" and then someone had the evidence to prove she did fake it and it came back around on my dash

>> No.7543569


gb2tumblr and/or learn some reading comprehension

Everyone pretty much agrees that she didn't deserve to get beaten (assuming she did at all) but that wearing cosplay to school is fucking stupid.

>> No.7543572

Not true, I've seen plenty of under the table assaults back in high school.

I do agree they didn't need to wear the cosplay at school if there was no event going on/Halloween, but they didn't deserve to get assaulted.

>> No.7543573


> online activism is just as good as offline activism

ha ha ha

>> No.7543574

She's not an idiot for wearing cosplay. She's an idiot for wearing cosplay TO SCHOOL.
If she wants to make sure it can survive a con, she should just go to the mall for a day with some weeb friends or something. Or even better, just wear it around her goddamn house for a day.

>> No.7543577

This. If she supposidly took photos, where are these photos? Seems like a mirror of "that ugly guy looked at me" -> "he totes tried to rape me" but in this case; "They laughed and made rude comments/jokes" -> "They totes attacked me!! How dare the school do nothing about all this abuse!?!"

>> No.7543580

Confirmed to be Erik.

>> No.7543583
File: 195 KB, 1328x960, HRT before and after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They could be a lot worse, /cgl/ is sympathizes with this sort of thing more so than other places.

>> No.7543584

>People are calling her an idiot for wearing cosplay
Well yeah, unless there's a special event or it's a casual type of dress you really shouldn't go to school in cosplay. There's a pretty damn big difference between an anime convention and a high school. What irks me more is her complaining about how much the destroyed(?) items are worth...if you have expensive shit you don't want ruined, don't bring it to a school of all places!

>> No.7543585

Are you faggots overlooking the Facebook caps or

>> No.7543587

They're probably fake. It's really easy to make fake Facebook caps.

>> No.7543589

Most of her asks are like "ZOMG UR PRETTY AND GOMEN 4 U ;__;"

>> No.7543590

Can't be Erik
Referred to himself as 'she'.

>> No.7543592

If she had not worn the wig, would people have just thought she was baller as fuck?

>> No.7543593

Wtf is that image? It's kind of disturbing.

>> No.7543595
File: 18 KB, 500x198, n8q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah right, what a "mountain of evidence"

>> No.7543598

Do you know how retardedly easy those are to fake?

>> No.7543597

See, proof is posted and you call it fake.

>> No.7543601

Sorry whiteknight chan but all the criticism in this thread is valid. She may have gotten her ass beat little, such is the way of life of any obnoxious weeaboo snowflake.

>> No.7543602

The fact that she sooner went to the trouble of gathering statuses off her classmates' Facebook profiles than showing us the injuries that are actually on her person makes me doubt her all the more.

>> No.7543603

So, I'm confused.
She's saying she won't go to the police because she's underage and doesn't understand what to do.. I'm pretty sure her inbox is flooded with advice and such to go to the police.

>> No.7543604

The fact that it's incredibly easy to fake means it's not valid proof, dumbfuck.

>> No.7543605

> i know revenge isn't the answer but have you considered posting the facebooks of the bully's on 4chan?

yes, please, post this on /b/ so we can point and laugh at the result.

>> No.7543606

Depends on the attitude, from the sound of things they probably disliked her already. Your personality can make a big difference between being the cool art kid or the annoying tryhard dweeb.

>> No.7543607

Proof does not include something you can easily fake. Link to these people's facebook accounts, maybe a full-window screenshot. She obviously does not have them added on facebook, meaning their profile is public.

>> No.7543608

The outfit wasn't that strange or outlandish, save for the wig and makeup. Take away the bowtie (and wig/makeup), and it'd be something I'd wear
It shouldn't be stupid to wear a certain outfit to school. People go to school as Link or Sonic and they get praised. They wear something like this and they're treated like a weeb and an idiot.

>> No.7543611

I'm so glad I left tumblr. sadly a lot of my friends started going on there now. funny thing is a gay guy in my class is not bullied but the really heavy tumblr fags do get bullied. I have no sympathy for them because they are ass to everyone including each other. hell this week a girl that sits next to me wore a cosplay wig and a Brest binder to school and no one cared.

more than just trans. they embarrass gays bisexuals and lesbians with there shit.

I'm autistic and your sister should know better. ever since I learned about CWC sonichu I dont want to be looked at as even slightly autistic.

had a similar experience. however no one glorified the bully, it was in middle school, and I was friends with the person getting bullied.

>> No.7543613

Thank you kindly for proving my statement

>> No.7543614

>They wear something like this and they're treated like a weeb and an idiot.
Like what's already been said, we don't know how she actually acts or acted while in the outfit. If she pretended to be in-character as Grell...well yeah I'm not surprised someone would want to bash her head in. Grell's a fuckawful character.

>> No.7543616

>People go to school as Link or Sonic and they get praised.

Uhhhh what weeb ass highschool did you go to

>> No.7543618

Why didn't she fight back

>> No.7543619

>"I felt someone tugging at my wig, so of course I turned around and politely asked them to stop, because I didn’t want anything bad to happen to it."
>girl snaps and rips off wig

Something seems a bit off. She politely asked so why did the attacker go on a rampage?

>> No.7543620


That's what happens when you convince someone whose not trans to try and transition. The results are almost always terrible and the "trans" person will become depressed they don't pass which usually results in suicide. But of course the people who convinced this person to transition congratulate themselves for helping another mis-gendered person out despite the family mourning over their death.

Its very similar to those fat girls who convince their skinny friends to keep eating more or shame them for being a twig and to have another slice of cake or pie. No one wants to be the fat girl in the group is the idea is convince everyone else to sink to their level. I guess its true what they say, misery loves company.

>> No.7543621

I wouldn't worry about looking like CWC, he's at like the super saiyan level of autism.

>> No.7543622

I doubt this knowledge actually ran through her head but; in some schools (most actually as far as I know), you can get the same punishment, including expulsion, as your attacker for defending yourself. It's complete bullshit but it's not worth letting them fuck your educational career over for.

>> No.7543623

>Legend of Zelda
>"zOmG WEEB!"

These are two games that are quite popular to people as gamers, not even weebs you dumb ass

>> No.7543624

I have seen countless stories of this nature, on multiple websites mind you, and the popular reaction to a neutral post of this kind is as follows:
"I wish they were at my school."
"Why can't my school have people like that."
"You're so lucky."
"Damn, that's actually awesome."
Not the most appealing people making these reactions, but I'd argue that the most influential people are hardly considered appealing, and follow this stereotype.

>> No.7543625

That's not what you start thinking when someone attacks you, it's a natural reaction to protect yourself unless you're complete beta.

>> No.7543626

>implying the entire Sonic fandom isn't grade A weeaboo garbage
>implying cosplaying Sonic to school isn't massively autistic

>> No.7543627
File: 701 KB, 1281x744, SJW cult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm so glad I left tumblr

The SJW portion of the website operates exactly like a cult, pic related.

>> No.7543630

That doesn't mean people normally go to school dressed as them.

>> No.7543632

I really doubt that the school would do NOTHING to help this kid. I attended a very rough middle school, to the extent that it had a special wing for students with severe behavioral problems/juvenile criminal records. Administration wasn't the greatest, but when I got attacked by a group of other students in 7th grade and my glasses got broken, they still took my statement as word with my glasses as evidence, and the kid who broke them had to pay for the damages in addition to being suspended. A school doesn't need "surveillance cameras" if the kid can bring in evidence of damaged property and name a person responsible for it.

>> No.7543635

No, but if it does happen then a lot of people can actually realize who the character is and that's why they praise it, because they know the character. Most of the time people feel weird and uncomfortable not only for the reason that someone is dressed differently, but dressed as something they know absolutely nothing about. There's a difference.

>> No.7543638

>fan of Sonic
>leave out LoZ

>> No.7543639

This. Kids getting into a fight at my highschool (which was very often) would be manhandled by security and taken to the security office. There's no way she was attacked and then it was followed up by nothing until the day later.

>> No.7543640

Uh obviously stricter policies would need to be in place if there are actual delinquents in a school! That's criminally dangerous.

>> No.7543647

Zelda fandom is bad but nowhere near as bad as Sonic fandom, at least in my experience (maybe I've been lucky though), point stands though

>> No.7543648

What does tumblr think they can accomplish by writing how terrible people are
They should take example of someone like Breivik if they really wan to spread their ideology

>> No.7543657

Does no one else in her school go on Tumblr? With how much I'm assuming Tumblr will put this on blast, it's going to have to roll across the dashboard of at least one other person from her school and can confirm fake or not. I really doubt she's the only Tumblrite in her school and I doubt that if this were real the entire school wouldn't know about it by now.

>> No.7543663

True but I haven't experienced any of the things I've heard on the internet and I'm even a Sonic fan. Guess I just miss these.

>> No.7543664

I live in the middle of nowhere and my high school still managed to have one police officer.

They might not want to step up if it meant exposing who they are, if they have a really small community of anime/manga fans it would be easy to figure them out.

>> No.7543676

she goes to a school in NY and she has cosplayed at school multiple times. I'm smelling BS, honestly. They'd be used to her being "weird" by now.

>> No.7543684

Usually when people get beaten up and need to prove it they take photos of their bruises and other damage. While I'm sure people did laugh at her and made rude comments which is obvious when you go to school in a cosplay, I think she made up this story.

>> No.7543685

lol my high school never had police or security cameras.

Dumb kids will be dumb kids, honestly sometimes it takes a lot of planning or silence before they really decide to do some bad shit.

>> No.7543687

She posted that she took pictures, but she didn't post the pictures themselves.

>> No.7543688

Yeah, sure

>> No.7543693

Maybe it's going to end up on the news. Sometimes there's some contract issues. Also posting evidence photos can invalidate it from what I hear.

>> No.7543698


>> No.7543705
File: 56 KB, 915x427, ss (2014-05-07 at 11.12.02).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seems she gets into a lot of extremely specific fight scenarios at her school despite being a pacifist.

>> No.7543706

Their cosplay tumblr account...

Looks like they've cosplayed in public at malls before, too.

>> No.7543708

This whole thing sounds so suspicious.

I teach at a small city middle school in bumfuck NY and even with our shrinking budget and limited access to resources, the district does everything it can to ensure mummy and daddy don't come back and say we didn't do anything to help their child. Let me reiterate that the district is by no means any kind of shining example, model school, but the assistant principal investigates any reports and incidents and takes necessary action because there are 2 things districts don't want to happen: for the family to go to the media with the story and/or for it to get to the point where there's a lawsuit.

I'm not saying this girl's story is or isn't fake but I find it hard to believe that her school supposedly won't do anything. Unless her school is exceedingly rich and doesn't care about losing possible lawsuits or getting negative press in the local and perhaps national media, the whole "school won't do anything" bit is fishy. Especially if she and her costume sustained the injuries she claims, that's physical evidence that lasts. It is not a case of the other student just shoving her into a locker when walking by which is hard to prove unless someone saw. If she went to the office after being hit repeatedly and having her stuff destroyed, that's pretty solid evidence that wouldn't be ignored.

I'm also suspicious because students can practically smell when there's a fight, especially a girl fight and gather and there are ALWAYS a few kids who will brag to anyone, teachers included, about what they saw and who did what. Costume or not, annoying weeb people disliked or not, I just find it very suspicious that no one reported or provided any corroborating evidence/stories.

>> No.7543711

She was able to post the pic of herself at school in her cosplay, why not the important ones making her story solid?

>> No.7543715

Why don't you go demand the pics since you feel they're owed to you.

>> No.7543717

that and there's video of every fight ever that takes place at school these days, demand would be high for someone in costume getting beat up. I highly doubt no one would film it

>> No.7543718

Owed? The pictures are owed to everyone that isn't a gullible shmuck. I get it, you believe and strongly want to believe this story is real, which is fine. It's REALLY REALLY fucked up if it is real, but there's just too many inconsistencies about it being fake. There's zero reason she wouldn't post the pictures of the bruises or ruined costume, especially not legal ones.

>> No.7543719

See? If she was just testing out the cosplay's durability why didn't she just do that again? Why school?

>> No.7543721

That's an interesting find.

Anon from >>7543708 As a teacher, we've been pretty much warned that breaking up fights is a slippery slope. Unless you think you can diffuse the situation by intervening and not touching either student involved, we were told it's often best to try to verbally break up the fight and wait for the principal or the cops. To her, it might have seemed like the teacher did nothing but we can get sued if one of the students wants to claim they were injured by the teacher trying to break up the fight.

>> No.7543722
File: 361 KB, 443x691, thisbitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7543723
File: 31 KB, 363x310, 1273324981119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you feel they're owed to you

>> No.7543724

That's hilarious but also kind of sad because it just makes the situation worse for those who actually do get beaten up

>> No.7543725

I'm all for kicking the shit out of an abusive boyfriend and all but her black eye looks like bad make up

>> No.7543727

That's certainly not what a broken nose looks like, either. I'm not sure whatever came of it in the end though.

>> No.7543728

black eye AND broken nose

yeah she got pretty torn apart by some people especially when she posted a picture about 2 days later without any swelling or bruising visible

>> No.7543732

Alright, so far I've found out this much.
There's this deal, and I just learned she goes to Vestal Senior high, the lockers match. if anyone knows anyone else who attends, go ahead and ask 'em.

>> No.7543733

>someone saying they are owed to everyone

>> No.7543734

My sweetie pie 5'1" algebra teacher got uppercutted trying to get between two guys who were fighting in the hall between classes once. She didn't even try to touch them, just tried to make a barrier between them so things wouldn't escalate.
It's probably reasonable not to get involved with fighting high school kids so you don't get punched in the face.

>> No.7543735

it's because it is

>> No.7543737
File: 58 KB, 415x90, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7543739

and here's the dissection

>> No.7543740

is that the grell cosplayer

if it is, sounds like he/she is scared we're figuring out its fake

>> No.7543742

anon ask is still available

>> No.7543743

because this is all for attention. she's getting exactly what she wants.

>> No.7543744

If there were any bullies I'm sure this person would not hesitate to blow them up like "THIS CIS SCUM" and form an angry tumblr mob.

>> No.7543746

What convention was this cosplay for anyway? I'd love a photo with the girl who went to school in cosplay and lived to tell the tale

>> No.7543749
File: 49 KB, 427x127, maybe proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some answered asks, i honestly dont know what to think after reading some of these


>> No.7543751
File: 266 KB, 424x630, idk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7543753
File: 162 KB, 425x374, reporting live from hugbox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7543754

It's not that hard seeing as she does it all the time. The story is fake. She's managed to wear cosplay to school and in public plenty of times, but suddenly some girl rabidly attacks her? She refuses to post pictures of the destroyed merch, injuries, or links to those actual facebook accounts (or real, zoomed out posts) that would solidly prove without a doubt that this is real. This story is almost exactly like another one she posted on her DA a few years back, and I doubt it's a coincidence. >>7543705

>> No.7543755

Found her youtube I think.

>> No.7543757

>teachers dragged girl away, maybe
>but principal refuses to admit it was assault
>idk if i can go to police bc underage

none of it adds up

>> No.7543758

My old highschool started arresting students for fighting a year before I graduated. It's pretty damn funny watching these kids acting like little hoodlums only to turn a 180 when they get put in handcuffs.

>> No.7543761

Yep, that's it. her FB is under erik.pullis, somehow there's zero talk of this assault on it, even on the day it supposedly happened? and no "aww poor gurl get bettr ull get thru this" crap.

>> No.7543763
File: 323 KB, 503x487, 10303788_10152182247807655_4608437817758675200_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we just sharing fake internet stories now?

>> No.7543764

Whoa, how did you find this?

>> No.7543765

I Googled that and found her second YouTube, as well as a Prezi about transgenderism.

>> No.7543766

Calling fake. WHo just randomly beat the fuck outta somebody? Plus, there's has to be more to the story.

>> No.7543767

Her tumblr has a NaNoWriMo sticker on it, I did a search for the exact amount of words, and hers was the only one that came up. The stuff matches up enough that you can tell it's the same person, too.

>> No.7543768

Then what were the FB caps of? Some other weeby girl getting beat up?

>> No.7543769


As someone who was actually assaulted once while still underaged, I called the cops immediately without problem. I don't know where she would get the idea that she couldn't call the cops. These does seem fake, she knows if she calls the cops with a fake report that could cause serious trouble for her.

>> No.7543771

>reporting by the end of week
Yeah that's a good idea instead going there instantly showing your bruises and scars.

No school these days would "do nothing" in this kind of situation, it's too much of a risk because of the bad public image it gives. Besides her parents would have done something too. If she really had these bruises she would have showed them with this post too, people always do that now when they get beaten up for example when they get home from bar.

But I guess there's enough gullible people on tumblr to believe this kind of story with no other "proof" than shitty fake FB screencaps.

>> No.7543772

Similar thing happened to a teacher at my old high school, she got too close to a hallway fight and wound up getting punched in the face when one of the students dodged the other.

>> No.7543773

Bravo, that's some good fucking internet detective shit. I googled her profile name, but all I could come up with was an account on some fanfiction site.

>> No.7543775

Facebook caps like that can easily be faked with post-generators, google one, you see it in text message captures all the time. It would be more convincing if you could see the names of the people, or if it was a more zoomed out picture showing the browser and the rest of the page.

>> No.7543778

The more I think about it and the more this plays out, the more fake sounding it gets.

For some reason I have the feeling her school told her off and to change her clothes/costume because she was being too much of a distraction, and being butthurt she went off to fabricate this story to get back at her school somehow.

>> No.7543779

Her cosplay.com profile lists Binghamton, NY, so she probably goes to Binghamton High.

>> No.7543784

>see this pop up on my Facebook page
>almost all my cosplay friends are siding with the victim
>don't want to dissent opinion even though it may seem that she's making this up for snowflake attention because WHY U SUPPORT DIS KIND OF ACTION COSPLAY = CONSENT

>> No.7543785

yes, that is an ask from a person BEFORE the thread was made and their response.

>> No.7543786

You have no idea how easy it is to make a private post, then make comments that nobody else can see. This seems more likely than anything else because it's probably all that her weeby brain can handle.

>> No.7543787

They have red lockers, Vestal High School's match the color of the lockers in the image she posted.

>> No.7543789

Has anyone found this person's facebook to confirm the caps are real?

>> No.7543790

Same. My local cosplay community seems so fucking dense and hugbox-y all the time, and I've seen at least three people post this saying how terrible it is already.

>> No.7543794
File: 447 KB, 415x574, Screenshot 2014-05-08 at 1.21.32 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7543795

I have, and she hasn't posted on FB since 4/30, a few days before the incident. The fact her FB wasn't flooded with her/people wishing her well and asspatting makes it seem even more fake.

>> No.7543796

I think someone probably did make fun of her and grab her wig but I'm thinking she did something to set them off.

>> No.7543797

Then presumably one of these is her:

Only people with the last name Pullis in Binghamton and Vestal.

>> No.7543798

I found it, just look up Erik Pullis.
It gives me no confirmation of anything, however, except that she really fucking wants everyone to call her a boy.

>> No.7543800

damn you scare me, good job

>> No.7543801
File: 655 KB, 245x138, nooope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What, can't handle the fact that you're WRONG?

I can't go any further

>> No.7543802

ah yes because principals definitely start yelling at students "GET OUTTA MAH OFFICE". Does she really think she is fooling anyone with this crap?

>> No.7543803


>> No.7543804

Yeah, how the fuck did you figure that one out? Or is it on the school website or something?

>> No.7543805

Well, is there even any foolproof way for her to prove her story is true?

>posts picture of torn up cosplay
>she could've torn it up herself!
>posts picture of bruises, injuries
>photoshop! makeup! self-inflicted or might be from something else!

I think some considerable points have been brought up in this thread, but I'm still curious how she could prove her story if she wanted to.

>> No.7543806

There's actually alot more, sites like these rarely have decent info. While searching, I came across a relative with the last name who also cosplays from homestuck and graduated the year before, so that site is wrong about that for sure.

>> No.7543807

>the police took swabs from my nose to get his DNA
>people actually believed this shit

>> No.7543808


>> No.7543811

There's another under the name "Emily Pullis" with Nightvale/Homestuck cosplay that I'm assuming is hers - no recent posts though

>> No.7543812

School website. Basically, the whole thing went like this

>Google NaNoWriMo word-count
>get NaNoWriMo userame
>google username
>find youtube/DA (same username as nanowrimo, both linked in thread)
>google username with "erik"
>find youtube
>find last name
>find FB
>look at who liked the post
>find their HS
>cross reference pics of inside their HS from the website with the lockers in the grell chick's pictures

and bam. Done. Had a friend helping me speed things along, but it was fairly easy.

>> No.7543814

That Emily is a relative, I think. Graduated in 2013.

>> No.7543815

The only way to be absolutely sure is if maybe she provided footage/photographs of the incident. I think it's too late at this point, maybe if there was a conclusive police investigation.
Judging by what she has already claimed and whatnot, these are the only things that would convince me.

>> No.7543816

That poor dear, someone should really call the school and ask that principle to explain themselves.

>> No.7543817
File: 445 KB, 490x368, oh hell my honor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

storms a comin. that is remarkably easy. anyone ballsy enough to call bullshit?

>> No.7543819

You are both amazing and terrifying.

>> No.7543821

This is so embarrassing.

>> No.7543822

She's in some of the videos on "Erik"s youtube channel.

>> No.7543823

I need a dramatic reading of this so badly

>> No.7543825

I don't have a tumblr, but I'd love for someone to get this info together and post it on theirs. I'm shit at making image sets and whatnot, which is what primarily grabs tumblr's attention.

>> No.7543828


>> No.7543829


>I'm pagan and proud of that

What's up with all these atheists being special snowflakes. Unless she starts doing human sacrifices like a good pagan girl...

>> No.7543830

I woulda beat her up too.

>> No.7543831

We'll need a really shitty power point presentation

>> No.7543833

Second this

>> No.7543834
File: 498 KB, 500x296, sora love you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7543836

>I wear a bunch of beads because that makes me feel comfortable

Bitch this isn't fucking Mardi Gras.

>> No.7543837

if you google emily pullis and vestal ny there is a pdf on the school website, halfway down she shows up in a pic of students as part of an LGBT club, looks like a match to me. You probably saw the same link but it's not just seniors, its a school newsletter talking about seniors and other stuff happening that year.

>> No.7543838
File: 27 KB, 300x540, KzYReVH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry its bad

>> No.7543839

Another side blog of Erik's. Found it by searching the tag "iamthedavrezi"


>> No.7543840
File: 2.00 MB, 250x249, tlMHuiK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga do you even know what paganism is

i doubt she's even pagan though. I bet she's the furry flavor of pagan.

>> No.7543841

I don't think you know what the word atheist means.

>> No.7543842

Yeah, I saw the link but didn't bother clicking on it. Guess that confirms that it's her. There's honestly plenty of evidence pointing towards this being a fake story, but people eat this kind of thing up. It gives them a common cause to rally behind while helping feed the liar's ego. If you noticed, she posted her cosplayer facebook under some ask that she probably sent to herself, and now she's got well over a hundred likes, along with a bunch of people asspatting her.

>> No.7543844
File: 57 KB, 716x716, 574505_419677458119386_1692410018_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's weird, because this is a profile picture from Emily's FB. Maybe they both look whores at mardi gras?

>> No.7543846
File: 2.00 MB, 400x300, 1399151260836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. she's a transgirl. Well that'd make sense if she's being bullied then. And why she wouldn't go to gym class. Passes well though. Doesn't mean she isnt making this shit up though.

also wtf is up with 4chan holding on to the last pic i posted in the file box?

>> No.7543847

compling info, does anyone have a throwaway tumblr we can call out with this or should I make one

>> No.7543848
File: 28 KB, 330x300, 1291508021994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7543849

herp. got that all wrong. she's an ftm.

long hair? mardi gras beads?

0 effort/10

>> No.7543850

Some bullshit tumblr verison of trans maybe, lists her gender as male on FB, so who knows.

>> No.7543851

No, she's a girl pretending to be a boy.

>> No.7543852


As a Catholic I am well aware of these terms, I just find it amusing that suddenly people are claiming to celebrate a religion that has been in some cases dead for over 1500 years.

>> No.7543853

Passes well? I couldn't even tell she was trying to pass as a boy. Maybe I missed something, I didn't exactly look for many out of cosplay images.

>> No.7543857

i made a mistake, they're an ftm. thats why their gender is male on FB.

Also why didnt anyone mention this earlier? lol

It didnt die, subcategories were formed that then took over. People who don't identify with those subcategories now identify as "pagan". They're mostly neopagans. Pagan is very, very broad.

>> No.7543858

Ew, even the whores at Mardi Gras have nicer beads than that.

>> No.7543859

So who's going to be the one to call the school in the morning to ask for verification that a student with the last name of Pullis was physically assaulted for wearing a costume?

(Also, gosh, maybe I'm showing my age here, but I always thought that school was for, y'know, learning. Hence why wearing costumes and shit isn't appropriate for the setting unless in the instance of a holiday or event.)

>> No.7543860

That's not what you said at all but whatever. "Paganism" does not refer to one specific religion anyway.

>> No.7543863

Lol dat kandi.
Raver weeaboo dyke?

>> No.7543864

It's been discussed a lot in this thread actually. But she isn't even a ftm. She's just a normal girl calling herself a boy. She's not a legitimate trans anything. She just wants attention.

>> No.7543866


They're kandi beads.

Shit ravers make and give to each other as a ~*~friendship bond~*~ or drug trading or something.

>> No.7543867

Exactly. If the story were true, the guy would have beaten the everloving shit out of his girlfriend as soon as they were in private.

>> No.7543868

If someone in a costume that isn't a bunch of flashing lights is distracting you from learning, you aren't going to learn much either way. That might be relevant to elementary, but she's in highschool.

>> No.7543869

Yeah seeing shit like this makes me glad that my old school had a uniform. There are a couple of old classmates that I am sure would have come to school in cosplay if given the chance. I mean, if you HAVE to cosplay to school then at least wait till spirit week with the wacky themed dress days or halloween.

>> No.7543870

Funny, I knew someone just like this in high school. She used to go by 2 or 3 different videogame related nicknames. She always hated her family and was also a vampire werewolf whos nails and teeth grew sharp and pointy in October. Now, she's homeless and is moving in with her mom that would "never ever take her" who is in illinois.

i know the type.

>> No.7543872

ah, i forgot to mention that she was a transguy for a while, and then genderqueer for a while, and now she doesn't even care anymore. She also bites and scratches people for fun. Also hisses. And yes, she's a furry. She was half asian and 5'3" so everyone thought she was cute and doted on her anyway.

>> No.7543873


Why can't she just call herself a tomboy like the good old days?

>> No.7543875
File: 559 KB, 400x276, 1871658231.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna hit the hay, good luck sleuthing, I'll check up on everything tomorrow, when she's supposedly going to update everyone on the situation. My money is on her saying that she's not allowed to talk about it due to a "police investigation", but we'll see. There's still that tiny chance it's real, y'know.

>> No.7543876
File: 757 KB, 3000x1256, Dafuq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so confused about these Facebook profiles of her and the relative, most of the photos look like it's just one person with two profiles.

>> No.7543878

Tumblr post:


Wow. I just. Wow. Some of my friends seem to think the t-word is okay, despite my repeatedly telling them that it is most definitely not.

And they continue to refer to me with it."


>> No.7543879

Tranny, I think.

>> No.7543881

It's not so much that the costume itself is distracting, but it's the "LOOK AT ME I'M A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE" beacon that it projects. Which, judging from her Tumblr, she doesn't need a costume to help her perpetuate that attitude - but either way, wearing a fuckin' knee-length wig and shark teeth still feels inappropriate for an educational setting. Again, maybe I'm dated; I'm fresh out of college but I already feel like high schools these days are operating in an entirely different universe than the one I experienced.

>> No.7543882

No it isn't. I've been monitoring their blog (since I actually sent an ask in regards to these "attackers" knowing about her "gender" ) and she never responded. That ask came out way after I made my ask, after the thread was started.

>> No.7543883


>> No.7543886

y'know, i do know thats a word that offends many trans people, but not trans guys. Transguys might be called reverse traps, but i've never heard of a transguy being called a trap.

>> No.7543888

I'm pretty sure they are, one is just her "male" profile

>> No.7543889

Its going to be trans. She's going to start another tumblr movement where even that word is taboo

>> No.7543890

>arms completely covered solid in plastic pony beads

>> No.7543891

People are seriously offended by it? Wow.

>> No.7543893

Holy hell I know someone like this and I'm in third year college. Two semesters ago (as in when we were grown college sophomores) this girl insisted that she was a cat, eating tuna straight from cans, purring and the such. I was fine with that because she wasn't breathing her nasty tuna breath in my face.
Anyway, she had this habit of biting and scratching everyone because that's what cats do????? So she bit the fuckshit out of one of my friends and broke skin. To this day he still has this scar in the shape of someone's teeth.

>> No.7543894

Then why is she commenting on her other profile as a different person? Or is she multi personality disorder now, too

>> No.7543895

Nah. If you look her up, you'll find a Prezi she made for school where she uses that word.

>> No.7543900


Many homosexuals/trans do have other mental disorders like multiple personality disorder or schizophrenia so it should be no surprise.

>> No.7543901 [DELETED] 
File: 1.16 MB, 4500x1600, Address.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Address and phone number confirmed for Brawl.

>> No.7543902


>> No.7543903

taking stalking to a whole new level wow well done

>> No.7543904

...Okay this is equally impressive and creepy.

>> No.7543905

I gotta give the other guy credit for finding the FB, I was lost before that.

>> No.7543907

Not true dude. Some people just end up the scapegoat for everyones anger because they stand out and don't have the confidence to pull their weirdness off. I had an entire class hate me in middle school despite 90% of them barely knowing who I was (it wasn't my class) because 1 girl with a lot of sway decided she didn't like me, and convinced her class to join in on not liking me too. Bullies don't need a personal reason to bully you.

>> No.7543909

Not gonna do anything with it, I'm just bored as hell.

>> No.7543910

don't you see anon?
It's her armor against the *~*~haters~*~*

>> No.7543914

Someone really should call her parents + school and ask if shes okay.

>> No.7543917

source? if you're going to be a dick i want to see your proof

>> No.7543919

holy damn

>> No.7543921

I got beat up just for wearing black clothes that wasn't even goth really. So if it's real it's not shocking honestly...

>> No.7543928

If I were a teacher, I wouldn't want a student in a literal costume because odds are they wouldn't stay still and keep to themselves, they would be fidgeting around and messing with it the whole time. Or the stupid thing might literally fall apart in class, and I would be stuck with some dumb half-dressed teenager's emotional breakdown.

>> No.7543929

Not him, but here's some shit.

>"One study found that GLB groups are about two-and-one-half times more likely than heterosexual men and women to have had a mental health disorder, such as those related to mood, anxiety, or substance abuse, in their lifetime
>Cochran, S.D., Sullivan, J.G., & Mays, V.M. (2003).
Prevalence of mental disorders, psychological distress,
and mental health services use among lesbian, gay,
and bisexual adults in the United States. Journal of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 71, 53-61

>> No.7543932

I'm calling falsehoods on that. I found this on a psychatric journal online. Also, I'm a psych major so I actually know what comorbidity is. While homosexually itself was removed from the DSM ,Gender Identity Disorders still remain. Now, transsexualism is not necessarily associated with severe psychiatric ailments. It is associated with anxiety/depression, psychological symptoms and functional impairment.

>> No.7543933

Here are her parent's Facebooks if anyone wants to tell them what there potentially stupid kid is up to.

jessica.pullis.5 and gpullis

>> No.7543937

Don't fucking do this. it's one thing to make fun of weebs on /cgl/ it's another to get involved in their real life. Remember what happened to PT?

>> No.7543939
File: 84 KB, 298x291, VkedUde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think the internet activist machine's bark is worse than their bite.


I have to wonder if they aren't trolling, because trolling is the only way I can imagine someone could tell a straight up fucking bullshit lie and not feel guilty.

I remember seeing a tumblr post claiming Medusa or a gorgon head (favorite mythological woman to them, since they fixate on the Roman fanfiction that cast her as a raped victim of Poseidon) was a symbol of femininity/female empowerment and it would designate battered women's shelters. In Ancient Greece. The Gorgon head, so often the emblem on the shields of warrior-age-males who think women are breeders and that's it. Not Athena, not Artemis who had a well defined fucking cult dedicated to womanhood, not even Cybele from Anatolia with her crazy cult of male castration.

>> No.7543940


“Our study confirms earlier work carried out in the UK, USA and Holland which suggests that non-heterosexual people are at higher risk of mental disorder, suicidal ideation, substance misuse and self-harm than heterosexual people."

There's many studies all pointing towards the same thing. Its not being a dick its being scientific.

>> No.7543943

Actually, I don't, I'm out of the loop on /cgl/ drama. She's got thousands of people fooled into thinking she's some bullied martyr, I'd say she deserves it. Might teach tumblr a lesson as a whole, too.

>> No.7543945

> teach tumblr a lesson
Tumblr has the collective memory of a goldfish, no one is even going to remember this 2 months from now.

>> No.7543949

I wonder if anyone is actually going to send her an anon, telling her that we've found out who her family is, where she goes to school, and where she lives...because maybe that could cause her to confess to tumblr that what she did was wrong, and being hated online would be better punishment than having to deal with your parents. And if she doesn't believe the person telling her, they could direct her to here for proof.

>> No.7543950

The spechul feminist hero girl posted earlier in this thread tried to get away with the same thing, trying to fake bruises with makeup, and she seemed at least a little knowledgeable with makeup, but you could easily tell shit was fake. I really doubt this girl could figure out how to make passable bruising, makeup or Photoshop. The most she seems able to do is fake a Facebook post.

>> No.7543952
File: 207 KB, 350x382, 139560554053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>14,753 notes
>not one calling bullshit

>> No.7543953

Person who found the address here.

I'm really tempted, although it would mean making a tumblr account.

>> No.7543954

They're really easy to make.

>> No.7543955

I doubt anyone would willingly tear up their own cosplay, real screenshots of the WHOLE facebook conversation, links to the people in them, and the internet (especially /cgl/) is pretty good at figuring out what is and isn't makeup. I might call the school tomorrow though, provided I get out of work soon enough.

>> No.7543956

It's the principle of the thing.

>> No.7543957

Easy to make, easy to delete. Tumblr isn't the plague; you won't get mortally infected just by making an account, goddamn.

>> No.7543958

yeah, and PT was a fucking creep and deserved it
bitch should NOT be working around children

>> No.7543959

It won't. If anything it'll fuel the fire and put a spotlight on /cgl/, as well as be a pretty shitty thing to do. Would not recommend this course of action.

>> No.7543960

Hence sending an anon ask...

>> No.7543961

I'm sure you can send an anon while not even logged in.

>> No.7543962


Leave /cgl/ out of this message.

>> No.7543966
File: 391 KB, 498x832, 1327466949425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What happened to PT? I haven't been on /cgl/ much the last couple of years.

>> No.7543973

I'm sortta seconding this.
I was a quiet kid in HS and certain people in my classes had a HUGE fucking vendetta against me and the one class I did "act the fool" in...not a damned bully in sight. So, it varies.

My school sucked ass, so the people who caused me pain were never punished, but I was for retaliating, so it is kinda possible for a school to sit back and do jack shit, but then again, this is post 9/11, when people seemed to have gone ape fucking shit.

Anyway, I'm seconding "We're not victim blaming" sentiment. We're truly not. If this is real, it is horrifying that another human would treat someone else like this. BUT...We don't know how she was acting all day. We don't know if she provoked this attack in anyway shape or form. And come on, wearing a COSTUME to school will provoke some asshole responses an she should have been better prepared for that or, IDK, not fucking wore it. It's like going into a high crime rate area unarmed, having a crime commuted against you, and then crying "but I should be able to walk down the street without being assaulted!". True, in a perfect world, but we far from live in one, so you better protect your ass.

Punching someone because they're annoying is so far from rape, and if this bitch tries to make a connection, I will have officially lost all hope for humanity.

>> No.7543976

She's erased herself off the internet. Now there's some guy who looks like her (except he's a hell of a lot skinnier) making joke videos and photos pretending to be her.

>> No.7543978

No, she hasn't. She still uploads cosplay photos, I'm just not sure where too. She was also recently active on Twitter so she could keep her name on there and then bitch.

>> No.7543979

Actually, I'm pretty sure she still just uses her Photobucket.
Also, *to

>> No.7543983
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So no one is sure where our queen went off to? Maybe its better that way...

>> No.7543984
File: 59 KB, 538x270, I too wonder this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7543985 [DELETED] 

>make throwaway account, throwaway email
>post essay on why it's lies
>get too nervous someone will connect me to it with my personal blog
>delete everything

too afraid of tumblr crazes and the reprecussions but if someone else wants to do it...

>> No.7543986

What's her photobucket?

>> No.7543987

again, that's why anon exists and you send it to her directly.

>> No.7543989

It's linked on her Twitter

>> No.7543992

it was too long to send over anon, and I'm pretty sure there are apps you can install that can tell you who anons are, even on anon ask

>> No.7543998

Which is why I mentioned earlier that you can send anon asks if you aren't even logged in! That way, no one gets discovered! Besides, I'm sure she's not even that smart if she seems to think this sob story will go unnoticed

>> No.7543999

You don't need to send in and you can send anon from a proxy.

>> No.7544014

this is the fucking funniest thing i've ever seen
this girl is writing a dramatic fanfiction about her own life

>> No.7544016
File: 924 KB, 1266x1311, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent from a junk account on neighbor's wifi.

>> No.7544024


For someone claiming to be a "pacifist" they sure are aggressive.

>> No.7544027

Why would you be disgusted by it? Some retard wore cosplay to school for whatever reason and got beat up. She deserved it.

>> No.7544031

Yes! The seed has been planted, and now we wait....

>> No.7544039

Waiting for someone to lay the smackdown on her. Need to sleep for exams later, though. I'll have popcorn at the ready for after, though.

>> No.7544040

Eagerly await the response.

>> No.7544044


omg :S

>> No.7544048

Wow bullying a child. You cunts are disgusting.

>> No.7544049

Are you new here or something? And bullying her for pretending to be bullied, seems appropriately ironic somehow.

>> No.7544050

I hope you get found out. :^)

>> No.7544051

Found out for what? Shit's completely on the level, all the information is publicly available, I mean she's in the white pages FFS.

>> No.7544058

I bet you're the cosplayer who got "beat up".

>> No.7544059

>bullying a child
>she's 17
Ah yes, what a little babe.

>> No.7544066

Dw she won't be able to go to the police because she's 'underage'

>> No.7544068

17 is a child you retard.

>> No.7544072

17 is more than old enough to not be pulling bullshit stunts like like she is, faggot.

>> No.7544076

Still a child, mongoloid.

>> No.7544077


17 is old enough to not be babied you retard.

In places that aren't america you'll be allowed to fuck, smoke, drink and do whatever you want once you're 18 but you expect people to believe up until you cross that line you're too incompetent to wipe your own ass or tell a story without being a lying bitch? fuck off out of here with this WAH SHES 17 WE MUST PROTECT THE CHILDREN!! crap.

>> No.7544078

And? This is happening in America you piece of eurotrash. She's under 18, therefore is a minor. A child. Deal with it.

>> No.7544082

Is technical moralfagging the best kind of moralfagging?

>> No.7544084


lol i'm not from Europe dipshit. maybe if you took your head out of this girls ass and looked at an atlas you'd notice there are places outside of europe and america.

it doesn't even matter what country it's happening in. would it make a difference if it happened in england? china? if it was in new zealand would it be different to you because the drinking age is lower? are you really arguing that american kids are so retarded that they can get off doing what someone from another country does because you need to be 21 to get wasted?

>> No.7544086

You keep telling yourself that, it still doesn't excuse your shit personality.

>> No.7544088

Pot, kettle.

>> No.7544094

Which makes no sense in this context. Underage ban.

>> No.7544095

The pot's calling the kettle a nigger?

>> No.7544101

I almost feel sorry for her, but she's way too old to be pulling this shit. If she has any sense at all, she'll learn to stop telling bald-faced chuunibyou lies.

>> No.7544102

You must be morbidly retarded. :'(

>> No.7544113

17 is too old to be lying about this. Stop acting as if until someone turns 18 they're just a poor little baby child who can't be held responsible for any of their actions

>> No.7544126

No way in hell her nose is broken. One, it would be crooked, even slightly, there would be swelling and discoloration. Even if it was a hair line fracture there should be swelling and busing.

>> No.7544137
File: 294 KB, 416x316, train story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these chuuni people actually believe in their stories? They're funny either way.

>> No.7544144


they always end the same way tho, with the whole room/shop/whatever applauding like we're supposed to believe all these people cared enough to applaud but not enough to say something ok. sure. ok.

some dude on the train probably just innocently asked about her tattoos or something and it inspired her to write a 'story'.

>> No.7544156



i also did a dramatic reading of this.


>> No.7544180

Fuckin Saiaphi

>> No.7544185
File: 131 KB, 750x750, EDgY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit can't they at least make it believable
this hurt to read

>> No.7544189

That costume does not even look close to being worth that much. The ribbon could easily be from Johann's, and the rest looks thrift shopped. Unless she literally bought the cheapest cosplay on ebay without even looking at the quality.

>> No.7544193

...Can you post pics? I could really use them for my research.

>> No.7544242

As someone who regularly wore cosplay in high school, I'm calling bullshit. I actually went by "Roxas" at school, styled my hair up from time to time, and used my Organization coat as a rain coat. I even once used a keyblade in comedic PSA about the importance of combination locks for the morning announcements. And you know what happened? Nobody gave a signal fuck. Not one person gave me shit about it. You know why? Because I wasn't being obnoxious or making a huge scene about being a special-snowflake. Most people don't actually care if you're dressed like a weirdo, its how you act while dressing like a weirdo.

>> No.7544244

As someone who was repeatedly bullied/beaten at school, I can also justify that 95% of the time even with proof the schools will do nothing. I've been kicked into concrete on camera before and the school system still tried to cover it up and do nothing.

>> No.7544268

Regardless, I don't really think this story is real- or it's highly over exaggerated. I was only targeted by two girls I used to be friends with but dropped because they were stupid. No random person is going to just abruptly beat the shit out of you for cosplay. You may get weird comments, but that's to be expected. Every fine arts day I cosplayed to school and I only ever had like two bad comments ever, everyone else wanted pictures with me or was genuinely interested. By my junior year, people thought I was cool because I made all of my own clothes- which wasn't true, they just thought the fact that I could sew was cool.

This story is very black and white. She's most likely rude to people who even glance at her, some people would point fingers and laugh at me but I'd just smile or laugh at myself and they'd stop entirely most of the time.

>> No.7544274
File: 92 KB, 728x1098, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've cosplayed at school before, for a little event and whatnot.

Some people tried to do the same and I immediately sucker punched them, incase they made the first move. If they try to question or think that I need their permission, you just defend yourself.

That's what she could have done, she's only trying to get sympathy.

>> No.7544309

Manga plot #27

>> No.7544314
File: 393 KB, 410x426, 3556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If his dad really worked closely with police officers, he would know that when you get assaulted you should go make a report as soon as possible. I'm still saying this is a fake but it almost seems like she actually believes this happened to her when probably only half of the story is real(people mocking her, teachers telling her to dress up more normally, someone pulling her wig).

>> No.7544317


>> No.7544362

I'm sorry, but I'm starting to doubt anything Erik says now.

I cosplayed many times in high school for no reason (I deeply regret it now.) I also came forward in many classes that I was transgender, in front of the class, and no one did anything. At all.

I was a quiet kid, people made fun of me less over the years, but I was weird to the point that they probably just wanted to avoid me anyways.

But my story is very similar to Erik's and nothing happened to me. At all. I'm probably going to have to call BS...

Oh well, if anything, this has been the last straw in me deciding to take self-defense classes. Hopefully I'll be going to my first convention next year, and hopefully I'll be able to defend myself properly as well should anything happen :)

>> No.7544366

Even in america at 17 you are considered an adult in the court of law. So, she would not be considered 'underage' if she were to actually do something and I don't know....report it??

ANd even if the court WASN'T thinking of her as an adult...that's more reason they would take her side if in fact this is true. And 17 is more than old enough to know to a) report something like this and provide proof or b) Know that its 100% NOT OKAY to make up stupid crap like this.

>> No.7544395


If she lives in NY (as proven in all the links/accounts) then her being 17 has no effect on the matter. Legally in new york state she is an adult. End of story.

>> No.7544412

" Anonymous said: Is there another site where we can follow you? I'm not particularly fond of tumbler :C

I’m on facebook, my page is Haku Strider Cosplay"

take a look.. Nothing

>> No.7544414

She doesn't answer any post supporting her about the "event", she only likes them, yet takes the time to answer a question about her contacts.

Also page had no comments before the tumblr post

>> No.7544417

Pretty sure this is her page: facebook: /pages/Haku-Strider-Cosplay/1422200784693018

>> No.7544420
File: 690 KB, 500x301, steve.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing cosplay outside conventions

>> No.7544423

Ugh, ew they like homesuck

I'm surprised she didn't concoct a story relating to homestuck just to get notes. Poor innocent weeaboo works just as fine it looks like.

>> No.7544427

" Anonymous said: as one cosplayer to the next, what cons do you go to? and also, what other cosplays do you have done?

I really only regularly go to Anime Syracuse, and I’ve gone to Tora Con once. I do plan on going to more in the future, though"

from DA

"I'm a cosplayer and performer from New York State. I attend several conventions throughout the state, and a few out of state ones if I can get to them. "


>> No.7544437


Confirm for attention whore



Confirm Jo Anns shopper





>> No.7544439

Nothing they say is coherent

>> No.7544439,1 [INTERNAL] 

To anyone hoping this is fake, whether this incident is fake or not.

I have known and dated people who have had this exact same experience IRL, so it happens. People drop out of school over this crap, if they're smart, they finish in an alter program or write their GED.

>> No.7544439,2 [INTERNAL] 

my only anger here is that people are saying Jo-Anns is shitty cuz I have made some fab cosplays with their products.